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October 2010 Philippine Supreme Court Decisions on Remedial Law (Part 1)

Posted on November 27, 2010 by Carlos Roberto Z. Lopez Here are selected October 2010 r l!n"s o# t$e % preme Co rt o# t$e P$!l!pp!nes on remed!al la&' Civil Procedure (cc!on P bl!c!ana) nat re and p rpose. (n acc!on p bl!c!ana !s an ord!nary c!v!l proceed!n" to determ!ne t$e better r!"$t o# possess!on o# realty !ndependently o# t!tle. (cc!on p bl!c!ana !s also sed to re#er to an e*ectment s !t &$ere t$e ca se o# d!spossess!on !s not amon" t$e "ro nds #or #orc!ble entry and nla&# l deta!ner, or &$en possess!on $as been lost #or more t$an one year and can no lon"er be ma!nta!ned nder R le 70 o# t$e R les o# Co rt. +$e ob*ect!ve o# a pla!nt!## !n acc!on p bl!c!ana !s to recover possess!on only, not o&ners$!p. Pio Modesto and Cirila Rivera-Modesto vs. Carlos Urbina, substituted by the heirs of Olympia Miguel Vda. de Urbina, et al., G.R. o. !"#"$#, O%tober !", &'!'. (ppeals) d!sm!ssal o# appeal on p rely tec$n!cal "ro nd not #avored. (ppeal !s an essent!al part o# o r * d!c!al system. ,ts p rpose !s to br!n" p #or rev!e& a #!nal * d"ment o# t$e lo&er co rt. +$e co rts s$o ld, t$ s, proceed &!t$ ca t!on so as not to depr!ve a party o# $!s r!"$t to appeal. ,n t$e recent case o# (lmelor v. R+C o# Las P!nas C!ty, -r. 2./, t$e Co rt re!terated' 0$!le t$e r!"$t to appeal !s a stat tory, not a nat ral r!"$t, nonet$eless !t !s an essent!al part o# o r * d!c!al system and co rts s$o ld proceed &!t$ ca t!on so as not to depr!ve a party o# t$e r!"$t to appeal, b t rat$er, ens re t$at every party1l!t!"ant $as t$e amplest opport n!ty #or t$e proper and * st d!spos!t!on o# $!s ca se, #ree #rom t$e constra!nts o# tec$n!cal!t!es. ,n t$e case at benc$, t$e respondent s$o ld be "!ven t$e # llest opport n!ty to establ!s$ t$e mer!ts o# $!s appeal cons!der!n" t$at &$at !s at sta2e !s t$e sacrosanct !nst!t t!on o# marr!a"e. Cynthia (. )olos vs. *anilo +. )olos, G.R. o. !",-'', O%tober &', &'!'. (ppeal) d!sm!ssal o# appeal on p rely tec$n!cal "ro nd not #avored. (s a #!nal note, !t !s &ort$y to emp$as!ze t$at t$e d!sm!ssal o# an appeal on a p rely tec$n!cal "ro nd !s #ro&ned pon espec!ally !# !t &!ll res lt !n n#a!rness. +$e r les o# proced re o "$t not to be appl!ed !n a very r!"!d, tec$n!cal sense #or t$ey $ave been adopted to $elp sec re, not overr!de, s bstant!al * st!ce. 3or t$!s reason, co rts m st proceed &!t$ ca t!on so as not to depr!ve a party o# stat tory appeal) rat$er t$ey m st ens re t$at all l!t!"ants are "ranted t$e amplest opport n!ty #or t$e proper and * st vent!lat!on o# t$e!r ca ses, #ree #rom t$e constra!nt o# tec$n!cal!t!es. Cebu Metro Pharma%y, .n%. vs. /uro-Med 0aboratories, .n%., G.R. o. !,-1$1, O%tober !", &'!'. (ppeal) e##ect o# #a!l re to attac$ mater!al and relevant doc ments to pet!t!on. +$e #ore"o!n" prel!m!nary matters t$ s clar!#!ed, &e #!nd t$at t$e C( cannot be #a lted #or d!sm!ss!n" t$e pet!t!on #or rev!e& Z34C #!led p rs ant to R le /5 o# t$e R les by &ay o# appeal #rom t$e 50 6 ne 2005 dec!s!on !n O.P. Case No. .715. ( per sal o# sa!d pet!t!on s$o&s t$at, !nstead o# #orm lat!n" !ts o&n 8conc!se statement o# t$e #acts and t$e !ss es !nvolved9 as re: !red nder R le /5 o# t$e R les, Z34C merely : oted t$e #!rst ten ;10< pa"es o# t$e 2. 6 ne 1=>. dec!s!on !n 4NR Case No. /025. (lto"et$er obl!v!o s o# t$e m!ss!n" t$!rd pa"e o# !ts copy o# sa!d dec!s!on and t$e relevant #acts !t res ltantly om!tted, Z34C also appended cop!es o# only t$e #ollo&!n" doc ments to !ts pet!t!on, v!z.' ;a< t$e dec!s!on !n O.P. Case No. .715) ;b< !ts mot!on

#or recons!derat!on t$ereo#) and, ;c< t$e 50 %eptember 2005 order deny!n" sa!d mot!on #or lac2 o# mer!t. ?esp!te be!n" alerted to t$e de#!c!enc!es o# !ts pet!t!on !n t$e C(@s 50 6an ary 200/ resol t!on d!rect!n" t$e s bm!ss!on o# t$e plead!n"s #!led be#ore t$e 4NR and t$e O##!ce o# t$e Pres!dent, Z34C st bbornly ma!nta!ned, t$at sa!d doc ments &ere no lon"er necessary s!nce t$e nd!sp ted #acts o# t$e case &ere already narrated !n t$e 2. 6 ne 1=>/ dec!s!on rendered !n 4NR Case No. /025. 0$!le !t !s adm!ttedly t$e pet!t!oner &$o dec!des at t$e o tset &$!c$ relevant doc ments &!ll be appended to $!s pet!t!on, !t $as been $eld t$at t$e C( $as t$e d ty to ens re t$at 8t$e s bm!ss!on o# s pport!n" doc ments !s not merely per# nctory. +$e pract!cal aspect o# t$!s d ty !s to enable t$e C( to determ!ne at t$e earl!est poss!ble t!me t$e eA!stence o# pr!ma #ac!e mer!t !n t$e pet!t!on.9 0!t$ t$e t$!rd pa"e m!ss!n" #rom Z34C@s copy o# t$e 2. 6 ne 1=>. dec!s!on !n 4NR Case No. /025 and t$e part!c lars !t om!tted as a conse: ence, &e #!nd t$at t$e C(@s d!rect!ve #or t$e s bm!ss!on o# t$e plead!n"s t$e part!es #!led !n sa!d case and !n O.P. Case No. .715 &as clearly necessary #or t$e proper apprec!at!on o# t$e #acts and t$e !ss es relevant to t$e pet!t!on be#ore !t. Cons!der!n" t$at a pet!t!oner@s #a!l re to attac$ mater!al and relevant doc ments to $!s pet!t!on !s a s ##!c!ent "ro nd to d!sm!ss !t, t$e C( correctly dealt &!t$ Z34C@s #a!l re to comply &!t$ !ts d!rect!ve by d!sm!ss!n" t$e pet!t!on p rs ant to %ect!on 7, R le /5 o# R les &$!c$ prov!des as #ollo&s' %ec. 7. B##ect o# #a!l re to comply &!t$ re: !rements. C +$e #a!l re o# t$e pet!t!oner to comply &!t$ any o# t$e #ore"o!n" re: !rements re"ard!n" t$e payment o# doc2et and ot$er la&# l #ees, t$e depos!t #or costs, proo# o# serv!ce o# t$e pet!t!on, and t$e contents o# and t$e doc ments &$!c$ s$o ld accompany t$e pet!t!on s$all be s ##!c!ent "ro nd #or t$e d!sm!ssal t$ereo#. %t!ll !ns!st!n" on t$e s per#l !ty o# t$e s bm!ss!on o# sa!d plead!n"s !n !ts 2> 6 ly 200/ mot!on #or recons!derat!on o# t$e d!sm!ssal o# !ts pet!t!on, Z34C $ad, o# co rse, re: ested #or reasonable t!me &!t$!n &$!c$ to comply &!t$ t$e C(@s earl!er d!rect!ve. ,n t$e t&enty1t&o mont$s &$!c$ elapsed #rom t$e #!l!n" o# sa!d mot!on p to t$e den!al t$ereo# !n C(@s resol t!on dated 21 6 ne 2007, $o&ever, t$e record s$o&s t$at Z34C m!serably #a!led to s bm!t t$e plead!n"s #!led by t$e part!es be#ore t$e 4NR and t$e O##!ce o# t$e Pres!dent. +o o r m!nd, Z34C@s om!ss!on &as #atal &$en v!e&ed !n t$e l!"$t o# t$e above1d!sc ssed de#!c!enc!es o# !ts pet!t!on and !ts added #a!l re to s bm!t cop!es o# t$e very orders !t so "$t to be a##!rmed by t$e C(, !.e., t$e -3? ?!rector@s orders dated > 4ay 1=7/ and 11 November 1=7/. -y and o# !tsel#, a party@s #a!l re to comply &!t$ t$e C(@s d!rect!ve &!t$o t * st!#!able ca se !s also a "ro nd #or t$e d!sm!ssal o# an appeal nder %ect!on 1 ;$<, R le .0 o# t$e R les. Dranted by t$e C( an eAtens!on o# #!#teen ;1.< days #rom 2. October, 2005 or nt!l = November, 2005 &!t$!n &$!c$ to #!le !ts pet!t!on #or rev!e&, !t does not l!2e&!se $elp Z34C@s ca se any t$at !t &as only able to do so on 2/ November 2005. (lt$o "$ appeal !s an essent!al part o# o r * d!c!al process, !t $as been $eld, t!me and a"a!n, t$at t$e r!"$t t$ereto !s not a nat ral r!"$t or a part o# d e process b t !s merely a stat tory pr!v!le"e. +$ s, t$e per#ect!on o# an appeal !n t$e manner and &!t$!n t$e per!od prescr!bed by la& !s not only mandatory b t also * r!sd!ct!onal and #a!l re o# a party to con#orm to t$e r les re"ard!n" appeal &!ll render t$e * d"ment #!nal and eAec tory. 2amboanga 3orest Managers Corporation vs. e4 Pa%ifi% +imber and (upply Company, et al., G.R. o. !155-&. O%tober !5, &'!'. (ppeal) e##ect o# #a!l re to #!le appellant@s br!e# on t!me) co rt@s d!scret!on. Lastly, t$e Co rt does not a"ree &!t$ pet!t!oners@ content!on t$at t$e C( comm!tted "rave ab se o# d!scret!on !n

not d!sm!ss!n" t$e L-P@s appeal on t$e "ro nd t$at t$e latter #a!led to #!le !ts (ppellant@s -r!e# on t!me. ,n +$e Dovernment o# t$e E!n"dom o# -el"! m v. Co rt o# (ppeals, t$e Co rt la!d do&n t$e bas!c r les &!t$ respect to t$e !ss e o# non1#!l!n" o# appellant@s br!e# &!t$ t$e C( and !ts conse: ences, to &!t' ;1< +$e "eneral r le !s #or t$e Co rt o# (ppeals to d!sm!ss an appeal &$en no appellant@s br!e# !s #!led &!t$!n t$e re"lementary per!od prescr!bed by t$e r les) ;2< +$e po&er con#erred pon t$e Co rt o# (ppeals to d!sm!ss an appeal !s d!scret!onary and d!rectory and not m!n!ster!al or mandatory) ;5< +$e #a!l re o# an appellant to #!le $!s br!e# &!t$!n t$e re"lementary per!od does not $ave t$e e##ect o# ca s!n" t$e a tomat!c d!sm!ssal o# t$e appeal) ;/< ,n case o# late #!l!n", t$e appellate co rt $as t$e po&er to st!ll allo& t$e appeal) $o&ever, #or t$e proper eAerc!se o# t$e co rt@s len!ency !t !s !mperat!ve t$at' ;a< t$e c!rc mstances obta!n!n" &arrant t$e co rt@s l!beral!ty) ;b< t$at stron" cons!derat!ons o# e: !ty * st!#y an eAcept!on to t$e proced ral r le !n t$e !nterest o# s bstant!al * st!ce) ;c< no mater!al !n* ry $as been s ##ered by t$e appellee by t$e delay) ;d< t$ere !s no content!on t$at t$e appellees@ ca se &as pre* d!ced) ;e< at least t$ere !s no mot!on to d!sm!ss #!led. ;.< ,n case o# delay, t$e lapse m st be #or a reasonable per!od) and ;7< ,nadvertence o# co nsel cannot be cons!dered as an ade: ate eAc se as to call #or t$e appellate co rt@s !nd l"ence eAcept' ;a< &$ere t$e rec2less or "ross ne"l!"ence o# co nsel depr!ves t$e cl!ent o# d e process o# la&) ;b< &$en appl!cat!on o# t$e r le &!ll res lt !n o tr!"$t depr!vat!on o# t$e cl!ent@s l!berty or property) or ;c< &$ere t$e !nterests o# * st!ce so re: !re. ,n t$!s re"ard, t$e Co rt@s prono ncement !n Natonton v. 4a"a&ay !s apropros' (s $eld by t$e Co rt !n Dre"or!o v. Co rt o# (ppeals ;70 %CR( ./7 F1=77G<, 8;+<$e eAp!rat!on o# t$e t!me to #!le br!e#, nl!2e lateness !n #!l!n" t$e not!ce o# appeal, appeal bond or record on appeal !s not a * r!sd!ct!onal matter and may be &a!ved by t$e part!es. Bven a#ter t$e eAp!rat!on o# t$e t!me #!Aed #or t$e #!l!n" o# t$e br!e#, t$e rev!e&!n" co rt may "rant an eAtens!on o# t!me, at least &$ere no mot!on to d!sm!ss $as been made. Late #!l!n" or serv!ce o# br!e#s may be eAc sed

&$ere no mater!al !n* ry $as been s ##ered by t$e appellee by reason o# t$e delay or &$ere t$ere !s no content!on t$at t$e appellee@s ca se &as pre* d!ced.9 +ec$n!cally, t$e Co rt o# (ppeals may d!sm!ss an appeal #or #a!l re to #!le appellant@s br!e# on t!me. Ho&ever, t$e d!sm!ssal !s d!rectory, not mandatory. ,t !s not t$e m!n!ster!al d ty o# t$e co rt to d!sm!ss t$e appeal. +$e #a!l re o# an appellant to #!le $!s br!e# &!t$!n t$e t!me prescr!bed does not $ave t$e e##ect o# d!sm!ss!n" t$e appeal a tomat!cally. +$e co rt $as d!scret!on to d!sm!ss or not to d!sm!ss an appellant@s appeal. ,t !s a po&er con#erred on t$e co rt, not a d ty. +$e d!scret!on m st be a so nd one, to be eAerc!sed !n accordance &!t$ t$e tenets o# * st!ce and #a!r play, $av!n" !n m!nd t$e c!rc mstances obta!n!n" !n eac$ case. 0e observe t$at pet!t!oners@ ar" ments are based on tec$n!cal "ro nds. 0$!le !ndeed respondents d!d not #!le t$e!r br!e# seasonably, !t &as not mandatory on t$e part o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals to d!sm!ss t$e!r appeal. (s $eld by t$!s Co rt !n t$e above1c!ted cases, late #!l!n" o# br!e# may be eAc sed. ,n ot$er &ords, t$e d!sm!ssal o# respondents@ appeal on t$at "ro nd !s d!scret!onary on t$e part o# t$e (ppellate Co rt. %!"n!#!cantly, t$ere !s no s$o&!n" t$at pet!t!oners s ##ered a mater!al !n* ry or t$at t$e!r ca se &as pre* d!ced &$en respondents #a!led to s bm!t t$e!r br!e# promptly. 0$at !s clear !s t$at t$e latter !nc rred delay !n t$e #!l!n" o# t$e!r br!e# beca se &$en t$e deadl!ne #ell d e, t$ey &ere not yet represented by a ne& co nsel. +$e R les o# Co rt &as conce!ved and prom l"ated to set #ort$ " !del!nes !n t$e d!spensat!on o# * st!ce, b t not to b!nd and c$a!n t$e $and t$at d!spenses !t, #or ot$er&!se, co rts &!ll be mere slaves to or robots o# tec$n!cal r les, s$orn o# * d!c!al d!scret!on. +$at !s prec!sely &$y co rts, !n render!n" * st!ce, $ave al&ays been, as t$ey !n #act o "$t to be, consc!ent!o sly " !ded by t$e norm t$at on t$e balance, tec$n!cal!t!es ta2e a bac2seat to s bstant!ve r!"$ts, and not t$e ot$er &ay aro nd. (s appl!ed to t$e !nstant case, !n t$e lan" a"e o# t$en C$!e# 6 st!ce H er be 4a2al!ntal, tec$n!cal!t!es 8s$o ld "!ve &ay to t$e real!t!es o# t$e s!t at!on.9 ,t !s tr e t$at !n t$e !nstant case, pet!t!oners #!led a mot!on to d!sm!ss. Ho&ever, t$e same &as s bm!tted only a#ter t$e C( $ad already "ranted t$e L-P@s mot!on #or eAtens!on o# t!me to #!le !ts br!e# and s c$ br!e# &as already #!led &!t$ t$e appellate co rt. ,n (" am v. Co rt o# (ppeals, t$!s Co rt eAc sed a delay o# n!ne ;=< days !n t$e #!l!n" o# a mot!on #or eAtens!on o# t$e appellant@s br!e# $old!n" t$at' ,n t$e $!"$er !nterest o# * st!ce, cons!der!n" t$at t$e delay !n #!l!n" a mot!on #or eAtens!on to #!le appellant@s br!e# &as only #or n!ne ;=< days, and normally, t$e Co rt o# (ppeals &o ld ro t!nely "rant s c$ eAtens!on, and t$e appellant@s br!e# &as act ally #!led &!t$!n t$e per!od so "$t, t$e better co rse o# act!on #or t$e Co rt o# (ppeals &as to adm!t appellant@s br!e#. Lapses !n t$e l!teral observance o# a r le o# proced re &!ll be overloo2ed &$en t$ey arose #rom an $onest m!sta2e, &$en t$ey $ave not pre* d!ced t$e adverse party. +$e Co rt can overloo2 t$e late #!l!n" o# t$e mot!on #or eAtens!on, !# str!ct compl!ance &!t$ t$e r les &o ld mean sacr!#!c!n" * st!ce to tec$n!cal!ty. -ased on t$e above: oted r l!n", &!t$ more reason s$o ld t$e L-P@s delay !n #!l!n" !ts second mot!on #or eAtens!on be eAc sed, beca se s c$ delay &as only #or #!ve days. 4oreover, t$e L-P &as able to #!le !ts (ppellant@s -r!e# &!t$!n t$e second per!od o# eAtens!on "ranted by t$e C(.

,n t$e same manner, !n He!rs o# I!ctor!ana I!lla"rac!a v. B: !table -an2!n" Corporat!on, t$e pet!t!oners t$ere!n #a!led to #!le t$e!r (ppellant@s -r!e# &!t$ t$e C( &!t$!n t$e re"lementary per!od. +$ey also #a!led to #!le t$e!r mot!on #or eAtens!on be#ore t$e eAp!rat!on o# t$e t!me so "$t to be eAtended. ,n relaA!n" t$e appl!cat!on o# t$e proced ral r les and, t$ s, allo&!n" t$e appeal to be re!nstated, t$e Co rt $eld as #ollo&s' Ho&ever, !n t$e !nstant case, &e are o# t$e v!e& t$at t$e ends o# * st!ce &!ll be better served !# !t !s determ!ned on t$e mer!ts, a#ter # ll opport n!ty !s "!ven to all part!es #or vent!lat!on o# t$e!r ca ses and de#enses, rat$er t$an on tec$n!cal!ty or some proced ral !mper#ect!ons. ,t !s #ar better to d!spose o# t$e case on t$e mer!ts, &$!c$ !s a pr!mord!al end, rat$er t$an on a tec$n!cal!ty t$at may res lt !n !n* st!ce. 0$!le !t !s des!rable t$at t$e R les o# Co rt be #a!t$# lly observed, co rts s$o ld not be too str!ct &!t$ proced ral lapses t$at do not really !mpa!r t$e proper adm!n!strat!on o# * st!ce. +$e r les are !ntended to ens re t$e proper and orderly cond ct o# l!t!"at!on beca se o# t$e $!"$er ob*ect!ve t$ey see2, &$!c$ !s t$e atta!nment o# * st!ce and t$e protect!on o# s bstant!ve r!"$ts o# t$e part!es. ,n Rep bl!c v. ,mper!al F572 P$!l. /77G, t$e Co rt, t$ro "$ 4r. C$!e# 6 st!ce H!lar!o D. ?av!de, 6r., stressed t$at t$e #!l!n" o# t$e appellant@s br!e# !n appeals !s not a * r!sd!ct!onal re: !rement. - t an appeal may be d!sm!ssed by t$e C( on "ro nds en merated nder R le .0 o# t$e R les o# Co rt. +$e Co rt $as t$e po&er to relaA or s spend t$e r les or to eAcept a case #rom t$e!r operat!on &$en compell!n" reasons so &arrant, or &$en t$e p rpose o# * st!ce re: !res !t. 0$at const!t tes "ood and s ##!c!ent ca se t$at &!ll mer!t s spens!on o# t$e r les !s d!scret!onary pon t$e co rt. ,n t$e case at benc$, &!t$o t to c$!n" on t$e mer!ts o# t$e case, t$ere appears a "ood and e##!c!ent ca se to &arrant t$e s spens!on o# t$e r les. Pet!t!oners@ #a!l re to #!le t$e appeal br!e# &!t$!n t$e eAtended per!od may $ave been rendered eAc sable by #orce o# c!rc mstances. Pet!t!oners $ad to c$an"e t$e!r co nsel beca se $e &as appo!nted * d"e o# t$e 4 n!c!pal C!rc !t +r!al Co rt. +$e!r ne& co nsel $ad to "o over t$e s!A ;7< vol mes o# t$e records o# t$e case to be able to #!le an !ntell!"ent br!e#. +$ s, a #e& days o# delay !n t$e #!l!n" o# t$e mot!on #or eAtens!on may be * st!#!ed. ,n add!t!on, no mater!al !n* ry &as s ##ered by t$e appellees by reason o# t$e delay !n t$e #!l!n" o# t$e br!e#. ?!sm!ssal o# appeals on p rely tec$n!cal "ro nds !s not enco ra"ed. +$e r les o# proced re o "$t not to be appl!ed !n a very r!"!d and tec$n!cal sense, #or t$ey $ave been adopted to $elp sec re, not overr!de, s bstant!al * st!ce. 6 d!c!al act!on m st be " !ded by t$e pr!nc!ple t$at a party1l!t!"ant s$o ld be "!ven t$e # llest opport n!ty to establ!s$ t$e mer!ts o# $!s compla!nt or de#ense rat$er t$an #or $!m to lose l!#e, l!berty, $onor or property on tec$n!cal!t!es. 0$en a r!"!d appl!cat!on o# t$e r les tends to #r strate rat$er t$an promote s bstant!al * st!ce, t$!s Co rt !s empo&ered to s spend t$e!r operat!on. ,n t$e !nstant case, t$e L-P@s delay !n #!l!n" !ts (ppellant@s -r!e# !s * st!#!ed by t$e #act t$at t$e Le"al %erv!ces ?epartment o# t$e L-P nder&ent re1or"an!zat!on res lt!n" !n t$e ret!rement and trans#er o# t$e rema!n!n" la&yers, cases and personnel #rom one department to anot$er as &ell as !n t$e mer"er and d!ssol t!on o# ot$er departments &!t$!n t$e L-P. ,n !ts 4an!#estat!on, &$!c$ pet!t!oners d!d not d!sp te, t$e L-P cla!med t$at by reason o# t$e abovement!oned re1 or"an!zat!on, t$e la&yer $andl!n" t$e present case act ally rece!ved a copy o# t$e Resol t!on o# t$e C( sett!n" t$e deadl!ne #or t$e #!l!n" o# !ts (ppellant@s -r!e# only on 4ay 21, 2001, #o r days a#ter t$e eAp!rat!on o# t$e per!od "ranted by t$e C(. -es!des, t$ere !s no !nd!cat!on t$at t$e L-P !ntended to delay t$e proceed!n"s, cons!der!n" t$at !t only #!led t&o mot!ons #or eAtens!on to #!le !ts br!e#. (s adverted to by t$!s Co rt !n ?e Leon, t$e d!sm!ssal o# t$e L-P@s appeal,

to"et$er &!t$ t$e ot$er appeals !t $ad #!led, &!ll $ave a "reat !mpact not only on t$e L-P as t$e #!nanc!al !ntermed!ary o# t$e Compre$ens!ve ("rar!an Re#orm Pro"ram, b t also on t$e nat!onal treas ry and t$e already depressed econom!c cond!t!on o# o r co ntry. ,n ot$er &ords, t$e !nstant case !s !mpressed &!t$ p bl!c !nterest. (s s c$, and !n t$e !nterest o# s bstant!al * st!ce, t$e Co rt #!nds t$at t$e same m st be dec!ded on t$e mer!ts. -ased on t$e #ore"o!n" d!sc ss!ons, t$e Co rt #!nds t$at t$e C( d!d not comm!t "rave ab se o# d!scret!on !n deny!n" pet!t!oners@ mot!on to d!sm!ss respondent L-P@s appeal. 6orge 0. +iang%o, et al. vs. 0and )an7 of the Philippines, G.R. o. !$5##", O%tober ,, &'!' (ppeal) e##ect o# #a!l re to serve re: !red n mber o# cop!es o# appellant@s br!e#) co rt@s d!scret!on. Pet!t!oners also assert t$at t$e L-P@s appeal #!led &!t$ t$e C( s$o ld $ave been d!sm!ssed on t$e "ro nd t$at t$e L-P #a!led to serve t&o cop!es o# !ts (ppellant@s -r!e# to pet!t!oners. Pet!t!oners ar" e t$at nder %ect!on 7, R le // o# t$e R les o# Co rt, t$e appellant !s re: !red to serve t&o cop!es o# $!s -r!e# on t$e appellee and t$at, !n relat!on &!t$ t$e sa!d R le, one o# t$e "ro nds #or d!sm!ss!n" an appeal nder %ect!on 1;e<, R le .0 o# t$e same R les !s t$e #a!l re o# t$e appellant to serve and #!le t$e re: !red n mber o# cop!es o# $!s -r!e# or 4emorand m &!t$!n t$e t!me prov!ded by t$e R les. +$e Co rt !s not pers aded. ,ndeed, %ect!on 7, R le // o# t$e R les o# Co rt re: !res t$e appellant to serve t&o cop!es o# t$e appellant@s br!e# to t$e appellee. Ho&ever, t$e #a!l re to serve t$e re: !red n mber o# cop!es does not a tomat!cally res lt !n t$e d!sm!ssal o# t$e appeal. +$ s, t$!s Co rt $eld !n P$!l!pp!ne Nat!onal -an2 v. P$!l!pp!ne 4!ll!n" Co., ,nc. t$at' FPG rs ant to %ect!on 1 o# R le .0 o# t$e R les o# Co rt, 8;a<n appeal may be d!sm!ssed by t$e Co rt o# (ppeals, on !ts o&n mot!on or on t$at o# t$e appellee9 pon t$e "ro nd, amon" ot$ers, o# 8;#<a!l re o# t$e appellant A A A to serve and #!le t$e re: !red n mber o# cop!es o# $!s br!e#,9 &!t$!n t$e re"lementary per!od. 4an!#estly, t$!s prov!s!on con#ers a po&er and does not !mpose a d ty. 0$at !s more, !t !s d!rectory, not mandatory. +$e C( $as, nder t$e sa!d prov!s!on o# t$e R les o# Co rt, d!scret!on to d!sm!ss or not to d!sm!ss respondent@s appeal. (lt$o "$ sa!d d!scret!on m st be a so nd one, to be eAerc!sed !n accordance &!t$ t$e tenets o# * st!ce and #a!r play, $av!n" !n m!nd t$e c!rc mstances obta!n!n" !n eac$ case, t$e pres mpt!on !s t$at !t $as been so eAerc!sed. ,t !s !nc mbent pon $ere!n pet!t!oners, as actors !n t$e case at bar, to o##set t$!s pres mpt!on. Jet, t$e records be#ore t$e Co rt do not sat!s#actor!ly s$o& t$at t$e C( $as comm!tted "rave ab se o# d!scret!on !n not d!sm!ss!n" t$e L-P@s appeal. +$ere !s no : est!on t$at t$e L-P &as only able to serve on pet!t!oners one copy o# !ts appellant@s br!e#. Ho&ever, settled !s t$e r le t$at a l!t!"ant@s #a!l re to # rn!s$ $!s opponent &!t$ a copy o# $!s appeal br!e# does not s ##!ce to &arrant d!sm!ssal o# t$at appeal. ,n s c$ an !nstance, all t$at !s needed !s #or t$e co rt to order t$e l!t!"ant to # rn!s$ $!s opponent &!t$ a copy o# $!s br!e#. ,n t$e !nstant case, &!t$ m c$ less reason s$o ld t$e L-P@s appeal be d!sm!ssed, beca se pet!t!oners &ere served &!t$ t$e L-P@s br!e#, albe!t only one copy &as "!ven to t$em. +$e Co rt &o ld be d&ell!n" too m c$ on tec$n!cal!ty !# t$e appeal !s d!sm!ssed s!mply on t$e "ro nd t$at L-P #a!led to # rn!s$ pet!t!oners &!t$ t&o cop!es, !nstead o# only one, o# !ts appeal br!e#. ,ndeed, t$ere !s no s$o&!n", and t$e Co rt #!nds none !n t$e !nstant pet!t!on, t$at s c$ proced ral lapse on t$e part o# t$e L-P res lted !n mater!al !n* ry to t$e latter. 6orge 0. +iang%o, et al. vs. 0and )an7 of the Philippines, G.R. o. !$5##", O%tober ,, &'!' (ppeal) #act al #!nd!n"s o# Co rt o# (ppeals "enerally b!nd!n" on % preme Co rt. ,n as2!n" s to determ!ne &$!c$ o# t$e part!es $as a better r!"$t to possess t$e property, &e are as2ed to resolve a #act al !ss e, !nvolv!n" as !t does t$e &e!"$!n" and eval at!on o# t$e ev!dence

presented by t$e part!es !n t$e co rts belo&. Denerally, s c$ an eAerc!se !s not appropr!ate !n a pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! nder R le /. o# t$e R les o# Co rt, &$!c$ see2s to resolve only : est!ons o# la&. 4oreover, t$e #act al #!nd!n"s o# t$e C(, &$en s pported by s bstant!al ev!dence, are concl s!ve and b!nd!n" on t$e part!es and are not rev!e&able by t$!s Co rt, nless t$e case #alls nder any o# t$e #ollo&!n" reco"n!zed eAcept!ons' ;1< 0$en t$e concl s!on !s a #!nd!n" "ro nded ent!rely on spec lat!on, s rm!ses and con*ect res) ;2< 0$en t$e !n#erence made !s man!#estly m!sta2en, abs rd or !mposs!ble) ;5< 0$ere t$ere !s a "rave ab se o# d!scret!on) ;/< 0$en t$e * d"ment !s based on a m!sappre$ens!on o# #acts) ;.< 0$en t$e #!nd!n"s o# #act are con#l!ct!n") ;7< 0$en t$e Co rt o# (ppeals, !n ma2!n" !ts #!nd!n"s, &ent beyond t$e !ss es o# t$e case and t$e same !s contrary to t$e adm!ss!ons o# bot$ appellant and appellee) ;7< 0$en t$e #!nd!n"s are contrary to t$ose o# t$e tr!al co rt) ;>< 0$en t$e #!nd!n"s o# #act are concl s!ons &!t$o t c!tat!on o# spec!#!c ev!dence on &$!c$ t$ey are based) ;=< 0$en t$e #acts set #ort$ !n t$e pet!t!on as &ell as !n t$e pet!t!oners@ ma!n and reply br!e#s are not d!sp ted by t$e respondents) and ;10< 0$en t$e #!nd!n"s o# #act o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals are prem!sed on t$e s pposed absence o# ev!dence and contrad!cted by t$e ev!dence on record. %!nce t$e C( a##!rmed t$e #act al #!nd!n"s o# t$e R+C, &e &o ld normally be precl ded #rom re1 eAam!n!n" t$e #act al c!rc mstances o# t$!s case. Ho&ever, !t appears t$at t$e R+C and t$e C(, !n concl d!n" t$at Krb!na $as t$e r!"$t to la&# lly e*ect t$e 4odestos #rom t$e lot !n : est!on, $ave "reatly m!sappre$ended t$e #acts o# t$!s case. Pio Modesto and Cirila Rivera-Modesto vs. Carlos Urbina, substituted by the heirs of Olympia Miguel Vda. de Urbina, et al., G.R. o. !"#"$#, O%tober !", &'!'. (ppeal) #act al #!nd!n"s o# Co rt o# (ppeals and ,ntellect al Property O##!ce ;,PO<. Pet!t!oners ra!se t$e #act al !ss e o# &$o t$e tr e o&ner o# t$e mar2 !s. (s a "eneral r le, t$!s Co rt !s not a tr!er o# #acts. Ho&ever, s c$ r le !s s b*ect to eAcept!ons. ,n Ne& C!ty - !lders, ,nc. v. Nat!onal Labor Relat!ons Comm!ss!on, t$e Co rt r led t$at' 0e are very m c$ a&are t$at t$e r le to t$e e##ect t$at t$!s Co rt !s not a tr!er o# #acts adm!ts o# eAcept!ons. (s &e $ave stated !n ,ns lar L!#e (ss rance Company, Ltd. vs. C(' F!Gt !s a settled r le t$at !n t$e eAerc!se o# t$e % preme Co rt@s po&er o# rev!e&, t$e Co rt !s not a tr!er o# #acts and does not normally nderta2e t$e re1eAam!nat!on o# t$e ev!dence presented by t$e contend!n" part!es d r!n" t$e tr!al o# t$e case cons!der!n" t$at t$e #!nd!n"s o# #acts o# t$e C(

are concl s!ve and b!nd!n" on t$e Co rt. Ho&ever, t$e Co rt $ad reco"n!zed several eAcept!ons to t$!s r le, to &!t' ;1< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s are "ro nded ent!rely on spec lat!on, s rm!ses or con*ect res) ;2< &$en t$e !n#erence made !s man!#estly m!sta2en, abs rd or !mposs!ble) ;5< &$en t$ere !s "rave ab se o# d!scret!on) ;/< &$en t$e * d"ment !s based on a m!sappre$ens!on o# #acts) ;.< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s o# #acts are con#l!ct!n") ;7< &$en !n ma2!n" !ts #!nd!n"s t$e Co rt o# (ppeals &ent beyond t$e !ss es o# t$e case, or !ts #!nd!n"s are contrary to t$e adm!ss!ons o# bot$ t$e appellant and t$e appellee) ;7< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s are contrary to t$e tr!al co rt) ;>< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s are concl s!ons &!t$o t c!tat!on o# spec!#!c ev!dence on &$!c$ t$ey are based) ;=< &$en t$e #acts set #ort$ !n t$e pet!t!on as &ell as !n t$e pet!t!oner@s ma!n and reply br!e#s are not d!sp ted by t$e respondent) ;10< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s o# #act are prem!sed on t$e s pposed absence o# ev!dence and contrad!cted by t$e ev!dence on record) and ;11< &$en t$e Co rt o# (ppeals man!#estly overloo2ed certa!n relevant #acts not d!sp ted by t$e part!es, &$!c$, !# properly cons!dered, &o ld * st!#y a d!##erent concl s!on. ;Bmp$as!s s ppl!ed.< ,n t$e !nstant case, t$e records &!ll s$o& t$at t$e ,PO and t$e C( made d!##er!n" concl s!ons on t$e !ss e o# o&ners$!p based on t$e ev!dence presented by t$e part!es. Hence, t$!s !ss e may be t$e s b*ect o# t$!s Co rt@s rev!e&. /.8. .ndustrial (ales, .n%. and /ngra%io 8ap vs. (hen *ar /le%tri%ity Ma%hinery Co., 0td., G.R. o. !"-"$', O%tober &', &'!'. (ppeal) #act al #!nd!n"s o# Co rt o# (ppeals and tr!al co rt ent!tled to "reat respect. -ot$ t$e tr!al and t$e appellate co rts r led t$at respondent $as proven $er cla!ms o# o&ners$!p and possess!on &!t$ a preponderance o# ev!dence. Pet!t!oners no& ar" e t$at t$e t&o co rts erred !n t$e!r apprec!at!on o# t$e ev!dence. +$ey as2 t$e Co rt to rev!e& t$e ev!dence o# bot$ part!es, desp!te t$e C(@s #!nd!n" t$at t$e tr!al co rt comm!tted no error !n apprec!at!n" t$e ev!dence presented d r!n" tr!al. Hence, pet!t!oners see2 a rev!e& o# : est!ons o# #act, &$!c$ !s beyond t$e prov!nce o# a R le /. pet!t!on. ( : est!on o# #act eA!sts !# t$e ncerta!nty centers on t$e tr t$ or #als!ty o# t$e alle"ed #acts. 8% c$ : est!ons as &$et$er certa!n !tems o# ev!dence s$o ld be accorded probat!ve val e or &e!"$t, or re*ected as #eeble or sp r!o s, or &$et$er t$e proo#s on one s!de or t$e ot$er are clear and conv!nc!n" and ade: ate to establ!s$ a propos!t!on !n !ss e, are &!t$o t do bt : est!ons o# #act.9 %!nce !t ra!ses essent!ally : est!ons o# #act, t$!s ass!"nment o# error m st be d!sm!ssed #or !t !s settled t$at only : est!ons o# la& may be rev!e&ed !n an appeal by cert!orar!. +$ere !s a : est!on o# la& &$en t$ere !s do bt as to &$at t$e la& !s on a certa!n state o# #acts. H est!ons o# la& can be resolved &!t$o t $av!n" to re1eAam!ne t$e probat!ve val e o# ev!dence presented, t$e tr t$ or #alse$ood o# #acts be!n" adm!tted. +$e !nstant case does not present a compell!n" reason to dev!ate #rom t$e #ore"o!n" r le, espec!ally s!nce bot$ tr!al and appellate co rts a"ree t$at respondent $ad proven $er cla!m o# o&ners$!p as a"a!nst pet!t!oners@ cla!ms. +$e!r #act al #!nd!n"s, s pported as t$ey are by t$e ev!dence, s$o ld be accorded "reat respect. ,n any case, even !# pet!t!oners@ ar" ments attac2!n" t$e a t$ent!c!ty and adm!ss!b!l!ty o# t$e ?eed o# H !tcla!m eAec ted !n #avor o# respondent@s #at$er are &ell1ta2en, !t &!ll not s ##!ce to de#eat respondent@s cla!m over t$e s b*ect property. Bven &!t$o t t$e ?eed o# H !tcla!m, respondent@s cla!ms o# pr!or possess!on and o&ners$!p &ere ade: ately s pported and corroborated by $er ot$er doc mentary and test!mon!al ev!dence. 0e a"ree &!t$ t$e tr!al co rt@s observat!on t$at, !n t$e ord!nary co rse o# t$!n"s, people &!ll not "o to "reat len"t$s to eAec te le"al doc ments and pay realty taAes over a real property, nless t$ey $ave reason to bel!eve t$at t$ey $ave an !nterest over t$e same. +$e #act t$at respondent@s doc ments traverse several decades, #rom t$e 1=70s to t$e 1==0s, !s an !nd!cat!on t$at s$e and $er #am!ly never abandoned

t$e!r r!"$t to t$e property and $ave cont!n o sly eAerc!sed r!"$ts o# o&ners$!p over t$e same. 4oreover, respondent@s vers!on o# $o& t$e pet!t!oners came to occ py t$e property co!nc!des &!t$ t$e same t!mel!ne "!ven by t$e pet!t!oners t$emselves. +$e only d!##erence !s t$at pet!t!oners ma!nta!n t$ey came !nto possess!on by tolerance o# t$e %m!t$ #am!ly, &$!le respondent ma!nta!ns t$at !t &as $er parents &$o "ave perm!ss!on to pet!t!oners. D!ven t$e conteAt nder &$!c$ t$e part!es@ respect!ve statements &ere made, t$e Co rt !s !ncl!ned to bel!eve t$e respondent@s vers!on, as bot$ t$e tr!al and appellate co rts $ave concl ded, s!nce $er vers!on !s corroborated by t$e doc mentary ev!dence. *elfin 0amsis, et al. vs. Margarita (emon *ong-e, G.R. o. !15'&!, O%tober &', &'!'. (ppeal) #act al #!nd!n"s o# lo&er co rts "enerally b!nd!n" on % preme Co rt. Clearly, t$e pet!t!on d!sp tes t$e #act al #!nd!n"s o# t$e C(, &$!c$, !n t rn, merely a##!rmed t$e #act al #!nd!n"s o# t$e R+C. ,t !s settled t$at #act al #!nd!n"s o# t$e tr!al co rt, &$en adopted and con#!rmed by t$e C(, are b!nd!n" and concl s!ve on t$!s Co rt and &!ll "enerally not be rev!e&ed on appeal. ,n: !ry !nto t$e verac!ty o# t$e C(@s #act al #!nd!n"s and concl s!ons !s not t$e # nct!on o# t$e % preme Co rt, beca se t$!s Co rt !s not a tr!er o# #acts. Ne!t$er !s !t o r # nct!on to reeAam!ne and &e!"$ ane& t$e respect!ve ev!dence o# t$e part!es. 0$!le !t !s tr e t$at t$ere are &ell1establ!s$ed eAcept!ons to t$!s pr!nc!ple, pet!t!oner !n t$!s case $as #a!led to s$o& t$at t$!s case #alls nder one o# s c$ eAcept!ons. +$e R+C and t$e C( bot$ #o nd t$at respondent &as not !n de#a lt on t$e mont$ly payments o# $!s loan obl!"at!on. +$ese #!nd!n"s are s pported by t$e ev!dence on record. (t t$e t!me o# #oreclos re C (pr!l 1=== C respondent@s sav!n"s acco nt depos!ts s$o&ed a balance o# P>.2,=15.27. +$!s &as more t$an eno "$ to cover &$atever amort!zat!ons &ere d e #rom $!m at t$at t!me. 4oreover, t$e (mort!zat!on %c$ed le s$o&s t$at, as o# (pr!l 27, 1===, respondent@s loan acco nt &!t$ t$e ban2 totaled only P27=,025.5>. +$e same sc$ed le s$o&s t$at, by 4arc$ 27, 2000, $e $ad 80.009 balance le#t to pay, mean!n" $e $ad pa!d $!s loan !n # ll. Ri9al Commer%ial )an7ing Corporation vs. Pedro P. )uenaventura G.R. o. !1,-1#, O%tober ,, &'!' (ppeal) #act al #!nd!n"s o# : as!1* d!c!al bod!es. NeAt, pet!t!oners c$allen"e t$e C(@s reversal o# t$e #act al #!nd!n"s o# t$e -L( t$at %$en ?ar and not BJ,% !s t$e pr!or ser and, t$ere#ore, tr e o&ner o# t$e mar2. ,n ar" !n" !ts pos!t!on, pet!t!oners c!te n mero s r l!n"s o# t$!s Co rt &$ere !t &as en nc!ated t$at t$e #act al #!nd!n"s o# adm!n!strat!ve bod!es are "!ven "reat &e!"$t !# not concl s!ve pon t$e co rts &$en s pported by s bstant!al ev!dence. 0e a"ree &!t$ pet!t!oners t$at t$e "eneral r le !n t$!s * r!sd!ct!on !s t$at t$e #act al #!nd!n"s o# adm!n!strat!ve bod!es deserve tmost respect &$en s pported by ev!dence. Ho&ever, s c$ "eneral r le !s s b*ect to eAcept!ons. ,n 3 entes v. Co rt o# (ppeals, t$e Co rt establ!s$ed t$e r le o# concl s!veness o# #act al #!nd!n"s o# t$e C( as #ollo&s' 6 r!spr dence teac$es s t$at 8;a<s a r le, t$e * r!sd!ct!on o# t$!s Co rt !n cases bro "$t to !t #rom t$e Co rt o# (ppeals A A A !s l!m!ted to t$e rev!e& and rev!s!on o# errors o# la& alle"edly comm!tted by t$e appellate co rt, as !ts #!nd!n"s o# #act are deemed concl s!ve. (s s c$ t$!s Co rt !s not d ty1bo nd to analyze and &e!"$ all over a"a!n t$e ev!dence already cons!dered !n t$e proceed!n"s belo&. +$!s r le, $o&ever, !s not &!t$o t eAcept!ons.9 +$e #!nd!n"s o# #act o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals, &$!c$ are as a "eneral r le deemed concl s!ve, may adm!t o# rev!e& by t$!s Co rt'

