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CULTURE SHOCK Selection Antropologist have coined the term cultures shock to describe the effect that immersion

in the strange culture 1____ 1.) Options 1. has upon the visitor who is unprepared 2. is having on the unprepared visitor 3. has on the unprepared visitor . has in the unprepared visitor !. have on the unprepared visitor 1. is replaced b# new ones 2. were replaced b# new ones 3. are being replaced with new ones . replaced b# new ones !. to be replaced b# new ones 1. have the comforting knowledge 2. have the comfortable knowledge 3. have the knowledge that is comforting . are comforted through the knowledge !. find knowledge comforting 1. returning to them 2. to return back to 3. when the# return back . to return to !. waiting for their return 1. produced from the great accelerated 2. produced of the greatl# accelearated 3. a product produced b# the greatl# accelerated . a product of the greatl# accelerated !. a product of the great accelerated 1. "t rises from 2. "t arose from 3. "t arises from . "t has risen from !. "t has been rising from

"t is what happens when familiar ps#chological $lues that help an individual to function in %ociet# are suddenl# withdrawn and ___2____ &hat are alien and incomprehensible. 'ut most travelers ____3____ that the culture



(ill " be there ____ ____. &he victim of future


____!____ rate of change within a societ#.


____)____ the superimosition of a new culture


'ut its impact is ____*____


1. ver# worse 2. far worse 3. the worst . far worst !. surel# worst

&ake an individual out of his own culture +.) And ____+____ in an environment sharpl# different ,rom his own-

1. set him down with suddenness 2. seat himself down suddenl# 3. sat down suddenl# . set him down suddenl# !. suddenl# sit him down 1. from an# hope of retreat 2. from no hope of retreat 3. with an# hope of retreating . with no hope to retreat !. from having an# hope of retreat 1. their values are incessantl# changed 2. its values are changed incessantl# 3. the values it has are not changed incessantl# . its values are incessant changes !. its values are incessantl# changing

then cut him off ____.____ to a more familiar social landscape- and the dislocation he suffers is double sever.


/oreover- if this new culture is itself in constant turmoil- and if worse #et ____10____ the sense of orientation will still be further intensified


MASS COMMUNICATION MEDIUM Selection A mass communication medium like television,or e1ample- ____1____ a countr# fragmented '# tribal. 1.) Options 1. can be use to help in the unification 2. is of use for helping to unit# 3. can be used for helping in unif#ing . can be used to help unif# !. has for its use to help unif# 1. that inform the people 2. that gave information to the people 3. which purpose is to inform the people . that suppl# the people with information !. which aims to inform the people 1. busil# at work 2. of work in the countr# 3. at work in the countr# . which are at work in the countr# !. that help work in the countr# 1. the language standardi4ation of the

lo#alties- customs- culture or simple geographic barriers- 2rograms ____2____ about national purposes and


national problems might help unite the people and put damper on the divisive forces ____3____


A national mass communication television network also can help ____ ____. 3n the other


hand modes of

countr# 2. standardi4ing the language of the countr# 3. the countr#5s standardi4ation of language . in standardi4ing the language in the countr# !. standardi4e language in the countr# !.) 1. can balance neatl# out 2. neatl# balances out 3. neatl# balance out . is neatl# balancing out !. serve to neatl# balance out 1. could still retained 2. is able to retain still 3. has the abilit# to retain . is still retaining !. can still retain 1. will not evolve e1actl# as &he# 2. will not evolve e1actl# like the# 3. are not to evolve e1actl# as the# . do not evolve as the# e1actl# !. have not evolve e1actl# as the# 1. should make with abilit# 2. will have the abilit# to make 3. will be in certain position to make . can be able to make !. will be able to make 1. are facing up a uni6ue opportunit# 2. face a uni6ue opportunit# 3. have to face a uni6ue opportunit# . face a more uni6ue opportunit# !. still face a most uni6ue opportunit# 1. might be able to develop 2. might develop 3. can- with abilit# . might be in a position to develop

personal communication ____!____ the means

of people- each person talking on the telephone _____)____ his individual traits and identif#- the the things that make him uni6ue as a person.


in developing countries- establishing such balance should be an important consideration. "f we can be sure of one thing- it is that communications in the new nations ____*____ did in the


7nited %tates and other (estern nations. &he older nations invested in the telegraph- in the telephone- and in television in a random piece8meal fashion without knowing where their steps would lead them- the newer nations ____+____ a more considered- conscious choice. 'enefiting b# the past mistakes of the older nations- toda#5s new nations ____.____ in the field of communications.



"n fact- the# ____10____ some of the most advance And most sophisticated communications %#stem in the world.


). should developed

VOCABULARY 1. A'9A:;% 2. A$=7;%$;: 3. A>3>?/"&? . A%&37>:;: 8 to wear awa# b# friction< to wear down in spirit< irritate 8 concerted< agreed< assented< acceded< accepted< complied 8 of unknown or undeclared origin or authorship 8 ama4ed< shocked< alarmed

!. :;&;9"37% @deteriorate) A to impair< to grow< worseBto frighten< to turn aside< discourage or prevent from aching @as b# fear)< inhibit ). :79;%% *. ,":C;& @;:) +. CA9' .. "//3DA&; 10. E;32A9:? 11. D"%&D;%% @D?) 8 compulsion b# threat< restraint 8 restlessness< to move about restlessl# 8 a dress< to clothe< st#le of dress< outward form< appearance 8 to kill as a sacrificial victim 8 ha4ard< danger< peril< risk< e1posure to death- loss- or inFur# 8 languid< inattentive< spiritless

12. D7C79'9"37% 8 sorrowful< mournful often to an e1aggerated degree 13. /"D";7 1 . 2">>A$D; 1!. 23%"& 8 environment setting< status 8 a thin turret< a spire or high peak< acme turret8a small tower 8 to assume the e1istence of< postulate A to assume as true

NUMBER ANALOGY 1. 0.75 is to as 0.8 is to _________ 1. 2/3 2. 4/5 3. 5/6 4. 6/7 5. 3/5

2. 75% is to 1/2 as 45% is to ________ 1. 3/11 2. 3/10 3. 3/4 4. 2/3 5. 3/5

3. 0.25 is to 0.125 as to 1.25 is to ________ 1. 0.625 2. 1.125 3. 1.625 4. 2.125 5. 6.250

4. 2 is to 50 as 3.2 is to _________ 1. 60 2. 70 3. 80 4. 90 5. 160

5. 14 is to 28 as 5 is to _________

1. 7

2. 8

3. 9

4. 10

5. 15

6. 1 is to 1/4 as 5/25 is to ________ 1. 1/16 2. 1/18 3. 2/6 4. 3/4 5. 1/20

7. 0.35 is to 7 as 0.45 is to ________ 1. 8 2. 9 3. 12 4. 14 5. 0.9

8. 1/3 is to 2/18 as 1/12 is to ________ 1. 2/72 2. 2/48 3. 3/36 4. 3/25 5. 1/72

9. 3/8 is to 12/32 as 2/5 is to ________ 1. 8/20 2. 10/23 3. 6/13 4. 4/6 5. 5/6

10. 1/3 is to 3/7 as 1/6 is to ________ 1. 3/14 2. 1/5 3. 1/4 4. 1/3 5.

