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Emirates Presentation by Leo Burnett

Emirates Xploring – Questionnaire

Leo Burnett South Africa October 2009
1.In general terms, what excites you about the future? –who or what is it that gives you hope and optimism? Why? How? Do any brands capture or recognise
this? How?

The world is forever becoming a smaller place – accessibility is now a reality and not a catchphrase. BA, Qatar
Airways, Microsoft.

Making money and travelling, working in the legal profession – friends and family.

The unknown excites me. I get hope and optimism through hearing that my friends and family are safe.

The growth of South Africa in the eyes of the world. The working together of all our people leaves me feel-
ing very positive. Brands like IMC delivering what South Africa stands for as a country of unity. SAA turning a
negative business into a positive profitable organisation with sustainable growth.

The thought of getting married, buying a house and having children. My mother gives me hope seeing her success in
business and managing a family so well at the same time.

That South Africa becomes a bigger global player everyday. The people give me hope because in spite of hardship,
they remain positive. Hansa Beer.

Going to the Moon / Mars! NASA!

The fact that I’ll be dead. No brand captures this – it’s all about this year’s profit.

Where technology is taking us. Internet on cell phones. Staying connected with people.

Equal opportunities for all. Seems like corruption will eventually be clamped down on.


Being alive and living each and every day with appreciation that we don’t know what the future
holds but are still excited at the prospect of good things to come.

Like people, uncertainties. One does not know what’s coming around the corner. Life’s little challenges give you
the will to move on and get on with things.

Lowering cost of technology. Brands such as Acer and HP are making cheap laptops are bringing the internet and
connectivity to the masses.

I am not optimistic at the moment.

The youth – educated properly. Move to green consciousness, we are all one end of war.

Behind every dark cloud is a silver lining,

Innovation excites me. The smiling face of a young child makes me believe that we still have hope.

The fact that I’m growing older and wise, the older I get the more I get to understand myself and the
world around me.

It is untouched, unknown , Malcomn McLaren- never ending ordinary.

Peace in Africa and the cohesion of South Africans into a powerful nation, the brand would be our flag.

Change really excites me, improvements and opportunities.

The endless opportunities and my goals and dreams give me optimism and no brand represents this.

That people are starting to care for the environment.

What excites me is the possibilities, and dreams becoming realities

My retirement, South Africa gives me hope.

Economic growth in the South African context excites me, this also gives me hope. Regarding optimism it would
have to be brands that are green or are going green. Coca-Cola is always on the forefront, in my eyes and
communicates this to the consumer.

Don’t look to others for help. I also don’t associate any brands to hope or optimism.

Donald Trump. I love his confidence, motivation and desire to achieve the impossible. He has great vision and
fabulous life and work philosophy. My fiancé makes me smile. My kids get me out of bed - they are a spark of
energy and life.

Hope that things can only get better if we all make an effort, SA rugby is trying to give everyone a fair

I’m excited by the future.

Building on passion really excites me about the future.

Soccer World Cup in South Africa, my career, looking forward to having children.

Success and achievement.

Increasing level of humanities / soft approach. Human beings’ ability to address its uses (i.e. climate change), the
IPod, hybrid Toyota, Veolia.

Success and luxury items, relaxation, I’m optimistic about the opportunity to give back to the community.
Family, providing a better life for my kids and reaching financial bliss.

Enthusiasm of the youth… REDBULL.

2.What are you truly passionate about? (professionally, personally, spiritually, aesthetically). What gets them out of bed in the mornings? What turns
them on?

Making a difference to someone or something no matter how small. Surprise and delight someone, create a
legacy. Good food, experiences, company.

People and life – I love learning new things and expanding my horizons. I am passionate about the work
I do (Law) as it encompasses an array of concepts and principles which can be used in problem solving.

Music, travel, food and exercise.

I’m passionate about trying to make a difference within the community. I like to be driven by reachable

Life – seeing what challenges lie ahead for me each day.

Passionate about experiencing life. I love what I do (Design) and I am most passionate about people. I
would love to make more of a difference in peoples’ lives (in the world). Passionate about nature / the

Coffee, it gets me out of bed in the morning.

Pessimism and cynicism are my passion. My alarm gets me out of bed, so does my cat.

To turn out quality work everyday.

My family. Getting out of bed is pure habit. The day must go on and I must be in it.

My family is my passion.

Music, life, people.

I love running – can’t wait to get out on the road.

Daily challenges, nature, self growth

I am passionate about my grandchildren. I would like to see them grow up to do something good
with their lives

Healing the environment, changing the world to a better place

Energy around new challenges, advertising ideas, marketing, trying to make a positive change

Nature and beautiful architecture.

