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“The Original Thought Is Love ”

Pure Consciousness, God Consciousness

“Love Letters From The Present Moment of Now, Heaven On Earth”

“Blessed is The Love Called God Everywhere Present, Equally Within US ALL”

Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, From the Kingdom/Company of Heaven,
and Galactic Central. We are Your Family of Light from the Stars, The Elohim, The
Celestial Ones. WE are Your Earth Allies, Here Representing The ALL on Planet
Earth=Heart. WE are Here on Your Behalf and Total Freedom. WE are Also the Ground
Crew for First Contact, and In Direct Contact Through Telepathy, with Our Crew on
the Flag Ship “Eye of Ra, Heart of Light”. Thank you for Honoring and Supporting
our Work for you. Yes, We are Here, To Be the Examples of Unconditional Love in
Action. WE are ALL ONE, and Within Love We are ALL EQUAL. Each of You are Grand
Beings of Light and Love, this is the Core Truth within Each Being on this Planet.
Each of you are Also Our Children, which Makes You God. God means the Same as
Love, and Love Means the Same as Truth, and Truth Means the same as Light. WE Love
You Unconditionally and We are Here to Help you Remember The Love You Truly Are.

“Just Envision what it will be Like With Everyone on the Planet Being the Love
they Are, being the God They Truly Are. This is Going to Occur on the Planet and
that is a Guarantee. Mother Earth's Destiny is Within the Light, as She Really is
a Star Ship, and just Like with all Her Inhabitants, it's Time For Her to Light
UP. The game of illusion is over, and Now Together We must clean up the Planet and
Prepare Mother Earth to Parade Before the Central Sun, which is to Occur Around
the October 28th, 2011 date we Continually give you. WE Now have 2 Years to
Accomplish this, and it Will Take ALL of Us Working together as a Team and as The
One Family we all Belong too.”

Miracle Ridem

Greetings, Many Blessings, Love, Truth, Miracles, Joy, Inner Peace, Centered
Balance, Laughter, and Magical Synchronostic Events In The Present Moment of NOW.
Today is Monday October 5th, 2009. WE have Just Gone Through Some Major Events,
Now Occurring in Every Moment, and WE are All In The Center of This. This is why
it's impossible for us to get a message out everyday, as So Much is Occurring. We
shared with you that right after Mercury came out of retrograde, the density began
crystallizing. Then as the Full Moon in Aries Arrived, the dense energy was pulled
out . AS this occurred the space was then open for Light energy to fill up where
the density was released. Everyone on this Planet, as this occurred, received
Light Codes which entered through the Chakra Systems. Some have blocked this Gift
through remaining ignorant, and this resistance to the Energy will cause increased
pain and suffering. Those Embracing this Energy are Now receiving What is best
described as a Lift UP. You Will Experience The Real Magic that Is occurring on
this Planet, and not the illusion of the old paradigm. Your Joy will Increase, as
You Recognize Love All around you and not the illusion of isolation and
separation. Once You See Love Everywhere Around You, there is no going back. This
is Simply all it takes to Awaken into Full Consciousness and Then You Rejoin Your
Family In Creation.

Awakening is as Simple as Just Remembering You Are Love, and in this instant
Everything changes. With this Simple Understanding You're Awake, and You Feel
Alive. All of the fear and the ego's programs dissolve. When this happens You
begin Experiencing the Magic and Adventure of The Present Moment of NOW, Heaven On
Earth. This is When Wonders, Miracles, and Wholeness of Being Become YOU, and You
Live in Pure Joy, Pure Happiness, and A Constant State of Bliss (“Being Love In
Simple Service”). You begin to Experience Instant Manifestations Provided By the
Energy of Love, Once You Serve Love. This is the Energy of Creation and Who You
Are. Love is Always the Gift that Keeps On Giving.