11. 0.4 is to 2/5 as 0.6 is to ________ 1. 20 2. 4/5 3. 3/10 4. 3/5 5. 1/5

12. 0.2 is to 0.4 as 0.3 is to ________ 1. 0.009 2. 0.0009 3. 0.09 4. 0.9 5. 9.0

13. 8 is to 23 as 27 is to ________ 1. 33 2. 53 3. 93 4. 39 5. 43

14. 0.5 is to 1/2 as 0.65 is to ________ 1. 11/20 2. 13/20 3. 15/20 4. 17/20 5. 14/20

15. 1/3 is to 3 as 2/8 is to ________ 1. 2 2. 4 3. 6 4. 8 5. 10

16. 30% is to 3/5 as 80% is to ________ 1. 1 1/5 2. 1 2/5 3. 1 3/5 4. 1 4/5 5. 2

17. 0.30 is to 0.075 as 0.15 is to ______ 1. 0.000375 2. 0.00375 3. 0.0375 4. 0.375 5. none

18. 2/5 is to 20% as is to ________

1. 35.5%

2. 37.0%

3. 37.5%

4. 39.0%

5. 36.5%

19. 625 is to 81 as 5 is to ________ 1. 3 2. 4 3. 6 4. 9 5. 0.648

20. 8 is to 11 as 36 is to ________ 1. 49.50 2. 55.00 3. 59.50 4. 65.00 5. 69.50

21. 2 is to 2.5 as 4 is to ________ 1. 3 2. 5 3. 7 4. 9 5. 6

22. 2 is to 8 as 4 is to ________ 1. 18 2. 32 3. 36 4. 66 5. none

PROBLEM SOLVING 1. Miss Roxas bought 20 b ouses !o" #1800 an$ %a"&e$ the% to se at #110 ea'h. (!te" se ing 16 )ie'es at this "ate* she $e'i$e$ to se the "e%aining b ouses at a o+e" )"i'e. (t +hat )"i'e %a, she se ea'h "e%aining b ouse an$ sti "ea i-e a g"oss )"o!it o! #360 on the 20 b ouses. 1. #100 4. #115 2. #105 5. #120 3. #110

2. /he #hi i))ines an$ 19 othe" (sian nations $e'i$e to 'ut thei" oi 'onsu%)tion b, t+o %i ion ba""e s a $a,. 0! this is 5% o! thei" $ai , oi 'onsu%)tion* ho+ %an, ba""e s a"e 'onsu%e$ b, these 'ount"ies in one $a,. 1. 400*000 4. 100*000.00 2. 10*000.00 5. 400*000.00 3. 40*000.00

3. ( $e1e o)%ent )"o2e't +hi'h +as !inan'e$ b, e'o ogi'a o"gani-ations a%ounte$ to # 3.6 %i ion. 0! the"e ha$ been t+o %o"e 'ont"ibuto"s* an$ the ex)enses +e"e sha"e$ e3ua ,* it +ou $ ha1e 'ost ea'h o"gani-ation #300*000 ess. 4o+ %an, o"gani-ations 'ont"ibute$ to the )"o2e't. 1. 3 4. 9 2. 4 5. 12 3. 6

4. /he"e a"e 36 "ea%s o! %i%eog"a)hing )a)e" in the $"a+e". 0! 1 5 $o-ens o! "ea%s o! )a)e" +e"e to be use$ in )"inting* ho+ %an, "ea%s shou $ be e!t in the $"a+e". 1. 15 4. 22 2. 20 5. 23 3. 21

5. ( g"ou) o! %en +ent on !ishing t"i)* ag"eeing that ea'h shou $ )a, the sa%e a%ount. /he tota bi +as #168. 0! the"e ha$ been t+o !e+e" %en* ea'h %an +ou $ ha1e ha$ to )a, 2 )esos %o"e. 4o+ %an, %en +ent !ishing. 1. 15 2. 14 3. 13 4. 12 5. 8

6. /he 'ei ing o! a bui $ing* 18 %ete"s b, 15 %ete"s* is to be )ainte$. 4o+ %an, ga ons o! )aint a"e "e3ui"e$ !o" this 'ei ing i! a ga on 'an 'o1e" 15 s3ua"e %ete"s. 1. 15 2. 18 3. 20 4. 27 5. 36

7. ( s3ua"e an$ a "e'tang e ha1e e3ua a"eas. 0! the "e'tang e is 36 b, 16* +hat is a si$e o! a s3ua"e. 1. 24 2. 26 3. 29 4. 34 5. 36

8. (na gets a 'o%%ission o! 10% !o" ea'h bott e o! otion she se s. 0! a bott e o! otion se s !o" #87.50* ho+ %an, bott es +i (na ha1e to se to "e'ei1e a 'o%%ission o! #210. 1. 20 2. 24 3. 36 4. 38 5. 40

9. 6hat is the su% o! se"ies o! a"ith%eti' )"og"ession ha1ing a 'o%%on $i!!e"en'e o! 3.5* i! the !i"st te"% is 0.5 an$ the ast te"% is 25. 1. 17.15 2. 25.55 3. 53.4 4. 174.5 5. none o! these

10. 0! the su% o! 5 'onse'uti1e nu%be"s is 95* +hat is the thi"$ nu%be". 1. 17 2. 18 3. 19 4. 20 5. 21

11. /+o nu%be"s a"e in the "atio o! 3 to 5. /he esse" nu%be" is 42. 7in$ the g"eate" nu%be". 1. 70 2. 75 3. 112 4. 126 5. 252

12. /he tota a"ea o! a 'ube is the su% o! its ate"a a"ea an$ the a"ea o! its bases. 0! the e$ge o! a 'ube is 4* !in$ its tota a"ea. 1. 96 2. 64 3. 48 4. 32 5. 24

13. 0! a 'an o! )aint +i 'o1e" a))"oxi%ate , 60 s3ua"e ,a"$s* +hat ength o! the +a 'an be )ainte$ i! the +a is 8 !eet high. 1. 12 !eet 2. 10 !eet 3. 6 !eet 4. 5 !eet 10 in'hes 5. none o! these

14. 8ne %i ion is to be $i1i$e$ a%ong the 3 'hi $"en o! a +i$o+e" in the "atio o! 10912918. :, ho+ %u'h is the a"gest sha"e g"eate" than the s%a est sha"e. 1. #300*000 4. #100*000 2. #200*000 5. #50*000 3. #150*000

15. ;i1ision an$ se'tion hea$s o! agen', < +ho 'o%e ate $u"ing thei" %onth , sta!! %eetings a"e !ine$. /he !i"st ate'o%e" )a,s #0.50* the se'on$ ate'o%e" )a,s #1.00* the thi"$ )a,s #1.50* the !ou"th )a,s #2.00 an$ so !o"th. 0! 13 'a%e ate $u"ing thei" ast %eeting* ho+ %u'h %one, +as 'o e'te$ !"o% the%. 1. #6.50 4. #84.50 2. # #45.50 5. #104.50 3. #65.00

16. /he !i"st $a,* a 'ont"a'to" hi"e$ 11 'a")ente"s* 3 %asons an$ 5 he )e"s. /he se'on$ $a,* he hi"e$ 6 'a")ente"s* 5 %asons an$ 2 he )e"s. /he thi"$ $a,* he hi"e$ 5 'a")ente"s* 3 %asons* an$ 3 he )e"s. 0! his )a,"o +as 194 the !i"st $a,* #137 the se'on$ $a,* an$ #112 the thi"$ $a,* ho+ %u'h $i$ he )a, ea'h %ason a $a,. 1. #8 4. #12 2. #29 5. none o! these 3. #10

