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I am not an author or have a University degree, however it is my life

purpose to serve the Creator, and spread the love by bringing awareness
to what is going on in the world and to help you awaken before the
upcoming earth changes. I am just a spiritual seeker trying to find my
life purpose and share the love and light with others. So when I write, I
truly write from my soul. So if there are any grammatical errors, please
forgive me, however, this does not change what I am trying to pass on to
you: The Energy of Love so you can Pay it Forward.
In academic and religious definition was mentioned above. The concept of karma is part of the world view of many millions
of people throughout the world. Many in western cultures or with a Christian upbringing have incorporated a notion of
karma. The Christian concept of reaping what you sow from Galatians 6:7 can be considered equivalent to Karma.[34]
According to karma, performing positive actions results in a good condition in one's experience, whereas a negative action
results in a bad effect. The effects may be seen immediately or delayed. Delay can be until later in the present life or in the
next. Thus, meritorious acts may mean rebirth into a higher station, such as a superior human or a godlike being, while evil
acts result in rebirth as a human living in less desirable circumstances, or as a lower animal. Some observers[who?] have
compared the action of karma to Western notions of sin and judgment by God or gods, while others understand karma as an
inherent principle of the universe without the intervention of any supernatural Being. In Hinduism, God does play a role and
is seen as a dispenser of karma; see Karma in Hinduism for more details. The non-interventionist view is that of Buddhism
and Jainism.
Most teachings say that for common mortals, being involved with karma is an unavoidable part of daily living. However, in
light of the Hindu philosophical school of Vedanta, as well as Gautama Buddha's teachings, one is advised to either avoid,
control or become mindful of the effects of desires and aversions as a way to moderate or change one's karma (or, more
accurately, one's karmic results or destiny). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The word Karma literally means action. It may appear that Karma is happening to us, as if some outside force is causing
good things or bad things to come to us. However, it is really our own inner conditionings and processes that are leading
us to experience outer effects or consequences in relation to our own actions. Law of Karma: The law of Karma is a
universal process, whereby causes and to effects. This is something that all of us are already familiar with, whether or
not we use the word Karma to describe it. Newton's third law of motion, that every action leads to a reaction, is an
application of the law of Karma. Whether we are talking about physics or daily life in the world, it is extremely useful to
understand the law and process of Karma so that we may regulate or direct the process. We can soften the impact of the
playing out of our past Karmas, and can choose our own future Karma if we are willing to put in the effort to learn how
to do it. by Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati

In this article I am going to talk about the laws of cause and effect and karma and why the Earth
Changes are a consequence of the evil of this world and our inability of humanity to make the changes
necessary to live in oneness with all of life. It is a consequence of our selfishness that the earth changes
are upon us. Every human being is accountable for what has happened to our planet and as such we
will all all suffer the consequences of our actions as the collective. Even if we live a good life we will
still pay the collective karmic consequences. Humanity has not cared enough to lead a selfless life and
serve the Creator by being in oneness with each other and with all of life on the planet and live the laws
of one. WE ARE ALL INTERCONNECTED, WE ARE ALL ONE. What affects one person affects the
all as it creates a ripple effect that affects the whole planet.

I will be using a lot of quotations and information from the book the children of the law of one and the
lost teachings of Atlantis by Jon Penial because the information is applicable to what I
want to share with you in this article.

I have wrote other articles explaining that what we have sowed we are going to reap. You create karma
by inaction. Many of us see the atrocities of the world and the pain of the innocent and we do
NOTHING to help bring about the changes.


I hightly recommend you buy the book

The Spiritual Self

Came to Be
As The One divided within itself.
Created then, were Infinite
multiplicities of the One
Still One with the One
Consciousness of Oneness Remained
Separate Self Consciousness
Came to Be
As the Separate Self
Moved deeper into the Matter of Earth
Vibration Fell into Density and Fragmentation
With Polarization into Male and Female.
The Opposites Repelled.
The Positive lost Receptivity.
The Receptive turned from the Positive.
Polarity misdirected, the Flow waned Chaotic.
Severed in Consciousness From The One,
The Way was Lost.
The Separate Self
Only has Life in Separation.
Separation is an illusion,
that the Separate Self Works to Maintain.
The Monkey Mind serves to keep away the stillness
that reveals the Light of Truth and Oneness.
In the Illusion of Separateness
from the One, Ahura Mazda,
The Separate Self believes,
and behaves,
in ways that are not harmonious
in the flow of the One.
Such disharmony causes suffering,
both for the Separate Self,
and others.
The Separate Self.
Turned Within instead of Without
Began the way of Take instead of Give
Thus was the Birth of Self-ishness
Then Came to Be
The SELFISH Separate Self
The master of Selfishness,
The Pawn of Darkness.
Selfishness -
The Root of all evil,
All ignorance,
All wrongs,
All pain and suffering.
Greed, Hate, Jealousy, Envy, Vanity and Lust,
Call thee each by thy true name -
Theft, Brutality, War, and Famine -
Exist not without Selfishness.
The Selfish Separate Self
Is a creature
of our own design.
It Disdains Love
Shuns the Light
Fears the Truth
The Selfish Separate Self
Lives Against the One
It Lives a Lie
It survives only in illusion
It Lives only to serve itself, and its masters -
the darkness and
The Lords of darkness.
It relishes ignorance.
With its self-centered gaze,
It is Blind.
The Selfish Separate Self
Is Insane.
Terrified of death -
yet it often accelerates its demise.
Wants to avoid suffering,
yet it often creates it.
Wants to fulfill its every desire,
yet it often prevents their attainment.
It suffocates itself with its own blind taking,
and destroys its own source of life.
The Selfish Separate Self
Controls the Mind
and Twists the Truth
It can avoid God by Searching for God
It can avoid Love, by looking for Love
Your Selfish Separate Self
Is the most terrible Demon
You will ever See
Transcend its Grip
And you will be Free
Your Selfish Separate Self
Will frighten You
When you look it in the Eye
Greet it with True Love
And it will Die
From the ashes of its Grave
Like the Sun it will Rise
Born anew, Separate no longer
To serve your True Self
And the Will of The One.
As a servant,
Its proper place,
It Finds Peace and Happiness.
Thusly do the Great Enemies,
Become Allies,
As One.
The One
Becomes Two
The Two become Three
The Two Beget Four
and Begins the More
Within and Without
Torn Between and Against
Mirrors on All Sides
Split Inside and Out
Again and again
Thus is the Ignorant Self
To Be Whole Again
To Be home Again
Only The Weary Learn
Only The Bleeding heart Returns
To Be Whole with the One Again
Is the Great Goal.
The Great Mountain we can climb
with our Will.
For Those who Take Power over
Their Selfish Separate Self,
Will Return
And Be Wholly One.
The Wholly Ones use the Power of Love,
Sacrifice Their Selfish Separate Self,
And Make To Give.
Thusly did they Find Their Spiritual Self Again.
Thusly do they Forever Walk
With the Peace of the Whole,
And in Their Wholiness,
are a Blessing to All.

Modern humankind has the unique capability of total annihilation.

Advanced weapons of all kinds, including biological, chemical, nuclear, and
particle beam devices, allow war to be waged on a scale that dwarfs anything in the
past, and have the capability to destroy much more than just human life - it could
destroy most life on Earth.

Now we can destroy the people and ecology of an entire planet. The barbaric
ancestors of some humans would have done the same thing, had they gotten the
chance. Even with crude means they still did atrocious things on grand scales -
including genocide of entire races. Witness the inquisitions that burned hundreds of
thousands alive, after being tortured, not to mention vicious wars and enslavement
of entire countries. And look at what is happening right now.”

People all over the world are still being routinely suppressed in
virtual slavery. The major powers of the world are undergoing economic and social
disintegration. Crime and hatred actually are on the rise, and grow daily. And if you
think torture is passé, or hasn’t kept up with technology, just check with Amnesty

But warfare directed at other people is not the only means humans now have
to achieve total annihilation. Humans have waged a sort of war on animals also,
wiping out entire species for direct profit, or as a side-effect of other ventures. They
have waged war on nature also, wiping out great forests, killing oceans and the
creatures there, creating holes in the atmosphere, and ultimately forcing the extinction
of species at an incredible rate - I think the last time I heard it was something
like 180 species per day (depending on the statistics you use). The imbalances created
by humans have affected everything on Earth. Now new mutant diseases are
on the loose, climactic changes are beginning to alter the environment with floods
and droughts that will soon cause famine as weather makes food growing difficult
to impossible.
Scientists have now discovered that many animals, including some fish, are
being born neither male or female. That means that this will be the last generation
for many species. Human male sperm count is down 40% since WWII. How long
before humans will not be able to reproduce either?

Many people live in denial of these harsh realities of the world because of their
fear. And because of that fear, they have embraced unrealistic spiritual beliefs such
as “If you don’t think bad things or believe they can happen, you won’t ‘empower’
them, thus they won’t happen”. Thoughts can affect things. But if that were true,
how do you explain a baby getting sick from getting into something poisonous
under a kitchen sink? The baby has no thoughts or beliefs about it one way or the
other. And even if an adult isn’t around, it will get sick and can die. Something to
think about.

from the ‘way of life’ of dolphins, bears, insects, snakes, etc.. Only humans are so
out of touch with the nature of things. Now that humans have the ability to end
all life as we know it, they are doing so, even to the extent that it will cause their
own extinction. A bit extreme, don’t you think? A bit blind? Why would normally
non-suicidal people act this way? LOST TEACHINGS OF ATLANTIS -

Surviving the Upcoming Earth Changes, Are You Ready?

And right now the laws of cause and effect will be felt when the upcoming earth changes. So much is
written on the Internet and in books about the upcoming earth changes.

