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Max Foley-Keene

Pd. 3 NSL
Maryland Gubernatorial Race Analysis
On November 4, 2014, an election will be held to decide who will replace two-term incumbent
Martin OMalley, as governor of Maryland. OMalley, after a year of pursuing an increasingly liberal agenda
with the passage of a gas tax raise, death penalty repeal, and gun control legislation, has seen his approval rating
drop to 48%, the lowest in his governorship (Wagner 1). However, only one Republican has been elected
governor in Maryland in the last 47 years, and no big-name GOP candidates have entered the race (Moon). The
three viable democratic candidates running for the seat are: Anthony Brown, the incumbent Lieutenant Governor
and OMalleys hand-picked successor; Doug Gansler, the current Maryland Attorney General and leader on gay
marriage legislation who has faced a series of scandals in the past months of his campaign; and Heather Mizeur,
the most liberal of the candidates, who, if elected, would be the first openly gay governor in United States
history (Wagner 1). Brown currently leads by 10-20% in the polls, and has a slew of high profile endorsements
behind him (McCartney 2). He is clearly the Maryland democratic establishments pick, and also benefits from
exceptionally high poll numbers with African Americans (Wagner 1). Gansler has attempted to frame the race as
a battle between the status quo (Brown) and himself: a change candidate (Gansler). However, early campaign
miscues may overshadow his chance at the democratic nomination. Mizeur, a District 20 Delegate, brings a
strongly progressive edge to the race and, while she in polling around 5% and only 11% of likely voters know
her name, she is able to bring up issues that otherwise wouldnt be discussed (Moon)(Wagner 1). The 2014
Maryland gubernatorial election will be a question of whether Anthony Brown can slightly distance himself from
Governor OMalley and keep his support strong in the African American community, a question of whether
Doug Gansler can overcome his earlier mistakes and sell himself as a strong alternative to the Brown-OMalley
status quo, and whether Heather Mizeur can raise her name recognition and capture African American support
from Anthony Brown.

Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler will need to overcome the multiple scandals that have
overshadowed his campaign before he can sell himself as a more economically conservative, business friendly,
alternative to Anthony Brown. In August 2013, he was overheard telling potential donors that Anthony Brown
was relying on his race to win the election (McCartney 2)(Moon). In October, the Washington Post published a
story saying that Gansler had asked state troopers in charge of driving him to speed, run red lights, and other
irresponsible behavior (Wagner 2). Later in October, a picture surfaced of Gansler in the middle of a party his
son was attending where underage drinking was occurring (McCartney 2). Due to these scandals, Ganslers
campaign has taken a slight hit. He lost the sponsorships of a few important politicians, such as Somerset Mayor
Jeffrey Slavin and Montgomery Delegate Kirill Reznik (Moon). However, his polling has remained steady
through the scandals, at around 21-21% of likely voters (Wagner 1). At this rate, he would have to gain about
2/3rds of undecided voters in order to pull ahead of Anthony Browns 41% of the vote. This would almost have to
involve gaining more African American support, as Gansler only polls at 12% with African Americans (Wagner
2). Gansler is a great fundraiser, and has a large, extremely wealthy, base behind him (McCartney 2). Doug
Gansler strongly critiques some of the OMalley administrations policies on economic and fiscal issues
(McCartney 2). He has repeatedly said that OMalleys decision to repeatedly raise taxes and fees makes
businesses flee to Virginia, where the tax rate is lower (McCartney 2). Gansler says, Over the last seven or eight
years, [the OMalley administration has] raised 40 taxes in a row and 32 fees. Not a day goes by where I dont
meet somebody from a business small, medium or large whos either left, or thinking about leaving, or is
going to leave our state. And they go to Virginia, which is why Virginia is so economically solvent (Gansler).
Gansler wants to lower the corporate tax rate in order to attract business (Gansler). He also focuses on investing
in manufacturing jobs, which have increased in the United States as a whole, yet not very much in Maryland
(McCartney 2). Only 5% of jobs in Maryland are manufacturing jobs. Gansler has also criticized the
administration for failing to address the minority achievement gap, which he says is the second largest in the