17. 0n an i ust"ation* one unit "e)"esents a ine 85 'enti%ete"s ong. 4o+ %an, %ete"s ong o! a ine +i be "e)"esente$ b, 150 units. 1. 1.275 4. 1*275 2. 12.75 5. 12*750 3. 127.50

18. 0! the %anage%ent o! a )a"&ing ot 'ha"ges its 'usto%e" #10.00 !o" the !i"st t+o hou"s an$ #5.00 !o" ea'h a$$itiona hou" o" a )a"t the"eo!= then the 'ost !o" )a"&ing !o" 4 hou"s an$ 45 %iutes is __________. 1. #15.00 4. #35.00 2. #23.75 5. #45.00 3. #25.00

19. ( bu"eau $i"e'to" has an a))oint%ent at 9 (.M. in a nea"b, )"o1in'e. 0! he t"a1e s at 40 &)h.* he +i a""i1e at 8 (M. 0! he $"i1es at 30 &)h.* he +i not a""i1e unti 8945 (.M. 4o+ !a" a+a, is the )"o1in'e. 1. 30 &% 4. 90 &% 2. 37.5 &% 5. 225 &% 3. 50 &%

20. 6hi'h o! the !o o+ing has the g"eatest $is'ounts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a $is'ount o! 1/3 o! the se ing )"i'e )! #200 33.3% o! the se ing )"i'e o! #200 0.3 $is'ount o! the se ing )"i'e o! #200 a $is'ount o! 200 none o! the abo1e

21. >ena has a)) ie$ !o" e%) o,%ent in the next th"ee $i!!e"ent 'ount"ies na%e ,9 4ong&ong= Ma a,sia an$ :"unei. 0n 4ong&ong the %onth , sa a", in 4? @500= Ma a,sia Ma @300 an$ :"unei @200 'onsi$e" the !o o+ing9 1 4? @ A #2.90 1 :" @ A # 12.15 1 Ma @ A # 8.40 6hi'h 'ount", has the best o!!e".

1. 4ong&ong 4. 4ong&ong B :"unei

2. :"unei 5. (

3. Ma a,sia

22. 6hi'h o! the !o o+ing 'o%%o$ities has the east in'"ease C.D. @ )e" )oun$ !"o% 1987 B 1990. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 'o))e" !"o% 0.63 to 1.14 a u%inu% !"o% 0.62 to 0.63 ni'&e !"o% 1.72 to 3.55 -in' !"o% 0.43 to 0.68 ea$ !"o% 0.21 to 0.30

23. 6hi'h o! the !o o+ing is the biggest. 1. 41.2 %ete"s 4. 41*200 %%. 2. 4*120 '% 5. a a"e e3ua 3. 0.0412 &%.

24. ( !a%i , bu$get )"o1i$es that the %onth , out a+s !o" !oo$ an$ house is # 1*810.00. 0! the a%ount s)ent !o" !oo$ is th"ee ti%es that o! the "ent* ho+ %u'h is the %onth , "enta . 1. #460.00 4. #452.50 2. #920.00 5. none o! these 3. #1*560.00

25. (!te" $"i1ing 3 hou"s* a %oto"ist 'o1e"e$ 120 &%. (t this "ate* ho+ ong +i it ta&e hi% to $"i1e 360 &%.. 1. 9 4. 12 2. 10 5. 13 3. 11

26. M"s. Renoso is ) anning to bu, 'u"tains !o" thei" ne+ house. Dhe +i nee$ 23 ! oo" ength )ie'es* ea'h )ie'e 2 %ete"s an$ 50 '%. Eong. 4o+ %an, %ete"s shou $ she bu,. 1. 37 4. 67 2. 47 5. 57 5 3. 57

27. (n e%) o,ee s)en$s about #1*330.00 a %onth. /his su% is 70% o! his %onth , sa a",. 4o+ %u'h $oes he "e'ei1es a %onth. 1. #1*900.00 4. #2*290.00 2. #2*265.00 5. #2*000.00 3. #2*900.00

28. 0! a an$ b a"e an, t+o )ositi1e "ea nu%be"s* then= 1. Bb aFb 4. aGb aFb 2. bGa aFb 5. none o! these 3. aGb aFb

29. 6hi'h )ai" o! nu%be"s be o+ has 120 as a )"o$u't. 1. 7 H 16 2. 15 H 8 3. 18 H 5

4. 25 H 4

5. none o! these

30. ( 'e"tain nu%be" is $oub e$ an$ then $i1i$e$ b, 8. 0! a!te" subt"a'ting 4 !"o% this "esu t* one gets 16* the o"igina nu%be" is9 1. 32 4. 80 2. 48 5. 70 3. 64

31. /he nu%e"ato" o! a !"a'tion is 4 ess than its $eno%inato"* i! 3 is a$$e$ both the nu%e"ato" an$ $eno%inato"* the "esu ting nu%be" is . 6hat is the o"igina !"a'tion. 1. 8/14 4. 10/13 2. 9/13 5. 8/13 3. 9/12

32. Ia'h box o! ba )en 'ontains 24 )ie'es. 0! an e%) o,ee in an o!!i'e gi1en 3 ba )ens. 4o+ %an, boxes +i be nee$e$ !o" 168 e%) o,ees. 1. 17 4. 25 2. 21 5. 31 3. 22

33. (n e%) o,ee +ho "e'ei1es #306.00 ea'h )a,$a, sa1es #1.50 o! e1e", #9.00 o! his ea"nings. 0! the e%) o,ee is )ai$ t+o ti%es a %onth* ho+ %u'h he +ou $ sa1e a!te" !ou" %onths. 1. #144.00 4. #408.00 2. #204.00 5. #308.00 3. #334.00

34. 0! a 'an ho $s o! a ite" o! gaso ine. 4o+ %an, ite"s +i 1 $o-ens at the sa%e si-e ho $. 1. 10.8 4. 13.5 2. 12.2 5. 14.5 3. 13.8

35. /he "atio o! %a es to !e%a es in an o"gani-ation is M97. 4o+ %an, %a es a"e the"e i! the"e a"e / !e%a es. 1. JM x /K F 7 4. 7/ / M 2. J7 x /K F M 5. M/ / 7 3. / F J7GMK

36. Ma"ia +as bo"n >o1e%be" 23* 1958. 4o+ o $ +as she ast ()"i 23* 1980. 1. 20 ,"s. H 9 %onths 2. 22 ,"s. H 5 %onths 3. 21 ,"s. H 5 %onths 4. 22 ,"s. H 7 %onths 5. none o! these

37. 6hen an, nu%be" is $i1i$e$ b, 20* the a"gest "e%ain$e" that 'an be attaine$ is9 1. 5 2. 10 3. 19

4. 21

5. 15

38. /he"e a"e 115*000 he'ta"es o! an$ !o" 'otton )"o$u'tion. 6hat shou $ be the a1e"age ,ie $ in tons )e" he'ta"e to )"o$u'e a tota o! 138*000 tons o! 'otton. 1. 8.0 4. 2.3 2. 1.2 5. 2.1 3. 1.23

39. (n e%) o,ee +ho "e'ei1es #296.00 ea'h )a,$a,* )ut #1.00 out o! #8.00 into a s)e'ia !un$. 4o+ %u'h $oes he )ut into that !un$. 1. #26.00 4. #24.00 2. #29.00 5. #37.00 3. #20.00

40. /he Cnite$ ("ab I%i"ates has "e$u'e$ its $ai , oi )"o$u'tion b,80*000 ba""e s !"o% 1.7 %i ion ba""e s. 7in$ its $ai , )"o$u'tion in %i ion ba""e s. 1. 0.9 4. 1.6 2. 1.5 5. 1.2 3. 1.62

