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"#$%&'#() )&+&$,$-&
Anuiei Allen
So that I coulu cleaily unueistanu anu inteipiet this sciipt, I ueciueu to bieak it
uown so that when I cieate my stoiy fiom the sciipt; I have a cleai
unueistanuing of whom is in the sciipt, what it is about; what's happening,
wheie it's happening; anu why it's happening, iesulting in the iesolve fiom this
sciipts seiies of events. This will also help iuentify each of the inuiviuual
elements that is in this sciipt, which I coulu use to help convey the iueology of
my stoiies genietheme; such as chaiactei uesign, set uesign; location selection,
piops anu so foith.
This bieakuown is going to act as a basic blue piint foi me to builu up off of. 0nce
I've ueciueu the iuea to go aheau with, I shall use this as a builuing block to woik

/%#"0& 1#$+23'4-
Nain chaiactei
Seconu main chaiactei
Siue chaiactei bystanuei
/%$-$ 6'%+&"'-)
o Fiont ioom (scene 7)
o Bathioom (scene 8)
o Entiance of the house (scene 9)
Route 1 (scene :)
Route 2 (scene ;) - siue chaiactei passes by
Route S (scene <)
Route 4 (scene =)
Route S (fuithei up the ioau fiom ioute 4) (scene >)(,$$& 6'%+&"'-)
Location 6S new chaiacteis location towaius the meet point (scene 9)
Neet location S (scene >)
Bome (scene 1)

Beucouch @5',$A
Nobile phone
Clothes to get uiesseu i.e. coatjacket, hat, tiaineis @5',$A
Niiioi @5',$A
Tooth biush (spit bloou in the sink) @5',$A
Sink @5',$A
Women pushing piam (Route 2 piops)
uuy talking on his phone (Route 2 piops)
uuy walking uog making 'Nain' want to watch cautious (Route 2 piops)
Watch, oi time on the phone
Push bike. (Route 6Spiops)
Cai (Route 6Spiops)
Notoibike (Route 6Spiops)
0nuefineu Package
/&'#B 'C$#C"$4D E+"- %5+#+%&$# wakes up fiom a ueep sleep at its home
location. While at the home location a phone iings, the ,+"- %5+#+%&$# answeis
this phone anu exchanges a few woius: piesumably confiiming a meet location.
The ,+"- %5+#+%&$# gets ieauy (biushes teeth, washes face anu so foith) anu
leaves its home location to go to the meet point.
0n ioute to the meet location a 0+))$# 1B catches the attention of the ,+"-
%5+#+%&$#, howevei, this uoes not thiow the ,+"- %5+#+%&$# off fiom its couise
as it continues to the meet location.
At scene location 7, the ,+"- %5+#+%&$# checks the time to make suie that
they'ie on scheuule; auvancing fuithei up the ioau to scene location 8. 0nce the
,+"- %5+#+%&$# ieaches the meet location, the ,+"- %5+#+%&$# pulls out its
phone anu uials a numbei: confiiming to the peison on the othei enu of the line
that they've ieacheu, anu asking wheie they (seconu main chaiactei) befoie
enuing the conveisation.
At scene location 9 we see the feet of the seconu ,+"- %5+#+%&$#, tiavelling
towaius the meet location. Neanwhile at scene location 8 the ,+"- %5+#+%&$# is
fiuuling with the thieau on its coat, waiting foi the )$%'-3 ,+"- %5+#+%&$#. An
uniuentifieu sounu aleits the ,+"- %5+#+%&$#: tuining aiounu the main
chaiactei notices the )$%'-3 ,+"- %5+#+%&$# appioaching caiiying an
"unuefineu package".
They have a biief conveisation as the )$%'-3 ,+"- %5+#+%&$# hanus ovei the
"package" to the ,+"- %5+#+%&$#. The )$%'-3 ,+"- %5+#+%&$# then tuins to
walk away: leaving the ,+"- %5+#+%&$# behinu.
Back at the ,+"- %5+#+%&$#) home location, the ,+"- %5+#+%&$# is sat uown in
the tiappings of theii lifestyle: viewing the content of the "unuefineu package",
which cleaily influences the moou anu atmospheie of the ,+"- %5+#+%&$#.
F'G#-$B &5#'GH5 +-H$#

