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LasL WesL Llnk ro[ecL

1om lkusa
Counsel for 8oyal ark roLecuon Croup lnc & roLecLors of ubllc Lands vlc lnc
Coordlnaung Counsel for Lhe CommunlLy Croups Cpenlng SLaLemenL

3 March 2014
CommunlLy Croups
8oyal ark roLecuon Croup lnc (643)
roLecLors of ubllc Lands vlc lnc (643)
arkvllle Assoclauon (317)
SafeLy neL for 8oyal ark (237)
lrlends of 8oyal ark arkvllle (396)
CarlLon 8esldenLs Assoclauon (173)
?arra CllmaLe Acuon now (334)
1he kenslngLon Assoclauon (297)
8esldenLs agalnsL Lhe 1unnel (136)
Ceneral Concerns
1he Croups sLrongly oppose Lhe roposal.
1here are Lhree general concerns LhaL are
common Lo Lhe Croups.
1he use of a reference deslgn for Lhe ClS.
1he adequacy of Lhe ClS.
1he enforceablllLy of Lhe ClS Lhrough performance
requlremenLs and appllcable approvals.
SafeLy neL for 8oyal ark (237)
SafeLy neL for 8oyal ark (!"#$) wlll submlL
alLernauve opuons Lo Lhe presenL allgnmenL
of Lhe reference deslgn.
1he rauonale for Lhe Sn8's submlsslons ls Lo
mlnlmlse adverse lmpacLs of Lhe proposal on
8oyal ark and WesL arkvllle resldenLs.
kenslngLon Assoclauon (297)
kenslngLon Assoclauon (%&) concerns relaLe
Lo Lhe lmpacL of arL 8 of Lhe proposal ln
reclncL 3.
1he kA wlll make submlsslons abouL Lhe
lmpacLs of Lhe proposal on:
vlsual amenlLy,
nolse & alr polluuon,
Addluonal Lramc lmpacLs, and
Loss of publlc open space.
8esldenLs AgalnsL Lhe 1unnel (136)
1he 8esldenLs AgalnsL Lhe 1unnel (#&'!) wlll
make submlsslons concernlng Lhe lmpacL
whlch Lhe proposal wlll have on Lhelr
members and Lhe local communlLy who are
dlrecLly aecLed by Lhe proposal.
8A1S wlll submlL LhaL Lhe proposal's clalm LhaL
lL ls a 'congesuon busLer' cannoL be [usued.
ln addluon, 8A1S wlll submlL LhaL Lhe cosLs of
Lhe proposal far ouLwelgh Lhe beneLs.
CarlLon 8esldenLs Assoclauon (173)
1he CarlLon 8esldenLs Assoclauon ((#&) wlll
submlL LhaL Lhe proposal ls Lhe resulL of a
hlghly polluclsed process raLher Lhan one LhaL
ob[ecuvely looks aL Melbourne's
lnfrasLrucLure needs for Lhe fuLure.
lurLher, LhaL bulldlng more roads wlll noL
remove Lramc congesuon.
?arra CllmaLe Acuon now (334)
?arra CllmaLe Acuon now ()(&") wlll submlL LhaL
lL ls essenual Lo develop a comprehenslve publlc
LransporL/ pedesLrlan/cycllng neLwork whlle
reLalnlng publlc open space ln order Lo mlugaLe
cllmaLe change.
?CAn wlll submlL LhaL Lhls pro[ecL wlll masslvely
lncrease vehlcular Lramc whlle desLroylng vlLal
open space llke 8oyal ark.
1hls pro[ecL ls poLenually caLasLrophlc from a
cllmaLe perspecuve.
8oyal ark
1he 8oyal ark roLecuon Croup lnc & roLecLors
of ubllc Lands vlc lnc (643), Lhe arkvllle
Assoclauon (317) and Lhe lrlends of 8oyal ark
arkvllle (396) are parucularly concerned abouL
Lhe lmpacL whlch Lhe proposal wlll have on 8oyal
ark, lncludlng Lhe Zoo, Lhe 1rlm Warren 1am-
8oore WeLland (*+, .,*/012) and Anzac Pall.
Whlle each Croup has a parucular focus, Lhe
Croups wlsh Lo use Lhe example of 8oyal ark Lo
lllusLraLe all Lhe Croups' general concerns abouL
Lhls proposal.