;1< &$en t$e #act al #!nd!n"s o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals and t$e tr!al co rt are contrad!ctory) ;2< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s are "ro nded ent!rely on spec lat!on, s rm!ses, or con*ect res) ;5< &$en t$e !n#erence made by t$e Co rt o# (ppeals #rom !ts #!nd!n"s o# #act !s man!#estly m!sta2en, abs rd, or !mposs!ble) ;/< &$en t$ere !s "rave ab se o# d!scret!on !n t$e apprec!at!on o# #acts) ;.< &$en t$e appellate co rt, !n ma2!n" !ts #!nd!n"s, "oes beyond t$e !ss es o# t$e case, and s c$ #!nd!n"s are contrary to t$e adm!ss!ons o# bot$ appellant and appellee) ;7< &$en t$e * d"ment o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals !s prem!sed on a m!sappre$ens!on o# #acts) ;7< &$en t$e Co rt o# (ppeals #a!ls to not!ce certa!n relevant #acts &$!c$, !# properly cons!dered, &!ll * st!#y a d!##erent concl s!on) ;>< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s o# #act are t$emselves con#l!ct!n") ;=< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s o# #act are concl s!ons &!t$o t c!tat!on o# t$e spec!#!c ev!dence on &$!c$ t$ey are based) and ;10< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s o# #act o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals are prem!sed on t$e absence o# ev!dence b t s c$ #!nd!n"s are contrad!cted by t$e ev!dence on record. +$erea#ter, !n I!lla#lor v. Co rt o# (ppeals, t$!s Co rt appl!ed t$e above pr!nc!ple to #act al #!nd!n"s o# : as!1* d!c!al bod!es, to &!t' Proceed!n" by analo"y, t$e eAcept!ons to t$e r le on concl s!veness o# #act al #!nd!n"s o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals, en merated !n 3 entes vs. Co rt o# (ppeals, can also be appl!ed to t$ose o# : as!1* d!c!al bod!es A A A. Here, t$e C( !dent!#!ed certa!n mater!al #acts t$at &ere alle"edly overloo2ed by t$e -L( and t$e ,PO ?!rector Deneral &$!c$ !t op!ned, &$en correctly apprec!ated, &o ld alter t$e res lt o# t$e case. (n eAam!nat!on o# t$e ,PO ?ec!s!ons, $o&ever, &o ld s$o& t$at no s c$ ev!dence &as overloo2ed. /.8. .ndustrial (ales, .n%. and /ngra%io 8ap vs. (hen *ar /le%tri%ity Ma%hinery Co., 0td., G.R. o. !"-"$', O%tober &', &'!'. (ppeal) #act al #!nd!n"s o# : as!1* d!c!al bod!es ;!n t$!s case, t$e Constr ct!on ,nd stry (rb!trat!on Comm!ss!on FC,(CG< accorded respect. ?esp!te pet!t!oner@s attempts to ma2e !t appear t$at !t !s advanc!n" : est!ons o# la&, !t !s : !te clear t$at &$at pet!t!oner see2s !s #or t$!s Co rt to recal!brate t$e ev!dence !t $as presented be#ore t$e C,(C. ,t !ns!sts t$at !ts ev!dence s ##!c!ently proves t$at !t !s ent!tled to payment #or respondent@s se o# !ts manl!#t e: !pment, and even absent proo# o# t$e s pposed a"reement on t$e c$ar"es pet!t!oner may !mpose on respondent #or t$e se o# sa!d e: !pment, respondent s$o ld be made to pay based on t$e pr!nc!ple o# n* st enr!c$ment. Pet!t!oner also : est!ons t$e amo nts a&arded by t$e C,(C #or !nventor!ed mater!als, and costs !nc rred by pet!t!oner #or complet!n" t$e &or2 le#t n#!n!s$ed by respondent. (s re!terated by t$e Co rt !n ,-BL ,nternat!onal, ,nc. v. Dovernment %erv!ce ,ns rance %ystem, to &!t'

,t !s settled t$at #!nd!n"s o# #act o# : as!1* d!c!al bod!es, &$!c$ $ave ac: !red eApert!se beca se t$e!r * r!sd!ct!on !s con#!ned to spec!#!c matters, are "enerally accorded not only respect, b t also #!nal!ty, espec!ally &$en a##!rmed by t$e Co rt o# (ppeals. ,n part!c lar, #act al #!nd!n"s o# constr ct!on arb!trators are #!nal and concl s!ve and not rev!e&able by t$!s Co rt on appeal. +$!s r le, $o&ever, adm!ts o# certa!n eAcept!ons. ,n Kn!&!de %ales Realty and Reso rces Corporat!on v. +!tan1,2eda Constr ct!on and ?evelopment Corporat!on, &e sa!d' ,n ?av!d v. Constr ct!on ,nd stry and (rb!trat!on Comm!ss!on, &e r led t$at, as eAcept!ons, #act al #!nd!n"s o# constr ct!on arb!trators may be rev!e&ed by t$!s Co rt &$en t$e pet!t!oner proves a##!rmat!vely t$at' ;1< t$e a&ard &as proc red by corr pt!on, #ra d or ot$er nd e means) ;2< t$ere &as ev!dent part!al!ty or corr pt!on o# t$e arb!trators or any o# t$em) ;5< t$e arb!trators &ere " !lty o# m!scond ct !n re# s!n" to $ear ev!dence pert!nent and mater!al to t$e controversy) ;/< one or more o# t$e arb!trators &ere d!s: al!#!ed to act as s c$ nder %ect!on n!ne o# Rep bl!c (ct No. >77 and &!ll# lly re#ra!ned #rom d!sclos!n" s c$ d!s: al!#!cat!ons or o# any ot$er m!sbe$av!or by &$!c$ t$e r!"$ts o# any party $ave been mater!ally pre* d!ced) or ;.< t$e arb!trators eAceeded t$e!r po&ers, or so !mper#ectly eAec ted t$em, t$at a m t al, #!nal and de#!n!te a&ard pon t$e s b*ect matter s bm!tted to t$em &as not made. Ot$er reco"n!zed eAcept!ons are as #ollo&s' ;1< &$en t$ere !s a very clear s$o&!n" o# "rave ab se o# d!scret!on res lt!n" !n lac2 or loss o# * r!sd!ct!on as &$en a party &as depr!ved o# a #a!r opport n!ty to present !ts pos!t!on be#ore t$e (rb!tral +r!b nal or &$en an a&ard !s obta!ned t$ro "$ #ra d or t$e corr pt!on o# arb!trators, ;2< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals are contrary to t$ose o# t$e C,(C, and ;5< &$en a party !s depr!ved o# adm!n!strat!ve d e process. ( per sal o# t$e records &o ld reveal t$at none o# t$e a#orement!oned c!rc mstances, &$!c$ &o ld * st!#y eAempt!on o# t$!s case #rom t$e "eneral r le, are present $ere. % c$ be!n" t$e case, t$e Co rt, not be!n" a tr!er o# #acts, !s not d ty1bo nd to eAam!ne, appra!se and analyze ane& t$e ev!dence presented be#ore t$e arb!trat!on body. LLL LLL LLL ("a!n, t$ese !ss es are p rely #act al and cannot be properly addressed !n t$!s pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar!. ,n Han*!n Heavy ,nd str!es and Constr ct!on Co., Ltd. v. ?ynam!c Planners and Constr ct!on Corp., !t &as emp$as!zed t$at mat$emat!cal comp tat!ons, t$e propr!ety o# arb!tral a&ards, cla!ms #or 8ot$er costs9 and 8abandonment9 are #act al : est!ons. %!nce t$e d!sc ss!ons o# t$e C,(C and t$e C( !n t$e!r respect!ve ?ec!s!ons s$o& t$at !ts #act al #!nd!n"s are s pported by s bstant!al ev!dence, t$ere !s no reason &$y t$!s Co rt s$o ld not accord #!nal!ty to sa!d #!nd!n"s. Ier!ly, to accede to pet!t!oner@s re: est #or a recal!brat!on o# !ts ev!dence, &$!c$ $ad been t$oro "$ly st d!ed by bot$ t$e C,(C and t$e C( &o ld res lt !n ne"at!n" t$e ob*ect!ve o# BAec t!ve Order No. 100>, &$!c$ created an arb!trat!on body to ens re t$e prompt and e##!c!ent settlement o# d!sp tes !n t$e constr ct!on !nd stry. +$ s, t$e Co rt $eld !n Kn!&!de %ales Realty and Reso rces Corporat!on v. +!tan1,2eda Constr ct!on and ?evelopment Corporat!on, t$at' A A A +$e Co rt &!ll not rev!e& t$e #act al #!nd!n"s o# an arb!tral tr!b nal pon t$e art# l alle"at!on t$at s c$ body $ad 8m!sappre$ended #acts9 and &!ll not pass pon !ss es &$!c$ are, at bottom, !ss es o# #act, no matter $o& cleverly d!s" !sed t$ey m!"$t be as 8le"al : est!ons.9 +$e part!es $ere $ad reco rse to arb!trat!on and c$ose t$e arb!trators t$emselves) t$ey m st $ave $ad

con#!dence !n s c$ arb!trators. +$e Co rt &!ll not, t$ere#ore, perm!t t$e part!es to rel!t!"ate be#ore !t t$e !ss es o# #acts prev!o sly presented and ar" ed be#ore t$e (rb!tral +r!b nal, save only &$ere a clear s$o&!n" !s made t$at, !n reac$!n" !ts #act al concl s!ons, t$e (rb!tral +r!b nal comm!tted an error so e"re"!o s and $ rt# l to one party as to const!t te a "rave ab se o# d!scret!on res lt!n" !n lac2 or loss o# * r!sd!ct!on. (s d!sc ssed above, t$ere !s not$!n" !n t$e records t$at po!nt to any "rave ab se o# d!scret!on comm!tted by t$e C,(C. (hinryo :Philippines; Company, .n%. vs. RR .n%orporated, G.R. o. !1&$&$, O%tober &', &'!'. (ppeal) modes o# appeal #rom dec!s!ons o# re"!onal tr!al co rt. ,n 4 r!llo v. Cons l, &e $ad t$e opport n!ty to clar!#y t$e t$ree ;5< modes o# appeal #rom dec!s!ons o# t$e R+C, to &!t' ;1< by ord!nary appeal or appeal by &r!t o# error nder R le /1, &$ere * d"ment &as rendered !n a c!v!l or cr!m!nal act!on by t$e R+C !n t$e eAerc!se o# or!"!nal * r!sd!ct!on) ;2< by pet!t!on #or rev!e& nder R le /2, &$ere * d"ment &as rendered by t$e R+C !n t$e eAerc!se o# appellate * r!sd!ct!on) and ;5< by pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! to t$e % preme Co rt nder R le /.. +$e #!rst mode o# appeal !s ta2en to t$e C( on : est!ons o# #act or m!Aed : est!ons o# #act and la&. +$e second mode o# appeal !s bro "$t to t$e C( on : est!ons o# #act, o# la&, or m!Aed : est!ons o# #act and la&. +$e t$!rd mode o# appeal !s elevated to t$e % preme Co rt only on : est!ons o# la&. LLL LLL LLL Here, pet!t!oner@s appeal does not only !nvolve a : est!on o# la&. (s!de #rom t$e tr!al co rt@s r l!n" t$at !t $as no * r!sd!ct!on over t$e compla!nt, pet!t!oner l!2e&!se : est!oned t$e ot$er bas!s #or t$e tr!al co rt@s r l!n", &$!c$ re#ers to prev!o sly dec!ded cases alle"edly p$old!n" &!t$ #!nal!ty t$e o&ners$!p o# t$e 4alabanans over t$e d!sp ted property. (s correctly ar" ed by pet!t!oner, t$e : est!on o# &$et$er t$e o&ners$!p o# t$e 4alabanans $as !n #act been s sta!ned &!t$ #!nal!ty !s #act al !n nat re as !t re: !res t$e presentat!on o# ev!dence. %!nce t$e appeal ra!sed m!Aed : est!ons o# #act and la&, no error can be !mp ted on pet!t!oner #or !nvo2!n" t$e appellate * r!sd!ct!on o# t$e C( t$ro "$ an ord!nary appeal nder R le /1. Rep bl!c o# t$e P$!l!pp!nes vs. (n"elo -. 4alabanan, et al., D.R. No. 17=077, October 7, 2010 (ppeal) per!od to appeal) 8#res$ per!od r le.9 6 r!spr dence $as settled t$e 8#res$ per!od r le,9 accord!n" to &$!c$, an ord!nary appeal #rom t$e R+C to t$e Co rt o# (ppeals, nder %ect!on 5 o# R le /1 o# t$e R les o# Co rt, s$all be ta2en &!t$!n #!#teen ;1.< days e!t$er #rom rece!pt o# t$e or!"!nal * d"ment o# t$e tr!al co rt or #rom rece!pt o# t$e #!nal order o# t$e tr!al co rt d!sm!ss!n" or deny!n" t$e mot!on #or ne& tr!al or mot!on #or recons!derat!on. ,n % m!ran v. ?amaso, &e presented a s rvey o# t$e cases apply!n" t$e #res$ per!od r le' (s early as 200., t$e Co rt cate"or!cally declared !n Neypes v. Co rt o# (ppeals t$at by v!rt e o# t$e po&er o# t$e % preme Co rt to amend, repeal and create ne& proced ral r les !n all co rts, t$e Co rt !s allo&!n" a #res$ per!od o# 1. days &!t$!n &$!c$ to #!le a not!ce o# appeal !n t$e R+C, co nted #rom rece!pt o# t$e order d!sm!ss!n" or deny!n" a mot!on #or ne& tr!al or mot!on #or recons!derat!on. +$!s &o ld standard!ze t$e appeal per!ods prov!ded !n t$e R les and do a&ay &!t$ t$e con# s!on as to &$en t$e 1.1day appeal per!od s$o ld be co nted. +$ s, t$e Co rt stated'

+o recap!t late, a party1l!t!"ant may e!t$er #!le $!s not!ce o# appeal &!t$!n 1. days #rom rece!pt o# t$e Re"!onal +r!al Co rt@s dec!s!on or #!le !t &!t$!n 1. days #rom rece!pt o# t$e order ;t$e 8#!nal order9< deny!n" $!s mot!on #or ne& tr!al or mot!on #or recons!derat!on. Obv!o sly, t$e ne& 1.1 day per!od may be ava!led o# only !# e!t$er mot!on !s #!led) ot$er&!se, t$e dec!s!on becomes #!nal and eAec tory a#ter t$e lapse o# t$e or!"!nal appeal per!od prov!ded !n R le /1, %ect!on 5. +$e #ore"o!n" r l!n" o# t$e Co rt &as re!terated !n 4a2at! ,ns rance Co., ,nc. v. Reyes, to &!t' Prop!t!o s to pet!t!oner !s Neypes v. Co rt o# (ppeals, prom l"ated on 1/ %eptember 200. &$!le t$e present Pet!t!on &as already pend!n" be#ore s. A A A. AAAA 0!t$ t$e advent o# t$e 8#res$ per!od r le9 part!es &$o ava!led t$emselves o# t$e remedy o# mot!on #or recons!derat!on are no& allo&ed to #!le a not!ce o# appeal &!t$!n #!#teen days #rom t$e den!al o# t$at mot!on. +$e 8#res$ per!od r le9 !s not !ncons!stent &!t$ R le /1, %ect!on 5 o# t$e Rev!sed R les o# Co rt &$!c$ states t$at t$e appeal s$all be ta2en 8&!t$!n #!#teen ;1.< days #rom not!ce o# * d"ment or #!nal order appealed #rom.9 +$e se o# t$e d!s* nct!ve &ord 8or9 s!"n!#!es d!sassoc!at!on and !ndependence o# one t$!n" #rom anot$er. ,t s$o ld, as a r le, be constr ed !n t$e sense &$!c$ !t ord!nar!ly !mpl!es. Hence, t$e se o# 8or9 !n t$e above prov!s!on s pposes t$at t$e not!ce o# appeal may be #!led &!t$!n 1. days #rom t$e not!ce o# * d"ment or &!t$!n 1. days #rom not!ce o# t$e 8#!nal order,9 A A A. AAAA +$e 8#res$ per!od r le9 #!nally erad!cates t$e con# s!on as to &$en t$e 1.1day appeal per!od s$o ld be co nted M #rom rece!pt o# not!ce o# * d"ment or #rom rece!pt o# not!ce o# 8#!nal order9 appealed #rom. +a2!n" o r bear!n"s #rom Neypes, !n % ma&ay v. Krban -an2, ,nc., &e set as!de t$e den!al o# a not!ce o# appeal &$!c$ &as p rportedly #!led #!ve days late. 0!t$ t$e #res$ per!od r le, t$e 1.1 day per!od &!t$!n &$!c$ to #!le t$e not!ce o# appeal &as co nted #rom not!ce o# t$e den!al o# t$e t$ere!n pet!t!oner@s mot!on #or recons!derat!on. 0e #ollo&ed s !t !n Blb!Na v. Cen!za, &$ere!n &e appl!ed t$e pr!nc!ple "rant!n" a #res$ per!od o# 1. days &!t$!n &$!c$ to #!le t$e not!ce o# appeal, co nted #rom rece!pt o# t$e order d!sm!ss!n" a mot!on #or ne& tr!al or mot!on #or recons!derat!on or any #!nal order or resol t!on. +$erea#ter, !n 3!rst (: a % "ar +raders, ,nc. v. -an2 o# t$e P$!l!pp!ne ,slands, &e $eld t$at a party1l!t!"ant may no& #!le $!s not!ce o# appeal e!t$er &!t$!n #!#teen days #rom rece!pt o# t$e or!"!nal dec!s!on or &!t$!n #!#teen days #rom t$e rece!pt o# t$e order deny!n" t$e mot!on #or recons!derat!on. ,n ?e los %antos v. Ida. de 4an" bat, &e appl!ed t$e same pr!nc!ple o# 8#res$ per!od r le,9 eApost lat!n" t$at proced ral la& re#ers to t$e ad*ect!ve la& &$!c$ prescr!bes r les and #orms o# proced re !n order t$at co rts may be able to adm!n!ster * st!ce. Proced ral la&s do not come &!t$!n t$e le"al concept!on o# a retroact!ve la&, or t$e "eneral r le a"a!nst t$e retroact!ve

operat!on o# stat tes. +$e 8#res$ per!od r le9 !s !rre#ra"ably proced ral, prescr!b!n" t$e manner !n &$!c$ t$e appropr!ate per!od #or appeal !s to be comp ted or determ!ned and, t$ere#ore, can be made appl!cable to act!ons pend!n" pon !ts e##ect!v!ty, s c$ as t$e present case, &!t$o t dan"er o# v!olat!n" anyone else@s r!"$ts. LLL LLL LLL ,n t$e case be#ore s, respondent rece!ved a copy o# t$e Resol t!on dated %eptember 2, 2005 o# t$e R+C1-ranc$ 227 d!sm!ss!n" $!s compla!nt !n C!v!l Case No. H1021/>5/1 on %eptember 27, 2005. 3o rteen days t$erea#ter, on October 10, 2005, respondent #!led a 4ot!on #or Recons!derat!on o# sa!d resol t!on. +$e R+C1-ranc$ 227 den!ed respondent@s 4ot!on #or Recons!derat!on !n an Order dated ?ecember 50, 2005, &$!c$ t$e respondent rece!ved on 3ebr ary 20, 200/. On 4arc$ 1, 200/, * st a#ter n!ne days #rom rece!pt o# t$e order deny!n" $!s 4ot!on #or Recons!derat!on, respondent already #!led $!s Not!ce o# (ppeal. Clearly, nder t$e #res$ per!od r le, respondent &as able to #!le $!s appeal &ell1&!t$!n t$e prescr!pt!ve per!od o# 1. days, and t$e Co rt o# (ppeals d!d not err !n "!v!n" d e co rse to sa!d appeal !n C(1D.R. CI No. >2710. /rmelinda Manaloto, et al. vs. .smael Veloso ..., G.R. o. !1!5,$, O%tober ,, &'!'. (ppeal) per!od to appeal) 8#res$ per!od r le)9 retroact!v!ty. (lso !n % m!ran, &e reco"n!zed t$e retroact!ve appl!cat!on o# t$e #res$ per!od r le to cases pend!n" and ndeterm!ned pon !ts e##ect!v!ty' +$e retroact!v!ty o# t$e Neypes r le !n cases &$ere t$e per!od #or appeal $ad lapsed pr!or to t$e date o# prom l"at!on o# Neypes on %eptember 1/, 200., &as clearly eApla!ned by t$e Co rt !n 3!l1Bstate Propert!es, ,nc. v. Homena1Ialenc!a, stat!n" t$ s' +$e determ!nat!ve !ss e !s &$et$er t$e 8#res$ per!od9 r le anno nced !n Neypes co ld retroact!vely apply !n cases &$ere t$e per!od #or appeal $ad lapsed pr!or to 1/ %eptember 200. &$en Neypes &as prom l"ated. +$at : est!on may be ans&ered &!t$ t$e " !dance o# t$e "eneral r le t$at proced ral la&s may be "!ven retroact!ve e##ect to act!ons pend!n" and ndeterm!ned at t$e t!me o# t$e!r passa"e, t$ere be!n" no vested r!"$ts !n t$e r les o# proced re. (mendments to proced ral r les are proced ral or remed!al !n c$aracter as t$ey do not create ne& or remove vested r!"$ts, b t only operate !n # rt$erance o# t$e remedy or con#!rmat!on o# r!"$ts already eA!st!n". ;Bmp$ases s ppl!ed.< /rmelinda Manaloto, et al. vs. .smael Veloso ..., G.R. o. !1!5,$, O%tober ,, &'!'.

October 2010 Philippine Supreme Court Decisions on Remedial Law (Part )

Posted on November 2>, 2010 by Carlos Roberto Z. Lopez Cert!orar!) !mproper remedy. ( party des!r!n" to appeal by cert!orar! #rom a * d"ment, #!nal order, or resol t!on o# t$e C(, as !n t$!s case, may #!le be#ore t$!s Co rt a ver!#!ed pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! nder R le /. o# t$e R les o# C!v!l Proced re &!t$!n 1. days #rom not!ce o# t$e * d"ment, #!nal order, or resol t!on appealed #rom. Pet!t!oners, !nstead o# a pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! nder R le /., #!led &!t$ t$!s Co rt t$e !nstant pet!t!on #or cert!orar! nder

R le 7., an !mproper remedy. -y ava!l!n" o# a &ron" or !nappropr!ate mode o# appeal, t$e pet!t!on mer!ts o tr!"$t d!sm!ssal. /smeraldo C. Romullo, et al. v.. (amahang Mag7a7apitbahay ng )ayanihan Compound <omeo4ners =sso%iation, .n%. represented by its President, Pa>uito ?uitalig, G.R. o. !"',"1, O%tober ,, &'!' Cert!orar!) not ava!lable to set as!de den!al o# mot!on to d!sm!ss !n absence o# "rave ab se o# d!scret!on. (n order deny!n" a mot!on to d!sm!ss !s an !nterloc tory order &$!c$ ne!t$er term!nates nor #!nally d!sposes o# a case as !t leaves somet$!n" to be done by t$e co rt be#ore t$e case !s #!nally dec!ded on t$e mer!ts. (s s c$, t$e "eneral r le !s t$at t$e den!al o# a mot!on to d!sm!ss cannot be : est!oned !n a spec!al c!v!l act!on #or cert!orar! &$!c$ !s a remedy des!"ned to correct errors o# * r!sd!ct!on and not errors o# * d"ment. +o * st!#y t$e "rant o# t$e eAtraord!nary remedy o# cert!orar!, t$e den!al o# t$e mot!on to d!sm!ss m st $ave been ta!nted &!t$ "rave ab se o# d!scret!on. -y 8"rave ab se o# d!scret!on9 !s meant s c$ capr!c!o s and &$!ms!cal eAerc!se o# * d"ment t$at !s e: !valent to lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on. +$e ab se o# d!scret!on m st be "rave as &$ere t$e po&er !s eAerc!sed !n an arb!trary or despot!c manner by reason o# pass!on or personal $ost!l!ty, and m st be so patent and "ross as to amo nt to an evas!on o# pos!t!ve d ty or to a v!rt al re# sal to per#orm t$e d ty en*o!ned by or to act all !n contemplat!on o# la&. ,n t$e !nstant case, Dlobal d!d not properly s bstant!ate !ts cla!m o# arb!trar!ness on t$e part o# t$e tr!al co rt * d"e t$at !ss ed t$e assa!led orders deny!n" t$e mot!on to d!sm!ss. ,n a pet!t!on #or cert!orar!, absent s c$ s$o&!n" o# arb!trar!ness, capr!c!o sness, or !ll mot!ve !n t$e d!spos!t!on o# t$e tr!al * d"e !n t$e case, &e are constra!ned to p$old t$e co rt@s r l!n", espec!ally beca se !ts dec!s!on &as p$eld by t$e C(. Global )usiness <oldings, .n%. vs. (ure%omp (oft4are ).V., @G.R. o. !15-,5. O%tober !5, &'!'A Cert!orar!) per!od to #!le. +$e pet!t!on be#ore t$e C( &as #!led o t o# t!me. ( per sal o# t$e alle"at!ons !n t$e s b*ect pet!t!on reveals t$at t$o "$ !t so "$t t$e n ll!#!cat!on o# t$e 3ebr ary 2, 200/ ?ec!s!on o# t$e R+C, &$at !t : est!oned &as t$e R+C@s resolve to render a * d"ment be#ore tr!al p rs ant to %ect!on /, R le / o# t$e ,nter!m R les o# Proced re #or ,ntra1Corporate Controvers!es. %a!d sect!on prov!des, %ec. /. 6 d"ment be#ore pre1tr!al. C ,#, a#ter s bm!ss!on o# t$e pre1tr!al br!e#s, t$e co rt determ!nes t$at, pon cons!derat!on o# t$e plead!n"s, t$e a##!dav!ts and ot$er ev!dence s bm!tted by t$e part!es, a * d"ment may be rendered, t$e co rt may order t$e part!es to #!le s!m ltaneo sly t$e!r respect!ve memoranda &!t$!n a non1eAtend!ble per!od o# t&enty ;20< days #rom rece!pt o# t$e order. +$erea#ter, t$e co rt s$all render * d"ment, e!t$er # ll or ot$er&!se, not later t$an n!nety ;=0< days #rom t$e eAp!rat!on o# t$e per!od to #!le t$e memoranda. (s correctly po!nted o t by t$e 3arm!A Dro p, !t !s very clear t$at t$e !ss es ra!sed !n t$e s b*ect pet!t!on perta!ned to prev!o s orders o# t$e R+C C t$e November 12 and ?ecember 5, 2005 Orders C s bm!tt!n" t$e case #or dec!s!on. +$e November 12, 2005 Order &as rece!ved by 0,NCORP on November 15, 2005. ,t t$en #!led a 4an!#estat!on and 4ot!on adopt!n" t$e KO- Dro p@s mot!on #or recons!derat!on o# sa!d order and even ra!sed add!t!onal ar" ments. +$erea#ter, t$e R+C !ss ed t$e ?ecember 5, 2005 Order deny!n" KO- Dro p@s mot!on #or recons!derat!on b t t$ere &as no ment!on o# 0,NCORP@s man!#estat!on and mot!on. R le 1 o# t$e ,nter!m R les o# Proced re #or ,ntra1Corporate Controvers!es spec!#!cally pro$!b!ts t$e #!l!n" o# mot!ons #or recons!derat!on, to &!t'

%ec. >. Pro$!b!ted plead!n"s. C +$e #ollo&!n" plead!n"s are pro$!b!ted' ;1< 4ot!on to d!sm!ss) ;2< 4ot!on #or a b!ll o# part!c lars) ;5< 4ot!on #or ne& tr!al, or #or recons!derat!on o# * d"ment or order, or #or re1open!n" o# tr!al) ;/< 4ot!on #or eAtens!on o# t!me to #!le plead!n"s, a##!dav!ts or any ot$er paper, eAcept t$ose #!led d e to clearly compell!n" reasons. % c$ mot!on m st be ver!#!ed and nder oat$) and ;.< 4ot!on #or postponement and ot$er mot!ons o# s!m!lar !ntent, eAcept t$ose #!led d e to clearly compell!n" reasons. % c$ mot!on m st be ver!#!ed and nder oat$. ;Bmp$as!s and nderscor!n" s ppl!ed.< 0!t$ t$e above proscr!pt!on, t$e R+C !n t$e #!rst place s$o ld not $ave !ss ed t$e ?ecember 5, 2005 Order deny!n" t$e KO- Dro p@s mot!on #or recons!derat!on, &$!c$ 0,NCORP adopted. +$e remedy o# an a""r!eved party l!2e 0,NCORP !s to #!le a pet!t!on #or cert!orar! &!t$!n s!Aty ;70< days #rom rece!pt o# t$e assa!led order and not to #!le a mot!on #or recons!derat!on, t$e latter be!n" a pro$!b!ted plead!n". Here, 0,NCORP s$o ld $ave #!led t$e pet!t!on #or cert!orar! be#ore t$e C( on or be#ore 6an ary 12, 200/. ,t &as, $o&ever, #!led only on 3ebr ary 15, 200/. 0!t$ t$at, t$e C( s$o ld $ave d!sm!ssed t$e pet!t!on o tr!"$t #or be!n" #!led late. Bven !# t$e s!Aty ;70<1day per!od &!ll be rec2oned #rom 0,NCORP@s rece!pt o# t$e ?ecember 5, 2005 Order, t$e pet!t!on #or cert!orar! &as st!ll #!led o t o# t!me s!nce !t s$o ld $ave been #!led on or be#ore 3ebr ary 2, 200/. +$!s Co rt can only concl de t$at 0,NCORP #!led t$e pet!t!on #or cert!orar! s pposedly assa!l!n" t$e 3ebr ary 2, 200/ ?ec!s!on as a s bter# "e to ma2e !t appear t$at !t &as #!led on t!me &$en !n tr t$ !t &as assa!l!n" an earl!er order, t$e per!od #or &$!c$ to assa!l t$e same $as lon" elapsed. Bestmont .nvestment Corporation vs. 3armiC 3ertili9er Corporation, et al., G.R. o. !,$"1,, O%tober -, &'!' Cert!orar!) re: !rement t$at respondents be eAerc!s!n" * d!c!al or : as!1* d!c!al # nct!ons. Prel!m!nar!ly, cert!orar! does not l!e a"a!nst respondents &$o do not eAerc!se * d!c!al or : as!1 * d!c!al # nct!ons. %ect!on 1, R le 7. o# t$e R les o# Co rt !s clear' %ect!on 1. Pet!t!on #or cert!orar!.M0$en any tr!b nal, board or o##!cer eAerc!s!n" * d!c!al or : as!1* d!c!al # nct!ons $as acted &!t$o t or !n eAcess o# !ts or $!s * r!sd!ct!on, or &!t$ "rave ab se o# d!scret!on amo nt!n" to lac2 or eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on, and t$ere !s no appeal, nor any pla!n, speedy, and ade: ate remedy !n t$e ord!nary co rse o# la&, a person a""r!eved t$ereby may #!le a ver!#!ed pet!t!on !n t$e proper co rt, alle"!n" t$e #acts &!t$ certa!nty and pray!n" t$at * d"ment be rendered ann ll!n" or mod!#y!n" t$e proceed!n"s o# s c$ tr!b nal, board or o##!cer, and "rant!n" s c$ !nc!dental rel!e#s as la& and * st!ce may re: !re. Parent$et!cally, pet!t!oners do not even alle"e &!t$ any mod!c m o# part!c lar!ty $o& respondents acted &!t$o t or !n eAcess o# t$e!r respect!ve * r!sd!ct!ons, or &!t$ "rave ab se o# d!scret!on amo nt!n" to lac2 or eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on. (outhern <emisphere /ngagement et4or7, .n%. et%., et al. vs. =nti-+errorism %oun%il, et al.DEilusang Mayo Uno et%., et al. Vs.

<on. /duardo /rmit., et al.D)agong =lyansang Ma7abayan :)ayan;, et al. vs. Gloria Ma%apagal-=rroyo, et%., et al.DEarapatan, et al. vs. Gloria Ma%apagal-=rroyo, et%., et al.D+he .ntegrated )ar of the Philippines et%. et al. vs. /Ce%utive (e%retary /duardo /rmita, et al.D)agong =lyansang Ma7abayan-(outhern +agalog, et al. vs. Gloria Ma%apagal-=rroyo, et%., et al., G.R. os. !1"$$&, !1"$$-, !1"$"!, !1""#', !1#!$1, !1#-,!.O%tober $, &'!' Consol!dat!on. (t t$!s * nct re, cons!der!n" t$at bot$ t$e Rece!vers$!p Case and t$e Cert!orar! Pet!t!on $ave yet to be resolved, &e no& come to terms &!t$ t$e central !ss e o# &$et$er t$e consol!dat!on o# t$ese cases !s proper nder t$e c!rc mstances. Consol!dat!on o# cases !s "overned by %ect!on 1, R le 51 o# t$e R les o# Co rt, &$!c$ mater!ally states' %ect!on 1. Consol!dat!on. C 0$en act!ons !nvolv!n" a common : est!on o# la& or #act are pend!n" be#ore t$e co rt, !t may order a *o!nt $ear!n" or tr!al o# any or all t$e matters !n !ss e !n t$e act!ons) !t may order all t$e act!ons consol!dated) and !t may ma2e s c$ orders concern!n" proceed!n"s t$ere!n as may tend to avo!d nnecessary costs or delay. ,t !s &ell reco"n!zed t$at consol!dat!on o# cases avo!ds m lt!pl!c!ty o# s !ts, " ards a"a!nst oppress!on and ab se, prevents delay, clears con"ested co rt doc2ets, s!mpl!#!es t$e &or2 o# t$e co rts and see2s to atta!n * st!ce &!t$ t$e least eApense and veAat!on to l!t!"ants. Denerally, consol!dat!on appl!es only to cases pend!n" be#ore t$e same * d"e and not to cases pend!n" !n d!##erent branc$es o# t$e same co rt or !n d!##erent co rts. Jet !n appropr!ate !nstances and !n t$e !nterest o# * st!ce, cases pend!n" !n d!##erent branc$es o# t$e co rt or !n d!##erent co rts may be consol!dated, cons!stent &!t$ t$e r le !n o r * r!sd!ct!on t$at leans to&ards perm!tt!n" consol!dat!on o# cases &$enever poss!ble and !rrespect!ve o# t$e d!vers!ty o# t$e !ss es #or resol t!on. Hence, consol!dat!on o# cases !s proper &$en t$e act!ons !nvolve t$e same rel!e#s or t$e same part!es and bas!cally t$e same !ss es, or &$en t$ere !s real need to #orestall t$e poss!b!l!ty o# con#l!ct!n" dec!s!ons be!n" rendered !n t$e cases, prov!ded t$at t$e meas re &!ll not "!ve one party an nd e advanta"e over t$e ot$er, or pre* d!ce t$e s bstant!al r!"$ts o# any o# t$e part!es. ,ndeed, t$e ob*ect!ves o# * d!c!al economy and s!mpl!c!ty s!t &ell &!t$ t$e prospect o# consol!dat!n" t$e t&o s b*ect cases. 0e ta2e note t$at t$e Cert!orar! Pet!t!on !n t$!s case !s only a pend!n" !nc!dent !n t$e Rece!vers$!p Case, &$!c$ !s t$e ma!n act!on and !n &$!c$ a mot!on #or t$e recall o# t$e (pr!l 50, 2000 Order o# t$e $ear!n" o##!cer !s st!ll a&a!t!n" resol t!on be#ore -ranc$ 15> o# t$e R+C o# 4a2at!, &$ere t$e case &as trans#erred. +$ s, t$e o tcome o# t$e Cert!orar! Pet!t!on &!ll de#!n!tely $ave a bear!n" on t$e Rece!vers$!p Case, !nvolv!n" as t$ey do t$e same #ocal !ss e o# &$et$er or not BAcap $ad been #o nd !n possess!on o# -ancap!tal@s assets and re: !r!n" s bstant!ally t$e same ev!dence on t$at matter. ,n ot$er &ords, cond ct!n" separate tr!als o# t$e cases &o ld only enta!l s bstant!al d pl!cat!on o# t!me and e##ort not only by t$e part!es b t also by t$e co rts and co ld term!nate !n t$e t&o co rts render!n" con#l!ct!n" dec!s!ons. )an7 of Commer%e vs. <on. /stela Perlas-)ernabe, et%., et al., G.R. o. !1&5#5, O%tober &', &'!'. Contempt) !nd!rect contempt. ,nd!rect contempt o# co rt !s "overned by %ect!on 5, R le 71 o# t$e R les o# Co rt, &$!c$ prov!des' %BC. 5. ,nd!rect contempt to be p n!s$ed a#ter c$ar"e and $ear!n".1(#ter a c$ar"e !n &r!t!n" $as been #!led, and an opport n!ty "!ven to t$e respondent to comment t$ereon &!t$!n s c$ per!od as

may be #!Aed by t$e co rt and to be $eard by $!msel# or co nsel, a person " !lty o# any o# t$e #ollo&!n" acts may be p n!s$ed #or !nd!rect contempt' ;a< 4!sbe$av!or o# an o##!cer o# a co rt !n t$e per#ormance o# $!s o##!c!al d t!es or !n $!s o##!c!al transact!ons) ;b< ?!sobed!ence o# or res!stance to a la&# l &r!t, process, order, or * d"ment o# a co rt, !ncl d!n" t$e act o# a person &$o, a#ter be!n" d!spossessed or e*ected #rom any real property by t$e * d"ment or process o# any co rt o# competent * r!sd!ct!on, enters or attempts or !nd ces anot$er to enter !nto or pon s c$ real property, #or t$e p rpose o# eAec t!n" acts o# o&ners$!p or possess!on, or !n any manner d!st rbs t$e possess!on "!ven to t$e person ad* d"ed to be ent!tled t$ereto) ;c< (ny ab se o# or any nla&# l !nter#erence &!t$ t$e processes or proceed!n"s o# a co rt not const!t t!n" d!rect contempt nder sect!on 1 o# t$!s R le) ;d< (ny !mproper cond ct tend!n", d!rectly or !nd!rectly, to !mpede, obstr ct, or de"rade t$e adm!n!strat!on o# * st!ce) ;e< (ss m!n" to be an attorney or an o##!cer o# a co rt, and act!n" as s c$ &!t$o t a t$or!ty) ;#< 3a!l re to obey a s bpoena d ly served) ;"< +$e resc e, or attempted resc e, o# a person or property !n t$e c stody o# an o##!cer by v!rt e o# an order or process o# a co rt $eld by $!m. A A A. ?o t$e acts o# respondents Bnr!: ez and %!a !n #!l!n" a mot!on #or part!al eAec t!on) o# L( Calanza !n "rant!n" t$e &r!t o# eAec t!on and apply!n" or not apply!n" establ!s$ed * r!spr dence) and o# %$er!## Paredes !n serv!n" t$e not!ce o# sale o# t$e real property o&ned by pet!t!oner #all nder t$e above en merat!onO 0e ans&er !n t$e ne"at!ve. Contempt o# co rt !s de#!ned as a d!sobed!ence to t$e co rt by act!n" !n oppos!t!on to !ts a t$or!ty, * st!ce, and d!"n!ty. ,t s!"n!#!es not only a &!ll# l d!sre"ard or d!sobed!ence o# t$e co rt@s order, b t s c$ cond ct &$!c$ tends to br!n" t$e a t$or!ty o# t$e co rt and t$e adm!n!strat!on o# la& !nto d!srep te or, !n some manner, to !mpede t$e d e adm!n!strat!on o# * st!ce. ,t !s a de#!ance o# t$e a t$or!ty, * st!ce, or d!"n!ty o# t$e co rt &$!c$ tends to br!n" t$e a t$or!ty and adm!n!strat!on o# t$e la& !nto d!srespect or to !nter#ere &!t$ or pre* d!ce party1 l!t!"ants or t$e!r &!tnesses d r!n" l!t!"at!on. +$e po&er to p n!s$ #or contempt !s !n$erent !n all co rts and !s essent!al to t$e preservat!on o# order !n * d!c!al proceed!n"s and to t$e en#orcement o# * d"ments, orders, and mandates o# t$e co rt, and conse: ently, to t$e d e adm!n!strat!on o# * st!ce. Ho&ever, s c$ po&er s$o ld be eAerc!sed on t$e preservat!ve, not on t$e v!nd!ct!ve, pr!nc!ple. Only occas!onally s$o ld t$e co rt !nvo2e !ts !n$erent po&er !n order to reta!n t$at respect, &!t$o t &$!c$ t$e adm!n!strat!on o# * st!ce &!ll #alter or #a!l. Only !n cases o# clear and cont mac!o s re# sal to obey s$o ld t$e po&er be eAerc!sed. % c$ po&er, be!n" drast!c and eAtraord!nary !n !ts nat re, s$o ld not be resorted to nless necessary !n t$e !nterest o# * st!ce. ,t !s tr e t$at, at t$e t!me o# t$e #!l!n" by Bnr!: ez and %!a o# t$e mot!on #or t$e part!al eAec t!on o# t$e L( dec!s!on &$!c$ d!rected t$e!r re!nstatement, t$e dec!s!on $ad already been reversed by t$e NLRC, and s c$ reversal &as a##!rmed by t$e C(. +$e case &as t$en on appeal to t$!s Co rt v!a a pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! nder R le /. o# t$e R les o# Co rt. 0e #!nd t$at t$e!r mot!on

#or part!al eAec t!on &as a bona #!de attempt to !mplement &$at t$ey m!"$t $ave "en !nely bel!eved t$ey &ere ent!tled to !n accordance &!t$ eA!st!n" la&s and * r!spr dence. +$!s !s espec!ally tr e !n t$e !nstant case &$ere t$e means o# l!vel!$ood o# t$e d!sm!ssed employees &as at sta2e. (ny man !n s c$ an ncerta!n and econom!cally t$reatened cond!t!on &o ld be eApected to ta2e &$atever meas res are ava!lable to ens re a means o# s stenance #or $!msel# and $!s #am!ly. Clearly, Bnr!: ez and %!a &ere merely p rs !n" a cla!m &$!c$ t$ey $onestly bel!eved &as d e t$em. +$e!r act !s #ar #rom be!n" cont mac!o s. On t$e ot$er $and, L( Calanza, on mot!on o# Bnr!: ez and %!a, !ss ed t$e &r!t o# eAec t!on cons!der!n" t$at at t$e t!me o# t$e appl!cat!on o# t$e &r!t, t$!s Co rt $ad yet to dec!de D.R. No. 172>12. L( Calanza op!ned t$at so lon" as t$ere !s no #!nal!ty yet o# t$e dec!s!on revers!n" a r l!n" o# t$e L( a&ard!n" re!nstatement, t$e same s$o ld be en#orced. +$!s &as $o& $e !nterpreted t$!s Co rt@s prono ncements !n Ro: ero and Zamora) t$at 8even !# t$e order o# re!nstatement o# t$e Labor (rb!ter !s reversed on appeal, !t !s obl!"atory on t$e part o# t$e employer to re!nstate and pay t$e &a"es o# t$e d!sm!ssed employee d r!n" t$e per!od o# appeal nt!l reversal by t$e $!"$er co rt.9 - t as &e clearly d!sc ssed !n -a"o v. Nat!onal Labor Relat!ons Comm!ss!on, &$!le !t !s tr e t$at t$e re!nstatement aspect o# t$e L( dec!s!on !s !mmed!ately eAec tory, t$e reversal t$ereo# by t$e NLRC becomes #!nal and eAec tory a#ter ten ;10< days #rom rece!pt t$ereo# by t$e part!es. +$at t$e C( may ta2e co"n!zance o# and resolve a pet!t!on #or t$e n ll!#!cat!on o# t$e NLRC dec!s!on on * r!sd!ct!onal and d e process cons!derat!ons does not a##ect t$e stat tory #!nal!ty o# t$e NLRC dec!s!on. ,t t$en lo"!cally #ollo&s t$at, at t$e t!me o# t$e appl!cat!on #or t$e &r!t P s!nce t$e Co rt event ally s sta!ned t$e NLRC and t$e C( dec!s!ons !n D.R. No. 172>12 P no !ss e o# payroll re!nstatement may be cons!dered at all a#ter t$e reversal o# t$e L( dec!s!on by t$e NLRC. %t!ll, t$e erroneo s !ss ance o# t$e &r!t o# eAec t!on by L( Calanza can only be deemed "rave ab se o# d!scret!on &$!c$ !s more properly t$e s b*ect o# a pet!t!on #or cert!orar! and not a pet!t!on #or !nd!rect contempt. No one &$o !s called pon to try t$e #acts or !nterpret t$e la& !n t$e process o# adm!n!ster!n" * st!ce can be !n#all!ble !n $!s * d"ment. 3!nally, %$er!## Paredes, !n serv!n" t$e not!ce o# sale, &as only per#orm!n" $!s d ty p rs ant to t$e &r!t o# eAec t!on. No matter $o& erroneo s t$e &r!t &as, !t &as !ss ed by L( Calanza and &as addressed to $!m as t$e s$er!##, command!n" $!m to collect #rom pet!t!oner t$e amo nt d e Bnr!: ez and %!a. ,n t$e event $e #a!led to collect t$e amo nt, $e &as a t$or!zed to ca se t$e sat!s#act!on o# t$e same on t$e movable and !mmovable propert!es o# pet!t!oner not eAempt #rom eAec t!on. +$ s, any act per#ormed by %$er!## Paredes p rs ant to t$e a#oresa!d &r!t cannot be cons!dered contempt o s. (t t$e t!me o# t$e serv!ce o# t$e not!ce o# sale, t$ere &as no order #rom any co rt or tr!b nal restra!n!n" $!m #rom en#orc!n" t$e &r!t. ,t &as m!n!ster!al d ty #or $!m to !mplement !t. +o be cons!dered contempt o s, an act m st be clearly contrary to or pro$!b!ted by t$e order o# t$e co rt or tr!b nal. ( person cannot, #or d!sobed!ence, be p n!s$ed #or contempt nless t$e act &$!c$ !s #orb!dden or re: !red to be done !s clearly and eAactly de#!ned, so t$at t$ere can be no reasonable do bt or ncerta!nty as to &$at spec!#!c act or t$!n" !s #orb!dden or re: !red. )an7 of the Philippine .slands vs. 0abor =rbiter Roderi%7 6oseph Calan9a, et al., G.R. o. !"',##. O%tober !5, &'!'. Co nsel) &!t$dra&al o# appearance. R le 15>, sect!on 27 o# t$e R les o# Co rt o tl!nes t$e proced re !n case o# &!t$dra&al o# co nsel. ,t states'

