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The Damron Family!

Radio Planting Missionaries! Sent by: Old Paths Bible Baptist Church, Rochester, NY! Serving with Word For the World Baptist Ministries

2013 took us to the Philippines twice. The second trip was to Catarman, N. Samar, to do some maintenance on the station we installed in 2008, Lighthouse FM. When we arrived there we learned that the transmitter was not functioning as well as a few other key components. The original plan was to repeat the existing station so as to reach more people with the Gospel. We were able to get Lighthouse FM back on the air using the repeater equipment we brought over, reaching the majority of the town of Catarman which is 70,000 people, Praise the Lord. At present, Lighthouse FM is in need of a new transmitter which will cost $7,000. Please pray that the funds would be raised so we can return soon to put the main station back on the air.


Compassion Radio in San Cristobal, Chiapas, Mexico, which we just installed a year and a half ago is having a tremendous impact and they are ready to put in a repeater station. Money is currently being raised for this project as well, and we ask for your prayers. We are anticipating a June install. This new repeater will potentially reach millions more with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Because of our busy schedules and time constraints, the IBM team has not been able to travel to PNG to assist Missionary Brad Wells. We do ask you to pray that all this will be resolved and Bible FM will be repeated throughout PNG. We will be taking a short furlough from March to June to raise support for our ministry and report to some of our supporting churches. Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support.

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