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Body Building for the Beginner

Presented by:
Table of Contents
History of Body Building Who Becomes a Body Builder? In the Beginning Joining a ym ym

Building a Home

The Right !"ui#ment What is $our B%I? Beginner Routines Intermediate Routines &d'anced Routines (iet and Body Building )u##lements *utrition )teroids oing Pro History of Body Building

History of Body Building

A well-defined physique has always been closely associated with strength, success and fertility. Since ancient times, human beings were highly engrossed in developing their physical structure. Their intent was to attract the opposite se as well as be useful in several functions of daily living. Today, the activity is more commonly referred to as body building. The world has embraced it since its date of origin.

The Birth of Body Building

The origin of body building is estimated to be between !""# and !$%#. Body building as an art form wherein individuals pose and display symmetry and muscularity, did not e ist before the !$th century. Human beings have been actively building strength to prepare for games and other popular sports for more than %### years. The ancient &ree's were 'nown for possessing well-developed symmetry by doing a variety of e ercises, including weight lifting.

The single person who could be accredited with initially promoting modern day body building would be (ugen Sandow, from )russia *&ermany+. He is now referred to as the father of ,odern Body Building.

Sandow was the first person who pioneered the sport of displaying well-defined physiques solely, since strongmen at the time were more concerned about showing feats of strength through wrestling matches, lifting meets and strength demonstrations. -loren. /iegfield served as Sandow0s manager, who put on stage shows whenere the first body builder displayed his body in carnivals and other events.

The -irst Body Building 1ontest

Sandow became widely famous for his posing and fle ing routines. He later went on to mar'et products using his name. Some of the first e ercise equipment available to the public were created and developed by the pioneer. This equipment included tension bands, machined dumbbells and spring pulleys. Sandow followed the &recian 2deal where he built his physique relative to the ideals of the ancient &ree's and 3omans.

Sandow arranged the very first body building contest on September !4, !$#! in the royal Albert Hall, 5ondon, 67 and named it the &reat 1ompetition. The winner was 8illiam 5. ,urray, who was presented with a bron.e statue of (ugen Sandow himself. Today, the ,r. 9lympia competition is the most famous and prestigious body building contest in the world. Since !$::, winners were awarded with the same bron.e statue of Sandow.

The ,uscle ,ecca

The !$%#s and !$4#s saw a continuous rise in the sport of body building, particularly at ,uscle Beach in Santa ,onica, 1alifornia. Body builders would arrive in droves especially in the summer to perform a variety of strength stunts and display their muscular bodies.

Some of the icons at the site were ;ac' 5a 5anne, ;oe &old, who founded &old<s &ym, Harold /in'in, who founded 6niversal gym and AA6 ,r. America ;ohn &rime'. ,uscle Beach closed in the !$=#s, but the west coast remains the ,ecca of body building. Today, >enice Beach, 1alifornia is the center, where the first &old<s &ym is located.

The AA6 or American Athletic 6nion sponsored body building competitions since !$%$. Ben and ;oe 8eider, from 1anada, established the 2-BB or 2nternational -ederation of Bodybuilders which is the premier group of body building at present. Together, the brothers circulated body building maga.ines as well as founding the ,r. 9lympia contest.


Arnold Schwar.enegger from Austria shaped and populari.ed the sport li'e no one else before or after him. The immigrant won : ,r. 9lympia titles, along with other amateur and professional championships and is highly regarded as the most influential and greatest body builder of all time.

The body building cra.e continued throughout America and the world as The 9a' displayed his genetic prowess, drive, determination and charisma. Body building has became closely associated with se uality and power. 8hen Arnold left the scenes and set his sights on Hollywood and politics, the world continued to improve the art of the sport. Amateurs, natural and competitive ali'e, enter the sport hoping to be the ne t Arnold.

Today, body building is still the same as it was a century ago. Although new rules, regulations and materials have been incorporated to 'eep the sport intense, all body builders mainly participate to boost strength, gain confidence and for the love of it.

Who Becomes a Body Builder?

8ho Becomes a Body Builder

?espite being over a hundred years old, body building has become very popular in the modern world. A ma@ority of people around the world have tried body building at some point in their lives. Some for health, vitality andAor aesthetic purposes. &ym rats may not be aware that there are different types of body builders. Bot everyone can achieve the same heights as others.

)ros and 1ons

There are 4 'nown types of body building. These are categori.ed according to the goal, gender and age of the individuals. There is professional body building, natural body building, female body building and teenage bodybuilding.

)rofessional body building involves individuals who aspire to qualify, compete and win competitions. 1ontestants begin by @oining amateur competitions first, wherein they earn points and qualifications to @oin ma@or and professional contests.

The 2-BB or 2nternational -ederation of Bodybuilding is the premier organi.ation for professional body builders worldwide. Amateurs who win ma@or and official contests get the chance to win their 2-BB pro card. 9nce a body builder turns pro, he or she will not be allowed to enter amateur contests. They are, however, welcome for guest posing.

)rofessional body builders are usually critici.ed for ta'ing illegalAbanned substances to achieve physiques that are impossible to achieve naturally. Body building shows are then classified according to natural and open competitions. ?rug testing is always done in natural competitions to ensure that all people involved square off fairly.

Batural body building involves developing a well-formed body structure without the aid of illegal drugs, steroids and the li'e. There are organi.ations that cater to natural body builders as well such as the B)A or Batural )hysique Association. 2nta'e of muscle-building supplements and other natural body building products not banned by the agencies are allowed. 2t is possible for a former drug user to compete in natural contests, provided that the minimum period of clean time has been achieved.

8omen and the Couth

8omen used to focus more on fitness until the !$:#s. 2t was during the time of Arnold Schwar.enegger when females started to indulge in hardcore fitness or body building. -emales compete in separate contests from the men<s since their bodies develop differently. There are natural and professional contests, li'e the ,s. 9lympia which started in !$"#.

Teenagers @oin unique body building shows and contests relative to their age brac'et, since their bodies develop differently from mature individuals. 2t is uncommon to find !%-year olds competing. ,ost shows, however, provide drug testing to protect the youth from using drugs to get bigger. Teenagers are encouraged to use the natural hormone surge in their bodies to gain muscle. Some of the genetic wonders of bodybuilding actually started as natural teenage sensations.

The Body Types

There are % unique body types namely ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph. (ach type can compete in body building shows. The training, diet and rest regimen of each type vary since bodies develop uniquely from each other. There are variations or combinations of the types as well, such as mesomorphs with either endomorphic or ectomorphic tendencies. )hysiques will vary in appearance depending on the body type.

(ctomorphs can be described as individuals who have the tendency to lose muscle and fat quic'ly. These people have difficulty gaining weight and are usually thin-boned. (ndomorphs have the opposite problem of gaining weight and fat easily, and having trouble getting rid of the e tra. These individuals are usually thic'-boned. ,esomorphs are the most ideal for bodybuilding since their bodies have the ability to lose fat and gain muscle quic'ly. ,a@ority of professional body builders are mesomorphs and have the genetic capacity to develop easily.

(ndomorphs should focus more on their diets and adding lots of cardiovascular wor' to shed off the fat and maintain a lean condition. (ctomorphs should add more calories and protein to their meals to gain more muscle. They should watch their calorie e penditure to avoid losing hard-earned muscle. ,esomorphs usually have a lean and muscular physique and do not need to concentrate on e ercise and diet as much as the other two types do.