RKLB 15> (ttorneys and (dm!ss!on to -ar %ec. 27. C$an"e o# attorneys. C (n attorney may ret!re at any t!me #rom any act!on or spec!al proceed!n", by t$e &r!tten consent o# $!s cl!ent #!led !n co rt. He may also ret!re at any t!me #rom an act!on or spec!al proceed!n", &!t$o t t$e consent o# $!s cl!ent, s$o ld t$e co rt, on not!ce to t$e cl!ent and attorney, and on $ear!n", determ!ne t$at $e o "$t to be allo&ed to ret!re. ,n case o# s bst!t t!on, t$e name o# t$e attorney ne&ly employed s$all be entered on t$e doc2et o# t$e co rt !n place o# t$e #ormer one, and &r!tten not!ce o# t$e c$an"e s$all be "!ven to t$e adverse party. Knder t$e #!rst sentence o# %ect!on 27, t$e &!t$dra&al o# co nsel &!t$ t$e con#orm!ty o# t$e cl!ent !s completed once t$e same !s #!led !n co rt. No # rt$er act!on t$ereon by t$e co rt !s needed ot$er t$an t$e mec$an!cal act o# t$e Cler2 o# Co rt o# enter!n" t$e name o# t$e ne& co nsel !n t$e doc2et and o# "!v!n" &r!tten not!ce t$ereo# to t$e adverse party. ,n t$!s case, !t !s ncontroverted t$at t$e &!t$dra&al o# respondent %ams n"@s or!"!nal co nsel, I.B. ?el Rosar!o and Partners on 1= October 2000, &as &!t$ t$e cl!ent@s consent. +$ s, no approval t$ereo# by t$e tr!al co rt &as re: !red beca se a co rt@s approval !s !nd!spensable only !# t$e &!t$dra&al !s &!t$o t t$e cl!ent@s consent. ,t be!n" dayl!"$t clear t$at t$e &!t$dra&al o# respondent %ams n"@s or!"!nal co nsel &as s ##!c!ent as t$e same carr!ed t$e stamp o# approval o# t$e cl!ent, t$e not!ce o# med!at!on sent to respondent %ams n"@s or!"!nal co nsel &as !ne##ect al as t$e same &as sent at t$e t!me &$en s c$ co nsel $ad already val!dly &!t$dra&n !ts representat!on. Corollar!ly, t$e absence o# respondent %ams n" d r!n" t$e sc$ed led med!at!on con#erence &as eAc sable and * st!#!ed. +$ere#ore, t$e tr!al co rt erroneo sly d!sm!ssed C!v!l Case No. =71>727.. Real )an7 .n%. vs. (amsung Mabuhay Corporation, et al., G.R. o. !1$",&, O%tober !5, &'!'. Co ntercla!ms) perm!ss!ve co ntercla!ms) !mproper d!sm!ssal even !# doc2et #ees are d e and npa!d. -e t$at as !t may, t$e tr!al co rt &as !ncorrect !n d!sm!ss!n" -ayerp$!l@s co ntercla!m #or non1payment o# doc2et #ees. (ll alon", -ayerp$!l $as never evaded payment o# t$e doc2et #ees on t$e $onest bel!e# t$at !ts co ntercla!m &as comp lsory. ,t $as al&ays ar" ed a"a!nst Cal!bre@s content!on t$at !ts co ntercla!m &as perm!ss!ve ever s!nce t$e latter opposed -ayerp$!l@s mot!on be#ore t$e R+C to !mplead t$e %ebast!an spo ses. Lastly, -ayerp$!l@s bel!e# &as re!n#orced by 6 d"e Claravall@s October 2/, 1==0 Resol t!on &$en s$e den!ed Cal!bre@s mot!on to str!2e o t -ayerp$!l@s co ntercla!m. +$ s' 0!t$ respect to t$e mot!on to str!2e o t t$e co ntercla!m, t$e Re*o!nder and Reply o# C(L,-RB ment!oned t&o reasons to s pport !t. +$ese are' 1< t$at t$e co ntercla!m !s not a"a!nst t$e oppos!n" party only, and 2< t$at t$e pla!nt!##@s cla!m a"a!nst t$e de#endant !s totally nrelated to t$e latter@s cla!m a"a!nst t$e %ebast!an spo ses beca se t$ey are 8not t$e same.9 +o resolve t$e !ss es abovement!oned, t$e elements o# a comp lsory co ntercla!m are t$ s "!ven' ( co ntercla!m !s comp lsory and !s cons!dered barred !# not set p &$ere t$e #ollo&!n" c!rc mstances are present' 1< t$at !t ar!ses o t o# t$e, or !s necessar!ly connected &!t$ t$e transact!on or occ rrence t$at !s t$e s b*ect matter o# t$e oppos!n" party@s cla!m, 2< t$at !t does

not re: !re #or !ts ad* d!cat!on t$e presence o# t$!rd part!es o# &$om t$e co rt cannot ac: !re * r!sd!ct!on, and 5< t$at t$e co rt $as * r!sd!ct!on to enterta!n t$e cla!m. ;6av!er vs. ,(C, 171 %CR( 70.< +$e prov!s!ons o# %ect!on >, R le 7 m st necessar!ly be ment!oned also. +o &!t' %ec. >, R le 7. Co ntercla!m or cross1cla!m !n t$e ans&er. C +$e ans&er may conta!n any co ntercla!m or crosscla!m &$!c$ a party may $ave at t$e t!me a"a!nst t$e oppos!n" party or a co1de#endant prov!ded, t$at t$e co rt $as * r!sd!ct!on to enterta!n t$e cla!m and can, !# t$e presence o# t$!rd part!es !s essent!al #or !ts ad* d!cat!on, ac: !re * r!sd!ct!on o# s c$ part!es. +$e r les and * r!spr dence do not re: !re t$at t$e part!es to t$e co ntercla!m be t$e or!"!nal part!es only. ,n #act, t$e presence o# t$!rd part!es !s allo&ed, t$e only prov!s!on be!n" t$e!r capac!ty to be s b*ected nder t$e co rt@s * r!sd!ct!on. (s re"ards t$e nat re o# t$e cla!ms o# t$e part!es, ne!t$er !s !t re: !red t$at t$ey be o# t$e same nat re, only t$at t$ey ar!se #rom t$e same transact!on or occ rrence. ,t cannot be "a!nsa!d t$at t$e emer"!n" trend !n t$e r l!n"s o# t$!s Co rt !s to a##ord every party l!t!"ant t$e amplest opport n!ty #or t$e proper and * st determ!nat!on o# $!s ca se, #ree #rom t$e constra!nts o# tec$n!cal!t!es. R les on t$e payment o# #!l!n" #ees $ave already been relaAed' 1. ,t !s not s!mply t$e #!l!n" o# t$e compla!nt or appropr!ate !n!t!atory plead!n", b t t$e payment o# t$e prescr!bed doc2et #ee, t$at vests a tr!al co rt &!t$ * r!sd!ct!on over t$e s b*ect1matter or nat re o# t$e act!on. 0$ere t$e #!l!n" o# t$e !n!t!atory plead!n" !s not accompan!ed by payment o# t$e doc2et #ee, t$e co rt may allo& payment o# t$e #ee &!t$!n a reasonable t!me b t !n no case beyond t$e appl!cable prescr!pt!ve or re"lementary per!od. 2. +$e same r le appl!es to perm!ss!ve co ntercla!ms, t$!rd1party cla!ms and s!m!lar plead!n"s, &$!c$ s$all not be cons!dered #!led nt!l and nless t$e #!l!n" #ee prescr!bed t$ere#or !s pa!d. +$e co rt may also allo& payment o# sa!d #ee &!t$!n a reasonable t!me b t also !n no case beyond !ts appl!cable prescr!pt!ve or re"lementary per!od. 5. 0$ere t$e tr!al co rt ac: !res * r!sd!ct!on over a cla!m by t$e #!l!n" o# t$e appropr!ate plead!n" and payment o# t$e prescr!bed #!l!n" #ee b t, s bse: ently, t$e * d"ment a&ards a cla!m not spec!#!ed !n t$e plead!n", or !# spec!#!ed t$e same $as been le#t #or determ!nat!on by t$e co rt, t$e add!t!onal #!l!n" #ee t$ere#or s$all const!t te a l!en on t$e * d"ment. ,t s$all be t$e respons!b!l!ty o# t$e Cler2 o# Co rt or $!s d ly a t$or!zed dep ty to en#orce sa!d l!en and assess and collect t$e add!t!onal #ee. ,t !s a settled doctr!ne t$at 8alt$o "$ t$e payment o# t$e prescr!bed doc2et #ees !s a * r!sd!ct!onal re: !rement, !ts non1payment A A A s$o ld not res lt !n t$e a tomat!c d!sm!ssal o# t$e case prov!ded t$e doc2et #ees are pa!d &!t$!n t$e appl!cable prescr!pt!ve per!od.9 8+$e prescr!pt!ve per!od t$ere!n ment!oned re#ers to t$e per!od &!t$!n &$!c$ a spec!#!c act!on m st be #!led. ,t means t$at !n every case, t$e doc2et #ee m st be pa!d be#ore t$e lapse o# t$e prescr!pt!ve per!od. C$apter 5, +!tle I, -oo2 ,,, o# t$e C!v!l Code !s t$e pr!nc!pal la& "overn!n" prescr!pt!on o# act!ons.9 ,n accordance &!t$ t$e a#orement!oned r les on payment o# doc2et #ees, t$e tr!al co rt pon a determ!nat!on t$at -ayerp$!l@s co ntercla!m &as perm!ss!ve, s$o ld $ave !nstead ordered

-ayerp$!l to pay t$e re: !red doc2et #ees #or t$e perm!ss!ve co ntercla!m, "!v!n" !t reasonable t!me b t !n no case beyond t$e re"lementary per!od. (t t$e t!me -ayerp$!l #!led !ts co nter1 cla!m a"a!nst Cal!bre and t$e spo ses %ebast!an &!t$o t $av!n" pa!d t$e doc2et #ees p to t$e t!me t$e tr!al co rt rendered !ts ?ec!s!on on ?ecember 7, 1==5, -ayerp$!l co ld st!ll be ordered to pay t$e doc2et #ees s!nce no prescr!pt!on $as yet set !n. -es!des, -ayerp$!l s$o ld not s ##er #rom t$e d!sm!ssal o# !ts case d e to t$e m!sta2e o# t$e tr!al co rt. Calibre +raders .n%., Mario (ison (ebastian and Minda )lan%o (ebastian vs. )ayer Philippines, .n%., G.R. o. !,!-5!, O%tober !5, &'!'.

October 2010 Philippine Supreme Court Decisions on Remedial Law (Part )

Posted on November 2=, 2010 by Carlos Roberto Z. Lopez Co ntercla!ms) tests to determ!ne !# comp lsory. Do!n" no& to t$e #!rst ass!"ned error, pet!t!oner s bm!ts t$at !ts co ntercla!m #or t$e rentals collected by 3ernando #rom t$e C4+C !s !n t$e nat re o# a comp lsory co ntercla!m !n t$e or!"!nal act!on o# 3ernando a"a!nst pet!t!oner #or ann lment o# b!d a&ard, deed o# absol te sale and +C+ No. 771>5. Respondents, on t$e ot$er $and, alle"ed t$at pet!t!oner@s co ntercla!m !s perm!ss!ve and !ts #a!l re to pay t$e prescr!bed doc2et #ees res lts !nto t$e d!sm!ssal o# !ts cla!m. +o determ!ne &$et$er a co ntercla!m !s comp lsory or not, t$e Co rt $as dev!sed t$e #ollo&!n" tests' ;a< (re t$e !ss es o# #act and la& ra!sed by t$e cla!m and by t$e co ntercla!m lar"ely t$e sameO ;b< 0o ld res * d!cata bar a s bse: ent s !t on de#endant@s cla!ms, absent t$e comp lsory co ntercla!m r leO ;c< 0!ll s bstant!ally t$e same ev!dence s pport or re# te pla!nt!##@s cla!m as &ell as t$e de#endant@s co ntercla!mO and ;d< ,s t$ere any lo"!cal relat!on bet&een t$e cla!m and t$e co ntercla!mO ( pos!t!ve ans&er to all #o r : est!ons &o ld !nd!cate t$at t$e co ntercla!m !s comp lsory. +ested a"a!nst t$e above1ment!oned cr!ter!a, t$!s Co rt a"rees &!t$ t$e C(@s v!e& t$at pet!t!oner@s co ntercla!m #or t$e recovery o# t$e amo nt represent!n" rentals collected by 3ernando #rom t$e C4+C !s perm!ss!ve.+$e ev!dence needed by 3ernando to ca se t$e ann lment o# t$e b!d a&ard, deed o# absol te sale and +C+ !s d!##erent #rom t$at re: !red to establ!s$ pet!t!oner@s cla!m #or t$e recovery o# rentals. +$e !ss e !n t$e ma!n act!on, !.e., t$e n ll!ty or val!d!ty o# t$e b!d a&ard, deed o# absol te sale and +C+ !n #avor o# C4+C, !s ent!rely d!##erent #rom t$e !ss e !n t$e co ntercla!m, !.e., &$et$er pet!t!oner !s ent!tled to rece!ve t$e C4+C@s rent payments over t$e s b*ect property &$en pet!t!oner became t$e o&ner o# t$e s b*ect property by v!rt e o# t$e consol!dat!on o# o&ners$!p o# t$e property !n !ts #avor. Government (ervi%e .nsuran%e (ystem :G(.(; vs. <eirs of 3ernando P. Caballero, et al., G.R. o. !$"'#', O%tober -, &'!' ?oc2et #ees) D%,% not eAempt #rom payment. Pet!t!oner FD%,%G # rt$er ar" es t$at ass m!n" t$at !ts co ntercla!m !s perm!ss!ve, t$e tr!al co rt $as * r!sd!ct!on to try and dec!de t$e same, cons!der!n" pet!t!oner@s eAempt!on #rom all 2!nds o# #ees. ,n ,n Re' Pet!t!on #or Reco"n!t!on o# t$e BAempt!on o# t$e Dovernment %erv!ce ,ns rance %ystem #rom Payment o# Le"al 3ees, t$e Co rt r led t$at t$e prov!s!on !n t$e C$arter o# t$e

D%,%, !.e., %ect!on 5= o# Rep bl!c (ct No. >2=1, &$!c$ eAempts !t #rom 8all taAes, assessments, #ees, c$ar"es or d t!es o# all 2!nds,9 cannot operate to eAempt !t #rom t$e payment o# le"al #ees. +$!s &as beca se, nl!2e t$e 1=5. and 1=75 Const!t t!ons, &$!c$ empo&ered Con"ress to repeal, alter or s pplement t$e r les o# t$e % preme Co rt concern!n" plead!n", pract!ce and proced re, t$e 1=>7 Const!t t!on removed t$!s po&er #rom Con"ress. Hence, t$e % preme Co rt no& $as t$e sole a t$or!ty to prom l"ate r les concern!n" plead!n", pract!ce and proced re !n all co rts. ,n sa!d case, t$e Co rt r led t$at' +$e separat!on o# po&ers amon" t$e t$ree co1e: al branc$es o# o r "overnment $as erected an !mpre"nable &all t$at 2eeps t$e po&er to prom l"ate r les o# plead!n", pract!ce and proced re &!t$!n t$e sole prov!nce o# t$!s Co rt. +$e ot$er branc$es trespass pon t$!s prero"at!ve !# t$ey enact la&s or !ss e orders t$at e##ect!vely repeal, alter or mod!#y any o# t$e proced ral r les prom l"ated by t$!s Co rt. I!e&ed #rom t$!s perspect!ve, t$e cla!m o# a le"!slat!ve "rant o# eAempt!on #rom t$e payment o# le"al #ees nder %ect!on 5= o# R( >2=1 necessar!ly #a!ls. Con"ress co ld not $ave carved o t an eAempt!on #or t$e D%,% #rom t$e payment o# le"al #ees &!t$o t trans"ress!n" anot$er e: ally !mportant !nst!t t!onal sa#e" ard o# t$e Co rt@s !ndependence Q #!scal a tonomy. 3!scal a tonomy reco"n!zes t$e po&er and a t$or!ty o# t$e Co rt to levy, assess and collect #ees, !ncl d!n" le"al #ees. 4oreover, le"al #ees nder R le 1/1 $ave t&o bas!c components, t$e 6 d!c!ary ?evelopment 3 nd ;6?3< and t$e %pec!al (llo&ance #or t$e 6 d!c!ary 3 nd ;%(63<. +$e la&s &$!c$ establ!s$ed t$e 6?3 and t$e %(63 eApressly declare t$e !dent!cal p rpose o# t$ese # nds to 8" arantee t$e !ndependence o# t$e 6 d!c!ary as mandated by t$e Const!t t!on and p bl!c pol!cy.9 Le"al #ees t$ere#ore do not only const!t te a v!tal so rce o# t$e Co rt@s #!nanc!al reso rces b t also compr!se an essent!al element o# t$e Co rt@s #!scal !ndependence. (ny eAempt!on #rom t$e payment o# le"al #ees "ranted by Con"ress to "overnment1o&ned or controlled corporat!ons and local "overnment n!ts &!ll necessar!ly red ce t$e 6?3 and t$e %(63. Kndo btedly, s c$ s!t at!on !s const!t t!onally !n#!rm #or !t !mpa!rs t$e Co rt@s " aranteed #!scal a tonomy and erodes !ts !ndependence. Government (ervi%e .nsuran%e (ystem :G(.(; vs. <eirs of 3ernando P. Caballero, et al., G.R. o. !$"'#', O%tober -, &'!0 B*ectment) #orc!ble entry and nla&# l deta!ner d!st!n" !s$ed. 0ell settled !s t$e r le t$at &$at determ!nes t$e nat re o# t$e act!on as &ell as t$e co rt &$!c$ $as * r!sd!ct!on over t$e case are t$e alle"at!ons !n t$e compla!nt. ,n e*ectment cases, t$e compla!nt s$o ld embody s c$ statement o# #acts as to br!n" t$e party clearly &!t$!n t$e class o# cases nder %ect!on 1, R le 70 o# t$e 1==7 R les o# C!v!l Proced re, as amended. %ect!on 1 prov!des' %BC+,ON 1. 0$o may !nst!t te proceed!n"s, and &$en.C % b*ect to t$e prov!s!ons o# t$e neAt s cceed!n" sect!on, a person depr!ved o# t$e possess!on o# any land or b !ld!n" by #orce, !nt!m!dat!on, t$reat, strate"y, or stealt$, or a lessor, vendor, vendee, or ot$er person a"a!nst &$om t$e possess!on o# any land or b !ld!n" !s nla&# lly &!t$$eld a#ter t$e eAp!rat!on or term!nat!on o# t$e r!"$t to $old possess!on, by v!rt e o# any contract, eApress or !mpl!ed, or t$e le"al representat!ves or ass!"ns o# any s c$ lessor, vendor, vendee, or ot$er person, may, at any t!me &!t$!n one ;1< year a#ter s c$ nla&# l depr!vat!on or &!t$$old!n" o# possess!on, br!n" an act!on !n t$e proper 4 n!c!pal +r!al Co rt a"a!nst t$e person or persons nla&# lly &!t$$old!n"

or depr!v!n" o# possess!on, or any person or persons cla!m!n" nder t$em, #or t$e rest!t t!on o# s c$ possess!on, to"et$er &!t$ dama"es and costs. +$ere are t&o ent!rely d!st!nct and d!##erent ca ses o# act!on nder t$e a#ore: oted r le, to &!t' ;1< a case #or #orc!ble entry, &$!c$ !s an act!on to recover possess!on o# a property #rom t$e de#endant &$ose occ pat!on t$ereo# !s !lle"al #rom t$e be"!nn!n" as $e ac: !red possess!on by #orce, !nt!m!dat!on, t$reat, strate"y or stealt$) and ;2< a case #or nla&# l deta!ner, &$!c$ !s an act!on #or recovery o# possess!on #rom t$e de#endant &$ose possess!on o# t$e property &as !ncept!vely la&# l by v!rt e o# a contract ;eApress or !mpl!ed< &!t$ t$e pla!nt!##, b t became !lle"al &$en $e cont!n ed $!s possess!on desp!te t$e term!nat!on o# $!s r!"$t t$ere nder. ,n #orc!ble entry, t$e pla!nt!## m st alle"e !n t$e compla!nt, and prove, t$at $e &as !n pr!or p$ys!cal possess!on o# t$e property !n d!sp te nt!l $e &as depr!ved t$ereo# by t$e de#endant by any o# t$e means prov!ded !n %ect!on 1, R le 70 o# t$e R les e!t$er by #orce, !nt!m!dat!on, t$reat, strate"y or stealt$. ,n nla&# l deta!ner, t$ere m st be an alle"at!on !n t$e compla!nt o# $o& t$e possess!on o# de#endant started or cont!n ed, t$at !s, by v!rt e o# lease or any contract, and t$at de#endant $olds possess!on o# t$e land or b !ld!n" 8a#ter t$e eAp!rat!on or term!nat!on o# t$e r!"$t to $old possess!on by v!rt e o# any contract, eApress or !mpl!ed.9 Cora9on *. (armienta, et al. vs. Manalite <omeo4ners =sso%iation, .n%., G.R. o. !"&#$5. O%tober !!, &'!' B*ectment) nla&# l deta!ner. (n act!on #or #orc!ble entry or nla&# l deta!ner !s "overned by R le 70 o# t$e R les o# Co rt, %ect!on 1 o# &$!c$ prov!des' %BC+,ON 1. 0$o may !nst!t te proceed!n"s, and &$en. M % b*ect to t$e prov!s!ons o# t$e neAt s cceed!n" sect!on, a person depr!ved o# t$e possess!on o# any land or b !ld!n" by #orce, !nt!m!dat!on, t$reat, strate"y, or stealt$, or a lessor, vendor, vendee, or ot$er person a"a!nst &$om t$e possess!on o# any land or b !ld!n" !s nla&# lly &!t$$eld a#ter t$e eAp!rat!on or term!nat!on o# t$e r!"$t to $old possess!on, by v!rt e o# any contract, eApress or !mpl!ed, or t$e le"al representat!ves or ass!"ns o# any s c$ lessor, vendor, vendee, or ot$er person, may, at any t!me &!t$!n one ;1< year a#ter s c$ nla&# l depr!vat!on or &!t$$old!n" o# possess!on, br!n" an act!on !n t$e proper 4 n!c!pal +r!al Co rt a"a!nst t$e person or persons nla&# lly &!t$$old!n" or depr!v!n" o# possess!on, or any person or persons cla!m!n" nder t$em, #or t$e rest!t t!on o# s c$ possess!on, to"et$er &!t$ dama"es and costs. Knla&# l deta!ner !s an act!on to recover possess!on o# real property #rom one &$o !lle"ally &!t$$olds possess!on a#ter t$e eAp!rat!on or term!nat!on o# $!s r!"$t to $old possess!on nder any contract, eApress or !mpl!ed. +$e possess!on o# t$e de#endant !n nla&# l deta!ner !s or!"!nally le"al b t became !lle"al d e to t$e eAp!rat!on or term!nat!on o# t$e r!"$t to possess. (n nla&# l deta!ner proceed!n" !s s mmary !n nat re, * r!sd!ct!on o# &$!c$ l!es &!t$ t$e proper m n!c!pal tr!al co rt or metropol!tan tr!al co rt. +$e act!on m st be bro "$t &!t$!n one year #rom t$e date o# last demand) and t$e !ss e !n sa!d case !s t$e r!"$t to p$ys!cal possess!on. /smeraldo C. Romullo, et al. vs. (amahang Mag7a7apitbahay ng )ayanihan Compound <omeo4ners =sso%iation, .n%. represented by its President, Pa>uito ?uitalig, G.R. o. !"',"1, O%tober ,, &'!' B*ectment) nla&# l deta!ner) alle"at!ons const!t te case o# nla&# l deta!ner. ,n t$e present case, a t$oro "$ per sal o# t$e compla!nt &o ld reveal t$at t$e alle"at!ons clearly const!t te a case o# nla&# l deta!ner'

AAAA 5. Pla!nt!## !s t$e re"!stered o&ner o# t$at certa!n parcel o# land !nvolved !n t$e !nstant case covered by +C+ No. 222705 conta!n!n" an area o# =,=57 s:.m. s!t ated !n %!t!o 4anal!te, P$ase ,, -aran""ay %ta. Cr z, (nt!polo C!ty, &$!c$ property &as place nder comm n!ty mort"a"e pro"ram ;C4P<) /. Ot$er de#endants !n t$e !nstant case are all member and o##!cers o# de#endant (4(R( &$o, t$ro "$ #orce, !nt!m!dat!on, t$reat, strate"y and stealt$ entered !nto t$e prem!ses $ere!n and constr cted t$e!r temporary $o ses and o##!ce b !ld!n" respect!vely, pre1empt!n" pla!nt!## #rom s!n" t$e prem!ses t$ s, depr!v!n" t$e same o# !ts pr!or possess!on t$ereo#) .. On %eptember 2, 1==2 as an strate"y o# t$e c$eapest sort de#endants, !n consp!racy and coll s!on &!t$ eac$ ot$er, de#endants as representat!ve o# He!rs o# (nton!o and Hermo"enes Rodr!: ez, t$e alle"ed o&ner o# t$e property at bar, #!led c!v!l case no. =212/./ a"a!nst pla!nt!##, lod"e be#ore -ranc$ 75 o# t$e Re"!onal +r!al Co rt o# (nt!polo C!ty, see2!n" to ann l pla!nt!## t!tle) 7. ,mmed!ately pon #!nal d!sm!ssal o# s c$ "ro ndless, baseless and mal!c!o s s !t, pla!nt!## demanded de#endants to vacate t$e prem!ses, b t t$e latter pleaded &!t$ t$e #ormer to be "!ven a one ;1< year per!od &!t$!n &$!c$ to loo2 #or a place to trans#er, &$!c$ per!od, pon pleas o# de#endants, co pled &!t$ pla!nt!##@s benevolence &as repeatedly eAtended by sa!d pla!nt!##s tolerance o# occ pancy t$ereo#, b t nder s c$ terms and cond!t!ons. ? e to #a!l re to comply &!t$ t$e!r nderta2!n" desp!te repeated demands t$ere#or pla!nt!##s sent a #ormal demand letter pon de#endants) 7. Kpon rece!pt o# t$e above1stated demand, de#endants propose to become members o# pla!nt!##, as : al!#!cat!on to ac: !re port!ons o# t$e property by sale p rs ant to t$e C4P, to &$!c$ pla!nt!## a"reed and tolerated de#endants possess!on by "!v!n" t$e same a per!od nt!l t$e mont$ o# ?ecember 1===, to comply &!t$ all t$e re: !rements pre1re: !s!te to t$e ava!l!n" o# t$e C4P bene#!ts b t #a!led and desp!te repeated demands t$ere#or, t$ s, t$e #!l!n" o# a compla!nt &!t$ t$e -aran""ay and t$e !ss ance o# t$e cert!#!cate to #!le act!on dated 3ebr ary >, 2000) >. (s t!me !s o# t$e essence, and t$e #act t$at t$e de#endants are mere !ntr ders or s rpers &$o $ave no possessory r!"$t &$atsoever over t$e land !lle"ally occ p!ed by t$em, tr!#l!n" tec$n!cal!t!es t$at &o ld tend to de#eat t$e speedy adm!n!strat!on o# * st!ce #ormal demand !s not necessary t$ereto, ;Rep bl!c vs. Cr z C.(. D.R. No. 2/=10 R 3eb. 7, 1=7/< $o&ever, to a##ord a s ##!c!ent per!od o# t!me &!t$!n &$!c$ to vacate t$e prem!ses peace# lly anot$er oral and #ormal demands &ere made pon t$e same to t$at e##ect, and demol!s$ t$e temporary o##!ce and $o ses t$ey constr cted on pla!nt!##@s property and !nstead de#endants a"a!n, as representat!ve to alle"ed 8Bstate o# 6 l!an +allano9 #!led a compla!nt #or e*ectment a"a!nst pla!nt!##s #ormer Pres!dent, Hon. 4arcel!no (ben &$!c$ case, !s doc2eted as c!v!l case no. /11=, lod"ed, be#ore branc$ 11 o# t$!s Honorable co rt, de#endants obst!nately re# sed to peace# lly t rn over t$e property t$ey !ntr ded pon !n #act t$ey even dared pla!nt!## to #!le a case a"a!nst t$em boast!n" t$at nobody can order t$em to vacate t$e prem!ses) =. ?e#endants@ letter dated ( " st =, 2000, ac2no&led"ed act al rece!pt o# pla!nt!##s t&o ;2< #ormal demands letters. +$ s, 8t$e !ss ance o# Eat!bayan Kpan" 4a2ad lo" sa H 2 man9 dated %eptember 2., 2000)

10. (s a res lt t$ereo#, pla!nt!## &as compelled to en"a"e t$e serv!ces o# t$e nders!"ned co nsel !n order to !mmed!ately !nst!t te t$e !nstant s !t #or &$!c$ serv!ces pla!nt!## a"reed to pay t$e amo nt o# P5.,000.00 pl s P5,.00.00 per co rt appearance) AAAA ( compla!nt s ##!c!ently alle"es a ca se o# act!on #or nla&# l deta!ner !# !t rec!tes t$e #ollo&!n"' ;1< !n!t!ally, possess!on o# property by t$e de#endant &as by contract &!t$ or by tolerance o# t$e pla!nt!##) ;2< event ally, s c$ possess!on became !lle"al pon not!ce by pla!nt!## to de#endant o# t$e term!nat!on o# t$e latter@s r!"$t o# possess!on) ;5< t$erea#ter, t$e de#endant rema!ned !n possess!on o# t$e property and depr!ved t$e pla!nt!## o# t$e en*oyment t$ereo#) and ;/< &!t$!n one year #rom t$e last demand on de#endant to vacate t$e property, t$e pla!nt!## !nst!t ted t$e compla!nt #or e*ectment. L!2e&!se, t$e ev!dence proves t$at a#ter 4(H( ac: !red t$e property, 4(H( tolerated pet!t!oners@ stay and "ave t$em t$e opt!on to ac: !re port!ons o# t$e property by becom!n" members o# 4(H(. Pet!t!oners@ cont!n ed stay on t$e prem!ses &as s b*ect to t$e cond!t!on t$at t$ey s$all comply &!t$ t$e re: !rements o# t$e C4P. +$ s, &$en t$ey #a!led to # l#!ll t$e!r obl!"at!ons, 4(H( $ad t$e r!"$t to demand #or t$em to vacate t$e property as t$e!r r!"$t o# possess!on $ad already eAp!red or $ad been term!nated. +$e moment 4(H( re: !red pet!t!oners to leave, pet!t!oners became de#orc!ants !lle"ally occ py!n" t$e land. 0ell settled !s t$e r le t$at a person &$o occ p!es t$e land o# anot$er at t$e latter@s tolerance or perm!ss!on, &!t$o t any contract bet&een t$em, !s necessar!ly bo nd by an !mpl!ed prom!se t$at $e &!ll vacate pon demand, #a!l!n" &$!c$, a s mmary act!on #or e*ectment !s t$e proper remedy a"a!nst $!m. +$ s, t$e R+C and t$e C( correctly r led !n #avor o# 4(H(. Cora9on *. (armienta, et al. vs. Manalite <omeo4ners =sso%iation, .n%., G.R. o. !"&#$5. O%tober !!, &'!' B*ectment) nla&# l deta!ner) compla!nt s ##!c!ently alle"es ca se o# act!on #or nla&# l deta!ner. -ased on t$e #ore"o!n", &e $ave $eld t$at a compla!nt s ##!c!ently alle"es a ca se o# act!on #or nla&# l deta!ner !# !t rec!tes t$e #ollo&!n"' ;1< !n!t!ally, possess!on o# property by t$e de#endant &as by contract &!t$ or by tolerance o# t$e pla!nt!##) ;2< event ally, s c$ possess!on became !lle"al pon not!ce by pla!nt!## to de#endant o# t$e term!nat!on o# t$e latter@s r!"$t o# possess!on) ;5< t$erea#ter, t$e de#endant rema!ned !n possess!on o# t$e property and depr!ved t$e pla!nt!## o# t$e en*oyment t$ereo#) and ;/< &!t$!n one year #rom t$e last demand on de#endant to vacate t$e property, t$e pla!nt!## !nst!t ted t$e compla!nt #or e*ectment. ,n t$!s case, respondent@s alle"at!ons !n t$e compla!nt clearly ma2e a case #or nla&# l deta!ner, essent!al to con#er * r!sd!ct!on on t$e 4e+C over t$e s b*ect matter. +$ s, &e accord respect to t$e C(@s #!nd!n"s, to &!t' ( rev!e& o# t$e Compla!nt read!ly reveals t$at land t!tles &ere !ss ed !n t$e name o# t$e respondent a#ter !t p rc$ased t$e land re#erred to as t$e -ayan!$an Compo nd t$ro "$ t$e

Comm n!ty 4ort"a"e Pro"ram ;C4P< o# t$e Nat!onal Home 4ort"a"e 3!nance Corporat!on. +$e lots allocated to t$e pet!t!oners #ormed part o# t$e -ayan!$an Compo nd &$!c$ t$ey rece!ved as membersRbene#!c!ar!es o# t$e respondent. Ho&ever, t$e!r re# sal to pay t$e mont$ly amort!zat!ons desp!te demands res lted !n t$e!r eAp ls!on as members and loss o# reco"n!t!on as bene#!c!ar!es o# t$e lots !n : est!on. Bven &$en t$e case &as re#erred to t$e baran"ay, no settlement &as reac$ed. Pet!t!oners l!2e&!se d!d not con#orm to respondent@s demand to vacate t$e prem!ses and ret rn !ts possess!on. (s s c$, respondent so "$t to recover possess!on o# t$e sa!d lots by #!l!n" a case #or e*ectment &!t$!n a year a#ter #!nal demand. /smeraldo C. Romullo, et al. vs. (amahang Mag7a7apitbahay ng )ayanihan Compound <omeo4ners =sso%iation, .n%. represented by its President, Pa>uito ?uitalig, G.R. o. !"',"1, O%tober ,, &'!' B*ectment) nla&# l deta!ner) sole !ss e !s p$ys!cal or mater!al possess!on o# property, !ndependent o# cla!m o# o&ners$!p. (s to pet!t!oners@ ar" ment t$at 4(H(@s t!tle !s vo!d #or $av!n" been sec red #ra d lently, &e #!nd t$at s c$ !ss e &as !mproperly ra!sed. ,n an nla&# l deta!ner case, t$e sole !ss e #or resol t!on !s p$ys!cal or mater!al possess!on o# t$e property !nvolved, !ndependent o# any cla!m o# o&ners$!p by any o# t$e part!es. %!nce t$e only !ss e !nvolved !s t$e p$ys!cal or mater!al possess!on o# t$e prem!ses, t$at !s possess!on de #acto and not possess!on de * re, t$e : est!on o# o&ners$!p m st be t$res$ed o t !n a separate act!on. Cora9on *. (armienta, et al. vs. Manalite <omeo4ners =sso%iation, .n%., G.R. o. !"&#$5. O%tober !!, &'!' BAtra* d!c!al #oreclos re o# mort"a"e) not!ce re: !rement. ,n Ol!zon v. Co rt o# (ppeals, t$e Co rt eApo nded on t$e p rpose #or "!v!n" not!ce o# t$e #oreclos re sale) and !# s c$ p rpose co ld be atta!ned by p bl!cat!on alone, t$en t$e absence o# act al post!n" s$o ld not n ll!#y t$e sale. +$ s' 0e ta2e * d!c!al not!ce o# t$e #act t$at ne&spaper p bl!cat!ons $ave more #ar1reac$!n" e##ects t$an post!n" on b llet!n boards !n p bl!c places. +$ere !s a "reater probab!l!ty t$at an anno ncement or not!ce p bl!s$ed !n a ne&spaper o# "eneral c!rc lat!on, &$!c$ !s d!str!b ted nat!on&!de, s$all $ave a readers$!p o# more people t$an t$at posted !n a p bl!c b llet!n board, no matter $o& strate"!c !ts locat!on may be, &$!c$ caters only to a l!m!ted #e&. Hence, t$e p bl!cat!on o# t$e not!ce o# sale !n t$e ne&spaper o# "eneral c!rc lat!on alone !s more t$an s ##!c!ent compl!ance &!t$ t$e not!ce1post!n" re: !rement o# t$e la&. -y s c$ p bl!cat!on, a reasonably &!de p bl!c!ty $ad been e##ected s c$ t$at t$ose !nterested m!"$t attend t$e p bl!c sale, and t$e p rpose o# t$e la& $ad been t$ereby s bserved. +$e ob*ect o# a not!ce o# sale !s to !n#orm t$e p bl!c o# t$e nat re and cond!t!on o# t$e property to be sold, and o# t$e t!me, place and terms o# t$e sale. Not!ces are "!ven #or t$e p rpose o# sec r!n" b!dders and to prevent a sacr!#!ce o# t$e property. ,# t$ese ob*ects are atta!ned, !mmater!al errors and m!sta2es &!ll not a##ect t$e s ##!c!ency o# t$e not!ce) b t !# m!sta2es or om!ss!ons occ r !n t$e not!ces o# sale, &$!c$ are calc lated to deter or m!slead b!dders, to deprec!ate t$e val e o# t$e property, or to prevent !t #rom br!n"!n" a #a!r pr!ce, s c$ m!sta2es or om!ss!ons &!ll be #atal to t$e val!d!ty o# t$e not!ce, and also to t$e sale made p rs ant t$ereto. ,n t$e !nstant case, t$e a#oresa!d ob*ect!ve &as atta!ned s!nce t$ere &as s ##!c!ent p bl!c!ty o# t$e sale t$ro "$ t$e ne&spaper p bl!cat!on. +$ere !s completely no s$o&!n" t$at t$e property &as sold #or a pr!ce #ar belo& !ts val e as to !ns!n ate any bad #a!t$, nor &as t$ere any s$o&!n" or

even an !nt!mat!on o# coll s!on bet&een t$e s$er!## &$o cond cted t$e sale and respondent ban2. +$!s be!n" so, t$e alle"ed non1compl!ance &!t$ t$e post!n" re: !rement, even !# tr e, &!ll not * st!#y t$e sett!n" as!de o# t$e sale. Ol!zon s: arely appl!es !n t$!s case. ,t !s not d!sp ted t$at t$e Not!ce o# %ale &as d ly p bl!s$ed !n a ne&spaper o# "eneral c!rc lat!on once a &ee2 #or t$ree consec t!ve &ee2s. Respondents d!d not alle"e, m c$ less prove, any m!sta2e or om!ss!on !n t$e p bl!s$ed Not!ce o# %ale calc lated to deter or m!slead b!dders, deprec!ate t$e val e o# t$e property, or to prevent !t #rom br!n"!n" a #a!r pr!ce) or sale o# t$e mort"a"ed propert!es #or a pr!ce #ar belo& t$e!r val e as to !ns!n ate bad #a!t$) or coll s!on bet&een Notary P bl!c 4a"pantay, &$o cond cted t$e sale, and pet!t!oner. Hence, t$e alle"ed non1compl!ance &!t$ t$e post!n" re: !rement, even !# tr e, s$all not * st!#y t$e sett!n" as!de o# t$e #oreclos re sale. Century (avings )an7 vs. (pouses *anilo +. (amonte and Rosalinda M. (amonte, G.R. o. !1,&!&, O%tober &', &'!'. BAtra* d!c!al #oreclos re o# mort"a"e) re: !rement t$at debtor be !n de#a lt. 3oreclos re !s val!d only &$en t$e debtor !s !n de#a lt !n t$e payment o# $!s obl!"at!on. ,t !s a necessary conse: ence o# non1payment o# mort"a"e !ndebtedness. (s a r le, t$e mort"a"e can be #oreclosed only &$en t$e debt rema!ns npa!d at t$e t!me !t !s d e. ,n a real estate mort"a"e, &$en t$e pr!nc!pal obl!"at!on !s not pa!d &$en d e, t$e mort"a"ee $as t$e r!"$t to #oreclose on t$e mort"a"e, to $ave t$e property se!zed and sold, and to apply t$e proceeds to t$e obl!"at!on. RC-C@s o&n (mort!zat!on %c$ed le read!ly s$o&s t$e appl!cab!l!ty o# (rt!cle 1177 o# t$e C!v!l Code, &$!c$ states' (rt. 1177. +$e rece!pt o# t$e pr!nc!pal by t$e cred!tor, &!t$o t reservat!on &!t$ respect to t$e !nterest, s$all "!ve r!se to t$e pres mpt!on t$at t$e sa!d !nterest $as been pa!d. +$e rece!pt o# a later !nstallment o# a debt &!t$o t reservat!on as to pr!or !nstallments, s$all l!2e&!se ra!se t$e pres mpt!on t$at s c$ !nstallments $ave been pa!d. Respondent@s passboo2s !nd!cate t$at RC-C cont!n ed to rece!ve $!s payments even a#ter !t made demands #or $!m to pay $!s past d e acco nts, and even a#ter t$e a ct!on sale. RC-C cannot deny rece!pt o# t$e payments, even &$en !t cla!ms t$at t$e depos!ts &ere 8not &!t$dra&n.9 ,t !s not respondent@s #a lt t$at RC-C d!d not &!t$dra& t$e money $e depos!ted. H!s obl!"at!on nder t$e mort"a"e a"reement &as to depos!t $!s payment !n t$e sav!n"s acco nt $e $ad opened #or t$at p rpose, !n order t$at RC-C may deb!t t$e amo nt o# $!s mont$ly l!ab!l!t!es t$ere#rom. He compl!ed &!t$ $!s part o# t$e a"reement. +$!s bolsters t$e concl s!on o# t$e C( t$at respondent $ad no npa!d !nstallments and &as not !n de#a lt as &o ld &arrant t$e appl!cat!on o# t$e accelerat!on cla se and t$e s bse: ent #oreclos re and a ct!on sale o# t$e property. Ri9al Commer%ial )an7ing Corporation vs. Pedro P. )uenaventura, G.R. o. !1,-1#, O%tober ,, &'!' 3act al #!nd!n"s o# adm!n!strat!ve a"enc!es "enerally accorded respect and even #!nal!ty. 3act al #!nd!n"s o# adm!n!strat!ve a"enc!es are "enerally respected and even accorded #!nal!ty beca se o# t$e spec!al 2no&led"e and eApert!se "a!ned by t$ese a"enc!es #rom $andl!n" matters #all!n" nder t$e!r spec!al!zed * r!sd!ct!on. D!ven t$at t$e L4- !s t$e adm!n!strat!ve a"ency tas2ed &!t$ ass!st!n" t$e %ecretary o# t$e ?epartment o# Bnv!ronment and Nat ral Reso rces ;?BNR< !n t$e mana"ement and d!spos!t!on o# al!enable and d!sposable lands o# t$e p bl!c doma!n, &e de#er to !ts spec!al!zed 2no&led"e on t$ese matters. Pio Modesto and Cirila Rivera-Modesto vs. Carlos