41. /he bu,ing )o+e" o! 1972Ls #1 ha$ $"o))e$ as o! Mune this ,ea" to 35.57 'enta1os. /he )"esent bu,ing )o+e" o! )eso is* ho+ %an, 'enta1os ess than that o! 1972. 1. 64.43 4. 75.57 2. 65.57 5. 74.43 3. 75.43

42. ;i1i$e 196 into 2 )a"ts su'h that one )a"t is o! the othe" )a"t. 6hat a"e the t+o nu%be"s !o"%e$. 1. 100996 4. 124972 2. 108988 5. none o! these 3. 112984

43. /he )"i'e o! a )ai" o! )ants is #17.00 %o"e than t+i'e the )"i'e o! the )o o shi"t. 0! the a1e"age )"i'e o! these t+o ite%s is #83.50* +hat is the )"i'e o! the )ants. 1. #100 2. #107 3. #114 4. #117 5. #120 44. 8neGthi"$ o! a 'e"tain nu%be" a$$e$ to 1/5 o! the next 'onse'uti1e nu%be" is 5. 6hat is the su% o! the t+o nu%be"s. 1. 17 4. 21 2. 19 5. 23 3. 20

45. ( %an o+ns a )ie'e o! an$ +o"th #0.6 %i ion. 4e is taxe$ on o! its 1a ue at the "ate o! #7.00 )e" #1*000. 4o+ %u'h is he )a,ing !o" the tax o! his )"o)e"t,. 1. #3*150 4. #11*000 2. #5*350 5. #10*000 3. #9*000

46. 0! ea'h si$e o! a s3ua"e is $e'"ease$ b, 5 'enti%ete"s* its a"ea +i $e'"ease$ b, 175 s3ua"e 'enti%ete"s. 7in$ the si$e o! the o"igina s3ua"e in 'enti%ete"s.

1. 20 4. 22

2. 18 5. 25

3. 15

47. /+ent,Gse1en s'hoo 'hi $"en +e"e as&e$ to !o"% th"ee g"ou)s su'h that the thi"$ g"ou) has 2 %o"e %e%be"s than the !i"st g"ou) an$ the se'on$ g"ou) +i ha1e one %e%be" ess than the thi"$ g"ou). 4o+ %an, %e%be"s +i the !i"st g"ou) ha1e. 1. 7 4. 10 2. 8 5. 12 3. 9

48. Non'"ete )osts a"e to be )ut a ong a 560 %ete"s "oa$. 0! the"e a"e 15 )osts* +hat +ou $ be the $istan'e in %ete"s bet+een t+o su''essi1e )osts. 1. 37 4. 49 2. 36 5. none o! these 3. 40

49. ( !ish 1en$o" %a&es it a )oint to "ea i-e a )"o!it o! 12 % o! his sa es. 7o" ho+ %u'h a &i o shou $ he se 20 &i os o! !ish 'osting #320.00. 1. #15.00 4. #17.50 2. #18.00 5. #19.00 3. #16.00

50. (n e%) o,ee $"i1e a 'a" at 30 &)h !"o% his "esi$en'e "ea'h his o!!i'e at 8900 a.%. 0! he $"i1es at 7950 a.%. ho+ !a" is his o!!i'e !"o% his "esi$en'e in &%.. 1. 26 &%. 4. 32 &%. 2. 28 &%. 5. 5 &%. 3. 30 &%.

51. /h"ee stenog"a)he"s +i be se e'te$ !"o% a )oo o! 6 e3ua , 3ua i!ie$ stenog"a)he"s. 4o+ %an, $i!!e"ent g"ou)s o! th"ee stenog"a)he"s 'an be se e'te$ !"o% the )oo . 1. 10 4. 20 2. 15 5. 22 3. 18

52. ( 'o")o"ation has 3 1a'an'ies !o" the )ositions o! Denio" (u$ito". 8ut o! !i1e 'an$i$ates* ho+ %an, g"ou)s o! th"ee 'ou $ be 'hosen to !i the 1a'an'ies. 1. 5 4. 15 2. 6 5. 36 3. 10

53 ( o! the !o o+ing ex'e)t one a"e units o! %easu"e%ent in the %et"i' s,ste%. 1. $e'i%ete" 4. ite" 2. %ete" 5. ,a"$ 3. he'ta"e

54. ( %essenge" t"a1e ing at 20 &)h. +as sent to )i'& a ette" 10 &%. a+a,. 0! this %essenge" e!t at 8930 a.%. "este$ !o" 10 %inutes a ong the +a,* +hat ti%e +i he be ba'&. 1. 9940 a.%. 4. 9900 a.%. 2. 9910 a.%. 5. 10900 a.%. 3. 8930 a.%.

55. 0n an o!!i'e the "atio o! %a e e%) o,ee to !e%a e e%) o,ee is 193. 0! the"e a"e 12 %a e e%) o,ees* ho+ %an, e%) o,ees a"e in that o!!i'e. 1. 16 4. 42 2. 36 5. 48 3. 40

56. 0n a 'e"tain %a) 5 o! an in'h "e)"esent 10 %i es o! the a'tua $istan'e. 0! t+o ba""ios a"e 2 in'hes a)a"t in the %a)* the a'tua $istan'e bet+een the% is9 1. 10 %i es 4. 80 %i es 2. 20 %i es 5. 80 &i o%ete"s 3. 60 %i es

57. ( %othe" $i1i$es 2/3 o! a 'a&e e3ua , a%ong he" 4 'hi $"en. 0! one 'a&e 'osts #3.60* the sha"e o! ea'h 'hi $ 'osts9 1. #2.00 4. 0.80 2. 0.60 5. 0.90 3. #1.20

58. ( %an +ith 90 %ete"s o! !en'ing +ishes to !en'e o!! an a"ea in the s)a'e o! a "e'tang e. 6hat shou $ be the $i%ension the en' ose$ s)a'e is to be as a"ge as )ossib e. 1. 23 x 22 2. 9 x 10 3. 27 x 18 4. 28 x 17 5. 30 x 15 59. /he in'o%e tax +ithhe $ !"o% the +ages o! a 'e"tain e%) o,ee a%ounte$ to #8* 561 ast ,ea". 0! this is #350 %o"e than o! the a%ount +ithhe $ this ,ea"* ho+ %u'h +as +ithhe $ !"o% his +ages this ,ea". 1. #8* 911 4. #10* 948 2. #9* 248 5. #11* 415 3. #9* 611

60. 0! six bo,s sha"e$ e3ua , o! a )inea)) e )ie* +hat )a"t o! a +ho e )ie $i$ ea'h bo, get. 1. 1/36 4. 1/6 2. 1/12 5. 5 3. 1/8

61. (t a )a"t, o! 345 e%) o,ees* san$+i'hes +e"e se"1e$ +ith so!t$"in&s. 0t +as !oun$ out that 120 'hi'&en san$+i'hes an$ 240 'heese san$+i'hes +e"e 'onsu%e$. 6hen the %a e e%) o,ees +e"e on thei" +a, ho%e* 35 'on!esse$ that the, ate 1 'hi'&en san$+i'h an$ 1 'heese san$+i'h ea'h. 4o+ %an, +ent ho%e +ithout eating an, o! the san$+i'hes. 1. 20 4. 55 2. 30 5. 65 3. 35

