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Existentialism - a modern philosophical movement stressing the importance of personal experience and responsibility and the demands that

they make on the individual, who is seen as a free agent in a deterministic and seemingly meaningless universe Hamartia the flaw in character which leads to the downfall of the protagonist in a tragedy

Incessant not ceasing, continuous Begets to cause or create Absolved to free from guilt or blame Conjecture a guess, speculation Nihilism total rejection of established laws and institutions, anarchy Precociousunusually advanced or mature in development, especially mental development: a precocious child. Idled to pass time doing nothing Coherent logically connected Bequeathing to dispose of by last will, pass on or hand down Repress to supresss, keep under control Extolling to praise highly, eulogise Inexorable unyielding, unalterable Irrevocably not to be taken back or annulled Haranguing a long, passionate and vehement speech Lumen unit of luminosity Unconscionable not guided by conscience (what is right and wrong) Lamentation the act of feeling regret and sorry Revile to speak abusively Beatified to make blissfully happy Leveraging the power or ability to act and influence people and decisions Voracious craving or consuming large quantities of Sated to fully satisfy a desire

Depraved corrupt, wicked or perverted Pulpit a platform or raised structure in a church Indefatigable incable of being tired out Lesion an injury or wound Innumerable very numerous, too hard to count Self-aggrandising to widen in scope or increase in size and intensity oneself Consciousness aware of ones existence, thoughts and feelings Sentient able to hear, see, feel, smell or taste Plateaued a state of little or no growth or decline Ardent intensely devoted, eager Nescience lack of knowledge

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