Here are some links regarding earth changes:
Mother Nature will cleanse herself of all the damage that we have created on the planet and this our
karma as we have contributed to much of the environmental problems on the earth due our selfishness.
And she will not just cleanse physically but she will also cleanse herself energetically, because of all
the negativity we have created with our thoughts and actions. We just have to take a look around us to
see what is going on in the world and their consequences on the whole planet. We are reaping what we
have sowed through greed: wars, the weather changes that we have caused through our negligence and
abuse of the natural resources on the planet. Some of the examples are extinction of animals,
contamination of the air, water and environment, the destruction of most Mother Earth's natural

Money and Gain seems more important than caring for the environment

Mankind has destroyed the planet

The Creator made Mother Earth a living entity and provided us through her everything we needed in
order to supply our physical needs. A living paradise with so much beauty. She gives us everything we
need food, shelter, water and air to breath, however, because of humanity's avarice to have more than
we need, we have destroyed most of her natural resources. We have made her unbalanced. Now she is
going to do something about it, she is going to cleanse herself. Either we help her balance now or we
will become like the dinosaurs, an extinct species.

Mother Earth as a Living Entity

We just need to see the erratic climate changes created by pollution and deforestation: global warming.

How we are polluting

Atmospheric Contamination and pollution of the environment

Comparison Picture on how the planet has warmed up in the last 200 Years
Consequences of Global Warming

The Rainbow Warrior Prophecy

The different Native American tribes and other cultures around the world have been warning us
through their prophecies of the destruction of the planet. These prophecies have passed from one
generation to another so that their people would be prepared. And the time is now, for the prophecies
are coming to pass for the last 20 years or more.

We have learned nothing from mankind's history. If so we would taken seriously these prophecies and
would have learned from our ancestors on how to commune and live with nature.

Other prophets through the ages have warned of us of these upcoming changes, one example is Edgar
Cayce, the sleeping prophet.

These are some of Edgar Cayce's Predictions regarding the earth changes. Judge for yourself if this
informations resonates with you. Some of the event's dates may be wrong as they still have not ocurred
yet, but I believe they will be ocurring with the next few years:

Edgar Cayce Predictions

Edgar Cayce was also called The Sleeping Prophet. In a trance state he responded to questions. These
question and answer sessions were known as Readings. The Readings were recorded in writing between
1901 and 1945. There are a total of 14,246 psychic readings on file in Virginia Beach at the Edgar Cayce

Question: How soon will the changes in the Earth's activity begin to be apparent?
Answer Cayce: When there is the first breaking up of some conditions in the south sea, and
those as apparent in the sinking or rising of that that's almost opposite same, or in the
Mediterranean, and the Etna area, then we may know it has begun.

Question: How should we regard those changes that do come about?

Answer Cayce: What is needed most in the Earth today? That the sons of men be warned
that the day of the Lord is at hand.

Question: What is meant by "the day of the Lord is near at hand"?

Answer Cayce: That has been promised through the prophets and sages of old, the time and
half time has been and is being fulfilled in this day and generation. Soon there will again
appear in the earth that one through whom many will be called to meet those that are
preparing the way for his day in the earth. The Lord, then will come, even as you have seen
him go.

Question: How soon?

Answer Cayce: When those that are His have made the way clear, passable for Him to
come. Don't think that there will not be trouble, but those who put their trust wholly in the Lord
will not come up missing. They will find conditions, circumstances, activities, someway and
somehow much to be thankful for.

Question: What can we do to counteract such serious happenings?

Answer Cayce: Tendencies in the hearts and souls of men are such that theses upheavals
may be brought about. Man is not ruled by the world, the earth or the environment nor
planetary influences. Rather it is true that man brings order out of chaos by his compliance
with Divine Law. By his disregard of the laws of Divine influence, man brings chaos and
destructive forces into his experience.

Question: What form will they take?

Answer Cayce: That may depend upon much that deals with metaphysical as well as what
Research: Edgar Cayce
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people call actual or in truth! There are those conditions in the activity of individuals, in line of
thought and endeavor that will keep many a city or land intact through the application of
spiritual laws in their association with individuals. As to times of earth changes, as to
seasons, as to places, alone is it given to those who have named the name and who bear the
mark of His calling and His election in their bodies. To them it shall be given.

Question: What greater change or the beginning of what change, if any, is to take place in
the year 2000 to 2001 A.D.?
Answer Cayce: When there is a shifting of the poles. Or a new cycle begins.

A group of Readings regarding Earth Changes.

Answer Cayce: As to conditions in the geography of the world and of the country changes
are gradually coming about.
Many portions of the east coast will be disturbed, as well as many portions of the west coast.,
as well as the central portion of the United States.Lands will appear in the Atlantic as well as the Pacific.
What is the coast line now of many a land will be the bed of ocean. Many of the battlefields of the present
(1941) will be ocean. Portions of the now east coast of New York, or New York City itself, will in the main
disappear. This will be another generation, ( Reading date 1941) while the southern portions
of Carolina, Georgia, these will disappear. This will be much sooner.
The waters of the Great Lakes will empty into the Gulf of Mexico. It would be well if a
waterway would be prepared. Virginia Beach will be among the safety lands as will be portions of what is
now Ohio, Indiana and Illinois and much of the southern portion of Canada, and the eastern portion of
Canada; while the western land, much of that is to be disturbed as of course much in other lands.

Question: Will Los Angeles be safe?

Answer Cayce: Los Angeles, San Francisco, most all of these will be among those that will
be destroyed before New York even.

California Earthquake Prediction

If there is the greater activities in the Vesuvius, or Pelee then the southern coast of California
and the areas between Salt lake and the southern portions of Nevada may expect within the
three months following same, an inundation by the earthquakes.

More Earth Change Readings

The earth will be broken up in many places. The early part will see a change in the physical
aspect of the west coast of America. There will be open waters appear in the northern
portions of Greenland.
There will be new lands seen off the Caribbean Sea, and dry land will appear. South America
will be shaken from the uppermost portion to the end, and in the Antarctic off Tierra Del
Fuego, land and a strait with rushing water.

Question: How soon will the changes in the earth's activity begin to be apparent?
Answer Cayce: When there is the first breaking up of some conditions in the South Pacific
Research: Edgar Cayce
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and the sinking or rising in the Mediterranean and the Etna area then we would say they have
Question: How long before this will begin?
Answer Cayce: The indications are that some of these have already begun.

Question: Will there be any physical changes in the earth's surface in North America?
Answer Cayce: All over the country we will find many physical changes of a minor or greater
degree. The greater change will be the North Atlantic Seaboard. Watch New York,
Connecticut and the like.

More Miscellaneous Earth Change Readings

As to changes physical again: the earth will be broken up in the western portion of America.
The greater part of Japan must go into the sea.
The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye. Land will appear
off the east coast of America.
There will be upheavals in the Arctic and in the Antarctic that will make for the eruption of
volcanoes in the torrid areas, and there will then be the shifting of the poles so that where
there have been those of a frigid or semi-tropical will become the more tropical, and moss
and fern will grow.
And these will begin in those periods 58 to 98 when these will be proclaimed as the periods
when His Light will be seen again in the clouds.

Question: How was the particular Great Pyramid of Gizeh built?

Answer Cayce: By the use of those forces in nature as make for iron to swim. Stone floats in
the air in the same manner. This will be discovered in 58. (In 1958 Prof. W. Heisenberg
announces the discovery of the Unified Field Theory).

The Lost Books of Nostradamus 3 part video series will give you an idea of the earth
changes that the prophet Nostradamus was also attempting to warn us about.

Watch on youtube Nostradamus famous predictions

And as I mentioned before there are many sites on surviving the earth changes and lot of safety tips and
manuals that you can download on on how to survive natural disasters. Well this essay I
am writing is about what you need to do spiritually in order to survive. And my spiritual Mother Crooked
Arrow has told me time and time again that only those who give up the material world and make the
changes within themselves will survive. This means living more in accordance with nature and respecting
all of life, developing your connection to God, developing your psychic gifts and living in service to others.
It is all about love. Your connection to others and cooperation with them will help you survive what is yet to
come. The changes involves leaving all addictions: money, sex, drugs, alcohol and eating a healthy and
natural diet. Mother Crooked Arrow has told me that Spirit has shown her that natural remedies such as
olive leaf extract, oregano oil and vitamin D which will help fight the different viruses that will kill those with
weak immune systems which are in the near future, as we will see more outbreaks of these viruses all over
the world. Some of the viruses affecting us in the 21st century are sars, avian and swine flues just to name
a few. You need to have a stock of these products at home. You also need to have a balanced body, mind
and spirit. All processed foods are poisonous to the body. In order for you to have a healthy body you need
to detox your system often to eliminate the toxins we have acquired through the ingestion of contaminated
foods, water and the air we breath. There is many sites on the Internet that explain how to detox the
system naturally and what natural herbs and diet can help you do so. All you need is to use to find the information available.

To survive these upcoming changes it involves changes in your attitude and being less self centered. The
connection that you make now with Mother Earth's soul will guarantee your survival in the next few years,
So start getting out in nature, take walks, get fit and start taking care of the environment. Relieve your fears
and stress by hugging trees and sending all negativity to the heart of mother earth which is within the
earth's core. Imagine having roots from your feet and all that negativity going to the earth and being healed
and recycled for the good of the whole planet, You can do this while hugging a tree also. You can imagine
that the tree's roots takes all the stress and negativity from your body down to mother earth to be recycled
and healed into positive energies. This meditation will really benefit you at all levels(body, mind and spirit)
and will also relieve you of any stress that your body is carrying that could eventually make you sick.
Connect your heart and soul to hers. If you listen she will speak to your heart. Meditate and balance your
chakra energy centers. If you do not know what chakra energy centers are there is a lot of information also
on the Internet for free. The Internet is a learning tool that if you know how to use, can expand your mind so
that you can acquire an immense amount of wisdom without having to spend a penny on books. Just use
your discernment what rings truth to you and apply only the knowledge that resonates with your soul, You
will reaps the benefits by having a healthy body, mind and spirit which will hep you survive what is yet to
come in the near future.

I have created two spiritual sites called God's Helping Angels and Surviving Earth Changes to bring
awareness and to help people awaken and smell the coffee before its too late. I also created them to
encourage people to leave their comfort zones and help each other grow spiritually for the upcoming earth
changes so they will be prepared and help others also survive.
My spiritual Mother Crooked Arrow has always told me that in order to survive the earth changes you also
need to remove your fears. She has written a wonderful ebook called The Medicine Warrior to help us heal
our fears based on her workshop with the same name: The Medicine Warrior Workshop.