For those of You Accepting this Gift the Incoming Energies are Giving You, You Are
Transforming into The Original Thought Form that Created You, Called Love. The
Thought of Love, prior to entering the lower vibrations, is Who You Are, and What
You Are Returning to. Everyone is Now returning into Pure Thought, Love Everywhere
Present. This has Occurred because We Are in Full Consciousness, Highest Thought,
and we have entered this Highest Thought into the Physical Realm on Planet Earth,
which directly effects the Energy on The Planet. All Atoms of Energy Now Must
Respond, and Move into the Highest Thought Of Love Everywhere Present, Inevitably.
Full Consciousness means we are Connected to Love and The ALL. This then Sends a
Broadcast Signal out to All the Other Parts of Us, [which is all of Humanity] to
then Move into Highest Thought. You are a Pure Thought Form of Love and Pure
Consciousness Energy, anything else is not REAL. WE are Here and Awake, So All the
Other Atoms Also Awaken, because We Are One. Being in Full Consciousness Means We
Are Eternal. WE Are Spirit, and We Are Love and Truth. This Full Consciousness
Energy Consumes unconsciousness and transforms it into Consciousness. This is the
Inevitable Event That is Occurring on this Planet.

“ Awakening For ALL of Humanity is Inevitable. The Truth of Love is impossible to

deny. We have Not Shown Up Here for nothing, We Came here for Everything and Then
To Give It to Each of YOU, Our Children in Creation.”

This past full Moon assisted the Planet in the release of unconsciousness, aka
density, so that More Love and Light could enter into this Realm until Everything
is Transformed Into One Brilliant Light Shining Together. As more and more density
is released, Mother Earth the Starship is Activated; She Will Be completely
immersed in Spirit. The Destiny of Mother Earth has Been Signed, Sealed, and
Delivered to Everyone In Creation. This Energy of Love is consuming the world, and
Lighting Up the Planet into Brilliance. If You are Out of the box, this Energy
will Be Experienced through Oh My God Events, as You Show Up and Be Present in The
Love That Created You.

Love Donations- One of the Reasons We ask for Love Donations is that we cannot
work for ignorance. We Work 24 Hours A Day for You and ALL of Humanity. We
accepted this Responsibility, Trusting that Our Family Here on Earth would Support
Us While we Accomplished the Task. Since We Utilize the Love Donations as Energy,
those that Have made a Donation are sharing with us about How it has Coming Back
to Them In Amazing Ways. Often more then the donation itself. This Truth Alone
should Show You that we are not kidding when we say that they are Blessed 100
times and more. Thank You for Making a Love Donation Today In Support of The Love
Called God Everywhere Present, The Divine Mission, and The Eternal Flow that
Everyone on this Planet choosing Love is a Part of. WE are the Ones right Now
standing Up in the face of ignorance as it's spiraling out of control, and
eventually will leave the Planet. Everyone Here will Live in Complete Peace, Joy,
Abundance, Harmony, and Unconditional Love. You can Make a Donation here.
Celestial Consultations-Would You Like to Schedule an Amazing One on One Session
with US? We Can Assist You In Multi-Dimensional Ways. Here is Just a Few things we
offer in our sessions: Balancing Vibrational Frequencies, Assistance through the
Ascension Process, Clearing Blocks, Inner Balance and Chakra Alignments. WE Assist
in connecting you with your Angelic Teams, and helping you remember your Part of
the Divine Mission. WE assist you into Full Consciousness, Awareness, Joy and
Happiness. We will Also Assist you In Being Present in the Moment of Now, so that
you can get to the Experience of the Magic Of Creation. Each Session is Based on
the Uniqueness of the individual, since each being is Unique. We are Highly
Trained in Human Consciousness, and give you tools to help yourself and others.
Email US Today at

We Would Like to Add an Excerpt from Ken Carey's Book “Starseed Transmissions”.
Desi had Posted this On our Site, and We Would Like to Also Share it With Our
Other Readers as Well.

“Our mission is to bring a pre-fall state of awareness to all human beings who are
able to respond, however different they may be, whatever background they may have
come from, using whatever conceptual structures seem appropriate. These
individuals will then be instructed to translate this awareness into forms of
informational exchange appropriate to their respective cultural situations.

