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In March 11 2011 in Japan there was an 9.0 earthquake and tsunami that had killed 13,232 people and caused A nuclear disaster and leak that had spread as far as the North American shores. It was by far the worst disaster Japan ever had. The question is! What is the most significant challenge in Japans disaster then and For me the most significant challenge for is the Nuclear disaster.

Arg1: clean up It almost impossible to clean up the radiation because the radiation spread all over the Pacific ocean and in the air.Unlike the mud and the dabri you can just picitup and replace , but with radiation you cant picitup. radiation is in i ntangible. Clean up timeline: 40 to 50 years. Although they use special pumps to clean up the radioactive water that is leaking from the power plant. They use special sandbags to prevent radioactive water from infiltrating into the sea, But its still not enuff to contanthe leak from leaking

Arg2: Affect on life and health. The citizen had to be evacuated for the nuclear dead zone. The radiation will caused cancer that would take effect in 5 to 6 years. The evacuated citizens have to stay in refugee homes and permanently relocated at least 40 to 50 years or more. Fish in the ocean are contaminated with radiation and can cause cancer to use the consumers. The citizen cannot live in the nuclear dead zone in Fukushima. Arg3:The global impact the fish in the Pacific ocean are all exposed to nuclear radiation and can be mutated. Radiation has reached the coast of North and South America in the Pacific ocean.The radioactive debris the size of California: ruffly 423,970 km.Also BBC news reported that the radioactive debris already reached Hawaii in a couple of days after the disaster. The land animals along the coast of Alaska are losing their fur and are suffering for open wounds. Arg4: Emotional impact They had to leave all of their belonging and loved ones behind. They have to live in refugee homes in till the nuclear clear up is complete and is safe for them to return

The citizens have to except that the radiation has given them cancer. In fact high thyroid cancer rates detected in Fukushima children November 5, 2013 ABC News

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