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House Majority Communications

After Republican Senator Josh Penry released an anti-services statement, Speaker

of the House Terrance Carroll responded:

"Senator Penry must be trying to make light of our state's 7% unemployment rate
and the Democrat's commitment to budget-balancing by calling this crisis a "budget

Well, I see serious problems and the Governor presenting some serious solutions.

Penry actually suggested today eliminating -- not cutting back-- the Governor's
Energy Office. The New Energy Economy is the single brightest light in our
economy. In the past few weeks alone, SMA Solar Technology, SunRun Solar, Siemens
Wind and RePower have all announced plans to create new jobs here. Vestas'
Colorado workforce will total 2,500 by this time next year. Xcel Energy just
yesterday announced a new solar-expansion plan that will create thousands of new
private-sector jobs.

Killing jobs in our fastest-growing economic sector is Penry's answer to the

serious crisis facing Colorado?

He also suggests reducing local control over local school districts and reducing
state-local partnerships by abolishing the Department of Local Affairs that
provides "financial and technical assistance, emergency management services,
property tax administration and programs addressing affordable housing and
homelessness, in cooperation with local communities". (DoLA website)

Penry also dismisses the importance of work for Colorado's Indians, public
education, children's health, and the pursuit of federal Race to the Top funds,
just some of the leadership provided by the state's highest ranking woman, Lt.
Governor Barbara O'Brien.

I'm stunned: cutting green energy jobs, reducing local control, and dissing the
work of a powerful woman on behalf of people of color and children? When Sen.
Penry and the Republicans are ready to offer some serious solutions, we’re ready
to listen.”

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