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a Sajani Loitongbam, b Robita Sorokhaibam, c Salam Shantikumar Singh

Purpose: The study focused to conduct a comprehensive comparative analysis between social
media marketing and Traditional media marketing.

Theoretical Framework: The theoretical framework for this research on the comparative
analysis of traditional media and social media consists of a series of contrasting statements that
explore key dimensions like attractive advertising, informative advertising, reliability
advertising etc. aiming to elucidate the distinct characteristics and implications of each
marketing approach.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is an exploratory based. The primary data is

collected from 363 customers in Manipur using structured questionnaires. The data are analyzed
using proper statistical tools- IBM SPSS Statistics 25 to determine which approach is more
preferred by customers in the market situation of Manipur.

Findings: Research results found that there is a significant difference between social media
marketing and Traditional media marketing. The social media marketing is more preferred by
customers over Traditional media marketing.

Conclusion: Based on the research findings, the study intends contribute to a deeper
understanding of the evolving landscape of marketing strategies and assists businesses in
making informed decisions regarding choice of marketing channel in a small state like Manipur.

Originality/ Value: The study lies in the holistic exploration of the contrasting dynamic between
social media marketing and traditional media marketing. The study also enhances our insights
into optimizing marketing decisions and harnessing the synergies between these two distinct
yet interconnected avenues in the evolving landscape of media strategies.

Keywords: advertising, social media marketing, traditional media marketing, consumer


Received: 26/06/2023
Accepted: 22/09/2023

a Master in Commerce, Manipur University, Imphal, India, E-mail:,

b PhD in Commerce, Manipur University, Imphal, India, E-mail:
c PhD in Statistics Manipur University, Imphal, India, E-mail:,


Miami| v.11, n. 8| pages: 01-16| e01498 |2023. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Loitongbam, S., Sorokhaibam, R., Singh, S. S. (2023). Social Media as a Marketing Tool


Objetivo: O estudo se concentrou em realizar uma análise comparativa abrangente entre o
marketing de mídia social e o marketing de mídia tradicional.

Estrutura Teórica: O marco teórico desta pesquisa sobre a análise comparativa dos meios de
comunicação tradicionais e mídias sociais consiste em uma série de afirmações contrastantes
que exploram dimensões-chave como publicidade atraente, publicidade informativa,
publicidade de confiabilidade, etc. com o objetivo de elucidar as características distintas e
implicações de cada abordagem de marketing.

Projeto/Metodologia/Abordagem: O estudo é uma base exploratória. Os dados primários são

coletados de 363 clientes em Manipur usando questionários estruturados. Os dados são
analisados usando ferramentas estatísticas adequadas - IBM SPSS Statistics 25 para determinar
qual abordagem é mais preferida pelos clientes na situação de mercado de Manipur.

Resultados: Os resultados da pesquisa descobriram que há uma diferença significativa entre o

marketing de mídia social e o marketing de mídia tradicional. O marketing de mídia social é
mais preferido pelos clientes do que o marketing de mídia tradicional.

Conclusão: Com base nos resultados da pesquisa, o estudo pretende contribuir para uma
compreensão mais profunda do panorama em evolução das estratégias de marketing e auxilia
as empresas a tomar decisões informadas sobre a escolha do canal de marketing em um pequeno
estado como Manipur.

Originalidade/valor: O estudo está na exploração holística da dinâmica contrastante entre

marketing de mídia social e marketing de mídia tradicional. O estudo também aprimora nossas
percepções para otimizar as decisões de marketing e aproveitar as sinergias entre essas duas
vias distintas, mas interconectadas, no cenário evolutivo das estratégias de mídia.

Palavras-chave: publicidade, marketing de mídia social, marketing de mídia tradicional,

comportamentos de consumidor.