Excerpt from The Medicine Warrior Workshop Ebook by Mother Crooked Arrow:

This sacred Medicine Warrior Path is not an easy road to walk. One begins this sacred commitment
by being completely honest with oneself. The warrior does this through self examination. The true
Medicine Warrior Way is a journey filled with a continual awakening of spirit to its highest
achievements. It is the path of balance and uniformity. It is a road where one learns that spirit is
one’s true purpose. That the mind is the builder of one’s life, while the body is the facilitator of what
the mind and the spirit have manifested in the physical. We are truly body, mind and spirit. The
Medicine Warrior Way is one of continual protection of children, our elders, animals, plants, the
earth and the sacred old ways.

To buy here ebook, here is the link:

I have several of my spiritual mother's Mother Crooked Arrow's books and one that I just received recently
is Earth Walk. In her own words:

Earth Walk was inspired by the the warnings given by the Elder Brother's of the Kogi Tribe, to the
rest of the world. The Earth Walk information is not just written for the adult population. This
inspirational book will be a great aide to troubled teenagers as well as distraught adults. Most
teenagers today are faced with an overwhelming variety of options, which can cause some mental
and emotional disturbances. As we have all noticed this can result in drug and/or alcohol abuse,
sexual promiscuity and suicide. With so much confusion building in some teenagers minds, there
is very little room left for self-esteem. People of all ages are searching for harmony in their troubled
lives. Some unfortunately die before they ever find it. Others live a very painful or destructive life.

The Earth Walk information is a means for obtaining a balance that brings with it peace of mind.
There are many ways to use this unique combination of information. You can use it to help give you
daily inspiration or as a weekly, monthly or even quarterly guide as to how to walk in harmony with
mother earth with peace of mind.

Within the past 20 years or more people have been trying to find ways to once again reclaim the
spiritual harmony that their ancestors once shared with the other creatures of this planet. Now with
the illustrations and inspirational words of Earth Walk, we can learn to become more balanced in
this stressful world we live in and learn once again to walk the Earth in harmony.

More of Crooked Arrows books:

The Enlightenment
The Whispering Desert
A Tree for Health
The First Medicine Wheel Coloring Book
Not His-story, Not Her-story, But Another story
Will you Listen
The L.O.O.P
Restoring Tribal Pride

Also by Crooked Arrow and Her son, Night Hawk:

A Song in My Heart
The Nomians

For more information regarding these books visit Surviving Earth Changes and contact Crooked
Arrow through the site:

or visit Portals of Spirit where some of these books are in .pdf format are for sale:

About my Spiritual Mother Crooked Arrow:

Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the second oldest child, she was given the name Crooked Arrow by her
great grandfather at birth. Crooked Arrow is a gifted Intuitive Anatomical Health Practitioner, as well as a
Spiritual Counselor and Tribal Medicine Woman, who has devoted her time and energy into helping others.
Her sensitivity and ability to understand the signs around us, enables her to consult on Body, Mind and
Spirit. From a technical and certification aspect, Crooked Arrow has a Master’s Degree in Herbalism, and a
Ph.D. in Natural Nutrition as well as an extensive background in massage, polarity and aroma therapies.
She is the founder of the Mustard Seed Medicine Council. She has won numerous awards for her poetry
and was recently among the finalist in the Red Bull Art of Can 2008 Exhibitions. She is a crafter and a
recycle artist using junk mail to create beautiful works of art.

I have known Mother Crooked Arrow for quite some time now. We met on .Ning social network groups. We
actually belonged to many of the same groups including the two I created. From the moment I met her, I
thought she was a very fascinating person and I was mediately captivated by her personality and the way
that she walked her talk as a medicine warrior. She is a very charismatic person, people are just drawn to
her. Then she told me I was her spiritual daughter. That is another story that I will discuss some other time.

She is a Mother, a Grandmother, an Artist, a Healer, an Author and a Light Worker. She is not only my
friend, but also my spiritual mother. She has helped me through the worst ordeal of my life and continues to
do so. Something very similar to what happened to her also happened to me. The dark side always looks
for ways of stopping light workers from accomplishing their life’s purpose, targeting them through what they
fear the most.
I feel like I came from another planet, dropped here on the planet earth which is not my true home. I have
never felt I belonged until I met other spiritually like minded people like myself. Even my family has not
awakened and they live like ¾ of the planet's population, its all about the ego, the “me” attitude, what can I
do to benefit myself.

Even animals seem to be smarter than humans. Take the wolf for example they help and protect each other
as a group when faced with dangers. Animals who survived the tsunami in Asia were aware of the dangers
even before humans were. They are grounded and connected with nature so they know the signs when
danger is upon them. There were groups of aborigines in the area untouched by civilized man who also
survived the tsunami. From what I have read, they want nothing to do with civilized man. They are happy in
nature and in their own world without our interference. But now we are interfering with their lives to civilize
them and destroying them at the same time. Why can't we learn from them instead of trying to make them
like us. They do not destroy the environment, live in harmony with themselves and nature. That is why they
have survived for thousands of years.

When the tsunami happened it awakened people up for just a very short while. Those that died volunteered
their lives to the Creator to help others awaken. I was talking to a co-worker about it and the different
climate changes we are seeing around the world specially the Typhoon in Asia and he said one chink less,
who cares. This mentality is not going to help people survive the changes. What will is doing and helping
each other survive. Co-operation and love will help us survive for the New Earth that will emerge once the
cleansing is finished.

The majority of humans on the planet do not want to leave their comfort zones. They are so preoccupied
about their own lives that they don't care what is going around the world or about others. But as the earth
changes manifest everywhere in the world at the same time, everyone will be affected. And this is going to
happen very soon. It is time to wake up and connect to Source and to each other. To be of service to the
Creator and do the work you came to do to help others evolve and help bring the balance in the world.
Those that don't start now, will not survive. And when they leave the earth plane they will go to levels of
lower vibration in the spiritual world or you will be stuck in the same spiritual level you already are. For
many of us this is our last opportunity to make a difference. You would have learned nothing and the time
you spent here will just create karma more bad karma for yourself and another reincarnation with harder
lessons to learn. Jesus said in God's kingdom there are many mansions. In the spiritual world there are
many levels and its up to us to evolve spiritually to reap the benefits in the afterlife. What you cease to do
to learn the lessons now, will affect your life in the Spirit world, as life is continuous. Who we are now is
who we will continue to be in the afterlife.

There is much you can do to bring the balance. Learn self taught healing modalities like quantum touch.
Now you can even self attune to Reiki. On there are many articles and books about it. By
practicing self healing modalities you can balance yourself and also help others do so too by being a healer
and sharing your gifts with others. You can learn reiki for free also on Reiki groups on Yahoo groups,
dedicated teachers who are taking their time to share their time and teaching abilities to bring the balance
to the world. You can do the same. Learn to be a healer and spread your light to the world.

Interspecies communication is possible. There are quite a few books on the subject that you can buy. There
are also many free teaching groups on yahoo groups that will teach interspecies communication for free.
Join them. Your connection with animals and other species will help you learn from them and at the same
time you will be able to help save them. By helping them you are raising your vibration getting ready for the
new world. We are all one with all of life. We are all one and everything in the world has a spirit from the
mineral kingdom to the animals kingdom as Mother Earth is a living entity herself.

Many people are being called to help the Creator awaken others. However, not a lot of people are
answering those calls. They get all sorts of signs and messages and do not come forward to answer the
God's calling. A good example was when Jesus walked the earth, many were called to service and only a
few apostles are mentioned in the bible. The time is now to answer God's call and get involved. What you
do not do today will affect you physically, mentally and spiritually. It will also affect you in the afterlife.
There are also those who say they are working for the Creator but are abusing their gifts for self
gratification and greed. These people have big karma to pay. Soon our financial system will collapse and
money will be worth less than toilette paper. A new system will be incorporated that was used many
thousands of years ago, cooperation and trading goods and services.

My hope that is that this article will awaken you and realize we are all one. The time is now for you to
prepare yourself for the upcoming changes. What ever you do now to prepare will guarantee your survival
in the future and be part of the New Earth. If this article has helped you in any way you are free to share it
with your loved ones and friends.
And you really need to read this information are excerpts from The Lost the
lost teachings of Atlantis by Jon Penial regarding the earth

Chapter Twenty-one
Earth Changes and You
Man Will Battle Man
Some for Freedom
Some for Power
Some for Hate
Some for Food
A day will Come
That need not Be
That may not Be
But if Great Be the Battles
Great Mushrooms Will there Be
That Burn, then Freeze
Destroying All that I See
Or those that are not Free
New People Will Come From Far Away Stars
Some Ones of the Light,
Some Sons of the Dark and Cold
A Hand May the Ones Offer
Or Watch in Sorrow Only
Remains to See
As Free Will Changes the Things That Will Be
Earth there Will be, but Man May there Not
Know that it is Written
What Ever Events Free Will
Will Cause to Be
When All is Over
Those Who Chose the Light
Will Be Free From the Darkness of Night
But Remains to See
If They Will Live Amongst the Stars
Or Live Amongst the Earth
As Was In The Dark Times Of Atlantis
The time Will come Again.
Those Of the Darkness
Those Who Would Enslave
Those who Thirst for Power
Will Grow in Power
Controlling Communication, and Education
For All to Believe Their Ways Are Good
Their True Ways they Will Not Show
They Come instead As Great Men
Solving problems
Created Themselves, both False and Real
To Convince All the People
That Changes Must There BE
Then will they Come To Our Aid
With Concepts Good
World Peace and Harmony
But the Truth Hidden is
Slavery They Sell
Which Many will Buy
Their Choice Bringing Hell
As the Dark Ones Take Control
Nature Spins Out of Control
The Universal Spirit, acting Through Nature
Becomes The Redeemer
Of Those Who Reject The Dark Powers
The Selfish Evil Ways of Man
The Dark Ones and Their Pawns
In Ignoring the Universal Laws
That Guide Nature And the Stars
Will Cause Such Great Imbalance
That Stars Will Fall from the Sky
The Sky Will Burn, Scorching The Evil
Turn Dark and Cold, Freezing the Evil
The Earth Will Shake, Leveling the Evil
The Oceans Will Convulse,
To Drown the Evil
The Earth Will Open, Swallowing the Evil
Spewing Molten Rock to Bury the Evil
The Earth Will Tip, The Mighty Oceans Will Spill
To Wash the Evil Away
Great Mountains Will Sink
Ocean Land Will Rise on High