In the Beginning

Body Building for the Beginner - 7eep 2t &eneral - 3outines 1ome 5ater

Anyone who wants to try body building should 'eep in mind that it ta'es patience, perseverance and discipline to stic' to the sport. Almost everyone will ma'e significant gains during the first few wee's, followed by periods of stagnancy and plateaus. There are some who quit because of disappointment and the demands of maintains. Here are some tipsD

Setting goals

Before hitting the gym, outline your plan, goals and ob@ectives. 8hy do you want to body buildE 8hat do you want to achieve with your bodyE How much are you willing to investE How much time can you allocate to training each wee'E 2t is vital to set goals that are realistic, attainable and time-bound.

Too many gym-goers quit during the first few months because they set ob@ectives that are difficult to reach. ( perts recommend that you embar' on a program that you can effectively recover from, not one that you can ma imally do.

Start setting a sound budget plan to avoid overspending. Some people consider getting a home gym, but it is advised that you at least try visiting and @oining a club for a few months. Cou may fall into the rut of buying e ercise equipment that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars which you cannot use for more than a few wee's.

1ompare a number of gyms then ta'e into consideration the availability of trainers, equipment and other special amenities. Cou may prefer a gym because of the pac'age deals and affordable membership rates. 1alculate the amount of time you can give each wee' to wor'ing out then build your budget around it.

Beginner ,ust-7nows

!. 7eep it simple. Start by training once or twice during the first wee'. 5ift light weights to get the feel of the e ercise and differentiate the movement and tension between using free weights and machines. 2t is recommended that you hire a trainer or instructor during your first sessions to help you familiari.e the basic e ercises. Barbells are better than dumbbells for beginners since your stronger arm may carry most of the load. Barbells help you achieve balance and feel faster. (at basic food to get enough protein, carbohydrates, fiber and essential fats instead of investing in body building supplements right away.

F. 7eep it short. (very starter should remember that you gain muscle when you rest and eat, not while wor'ing out. Cour initial wor'outs should not last more than %# to 4= minutes. Start with a = to !#-minute warm-up and stretching session and end by cooling down for another = minutes.

Batural body builders should give their bodies enough time to rest for muscles to grow. &oing to the gym frequently can lead to overtraining, thereby hindering growth and progress. 2f you feel sore the ne t day, you may ta'e a full days rest before hitting the gym again. ,aster the movement and tempo of e ercises before developing a routine.

,ore Basic Tips

The three main pillars of body building are e ercise, nutrition and rest. Cou should have enough of all of these to gain quality muscle and maintain it for the long term.

To help you stic' to your planned regimen, try loo'ing for a training partner who has the same goals and schedule so you can encourage each other not to s'ip wor'outs and to maintain a healthy diet and sleep pattern. ,aintain a training log where you chart your progress, weight changes and lift ad@ustments.

-ocus more on basic e ercises or compound movements that hit several muscles at the same time. &reat ones for starters include the squat, dead lift, military press, bench press, bent-over row and barbell curl. ?o about " to !F sets per wor'out. ?ividing body parts among different days of the wee' and isolation e ercises should be done only after wor'ing out for several months and getting into the intermediate level. ?o a light warm-up set before moving on to ! or F wor'ing sets. " to !F repetitions per set should be enough, and avoid continuing until muscle ffailure. Bever neglect any body part throughout the course of your body building. Several beginners neglect legs and calves by focusing entirely on the upper body, then later on, regretting having lagging body parts.

Joining a


Should Cou ;oin a &ym - )ros and 1ons

)hysical fitness and body building have become popular around the world, which e plains why gyms and e ercise-related equipment grew to be a multi-billion dollar enterprise. 2ndividuals who frequent gyms have been referred to as gym rats. Cou may be wondering if a commercial health hub is the way to go. There are a number of advantages and consequences to these option.

The Advantages !. (quipment. 1ommercial gyms have the advantage of having a wide array of e ercise equipment. Cou will find different 'inds of dumbbells, barbells, cardiovascular machines, weight lifting machines, contraptions and other paraphernalia in various brands and ma'es. Cou get to choose the right tool that will best suit your physical needs to particularly target your wea' areas. Some of the equipment available in gyms may come from rare and distant sources abroad and cost thousands of dollars.

F. Staff. A gym can be more convenient with helpful people and professionals around. A number of good gyms have individuals who can assist you in different aspects such as dieticians, certified health or gym instructors, yoga instructors, physical therapists, professional bodybuilders and aerobics teachers. They can effectively teach you how to do e ercises properly as well as ma'e the most out of your diet and e ercise routine. Beginners can find this very valuable in learning movements correctly.

%. Atmosphere. 1ommercial gyms provide you with the right 'ind of stimulation that will help you stic' to your wor'out regimen. 8or'ing out on your own at home can become boring quic'ly. &oing to a gym and seeing others sweat it out can spar' newfound interest and goals every time. A number of clubs offer other amenities to 'eep wor'outs en@oyable and fun such as music, e ercise, yoga or aerobics classes, T> sets, swimming pools and game courts.

4. 1ost. 2n the long run, people may find getting club memberships more affordable compared to buying your own equipment. Although the monthly rates, trainer fees and additional e penses tend to be high at first, you will find that there are health clubs that offer cheaper prices, pac'age deals and discounts depending on the time you wor' out, the season and availability of instructors. Ta'e advantage by wor'ing out during low-pea' hours and using special promos.

=. Accessibility. There are F4-hour health clubs where you can wor' out any time of the day, depending on your schedule. Cou do not have to s'ip or miss your routine because of wor' and other personal reasons. Some gyms even offer postwor'out rela ation methods li'e massage, spa and brea'fast.

The ?isadvantages

!. High initial cost. 2n the beginning, gyms may require you to pay e orbitant amounts of cash for membership, initial monthly fees, instructor fees, e ercise paraphernalia, loc'er room fee and even par'ing lot reservations. Some individuals find the starting rates too high. Cou may wonder if the primary investment is worth everything, considering that you might change location or gym in the ne t few months or wee's.

F. Travel requirements. Cou do not have the convenience of immediately hitting the shower then going to bed or eat after body building since you have to commute, wal' or drive to the gym. Some individuals tend to s'ip wor' outs because they find it tiring to travel to the location.

%. 1rowded. 2f you e ercise during pea' hours, you may have to wait to use some of the equipment. Some machines and equipment are more frequently used by people, so you may find yourself lining up for several minutes to stic' to your routine.

5oc'er rooms and showers can be very crowded at these times, consuming more of your time. There is also the ris' of developing illness li'e a bacterial or viral infection or athletes foot due to a higher ris' of e posure.

4. Time constraints. Some instructors and e ercise classes are only available during certain times of the day. Cou may find it a problem to have to wait for your trainer or classes to start. There are people who can only hit the gym for ! hour ma imum. Cour wor'out can become compromised because of the e tra time consumed to travel to the location, as well as wait for the necessary people to begin.

Building a Home


Building a Home &ym - How to ?o This 2ne pensively

,any people who have become serious about their body building may be thin'ing of setting up a home gym, but are turned off by the common perception that it is e pensive and hectic to start and maintain. The good news is, you can build one without having to spend several thousands of dollars. All you need is conscious planning as well as a steady eye on your real physical needs and budget.

