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rofessor : You are a Christian, arent you, son ?

Student : Yes, sir.

Professor: So, you believe in GOD ?

Student : Absolutely, sir.

Professor : Is GOD ood ?

Student : Sure.

Professor: Is GOD all !o"erful ?

Student : Yes.

Professor: #y brother died of $an$er even thou h he !rayed to GOD to heal hi%. #ost of us "ould atte%!t to hel! others "ho are ill. &ut GOD didnt. 'o" is this GOD ood then? '%%?

(Student "as silent.)

Professor: You $ant ans"er, $an you ? *ets start a ain, youn fella. Is GOD ood?

Student : Yes.

Professor: Is satan ood ?

Student : +o.

Professor: ,here does satan $o%e fro% ?

Student : -ro% . GOD .

Professor: /hats ri ht. /ell %e son, is there evil in this "orld?

Student : Yes.

Professor: 0vil is every"here, isnt it ? And GOD did %a1e everythin . Corre$t?

Student : Yes.

Professor: So "ho $reated evil ?

(Student did not ans"er.)

Professor: Is there si$1ness? I%%orality? 'atred? 2 liness? All these terrible thin s e3ist in the "orld, dont they?

Student : Yes, sir.

Professor: So, "ho $reated the% ?

(Student had no ans"er.)

Professor: S$ien$e says you have 4 Senses you use to identify and observe the "orld around you. /ell %e, son, have you ever seen GOD?

Student : +o, sir.

Professor: /ell us if you have ever heard your GOD?

Student : +o , sir.

Professor: 'ave you ever felt your GOD, tasted your GOD, s%elt your GOD? 'ave you ever had any sensory !er$e!tion of GOD for that %atter?

Student : +o, sir. I% afraid I havent.

Professor: Yet you still believe in 'i%?

Student : Yes.

Professor : A$$ordin to 0%!iri$al, /estable, De%onstrable Proto$ol, S$ien$e says your GOD doesnt e3ist. ,hat do you say to that, son?

Student : +othin . I only have %y faith.

Professor: Yes, faith. And that is the !roble% S$ien$e has.

Student : Professor, is there su$h a thin as heat?

Professor: Yes.

Student : And is there su$h a thin as $old?

Professor: Yes.

Student : +o, sir. /here isnt.

(/he le$ture theatre be$a%e very 5uiet "ith this turn of events.)

Student : Sir, you $an have lots of heat, even %ore heat, su!erheat, %e a heat, "hite heat, a little heat or no heat. &ut "e dont have anythin $alled $old. ,e $an hit 647 de rees belo" 8ero "hi$h is no heat, but "e $ant o any further after that. /here is no su$h thin as $old. Cold is only a "ord "e use to des$ribe the absen$e of heat. ,e $annot %easure $old. 'eat is ener y. Cold is not the o!!osite of heat, sir, 9ust the absen$e of it.

(/here "as !in:dro! silen$e in the le$ture theater.)

Student : ,hat about dar1ness, Professor? Is there su$h a thin as dar1ness?

Professor: Yes. ,hat is ni ht if there isnt dar1ness?

Student : Youre "ron a ain, sir. Dar1ness is the absen$e of so%ethin . You $an have lo" li ht, nor%al li ht, bri ht li ht, flashin li ht. &ut if you have no li ht $onstantly, you have nothin and its $alled dar1ness, isnt it? In reality, dar1ness isnt. If it is, "ere you "ould be able to %a1e dar1ness dar1er, "ouldnt you?

Professor: So "hat is the !oint you are %a1in , youn %an ?

Student : Sir, %y !oint is your !hiloso!hi$al !re%ise is fla"ed.

Professor: -la"ed ? Can you e3!lain ho"?

Student : Sir, you are "or1in on the !re%ise of duality. You ar ue there is life and then there is death, a ood GOD and a bad GOD. You are vie"in the $on$e!t of GOD as so%ethin finite, so%ethin "e $an %easure. Sir, S$ien$e $ant even e3!lain a thou ht. It uses ele$tri$ity and %a netis%, but has never seen, %u$h less fully understood either one. /o vie" death as the o!!osite of life is to be i norant of the fa$t that death $annot e3ist as a substantive thin .

Death is not the o!!osite of life: 9ust the absen$e of it. +o" tell %e, Professor, do you tea$h your students that they evolved fro% a %on1ey?

Professor: If you are referrin to the natural evolutionary !ro$ess, yes, of $ourse, I do.

Student : 'ave you ever observed evolution "ith your o"n eyes, sir?

(/he Professor shoo1 his head "ith a s%ile, be innin to reali8e "here the ar u%ent "as oin .)

Student : Sin$e no one has ever observed the !ro$ess of evolution at "or1 and $annot even !rove that this !ro$ess is an on: oin endeavor. Are you not tea$hin your o!inion, sir? Are you not a s$ientist but a !rea$her?

(/he $lass "as in u!roar.)

Student : Is there anyone in the $lass "ho has ever seen the Professors brain?

(/he $lass bro1e out into lau hter. )

Student : Is there anyone here "ho has ever heard the Professors brain, felt it, tou$hed or s%elt it? +o one a!!ears to have done so. So, a$$ordin to the established ;ules of 0%!iri$al, Stable, De%onstrable Proto$ol, S$ien$e says that you have no brain, sir. ,ith all due res!e$t, sir, ho" do "e then trust your le$tures, sir?

(/he roo% "as silent. /he Professor stared at the student, his fa$e unfatho%able.)

Professor: I uess youll have to ta1e the% on faith, son.

Student : /hat is it sir . 03a$tly < /he lin1 bet"een %an = GOD is -AI/'. /hat is all that 1ee!s thin s alive and %ovin .

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