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Slamatra Cdtjinatian iliBBiott



B. W. I.




Route 2, Moore Haven,- Fla# November 5# 1950

Dear OhriBtian Friends:

At this present writing, we are in Florida, making our final preparations to go to Jnmaloa.' Our visas and passport's are in order, ouf equipment and supplies are being orated ready for sliipping/ apa we hope to be in Jamaica by the first of the year,' the Lord willing.' We need yet ^2,000 before we can go. We must have at least J1,000 on hand when we arrive In Jamaica to take care of the immediate
demands of the field. The Jamaica Bible Seminary must be re-opened,
and the students housed and fed.

chasing and shipping a oar, as transportation is absolutely necessary.^

Our time of preparation has been short, of necessity, and we have not been able to visit as many of the p.hurches as we would like. If there were missionaries already on the field/ we would not feel so

The other $1,000 is needed for pur

present the work of the Jamaica Ohristian Midsion.*

pressed for time, and we would plan to meet more of you personally and
how urgently we are needed there.
However, there are no missionaries on the field, and we know

leave at the earliest possible date, trusting that the Lord shall
supply all our needs.

Therefore we have made plans to

Many of you have given generously to this work already; others, we know/ have planned to give but have not done so as yet. We pray that you will find it in .your he-^irts to give for this cause now. Even though we may not have visited your church, may we ask that you set aside one Sunday during the next two months to take a special offering
for this work?

Our permanent American address;*

Moore Haven, Florida

Donald Fream, Rt. 2

We may always be reached at this address. After we are on the field/ you may write us directly, if you prefer/ or use this address,'

Jamaicans are eager for New Testament Christianity. Pray ?or us, as we go to labor in this field that is white unto the harvest."

qre open to receive the gospel,*, .Our missionaries have accomplished in the past 15 years what denominations have taken over 50 years to do/
Your servants for Christ in Jamaica,

The churches of Christ in Jamaica are going ahead; the people

**My righteousness is near, mysaloation is gone forth.,... theisles shall Wait for meand on mine armshall they trust".Isa, 51

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