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8. How to Disciple a new Believer

This week’s Bible Reading

Memorise Acts 2:41-42
Sun. Psalms 93-94
Mon. 2 Corinthians 7 “So those who received his word were
Tue. 2 Corinthians 8 baptized, and there were added that
Wed. 2 Corinthians 9 day about three thousand souls. And
Thu. 2 Corinthians 10 they devoted themselves to the
Fri. 2 Corinthians 11 apostles teaching and fellowship, to
Sat. Psalms 93-94 the breaking of bread and the prayers.”

We are unlikely ever to experience the mass conversion of the Day of Pentecost, when 3000
people trusted Christ and needed to be discipled, but the principles are the same however
many turn to Christ. Many appeals are made every year in Christian conventions and in some
churches, and sometimes there is a huge response – several hundred in some large meetings.
However, sadly, many of those who raise their hands in a meeting have no idea what they
have done, nor will anyone ever tell them what it means to follow Jesus.

This lesson is an attempt to give some guidance how we can help those who have responded
to the Gospel appeal and who say they want to follow Christ. We assume that you have
yourself trusted Christ. If you preach a message – or if you attend a Convention where the
Gospel has been preached and people have responded, what should you do to help those who
have just made a decision to commit themselves to Christ?

When the apostles preached the gospel after Pentecost, they immediately did certain things to
make sure that the new converts were safe and would begin to grow as Christians.

Read Acts 2:38-47

What steps did the new converts take, advised and helped by the believers?

• Verse 38 ____________________________________________________________
• Verse 38 ____________________________________________________________
• Verse 38 ____________________________________________________________
• Verse 42 ____________________________________________________________
• Verse 42 ____________________________________________________________
• Verse 42 ____________________________________________________________
• Verse 42 ____________________________________________________________
We will now use these seven points to learn how we should help those who respond to the
Gospel – whether in a meeting or privately. But first, read 1 Peter 2:2.

How does Peter describe new Christians – those who have recently trusted Christ or who
have never grown up in their faith? ___________________________________________

1. Explaining Conversion

The first and most important thing to explain to a new believer is the meaning of salvation.
This is important, because the person may have never understood Christian teaching and may
have little or no idea what it means to be saved. In Peter’s sermon in Acts 2, he used the
words: ‘Repent’ and ‘Forgiveness’. These are important truths and the new believer needs to
understand what they mean.
• Repentance is something that we must do. What does it mean?

• Faith is also something that we must have. Explain its meaning.

• Forgiveness is what Jesus Christ has promised through His death on the Cross. How
do we receive it?

• New Life in Christ is the experience of salvation. Explain its meaning.

Look up the following verses, note which important truth they teach and then write your own
words how you would explain the Truth to a new believer.

What truth does this How would you explain this Truth
verse teach? to a new believer?
Acts 3:19

John 5:24

2 Corinthians 5:17

Romans 8:9-10
There are some absolutely vital Truths in these verses. Please study this carefully, discuss it in
your group and make sure you know what essential Truths every new believer must know if
he (or she) is to be sure of their salvation, truly converted and able to grow in Christ.

Go through the Bible verses with the new believer. Make sure he (or she) understands what
you are teaching. Many people have never truly repented of their sin, do not have assurance
of salvation or forgiveness and do not understand what it means to have Christ in their hearts
by the Holy Spirit. Repeat the lesson several times if you think they have not understood.

2. The importance of Baptism

There is no doubt that the Bible emphasizes the importance of Baptism for the new believer –
in fact for every believer – and for this reason we devote a special lesson in this Course to the
subject of Baptism (Volume 4).

• Jesus commanded it (Matthew 28:19)

• The early Christians practised it (Acts 2:41)
• The apostles explained it and taught it (Romans 6:3-4)

However, for historical reasons, different churches practise baptism in different ways.
 Some baptize children, believing that the children of believing parents are sanctified
by their parents (see 1 Corinthians 7:14)
 Some baptize only believing adults (Acts 8:12)
 Some believe it is best to wait until a new believer is established in the faith; others
believe baptism should be given immediately
 In the case of people from non-Christian background, baptism can be a very costly
and courageous step. It is best to be sensitive when advising such people about the
need for baptism.

Neverthelss, Baptism is an important teaching for new believers and you should talk about it
with the person who has put his (or her) faith in Christ. As best you can, answer the following

• Baptism is an important biblical truth. Do you agree? / disagree?

• Baptism is important for this reason (write your reason why you believe it is important):

• When I teach the importance of baptism, I will use the following Bible verses to show
the reasons why all believers should be baptized:
_______________________ ______________________ ______________________

• Baptism is an important symbol of

1. See Acts 2:38 __________________________________________________
2. See Acts 8:12 ___________________________________________________
• There is another important Baptism that new believers must learn about. What is it?
3. See Acts 8:15-16 _________________________________________________

3. The Power of the Holy Spirit

When a person turns to Christ, four important things happen, if his (or her) salvation is to be
complete according to the Bible:
1. He repents and turns away from his old life of sin
2. He places his faith firmly in the finished work of Christ for forgiveness
3. He is baptized in public witness to his repentance and faith
4. He is baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit
These four steps should be explained and taught to every new believer.