,a'ing the )lan

-irst, identify what your e ercise goals are. Are you a beginner, intermediate or advanced body builderE How many days per wee' do you wor' outE 8hat is your body typeE How long do you wor' outE How long have you been e ercising forE ?o you intend to gain, lose or maintain weightE 7nowing the answers to these questions will help you choose the right equipment, e ercise regimen and space to attain your goals. The last thing you need in your home gym is equipment that you do not need in the long run.

?etermine your budget. Cou may choose to buy everything at once if you have enough capital or start with a few basic items, then progressively add more later on as your routine gets more comple and your needs heighten. ?ivide your budget according to the different aspects of your home gym such as room renovation, gym equipment, cardiovascular equipment, paraphernalia li'e a cloc', mirrors and mats and other materials you will be using during your wor'out li'e gloves and a training log.

?etermine the available space you have. ,ost people find that their basement or garage is the most ideal places because of the cooler ttemperature and large space. Space is a ma@or factor to consider before you buy any e ercise machine or equipment. ,easure the dimensions of the room to ensure that all materials you put in will fit properly. Cou can layout the room early by getting the measurements of prospective e ercise materials as well.

2dentifying Cour Beeds

&et e ercise equipment that will provide you with a well-rounded wor'out and efficiently help you attain your fitness goals. The best approach that saves time, effort and money is investing in multi-functional fi tures that can target a variety of muscles through attachments.

There are setups that already include a pec dec' flye machine, lat pull down machine, machine bench press and cables for triceps and biceps e ercises. 1ompound machines save a lot of space and give you a faster wor'out compared to moving from one machine or dumbbell rac' to another.

2ntermediate and advanced body builders, however, may require more space and equipment than beginners since they need to do isolation e ercise to lead their muscles to new growth spurts. Since you need a combination of machines and free weights, determine which items target your muscles most effectively. Avoid buying two types that provide you with the same muscle benefits such as a free weight bench and a bench press machine.

1onsider the safety and comfort features of materials as well. 1hec' the product quality to ma'e sure that it will last you for several years. 8arranties are recommended as well as replacement parts. 5oo' for a good dealer who is willing to offer you great prices and instant delivery.

5eaving 9ut the 6nessential

?etermine the minimum and ma imum weights you are using for all e ercises. Cou need to only purchase items that you will actually be lifting instead of acquiring full sets. 2ntermediate and advanced bodybuilders usually find little need for very light weights, while beginners do not have enough strength to lift very heavy weights yet. The rule in buying weights is to purchase as you progress. Cou may only need to add = to != pounds each month or so, depending on your strength gains.

2deally, you should only purchase items that you have already used and proven to be effective. ?o not e periment with new ones that may not turn out to be productive for your home gym routines.

(nsure that you have complete equipment that will adequately target and build up all muscles of the body. Save cardiovascular equipment for last, depending on the remaining space you have. Cou may opt to get a @umping rope instead to save space, or @ust ta'e a quic' @og around the bloc' before or after your weight lifting regimen.

The Right !"ui#ment

8hat is the 3ight (quipmentE

Since the dawn of body building @ust over a hundred years ago, several types of fitness equipment have been created and developed by manufacturers around the world. 8ith so many available, it is hard to determine which one will produce the best results for your body. ( pert advice may vary depending on your health and body building goals and current level of development.

9n 1ardio

There are several cardiovascular machines available that offer different benefits. There are actually various ob@ectives for doing cardio. The most common would be burning off e tra calories by staying on the machine for around %# to G# minutes per session.

There are intense cardio e ercises that require more strength and power, with the aim to boost metabolism. Therefore, the benefits of shedding fat can occur while doing the e ercise by losing the e tra calories, as well as after when the body automatically burns off fat through effective metabolism and muscle growth.

Treadmills are the most basic. The advantage of a treadmill is that it allows you to move at your own pace naturally. Cou do not have to follow a typical plane or fi your feet on pads for repetitive movements. Studies show that doing alternate intensities and the natural movement of your body on a treadmill tends to burn more fat and calories compared to other machines.

3owing machines are another type of equipment that offer calorie-burn. Although the total may not be as much as a treadmill, you get the added benefit of developing and toning muscles in your legs, arms, deltoids and bac'. ,uscle burns fat even if you<re not doing any physical activity, so the total burn is still high.

(lliptical trainers are ideal for people who have @oint or pain problems. These are an e ample of low-impact equipment that help bones recovery faster. 1ardio machines may use a variety of tools to wor' efficiently such as rollers, wheels, hydraulics and magnets.

9n 8eight Training

The categories of weight training equipment are namely total gyms, multi-gyms, portable and free weights. A total gym involves an ad@ustable bench with a sliding seat platform that can increase the resistance based on your own bodyweight.

Total gyms require more space but provide a lot of e ercises for all muscle groups as well. ,ulti-gyms may include stac'ed weights, a cable and pulley, steel or composite cords and bands. The equipment may also involve placing round weights on an e tension. Cou may easily ad@ust the weight accordingly.

-ree weight items include barbells, dumbbells, round weights or plates, benches and power rac's. These are referred to as heavy duty accessories. These are ideal for home gyms with limited space, beginners and strength trainers. )ortable equipment include smaller items which may be part of a bigger assembly such as dumbbells, steps, mats, boards, wor'out benches and stability balls. The equipment can easily be moved from one place to another.

1onsider the type of e ercises you intend to perform or those that yield the best results. Cou may not be able to do everything that a commercial gym offers, but there are several alternate movements that hit or isolate the same muscle effectively.

Things to 1onsider ?etermine your current strength and level as a body builder. Beginners usually progress faster during the early stages by using only free weights. 2ntermediate and advanced body builders somehow require the use of cables and machines to isolate muscle groups more, adding to definition and cuts.

Cou will be able to save more space and money by investing in a multi- or total gym. Add a few round plates and bars as needed instead of getting a full rac'. Beginners can adequate manage with F to 4 pieces of !H-lb, FH-lb, =-lb, !#-lb, F#-lb and F=-lb plates, F dumbbell bars, F long bars and safety hoo's or clips.

1onsider how much money and space you currently have. Acquire equipment according to the current available area instead of hoping to renovate, which will result to added e penses. Start by getting the most important equipment. These are usually the most e pensive and will consume the bul' of your budget. Cou can allocate any e tra for other gym paraphernalia and mini accessories.

What is $our B%I?

8hat is Cour B,2 and How ?oes 2t -igure in to Cour Body BuildingE

To ma'e optimum gains in body building, it is important you include a scientific and accurate approach to the process. 2ndividuals can rely on the body mass inde or B,2 to determine how much you need to improve in your program. Cou will find that 'nowing the e act digits will lead to faster progress and enhanced muscle mass. ?iscover which category you belong in, then ma'e the needed changes.

8hat is B,2E

Body mass inde , B,2 or Iuetelet inde is a form of statistical measurement that determines whether an individual<s weight is proportionate to his or her height. B,2 was created by Adolphe Iuetelet, a Belgian polymath between !"%# and !"=# as he was developing social physics.

The percentage of body fat is not measured, but a person can estimate how much body weight is ideal for each particular height. 2t is commonly used as a diagnostic technique to determine levels of obesity in a given population, because it is very easy to use. 2t is not, however, used as a final tool to diagnose individuals of obesity.