My family is my passion, great socialites are built on strong families, if the society is not great, it’s always a
reflection of what goes on at home.

Advertising, brands, shoots, awards, breaking the mould; my girlfriend.

My work and the opportunities that await us on a daily basis, money, health and happiness.

Life itself, hard as it may be at times, nothing beats the joy of knowing that there’s always sunshine after
darkness, my daughter makes me get up in the morning.

Art, relations and going out, is what gets me out of bed - work, fun and family

People, the environment and discovering new things.

Passionate about writing and creative thinking. What gets me out of bed is the fact that time is money and
the sooner you’re up the sooner you’ll reach your goals in life.

Passionate about my children, having to come to work gets me out of bed.

Passionate about people and their development at work. On a personal note I am passionate about the
personal growth, relationships, family and travel.

Being good at what I do, learning, working hard and playing harder.

My kids – they are untainted by boundaries and parameters. I love exploring and investigating. I love be-
ing active and fit.

Life. I look forward to getting out of bed and just to advance.

My son, getting to work and trying to give him the best of everything by working hard.

Still into film, 20 years in the game.

Photography and travelling in the bush.

The hope of making a difference in someone’s life.

A new day full of opportunities, learning new things.

Adding value and seeing results, my family, my GOD and my surroundings.

Family, providing a better life for my kids and reaching financial bliss.
3.What do you value the most? Experiences vs commodities… How is this changing?

In my younger years, definitely commodities. Now experiences are of more importance and more value. Delight
in the small things.

I value experiences. The more experience I gain, the more I begin to realise that commodities can easily be
replaced but experiences are retained and grow.

I value experiences the most. Anyone can acquire commodities but experiences are with you for a lifetime and
can’t be bought or sold.

Experiences, the way we experience life in general is an everyday challenge. It is about putting your best
foot forward, working hard and setting goals that are tangible.

I value both experiences and commodities equally. I feel that without the necessary commodities, you cannot
have the awesome experiences.

Experiences! People are realising that commodities don’t make you happy. There is more to life than acquiring
stuff. Living in the moment.

Both experiences and commodities.

Both experiences and commodities

Experience. With the internet we are becoming a global community where we can share things

Experiences. Basic commodities are important but the world shouldn’t be based only on what you have and how

Apart from my family – honesty, not very many people are honest in this day.

Experiences are what you keep forever. Certain commodities help make those experiences what they are.

Experiences definitely as they will be with you forever.

Experiences – they allow you to grow as a person, commodities are a by-product of experiences. Technology is
helping us remember our experiences and share them with wider audiences.

Experiences. It is getting too expensive to experience what you want.

Experiences changed over the years.


I value experiences most, this is changing because people lose touch with the real important values.

I think that experience is invaluable, once you have it, it’s yours, commodities are tangible and can be used up
and sold

Experiences - they make up one’s character , but it is cool to have some commodities


Experiences are valuable to me, the relationship that I have with GOD & the friends and family I have make
me who I am.
I value experience because it lasts forever, commodities change.
Experience. Commodities for me are a means to getting to have an experience.

Experiences in life will assure more commodities later, a thirst for knowledge is never bad.

I value quality of life. Above all, experiences mean a lot to me.

While I feel experiences are far more valuable than commodities, commodities are still essential, as an example
I have chosen to buy a house before travelling more.

Experiences are definitely top of my list but only after some basic essential commodities. I would rather have a
car, a furnished home before splurging on an overseas trip, but I still say MEMORIES ARE FOREVER.

Spending and sharing quality time with family… definitely experiences.


Experiences - I think this is to do with age. When you are younger it’s all about what you have, then you have
kids and you realise that life is more than making a living.

Ironically my health, ironically because I abuse it, you can put experience next to commodity.

Experiences! Doing is more fun and lasting than just buying stuff! Creating memories.

Both! I want more of the experience.


I value the commodities due to the financial crisis but I still treasure the moments I spend with my child.

Experiences are not really changing.

4.What scares you? What do you think/feel about your safety (physical, economic, and psychic)? What triggers this?

The negativity of media / news – shows just how vulnerable we all are.

Criminal activities affecting me personally.

I am scared of my family dying and/or being hurt. I think about all aspects of their safety

Safety of family is always a huge concern. Government will need to invest money into safety and security
and we all need to abide by the laws in order for a difference to be felt.

Failure scares me. Not living up to peoples’ expectations.

Getting old, life passing me by, finances, state of the world. Never having children but also bringing children
up given the state of the world.

Spiders, especially the hairy ones.

Knowing that Julius Malema is being touted as our next president.