The Internet is defined as an interconnection of networks worldwide operated by
different communities, institutions, academics, and private organizations. Internet since
1994 has expanded in serving millions of users. The improvement of mobile technology
has made it possible for greater reach of the internet and increased the number of users.
In this era of the internet, marketers also aimed to look for strategies that include
influencing of customers to purchase their goods that ensure profitability. Marketing is
about meeting the needs and requirements of customers. Traditional marketing is a form
of marketing that uses offline media to reach the audience. The promotion is done
through Newspaper Television, E-mail, text- messages, Billboards etc. The Social media
marketing on the other hand is a form of digital marketing that allows marketers to build

Miami| v.11, n. 8| pages: 01-16| e01498 |2023. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Loitongbam, S., Sorokhaibam, R., Singh, S. S. (2023). Social Media as a Marketing Tool

company brand, increase sales and share information. The promotions of social media
marketing are done through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Linked In etc.
In many previous studies, social media marketing has made companies possible
to reach targeted consumers easily, effectively, and efficiently. The marketers are
beginning to understand the use of social media is a vital component in their strategies
and campaign to reach out to customers. The marketing firms can also provide unlimited
information to users and customers without human intervention. The study has been
conducted to understand the perception of customers towards social media marketing and
try to compare Social Media Marketing and Traditional Media marketing and analyze
which marketing media is more important in the present market situation in Manipur.


Social media has started to displace traditional media in terms of ways consumers
learn about products and how they consume them. The study is motivated to carry out by
the growing importance of social media marketing today. Much research has been carried
out in different parts of the country, however, there is little or no research done in a small
state like Manipur. To bridge the gap, a comparative analysis is necessary between social
media marketing and Traditional media marketing to bring out the importance of Social
Media Marketing in Manipur. Hence, the objective of this study to gain better insights:
1. To carry out a comparative analysis of Social Media Marketing and Traditional
Media Marketing.
2. To analyze Consumers behavior on Social Media marketing.


H1: Social media marketing is preferred by consumers over traditional channels
of marketing.
H2: All Marketing channels are not equally preferred by consumers for buying

The integration of social media can have a substantial positive impact for a
corporate entity and it has also become an important part of the company operational

Miami| v.11, n. 8| pages: 01-16| e01498 |2023. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Loitongbam, S., Sorokhaibam, R., Singh, S. S. (2023). Social Media as a Marketing Tool

strategy in the context of Global Business Environment (Abuhashesh, 2014). social media
has various merits but also has demerits which affect people negatively. False information
may lead to failure of education system, false advertisement may affect productivity.
Some unnecessary blogs can influence to take wrong actions. (Shabnoor Siddiqui, 2016;
Shabnoor Siddiqui, 2016). social medias apps and sites like WhatsApp, Facebook and
Instagram (Ojeleye, Opusunju, Ahmed, & Aku, 2018) should be encouraged as it
contributed positively on entrepreneurship development. (Edosomwan, Kalangot
Prakasan, Kouame, & Seymour, 2011) Social Media is a cost-effective tool and should
be used wisely, improving communications, considered customer’s queries otherwise it
would lose business brand loyalty and reliability. (Motwani, Shrimall, & Agarwal,
2014)identified that consumers are ready to share their preferences and likes in social
media which in turn help in business in targeting customers more efficiently.(Wilert &
Suchart, 2021) suggested that Digital Social Responsibility must be considered as one of
their business strategies as many firms are now have their social responsibility in digital
platforms and this resulted to be more successful method for encouragement of potential
customers and word of mouth. Trust, e-word of mouth, trendiness, entertainment,
customer online engagement has a positive impact on brand loyalty mediating with
consumer Perception and Purchase Intention (Vasanthakumar, Ferdous, & Jacquiline,
2023). (Saravanan & Rajasekaran, 2023) considered Digital marketing tools as one of the
opportunities to connect with customers and attract them.


The traditional media marketing is very expensive as compared to the digital
marketing. also, there is no choice for marketers to target a specific demographic profile
of customers as it is a mass communication. The audiences in digital space can directly
interact with the organization whereas Traditional media marketing convey brand
messages loud and clear (Sinha, 2018). It has been found out (Arunprakash, G, Raj, &
Dr.Vasudevan, 2021) that the marketers can experience high return on invested if digital
marketing approach is chosen over traditional media marketing. (Kumar & Akhilesh,
2020) The marketing has been carried out conventionally since long time however, with
changing technology, marketing is shifted from conventional to non-conventional
approach of marketing. (Simplilearn, 2023)The traditional marketing has been growing
since ages, while digital gets popular a while ago. Both the approaches have positive

Miami| v.11, n. 8| pages: 01-16| e01498 |2023. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Loitongbam, S., Sorokhaibam, R., Singh, S. S. (2023). Social Media as a Marketing Tool

response in their own way. Both have their own pros and cons. Choosing the best
approach depend on the type of business and depend on people, also the reason why they
want to use it.