Cour body mass inde is your actual body weight divided by the square of your height. The universal unit of measure is 'gAmF. Health professionals were able to measure if a person is too thin or too fat more ob@ectively during the !$=#s and !$G#s. 9ne of the main purposes of B,2 is to determine how sedentary people are based on their average body composition.

The value settings for individuals areD !".= to F= B,2 can mean ideal or optimal weightJ below !".= can mean underweight and above F= can mean overweight. 2f a person has a B,2 lower than !:.=, it can mean that anore ia or other eating disorders are present. 2f a person has a B,2 higher than %#, it can mean that obesity or morbid obesity is present.

The 1ategories

7nowing your B,2 will identify and compare your actual body weight from the desirable or normal values proportionate to your height. ( cess weight or lac' of it usually stems from abnormal body fat or adipose tissue levels. ,uscularity may alter or present inaccurate values since muscle is heavy. The B,2 values apply as statistical categories only when used among adults. These do not determine whether a person is healthy or not.

Severely underweight individuals are described as having a B,2 lower than !G.= and a B,2 )rime below #.G#. 6nderweight individuals have a B,2 of !G.= to !".= and a B,2 )rime of #.G to #.:4. 2ndividuals with normal weights have a B,2 of !".= to F= and a B,2 )rime of #.:4 to !.#. 9verweight individuals have a B,2 of F= to %# and a B,2 )rime of !.# to !.F.

)ersons classified under 9bese 1lass 2 have a B,2 of %# to %= and a B,2 )rime of !.F to !.4 Those classified under 9bese 1lass 22 have a B,2 of %= to 4# and a B,2 )rime of !.4 to !.G. Those in 9bese 1lass 222 have a B,2 higher than 4# and a B,2 )rime above !.G.

According to a 6.S. national survey, =$K of all men and 4$K of all women in America are categori.ed as overweight or have a B,2 above F=. FK of men and 4K of women were classified as e tremely obese. 1hildren use B,2 differently. The calculation is similar as the adults, but values are compared to typical ones in children belonging to the same age and gender group.

8hat 2t ,eans to the Body Builder

7nowing your B,2 will help identify whether or not you need to lose more body fat or gain more muscle mass. 2n some cases, body builders may find that they fall in the overweight or even obese category because their weights are described as too heavy for their heights.

There are body builders with only 4K to "K body fat but weight over F## pounds on a less than G-foot frame. Batural body builders will find B,2 values ideal in .oning in on the proper training program that will lead to their ideal fitness level and physique.

2n most cases, the categories and values provided in the B,2 inde are appropriate for body builders in the beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. Beginners will benefit the most since they can determine how near or far they are from the ideal value based on the numbers. (ach point will indicate how close you are to your goal. Cou may add other measuring tools and methods such as calipers and water measurements to get accurate details about your body fat percentage and muscle mass composition.

Beginner Routines

Body Building 3outines for the Beginner

(very individual will respond differently to e ercises and body building routines. Some of the ma@or aspects that will affect muscle growth and condition are current strength level, activity tolerance, capacity to heal or recover, body type and genetics. Beginners should 'eep in mind that their wor'outs should never be the same as an advanced body builders. 2f they do they may ris' overtraining and quitting entirely.

Starter Tips

Beginners should ma'e their goals and ob@ective for body building reasonable and realistic. (veryone e perience body changes and improvements in their physiques during the first few wee's or months. However, growth and development will begin to slow down as they enter the intermediate level. Stricter diets and more consistent routines are required to continue progress.

?o not copy everything that you read in maga.ines and boo's. )rofessional body building routines are not suited for beginners. Ta'e note that most of the routines that advanced and pro body builders use are very lengthy and intense.

Some of the individuals get through their programs because of the assistance of illegal substances and drugs. ?o not follow someone else<s routine because you plan to have the same physique as that person. (very body type is different and will develop uniquely even if you do the e act same wor'out.

Avoid overtraining at all cost. 7eep your routine short but intense, lasting no more than %# to 4= minutes per session. Cou should lift weights no more than % to 4 times per wee' as a beginner. &ive your body enough time to rest and grow. ,uscles that are overly stressed will most li'ely atrophy. Always be ready for changes in your routine. 5isten to your body then ad@ust the sets or repetitions accordingly.

-ocusing on 1ompound ,ovement

1ompound movements are defined as e ercises that focus more and target different muscle groups at the same time. These are the opposite of isolation e ercises that intermediate and advanced body builders incorporate in their wor'outs to bring out more muscle fibers and definition.

( perts recommend that beginners practice with free weights first to gain a sense of balance and proper feel of the e ercises. ?umbbells and barbells should be the core of your first wor'outs.

The squat is the most important e ercise for every beginner. 2t is entirely safe if done correctly and can do wonders for your body. The targeted muscle groups include the core or abdominals, the traps, lower bac', quads or thighs, hamstrings and parts of the calves. ?o F wor'ing sets of !F to != repetitions.

The bench press another effective compound movement which effectively hits the chest, shoulders or deltoids, triceps and some parts of the forearms and rib cage. ?o F wor'ing sets of !# to !F repetitions. Be t is the bent-over row, which targets the entire bac', rear deltoids, biceps and some parts of the forearms. Also do F wor'ing sets of !# to !F repetitions.

Another good e ercise is the military press, which wor's all three heads of the deltoids, parts of the traps, triceps and some parts of the forearms. The barbell curl is very useful in developing quality biceps and forearms. The lying triceps e tension is ideal for developing the triceps and some parts of the forearms. -or these three e ercises, do F wor'ing sets of " to !# repetitions. Beginners may want to wor' out arms only ! to F times per wee' since these are passively stressed as you do the other compound movements.

Added Tips for the Bew 3outine

?o some warm-up and stretching e ercises for = to !# minutes before doing any lifting. A quic' @og on the treadmill will suffice. Cou may want do F to % sets of ab crunches for != to F# repetitions as a warm-up. ?o a light warm-up set for each e ercise to get a feel of the movement before doing every couple of wor'ing sets. (nd your wor'out with another quic' @og on the treadmill and some mild stretching for = minutes.

9nly lift weights that you can adequately finish sets with correct form. Bad form can hit other muscles instead, or worse, cause in@ury or overtraining. 7eep a training log to view your progress over a period of wee's and months, and chec' if you can add more weight.

Intermediate Routines

Body Building 3outines for the 2ntermediate

At this time, you should already have mastered the basic e ercises and strict and proper form for consistent period of !G to F4 wee's. There are several definitions for the intermediate body builder, but the most important thing is that you should already be prepared to ta'e on bigger challenges and levels of stress that starters cannot tolerate. 3outines will incorporate new movements that reveal more muscles.

8hat 2t ,eans to Be an 2ntermediate

Time is the first factor to consider if you have successfully moved on from beginner to intermediate level. Some e perts believe that an individual should at least have wor'ed out consistently for a minimum of G to !F months before being categori.ed an intermediate body builder.

9thers may consider an individual graduating from starter class after a period of F to % years or after !## to F## wor'out sessions. 9thers use particular strength levels such as being able to bench press your actual weight, curl =#K of actual weight, shoulder press :=K of actual weight, etc.