Safety is important and we must be alert of our surroundings. Health is important and it is scary that we
might not have that forever.

A whole lot of things, but mostly the safety of my family

Losing my family, not being able to provide for others.

The crime in this country. There is no control and it really makes me feel uneasy.

The uncertainty of one’s safety, especially close loved ones is a daily worry.


Not knowing what tomorrow holds and that the future is never

The current economic state of our country in terms of things like crime and corruption and uncertainty of
the future.

Crime, the thought that I should be looking over my shoulder when I’m in certain places

The political climate

Retrenchments and financial instability.

Rejection and losing a loved one, financially I feel that things will get better eventually.

Losing people I love really scares me.

Crime, not making enough money for retirement.

Not scared of anything, being spiritual helps overcome fear.

The unknown
At the moment my biggest fear would be having to leave South Africa due to a poor economy or Zimbabwe
situation. I fear not achieving my goals quickly enough.

Being unable to meet my financial responsibilities.

Financial problems and crime.


Crime, the economy, the trigger is the news, we are always hearing about crime.

My health failing

Crime – safety for my family and myself.



Not being able to sustain my lifestyle financially and diseases.

Security of family, experiences of others.

5.What about the environment – how much of an issue is your carbon footprint? What are you doing about it?

It is a definite concern – currently recycling – more mindful of purchasing goods that are either recycled or

I attempt to recycle and I make an effort to re-use paper at work. I switch off lights and my house is al-
most self-sustainable i.e. batteries/solar panels.

I recycle the off-shoots of paper at work and try keep as many lights switched off as possible.

Environment is most important we can always do more than what we are currently doing. It’s not just about
recycling; we should all walk the talk.

I don’t litter.

Big issue! I recycle everything I can.

I’m a size 5! Wear sandals.

How big can my carbon footprint be? I can’t worry about infinitesimals.

The environment is something we need to look after. Like our body and the environment you only get one.

Don’t waste excessively

I am very concerned about the “green issue”. Recycling, using organic products etc. 5. I feel I am very
responsible towards the environment, recycling and not wasting energy.

This planet is all we have and we need to be conscious about the environment and do our bit e.g. recycling

Spending much of my spare time outdoors places responsibility to look after it. The planet can only sustain a
certain number of people it is important to lower our foot print as the population grows.

I recycle, save energy where I can and water.

Vegan, eating habits, don’t support massive industries buys local, sustainable development recycling
No clue - going green, eco friendly

I don’t believe that all humanists realise what a crisis this earth is facing, if we have any chance of saving this
planet we now need to all commit to making a difference.

Not much well as soon as the road works are done we will have a lot of carbon footprints

I am carbon based. I breathe out carbon dioxide

This is a major issue and try daily to find ways to decrease my carbon foot print

Sometimes there isn’t much one can do especially when you live in the centre of Johannesburg.

I’m recycling.

I care a lot about the environment but I don’t do enough to contribute, I have started to recycle glass
and have a veggie garden.

I try not to use my car over weekends and recycle at home.

Very concerned about the environment.
The environment is of great concern to me, I have started to recycle, use less harmful products and try to
minimise my carbon footprint wherever and whenever possible

Very! My boyfriend and I recycle all paper at home and in the office, we also try our best to limit water
and electricity usage, but we could probably do better.

Don’t litter, don’t smoke, don’t waste energy.

Try to do the least harm to our environment, I recycle a lot.

A big issue I am trying to preserve it for our children and I do that by recycling

Carbon what? I do not participate in preservation.

I’m conscious about it but don’t actively pursue “green living”.

I try and recycle.

Recycle, switch off lights when outside the room.

It’s an issue that I’m aware of but it hasn’t really sunk in but I’m planning to start recycling.

It is a concern but I am not doing anything.

6.How do you cope with uncertainty? Do you try to keep things flexible? How does this fit with your needs for commitment/certainty?

Change is inevitable – flexibility is the “pain” pill for change

I ask questions and read up as much as I can on the topic in order to have a rational opinion and sub-
due my uncertainty.

I try to find out why it is that I am uncertain and then try solving that problem.

Being optimistic is a great asset in this day and age; it helps you overcome some uncertainty.

I cope with uncertainty by asking someone who is experienced in the issue I am uncertain about

Try to stay flexible. Try to cut back.

Uncertainty is the only constant.

You can’t say how you’ll cope until it arises. You can be uncertain about a lot of things; commitment is good
it keeps people honest like honouring a contract.

Uncertainty can make you feel unwanted. Commitment helps to counteract uncertainty.

I just live my life.

There will always be uncertainty, it’s part of life.