62. ( %an has t+o in1est%ents tota ing #40*000. 8n one he "e'ei1es 12% inte"est an$ on the othe" he "e'ei1es 10% inte"est. /he 12% in1est%ent ,ie $ an annua in'o%e o! #524 ess than the 10% in1est%ent. 4o+ %u'h is the $i!!e"en'e bet+een the t+o in1est%ents. 1. #4* 112 4. #13* 476 2. #5* 200 5. #14* 250 3. #8* 400

63. ( bin 'ontaining 80 sa'&s o! ! ou" is 15 !u . 4o+ %an, sa'&s +i be in the bin +hen it is !u . 1. 240 4. 400 2. 300 5. 420 3. 320

64. 0n a so'ia ha o! a bui $ing* the"e a"e 150 seats a""ange$ in "o+s* +ith 5 %o"e seats )e" "o+ than the nu%be" o! "o+s. 4o+ %an, seats a"e the"e in ea'h "o+. 1. 10 4. 18 2. 12 5. 20 3. 15

65. 6hi'h o! the !o o+ing is the biggest. 1. 71.2 %ete"s 2. 7*120 'enti%ete"s 3. 0.0712 &i o%ete"s 4. 71*200 %i i%ete"s 5. a a"e e3ua

66. 6hi'h o! the !o o+ing has the g"eatest $is'ount. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a $is'ount o! 1/3 o! the se ing )"i'e o! #200.00 33% $is'ount o! the se ing )"i'e o! #200.00 0.3 $is'ount o! the se ing )"i'e o! #200.00 a $is'ount o! #60.00 1/3% $is'ount o! the se ing )"i'e o! #200.00

67. /he %e%be"s o! a ba"anga, set ou" 432 )e'ha, ) ants. /he nu%be" o! ) ants in ea'h "o+ +as six %o"e than the nu%be" o! "o+s. 4o+ %an, ) ants +e"e the"e in ea'h "o+. 1. 12 4. 33 2. 24 5. none o! these 3. 27

68. /he a"ge" o! t+o nu%be"s is se1en ti%es the s%a e" nu%be". 6hat is the a"ge" nu%be" i! thei" su% is 56. 1. 49 4. 28 2. 42 5. none o! these 3. 35

69. 0n a s'hoo o! 1*302 stu$ents* 798 a"e gi" s. 6hat is the "atio o! the nu%be" o! bo,s to the nu%be" o! gi" s. 1. 19931 4. 12919 2. 17931 5. none o! these 3. 12931

70. ( )a)e" ta)e 56.2 $%. Eong is to be $i1i$e$ into 4 )a"ts su'h that ea'h )a"t sha be 2 $%. Dho"te" than the next su''ee$ing )a"t. 7in$ the ength o! the ongest )a"t. 1. 10.3 $%. 4. 25.3 $%. 2. 13.4 $%. 5. 41.2 $%. 3. 17.8 $%.

71. (n a%ount o! #18*400 +as "e3ueste$ !o" the )u"'hase o! o!!i'e su)) ies. 4o+ %u'h +as "e ease$ i! 15% o! the a%ount "e3ueste$ +as not g"ante$.

1. #10* 830 4. #14* 260

2. #12* 120 5. #15* 640

3. #13* 490

72. ( su)) , o!!i'e" $ist"ibutes 80 business en1e o)es a%ong 13 e%) o,ees* gi1ing ha ! the nu%be" to the !e%a e e%) o,ees an$ the othe" ha ! to the %a e e%) o,ees. Ia'h !e%a e e%) o,ee "e'ei1e$ 3 %o"e than ea'h %a e. 4o+ %an, %a e e%) o,ees a"e the"e. 1. 8 4. 5 2. 7 5. 4 3. 6

73. Ia'h boa"$e" is 'ha"ge$ #3*800 a %onth !o" boa"$ an$ o$ging. 0! the"e a"e 12 boa"$e"s* ho+ %u'h +i he o+ne" o! the boa"$ing house ea"n in one ha ! ,ea". 1. #266*000 4. #277*400 2. #269*800 5. #285*000 3. #273*600

74. 0! 5 o! a an$ +e"e $i1i$e$ into 3 e3ua ots* then ea'h ot +ou $ be +hat )a"t o! the an$. 1. 1/12 4. 1/4 2. 1/8 5. 1/3 3. 3/4

75. ( 'hess ) a,e" +i ) a, 7 "oun$s in a 'hess tou"na%ent. 0! he +e"e to 'o%)ete +ith 6 o))onents in e1e", "oun$* ho+ %an, o))onents +ou $ he ha1e ) a,e$ +ith a!te" 7th "oun$. 1. 32 4. 42 2. 35 5. 49 3. 40

76. ( %an %a&es a $e)osit o! #800.00. 0! his $e)osit 'onsists o! 25 bi s* so%e !i!t,G)eso bi s an$ the "est a"e t+ent,G)eso bi s* ho+ %an, t+ent,G)eso bi s he ha1e. 1. 8 4. 20 2. 15 5. none o! these 3. 10

77. Du))ose ,ou +e"e se ing %aga-ines an$ +e"e )ai$ 25% o! ,ou" sa es. 6hat shou $ ,ou" 'o%%ission be !o" a $a, in +hi'h ,ou" sa es a%ounte$ to #11.68. 1. #5.93 4. #2.92 2. #6.26 5. #4.25 3. #6.25

78. 4o+ +ou $ ,ou $i1i$e #40.00 bet+een t+o stu$ent in the "atio o! 3 is to 5. 1. #23 H #17 4. #14 H #26 2. #15 H #25 5. none o! these 3. #12 H #28

79. 0'e ) a'e$ in an i'e box osses 15% o! its +eight be!o"e being use$. 4o+ %an, tons o! i'e %ust be ) a'e$ in an i'e boxes so as to ha1e 850 tons !o" use. 1. 865 4. 5*665 2. 977.5 5. none o! these 3. 1*000

80. ( te e)hone 'o%)an, 'ha"ges a 'usto%e" #33.50 !o" the !i"st 100 'a s a %onth* an$ 25 'enta1os )e" 'a in ex'ess o! 100 'a s. 0! the tota bi o! a 'usto%e" !o" a 'e"tain %onth is #55.25* !in$ the tota nu%be" o! 'a s %a$e b, the 'usto%e"s. 1. 69 4. 220 2. 187 5. 287 3. 218

81. M". N"u- bought so%e %e"'han$ise +o"th #1*500. 4e so $ 2/5 o! it at 25% )"o!it* o! the "e%aining %e"'han$ise at 15% )"o!it an$ the "est at 10% )"o!it. 4o+ %u'h $i$ he ea"n !"o% the +ho e t"ansa'tion. 1. #262.05 4. #362.05 2. #226.50 5. #326.50 3. #262.50

82. ( s)o"ts 'ente" has 12 gates* !i1e a"e on the +est si$e* an$ se1en a"e on the east si$e. 0n ho+ %an, $i!!e"ent +a,s 'an a )e"son ente" b, a +est gate an$ ea1e b, an east gate. 1. 25 4. 55 2. 35 5. 65 3. 45

83. ( bo, is to %eet his tea'he" in the )"in'i)a Ls "oo% at 7930 in the %o"ning. 0! it ta&es the bo, 30 %in. to ta&e a bath* 15 %in. to eat his b"ea&!ast* 5 %in. to b"ush teeth* 20 %in. othe" %o"ning a'ti1ities* 25 %in. to $"ess u) an$ 10 %in. +a &ing to the s'hoo )"in'i)a Ls "oo%. 6hat +i be the atest ti%e that he 'an get u) to %eet his tea'he" on ti%e. 1. 5915 a.%. 4. 6915 a.%. 2. 5930a.%. 5. 4945 a.%. 3. 5945 a.%.