Slgnlcance of 8oyal ark
koyol lotk ls blstotlcolly slqolfcoot os oo ootstooJloq
ooJ lotqely lotoct exomple of tbe pobllc potks set oslJe
by lleoteooot-Covetoot cbotles lo 1tobe ftom tbe
mlJ-1840s os pott of bls vlsloo fot tbe clty of Melbootoe.
lt tetolos lts eotly ose ooJ Jemoosttotes lo 1tobes
coottlbouoo to tbe ptovlsloo of pobllc opeo spoce lo tbe
colooy ooJ olso tbe vlsloo of tbe coloolol oJmlolsttouoo
fot tbe fotote Jevelopmeot of Melbootoe. lotqely os o
tesolt of lo 1tobes vlsloo Melbootoe oow bos o qtoop of
spectocolot potks.
PerlLage vlcLorla, AssessmenL of CulLural Slgnlcance of
8oyal ark, lebruary 2014.
Slgnlcance of 8oyal ark
8oyal ark's slgnlcance was furLher noLed by
PerlLage vlcLorla Lo be as follows:
koyol lotk ls tote os .lt tetolos lts boslc fotm, lts
eotly ose, temooot loJlqeooos veqetouoo ooJ
lmpottoot vlews to tbe clty.
8oyal ark ls . Lhe mosL lmporLanL of Melbourne's
early ouLer rlng of parks." and has . greaLer
hlsLorlcal slgnlcance." Lhan oLher parks.
8oyal ark has . slgnlcanL, remnanL lndlgenous
vegeLauon ." and ls LesLamenL Lo Lhe ongolng
dedlcauon Lo planung nauve and lndlgenous plans
over a perlod of 130 years."
8eference ueslgn
As Lhe ClS explalns, Lhe reference deslgn . ls
used Lo deLermlne Lhe pro[ecL's feaslblllLy and
ablllLy Lo achleve accepLable ouLcomes." ClS Ch
00 p.6
lL furLher sLaLes LhaL:
1be kefeteoce ltoject moy oot be tbe Jeslqo olumotely oJopteJ
fot tbe ptoject. lltms teoJetloq to coosttoct ooJ/ot opetote tbe
ptoject moy o[et votlouoos to lts Jeslqo ot toote ollqomeot
tbot Jellvet beuet voloe fot mooey ot tbot locotpotote
looovouve opptoocbes lo Jeslqo, tecbooloqy ot opetouoos tbot
bove oot beeo cooslJeteJ speclfcolly os pott of tbe ossessmeot
of tbe kefeteoce ltoject. (emphasls added) ClS Ch 00 pp 6-7.
8eference ueslgn
1he Croups submlL LhaL Lhls ls an exLraordlnary slLuauon Lo
be faced wlLh.
An approprlaLe ClS oughL Lo be based on a nallsed
proposal and have speclcally consldered Lhe full range of
negauve lmpacLs resulung from Lhe proposal as well as lLs
lL ls no answer Lo say LhaL Lhe LMA cannoL analyse all Lhe
negauve lmpacLs of Lhe pro[ecL because Lhe deslgn ls noL
1hereln lles Lhe vlce of Lhe approach adopLed ln Lhls case.
ln Lhe absence of Lhe LMA volunLerlng furLher lnformauon
on a range of lmporLanL lssues, Lhe Commluee should
requlre LhaL lL be provlded prlor Lo maklng Lhelr declslon.
8eference ueslgn
A furLher lssue wlLh Lhe reference deslgn ls
LhaL Lhe vlsual lmages and 3d renderlngs
should be assessed carefully glven LhaL Lhe
proposal may change subsLanually from whaL
ls deplcLed.
1he renderlngs are represenLauons of Lhe
reference deslgn, whlch lL ls acknowledged by
LMA do noL represenL Lhe nal proposal.

8eference deslgn
1he Commluee cannoL be saused LhaL Lhe renderlngs
represenL Lhe mosL llkely deslgn.
1hey represenL no more Lhan one posslble ouLcome.
1he renderlngs as Lhey sLand glve an approxlmaLe
lndlcauon of Lhe locauon and scale of Lhe mosL baslc
pro[ecL elemenLs buL are noL skeLch deslgns.