Urbina, substituted by the heirs of Olympia Miguel Vda. de Urbina, et al., G.R. O%tober !", &'!'.

o. !"#"$#,

,n* nct!on) prel!m!nary !n* nct!on) nat re o# remedy and ev!dence rel!ed on. ,t m st also be po!nted o t t$at t$ere &as a prel!m!nary !ss e C t$at o# t$e part!es@ respect!ve pet!t!ons #or !n* nct!on C t$at $ad to be determ!ned be#ore t$e resol t!on o# t$e ma!n case. 0$en t$e case &as trans#erred #rom t$e %BC to t$e R+C, only t$e matter o# t$e pet!t!ons #or prel!m!nary !n* nct!ons $ad been $eard and s bm!tted #or resol t!on. +$e $ear!n"s to resolve t$e pet!t!on to n ll!#y t$e 3o ndat!on@s (mended -y1la&s &ere yet to be $eld. (n !n* nct!ve &r!t !s not a * d"ment on t$e mer!ts o# t$e case. ( &r!t o# prel!m!nary !n* nct!on !s "enerally based solely on !n!t!al and !ncomplete ev!dence. +$e ev!dence s bm!tted d r!n" t$e $ear!n" on an appl!cat!on #or a &r!t o# prel!m!nary !n* nct!on !s not concl s!ve or complete, #or only a 8sampl!n"9 !s needed to "!ve t$e tr!al co rt an !dea o# t$e * st!#!cat!on #or t$e prel!m!nary !n* nct!on pend!n" t$e dec!s!on o# t$e case on t$e mer!ts. (n order "rant!n" a prel!m!nary !n* nct!on !s not a #!nal resol t!on or dec!s!on d!spos!n" o# t$e case. ,t !s based on a prel!m!nary determ!nat!on o# t$e stat s : o and on pet!t!oner@s ent!tlement to t$e 0r!t. +$ s, t$e #!nd!n"s o# #act and op!n!on o# a co rt &$en !ss !n" t$e &r!t o# prel!m!nary !n* nct!on are !nterloc tory !n nat re and made be#ore t$e tr!al on t$e mer!ts !s commenced or term!nated. +$ere may be v!tal #acts to be presented at tr!al &$!c$ may not be obta!ned or presented d r!n" t$e $ear!n" on t$e appl!cat!on #or t$e !n* nct!ve &r!t. +$e tr!al co rt needs to cond ct s bstant!al proceed!n"s !n order to p t t$e ma!n controversy to rest. (s s c$, even as respondents cla!m t$at t$e R+C correctly r led t$at t$e (mended -y1la&s are not val!d, t$ey are st!ll contest!n" t$e latter@s #!nd!n" on t$e n mber o# : al!#!ed apostles. +$!s only # rt$er nderscores t$e need #or tr!al to determ!ne &$!c$ o# t$e part!es@ cla!ms are tr e and relevant. +$ere are ot$er : est!ons ra!sed t$at cannot be ans&ered !n t$e present pet!t!on, and not$!n" less t$an a # ll1blo&n tr!al !s needed !n order to test t$e con#l!ct!n" cla!ms o# t$e part!es. Manuel *. Re%to, et al. vs. )ishop 3ederi%o O. /s%aler, (.6., et al., G.R. o. !15!1#, O%tober &', &'!'. 6 d"ment) #!nal!ty. Blemental !s t$e r le o# proced re t$at t$e nat re o# a plead!n" !s to be determ!ned by t$e averments !n !t and not by !ts t!tle. Hence, &$!le pet!t!oner@s 4ot!on ;to Recall t$e (pr!l 1=, 2000 Order< &as so denom!nated, !t !s not d!##!c lt to see t$at t$e remedy !t &as see2!n" &as act ally a recons!derat!on o# t$e d!sm!ssal o# t$e Rece!vers$!p Case. +$!s 4ot!on, to re!terate, does not appear to $ave been acted pon by t$e $ear!n" o##!cer at any t!me d r!n" t$e !nter!m t$at t$e s b*ect order &as !ss ed and t$e t&o cases &ere event ally trans#erred to -ranc$es 15> and 1/2 o# t$e R+C o# 4a2at!. ,n part!c lar, &$en t$e Rece!vers$!p Case &as trans#erred to -ranc$ 15>, pet!t!oner@s 4ot!on to Recall &as st!ll a pend!n" !nc!dent !n t$e case. 0!t$ t$e trans#er o# t$e records to t$e sa!d co rt, t$e accompany!n" d ty to resolve t$e mot!on l!2e&!se $ad devolved on t$e sa!d co rt. ,n ot$er &ords, contrary to t$e #!nd!n"s o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals, t$e Rece!vers$!p Case $as not yet atta!ned #!nal!ty, as !ndeed t$e mot!on see2!n" recons!derat!on o# !ts d!sm!ssal $ad not been acted pon by t$e $ear!n" o##!cer $!msel# and $ad not yet, !n #act, been acted pon by -ranc$ 15> o# t$e R+C o# 4a2at!. 4oreover, t$e November 25, 2000 Order o# t$e %BC Bn -anc reads !n # ll' Knder t$e Rev!sed R les o# Proced re o# t$e %ec r!t!es and BAc$an"e Comm!ss!on, part!es !n an !ntra1corporate d!sp te are allo&ed to #!le a pet!t!on #or cert!orar! : est!on!n" !nterloc tory orders o# t$e Hear!n" O##!cer based on "rave ab se o# d!scret!on. % c$ remedy &as allo&ed by t$e

Comm!ss!on !n order #or !t to $ave overs!"$t po&er over t$e acts o# t$e Hear!n" O##!cer. 0!t$ t$e passa"e Fo#G Rep bl!c (ct >7== ot$er&!se 2no&n as t$e 8%ec r!t!es Re" lat!on Code,9 t$e * r!sd!ct!on o# t$e Comm!ss!on over !ntra1corporate d!sp te &as trans#erred to t$e re" lar co rts. 0!t$ t$e trans#er o# t$!s # nct!on to t$e re" lar co rts, t$e overs!"$t po&er o# t$e Comm!ss!on en banc over t$e acts o# t$e!r Hear!n" O##!cers, $as no& become # nct s o##!c! s. +$ere#ore, t$e present pet!t!on #or cert!orar! $ere!n s$all no lon"er be acted pon by t$e Comm!ss!on and den!ed d e co rse. ( copy o# t$!s order, to"et$er &!t$ t$e records o# t$e case, F!sG $ereby #or&arded to t$e Re"!onal +r!al Co rt &$ere t$e ma!n case s$all be $eard #or t$e!r cons!derat!on. %O OR?BRB?. (s can be "leaned #rom t$e a#ore: oted order, t$e %BC Bn -anc $as c$osen not to act on t$e Cert!orar! Pet!t!on &$!c$ pr!nc!pally assa!led t$e October 22 and ?ecember 17, 1=== Orders o# Hear!n" O##!cer -acalla respect!vely accept!n" t$e Comm!ttee Report and deny!n" recons!derat!on, prec!sely beca se !t ac2no&led"ed t$at !t $as lost * r!sd!ct!on over t$e pet!t!on as a res lt o# t$e s perven!n" trans#er o# * r!sd!ct!on over t$e case to t$e tr!al co rt. +$!s !s ev!dent !n !ts reco"n!t!on o# t$e #act t$at by v!rt e o# t$e enactment o# R.(. No. >7==, !t $as t$ereby also lost t$e overs!"$t po&er to correct ab ses o# d!scret!on !n t$e !ss ance o# !nterloc tory orders by !ts $ear!n" o##!cers. 4ore to t$e po!nt, !t l!2e&!se ordered t$e trans#er o# t$e records o# t$e case to t$e tr!al co rt &$ere !t may s pposedly be $eard #or # rt$er cons!derat!on. On t$ese observat!ons, !t !s clear t$at t$!s Order co ld not $ave &r!tten #!n!s to t$e Cert!orar! Pet!t!on #or t$e bas!c reason t$at t$e %BC Bn -anc, at t$at "!ven po!nt, co ld no lon"er val!dly act on t$e same Mm c$ less to r le on t$e mer!ts o# t$e pet!t!on. )an7 of Commer%e vs. <on. /stela Perlas-)ernabe, et%., et al. G.R. o. !1&5#5, O%tober &', &'!'. 6 d"ment) #!nal!ty. Once a dec!s!on atta!ns #!nal!ty, !t becomes t$e la& o# t$e case !rrespect!ve o# &$et$er t$e dec!s!on !s erroneo s or not and no co rt C not even t$e % preme Co rt C $as t$e po&er to rev!se, rev!e&, c$an"e or alter t$e same. +$e bas!c r le o# #!nal!ty o# * d"ment !s "ro nded on t$e # ndamental pr!nc!ple o# p bl!c pol!cy and so nd pract!ce t$at, at t$e r!s2 o# occas!onal error, t$e * d"ment o# co rts and t$e a&ard o# : as!1* d!c!al a"enc!es m st become #!nal at some de#!n!te date #!Aed by la&. (dm!ttedly, t$e r le t$at a * d"ment t$at $as become #!nal and eAec tory can no lon"er be d!st rbed, altered or mod!#!ed adm!ts o# eAcept!ons !n spec!al cases. ,n #!l!n" t$e pet!t!on at $and, $o&ever, Z34C $as once a"a!n $!ndered t$e proper apprec!at!on o# t$e #acts o# t$e case by #a!l!n" to s bm!t cop!es o# t$e -3? ?!rector@s orders dated > 4ay 1=7/ and 11 November 1=7/, a complete copy o# t$e 2. 6 ne 1=>. dec!s!on !n 4NR Case No. /025 and t$e plead!n"s t$e part!es #!led be#ore t$e 4NR and t$e O##!ce o# t$e Pres!dent. Bven !# &e &ere, t$ere#ore, to eAc se Z34C@s proced ral lapses be#ore t$e C(, t$ere &o ld st!ll be a pa c!ty o# bases #or t$e reversal o# t$e 50 6 ne 2005 dec!s!on !n O.P. Case No. .715. 2amboanga 3orest Managers Corporation vs. e4 Pa%ifi% +imber and (upply Company, et al., G.R. o. !155-&. O%tober !5, &'!'. 6 d"ment) #!nal!ty) party cannot re1l!t!"ate cla!ms already resolved &!t$ #!nal!ty. ,n t$e!r 4emorand m, respondents@ cla!m t$at C4+C cannot p rc$ase real estate or !nvest !ts # nds !n any p rpose ot$er t$an !ts pr!mary p rpose #or &$!c$ !t &as or"an!zed !n t$e absence o# a corporate board resol t!on) t$e b!d a&ard, deed o# absol te sale and +C+ No. +1771>5, !ss ed !n #avor o# t$e C4+C, s$o ld be n ll!#!ed) t$e tr!al co rt erred !n concl d!n" t$at D%,% personnel $ave re" larly per#ormed t$e!r o##!c!al d ty &$en t$ey cond cted t$e p bl!c b!dd!n") 3ernando,

as #ormer o&ner o# t$e s b*ect property and #ormer member o# t$e D%,%, $as t$e preempt!ve r!"$t to rep rc$ase t$e #oreclosed property. +$ese add!t!onal averments cannot be ta2en co"n!zance by t$e Co rt, beca se t$ey &ere s bstant!ally respondents@ ar" ments !n t$e!r pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! earl!er #!led be#ore Ks and doc2eted as D.R. No. 1.770=. Records s$o& t$at sa!d pet!t!on &as den!ed by t$e Co rt !n a Resol t!on dated (pr!l 25, 2005, #or pet!t!oners@ ;respondents $ere!n< #a!l re to s ##!c!ently s$o& t$at t$e Co rt o# (ppeals comm!tted any revers!ble error !n t$e c$allen"ed dec!s!on as to &arrant t$e eAerc!se by t$!s Co rt o# !ts d!scret!onary appellate * r!sd!ct!on. F+$e pet!t!on &as also den!ed #or lac2 o# proo# o# t$e pet!t!on on t$e adverse party and !ts #a!l re to attac$ t$e a##!dav!t o# serv!ce o# copy o# t$e pet!t!on on t$e adverse part!es. ;,d. at 1=0.<G %a!d resol t!on became #!nal and eAec tory on 6 ne =, 2005. Respondents@ attempt to re1l!t!"ate cla!ms already passed pon and resolved &!t$ #!nal!ty by t$e Co rt !n D.R. No. 1.770= cannot be allo&ed. Government (ervi%e .nsuran%e (ystem :G(.(; vs. <eirs of 3ernando P. Caballero, et al., G.R. o. !$"'#', O%tober -, &'!' 6 d"ment) !mm tab!l!ty) eAcept!ons. (s a r le, a #!nal * d"ment may no lon"er be altered, amended or mod!#!ed, even !# t$e alterat!on, amendment or mod!#!cat!on !s meant to correct &$at !s perce!ved to be an erroneo s concl s!on o# #act or la& and re"ardless o# &$at co rt, be !t t$e $!"$est Co rt o# t$e land, rendered !t. ,n t$e past, $o&ever, &e $ave reco"n!zed eAcept!ons to t$!s r le by revers!n" * d"ments and recall!n" t$e!r entr!es !n t$e !nterest o# s bstant!al * st!ce and &$ere spec!al and compell!n" reasons called #or s c$ act!ons. Notably, !n %an 4!" el Corporat!on v. Nat!onal Labor Relat!ons Comm!ss!on, Dalman v. %and!"anbayan, P$!l!pp!ne Cons mers 3o ndat!on v. Nat!onal +elecomm n!cat!ons Comm!ss!on, and Rep bl!c v. de los (n"eles, &e reversed o r * d"ment on t$e second mot!on #or recons!derat!on, &$!le !n I!r16en %$!pp!n" and 4ar!ne %erv!ces v. Nat!onal Labor Relat!ons Comm!ss!on, &e d!d so on a t$!rd mot!on #or recons!derat!on. ,n Cat$ay Pac!#!c v. Rom!llo and Cos!o v. de Rama, &e mod!#!ed or amended o r r l!n" on t$e second mot!on #or recons!derat!on. 4ore recently, !n t$e cases o# 4 noz v. Co rt o# (ppeals, +an +!ac C$!on" v. Hon. Cos!co, 4anoto2 ,I v. -ar: e, and -arnes v. Pad!lla, &e recalled entr!es o# * d"ment a#ter #!nd!n" t$at do!n" so &as !n t$e !nterest o# s bstant!al * st!ce. ,n -arnes, &e sa!d' A A A P$rased else&!se, a #!nal and eAec tory * d"ment can no lon"er be attac2ed by any o# t$e part!es or be mod!#!ed, d!rectly or !nd!rectly, even by t$e $!"$est co rt o# t$e land. Ho&ever, t$!s Co rt $as relaAed t$!s r le !n order to serve s bstant!al * st!ce cons!der!n" ;a< matters o# l!#e, l!berty, $onor or property, ;b< t$e eA!stence o# spec!al or compell!n" c!rc mstances, ;c< t$e mer!ts o# t$e case, ;d< a ca se not ent!rely attr!b table to t$e #a lt or ne"l!"ence o# t$e party #avored by t$e s spens!on o# t$e r les, ;e< a lac2 o# any s$o&!n" t$at t$e rev!e& so "$t !s merely #r!volo s and d!latory, and ;#< t$e ot$er party &!ll not be n* stly pre* d!ced t$ereby. ,nvar!ably, r les o# proced re s$o ld be v!e&ed as mere tools des!"ned to #ac!l!tate t$e atta!nment o# * st!ce. +$e!r str!ct and r!"!d appl!cat!on, &$!c$ &o ld res lt !n tec$n!cal!t!es t$at tend to #r strate rat$er t$an promote s bstant!al * st!ce, m st al&ays be esc$e&ed. Bven t$e R les o# Co rt re#lects t$!s pr!nc!ple. +$e po&er to s spend or even d!sre"ard r les can be so pervas!ve and compell!n" as to alter even t$at &$!c$ t$!s Co rt !tsel# $ad already declared to be #!nal.

+$at t$e !ss es posed by t$!s case are o# transcendental !mportance !s not $ard to d!scern #rom t$ese d!sc ss!ons. ( const!t t!onal l!m!tat!on, " aranteed nder no less t$an t$e all1!mportant -!ll o# R!"$ts, !s at sta2e !n t$!s case' $o& can compensat!on !n an em!nent doma!n be 8* st9 &$en t$e payment #or t$e compensat!on #or property already ta2en $as been nreasonably delayedO +o cla!m, as t$e assa!led Resol t!on does, t$at only pr!vate !nterest !s !nvolved !n t$!s case !s to #or"et t$at an eApropr!at!on !nvolves t$e "overnment as a necessary actor. ,t #or"ets, too, t$at nder em!nent doma!n, t$e const!t t!onal l!m!ts or standards apply to "overnment &$o carr!es t$e b rden o# s$o&!n" t$at t$ese standards $ave been met. +$ s, to s!mply d!sm!ss t$!s case as a pr!vate !nterest matter !s an eAtremely s$orts!"$ted v!e& t$at t$!s Co rt s$o ld not leave ncorrected. (s d ly noted !n t$e above d!sc ss!ons, t$!s !ss e !s not one o# #!rst !mpress!on !n o r * r!sd!ct!on) t$e conse: ences o# delay !n t$e payment o# * st compensat!on $ave been settled by t$!s Co rt !n past r l!n"s. O r settled * r!spr dence on t$e !ss e alone accords t$!s case pr!mary !mportance as a contrary r l!n" &o ld nsettle, on t$e #l!ms!est o# "ro nds, all t$e r l!n"s &e $ave establ!s$ed !n t$e past. 4ore t$an t$e stab!l!ty o# o r * r!spr dence, t$e matter be#ore s !s o# transcendental !mportance to t$e nat!on beca se o# t$e s b*ect matter !nvolved C a"rar!an re#orm, a soc!etal ob*ect!ve t$at t$e "overnment $as nceas!n"ly so "$t to ac$!eve !n t$e past $al# cent ry. +$!s re#orm pro"ram and !ts ob*ect!ves &o ld s ##er a ma*or setbac2 !# t$e "overnment #alters or !s seen to be #alter!n", &!tt!n"ly or n&!tt!n"ly, t$ro "$ lac2 o# "ood #a!t$ !n !mplement!n" t$e needed re#orms. +r ly, a"rar!an re#orm !s so !mportant to t$e nat!onal a"enda t$at t$e %ol!c!tor Deneral, no less, po!ntedly l!n2ed a"r!c lt ral lands, !ts o&ners$!p and ab se, to t$e !dea o# revol t!on. +$!s l!n2a"e, to o r m!nd, rema!ns val!d even !# t$e lando&ner, not t$e landless #armer, !s at t$e rece!v!n" end o# t$e d!stort!on o# t$e a"rar!an re#orm pro"ram. (s &e $ave r led o#ten eno "$, r les o# proced re s$o ld not be appl!ed !n a very r!"!d, tec$n!cal sense) r les o# proced re are sed only to $elp sec re, not overr!de, s bstant!al * st!ce. (s &e eApla!ned !n D!nete v. Co rt o# (ppeals' Let !t be emp$as!zed t$at t$e r les o# proced re s$o ld be v!e&ed as mere tools des!"ned to #ac!l!tate t$e atta!nment o# * st!ce. +$e!r str!ct and r!"!d appl!cat!on, &$!c$ &o ld res lt !n tec$n!cal!t!es t$at tend to #r strate rat$er t$an promote s bstant!al * st!ce, m st al&ays be esc$e&ed. Bven t$e R les o# Co rt re#lect t$!s pr!nc!ple. +$e po&er to s spend or even d!sre"ard r les can be so pervas!ve and compell!n" as to alter even t$at &$!c$ t$!s Co rt !tsel# $as already declared to be #!nal, as &e are no& constra!ned to do !n t$e !nstant case. A A A A +$e emer"!n" trend !n t$e r l!n"s o# t$!s Co rt !s to a##ord every party l!t!"ant t$e amplest opport n!ty #or t$e proper and * st determ!nat!on o# $!s ca se, #ree #rom t$e constra!nts o# tec$n!cal!t!es. +!me and a"a!n, t$!s Co rt $as cons!stently $eld t$at r les m st not be appl!ed r!"!dly so as not to overr!de s bstant!al * st!ce. %!m!larly, !n de D zman v. %and!"anbayan, &e $ad occas!on to state' +$e R les o# Co rt &as conce!ved and prom l"ated to set #ort$ " !del!nes !n t$e d!spensat!on o# * st!ce b t not to b!nd and c$a!n t$e $and t$at d!spenses !t, #or ot$er&!se, co rts &!ll be mere slaves to or robots o# tec$n!cal r les, s$orn o# * d!c!al d!scret!on. +$at !s prec!sely &$y co rts !n render!n" * st!ce $ave al&ays been, as t$ey o "$t to be, consc!ent!o sly " !ded by t$e norm t$at &$en on t$e balance, tec$n!cal!t!es ta2e a bac2seat a"a!nst s bstant!ve r!"$ts, and not t$e

ot$er &ay aro nd. +r ly t$en, tec$n!cal!t!es, !n t$e appropr!ate lan" a"e o# 6 st!ce 4a2al!ntal, 8s$o ld "!ve &ay to t$e real!t!es o# t$e s!t at!on. 0e made t$e same reco"n!t!on !n -arnes, on t$e nderly!n" prem!se t$at a co rt@s pr!mord!al and most !mportant d ty !s to render * st!ce) !n d!sc$ar"!n" t$e d ty to render s bstant!al * st!ce, !t !s perm!tted to re1eAam!ne even a #!nal and eAec tory * d"ment. -ased on all t$ese cons!derat!ons, part!c larly t$e patently !lle"al and erroneo s concl s!on t$at t$e pet!t!oners are not ent!tled to 12S !nterest, &e #!nd t$at &e are d ty1bo nd to re1eAam!ne and overt rn t$e assa!led Resol t!on. 0e s$all completely and !neAc sably be rem!ss !n o r d ty as de#enders o# * st!ce !#, "!ven t$e c$ance to ma2e t$e rect!#!cat!on, &e s$all let t$e opport n!ty pass. =po 3ruits Corporation, et al. vs. 0and )an7 of the Philippines, G.R. o. !,-!#$, O%tober !&, &'!'. 6 d"ment on t$e plead!n"s. (t t$e o tset, &e lay stress on t$e Co rt@s pol!cy t$at cases s$o ld be promptly and eAped!t!o sly resolved. +$e R les o# Co rt see2s to abbrev!ate co rt proced re !n order to allo& t$e s&!#t d!spos!t!on o# cases. %pec!#!cally, spec!al strate"!es l!2e dem rrer to ev!dence, * d"ment on t$e plead!n"s, and s mmary * d"ment &ere adopted to atta!n t$!s avo&ed "oal. 3 ll1blo&n tr!al !s d!spensed &!t$ and * d"ment !s rendered on t$e bas!s o# t$e plead!n"s, s pport!n" a##!dav!ts, depos!t!ons, and adm!ss!ons o# t$e part!es. ,n t$e !nstant pet!t!on, t$e Co rt !s con#ronted &!t$ t$e propr!ety o# t$e * d"ment on t$e plead!n"s rendered by t$e 4a2at! C!ty R+C. Pet!t!oners cla!m s c$ ad* d!cat!on on sa!d papers and attac$ments !s proper. +$e pet!t!oner@s pos!t!on !s !mpressed &!t$ mer!t. R le 5/ o# t$e R les o# Co rt prov!des t$at 8&$ere an ans&er #a!ls to tender an !ss e or ot$er&!se adm!ts t$e mater!al alle"at!ons o# t$e adverse party@s plead!n", t$e co rt may, on mot!on o# t$at party, d!rect * d"ment on s c$ plead!n".9 6 d"ment on t$e plead!n"s !s, t$ere#ore, based eAcl s!vely pon t$e alle"at!ons appear!n" !n t$e plead!n"s o# t$e part!es and t$e anneAes, !# any, &!t$o t cons!derat!on o# any ev!dence aliunde. 0$en &$at !s le#t are not "en !nely !ss es re: !r!n" tr!al b t : est!ons concern!n" the proper interpretation o! the provisions o! some written contract attached to the pleadin"s, * d"ment on t$e plead!n"s !s proper. 3rom t$e plead!n"s, t$e part!es adm!tted t$e #ollo&!n" #acts' ;1< B,- !s t$e stoc2bro2er o# pet!t!oners. ;2< Pet!t!oners and B,- entered !nto a %?((, (nneA 819 o# B,-@s ans&er, &$!c$ "overned t$e relat!ons$!p bet&een pet!t!oners as cl!ents and B,- as stoc2bro2er. %ec. 7 o# t$e %?(( prov!des' 7. L!en #he client a"rees that all monies and$or securities and$or all other propert% o! the Client (plainti!!s) in the Compan%&s (de!endant) custod% or control held !rom time to time shall be sub'ect to a "eneral lien in !avour o! Compan% !or the dischar"e o! all or an% indebtedness o! the Client to the Compan%( #he Client shall not be entitled to withdraw an% monies or securities held b% the Compan% pendin" the pa%ment in !ull to the Compan% o! an% indebtedness o! the Client to the Compan%. +$e company s$all be ent!tled at any t!me and &!t$o t not!ce to t$e Cl!ent to reta!n, apply, sell or d!spose o# all or any o# t$e Fcl!ent@sG property !# any s c$ obl!"at!on or l!ab!l!ty !s not d!sc$ar"ed !n # ll by t$e cl!ent &$en d e or on demand !n

or to&ards t$e payment and d!sc$ar"e o# s c$ obl!"at!on or l!ab!l!ty and t$e Company s$all be nder no d ty to t$e cl!ent as to t$e pr!ce obta!ned or any losses or l!ab!l!t!es !nc rred or ar!s!n" !n respect o# any s c$ sale or d!sposal. % b*ect to t$e relevant la& and re" lat!on on t$e matter, t$e cl!ent $ereby a t$or!zes t$e Company, on $!sR!ts be$al#, at any t!me and &!t$o t not!ce to t$e cl!ent@s property !# any s c$ obl!"at!on or l!ab!l!ty !s not d!sc$ar"ed. ;Bmp$as!s s ppl!ed.< ,t !s clear #rom t$e %?(( t$at all mon!es, sec r!t!es, and ot$er propert!es o# pet!t!oners !n B,-@s c stody or control s$all be s b*ect to a "eneral l!en !n #avor o# t$e latter solel% !or the dischar"e o! all or an% indebtedness to ) *( ;5< 3rom 6 ne 2005 to 4arc$ 200/, pet!t!oners, t$ro "$ t$e!r bro2er, B,-, bo "$t 70,7=0,000 EEP s$ares o# stoc2 at t$e P$!l!pp!ne %toc2 BAc$an"e ;P%B<. ;/< On var!o s dates !n 6 ly and ( " st 2005, pet!t!oners bo "$t 17,1>0,000 ?4C, s$ares o# stoc2 t$ro "$ B,- l!2e&!se at t$e P%B, &$!le 17,000,000 ?4C, s$ares o# pet!t!oners &ere trans#erred to B,- by 0estl!n2 Dlobal B: !t!es, ,nc. +$ s, a total o# 52,1>0,000 ?4C, s$ares o# stoc2 o&ned by pet!t!oners &ere placed !n t$e c stody or control o# B,-. ;.< On (pr!l 1, 200/, pet!t!oners ordered t$e sale o# 70,7=0,000 EPP s$ares to any b yer at t$e pr!ce o# P$P 0.1/ per s$are. +$e EPP s$ares &ere event ally sold at P$P 0.1/ per s$are to !nterested b yers. ;7< Pet!t!oners #a!led to reac: !re or b y bac2 t$e EPP s$ares at P$P 0.1> per s$are a#ter 50 days #rom date o# transact!on. ;7< (s pet!t!oners #a!led to del!ver # nds to B,- to $onor t$e b y1bac2 obl!"at!on, not to ment!on t$e cas$ acco nt obl!"at!ons o# pet!t!oners !n t$e amo nt o# P$P 70 m!ll!on to B,-, B,- $ad no reco rse b t to sell t$e ?4C, s$ares o# pet!t!oners to reac: !re t$e EPP s$ares. ;>< +$ s, on var!o s dates !n 6 ne 200/, B,-, &!t$o t pet!t!oners@ 2no&led"e and consent, sold pet!t!oners@ 52,1>0,000 ?4C, s$ares at t$e controll!n" mar2et pr!ce. B,- later sent sales con#!rmat!on rece!pts to pet!t!oners re"ard!n" t$e sale o# t$e!r ?4C, s$ares, sa!d rece!pts conta!n!n" t$e common not!ce, &$!c$ reads' (ll transact!onFsG are s b*ect to t$e r les and c stoms o# t$e BAc$an"e and !ts Clear!n" Ho se. t is a"reed that all securities shall secure all m%$our liabilities to e(securities and !s a t$or!zed !n t$e!r d!scret!on to sell all or any o# t$em &!t$o t not!ce to &eR s &$enever !n t$e op!n!on o# e.sec r!t!es myRo r acco nt !s not properly sec red. ;Bmp$as!s s ppl!ed.< ;=< B,- sent statements o# acco nts to pet!t!oners s$o&!n" t$e sale o# t$e ?4C, s$ares &$!c$ n!#ormly conta!ned t$e #ollo&!n" not!ce' +$!s statement &!ll be cons!dered correct nless &e rece!ve not!ce !n &r!t!n" o# any eAcept!ons &!t$!n . days #rom rece!pt. Please address all correspondence concern!n" eAcept!ons to o r OPBR(+,ON% ?BP(R+4BN+. E!ndly not!#y s !n &r!t!n" o# any c$an"es !n yo r address. ;10< On 6an ary 12, 200., pet!t!oners &rote B,- demand!n" t$e ret rn o# t$e 52,1>0,000 ?4C, s$ares.

;11< On 6an ary 12, 200., B,- re*ected pet!t!oners demand #or t$e ret rn o# t$e ?4C, s$ares, as t$ose &ere already sold to cover t$e b y bac2 o# t$e EPP s$ares. ;12< Pet!t!oners@ prayer !s t$e ret rn o# t$e 52,1>0,000 ?4C, s$ares by B,- to t$em. +$e pr!nc!pal !ss e !n pet!t!oners@ compla!nt !s &$et$er B,- can be compelled to ret rn ?4C, s$ares to pet!t!oners based on t$e alle"ed na t$or!zed d!sposal or sale o# sa!d s$ares to comply &!t$ t$e b y bac2 o# t$e EEP s$ares. +$e t$res$old !ss e ra!sed !n t$e ans&er !s t$e lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on over t$e compla!nt d e to t$e alle"ed nonpayment o# t$e proper doc2et #ees. (##!rmat!ve de#enses presented are t$at B,- d!sposed o# t$e ?4C, s$ares p rs ant to %ec. 7 o# t$e %?((, and t$e not!ces o# sale, rat!#!cat!on and lac$es. -ased on t$e adm!ss!ons !n t$e plead!n"s and doc ments attac$ed, t$e Co rt #!nds t$at t$e !ss es presented by t$e compla!nt and t$e ans&er can be resolved &!t$!n t$e #o r corners o# sa!d plead!n"s &!t$o t need to cond ct # rt$er $ear!n"s. (s eApla!ned by t$e Co rt !n Philippine ational )an7 v. Utility =ssuran%e F (urety Co., .n%., when what remains to be done is the proper interpretation o! the contracts or documents attached to the pleadin"s+ then 'ud"ment on the pleadin"s is proper. ,n t$e case at bar, t$e !ss e o# &$et$er t$e sale o# ?4C, s$ares to e##ect ate t$e b y bac2 o# t$e EEP s$ares !s val!d can be dec!ded by t$e tr!al co rt based on t$e %?((, Not!ces o# %ale, %ales Con#!rmat!on Rece!pts, t$e letters o# t$e part!es, and ot$er appenda"es to t$e plead!n"s !n con* nct!on &!t$ t$e alle"at!ons or adm!ss!ons conta!ned !n t$e plead!n"s &!t$o t need o# tr!al. +$e 4a2at! C!ty R+C !s, t$ere#ore, correct !n !ss !n" t$e October 1>, 200. Resol t!on "rant!n" t$e 4ot!on #or 6 d"ment on t$e Plead!n"s. +$e C( n ll!#!ed t$e October 1>, 200. Resol t!on on t$e "ro nd t$at t$ere are ot$er !ss es t$at m st be resolved d r!n" a # ll1blo&n tr!al, rat!oc!nat!n" t$!s &ay' 0$!le !t may be tr e t$at t$e (ppellant $as already adm!tted t$at t$e sale o# t$e ?4C, s$ares &as #or t$e p rpose o# b y!n" bac2 t$e EPP s$ares and t$at s c$ adm!ss!on stren"t$ened (ppellees@ cla!m t$at t$e sale o# t$e ?4C, s$ares !s a n ll!ty, t$ere &ere ot$er !ss es ra!sed by t$e (ppellant t$at can only be t$res$ed o t d r!n" a # ll blo&n tr!al, vi9' t$e avera"e pr!ce o# t$e EPP s$ares o# stoc2, t$e scope o# t$e collaterals stated !n t$e Not!ces o# %ale and t$e monetary cla!ms o# t$e (ppellant a"a!nst t$e (ppellees. +o t$e m!nd o# t$e Co rt, t$ese matters are not "en !nely tr!able !ss es b t act ally m!nor !ss es or mere !nc!dental : est!ons t$at can be resolved by constr !n" t$e statements embod!ed !n t$e appenda"es to t$e plead!n"s. +$e #acts t$at "ave r!se to t$e s!de !ss es are nd!sp ted and &ere already presented to t$e tr!al co rt render!n" tr!al nnecessary. Pa%ifi% Rehouse Corporation, et al. vs. /.) (e%urities, .n%., G.R. o. !"-'5,, O%tober !5, &'!'. 6 r!sd!ct!on) bar by lac$es. 3or t$e #!rst t!me !n t$e ent!re proceed!n"s o# t$!s case, pet!t!oners ra!se t$e tr!al co rt@s alle"ed lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on over t$e s b*ect1matter !n l!"$t o# t$e e##ect!v!ty o# t$e ,PR( at t$e t!me t$at t$e compla!nt &as #!led !n 1==>. +$ey ma!nta!n t$at, nder t$e ,PR(, !t !s t$e NC,P &$!c$ $as * r!sd!ct!on over land d!sp tes !nvolv!n" !nd!"eno s c lt ral comm n!t!es and !nd!"eno s peoples. (s a r le, an ob*ect!on over s b*ect1matter * r!sd!ct!on may be ra!sed at any t!me o# t$e proceed!n"s. +$!s !s beca se * r!sd!ct!on cannot be &a!ved by t$e part!es or vested by t$e

a"reement o# t$e part!es. 6 r!sd!ct!on !s vested by la&, &$!c$ preva!ls at t$e t!me o# t$e #!l!n" o# t$e compla!nt. (n eAcept!on to t$!s r le $as been carved by * r!spr dence. ,n t$e sem!nal case o# +iGam v. (ibonghanoy, t$e Co rt r led t$at t$e eA!stence o# lac$es &!ll prevent a party #rom ra!s!n" t$e co rt@s lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on. Lac$es !s de#!ned as t$e 8#a!l re or ne"lect, #or an nreasonable and neApla!ned len"t$ o# t!me, to do t$at &$!c$, by eAerc!s!n" d e d!l!"ence, co ld or s$o ld $ave been done earl!er) !t !s ne"l!"ence or om!ss!on to assert a r!"$t &!t$!n a reasonable t!me, &arrant!n" t$e pres mpt!on t$at t$e party ent!tled to assert !t e!t$er $as abandoned or decl!ned to assert !t.9 0!sely, some cases $ave ca t!oned a"a!nst apply!n" +iGam, eAcept #or t$e most eAcept!onal cases &$ere t$e #act al m!l!e !s s!m!lar to +iGam. ,n +iGam, t$e s rety co ld $ave ra!sed t$e !ss e o# lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on !n t$e tr!al co rt b t #a!led to do so. ,nstead, t$e s rety part!c!pated !n t$e proceed!n"s and #!led plead!n"s, ot$er t$an a mot!on to d!sm!ss #or lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on. 0$en t$e case reac$ed t$e appellate co rt, t$e s rety a"a!n part!c!pated !n t$e case and #!led t$e!r plead!n"s t$ere!n. ,t &as only a#ter rece!v!n" t$e appellate co rt@s adverse dec!s!on t$at t$e s rety a&o2e #rom !ts sl mber and #!led a mot!on to d!sm!ss, !n l!e o# a mot!on #or recons!derat!on. +$e C( cert!#!ed t$e matter to t$!s Co rt, &$!c$ t$en r led t$at t$e s rety &as already barred by lac$es #rom ra!s!n" t$e * r!sd!ct!on !ss e. ,n case at bar, t$e appl!cat!on o# t$e +iGam doctr!ne !s called #or beca se t$e presence o# lac$es cannot be !"nored. ,# t$e s rety !n +iGam &as barred by lac$es #or ra!s!n" t$e !ss e o# * r!sd!ct!on #or t$e #!rst t!me !n t$e C(, &$at more #or pet!t!oners !n t$e !nstant case &$o ra!sed t$e !ss e #or t$e #!rst t!me !n t$e!r pet!t!on be#ore t$!s Co rt. (t t$e t!me t$at t$e compla!nt &as #!rst #!led !n 1==>, t$e ,PR( &as already !n e##ect b t t$e pet!t!oners never ra!sed t$e same as a "ro nd #or d!sm!ssal) !nstead t$ey #!led a mot!on to d!sm!ss on t$e "ro nd t$at t$e val e o# t$e property d!d not meet t$e * r!sd!ct!onal val e #or t$e R+C. +$ey obv!o sly ne"lected to ta2e t$e ,PR( !nto cons!derat!on. 0$en t$e amended compla!nt &as #!led !n 1==>, t$e pet!t!oners no lon"er ra!sed t$e !ss e o# t$e tr!al co rt@s lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on. ,nstead, t$ey proceeded to tr!al, all t$e t!me a&are o# t$e eA!stence o# t$e ,PR( as ev!denced by t$e cross1eAam!nat!on cond cted by pet!t!oners@ la&yer on t$e C%+3(L C$a!rman D !llermo 3!anza. ,n t$e cross1eAam!nat!on, !t &as revealed t$at t$e pet!t!oners &ere a&are t$at t$e ?BNR, t$ro "$ t$e C%+3(L, $ad lost !ts * r!sd!ct!on over ancestral land cla!ms by v!rt e o# t$e enactment o# t$e ,PR(. +$ey assa!led t$e val!d!ty o# t$e C%+3(L resol t!on #avor!n" respondent on t$e "ro nd t$at t$e C%+3(L $ad been rendered fun%tus offi%io nder t$e ,PR(. ,neApl!cably, pet!t!oners st!ll d!d not : est!on t$e tr!al co rt@s * r!sd!ct!on. 0$en pet!t!oners reco rsed to t$e appellate co rt, t$ey only ra!sed as errors t$e tr!al co rt@s apprec!at!on o# t$e ev!dence and t$e concl s!ons t$at !t der!ved t$ere#rom. ,n t$e!r br!e#, t$ey once a"a!n assa!led t$e C%+3(L@s resol t!on as $av!n" been rendered fun%tus offi%io by t$e enactment o# ,PR(. - t no&$ere d!d pet!t!oners assa!l t$e tr!al co rt@s r l!n" #or $av!n" been rendered &!t$o t * r!sd!ct!on. ,t !s only be#ore t$!s Co rt, e!"$t years a#ter t$e #!l!n" o# t$e compla!nt, a#ter t$e tr!al co rt $ad already cond cted a # ll1blo&n tr!al and rendered a dec!s!on on t$e mer!ts, a#ter t$e appellate co rt $ad made a t$oro "$ rev!e& o# t$e records, and a#ter pet!t!oners $ave t&!ce enco ntered adverse dec!s!ons #rom t$e tr!al and t$e appellate co rts M t$at pet!t!oners no& &ant to eAp n"e all t$e e##orts t$at $ave "one !nto t$e l!t!"at!on and resol t!on o# t$e!r case and start all over a"a!n. +$!s pract!ce cannot be allo&ed. +$ s, even ass m!n" arguendo t$at pet!t!oners@ t$eory

abo t t$e e##ect o# ,PR( !s correct ;a matter &$!c$ need not be dec!ded $ere<, t$ey are already barred by lac$es #rom ra!s!n" t$e!r * r!sd!ct!onal ob*ect!on nder t$e c!rc mstances. *elfin 0amsis, et al. vs. Margarita (emon *ong-e, G.R. o. !15'&!, O%tober &', &'!'. 6 r!sd!ct!on) determ!ned by alle"at!ons !n compla!nt. %ettled !s t$e r le t$at * r!sd!ct!on !n e*ectment cases !s determ!ned by t$e alle"at!ons pleaded !n t$e compla!nt. ,t cannot be made to depend on t$e de#enses set p !n t$e ans&er or plead!n"s #!led by t$e de#endant. Ne!t$er can !t be made to depend on t$e eAcl s!ve c$aracter!zat!on o# t$e case by one o# t$e part!es. +$e test #or determ!n!n" t$e s ##!c!ency o# t$ose alle"at!ons !s &$et$er, adm!tt!n" t$e #acts alle"ed, t$e co rt can render a val!d * d"ment !n accordance &!t$ t$e prayer o# t$e pla!nt!##. /smeraldo C. Romullo, et al. vs.. (amahang Mag7a7apitbahay ng )ayanihan Compound <omeo4ners =sso%iation, .n%. represented by its President, Pa>uito ?uitalig, G.R. o. !"',"1, O%tober ,, &'!' 6 r!sd!ct!on) * r!sd!ct!on by estoppel. Cons!der!n" t$e #ore"o!n" d!sc ss!on, &e #!nd no need to remand t$e case to t$e tr!al co rt #or t$e resol t!on o# -ayerp$!l@s co ntercla!m. ,n Metromedia +imes Corporation v. Pastorin, &e d!sc ssed t$e r le as to &$en * r!sd!ct!on by estoppel appl!es and &$en !t does not, t$ s' Lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on over t$e s b*ect matter o# t$e s !t !s yet anot$er matter. 0$enever !t appears t$at t$e co rt $as no * r!sd!ct!on over t$e s b*ect matter, t$e act!on s$all be d!sm!ssed ;%ect!on 2, R le =, R les o# Co rt<. +$!s de#ense may be !nterposed at any t!me, d r!n" appeal :RoCas vs. Rafferty, 51 Phil. #$1< or even a#ter #!nal * d"ment ;Cru9%osa vs. 6udge Con%ep%ion, et al., !'! Phil. !-,<. % c$ !s nderstandable, as t$!s 2!nd o# * r!sd!ct!on !s con#erred by la& and not &!t$!n t$e co rts, let alone t$e part!es, to t$emselves determ!ne or conven!ently set as!de. ,n People vs. Casiano ;111 P$!l. 75, =51=/<, t$!s Co rt, on t$e !ss e o# estoppel, $eld' 8+$e operat!on o# t$e pr!nc!ple o# estoppel on t$e : est!on o# * r!sd!ct!on seem!n"ly depends pon &$et$er t$e lo&er co rt act ally $ad * r!sd!ct!on or not. ,# !t $ad no * r!sd!ct!on, b t t$e case &as tr!ed and dec!ded pon t$e t$eory t$at !t $ad * r!sd!ct!on, t$e part!es are not barred, on appeal, #rom assa!l!n" s c$ * r!sd!ct!on, #or t$e same Tm st eA!st as a matter o# la&, and may not be con#erred by consent o# t$e part!es or by estoppel@ ;. C.6.%., >711>75<. Ho&ever, !# t$e lo&er co rt $ad * r!sd!ct!on, and t$e case &as $eard and dec!ded pon a "!ven t$eory, s c$, #or !nstance, as t$at t$e co rt $ad no * r!sd!ct!on, t$e party &$o !nd ced !t to adopt s c$ t$eory &!ll not be perm!tted, on appeal, to ass me an !ncons!stent pos!t!on C t$at t$e lo&er co rt $ad * r!sd!ct!on. Here, t$e pr!nc!ple o# estoppel appl!es. +$e r le t$at * r!sd!ct!on !s con#erred by la&, and does not depend pon t$e &!ll o# t$e part!es, $as no bear!n" t$ereon.9 ,n t$!s case, t$e tr!al co rt $ad * r!sd!ct!on over t$e co ntercla!m alt$o "$ !t erroneo sly ordered !ts a tomat!c d!sm!ssal. (s already d!sc ssed, t$e tr!al co rt s$o ld $ave !nstead d!rected -ayerp$!l to pay t$e re: !red doc2et #ees &!t$!n a reasonable t!me. Bven t$en, records s$o& t$at t$e tr!al co rt $eard t$e co ntercla!m alt$o "$ !t a"a!n erroneo sly #o nd t$e same to be nmer!tor!o s. -es!des, !t m st also be ment!oned t$at -ayerp$!l &as l lled !nto bel!ev!n" t$at !ts co ntercla!m &as !ndeed comp lsory and t$ s t$ere &as no need to pay doc2et #ees by v!rt e o# 6 d"e Claravall@s October 2/, 1==0 Resol t!on. Pet!t!oners also act!vely part!c!pated !n t$e ad* d!cat!on o# t$e co ntercla!m &$!c$ t$e tr!al co rt ad* d"e to be nmer!tor!o s. Calibre +raders .n%., Mario (ison (ebastian and Minda )lan%o (ebastian vs. )ayer Philippines, .n%., G.R. o. !,!-5!, O%tober !5, &'!'.

