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2013 Egypt

Development Report
Progressing Towards the Future
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Amal Alqarl
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l. 1lLle age
ll. 1able of ConLenLs
lll. lnLroducLlon
lv. uevelopmenL Challenges and CpporLunlLles
v. Lconomy and llnances
a. lorelgn lnvesLmenL
b. 1ourlsm
vl. ConfllcL revenLlon and SecurlLy
vll. uemocracy
vlll. PealLh
lx. LducaLlon
x. AgrlculLure
xl. lood SecurlLy
xll. 1he LnvlronmenL
xlll. Concluslon
xlv. 8lbllography
3 7
1he Arab 8epubllc of LgypL would llke Lo Lhank
Lhe lnLernaLlonal donor communlLy and presenL Lo
you our lnLernaLlonal developmenL reporL for 2013.
Cur counLry has faced many hardshlps recenLly and lL
ls wlLh Lhe help of our frlends and allles LhaL we wlll
pull Lhrough Lough Llmes Lo aLLaln our asplraLlons of
achlevlng Lhe Mlllennlum uevelopmenL Coals, sLablllLy
and securlLy wlLhln our counLry, as well as economlc
and soclal prosperlLy or Lhe people of LgypL. uesplLe
Lhe dlfflculLles we are faclng, Lhere ls much hope for
our fuLure. Cur youLhful clLlzenry broughL abouL Lhe
soclal change LhaL led Lo 8evoluLlon uay on !anuary
2011. WlLh a new governmenL and ouLlook Lhere
ls hope for LgypL's developmenL and success among
Lhe global communlLy. 8y educaLlng, employlng, and
empowerlng our people, we wlll glve Lhem Lhe Lools
Lhey need and we wlll work wlLh Lhem Lo sLeer Lhls
counLry ouL of our economlc and soclal Lolls and lnLo a
beLLer, more democraLlc fuLure. We hope LhaL, wlLh
Lhe help of Lhe lnLernaLlonal donor communlLy, we
wlll be able Lo sLablllze our counLry and lead our
reglon on Lhe paLh Lo prosperlLy.
4 !
Slnce our lndependence from CreaL 8rlLaln ln 1932,
LgypL has been a leader ln Lhe Arab world. We are a
foundlng member of Lhe League of Arab SLaLes, whlch
allows for dlalogue and cooperaLlon among Lhe Arab
naLlons of Lhe Mlddle LasL. uurlng Lhe lasL cenLury,
LgypL's economlc developmenL suffered from hlgh
levels of markeL compeLlLlon and lack of resources for
Lrade. LgypL's manufacLure-based economy durlng Lhe
cenLury was unable Lo grow as effecLlvely as oLher
developlng naLlons of Lhe Llme: LgypLlan
manufacLures' secLor ls faclng a deLerloraLlng poslLlon
ln Lerms of Lrade, as Lhe LgypLlan economy faces
compeLlLlve pressure". (Pawash, 2007) 8ecause of
lmpeded lndusLrlal progress and lack of effecLlve
governance, LgypL's socleLy has developed slowly and
face many dlfflculLles. WlLhouL Lhe ablllLy Lo fully
modernlze, LgypL suffers from under-educaLlon,
healLh problems, lnfrasLrucLural underdevelopmenL,
and poverLy. under Lhe leadershlp of resldenL Posnl
Mubarak, who held Lhe offlce of resldenL from 1981
unLll Lhe LgypLlan 8evoluLlon of !anuary 2011 ousLed
hls governmenL, Lhe people of LgypL slmulLaneously
suffered many economlc woes and pollLlcal
oppresslon. 1he grlevances of Lhe LgypLlan people,
whlch lncluded human rlghLs vlolaLlons, pollce
bruLallLy, and economlc Lurmoll, culmlnaLed ln
Mubarak's overLhrow and senLenclng Lo llfe
lmprlsonmenL and Lhe esLabllshmenL of a new
governmenL, now under Lhe leadershlp of resldenL
Mohamed Morsl.
3 >
Mohamed Morsl and Lhe LgypLlan governmenL are worklng hard Lo overcome many obsLacles ln order Lo
resLore LgypL on a paLh Lowards developmenL. 1here are currenLly hlgh levels of poverLy, unemploymenL, lnflaLlon, and
llllLeracy among LgypLlans. AddlLlonally Lhe unresL wlLhln Lhe counLry and around Lhe reglon has noL subslded and
because of Lhls LgypL has recenLly dealL wlLh mlllLanL hosLlllLles and domesLlc confllcL. Whlle malnLalnlng governance of
Lhe counLry and relaLlve peace, resldenL Morsl's governmenL ls currenLly faclng Lhe greaLesL challenge of Lhe posL-
8evoluLlon era: Lhe sLablllzaLlon and developmenL of LgypL. 1he lnLernaLlonal communlLy has come Lo our ald, wlLh our
nelghbors Llbya and CaLar helplng flnanclally and negoLlaLlons wlLh Lhe lMl underway. LgypL lnvlLes our WesLern allles
and Lhe lnLernaLlonal donor communlLy Lo help us rebulld our counLry's economy and lnfrasLrucLure for Lhe beLLermenL
of Lhe llves of our clLlzens.
!We are all in one and the same boat, the same
homeland. It"s like a ship that was prevented,
for so long, from sailing out in the waters of
this world. She was tied with heavy chains that
the people of this revolution smashed. Now, as
she sets off, let#s all put our hands together to
help guide it in the right direction, where a
good wind blows, and clear water flows. Our
ship, our homeland will survive, and will forge
forward on a long journey, and it will carry
all the Egyptian people.!

