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TJs Gym / CrossFit San Rafael 2240 4th Street San Rafael, CA 94901 Satur ay, !ay "r , 2014 #am$%&"0 'm (in)lu es *or+in, lun)hThe !aster Class is a trainin, )am' an seminar ,eare to*ar s !asters athletes, a,es 40$'lus. This is a 'henomenal o''ortunity to s'en a full ay of learnin, an trainin, *ith some of the /est )oa)hes an min s in the /usiness. C0ST& 122% for Athlete 3arti)i'ants (must /e 40 or o4er1200 for Coa)h 0/ser4ers ( o not nee to /e 40$'lusCOST INCLUDES A CATERED LUNCH! 5uestions6 7mail& allison8t9s,ym.)om Re,ister :o* 4ia the lin+ /elo*&

Areas of focus wit e!" asis o# Masters wi$$ i#c$u%e&

;Gymnasti)s an !o4ement (" hours *ith Carl 3aoli;:utrition, Re)o4ery, an 3ro,ram <esi,n (!ar)us Filly;3sy)holo,y of Trainin,, Com'etin,, an 3erformin, (<r. Allison =el,er;>ormones, !eta/olism, 3erforman)e, an A,in, (<r. Justin !a,er;0lym'i)$Style ?ei,htliftin, (Calen >all;;Fa)ilitate an *ith Commentary /y TJ =el,er;; 'RESENTERS (i# a$" a)etica$ or%er*& Cut a#% "aste t e $i#+ )e$ow for fu$$ "rese#ter )ios& tt"&,,www-scri)%-co!,%oc,210.2/011,Master2C$ass2201423ios Dr- A$$iso# 3e$4er @i)ense 3sy)holo,ist Author of The Power of Community: CrossFit and the Force of Human Connection Creator of 3sy)holo,y?0<.)om 0*ner of TJs Gyms ***.'sy)holo,y*o .)om ***.t9s,ym.)om T5 3e$4er 0*ner, TJs Gyms Creator of The !aster Class, :orCal !asters, :or7aster !asters, an :orCal Teens ***.t9s,ym.)om Marcus 6i$$7 Foun er of Re4i4eRA Su''lements 0*ner of TJs Gym/CrossFit !ill Balley 201" CrossFit Games Com'etitor ***.mar)usfilly.)om ***.re4i4e$rA.)om

Ca$e# Ha$$ 0lym'i)$Style ?ei,htliftin, Coa)h an Com'etitor at TJs Gyms Coa)h of TJs Gym =ar/ell Clu/ ***.t9s,ym.)om 5usti# Ma4er8 MD Foun er of >ealth Cn)ite SF =ay Area 3hysi)ian, 7Aer)ise 3hysiolo,ist, an >ealth Strate,ist ***.healthin)ite.)om Car$ 'ao$i Foun er of Gymnasti)s?0<.)om 0*ner of :a+a Athleti)s Creator of Freestyle Conne)tion Seminars Author of free+style Coa)h at San Fran)is)o CrossFit ***.freestylethe/oo+.)om ***.,ymnasti)s*o .)om ***.na+aathleti)s.)om

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