I like to play it safe. Don’t cope really well with uncertainty. I like to know as best I can in terms of
what is going to happen.

It’s unavoidable. Being aware of as much as possible lessens the worry of uncertainty.

I do not cope well with uncertainty. I need to know what is happening.

Philosophy-work with task in hand and put in energy and reap what you sow.

I am a fighter and will always come up with a solution- live life to the max for a moment
Uncertainty is a very unsettling emotion, this emotion can turn my world upside down.

I’m always flexible, especially when I’m on holiday

There is no uncertainty when you are committed.

We forge forward and need to be flexible, for the tree that does not bend in the wind will snap

Live for today with simplicity, looking forward to the next day.

I try not to focus on things that I cannot change for it’s just a waste of time and energy, rather in-
vest in the changeable, this way I can be flexible and not be rigid.

I live to be flexible as I live adventure and new experiences. However, I live stability at home and fi-

Uncertainty is what makes life a thrill.

I am very adaptable
I try to be as flexible as possible but hate uncertainty and will always try to find control within myself if
I am uncertain externally.
I hate uncertainty but what can we do about it? Just deal with it when it happens

Don’t like uncertainty, prefer to plan things and know what to expect.

Try to find a solution to the problem.

Just get on with life and see what happens.

I generally try to be committed to what I’m passionate about.

Plan well and then make provisions for contingencies.

Not good with uncertainty, I tend to stress about it.

Keep options open / be informed.

Usually I have a plan and a very definite end result, the flexibility is around ways to get there

I am in favour of certainty and do not like being too flexible.

7.How are you handling the recession? How affected do you feel? Do you feel that we are turning a corner? What do you see by way of “green

Handling the recession well. I was retrenched and the experience with the recession made me look at the
value of money – the vulgar of over indulgence

The recession has not personally affected me

I feel very affected; there is less money to spend.

Everyone is affected by the recession, we have to learn not to waste, go back to basics, grow your own veg-
etables, join lift clubs… basically be innovative

I do not feel affected by the recession

Very affected (salary cut). I hear we are turning a corner, can’t see it yet.

I am not affected by the recession.

I am slowly going bankrupt. By the time we turn the corner I will have already left the road.

Work wise, the recession has not helped as companies cut budgets. We are all affected by it. Not sure when we
are turning the corner.

The recession affects everyone and it is difficult to cope with it. I feel that we are on a turning point, but
it will take time to recover.

The recession affects everyone.

Personally the recession has been bad, have seen friends lose their jobs and people lose their homes. It all
makes me sad. Luxuries are now truly luxuries!

My lifestyle has not really changed with regards to the recession. I feel that we are slowly coming out of it
and that things are turning around.

Recession has not affected me. I’m at a point in my life where frivolous spending, recession or otherwise is
not possible

The recession has affected my lifestyle as the cost of living is so high. As far as “green shoots”, I am not very
optimistic at the moment.

Global anxiety-result of short term planning mass hysteria, more expensive

Frustrated, future unknown job security

I feel highly affected by the recession and do not believe that we are turning a corner

Spending less and saving as much as I can I DON’T KNOW WHAT GREEN SHOTS ARE

Took a huge knock, the world is turning into a corner.

Don’t spend money, save money

Recession has kept me grounded and now I appreciate every single cent I hold in my hand, but it really hit
me hard because I’m a part of this and got hit hard because I lost my job

I’m not really affected, but my friends are because they have lost their jobs.

I have paid off my credit card and try to pay a bit more on my bond every month, reducing debts

Recession-not really feeling it as a single white female, I haven’t really felt the brunt of it.

Probably more privileged than most.

The recession has not had a great impact on my life but has created anxiety regarding my job, I do feel we
are turning a corner and hope we have learnt enough during these tough times

Don’t feel affected at all.

Badly battling to make ends meet and provide for my kids.

Trying to save more and spend less on unnecessary things.

Recession has affected me as my business is suffering since January. What the hell is green shots? And I don’t
think we are turning into a corner

Been in recession for years so I don’t feel it.

More conscious about personal expenses. Client budgets make work more challenging.

I don’t really see it or feel it that much.

Luckily not yet affected.

Recession is a wake up call … it has really affected me, I have moved on to spending less on the unnecessary
stuff and more on the stuff that adds value.

Things are still tough but I am starting to prioritise spend, focus on key elements like education.
8.Which one of these would you say they represent your travel patterns: Target 1 – Holiday makers who take mid-long haul flights/ Target 2
– Business travellers who fly frequently?

Target 1

Target 1

Target 1

Target 1.

Target 1

Target 1

Not in the target.


