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Put the following sentences in plural and translate them

1…… man next to you is an engineer. 2…. woman in the distance is my sister.
3. …. child over there is my son. His name is Nick. 4. …. geese over there are big. 5.
… mice are white. Take them! 6. ….. men are doctors. They are close to us.
2. Choose the correct pronouns in italics:
1. Nick had dinner with I, me.
2. I, me had dinner with Nick last night.
3. He waited we, us in the car.We, Us hurried.
4. Please take these food  scraps and give it, them to the dog.
5. Ted invited I, me to go to the game with he, him.
6. Alex bought a ticket to the soccer game. He put it, them in his pocket and forgot
about it, them.
3. Choose the correct pronouns in italics:
1. Children should obey his, their parents.
2. Excuse me. Is this my, mine dictionary or your, yours? — This one is my,
mine. Your, yours is on your, yours desk.
3. Fruit should be a part of your, yours daily diet. It, they is good for you, them.
4. Julie fell off her bicycle and broke hers, her arm.
5. Mary had to drive my, mine car to work. Hers, her had a flat tire.
6. Those seats are not your, yours, they are our, ours.
7. I have a wonderful family. I, me love it, him, them very much, and he, they, love I,
4. Write the correct reflexive pronoun.

1. The cat nearly killed   when it ran across the

2. I enjoyed   at the party.
3. He always looks at   in the mirror.
4. We helped   to the coffee.
5. The woman accidentally hurt   with the knife.
6. The children enjoyed   at the beach.
7. The two of you shouldn't do that. You'll hurt   .
8. He paid for   .
9. Some people only think about   .
10. She didn't tell him. I told him   .

There are many animals in Australia that you cannot see anywhere else.
There are many different types of kangaroo, including tree kangaroos. The
biggest are the great grey kangaroos. They are 213 centimetres tall and can run at 56
kilometres per hour. Some run from you then stop and stare. A common place to see
a kangaroo is on a golf course. They stand and watch!
Wombats and koalas have many similarities and are probably related. Both
have pockets inside their mouths to store food and neither has a tail. The number of
koalas is getting smaller.
This is partly because of fumes from bush fires. Rescue teams help the koalas
by catching them, putting them on respirators, then returning them to their original
location when they are better. Australia also has a lot of native marsupial mice that
live in the desert. Many of these only come out at night.

There are many animals that are ‘unpopular’ in Australia including funnel-web
spiders which are dangerous. You can find these in Sydney. If they are hungry, they
will attack anything that moves. They have sharp teeth and poison.
Luckily, there is an antidote (emergency cure) if you can get to hospital
quickly. There have been 12 deaths since 1927.
Another animal with sharp teeth and a fatal bite is the shark. However, there are
normally a lot of beach patrols and protective nets to stop these from eating you for
breakfast. Other animals that are a problem for beach lovers are bluebottle jellyfish.
They look like bubbles of blue bubble gum and they have a painful sting therefore
people do not swim when there are many of them in the water. Other ‘unpopular’
animals include dingoes. These are a cross between wolves and dogs. They are
unpopular because they eat farmers’ animals.


A word that people often use to describe a cane toad is ugly! Other words
include fat, noisy any disgusting. They are also as big as footballs! The Queensland
Government introduced cane toads to Australia to eat cane beetles. Unfortunately
cane toads can’t fly but cane beetles can. Now the toads are more of a problem than
the beetles. Hundreds of thousands are born every year. The toads eat everything
including rare Australian animals. The toads are also poisonous to eat. Animals that
eat them die. Though they are unpopular animals, some people like them and keep
them as pets or write songs about them.

kangaroo – кенгуру luckily – на щастя

to include – включати antidote – протиотрута
per hour – за годину emergency – надзвичайний
to stare – видивлятися death – cмерть
common – звичайний fatal – фатальний
wombat – вомбат bite – укус
koala – коала shark – -акула
similarity – схожість beach – берег
related – споріднений net – сiтка
pocket – кишеня bluebottle – синiй
to store – запасати jellyfish – медуза
tail – хвіст bubble – бульбашка
fume – дим bush – чагарник
sting – жало fire – пожежа
therefore – тому rescue – рятувальний
dingo – дiнго location – місце знаходження
cross – помiсь marsupial – сумчастий
ugly – потворний funnel – воронка
cane – очеретяний web – павутина
Sydney – Сідней spider – павук
to move – рухатися dangerous – небезпека
sharp – гострий toad – жаба
poison – отрута fat – товстий
unfortunately – на жаль disgusting – огидний
to keep – тримати beetle – жук
pet – улюблена тварина

Завдання до тексту:
1.Дайте вiдповiдi:
What uncommon animals live in Australia?
Why are funnel-web spiders so dangerous?
What other animals with so sharp teeth can you meet in Australia?
Was it a good idea to bring cane toads to the continent?
2.Знайдiть усi присвiйнi займенники у абзацi 6.
3.Прокоментуйте вживання “The verb to have” у абзацi 2.
4.Знайдiть усi прикметники в абзацах 1,2 та визначить у якому
ступенi порiвнення вони вживаються.

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