An online survey of 363 participants was conducted in two districts of Manipur-
Imphal-East & West district using the Multi-Stage Sampling Technique for data
collection. The primary data collected are analyzed using proper statistical tools IBM
Statistics SPSS 25. The findings of the study are presented in the form of tables and charts.


The respondents were asked to respond their level of involvement in decision
making for buying any product at family level.

Table 1: Cross-tabulation between different social media sites used and Involvement in Decision Making
Involvement in Decision making
To moderate
Never To great extent Completely
count % count % count % count % Total
1 1.30% 24 31.60% 36 47.40% 15 19.70% 76
Rarely 1 1.70% 30 50% 20 33.33% 9 15.50% 60
Average 5 4.10% 46 38% 59 48.80% 11 9.10% 121
Facebook Frequently 7 9.50% 28 37.8 27 36.5 12 16.20% 74
1 3.10% 6 18.80% 15 46.90% 10 31.30% 32
0 0% 13 37.10% 18 51.50% 4 11.40% 35
Rarely 3 7.50% 19 47.50% 11 27.50% 7 17.50% 40
Average 4 4.40% 35 38.50% 34 37.40% 18 19.80% 91
Frequently 6 4.60% 50 38.20% 55 42% 20 15.30% 131
Instagram 2 3.00% 17 25.80% 39 59.10% 8 12.10% 66
10 4.00% 100 40.20% 104 41.80% 34 13.70% 249
Rarely 2 3.90% 21 41.20% 21 41.20% 7 13.70% 51
Average 2 4.50% 12 27.30% 1 2.30% 19 43.20% 44
LinkedIn Frequently 1 7.7 1 7.70% 7 53.80% 4 30.80% 13
0 0.00% 0 0.00% 4 66.70% 2 33.30% 6
12 4.80% 100 39.70% 98 42 16.70% 252

Miami| v.11, n. 8| pages: 01-16| e01498 |2023. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Loitongbam, S., Sorokhaibam, R., Singh, S. S. (2023). Social Media as a Marketing Tool

Rarely 0 0% 17 31.50% 30 55.60% 7 13.00% 54

Twitter Average 2 4.90% 13 31.75 22 53.70% 4 9.80% 41
Frequently 1 7.70% 4 30.80% 4 30.80% 4 30.80% 13
0 0% 0 0% 3 100% 0 0% 3
Source: Computed from Primary

Interpretation: The division shows based on the use of different social media sites
by customers. There were 76 very rare users of Facebook. Nearly half, i.e., 47.4% of the
total Very rarely users involved in decision-making to a great extent. Among the 60 total
rare users of Facebook, 50% of it participated in decision-making to a moderate extent.
Among the 121 average users, almost half of it i.e., 48.8% Involved in decision-making
to a great extent. There were 74 frequent users, 37.8% of the total, involved in decision-
making to a moderate extent, and 36.5% involved in decision-making to a great extent.
The very frequent users of Facebook constituted 32 customers, 46.9% of the total
users participated in decision-making to a great extent.
Out of the total 363, Instagram users, 131 of it, uses Instagram very Frequently
and 91 customers use Instagram frequently. 51.5 % of the total very rarely users
participated to a great extent. 47.5% of the total rarely users involved in decision-making
to a moderate extent. Out of the total average users of Instagram, 38.5% being the highest
take part in the decision-making to a moderate extent. 42% of the total frequent users, are
involved in decision-making to a great extent. More than half of the frequent users of
Instagram i.e., 59.1% have taken part in the decision-making to a great extent.
Very rarely, the customer uses LinkedIn and Twitter. There were only 13
Frequently users and 6 Very frequently users in LinkedIn and 13 Frequent users and 3
Very Frequent users in the case of Twitter. However, more than half of the LinkedIn users
of both Frequently and Very Frequently took part in decision-making to a great extent.
Also, more than half of the Rarely, Average and Very Frequently users of Twitter are
involved in decision-making to a great extent.


The customers were asked to respond to their level of use of social networking
sites for search products of interest.