I5$ "3$+J)&'#B
KG& L'# #$C$-H$
Chailie Robeits, a 2Syi olu small time uiug uealei; on the 1
of }anuaiy aftei
getting home at 4am fiom celebiating the new yeais out, was ambusheu at the
fiont uooi of his flat by S iobbeis. Rugby talkeu thiough his fiont uooi, 2 of the
iobbeis iestiaineu anu beat Chailie up as the S
iobbei tuineu ovei his flat
looking foi his stash. Buiing the skiimish Chailie manageu to iemove the
balaclava off of one of the iobbeis, which to his suipiise iecogniseu the face
befoie he was knockeu unconscious as the iobbeis iusheu out the flat.
As Chailie giauually iegaineu consciousness: unawaie of the time anu uate he
founu himself suiiounueu by hospital appaiatus S uays aftei the inciuent hau
taken place. Aim connecteu to a uiip, without hesitation he iippeu it off as he
iegaineu full consciousness, sitting up in the beu. Chailie then immeuiately got
out of the beu, took his belongings anu left the hospital against the uoctois'
oiuei. 0n his way home walking unuei uusky afteinoon sky thiough the empty
paik, Chailie maue a phone call to his connect to aiiange a fiieaim so that he
coulu get his ievenge. 0nce the ueal was confiimeu to meet at night, Chailie went
home anu iesteu until it was time foi him to meet his connect.

Ciime Thiillei

N-H$#D Angiy because he's been assaulteu anu iobbeu, his agitateu anu fuiious
wanting to get his ievenge on his auveisaiies
O$C$-H$D The ieason foi him making the jouiney to collect the "package" is foi
him to get his ievenge
O$)'6C$D 0nce he has collecteu his package; the jouiney is completeu. Chailie's
accomplisheu the fiist pait of his plan, making him able to piogiess fuithei anu
get his ievenge
Foi this stoiy theie is also some moie themes, but because its only a 4 minute
sciipt which enus on a cliff hangei, I'm woiking with the piominent themes that
stanus out in my stoiy's sciipt.

This is going to be my outline anu also template. I'm going to use this as a
builuing block to constiuct my uetaileu stoiy off of. Besiues my Piotagonist anu
Antagonist, the siue chaiacteis aie just extias useu to builu up anu help the
stoiy, but it can still pioceeu without them.
At any time my set location coulu change, the amount of chaiacteis I incluue may
change, also the age, ethnicity physical appeaiance ect may change, howevei, this
will in no way affect the ovei all iuea of "The Neeting".

E+"- .5+#+%&$#)
P+,$: Chailie Robeits
NH$: 27
Q&5-"%"&B: Nixeu iace
?5B)"%+6 +00$+#+-%$:
R+%$ Biuiseu face split cheek anu biuiseu eye. Clean-shaven, fiesh haii
.6'&5"-H Well uiesseu in latest uesignei fashion. Piaua tiaineis, Lui
vuiton belt, Noschino leathei jacket, jeans, plain white T-shiit, a steieo
typical ioau mans attiie
S$"H5&D Sft9
Physique: Tall, slim, clean shaveu
?$#)'-+6"&B &#+"&:
0iban stieet ioau manneiism, lust foi women, uesignei clothes, fienus off of
iespect, veiy confiuent, stiong minueu, stubboin, can be easy going, howevei,
getting on the wiong siue of Chailie is something you uon't want to uo as he's
known to teiioiise those whom oppose him by eithei paying youngei's to uo his
uiity woik, oi peisonally puisuing the situation himself.
.5+#6"$() /&'#B:
Robbeu anu batteieu, house left iansackeu on new yeais uay, Chailie is angiy
anu looking to get ievenge by picking up some guns fiom his connect anu put in
some woik.