6 r!sd!ct!on) payment o# doc2et #ees. B,- asserts t$at t$e tr!al co rt $as no * r!sd!ct!on over t$e compla!nt on acco nt o# !ns ##!c!ent doc2ets #ees. (lt$o "$ pet!t!oners pa!d a total o# P$P 120,7.>.>0 !n le"al #ees &!t$ t$e R+C, B,- ar" es t$at &$at &as pa!d !s based merely on pet!t!oners@ prayer #or moral dama"es o# P$P 5 m!ll!on, eAemplary dama"es o# P$P 5 m!ll!on, and attorney@s #ees o# P$P 2 m!ll!on, b t not !ncl d!n" pet!t!oners@ cla!m #or P$P /.. m!ll!on as act al dama"es as averred !n para"rap$ = o# t$e compla!nt. +$ s, B,-, rely!n" on Man%hester *evelopment Corporation v. Court of =ppeals ;Man%hester< and (un .nsuran%e Offi%e, 0td. v. =sun%ion, ma!nta!ns t$at t$e R+C s$o ld not $ave enterta!ned t$e case. ,t !s $ornboo2 la& t$at co rts ac: !re * r!sd!ct!on over a case only pon payment o# t$e prescr!bed doc2et #ee. ( pla!n read!n" o# t$e prayer does not s$o& t$at pet!t!oners as2ed #or t$e payment o# act al dama"es o# P$P /.. m!ll!on. +$e rel!e#s as2ed by pet!t!oners !n t$e prayer are' 1. Kpon t$e #!l!n" o# t$e Compla!nt, a &r!t o# prel!m!nary attac$ment be !ss ed eC parte a"a!nst de#endant p rs ant to %ect!on 2, R le .7 o# t$e 1==7 Rules of Civil Pro%edure) 2. (#ter tr!al, * d"ment rendered !n #avor o# pla!nt!##s and a"a!nst de#endant as #ollo&s' On t$e 3,R%+ C(K%B O3 (C+,ON C declar!n" vo!d t$e sale by de#endant o# t$e 52,1>0,000 ?4C, s$ares o# stoc2 o# pla!nt!##s and d!rect!n" de#endant to ret rn to pla!nt!##s t$e latter@s 52,1>0,000 ?4C, s$ares o# stoc2, or !n t$e event t$e ret rn t$ereo# !s not poss!ble, $old!n" de#endant l!able nder (rt!cles 1>>>,1>>=,1=0= and ot$er pert!nent prov!s!ons o# t$e C!v!l Code. On t$e %BCON? C(K%B O3 (C+,ON C d!rect!n" de#endant to pay pla!nt!##s moral dama"es !n t$e amo nt o# at least P5,000,000.00) On t$e +H,R? C(K%B O3 (C+,ON C d!rect!n" de#endant to pay pla!nt!##s eAemplary dama"es !n t$e amo nt o# at least P5,000,000.00) and On t$e 3OKR+H C(K%B O3 (C+,ON C d!rect!n" de#endant to pay pla!nt!##s attorney@s #ees !n t$e amo nt o# P2,000,000.00 and s c$ amo nts as may be proven at t$e tr!al as l!t!"at!on eApenses. Ot$er * st and e: !table rel!e# are l!2e&!se prayed #or. %!nce t$e prayer d!d not as2 #or t$e payment o# act al dama"es o# P$P /.. m!ll!on, t$e cler2 o# co rt correctly assessed t$e amo nt o# P$P 120,7.>.>0 as doc2et #ees based on t$e total amo nt o# P$P > m!ll!on cons!st!n" o# P$P 5 m!ll!on as moral dama"es, P$P 5 m!ll!on as eAemplary dama"es, and P$P 2 m!ll!on as attorney@s #ees. ,n d!sp t!n" t$e #ees pa!d by pet!t!oners, respondent rel!es on o r r l!n" !n Man%hester, &$ere &e sa!d t$at 8all compla!nts, pet!t!ons, ans&ers and ot$er s!m!lar plead!n"s s$o ld spec!#y t$e amo nt o# dama"es be!n" prayed #or not only !n t$e body o# t$e plead!n" b t also !n t$e prayer, and sa!d dama"es s$all be cons!dered !n t$e assessment o# t$e #!l!n" #ees !n any case.9 B,- !ns!n ates t$at pet!t!oners, by alle"!n" t$e s bstant!al loss o# P$P /.. m!ll!on #rom t$e sale o# t$e ?4C, s$ares b t not spec!#y!n" t$e amo nt !n t$e!r prayer, c!rc mvented t$e Man%hester r l!n" to evade t$e payment o# t$e correct #!l!n" #ees. +$!s post lat!on !s !ncorrect. ,t !s clear t$at

pet!t!oners demanded t$e ret rn o# t$e ?4C, s$ares !n t$e prayer o# t$e compla!nt and NO+ t$e alle"ed loss !n t$e val e o# t$e s$ares. ,# t$e ?4C, s$ares are ret rned, t$en no act al dama"es are s ##ered by pet!t!oners. ( recall o# t$e averment !n par. = o# t$e compla!nt s$o&s t$at t$e alle"ed loss o# P$P /.. m!ll!on to pet!t!oners res lted #rom t$e sale o# ?4C, s$ares at P$P 0.2/ per s$are &$en t$ey ac: !red !t at P$P 0.5> per s$are. 4ore !mportantly, t$e co rt &as proscr!bed by t$e Man%hester r l!n" #rom "rant!n" act al dama"es o# P$P /.. m!ll!on to pet!t!oners, beca se prec!sely t$e alle"ed dama"es &ere never so "$t !n t$e prayer. /rgo, B,-@s attac2 on t$e tr!al co rt@s ass mpt!on o# * r!sd!ct!on m st #a!l. Pa%ifi% Rehouse Corporation, et al. vs. /.) (e%urities, .n%., G.R. o. !"-'5,, O%tober !5, &'!'. 6 r!sd!ct!on) % preme Co rt@s cert!orar! * r!sd!ct!on over r l!n"s o# Comm!ss!on on Blect!ons ;CO4BLBC<. 3irst, bot$ t$e CO4BLBC and t$e pr!vate respondents pos!t t$at t$e Co rt !mproperly eAerc!sed !ts l!m!ted %ertiorari * r!sd!ct!on) t$ey t$eor!ze t$at 4!tra@s pet!t!on #a!led to alle"e and s$o& errors o# * r!sd!ct!on or "rave ab se o# d!scret!on on t$e part o# t$e CO4BLBC. +$ey also stress t$at t$e Co rt s$o ld respect and cons!der t$e CO4BLBC@s #!nd!n"s o# #act to be #!nal and non1rev!e&able. +$e CO4BLBC@s s bm!ss!on !n t$!s re"ard C t$at t$e eAtraord!nary remedy o# %ertiorari !s l!m!ted to correct!ons o# : est!ons o# la& and t$at t$e #act al !ss es ra!sed !n t$e present pet!t!on are not appropr!ate #or a pet!t!on #or rev!e& on %ertiorari C !s &$olly erroneo s. +$!s s bm!ss!on appears to $ave con# sed t$e standards o# t$e Co rt@s po&er o# rev!e& nder R le 7. and R le /. o# t$e R les o# Co rt, lead!n" t$e CO4BLBC to "rossly m!sread t$e !mport o# 4!tra@s pet!t!on be#ore t$e Co rt. +o recall, 4!tra bro "$t $!s case be#ore s via a petition !or certiorari, p rs ant to %ect!on 2, R le 7/, !n relat!on to R le 7., o# t$e R les o# Co rt. +$ s, !n o r 6 ly 2, 2010 ?ec!s!on, &e emp$as!zed t$at o r rev!e& ; nder t$e R le 7. standard o# "rave ab se o# d!scret!on, and not nder t$e R le /. : est!on o# la& standard< !s based on a very l!m!ted "ro nd, i.e., on t$e * r!sd!ct!onal !ss e o# &$et$er t$e CO4BLBC acted &!t$o t or !n eAcess o# !ts * r!sd!ct!on, or &!t$ "rave ab se o# d!scret!on amo nt!n" to lac2 or eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on. +$e bas!s #or t$e Co rt@s rev!e& o# CO4BLBC r l!n"s nder t$e standards o# R le 7. o# t$e R les o# Co rt !s %ect!on 7, (rt!cle ,L1( o# t$e Const!t t!on &$!c$ prov!des t$at 8FKGnless ot$er&!se prov!ded by Ft$eG Const!t t!on or by la&, any dec!s!on, order, or r l!n" o# eac$ Comm!ss!on may be bro "$t to t$e % preme Co rt on %ertiorari by t$e a""r!eved party &!t$!n t$!rty days #rom rece!pt o# a copy t$ereo#.9 3or t$!s reason, t$e R les o# Co rt prov!de #or a separate r le ;R le 7/< spec!#!cally appl!cable only to dec!s!ons o# t$e CO4BLBC and t$e Comm!ss!on on ( d!t. #his Rule e,pressl% re!ers to the application o! Rule -. in the !ilin" o! a petition !or certiorari, s b*ect to t$e eAcept!on cla se C 8eAcept as $ere!na#ter prov!ded.9 ,n =ratu% v. Commission on /le%tions and *ario v. Mison, t$e Co rt constr ed t$e above1c!ted const!t t!onal prov!s!on as relat!n" to t$e spec!al c!v!l act!on #or %ertiorari nder R le 7. ;alt$o "$ &!t$ a d!##erent re"lementary per!od #or #!l!n"< and not to an appeal b% certiorari under Rule /. o! the Rules o! Court . +$ s, %ect!on 2 o# R le 7/ o# t$e R les o# Co rt no& clearly spec!#!es t$at t$e mode o# rev!e& !s t$e spec!al c!v!l act!on o# %ertiorari nder R le 7., eAcept as t$ere!n prov!ded. ,n O%ate v. Commission on /le%tions, &e # rt$er $eld t$at' +$e p rpose o# a pet!t!on #or cert!orar! !s to determ!ne &$et$er t$e c$allen"ed tr!b nal $as acted &!t$o t or !n eAcess o# !ts * r!sd!ct!on or &!t$ "rave ab se o# d!scret!on amo nt!n" to lac2 or eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on. #hus+ an% resort to a petition !or certiorari under Rule -/ in relation to Rule -. o! the 1001 Rules o! Civil Procedure is limited to the resolution o! 'urisdictional issues.

+$e CO4BLBC s$o ld l!2e&!se be a&are t$at t$e Const!t t!on !tsel#, !n de#!n!n" * d!c!al po&er, po!ntedly states t$at C 6 d!c!al po&er !ncl des t$e d ty o# t$e co rts o# * st!ce to settle act al controvers!es !nvolv!n" r!"$ts &$!c$ are le"ally demandable and en#orceable, and to determ!ne &$et$er or not t$ere $as been a "rave ab se o# d!scret!on amo nt!n" to lac2 or eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on on t$e part o# any branc$ or !nstr mental!ty o# t$e Dovernment.

+$!s prov!s!on, more t$an anyt$!n" else, !dent!#!es t$e po&er and duty o# t$!s Co rt !n "rave ab se o# d!scret!on s!t at!ons, and d!##erent!ates t$!s a t$or!ty #rom t$e po&er o# rev!e& by appeal t$at R le /. o# t$e R les o# Co rt de#!nes.

-ased on t$ese cons!derat!ons, &e cannot accept t$e CO4BLBC@s pos!t!on t$at patently con# ses t$e mode o# rev!e& !n elect!on cases nder R les 7/ and 7. o# t$e R les o# Co rt, &!t$ t$e appellate rev!e& t$at R le /. o# t$e same R les prov!des. =braham Eahlil ). Mitra vs. Commission on /le%tions, =ntonio V. Gon9ales and Orlando R. )albon, 6r., G.R. o. !#!#5", O%tober !#, &'!'. 6 r!sd!ct!on) % preme Co rt@s cert!orar! * r!sd!ct!on over r l!n"s o# CO4BLBC) rev!e& o# #act al !ss es. 0e l!2e&!se re*ect t$e CO4BLBC and t$e pr!vate respondents@ propos!t!on t$at t$e Co rt erred !n eAerc!s!n" !ts l!m!ted %ertiorari * r!sd!ct!on. (lt$o "$ t$e CO4BLBC !s adm!ttedly t$e #!nal arb!ter o# all #act al !ss es as t$e Const!t t!on and t$e R les o# Co rt prov!de, &e stress t$at !n t$e presence o# "rave ab se o# d!scret!on, o r const!t t!onal d ty !s to !ntervene and not to s$y a&ay #rom !ntervent!on s!mply beca se a spec!al!zed a"ency $as been "!ven t$e a t$or!ty to resolve t$e #act al !ss es. (s &e emp$as!zed !n o r ?ec!s!on, &e $ave !n t$e past reco"n!zed eAcept!ons to t$e "eneral r le t$at t$e Co rt ord!nar!ly does not rev!e& !n a %ertiorari case t$e CO4BLBC@s apprec!at!on and eval at!on o# ev!dence. One s c$ eAcept!on !s &$en t$e CO4BLBC@s apprec!at!on and eval at!on o# ev!dence "o beyond t$e l!m!ts o# !ts d!scret!on to t$e po!nt o# be!n" "rossly nreasonable. ,n t$!s s!t at!on, &e are d ty bo nd nder t$e Const!t t!on to !ntervene and correct CO4BLBC errors t$at, beca se o# t$e attendant "rave ab se o# d!scret!on, $ave m tated !nto errors o# * r!sd!ct!on. O r ?ec!s!on clearly po!nted o t 4!tra@s s bm!ss!ons and ar" ments on "rave ab se o# d!scret!on, namely, t$at t$e CO4BLBC #a!led to apprec!ate t$at t$e case !s a cancellat!on o# a COC proceed!n" and t$at t$e cr!t!cal !ss e !s t$e presence o# del!berate #alse mater!al representat!on to dece!ve t$e electorate. ,n #act, 4!tra@s pet!t!on pla!nly ar" ed t$at t$e CO4BLBC@s "rave ab se o# d!scret!on &as patent &$en !t #a!led to cons!der t$at t$e "ro nd to deny a COC !s del!berate #alse representat!on. 0e completely addressed t$!s !ss e and, !n t$e process, analyzed t$e reason!n" !n t$e assa!led CO4BLBC dec!s!on. (t every step, &e #o nd t$at t$e CO4BLBC comm!tted "rave ab se o# d!scret!on !n t$e apprec!at!on o# t$e ev!dence. (e%ond, t$e pr!vate respondents contend t$at t$e CO4BLBC d!d not se s b*ect!ve non1le"al standards ;i.e., !nter!or decorat!on o# t$e room< !n arr!v!n" at !ts dec!s!on) !t merely stated $o& !t perce!ved 4!tra@s alle"ed res!dence. +$e pr!vate respondents add!t!onally cla!m t$at t$e : ant m o# ev!dence necessary to overt rn t$e #!nd!n"s o# t$e CO4BLBC s$o ld be clear and

conv!nc!n" ev!dence, &$!c$ level o# ev!dence does not obta!n !n t$e present case. +$e assa!led CO4BLBC r l!n" spea2s #or !tsel# on t$e matter o# t$e standards t$e CO4BLBC sed. 0e #o nd t$at t$e CO4BLBC pla!nly sed a s b*ect!ve non1le"al standard !n !ts analys!s and t$ereby, t$e CO4BLBC sed &ron" cons!derat!ons !n arr!v!n" at t$e concl s!on t$at 4!tra@s res!dence at t$e 4al!"aya 3eedm!ll !s not t$e res!dence contemplated by la&. 0e re!terate t$at t$e CO4BLBC based !ts r l!n" t$at 4!tra d!d not ta2e p res!dence !n (borlan lar"ely on t$e p$oto"rap$s o# 4!tra@s (borlan prem!ses) !t concl ded t$at t$e p$oto"rap$ed prem!ses co ld not $ave been a res!dence beca se o# !ts assessment o# t$e !nter!or des!"n and # rn!s$!n"s o# t$e room. +$ s, t$e CO4BLBC %econd ?!v!s!on@s Resol t!on ;&$!c$ t$e CO4BLBC en ban% # lly s pported< d!d not merely concl de t$at 4!tra does not l!ve !n t$e p$oto"rap$ed prem!ses) more t$an t$!s, !t r led t$at t$ese prem!ses cannot be cons!dered a $ome or a res!dence, #or lac2 o# t$e : al!t!es o# a $ome t$at t$e %econd ?!v!s!on &anted to see. +o : ote' +$e p!ct res presented by 4!tra o# $!s s pposed 8res!dence9 are tell!n". +$e sa!d p!ct res s$o& a small, sparsely # rn!s$ed room &$!c$ !s ev!dently nl!ved !n and &$!c$ !s located on t$e second #loor o# a str ct re t$at appears l!2e a #actory or a &are$o se. +$ese p!ct res l!2e&!se s$o& t$at t$e 8res!dence9 appears $ast!ly set1 p, cold, and tterly devo!d o# any Fpersonal!tyG &$!c$ &o ld $ave !mpr!nted 4!tra@s personal!ty t$ereto s c$ as old #am!ly p$oto"rap$s and memorab!l!a collected t$ro "$ t$e years. ,n #act, an apprec!at!on o# 4!tra@s s pposed 8res!dence9 ra!ses do bts &$et$er or not $e !ndeed l!ves t$ere. Ier!ly, &$at !s lac2!n" t$ere!n are t$e lov!n" attent!on and deta!ls !n$erent !n every $ome to ma2e !t one@s res!dence. Per$aps, at most, and to t$!s Comm!ss!on@s m!nd, t$!s small room co ld $ave served as 4!tra@s rest!n" area &$enever $e v!s!ted t$e sa!d local!ty b t not$!n" more. +$!s observat!on co pled &!t$ t$e n mero s statements #rom #ormer employees and c stomers o# 4al!"aya 3eed 4!ll and 3arm t$at 4!tra@s res!dence !s located !n an nsavory locat!on, cons!der!n" t$e no!se and poll t!on o# be!n" !n a #actory area, and t$at t$e same, !n #act, $ad been 4al!"aya 3eed 4!ll@s o##!ce * st a #e& mont$s bac2, m!l!tates a"a!nst 4!tra@s cla!m t$at t$e same $as been $!s res!dence s!nce early 200>. #hese in!ormation ma2e it clear to this Commission that this room is not a home. +$ s presented, t$e CO4BLBC@s re: !rement o# &$at s$o ld be cons!dered a 8res!dence9 cannot b t be a $!"$ly s b*ect!ve one t$at #!nds no bas!s !n la&, !n * r!spr dence, or even !n #act. +hird, &e cannot l!2e&!se a"ree &!t$ t$e pr!vate respondents@ t$eory t$at t$e : ant m o# ev!dence necessary to overt rn t$e #act al #!nd!n"s o# t$e CO4BLBC s$o ld be clear and conv!nc!n" ev!dence, as !t m!sapprec!ates t$at &e n ll!#!ed t$e CO4BLBC@s #!nd!n"s beca se !t sed t$e &ron" cons!derat!ons !n arr!v!n" at !ts concl s!ons. +$e pr!vate respondents #a!l to real!ze t$at t$e !mportant cons!derat!ons !n t$e present case relate to : est!ons bear!n" on t$e cancellat!on o# t$e COC t$at t$ey prayed #or) t$e ma!n cr!t!cal po!nts are t$e alle"ed deliberate misrepresentation b% 3itra and the underl%in" 4uestion o! his residenc% in 5borlan+ Palawan. 0$!le !t !s nd!sp ted t$at 4!tra@s dom!c!le o# or!"!n !s P erto Pr!ncesa C!ty, 4!tra ade: ately proved by s bstant!al ev!dence t$at $e trans#erred by !ncremental process to (borlan be"!nn!n" 200>, and concl ded $!s trans#er !n early 200=. (s o r ?ec!s!on d!sc ssed and as repeated else&$ere !n t$!s Resol t!on, t$e pr!vate respondents #a!led to establ!s$ by s ##!c!ently conv!nc!n" ev!dence t$at 4!tra d!d not e##ect!vely trans#er, &$!le t$e CO4BLBC not only "rossly m!sread t$e ev!dence b t even sed t$e &ron" cons!derat!ons !n apprec!at!n" t$e s bm!tted ev!dence. +o conv!nce s o# t$e!r po!nt o# v!e&, t$e pr!vate respondents po!nt o t t$at &e ;1< totally d!sre"arded t$e ot$er ev!dence t$ey s bm!tted, &$!c$ t$e CO4BLBC, on t$e ot$er

$and, properly cons!dered) ;2< d!sre"arded t$e !mport o# t$e e##ect!v!ty o# t$e lease contract, &$!c$ s$o&ed t$at !t &as only e##ect!ve nt!l 3ebr ary 2>, 2010) and ;5< d!sre"arded t$e ev!dence s$o&!n" t$at 4!tra #a!led to abandon $!s dom!c!le o# or!"!n. +$ese !ss es are not ne& !ss es) &e eAtens!vely and t$oro "$ly cons!dered and resolved t$em !n o r 6 ly 2, 2010 ?ec!s!on. (t t$!s po!nt, &e only need to address some o# t$e pr!vate respondents@ m!slead!n" po!nts !n order to clear t$e a!r. 1. +$e pr!vate respondents@ rel!ance on t$e eAp!rat!on date o# t$e lease contract, to d!sprove 4!tra@s cla!m t$at t$e room at t$e 4al!"aya 3eedm!ll !s $!s res!dence, !s m!splaced. +$!s ar" ment !s #l!msy s!nce t$e contract d!d not prov!de t$at !t &as completely and # lly t!me1barred and &as only p to 3ebr ary 2>, 2010) !t &as rene&able at t$e opt!on o# t$e part!es. +$at a lease !s #!Aed #or a one1year term !s a common pract!ce. 0$at !s !mportant !s t$at !t !s rene&able at t$e opt!on o# t$e part!es. ,n t$e absence o# any ob*ect!on #rom t$e part!es, t$e lease contract s!mply cont!n es and !s deemed rene&ed. 2. ,n an attempt to s$o& t$at 4!tra cons!ders $!msel# a res!dent o# P erto Pr!ncesa C!ty, t$e pr!vate respondents s bm!tted !n t$e!r 4ot!on #or Recons!derat!on a colored cert!#!ed tr e copy o# 4!tra@s alle"ed P erto Pr!ncesa C!ty Comm n!ty +aA Cert!#!cate ; C+C< dated 3ebr ary 5, 200= alle"edly s$o&!n" 4!tra@s s!"nat re. +o recall, &e #o nd t$at based on the re%ords before us, t$e p rported 3ebr ary 5, 200= C+C d!d not bear t$e s!"nat re o# 4!tra. (lt$o "$ t$e pr!vate respondents $ave belatedly #!led t$!s ev!dence, &e care# lly eAam!ned t$e re%ently submitted colored copy o# t$e 3ebr ary 5, 200= C+C and sa& no reason to reverse o r #!nd!n") t$e 8alle"ed s!"nat re9 appears to s to be a mere $azy 8s per!mpos!t!on9 t$at does not bear any resemblance at all to 4!tra@s s!"nat re. 0e, t$ s, stand by o r r l!n" t$at t$e 3ebr ary 5, 200= C+C, !# at all, carr!es very l!ttle ev!dent!ary val e. ,t d!d !t not at all carry 4!tra@s s!"nat re) $!s secretary@s pos!t!ve test!mony t$at s$e sec red t$e C+C #or 4!tra, &!t$o t t$e latter@s part!c!pat!on and 2no&led"e, st!ll stands nre# ted. 5. +$e pr!vate respondents l!2e&!se belatedly s bm!tted a Cert!#!cat!on, dated 6 ly 17, 2010, #rom t$e 4 n!c!pal ("r!c lt r!st o# (borlan, stat!n" t$at !ts o##!ce does not $ave any record o# t$e s pposed p!neapple plantat!on !n -aran"ay ,sa b, (borlan, Pala&an. +$!s late s bm!ss!on &as made to s$o& t$at 4!tra $as no establ!s$ed b s!ness !nterests !n (borlan. +$e Cert!#!cat!on pert!nently states' +$!s !s to cert!#y t$at as o# t$!s date, t$ere !s no eA!st!n" recordsRre"!strat!on !n o r o##!ce re"ard!n" t$e alle"ed p!neapple plantat!on !n -aran"ay ,sa b, (borlan, Pala&an. 6owever+ the O!!ice o! the 3unicipal 5"riculturist is on the process o! "atherin" data on the 3aster list o! 7armers en"a"ed in "rowin" 6i"h 8alue Commercial Crops in 5borlan( +$!s cert!#!cat!on !s !ss ed to 4R. -BN6(4,N E(+ON a res!dent !n Pen!da % bd!v!s!on, P erto Pr!ncesa C!ty #or &$atever le"al p rposes may serve $!m best. 0e cannot "!ve any ev!dent!ary val e to t$!s s bm!ss!on #or t&o reasons. 3irst, !t &as #!led only on recons!derat!on sta"e and &as not an ev!dence be#ore s &$en t$e case &as s bm!tted #or resol t!on. (e%ond, even !# !t $ad not been #!led late, t$e Cert!#!cat!on does not prove anyt$!n") !t !s, on !ts #ace, contrad!ctory. On t$e one $and, !t cate"or!cally states t$at t$ere are no eA!st!n" records o# any p!neapple plantat!on !n -aran"ay ,sa b, (borlan, Pala&an) on t$e ot$er $and, !t also eApressly states t$at !ts records are not yet complete s!nce !t !s 8on t$e process o# "at$er!n" data on t$e 4aster l!st o# 3armers en"a"ed !n "ro&!n" H!"$ Ial e Commerc!al Crops !n

(borlan.9 Knder &$at la& or re" lat!on t$e cert!#y!n" o##!ce $as t$e obl!"at!on to prepare a l!st o# a"r!c lt ral b s!ness !nterests !n (borlan $as not even been alle"ed. (t t$e r!s2 o# repet!t!on, &e re!terate t$at 4!tra@s b s!ness !nterests !n (borlan stand nd!sp ted !n t$e present case. Not only &as 4!tra able to present p$oto"rap$s o# $!s eAper!mental p!neapple plantat!on) $!s cla!m o# o&ners$!p &as also corroborated by t$e statements o# ?r. Carme Caspe, R!cardo +emple and ot$er &!tnesses. =braham Eahlil ). Mitra vs. Commission on /le%tions, =ntonio V. Gon9ales and Orlando R. )albon, 6r., G.R. o. !#!#5", O%tober !#, &'!'. L!t!s pendent!a) re: !s!tes. 4oreover, t$!s Co rt re*ects t$e content!on o# pet!t!oners t$at t$e R+C and t$e C( erred !n not d!sm!ss!n" t$e compla!nt o# respondent on t$e "ro nd o# litis pendentia, !n v!e& o# t$e pendency o# t$e HLKR- case. +$e re: !s!tes o# litis pendentia are t$e #ollo&!n"' ;a< !dent!ty o# part!es, or at least s c$ as represent!n" t$e same !nterests !n bot$ act!ons) ;b< !dent!ty o# r!"$ts asserted and rel!e# prayed #or, t$e rel!e# be!n" #o nded on t$e same #acts) and ;c< !dent!ty o# t$e t&o cases s c$ t$at * d"ment !n one, re"ardless o# &$!c$ party !s s ccess# l, &o ld amo nt to res Gudi%ata !n t$e ot$er. +$e ca ses o# act!on and, lo"!cally, t$e !ss es !n t$e t&o cases, are clearly d!##erent, eac$ re: !r!n" d!ver"ent ad* d!cat!on. ,n s$ort, &$!le t$ere !s !dent!ty o# part!es, t$ere are d!##erent !ss es, ca ses o# act!on, and rel!e#s prayed #or bet&een t$em. Contrary to pet!t!oners@ post re, not all t$e elements o# litis pendentia are present. =ppropos !s t$e C(@s r l!n"' +$e s !t #!led &!t$ t$e HLKR- !nvolves' ;1< t$e re!nstatement o# t$e pet!t!oners as members o# t$e respondent, &$!c$ &as t$e!r comm n!ty assoc!at!on) ;2< a call #or re" lar ann al meet!n"s) ;5< elect!ons #or board o# d!rectors) ;F/G< an acco nt!n" o# # nds) and ;F.G< t$e ann lment o# t$e board resol t!ons &$!c$ eApelled t$em as members and d!s: al!#!ed t$em to be bene#!c!ar!es o# t$e $o s!n" pro"ram. On t$e ot$er $and, t$e e*ectment case $as !n !ss e t$e better r!"$t o# t$e pet!t!oners or o# t$e respondent to t$e p$ys!cal possess!on o# t$e lots occ p!ed by pet!t!oners. Clearly, t$ere#ore, no !dent!ty o# t$e r!"$ts asserted and t$e rel!e#s prayed #or eA!st !n bot$ cases. /smeraldo C. Romullo, et al. vs. (amahang Mag7a7apitbahay ng )ayanihan Compound <omeo4ners =sso%iation, .n%. represented by its President, Pa>uito ?uitalig, G.R. o. !"',"1, O%tober ,, &'!' 4ed!at!on) e##ect o# #a!l re to appear. ,n (enarlo v. 6udge Paderanga, t$!s Co rt accent ated t$at med!at!on !s part o# pre1tr!al and #a!l re o# t$e pla!nt!## to appear t$ereat mer!ts sanct!on on t$e part o# t$e absent party. +$!s co rt $eld' (.4. No. 011101.1%C1PH,L6( dated 17 October 2001, ot$er&!se 2no&n as t$e %econd Rev!sed D !del!nes #or t$e ,mplementat!on o# 4ed!at!on Proceed!n"s and %ect!on ., R le 1> o# t$e R les o# Co rt "rant * d"es t$e d!scret!on to d!sm!ss an act!on #or #a!l re o# t$e pla!nt!## to appear at med!at!on proceed!n"s. (.4. No. 011101.1%C1PH,L6( cons!ders med!at!on a part o# pre1tr!al and prov!des sanct!ons #or t$e absent party' 12. %anct!ons. %!nce med!at!on !s part o# Pre1+r!al, t$e tr!al co rt s$all !mpose t$e appropr!ate sanct!on !ncl d!n" b t not l!m!ted to cens re, repr!mand, contempt and s c$ sanct!ons as are prov!ded

nder t$e R les o# Co rt #or #a!l re to appear #or pre1tr!al, !n case any or bot$ o# t$e part!es absent $!msel#Rt$emselves, or #or ab s!ve cond ct d r!n" med!at!on proceed!n"s. Knder R le 1>, %ect!on . o# t$e R les o# Co rt, #a!l re o# t$e pla!nt!## to appear at pre1tr!al s$all be ca se #or d!sm!ssal o# t$e act!on' %ec. .. B##ect o# #a!l re to appear. C +$e #a!l re o# t$e pla!nt!## to appear &$en so re: !red p rs ant to t$e neAt preced!n" sect!on s$all be ca se #or d!sm!ssal o# t$e act!on. +$e d!sm!ssal s$all be &!t$ pre* d!ce, nless ot$er&!se ordered by t$e co rt. ( s!m!lar #a!l re on t$e part o# t$e de#endant s$all be ca se to allo& t$e pla!nt!## to present $!s ev!dence eA parte and t$e co rt to render * d"ment on t$e bas!s t$ereo#. Real )an7 .n%. vs. (amsung Mabuhay Corporation, et al., G.R. o. !1$",&, O%tober !5, &'!'. 4ootness. Certa!nly, &!t$ t$e d!sm!ssal o# t$e non1ba!lable case a"a!nst acc sed D !sande, s$e !s no lon"er nder per!l to be con#!ned !n a *a!l #ac!l!ty, m c$ less at t$e NC4H. B##ect!vely, acc sed D !sande@s person, and treatment o# any med!cal and mental malady s$e may or may not $ave, can no lon"er be s b*ected to t$e la&# l processes o# t$e R+C 4andal yon" C!ty. ,n s$ort, t$e cases $ave no& been rendered moot and academ!c &$!c$, !n t$e o#ten c!ted *avid v. Ma%apagal-=rroyo, !s de#!ned as 8one t$at ceases to present a * st!c!able controversy by v!rt e o# s perven!n" events, so t$at a declarat!on t$ereon &o ld be o# no pract!cal se or val e.9 *avid /. (o, on behalf of his daughter Maria /lena (o Guisande vs. <on. /steban =. +a%la, 6r. et%., et al. D <on. /steban =. +a%la, 6r., et%., et al. vs. *avid /. (o, on behalf of his daughter Maria /lena (o Guisande, G.R. os. !#'!'", !#'-15. O%tober !#, &'!'. 4ot!ons) mot!on #or recons!derat!on. 0e note at t$e o tset t$at t$e CO4BLBC and pr!vate respondents@ ar" ments are mere re$as$es o# t$e!r prev!o s s bm!ss!ons) t$ey are t$e same ar" ments address!n" t$e !ss es &e already cons!dered and passed pon !n o r 6 ly 2, 2010 ?ec!s!on. +$ s, bot$ t$e CO4BLBC and pr!vate respondents #a!led to ra!se any ne& and s bstant!al ar" ment mer!t!n" recons!derat!on. +$e den!al o# t$e mot!on #or oral ar" ments proceeds #rom t$!s same reason!n") mere re!terat!ons o# t$e part!es@ or!"!nal s bm!ss!ons on !ss es o r ?ec!s!on $as s ##!c!ently covered, &!t$o t more, do not mer!t t$e t!me, e##ort and attent!on t$at an oral ar" ment s$all re: !re. =braham Eahlil ). Mitra vs. Commission on /le%tions, =ntonio V. Gon9ales and Orlando R. )albon, 6r., G.R. o. !#!#5", O%tober !#, &'!'. 4ot!ons) per!od to #!le mot!on #or recons!derat!on !s non1eAtend!ble. +$e appellate co rt &as correct !n deny!n" pet!t!oner@s mot!on #or eAtens!on o# t!me to #!le a mot!on #or recons!derat!on cons!der!n" t$at t$e re"lementary per!od #or #!l!n" t$e sa!d mot!on #or recons!derat!on !s non1 eAtend!ble. (s prono nced !n =peC Mining Co., .n%. v. Commissioner of .nternal Revenue, +$e r le !s and $as been t$at t$e per!od #or #!l!n" a mot!on #or recons!derat!on !s non1eAtend!ble. +$e Co rt $as made t$!s clear as early as 1=>7 !n <abaluyas /nterprises vs. 6ap9on. %!nce t$en, t$e Co rt $as cons!stently and str!ctly ad$ered t$ereto. D!ven t$e above, &e r le &!t$o t $es!tat!on t$at t$e appellate co rt@s den!al o# pet!t!oner@s mot!on #or recons!derat!on !s * st!#!ed, prec!sely beca se pet!t!oner@s earl!er mot!on #or eAtens!on o# t!me d!d not s spendRtoll t$e r nn!n" o# t$e 1.1day re"lementary per!od #or #!l!n" a mot!on #or recons!derat!on. Knder t$e c!rc mstances, t$e C( dec!s!on $as already atta!ned #!nal!ty &$en pet!t!oner #!led !ts mot!on #or recons!derat!on. ,t #ollo&s t$at t$e same dec!s!on &as already

beyond t$e rev!e& * r!sd!ct!on o# t$!s Co rt. Cynthia (. )olos vs. *anilo +. )olos, G.R. !",-'', O%tober &', &'!'.


Oral ar" ment. 0e note at t$e o tset t$at t$e CO4BLBC and pr!vate respondents@ ar" ments are mere re$as$es o# t$e!r prev!o s s bm!ss!ons) t$ey are t$e same ar" ments address!n" t$e !ss es &e already cons!dered and passed pon !n o r 6 ly 2, 2010 ?ec!s!on. +$ s, bot$ t$e CO4BLBC and pr!vate respondents #a!led to ra!se any ne& and s bstant!al ar" ment mer!t!n" recons!derat!on. +$e den!al o# t$e mot!on #or oral ar" ments proceeds #rom t$!s same reason!n") mere re!terat!ons o# t$e part!es@ or!"!nal s bm!ss!ons on !ss es o r ?ec!s!on $as s ##!c!ently covered, &!t$o t more, do not mer!t t$e t!me, e##ort and attent!on t$at an oral ar" ment s$all re: !re. =braham Eahlil ). Mitra vs. Commission on /le%tions, =ntonio V. Gon9ales and Orlando R. )albon, 6r., G.R. o. !#!#5", O%tober !#, &'!'. Part!es) #ore!"n corporat!on) capac!ty to s e) estoppel. +$e determ!nat!on o# a corporat!on@s capac!ty !s a #act al : est!on t$at re: !res t$e el!c!tat!on o# a preponderant set o# #acts. (s a r le, nl!censed #ore!"n non1res!dent corporat!ons do!n" b s!ness !n t$e P$!l!pp!nes cannot #!le s !ts !n t$e P$!l!pp!nes. +$!s !s mandated nder %ect!on 155 o# t$e Corporat!on Code, &$!c$ reads' %ec. 155. *oing business 4ithout a li%ense . C No #ore!"n corporat!on transact!n" b s!ness !n t$e P$!l!pp!nes &!t$o t a l!cense, or !ts s ccessors or ass!"ns, s$all be perm!tted to ma!nta!n or !ntervene !n any act!on, s !t or proceed!n" !n any co rt or adm!n!strat!ve a"ency o# t$e P$!l!pp!nes, b t s c$ corporat!on may be s ed or proceeded a"a!nst be#ore P$!l!pp!ne co rts or adm!n!strat!ve tr!b nals on any val!d ca se o# act!on reco"n!zed nder P$!l!pp!ne la&s. ( corporat!on $as a le"al stat s only &!t$!n t$e state or terr!tory !n &$!c$ !t &as or"an!zed. 3or t$!s reason, a corporat!on or"an!zed !n anot$er co ntry $as no personal!ty to #!le s !ts !n t$e P$!l!pp!nes. ,n order to s b*ect a #ore!"n corporat!on do!n" b s!ness !n t$e co ntry to t$e * r!sd!ct!on o# o r co rts, !t m st ac: !re a l!cense #rom t$e %ec r!t!es and BAc$an"e Comm!ss!on and appo!nt an a"ent #or serv!ce o# process. 0!t$o t s c$ l!cense, !t cannot !nst!t te a s !t !n t$e P$!l!pp!nes. +$e eAcept!on to t$!s r le !s t$e doctr!ne o# estoppel. Dlobal !s estopped #rom c$allen"!n" % recomp@s capac!ty to s e. ( #ore!"n corporat!on do!n" b s!ness !n t$e P$!l!pp!nes &!t$o t l!cense may s e !n P$!l!pp!ne co rts a 3!l!p!no c!t!zen or a P$!l!pp!ne ent!ty t$at $ad contracted &!t$ and bene#!ted #rom !t. ( party !s estopped #rom c$allen"!n" t$e personal!ty o# a corporat!on a#ter $av!n" ac2no&led"ed t$e same by enter!n" !nto a contract &!t$ !t. +$e pr!nc!ple !s appl!ed to prevent a person contract!n" &!t$ a #ore!"n corporat!on #rom later ta2!n" advanta"e o# !ts noncompl!ance &!t$ t$e stat tes, c$!e#ly !n cases &$ere s c$ person $as rece!ved t$e bene#!ts o# t$e contract. Global )usiness <oldings, .n%. vs. (ure%omp (oft4are ).V., G.R. o. !15-,5. O%tober !5, &'!' Plead!n"s) cert!#!cat!on on #or m s$opp!n") a t$or!ty o# Pres!dent to eAec te on be$al# o# corporat!on even &!t$o t board a t$or!zat!on. ,n <utama-R(/=D(uper MaC Phils., 6.V. v. EC* )uilders Corporation, H tama as pet!t!oner t$ere!n : est!oned t$e ver!#!cat!on and cert!#!cat!on on non1#or m s$opp!n" o# respondent EC? &$!c$ t$e latter attac$ed to !ts Compla!nt #or % m o# 4oney #!led be#ore t$e R+C. (ccord!n" to H tama, EC?@s pres!dent d!d not present any proo# t$at $e !s a t$or!zed by t$e corporat!on to s!"n t$e ver!#!cat!on and cert!#!cat!on o# non1#or m s$opp!n". ,n eApla!n!n" t$e re: !rement o# ver!#!cat!on and cert!#!cat!on a"a!nst #or m1s$opp!n"

and p$old!n" t$e a t$or!ty o# t$e pres!dent o# t$e corporat!on to eAec te t$e same sans proo# o# a t$or!ty, t$!s Co rt $as t$!s to say' ( plead!n" !s ver!#!ed by an a##!dav!t t$at an a##!ant $as read t$e plead!n" and t$at t$e alle"at!ons t$ere!n are tr e and correct as to $!s personal 2no&led"e or based on a t$ent!c records. +$e party does not need to s!"n t$e ver!#!cat!on. ( party@s representat!ve, la&yer, or any person &$o personally 2no&s t$e tr t$ o# t$e #acts alle"ed !n t$e plead!n" may s!"n t$e ver!#!cat!on. On t$e ot$er $and, a cert!#!cat!on o# non1#or m s$opp!n" !s a cert!#!cat!on nder oat$ by t$e pla!nt!## or pr!nc!pal party !n t$e compla!nt or ot$er !n!t!atory plead!n", assert!n" a cla!m #or rel!e#, or !n a s&orn cert!#!cat!on anneAed t$ereto and s!m ltaneo sly #!led t$ere&!t$, t$at ;a< $e $as not t$ereto#ore commenced any act!on or #!led any cla!m !nvolv!n" t$e same !ss es !n any co rt, tr!b nal or : as!1* d!c!al a"ency and, to t$e best o# $!s 2no&led"e, no s c$ ot$er act!on or cla!m !s pend!n" t$ere!n) ;b< !# t$ere !s s c$ ot$er pend!n" act!on or cla!m, a complete statement o# t$e present stat s t$ereo#) and ;c< !# $e s$o ld t$erea#ter learn t$at t$e same or s!m!lar act!on or cla!m $as been #!led or !s pend!n", $e s$all report t$at #act &!t$!n #!ve days t$ere#rom to t$e co rt &$ere!n $!s a#oresa!d compla!nt or !n!t!atory plead!n" $as been #!led. ,t !s tr e t$at t$e po&er o# a corporat!on to s e and be s ed !s lod"ed !n t$e board o# d!rectors t$at eAerc!ses !ts corporate po&ers. Ho&ever, !t !s settled C and &e $ave so declared !n n mero s dec!s!ons C t$at t$e pres!dent o# a corporat!on may s!"n t$e ver!#!cat!on and t$e cert!#!cat!on o# non1#or m s$opp!n". ,n =teneo de aga University v. Manalo, &e $eld t$at t$e lone s!"nat re o# t$e Kn!vers!ty Pres!dent &as s ##!c!ent to # l#!ll t$e ver!#!cat!on re: !rement, beca se s c$ o##!cer $ad s ##!c!ent 2no&led"e to s&ear to t$e tr t$ o# t$e alle"at!ons !n t$e pet!t!on. ,n PeopleHs =ir%argo and Barehousing Co., .n%. v. C= , &e $eld t$at !n t$e absence o# a c$arter or by1la& prov!s!on to t$e contrary, t$e pres!dent o# a corporat!on !s pres med to $ave t$e a t$or!ty to act &!t$!n t$e doma!n o# t$e "eneral ob*ect!ves o# !ts b s!ness and &!t$!n t$e scope o# $!s or $er s al d t!es. 4oreover, even !# a certa!n contract or nderta2!n" !s o ts!de t$e s al po&ers o# t$e pres!dent, t$e corporat!on@s rat!#!cat!on o# t$e contract or nderta2!n" and t$e acceptance o# bene#!ts t$ere#rom ma2e t$e corporate pres!dent@s act!ons b!nd!n" on t$e corporat!on. ;C!tat!ons om!tted.< 4oreover, t$!s Co rt@s prono ncement !n Cagayan Valley *rug Corporation v. Commissioner of .nternal Revenue, re!terated !n P CC (7y4ay +raffi% Management and (e%urity *ivision Bor7ers Organi9ation v. P CC (7y4ay Corporation and Mid-Pasig 0and *evelopment Corporation v. +ablante, on t$e a t$or!ty o# certa!n o##!cers and employees o# t$e corporat!on to s!"n t$e ver!#!cat!on and cert!#!cat!on o# non1#or m s$opp!n" !s l!2e&!se s!"n!#!cant, to &!t' ,t m st be borne !n m!nd t$at %ec. 25, !n relat!on to %ec. 2. o# t$e Corporat!on Code, clearly en nc!ates t$at all corporate po&ers are eAerc!sed, all b s!ness cond cted, and all propert!es controlled by t$e board o# d!rectors. ( corporat!on $as a separate and d!st!nct personal!ty #rom !ts d!rectors and o##!cers and can only eAerc!se !ts corporate po&ers t$ro "$ t$e board o# d!rectors. +$ s, !t !s clear t$at an !nd!v!d al corporate o##!cer cannot solely eAerc!se any corporate po&er perta!n!n" to t$e corporat!on &!t$o t a t$or!ty #rom t$e board o# d!rectors. +$!s $as been o r constant $old!n" !n cases !nst!t ted by a corporat!on.