Miami| v.11, n. 8| pages: 01-16| e01498 |2023. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Loitongbam, S., Sorokhaibam, R., Singh, S. S. (2023). Social Media as a Marketing Tool

Table 2: Cross Tabulation of different social media sites use and Search for Products of Interest
Searching product of Interest
Never To moderate To Completely Total
extent great
Count 6 30 29 11 76
Very 7.9% 39.5% 38.2% 14.5% 100%
Count 2 24 28 6 60
Rarely 3.3% 40% 46.7% 10% 100%

Count 9 52 46 14 121
Facebook Average 7.4% 43% 38% 11.6% 100%

Count 0 30 37 7 74
Frequently 0% 40.5% 50% 9.5% 100%

Count 0 9 14 9 32
Very 0% 28.1% 43.8% 28.1% 100%
Count 5 15 12 3 35
Very 14.3% 42.9% 34.3% 8.6% 100%
Count 3 13 20 4 40
Rarely 7.5% 32.5% 50% 10% 100%
Count 3 47 28 13 91
Instagram Average 3.3% 51.6% 30.8% 14.3% 100%
Count 5 52 62 12 131
Frequently 3.8% 39.7% 47.3% 9.2% 100%
Count 1 17 33 15 66

Very 1.5% 25.7% 50% 22.7% 100%

LinkedIn Count 11 100 108 30 249
Very 4.4% 40.2% 43.4% 12% 100%
Count 2 22 20 7 51
Rarely 3.9% 43.1% 39.2% 13.7% 100%
Count 2 20 16 6 44
Average 4.5% 45.5% 36.4% 13.6% 100%
Count 1 1 9 2 13
Frequently 7.7% 7.7% 69.2% 15.4% 100%
Count 1 1 2 2 6
Very 16.7% 16.7% 33.3% 33.3% 100%
Count 11 105 104 32 252
Very 4.4% 41.7% 41.3% 12.7% 100%
Count 2 20 27 5 54
Rarely 3.7% 37% 50% 9.3% 100%
Count 3 18 13 7 41
Twitter Average 7.3% 43.9% 31.7% 17.1% 100%
Count 1 2 8 2 13
Frequently 7.7% 15.4% 61.5% 15.4% 100%
Count 0 0 2 1 3
Very 0% 0% 66.7% 33.3% 100%
Source: Computed from Primary

Miami| v.11, n. 8| pages: 01-16| e01498 |2023. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Loitongbam, S., Sorokhaibam, R., Singh, S. S. (2023). Social Media as a Marketing Tool

Interpretation: Out of the total frequently and very frequently users of Facebook
51.4% and 43.8% customers searches their product of Interest to a great extent
respectively. Out of the total Instagram Average users 51.6% search product of interest
to moderate extent. 47.3% and 50 % of Frequently and Very frequently users searches
their product of Interest to a great extent. 69.2% of the frequently users of LinkedIn use
Linked In to a great extent for searching their product of Interest and 66.7% of the total
Very Frequently users of Twitter search for their product of interest to a great extent.


Figure 1: I use social media to seek opinions about products/services




Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Source: Computed from Primary

Interpretation: seeking opinions about a product or service on social media

typically involves posting a question or comment on social platforms like Instagram,
Facebook, or Twitter to gather feedback from others. 46.8% of the total population agreed
that they use social media to seek opinions about products or services. This can help
individuals make informed decisions before purchasing a product as well as provide
companies with valuable insights for improving their offerings.

Miami| v.11, n. 8| pages: 01-16| e01498 |2023. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Loitongbam, S., Sorokhaibam, R., Singh, S. S. (2023). Social Media as a Marketing Tool

Figure 2: I bring up several likes/ dislikes while considering any goods or services.