One of the things I came across in the great library, that

were heaviest to my
heart (at the time), were the predictions of Earth
Changes. From the ancient
Atlantean you’ve just read, to the predictions of simple
tribal wise men from diverse
cultures all over the world. It seems that there is
unprecedented agreement. But
free will is a modifier of the great Earth changes, and
people’s choices can make
worse, or make better what will come to pass. But no
doubt, if you aren’t afraid to
open your eyes, you can already see irreversible damage
to the Earth that must follow
the laws of Cause and Effect. Yet there is more to this
than meets the eye - our
own personal free will choices will be the determining
factor in our own realities of
the kind of future world we will each live in.
Ecology Isn’t Just About the Earth
Many people misunderstand the need for ecological
balance. From anti-environmentalists
you hear things like “Forget the owls, save the humans!”
This kind
of thinking comes from the blindness of selfish separate
selves. Such people are so
deeply enmeshed in their selfish selves, that they don’t
see many important things,
including things that they think are separate, yet
directly impact themselves. They
don’t see the big picture - that they, we, all creatures, all
things, are part of the great
Oneness of the Universe. They obviously also don’t
understand that since we are
all part of and One with the Universe, that we are the
Universe. And thus all life,
all creation, is “us” too, and just as important and
critical to the entire balance of
things in the Universe, and in this case, nature. But
contrary to the appearances
of their “pseudo-compassionate” statements in support
of “humans first”, they
don’t care about other humans either. As Universal Law
would have it, their selfish
ignorance renders them so short-sighted that they don’t
even realize this simple
equation: if the owls are going, so are they - ultimately.
Funny thing is, environmentalism
really is a matter of saving the humans too, even more
so. Humans are
more fragile than many other species.
I have absolutely no doubt that the Earth is going to
change - and quite dramatically.
Other than my personal experiences and observations,
there is the
unprecedented, almost ridiculous quantity of predictions
from unrelated cultures the
world over throughout history, that all point
approximately to this time period. To
anyone with an open mind and the courage to face their
fears, and to many scientists
trying to be objective, something is very, very “off” in
nature. It is so obvious.
And many scientists are trying to warn humanity. But to
me, my many personal
experiences are the most profound. In my last days
before leaving the monastery,
I had five days of visions myself. In later days, I have
spent time in Universities,
studying people who were having visions, including
famous musicians who were
having visions of the future, and writing about them in
their songs.
The ironic thing is, regardless of what humankind has
done, or does, to the
environment, the Earth is going to live on - the Earth will
be OK. What is really in
doubt is whether or not it will continue to support
human life, or many of the other
fragile forms of life that exist right now. True
environmentalism is not about saving
the Earth, it is only about saving life as we know it, and
human life is just one
of the species of “life as we know it”, on this one planet
alone. I’m not sure what
the current figures are on species extinction. I think I
heard a figure of about 180
species a day becoming extinct. Even if it’s only 1
species a week, it means something
is very wrong, and that life as we know it is losing its
support network. Recent
scientific reports talk about birds, reptiles, and fish
being born all over the world,

without a given “sex” - they will not be able to

reproduce. Other studies show a
radical decline in human sperm levels. Sure, you can do
something about somethings,
but many people need to open their eyes first, and some
need to open their
eyes to the fact that some things can be changed, and
some have simply gone
beyond the Cause and Effect point of no return. Those
who “can’t see it”, are simply
too afraid to face it - they are cowards.
All Signs Point in the Same Direction
The ancient Atlantean texts, have their own predictions
about what will occur
regarding Earth changes in the next few years. There are
also predictions about
socioeconomic changes. As I mentioned earlier, they
were the ‘heaviest’, most
frightening things I ever read at the time. Later, I came
to realize the benefit, the
need. And now, I welcome some of the cleansing Earth
changes, while I am still
heavy of heart about the suffering they will bring.
Here are some of my earlier discussions with Zain.
“Before I came to the monastery, I read things about
what they call coming
‘Earth changes’. Are there going to be changes on the
Earth? And if so, what kind
of changes - what will they be?”
“It is written. In fact, it is written and it is written and it
is written. But first,
before I tell you any more, keep in mind what you have
learned about free will, and
karma. Some changes are destined because they are
past the karmic ‘point of no
return’, they are simply ripples in the pond of the
Universal Law of Cause and
Effect. But others can still be modified with free will,
within certain parameters.
Coincidentally (if you still believe in ‘coincidence’ by
now), our library is full of
ancient prophecies from dozens of unrelated cultures all
around the world. Many
of these cultures didn’t even know of the existence of
the other cultures. Yet they
have similar prophecy, they virtually all point to such
major changes in the Earth
around the end of this very century, or just shortly after,
and many predict the same
things. How can this be that they all agree when they
knew not of each other. Only
one answer - Inner Being, Inner voice.”
“What are the most common prophecies between these
“One of the common threads running through most
ancient prophecies, is the
prediction that Earth changes will eliminate about two-
thirds of the human population
on Earth, leaving one third, who are purified by the
experience (although they
will need true teachers at that point). But things have
changed since these prophecies
were made, and while they may still hold true, there are
a few ‘free will forks
in the road’ that could alter the course of the future in
ways which could eliminate
all life on Earth, or at least all human life.”
“ALL life - that’s, that’s...”
“That’s hard to comprehend or accept, or bear. I know.
But regardless of the
extent of which life will be eliminated, the fact is, there
will be a great loss of life,
both amongst the many life forms, and the human. It will
be bad enough, regardless
of the extent. It will be painful to those of us with true
compassion. As if it
were not painful enough, and bad enough already.
There will be greater earthquakes than ever “recorded”
or known by modern
humans, volcanoes, land masses sinking and rising, the
Earth will turn on its own
axis, there will be waves from the oceans miles tall,
numerous new plagues (and
the return of old ones), and such human violence - all
these things each taking their
share of the various life forms. Possible occurrences
(extra things not necessarily

pre-destined) are asteroid or comet collisions, or near

misses that still cause great
devastation because of their effects. Nuclear war, and
biological/chemical warfare
are recent developments that bring the new possibilities,
even those beyond the
ancient predictions. Know this - humankind has never
developed a weapon they
have not used.
But the worst thing Peniel, is that before the great Earth
changes occur, we are
most likely going to see political changes that will
establish a tyrannical world elite.
Who will these be? It will be comprised of the
reincarnations of the old, but now
secret, brotherhood of the Belialians. This will be so
powerful that only the
Universal Spirit, through the forces of nature, will be
able to destroy it. And the
things the Belialians will do will be so terrible, that most
people will eventually welcome
the mass destruction nature delivers, as redemption.”
I was quaking in my robes. Since the days I first laid eyes
on him, everything
I had ever heard from this man’s mouth, was always
absolutely true. And worse, I
felt it inside also. And the evidence in the library, at
least evidence of predictions,
were also overwhelming.
“So we’re pretty much all going to die, or most of us,
and it will be like a living
hell, all in my lifetime?”
“We are all going to die anyway, are we not Peniel? Even
if none of this comes
to pass? So relax, you are going to die anyway. But I am
not telling you about
these changes to inspire fear. When fear dictates our
thoughts and actions, it is
usually harmful [more about this on the chapter on the
death experience]. These
changes are simply things that are going to occur,
whether we like it or not, whether
we believe it or not. But like a harsh winter, it can
devastate those not prepared for
it, but if you know winter is coming, and will be harsh,
you simply ready yourself.
And if you can help your neighbors, that is the greater
good. One who has transcended
the selfish separate self doesn't experience fear, per se.
In time you will
understand. What was once a feeling that caused the
self to react irrationally,
becomes a mere warning mechanism that helps you
choose rational action. Fear
transmutes into an awareness of potentials of harm or
problems, which alerts you
to be wary, and to take appropriate action.”
Atlantis Revisited
“I understand. It’s just that what you are talking about is
more than just a bad
‘winter’ coming up.”
“Of course. But I thought it was a good allegory of sorts
didn’t you? Are you
saying I give bad allegories? Wait till you are a teacher
and you try it - it’s harder
than you think. You’d probably come up with something
about having to use an outhouse
being like the inevitable tide of events!”
He was trying to lighten the mood a bit by joking around
with me. But then
he continued with the seriousness of the subject, and
reminded me of the cycles of
“As in Atlantis, we are again in the beginning of a period
of radical changes
for the Earth and its inhabitants, physically, mentally,
and spiritually (the entire
threefold nature). Humanity’s selfishness has taken its
toll and is starting to come
back in full fury. With the damage that has been done
already, there is no preventing
the great Earth changes within the next decade. Given a
sufficient raise in
consciousness, those things that are not past the ‘karmic
point of no return’ could