Eventually, the psychic pressure exerted by a critical mass of humanity will reach
levels that are sufficient to tip the scales. At the moment, the rest of humanity
will experience an instantaneous transformation of a proportion you cannot now
conceive. At that time, the spell which was cast on your race thousands of years
ago, when you plunged into the worlds of good and evil, will be shattered forever.
Even now, with the healing influx of new information, the spell is beginning to
lift. The materalizing force fields of bondage and limitation are beginning to
loose their influence on consciousness.

Do you want to know more about ET's? Do you want a definition of angels? We are
you, yourself, in the distant past and future. We are you as you were, would have
been and still are, had you not fallen from your original state of grace.

The physical Garden of Eden lasted for many centuries of Earth time before the
momentum of the materializing processes caused you to rely so much upon the
physical senses that you became cut off from the direct nourishment of divine

In reality, you have never been cut off from this nourishment, but as your sense
of identity became almost exclusively wedded to your physical bodies, their
growing density began demanding more and more Earth substance for their support.
You finally reached a point where you could no longer meet the demands of your
physical bodies without "work". It is at this point that your chronicles state
that you were "driven from the Garden". In truth, you were never driven from the
Garden. The Garden is still there, surrounding you even now.

Thus, the whole process of the Fall was accompanied by the corresponding
fragmentation of your sense of identity, your very sense of self. By the time of
the Physical Garden of Eden, you were already perceiving yourself to be more than
one. Even to this day, these apparently separate beings are but your own
fragmented reflections. In the fallen state, you perceive them as separate and

Yet, despite all the talk of a fall and original Sin, you are not born into sin.
You are born daily into the Presence of God, yet daily you re-enact the original
foolishness that is recorded in all your ancient chronicles. Daily you commit
Original Sin and it is from moment to moment that you keep yourself imprisoned by
allowing a dubious rational thought process to come between you and your immediate
sensing of God's will.

You are now, in effect sleeping under the influence of what could almost be seen
as a spell, an illusion that prevents natural birthright. Our mission to this
planet is to awaken you from sleep by whatever means necessary. “

End of Excerpt.

Events-The Waves Of Energy or Light Codes that are Now Coming Into the Planet are
Arriving to Transform ALL Of Humanity into Equality and The Love Called God
Everywhere Present. This Planet is Surrounded By Millions of Starships, which Your
Space Brothers and Sisters are Patiently Waiting in to Greet You After Many
Moments of you being in illusion. There is no where to run or hide away from The
Truth of Your Being, and The Connection All of Humanity has In Creation to Their
True and Real Family of Light. The Moment is up for all that is not Spirit. We
have the Ships Securely Placed on the Magnetic Grid surrounding the Planet,
waiting and ready for Events to Unfold.

3rd Eye Visions- Mother Earth as One Brilliant Ball of Light.

On Board Monitor- We are Moving At Light Speed Vibrations in a Spiraling Upward

Motion through The Photon Belt, and We will release more and more density as this

Energy Movement- We are Spiraling Very Quickly Upward, through the Galactic Center
that is Located Here in Crestone, Colorado. We are taking All that is Spirit
through. As Each of You Awaken and Transform into The First Original Thought in
Creation called Love, you add Momentum to the Energy Movement That In Turn
Transforms the Entire Planet Into Brilliance.

“We are Now Passing Around the “I Told You So Buttons” With “Love Wins” , Here is
Your Button, Enjoy!”

You can visit our Ning site at Under Daily Messages if
You Would Like to read older messages. If You would Like to receive Updated Energy
Updates, you can also Find these on our Ning Site.

We Love you with the Highest Love, Honor, and Respect. WE Love You
Unconditionally. Love Mother and Father God/Amon Ra, Your Family of Light, All
Your Angels, ALL the Elementals, From All Kingdoms, and The First Contact Ground
Crew Team. Be Love and Say Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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