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Los mandatos formales y plurales y las instrucciones.

Youre speaking to the entire class, so you need to use the ustedes form (ARen; ER/IRan) In the next class Ill read some of these and see where youve taken us! Situacin: how to get somewhere on campus, in 5-7 steps. Useful vocab: empezar a (to start at) ir ( to go) seguir (to follow) salir (to leave) abrir (to open) continuar (to continue) llegar a (to arrive at) subir (to go up, climb) parar (to stop) a la derecha (right) a la izquierda (left) todo recto (straight ahead) la puerta (door) la acera (sidewalk) para (towards) la esquina (corner) el piso/la planta (floor or level of a building) Segundo/a (2nd) tercer/tercera (3rd) doblar/virar ( to turn) entrar (to enter) bajar (to go down) cruzar (to cross) derecho (straight) la escalera (stairs) por (along, through) el cruce (intersection) primer/primera (1st)

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