be altered by free will, however, many are past the point

of no return. Ask yourself
if the first drops of rain from this great storm of
purification, have not already
begun to fall.
There are many things today that are similar to
conditions in Atlantis before
the great Earth changes that destroyed it - including the
political powers. The forces
of darkness - the Sons of Belial, have grown very
powerful, and seek to enslave the
world, at any cost. Many people who are not directly
Sons of Belial, are pawns -
by virtue of their own selfishness they ‘unconsciously’
follow the conscious evil ones.
This is no excuse however, because they chose their
‘unconsciousness’. They are
but selfish cowards who have willingly participated in
the evil that will bring their
own destruction. The brave people of this world open
their eyes to what is happening,
and refuse to be pawns. Even many of the brave ones
are not aligned with
the light yet, but at least they have resisted the
darkness. These people can save
themselves. After they suffer the horrors of what is
about to befall the people of
the Earth, they will have been purified enough -
involuntarily as it may be - and this
purification will awaken them to the Spirit within, and
return them to serving
Universal Will.”
“Then at least some good will come of this.”
Cosmic Maid Service or Judgment Days
“Oh, more than some good Peniel. The coming Earth
changes are not ‘bad’
things, in and of themselves. They are necessary now.
Necessary for a clean up
of both the Earth, and of humans.
As all of these changes come to pass, we are given the
opportunity for transcension
into a new world of Unselfish Love and harmony. Some
will approach the
sufferings of this purification with patience,
understanding, and Unselfish Love.
Others will react with selfishness, negativity, and
resistance. Universal Law dictates
that each individual, through their attitudes and
resultant actions, create, and modify,
their own experiences. Those who Love Unselfishly, will
ultimately experience
the ‘heaven’ of that attitude, while those who are
negative, will ultimately experi -
ence the ‘hell’ brought by that.”
“So it will be like Atlantis all over again?”
More Final Than Atlantis
“There are some distinct differences between the Earth
changes of Atlantis’
day, and what is going to take place now. First, we
cannot escape them as the
Children did when they fled Atlantis. But also, there are
various possibilities for
intervention during these great Earth changes. It may be
that we will even have
some outside help. Many things are not determined fully.
Free will choices are still
dominant, particularly in whether or not there will be
nuclear annihilation, which
would create a much bigger mess if it is more than a
very limited warring or act of
“So is there anything we can do about any of it?”
“Yes and no. We can’t stop the purification - it is badly
needed anyway and
we shouldn’t want to stop it. We shouldn’t see it as a
‘bad’ thing.”
“But can we do anything about it for ourselves, to
survive it?”
“What for? That is the most important question. Do you
want to survive to
save your selfish separate self, or to help be here to
truly free others and point them
to the way back to Oneness, and free them from their
selfish separate selves?
But to answer your question directly, yes, and know -
know to make Inner

preparations. There are some physical preparations one

could make, and perhaps
that will be done by you or others. I will not be involved
because I will be gone by
then. But think! Think! What good are physical
preparations if you don’t make
the spiritual ones - what’s the point? Raise your
consciousness first, then help others
do the same if you wish to. There is nothing more to
“I have heard people discuss possible ‘safe’ areas -
places of refuge during the
coming changes. I know of many areas that will be more
or less free from earthquakes,
etc., more or less safe - barring nuclear war and the like.
But I tell them
what my teacher told me, and his told him, and the
ancient teachings told us all.
Make your spiritual changes your priority first. Raise
your consciousness first.
After you have done that, if you still want to pursue
safer physical areas, then look
for areas where people who have higher consciousness
are living. That doesn’t
mean where the people with the greatest knowledge are,
but rather, where those
with the greatest kindness and harmlessness are. The
greater the consciousness
concentrated in a certain area, the greater the chance of
being safe. Even on a oneto-
one basis, the ground could be falling out from under
your neighbors’ feet, while
under your feet, the ground is lifting you above a flood
or tidal wave. Raise your
consciousness first, and then it won’t even matter what
happens to you! And
like he said, we’re all going to die someday anyway. And
regardless of how, do you
want to be prepared to go on, or be stuck with karma
that forces you back to a life
on the Earth, over and over again - a life of pain and
pleasure, or just possibly just
pain, on an Earth that is very different than what you
know now?
For one thing, at this time, because of free will factors,
we still don’t know if
the Earth of the immediate future will even be
inhabitable. But regardless of
whether it is or not, the main thing you can do is to
become a truly good person,
an Unselfishly Loving person. If there is to be any
intervention (the flow, God/hierarchical
help, extra-terrestrial or whatever), the humans who
have changed to a new
vibration, a harmless, caring, Unselfishly Loving
vibration, are the people who will
be ‘safe’ - one way or another. If the Earth becomes
uninhabitable, or there is not
intervention, those who have transcended this plane by
becoming Unselfishly
Loving, can just go on to a higher plane. And if you were
a “higher being” from
outside this plane, intervening and saving people, who
would you choose to save?
The selfish who live out of harmony with the Universe
and Nature? Or the
Unselfishly Loving, who live in harmony with the rest of
the Universe?”
“The Unselfish ones who are harmless, and helpful to all
life in the Universe.”
“But many people think they will be saved from the
“Indeed. What a surprise they have in store if they don’t
change. There are
many people out there, who are under the delusion that
they are going to be saved
from facing the trials that are coming up for us all. And
they think that they don’t
need to do anything - except perhaps, talk about it, or
‘believe’ in this or that.
Some think Jesus will save them, without them becoming
really good people, just
because they believe in Jesus. Some think aliens will
save them, some think they’ll
go to ‘the 4th dimension’. The biggest “hole” I see with
these hopeful, ‘wishful
thinking” scenarios, is the lack of personal responsibility
that they allow for. Some
believe that ONLY whatever they think, or believe, or
‘accept’, will totally create
their reality. So they think that if they don’t ‘give energy
to’ Earth changes or the

coming chaos and destructions, they will not be subject

to them, because they did
not create them for themselves - so they won’t have to
experience them. But they
take this precept to the extreme - and this precept is
only half of a paradox - only
partially true. When you meet one of those Peniel, or
when you write in the future,
tell those who believe that way, that if you really don’t
believe you can be harmed,
by Earth changes, or anything else that you don’t ‘allow
in your consciousness’ or
‘draw to yourselves’, here is a simple test of how well it
works, or how up to the
challenge you are. Try this why don’t you - believe you
can’t have a car accident,
(otherwise you’ll ‘attract one to yourself’ if you believe
you can have car accidents),
then once you get that in your head, I dare you to try
driving through red lights all
the time. (I’m not really recommending or inciting people
to do this - I’m trying to
make a point with a very real scenario). The fact is, if
you drive through intersections
against red lights constantly, you ARE going to suffer the
consequences -
whether you BELIEVE someone will save you from an
accident or not. Don’t
believe me? See what happens if you are foolish enough
to try it. And why wouldn’t
you try it - because you know there is likely to be a car
coming through the other
way - even if you’ve never seen it, even if you can’t see
it. The changes that have
happened to the Earth, and are coming back to us from
what has been done, is just
as certain as traffic coming the other way. We are talking
about reality here. And
Universal Reality. Our species has been running the red
lights of nature. They have
run the big red lights and broken Universal Law. You
personally have probably
done so also, unless you are already enlightened. Most
of the people of the world
have run the big red lights. And there simply is NO way
of escaping the consequences
of breaking Universal Law. Unlike on Earth, with man-
made laws, there
is ultimate justice in this Universe. That is Karma.”
Interestingly enough, when Zain came to the United
States in his later years,
he would drive in city traffic, as fast as a car would go,
through red lights and all,
and never had an accident, or even a ticket. Zain
however, truly understood
Universal Law, was One with the Universal Spirit, and
thus he was just part of the
Universal flow - for real. He didn’t just profess or lightly
believe in some philosophy
or spiritual principle. He had ‘become’.
“Father, why do so many people believe they will be
saved from all these things
at the last minute.”
“Despite a lack of logic regarding there being any
substance to the various fantastic
theories of unearned salvation, and a preponderance of
evidence that we are
facing REAL ecological and socio-political disaster, the
illogical salvation theories
are what many people desperately want to hear and
believe - so they believe. They
buy into this mental/emotional panacea, this religious
‘fire insurance’.”
“Why? Why do they close their eyes when opening them
is their best chance
to get through whatever happens?”
“Simple. Fear and laziness. The selfish separate self
doesn’t want to die and
let the Inner Being take its place on the throne, nor does
it want to face its Karma,
or the reality of the Karma created by what has been
done to the entire Earth. So
they exhibit the ‘Ostrich Syndrome’ - they hide their
heads and think they’re safe.
They do this because they’re so full of fear that they
don’t think objectively or logi -
cally, thus they are more than happy to accept these
unfounded theories of
‘Salvation without need for personal purification,
enlightenment, or responsibility’.
Just think for a moment, why would we deserve such
unjustified salvation? Do you

really believe the Universe works that way? Do you not

think there are Universal
Laws that govern the functioning of all things? Do you
think you can break those
laws and nothing will happen? What alien or higher
being, who really is a higher
being, is going to save parasites that are so destructive,
so disharmonious to nature
and Universal flow?”
“That’s what ALL unenlightened humans are -
destructive, inharmonious parasites.
Or like a virus, or bacterial infection in the body of the
Earth. So what if the
destructive parasites are ordinary, relatively nice people
with ‘good’ beliefs, even
the metaphysical beliefs or religious beliefs such as
many religions have? Do you
know what the Universe’s response to that is? ‘SO
WHAT.’ If there is going to be
ANY outside help, from the predicted return of the
Christ, to the space brothers,
to whatever, the logic is that they are only going to save
those who are TRULY different
than the rest - truly worthy of saving. Meditation is not
going to do it for
you. And just having a lot of metaphysical knowledge, or
religious beliefs, certainly
doesn’t make you worth saving. Neither does being a
relatively good person. If
that’s what you think, you’ll have a BIG and unnecessary
shock when the changes
come to your door, and you stare death in the face, only
to realize you aren’t ready,
when you could’ve been!”
He was getting very intense, and a crowd of other
students had gathered
around by this time. He looked around at them all, and
pointed. But he was also
pointing and speaking to all humanity.
“How many of you can say you are truly giving, that you
care about others
MORE THAN YOURSELF, that you love Unselfishly all the
time, and that you
have truly and completely transcended your selfish
separate self and your physical
body and mind? Not many. And if you haven’t CHANGED
in that way, you’d better
get busy, and you’d better make it your TOP priority.
Drop everything else you
are doing in your life AND GET BUSY with what is really
important and eternal -
before it’s too late. Be brave, and take a completely
honest look within yourself.
Are you truly good enough to live in a perfect
paradisiacal world? Look for, and
see the things about you that still need perfecting. Be
glad when you find the
imperfections! It means you’ve seen them early enough
to do something about
them! Face the things you have been avoiding. Do the
things that inside you know
you must do. Change for the better, so that you CAN save
yourself, so you CAN
be saved, so you CAN go on to a wonderful place -
whether it be on a physical
plane or a spiritual one. And if you think you have truly
changed and transcended
yourself, consider this: those who achieve the death of
the selfish separate self, and
thusly attain enlightenment/Universal Consciousness,
either leave this plane, or
stay to be a true teacher, and help others achieve the
same. When you meet those
who only have knowledge, and only tell of wisdoms and
truths by moving their lips,
and talking about it, or worse, telling people they don’t
need to do anything but
‘think positive’ or ‘believe in Jesus’, or just believe in
anyone or anything, you tell
them this: You will not be saved, nor can you be helping
other people be saved -
i.e., helping them become truly loving and enlightened,
while just disseminating theories
of ‘Don’t worry; Just go with the flow and don’t bust your
buns changing
to be an Unselfishly Loving person; Just have positive
thoughts and faith and
you’ll be taken to paradise in the ‘rapture’, or the ‘4th
dimension’, or to a ‘wonderful
new planet you can trash again’; or, ‘Don’t worry, the
space brothers will

fix all the toxic waste and neutralize the bombs.’