,n a sle& o# cases, $o&ever, &e $ave reco"n!zed t$e a t$or!ty o# some corporate o##!cers to s!"n t$e ver!#!cat!on and cert!#!cat!on a"a!nst #or m s$opp!n". ,n Ma%tan-Cebu .nternational =irport =uthority v. C=, &e reco"n!zed t$e a t$or!ty o# a "eneral mana"er or act!n" "eneral mana"er to s!"n t$e ver!#!cat!on and cert!#!cate a"a!nst #or m s$opp!n") !n Pfi9er v. Galan, &e p$eld t$e val!d!ty o# a ver!#!cat!on s!"ned by an 8employment spec!al!st9 &$o $ad not even presented any proo# o# $er a t$or!ty to represent t$e company) in ovelty Philippines .n%., v. C=, &e r led t$at a personnel o##!cer &$o s!"ned t$e pet!t!on b t d!d not attac$ t$e a t$or!ty #rom t$e company !s a t$or!zed to s!"n t$e ver!#!cat!on and non1#or m s$opp!n" cert!#!cate) and !n 0epanto Consolidated Mining Company v. BMC Resour%es .nternational Pty. 0td. :0epanto;, &e r led t$at t$e C$a!rperson o# t$e -oard and Pres!dent o# t$e Company can s!"n t$e ver!#!cat!on and cert!#!cate a"a!nst non1#or m s$opp!n" even &!t$o t t$e s bm!ss!on o# t$e board@s a t$or!zat!on. ,n s m, &e $ave $eld t$at t$e #ollo&!n" o##!c!als or employees o# t$e company can s!"n t$e ver!#!cat!on and cert!#!cat!on &!t$o t need o# a board resol t!on' ;1< t$e C$a!rperson o# t$e -oard o# ?!rectors, ;2< t$e Pres!dent o# a corporat!on, ;5< t$e Deneral 4ana"er or (ct!n" Deneral 4ana"er, ;/< Personnel O##!cer, and ;.< an Bmployment %pec!al!st !n a labor case. 0$!le t$e above cases do not prov!de a complete l!st!n" o# a t$or!zed s!"nator!es to t$e ver!#!cat!on and cert!#!cat!on re: !red by t$e r les, t$e determ!nat!on o# t$e s ##!c!ency o# t$e a t$or!ty &as done on a case to case bas!s. +$e rat!onale appl!ed !n t$e #ore"o!n" cases !s to * st!#y t$e a t$or!ty o# corporate o##!cers or representat!ves o# t$e corporat!on to s!"n t$e ver!#!cat!on or cert!#!cate a"a!nst #or m s$opp!n", be!n" T!n a pos!t!on to ver!#y t$e tr t$# lness and correctness o# t$e alle"at!ons !n t$e pet!t!on@. ;C!tat!ons om!tted.< 3rom t$e #ore"o!n", !t !s clear t$at (lbao, as Pres!dent and 4ana"er o# Ceb 4etro, $as t$e a t$or!ty to s!"n t$e ver!#!cat!on and cert!#!cat!on o# non1#or m s$opp!n" even &!t$o t t$e s bm!ss!on o# a &r!tten a t$or!ty #rom t$e board. (s t$e corporat!on@s Pres!dent and 4ana"er, s$e !s !n a pos!t!on to ver!#y t$e tr t$# lness and correctness o# t$e alle"at!ons !n t$e pet!t!on. ,n add!t!on, s c$ an act !s pres med to be !ncl ded !n t$e scope o# $er a t$or!ty to act &!t$!n t$e doma!n o# t$e "eneral ob*ect!ves o# t$e corporat!on@s b s!ness and $er s al d t!es !n t$e absence o# any contrary prov!s!on !n t$e corporat!on@s c$arter or by1la&s. Hav!n" sa!d t$!s, t$ere !s t$ere#ore no more need to d!sc ss &$et$er t$e a t$or!ty "ranted to (lbao nder -oard Resol t!on No. 2001107 !s only l!m!ted to represent!n" Ceb 4etro !n t$e co rt $ear!n"s be#ore t$e 4+CC or eAtends p to s!"n!n" o# t$e ver!#!cat!on and cert!#!cat!on o# non1#or m s$opp!n" on appeal. ("a!n, even &!t$o t s c$ proo# o# a t$or!ty, (lbao, as Ceb 4etro@s Pres!dent and 4ana"er, !s * st!#!ed !n s!"n!n" sa!d ver!#!cat!on and cert!#!cat!on. +$ s, t$e C( s$o ld not $ave cons!dered as #atal Ceb 4etro@s #a!l re to attac$ a %ecretary@s Cert!#!cate attest!n" to (lbao@s a t$or!ty to s!"n t$e ver!#!cat!on and cert!#!cat!on o# non1#or m s$opp!n" and d!sm!ssed t$e pet!t!on or s$o ld $ave re!nstated t$e same a#ter Ceb 4etro@s s bm!ss!on o# t$e %ecretary@s Cert!#!cate s$o&!n" t$at -oard Resol t!on No. 2001107 con#!rmed t$e elect!on o# (lbao as t$e corporat!on@s Pres!dent and 4ana"er. 4oreover, t$e #act t$at t$e -oard o# ?!rectors o# Ceb 4etro rat!#!ed (lbao@s a t$or!ty to represent t$e corporat!on !n t$e appeal o# t$e 4+CC ?ec!s!on !n C!v!l Case No. R1///50 be#ore t$e R+C, C(, and t$!s Co rt, and conse: ently to s!"n t$e ver!#!cat!on and cert!#!cat!on on !ts be$al# by t$e passa"e o# Resol t!on No. 200/10. con#!rm!n" and a##!rm!n" $er a t$or!ty only "!ves t$!s Co rt more reason to p$old s c$ a t$or!ty. Cebu Metro Pharma%y, .n%. vs. /uro-Med 0aboratories, .n%., G.R. o. !,-1$1, O%tober !", &'!'.

Plead!n"s) cert!#!cat!on on #or m s$opp!n") necess!ty o# board resol t!on) s bse: ent compl!ance does not eAc se #a!l re to comply &!t$ re: !rement !n #!rst !nstance. ,n part!c lar, on t$e matter o# t$e cert!#!cate o# non1#or m s$opp!n" t$at &as s!m!larly at !ss e, +ible po!ntedly sa!d' A A A t$e re: !rement nder (dm!n!strat!ve C!rc lar No. 0/1=/ #or a cert!#!cate o# non1#or m s$opp!n" !s mandatory. +$e s bse: ent compl!ance &!t$ sa!d re: !rement does not eAc se a party@s #a!l re to comply t$ere&!t$ !n t$e #!rst !nstance. ,n t$ose cases &$ere t$!s Co rt eAc sed t$e non1compl!ance &!t$ t$e re: !rement o# t$e s bm!ss!on o# a cert!#!cate o# non1#or m s$opp!n", !t #o nd spec!al c!rc mstances or compell!n" reasons &$!c$ made t$e str!ct appl!cat!on o# sa!d C!rc lar clearly n* st!#!ed or !ne: !table. A A A FBmp$as!s s ppl!ed.G +$!s same r le &as ec$oed !n Mediserv v. Court of =ppeals &$ere &e sa!d !n t$e co rse o# allo&!n" a l!beral * st!#!cat!on' ,t !s settled t$at l!beral constr ct!on o# t$e r les may be !nvo2ed !n s!t at!ons &$ere t$ere may be some eAc sable #ormal de#!c!ency or error !n a plead!n", prov!ded t$at t$e same does not s bvert t$e essence o# t$e proceed!n" and connotes at least a reasonable attempt at compl!ance &!t$ t$e r les. (#ter all, r les o# proced re are not to be appl!ed !n a very r!"!d, tec$n!cal sense) t$ey are sed only to $elp sec re s bstant!al * st!ce. FBmp$as!s s ppl!ed.G +o be s re, -P,@s c!ted (hipside case also !nvolved t$e absence o# proo# C attac$ed to t$e pet!t!on C t$at t$e #!l!n" o##!cer &as a t$or!zed to s!"n t$e ver!#!cat!on and non1#or m s$opp!n" cert!#!cat!on. ,n t$e 4ot!on #or Recons!derat!on t$at #ollo&ed t$e d!sm!ssal o# t$e case, t$e movant attac$ed a cert!#!cate !ss ed by !ts board secretary stat!n" t$at ten ;10< days pr!or to t$e #!l!n" o# t$e pet!t!on, t$e #!l!n" o##!cer $ad been a t$or!zed by pet!t!oner@s board o# d!rectors to #!le sa!d pet!t!on. +hus, proper authority eCisted but 4as simply not atta%hed to the petition. On t$!s s bm!ss!on, t$e pet!t!oner so "$t and t$e Co rt pos!t!vely "ranted rel!e#. ,n t$e present case, &e do not see a s!t at!on comparable to t$e c!ted (hipside. )P. did not submit any proof of authority in the first instan%e be%ause it did not believe that a board resolution eviden%ing su%h authority 4as ne%essary. 0e note t$at !nstead o# !mmed!ately s bm!tt!n" an appropr!ate board resol t!on C a#ter t$e 3!rst Kn!on and L!nda #!led t$e!r mot!on to d!sm!ss C -P, ar" ed t$at !t &as not re: !red to s bm!t one and even ar" ed t$at' +$e Compla!nt can only be d!sm!ssed nder %ect!on ., R le 7 o# t$e 1==7 R les o# C!v!l Proced re !# t$ere &as no cert!#!cat!on a"a!nst #or m s$opp!n". +$e Compla!nt $as. +$e prov!s!on c!ted does not even re: !re t$at t$e person cert!#y!n" s$o& proo# o# $!s a t$or!ty to do so A A A. ,n #act, -P, merely attac$ed to !ts oppos!t!on a spec!al po&er o# attorney !ss ed by 4r. Eab!"t!n", a ban2 v!ce1pres!dent, "rant!n" (s!s and On" t$e a t$or!ty to #!le t$e compla!nt. +$ s, no d!rect a t$or!ty to #!le a compla!nt &as !n!t!ally ever "!ven by -P, C the %orporate entity in 4hose name and behalf the %omplaint 4as filed. Only !n !ts Reply to t$e Comment to pla!nt!##@s Oppos!t!on to t$e 4ot!on to ?!sm!ss d!d -P, 8be" t$e 2!nd !nd l"ence o# t$e Honorable Co rt as !t inadvertently #a!led to s bm!t &!t$ t$e %pec!al Po&er o# (ttorney t$e Corporate %ecretary@s Cert!#!cate &$!c$ a t$or!zed 4r. Zos!mo Eab!"t!n" to appo!nt $!s s bst!t tes. Bven t$!s s bm!ss!on, $o&ever, &as a ro ndabo t &ay o# a t$or!z!n" t$e #!l!n" o##!cers to #!le t$e compla!nt.

-P,, !nterest!n"ly, never elaborated nor eApla!ned !ts belatedly cla!med !nadvertence !n #a!l!n" to s bm!t a corporate secretary@s cert!#!cate d!rectly a t$or!z!n" !ts representat!ves to #!le t$e compla!nt) !t part!c larly #a!led to spec!#y t$e c!rc mstances t$at led to t$e cla!med !nadvertence. Knder t$e "!ven #acts, &e cannot b t concl de t$at, rat$er t$an an !nadvertence, t$ere &as an !n!t!al n&aver!n" stance t$at t$e s bm!ss!on o# a spec!#!c a t$or!ty #rom t$e board &as not necessary. ,n bl nter terms, t$e om!ss!on o# t$e re: !red board resol t!on !n t$e compla!nt &as ne!t$er an eAc sable de#!c!ency nor an om!ss!on t$at occ rred t$ro "$ !nadvertence. ,n t$e s al co rse !n t$e $andl!n" o# a case, t$e #a!l re &as a m!sta2e o# co nsel t$at -P, never cared to adm!t b t &$!c$ nevert$eless bo nd !t as a cl!ent. 3rom t$!s perspect!ve, -P,@s case !s d!##erent #rom (hipside so t$at t$e r l!n" !n t$!s c!ted case cannot apply. Knder t$e c!rc mstances, &$at appl!es to t$e present case !s t$e second para"rap$ o# %ect!on ., R le 7 o# t$e R les o# Co rt &$!c$ states' 3a!l re to comply &!t$ t$e #ore"o!n" re: !rements s$all not be c rable by mere amendment o# t$e compla!nt or ot$er !n!t!atory plead!n" b t s$all be ca se #or t$e d!sm!ssal o# t$e case &!t$o t pre* d!ce, nless ot$er&!se prov!ded, pon mot!on and a#ter $ear!n". 0e t$ s $old t$at t$e d!sm!ssal o# t$e case !s t$e appropr!ate r l!n" #rom t$!s Co rt, &!t$o t pre* d!ce to !ts re#!l!n" as t$e R les allo&. 0e end t$!s ?ec!s!on by : ot!n" o r part!n" &ords !n Melo v. Court of =ppeals' 0e are not nm!nd# l o# t$e adverse conse: ence to pr!vate respondent o# a d!sm!ssal o# $er compla!nt, nor o# t$e t!me, e##ort, and money spent l!t!"at!n" p to t$!s Co rt solely on a so1 called tec$n!cal "ro nd. Nonet$eless, &e $old t$at compl!ance &!t$ t$e cert!#!cat!on re: !rement on non1#or m s$opp!n" s$o ld not be made s b*ect to a party@s a#tert$o "$t, lest t$e pol!cy o# t$e la& be nderm!ned. )an7 of the Philippine .slands vs. <on. Court of =ppeals, et al., G.R. &'!' o. !,"5!5. O%tober ,,

Plead!n"s) #a!l re to state ca se o# act!on. 0e l!2e&!se a"ree &!t$ t$e Co rt o# (ppeals t$at t$e R+C1-ranc$ 227 s$o ld not $ave d!sm!ssed respondent@s compla!nt #or dama"es on t$e "ro nd o# #a!l re to state a ca se o# act!on. (ccord!n" to R le 2, %ect!on 2 o# t$e R les o# Co rt, a ca se o# act!on !s t$e act or om!ss!on by &$!c$ a party v!olates a r!"$t o# anot$er. 0$en t$e "ro nd #or d!sm!ssal !s t$at t$e compla!nt states no ca se o# act!on, s c$ #act can be determ!ned only #rom t$e #acts alle"ed !n t$e compla!nt and #rom no ot$er, and t$e co rt cannot cons!der ot$er matters aliunde. +$e test, t$ere#ore, !s &$et$er, ass m!n" t$e alle"at!ons o# #act !n t$e compla!nt to be tr e, a val!d * d"ment co ld be rendered !n accordance &!t$ t$e prayer stated t$ere!n. Respondent made t$e #ollo&!n" alle"at!ons !n s pport o# $!s cla!m #or dama"es a"a!nst pet!t!oners' 3,R%+ C(K%B O3 (C+,ON 2>. (#ter t$e prom l"at!on o# t$e 4etropol!tan +r!al Co rt o# !ts ?ec!s!on dated ( " st 5, 1===, order!n" t$e F$ere!n respondentG and all person cla!m!n" r!"$ts nder $!m to C


Iacate t$e leased prem!ses)

;b< pay t$e F$ere!n pet!t!onersG t$e s m o# P507,000.00 as npa!d rentals #rom 4ay 25, 1==7 to November 22, 1==>) and ;c< pay t$e s m o# P.,000.00 as attorneys #ees)

- t &$!le sa!d ?ec!s!on &as st!ll pend!n" appeal &!t$ t$e Re"!onal +r!al Co rt, t$e Fpet!t!onersG, t$ro "$ Fpet!t!onerG 4analoto, already d!str!b ted cop!es o# sa!d ?ec!s!on to some o# t$e $omeo&ners o# Horses$oe I!lla"e, &$o personally 2no& t$e FrespondentG. +$!s act !s a d!rect assa lt or c$aracter assass!nat!on on t$e part o# t$e FrespondentG beca se as stated !n t$e sa!d dec!s!on, FrespondentG $as been stay!n" !n t$e prem!ses b t d!d not or re# sed to pay $!s mont$ly rentals #or a lon" per!od o# t!me &$en !n tr t$ and !n #act &as ntr e. 2=. +$at #rom t$e t!me t$e sa!d dec!s!on &as d!str!b ted to sa!d members $omeo&ners, t$e FrespondentG became t$e s b*ect o# conversat!on or tal2 o# t$e to&n and by v!rt e o# &$!c$ Frespondent@sG "ood name &!t$!n t$e comm n!ty or soc!ety &$ere $e belon"s &as "reatly dama"ed) $!s rep tat!on &as besm!rc$ed) FrespondentG s ##ered sleepless n!"$t and ser!o s anA!ety. FRespondentG, &$o !s t$e "randson o# t$e late %enator 6ose Ieloso and Con"ressman ,smael Ieloso, &as depr!ved o# pol!t!cal career and to start &!t$ &as to r n as cand!date #or -aran"ay C$a!rman &!t$!n t$e!r area &$!c$ &as be!n" o##ered to $!m by t$e $omeo&ners b t t$!s o##er $as started to #ade and lt!mately totally van!s$ed a#ter t$e d!str!b t!on o# sa!d ?ec!s!on. ?ama"es to $!s "ood names and rep tat!ons and ot$er dama"es &$!c$ $e s ##ered as a conse: ence t$ereo#, may be reasonably compensated #or at least P1,.00,000.00 as moral and conse: ent!al dama"es. 50. ,n order to deter Fpet!t!onersG and ot$ers #rom do!n" as abovement!oned, Fpet!t!onersG s$o ld l!2e&!se be assessed eAemplary dama"es !n t$e amo nt o# P.00,000.00. ( ca se o# act!on ;#or dama"es< eA!sts !# t$e #ollo&!n" elements are present' ;1< a r!"$t !n #avor o# t$e pla!nt!## by &$atever means and nder &$atever la& !t ar!ses or !s created) ;2< an obl!"at!on on t$e part o# t$e named de#endant to respect or not to v!olate s c$ r!"$t) and ;5< an act or om!ss!on on t$e part o# s c$ de#endant v!olat!ve o# t$e r!"$t o# t$e pla!nt!## or const!t t!n" a breac$ o# t$e obl!"at!on o# de#endant to t$e pla!nt!## #or &$!c$ t$e latter may ma!nta!n an act!on #or recovery o# dama"es. 0e #!nd t$at all t$ree elements eA!st !n t$e case at bar. Respondent may not $ave spec!#!cally !dent!#!ed eac$ element, b t !t may be s ##!c!ently determ!ned #rom t$e alle"at!ons !n $!s compla!nt. 3irst, respondent #!led t$e compla!nt to protect $!s "ood c$aracter, name, and rep tat!on. Bvery man $as a r!"$t to b !ld, 2eep, and be #avored &!t$ a "ood name. +$!s r!"$t !s protected by la& &!t$ t$e reco"n!t!on o# slander and l!bel as act!onable &ron"s, &$et$er as cr!m!nal o##enses or tort o s cond ct. (e%ond, pet!t!oners are obl!"ed to respect respondent@s "ood name even t$o "$ t$ey are oppos!n" part!es !n t$e nla&# l deta!ner case. (s (rt!cle 1= o# t$e C!v!l Code re: !res, 8FeGvery person m st, !n t$e eAerc!se o# $!s r!"$ts and !n t$e per#ormance o# $!s d t!es, act &!t$ * st!ce, "!ve everyone $!s d e, and observe $onesty and "ood #a!t$.9 ( v!olat!on o# s c$ pr!nc!ple const!t tes an ab se o# r!"$ts, a tort o s cond ct. 0e eApo nded !n (ea Commer%ial Company, .n%. v. Court of =ppeals t$at'




Pet!t!oners are also eApected to respect respondent@s 8d!"n!ty, personal!ty, pr!vacy and peace o# m!nd9 nder (rt!cle 27 o# t$e C!v!l Code, &$!c$ prov!des' LLL LLL LLL

+$ s, (rt!cle 221=;10< o# t$e C!v!l Code allo&s t$e recovery o# moral dama"es #or acts and act!ons re#erred to !n (rt!cle 27, amon" ot$er prov!s!ons, o# t$e C!v!l Code. =nd third, respondent alle"ed t$at t$e d!str!b t!on by pet!t!oners to Horses$oe I!lla"e $omeo&ners o# cop!es o# t$e 4e+C dec!s!on !n t$e nla&# l deta!ner case, &$!c$ &as adverse to respondent and st!ll on appeal be#ore t$e R+C1-ranc$ >>, $ad no apparent la&# l or * st p rpose eAcept to $ m!l!ate respondent or assa lt $!s c$aracter. (s a res lt, respondent s ##ered dama"es C becom!n" t$e tal2 o# t$e to&n and be!n" depr!ved o# $!s pol!t!cal career. Pet!t!oners reason t$at respondent $as no ca se o# act!on a"a!nst t$em s!nce t$e 4e+C dec!s!on !n t$e nla&# l deta!ner case &as part o# p bl!c records. ,t !s already settled t$at t$e p bl!c $as a r!"$t to see and copy * d!c!al records and doc ments. Ho&ever, t$!s !s not a case o# t$e p bl!c see2!n" and be!n" den!ed access to * d!c!al records and doc ments. +$e controversy !s rooted !n t$e d!ssem!nat!on by pet!t!oners o# t$e 4e+C * d"ment a"a!nst respondent to Horses$oe I!lla"e $omeo&ners, &$o &ere not !nvolved at all !n t$e nla&# l deta!ner case, t$ s, p rportedly a##ect!n" ne"at!vely respondent@s "ood name and rep tat!on amon" sa!d $omeo&ners. +$e nla&# l deta!ner case &as a pr!vate d!sp te bet&een pet!t!oners and respondent, and t$e 4e+C dec!s!on a"a!nst respondent &as t$en st!ll pend!n" appeal be#ore t$e R+C1-ranc$ >>, render!n" s spect pet!t!oners@ !ntent!ons #or d!str!b t!n" cop!es o# sa!d 4e+C dec!s!on to non1part!es !n t$e case. 0$!le pet!t!oners &ere #ree to copy and d!str!b te s c$ cop!es o# t$e 4e+C * d"ment to t$e p bl!c, t$e : est!on !s &$et$er t$ey d!d so &!t$ t$e !ntent o# $ m!l!at!n" respondent and destroy!n" t$e latter@s "ood name and rep tat!on !n t$e comm n!ty. /rmelinda Manaloto, et al. vs. .smael Veloso ..., G.R. o. !1!5,$, O%tober ,, &'!'. Plead!n"s) #a!l re to state ca se o# act!on) $ypot$et!cal adm!ss!on. 0e cannot s bscr!be to respondent@s ar" ment t$at t$ere !s no more need #or t$e presentat!on o# ev!dence by t$e part!es s!nce pet!t!oners, !n mov!n" #or t$e d!sm!ssal o# respondent@s compla!nt #or dama"es, $ypot$et!cally adm!tted respondent@s alle"at!ons. +$e $ypot$et!cal adm!ss!on o# respondent@s alle"at!ons !n t$e compla!nt only "oes so #ar as determ!n!n" &$et$er sa!d compla!nt s$o ld be d!sm!ssed on t$e "ro nd o# #a!l re to state a ca se o# act!on. ( #!nd!n" t$at t$e compla!nt s ##!c!ently states a ca se o# act!on does not necessar!ly mean t$at t$e compla!nt !s mer!tor!o s) !t s$all only res lt !n t$e re!nstatement o# t$e compla!nt and t$e $ear!n" o# t$e case #or presentat!on o# ev!dence by t$e part!es. /rmelinda Manaloto, et al. vs. .smael Veloso ..., G.R. o. !1!5,$, O%tober ,, &'!'. Proced ral r les) cannot be d!scarded &!t$ mere eAped!ency o# cla!m!n" s bstant!al mer!t. +$ere !s no bas!s #or pet!t!oner@s assert!on e!t$er t$at t$e tenets o# s bstant!al * st!ce, t$e novelty and !mportance o# t$e !ss e and t$e mer!tor!o s nat re o# t$!s case &arrant a relaAat!on o# t$e R les !n $er #avor. +!me and a"a!n t$e Co rt $as stressed t$at t$e r les o# proced re m st be #a!t$# lly compl!ed &!t$ and s$o ld not be d!scarded &!t$ t$e mere eAped!ency o# cla!m!n" s bstant!al

mer!t. (s a corollary, r les prescr!b!n" t$e t!me #or do!n" spec!#!c acts or #or ta2!n" certa!n proceed!n"s are cons!dered absol tely !nd!spensable to prevent needless delays and to orderly and promptly d!sc$ar"e * d!c!al b s!ness. -y t$e!r very nat re, t$ese r les are re"arded as mandatory. Cynthia (. )olos vs. *anilo +. )olos, G.R. o. !",-'', O%tober &', &'!'. Proced ral r les) !nstance &$ere str!ct appl!cat!on !s n&arranted. Here!n respondent %ams n" !nst!t ted C!v!l Case No. =71>727. be#ore t$e R+C, to recover t$e amo nt !t cla!ms to $ave lost d e to t$e ne"l!"ence o# pet!t!oner Real -an2, ,nc., clearly a property r!"$t. +$e s bstant!ve r!"$t o# respondent %ams n" to recover a d e and demandable obl!"at!on cannot be d!m!n!s$ed by an n&arranted str!ctness !n t$e appl!cat!on o# a r le o# proced re. ,n Calalang v. Court of =ppeals, t$!s Co rt nderscored t$at nless a party@s cond ct !s so ne"l!"ent, !rrespons!ble, cont mac!o s or d!latory as to prov!de s bstant!al "ro nds #or d!sm!ssal #or non1appearance, t$e co rt s$o ld cons!der lesser sanct!ons &$!c$ &o ld st!ll amo nt !nto ac$!ev!n" t$e des!red end. ,n )an7 of the Philippine .slands v. Court of =ppeals , &e r led t$at !n t$e absence o# a pattern or sc$eme to delay t$e d!spos!t!on o# t$e case or a &anton #a!l re to observe t$e mandatory re: !rement o# t$e r les, co rts s$o ld dec!de to d!spense rat$er t$an &!eld t$e!r a t$or!ty to d!sm!ss. 0$!le not at t$e #ore o# t$!s case, !t may be stated t$at t$e state o# t$e co rt doc2et cannot * st!#y !n* d!c!o s case d!sm!ssals. ,ncons!derate d!sm!ssals, even &!t$o t pre* d!ce, do not const!t te a pana%ea or a sol t!on to t$e con"est!on o# co rt doc2ets) &$!le t$ey lend a decept!ve a ra o# e##!c!ency to records o# !nd!v!d al * d"es, t$ey merely postpone t$e lt!mate rec2on!n" bet&een t$e part!es. ,n t$e absence o# clear lac2 o# mer!t or !ntent!on to delay, * st!ce !s better served by a br!e# cont!n ance, tr!al on t$e mer!ts, and #!nal d!spos!t!on o# cases be#ore t$e co rt. (ccord!n"ly, t$e ends o# * st!ce and #a!rness &o ld be best served !# t$e part!es !n C!v!l Case No. =71>727. are "!ven t$e # ll opport n!ty to t$res$ o t t$e real !ss es !n a # ll blo&n tr!al. -es!des, pet!t!oner Real -an2, ,nc. &o ld not be pre* d!ced s$o ld t$e R+C proceed &!t$ C!v!l Case No. =71>727. as !t !s not str!pped o# any a##!rmat!ve de#enses nor depr!ved o# d e process o# la&. Real )an7 .n%. vs. (amsung Mabuhay Corporation, et al., G.R. o. !1$",&, O%tober !5, &'!'. Proced ral r les) l!beral appl!cat!on m st be * st!#!ed by ample reasons. +$!s Co rt $as repeatedly emp$as!zed t$e need to ab!de by t$e R les o# Co rt and t$e proced ral re: !rements !t !mposes. +$e ver!#!cat!on o# a compla!nt and t$e attac$ment o# a cert!#!cate o# non1#or m s$opp!n" are re: !rements t$at C as po!nted o t by t$e Co rt, t!me and a"a!n C are bas!c, necessary and mandatory #or proced ral orderl!ness. +$ s, &e cannot s!mply and !n a "eneral &ay apply C "!ven t$e #act al c!rc mstances o# t$!s case C t$e l!beral * r!spr dent!al eAcept!on !n (hipside and !ts l!ne o# cases to eAc se -P,@s #a!l re to s bm!t a board resol t!on. 0$!le &e may $ave eAc sed str!ct compl!ance !n t$e past, &e d!d so only on s ##!c!ent and * st!#!able "ro nds t$at compelled a l!beral approac$ &$!le avo!d!n" t$e e##ect!ve ne"at!on o# t$e !ntent o# t$e r le on non1#or m s$opp!n". ,n ot$er &ords, t$e r le #or t$e s bm!ss!on o# a cert!#!cate o# non1#or m s$opp!n", proper in form and substan%e, rema!ns to be a str!ct and mandatory r le) any l!beral appl!cat!on $as to be * st!#!ed by ample and s ##!c!ent reasons t$at ma!nta!n t$e !nte"r!ty o#, and do not detract #rom, t$e mandatory c$aracter o# t$e r le. +$e r le, !ts relaAat!on and t$e!r rat!onale &ere d!sc ssed by t$e Co rt at len"t$ !n +ible F +ible Company, .n%. v. Royal (avings and 0oan =sso%iation &$ere &e sa!d'

4 c$ rel!ance !s placed on t$e r le t$at 8 Courts are not slaves or robots of te%hni%al rules, shorn of Gudi%ial dis%retion. .n rendering Gusti%e, %ourts have al4ays been, as they ought to be, %ons%ientiously guided by the norm that on balan%e, te%hni%alities ta7e a ba%7seat against substantive rights, and not the other 4ay around .9 +$!s r le m st al&ays be sed !n t$e r!"$t conteAt, lest !n* st!ce, rat$er t$an * st!ce &o ld be !ts end res lt. ,t m st never be #or"otten t$at, "enerally, t$e appl!cat!on o# t$e r les m st be p$eld, and t$e s spens!on or even mere relaAat!on o# !ts appl!cat!on, !s t$e eAcept!on. +$!s Co rt prev!o sly eApla!ned' +$e Co rt !s not !mperv!o s to t$e #r strat!on t$at l!t!"ants and la&yers al!2e &o ld at t!mes enco nter !n proced ral b rea cracy b t !mperat!ve * st!ce re: !res %orre%t observan%e of indispensable te%hni%alities pre%isely designed to ensure its proper dispensation. ,t $as lon" been reco"n!zed t$at str!ct compl!ance &!t$ t$e R les o# Co rt !s !nd!spensable #or t$e prevent!on o# needless delays and #or t$e orderly and eAped!t!o s d!spatc$ o# * d!c!al b s!ness. Pro%edural rules are not to be disdained as mere te%hni%alities that may be ignored at 4ill to suit the %onvenien%e of a party. (d*ect!ve la& !s !mportant !n ens r!n" t$e e##ect!ve en#orcement o# s bstant!ve r!"$ts t$ro "$ t$e orderly and speedy adm!n!strat!on o# * st!ce. +$ese r les are not !ntended to $amper l!t!"ants or compl!cate l!t!"at!on b t, !ndeed to prov!de #or a system nder &$!c$ a s !tor may be $eard !n t$e correct #orm and manner and at t$e prescr!bed t!me !n a peace# l con#rontat!on be#ore a * d"e &$ose a t$or!ty t$ey ac2no&led"e. .t %annot be overemphasi9ed that pro%edural rules have their o4n 4holesome rationale in the orderly administration of Gusti%e. 6usti%e has to be administered a%%ording to the Rules in order to obviate arbitrariness, %apri%e, or 4himsi%ality. 0e $ave been ca t!oned and rem!nded !n 0impot v. Court of =ppeals, et al., t$at' R les o# proced re are !ntended to ens re t$e orderly adm!n!strat!on o# * st!ce and t$e protect!on o# s bstant!ve r!"$ts !n * d!c!al and eAtra* d!c!al proceed!n"s. ,t !s a m!sta2e to propose t$at s bstant!ve la& and ad*ect!ve la& are contrad!ctory to eac$ ot$er or, as o#ten s ""ested, t$at en#orcement o# proced ral r les s$o ld never be perm!tted !# !t &!ll res lt !n pre* d!ce to t$e s bstant!ve r!"$ts o# t$e l!t!"ants. +$!s !s not eAactly tr e) t$e concept !s m c$ m!s nderstood. (s a matter o# #act, t$e pol!cy o# t$e co rts !s to "!ve bot$ 2!nds o# la&, as complement!n" eac$ ot$er, !n t$e * st and speedy resol t!on o# t$e d!sp te bet&een t$e part!es. Observance o# bot$ s bstant!ve r!"$ts !s e: ally " aranteed by d e process, &$atever t$e so rce o# s c$ r!"$ts, be !t t$e Const!t t!on !tsel# or only a stat te or a r le o# co rt. AAAA A A A ;+<$ey are re: !red to be #ollo&ed eAcept only &$en #or t$e most pers as!ve o# reasons t$em may be relaAed to rel!eve a l!t!"ant o# an !n* st!ce not commens rate &!t$ t$e de"ree o# $!s t$o "$tlessness !n not comply!n" &!t$ t$e proced re prescr!bed. A A A 0$!le !t !s tr e t$at a l!t!"at!on !s not a "ame o# tec$n!cal!t!es, t$!s does not mean t$at t$e R les o# Co rt may be !"nored at &!ll and at random to t$e pre* d!ce o# t$e orderly presentat!on and assessment o# t$e !ss es and t$e!r * st resol t!on. 6 st!ce esc$e&s anarc$y. )an7 of the Philippine .slands vs. <on. Court of =ppeals, et al., G.R. o. !,"5!5. O%tober ,, &'!'

Proced ral r les) str!ct and r!"!d appl!cat!on avo!ded to sec re s bstant!al * st!ce. (s &e $ave r led o#ten eno "$, r les o# proced re s$o ld not be appl!ed !n a very r!"!d, tec$n!cal sense) r les o# proced re are sed only to $elp sec re, not overr!de, s bstant!al * st!ce. (s &e eApla!ned !n Ginete v. Court of =ppeals' Let !t be emp$as!zed t$at the rules o! procedure should be viewed as mere tools desi"ned to !acilitate the attainment o! 'ustice . +$e!r str!ct and r!"!d appl!cat!on, &$!c$ &o ld res lt !n tec$n!cal!t!es t$at tend to #r strate rat$er t$an promote s bstant!al * st!ce, m st al&ays be esc$e&ed. Bven t$e R les o# Co rt re#lect t$!s pr!nc!ple. +$e po&er to s spend or even d!sre"ard r les can be so pervas!ve and compell!n" as to alter even t$at &$!c$ t$!s Co rt !tsel# $as already declared to be #!nal, as &e are no& constra!ned to do !n t$e !nstant case. A A A A +$e emer"!n" trend !n t$e r l!n"s o# t$!s Co rt !s to a##ord every party l!t!"ant t$e amplest opport n!ty #or t$e proper and * st determ!nat!on o# $!s ca se, #ree #rom t$e constra!nts o# tec$n!cal!t!es. +!me and a"a!n, t$!s Co rt $as cons!stently $eld t$at r les m st not be appl!ed r!"!dly so as not to overr!de s bstant!al * st!ce. FBmp$as!s s ppl!ed.G %!m!larly, !n de Gu9man v. (andiganbayan, &e $ad occas!on to state' +$e R les o# Co rt &as conce!ved and prom l"ated to set #ort$ " !del!nes !n t$e d!spensat!on o# * st!ce b t not to b!nd and c$a!n t$e $and t$at d!spenses !t, #or ot$er&!se, co rts &!ll be mere slaves to or robots o# tec$n!cal r les, s$orn o# * d!c!al d!scret!on. +$at !s prec!sely &$y co rts !n render!n" * st!ce $ave al&ays been, as t$ey o "$t to be, consc!ent!o sly " !ded by t$e norm t$at when on the balance+ technicalities ta2e a bac2seat a"ainst substantive ri"hts+ and not the other wa% around( +r ly t$en, tec$n!cal!t!es, !n t$e appropr!ate lan" a"e o# 6 st!ce 4a2al!ntal, 8s$o ld "!ve &ay to t$e real!t!es o# t$e s!t at!on. FBmp$as!s s ppl!ed.G 0e made t$e same reco"n!t!on !n )arnes, on t$e nderly!n" prem!se t$at a co rt@s pr!mord!al and most !mportant d ty !s to render * st!ce) !n d!sc$ar"!n" t$e d ty to render s bstant!al * st!ce, !t !s perm!tted to re1eAam!ne even a #!nal and eAec tory * d"ment. =po 3ruits Corporation, et al. vs. 0and )an7 of the Philippines, G.R. o. !,-!#$, O%tober !&, &'!'. 0r!t o# possess!on) !ss ance not m!n!ster!al &$ere t$!rd party $olds property adversely to * d"ment debtor. +$!s r le, $o&ever, !s not &!t$o t eAcept!on. Knder %ect!on 55, R le 5= o# t$e R les o# Co rt, &$!c$ !s made to apply s ppletor!ly to t$e eAtra* d!c!al #oreclos re o# real estate mort"a"es by %ect!on 7, (ct 515., as amended, t$e possess!on o# t$e mort"a"ed property may be a&arded to a p rc$aser !n t$e eAtra* d!c!al #oreclos re nless a t$!rd party !s act ally $old!n" t$e property adversely to t$e * d"ment debtor. %ect!on 55 prov!des' %ec. 55. *eed and possession to be given at eCpiration of redemption periodI by 4hom eCe%uted or given. ,# no redempt!on be made &!t$!n one ;1< year #rom t$e date o# t$e re"!strat!on o# t$e cert!#!cate o# sale, t$e p rc$aser !s ent!tled to a conveyance and possess!on o# t$e property) or, !# so redeemed &$enever s!Aty ;70< days $ave elapsed and no ot$er redempt!on $as been made, and not!ce t$ereo# "!ven, and t$e t!me #or redempt!on $as eAp!red, t$e last redempt!oner !s ent!tled to t$e conveyance and possess!on) b t !n all cases t$e * d"ment obl!"or s$all $ave t$e ent!re per!od

o# one ;1< year #rom t$e date o# t$e re"!strat!on o# t$e sale to redeem t$e property. +$e deed s$all be eAec ted by t$e o##!cer ma2!n" t$e sale or by $!s s ccessor !n o##!ce, and !n t$e latter case s$all $ave t$e same val!d!ty as t$o "$ t$e o##!cer ma2!n" t$e sale $ad cont!n ed !n o##!ce and eAec ted !t. Kpon t$e eAp!rat!on o# t$e r!"$t o# redempt!on, t$e p rc$aser or redempt!oner s$all be s bst!t ted to and ac: !re all t$e r!"$ts, t!tle, !nterest and cla!m o# t$e * d"ment obl!"or to t$e property as o# t$e t!me o# t$e levy. +$e possess!on o# t$e property s$all be "!ven to t$e p rc$aser or last redempt!oner by t$e same o##!cer nless a t$!rd party !s act ally $old!n" t$e property adversely to t$e * d"ment obl!"or. +$e same !ss e $ad been ra!sed !n )an7 of the Philippine .slands v. .%ot, *evelopment )an7 of the Philippines v. Prime eighborhood =sso%iation, *ayot v. (hell Chemi%al Company :Phils.;, .n%., and Philippine ational )an7 v. Court of =ppeals, and &e n!#ormly $eld t$at t$e obl!"at!on o# t$e co rt to !ss e an eC parte &r!t o# possess!on !n #avor o# t$e p rc$aser !n an eAtra* d!c!al #oreclos re sale ceases to be m!n!ster!al once !t appears t$at t$ere !s a t$!rd party !n possess!on o# t$e property &$o !s cla!m!n" a r!"$t adverse to t$at o# t$e debtorRmort"a"or. +$e p rc$aser@s r!"$t o# possess!on !s reco"n!zed only as a"a!nst t$e * d"ment debtor and $!s s ccessor1!n1!nterest b t not a"a!nst persons &$ose r!"$t o# possess!on !s adverse to t$e latter. ,n t$!s case, pet!t!oner opposed t$e !ss ance o# t$e &r!t o# possess!on on t$e "ro nd t$at $e !s !n act al possess!on o# t$e mort"a"ed property nder a cla!m o# o&ners$!p. He eApla!ned t$at $!s t!tle to t$e property &as cancelled by v!rt e o# a #als!#!ed deed o# donat!on eAec ted !n #avor o# spo ses PeNaredondo. -eca se o# t$!s #als!#!cat!on, $e #!led c!v!l and cr!m!nal cases a"a!nst spo ses PeNaredondo to n ll!#y t$e deed o# donat!on and to p n!s$ t$e party respons!ble #or t$e #als!#!ed doc ment. Pet!t!oner@s cla!m t$at $e !s !n act al possess!on o# t$e property !s not c$allen"ed, and $e $as come to co rt assert!n" an o&ners$!p r!"$t adverse to t$at o# t$e mort"a"ors, t$e spo ses PeNaredondo. +$e t$!rd party@s possess!on o# t$e property !s le"ally pres med to be based on a * st t!tle, a pres mpt!on &$!c$ may be overcome by t$e p rc$aser !n a * d!c!al proceed!n" #or recovery o# t$e property. +$ro "$ s c$ a * d!c!al proceed!n", t$e nat re o# t$e adverse possess!on by t$e t$!rd party may be determ!ned, a#ter s c$ t$!rd party !s accorded d e process and t$e opport n!ty to be $eard. +$e t$!rd party may be e*ected #rom t$e property only a#ter $e $as been "!ven an opport n!ty to be $eard, con#ormably &!t$ t$e t!me1$onored pr!nc!ple o# d e process. +$e C!v!l Code protects t$e act al possessor o# a property, as (rt!cle /55 t$ereo# prov!des' (rt. /55. (ct al possess!on nder cla!m o# o&ners$!p ra!ses d!sp table pres mpt!on o# o&ners$!p. +$e tr e o&ner m st resort to * d!c!al process #or t$e recovery o# t$e property. One &$o cla!ms to be t$e o&ner o# a property possessed by anot$er m st br!n" t$e appropr!ate * d!c!al act!on #or !ts p$ys!cal recovery. +$e 8* d!c!al process9 co ld mean no less t$an an e*ectment s !t or a re!v!nd!catory act!on, !n &$!c$ t$e o&ners$!p cla!ms o# t$e contend!n" part!es may be properly $eard and ad* d!cated. +$e eC parte pet!t!on #or t$e !ss ance o# a &r!t o# possess!on #!led by respondent, str!ctly spea2!n", !s not t$e 2!nd o# * d!c!al process contemplated !n (rt!cle /55 o# t$e C!v!l Code. Bven !# t$e same may be cons!dered a * d!c!al proceed!n" #or t$e en#orcement o# one@s r!"$t o# possess!on as p rc$aser !n a #oreclos re sale, !t !s not an ord!nary s !t #!led !n co rt, by &$!c$ one party s es anot$er #or t$e en#orcement or protect!on o# a r!"$t, or t$e prevent!on or redress o# a &ron". Knl!2e a * d!c!al #oreclos re o# real estate mort"a"e nder R le 7> o# t$e R les o# Co rt &$ere an act!on #or #oreclos re !s #!led be#ore t$e

