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Protist Producers

A. Algae

1. Red Algae

a) Ex: Sebdenia (Fig. 2, pg. 275)

2. Green Algae

a) Ex: Colonies of Volvox (Fig. 3, pg 275)

3. Brown Algae

B. Phytoplankton

1. Diatoms (Fig. 4, pg. 276)

2. Dinoflagellates

3. Euglenoids (Fig. 5, pg. 276)

II. Heterotrophs That Can Move

A. Protozoans

1. Amoeba

a) Move using pseudopodia

2. Shelled Amoeba-Like Protists

a) Ex: Radiolarians, Foraminiferans (Fig 8, pg. 278)

3. Zooflagellates

a) Move using flagella

b) Ex: Giardia lamblia (Fig. 9, pg. 278)

4. Ciliates

a) Move using cilia

b) Ex: paramecium (Fig. 10, pg. 279)

III. Heterotrophs That Can’t Move

A. Water Molds

1. Parasitic

2. Decomposers

3. Phylum: Oomycota (molds and downy mildews)

B. Slime Molds

1. Consumers or decomposers

2. Single-celled or giant cells with many nuclei

3. Phylum: Myxomycota (plasmodial slime molds)

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