country. To do this, he proposes using the revenue from the new gambling business in Maryland to fund a
universal pre-k program (Gansler). Gansler has also been an outspoken advocate of some liberal social issues;
he was the first statewide elected official to publicly support gay marriage (Wagner 3). On the other hand, he
breaks ranks with many liberals by supporting the death penalty (Moon). Gansler is not afraid to split with the
OMalley administration on critical issues; in fact he likes to be seen as a candidate against the status quo. If he
is able to gain significant African American support and leave behind his early-campaign blunder, Doug Gansler
has a slight chance of securing the democratic nomination and winning in the general election.
For Delegate Heather Mizeur to win the democratic nomination, she must increase her name recognition
and wrest black voters support from Anthony Brown. Mizeur is the most liberal of the candidates and runs as
an unabashed progressive (Dresser). She wants to raise taxes on the wealthy in order to decrease the tax
burden on the middle class (Mizeur). She also proposes to close corporate tax loopholes and wants to use money
raised by the closing of the loophole to give tax relief to small business (Rodricks). Perhaps her most
controversial position is her plan to legalize and tax marijuana sales and consumption while using the revenue
collected to fund a universal pre-k program (Mizeur). This proposal has been cleverly dubbed the pot for prek program by some of her opponents; however, Mizeur is attempting the use the plan in her favor, arguing that
she is a maverick, bringing up issues that wouldnt be discussed without her candidacy (Moon). Mizeur is a
staunch environmentalist who led the fight against fracking for natural gas while in the state legislature
(Dresser). She also proposes major investments in clean energy to help the environment and create jobs
(Mizeur). If Mizeur wins the election, it would be a landmark moment in the progressive movement that has
recently seen the election of liberals such as Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Mayor Bill De Blasio of
New York (AP). It would also be a historic election, making Mizeur the first female governor of Maryland and
the first openly gay governor in the United States (AP). Mizeurs election chances seem slim, though, as she is
polling at around 5% and 79% of likely Democratic voters havent heard her name (Wagner 1). Her choice of

African American pastor Dolmen Coates and her recent campaigning in black communities suggest that she is
attempting to capture black voters from Anthony Brown (Dresser). In African American neighborhoods, she has
campaigned on her marijuana legalization plan, an issue that disproportionately affects African Americans
(Moon). If Mizeur wants to have a chance at the nomination, she must increase her name recognition. It seems
that, however, at this point in the race, it would take something massive, like Brown or Gansler dropping out of
the race, for Mizeur to win.
Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown will have a great chance at securing the Democratic nomination if
he is able to keep his support with African Americans and distance himself from OMalleys less popular
decisions. At this point in the race, Brown essentially has everything going for him. He has the endorsement of
almost the entire Maryland democratic establishment (Wagner 2). Gov. Martin OMalley, Senator Barbara
Mikulski, Senator Ben Cardin, House Minority Whip Steney Hoyer, Rep. Elijah Cummings, and more than a
hundred other elected officials have endorsed him (Brown). He polls at around 40% consistently, with about
56% of the African American vote (Wagner 1). He went to Harvard Law School and served in the military in
Iraq (Brown). Due to his clear front-runner status, he hasnt had to take many controversial policy stands during
the campaign (Moon)(Wagner 2). Brown wants to increase funding for infrastructure and create a stronger
business relationship between the public and private sectors (Brown). He, like the other two Democratic
candidates, want to create a universal pre-k program (Brown). He also believes in investing in post-college job
training in order to help the workforce (Brown). One major issue for Browns campaign is the disastrous
Obamacare rollout in Maryland (Wagner 3). One of the biggest responsibilities given to Brown by Governor
OMalley is to supervise the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and, like the federal system, bugs and
mistakes have beset Marylands insurance exchange (Moon)(Wagner 3)(McCartney 1). Doug Gansler has
attempted to make this a major campaign issue, arguing that the botched rollout exemplifies Browns
incompetence (McCartney 1). Another possible obstacle for Brown is his association a governor who is falling