Surprise, surprise! You must
act. You must change. YOU MUST LIVE AS THE GRAND
All of us were so moved, and stunned, that we were
silent for at least five minutes.
Years later, a musician named Neil Young wrote a post
apocalypse song
called “After the Gold Rush” (referring to the ‘gold rush’
of a nuke explosion, not
the romantic gold mining days of the old west). It was
based on visions. Here are
excerpts from some of the lyrics: “I was lying in a burned
out basement, with the
full moon in my eyes”; “I was thinkin' about what a
friend had said - I was hopin'
it was a lie.”; “There were children cryin’, and colors
flyin’ all around the chosen
ones.” “All in a dream, the loading had begun. Flyin’
mother nature’s silver seed,
to a new home in the Sun.” Are you one of the silver
seed? Or will you be watching
the deserving “chosen ones”, the silver seeds, leave you
behind as you recite
your beliefs, clutch whatever the holy book of your
religion is, or your book about
the Pleiades, while you wonder why you aren’t going
Along the same subject, one day I had asked Zain about
all the references I’d
read about God’s “chosen people”. This is what he had
to say:
“The ancient teachings say the ‘chosen ones’ are not
‘chosen’ because of
genetics, their heritage, beliefs, being God’s favorite
brats, or through knowledge -
they are the ones who have MADE themselves ‘chosen’ -
vibrationally changed by
their own HARD WORK and SELF-SACRIFICE. Thus, if
there is intervention in
the hard times, or last days of life as we know it now on
Earth, the true ‘chosen’
will be recognized by their enlightened, selflessly loving
vibrational signature. And
if there is no intervention, the “chosen” (those who
chose to change for real), will
still have vibrationally mandated their rise to a higher
plane of existence, when the
time comes to leave here - BECAUSE they are the ones
who have gone through
the fires of purification in order to become totally
harmless and giving. You had
better GET REAL. You had better WAKE UP. You had
better dispel your self-centeredness.”
“I’m working on it. Like I said before, I read about Earth
changes even before
coming to the monastery. And sometimes I would talk to
my friends about it,
because I could feel what was coming. But they said to
me ‘How can you live in
such fear?’. What can you say to someone who looks at
you that way?”
“I say, who is it that is living in fear, the one who is able
to see and deal with
the obvious realities, or the one who blocks them out,
and doesn’t want to see it -
thus doesn’t. Those who cannot see the writing on the
wall, are the ones living in
fear. We who have accepted death, have accepted life.
And we thus have nothing
to fear. Who is more afraid, and wiser, the Ostrich who
sticks his head in a hole in
the ground to avoid the predator about to eat him? Or is
the squirrel who stores
his nuts for the winter, knowing he may need them
because of the dire conditions
to come?
And also tell them this: whether the Earth of the future
is habitable or not, you
should be prepared to leave this plane, leave your body.
Even if there are no Earth
changes, someday you will die anyway, and to do it
‘right’, you should have experienced
‘death’ (transcended yourself) beforehand. And to live
right, to attain
Universal Consciousness, to become a fully Unselfishly
Loving being, you must also

have experienced death beforehand.” [Again, the last

chapter in part one of this
book discusses the death experience].
Lots of Water, but Few Cups
The ‘heaviest’ teachings were yet to come. They were
something I was yet to
learn about, that hadn’t even crossed my Ostrich mind. I
guess I had a “safety net”,
even in my own relatively open minded beliefs. What was
the “safety net”? Since
I believed in reincarnation, and knew we kept getting
chances to “get it right”, at
least there was that. But then Zain told me about the
ancient Atlantean teachings
regarding the next historical cycle.

“The primary difference between the time of Atlantis and

now is that THOSE

That was a shocker. It took me a few minutes to

assimilate and grasp all that
it meant. Zain could see this, and just waited until I
recovered, then he went on.
“Many people will die as a result of these forthcoming
Earth changes, leaving
far fewer human inhabitants on Earth afterwards. There
is even the possibility of
total extinction of human life on Earth. But let’s say
there are still humans living on
Earth, which is likely. These people will have gone
through major changes, physically,
mentally, and spiritually. These will be the seeds of a
new human race. Their
consciousness will be of Oneness with the Universal
Spirit. This will be a great new
age. But think about your lessons regarding Universal
Law. The Universal Law that
dictates that vibration will seek its own level, will make a
sort of ‘Natural Selection’
of who will be able to reincarnate. You know the
teachings on conception of a
child, and consciousness. Thus, those who do not free
themselves from selfishness,
would not be of the consciousness that would allow them
to incarnate in the offspring
of the new higher consciousness inhabitants of the new
Earth - not for a very
long time at least.”
“What about materialization rather than birth.”
“What about it? We were able to do that when we first
came to this plane
because our consciousness and nature was so much of
the spiritual plane. And certainly
anyone with such consciousness can do that. But what
are we talking about
here? The selfish, material bound masses of the Earth
plane? Who of them will be
capable of materialization?”
“So what will happen to those that don't make it?”
“Since the Earth will not be an option for them, and
since they are still bound
to the selfish separate self, and the material plane,
something else must happen to
them, because nothing is ever truly destroyed or lost in
this Universe. Things only
change form. So what will happen to them? The ancient
teachings say they will
incarnate within the bowels of Saturn, and live in a lava
like state for millions of
years, awaiting the right conditions for them to be able
to return to the Earth, to try
and get it right.”
I was stunned. Speechless.
The New Age
And what of a new age on Earth? The possibility exists.
But it is important
to keep in mind that we are spiritual beings. That is our
true state, our real state.
We are not this physical baggage, this animal we inhabit
while on Earth. We fell
here. But we do not really belong here. The Earth is not
our home. So if you real-

ly achieve the kind of spiritual enlightenment that would

entitle you to be a citizen
of such a glorious new age in which everyone has Christ
consciousness, and then
you are given the choice to either stay here, or return to
angelic bodies and travel
the Universe in bliss, in “heaven”, what would you
choose? It wouldn’t really matter,
but most people do enjoy traveling if they can afford it
and don’t have insecurity
issues. But RIGHT NOW, there are only two valid reasons
for being here, other
than for a visit. Again, we fell from our spiritual state
here, and took on this physical
state as an aspect of our separation from the One,
making the physical form
part of our separate self. So first, we need to be here
until we break free of our
bonds to the Earth and our selfish separate selves. So
the first valid reason to be
here is because we must while we work towards
attaining enlightenment and
Oneness again. Then, once that is attained, we are free
to go, but the compassion
that brought us to our rebirth in Oneness, also makes us
want to stay to help others
who are still slaves to their selves, and bound to the
Earth. Thus, staying to help
others is the only other valid reason for living on Earth
at this time.
Help Wanted
What is needed most today? First, that people be warned
that they will be dealing
with the repercussions of their actions, and that humans
as a whole will also be
dealing with grand repercussions on an Earth-wide scale.
What is of primary importance
is that you are doing one of two things - helping to
awaken others to the Spirit
within them and without them, or developing that
awareness yourself (you cannot
give that which you don’t have).

The Greatest Service you Can Do

For the Universal Spirit, is To Serve Others.
The Greatest Service to Others, Is
Awakening them to the Universal Consciousness
That lies Within them,
And helping them Free themselves
From their Selfish Separate Self.

Thus, we first need to prepare ourselves so that we may

be an instrument in
helping our brothers and sisters prepare. What is meant
by prepare? To become
One with the Universal Spirit; To be One spiritually,
mentally, and physically. We
must be transcendent of selfishness, regardless of what
takes place around us.
Many are making the move “back to the land” towards
self-sufficiency in order
to better prepare for the coming changes and to live in
harmony with nature. This
is wise if it is in harmony with Universal flow rather than
spurred on by selfish motivation.
Although living in harmony with nature, with the land
and elements, is a
normal inclination when the physical is more in tune with
Spirit, ultimately, you
must be where you are needed most for the Universal
Work, not where you want
to be, or where it is most natural to be. For some it may
be in the countryside, for
some in the city, for some a foreign country. What are
your motives for being
where you are? What are you doing?



Your Soul's Purpose

The essence of my message, which is all about LOVE. And please forgive me if in
message there are certain areas or topics that I repeat myself, but it is trying to
convey the importance of certain teachings. Lately I have been questioning my
own existence to why I am here and my life purpose. Last year I almost died from
an illness and two years before that I was hit by a car, almost
killing me. And I have always tried to help my fellow man in every way I can
through my life. And I questioned my purpose in this lifetime and what I could do
to make a difference in the world and touch the lives of each person I met. And I
know those times I was close to dying they were experiences to
make me stronger for the days ahead, to wake me up to my own mortality, search
for the truth from enlightened teachers and to start helping more people awaken.
By learning to be a rainbow and medicine warrior and walking my talk and
teaching this to others, I am evolving too. So Its time to
wake up!