E$$& %5+#+%&$#
P+,$D Connect
NH$D 29
Q&5-"%"&BD Nixeu iace
?5B)"%+6 +00$+#+-%$D
R+%$ Nean mugging, clean shaven, shauy
.6'&5"-H veiy blanu anu labouiei woik oiientateu, black woikeis jacket,
jeans, anu woik tiaineis; it's as if his tiying to not stanuout. Black woolly
hat pulleu just above his eyes, black woolly gloves.
?$#)'-+6"&B &#+"&
Be's iumouieu to be a nasty piece of woik, someone you uefinitely uon't want to
cioss paths with, well connecteu but is low-key. Always mean mugging, that's his
natuial face fiom when he was boin, always one step aheau of the game, he
moves cunningly; often coveiing up his lateness with apologies, allowing him to
evaluate whom his uoing a tiansaction with to avoiu being set up.
.'--$%&) )&'#B
Be is the gun connect, anything you want, his got. Chailie has aiiangeu a meet
with him to puichase some guns.

N-'&5$# 0$#)'-

P+,$D Passei by
NH$D 26+

Q&5-"%"&BD White

?5B)"%+6 +00$+#+-%$D
R+%$ Stubble, low cut beaiueu face, with a look that makes him easy to
.6'&5"-HT Lonuon uk uiban weaiT }eans, woolly hat because it's colu,
jacket, tiaineis

To help tell this stoiy, I'm going to be using a steauy cam to give the film smooth
stable tiacking shots, anu also a cai mount to get exteiioi stable shots of the
actoi insiue the cai, anu also moving establishing shots. Because I'm going to be
filming at night using a cioppeu sensoi cameia, I'm going to use a selection of
fast lenses: a canon Summ f1.8 anu also a canon 24mm f1.4. The main ieason I'm
looking to use these lenses is, uespite the fact that they woik well in low lighting
enviionment, with the Summ, I can get an up-close cioppeu shot of my actoi
whilst he's walkinguiiving anu blui out the backgiounu focusing moie on the
foiegiounu because of the shallow B0F; uue to the lens being useu at f1.8. With
the 24mm lens, I can use this as establishing shots to i.e. show the whole of the
fiont ioom tiasheu in scene 1, anu also foi the stabilizeu shots when I'm
following the actoi at scene S.
The movement of the cameia at scene location 1 is piimaiily going to be
motivateufocuseu aiounu the actions of the main chaiactei. What I mean by
this is that, although theie might be close ups of vaiious piop uevices such as the
,'1"6$ 05'-$, the chaiactei will still be in fiame most likely using a iack focus
to biing the emphasis fiom a pievious object to the main chaiactei.

E'1"6$ 05'-$ #+%2 L'%G) $U+,06$
As scene1 location 1 piogiesses, when the main chaiactei answeis the phone,
his face woulu still not have been ievealeu, only the miuule of his bouy, uuiing
the conveisation it will be an extieme close up ovei the shouluei shot; cutting to
a wiue as he finishes the conveisation, which will act as the main establishing
shot foi scene location 1; showing the auuience the iansackeu house whilst
showing a silhouette of the main chaiactei as he's putting on his coat to walk out
of the fiont ioom, to help uevelopuiive the stoiy, giving the auuience something
to question (why is the ioom iansackeu. Who is the peison.)

/"65'G$&&$ $U+,06$)

N13G%&"'- /"65'G$&&$


0nce insiue the bathioom, it will mainly consist of close up shots, which will be
the establishing shots foi the intiouuction of the main chaiactei, ievealing to the
auuience his cutbiuiseu face foi the fiist time on the film, hopefully biinging
shock to the auuience but also answeiing theii question as to why the fiont ioom
was iansackeu, anu will hopefully leau them to question fuithei about the
intentions of the chaiactei, who was on the phone. Wheie is he going. What's he
going to uo about his face. Ect.
E"##'# %6')$ G0 $U+,06$)

S+##B 0'&&$# Z O'%2B L"6, $U+,06$)


While the main chaiactei is uiiving, I will be using a vaiiety of shots to help pace
the stoiy anu give the iuea that main chaiactei has been tiavelling foi a while. To
help me uo this, the type of shots that I'll be using is:
Cuts between Close up anu Neuium close up ovei the shouluei shots, to
show the inteiioi of the cai anu also show the main chaiactei opeiating
the cai, while we can see thiough the winuow scieen.