9ther e perts are more concerned about quality than the period of time or strength. They believe that an individual should only move on to the intermediate class after he or she has successfully improved the mind-muscle connection.

Cou should be able to control muscle movement accordingly by hitting the fibers specifically. Cou will be more prepared to do isolation movements by getting to 'now the feel when lifting instead of basic repetitions. An individual<s capacity to recover should improve before ta'ing an intermediate routine. Beginners can ris' overtraining if they train muscles too often. Cou will 'now how quic'ly you recover by assessing your strength level when wor'ing out the same body part again.

The 3outine

The intermediate phase should be a time for body builders to incorporate a number of isolation movements to better stimulate the available muscle fibers. 8or'outs will now consist of both compound and isolation movements.

However, intermediates should remember not to neglect the basic movements that build quality muscle mass. The compound e ercises are the most ideal for gaining strength and mass since these stimulate your body to produce vast amounts of testosterone that leads to growth and development. This is the period when you can add more weight, more sets, more e ercises and incorporate machines and angular movements that hit deep-lying muscle fibers more effectively. Cou may even add ! to F days per wee' depending on your activity tolerance and rate of recovery.

2t is vital that you continue to prevent overtraining by limiting your wor'outs to no more than 4= minutes per session and no more than 4 days per wee'. Cou may now divide body parts among wor'out days to conserve energy and enhance recuperation. This method is called split-training.

8hat to ?o

Start by identifying the muscle groups you<re going to target namely chest, bac', shoulders, biceps, triceps, quads or thighs, hamstrings, abs and calves. Be t, divide these according to the number of days per wee' you plan to wor' out. -or e ample, for a three day a wee' schedule, you can assign chest and bac' on ,onday, shoulders, biceps and triceps on 8ednesday and legs and abs on -riday.

2f you can recover between wor'outs faster, you can add more days such as wor'ing out % consecutive days, ta'ing ! to F days off, and then repeating the cycle again. Always listen to your body through signs li'e muscle fatigue, willingness to return to the gym for another wor'out and food cravings.

,ost intermediates find it most effective to split the muscle groups over % days then using the 4th day to wor' out problem muscles a Fnd time. Some muscles tend to respond poorly e cept if you frequently stimulate it to new growth. Cou may also use the 4th day to wor' out minor muscles such as forearms, calves, traps, lower bac' and abs.

8hen choosing e ercises, it is advised to select ! to F compound movements, plus ! isolation movement. An e ample for the chest would be bench press, incline dumbbell press and dumbbell flye. The compound movement will let blood flow through the entire area and related muscles, while the isolation e ercise will hit the entire body part specifically, adding more definition and form.

&d'anced Routines

Body Building 3outines for the Advanced

Advanced body builders are an elite group of individuals who have successfully overcome the odds and remained consistent in their training. At this level, almost everyone has already gained quality muscle mass, as well as lost significant amounts of body fat. Their physiques may already be close to their ultimate goals. 8ith a little polish, time and patience, you will be a symbol of symmetry and se uality.

About the Advanced Body Builder

Advanced body builders are usually defined by e perts as those who have already mastered both basic and comple movements. These are consistent gym enthusiasts who can easily get a feel of the muscles wor'ing. To be considered in the advanced level, you should already have 'nown well your muscle-mind connection, levels of tolerance to stress and recovery rate.

Cou should be able to identify on your own if your diet is in par with your training, if you have reached a plateau or are overtraining. 9thers classify body builders as advanced according to the number of years they have been wor'ing out. ,ost will only consider you advanced if you have been wor'ing out consistently for F to % years at least.

2ndividuals in the advanced level are able to recover faster and will need to isolate each muscle group further to attain definition and cuts. 8hile most beginners and intermediates aim for si.e, advanced body builders aim to refine the muscle mass they have gained.

The initial two phases may be referred to as bul'ing stages, while the advanced phase may be referred to as the cutting phase for some individuals. Advanced body building may also be the maintenance phase wherein individuals maintain the muscle si.e and only intend to create a more symmetrical appearance.

,apping Cour 3outine

The common practice among body builders is to increase the intensity of their wor'outs by adding more days, more sets, more repetitions and more e ercises in their routines. Batural body builders, however, may find that wor'ing out 4 to = days per wee' is sufficient, while others may benefit from a G-day-a-wee' wor'out.

Always consider the possibility of overtraining so spread out the e ercises, muscle groups and intensity levels evenly throughout the allowable days every wee'. Since you will be doing more sets, e ercises and repetitions for each body part, you should also give enough time for these to recover.

,any trainers recommend adding ! to F more e ercises for a total of 4 to = per body part. The e ercises will be comprised of F to % compound movements and F to % isolation movements. An e ample for quads or the thighs would be the barbell squat, leg press, barbell lunge, leg e tension and hac' squat. Smaller muscle groups li'e the biceps, triceps and abs can be efficiently targeted with fewer sets to avoid overtraining. A total of F to 4 e ercises for the minor groups are adequate.

9ther trainers recommend changing the intensity of wor'outs per wee' to prevent overtraining. 8ee's or days may be classified as light, moderate or heavy. 5ight days are described as lifting lighter weights or loads or reducing the number of e ercises and sets. ,oderate days are described as lifting fairly heavy weights, while heavy days are described as lifting up to "=K to $=K of ma imum. 1ycle the intensity among the given wee's or days.

,ore Techniques

To add intensity to your routine, you may now incorporate techniques that produce new 'inds of stress to the muscles. )roper form is essential as well as maintaining the mind-muscle connection with each rep.

,a'e sure you e tend and contract your muscles fully for optimum gains. Supersets are e cellent for saving time and stressing two muscles simultaneously. ,ore blood is pumped to the area, spurring new growth such as doing bench presses and pull-ups alternately.

Another method is doing tri-sets. These are similar to supersets but you do one e ercise after another for a total of % sets for the same body part. An e ample would be doing a set of barbell curls, followed immediately by a set of preacher curls then finish off with a set of concentration curls. The approach will cause a burn li'e never before.

There is also the pre-e haustion technique wherein you fatigue your target muscle group by doing one set of isolation e ercise to failure, followed by one set of !# to !F reps of a compound e ercise for the same muscle. The opposite is post-e haustion where you first do a wor'ing set of the compound e ercise, followed by an isolation movement to failure. 3emember to give as little rest time as possible between e ercises to maintain the pump and burn.

(iet and Body Building

?iet and Body Building

( perts say that body building is !=K e ercise and "=K nutrition. Cour diet is one of the core pillars of building and maintaining quality muscle. This is why you should consider all the important foods, as well as the ones that can ruin your physique and dampen progress. 2t is vital to rely on basic and natural foods that will yield the most productive results. The diet plan will differ depending on your actual body type.

The % (ssential 2tems

!. 1arbohydrates.

These are the main energy source of the body to perform various tas's, functions and activities. The pancreas releases insulin, a hormone after carbohydrates is ta'en in the body. 2nsulin is vital for body builders since it ta'es the carbohydrates then stores them in the muscle or as fat. 2nsulin ta'es the amino acids or protein to be sheltered within the muscle for repair and recovery. 1arbs should be ta'en in adequate amounts, or else you ris' storing a lot of fat from the surge of insulin.