50,0 47,9


20,0 16,8

10,0 5,0

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agree Strongly Agree

Source: Computed from Primary

Interpretation: a high number of likes on a particular product on social media

indicates that a product or service is well-received and favored by many, while the high
number of likes can explain the opposite. Higher likes also often suggest that the product
is appealing and interesting. Out of the 363 respondents, 47.9% of it, agreed that they take
a number of likes/ dislikes on social media to consider any goods or service on social

Figure 3: I share the links of my favorite brands with friends and relatives using social networking sites





Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Source: Computed from Primary

Miami| v.11, n. 8| pages: 01-16| e01498 |2023. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Loitongbam, S., Sorokhaibam, R., Singh, S. S. (2023). Social Media as a Marketing Tool

Interpretation: 46.8% of the total respondents share the links of their favorite
brands with friends and relatives using social networking sites indicating that many
respondents are endorsing or recommending those brands to their social circle. Word of
mouth can influence others’ opinions and potentially lead to increase customer
engagement for the brands being shared. It’s a way that expresses their preferences and
potentially helps their friends to discover products or services they might be interested in.
To achieve hypothesis 1 of the study “social media marketing is preferred by
consumers over Traditional media marketing”.
Consumers are asked to provide ratings from 1-5 on 9 items of Social Media
Marketing and Traditional media marketing. The item includes 1. Interesting and
attractive advertisements, 2. Interactive advertisements, 3. Informative advertisements, 4.
Reliable advertisements, 5. Ability to change views about the products, 6. The long-
lasting effect on the perception of a brand or product,7. Fast spreading advertisements, 8.
Reach the target population, 9. credibility.
The hypothesis is tested by taking the total score obtained by Social Media
Marketing channel (Group 1) and Traditional marketing channel (Group 2).

Figure 4: Preference of Social media advertising and Traditional media advertising

Source: Computed from Primary


Miami| v.11, n. 8| pages: 01-16| e01498 |2023. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Loitongbam, S., Sorokhaibam, R., Singh, S. S. (2023). Social Media as a Marketing Tool

Interpretation: Using the Mann-Whitney U test, it is found that the mean rank
value for group 1 (Social Media marketing channels) is 522.10, and for group 2
(traditional media marketing ) is 204.90. The mean rank of Group 1 is more than Group
2. Also, The result of the statistics shows that the p-value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05
and therefore we reject the null hypothesis and revealed that social media marketing is
preferred by consumers over traditional channels of marketing.
To achieve hypothesis 2, “All marketing channels are not equally preferred by
consumers for buying decisions.”
Kruskal Wallis Test and Mann Whitney test are done on the total score of both
social media and Traditional media. In the above diagram, group 1 represents the social
media channels and group 2 refers to the Traditional Media.

Table 3: Types of different marketing channels

Social Media Traditional Media
Facebook Newspaper
Twitter Television
Instagram E-mail
YouTube Text messages
LinkedIn Billboards
Source: Self constructed

Table 4: Mean Rank table of Social media and Traditional Media

q7.Group N Mean Rank
1 363 411.19
q7.Channels 2 363 315.81
Total 726
Source: Computed from Primary

Table 5: Kruskal Wallis Test result

Test Statisticsa,b
Kruskal-Wallis H 38.006
Df 1
Asymp. Sig. .000
a. Kruskal Wallis Test
b. Grouping Variable: q7.Group
Source: Computed from Primary

Interpretation: The Kruskal Wallis test result shows the comparisons between
different social networking sites (Social Media Channels and Traditional Media
Channels, P value = 0.000 shows that there is a significant difference between the use of
social networking sites and traditional sites by customers for a purchase decision.


Miami| v.11, n. 8| pages: 01-16| e01498 |2023. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Loitongbam, S., Sorokhaibam, R., Singh, S. S. (2023). Social Media as a Marketing Tool

Further, The Mann-Whitney U test is used to compare different marketing media

used by customers for purchase decisions.