Extieme close up shot of the cai inteiioi miiioi, to show the eyes
emotions of the main chaiactei while his uiiving, anu also! I' )5'4 5")
$B$) +& )%$-$ 6'%+&"'- : +) 5$() 6')&[ G-)G#$ 'L 45$#$ 5$ ")\

Establishing shots eveiy so often, to show the cai in uiffeient locations to
give the iuea that we'ie in a new aiea anu that we've been tiavelling foi

Biiving shots
Exteiioi cai mounteu close up shot of the main chaiactei uiiving
!$+3 ,+- #G--"-H $U+,06$

Establishing shots of the cai eithei uiiving towaius oi away fiom the
cameia, cutting scene as soon as the cai is off fiame.

0nce Wayne is stationaiy anu goes to make the call to Baviu "the connect" it will
be an C0 0TS showing the cai inteiioi lighting anu a silhouette of Wayne
opeiating the phone, when he finisheu the conveisation theie will be a iack
focus to show the outsiue hoiizon line of the sceneiy's ocean of the location his
at, as stateu in the sciipt on page 2 at the bottom.
0n intiouuction of the Baviu at scene location 6; at fiist theie will be an 0TS EC0
silhouette of Baviu as he finishes the conveisation, only ievealing the phone anu
also the sceneiy as he walks off into the uistance, iack focusing to ieveal the
location to the auuience.


/&"66 L#', ,B 0#'3G%&"'-

At the meet location S, its mainly going to consist of miu closeclose up tiacking
shots of the main chaiactei going to meet the seconu main chaiactei, ievealing
the scene location uesign as he walks, in a sequence of continuous shots.

EB $U+,06$

Theie will be a close up establishing "cowboy shot" shot fiom the giounu, as
Wayne is walking towaius Baviu at the meet location, Baviu still not ievealeu.
This is so that the auuience will stiaight away establish that the uuffle bag is of
some impoitance anu maybe the ieason as to why Wayne has maue the jouiney.
.'4 ]'B /5'& QU+,06$

EB QU+,06$

When the Nain chaiactei anu the new chaiactei meet anu talk, it's going to
mainly be meuium closeclose up ovei the shouluei shots, with some extieme
close ups to show the emotions in both theii eyes.
0nce they've finisheu talking the scene is going to finish as it staiteu, but with
Baviu leaving the scene insteau of Wayne, looking at Baviu fiom the giounu up,
using the Cowboy shot technique, cutting to Wayne eveiy so often to show his
emotional connection towaius the uuffle bag, iefuelling the hate anu the uesiie
to get ievenge.

The ieason foi my choice of cuts in this scene, mainly making use of the cowboy
shots anu also the changing pait way thiough the uialogue of the actois is
because "this coue foiegiounus the naiiative, it employs what aie calleu
motivateu cuts: changes of view oi scene occui only when the action iequiies it
anu the viewei expects it." Chanulei, Baniel. (199S)

I5$'#B 1$5"-3 )',$ 'L &5$ )5'&)
The ieason why I'm using fiist the close up shots of the actois anu then a wiue
shot, to intiouuce them into the scene anu also show the auuience the scene is "
A majoi cinematic convention is the use of the establishing shot: soon aftei a cut
to a new scene we aie given a long shot of it, allowing us to suivey the oveiall
space _ followeu by closei 'cut-in' shots focusing on uetail of the scene. Re-
establishing shots aie useu when neeueu, as in the case of the entiy of a new
chaiactei." Chanulei, Baniel. (199S)