R+C &$ere t$e mort"a"ed property or any part t$ereo# !s s!t ated, any property bro "$t &!t$!n t$e amb!t o# (ct 515. !s #oreclosed by t$e #!l!n" o# a pet!t!on, not &!t$ any co rt o# * st!ce, b t &!t$ t$e o##!ce o# t$e s$er!## o# t$e prov!nce &$ere t$e sale !s to be made. (s s c$, a t$!rd person !n possess!on o# an eAtra* d!c!ally #oreclosed property, &$o cla!ms a r!"$t s per!or to t$at o# t$e or!"!nal mort"a"or, !s "!ven no opport n!ty to be $eard on $!s cla!m. ,t stands to reason, t$ere#ore, t$at s c$ t$!rd person may not be d!spossessed on t$e stren"t$ o# a mere eC parte possessory &r!t, s!nce to do so &o ld be tantamo nt to $!s s mmary e*ectment, !n v!olat!on o# t$e bas!c tenets o# d e process. +$e Co rt cannot sanct!on a proced ral s$ortc t. +o en#orce t$e &r!t a"a!nst pet!t!oner, an n&!tt!n" t$!rd party possessor &$o too2 no part !n t$e #oreclos re proceed!n"s, &o ld amo nt to t$e ta2!n" o# real property &!t$o t t$e bene#!t o# proper * d!c!al !ntervent!on. Hence, !t &as not a m!n!ster!al d ty o# t$e tr!al co rt nder (ct 515. to !ss e a &r!t o# possess!on #or t$e o ster o# pet!t!oner #rom t$e lot s b*ect o# t$!s !nstant case, part!c larly !n l!"$t o# t$e latter@s oppos!t!on, cla!m o# o&ners$!p and r!"$t# l possess!on o# t$e d!sp ted propert!es. ,n "rant!n" respondent@s pet!t!on, t$e appellate co rt c!ted =n%heta v. Metropolitan )an7 and +rust Company, .n%. and P ) v. (anao Mar7eting Corporation. +$e !nvocat!on o# t$ese cases !s m!splaced. +$ese cases !nvolved t$e propr!ety o# t$e !ss ance o# a &r!t o# possess!on pend!n" t$e determ!nat!on o# t$e val!d!ty o# t$e mort"a"e or #oreclos re proceed!n"s #!led by t$e mort"a"or or by at least one o# t$e mort"a"ors &$o &as a party to t$e #oreclos re proceed!n"s. 0e $eld t$en t$at t$e pendency o# s c$ determ!nat!on !s not a bar to t$e !ss ance o# t$e possessory &r!t as no d!scret!on !s le#t to t$e !ss !n" * d"e. +$e above1c!ted cases $ave d!##erent #act al m!l!e &$!c$ ma2es t$em !nappl!cable to t$e present case. ,n =n%heta and P ), t$e oppos!tors &ere part!es to t$e mort"a"e and t$e #oreclos re proceed!n"s) !n t$e present case, t$e oppos!tor &as a t$!rd party &$o &as a stran"er to t$e mort"a"e and &$o d!d not part!c!pate !n t$e #oreclos re proceed!n"s. 4oreover, !n =n%heta and P ), t$e oppos!tors ob*ected to t$e !ss ance o# t$e &r!t beca se o# t$e pendency o# a case #or t$e ann lment o# t$e real estate mort"a"e and t$e #oreclos re proceed!n"s) &$!le pet!t!oner $ere!n ob*ected beca se $e !s !n act al possess!on o# t$e #oreclosed property and $e !s cla!m!n" t$e r!"$t o# o&ners$!p adverse to t$at o# t$e mort"a"or, t$e spo ses PeNaredondo. +$ese #act al c!rc mstances !n t$e !nstant case call #or t$e appl!cat!on not o# =n%heta and P ) b t o# t$e ot$er set o# cases t$oro "$ly d!sc ssed above declar!n" t$at t$e !ss ance o# t$e possessory &r!t !s not a m!n!ster!al d ty o# t$e R+C * d"e. /mmanuel C. Villanueva vs. Cherdan 0ending .nvestors Corporation, G.R. o. !11""!. O%tober !5, &'!' 0r!t o# possess!on) nat re and !nstances o# !ss ance. ( &r!t o# possess!on !s an order o# t$e co rt command!n" t$e s$er!## to place a person !n possess!on o# a real or personal property. ,t may be !ss ed !n an eAtra* d!c!al #oreclos re o# a real estate mort"a"e nder %ect!on 7 o# (ct 515., as amended by (ct /11>, e!t$er 1< &!t$!n t$e one1year redempt!on per!od, pon t$e #!l!n" o# a bond, or 2< a#ter t$e lapse o# t$e redempt!on per!od, &!t$o t need o# a bond or o# a separate and !ndependent act!on. ,t !s settled t$at t$e b yer !n a #oreclos re sale becomes t$e absol te o&ner o# t$e property p rc$ased !# !t !s not redeemed &!t$!n one year a#ter t$e re"!strat!on o# t$e sale. (s s c$, $e !s ent!tled to t$e possess!on o# t$e property and can demand t$at $e be placed !n possess!on at any t!me #ollo&!n" t$e consol!dat!on o# o&ners$!p !n $!s name and t$e !ss ance to $!m o# a ne& +C+. +!me and a"a!n, &e $ave $eld t$at !t !s m!n!ster!al pon t$e co rt to !ss e a &r!t o# possess!on a#ter t$e #oreclos re sale and d r!n" t$e per!od o# redempt!on. Kpon t$e #!l!n" o# an eC parte mot!on and t$e approval o# t$e correspond!n" bond, t$e co rt !ss es t$e order #or a &r!t o# possess!on. +$e &r!t o# possess!on !ss es as a matter o# co rse even &!t$o t t$e #!l!n" and

approval o# a bond a#ter consol!dat!on o# o&ners$!p and t$e !ss ance o# a ne& +C+ !n t$e name o# t$e p rc$aser. /mmanuel C. Villanueva vs. Cherdan 0ending .nvestors Corporation, G.R. o. !11""!. O%tober !5, &'!'

Special Proceedin"s 0r!t o# Habeas Corp s. (s correctly po!nted o t by t$e O%D, t$e pet!t!on #or t$e &r!ts o# habeas %orpus and amparo &as based on t$e cr!m!nal case #or H al!#!ed +$e#t a"a!nst pet!t!oner %o@s da "$ter, D !sande. +o recall, pet!t!oner %o cla!med t$at t$e cond!t!ons and c!rc mstances o# $!s da "$ter@s, acc sed D !sande@s, con#!nement at t$e NC4H &as 8l!#e t$reaten!n"9) alt$o "$ D !sande &as acc sed o# a non1ba!lable o##ense, t$e NC4H co ld not ade: ately treat D !sande@s mental cond!t!on. +$ s, to balance t$e con#l!ct!n" r!"$t o# an acc sed to med!cal treatment and t$e r!"$t o# t$e prosec t!on to s b*ect to co rt processes an acc sed c$ar"ed &!t$ a non1ba!lable o##ense, t$e C( d!rected t$e trans#er o# D !sande #rom t$e NC4H to %t. Clare@s 4ed!cal Center, &$!le not!n" t$at beca se o# t$e pec l!ar!t!es o# t$!s case, t$ere &as a dev!at!on #rom t$e re" lar co rse o# proced re, s!nce acc sed D !sande s$o ld $ave been con#!ned !n *a!l beca se s$e &as c$ar"ed &!t$ a non1ba!lable o##ense. Notably, no&$ere !n t$e transcr!pt o# t$e C( $ear!n" on ?ecember 5, 200=, nor !n t$e Order rec!ted !n open co rt by 6 st!ce P!zarro, !s t$ere an a##!rmat!on o# pet!t!oner %o@s cla!m t$at t$e con#!nement o# acc sed D !sande at t$e NC4H &as !lle"al. Ne!t$er &ere t$e respect!ve acts per#ormed by respondents 6 d"e +acla and ?r. I!cente !n ascerta!n!n" t$e mental cond!t!on o# acc sed D !sande to &!t$stand tr!al declared nla&# l. On t$e contrary, t$e NC4H, a &ell1rep ted "overnment #orens!c #ac!l!ty, albe!t not $eld !n $!"$ re"ard by pet!t!oner %o@s and acc sed D !sande@s #am!ly, $ad assessed D !sande #!t #or tr!al. +$e R les on t$e 0r!ts o# <abeas Corpus and =mparo are clear) t$e act or om!ss!on or t$e t$reatened act or om!ss!on compla!ned o# C con#!nement and c stody #or habeas %orpus and v!olat!ons o#, or t$reat to v!olate, a person@s l!#e, l!berty, and sec r!ty #or amparo cases C s$o ld be !lle"al or nla&# l. R le 102 o# t$e R les o# Co rt on <abeas Corpus prov!des' %ec. 1. +o 4hat habeas %orpus eCtends. C BAcept as ot$er&!se eApressly prov!ded by la&, t$e &r!t o# habeas %orpus s$all eAtend to all cases o# !lle"al con#!nement or detent!on by &$!c$ any person !s depr!ved o# $!s l!berty, or by &$!c$ t$e r!"$t# l c stody o# any person !s &!t$$eld #rom t$e person ent!tled t$ereto. &$!le t$e R le on t$e 0r!t o# (mparo states' %ect!on 1. Petition. C +$e pet!t!on #or a &r!t o# amparo !s a remedy ava!lable to any person &$ose r!"$t to l!#e, l!berty and sec r!ty !s v!olated or t$reatened &!t$ v!olat!on by an nla&# l act or om!ss!on o# a p bl!c o##!c!al or employee, or o# a pr!vate !nd!v!d al or ent!ty. +$e &r!t s$all cover eAtrale"al 2!ll!n"s and en#orced d!sappearances or t$reats t$ereo#. O r dec!s!ons on t$e propr!ety o# t$e !ss ance o# t$ese &r!ts re!terate t$e #ore"o!n" r les. ,n 0ourdes *. Rubri%o, 6ean Rubri%o =pruebo, and Mary 6oy Rubri%o Carbonel v. Gloria

Ma%apagal-=rroyo, Gen. <ermogenes /speron, PD*ir. Gen. =velino Ra9on, MaG. *ar4in (y a.7.a *ar4in Reyes, 6immy (antana, Ruben =lfaro, Capt. =ngelo Cuaresma, a %ertain 6onathan, PD(upt. /dgar ). Ro>uero, =rsenio C. Gome9, and Offi%e of the Ombudsman, &e : al!#!ed' +$e pr!v!le"e o# t$e &r!t o# amparo !s env!s!oned bas!cally to protect and " arantee t$e r!"$ts to l!#e, l!berty, and sec r!ty o# persons, #ree #rom #ears and t$reats t$at v!t!ate t$e : al!ty o# t$!s l!#e. ,t !s an eAtraord!nary &r!t concept al!zed and adopted !n l!"$t o# and !n response to t$e prevalence o# eAtra1le"al 2!ll!n"s and en#orced d!sappearances. 5ccordin"l%+ the remed% ou"ht to be resorted to and "ranted 'udiciousl%+ lest the ideal sou"ht b% the 5mparo Rule be diluted and undermined b% the indiscriminate !ilin" o! amparo petitions !or purposes less than the desire to secure amparo relie!s and protection and$or on the basis o! unsubstantiated alle"ations( ,n t$e recent urhida 6uhuri =mpatuan v. 6udge Virgilio V. Ma%araig, R+C, Manila, )ran%h 51, *ire%tor General =velino Ra9on, 6r., *ire%tor Geary )arias, P((upt. Co 8ee M. Co, 6r., and Poli%e Chief .nspe%tor =gapito ?uimson, &e !ntoned' +$e most bas!c cr!ter!on #or t$e !ss ance o# t$e &r!t, t$ere#ore, !s t$at t$e !nd!v!d al see2!n" s c$ rel!e# !s !lle"ally depr!ved o# $!s #reedom o# movement or place nder some #orm o# !lle"al restra!nt. ,# an !nd!v!d al@s l!berty !s restra!nted via some le"al process, t$e &r!t o# habeas %orpus !s nava!l!n". 3 ndamentally, !n order to * st!#y t$e "rant o# t$e &r!t o# habeas %orpus, t$e restra!nt o# l!berty m st be !n t$e nat re o# an !lle"al and !nvol ntary depr!vat!on o# #reedom o# act!on. ,n "eneral, t$e p rpose o# t$e &r!t o# habeas %orpus !s to determ!ne &$et$er or not a part!c lar person !s le"ally $eld. ( pr!me spec!#!cat!on o# an appl!cat!on #or a &r!t o# habeas %orpus, !n #act, !s an act al and e##ect!ve, and not merely nom!nal or moral, !lle"al restra!nt o# l!berty. +$e &r!t o# habeas %orpus &as dev!sed and eA!sts as a speedy and e##ect al remedy to rel!eve persons #rom nla&# l restra!nt, and as t$e best and only s ##!c!ent de#ense o# personal #reedom. AAA +$e essent!al ob*ect and p rpose o# t$e &r!t o# habeas %orpus !s to !n: !re !nto all manner o# !nvol ntary restra!nt as d!st!n" !s$ed #rom vol ntary, and to rel!eve a person t$ere#rom !# s c$ restra!nt !s !lle"al. (ny restra!nt &$!c$ &!ll precl de #reedom o# act!on !s s ##!c!ent. ,n pass!n" pon a pet!t!on #or habeas %orpus, a co rt or * d"e m st #!rst !n: !re !nto &$et$er t$e pet!t!oner !s be!n" restra!ned o# $!s l!berty. ,# $e !s not, t$e &r!t &!ll be re# sed. ,n: !ry !nto t$e ca se o# detent!on &!ll proceed only &$ere s c$ restra!nt eA!sts. ,# t$e alle"ed ca se !s t$erea#ter #o nd to be nla&# l, t$en t$e &r!t s$o ld be "ranted and t$e pet!t!oner d!sc$ar"ed. Needless to state, !# ot$er&!se, a"a!n t$e &r!t &!ll be re# sed. 0$!le habeas %orpus !s a &r!t o# r!"$t, !t &!ll not !ss e as a matter o# co rse or as a mere per# nctory operat!on on t$e #!l!n" o# t$e pet!t!on. 6 d!c!al d!scret!on !s called #or !n !ts !ss ance and !t m st be clear to t$e * d"e to &$om t$e pet!t!on !s presented t$at, prima fa%ie, t$e pet!t!oner !s ent!tled to t$e &r!t. ,t !s only !# t$e co rt !s sat!s#!ed t$at a person !s be!n" nla&# lly restra!ned o# $!s l!berty &!ll t$e pet!t!on #or habeas %orpus be "ranted. ,# t$e respondents are not deta!n!n" or restra!n!n" t$e appl!cant o# t$e person !n &$ose be$al# t$e pet!t!on !s #!led, t$e pet!t!on s$o ld be d!sm!ssed. ,n t$e cases at bar, t$e : est!on be#ore t$e C( &as correctly l!m!ted to &$!c$ $osp!tal, t$e NC4H or a med!cal #ac!l!ty o# acc sed@s o&n c$oos!n", acc sed D !sande s$o ld be re#erred #or

treatment o# a s pposed mental cond!t!on. ,n add!t!on, &e note t$at !t &as proced rally proper #or t$e R+C to as2 t$e NC4H #or a separate op!n!on on acc sed@s mental #!tness to be arra!"ned and stand tr!al. -e t$at as !t may, t$e C( allo&ed t$e trans#er o# acc sed to %t. Clare@s 4ed!cal Center nder t$e c stody o# ?r. Rene Jat, &$o &as re: !red per!od!cally to report on $!s eval at!on, every #!#teen ;1.< days, to t$e R+C 4andal yon" C!ty, alt$o "$ !n t$e same breat$, t$e C( also ordered t$e cont!n at!on o# t$e arra!"nment and tr!al o# t$e acc sed #or H al!#!ed +$e#t be#ore t$e same tr!al co rt. ,n ot$er &ords, D !sande rema!ned !n c stody o# t$e la& to ans&er #or t$e non1ba!lable cr!m!nal c$ar"e a"a!nst $er, and &as s!mply allo&ed to p rs e med!cal treatment !n t$e $osp!tal and #rom a doctor o# $er c$o!ce. Certa!nly, &!t$ t$e d!sm!ssal o# t$e non1ba!lable case a"a!nst acc sed D !sande, s$e !s no lon"er nder per!l to be con#!ned !n a *a!l #ac!l!ty, m c$ less at t$e NC4H. B##ect!vely, acc sed D !sande@s person, and treatment o# any med!cal and mental malady s$e may or may not $ave, can no lon"er be s b*ected to t$e la&# l processes o# t$e R+C 4andal yon" C!ty. ,n s$ort, t$e cases $ave no& been rendered moot and academ!c &$!c$, !n t$e o#ten c!ted *avid v. Ma%apagal=rroyo, !s de#!ned as 8one t$at ceases to present a * st!c!able controversy by v!rt e o# s perven!n" events, so t$at a declarat!on t$ereon &o ld be o# no pract!cal se or val e.9 3!nally, t$e Resol t!ons o# t$e C( and (ss!stant C!ty Prosec tor Bscobar1P!lares, nm!sta2ably #oreclose t$e * st!c!ab!l!ty o# t$e pet!t!ons be#ore t$!s Co rt. ,n C(1D.R. %P No. 0005=, t$e C( sa!d' 0e are also not s&ayed by F?av!d %o@sG ar" ment t$at Fpet!t!onersG advanced l!es to t$!s Co rt &$en t$ey stated !n t$e!r pet!t!on t$at Blena &as #ac!n" t&o ;2< non1ba!lable o##enses. ? r!n" t$e $ear!n" on t$e pet!t!on #or $abeas corp sR&r!t o# amparo, t$e co nsel #or F?av!d %oG stated t$at Blena &as #ac!n" only one ;1< non1ba!lable o##ense to &$!c$ Fpet!t!onersG d!d not anymore ob*ect. -es!des, t$e n mber o# non1ba!lable o##enses !s not even mater!al !n t$e !nstant case #or $abeas corp sR&r!t o# amparo as t$e only !ss e to be determ!ned $ere &as &$et$er or not Blena@s con#!nement at NC4H &as la&# l. 3!nally, t$e !ss e !n t$e ver!#!ed pet!t!on, o# &$et$er Fpet!t!onersG &ere !n contempt o# co rt, !s rendered moot and academ!c cons!der!n" t$at t$!s Co rt $ad already rendered !ts open co rt Order on ?ecember >, 200=, &$!c$ &as #avorable to F?av!d %oG, and !t &as only later t$at t$e latter ra!sed t$e !ss e o# contempt. 3!nd!n" no mer!t !n F?av!d %o@sG ver!#!ed pet!t!on #or contempt a"a!nst F6 d"e +acla, ?r. I!cente and t$e NC4HG, and t$ere be!n" no ot$er ob*ect!ons made by t$e part!es a"a!nst O r 4arc$ 17, 2010 Resolution, t$e !nstant pet!t!on #or $abeas corp sR&r!t o# amparo !s declared CLOS)D and #)R3 95#)D. SO ORD)R)D( *avid /. (o, on behalf of his daughter Maria /lena (o Guisande vs. <on. /steban =. +a%la, 6r. et%., et al. D <on. /steban =. +a%la, 6r., et%., et al. vs. *avid /. (o, on behalf of his daughter Maria /lena (o Guisande, G.R. os. !#'!'", !#'-15. O%tober !#, &'!'.

Other Proceedin"s

(ppeal) pet!t!on #or rev!e& !s correct mode o# appeal #rom dec!s!ons o# %pec!al ("rar!an Co rts. Pet!t!oners contend t$at t$e proper mode or remedy t$at s$o ld $ave been ta2en by t$e L-P !n assa!l!n" t$e ?ec!s!on o# t$e R+C, act!n" as a %pec!al ("rar!an Co rt, !s a pet!t!on #or rev!e& and not an ord!nary appeal. +$e Co rt does not completely a"ree. +$!s same !ss e &as s: arely addressed and settled by t$e Co rt !n 0and )an7 of the Philippines v. *e 0eon, &$ere!n !t &as r led t$at a pet!t!on #or rev!e& !s !ndeed t$e correct mode o# appeal #rom dec!s!ons o# %pec!al ("rar!an Co rts. +$ere!n, t$e Co rt $eld t$at 8%ect!on 70 o# Rep bl!c (ct No. 77.7 clearly and cate"or!cally states t$at t$e sa!d mode o# appeal s$o ld be adopted.9 Ho&ever, !n a Resol t!on !ss ed by t$e Co rt en ban%, dated 4arc$ 20, 2005, &$!c$ r led on t$e mot!on #or recons!derat!on #!led by t$e L-P, t$e Co rt clar!#!ed t$at !ts dec!s!on !n *e 0eon s$all apply only to cases appealed #rom t$e #!nal!ty o# t$e sa!d Resol t!on. +$e Co rt $eld' A A A L-P pleads t$at t$e s b*ect ?ec!s!on s$o ld at least be "!ven prospect!ve appl!cat!on cons!der!n" t$at more t$an 70 s!m!lar a"rar!an cases #!led by L-P v!a ord!nary appeal be#ore t$e Co rt o# (ppeals are !n dan"er o# be!n" d!sm!ssed o tr!"$t on tec$n!cal "ro nds on acco nt o# o r r l!n" $ere!n. +$!s, accord!n" to L-P, &!ll &rea2 #!nanc!al $avoc not only on L-P as t$e #!nanc!al !ntermed!ary o# t$e Compre$ens!ve ("rar!an Re#orm Pro"ram b t also on t$e nat!onal treas ry and t$e already depressed econom!c cond!t!on o# o r co ntry. +$ s, !n t$e !nterest o# #a!r play, e: !ty and * st!ce, L-P stresses t$e need #or t$e r les to be relaAed so as to "!ve s bstant!al cons!derat!on to t$e appealed cases. AAAA On acco nt o# t$e absence o# * r!spr dence !nterpret!n" %ect!ons 70 and 71 o# R( 77.7 re"ard!n" t$e proper &ay to appeal dec!s!ons o# %pec!al ("rar!an Co rts, as &ell as t$e con#l!ct!n" dec!s!ons o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals t$ereon, L-P cannot be blamed #or ava!l!n" o# t$e &ron" mode. -ased on !ts o&n !nterpretat!on and rel!ance on Fa r l!n" !ss ed by t$e C( $old!n" t$at an ord!nary appeal !s t$e proper modeG, L-P acted on t$e m!sta2en bel!e# t$at an ord!nary appeal !s t$e appropr!ate manner to : est!on dec!s!ons o# %pec!al ("rar!an Co rts. Hence, !n t$e l!"$t o# t$e a#orement!oned c!rc mstances, &e #!nd !t proper to emp$as!ze t$e prospect!ve appl!cat!on o# o r ?ec!s!on dated %eptember 10, 2002. ( prospect!ve appl!cat!on o# o r ?ec!s!on !s not only "ro nded on e: !ty and #a!r play, b t also based on t$e const!t t!onal tenet t$at r les o# proced re s$all not !mpa!r s bstant!ve r!"$ts. AAAA 0e $old t$at o r ?ec!s!on, declar!n" a pet!t!on #or rev!e& as t$e proper mode o# appeal #rom * d"ments o# %pec!al ("rar!an Co rts, !s a r le o# proced re &$!c$ a##ects s bstant!ve r!"$ts. ,# o r r l!n" !s "!ven retroact!ve appl!cat!on, !t &!ll pre* d!ce L-P@s r!"$t to appeal beca se pend!n" appeals !n t$e Co rt o# (ppeals &!ll be d!sm!ssed o tr!"$t on mere tec$n!cal!ty t$ereby sacr!#!c!n" t$e s bstant!al mer!ts t$ereo#. ,t &o ld be n* st to apply a ne& doctr!ne to a pend!n" case !nvolv!n" a party &$o already !nvo2ed a contrary v!e& and &$o acted !n "ood #a!t$ t$ereon pr!or to t$e !ss ance o# sa!d doctr!ne. AAAA

0HBRB3ORB, t$e mot!on #or recons!derat!on dated October 17, 2002 and t$e s pplement to t$e mot!on #or recons!derat!on dated November 11, 2002 are P(R+,(LLJ DR(N+B?. 0$!le &e clar!#y t$at t$e ?ec!s!on o# t$!s Co rt dated %eptember 10, 2002 stands, o r r l!n" t$ere!n t$at a pet!t!on #or rev!e& !s t$e correct mode o# appeal #rom dec!s!ons o# %pec!al ("rar!an Co rts s$all apply only to cases appealed a#ter t$e #!nal!ty o# t$!s Resol t!on. %O OR?BRB?. ,n t$e present case, t$e L-P #!led !ts Not!ce o# (ppeal on %eptember 1, 1==>. +$ s, p rs ant to t$e r l!n" t$at *e 0eon s$all be appl!ed prospect!vely #rom t$e #!nal!ty o# t$!s Co rt@s Resol t!on dated 4arc$ 20, 2005, t$e appeal o# t$e L-P, &$!c$ &as #!led pr!or to t$at date, co ld, t$ s, be pos!t!vely acted pon. 6orge 0. +iang%o, et al. vs. 0and )an7 of the Philippines, G.R. o. !$5##", O%tober ,, &'!' ,ntra1Corporate Controvers!es) mot!on #or recons!derat!on !s a pro$!b!ted plead!n". R le 1 o# t$e ,nter!m R les o# Proced re #or ,ntra1Corporate Controvers!es spec!#!cally pro$!b!ts t$e #!l!n" o# mot!ons #or recons!derat!on, to &!t' %ec. >. Prohibited pleadings. C +$e #ollo&!n" plead!n"s are pro$!b!ted' ;1< 4ot!on to d!sm!ss) ;2< 4ot!on #or a b!ll o# part!c lars) ;5< 3otion !or new trial+ or !or reconsideration o! 'ud"ment or order+ or !or re:openin" o! trial; ;/< 4ot!on #or eAtens!on o# t!me to #!le plead!n"s, a##!dav!ts or any ot$er paper, eAcept t$ose #!led d e to clearly compell!n" reasons. % c$ mot!on m st be ver!#!ed and nder oat$) and ;.< 4ot!on #or postponement and ot$er mot!ons o# s!m!lar !ntent, eAcept t$ose #!led d e to clearly compell!n" reasons. % c$ mot!on m st be ver!#!ed and nder oat$. ;Bmp$as!s and nderscor!n" s ppl!ed.< 0!t$ t$e above proscr!pt!on, t$e R+C !n t$e #!rst place s$o ld not $ave !ss ed t$e ?ecember 5, 2005 Order deny!n" t$e KO- Dro p@s mot!on #or recons!derat!on, &$!c$ 0,NCORP adopted. +$e remedy o# an a""r!eved party l!2e 0,NCORP !s to #!le a pet!t!on #or cert!orar! &!t$!n s!Aty ;70< days #rom rece!pt o# t$e assa!led order and not to #!le a mot!on #or recons!derat!on, t$e latter be!n" a pro$!b!ted plead!n". Here, 0,NCORP s$o ld $ave #!led t$e pet!t!on #or cert!orar! be#ore t$e C( on or be#ore 6an ary 12, 200/. ,t &as, $o&ever, #!led only on 3ebr ary 15, 200/. 0!t$ t$at, t$e C( s$o ld $ave d!sm!ssed t$e pet!t!on o tr!"$t #or be!n" #!led late. Bestmont .nvestment Corporation vs. 3armiC 3ertili9er Corporation, et al., G.R. o. !,$"1,, O%tober -, &'!' ,ntra1Corporate Controvers!es) pre1tr!al and * d"ment be#ore pre1tr!al. 3 rt$er, t$e cond ct o# a pre1tr!al !s mandatory nder t$e .nterim Rules of Pro%edure for .ntra-Corporate Controversies . R le /, %ect!on 1 o# t$e .nterim Rules prov!des'

%ect!on 1. Pre-trial %onferen%eI mandatory nature. C 0!t$!n #!ve ;.< days !n R le 5 $ereo#, &$!c$ever comes later, t$e co rt s$all !ss e and serve an order !mmed!ately sett!n" t$e case #or pre1tr!al con#erence and d!rect!n" t$e a#ter t$e per!od #or ava!lment o#, and compl!ance &!t$, t$e modes o# d!scovery prescr!bed part!es to s bm!t t$e!r respect!ve pre1tr!al br!e#s. +$e part!es s$all #!le &!t$ t$e co rt and # rn!s$ eac$ ot$er cop!es o# t$e!r respect!ve pre1tr!al br!e# !n s c$ manner as to ens re !ts rece!pt by t$e co rt and t$e ot$er party at least #!ve ;.< days be#ore t$e date set #or pre1tr!al. R le /, %ect!on / # rt$er states' %ec. /. 6udgment before pre-trial. C ,#, a#ter s bm!ss!ono# t$e pre1tr!al br!e#s, t$e co rt determ!nes t$at, pon cons!derat!on o# t$e plead!n"s, t$e a##!dav!ts and ot$er ev!dence s bm!tted by t$e part!es, a * d"ment may be rendered, t$e co rt may order t$e part!es to #!le s!m ltaneo sly t$e!r respect!ve memoranda &!t$!n a non1eAtend!ble per!od o# t&enty ;20< days #rom rece!pt o# t$e order. +$erea#ter, t$e co rt s$all render * d"ment, e!t$er # ll or ot$er&!se, not later t$an n!nety ;=0< days #rom t$e eAp!rat!on o# t$e per!od to #!le t$e memoranda. Ho&ever, t$e R+C never ordered t$e s bm!ss!on o# t$e part!es@ pre1tr!al br!e#s. Ne!t$er &ere t$ey made to s bm!t t$e!r memoranda. Barl!er !n t$e proceed!n"s, bot$ part!es &ere ordered to s bm!t t$e!r memoranda on t$e !ss e o# &$et$er t$e R+C s$o ld proceed &!t$ t$e $ear!n" o# t$e case on t$e mer!ts. -ot$ part!es a"reed t$at !t s$o ld. +$ey bel!eved t$at t$e case &as not yet r!pe #or #!nal d!spos!t!on and t$at t$e R+C s$o ld proceed to $ear t$e case on t$e pr!nc!pal prayer #or t$e n ll!#!cat!on o# t$e (mended -y1la&s o# t$e 3o ndat!on. +$ s, pet!t!oners sa!d' +$ere#ore, !n so #ar as t$e Pet!t!oners F$ere!n respondentsG are concerned, t$ere appears to be t$ree rema!n!n" matters t$at needs ;s!c< to be resolved' t$e n ll!#!cat!on o# t$e by1la&s, t$e proscr!pt!on #rom t$e en#orcement o# t$e recently amended by1la&s by t$e respondents and t$e matter o# t$e attorney@s #ees. Pet!t!oners F$ere!n respondentsG may $ave presented ev!dence on t$e #!rst t&o b t t$e t$!rd ca se o# act!on does not appear to $ave been vent!lated as yet. +$ere !s also t$e matter o# t$e comp lsory co ntercla!m o# t$e Respondents F$ere!n pet!t!onersG, &$!c$ &as not yet l!2e&!se $eard. +$!s &o ld ver!ly ta2e t$!s case o t o# t$at class!#!cat!on o# be!n" ready #or #!nal resol t!on or d!spos!t!on o# t$e !ntra1corporate d!sp te. On t$e ot$er $and, respondents sa!d' Ho&ever, t$e %BC $as not r led yet on t$e part!es@ respect!ve #ormal o##er o# BA$!b!ts relat!ve to t$e !n* nct!on !ss e) and &as yet to $ear t$e ma!n case &$ere one o# t$e ma!n rel!e#s prayed #or &as t$e declarat!on o# t$e n ll!ty o# t$e assa!led amended -y1la&s. L!2e&!se, t$e 6 d"ment o# t$e R+C !s bere#t o# any * st!#!cat!on #or d!spens!n" &!t$ t$e pre1tr!al and tr!al. +$ere &as no d!sc ss!on o# any a"reement by t$e part!es to d!spense &!t$ t$e tr!al and s bm!t t$e case #or resol t!on based on t$e plead!n"s #!led. ,n #act, beca se t$ere &as no pre1 tr!al, !t rema!ns nclear eAactly &$at !ss es are to be resolved by t$e tr!al co rt. Manuel *. Re%to, et al. vs. )ishop 3ederi%o O. /s%aler, (.6., et al., G.R. o. !15!1#, O%tober &', &'!'. Re"!strat!on proceed!n" ;appl!cat!on #or !ss ance o# Cert!#!cate o# (ncestral Land +!tle<) does not const!t te l!t!s pendent!a over re!v!nd!catory case. +$e appl!cat!on #or !ss ance o# a Cert!#!cate o# (ncestral Land +!tle pend!n" be#ore t$e NC,P !s a2!n to a re"!strat!on proceed!n". ,t also see2s an o##!c!al reco"n!t!on o# one@s cla!m to a part!c lar land and !s also in rem. +$e

t!tl!n" o# ancestral lands !s #or t$e p rpose o# 8o##!c!ally establ!s$!n"9 one@s land as an ancestral land. 6 st l!2e a re"!strat!on proceed!n", t$e t!tl!n" o# ancestral lands does not vest o&ners$!p pon t$e appl!cant b t only reco"n!zes o&ners$!p t$at $as already vested !n t$e appl!cant by v!rt e o# $!s and $!s predecessor1!n1!nterest@s possess!on o# t$e property s!nce t!me !mmemor!al. (s aptly eApla!ned !n anot$er case' ,t bears stress!n" at t$!s po!nt t$at ownership should not be con!used with a certi!icate o! title( Re"isterin" land under the #orrens s%stem does not create or vest title beca se re"!strat!on !s not a mode o# ac: !r!n" o&ners$!p. ( cert!#!cate o# t!tle !s merely an ev!dence o# o&ners$!p or t!tle over t$e part!c lar property descr!bed t$ere!n. Corollar!ly, an% 4uestion involvin" the issue o! ownership must be threshed out in a separate suit A A A +$e tr!al co rt &!ll t$en cond ct a # ll1blo&n tr!al &$ere!n t$e part!es &!ll present t$e!r respect!ve ev!dence on t$e !ss e o# o&ners$!p o# t$e s b*ect propert!es to enable t$e co rt to resolve t$e sa!d !ss e. A A A ;Bmp$as!s s ppl!ed< L!2e&!se apropos !s t$e #ollo&!n" eAplanat!on' +$e #act t$at t$e FrespondentsG &ere able to sec re F+C+s over t$e propertyG d!d not operate to vest pon t$em o&ners$!p o# t$e property. +$e +orrens system does not create or vest t!tle. ,t $as never been reco"n!zed as a mode o# ac: !r!n" o&ners$!p A A A ! the <respondents= wished to assert their ownership+ the% should have !iled a 'udicial action !or recover% o! possession and not merely to $ave t$e land re"!stered nder t$e!r respect!ve names. A A A Cert!#!cates o# t!tle do not establ!s$ o&ners$!p. ;Bmp$as!s s ppl!ed< ( re"!strat!on proceed!n" !s not a concl s!ve ad* d!cat!on o# o&ners$!p. ,n #act, !# !t !s later on #o nd !n anot$er case ;&$ere t$e !ss e o# o&ners$!p !s s: arely ad* d!cated< t$at t$e re"!strant !s not t$e o&ner o# t$e property, t$e real o&ner can #!le a reconveyance case and $ave t$e t!tle trans#erred to $!s name. D!ven t$at a re"!strat!on proceed!n" ;s c$ as t$e cert!#!cat!on o# ancestral lands< !s not a concl s!ve ad* d!cat!on o# o&ners$!p, !t &!ll not const!t te litis pendentia on a re!v!nd!catory case &$ere t$e !ss e !s o&ners$!p. or l!t!s pendent!a to be a "ro nd #or t$e d!sm!ssal o# an act!on, t$e #ollo&!n" re: !s!tes m st conc r' ;a< !dent!ty o# part!es, or at least s c$ part!es &$o represent t$e same !nterests !n bot$ act!ons) ;b< !dent!ty o# r!"$ts asserted and rel!e# prayed #or, t$e rel!e# be!n" #o nded on t$e same #acts) and ;c< t$e !dent!ty &!t$ respect to t$e t&o preced!n" part!c lars !n t$e t&o cases !s s c$ t$at any * d"ment t$at may be rendered !n t$e pend!n" case, re"ardless o# &$!c$ party !s s ccess# l, &o ld amo nt to res Gudi%ata !n t$e ot$er case.9 +$e t$!rd element !s m!ss!n", #or any * d"ment !n t$e cert!#!cat!on case &o ld not const!t te res Gudi%ata or be concl s!ve on t$e o&ners$!p !ss e !nvolved !n t$e re!v!nd!catory case. %!nce t$ere !s no litis pendentia, t$ere !s no reason #or t$e re!v!nd!catory case to be s spended or d!sm!ssed !n #avor o# t$e cert!#!cat!on case. 4oreover, s!nce t$ere !s no litis pendentia, &e cannot a"ree &!t$ pet!t!oners@ content!on t$at respondent comm!tted #or m1s$opp!n". %ettled !s t$e r le t$at 8#or m s$opp!n" eA!sts &$ere t$e elements o# litis pendentia are present or &$ere a #!nal * d"ment !n one case &!ll amo nt to res Gudi%ata !n t$e ot$er.9 *elfin 0amsis, et al. vs. Margarita (emon *ong-e, G.R. o. !15'&!, O%tober &', &'!'.