And in searching for answers I have read many N.D.E. experiences and other
teachings on the net. And Jesus has been one of my greatest teachers as just
recent I am starting to really comprehend what He wanted to teach the world by
His example. And I feel He has always been one of my principal guides in
this lifetime and He has just been waiting for me to wake up. I feel I was one of
His followers in His time, which my spiritual Mother Crooked Arrow has confirmed
for me. We have other secondary guides also, but they are always changing
depending on our spiritual evolution. When the student is ready the teacher
appears and that includes our spiritual guides. I have also bought quite a few
books including books from my spiritual Mother Crooked Arrow is a wonderful
spiritual teacher and I have learned so much from her. And I know I made a soul
agreement with her prior to being born so she could guide me on the right path
and teach me the lessons I would need to learn to help others on their path too.
And another great teacher has been my friend Teaglefeather and I know she also
made a spiritual pact with me also to help me on my path. So as you can see each
person comes into your life for a reason, to teach you, even the person who you
consider your worst enemy is playing the part of villain to teach you about love
and forgiveness. So you are both balancing each others Karma so you one day
you will evolve spiritually to the highest level and graduate and no longer have to
reincarnate. Then your soul will have reached its highest goal, to merge with your
Higherself. And in my quest for knowledge about the meaning of life I am learning
why and others are here, I have come to realize that a lot of the teachings out
there are all about being trying to perfect our lives by creating what we want to
manifest, health, wealth, love, etc., material things not the spiritual. But not much
is said on how to apply those secrets to help each other and the world. For what
you want for yourself you should want for another. And when you help another
achieve those same things you will achieve its also in your own life and create
good karma for the afterlife. You are helping your soul evolve. For the creator
created the laws of good and bad karma and those laws are always very just. For
what we sow we shall also reap. That means also being inactive in helping your
fellow man, and just sitting by and thinking that they must resolve their own
problems. If we sow love everything else shall be added and all our needs met.
For its says in the bible in Matthew 6:33 But seek yea first the kingdom of God,
and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Because
when you only apply the laws of attraction for your own benefit and not the
benefit of the world then you are putting a noose around your soul and sending
your soul to a lower vibration level in this life and in the afterlife paying an
ultimate karma for other lifetimes in the future. And Jesus said that in the day of
judgment the goats and the sheep would be separated and that the angels will
separate the evil ones ("tares" or weeds) from the worthy (the wheat), and the
evil ones will be destroyed. And I believe this is the cleansing He was referring
too. And its not just the evil ones because when Jesus spoke of the goats and the
sheep he was referring to people who were selfish and self-centered and never
thought about the needs of others except their own. And He also gave the
example of the Rich man and Lazarus: "There was a rich man who was dressed in
purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. At his gate was laid a beggar
named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich
man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. "The time came when the
beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died
and was buried. In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham
far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity
on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue,
because I am in agony in this fire.' Luke 16:19-24 (NIV). What Jesus was trying to
say that we condemn our soul to a lover vibration realm in the afterlife by
neglecting the needs of our fellow man. We are here to learn about the lessons of
love, we are spiritual beings living a physical experience and not the other way
around. We are here to learn how to apply the energy of love and evolve into
masters. And its not enough to hold the vision of what you want for the world as
some teachers are putting out there, its by doing it is that we make the changes
the world. It’s by walking your talk and being a
beacon of light for others to follow is that you will accomplish what you envision
for the world. It’s about the energy of love and sharing the love with others, by
doing acts of random kindness and paying it forward that you will manifest your
vision and balance the world. Mother Teresa was one great example, she walked
her talk and she was a great spiritual teacher. So was Ghandi and others before
them. This is the way to enlightenment, is by serving the Creator by helping
others. And to create the abundance in your life you need to create first your
spiritual abundance. A great spiritual teacher will transmit the energy of love by
example and will help those students pass that love to others. And not just teach
them self-gratification and self-realization. Because when you succeed to help
heal others to create abundance in their lives then you will have abundance also
for that is how the laws of cause and effect at work. And the best prize is that with
every person you have helped your soul will shine even brighter and you will
attract all you need to be happy. And teaching people is not being judgmental, as
when you do this it is something about yourself you do not like that needs to be
healed. To love another is to put them on the right path. And even Jesus pointed
out people’s mistakes without judgement to help them evolve spiritually. We are
our brother’s keepers. Take for example the Secret. All you read out there how you
can get rich and create prosperity in your lives. And how your thoughts create
your life. And actually many of those motivational speakers are
really getting rich at the expense of others by feeding people what they want to
hear and selling their books and workshops. They are really creating bad karma
for this lifetime and for the afterlife for themselves, because in their teachings
there is not much said about unconditional love and how to help others achieve it.
And this is what the dark ones want. To have people apply the secret in the wrong
way to keep them from their life purpose which is to banish them forever from this
reality. So if we do not evolve spirituality they will continue to spread the fear and
keep us shackled in a negative and unloving world full of hate and intolerance. As
they feed from the chaos of the world, as it makes them stronger. As long as most
of the world lives in spiritual poverty being unloving, being uncaring, hating one
another, the dark ones will have won. And that is why the light workers came to
the world to teach others about love and to help stop the wars and bring peace, to
share their teaching so that everyone could live in abundance and bring the
balance to the planet. The Creator is not going to destroy the world, we are doing
it ourselves. And the cleansing and earth changes that are coming is because of
lack of action from our part in order to bring this balance to the world. Our soul
agreement was to help awaken those who are still asleep. And some teachers are
walking their talk and trying to do just that. However, it takes more people to
continue the work and cause the ripple effect to reach every person on the planet.
We are so desperate to create abundance in our lives that we forget that one of
the basic law of the secret which is love, because in order to attract the life we
want for ourselves we have to help create that life for others first. For what we
give to others with love we get back tenfold. And the secret is all about the
energy of love. And the secret is being applied in the wrong way, just creating bad
karma for those who are applying it in the wrong way. And we are learning to keep
away from negative people so that their energies do not affect us. Those
metaphysical teachings that tell you to push negative people away, to only
surround yourself with positive people are wrong. Those teaching that tell you not
participate in dramas of other people are actually just sinking you into bad karma
and lost opportunities to serve the creator and help your soul’s
evolution. These are the dark ones tactics to create separation and to guide you in
the wrong path. We must instead try to help heal those people who are negative
and bring them out of their despair and hopelessness. But instead we are being
taught stay away from them because their negative energies are contagious. Why
not teach them to hug a tree and send the negativity to mother earth to be
reused. And teach them about love and paying it forward. And teach them to pray
and help others, because when you do you are helping yourself. And when you
pray for another you are actually asking the Creator to bring into your life also
what you want to heal and create in another person’s life. Why not help them get
on their feet in their times of needs and teach them how to heal their fears and
create the life they want for themselves and others by spreading the love energy.
The dark ones have always looked for ways to separate people and using their
needs to implant false teachings to the people and these are the false teachings
that people are learning to be selfish. And you can see these false teachings in
many of the channeling on the net. Actually many of these so-called Ascended
Masters being channeled are dark ones posing as beings of light to create
confusion and to guide people in the wrong direction as their time is coming to an
end. The dark ones can take any form they want, they can even appear as beings
or angels of light, they have that power. And that is when we must consult our
higher self and the Creator and see what messages are truly from the divine and
which ones are not. When we see teachings that guide you into living a loveless
life, then you are being led astray. If you are learning that its all about me, the life
I want for myself and no one else, let me attract for myself riches, fame, good
health etc and then you are walking the wrong path. Well you cannot ascend if
you do not have love in your heart and want for other which you want for yourself.
You cannot hold a higher vibration if you do not know how to love and live in the
oneness of all life, which is to help heal your planet, bring about the balance and
be a part of the Creator. For the divine spark of the Creator is within each one of
us. And you all accepted to be a part of the Creator’s plan to help bring about the
healing and balance to the planet. And false teachings out there are teaching
people they are gods. I do not see it that way, we are angels or masters in the
making because we have not created the balance within ourselves. And we as
divine sparks of the Creator are evolving to be in atonement with the Creator once
again and with all of life. Again in the bible it says they will worship false gods and
idols. We are worshiping wrong teachers and putting into practice false teaching
creating a self-centered society. We just have to look at our youth and where they
are heading. Vice, violence, hate, being self-centered etc this is what we are
teaching them and this will be the destruction of mankind for what we have sown
with our children is what we are going to reap. And you just have to see the video
games, the television, the videos, what are children being taught in their schools
and nothing is out there about the evolution of the soul. We are giving our kids
everything material thing they want in life but not giving them food for their
spirits so they can evolve spiritually. We are learning to worship ourselves as gods
and materiality (idols), putting ourselves first and putting God and our fellow man
aside and this is exactly what our kids are learning. And we are so preoccupied
about our kids having a college degree and being successful in life that we forget
the most important thing and how they can evolve here to be a more beautiful
being of light here and in the afterlife, for our physical life is just temporary. And
when Jesus said Yea are as gods he was trying to say that God's divine spark
within us and the works that He had come to do on earth we could also do and
that was to be healers and to change the world into a more loving and peaceful
place. He was trying to say we could create Heaven on Earth by all being One with
God, all life and each other. And as Mother Crooked Arrow has told me time and
time again it is about what we can all do together to bring about balance to the
world. However, we are also teaching our kids to worship these same idols.
However, again we are being like Cain and Able, not being responsible for our
fellow man. The right way is to teach those people how to be medicine warriors
and heal the fears in their lives. How to hug a tree and send all their fears and
negativity to mother earth to by recycled for the good of the planet. We are not
being taught that by staying away from such people we are depriving our soul of
great spiritual lessons, the lessons of loving your brothers and sisters like you love
yourself. Prior to birth each of us made soul pacts with one other to come and
help so we could all evolve spirituality and together ascend to higher realms in
God’s kingdom. And those you need to forgive are your greatest teachers who will
help you perfect your soul. And Jesus came to teach these lessons. He even told
us that in God’s kingdom there were many mansions and that according to the
way we lived our soul would evolve to those higher realms in God’s kingdom. Did
Jesus stay away from the leper in fear of getting leprosy? No!! He taught everyone
about love and how to heal our brothers and sister with love. And He came to
teach us about connecting with each other. He came to teach us about love and
forgiveness. He also came to teach us that it is important to keep connect to the
Creator and all of life. And every day I am learning about my life purpose and
what I came to do. I am learning to walk the path of the rainbow and medicine
warrior. And my greatest wealth may not be material wealth as they are all
temporary in this life but my spiritual wealth where my soul is expanding to
evolve into a being of light, an angel. And Jesus said by their fruits you will know
them. My greatest treasures that I will take back to the journey of my ancestors
into the next life will be the seeds that I have sown of love and planted while I
here on the earth plane and how their fruits have been harvested to help create
the New Earth.