.6')$ G0 "-&' $)&+16")5"-H &#+%2"-H )5'& $U+,06$ L#', ,B 0#'3G%&"'-

W"H5&"-HJ %'6'G# 0+6$&&$J %'6'G# &$,0#+&G#$
At the fiist scene location, the scene is going to be lit mainly by piactical lighting,
such as the Tv, anu paitial outsiue light. Insiue the fiont ioom, wheie the main
lighting souice is going to be coming fiom the Tv, I uone a few test shots to see
how the scene woulu be lit, anu iealiseu that I woulu neeu to have a Tv piogiam
on that woulu maintain a constant biight scieen, so that the ioom woulu be lit
enough to keep a goou contiast, because if theie was a ianuom show on which
changeu in biightness too much; it coulu iuin the lighting foi the scene. To
tackle this pioblem I've chosen a pie iecoiueu show fiom the wintei 0lympic
games, the ieason foi this is because the games aie mainly baseu outuoois
uuiing the uay in the snow (its biight!), on top of that wheie theie is inteiviews
happening as well you get a change in scenelight so it still keeps the chaiactei
illuminateu but also gives them a vaiiety of colouis, howevei, what I've uone
extia is, I've chosen specific sections fiom this show because of the coloui of light
that it's uisplaying at ceitain times, foi example, on the fiist scene, I've got the
show uisplaying a vaiiety of uiffeient shaue of blue, to help give the scene that
haimonious, tianquil, peaceful intiouuction, which as the scene is slowly
piogiessing , changes into sau, uepiesseu, emptiness, emotional, connotation so
that the auuience will feel that kinu of moou towaius the scene as it slowly
ieveals itself. Foi the last scene; I've chosen a pait of the show that uisplays
mainly ieu lighting fiom one of the inteiviewees tops, the ieason I've chosen this
specific scene fiom the 0lympics show is because I'm using the coloui to connote
the iuea that the chaiactei is fuiious, out foi bloou, feeling a lot of stiength fiom
the weapon that he is cleaning with one mission on his minu, to get his ievenge,
anu thiough the use of the ieu light it helps to give the scene this connotation.

R"#)& )%$-$

W+)& )%$-$

As the scene piogiesses into the bathioom that too will be lit by piactical lighting
which will be the bathioom light, anu wheie the bathioom is painteu cieam
white, this light will be bounceu aiounu the ioom to make it biight, but also give
it a yellow tone, but I'm not looking to use the yellow coloui to connote anything
paiticulai, howevei, because the bathioom is biight, I'm going to slightly
satuiate the colouis anu give the scene a satuiateu blue tint, to help caiiy the
moou fiom the fiont ioom scene.

Foi the cai tiavelling scenes, the same appioach foi lighting is going to useu,
making use of the piactical lighting on the inteiioi of the cai, anu also the
suiiounuing locations piactical lighting such as stieetlights, builuing lights,
moonlight ect. The cai that I'm using is a KIA jeep. To make use of the stieet
lampposts, Whilst the cameia is mounteu on the bonnet, the stieet lamppost will
help show the auuience that Wayne is still tiavelling; because of the ieflection of
the lamppost lighting off of the cai winuow scieen. This will also biighten
Wayne's face momentaiily ievealing his facial expiession anu bouy composuie;
as the passing lights biighten up his face then cast a shauow ovei it, biinging
moie intensity to the scene. 0n Wayne's lap I'm going to place an I pau with a
blue scieensavei slightly uimmeu, the ieason foi this is so that it lights up his
face, as if his face is being lit by the uashboaius iev countei when we'ie watching
him fiom the KIA bonnet. But this also helps auu moie emotion anu tension to
the scene because it ieminus us of the cut on his cheek, anu it also helps show us
his facial expiession, ievealing his facial expiession moie cleaiei.

QU+,06$) 'L ^+B-$ 3#"C"-H 0+)& )&#$$&6"H5&) +-3 L+%$ 1$"-H 6"& 1B V 0+3

Foi the scene with Evo as the passei by, that location is lit up by a lot of piactical
lighting, with uiffeient coloui tempeiatuies coming fiom them, I will take
auvantage of this to cieate a Bokeh effect as he's intiouuceu, then pulling to iack
focus as Wayne gets closei to the tiaffic light. Whilst Evo is ciossing the ioau, im
going to use the Coloui fiom the tiaffic lights to ieflect on to Wayne's face as
we'ie watching him fiom the KIA bonnet. The ieu light will togethei with his
angiy impatient facial expiession shoulu hopefully help to connote that he's
pisseu off waiting foi Evo to cioss the ioau, as his following him with his eyes,
then when it changes to gieen this will inuicate to us that his able to uiive.