Table 6: Mann-Whitney test results

Mean Rank U P
Facebook 441.46
Twitter 285.54 37,585.000 0.000
Facebook 329.33
Instagram 397.67 78,289.000
Facebook 338.92
Television 388.08 74,808.500
Facebook 429.25
Email 297.75 42,016.500
Facebook 444.82
36,366.500 0.000
LinkedIn 282.18
Facebook 390.1
55,934.500 0.000
YouTube 336.09
Facebook 348.98
71,157.000 0.043
Newspaper 378.02
Facebook 493.11
18,835.000 0.000
Billboards 233.89
Facebook 434.97 39.939.500 0.000
Text-Messages 292.03
Twitter 260.48
103,281.000 0.000
Instagram 466.52
Twitter 310.29
85,199.500 0.000
YouTube 416.71
Twitter 364.40
65,557 0.902
LinkedIn 362.60
Twitter 271.08
99,432.500 0.000
Newspaper 455.92
Twitter 261.73
102,826.500 0.000
Television 465.27
Twitter 363.00
66,067 0.945
E-mail 364.00
Twitter 361.80
66,502.500 0.819
Text-messages 365.20
Twitter 450.48
34,310.000 0.000
Billboards 276.52
Instagram 421.79
44,724.500 0.000
YouTube 305.21
Instagram 470.11
27,185.500 0.000
LinkedIn 256.89
Instagram 384.79
58,157.000 0.003
Newspaper 342.21
Instagram 375.74
61,442.000 0.087
Television 351.26
Instagram 456.43
32,152.000 0.000
E-mail 270.57
Instagram 460.32 30,740.000 0.000
Text -messages 266.68
Instagram 505.79
Billboards 221.21 14,233.000
LinkedIn 267.31
Newspaper 459.69 100,802.500


Miami| v.11, n. 8| pages: 01-16| e01498 |2023. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Loitongbam, S., Sorokhaibam, R., Singh, S. S. (2023). Social Media as a Marketing Tool

LinkedIn 257.61
Television 469.39 104,324.000
LinkedIn 349.45
E-mail 377.55 70,984.000
LinkedIn 360.23
Text-messages 366.77 67.071.000
LinkedIn 448.53
Billboards 278.47 35,017
LinkedIn 308.20
YouTube 418.80 85,959.500
YouTube 321.16
Newspaper 405.84 81,252.500
YouTube 311.00
Television 416.00 84,943.500
YouTube 403.73
E-mail 323.27 51282.500
YouTube 411.68
Text messages 315.32 48,395.500
YouTube 481.32
23,117.500 0.000
Billboards 245.68
Source: Computed from Primary

Interpretation: the Mann-Whitney U test is done on various groups of marketing

media channels, like Facebook and Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, Facebook, and
Television, Facebook and Email, Facebook and LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube,
Facebook and Newspaper, Facebook and Billboards, Facebook and Text messages,
Twitter and Instagram, Twitter and YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn, Twitter and
Newspaper, Twitter and Television, Twitter and E-mail, Twitter and Text messages,
Twitter and Billboards, Instagram and YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn, Instagram and
Newspaper, Instagram and Television, Instagram and E-mail, Instagram and Text
messages, Instagram and Billboards, LinkedIn and Newspaper, LinkedIn and Television,
LinkedIn and E-mail, LinkedIn and Text messages, LinkedIn and billboards. LinkedIn
and YouTube, YouTube and Newspaper, YouTube and Television, YouTube and Email,
YouTube and Text-messages, YouTube, and billboards. Most of the comparison results
found a p-value less than 0.05 which shows that all networking sites are not equally
preferred by customers for buying decisions, here, we reject the null hypothesis.


The paper has achieved its objectives and hypothesis. The consumer behaviors
towards social media marketing are analyzed and presented in the form of charts. Most
of the respondents responded positively in seeking information on social media for
product or services, bringing up several likes/ dislikes while considering any goods or


Miami| v.11, n. 8| pages: 01-16| e01498 |2023. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Loitongbam, S., Sorokhaibam, R., Singh, S. S. (2023). Social Media as a Marketing Tool

services and they also agreed to sharing links of their favorite brands with friends and
relatives using social networking sites. The analysis of both Traditional Media marketing
and social media marketing reveals significant insights and differences between the two.
It was found out that social media marketing is preferred by customers over traditional
media marketing. Also, the paper proves that customers does not equally prefer all
marketing sites for buying decisions. By examining the result, the study underscores the
undeniable influence of social media platforms in today’s marketing landscape, with their
ability to engage and interact with audiences in ways that traditional media cannot
replicate. Although the social media marketing has various strengths over traditional
media marketing. Nevertheless, the traditional media marketing still retain its significance
particularly for more broader audience. In conclusion, social media marketing is a
dynamic and ever-evolving field. Staying ahead of technological trends will always
captivate audiences in an increasing and digital connected world.


Miami| v.11, n. 8| pages: 01-16| e01498 |2023. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Loitongbam, S., Sorokhaibam, R., Singh, S. S. (2023). Social Media as a Marketing Tool


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