in popularity (Moon)(Wagner 1)(Wagner 2). OMalleys decisions to raise the gas tax and shift state pension
burdens further onto localities have been some of the major arguments used by Browns opponents to
delegitimize his candidacy (Moon). It might be wise for Brown to stray slightly from OMalleys more
controversial positions. Despite these drawbacks, the momentum in the campaign is clearly on the side of
Anthony Brown (Wagner 3)(McCartney 2). A prime example of this momentum is the endorsement of Brown
by Equality Maryland, the states biggest LGBT rights advocate, who chose Brown over a candidate who would
be the first LGBT governor in the United States and over the first state-wide elected official to publicly support
gay marriage (Wagner 3). If Anthony Brown can keep his support in the African American community and
slightly distance himself from Governor OMalleys less popular decisions, he is likely to win the election.
In the 2014 Maryland gubernatorial election, Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown will ride to victory on
the support of African Americans and the Maryland Democratic establishment. While Doug Gansler is an expert
fundraiser, he will not be able to fundraise the election away from Brown, and his 12% polling with African
Americans will be too much to overcome by the democratic primary. Heather Mizeur will raise her name
recognition and attempt to use her running mate and drug reform plan to attract black voters, but she will not be
able to come back from a 35% deficit in the polls. However, this race may pave the way for Mizeur to run again
in the future. Only one Republican has won the governorship in the past 47 years, and the weakness of the
Republican field this year suggests that this year wont be any different (Moon)(NBC4)(Wagner 1). One
Washington Post column suggested that if the GOP would win, pigs will grow wings and icicles will form in
Hades (McCartney 1). Unless a big profile candidate enters the race, like former RNC Chair Michael Steele,
the Republicans will not have a chance in the general election. The GOP will nominate Howard County
Executive David Craig, the most viable of the current candidates (NBC4), who will be promptly walloped in the
general election. In the 2014 election, Anthony Brown will continue his momentum among the establishment
and among African Americans, capturing the democratic nomination and winning the governorship.

Works Cited
(McCartney 1) McCartney, Robert. "2014 Predictions for the Washington Region."
Washington Post. The Washington Post, 02 Jan. 2014. Web. 05 Jan. 2014.
"Republican David Craig Announces Running Mate in Md. Governor's Race." NBC4
Washington. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Jan. 2014.
Moon, David. "Gubernatorial Candidates Trade Barbs." Maryland Juice. N.p., n.d. Web.
05 Jan. 2014. <>.
(Wagner 1) Wagner, John. "Brown Tops Two Democratic Rivals in Early Poll in
Marylands 2014 Race for Governor." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 17
Oct. 2013. Web. 04 Jan. 2014. <>.
Rodricks, Dan. "Mizeur Makes Smart Moves as Candidate for Governor." Baltimore Sun.
N.p., 14 Nov. 2013. Web. 05 Jan. 2014. <>.
(McCartney 2) McCartney, Robert. "Ganslers Controversy Could Distract from His
Unorthodox Views in Md. Governors Race." Washington Post. The Washington
Post, 24 Oct. 2013. Web. 05 Jan. 2014.