-Mohamed Morsi, December 2011
$We are involving political, intellectual, business and civil society forces in our planning so that it reflects
the whole community But we must resolve the current political and security situation in order to
achieve our development goals.%

-Ashraf al-Araby, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, April 2013
6 ?
AL such a plvoLal Llme ln LgypL's hlsLory, we
musL address some of Lhe challenges Lhe counLry
faces ln order Lo ensure success for noL only ourselves,
buL also Lhe lnLernaLlonal communlLy as a whole. Lach
challenge cerLalnly relaLes Lo one anoLher, and a
soluLlon ls undoubLedly aLLalnable wlLh some
asslsLance. 1hls secLlon wlll be a brlef overvlew of
where LgypL seeks lmprovemenL, especlally ln
reference Lo Lhe Mlllennlum uevelopmenL Coals.
As an unemploymenL raLe soars amongsL a large
populaLlon of Lhe youLh, poverLy has become an lssue
LhaL musL be addressed for a successful and peaceful
LgypL. CurrenLly, Lhe poverLy raLe has lncreased Lo
23.2, especlally ln more rural areas. WlLh
approxlmaLely one Lhlrd of Lhe LgypLlan populaLlon
belng under Lhe age of 14, lL wlll be cruclal Lo focus on
educaLlon and lncreaslng llLeracy ln order Lo creaLe an
effecLlve markeL-based economy as Lhese large
numbers of youLh enLer lnLo Lhe work force. LlLeracy,
deflned by Lhe ablllLy Lo read and wrlLe afLer Lhe age
of 10, sLands aL only 72 of Lhe populaLlon. lncreaslng
prlmary educaLlon for all LgypLlans wlll be cruclal as
Lhe rlslng unemploymenL raLe puLs a burden on Lhe
economy and frusLraLes Lhe youLh.
7 A
As Lhe world pushes for a more gender-equal
socleLy, LgypL does noL always sLand up Lo par on
Lhls lssue. LlLeracy raLes and unemploymenL are
sLaggerlngly hlgher amongsL women, and Lhe rlghLs
of women are an area of dlscusslon for Lhe LgypLlan
socleLy and our governmenL.
AlLhough healLh sLandards do noL seem Lo
be Lhe blggesL LhreaL Lo LgypL compared Lo Lhe resL
of Lhe reglon, we are ln need of more Lralned
physlclans and hosplLal beds for a rapldly growlng
populaLlon. A boomlng populaLlon breeds boLh
opporLunlLles and LhreaLs allke, and Lhe challenge
wlll be Lo successfully conLlnue decreaslng Lhe lnfanL
morLallLy raLe, and lncreaslng boLh maLernal healLh
and llfe expecLancy aL blrLh. As Lhls populaLlon
conLlnues Lo grow exponenLlally, llmlLed arable
land, and dependence on Lhe nlle all conLlnue Lo
overLax resources and sLress socleLy". AL Lhe raLe LhaL
Lhe populaLlon ls growlng, envlronmenLal
susLalnablllLy wlll be a greaL challenge for us as we
aLLempL Lo develop and become a conLrlbuLlng
member Lo Lhe lnLernaLlonal economy.
All of Lhese aspecLs can propel LgypL lnLo
healLhy developmenL LhaL wlll make us a rellable
parLner for developmenL ln Lhe world. ln order for Lhls
Lo occur, Lhe challenge of a rellable and efflclenL
democracy LhaL ls respecLable Lowards Lhe rlghLs of lLs
clLlzens ls cruclal. 1he greaLesL LhreaLs Lo Lhls success
currenLly lles ln Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe pollce
and clLlzens LhaL does noL lnvolve corrupLlon or
vlolence. lf all of Lhese lssues can be properly
addressed and funded, LgypL has a greaL deal of
promlse and poLenLlal LhaL lL can offer Lo lLs clLlzens
and Lhe communlLy surroundlng Lhem lnLernaLlonally.
$Limited arable land, and dependence on the Nile all continue to overtax
resources and stress society%
8 B
LgypL's economy ls currenLly ln crlsls. laclng lnflaLlon, rlslng prlces of goods, dlmlnlshlng forelgn reserves
and lul, as well as rlslng clvll unresL, lL ls cruclal LhaL LgypL qulckly addresses Lhese lssues prompLly and effecLlvely
so as Lo resLore Lhe economy back Lo healLh. LgypL's economlc wellbelng dlmlnlshed durlng Lhe confllcLs leadlng
up Lo Lhe 8evoluLlon ln 2011, whlch hlndered local buslnesses and caused forelgn lnvesLors Lo pull Lhelr money ouL
of LgypL. 1hls has been greaL source of aglLaLlon for LgypL, as lL caused flnanclal problems aL all levels as well as a
hlgh unemploymenL raLe, whlch has reached 13 recenLly. 1hls ls unaccepLable and especlally for Lhe youLh of our
naLlon, a cause of dlsconLenL. Slnce Lhe 8evoluLlon Lhe economy has noL lmproved slgnlflcanLly and help from our
frlends ln Lhe lnLernaLlonal communlLy ls needed now more Lhan ever. lnLernaLlonal ald and efforLs Lo allevlaLe
sLress on Lhe LgypLlan economy wlll reallsLlcally be lnsufflclenL Lo compleLely avold more economlc dlfflculLles buL
more ln[ecLlon of money wlll be absoluLely necessary Lo avold economlc collapse. ln addlLlon Lo belng a moneLary
and flnanclal crlsls, Lhe repercusslons of an economlc collapse could very well lnclude more soclal unresL LhaL
would LhreaLen Lhe safeLy of Lhe people as well as Lhe sLablllLy of democracy ln Lhe counLry.
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9 L
lorelgn lnvesLmenL
LgypL ls runnlng ouL of forelgn reserves we rely upon Lo purchase food and fuel. ln order Lo counLerbalance
Lhe loss of forelgn lnvesLmenL our counLry en[oyed before clvll unresL deLerred lnvesLors, Lhe governmenL has dug
deeply lnLo LgypL's forelgn reserves ln order Lo provlde Lhe clLlzenry wlLh enough food and fuel Lo conLlnue llvlng an
accepLable sLandard of llvlng. 1hls ls an unsusLalnable sLraLegy and lL ls cruclal LhaL LgypL ls able Lo lnvesL ln pro[ecLs
LhaL wlll aLLracL lnvesLors back Lo our counLry. 1he flnanclal and soclal problems LgypL ls undergolng are feedlng back
lnLo each oLher: lnvesLors wlll noL lnvesL because Lhere ls unresL and Lhere ls unresL because Lhe economy ls noL
farlng well from Lhe lack of lnvesLmenL. 1hls cycle can only end lf Lhe rooL of Lhe problem ls addressed: Lhe
unhapplness of Lhe people. WlLh Lhe help of donors, Lhe governmenL of LgypL can and wlll sponsor pro[ecLs Lo
lmprove Lhe llves of Lhe LgypLlan people. 8y lmprovlng
educaLlon, lnfrasLrucLure, and publlc healLh, Lhe
clLlzens of LgypL wlll have Lhe Lools Lo lmprove our
naLlon and brlng lnvesLors back Lo our doorsLep.
1he lndex of Lconomlc lreedom ls ofLen used
by lnvesLors Lo deLermlne Lhe deslrablllLy Lo
lnvesL ln some counLrles. LgypL's score has
been decllnlng over Lhe pasL several years.
10 65