1omple carbohydrates are good sources of energy and are classified into either starchy or fibrous. Starchy carbs tend to be digested very quic'ly, more li'ely being stored as fat.

( amples of comple carbohydrates are oats, wheat and brown rice. Starchy carb e amples are pasta, breads and white rice. -ibrous carbohydrates include carrots, broccoli and spinach which are good for digestion. 2t is recommended that bbody builders eat about !.= to % grams of carbohydrates for each pound they weigh daily.

F. )rotein.

This is the most important element for building muscle. (very tissue in the body is created from protein such as muscle, s'in and hair. )rotein boosts metabolism by F#K when consumed, plus creates a timed release for carbohydrates so that energy is sustained sufficiently for a variety of activities.

( perts recommend body builders to eat at least ! to !.= grams of protein for each pound they weigh daily. &ood protein sources should be low in fat such as tuna, selected red meats, tur'ey and chic'en breast.

%. &ood fats.

Hormones are created from fats and all cells in the human body contain fat. 2t is important to consume adequate amounts of healthy fats to ensure that chemical reactions and hormone production are optimal. There are % fat types namely saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Saturated fats should only be consumed in very small amounts since it can lead to heart and cardiovascular problems.

( amples are coconut oil and palm oil. ,onounsaturated fats contain essential fatty acids that help lower cholesterol levels. ( amples are natural peanut butter, fish oils and olive oil. )olyunsaturated fats do not affect cholesterol levels. ( amples are corn oil, sunflower oil and soybean oil.

3ules to 5ive By

A body builders diet should comprise of small frequent meals. 1alculate how much protein, carbohydrates and fats you need on a daily basis, and then spread them out evenly among the number of meals per day. -ats should comprise no more than !#K to !=K of each meal.

2deally, meals should be eaten every F.= to % hours. Ta'ing in small frequent meals will help your body digest food better, prevent hunger pangs, as well as boost metabolism which enhances fat burn. 5arge meals of ! to % times a day can cause insulin spi'es.

&et your nutrients and essential elements from whole solid foods. 2f you plan to ta'e supplements, these should only function to fill in any lac'ing item to complete your recommended dietary allowance, and not as a staple meal. Ta'e a vitamin supplement as well. ?rin' " to !F glasses of water per day. Cou may store a whole gallon then consume it throughout the day.

About 1alories

?etermine your lean body mass with the use of a caliper or other 'nown methods or devices. 1alculate your daily base caloric inta'e by multiplying your lean body mass by !F. The ?ivide the total into the number of meals you plan to consume per day.

Cou can then evenly spread out the foods you have selected to ensure that you are ta'ing equal amounts of calories per meal. 7eep a log boo' about your diet and ma'e the necessary changes as necessary. 2t is advised to cycle your calorie inta'e over the wee' or month to boost metabolism and enhance fat loss.



2f you<re interested in supplements for body building, you will need to first identify your goals and ob@ectives. This will help you ma'e the most gains and avoid wasting time, effort and money. &ym enthusiasts should be aware that a supplements primarily function is to support a basic diet founded on solid nutrition. Butrition, training and rest are the % vital elements for your program so choose the right items to use. Supplement 2nformation

Supplements are products that are ta'en to help individuals achieve their recommended nutrients and muscle-building elements on a daily basis. Since body builders have special requirements when it comes to protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, calories etc, it might be difficult and inconvenient to eat a meal for every requirement. Supplements come in forms li'e tablets, capsules, powders, liquid drin's, bars and gels that can quic'ly be consumed any time of the day.

Another advantage of supplements for body builders is that you can get the necessary element without ta'ing in e tra calories. Cou can build muscle without unwanted fat. )roducts have various actions in the body and can be categori.ed according to the basic and accessory.

Basic supplements primarily help provide the necessary amounts for building muscle, while accessory supplements are intended to improve the performance of basic supplements and add more polish to physiques. ( amples of basic supplements for body builders are protein powders, B1AAs and multivitamins. ( amples of accessories are creatine and nitrous o ide.

Available )roducts

Body builders need to consume at least ! to !.= grams of protein for each pound of bodyweight. Several body builders are not able to eat = or more times per day so protein supplements are a convenient way to help fill in the gaps. )rotein powders and bars can be consumed as snac's or as full meal replacements. (ach serving can contain around F# to =# grams of protein.

There are different types of protein depending on the source. 8hey protein is one type that can either be a concentrate or isolate. 2solates are absorbed faster and better compared to concentrates. 1asein protein is slow-digesting and ideal before going to bed. Cour body will continue to build and repair muscle as you sleep, preventing any catabolic activity.

,ultivitamins are vital for the body to function properly and prevent disease. (very mineral and vitamin leads to a biochemical reactions. ,ultivitamins are best ta'en in the morning after brea'fast.

B1AAs or branch chain amino acids are helpful for building muscle and improving activities inside the body. The body cannot naturally create amino acids so you need to ta'e them in an artificial form. The $ essential amino acids are leucine, isoleucine, histidine, lysine, tryptophan, valine, methionine and phenylalanine.

,ore Supplements

1reatine is naturally produced in the body and provides energy for quic' powerful movements. 1reatine phosphate is created as well, which brea's down then restructures to create AT), leading to more energy for longer-lasting and high intensity wor'outs. 1reatine is important for maintaining energy as you due heavy and difficult sets. 2t helps you recover quic'ly during and after your wor'out.

( perts recommend that individuals should ta'e = to !# grams of creatine per day. Those over F## pounds should ta'e more. There are plain creatine monohydrate supplements and microni.ed creatine supplements. These generally serve the same function but some people may not notice any gains.

Cou do not need to load up on creatine when startingJ it is also advised to cycle usage every 4 to G wee's. 8ater rushes to the cells and muscles as you ta'e the supplement. Cou may notice losing some weight once you stop ta'ing creatine because of the reduced water content in muscles and cells.

Body builders also ta'e fish oil since it is a good source of omega-% fatty acids and essential fatty acids that lower bad cholesterol and enhance muscle growth.

9ther benefits include maintenance of @oint fle ibility, visual acuity, nerve function and brain function. These are available in pills, capsules and liquid drin's. Bitrous o ide wor's by providing a greater pump as blood is rushed into the muscles more effectively. The product wor's best when ta'en together with protein. There are some protein supplements that already contain nitrous o ide.


Butrition for the Body Builder

The proper diet for a body builder is a scientific approach that requires careful planning to render the best results. The use of phasing is important for muscles to develop and respond adequately to different types of stress. Aside from 'nowing which foods and supplements to ta'e, proper timing and amounts are equally vital to gain the most benefits and achieve si.e and shape.

The )hases

Body builders usually go through F to % phases in their training program to gain quality mass, strength and definition. The phases are usually divided over %, G or !F months depending on each individuals goals. The first phase generally focuses on strength, the second on building muscle mass and the third on losing fat and achieving definition or cuts. 9ther body builders use only F phases namely the bul'ing and cutting phase.

The nutritional needs for each phase differs. ?uring the bul'ing, mass building or strength gaining phase, individuals need as many calories, protein and carbohydrates as possible to build quality muscle.

-ood choices during these initial stages usually include a lot of red meat, chic'en breast, oats, rice and supplements to reach the prescribed calorie count. As for macronutrients, body builders meals should comprise of !=-F=K protein, !=-F=K fat and =#-G#K carbohydrates.