1he addluon Lo Lhe lmages of aesLheuc feaLures such
as grass and Lrees, when ma[or sLrucLures are sull
mlsslng (Lolllng, llghung and slgnage ganLrles, securlLy
fenclng eLc.), ls paLenLly an auempL aL dls-lnformauon
and spln.
ArusLs lmpresslon of wesLern porLal
looklng wesL
ArusLs lmpresslon of Llllou Avenue
8eference ueslgn: Concluslons
Some would say LhaL whaL has been a carefully orchesLraLed
approach by Lhe LMA Lo hlghllghL Lhe besL aspecLs of Lhls
proposal wlll have succeeded lf Lhe Commluee ls denled Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo conslder lLs worsL aspecLs.
CerLalnly, lf cosL becomes Lhe overrldlng facLor ln
conslderauon of Lenders, as ls lnevlLable, Lhe Croups submlL
LhaL Lhls pro[ecL wlll become a race Lo Lhe bouom.
1he Croups submlL LhaL lL ls lncumbenL upon Lhe Commluee
Lo exerclse a greaL degree of cauuon when formlng a vlew
abouL Lhe proposal's adequacy or approprlaLeness, glven Lhe
uncerLalnLy of lLs sLaLus.
Adequacy of ClS
As Lhe reference deslgn may lead Lo a range of
poLenual ouLcomes, lL ls lmperauve LhaL Lhe ClS
assesses Lhese ouLcomes ob[ecuvely.
lnsLead, whaL ls seen LhroughouL Lhe ClS ls Lhe
followlng sLaLemenL, ln Lhls case, ln relauon Lo
Lhe urban ueslgn lramework:
lt ls lmpottoot to tecoqolse tbot tbe kefeteoce ltoject ls o
coocept Jeslqo ooJ tbot lt Joes oot coosutote o cooslJeteJ
tespoose to tbe utboo ueslqo ltomewotk. (emphasls added)
LWL 8esponse of LMA 11.2.14 p.61.
1he Croups quesuon ls, why noL?

Adequacy of ClS: venulauon
AnoLher example of Lhls problem wlLh Lhe ClS ls
ln relauon Lo Lhe way Lhe ClS addresses Lhe need
for a venulauon sLrucLure ln 8oyal ark.
1he sLrucLure ls modeled aL Lhe wesLern porLal Lo
Lhe Lunnel and shown as belng abouL 20 meLres
hlgh. 1he ClS noLes LhaL:
1be exoct locouoo of tbe sttoctotes woolJ be JetetmloeJ by tbe
coottoctot ooJ oo oJJluoool olt poollty ossessmeot woolJ be
tepolteJ to ptove tbot tbe petfotmooce tepoltemeots to pollcy
levels woolJ be met. ClS Ch 11 p.10.
ArusLs lmpresslon of Lhe wesLern
venulauon porLal
Adequacy of ClS: venulauon
1he Alr CuallLy reporL, annexed Lo Lhe ClS as Appendlx l p.37, sLaLes LhaL:
1be moJellloq locouoos of tbe veoulouoo sttoctotes ote tepteseotouve of ooe posslble
locouoo, close to tbe tespecuve toooel exlt pottols, tbot coolJ be oseJ lo o fool toooel Jeslqo.
1be veoulouoo sttoctotes bove oot beeo ploceJ lo oo opumlseJ locouoo bot bove beeo
selecteJ ot ooe posslble coofqotouoo lo wblcb emlssloos ftom tbe toooel coo comply wltb
vlctotloo eovltoomeotol teqolouoos. (emphasls added).
laclng Lhe venulauon sLrucLure (and assoclaLed alr handllng equlpmenL)
ln Lhe opumal posluon ln 8oyal ark may locaLe Lhe sLrucLure much closer
Lo Lhe SLaLe neLball and Pockey CenLre, Melbourne Zoo and Lhe Chlldren's
1he vlsual lmpacL of a 20 meLre hlgh sLrucLure ln Lhe park would also be
slgnlcanLly dlerenL from LhaL shown ln Lhe promouonal vldeos and
renderlngs by LMA.
1he Croups submlL LhaL Lhls ls an example of an lssue, Lhe deLall of whlch
ls llkely already known Lo Lhe LMA, buL ln relauon Lo whlch proper
conslderauon of any alLernauve ls noL evldenL from Lhe ClS.