Cne vlLal lndusLry LhaL has suffered severely ln recenL years has been LgypL's Lourlsm. Cnce a prlme
desLlnaLlon for forelgners lnLeresLed ln LgypL's beauLlful scenery and remarkable hlsLory, LgypL ls now
feellng Lhe consequences of a dlmlnlshlng lnflux of LourlsLs. 8ecause of Lhe percelved lnsLablllLy of LgypL
among lnLernaLlonal Lravelers, Lhe number of LourlsLs vlslLlng LgypL has decllned by roughly one Lhlrd slnce
before 2010. 1ourlsm provldes dlrecL [obs for nearly Lhree mllllon people, crlLlcal lncome Lo more Lhan 70
lndusLrles and 20 percenL of Lhe sLaLe's forelgn currency." (n? 1lmes, Aprll 2, 2013) 1he lmpacL of a
sufferlng Lourlsm lndusLry ls felL noL only by Lhe governmenL and flnanclal secLor of LgypL buL also for
prlvaLe lndlvlduals who run hoLels, resLauranLs, gulded Lours and many more small buslnesses. 8y fundlng
pro[ecLs LhaL wlll encourage growLh ln LgypL's economy, we wlll be more ready and able Lo secure sLablllLy
wlLhln our borders and glve LourlsLs Lhe lncenLlve Lo
once agaln vlslL Lhe marvels LhaL LgypL has Lo offer.
11 66
1he maln alms of Lhe MlnlsLry of lnLerlor are
Lo ensure publlc safeLy and sLaLe securlLy, prevenL and
lnvesLlgaLe crlme, provlde prlson servlces and provlde
pollce Lralnlng. rlor Lo Lhe Arab Sprlng, Lhe reglme of
Mubarak was accused of corrupLlon and abuse of
power, whlch led Lo several human rlghLs vlolaLlons.
1hls confllcL arose especlally ln lnsLances of proLesL,
when clLlzens and pollce forces meL each oLher wlLh
vlolence and confllcL. 1hese vlolaLlons have occurred
boLh wlLh Lhe pollce force and Lhe mlllLary. As proLesLs
lncreased dramaLlcally agalnsL Lhe Mubarak reglme
over Lhe course or Lhe Arab Sprlng, vlolence and
lnsLances of corrupLlon cerLalnly became an
expecLaLlon beLween clLlzens and pollce forces. lL ls
undersLood LhaL such confllcLs are noL conduclve Lo
democracy or progress wlLhln Lhe counLry.
AlLhough slnce Morsl has Laken over confllcLs
have decreased, Lhe pollce force has noL regalned
LrusL nor respecL from Lhe clLlzens of LgypL. lor Lhe
sake of keeplng peace and order wlLhln LgypL, Lhe
MlnlsLry of lnLerlor needs furLher fundlng Lo Lraln and
lncrease salarles of pollce offlcers Lo ensure an honesL
and beLLer-Lralned force. noL only wlll Lhls help fosLer
a healLhler democracy, whlch allows for free speech,
buL also lL wlll decrease human rlghLs vlolaLlons LhaL
have goLLen ln Lhe way of Lhe successful and healLhy
developmenL of LgypL.
8ecenLly, Lhe army and pollce force have been
accused of abuses Lo human rlghLs such as lllegally
deLalned suspecLs and vlolence agalnsL proLesLers. 1he
ma[orlLy of Lhese cases, lncludlng LhlrLy-slx LhaL have
gone Lo Lrlal, have been flled agalnsL low or mlddle-
ranklng offlcers ln Lhe LgypLlan pollce force.