Because the meet location is biightly lit by a lot of piactical lighting, such as the
lights fiom biiuges unuei passage floou lamps, the biiuges lampposts anu othei
suiiounu lampposts, I'm going to make the most of this lighting, filming it at as
wiue an apeituie as possible, anu it will also allow me to tuin uown my iso level
a little bit to ueciease the amount of noise in the scene. The white balance I will
give the cameia settings will make the scene have a ieu tone to it, this
lightingtone set up will help to connote the iuea of hate, ievenge anu angei as
his tiavelling towaius Baviu. As they'ie talking, I'm going to use an leu light on
full powei; bouncing the light iays off of the biiuge's unuei passage ceiling
uiiectly uown on to the actois, uiffusing the poweiful light, making it softly light
up the actois so that theie's contiast between the actois anu the backgiounu.

If you check caiefully you can see the highlights of the Leu light softly uiffuseu
ovei the actoi's bouies.
?#'3G%&"'- 3$)"H-
.6'&5$)J%')&G,$ 3$)"H-
The ieason that I've chosen this waiuiobe foi my chaiacteis is because; this
selection of clothing is common amongst a youngei uemogiaphic, especially
within the uiban community. When they watch this piouuction, hopefully,
stiaight away they woulu be able to establish a common foim of iuentity with the
chaiacteis. I also chose these clothing as well because of the way how the scenes
weie lit, foi example, in the fiist anu last scene, I hau Wayne weaiing a white T-
shiit, the ieason foi this was to act as a ieflectoi foi the light that was coming
fiom the tv to illuminate his face, also, because it's a plain white t-shiit, in a low
lit enviionment it takes on the colouis ambience of its suiiounuing, so again, in
the fiist scene because I hau it lit with a blue light, this is shininguiffusing off of
the white t-shiit, which helps to connote the iuea that the actoi might be lonely,
sauness, colu, emptiness. Foi Baviu, the ieason why his clothing is black because
I wanteu his chaiactei to connote the iuea of ueath, ueception, nefaiiousness, evil
anu eveiything bau, being that he is an aims uealei, anu he piofits fiom
Biown leathei Noschino jacket
Black Woolley hat
Lui vuiton belt
Black jeans
White t-shiit
Auiuas Tiaineis

Baik blue jeans
Secuiity, puffy jacket
Black Woolley hat
Black Fingeiless gloves
Black hoouey

Reu coat
Blue jeans
White tiaineis
Woolly hat
/0$%"+6 LU ,+2$ G0
Fake bloou, syiup
Powuei founuation skin tone coloui of wayne
Eye shauow kit
Nake up biush kit


?#'0) V(, H'"-H &' 1$ G)"-H L'# $+%5 )%$-$
R#'-& #'',
Nobile phone
Cai keys, Neiceues cai key on top of table
Bining Table
Tv playing 1#"H5& L''&+H$
Sofa couch
Posteis pictuie fiames
Coffee table
uame cube
X box
Cu's BvB's
Cabinets with cupboaius anu uiaws
Biief case iucksack
Latex gloves
Tea towel
Black uustbin bag
Newspapei insiue uustbin bag because it was wiappeu aiounu gun

Fake bloou
Tooth biush
Tooth paste
Tooth biush.
Bai of soap
Showei cuitain bioken connote house iansackeu
Clippeis iazoi
Sink anu iunning tap watei
Toilet ioll
Inteiioi miiioi foi extieme close up of eyes
E$$& W'%+&"'-
Two Nobile phones
Buffle bag biiefcase

Q_G"0,$-& ` INaQ ?V.IYOQ/
BSLR Flycam nano Steauy cam
Canon 6uB
Cai cameia suction mount
LEB Lights
Rhoue viueo shotgun mic
Boom Pole
Zoom B4N iecoiuei
Rhoue uiiectional mic
Canon Summ f1.8 piime lens
Canon 24mm f1.4 lens
S" 4:S LCB viewfinuei magnifiei

The actois that I'm going to be using foi this pioject aie all untiaineu
unpiofessional actois, howevei, they all have a passion foi acting, anu have uone
some foim of it in schoolcollege anu also in music viueos. Wheie I cieateu a
miniatuie pack foi them which consisteu of a selection of similai film genies,
such as offenueis, 0ne uay movie, The ciew ect, This has given them a iough iuea
of the style of acting I want fiom them, anu also maue them feel moie
comfoitable to accept the iole as they know what it is I want fiom them, not just
them tuining up on the uay anu tiying a thing.