84. 7i1e )e"'ent o! a bat'h o! ite%s !"o% a %anu!a'tu"ing 'o%)an, a"e $e!e'ti1e. 0! the"e a"e 150 $e!e'ti1e ite%s in the +ho e bat'h* ho+ %an, ite%s in the +ho e bat'h a"e not $e!e'ti1e. 1. 2*850 4. 3*000 2. 2*750 5. 2*580 3. 3* 3850

1. 81e"'"o+$ing o! an$ +ithin houses is an unhea th!u !a'to" +hi'h !a1o" 1 2 3 o! %an, $iseases. >o e""o" 4 5 the s)"ea$

2. I1e", )e"son at one ti%e o" anothe" is 'a e$ u)on to %a&e a $e'ision but %a&ing a 1 2 $e'ision is one o! the ha"$est 2ob +hi'h one has to $o. >8 IRR8R
3 !

3. 6e +e"e tou'h b, his gene"osit, +hen he ob1ious , 'ou $ i a!!o"$ to be so 1 2 3 4 gene"ous. >8 IRR8R 5 4. 4e !e t 1e", ba$ a!te" he "ea i-e$ the ha"% he ha$ $one. >8 IRR8R. 1 2 3 4 5 5. 6hen o!!i'e +o"&e"s ta&e )a"t in ) anning +o"& $etai s* thei" !ee ing o! ha1ing 1 2 3 4 status "ise. >8 IRR8R. 5 6. # ease !ee !"ee to 'a u)on ou" o!!i'e i! +e 'an be o! !a"the" se"1i'e to ,ou. 1 2 3 4 >8 IRR8R. 5 7. (ng %ga na&atatan$ang )anauhin a, nag&a&ainan habang ang %ga &abataan a, 1 2 %asa,ang nagsa,a+ sa sa i+ ng %a&abagong tugtugin. 6(E(>O M(E0. 3 4 5 8. #o ution o! the ai"* the +ate"* an$ the an$ th"eatens to un$o the a$1an'es o! 1 2 3 4 s'ien'e. >8 IRR8R 5 9. 4is $e$i'ation to a$1an'e the 'ause o! en1i"on%ent 'ou $ be att"ibute$ to the !a't 1 2 that he 'a%e to a )oo" !a%i ,. >8 IRR8R 3 4 5 10. 0n %a&ing $e'isions in1o 1ing hu%an "e ations* e1e", goo$ %anne" 'ou $ 'onsi$e" 1 2 the o)inions* as +e as the !ee ings o! a the e%) o,ees un$e" hi%. >8 IRR8R 3 4 5

11. 8ne o! the '"u'ia issues ta&en on at the 'on!e"en'e is the t"ans!e" o! te'hno og, o! 1 2 the in$ust"ia i-e$ nations to the $e1e o)ing 'ount"ies. >8 IRR8R 3 4 5 12. >a&i&iga a& &a%i sa %ga tagu%)a, ni a 7e"nan at Pi'to". 6(E(>O M(E0. 1 2 3 4 5 13. >ang u%u an ng %a a&as a, nasa baha, na a&o. 6(E(>O M(E0 1 2 3 4 5 14. /+ent, &i o%ete"s a"e a "easonab e $istan'e to 'o1e"* 'onsi$e"ing the "ugge$ 1 2 3 4 "oa$. >8 IRR8R 5 15. No ege tea'hes us to !o"% o)inions b, the "esu t o! 'a"e!u thought. 1 2 3 4 >8 IRR8R. 5 16. ( ) an to bui $ %o"e %e$i'a 'ente"s in %a2o" )a"t o! the 'ount", ha$ been 1 2 3 "e1ea e$ ,este"$a,. >8 IRR8R 4 5 17. 4e +i be ) a,ing %u'h bette" to$a, i! he ha$ not s)"aine$ his an& e $u"ing the 1 2 se%iG!ina %at'h t+o $a,s ago. >8 IRR8R 3 4 5 18. /he te e)hone "ang 'ontinuous , !o" t+o %inutes* !e si ent an$ then soun$e$ o! 1 2 3 !i1e sho"t "ings. >8 IRR8R 4 5 19. (!te" the ga%e the 'oa'h 'o%) i%ents those ) a,e"s +ho sho+ b"a1e", $u"ing the 1 2 3 4 '"u'ia ga%e. >8 IRR8R 5 20. /he"e is no $oubt +hethe" the $e'ision o! the Noun'i 1 2 >8 IRR8R 5 +as in! uen'e$ b, )o iti's. 3 4

21. ( $"ug )ushe" is not on , a )"ob e% to his !a%i , but a so a %ena'e to so'iet,. 1 2 3 4 >8 IRR8R

5 22. (n o iga"'h, in a !o"% o! go1e"n%ent +he"e su)"e%e )o+e" is "est"i'te$ to !e+ 1 2 3 )e"sons. >8 IRR8R 4 5 23. De1e"a senato"s an$ 'ong"ess%en +e"e absent in the 'o%%ittee %eetings %ost o! 1 2 3 4 the ti%e. >8 IRR8R. 5 24. (ng )angunahing $ahi an &ung ba&it ang %ga &abataan a, nagsusu%i&a) sa )agG 1 2 3 aa"a a, u)ang &u%i&itaG&ita 6(E( M(E0. 4 5 25. Mag&a&a"oon ng &a)a,a)aan ang buong $aig$ig &ung ang 1 2 %ag&a&aisa at %ag&a&auna+aan. 6(E(>O M(E0 4 5 ahat ng tao a, 3

26. Ma&atabi ang %ga bata at %atatan$a sa )anonoo$ ng )a a"o. 6(E(>O M(E0 1 2 3 4 5 27. Magsisi&anta "a+ ang %ga ana& %ong sina susan* Mohn at Rona sa tangha an. 1 2 3 4 6(E(>O M(E0 5 28. Ma"a%ing tao ang nagtatagu%)a, sa buha, $ahi 1 2 3 6(E(>O M(E0 5 sa &an,ang &a"unungan. 4

29. <ou ho)e to !inish high s'hoo this ,ea"* a"enLt ,ou. >8 IRR8R 1 2 3 4 5 30. ( g"ou) o! ,oung )eo) e ha1e been +o"&ing !o" the $e1e o)%ent 1 2 3 ba"anga,. >8 IRR8R 4 5 o! o'a


1. 1. 0 ha$ a "ea$, !o"%e$ the habits o! getting u) ea" , an$ a""i1ing in the o!!i'e on ti%e.

2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.

Oetting u) ea" , an$ to a""i1e in the o!!i'e on ti%e a"e habits that 0 ha1e a "ea$, !o"%e$. Oetting u) ea" , an$ a""i1ing in the o!!i'e on ti%e a"e habits that 0 ha1e a "ea$, !o"%e$. /o get u) ea" , an$ to a""i1e in the o!!i'e on ti%e a"e habits that 0 ha1e a "ea$, !o"%e$. /o get u) ea" , an$ a""i1ing in the o!!i'e on ti%e a"e habits a "ea$, !o"%e$ b, %e. /he t"i) to /aga,ta, +as e$u'ationa an$ e1e",bo$, en2o,e$ it 1e", %u'h. :eing e$u'ationa * e1e",bo$, en2o,e$ the t"i) to /aga,ta, 1e", %u'h. I1e",bo$, !oun$ the t"i) to /aga,ta, e$u'ationa an$ it +as en2o,e$ 1e", %u'h. /his &in$ o! a t"i) to /aga,ta, +as e$u'ationa an$ e1e",bo$, en2o,e$ it 1e", %u'h. ( %ost en2o,ab e ti%e +as ha$ b, e1e",bo$, in thei" t"i) to /aga,ta, +hi'h +as e$u'ationa .

