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December is HIV Awareness Month

Every year on December 1, the world comes together to stand with people affected by HIV/AIDS to remember those we have lost, and to renew our commitment to ending the pandemic once and for all. According to the most recent estimates from the World Health Organization, 34 million people around the world had HIV in 2010. About one-half were women, and nearly 3.4 million were children under the age of 15. In Ohio, nearly 18,000 people live with HIV today. African Americans accounted for 49% of new diagnoses of HIV infection between 2006 and 2010, but only represent about 12% of Ohios population. Infection among Latinos is almost three times the rate among whites. By 2010, over 40% of new diagnoses were among persons 29 years of age or younger, an increase of 9% in that population group in only a five-year span. To learn more about HIV/AIDS in Greater Cleveland and get involved in prevention and education efforts, visit the AIDS Task Force of Greater Clevelands website.

Ohio Supreme Court Approves Medicaid Expansion

ColumbusOn Friday, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled that the State Controlling Board had the authority to appropriate funding for Medicaid expansion, providing insurance coverage for an additional 366,000 Ohioans. The plaintiffs, six members of the Ohio House and two local Ohio Right to Life groups, filed an action with the Ohio Supreme Court attempting to block the Controlling Board's appropriation of federal Medicaid dollars as outlined by the Affordable Care Act. The Senate Democratic Caucus, along with many other organizations, filed an amicus brief in support of funding expansion. "The Supreme Court's decision to put people before politics is certainly commendable. The hundreds of thousands of Ohioans who will now receive preventive medical coverage deserve this expenditure, and it would have been irresponsible to pass up this once-in-a-generation opportunity," Senator Turner said. A study conducted by the Health Policy Institute of Ohio in conjunction with The Ohio State University and other state-based partners indicated that Medicaid expansion will result in an additional $13 billion of federal investment over the next seven years and create between 23,000 and 28,000 jobs in Ohios burgeoning healthcare industries. Medicaid expansion is a win-win for Ohioans, Turner commented. It will not only extend access to critical health services, but will help catalyze thousands of good-paying job opportunities as our state continues to climb out of the Great Recession.

Happy Holidays from the Statehouse!

ColumbusThe halls of the Statehouse are decked! Visiting the People's House during the holiday season is a magical experience. From our family to yours, happy holidays and here's to a healthy and prosperous New Year!

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