?uring the cutting or definition phase, individuals need to watch their food sources and reduce their daily caloric inta'e of fat. ,eals usually are comprised of F#-%#K protein, !#-!=K fat and 4#-==K carbohydrates. -at sources should include more of the monounsaturated or polyunsaturated types.

?iet and Training

!. Before wor'ing out. ,eals before wor'out should contain enough carbohydrates to fuel all activities. Body builders usually need around !.= to % grams of carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight per day. 2t is recommended to ta'e carbohydrates ! to F hours before e ercise for it to be digested in a timely manner, thus leading to more productive and intense energy during wor'outs.

?uring most meals eating more comple carbohydrates are needed because they are absorbed more slowly and storing energy in the muscles. ( amples are oats, whole wheat and brown rice. Cou may eat starchy carbs @ust before hitting the gym to provide instant energy. ( amples are potatoes and pasta. F. ?uring the wor'out. Cou will need to provide enough building bloc's for muscles while e ercising by consuming protein. Cou can do this by consuming protein supplements in the form of protein drin's or bar. Ta'e sips or bites in between sets until you complete the entire routine. F# to %# grams would be enough for each session.

%. After wor'ing out. Cou need to refuel immediately post-wor'out by consuming adequate amounts of protein and carbohydrates. Cou can eat a meal about %# minutes after hitting the gym. This is also the time some body builders ta'e a multivitamin, fish oil or B1AAs.

Tips from the )ros

5earn how to cycle calories and carbohydrates for faster fat loss. There is a hormone called leptin which signals the body to start hoarding fat once it goes into suboptimal levels. 5eptin usually drops when you start to lower your caloric and carbohydrate inta'e when moving from the bul'ing into the cutting phase.

1ycling calories and carbohydrates will maintain normal leptin levels, thus allowing your body to get rid of fat more readily. 8hen dropping calories or carbohydrates, it is recommended that you reduce only about F## to %## calories at most from your base caloric inta'e. Cou may increase the calories slightly by !=# to F=# on certain days to maintain the cycle.

Attain your macronutrient requirements from whole foods li'e lean meat cuts, chic'en breasts, tur'ey, s'im mil', soy and nuts. Bever starve yourself when attempting to lose weight since your leptin level can drop leading to muscle cannibalism and fat hoarding.

?rin' plenty of water to replace lost fluid. 1ontrol your inta'e of sugars and sweets but reward yourself occasionally with moderate treats to prevent craving and hunger pangs. A recommendation is to not to eat any carbohydrates during your last meal or before going to bed to prevent fat storage. 5imit inta'e of caffeinated products that can lead to dehydration.


The Ha.ards of Steroids

Since the !$G#s, athletes have been using steroids to enhance physical performance and gain muscle li'e never before. Body builders, in particular, have closely been identified with drug abuse. The ris's run high among many especially in the pro ran's. There have been a number of deaths and grave conditions because of the various side effects of anabolic drugs. 2s an body worth all the health ha.ardsE

Steroid -acts

Anabolic steroids are synthetic copies of the male se hormone, testosterone. )rimarily, these were created for medical and clinical purposes such as treating muscle-wasting in A2?S patients and severe anemia. 1orticosteroids are prescribed by physicians to treat inflammation and swelling.

The treatment is called H3T or hormone replacement therapy, which helps individuals produce more of the hormone their bodies are unable to do naturally. ?octors, however, never prescribe anabolic drugs to healthy individuals to build muscle. 8ithout a doctor<s prescription, acquiring and using steroids are illegal.

Body builders have been branded as steroid abusers for almost =# years. Administration can be through pills or intramuscular in@ections. As a result, body builders are able to gain lean muscle and si.e faster than what is deemed normal. The influ of testosterone allows the body to grow and recover within a shorter period of time, leading to long-lasting energy for wor'outs and reduced healing time in between gym sessions.

The diuretic effect also flushes out e cess water, which will create a more ripped, defined and vascular loo' among trainers. 2n body building, competitions have been categori.ed as natural and open classes since natural athletes cannot compete with drug-enhanced athletes.

The 1onsequences

Some of the ma@or side effects of anabolic steroids include cancer, high blood pressure, increase in 5?5 or bad cholesterol, liver tumor, @aundice, heart attac', stro'e, enlarged heart, acne, oily scalp and s'in, baldness, gynecomastia or enlargement of the breast among males, shrun'en testicles, infertility, low sperm count, impotence, stunted growth among teenagers, H2> or hepatitis from infected needles, reduced natural production of testosterone, headache, nose bleed, and altered thyroid function.

2t can cause insulin insensitivity, enlargement of the prostate, increased body hair, water retention or dehydration, nausea, abdominal pain, blac' tarry stools, anaphylactic shoc', edema, chills, bone pain, fetal damage, gallbladder stones, hives, hypercalcemia, depressed immune system, sore tongue, weight gain or loss, septic shoc', lethargy, irregular menstruation, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation and thinning of hair.

Steroids can also cause psychological side effects. The most popular would be fits of rage or roid rage wherein abusers suddenly develop feelings of anger and hatred. 9ther effects include mood swings, depression from low testosterone levels and rise in estrogen levels, hyperactivity and brain damage.

Steroid ,ust-7nows

Steroid dangers can affect both men and women, of any age and at various rates. Some may e perience symptoms early on during their course of inta'e while others may ta'e years to develop. )regnant women put their babies at ris' by ta'ing anabolic drugs. The muscle-building benefits among teenagers are basically short-lived and si.e and definition will disappear once they stop ta'ing the substance. Steroids can 'ill. Anabolic drugs pose a variety of side effects and conditions that can ultimately lead to death. Since it is a regulated substance, illegal acquisition cannot guarantee you authenticity, safety and purity of the product. Cou are placing yourself at ris' by investing in possible contaminated products.

The process of manufacturing and distribution through illegal means the product is li'ely compromised because of law restrictions. 2ndividuals possessing the drugs illegally can be imprisoned for up to = years and fined thousands of dollars.

,a@ority of body builders in the pro ran's ta'e steroids. Batural body builders can<t e pect their physiques to loo' li'e a drug-enhanced body builder. &enetics have a lot to do with muscular development and the capacity to gain si.e. Always listen to the needs of your body and give it adequate rest periods and proper nutrition. Cou will find that going natural will build quality muscle that lasts for several years.

oing Pro The 8orld of )rofessional Body Building - ?o Cou Aspire to &o )roE

Body building is a very e treme sport requiring a lot of discipline, careful planning and nonstop preparation and conditioning. Although e ercise, nutrition and rest are the % cores that ma'e up a good athlete, there is one thing that separates the pros from the regular lifters - genetics. Bot everyone has the propensity to build muscle regardless of how sound their program is. ?o you have what it ta'esE

Tips from a )ro Body Builder

The first thing that every body builder has to reali.e is that not everyone can become a pro. 9nly ! out of every !#,### individuals are genetically endowed to build and 'eep muscle, burn fat, last through intense wor'outs and recover fast enough. &reat e amples are Arnold Schwar.enegger, Sergio 9liva and ;ay 1utler. (ven though there are thousands of mesomorphs around the world, their bodies can only acquire so much muscle mass, even with the use of anabolic drugs. All pros have wea'nesses, particularly because of genetic traits. Some are blessed with FF-inch arms, others with "-pac' abs and others with full round muscle bellies and small @oints. 9thers have to deal with small lagging calves, wide hips and high lats.