1. /he boa"$ has "e'ei1e$ the )"esi$entLs "e)o"t* +ho +ent o1e" the situation in g"eat $etai . 2. 4a1ing gone o1e" the situation in g"eat $etai * the )"esi$ent sub%itte$ a 'o%) ete "e)o"t to the boa"$. 3. /he )"esi$ent ha$ ha"$ , 'o%) ete$ his stu$, o! the situation than he %a$e a !u "e)o"t to the boa"$. 4. /he 'o%) ete "e)o"t* +hi'h the )"esi$ent ga1e it to the boa"$* +as the "esu t o! a tho"ough stu$, o! the situation. 5. (!te" the )"esi$ent ha$ stu$ie$ the situation as tho"ough as )ossib e* he %a$e a 'o%) ete "e)o"t to the boa"$. 4. 1. :asing on the !igu"es a1ai ab e* the 'o%%ittee !e t that the $e'ision to ' ose sho) +as !easib e. 2. :asing on the !igu"es a1ai ab e* the $e'ision to ' ose sho) see%s !easib e. 3. :ase$ on the !igu"es a1ai ab e* the 'o%%ittee !e t that the $e'ision to ' ose sho) +as !easib e. 4. :ase$ on the !igu"es a1ai ab e* the $e'ision to ' ose sho) see%s !easib e. 5. :ase$ on the !igu"es a1ai ab e* ' osing the sho) +as thought to be !easib e. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. Magiging %a&ahu ugan sa %ga bata ang %ga )ang a"a+Ga"a+ na ba ita &ung %a&i&ita ni a ang )inang,a"ihan nito. 2. (ng )inang,a"ihan ng %ga ba ita na )angGa"a+Ga"a+ sa %ga bata &ung %a&i&ita ni a a, %agiging %a&ahu ugan. 3. Da %ga bata a, %a&ahu ugan ang %ga )angGa"a+Ga"a+ na ba ita &ung %a&i&ita ni a ang )inang,a"ihan nito. /he ebb an$ ! o+ o! o"gani-ationa i!e is su'h that nothing "e%ains stati'. /he ebb an$ ! o+ o! o"gani-ation o! i!e a"e su'h that nothing "e%ains stati'. /he ebb an$ o+ o! i!e in an o"gani-ation a"e su'h that nothing "e%aine$ stati'. >othing "e%ains stati' in the ebb an$ ! o+ o! i!e in an o"gani-ation D)ea&ing o! the ebb an$ ! o+ o! o"gani-ationa i!e* it is su'h that nothing "e%ains stati'.

4. (ng %ga ba itang )angGa"a+Ga"aa+ sa %ga bata a, %agiging %a&ahu ugan &ung ang )inang,a"ihan nito a, %a&i&ita ni a. 5. (ng %ga ba itang )angGa"a+Ga"a+ sa %ga bata at ang )inang,a"ihan nito a, %agiging %a&ahu ugan &unga %a&i&ita ni a. 7. 1. 6a ang )asuba i na ang isang taong %a, &a&a,ahan sa %aa,os na )angangat+i"an a, uun a$ sa &an,ang )"o)es,on. 2. 6a ang )asuba i a, uun a$ sa &an,ang )"o)es,on na ang isang taong %a, &a&a,ahan sa %aa,os na )angangat+i"an. 3. (ng isang taong %a, &a&a,ahan sa %aa,os na )angangat+i"an a, uun a$ sa &an,ang )"o)es,on* +a ang )asuba i. 4. Cun a$ sa &an,ang )"o)es,on a, +a ang )asuba i ang isang taong %a, &a&a,ahan sa %aa,os na )angangat+i"an. 5. Ma, &a&a,ahan sa %aa,os na )angangat+i"an* +a ang )asuba i na ang isang tao a, uun a$ sa &an,ang )"o)es,on. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9. 1. 6e %ust ea"n %o"e about %i ita", ta'ti's an$ in so $oing +e 'an 'o)e +ith an, situation. 2. 6e %ust ea"n %o"e about %i ita", ta'ti's to 'o)e +ith an, situation. 3. Do as to 'o)e +ith an, situation* %o"e about %i ita", ta'ti's shou $ be ea"ne$ b, us. 4. Mo"e about %i ita", ta'ti's %ust be ea"ne$* so as to 'o)e +ith an, situation. 5. /o be "ea$, to 'o)e +ith an, situation* so +e %ust ea"n %o"e about %i ita", ta'ti's. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 11. 1. 0t is no+ gene"a , a'&no+ e$ge that the 7i i)ina is an o1e , 'o%)a"e$ to an, o"ienta a$,. 2. 0t is no+ gene"a , a'&no+ e$ge that the 7i i)ina is as o1e , i&e an, othe" 8"ienta Ea$,. 3. 0t is no+ gene"a , a'&no+ e$ge$ that the 7i i)ina is as oe , as an, othe" o"ienta Ea$,. 4. 0t is gene"a , a'&no+ e$ge$ that the 7i i)ina is as o1e , as an, o"ienta Ea$,. 5. 0t is no+ gene"a , a'&no+ e$ge$ that the 7i i)ina is o1e , as an, o"ienta a$,. 12. 1. 0 as&e$ Ros, +hat is the na%e o! he" !"ien$. 2. 0 as&e$ Ros, +hat the na%e o! he" !"ien$ is. 0 thought that she is "e)o"ting !o" +o"& to$a,. 0 thought that she +as "e)o"ting !o" +o"& to$a,. 0 thought that she "e)o"te$ !o" +o"& to$a,. 0 thought that she "e)o"ts !o" +o"& to$a,. 0 thought that she ha$ "e)o"te$ !o" +o"& to$a,. Masa,a* sa)ag&at ahat a, )a,a& at +a ang )ag&u&un+a"i ang buha, bata. Masa,a ang buha, bata sa)ag&at ahat a, )a,a& at +a ang )ag&u&un+a"i. (ng buha, bata a, %asa,a sa)ag&at )a,a& at +a ang )ag&u&un+a"i ang ahat. (ng buha, bata sa)ag&at )a,a& at +a ang )ag&u&un+a"i ahat a, %asa,a. Da)ag&at +a ang )ag&u&un+a"i at )a,a& ahat* ang buha, bata a, %asa,a.

