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Take the Limits Off; Put Your Expectors On!

Wrap-up the old and Ramp-up!

By: Pam Perry, Ministry Marketing Solutions


Table of Contents

Page 3 Indulge in Chocolate Pages!

Page 4 Are You Insane?

Page 5-6 Six Steps to Make 2009 Simply Divine!

Page 7 Partnerships = Power

Page 8-11 Shhh! It’s a Secret!

Page 12 Let’s Make It Happen

Page 13 Books to Catapult Your Ministry to the Next Level

Page 14 About the Author, PR Coach Pam Perry


Indulge in Chocolate Pages!

Don’t worry. It’s not as messy as it sounds! The Chocolate Pages Network is a
social online network formed for Christian authors to network and promote their God-
given talents. Instead of cramming into an overly-crowded classroom with hundreds of
authors who all want to pass out 500 business cards, Chocolate Pages allows Christian
authors across the nation to not only promote their books and novels, but also gain help
from other members who may have a gift they need in order to take their book from start
to finish. But, first and foremost, this network of ‘chocolate pages’ seeks to promote and
spread the message of Jesus Christ.

Chocolate Pages, which now has close to 1000 members, is a place to blog, post
videos and photos, prayers and words of encouragements. I encourage you to put as much
information into Chocolate Pages as you can. The more you put into it, the more you will
get out of it. Chocolate Pages is all about synergy-creating the energy to do what needs to
be done, not alone, but together. There is no minister that could be prosperous without
members. No athlete could win a game without the help of the team. Teamwork makes
the dream work.

I’m reminded of a quote from Henry Ford: “Success is not rare; it is common; it is
a matter of adjusting one’s efforts to obstacles and one’s ability to a service needed by
others. There is no other possible success, but most people think of it in terms of getting
success; however it begins with giving.” When you give abundantly, you can expect
great success. If you want to skyrocket to success, anything that you do is going to take
more than you; it is going to take a partnership, a team.

To begin, we will briefly recap 2008 -- then forget about it. Philippians 3:13-14
tell us but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching
forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the
high calling of God in Christ Jesus. I will give you numerous tips on how to make 2009
your year! Your ministry through your books is destined to go to the next level in God!
Lastly, we’ll touch on how to maximize results through the use of The Chocolate Pages
Network and other social networks through synergy energy. Remember, what you put
into it determines what you get out of it!

Are You Insane?

At the beginning of every year, we get a clean slate—a chance to start anew. Many
make resolutions to do better in certain areas of their lives and have high hopes for
themselves and their futures.

But 2008 was different.

This past year brought about a new change in the lives of many people nationwide,
but not in a positive way. Layoffs hit the homes of many who thought they had definite
job security. Home foreclosure rates skyrocketed, causing bankruptcy to be an option for
many who had never considered it. And the auto industry – I'm from Detroit – has been
whacked! But with all that has taken place, does that mean we cave in? Does that mean
we don’t dream? The short answer is: NO!

One of my favorite quotes is: “In the midst of adversity is the biggest opportunity,
if you expect it.” The word for 2009 is: expect. The true definition of insanity is to do the
same things over and over again but expect different results. Are you insane? Expect
change with optimism, energy and a renewed vigor that something good is going to
happen. In the midst of adversity is the biggest opportunity – if you expect it. Don’t
keep your mind focused on the economy and how bad it is; what you draw on expands.
If you’re drawn on things that are negative, you are going to attract more negative. Your
most dominant thought has to be positive; put your expectors on.

In the next section, I’ll give you six tips on how to make 2009 simply divine!
These six simple steps will actually take you to the next level in your ministry with your
book and with anything else that you have to do in your career and business.

So expect the best, because in the midst of adversity is the biggest opportunity, if you
expect it!

Six Steps to Make 2009 Simply Divine!

Sit still and listen to the voice of God! Let Him direct your path.

2. READ, READ, and oh yeah, READ!

On the Chocolate Pages Network,, I have put in
many blogs and I expect that people are reading them. Every blog has essential
information that will help you build your platform, market your book and brand
your ministry. So read. Be curious. Take in more knowledge. In order for the
season of your life to change, you have to take in new information. Information
changes the season of your life!


Speak what you seek! Your tongue is the pen of a ready writer, so what are
you writing and speaking about your future? Confession precedes
possession. My 12-year old daughter took the time to write out her New
Year’s goals and then actually wrote out a confession! Part of her
confession is below:

God, this year I want to strive to be my best, in school, at home and anywhere
else you put me. God, please give me the discipline to succeed in these goals I
have set for myself. God, I will work hard at my goals instead of doing
nothing. Every day I’ll look like a successful person and I am a successful
person; favor surrounds me like a shield. Everywhere I go I am a leader, not a
follower; I will show others the light in 2009.

