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Chapter I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Natural calamities like typhoons, floods, earthquakes, and tornadoes are occurring

especially in the tropical regions. In cases of emergency the first thing that comes to a persons mind are the necessary ne cessities such as flashlights, battery-operated radio, batteries, water, food, clothes, and some communication devices like cellular phones. However, bringing them all becomes too bulky to carry around and evacuating needs to be as fast as possible. This then puts one at risk due to the many loads being carried. In this case, a compact and easy-tocarry kit like a calamity kit is necessary and deemed important. A calamity kit is a portable kit that contains the items one would require to evacuate, when evacuating from a disaster. The focus is on evacuation, rather than a long-term survival. As a response to the ever-changing climatic situation and in strengthening capabilities for calamity survival, the researcher thought of constructing a calamity kit which combines radio, flashlight, batteries, charging units, medical kit, etc. The device is handy and easy to carry for the amenity of the user.

Statement of the Problem This study aimed to find out if the emergency calamity kit is an efficient product. Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions: 1. How effective is the product? 2. What is the level of efficiency of the product in terms of: a) Durability; b) Usability; and c) Comfort along: a. Weight; and b. Quality 3. What is the significance of the product?

Statement of the Hypothesis The following were the hypotheses of the study: 1. The Emergency Calamity Kit is effective as a product. 2. It will be efficient in terms of durability, usability, and comfort along weight and quality. 3. The Emergency Calamity Kit is a significant and important device that can be used for survival during unexpected evacuations as a response to the occurrence of calamities.

Scope and Delimitation This study focused only on making a device or a product to be used during emergencies when people need evacuation and are in need of supplies. This product is only for emergencies, which can only be used in a certain time period. The product was evaluated and tested by a random people selected in the community.

Significance of the Study The following will benefit from the study. People- This study will help most of the residents for it can be used as a new product that can be used by them. Future Researchers- This study will develop the ideas of future researchers and give them new knowledge to develop better innovation. .

Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents the related literature and studies. This includes the similarities and differences of past studies to the present study. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework are likewise included. Related Literature and Related Studies

Technically, a calamity kit is just a bug out bag. A bug-out bag is a portable kit that contains the items one would require to survive for seventy-two hours when evacuating from a disaster. The focus is on evacuation, rather than long-term survival, distinguishing the bug-out bag from a survival kit, a boating or aviation emergency kit, or a fixed-site disaster supplies kit. The kits are also popular in the survivalism subculture.

The term "bug-out bag" is related to, and possibly derived from, the "bailout bag" emergency kit many military aviators carry. In the United States, the term refers to the Korean War practice of the U.S. Army designating alternate defensive positions, in the event that the units had to displace. They were directed to "bug-out" when being overrun was imminent. The concept passed into wide usage among other military and law enforcement personnel, though the "bail-out bag" is as likely to include emergency gear for going into an emergency situation as for escaping an emergency.

Other names for such a bag are a BOB, 72-hour kit, a grab bag, a battle box, a Personal Emergency Relocation Kits (PERK), a go bag or a GOOD bag (Get Out Of Dodge) INCHbag (I'm Never Coming Home).

Theoretical Framework

The study was conceived to respond to the lack of preparedness of the people evacuating during a calamity. The researcher decided to make a product that will enhance the people preparedness. The independent variables of the study are different components of the product. When these components change, it will affect the efficiency of the product, which is the dependent variable of the study. Different components of the study Efficiency of the study

Response to demand and need

Improvisation of existing products

Emergency calamity kit

Figure 2.1 Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework The study is composed of five processes. First is the Input which includes reference materials, internet, and other sources used in the study. The second one is the Components. It is composed of the different components of the product. Third is the actual Process in making the product. The fourth step is the getting the output of the study: Emergency calamity kit. Last step is gaining feedback from respondents to determine the effectiveness, durability and acceptability of the product.

INPUT Reference materials Internet Other sources

COMPONENTS Different components


OUTPUT FEEDBACK Emergency Calamity Kit

Figure 2.2 Conceptual Framework

Definition of Terms Calamity kit- is a portable kit that contains the items one would require to survive.
Bug-out bag - is a portable kit that contains the items one would require to survive for seventy-two hours

Survivalism - is a movement of individuals or groups (called survivalists or preppers) who are actively preparing for emergencies

Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY Materials In order to make the product, the following materials will be used for the box: 3cm thick plywood, handle, hammer, nails (1 , 2), screw, screw driver, jigsaw, saw, wood glue, and drill. For the components inside the box: car stereo, car speakers, pliers, electrical tape, battery, multi-tester, power converter, wires, switches, floodlight, medical kit, socket, and twist tie. Procedure The researchers will first gather the needed materials for the box. Cut 7x12 rectangular block, this is for the top section. Cut rectangle on the block that will fit the car stereo and drill holes for the switches. Cut a 10x12 block this is for the right side, using the jigsaw cut a hole that will fit the car speaker. Cut another 10x12 block, this is for the left side. Cut a rectangle on the block to fit the medical kit. Cut a 7x10 block. This is for the back part of the box cut a rectangle in the wood this is for the socket. Cut another 7x10 block. This is for the front of the box. Cut a hole on the block that can fit a floodlight cut a 7x12 block for the base. For the components inside the box. Connect the car speaker to the car stereo then to a switch then to the battery. Connect the floodlight to a switch then to a battery. Connect the socket to the inverter then the power cord of the inverter to switch then to the battery. Put all the components to there

respective places and hammer all the blocks together and the calamity box is done.

Gather the needed materials

Cut all the blocks

Connect all the components

Fix all the components to there respective block

Hammer all the blocks together

Calamity box

Figure 3.1 Flowchart of Process


Research Design This study used an experimental design type of research. This study focuses on the convenient, hand and easy way to carry things during a calamity. Sources of Data In order to answer the problems of the study, the researchers will use the result from the survey forms. The secondary sources of data are the information gathered in the internet, books and other reference materials. Data Gathering Procedures The data will be gathered by means of physical way specifically observation. Instrumentation Here is the researchers formed scale of rating for the instrumentation: Rating Scale: Rate Descriptive Interpretation 1 2 3 4 5 Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent


Chapter IV EMERGENCY CALAMITY KIT This chapter presents the results from observations conducted by the researcher to determine the effectiveness of the emergency calamity kit Data Presentation

Table 4.1 Mean Weight of Different Quality Attributes of the Calamity kit. Quality Attributes Durability Usability Comfort Weight Quality Effectiveness General Acceptability 2.56 3.47 4.94 3.245 Mean 4.83 3.67

Table 1.1 entitled Mean Weight of Different Quality Attributes of the Calamity Kit: shows the results from the experiment conducted of the different quality attributes of the Calamity kit. For the mean of the different attributes of the product it got 4.83 for durability, 3.67 for usability 2.56 for weight, 3.47for quality, 4.94 for effectiveness and a general acceptability of 3.245 which is good.


Chapter V SUMMARY, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION Summary The researcher conducted a survey to 50 random respondents in the community. The five-point Liker scale was used as the instrument for collecting the data. Based from the results of the survey conducted, the product attained a weighted arithmetic mean of 3.245. This means it has a good rating for its general acceptability

Conclusions Based from the results the product was effective, durable and usable during an evacuation but due to the weight of the product it was not comfortable for the user to carry the product. Using the results, the researchers concluded that the emergency calamity kit must still be improved specifically the weight of the product. Therefore, the study is ineffective

Recommendation After obtaining the results, the researcher arrived to the following recommendations for the further improvement of the study. 1.) Further improvement on the weight of the product.


2.) Future studies should improve the design of the product. 3.) Improve the components of the product.

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