Reflecting on my life's purpose I have been meditating a lot about the past and everything that has ever
happened to me. And I come to realize that we are all here just on borrowed time, a gift from the

We never know what the future holds or when our time will come to join our ancestors in the afterlife.
It is very important that we never leave for tomorrow what we need to do today. And these are great
inspirational words of wisdom in these Og Mandino quotes:
"Welcome every morning with a smile.
Look on the new day as another special gift from your Creator,
Another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday.
Be a self starter.
Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day.
Today will never happen again.
Don't waste it with a false start of no start at all.
You were not born to fail."
Og Mandino

The clock is always ticking. And sometimes as we look back in our lives we wonder where did all the
time go, specially the times shared with our beloved departed. And all we have left are those fond
memories of the times spent together. So even if our loved ones are not physically with us on the earth
plane, the loved we shared will always live on in our hearts and in our memories.
This song express exactly this sentiment that I am trying to convey to each one of you that is reading
this and its one of my favorite songs and movies:

Titanic - My Heart Will Go On Lyrics

Nothing belongs to us. All the material things that we cherish so much in our lives are just ours for a
short time because when we cross over to our true home, the spiritual world, we cannot take anything
with us. And we humans put some much value on what we have materially or how successful we are in
life. However, most of us do not consider that what is most important in life is to love the Creator and
love our neighbor. For what we do to help another is what we came to do in the first place. Our
spiritual treasures collected on the earth plane is what we take with us on our journey back to God and
are ours for all eternity. They will give us the true happiness which is eternal.

God's Gifts

So everything material on this plane of existence is lent to us, gifts of the Creator to help make our
lives a little more comfortable. Our children are not are children, our spouse is not our spouse, our pets
are not our pets, everything that we cherish in our lives are just gifts from the Creator so we do not
walk alone in our path. Plus they walk along with us on our path in life with spiritual lessons that we
need to learn “Love”. Every we encounter in our life, every person or situation is here to teach us
about love. And our loved ones also have to follow their own spiritual path for the evolution of their

Our beloved Pets also Cross the Rainbow Bridge

Our beloved pets came to us so we would have companionship on our journey through life and once
their purpose on the earth plane is done, they also go back to the spirit world where they came from.
When we cross over we will see them again.

Spiritual quotes from Og Mandino:

"There is no better than adversity.
Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed,
its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time."
Og Mandino

"Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if

they were going to be dead by midnight.
Extend to them all the care, kindness, and
understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward.
Your life will never be the same again."
Og Mandino

"I will smile at friend and foe alike and make every effort to find, in him or her, a quality to praise, now that I
realize the deepest yearning of human nature is the craving to be appreciated."
Og Mandino

There is an immeasurable distance between late and too late.

Og Mandino

"Each misfortune you encounter will carry in it

the seed of tomorrow's good luck."
Og Mandino

Butterfly Life Cycle

Even our bodies are not ours, once we no longer need them we shed them, like when a butterfly leaves
a cocoon once being a caterpillar. For death is like this example. We are just changing from one form to

Unprepared for Death

It is important to prepare for death as it's a normal occurrence in life. Just like we prepare for the birth
of a new baby, we must help those that are to cross over to the next life. A lot of people who have had
N.D.E. Experiences said they were unprepared when they crossed over and it was a shock to them. We
need to read upon these subjects so we are prepared at all times and prepared our loved ones. Talking
about death seems a taboo in society, we are fear it so much. However when it knocks on our door we
are so unprepared for it. That is why we are hearing more and more about earthbound entities and how
they are creating havoc on the earth plane.

To read more about near death experiences and to share it with your loved ones and friends visit this
In memory of my brother Peter and my father Samuel Anchor (MBE)

By my own experiences in life and having almost died a couple of times because of illness and
accidents, we never truly are prepared for that moment when God called us home. Neither are we
prepared when our loved ones depart. It was shock to me how my brother all of sudden became ill and
within a month of his illness to terminal cancer he was gone. I was not able to say good-bye to him and
travel as I did not have the financial resources to do it. I tried in vain to get in touch with him before he
signed himself in the hospital, so I never talked to him again. However, I did eventually come to
understand that we always talked to each other and said how much we loved it each other. What is
strange that almost every person he had a falling out with, were the ones that go to see him before
dying. That included my older son who made his peace with my brother in a dream. Because my father
was bi-polar his illness took many forms. It got to the point that I could not take it anymore, so I
pushed him away. Then one day he died and I was left with the guilt that I could have done more to
help him. I have realized now that during his life I did try to help him but he made his own choices on
how he handled his illness and what he did with his life. What I was left with after his death was
another lesson about love and never stop trying to help someone you love, because guilt is a terrible
feeling that we can carry for the rest of our lives. That is why when people we love kill themselves we
always have this empty feeling we could have done more to prevent it. For we our our brother's
keeper. Do not let this happened to you. Tell your loved ones on a regular basis that you loved them.
Make peace with those that you have had a falling out with. We never know what life will give us next,
its full of surprises. In the movie Forest Gump his favorite saying was “Life is like a box of
chocolates, you never know what you are going to get”. And the truth is that today could be our last
day on the earth plane, so make your life count each day that your are blessed by the Creator.
Our life purpose here on earth was not for material gain, to become successful in our carriers or for
earthly pleasures, these are just gifts from the Creator to make our journey through life easier. Our true
purpose in life is to serve the Creator and to love one another. We are here to be beacons of light for
others to follow and bring balance to the World.

Remember, we are all here just on borrowed time, so do not waste the wonderful opportunity life has to
give you and that is to LOVE AND SERVE and touch the lives of others. We will reap the benefits of all the
lives we touched once we leave this plane of existence and return to our true home, which is the spirit world.
We will become angelic beings and divine masters.Reflecting on my life's purpose I have been meditating
a lot about the past and everything that has ever happened to me. And I come to realize that we are all
here just on borrowed time, a gift from the Creator.

Create good karma for yourself. Help with the changes on the planet by creating awareness. I have
created videos to create awareness to all the social problems and events that are destroying our planet.
You can help create awareness also by sharing these videos with others with your friends, family, other
.ning networks, facebook, my space, yahoo groups, twitter and spread the word out. This is how we
bring about the changes, awareness. By creating this ripple effect to others they can also spread the
word about these videos and touch more lives. Only through awareness can we help make the changes
before its too late.

All you have to do is copy these youtube links and share them in emails or your personal blogs, it is a
simple as that. Just copy and paste. Create positive karma for yourself.

Help Us - Endangered Species

More than 8,400 plant species and nearly 8,500 animal species around the globe are threatened with extinction,
according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a nongovernmental

We are the World - In Memory of Michael Jackson

May His Humanitarian Legacy Live On

Voices, I am a Survivor

Her story:


My ex co-worker Melissa MacDonald after she left our company looked after babies for a living, and, for the first time in
five years, thought she was finally free of an abusive relationship. She was 32 years old when she died.

He ex boyfriend, her assailant was shot by Montreal police. I know she had problems with her ex-boyfriend, that he
threatened her. She was scared of him. I tried to give her advice but she said it was in the hands of the courts.

From what I read in the newspapers Melissa’s friends and and colleagues at the day care had urged her repeatedly to contact
police about her boyfriend.
She told friends there had been threats, including death threats. She told them he hit her.

But she was afraid telling the police could make matters worse, so she didn't. Nor did anyone else.

She did, however, find the courage to break off with him. Her ex-boyfriend, identified by her friends only as Christopher,
about 40, came to her apartment and stabbed her several times. She was pronounced dead in the hospital.

Police, responding to the scene, said they found a man outside the building brandishing a large knife.

Police tried to talk to him, but when it appeared he was about to charge them, ''police had no other choice than to fire on the
individual,'' said Quebec provincial police Const. Jayson Gauthier.

I made a video tribute in her memory denouncing domestic violence and child abuse. May her death not be in vain and help
other victims in the same situation get out of such destructive and life threatening situations.

Melissa I will never forget you though we did not work long together and I hope you are smiling from heaven that your life
did made a difference for someone else and that your voice is being heard now, when it was not heard then.

Let History Never Repeat Itself

Genocide and Slavery in the Americas and their consequences today
Return to Innocence –Enigma
Child Sexual Abuse - Only through awareness and action can we heal the world Do you hear their voices??
When you Love the Least of These
Homelessness-In memory of my heroe Mother Theresa of Calcuta. These are the ones that society has forgotten.


Peace on Earth (music by U2) – A peace starts with us making the changes one person at a time until it causes a
ripple effect that will bring peace to the whole world

The Time is Now to Make the Changes – We are One

Video made by Butterflygris and forewords by illyounotme on youtube regarding The Rainbow Warriors

Human kind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread in it.

When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many
colors, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as
the warriors of the Rainbow -- Old Native American Prophecy

Some time in the future, the Indians said, the animals would begin to disappear. People would no longer see the wolf,
or the bear, or the eagles. And, the story goes, the giant trees would also disappear. And people would fight with each
other and not love each other. And, the story goes, the beautiful rainbow in the sky would fade away, and people
would not see the rainbow anymore.
Well, children would come. And these children would love the animals, and they would bring back the animals. They
would love trees, and they would bring back the giant trees. And these children would love other people and they
would help people to live in peace with, each other. And these children would love the rainbow, and they would bring
back the beautiful rainbow in the sky. For this reason the Indians called these children the rainbow warriors.

Now let me ask you a question. Do you love animals or hate animals? (We love animals.) Do you love trees or hate
trees? (We love trees.) Do you love people or hate people? (We love people.) Do you love the rainbow or hate the
rainbow? (We love the rainbow.)

Well, if you love animals and trees, people and rainbows, then maybe you are the rainbow warriors?

original video scource butterflygris

check out butterflygris channel for many very interesting enlightening videos

Thank you tanyasbigbrowneyes for pointing out where this video came from.



Blessings to all of you who read this

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