Write your goals and then write a confession based on the word of God for what
you want in 2009. Say it every day. Put it up on your mirror; put it on your
refrigerator; put it on your windshield. Wherever you go daily, say it until it comes
to pass!



Make preparations like you're ready for a big harvest! Get busy like it’s on
the way because it is. Prepare for it like you’re pregnant. I know an author who has a
new book called Pregnant in the Spirit and if you’ve ever been pregnant or seen
someone who is pregnant, they are preparing to give birth. They don’t just sit
around and wait for the baby to come. Wait in expectancy. Expect great things.
Prepare to give birth!


Jeremiah 29:11 says: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the
LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope
and a future.” Know that the plans God has for you are not disastrous, but for
your good. Take the limits off and put your expectors on!

This is a major key to your success. Who we associate with determines
where we go. Your prosperity is in the nucleus. I could tell you where
you’re going based on the books you read and those people who are a part of
your inner circle. You’ve got to read good things as well as associate with good
people. Forming alliances is key.

Partnerships = Power

Earvin “Magic” Johnson has a new book titled 32 Ways to Be a Champion in

Business. I have the book and I love it! One thing he talks about in the book is joining
forces with others and how that can bring big rewards. Magic Johnson has been pretty
savvy about joint venturing. He joint ventured with numerous theatres, soda pop
companies and even Starbucks. So in 2009, besides forming alliances, I also
encourage partnerships and joint ventures as essential marketing tools.

We've done countless press releases and all kinds of e-blasts. We've had book
signings and created great websites, postcards and bookmarks. But, we’ve left out one
key that we've seen at the forefront of the campaign of President Barack Obama. That
key is organizing the community and really pulling together. President Obama used
the community as his sole resource throughout his campaign and hence, won the race.
Learn how to use your resources.

Your main resources are each other. Your resources are key people – those that are
part of your team, your dream team, those who will assist you as you grow in your
business and ministry. We need to be about our Father’s business. If we’re all about
our Father’s business, and we’re all His children, then we obviously need to work
together as brothers and sisters in Christ. The best marketing strategy secret is to
create synergy with others. Next, we will break down keys to making the secret work
for your success.

Shhh! It’s a Secret!

We have two ears and one mouth for a reason. You should listen twice as much as
you talk. There are people in the Chocolate Pages Network who simply post, post,
post and never take the time to read anyone else’s blogs. They never take time to
look around the site to see what resources are there. They never send anyone else a
message. They go in, post their work, and it’s like wham bam -- I've put my stuff
in so I’m done. Many are trying to brand their product or service, but that's not
really branding – it’s more or less like spamming. The purpose of a social network
is essentially to develop relationships. Whether you're part of Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, MySpace or Chocolate Pages, the point of it is not just to collect people
like rocks and put them to the side. Form relationships with people. If you learn
enough about a person, you will know what their strengths are and how they can
possibly help you. And if you tell them more about what you do, you may be able
to help them as well.

There are members of Chocolate Pages that live in the United Kingdom and some
who reside in Los Angeles. Some live in the Mid-West and some in the South. But
we all have one common goal: to let the world know about our books! Iron
sharpens iron. Your ministry will go much further if you partner with others.
Partnering gives you limitless opportunities that you can not produce alone. You
can gain more buzz for your book by combining your strengths with others’
strengths. We are not in competition with each other! Work with each other and
you are guaranteed to go further. What you do for others God will make happen
for you. We know the principle. We learned it in church, but it’s time we apply the
principle to our lives. God will set up divine connections for you that you will
propel you to your next level.


Make time for success. After you complete your work day, -- don’t surf the net
while at work, maintain integrity -- instead of watching TV from 6.00 to 9.00 at
night, spend time on the Internet. Listen to blog talk shows. If you haven’t listened
to the Chocolate Pages blog talk show, take a listen. That’s just one of many! has many virtual shelves that explain how to gain internet
publicity. Also, new this year, I have a new show at\ministrymarketingsolutions that concentrates primarily on
Internet publicity, marketing and book promotions. This is just one more resource
that will help brand your ministry, grow your business and build your platform for
your book. Your book is a business! When you have a book, you have another
stream of income, not just a book. Keep in mind, you’re building a business.