We come now therefore to the important step of “receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts
2:38). You need to study the lesson on the Holy Spirit in Volume 1 and the Fullness of the
Spirit in Volume 2 in order to understand the full importance of His presence and power in
our lives. In this chapter we will simply emphasize the necessity of introducing the Holy
Spirit to the new believer.

Why is this so important? Read the verses and answer that question:
John 14:15-17 ______________________________________________________________
John 16:7-11 _______________________________________________________________
Acts 1:8 ___________________________________________________________________
Romans 8:5-6 ______________________________________________________________

When you meet with your new disciple, pray with him (or her), and instruct him to open his
heart to invite the Holy Spirit into his life. Explain who the Holy Spirit is – that He is the
power and presence of God in the world today, the personal representative of Jesus – and tell
him that it is the Holy Spirit who will
• Give assurance of salvation (Romans 8:15-16)
• Give power over sin (Romans 8:2)
• Cause the fruit of Christ-like character to grow in his life (Galatians 5:22-24)
• Give gifts for service and ministry (1 Corinthians 12:4-7)
• Enable us to pray (Romans 8:26)
• Give power to witness to Christ (John 15:26)

4. The Life of the Community

There is a separate lesson on the importance of Fellowship and membership of the Church in
Volumes 1 and 4. This is a brief introduction in the context of a vital truth that new believers
must learn. What is this Truth?

Read Hebrews 10:24-25 What does this verse teach about the importance of keeping in
close fellowship with other true and faithful believers?
Fellowship in a community of the faithful is essential to spiritual survival in this hostile
world. Make sure your new believer understands this, and help him to find a church
fellowship which will encourage him. In looking for such a church, these are the essential
qualities of a Fellowship that will be of help to him (all found in Acts 2:42):

1. Good Bible teaching

How does Paul advise his disciple Timothy? Read 2 Timothy 2:15

What happens to those that do not know the Truth. Read 2 Timothy 2:16-18

Paul insists that Timothy be clear in his doctrine. Read 2 Timothy 3:14.

2. Fellowship

The true meaning of Fellowship (Greek koinonia) is “sharing things in common”.

The early Christians took this very literally and see how they were blessed! What did
they do? Read Acts 2:44-45.

Would it be good if we did more of this together? Would it give us a closer sense of
the importance of the Christian community? Make sure your new believer is part of
such a Fellowship of committed disciples.

3. Breaking of Bread

This has two meanings. What are they?

1. Read 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 _______________________________________
2. Read Acts 2:46-47 ________________________________________________

If more of this second custom was practised, do you think more people would see the
reality of the Christian faith in everyday life? Make sure your new disciple learns this.

4. Prayer

Prayer should be a natural response to the discovery that God is our Father, Jesus is
our saviour and the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts. But does it come so easily? What
did the disciples ask Jesus in Luke 11:1? __________________________________

How did He reply? Luke 11:2-13

We need to encourage new believers to pray out loud, to attend and share in prayer
meetings, and to keep in close fellowship with God through prayer.

♦ Apply this lesson to your life

1. There has been a lot in this lesson, Much of it is very simple – of course it is! The purpose
is to know how to disciple a new believer. We disciple him (or her) by giving him milk –
not solid food. But are we prepared to pay the price of getting close and spending time
with new and young believers? Count the cost. It can be hard – especially if the new
believer has problems from his background. Are you ready to pay the price?

2. Think carefully about your own experience. What would you like to have been taught on
the day you received Christ? Did you get proper instruction in the basics of the Christian
life? Write down what you believe you need to know to begin the Christian life.

A Prayer while you study this lesson:

Oh God, I have been so privileged to have received love and care when I came to
Christ. Somehow I received Christian teaching, some encouragement and help to grow
in my faith. Please help me now to know how I can encourage others as they take their
first steps of faith as followers of Christ. Teach me how to be a good spiritual parent.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

♦ Team group study questions:

1. Review the section: “Explaining Conversion”. Ask each person to tell how they would
counsel a new believer – in order to be sure that all the important truths are covered:
Repentance, Faith, Forgiveness, Assurance of Salvation and New Life in Christ. Get each
group member to give Bible references and explanations of the basic elements of

2. How wise is it to talk to new believers about Baptism? Should we encourage them to be
baptized soon or later? What should they do if they were already baptized as children?
What about baptism for non-Christians? Should we speak about it or nor wait till they ask

3. How can we introduce a new believer to the life of faith? Discuss the importance of being
a mentor (or close friend and example) to new believers. We are all examples (some good,
some bad). Should we try harder to personally mentor weak and young Christians?

4. Discuss ways to help new believers to become active members of Christian Fellowships –
churches or youth groups. Sometimes such groups are hard to join and quickly discourage
mew members.

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