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12 6"
1he MlnlsLry of Lhe lnLerlor recognlzes Lhls lssue and ls seeklng lnLernaLlonal help for a soluLlon. ln analyzlng
Lhe problem, lL ls apparenL LhaL much of Lhe problem comes from Lhe quallLy of low-level offlcers. 1hls largely can be
aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe lack of quallLy Lralnlng aLLalned ln Lhe ollce Academy, whlch ls held ln Calro. 1hese offlcers have
recelved Lhree monLhs Lralnlng aL Lhe ollce Academy before Lhey are commlssloned for duLy, and Lhls ls cerLalnly aL
Lhe rooL of our problem. ln developed counLrles, much more exLenslve Lralnlng ls requlred aL far more sLaLe of Lhe arL
faclllLles. lnLernaLlonal supporL Lo lncrease fundlng for hlgher quallLy Lralnlng wlll ensure LhaL our offlcers know how Lo
respond ln Lhe case of clvlllan proLesL and wlll work Lo flghL agalnsL human rlghLs vlolaLlons LhaL have been a Lhorn ln
Lhe slde of LgypL over Lhe pasL decade.
AddlLlonally, Lhe salarles each offlcer ls offered drlve Lhe quallLy of any pollce force. CurrenLly, Lhe MlnlsLry of
Lhe lnLerlor does noL have Lhe budgeL Lo provlde adequaLe salarles Lo our offlcers, and for Lhls reason Lhere ls less
lncenLlve for LrusLworLhy men and women Lo enLer. As seen ln Lhe graph below, LgypL ranks exLremely low compared
Lo Lhe resL of Lhe world ln offlcer salarles. lL ls noL a llvable or deslrable salary, and prevenLs Lhe pollce force from
reachlng a poLenLlal LhaL can llve up Lo Lhe goals of publlc safeLy and securlLy LhaL we sLrlve Lo aLLaln. lundlng Lowards
Lhese salarles ls anoLher way Lo reduce corrupLlon and drlve Lhe quallLy of our pollce offlcers, who would no longer be
suscepLlble Lo Laklng brlbes or acLlng lrraLlonally and ouL of order. lf LgypL can bulld a poslLlve repuLaLlon for Lhe pollce
force and successfully keep Lhe publlc safe, democracy wlll cerLalnly be able Lo more easlly develop and LgypL can
lncrease lLs lnfluence ln a poslLlve manner ln lLs reglon and wlLhln Lhe lnLernaLlonal communlLy.
13 67
ln order Lo assure a safe publlc, peaceful proLesL for sLable democracy, and ldeal respecL for human rlghLs, Lhe
MlnlsLry of Lhe lnLerlor needs furLher fundlng. CurrenLly, Lhe pollce force has experlenced many allegaLlons, slmllar Lo
Lhe Mubarak era, whlch accuse many low and mlddle-level offlcers of corrupLlon and unnecessary vlolence. We belleve
Lhls can be aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe lack of resources we currenLly possess Lo fund proper and exLenslve Lralnlng for all enLry-
level offlcers LhaL fully undersLand Lhelr poslLlons and how Lo acL ln hlgh-rlsk slLuaLlons. AddlLlonally, we do noL possess
Lhe funds for adequaLe offlcer salarles LhaL encourage quallLy men and women Lo pursue Lhe career. lf offlcer Lralnlng ls
lmproved and salarles are lncreased, Lhe pollce force wlll drasLlcally reduce lnsLances of abuse and corrupLlon because
quallLy, well-Lralned offlcers who are noL drlven by brlbes wlll respond approprlaLely Lo lnsLances of proLesL durlng Lhls
pollLlcally LurbulenL LranslLlon LhaL has Lhe poLenLlal Lo propel LgypL ln a promlslng dlrecLlon.

Cver decades of abuses of Lhe
Mubarak reglme LhaL held Lhe naLlon back lmmensely,
Lhe people of LgypL have made Lhelr demand for
democracy. 1he young have grown Llred of an
economy LhaL has noL provlded Lhem wlLh
enough opporLunlLy, all wanL a socleLy where
proLesL and pollce do noL need Lo clash, and
Lhe LgypLlan socleLy ls ready for Lhe changes
Lo modernlze and develop. lL was wlLh greaL
prlde and exclLemenL LhaL LgypL flnally
parLlclpaLed ln a falr presldenLlal elecLlon,
whlch led Lo Lhe selecLlon by Lhe people of
Mohamed Morsl. 1he people of LgypL puL lL
LrusL ln Morsl, and Lhls brlngs greaL promlse
Lo Lhe fuLure of democracy ln LgypL.
unforLunaLely, Lhe opposlLlon parLles LhaL
soughL Lo conLlnue many of Lhe pracLlces of
Mubarak conLlnue Lo weaken LgypL's
democraLlc process Lhrough corrupLlon.