Adequacy of ClS: CuL & Cover
1he ClS noLes LhaL cuL and cover ls an opuon
for Lhe consLrucuon of all of Lhe Lunnel ln
8oyal ark.
1here ls only llmlLed dlrecL assessmenL of Lhls
opuon ln Lhe ClS.
ln many cases, lL ls noLed as an opuon, buL
conslderauon ls focused on Lhe lmpacLs of Lhe
ma[orlLy of Lhe Lunnel belng consLrucLed by
underground Lunnellng.
Adequacy of ClS: CuL and Cover
1he Croups cannoL concelve of a more
desLrucuve acuvlLy ln 8oyal ark LhaL Lhe
consLrucuon of a Lrench up Lo 120 meLres
wlde and 30 meLres deep for 1.4 km Lhrough
Lhe park.
And yeL, Lhe Croups noLe and Lhe Commluee
should observe LhaL Lhe poLenual lmpacLs of
Lhls acuvlLy are glven scanL auenuon ln Lhe
Spoll mounLaln creaLed by excavauon of underground carparks aL 8CP slLe ln 8oyal ark
Adequacy of ClS: ro[ecL Area
1here ls exLenslve land reserved for Lhe
pro[ecL over Lhe enureLy of Lhe 8oss SLraw
elds and Lhe weLlands.
unusually for Lhe ClS, Lhe land wlLhln Lhe
pro[ecL area ls sLaLed Lo be:
. o wotst cose sceootlo - oot oll of tbls oteo moy be
oeeJeJ by tbe coottoctot wbo woolJ be tepolteJ to ose os
smoll oo oteo os posslble ooJ to mlolmlse tempototy ooJ
petmooeot coosttocuoo footptlots lo tbe potk. cl5
cboptet OO p.24.
Adequacy of ClS: ro[ecL Area
1here ls lnadequaLe [usucauon for Lhe exLenL
of land ln 8oyal ark deslgnaLed for Lhe
pro[ecL area.
1he Croups say LhaL Lhls ls an example of
where Lhe Commluee should exerclse greaLer
scruuny of Lhe ClS and parucularly lLs sLraLeglc
Adequacy of ClS: Concluslons
1he Croups submlL LhaL Lhe use of a reference
deslgn ln Lhe ClS should noL be [usucauon for:
omlmng analysls from Lhe ClS of Lhe key lssues,
falllng Lo conslder Lhe expecLed range of posslble
ouLcomes, or
leavlng Lhe lssue for resoluuon unul aer a Lenderer ls
1he Croups submlL LhaL Lhe Commluee should
carefully scruunlse Lhe ClS where any of Lhe
above clrcumsLances arlse.
LnforceablllLy: Spoll ulsposal
1he Croups submlL LhaL Lhe quesuon of dlsposal
of spoll ls a very good example of Lhe Lhlrd
concern expressed by Lhe Croups.
1he ClS noLes LhaL Lhe proposal wlll creaLe
somewhere beLween 2.3 and 3 mllllon cublc
meLres of spoll whlch wlll need Lo be dlsposed of.
ClS Ch. 4 p.21-22
1he ClS furLher noLes LhaL Lhls spoll wlll be
dlsposed o-slLe.
1he amounL of spoll Lo be removed ls huge.
LnforceablllLy: Spoll ulsposal
As far as problems posed by enforcemenL of Lhe ClS ln lLs
presenL form, Lhe Croups submlL LhaL:
As lL sLands, Lhe performance requlremenLs ln Lhe ClS do noL
mandaLe removal of spoll from Lhe pro[ecL area. ClS Ch 17 p.23
1here ls ample scope Lo dump Lhe spoll on 8oss SLraw elds.
1he Lenderer may advlse Lhe LMA LhaL Lhere are cosL beneLs ln
noL removlng spoll o slLe.
1he plannlng permlL allows earLhworks Lo be conducLed and ll
Lo be dlsposed of, 'as of rlghL' wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL area. ClS App A
lncorporaLed uocumenL Lo plannlng scheme amendmenL cl 4.0
Cne could noL be crluclsed for concludlng LhaL Lhe only
reason for semng aslde such a large pro[ecL area ls Lo allow
for dumplng of spoll and avoldlng Lhe cosL of lLs removal
from 8oyal ark.
