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HAPPY DAY //原創\\TIM HUGHES//中譯\\約書亞敬拜團//

Intro: | 1 |4 | 6m |5 |

|1 | |4 | |
在最偉大的那一天 從死亡中 你拯救了我
The greatest day in history, Death is beaten, You have rescued me

| 6m | |4 | |
來歡呼 耶穌祂活著
Sing it out Jesus is alive

|1 | |4 | |
空十字架和空墳墓 勝過死亡 永活的生命
The empty cross, The empty grave, Life eternal You have won the day

| 6m | |4 | |5 | |
來歡呼 耶穌祂活著 祂活著
Shout it out Jesus is alive, He's alive

[C] Chorus
|1 |4 | 6m |5 |
Oh happy day, happy day 你洗淨我的罪
You washed my sin away

|1 |4 | 6m |5 |
Oh happy day, happy day 生命完全改變
I'll never be the same
|1 |4 | 6m |5 |
Forever I am changed
| 3/1 |4 | 6m |5 | ( fin. at 1)

當我站在你面前 我終於 完全得自由
When I stand, in that place, Free at last, meeting face to face

我屬你 耶穌你屬我
I am Yours Jesus You are mine

止不住 平安喜樂 在世上 痛苦將過去

Endless joy, perfect peace, Earthly pain finally will cease

來歡呼 耶穌祂活著 祂活著

Celebrate Jesus is alive, He's alive

[B] Bridge
| 6m | |3m | |4 | |1 | |
喔 何等奇妙恩典 何等榮耀作為 主你拯救我
Oh what a glorious day, what a glorious way, That You have saved me

| 6m | |3m | |4 | |1 | |
喔 何等奇妙恩典 何等榮耀聖名 耶穌
Oh what a glorious day, What a glorious name JESUS!!!

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