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14 6!
1hls has hampered Morsl's ablllLy Lo uphold
hls promlse of a consLlLuLlonal sLaLe, a lawful sLaLe, a
sLaLe LhaL proLecLs Lhe dlgnlLy of a person." lundlng ln
Lhe areas of lmproved llLeracy, a beLLer economy,
more efflclenL and LransparenL governmenLal
pracLlces, a LrusLworLhy pollce force and oLhers wlll
lndeed drlve a naLlon ready Lo embrace democracy
Lowards lLs goals.
1he people of LgypL have spoken, and Lhelr
volce chose Lo have resldenL Morsl lead Lhe naLlon
Lowards a peaceful, producLlve, and equal Musllm
naLlon. uesplLe some obsLacles, Lhe counLry has
proven ready for change. AL Lhls plvoLal polnL ln
hlsLory, LgypL needs help from Lhe lnLernaLlonal
communlLy ln bulldlng a successful democracy LhaL
wlll become a greaL conLrlbuLor Lo Lhe surroundlng
world. lL ls ln Lhe lnLeresL of Lhls lnLernaLlonal
communlLy LhaL LgypL conLlnues ln Lhe dlrecLlon of
equallLy and peace raLher backwards Lo Lhe human
rlghLs abuses and sLagnanL economy of Mubarak and
Lhe dlcLaLorshlp he held.
$A constitutional state, a
lawful state, a state that
protects the dignity of a
-Mohamed Morsi
13 6>
Cver Lhe lasL 10 year, Lhe overall healLh of Lhe
LgypLlan people has grown slgnlflcanLly. 1he ma[orlLy
of Lhe populaLlon ln LgypL has easy and efflclenL
access Lo healLh care. LgypL has developed a
wldespread neLwork of healLh faclllLles guaranLeelng
easy access Lo baslc healLh
servlces for lL's
and organlzaLlon of
Lhe healLh sysLem ls
cenLrallzed Lhrough Lhe MlnlsLry of
PealLh and opulaLlon. varlous
publlc groups such as Lhe PealLh
lnsurance CrganlzaLlon (PlC), prlvaLe
pracLlLloners, and nongovernmenLal
organlzaLlons are assoclaLed wlLh
runnlng, sponsorlng, and provldlng
healLh servlces ln LgypL. Communlcable
dlseases have also predomlnanLly been
conLrolled ln LgypL, slnce 2006, LgypL
has been consldered a pollo-free
counLry. AddlLlonally, LgypL's populaLlon
has doubled ln slze ln [usL 30 years, from 44
mllllon ln 1980 Lo 83 mllllon ln 2009. ln LhaL Llme,
average llfe expecLancy has rlsen from 32 years ln
1960 Lo 72 years Loday.

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Since 2006, Egypt has
been consi dered a pol i o-
free country.
16 6?
23% of chil dren under 15 i n Egypt are currentl y l i ving on
l ess than one dol l ar a day.
Powever, LgypL ls sLlll experlenclng many
healLh challenges. PepaLlLls 8 and C are slgnlflcanL
publlc healLh concerns ln LgypL wlLh sLaLlsLlcs lmplylng
LhaL Lhelr lncldences, especlally wlLh hepaLlLls C, are
lncreaslng. MaLernal and chlld healLh are also
perslsLenL Lo be problems ln LgypL. MaLernal morLallLy
and lnfanL morLallLy raLes conLlnue Lo be hlgh. lron
deflclency or anemla ls anoLher wldespread concern ln
LgypL LhaL relaLes Lo malnuLrlLlon, whlch ls common ln
chlldren under flve (especlally chlldren ln rural LgypL).
1he raLe of non-communlcable dlseases ls also
lncreaslng ln LgypL. ulsorders assoclaLed wlLh llfesLyle
cholces, whlch greaLly lnfluence Lhe above challenges,
are also of growlng slgnlflcance. Smoklng, subsLance
abuse, lack of exerclse, and over-consumpLlon of mal-
nuLrlLlous foods conLrlbuLe Lo a subsLanLlal proporLlon
of Lhe general dlsease and morLallLy raLes ln
LgypL. ln LgypL, chronlc dlseases accounLed
for 78 of all deaLhs ln 2002 (see charL on
rlghL). 8alsed body mass lndex (obeslLy) ls an
lmporLanL cause of chronlc dlsease and ls Lhus
a slgnlflcanL concern ln LgypL. revalence of
overwelghL lndlvlduals ln LgypL ls expecLed Lo
remaln relaLlvely consLanL ln women and men
over Lhe nexL 10 years (see charL).
LnvlronmenLal facLors are anoLher maln
deLermlnanL of healLh ln LgypL. Alr polluLlon
ln LgypL, for lnsLance, parLlcularly ln Calro and
Alexandrla, has been a problem ln Lhe urban
areas for many years. arLlculaLe maLLer has been found
Lo be Lhe mosL frequenL alr polluLanL ln urban and
lndusLrlal areas. WhllsL hosplLals are free Lo enLer and
healLhcare ls easlly accesslble, many LreaLmenLs sLlll
requlre money, whlch Lhe pooresL people ln LgypL are
unable Lo afford. And wlLh a general lack of llLeracy, lL ls
dlfflculL Lo ralse awareness of healLhcare lssues. uesplLe
LgypL's rapld economlc growLh, Lhe number of chlldren
llvlng ln poverLy ls acLually on Lhe lncrease. AbouL 23
of chlldren under 13 ln LgypL are currenLly llvlng on less
Lhan one dollar a day and around flve mllllon chlldren
are llvlng ln lnadequaLe houslng, wlLhouL proper
shelLer, waLer, and sanlLaLlon. Around 1.6 mllllon
chlldren under flve ln LgypL are esLlmaLed Lo experlence
some klnd of healLh or food deprlvaLlon.

17 6A
AL leasL 80 of premaLure hearL dlseases,
sLroke, and Lype-2 dlabeLes (whlch are all slgnlflcanL
healLh lssues for LgypL as menLloned above) can be
prevenLed Lhrough healLhy dleL, regular exerclse,
and avoldance of Lobacco producLs. CosL-effecLlve
soluLlons exlsL and have worked ln many counLrles:
Lhe mosL successful sLraLegles have employed a
range of populaLlon-wlde approaches comblned
wlLh lnLervenLlons for lndlvlduals.
ln early 1996, a program was underLaken ln
LgypL ln order Lo reform Lhe overall healLhcare
sysLem ln LgypL. 1he pro[ecL lnlLlaLed a re-
assessmenL of Lhe healLh secLor and recognlzed a need Lo explore
alLernaLlves for a comprehenslve reform of Lhe healLhcare sysLem ln
LgypL. As a resulL of Lhese dlscusslons, Lhe LgypLlan CovernmenL
creaLed a reform sLraLegy for LgypL, whlch lays ouL a framework for
underLaklng a comprehenslve reorganlzaLlon of Lhe healLh secLor ln
LgypL over Lhe long-Lerm. rograms and pro[ecLs llke Lhls are necessary
ln order for LgypL's healLh secLor Lo conLlnue lmprovlng and growlng.

