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Analysis of our A2 media studies survey results.

By Pablo Ortiz

1) How old are you?

8 Amount of participants 6 4 2 0 14







Age of participants When I was creating the film pitch for my teaser trailer I didnt know who my target audience was. However I had a rough idea of a potential target audience consisting of males and females between the ages of 18-25. The majority of the people who completed my survey were 17, therefore the majority of the answers in this survey will be a representation of the views of male and females 17 year olds. This question has helped me to understand how my potential target audience thinks. As a consequence, I have decided to make my target audience between 18-25. I think that they will be able to relate to my main protagonists because theyre the same age and are therefore going through the same life lessons as my target audience.

6 5 4 Amount of 3 participants 2 1 0

2)What are your favourite fashion brands and why?

Fashion Brands

I included this question to find out what fashion brands people like to wear. The findings indicate that Nike is the most popular brand, with Adidas being the close second. I can use this information to make my main protagonists Brian, Jason and Connor McCarthy more relatable; If my audience has something in common with the main protagonists then they are more likely to form a temporary bond because they can identify with them. Therefore if Brian wears Nike clothes throughout my teaser trailer then the majority of my audience are more likely to show an interest in him.

3)What type of aspirations do you have?

7 6 5 Amount of participants 4 3 2 1 0 Having a successful career Becoming a teacher Travelling the world Going to university


I included this question to explore what type of aspirations people in my target audience might have. Having a successful career was the most popular response, travelling the world and going to university were a close second. During the writing process of my screenplay , I can incorporate these aspirations. This will help to make my characters seem more authentic.

4)What type of hobbies do you have?

8 Amount of 6 participants 4 2 0

Going to the gym

Playing sport

Watching Spending Swimming TV time with friends Hobbies

I included this question to find out what type of hobbies people in my target audience might have. Going to the gym was the most popular response, playing sport was second. I can include the gym as a filming location. The rationale behind this is to place my characters in an environment that my audience are familiar with, to my understanding audiences enjoy familiarity.

5)Where are you more likely to watch new trailers?

10 8 6 4 2 0 On tv On the internet (e.g Youtube) Links from social networks

From this information I discovered that YouTube is where the majority of my target audience discover and watch new trailers. I will post my finished teaser trailer on YouTube because it will reach the majority of my target audience.

6)When you watch a trailer, are you annoyed when they reveal a lot of information about the plot? If so, why? If not, why? 20 15 10 5 0 Yes No

The majority of people felt annoyed when trailers revealed a lot of information about the plot. By nature a teaser trailer is not meant to reveal too much information and I was not planning to break that convention. The response to this question has reinforced my decision to not reveal too much information about the plot, I will avoid making this mistake because the last thing I want to do is annoy my audience.

7) When you watch a trailer, what impacts you the most that
makes it enjoyable? 8 6 4 2 0 The The high The humor The soundtrack profile situation/ actors storyline Shock value Being able to identify with the characters

Last year the soundtrack was significant in my AS production because it helped to guide the narrative. This year the soundtrack remains important because I will use the sound bridge to alert my audience of the pivotal moment in the teaser trailer. The response to this question instils some confidence in my decision to use my soundtrack so significantly because if executed correctly, then the majority of my target audience will enjoy and appreciate it.

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

8) Films like kidulthood and Adulthood attempts to explore the day to day life of teenagers living in London, What elements of these types of films do you find relatable?

The dialect the characters used (e.g slang)

The type of The way in The clothing the which the characters characters characters sense of wear communicate humor with their friends

The characters taste in music

When analysing the response to this question I found that the dialect the characters used in Kidulthood and Adulthood made them authentic and relatable. my goal is to make my characters seem as authentic as possible, now I understand that I can use dialogue to achieve this.

9) A Psychological thriller is a fictional story which emphasizes the psychology of its characters and their unstable emotional states. Films like The Butterfly Effect, Inception and Fight Club are classified as psychological thrillers. Does this genre sound appealing to you?

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Yes No
The majority of my target audience are intrigued by psychological thrillers. Some answers include Yes, this is due to the fact that other films of the same genre have been interesting to me and I have enjoyed them quite a bit and Yes, it's interesting to watch someone lose their mind. I wonder what would happen to me if I lost my mind. Due to this positive response towards psychological thrillers, Im confident that we chose the right genre.

10) If you were making a movie, what type of main character would you create? try to be creative and describe the different personality features that character might have.
Some of the responses include: I would try and relate the main character to how teenagers are nowadays I'd create a comedy based character as I feel that comedy fits in most genres and almost every one finds humour in something so I feel that a comical character is diverse I would try to create a character who had a sense of humour, who can be very funny at times but has a hard life I would like a strong featured character that has a good sense of humour in their life and they fight for what they want, also their personality would need to stand out by perhaps being a role model not just someone who doesn't do anything about their life When I was analysing the responses I got for this question I sensed a pattern, people want a strong main character who is diverse and has a good sense of humour; to get him through the hardships of life. I also got the sense that my target audience want my main protagonist to be a individual who isnt scared to be different. I will incorporate these characteristics in my main protagonist Brian because if he has these likeable qualities, my target audience will gravitate towards him more and will care about his trials and tribulations.

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