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I Can't Believe I Just Did That

"Sit down and don't touch anything." "I know mum,I'm not in third grade anymore."I said bored from the lecture mum had being going on and on about.She snorted."Sometimes I find that very hard to believe that.After what happened last time, I'm a fool for letting you enter my office again." she muttered to herself and walked away.I wished she'd let it go but of course not.Sometimes I thought she had some Indian blood in her.She was a lot like some of the mothers I had seen in those Hindi movies dad was always forcing me to watch. I cringed when I thought of the last time I came to her office.I was in third grade,delighted to be the center of

attraction. y mum's boss shook hands with me and gave mum an important contract which was to be photocopied. um left it on the table to go her boss to how many copies where to be made and I spilled chocolate milk all over it.!he contract fell through because of that and when the company was laying off people,mum was the first person to be let go. Since then mum's never let me visit any of her offices.!oday was an emergency,which was the only reason she let me come.I came home early from college as a surprise.Some surprise that turned out to be. y dad was in "# and my mum did'nt want to leave me at home all alone.She thinks if she'll leave me alone at home I'll burn the house down the way I did when I was in $th grade."I swear %eter,I am gonna have a panic attack" she hissed

on the phone with my dad while he tried to soothe her.She must have popped at least &' anti(an)iety pills by now.!hey debated to and fro for almost a hour about what should be done.Against mum's better *udgement,she decided to take me her office.I suppose being out of a *ob was better than sleeping on the streets. um was getting even more hyper because the owner of the +, she was working in had come for a cursory inspection.I sighed.She was terrifed what happened the last time would happen again.-eep down so was I.She really loved her *ob.Her work satisfied her,her boss was a sweetheart and so were her colleages.I really did'nt want to screw this up for her. !aisha,get a hold of yourself. I scold myself./ou're no longer in school./ou're about to graduate in a few months from Stanford./ou're no longer that

gawky,awkward idiot. /ou're a sophisticated and wordly. /ou can totally handle a few hours without doing something stupid.,onfident,I flip my hair and get up to go to the pantry and make myself a cup of coffee.I wanted to clear my head before starting on the report I had to submit to %rofessor Higgins.I opened the door to walk out and my heel caught the edge of the carpet.I feel myself falling frontwards into the startled hands of a man dressed in a grey suit.

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