Around 1.6 million
children under five in
Egypt are estimated to
experience some kind of
health or food deprivation.

18 6B
Slnce lLs rapld
growLh ln Lhe 1990s, LgypL
has currenLly esLabllshed Lhe
leadlng educaLlon sysLem ln
Lhe Mlddle LasL and norLh
Afrlca. resenLly, Lhe
LgypLlan governmenL has puL
even greaLer emphasls on
lmprovlng and reflnlng
LgypL's educaLlon sysLem.
WlLh Lhe asslsLance of
numerous organlzaLlons,
LgypL lnLends Lo lncrease
access ln early chlldhood Lo
educaLlon and LgypL's governmenL wanLs Lo clalm
responslblllLy for provldlng free educaLlon Lo LgypLlan
clLlzens of all ages.

As of 2010, Lhe overall expendlLure on educaLlon ls approxlmaLely 12.6 percenL. lnvesLmenL ln educaLlon
accordlng Lo LgypL's Cu rose Lo 4.8 percenL ln 2003, buL Lhen dropped Lo 3.7 percenL ln 2007. LlLeracy ln LgypL ls 72,
slgnlflcanLly lower Lhan ln developed counLrles. 1he MlnlsLry of LducaLlon ls confronLlng several lssues ln regards Lo Lhe
educaLlonal sysLem ln LgypL. rlmarlly, Lhe mlnlsLry ls aLLempLlng Lo develop from a more cenLrallzed sysLem Lo a sysLem
provldlng more auLonomy and lndependence Lo lndlvldual lnsLlLuLlons, Lhus lncreaslng accounLablllLy and responslblllLy
on Lhe parL of lndlvldual lnsLlLuLlons.
$1'(.(@D 9.& <.&*-*.&*.=*
829%.%./ 9.& 49,92D (; 8*9=I*23
R19,%'D (; C&1=9'%(.
S*9,'I H9-
G2%+9'* 81'(23
19 6L
Correspondlngly, personnel managemenL ln Lhe educaLlon sysLem musL be reformed so Leachers are hlred
because of Lhelr merlL and salarles are glven LhaL equal Lhelr slgnlflcanL conLrlbuLlons Lo socleLy. 1hls needs Lo occur
because, currenLly, Lhe maln challenge presenL ln LgypLlan educaLlon ls Lhe quallLy of Leachers LhaL Leach ln publlc
schools. A sLudy conducLed ln 2010 sLaLed LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Leachers ln LgypL resorL Lo Lhe Leachlng professlon
because Lhey are lacklng ln beLLer opLlons. Many women also resorL Lo Leachlng because Lhe naLure of Lhe [ob does noL
confllcL wlLh Lhelr more lmperaLlve gender roles as moLhers and wlves. 1he small salarles exlsLlng ln Lhe publlc school
sysLem ln LgypL also appeal Lo low-skllled employees. 1hls ls because Leachers ln LgypL earn an average annual salary of
$460, whlch ls less
Lhan half Lhe
counLry's average
annual per-caplLa

Along wlLh
Lhe lack of hlgh-
quallLy Leachers ln
LgypL, Leachers ln
LgypL lack baslc
educaLlon LhaL
would allow Lhem
Lo deal wlLh
sLudenLs ln a non-
vlolenL manner.
punlshmenL ls a
common occurrence ln LgypLlan schools. 1here are also pronounced dlscrepancles ln educaLlonal achlevemenL beLween
Lhe rlch and Lhe poor of LgypL, Lhls ls referred Lo as Lhe wealLh gap". 1hls gap ls lllusLraLed by Lhe graph above. 1here
are conslderably hlgher enrollmenL raLes ln wealLhler reglons aL boLh Lhe prlmary and secondary levels ln LgypL. 1hls
demonsLraLes LhaL more efforLs are needed Lo decrease Lhe wealLh gap ln Lhe LgypLlan educaLlonal sysLem.
Teachers in Egypt earn an average annual salary of $460, which
is less than half the country#s average annual per-capita income.
20 "5
1hough LgypL has made slgnlflcanL efforLs ln reduclng Lhe prevlous gender gap aL every level of lnsLrucLlon,
Lhere sLlll remalns an overall necesslLy Lo lmprove Lhe quallLy of educaLlon ln LgypL. Whlle noLeworLhy progress has
been made for Lhe growLh of LgypL's human caplLal Lhrough an amended educaLlon sysLem, as sLaLed prevlously, Lhe
quallLy of educaLlon remalns low and unequally dlsLrlbuLed ln LgypL. ln llghL of Lhe shorLage of good quallLy educaLlon
aL Lhe baslc and secondary levels, a huge markeL for prlvaLe LuLorlng has developed. rlvaLe LuLorlng has become more
of a necessary versus addlLlonal acLlvlLy. ln a 2011 survey, 38 percenL of surveyed famllles lndlcaLed LhaL Lhelr chlldren
have prlvaLe LuLors. 1he survey also showed LhaL LgypLlan households spend, on average, abouL 61 percenL of LoLal
educaLlon expendlLure on prlvaLe LuLorlng. As of 2003, 61-70 of LgypLlan sLudenLs have prlvaLe LuLors. AddlLlonally,
per household expendlLure of Lhe rlchesL famllles on prlvaLe LuLorlng ls more Lhan 7 Llmes ln comparlson Lo Lhe
pooresL famllles. 1hls demonsLraLes, once agaln, Lhe slgnlflcanL dlfferences ln educaLlonal achlevemenL among Lhe
LgypLlan people. CLher common lssues assoclaLed wlLh educaLlon ln LgypL lnclude LhefL of publlc educaLlonal funds
and leakage of exams.
Cne of LgypL's greaL educaLlonal successes was LgypL's' naLlonal SLraLeglc lan for re-unlverslLy LducaLlon
8eform whlch occurred ln 2007-2012. 1hls plan can be used as a sLepplng-sLone for furLher educaLlonal developmenL
pro[ecLs and programs ln LgypL. 1he reform plan emulaLed LgypL's pledge Lo malnLaln a wldespread, malnLalnable, and
communal approach Lowards guaranLeelng a quallLy educaLlon for all and Lhus developlng an educaLed socleLy. lLs key
polnLs were (1): access and parLlclpaLlon of Leachers, (2) currlculum and learnlng assessmenLs, (3) access and
affordablllLy of LexLbooks, learnlng maLerlals, and supplles, (4) managemenL and governance ln Lhe educaLlon sysLem,
and (3) a quallLy enhancemenL plan.