3. 0 as&e$ Ros, +hat he" !"ien$Ls na%e +as 4. 0 as&e$ Ros, +hat is he" !"ien$Ls na%e. 5. 0 as&e$ Ros, +hat +as the na%e o! he" !"ien$. 13. 1. 0! then ,oung a"e to be taught* +e a$u ts %ust not on , tea'h the% b, )"e'e)t but a so b, exa%) e. 2. 0! the ,oung a"e to be taught* the, %ust be taught b, us a$u ts not on , b, )"e'e)t but a so b, exa%) e. 3. 0! the ,oung a"e to be taught* +e a$u ts %ust tea'h the% not on , b, )"e'e)t but a so b, exa%) e. 4. 0! +e a"e to tea'h the ,oung* the, %ust not on , be taught b, )"e'e)t but b, exa%) e. 5. 0! the ,oung a"e to be taught* +e a$u ts %ust tea'h not on , b, )"e'e)t but b, exa%) e. 14. 1. /he ) u%be" +ho +o"&s e!!i'ient , !"o% the )oint o! 1ie+ o! the house+i!e is +o"th, o! his +ages. 2. 7"o% the )oint o! 1ie+ o! the house+i!e* the ) u%be" +ho +o"&s e!!i'ient , is +o"th, o! his +ages. 3. /he ) u%be" is +o"th, o! his +ages +ho +o"&s e!!i'ient , !"o% the )oint o! 1ie+ o! the house+i!e. 4. /he ) u%be"* !"o% the )oint o! 1ie+ o! the house+i!e* +ho +o"&s e!!i'ient ,* is +o"th, o! his +ages. 5. 6o"th, o! his +ages is the ) u%be" +ho +o"&s e!!i'ient , !"o% the )oint o! 1ie+ o! the house+i!e.

1. /he %etho$ o! s'ienti!i' __________ is si%) , the %anne" at +hi'h a )heno%ena a"e ex) aine$ about* "en$e"e$ )"e'ise an$ %a$e exa't. 1. theo", 2. in1estigation 3. $e1e o)%ent 4. a''o%) ish%ent 5. &no+ e$ge

2. 6hat the #hi i))ines nee$s a"e %o"e $o'to"s to $e i1e" %e$i'a 'a"e an$ se"1i'es to __________ )o)u ation. 1. the !a"G! ung 4. an i%)o1e"ishe$ 2. bu"geoning 5. an u"bani-ing 3. a "u"a i-ing

3. Q(!te" +at'hing the !i %* she see%e$ to be "ea , __________ that ghosts $o exist.R 1. a''e)te$ 4. ente"taine$ 2. a$1ise$ 5. gua"antee$ 3. 'on1in'e$

4. ;es)ite the #"esi$entLs a))ea s* %an, senato"s "e%aine$ __________ in thei" "e2e'tion o! the t"eat,.

1. a$a%ant 4. int"ansigent

2. )e"1e"se 5. 'a %

3. 1a'i ating

5. +hen the $e!ense a+,e" as&e$ !o" a )ost)one%ent* the )"ose'uting atto"ne, )"oteste$ the __________ st"ateg, o! the $e!ense an$ insiste$ that the t"ia )"o'ee$. 1. s o+ 4. "oun$about 2. stubbo"n 5. $e ibe"ate 3. eisu"e ,

6. /he %anage" sai$ that she +ou $ g a$ , he ) )a, !o" it but she goo$Gnatu"e$ , __________ the o!!e". 1. i%)ose$ 4. "etaine$ 2. igno"e$ 5. $e' ine$ 3. $enie$

7. QEo'a ex)o"te"s %ust use the )"esent e'ono%i' '"ises as a uni3ue o))o"tunit, to ________ the 7i i)inoLs innate ingenuit, in $e1e o)ing no1e )"o$u'ts !"o% in$igenous %ate"ia s an$ "esou"'es.R 1. ha"ness 4. ex) oit 2. !o"%u ate 5. enti'e 3. su))o"t

8. Q (ng %ga &abataan a, __________ sa )agga%it ng ba+a na ga%ut $ahi sa )agnanais na %a&ai+as sa &ani ang %ga su i"anin.R 1. na i igtas 4. nangingi ag 2. na i iga ig 5. na%a%a as 3. na u u ong

9. 7o" g"ou)s +hose e'ono%i' a'ti1ities a"e o"gani-e$ a"oun$ hunting o" he"$ing* an, i1ing sett e%ent is on , te%)o"a",* an$ !"e3uent %o1es a"e %a$e* o!ten on !oot. Nonse3uent ,* the %ate"ia )ossessions o! su'h )eo) e a"e __________. 1. '"u$e 4. i%ite$ 2. $u"ab e 5. extensi1e 3. 'o%%una

10. Q/he go1e"n%ent is estab ishe$ !o" the __________* !u"the"an'e an$ gua"antee o! 'e"tain ina ienab e hu%an "ights.R 1. sus)ension 4. )"o' a%ation 2. )"ohibition 5. t"ans!e" 3. )"ese"1ation

11. 6hi e %ost t,)hoons 'ause itt e o" no oss o! hu%an i!e* o''asiona , the osses a"e __________. 1. a))a ing 4. $isa$1antageous 2. !o"tunate 5. insigni!i'ant 3. in'o%) ete

12. ( oneGse'on$ 'atho$e "a, t"eat%ent o! ha%bu"ge"s +i )"ese"1e the% !o" a sixt, $a,s in a "e!"ige"ato". Dai o"s going on 1o,ages o! se1e"a +ee&s 'an ha1e sa!e !oo$ e1en though the shi) $oes not ha1e a __________. 1. "a$iation s,ste% 2. abo"ato", 3. )h,si'ian

4. ai" 'i"'u ation

5. $ee) !"ee-e

13. 0! +e ' ose , ana ,-e the +o" $ $ist"ibution o! __________* +e +ou $ noti'e that the"e a"e 1e", %an, )eo) e +ho a"e ext"e%e , )oo"* an$ %an, )eo) e ext"e%e , "i'h* an$ 'o%)a"ati1e , 1e", !e+ in the %i$$ e. 1. )"o$u'tion 4. )o)u ation 2. )"og"ess 5. in1est%ent 3. in'o%e

14. 6hi e "e'ogni-ing the 1a ue o! the ne+ in1ention* the '"iti' though its )ossibi ities a"e $istin't , __________. 1. boun$ ess 4. 1a uab e 2. &no+n 5. "est"i'te$ 3. "i$i'u ous

15. Man, a"ge 'o")o"ations %aintain nu"ses an$ hos)ita s !o" thei" e%) o,ees an$ in 1a"ious othe" +a,s en'ou"age bette" __________. 1. )a, 4. !a'i ities 2. hea th 5. housing 3. t"aining

16. Q6hen go1e"n%ent sta"te$ an o"gani-e$ )"og"a% on o1e"seas 2ob ) a'e%ent* the __________ !o"eseen +as the 'ount",Ls oss o! %an)o+e" s&i s to abo" i%)o"ting 'ount"ies.R 1. $isa$1antages 4. $issatis!a'tion 2. e%ba""ass%ent 5. a))"ehension 3. $ishono"

17. 7"o% a $istan'e the 1ie+ o! an, in$ust"ia 'it, is obs'u"e$ b, a hea1, )a o! s%o&e exu$e$ !"o% !a'to", 'hi%ne,s. Resi$ents o! these 'ities ob2e't to the )h,si'a $is'o%!o"t o! a s%o&eG!i e$ at%os)he"e an$ to the ext"a ex)ense ne'essa", to "e) a'e sootG$a%age$ goo$s an$ to %eet abno"%a , high ___________ . 1. te e)hone bi s 4. !oo$ bi s 2. ight bi s 5. gas bi s 3. +ate" bi s

18. #u%i'e is a "o'& !o"%e$ b, the 'oo ing an$ ha"$ening o! a1a +hi'h 'ontains $isso 1e$ gases. #u%i'e is so ight that it +i ! oat on +ate". /his is be'ause it 'ontains so %an, ai" 'ha%be"s= it is 1e", __________. 1. "a"e 4. )o"ous 2. $u"ab e 5. b"i iant 3. 'o o"!u

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