These are @ust some of the aspects that cannot be changed e cept through drastic surgical measures. 2t is a fact among professional body builders that almost everyone uses anabolic steroids. 2f you are aspiring to go pro, you should be ready to face the reality that you may not win contests.

Steroids have gotten more potent through the years, which is becoming a concern among enthusiasts. 1hampions are sacrificing symmetry and shape in e change for mind-blowing mass. 1ompared to athletes in the past, recent e hibitors are showing almost-impossible proportions such as F4-inch arms, G#inch chests and bloated stomachs because of internal organ enlargement.

Show Secrets

The main idea behind body building contests is that whoever has the most strengths and least wea'nesses, or whoever presents a well-rounded muscular physique and e cellent symmetry at the same time wins. There are : mandatory poses that display all the muscle groups wherein contestants will be @udged. 1riteria for @udging usually include muscle separation, conditioning, muscle mass, presentation or how well the athlete poses and, at times, audience impact.

Some of the events include special performances which require a lot of charisma and style. Body building is a sport highly involved in other social affairs as well. 8inners or champions are usually invited to be spo'espeople for programs or products.

Top pros earn a lot of money from shows, e hibitions, guest posing and product endorsements. 2n contests, the top G contestants can earn anywhere from L=,### to LF=#,### a show depending on their placing and sponsors. Additional may be included such as a brand-new vehicle or watch.

Shows require a lot of preparation which often results to mental and physical fatigue. Strict dieting and intense routines are used by every serious body builder to hopefully get to their target weight. This is the time when daily caloric inta'e is counted accurately and special supplements bring out the best definition and condition possible.

Athletes need to ma'e sure that water gets to their muscles and not under the s'in to prevent a flat and smooth appearance. 9ther preparations include practicing for a performance *if required+, tanning and shaving.

How to Iualify

The 2-BB is the top pro body building federation in the world. To become a pro, one should enter a B)1 6SA competition. There are G weight classes in the B)1 ,en<s Bational 1hampionships namely the bantamweight, lightweight, middleweight, light heavyweight, heavyweight and super heavyweight.

The winners of each class may request professional status. )ro aspirants may enter the 2-BB 8orld 1hampionships, wherein winning a class ma'es a contestant eligible in the pro ran's. The same applies for the 2-BB Borth American 1hampionships.

There are qualifying contests to ma'e one eligible to @oin the B)1 1hampionships. The most prestigious pro body building contest of all is the ,r. 9lympia, followed by the Arnold Schwar.enegger 1lassic. 9nly top-ran'ing pros in qualifying contests can earn invites to these ma@or events. 8inners or those in the top ran's are considered to be the best in the world. Bo-Bonsense ,uscle Building Vince DelMontes No-Nonsense Muscle Building Program is exactly what it says it is no-nonsense! Pro essional itness coach! Vince "lows the lid o the "ody"uilding! su##lement and maga$ine industry. %e warns you against the lies you&e "een ed "y so-called ex#erts who want you to ail so that you eel the only way to gain muscle is to ta'e the su##lements they are selling. DelMonte s#ells out the dos and donts &ery clearly! so you do not ha&e to ta'e recourse to trial and error. (he idea is not to train li'e a "ody"uilder to "ecome a "ody"uilder. )our "ody is uni*ue and its re*uirements are di erent. +mitating the training o cham#ion "ody"uilders has no rele&ance or #eo#le who are "attling the s'inny gene or ,ust want to get it. -(he No-Nonsense Muscle Building Program is or all manner o #eo#le!. /lic' %ere to Visit the 0 icial 1ite -2 (hats right male or emale! s'inny or o"ese! young or old! "eginners! intermediates or ad&anced trainees. (his #rogram is a"out natural itness where you dont ha&e to ta'e steroids or s#ecial su##lements. Nor does it re*uire you to s#end endless hours at the gym. )ou need to #ut in 3 hours o weight training in a wee' and Vince guarantees a 45-#ound gain in 6 wee's lat! +ts what he calls a shredded "ody gained through the #ower ul muscle growth and weight gain system he de&elo#ed es#ecially or s'inny hard gainers! Heres some amazing benefits this program will give you (he most highly guarded muscle "uilding ingredient o all time (he 7 undamental laws o human muscle growth (he truth a"out training to ailure EXACTLY how mu h an! how little to train (he hidden truth a"out %igh +ntensity (he 'ey to unloc'ing -8ntrained. 9 -untouched. muscle i"ers (he regarded secret to eliminating training #lateaus com#letely : snea'y -tric'. to get more recruitment rom your muscles " easy tips to s#yro #et your Testosterone levels ;earn the B<1( training s#lit e&er or s'inny hardgainers <x#losi&e techni*ues -%ea&y =eights >or %igh Re#s. $is over the %& prin iple asso iate! with fat burning

%e o ers long lost itness secrets that will dou"le your muscle gain in hal the amount o time. (his No-Nonsense Muscle Building Program includes nine undamental laws o human muscle growth! the 'ey to unloc'ing untrained muscle i"ers! a&oiding training #lateaus! ways to wa'e u# your muscle i"ers and charge your testosterone le&els. Pac'ed with all the tools! secrets! little 'nown acts and guidance youll e&er need to a gain lean mass without the at! this #rogram is "oth #ractical and com#lete. )ou wont need to search the +nternet or more in ormation nor will you ma'e mista'es in the gym that are counter#roducti&e to muscle gain. + 'nowledge is #ower! this #rogram em#owers you to get the "ody you&e always dreamed o ! =hats more! as a mem"er o the No-Nonsense Muscle Building Program you get 46 ree "onuses? 4. 6. 3. @. B. C. D. A. 7. 45. 44. 46. Beginner-+ntermediate 67 =ee' 1te#-By-1te# +ntensi&e =or'out Program :d&anced 67 =ee' 1te#-By-1te# Max Power =or'out Program 8#side Down (raining Program A@ day healthy meal #lans Virtual exercise demonstrator Meta"olic growth calculator 1u##lement watch iles :udio ex#ose o un orgi&a"le sins +nstant 6@ED itness coach 8nlimited e"oo' u#dates : @ hour muscle "uilding DVD :ccess to the Pri&ate Mem"er Fone

(he entire No-Nonsense Muscle Building Program 1uccess Git is a&aila"le or an introductory #rice o HDD. +t comes with a Ino *uestions as'ed re und within eight wee's o ,oining! Juess you ha&e nothing to lose! only muscle to gain! + really ho#e this site was some hel# to you and that you ha&e ound what you were loo'ing or. Jood luc' and ha&e a great day!

-(he #rinci#les o No Nonsense Muscle Building ha&e hel#ed Vince Delmonte trans orm rom -1'inny Vinny. to a #hysi*ue cham#ion. (hese #rinci#les ha&e also hel#ed hundreds o others increase their strength and muscle si$e. + youre loo'ing or some o the "est muscle-"uilding in ormation currently a&aila"le! chec' out Vince Delmontes No Nonsense Muscle Building. Dr. Kohn M Berardi :d,unct Pro essor! 8ni&ersity o (exas :uthor o 1crawny to Brawny

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