"Anthony Brown's Vision." Anthony Brown Governor 2014. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Jan.
2014. <>.
"Gansler Ivey 2014: Issues." Doug Gansler Democrat for Governor of Maryland. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 03 Jan. 2014. <>.
"Heather Mizeur for Governor--Issues." Heather Mizeur for Governor. N.p., n.d. Web.
04 Jan. 2014. <>.
Dresser, Michael. "Democrat Mizeur Runs on Policy, Not Breaking Barriers." N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Jan. 2014.
"EMILYS list puts Heather Mizeur on the list." Baltimore News Journal. N.p., n.d. Web.
04 Jan. 2014. <>.
(Wagner 2) Wagner, John. "Six Hopefuls for Md. Governor Make Their Cases during
Forum in Mongtomery County." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 16 Dec.
2013. Web. 04 Jan. 2014. <>.
Associated Press. "Del. Heather Mizeur Files Paperwork For Md. Governors Race."
CBS Baltimore. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Jan. 2014.
(Wagner 3) Wagner, John. "Marylands Leading Gay-rights Group Endorses Anthony
Brown in 2014 Race for Governor." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 23 Dec.
2013. Web. 04 Jan. 2014. <>.


"Maryland Republican Gubernatorial Race Quietly Heating up." Change Maryland. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 05 Jan. 2014. <>.
WMAR Staff. "Poll: Brown, Gansler Most Recognized Name in Maryland's Race for
Governor." WMAR. ABC, n.d. Web. 05 Jan. 2014.
Wagner, John. "Maryland Governors Race off to Early Start." Washington Post. The
Washington Post, 04 June 2013. Web. 05 Jan. 2014.
Eberly, Todd. "The Md. Governor's Race: Who's the Favorite?" The Washington Post.
N.p., n.d. Web. <>.
Wagner, John. "Md. Legislative Session Overshadowed by Election Year Politics."
Washington Post. The Washington Post, 05 Jan. 2014. Web. 05 Jan. 2014.
McCartney, Robert. "2014 Predictions for the Washington Region." Washington Post.
The Washington Post, 02 Jan. 2014. Web. 05 Jan. 2014.
"Republican David Craig Announces Running Mate in Md. Governor's Race." NBC4
Washington. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Jan. 2014.
Moon, David. "Gubernatorial Candidates Trade Barbs." Maryland Juice. N.p., n.d. Web.
05 Jan. 2014. <>.
Wagner, John. "Brown Tops Two Democratic Rivals in Early Poll in Marylands 2014
Race for Governor." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 17 Oct. 2013. Web.

04 Jan. 2014. <>.

Rodricks, Dan. "Mizeur Makes Smart Moves as Candidate for Governor." Baltimore Sun.
N.p., 14 Nov. 2013. Web. 05 Jan. 2014. <>.
McCartney, Robert. "Ganslers Controversy Could Distract from His Unorthodox Views
in Md. Governors Race." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 24 Oct. 2013.
Web. 05 Jan. 2014. <>.
"Anthony Brown's Vision." Anthony Brown Governor 2014. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Jan.
2014. <>.
"Gansler Ivey 2014: Issues." Doug Gansler Democrat for Governor of Maryland. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 03 Jan. 2014. <>.
"Heather Mizeur for Governor--Issues." Heather Mizeur for Governor. N.p., n.d. Web.
04 Jan. 2014. <>.
Dresser, Michael. "Democrat Mizeur Runs on Policy, Not Breaking Barriers." N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Jan. 2014.
"Baltimore News Journal." Baltimore News Journal. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Jan. 2014.
Wagner, John. "Six Hopefuls for Md. Governor Make Their Cases during Forum in
Mongtomery County." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 16 Dec. 2013.
Web. 04 Jan. 2014. <>.
Associated Press. "Del. Heather Mizeur Files Paperwork For Md. Governors Race."

CBS Baltimore. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Jan. 2014.

Wagner, John. "Marylands Leading Gay-rights Group Endorses Anthony Brown in 2014
Race for Governor." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 23 Dec. 2013. Web.
04 Jan. 2014. <>.

