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Peranan Promosi dalam Pembentukan Opini Calon Mahasiswa

Inayah Politeknik Negeri Semarang Abstract: The objectives of study are to determine the effectiveness of three promotional media, i.e. advertising, sales promotion, and personal selling in opinions formation of student applicants at stratum-1 of Islamic Indonesia University (UII), and to understand its relationship with their opinion formation. The descriptive quantitative method was applied. 90 new undergraduate students were selected using a stratified random sampling method into three strata, namely CBT (Computer Based Test), PBT (Paper Based Test), and PSB (Academics Achievement Record) and were interveiwed using a prepared questionnaire. The results show that there is no significant difference among three promotional media in formating the student opinion on the university images. The more promotional media exposed to the applicant the better their opinion formation on the university. Keywords: promotion, opinions formation of student applicants

Ragam Jurnal Pengembangan Humaniora Vol. 12 No. 3, Desember 2012


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