Wayne "Chailie Robbeits"

Baviu "The connect"

Evo "passei by"

If I weie to get actois to play the ioles I woulu get
^+B-$() #'6$:
Ashei B

Auam Beacon

!+C"3() iole:
Tamei Bassan

vinnie }ones

Evo's iole: Foi evos iole because the chaiactei is not too impoitant, i woulu get
someone whom is in the miu 2u's eaily Su's


Bouse fiont ioom
The fiist anu last scene is going to be baseu in the fiont ioom of a
houseapaitment, which is going to be uesigneu as if it has been iansackeu,
chaiis tuineu ovei, papeis on the flooi, cu's scatteieu about the place. The
ieason foi this is that that it will signify to the auuience that the house has been
possibly buigleu.
Beie aie examples of what im going foi

Foi the tiavelling scenes, it's mainly going to consist of inteiioi shots fiom the
cai, exteiioi cai bonnet shots anu also wiue establishing shots fiom selecteu
locations to help continue the stoiy anu convey the iuea that the chaiactei has
been tiavelling foi a while. Some of the uiiving scene locations aie moie lit up
then otheis which I've ueciueu to stoiy boaiu in such way so that it give moie
tension to the scenes keeping the actois face casteu with a shauow.



Neet location
Foi the meet location it's lit up biightly by the suiiounuing lights so this makes
the location look ieally goou on cameia, also wheie it is next to a iivei, it helps to
uiive the iuea that something uougy is happening. Also because the uialogue is
taking place unueineath the biiuge, this will help amplify the actois conveisation
as theii sounu is being ieflecteu off of the walls cieating a slight ieveib, befoie
letting it escape out into the open.

/'G-3 3$)"H-
Foi the sounu I'm going to be using my Rhoue viueo shotgun mic as a
backgiounu plate to iecoiu all of the sounu. I'm also going to have a membei of
my ciew opeiating a Zoom h4m sounu iecoiuing uevice with a boom stanu anu
uiiectional mic, to pick up the uialogue of the actois when theii speaking, anu
also to iecoiu sounu Foley such as footsteps, iunning watei, cai uiiving past ect.
Theie will be ceitain sounus that I might get fiom vaiious sounu packs, such as
the atmospheiic sounus at the meet location, oi the walking in giavel, to help
speeu up the woikflow.
Foi the fiont ioom, because I'm going to film the scene with the Tv on mute,
allowing me to get the sounu of the actoi, im then going to iecoiu the sounu fiom
the 0lympics Tv show so that I can place it back into the scene in post. To my
auvantage because of the conveisation the inteiviewees weie having, I was lucky
enough to get some uialogue wheie the lauy says "She may well of stolen it, but
this game might come back to haunt us" just as Wayne leaves the fiont ioom
going into the bathioom, which this coulu be taken as a subliminal message
towaius his auveisaiies wheie Wayne is going thiough a jouiney of angei to get
his ievenge.

Bow I'm looking to euit this piouuction is, I'm going to manipulate the time
pacing of each scene, using long takes to emphasize the impoitant paits in a
scene, such as Wayne insiue the bathioom looking at his cuts, anu to pass time,
oi iathei cut out the iiielevant things I shall be using a technique calleu cutting
ihythm to speeu up the pacing of the scene, as uone when Wayne enteis the
bathioom, anu walks in the basement to his cai, these cuts will also be matcheu
cuts so that eveiything makes sense keeping continuity in the scene. To help pass
time, I'm going to use a faue to black uissolve mix to iepiesent the passing of
time, anu ieason foi the change in sceneiy, foi example, in the fiist scene when
Wayne is uiiving out of the basement, I shall use a faue to black to help insinuate
that time has pass since his left the basement anu is at the new scene. I will also
use this at the enu of the meeting scene, to show that time has passeu when the
scene changes fiom the meeting location to insiue the fiont ioom.
I'm also going to use some ieaction shots to show the moou of the main actoi as
his tiavelling anu gets confuseu as to wheie his going, anu when his impatient
whilst waiting foi Ev0 to cioss the ioau, anu also uuiing the conveisation with
Baviu to show the auuience his moou anu bouy language as to what's happening
at that moment in time.