Llllou Avenue
1he key [usucauon for Lhe pro[ecL ln Lhe ClS ls
1be osteto lteewoy sboolJ be o vltol llok lo Melbootoes ooJ
vlctotlos ecooomlc loftosttoctote - losteoJ, lt ls o sttooJeJ
osset, cot o[ ftom tbe test of tbe fteewoy oetwotk ooJ qlvloq
veblcles oo Jltect occess to tbe lott of Melbootoe ooJ
Melbootoe Altpott ot to mojot tootes oot of tbe clty to tbe
oottb ooJ west. cl5 cb 00 p.2.
1he Llllou Ave lnLerchange ls [usued aL a broad
level ln Lhe ClS as belng needed . Lo beuer
dlsLrlbuLe Lramc Lravelllng Lo Lhe norLh wesLern
suburbs". ClS Ch 00 p.13.
Llllou Avenue
1he Croups submlL LhaL Lhere are numerous
enLry and exlL polnLs Lo Lhe proposal nearby
on ClLyLlnk and on ark 8 of Lhe pro[ecL LhaL
provlde far superlor llnkages Lo:
. Lhe orL of Melbourne and Melbourne AlrporL and Lo
ma[or rouLes ouL of Lhe clLy Lo Lhe norLh and wesL."
ulumaLely lL ls Lhe Croups posluon LhaL Lhe
Commluee should recommend LhaL Lhe Llllou
Avenue lnLerchange be removed from Lhe
ubllcly owned/prlvaLely possessed
1he Croups submlL LhaL Lhls pro[ecL wlll allenaLe a swaLhe
of lnner clLy publlc open spaces ln Lhe munlclpallues of
Melbourne, ?arra, Moonee valley and Moreland for Lhe
beneL of a prlvaLe Loll road operaLor.
1hese spaces lnclude:
sporung grounds and
1erra nulllus
1he Croups submlL LhaL Lhe LMA sees 8oyal
ark and any publlc open space as Lerra
nulllus" - vacanL land Lhere for Lhe Laklng.
8y conLrasL Lhe Croups submlL LhaL such open
spaces are parL of our herlLage and,
parucularly ln Lhe case of 8oyal ark, an
lmporLanL legacy Lo be passed on Lo Lhe nexL
generauon undamaged and preferably
1he AusLrallan nauve Carden ln 8oyal ark
8oss SLraw llelds
1rln Warren 1am-boore weLland
8oyal ark ls a slgnlcanL and rare recreauonal and communlLy
asseL owned by Lhe people of vlcLorla. 1he Croups submlL LhaL Lhe
lmpacL of Lhls proposal on 8oyal ark wlll be subsLanual and
permanenL. lL wlll dramaucally change Lhe quallLy of 8oyal ark for
Lhe worse. 1hls would be a Lraglc ouLcome for such an lmporLanL
and rare publlc asseL.
Cur forebears, wlLh vlslon, lnslghL and lnLellecL creaLed 8oyal ark
for Lhe beneL of all vlcLorlans. lL has been handed down Lo us
Lhrough Lhe generauons and remalns a place reserved as a park for
Lhe beneL of all.
1he Croups submlL LhaL lL ls lncumbenL on Lhe Commluee Lo apply
a slmllar vlslon, lnslghL and lnLellecL Lo LhaL of LleuLenanL-Covernor
La 1robe when assesslng Lhls proposal.
1he Commluee's declslon wlll greaLly lmpacL upon how
8oyal ark wlll be used lnLo Lhe fuLure. WhaL should be
paramounL ln Lhe Commluee's dellberauons ls Lhe facL LhaL
desLrucuon of slgnlcanL aspecLs of Lhe park wlll reap
permanenL damage upon lL.
1he Croups submlL LhaL Lhe Commluee should conslder
whaL Lhe legacy of Lhelr declslon wlll be. 8oyal ark ls Loo
lmporLanL and valuable for Lhe Commluee's declslon Lo be
made llghLly.
Whlle 8oyal ark ls of parucular concern, Lhe wlde varleLy
of speclc local concerns ralsed by Lhe oLher CommunlLy
Croups referred Lo, merlL full and careful conslderauon.

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