In my latest book, Synergy Energy, I list approximately 30 various trade shows and
conferences that are scheduled throughout this year. You may want to participate
as a visitor or you may choose to have your own booth so people can gain
information from you. To cut costs, you can even partner with another author to
have a booth at the Book Expo of America or the ICRS show. You not only save
money, but you both get to promote your book so it’s a win-win situation. Also
consider that if you buy a booth by yourself, you will not be able to network with
other vendors because you won’t be able to leave your booth. Consider bringing
along a partner so that you may take full advantage of the resources available.


If you know different authors that have had success with book clubs, you can ask
them for contact information for their particular book club. Many blog sites
actually do reviews of books and author interviews. Partnering with them is a great
way to expand your voice. Radio station announcers are always looking for
creative ways to reach out to their listeners. By providing them with books that
they can give away to their callers, you gain publicity and essentially free radio
advertisement. This is called trade for mentions.


If someone buys a book by Kim Brooks that doesn’t mean they can’t buy a book
by Stacy Adams. If it’s in the same genre, it would be good to work together
because if a consumer likes Kim’s books, they may very well like Stacy’s books.
Mail your post cards with advertisements for both authors’ books to libraries,
church bookstores and general bookstores. Remember, we are not in competition

with each other. There are people who do read more than one book a year so they
can read yours as well as another author’s.


There’s a group called The Anointed Authors on Tour. They travel different parts
of the country as a team promoting their books and performing book signings.
Each person has a set responsibility to make the tour a success. This is proof of
how authors can gain great success by working together. Many authors have very
similar topics. Their perspective may be a bit different, but both authors can
benefit by creating buzz for their audiences and cut not only the cost, but the work,
in half.


When an author has a book release, it’s as if the author has just given birth to a
new baby! You congratulate them! Everyone who gives birth likes to hear that
their baby is beautiful, so take the time to go to their book release. Offer to blog
about their new release via your personal blog or e-mail. Ask that author to send
you some bookmarks and flyers that promote the new book and place them at your
own book table when you market your product. When you bless someone else, it
is guaranteed to come back to you. The key to remember in 2009 is if you learn to
give and release, God will work a miracle. Just expect it. When you give unto
someone else you live in abundance. Those that give usually are the ones that
receive the blessing back. Those that are afraid, stingy and selfish tend to get
more negative energy. In the end, it really blocks your own blessings. We always
want to be a blessing to each other.


It doesn’t hurt to put someone else’s link on your website or on your blog. You can
also place a link to various bookstores on your site. That drives traffic to their
stores. If we don’t support them in our community, many of our community
bookstores will not be around. If they’re not around, there will be nowhere to have
the lavish book signings many authors often look
forward to. Remember, when you add links to your site, you also increase traffic to
your own site.


Offer to include another author’s content in your e-zine or newsletter and ask if
they would be willing to do the same for you. The more useful content you give

your market the more they will love and support you. Also offer to sell another
author’s book at your events and ask them to do the same. Offer commission or an
incentive to make it financially worthwhile for others to promote your book. You
can’t physically go to every seminar or conference, but you can ship books to
another author to sell your books at a conference you are unable to attend.

Go to
And get your copy of all these tips and more!!

Let’s Make It Happen

More than likely, the main resources that you need are going to be found in
partnering with other people. Partnerships will multiply your influence, your
impact and credibility. It will often cause your publishing career to soar to new
heights. By helping others to succeed, you become a success as well. Learn to
market together. I encourage you to get my latest book, Synergy Energy, and
explore the various conferences that you may want to attend this year and seek out
other authors to determine if they have an interest in attending as well. The book
also lists numerous bookstores where authors can do co-op mailings together. This
is a must-have resource to make your publishing career a total success!
John Maxwell said: “If you want to achieve great success in business as a
Christian, then you need to be very, very Christian, but also very, very business.”
It’s not about how ‘saved’ we are if we’re not taking care of business. When you
say you’re a Christian author, when you say you’re a Christian business, people
look at you with a little bit more scrutiny. We need to be sure that we’re doing our
due diligence. Make sure you do your homework. Read. Form the right alliances.
Write and speak your vision. Be productive and proactive. Make preparations for
your big harvest and then, take the limits off God! No matter what it looks like, no
matter what has happened in 2008, you can send a strong message to the enemy by
putting your pen to the paper. Also, learn podcasting and blogging and all of web
2.0 things, where you do moblogs and video blogs; we call them wikis and zines.
Those are things that we’ve got to continue to learn. Someone said to me: “Boy,
things sure are changing really fast!” Yes, they are changing really fast, but we’re
going to skyrocket to success because we’re going to keep up with it.
Ask yourself: What are your three main goals for 2009? Write them out and
find an accountability partner who will hold you accountable for attaining those
goals. What will you do differently in your career in 2009 than you did in 2008?
Remember, the definition of insanity is to do the same things over and over again
but expect different results. When you make changes, your results will change.
This year, put the pressure on God and concentrate on His Word. Recall Jeremiah
29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
In 2009… Take the limits off God and put your expectors on! God has
great things in store for you!