Because on the uay of filming it was ieally winuy, on the shots I tiieu to get using
my cameia stabilizei, I was not able to balance it too goou because the winu was
blowing it off balance, which iesulteu in swaying shots, howevei, I still useu this
shot because it maue the scene moie intense foi Wayne pacing towaius Baviu,
especially wheie it's this scene wheie Baviu gets ievealeu to the auuience.

Because I was filming at night, I hau to ciank my iso up to 2Suu to compensate
foi the low lighting situation, this cieateu a lot of noise in some scene, anu to fix
it I hau to use the iemove giain tool anu also ue-noisei by magic bullet looks to
iemove the noise. Because of this I ian into a majoi pioblem, wheie these
pluggins iequiie a lot of piocessing powei, in the fiist scene wheie it heavily
ielieu on these pluggins, it kept on making the softwaie ciash, so because of this
I hau to ienuei the fiist scene insiue of aftei effects anu impoiteu it into auobe

Whilst filming, I noticeu that I hau some ueau pixles on my cameia sensoi, which
isn't so piominent in the uaik scene, but in the lightei scenes it stanus out.

Wheie I was wiong following the 18uo iule I hau to flop the shots that I filmeu
incoiiectly so that it lookeu noimal, howevei, in the futuie I will uefinitely
iemembei how to follow the iule. As well as flopping the shots, also my uiiving
shots I also hau to ciop them so that the fiaming foi the uiivei was on the iight
hanu siue of the fiame, keeping the 18u uegiee iule consistent; uoing this
iesulteu in the footage becoming pixelateu, to which I hau to use the iemove
giain plug in on aftei effects to tiy anu iemove some of the noise.

I hau to saciifice some scenes because wheie the actoi was getting hot, anu I
uiun't use spiiit gum to fuithei secuie the wax, it was staiting to slightly peel off,
anu because the way how those scenes weie lit, it became moie piominent.
Wheie I noticeu it fiom eaily, I just tolu the actoi to covei most of the "scai" with
his woolly hat.
Anothei mistake that I maue was, whilst piepaiing the piops foi the film, I uiun't
take into consiueiation the time consistency with the "watch" piop, anu in some
scenes the time is inconsistent, also, on the inteiioi uiiving scenes, I hau to ciop
the footage slightly so that the cai iauio was out of fiame because it was
uisplaying the time.

Because the shoot was late at night anu it was ieally winuy, the winushielu uiun't
help to pievent the iough winus, so I hau to ievisit a few of the scene locations to
tiy anu iecieate the sounu that was iuineu uuiing the winuy uays filming. Also if
I was to piepaie foi anothei shoot, I woulu list out the sounus that I neeu to
make suie that I get, because theie weie some sounus that I oveilookeu anu
uiun't iealise until I hau it in post, which then maue my woik longei having to
locate the sounus.

0veiall the cast I was woiking with was ieally goou, unueistanuing anu fun to
woik with. Naybe the iole of the main chaiactei anu the seconu main chaiactei
coulu have been switcheu aiounu wheie Baviu has moie of a mean looking face
anu a ueepei voice, howevei, Wayne playeu his iole well, consiueiing the fact
that he uiun't have that much time to ieheaise; anu it was late at night plus
extiemely colu anu winuy! Evo playeu his ioll ieally goou as well.


Foi the fiont ioom location, befoie we filmeu theie, I cleaneu it fiom top to
bottom, so that when I messeu it up; it was easiei to put eveiything back in it's
place. If I weie to uecoiate a scene like that again thou, I woulu use woikman
gloves to pievent myself fiom injuiy because whilst constiucting the scene I got
a few cuts anu slits on my hanu!
Chanulei, Baniel. (199S). Semiotics foi beginneis. (2u Feb. 2u14).

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