21 "6

"#$%&' () *+,,-.&/$ 01*(.# )-2-,1/ .-3 *41//-.#-)5
673-2-,' 3- 1,- -.2()(7.(.# )+**-))0+/ 1.8 9,(#4&-, 0+&+,-5
:4- "#$%&(1. %-7%/- 1,- 9/-))-8 &7 412- &4- ;7)& 0-,&(/-
1.8 /+<+,(1.& )7(/' &41& () ,(*4 (. )(/& 1.8 1//+2(1/ )7(/' 1.8 1
2(9,1.& =(/- >(2-, &41& *7.&,(9+&-) &7 &4- /1.8 (,,(#1&(7.5
:4() 1#,7?-*7/7#(*1/ )$)&-;) *7.&,(9+&-) &7 1 )+)&1(.19/-
*7.)+;%&(7. 1.8 (;%,72-) &4- *(&(@-.)A 3-//?9-(.# 1.8

B#,(*+/&+,- () 2-,$ )(#.(0(*1.& &7 7+, .1&(7.3(8-
-*7.7;$' 1**7,8(.# &7 7+, )&1&()&(*) (& 1**7+.&) 07, CDE 70 &4-
FGH' 1.8 -;%/7$(.# IJE 70 &4- /197, 07,*-5 K+, %,(;1,$
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-<%7,&)5 "#$%&N) 1#,(*+/&+,- -*7.7;$ 8-%-.8) 7. *-,-1/) 1) (&N)
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70 7+, 0778 *7.)+;%&(7. ,-P+(,-;-.&)5 Q+& /7*1/ %,78+*&(7.
34-1& 1.8 *71,)- #,1(.) 1,- .7& )1&()0$(.# &4- /-2-/ 70 8-;1.85
R. 7,8-, &7 (;%,72- 7+, -*7.7;(* )(&+1&(7.' 3- .--8 &7 (.2-)&
;7,- (. (.%+& 1.8 7+&%+& ;1,L-& 8-2-/7%;-.&5
)*@9.& ;(2 02(-3
Q9.& K3*
!Egypt"s agriculture economy depends on
cereals as it"s most important basic food#
22 ""

:4-,- 1,- 1 /7& 70 +.&1%%-8
1#,(*+/&+,- 7%%7,&+.(&(-) (. 7+, *7+.&,$5 K+,
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%,78+*&(2(&$ 1.8 )&(;+/1&- %,(21&(@1&(7. 1.8
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&4,7+#4 H1,&(*(%1&7,$ B*&(7. >-)-1,*4 1.8
>1%(8 >+,1/ B%%,1()1/5

23 "7

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&41& (.8(*1&(7.) )473 )(#.(0(*1.& (;%,72-;-.& &7 &4-
.+&,(&(7.1/ 1.8 4-1/&4 )&1&+) 70 *4(/8,-.' *4(/8,-. (. ,+,1/ 1.8
,-;7&- 1,-1) )&(// )+00-, 0,7; ;1/.+&,(&(7.5

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1) 4(#4-, ,1&-) 70 (.0-*&(7+) 8()-1)-5

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;7)& (;%7,&1.& 0778 #,1(. *,7%) ,-/(-8 +%7. 9$ "#$%&(1.
%-7%/-5 B**7,8(.# &7 7+, 8(-&1,$ 1.8 0778 *7.)+;%&(7.
81&1 3- -)&(;1&- &41& &4- %-,*-.&1#- 70 S4-1&
*7.)+;%&(7. ,-1*4-8 OOE 70 7+, 87;-)&(* 8-;1.8 07, 0778
*7.)+;%&(7.5 6(#4 8-;1.8 1.8 /73 (.2-.&7,$ 70 87;-)&(*
34-1& 1.8 *71,)- #,1(.) %,78+*&(7. ,-8+*- )-/0?)+00(*(-.*$
&7 0--8 7+, %-7%/-' 1.8 ,-/$ 4-12(/$ 7. (;%7,&(.# OJE 70 &4-
0778 ,-P+(,-8 )1&()0$(.# &4- /-2-/ 70 %7%+/1&(7. 8-;1.85
E((& 4*=12%'D
$+9%,9:%,%'D (; E((&3
J92+*3' 9.& 02(-3
24 "!
K+, "#$%&(1. #72-,.;-.& () ,-18$ &7 *7//197,1&- 3(&4 R.&-,.1&(7.1/ R.&-,#72-,.;-.&1/ 1.8 =7.#72-,.;-.&1/
K,#1.(@1&(7.) &7 1))()& %-7%/- (. .--8 1.8 01*(/(&1&- 4+;1.(&1,(1. 1**-)) &7 &4-; 1.8 -2-.&+1//$ -;%73-, &4-;5 K+,
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-00-*&(2- )7/+&(7.)5 K.- 70 7+, ;1(. #71/) () &7 /(;(& 0778 (.)-*+,(&$ 1.8 -;%41)() 7. 8-2-/7%(.# &4- ;1.1#-;-.&
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:4- ,1%(8 #,73&4 70 "#$%&N) %7%+/1&(7. &41& 1**7;%1.(-8 3(&4 (.8+)&,(1/ 8-2-/7%;-.& %7//+&(7. 41) (.*,-1)-8
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8I* C.+%2(.@*.'

