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Eberhard Busch, Meine Zeit mit Karl Barth: Tagebuch 1965-1968 (Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), 2013.

Eberhard Buschs day by day account of his time with Karl Barth is one of the most pleasant and engaging biographically oriented volumes Ive read in a very long time. In fact, I seldom read biographies. But when I do, theyre generally excellent. This one, moreso. To be sure it isnt actually a biography in the traditional sense of the word as it isnt a narration of Karl Barths life. Rather, its a diary: a diary that explores in sublime detail the experiences which Barth and Busch had together during the last years of Barths life. How, then, does one review a diary? Does one mention the various photos which are included? Photos of Barth with Charlotte v. Kirschbaum and her son and grandson (p. 243)? Of Barth with his wife and daughter (p. 293)? Or does one excerpt portions of Buschs very thorough very carefully worded accounts of a days activity? Buschs diary can and does include entries of just a paragraph (as for Monday, 14. 8. 1967) wherein he relates that Barth telefonierte, ich mchte anderntags rechtzeitig kommen, da er wichtige Briefe zu diskutieren habe: curiosae, ja curiosissimae! Weiteres verrate er noch nicht. Seine eigene gesundheitliche und stimmungsmige Situation beschrieb er bndg mit dem Worten: Auf dem Dache sitzt ein Greis, / der sich nicht zu helfen wei (p. 405).

But he also includes entries which detail such things as graduate seminars, such as one held on Saturday, 27. 5. 1967 which, as it happens, was centered on a discussion of Calvin and which Buschs notes in smaller type font extend from page 309 though page 313. Buschs volume also shows Barths wide-ranging interests. So, for instance, on Saturday, 5. 11. 1966 he participated in a dogmatic colloquium whose substance concerned the Second Vatican Council. Here too Buschs notes of the discussion are thorough and utterly amazing (pp. 112117). There is so much more- so many insights into Barths thought in the closing years of his life. This important and substantial book is, I am unafraid to say, sine qua non for anyone anywhere doing research into the life, thought, and theology of the great Swiss theologian (who was second only in importance to Emil Brunner in his day, and fifth in line after Zwingli, Calvin, and Luther). You must read it.

Jim West Quartz Hill School of Theology

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