Web Site Evaluation Form

1. URL of the Website:

2. Website Title: _Change
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4. Can you rely on this information?
____The website itself has bias to it, but the information I will need to use in my
paper cant really have bias so itll be fine
6. Is the material: ___Secondary/Derived?
7. When was this page written or last updated?
8. Rate this web page.
good, basic information
1. URL of the Website:
2. Website Title: __ABC2
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4. Can you rely on this information?
Yes ABC is one of the best news stations
in the country. No bias in this information, just straight facts.
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10. Please rate this web page.
excellent for the assignment
1. URL of the Website:
2. Website Title: __The Washington
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_______Washington Post Co.
4. Can you rely on this information?
Yes The Washington Post is a nationally
renowned newspaper and covers Maryland politics in great detail. No bias, good
reporting, puts issues in context.
6. Is the material: ___ Secondary/Derived?
9. When was this page written or last updated?
10. Please rate this web page.
use with caution
1. URL of the Website:
2. Website Title: __The Washington Post
3. What organization and/or individual created this website?
_______The Washington Post/ Todd
4. Can you rely on this information?
Yes This is decent background info. It
comes from a good newspaper, but the writing is from someones own personal blog.
_The writer is an expert, but most of the info is his own opinion.

6. Is the material: ___Secondary/Derived?
9. When was this page written or last updated?
10. Please rate this web page.
good, basic information
1. URL of the Website:
2. Website Title:
3. What organization and/or individual created this website?
_______The National Broadcasting Corperation
4. Can you rely on this information?
Why or why not?
_______NBC provides excellent reporting and analysis into Maryland politcs. No
bias and puts all issues into context.
6. Is the material: Secondary/Derived?
9. When was this page written or last updated?
10. Please rate this web page.
excellent for the assignment
1. URL of the Website:
2. Website Title: __Maryland Juice
3. What organization and/or individual created this website?
4. Can you rely on this information?
Why or why not?

_____The writer of the website is a progressive (he came to young democrats!) but
the information he shares on his website is almost all straight fact and unbiased
analysis. Covers MD politics in much greater detail than many other sites.
6. Is the material: ___Secondary/Derived?
9. When was this page written or last updated?
10. Please rate this web page.
good, basic information
1. URL of the Website:
2. Website Title: __The Baltimore Sun Online
3. What organization and/or individual created this website?
_________The Baltimore Sun
4. Can you rely on this information?
Yes The Baltimore Sun provides in-depth
reporting into Maryland. Probably the biggest paper that has an almost wholly Maryland
connection. Has interesting op-ed s that really help with the project.
6. Is the material: ___ Secondary/Derived?
9. When was this page written or last updated?
10. Please rate this web page.
excellent for the assignment
1. URL of the Website:
2. Website Title: __Anthony Brown for Governor
3. What organization and/or individual created this website?

______Anthony Brown
4. Can you rely on this information?
Yes Obviously has bias in its
information, but is a good source for the plan of Anthony Brown in terms of his ideology.
6. Is the material: ___Primary/Original
9. When was this page written or last updated?
10. Please rate this web page.
excellent for the assignment

1. URL of the Website:

2. Website Title: ___Heather Mizeur for Maryland
3. What organization and/or individual created this website?
_______Heather Mizeur
4. Can you rely on this information?
Yes Has detailed information about what
Mizeur would do as governor. Includes great policy proposals and analysis.
6. Is the material: ___Primary/Original
9. When was this page written or last updated?
10. Please rate this web page.
excellent for the assignment
1. URL of the Website:

2. Website Title: __Gansler-Ivey 2014

3. What organization and/or individual created this website?
_________Doug Gansler
4. Can you rely on this information?
Why or why not?
______While the information is biased, it includes Ganslers campaign platform
from the source/
6. Is the material: ___Primary/Original
9. When was this page written or last updated?
10. Please rate this web page.
excellent for the assignment
1. URL of the Website:
2. Website Title: _The Baltimore News Journal
3. What organization and/or individual created this website?
______The Baltimore News Journal
4. Can you rely on this information?
Why or why not?
__Covers MD politics from a Baltimore angle. Not the most in-depth coverage, but
good for basic facts.
6. Is the material: Secondary/Derived?
9. When was this page written or last updated?
10. Please rate this web page.
good, basic information

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