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23 ">

"#$%&N) -.2(,7.;-.& () 01*(.#
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/1.8 %7//+&(7.)5 R& 31) ,-%7,&-8 &41&
%7//+&(7. 41) ,-1*4-8 81.#-,7+) /-2-/) &41&
3(// 9- &4,-1&-.(.# &7 &4- 4+;1. /(0-5 W7,
-<1;%/-' H1,&(*+/1&- ;1&&-, () 7.- 70 &4-
;7)& )-,(7+) %,79/-;) "#$%& 01*-) &781$5
B**7,8(.# &7 &4- S7,/8 6-1/&4
K,#1.(@1&(7. TS6KU' \1(,7 ,1.L-8 1;7.#
&-. *7+.&,(-) 9$ *(&(-)' &7 9- &4- ;7)&
%7//+&-8 *(&(-) 3(&4 H1,&(*+/1&- TX-- *41,&U5

]7,-72-,' "#$%& () &4- 41,8-)& 4(& 9$
F/791/ 31,;(.# 1.8 */(;1&- *41.#- 1.8 )+00-,)
0,7; (&) -<&,-;- 1.8 182-,)- -00-*&)5 K2-,1//' &4()
-.2(,7.;-.&1/ 8-#,181&(7. () 1 )-,(7+) &4,-1& &7
&4- )+)&1(.19(/(&$ -007,&) 70 7+, *7+.&,$5 ]7,-72-,'
&4() () %,-8(*&-8 -.81.#-, &4- 8+,19(/(&$'
%,78+*&(2(&$' 1.8 )&19(/(&$ 70 &4- 347/- -*7)$)&-;5
X+*4 (.*,-1)- (. %7//+&(7. () 8-)&,+*&(.# =(/- >(2-,
9(78(2-,)(&$ 1.8 41) /-8 &7 8-*,-1)-8 .+;9-, 70
0()4^ &4-,-07,-' 8-*,-1)(.# (.*7;- 1.8 _79)'
-)%-*(1//$ 07, 0()4-,;-. 1.8 &4- 0778
1.8 0()4 ;1,L-& (. #-.-,1/5 :4-,-9$'
%72-,&$ ,1&-) 1;7.# 0()4-,;-.
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)-,(7+) ())+- &41& &,-;-.87+)/$ 100-*&)
&4- %+9/(* 4-1/&4^ &4-,-07,-' (& ,-P+(,-)
1. (;;-8(1&- 1*&(7.5 S- .--8 &7 0(.8
)7/+&(7.) &7 /(;(& &4() 4(#4 /-2-/ 70

!It is clear that more hard work and
compromise wil l be required to restore
unity, political stabil ity and economic
heal th to Egypt!
-John Kerry, US Secretary of State, March 2013,
The Guardian
1he Arab 8epubllc of LgypL would agaln llke Lo Lhank Lhe lnLernaLlonal donor communlLy for Lhelr
aLLenLlon and conslderaLlon. 1he paLh Lo developmenL can be long and arduous buL wlLh good governance and Lhe
help of our frlends and allles, LgypL can soon en[oy Lhe beneflLs of developed lnfrasLrucLure, economlc prosperlLy,
and peace among Lhe people. WlLh your donaLlons and hard work, LgypL wlll be able Lo lncrease lLs capaclLy Lo
educaLe, employ and ensure a good sLandard of llvlng for lLs people. We hope Lhe lnLernaLlonal donor communlLy
sees Lhe poLenLlal of Lhe naLlon's youLhful populaLlon Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhls developmenL Lhrough employmenL by
nCCs, lnLernaLlonal lnlLlaLlves, and Lhe opporLunlLles provlded by communlLy developmenL Lhrough 8A. 1he
pro[ecLs made posslble by lnLernaLlonal donors noL only develops our naLlon economlcally, buL also have Lhe
power Lo moblllze Lhe workforce and geL Lhe people back on Lhelr feeL afLer Lhe recenL Lurmoll our counLry has
endured. 1hls ls a chance Lo rebulld and [ump-sLarL LgypL back on Lhe road Lo progress.
27 "A
S(2O3 0%'*&
Abdel-Shafy, P l, and 8 C. Aly. "WaLer lssue ln LgypL: 8esources, olluLlon and roLecLlon Lndeavors." CenLral Luropean
!ournal of CccupaLlonal and LnvlronmenLal Medlclne. 8 (2002): 3-21. rlnL.

Adrlansen, P.k. "Land 8eclamaLlon ln LgypL: a SLudy of Llfe ln Lhe new Lands."
Ceoforum. 40.4 (2009): 664-674. rlnL.

8reman, Penk, and Slegfrled uebrah. "lmprovlng Afrlcan lood SecurlLy." Sals 8evlew. 23.1 (2003): 133-170. rlnL.

"ClA World lacLbook: LgypL." !"#$%&'. ClA, n.d. Web. 20 May 2013.

uzladosz, Alexander. "LgypL 1ourlsm numbers Lo lall Less Lhan leared." ()*+),-. 1homson.

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