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Deseret Book

Packet #090305

Family Home Evening Materials

Theme: 12th Article of Faith

5 tips for successful Family Home Evenings

1. Pray. Pray about the needs of your family as you consider topics for home evenings, and pray as you prepare. 3. Involvement. Involve everyone in the family; help little children take part.

2. Prioritize. Make Family Home Evening a priority; learn to say no to other activities. 4. Commitment. Be committed and be consistent. Set a designated time and stick to it. Holding Family Home Evening on a weekly basis takes dedication and planning on the part of all family members. 5. Relax and enjoy it. The most important thing your children will remember is the spirit they feel in your family home evenings and activities. Be sure the atmosphere is one of love, understanding, and enjoyment.

12th Article of Faith

Thought: To obey, honor, and sustain, we must know the law and live it. We must be good citizens in our church, schools, and communities. We must also be prepared to make our contribution by giving service to others.
(L. Tom Perry, Youth of the Noble Birthright, Ensign, Nov. 1998, 73)

Purpose: To help our family better understand the Twelfth Article of Faith. Song: Choose the Right Way Childrens Songbook, p. 160.

Scripture: We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
(Article of Faith 1:12)

Object Lesson:

Choose two family members to pretend to drive a car. Ask one to start at the back of the room. Ask the other to drive across the front of the room. Stand at the intersection with a paper traffic light. Have the two drivers act out the following story: One day a motorist was traveling to the store. He saw that the traffic light was red, but he was in a hurry. He did not want to stop. He slowed a little, could not see any other vehicles, and plowed into the intersection. But another car was coming. She was not expecting to stop for a green light. She saw the mans car but did not have time to stop completely before BOOM! she crashed into his back fender. Ask what could have prevented the crash. (The first drivers obeying the traffic light.) We need rules and laws to ensure the safety and happiness of everyone. Christ has asked us as members of his church to obey His laws as well as the laws of the land. Reenact the story, but this time have the first driver obey the traffic light and avoid the accident. Point out that there is safety in obeying laws.
(Christena C. Nelson, Sharing the Articles of Faith, [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1994], p. 60.)


A Great Change Had Come into His Life

(Howard W. Hunter)

I recall a young man in our stake when I served as a stake president. He traveled around with a crowd that thought it was smart to do things that were not right. On a few occasions he was caught in some minor violations. One day I got a call from the police station and was told he was being held because of a traffic violation. He had been caught speeding, as he had on a few other occasions prior to this time. Knowing that the things he was doing might prevent him from going on a mission, he straightened up, and when he was nineteen years of age he received his call. I shall never forget the talk we had when he returned. He told me that while he was in the mission field he had often thought of the trouble he had caused by the mistaken belief that the violation of little things was not important. But a great change had come into his life. He had come to the realization that there was no happiness or pleasure in violation of the law, whether it be God's law or whether it be the laws that society imposes upon us. He said to me, "When I drive a car now and the speed limit is sixty miles an hour, I feel it is morally wrong to drive a single mile faster." I was impressed by the great change that had come over this young man while he served on his mission and studied moral principles. How unfortunate it is that he had to learn his lesson the hard way, but what a great blessing comes when there is the realization that one cannot be in violation and feel good about that conduct.
(Leon R. Hartshorn, Outstanding Stories by General Authorities, vol. 3)


Play Whos the Leader? Players stand in a circle. One player leaves the room. A leader is selected, and the whole group of players begin to clap. This is the signal for the player who left the room to return. He goes to the center of the circle and tries to find out which player is leading the group in its action. In the meantime the leader changes from clapping to jumping, hopping, patting his head, and immediately the players do the same thing. Sometimes it takes quite a while for the player in the center to discover who the leader is, especially if the group members do not watch the leader. They can watch others in the circle and get the next action as quickly as watching the leader. Talk about following our church and government leaders.
(Alma Heaton, The LDS Game Book, [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1968], p. 299.)


Play red light, green light. Visit city hall or a city council meeting. Have family members list as many laws as they can. Tell why they are good for the community.

Peanut Butter Fudge
3 1/4 2 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1 cups sugar cup cocoa tablespoons light corn syrup teaspoon salt cups heavy cream heaping tablespoons peanut butter teaspoons vanilla cup chopped walnuts

In a heavy saucepan, mix sugar and cocoa. Stir in corn syrup, salt, and cream. Bring to a boil over medium heat and, stirring constantly, cook to soft-ball stage (240 degrees on candy thermometer). Pour out on buttered marble slab or into a buttered bowl to cool. Do not scrape pan, or candy will become sugary. When cool, add peanut butter and vanilla. Beat with a wooden spatula until candy loses its gloss. Stir in nuts. If candy becomes crumbly, knead until smooth. Put in a 9-inch square buttered pan; when candy sets up, cut into squares. Makes 2 pounds.
(Paula Julander and Joanne Milner, Utah State Fare, [Salt Lake City: Shadow Mountain, 1995], p. 89.)

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