Target 1

Target 1

Target 2

Target 1

Target 1

Target 1


Business travellers who fly frequently

Holiday makers who take mid-long haul flights

Holiday makers who take mid-long haul flights

Holiday makers who take mid-long haul flights

Holiday maker who takes mid-long haul flights and business traveller who flies frequently

Holiday makers who take mid-long haul flights

Holiday makers who take mid-long haul flights.

Holiday makers who take mid-long haul flights.

Holiday makers who take mid-long haul flights.

Holiday makers who take mid-long haul flights.

I do not travel.

Holiday makers who take mid-long haul flights

Holiday makers who take mid-long haul flights.

I don’t travel overseas much.

Don’t fly

I don’t fly.

Target 1

Target 2.
Target 2.

Business travellers who fly frequently.

Business travellers who fly frequently.

9.Which Airlines do you prefer to use for your mid-long haul flights?

Qatar, Emirates, BA, Thai Airways

Virgin Airlines, SAA


Emirates, Qatar, SAA


Singapore Airlines, Swiss Air

Air Zimbabwe

Don’t fly

Emirates, Virgin, BA

I have only travelled once on a long flight and Virgin Atlantic was superb.

Singapore Airlines, Emirates

Virgin, SAA, BA

SAA, BA, airlines that offer me voyager miles.

Quantus, BA

Don’t fly

SAA safety record, space feels cleaner, and the staff is lovely and homely. Feel that 1time is best locally

B.A & Cathy Pacific

Kulula and one time


Depends on the destination/price/stop over’s, BA and Emirates are good and SAA is bad.




I look at price and the value and try to stay away from lesser known brands.

SAA and Virgin

British airways, SAA but I avoid flying at all costs

I prefer British Airways but will always take the cheapest flight which is normally Air France.

Whoever has a special.

Cathay Pacific, SAA and Emirates

I don’t fly.

I wish I had the money to travel.

I don’t travel.



United Arab Emirates and SAA.

10.What are the particular services do you require from an Airline such as Emirates?

Speed and efficiency, service (MOST IMPORTANT), entertainment, comfort (leg room).

Good food, quick and efficient service, comfort, minimal delay, cleanliness

Friendly service, fast and efficient flights, minimal delays, flight insurance (travel insurance)

Speak English, refreshments, space for your knees to fit comfortably, suitable on-board entertainment


Cheap flights, great on-board service, comfy chairs, decent food.

Friendliness and comfort


Honesty, quality service, friendly staff, punctuality

Important to keep all passengers, even economy class comfortable and sufficiently occupied during the flight.

Having the opportunity to work on this account, I believe they basically offer most of the services already.

Comfort, friendly staff, entertainment, good food. It’s all about the service.

Service, comfort, good food, cleanliness.

Leg room (I’m 6”2), friendly service, easy check in and booking (online)


Ventilation, space – leg room, staff -friendly and duty free, the uniforms , safety record, lounge facility

Free complimentary meals and drinks, booze trolley, leg room, entertainment

Competitive prices, reliable service, convenience, flexible flight hours.

Luxury and great service.

Arrival at destination.

I would rather support our national airlines

Safety and comfort.

Tea, friendly staff and cleanliness.

I don’t know because I’ve never flown in it.

Above average service, people should be treated with care

I don’t fly.

Comfort and reliability.

Get to my destination safely and as comfortably as possible. Package deals that take care of my whole holiday
are also always a nice bonus.

Comfort, on time arrival.

Don’t fly.

Don’t think I can comment, never travelled.

Good service.

Fast boarding, front seats.

The personal attention, high customer service, friendly, comfort, luxury, good food, space.

On board service, quick check in, quality of seat/space between seat.

Flight entertainment, high quality slippers, soaps and great food and drinks, excellent service from the staff,
easy check in and luggage collection.

Prompt check-in and friendly service.

11.Have you used the Emirates Airline? How would you rank their services compared to other airlines?

Yes – some flights’ service has been excellent and others average.



Yes, I have had 2 great experiences, friendly staff and comfortable seating suitable entertainment.


Have not had the privilege yet.



Yes! It is one of the best.


No. I’ve heard from reputable people that their service is excellent.


Yes. Great airline, service is world class, staff friendly and attentive.



No. Perception- not sure if it will live up to promise and business class is smaller than other planes and choice
of international flyers because Dubai is frequently a destination.

Yes- they are pretty upmarket and service is great


No perception-expensive, luxurious, French champagne, expensive food.

Yes and it is above the rest.





No, but I have heard of only good things about them.


No, cannot say.


I have never used any airline.





YES rating 7.5 out of 10.

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