Books to Catapult Your Ministry to the Next Level

 Synergy Energy: How to Market Your Book, Grow Your Business and Brand
Your Ministry by Pam Perry, Anthony and Crystal Obey
Emmy Award Winning Promoter, Pam Perry, and International Joint Venture Specialists, Anthony and Crystal Obey,
have joined together to bring you the tools you need to succeed in any economy as an author, entrepreneur, or
ministry leader -- especially in the African-American Christian Market. Synergy Energy will help you discover and
implement strategies and methods that will skyrocket you to success.

 32 Ways to Be a Champion in Business by Earvin “Magic” Johnson

The success of his businesses proved that ethnically diverse urban residents would welcome and support major
brands if given the opportunity. Earvin continues to be a leader of urban economic development that provides jobs,
goods, and a new spirit of community. 32 Ways to Be a Champion in Business will inspire and enlighten readers who
wish to make a similar impact with their careers and business endeavors.

 Click: 10 Ways to Build Extraordinary Relationships by George Fraser

Imagine mastering the skills to create an extraordinary marriage, lifelong friendships, or powerful and enriching
business relationships. That is what awaits you in Click -- the tools to tap into the richest resource on the
planet--other people.

 Release Your Brilliance: The 4 Steps to Transforming Your Life and Revealing Your Genius to the World by
Simon T. Bailey
Each of us is born brilliant. Then we spend the rest of our lives having our brilliance buried by people,
circumstances, and experiences. Eventually, our brilliance becomes locked away in a vault deep within. Release
Your Brilliance provides the combination to the vault where your brilliance is kept.

 What's Really Holding You Back? : Closing the Gap Between Where You Are and Where You Want to Be by
Valorie Burton
“Everybody can use a little help getting out of a rut, and this book by Valorie Burton is just the boost you need.
Whether you’re having trouble reaching a major goal in life or you just want to stay on top of your game,
Valorie has some inspiring words that will take you to the next level.”
–Tom Joyner, syndicated radio personality

 Reposition Yourself: Living Life Without Limits by T.D. Jakes

Jakes takes the biblical definition of faith--the substance of things not yet realized--and adds that without
some effort, faith becomes nothing more than a belief in magic. Jakes reinforces the connection between
faith, good works, and responsibility and offers sound advice on how to put faith into action.

 Words of Wisdom: Daily Affirmations of Faith from Run’s House to Yours by Rev. Run
Words of Wisdom is a collection of inspirational aphorisms, which Rev. Run sends out to his closest friends
each day. They were suddenly made popular when his television show zoomed to the top of the MTV
charts. When the day is over, go to sleep. Never sit up worrying about tomorrow. Work hard and let God do
the rest.

 The Principles and Power of Vision by Myles Munroe


Author Myles Munroe explains how you can make your dreams a living reality. Your success is not
dependent on the state of the economy. You do not exist just to earn a paycheck. Revive your passion for
living. Pursue your dream. Discover your vision--and find your true life.

About the PR Coach & Author: Pam Perry

The Detroit News and Free Press recently called her "a marketing whiz on an
almost immortal mission." Publishers Weekly calls her a "PR Guru." Known as the
"connector and PR coach," Pam Perry knows how to pull the right people together for the
right project at the right time and garner the right publicity. Her public relations and
advertising career spans over two decades getting media hits for clients from Essence and
Ebony magazines, TBN, Oprah, The Word Network, Tom Joyner, Tavis Smiley and Steve
Harvey to name a few.
Perry is the co-author of “Synergy Energy: How to Market Your Book, Grow Your
Business and Brand Your Ministry.” She is the founder of BART (Blacks in Advertising,
Radio & Television), a nonprofit networking organization for African Americans in the
media. As a past winner of the "One to Watch" Award from the American Women in
Radio and TV – Detroit Chapter, she also won an Emmy for her work as a producer for
“The Edge with Jeffrey Miller.”
Her passion is Christian books and assisting writers become authors through the
American Christian Writers Association where she is president/founder of the Detroit
Chapter. As a book publicity coach, she hosts weekly teleconferences on various
PR/marketing topics with self-published authors and provides PR counsel to ministries
To obtain publicity coaching or ministry consulting, please contact Pam Perry at
And at for free downloads of the book!

You can also check out Pam Perry’s popular social networking site at

Hear her internet radio show at:

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