R le on ?eclarat!on o# (bsol te N ll!ty o# Io!d 4arr!a"es and (nn lment o# Io!dable 4arr!a"es) scope. Pet!t!oner !ns!sts t$at (.4. No. 021111101%C "overns t$!s case. Her stance !s nava!l!n". +$e R le on ?eclarat!on o# (bsol te N ll!ty o# Io!d 4arr!a"es and (nn lment o# Io!dable 4arr!a"es as conta!ned !n (.4. No. 021111101%C &$!c$ t$e Co rt prom l"ated on 4arc$ 1., 2005, !s eApl!c!t !n !ts scope. %ect!on 1 o# t$e R le, !n #act, reads' %ect!on 1. %cope C +$!s R le s$all "overn pet!t!ons #or declarat!on o# absol te n ll!ty o# vo!d marr!a"es and ann lment o# vo!dable marr!a"es under the 3amily Code o# t$e P$!l!pp!nes. +$e R les o# Co rt s$all apply s ppletor!ly. +$e cate"or!cal lan" a"e o# (.4. No. 021111101%C leaves no room #or do bt. +$e covera"e eAtends only to t$ose marr!a"es entered !nto d r!n" t$e e##ect!v!ty o# t$e 3am!ly Code &$!c$ too2 e##ect on ( " st 5, 1=>>. +$e r le sets a demarcat!on l!ne bet&een marr!a"es covered by t$e 3am!ly Code and t$ose solemn!zed nder t$e C!v!l Code. +$e Co rt #!nds ,tsel# nable to s bscr!be to pet!t!oner@s !nterpretat!on t$at t$e p$rase 8 nder t$e 3am!ly Code9 !n (.4. No. 021111101%C re#ers to t$e &ord 8pet!t!ons9 rat$er t$an to t$e &ord 8marr!a"es.9 ( card!nal r le !n stat tory constr ct!on !s t$at &$en t$e la& !s clear and #ree #rom any do bt or amb!" !ty, t$ere !s no room #or constr ct!on or !nterpretat!on. +$ere !s only room #or appl!cat!on. (s t$e stat te !s clear, pla!n, and #ree #rom amb!" !ty, !t m st be "!ven !ts l!teral mean!n" and appl!ed &!t$o t attempted !nterpretat!on. +$!s !s &$at !s 2no&n as t$e pla!n1 mean!n" r le or verba legis. ,t !s eApressed !n t$e maA!m, indeC animi sermo, or 8speec$ !s t$e !ndeA o# !ntent!on.9 3 rt$ermore, t$ere !s t$e maA!m verba legis non est re%edendum , or 8#rom t$e &ords o# a stat te t$ere s$o ld be no depart re.9 Cynthia (. )olos vs. *anilo +. )olos, G.R. o. !",-'', O%tober &', &'!'. 0r!t o# (mparo. (s correctly po!nted o t by t$e O%D, t$e pet!t!on #or t$e &r!ts o# habeas %orpus and amparo &as based on t$e cr!m!nal case #or H al!#!ed +$e#t a"a!nst pet!t!oner %o@s da "$ter, D !sande. +o recall, pet!t!oner %o cla!med t$at t$e cond!t!ons and c!rc mstances o# $!s da "$ter@s, acc sed D !sande@s, con#!nement at t$e NC4H &as 8l!#e t$reaten!n"9) alt$o "$ D !sande &as acc sed o# a non1ba!lable o##ense, t$e NC4H co ld not ade: ately treat D !sande@s mental cond!t!on. +$ s, to balance t$e con#l!ct!n" r!"$t o# an acc sed to med!cal treatment and t$e r!"$t o# t$e prosec t!on to s b*ect to co rt processes an acc sed c$ar"ed &!t$ a non1ba!lable o##ense, t$e C( d!rected t$e trans#er o# D !sande #rom t$e NC4H to %t. Clare@s 4ed!cal Center, &$!le not!n" t$at beca se o# t$e pec l!ar!t!es o# t$!s case, t$ere &as a dev!at!on #rom t$e re" lar co rse o# proced re, s!nce acc sed D !sande s$o ld $ave been con#!ned !n *a!l beca se s$e &as c$ar"ed &!t$ a non1ba!lable o##ense. Notably, no&$ere !n t$e transcr!pt o# t$e C( $ear!n" on ?ecember 5, 200=, nor !n t$e Order rec!ted !n open co rt by 6 st!ce P!zarro, !s t$ere an a##!rmat!on o# pet!t!oner %o@s cla!m t$at t$e con#!nement o# acc sed D !sande at t$e NC4H &as !lle"al. Ne!t$er &ere t$e respect!ve acts per#ormed by respondents 6 d"e +acla and ?r. I!cente !n ascerta!n!n" t$e mental cond!t!on o# acc sed D !sande to &!t$stand tr!al declared nla&# l. On t$e contrary, t$e NC4H, a &ell1rep ted "overnment #orens!c #ac!l!ty, albe!t not $eld !n $!"$ re"ard by pet!t!oner %o@s and acc sed D !sande@s #am!ly, $ad assessed D !sande #!t #or tr!al. +$e R les on t$e 0r!ts o# <abeas Corpus and =mparo are clear) t$e act or om!ss!on or t$e t$reatened act or om!ss!on compla!ned o# C con#!nement and c stody #or habeas %orpus and

v!olat!ons o#, or t$reat to v!olate, a person@s l!#e, l!berty, and sec r!ty #or amparo cases C s$o ld be !lle"al or nla&# l. R le 102 o# t$e R les o# Co rt on <abeas Corpus prov!des' %ec. 1. +o 4hat habeas %orpus eCtends. C BAcept as ot$er&!se eApressly prov!ded by la&, t$e &r!t o# habeas %orpus s$all eAtend to all cases o# !lle"al con#!nement or detent!on by &$!c$ any person !s depr!ved o# $!s l!berty, or by &$!c$ t$e r!"$t# l c stody o# any person !s &!t$$eld #rom t$e person ent!tled t$ereto. &$!le t$e R le on t$e 0r!t o# (mparo states' %ect!on 1. Petition. C +$e pet!t!on #or a &r!t o# amparo !s a remedy ava!lable to any person &$ose r!"$t to l!#e, l!berty and sec r!ty !s v!olated or t$reatened &!t$ v!olat!on by an nla&# l act or om!ss!on o# a p bl!c o##!c!al or employee, or o# a pr!vate !nd!v!d al or ent!ty. +$e &r!t s$all cover eAtrale"al 2!ll!n"s and en#orced d!sappearances or t$reats t$ereo#. O r dec!s!ons on t$e propr!ety o# t$e !ss ance o# t$ese &r!ts re!terate t$e #ore"o!n" r les. ,n 0ourdes *. Rubri%o, 6ean Rubri%o =pruebo, and Mary 6oy Rubri%o Carbonel v. Gloria Ma%apagal-=rroyo, Gen. <ermogenes /speron, PD*ir. Gen. =velino Ra9on, MaG. *ar4in (y a.7.a *ar4in Reyes, 6immy (antana, Ruben =lfaro, Capt. =ngelo Cuaresma, a %ertain 6onathan, PD(upt. /dgar ). Ro>uero, =rsenio C. Gome9, and Offi%e of the Ombudsman, &e : al!#!ed' +$e pr!v!le"e o# t$e &r!t o# amparo !s env!s!oned bas!cally to protect and " arantee t$e r!"$ts to l!#e, l!berty, and sec r!ty o# persons, #ree #rom #ears and t$reats t$at v!t!ate t$e : al!ty o# t$!s l!#e. ,t !s an eAtraord!nary &r!t concept al!zed and adopted !n l!"$t o# and !n response to t$e prevalence o# eAtra1le"al 2!ll!n"s and en#orced d!sappearances. 5ccordin"l%+ the remed% ou"ht to be resorted to and "ranted 'udiciousl%+ lest the ideal sou"ht b% the 5mparo Rule be diluted and undermined b% the indiscriminate !ilin" o! amparo petitions !or purposes less than the desire to secure amparo relie!s and protection and$or on the basis o! unsubstantiated alle"ations( ,n t$e recent urhida 6uhuri =mpatuan v. 6udge Virgilio V. Ma%araig, R+C, Manila, )ran%h 51, *ire%tor General =velino Ra9on, 6r., *ire%tor Geary )arias, P((upt. Co 8ee M. Co, 6r., and Poli%e Chief .nspe%tor =gapito ?uimson, &e !ntoned' +$e most bas!c cr!ter!on #or t$e !ss ance o# t$e &r!t, t$ere#ore, !s t$at t$e !nd!v!d al see2!n" s c$ rel!e# !s !lle"ally depr!ved o# $!s #reedom o# movement or place nder some #orm o# !lle"al restra!nt. ,# an !nd!v!d al@s l!berty !s restra!nted via some le"al process, t$e &r!t o# habeas %orpus !s nava!l!n". 3 ndamentally, !n order to * st!#y t$e "rant o# t$e &r!t o# habeas %orpus, t$e restra!nt o# l!berty m st be !n t$e nat re o# an !lle"al and !nvol ntary depr!vat!on o# #reedom o# act!on. ,n "eneral, t$e p rpose o# t$e &r!t o# habeas %orpus !s to determ!ne &$et$er or not a part!c lar person !s le"ally $eld. ( pr!me spec!#!cat!on o# an appl!cat!on #or a &r!t o# habeas %orpus, !n #act, !s an act al and e##ect!ve, and not merely nom!nal or moral, !lle"al restra!nt o# l!berty. +$e &r!t o# habeas %orpus &as dev!sed and eA!sts as a speedy and e##ect al remedy to rel!eve persons #rom nla&# l restra!nt, and as t$e best and only s ##!c!ent de#ense o# personal #reedom. AAA +$e

essent!al ob*ect and p rpose o# t$e &r!t o# habeas %orpus !s to !n: !re !nto all manner o# !nvol ntary restra!nt as d!st!n" !s$ed #rom vol ntary, and to rel!eve a person t$ere#rom !# s c$ restra!nt !s !lle"al. (ny restra!nt &$!c$ &!ll precl de #reedom o# act!on !s s ##!c!ent. ,n pass!n" pon a pet!t!on #or habeas %orpus, a co rt or * d"e m st #!rst !n: !re !nto &$et$er t$e pet!t!oner !s be!n" restra!ned o# $!s l!berty. ,# $e !s not, t$e &r!t &!ll be re# sed. ,n: !ry !nto t$e ca se o# detent!on &!ll proceed only &$ere s c$ restra!nt eA!sts. ,# t$e alle"ed ca se !s t$erea#ter #o nd to be nla&# l, t$en t$e &r!t s$o ld be "ranted and t$e pet!t!oner d!sc$ar"ed. Needless to state, !# ot$er&!se, a"a!n t$e &r!t &!ll be re# sed. 0$!le habeas %orpus !s a &r!t o# r!"$t, !t &!ll not !ss e as a matter o# co rse or as a mere per# nctory operat!on on t$e #!l!n" o# t$e pet!t!on. 6 d!c!al d!scret!on !s called #or !n !ts !ss ance and !t m st be clear to t$e * d"e to &$om t$e pet!t!on !s presented t$at, prima fa%ie, t$e pet!t!oner !s ent!tled to t$e &r!t. ,t !s only !# t$e co rt !s sat!s#!ed t$at a person !s be!n" nla&# lly restra!ned o# $!s l!berty &!ll t$e pet!t!on #or habeas %orpus be "ranted. ,# t$e respondents are not deta!n!n" or restra!n!n" t$e appl!cant o# t$e person !n &$ose be$al# t$e pet!t!on !s #!led, t$e pet!t!on s$o ld be d!sm!ssed. ,n t$e cases at bar, t$e : est!on be#ore t$e C( &as correctly l!m!ted to &$!c$ $osp!tal, t$e NC4H or a med!cal #ac!l!ty o# acc sed@s o&n c$oos!n", acc sed D !sande s$o ld be re#erred #or treatment o# a s pposed mental cond!t!on. ,n add!t!on, &e note t$at !t &as proced rally proper #or t$e R+C to as2 t$e NC4H #or a separate op!n!on on acc sed@s mental #!tness to be arra!"ned and stand tr!al. -e t$at as !t may, t$e C( allo&ed t$e trans#er o# acc sed to %t. Clare@s 4ed!cal Center nder t$e c stody o# ?r. Rene Jat, &$o &as re: !red per!od!cally to report on $!s eval at!on, every #!#teen ;1.< days, to t$e R+C 4andal yon" C!ty, alt$o "$ !n t$e same breat$, t$e C( also ordered t$e cont!n at!on o# t$e arra!"nment and tr!al o# t$e acc sed #or H al!#!ed +$e#t be#ore t$e same tr!al co rt. ,n ot$er &ords, D !sande rema!ned !n c stody o# t$e la& to ans&er #or t$e non1ba!lable cr!m!nal c$ar"e a"a!nst $er, and &as s!mply allo&ed to p rs e med!cal treatment !n t$e $osp!tal and #rom a doctor o# $er c$o!ce. Certa!nly, &!t$ t$e d!sm!ssal o# t$e non1ba!lable case a"a!nst acc sed D !sande, s$e !s no lon"er nder per!l to be con#!ned !n a *a!l #ac!l!ty, m c$ less at t$e NC4H. B##ect!vely, acc sed D !sande@s person, and treatment o# any med!cal and mental malady s$e may or may not $ave, can no lon"er be s b*ected to t$e la&# l processes o# t$e R+C 4andal yon" C!ty. ,n s$ort, t$e cases $ave no& been rendered moot and academ!c &$!c$, !n t$e o#ten c!ted *avid v. Ma%apagal=rroyo, !s de#!ned as 8one t$at ceases to present a * st!c!able controversy by v!rt e o# s perven!n" events, so t$at a declarat!on t$ereon &o ld be o# no pract!cal se or val e.9 3!nally, t$e Resol t!ons o# t$e C( and (ss!stant C!ty Prosec tor Bscobar1P!lares, nm!sta2ably #oreclose t$e * st!c!ab!l!ty o# t$e pet!t!ons be#ore t$!s Co rt. ,n C(1D.R. %P No. 0005=, t$e C( sa!d' 0e are also not s&ayed by F?av!d %o@sG ar" ment t$at Fpet!t!onersG advanced l!es to t$!s Co rt &$en t$ey stated !n t$e!r pet!t!on t$at Blena &as #ac!n" t&o ;2< non1ba!lable o##enses. ? r!n" t$e $ear!n" on t$e pet!t!on #or $abeas corp sR&r!t o# amparo, t$e co nsel #or F?av!d %oG stated t$at Blena &as #ac!n" only one ;1< non1ba!lable o##ense to &$!c$ Fpet!t!onersG d!d not anymore ob*ect. -es!des, t$e n mber o# non1ba!lable o##enses !s not even mater!al !n t$e !nstant case #or $abeas corp sR&r!t o# amparo as t$e only !ss e to be determ!ned $ere &as &$et$er or not Blena@s con#!nement at NC4H &as la&# l.

3!nally, t$e !ss e !n t$e ver!#!ed pet!t!on, o# &$et$er Fpet!t!onersG &ere !n contempt o# co rt, !s rendered moot and academ!c cons!der!n" t$at t$!s Co rt $ad already rendered !ts open co rt Order on ?ecember >, 200=, &$!c$ &as #avorable to F?av!d %oG, and !t &as only later t$at t$e latter ra!sed t$e !ss e o# contempt. 3!nd!n" no mer!t !n F?av!d %o@sG ver!#!ed pet!t!on #or contempt a"a!nst F6 d"e +acla, ?r. I!cente and t$e NC4HG, and t$ere be!n" no ot$er ob*ect!ons made by t$e part!es a"a!nst O r 4arc$ 17, 2010 Resolution, t$e !nstant pet!t!on #or $abeas corp sR&r!t o# amparo !s declared CLOS)D and #)R3 95#)D. SO ORD)R)D( *avid /. (o, on behalf of his daughter Maria /lena (o Guisande vs. <on. /steban =. +a%la, 6r. et%., et al. D <on. /steban =. +a%la, 6r., et%., et al. vs. *avid /. (o, on behalf of his daughter Maria /lena (o Guisande, G.R. os. !#'!'", !#'-15. O%tober !#, &'!'.

)vidence (ct al dama"es) ev!dence re: !red. (s to R dl!n@s co ntercla!m #or re!mb rsement o# !ts eApenses !n repa!r!n" t$e de#ect!ve &aterproo#!n", not a s!n"le rece!pt &as presented by R dl!n to prove t$at s c$ eApense &as act ally !nc rred by !t. Knder t$e C!v!l Code, one !s ent!tled to an ade: ate compensat!on only #or s c$ pec n!ary loss s ##ered by $!m as $e $as d ly proved. +$e a&ard o# act al dama"es m st be based on t$e ev!dence presented, not on t$e personal 2no&led"e o# t$e co rt) and certa!nly not on #l!msy, remote, spec lat!ve and nons bstant!al proo#. +$e test!mony o# Rodol#o 6. La"era on t$e total cost alle"edly spent by R dl!n !n repa!r!n" t$e &aterproo#!n" &or2s does not s ##!ce. ( co rt cannot rely on spec lat!ons, con*ect res or " ess&or2 as to t$e #act o# dama"e b t m st depend pon competent proo# t$at t$ey $ave !ndeed been s ##ered by t$e !n* red party and on t$e bas!s o# t$e best ev!dence obta!nable as to t$e act al amo nt t$ereo#. ,t m st po!nt o t spec!#!c #acts t$at co ld prov!de t$e "a "e #or meas r!n" &$atever compensatory or act al dama"es &ere borne. 3inan%ial )uilding Corporation vs.. Rudlin .nternational Corporation, et al.DRudlin .nternational Corporation, et al. vs. 3inan%ial )uilding Corporation, G.R. o. !,-!",DG.R. o. !,-5-1. O%tober -, &'!' - rden o# proo# !n act!on to ann l #oreclos re proceed!n"s. ,t !s an elementary r le t$at t$e 8b rden o# proo# !s t$e d ty o# a party to present ev!dence on t$e #acts !n !ss e necessary to establ!s$ $!s cla!m or de#ense by t$e amo nt o# ev!dence re: !red by la&.9 ,n Cristobal v. Court of =ppeals, t$e Co rt eApl!c!tly r led t$at #oreclos re proceed!n"s en*oy t$e pres mpt!on o# re" lar!ty and t$at t$e mort"a"or &$o alle"es absence o# a re: !s!te $as t$e b rden o# prov!n" s c$ #act, to &!t' 3 rt$er, as respondent ban2 asserts, a mort"a"or &$o alle"es absence o# a re: !s!te $as t$e b rden o# establ!s$!n" t$at #act. Pet!t!oners #a!led !n t$!s re"ard. 3oreclos re proceed!n"s $ave !n t$e!r #avor t$e pres mpt!on o# re" lar!ty and t$e b rden o# ev!dence to reb t t$e same !s on t$e pet!t!oners. (s &ell sa!d by t$e respondent appellate co rt' 8. . . Knder t$e c!rc mstances, t$ere !s a bas!s #or pres m!n" t$at o##!c!al d ty $as been re" larly per#ormed by t$e s$er!##. -e!n" a d!sp table pres mpt!on, t$e same !s val!d nless controverted

by ev!dence. +$e pres mpt!on $as not been reb tted by any conv!nc!n" and s bstant!al ev!dence by t$e appellee &$o $as t$e on s to present ev!dence t$at appellant $as not compl!ed &!t$ t$e post!n" re: !rement o# t$e la&. ,n t$e absence t$ere#ore o# any proo# to t$e contrary, t$e pres mpt!on t$at o##!c!al d ty $as been re" larly per#ormed stays.9 ;Bmp$ases s ppl!ed.< ,n t$!s case, !t &as respondents &$o !nst!t ted C!v!l Case No. 0111.7/ see2!n" t$e ann lment o# t$e eAtra* d!c!al #oreclos re o# t$e!r mort"a"ed propert!es on t$e "ro nd o# non1compl!ance &!t$ t$e re: !rements o# t$e la& on t$e post!n" o# t$e not!ces o# sale. +$ s, t$e b rden #alls pon respondents to prove t$e #act o# non1compl!ance) b t respondents m!serably #a!led !n t$!s re"ard. Respondents d!d not present any ev!dence at all to establ!s$ t$at t$e not!ces o# sale &ere not posted as re: !red nder %ect!on 5 o# (ct No. 515., as amended. ,nstead, respondents merely #oc sed on $o& Notary P bl!c 4a"pantay@s Cert!#!cate o# Post!n" &as &orded, and emp$as!zed on tec$n!cal!t!es and semant!cs. Respondents !ns!st t$at t$e p$rase 8on t$e 1.t$ day o# November 1===, , $ave ca sed t$e post!n" o# t$ree ;5< cop!es o# Not!ce o# %ale9 !n t$e Cert!#!cate o# Post!n" meant t$at Notary P bl!c 4a"pantay posted t$e not!ces #or only one day, i.e., on November 1., 1===. +$!s !s a rat$er spec!o s !nterpretat!on o# t$e a#ore: oted p$rase. ,t !s more lo"!cal and reasonable to nderstand t$e same p$rase as to mean t$at t$e not!ces &ere posted be"!nn!n" November 1., 1=== nt!l t$e !ss ance o# t$e cert!#!cate on ?ecember =, 1===. +$ere !s also no bas!s to re: !re t$e notary p bl!c@s cert!#!cate to eAactly state t$at t$e not!ces o# sale &ere posted at 8p bl!c places.9 Notary P bl!c 4a"pantay@s se o# t$e &ords 8consp!c o s places9 !n $!s cert!#!cate already sat!s#actor!ly compl!es &!t$ t$e le"al re: !rement #or post!n". +$e ad*ect!ve 8p bl!c9 may re#er to t$at &$!c$ !s 8eAposed to "eneral v!e&,9 and 8consp!c o s9 !s a synonym t$ereo#. 4oreover, !t bears to stress t$at t$e Cert!#!cate o# Post!n" !s act ally ev!dence presented by t$e pet!t!oner to establ!s$ t$at cop!es o# t$e Not!ce o# %ale &ere !ndeed posted as re: !red by (ct No. 515., as amended. 0!t$o t present!n" t$e!r o&n ev!dence o# t$e alle"ed lac2 o# post!n", respondents contented t$emselves &!t$ c$allen"!n" t$e contents o# sa!d cert!#!cate. (s pla!nt!##s !n C!v!l Case No. 0111.7/, respondents m st rely on t$e stren"t$ o# t$e!r o&n ev!dence and not pon t$e &ea2ness o# t$e pet!t!oner@s. ,n add!t!on, desp!te any de#ect !n t$e post!n" o# t$e Not!ce o# %ale, t$e Co rt re!terates !ts r l!n" !n prev!o s * r!spr dence t$at t$e p bl!cat!on o# t$e same not!ce !n a ne&spaper o# "eneral c!rc lat!on !s already s ##!c!ent compl!ance &!t$ t$e re: !rement o# t$e la&. Century (avings )an7 vs. (pouses *anilo +. (amonte and Rosalinda M. (amonte, G.R. o. !1,&!&, O%tober &', &'!'. - rden o# proo# !n c!v!l case. Nevert$eless, &e # rt$er declare t$at t$e Co rt o# (ppeals erred !n already a&ard!n" moral and eAemplary dama"es !n respondent@s #avor &$en t$e part!es $ave not yet $ad t$e c$ance to present any ev!dence be#ore t$e R+C1-ranc$ 227. ,n c!v!l cases, $e &$o alle"es a #act $as t$e b rden o# prov!n" !t by a preponderance o# ev!dence. ,t !s !nc mbent pon t$e party cla!m!n" a##!rmat!ve rel!e# #rom t$e co rt to conv!nc!n"ly prove !ts cla!m. -are alle"at!ons, ns bstant!ated by ev!dence are not e: !valent to proo# nder o r R les. ,n s$ort, mere alle"at!ons are not ev!dence. (t t$!s po!nt, t$e #!nd!n" o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals o# bad #a!t$ and mal!ce on t$e part o# pet!t!oners $as no #act al bas!s. Dood #a!t$ !s pres med and $e &$o alle"es bad #a!t$ $as t$e d ty to prove t$e same. Dood #a!t$ re#ers to t$e state o# t$e m!nd &$!c$ !s man!#ested by t$e acts o# t$e !nd!v!d al concerned. ,t cons!sts o# t$e !ntent!on to absta!n #rom ta2!n" an nconsc!onable and nscr p lo s advanta"e o# anot$er. -ad #a!t$, on t$e ot$er $and, does not s!mply connote bad * d"ment to s!mple ne"l!"ence. ,t !mports a d!s$onest p rpose or some moral obl!: !ty and

consc!o s do!n" o# a &ron", a breac$ o# 2no&n d ty d e to some mot!ve or !nterest or !ll &!ll t$at parta2es o# t$e nat re o# #ra d. 4al!ce connotes !ll &!ll or sp!te and spea2s not !n response to d ty. ,t !mpl!es an !ntent!on to do lter!or and n* st!#!able $arm. 0e cannot s bscr!be to respondent@s ar" ment t$at t$ere !s no more need #or t$e presentat!on o# ev!dence by t$e part!es s!nce pet!t!oners, !n mov!n" #or t$e d!sm!ssal o# respondent@s compla!nt #or dama"es, $ypot$et!cally adm!tted respondent@s alle"at!ons. +$e $ypot$et!cal adm!ss!on o# respondent@s alle"at!ons !n t$e compla!nt only "oes so #ar as determ!n!n" &$et$er sa!d compla!nt s$o ld be d!sm!ssed on t$e "ro nd o# #a!l re to state a ca se o# act!on. ( #!nd!n" t$at t$e compla!nt s ##!c!ently states a ca se o# act!on does not necessar!ly mean t$at t$e compla!nt !s mer!tor!o s) !t s$all only res lt !n t$e re!nstatement o# t$e compla!nt and t$e $ear!n" o# t$e case #or presentat!on o# ev!dence by t$e part!es. /rmelinda Manaloto, et al. vs. .smael Veloso ..., G.R. o. !1!5,$, O%tober ,, &'!'. 3ore!"n la&) b rden o# proo#) process al pres mpt!on. (s to pet!t!oners@ content!ons t$at P$!l!pp!ne labor la&s on probat!onary employment are not appl!cable s!nce !t &as eApressly prov!ded !n respondent@s employment contract, &$!c$ s$e vol ntar!ly entered !nto, t$at t$e terms o# $er en"a"ement s$all be "overned by preva!l!n" E &a!t! C!v!l %erv!ce La&s and Re" lat!ons as !n #act POB( R les accord respect to s c$ r les, c stoms and pract!ces o# t$e $ost co ntry, t$e same &as not s bstant!ated. ,ndeed, a contract #reely entered !nto !s cons!dered t$e la& bet&een t$e part!es &$o can establ!s$ st!p lat!ons, cla ses, terms and cond!t!ons as t$ey may deem conven!ent, !ncl d!n" t$e la&s &$!c$ t$ey &!s$ to "overn t$e!r respect!ve obl!"at!ons, as lon" as t$ey are not contrary to la&, morals, "ood c stoms, p bl!c order or p bl!c pol!cy. ,t !s $ornboo2 pr!nc!ple, $o&ever, t$at t$e party !nvo2!n" t$e appl!cat!on o# a #ore!"n la& $as t$e b rden o# prov!n" t$e la&, nder t$e doctr!ne o# pro%essual presumption &$!c$, !n t$!s case, pet!t!oners #a!led to d!sc$ar"e. +$e Co rt@s r l!n" !n /*.-(taffbuilders .ntHl., v. 0RC !ll m!nates' ,n t$e present case, t$e employment contract s!"ned by Dran spec!#!cally states t$at %a d! Labor La&s &!ll "overn matters not prov!ded #or !n t$e contract ;e.". spec!#!c ca ses #or term!nat!on, term!nat!on proced res, etc.<. -e!n" t$e la& !ntended by t$e part!es ; leC lo%i intentiones< to apply to t$e contract, %a d! Labor La&s s$o ld "overn all matters relat!n" to t$e term!nat!on o# t$e employment o# Dran. ,n !nternat!onal la&, t$e party &$o &ants to $ave a #ore!"n la& appl!ed to a d!sp te or case $as t$e b rden o# prov!n" t$e #ore!"n la&. +$e #ore!"n la& !s treated as a : est!on o# #act to be properly pleaded and proved as t$e * d"e or labor arb!ter cannot ta2e * d!c!al not!ce o# a #ore!"n la&. He !s pres med to 2no& only domest!c or #or m la&. Kn#ort nately #or pet!t!oner, !t d!d not prove t$e pert!nent %a d! la&s on t$e matter) t$ s, t$e ,nternat!onal La& doctr!ne o# presumed-identity approa%h or pro%essual presumption comes !nto play. 0$ere a #ore!"n la& !s not pleaded or, even !# pleaded, !s not proved, t$e pres mpt!on !s t$at #ore!"n la& !s t$e same as o rs. +$ s, &e apply P$!l!pp!ne labor la&s !n determ!n!n" t$e !ss es presented be#ore s. ;emp$as!s and nderscor!n" s ppl!ed< =+C. Overseas Corporation, et al. vs. Ma. 6osefa /%hin, G.R. o. !1"$$!. O%tober !!, &'!' 3ore!"n la&) no * d!c!al not!ce o# #ore!"n la&. +$e P$!l!pp!nes does not ta2e * d!c!al not!ce o# #ore!"n la&s, $ence, t$ey m st not only be alle"ed) t$ey m st be proven. +o prove a #ore!"n la&,

t$e party !nvo2!n" !t m st present a copy t$ereo# and comply &!t$ %ect!ons 2/ and 2. o# R le 152 o# t$e Rev!sed R les o# Co rt &$!c$ reads' %BC. 2/. Proof of offi%ial re%ord. M +$e record o# p bl!c doc ments re#erred to !n para"rap$ ;a< o# %ect!on 1=, &$en adm!ss!ble #or any p rpose, may be ev!denced by an o##!c!al p bl!cat!on t$ereo# or by a copy attested by t$e o##!cer $av!n" t$e le"al c stody o# t$e record, or by $!s dep ty, and accompan!ed, !# t$e record !s not 2ept !n t$e P$!l!pp!nes, &!t$ a cert!#!cate t$at s c$ o##!cer $as t$e c stody. ,# t$e o##!ce !n &$!c$ t$e record !s 2ept !s !n a #ore!"n co ntry, t$e cert!#!cate may be made by a secretary o# t$e embassy or le"at!on, cons l "eneral, cons l, v!ce cons l, or cons lar a"ent or by any o##!cer !n t$e #ore!"n serv!ce o# t$e P$!l!pp!nes stat!oned !n t$e #ore!"n co ntry !n &$!c$ t$e record !s 2ept, and a t$ent!cated by t$e seal o# $!s o##!ce. ;emp$as!s s ppl!ed< %BC. 2.. Bhat attestation of %opy must state. M 0$enever a copy o# a doc ment or record !s attested #or t$e p rpose o# t$e ev!dence, t$e attestat!on m st state, !n s bstance, t$at t$e copy !s a correct copy o# t$e or!"!nal, or a spec!#!c part t$ereo#, as t$e case may be. +$e attestat!on m st be nder t$e o##!c!al seal o# t$e attest!n" o##!cer, !# t$ere be any, or !# $e be t$e cler2 o# a co rt $av!n" a seal, nder t$e seal o# s c$ co rt. +o prove t$e E &a!t! la&, pet!t!oners s bm!tted t$e #ollo&!n"' 4O( bet&een respondent and t$e 4!n!stry, as represented by (+C,, &$!c$ prov!des t$at t$e employee !s s b*ect to a probat!onary per!od o# one ;1< year and t$at t$e $ost co ntry@s C!v!l %erv!ce La&s and Re" lat!ons apply) a translated copy ;(rab!c to Bn"l!s$< o# t$e term!nat!on letter to respondent stat!n" t$at s$e d!d not pass t$e probat!on terms, &!t$o t spec!#y!n" t$e "ro nds t$ere#or, and a translated copy o# t$e cert!#!cate o# term!nat!on, bot$ o# &$!c$ doc ments &ere cert!#!ed by 4r. 4 stap$a (la&!, Head o# t$e ?epartment o# 3ore!"n (##a!rs1O##!ce o# Cons lar (##a!rs ,nslam!c Cert!#!cat!on and +ranslat!on Kn!t) and respondent@s letter o# recons!derat!on to t$e 4!n!stry, &$ere!n s$e noted t$at !n $er #!rst e!"$t ;>< mont$s o# employment, s$e &as "!ven a rat!n" o# 8BAcellent9 albe!t !t c$an"ed d e to c$an"es !n $er s$!#t o# &or2 sc$ed le. +$ese doc ments, &$et$er ta2en s!n"ly or as a &$ole, do not s ##!c!ently prove t$at respondent &as val!dly term!nated as a probat!onary employee nder E &a!t! c!v!l serv!ce la&s. ,nstead o# s bm!tt!n" a copy o# t$e pert!nent E &a!t! labor la&s d ly a t$ent!cated and translated by Bmbassy o##!c!als t$ereat, as re: !red nder t$e R les, &$at pet!t!oners s bm!tted &ere mere cert!#!cat!ons attest!n" only to t$e correctness o# t$e translat!ons o# t$e 4O( and t$e term!nat!on letter &$!c$ does not prove at all t$at E &a!t! c!v!l serv!ce la&s d!##er #rom P$!l!pp!ne la&s and t$at nder s c$ E &a!t! la&s, respondent &as val!dly term!nated. +$ s t$e s b*ect cert!#!cat!ons read' AAAA +$!s !s to cert!#y t$at t$e $ere!n attac$ed translat!onRs #rom (rab!c to Bn"l!s$R+a"alo" and or v!ce versa &asR&ere presented to t$!s O##!ce #or rev!e& and cert!#!cat!on and t$e same &asR&ere #o nd to be !n order. +$!s O##!ce, $o&ever, ass mes no respons!b!l!ty as to t$e contents o# t$e doc mentRs. +$!s cert!#!cat!on !s be!n" !ss ed pon re: est o# t$e !nterested party #or &$atever le"al p rpose !t may serve. ;emp$as!s s ppl!ed<

=+C. Overseas Corporation, et al. vs. Ma. 6osefa /%hin, G.R. o. !1"$$!. O%tober !!, &'!' 3ormal O##er o# ev!dence) not re: !red !n proceed!n"s be#ore - rea o# Le"al (##a!rs o# ,ntellect al Property O##!ce. Prel!m!nar!ly, !t m st be noted t$at t$e -L( r led t$at %$en ?ar #a!led to add ce ev!dence !n s pport o# !ts alle"at!ons as re: !red nder O##!ce Order No. 7=, %er!es o# 200., (mendments to t$e Re" lat!ons on .nter Partes Proceed!n"s, $av!n" #a!led to #ormally o##er !ts ev!dence d r!n" t$e proceed!n"s be#ore !t. +$e -L( r led' (t t$e o tset, &e note pet!t!oner@s #a!l re to add ce any ev!dence !n s pport o# !ts alle"at!ons !n t$e Pet!t!on #or Cancellat!on. Pet!t!oner d!d not #!le nor s bm!t !ts mar2ed ev!dence as re: !red !n t$!s - rea @s Order No. 200711.7 dated 2. 6an ary 2007 !n compl!ance &!t$ O##!ce Order No. 7=, %er!es o# 200., (mendments to t$e Re" lat!ons on .nter Partes Proceed!n"s. A A A ,n revers!n" s c$ #!nd!n", t$e C( c!ted %ec. 2./ o# -L( 4emorand m C!rc lar No. 05, %er!es o# 200., &$!c$ states' %ect!on 2./. ,n all cases, #a!l re to #!le t$e doc mentary ev!dences !n accordance &!t$ %ect!ons 7 and > o# t$e r les on s mmary proceed!n"s s$all be constr ed as a &a!ver on t$e part o# t$e part!es. ,n s c$ a case, t$e or!"!nal pet!t!on, oppos!t!on, ans&er and t$e s pport!n" doc ments t$ere!n s$all const!t te t$e ent!re ev!dence #or t$e part!es s b*ect to appl!cable r les. +$e C( concl ded t$at %$en ?ar needed not #ormally o##er !ts ev!dence b t merely needed to attac$ !ts ev!dence to !ts pos!t!on paper &!t$ t$e proper mar2!n"s, &$!c$ !t d!d !n t$!s case. +$e ,P Code prov!des nder !ts %ec. 10.5 t$at t$e ?!rector Deneral o# t$e ,PO s$all establ!s$ t$e proced re #or t$e appl!cat!on #or t$e re"!strat!on o# a trademar2, as &ell as t$e oppos!t!on to !t' %ect!on 10. +$e - rea o# Le"al (##a!rs. +$e - rea o# Le"al (##a!rs s$all $ave t$e #ollo&!n" # nct!ons' AAAA 10.5. +$e ?!rector Deneral may by Re" lat!ons establ!s$ t$e proced re to "overn t$e !mplementat!on o# t$!s %ect!on. +$ s, t$e ?!rector Deneral !ss ed O##!ce Order No. 7=, %er!es o# 200. amend!n" t$e re" lat!ons on .nter Partes Proceed!n"s, %ec. 12.1 o# &$!c$ prov!des' %ect!on 12. /viden%e for the Parties 12.1. +$e ver!#!ed pet!t!on or oppos!t!on, reply !# any, d ly mar2ed a##!dav!ts o# t$e &!tnesses, and t$e doc ments s bm!tted, s$all const!t te t$e ent!re ev!dence #or t$e pet!t!oner or opposer. +$e ver!#!ed ans&er, re*o!nder !# any, and t$e d ly mar2ed a##!dav!ts and doc ments s bm!tted s$all const!t te t$e ev!dence #or t$e respondent. (##!dav!ts, doc ments and ot$er ev!dence not s bm!tted and d ly mar2ed !n accordance &!t$ t$e preced!n" sect!ons s$all not be adm!tted as ev!dence. +$e preced!n" sect!ons re#erred to !n t$e above prov!s!on re#er to %ecs. 7.1, >.1 and = &$!c$, !n t rn, prov!de'

%ect!on 7. 3iling of Petition or Opposition 7.1. +$e pet!t!on or oppos!t!on, to"et$er &!t$ t$e a##!dav!ts o# &!tnesses and or!"!nals o# t$e doc ments and ot$er re: !rements, s$all be #!led &!t$ t$e - rea , prov!ded, t$at !n case o# p bl!c doc ments, cert!#!ed cop!es s$all be allo&ed !n l!e o# t$e or!"!nals. +$e - rea s$all c$ec2 !# t$e pet!t!on or oppos!t!on !s !n d e #orm as prov!ded !n t$e Re" lat!ons part!c larly R le 5, %ect!on 5) R le /, %ect!on 2) R le ., %ect!on 5) R le 7, %ect!on =) R le 7, %ect!ons 5 and .) R le >, %ect!ons 5 and /. 3or pet!t!on #or cancellat!on o# layo t des!"n ;topo"rap$y< o# !nte"rated c!rc !ts, R le 5, %ect!on 5 appl!es as to t$e #orm and re: !rements. +$e a##!dav!ts, doc ments and ot$er ev!dence s$all be mar2ed consec t!vely as 8BA$!b!ts9 be"!nn!n" &!t$ t$e letter 8(9. %ect!on >. =ns4er >.1. 0!t$!n t$ree ;5< &or2!n" days #rom rece!pt o# t$e pet!t!on or oppos!t!on, t$e - rea s$all !ss e an order #or t$e respondent to #!le an ans&er to"et$er &!t$ t$e a##!dav!ts o# &!tnesses and or!"!nals o# doc ments, and at t$e same t!me s$all not!#y all part!es re: !red to be not!#!ed !n t$e ,P Code and t$ese Re" lat!ons, prov!ded, t$at !n case o# p bl!c doc ments, cert!#!ed tr e cop!es may be s bm!tted !n l!e o# t$e or!"!nals. +$e a##!dav!ts and doc ments s$all be mar2ed consec t!vely as 8BA$!b!ts9 be"!nn!n" &!t$ t$e n mber 819. %ect!on =. Petition or Opposition and =ns4er must be verified P % b*ect to R les 7 and > o# t$ese re" lat!ons, t$e pet!t!on or oppos!t!on and t$e ans&er m st be ver!#!ed. Ot$er&!se, t$e same s$all not be cons!dered as $av!n" been #!led. ,n ot$er &ords, as lon" as t$e pet!t!on !s ver!#!ed and t$e p!eces o# ev!dence cons!st!n" o# t$e a##!dav!ts o# t$e &!tnesses and t$e or!"!nal o# ot$er doc mentary ev!dence are attac$ed to t$e pet!t!on and properly mar2ed !n accordance &!t$ %ecs. 7.1 and >.1 abovement!oned, t$ese s$all be cons!dered as t$e ev!dence o# t$e pet!t!oner. +$ere !s no re: !rement nder t$e abovement!oned r les t$at t$e ev!dence o# t$e part!es m st be #ormally o##ered to t$e -L(. ,n any case, as a : as!1* d!c!al a"ency and as stated !n R le 2, %ec. . o# t$e Re" lat!ons on .nter Partes Proceed!n"s, t$e -L( !s not bo nd by tec$n!cal r les o# proced re. +$e ev!dence attac$ed to t$e pet!t!on may, t$ere#ore, be properly cons!dered !n t$e resol t!on o# t$e case. /.8. .ndustrial (ales, .n%. and /ngra%io 8ap vs. (hen *ar /le%tri%ity Ma%hinery Co., 0td., G.R. o. !"-"$', O%tober &', &'!'. 6 d!c!al Not!ce. *5>59+ ?5*R )L5+ @3P+ 3CCCL+ COAR5?)+ @5D535>+ SCB+ L7S+ 5na2ba%an+ P535L5@5>5+ 5C#+ 3i"rante+ 6)5D and 5"ham, pet!t!oner1 or"an!zat!ons !n D.R. No. 17>.>1, &o ld l!2e t$e Co rt to ta2e Gudi%ial noti%e o# respondents@ alleged act!on o# ta""!n" t$em as m!l!tant or"an!zat!ons #ront!n" #or t$e Comm n!st Party o# t$e P$!l!pp!nes ;CPP< and !ts armed &!n", t$e Nat!onal People@s (rmy ;NP(<. +$e ta""!n", accord!n" to pet!t!oners, !s tantamo nt to t$e e##ects o# proscr!pt!on &!t$o t #ollo&!n" t$e proced re nder t$e la&. +$e pet!t!on o# *5>59:S#, et al. !n D.R. No. 17=/71 pleads t$e same alle"at!ons. +$e Co rt cannot ta2e * d!c!al not!ce o# t$e alle"ed 8ta""!n"9 o# pet!t!oners. Denerally spea2!n", matters o# * d!c!al not!ce $ave t$ree mater!al re: !s!tes' ;1< the matter must be one o! common and "eneral 2nowled"e) ;2< it must be well and authoritativel% settled and not doubt!ul or uncertain) and ;5< !t m st be 2no&n to be &!t$!n t$e l!m!ts o# t$e * r!sd!ct!on o# t$e co rt. +$e pr!nc!pal " !de !n determ!n!n" &$at #acts may be ass med to be * d!c!ally 2no&n !s t$at o# notor!ety. Hence, !t can be sa!d t$at * d!c!al not!ce !s l!m!ted to #acts

ev!denced by p bl!c records and #acts o# "eneral notor!ety. 4oreover, a * d!c!ally not!ced #act m st be one not s b*ect to a reasonable d!sp te !n t$at !t !s either' ;1< "enerall% 2nown &!t$!n t$e terr!tor!al * r!sd!ct!on o# t$e tr!al co rt) or ;2< capable o! accurate and read% determination by resort!n" to so rces &$ose acc racy cannot reasonably be : est!onable. +$!n"s o# 8common 2no&led"e,9 o# &$!c$ co rts ta2e * d!c!al matters com!n" to t$e 2no&led"e o# men "enerally !n t$e co rse o# t$e ord!nary eAper!ences o# l!#e, or t$ey may be matters &$!c$ are "enerally accepted by man2!nd as tr e and are capable o# ready and n: est!oned demonstrat!on. +$ s, #acts &$!c$ are n!versally 2no&n, and &$!c$ may be #o nd !n encycloped!as, d!ct!onar!es or ot$er p bl!cat!ons, are * d!c!ally not!ced, prov!ded, t$ey are o# s c$ n!versal notor!ety and so "enerally nderstood t$at t$ey may be re"arded as #orm!n" part o# t$e common 2no&led"e o# every person. (s t$e common 2no&led"e o# man ran"es #ar and &!de, a &!de var!ety o# part!c lar #acts $ave been * d!c!ally not!ced as be!n" matters o# common 2no&led"e. - t a court cannot ta2e 'udicial notice o! an% !act which+ in part+ is dependent on the e,istence or non:e,istence o! a !act o! which the court has no constructive 2nowled"e. ;emp$as!s and nderscor!n" s ppl!ed.< No "ro nd &as properly establ!s$ed by pet!t!oners #or t$e ta2!n" o# * d!c!al not!ce. Pet!t!oners@ appre$ens!on !s !ns ##!c!ent to s bstant!ate t$e!r plea . +$at no spec!#!c c$ar"e or proscr!pt!on nder R( =572 $as been #!led a"a!nst t$em, t$ree years a#ter !ts e##ect!v!ty, bel!es any cla!m o# !mm!nence o# t$e!r per%eived t$reat emanat!n" #rom t$e so1called ta""!n". (outhern <emisphere /ngagement et4or7, .n%. et%., et al. vs. =nti-+errorism %oun%il, et al.DEilusang Mayo Uno et%., et al. Vs. <on. /duardo /rmita, et al.D)agong =lyansang Ma7abayan :)ayan;, et al. vs. Gloria Ma%apagal-=rroyo, et%., et al.DEarapatan, et al. vs. Gloria Ma%apagal-=rroyo, et%., et al.D+he .ntegrated )ar of the Philippines et%. et al. vs. /Ce%utive (e%retary /duardo /rmita, et al.D)agong =lyansang Ma7abayan-(outhern +agalog, et al. vs. Gloria Ma%apagal=rroyo, et%., et al., G.R. os. !1"$$&, !1"$$-, !1"$"!, !1""#', !1#!$1, !1#-,!.O%tober $, &'!' Parol Bv!dence R le) ev!dence o# &r!tten a"reement. On t$e !ss e o# t$e correct total contract pr!ce, &e $old t$at R dl!n #a!led to s bstant!ate !ts cla!m t$at t$e contract pr!ce stated !n t$e Constr ct!on ("reement ;P7,=55,27>.00< &as not t$e tr e contract pr!ce beca se !t $ad an nderstand!n" &!t$ 3-C@s 6a!me -. Lo t$at t$ey &o ld decrease sa!d amo nt to a m t ally acceptable amo nt. Knder t$e "eneral r le !n %ect!on = o# R le 150 o# t$e R les o# Co rt, &$en t$e terms o# an a"reement &ere red ced !n &r!t!n", as !n t$!s case, !t !s deemed to conta!n all t$e terms a"reed pon and no ev!dence o# s c$ terms can be adm!tted ot$er t$an t$e contents t$ereo#. R dl!n ar" es t$at nder %ect!on =, R le 150, a party may present ev!dence to mod!#y, eApla!n or add to t$e terms o# t$e &r!tten a"reement !# !t !s p t !n !ss e !n t$e plead!n", 8FtG$e #a!l re o# t$e &r!tten a"reement to eApress t$e tr e !ntent and t$e a"reement o# t$e part!es t$ereto.9 (ss m!n" as tr e R dl!n@s cla!m t$at BA$!b!t 879 #a!led to acc rately re#lect an !ntent o# t$e part!es to #!A t$e total contract pr!ce at P7,007,=7..00, R dl!n #a!led to ava!l o# !ts r!"$t to see2 t$e re#ormat!on o# t$e !nstr ment to t$e end t$at s c$ tr e !ntent!on may be eApressed. Bv!dence o# a pr!or or contemporaneo s verbal a"reement !s "enerally not adm!ss!ble to vary, contrad!ct or de#eat t$e operat!on o# a val!d contract. %ect!on = o# R le 150 o# t$e R les o# Co rt states' %BC. =. /viden%e of 4ritten agreements.M0$en t$e terms o# an a"reement $ave been red ced to &r!t!n", !t !s cons!dered as conta!n!n" all t$e terms a"reed pon and t$ere can be, bet&een t$e

part!es and t$e!r s ccessors1!n1!nterest, no ev!dence o# s c$ terms ot$er t$an t$e contents o# t$e &r!tten a"reement. Ho&ever, a party may present ev!dence to mod!#y, eApla!n or add to t$e terms o# t$e &r!tten a"reement !# $e p ts !n !ss e !n $!s plead!n"' ;a< (n !ntr!ns!c amb!" !ty, m!sta2e or !mper#ect!on !n t$e &r!tten a"reement) ;b< +$e #a!l re o# t$e &r!tten a"reement to eApress t$e tr e !ntent and a"reement o# t$e part!es t$ereto) ;c< +$e val!d!ty o# t$e &r!tten a"reement) or ;d< +$e eA!stence o# ot$er terms a"reed to by t$e part!es or t$e!r s ccessors1!n1!nterest a#ter t$e eAec t!on o# t$e &r!tten a"reement. +$e term 8a"reement9 !ncl des &!lls. R dl!n cannot !nvo2e t$e eAcept!on nder ;a< or ;b< o# t$e above prov!s!on. % c$ eAcept!on obta!ns only &$ere 8t$e &r!tten contract !s so amb!" o s or obsc re !n terms t$at t$e contract al !ntent!on o# t$e part!es cannot be nderstood #rom a mere read!n" o# t$e !nstr ment. ,n s c$ a case, eAtr!ns!c ev!dence o# t$e s b*ect matter o# t$e contract, o# t$e relat!ons o# t$e part!es to eac$ ot$er, and o# t$e #acts and c!rc mstances s rro nd!n" t$em &$en t$ey entered !nto t$e contract may be rece!ved to enable t$e co rt to ma2e a proper !nterpretat!on o# t$e !nstr ment.9 Knder t$e #o rt$ eAcept!on, $o&ever, R dl!n@s ev!dence !s adm!ss!ble to s$o& t$e eA!stence o# s c$ ot$er terms a"reed to by t$e part!es a#ter t$e eAec t!on o# t$e contract. - t apart #rom t$e -ar C$art and Cas$ 3lo& C$art prepared by 3-C, and t$e test!mony o# Rodol#o 6. La"era, no competent ev!dence &as add ced by R dl!n to prove t$at t$e amo nt o# P7,007,=7..00 stated t$ere!n as contract pr!ce &as t$e act al decreased amo nt t$at 3-C and R dl!n #o nd m t ally acceptable. (s to t$e a##!dav!ts eAec ted by (rc$!tect H ezon and $!s assoc!ate Roberto R. (nton!o, t$e same do not serve as competent proo# o# t$e p rported act al contract pr!ce as t$ey d!d not test!#y t$ereon. %!"n!#!cantly, t$e 6 ne ., 1=>7 Letter1("reement d!d not at all ment!on t$e total contract pr!ce. L!2e&!se, t$ere !s not$!n" !n t$e var!o s letters sent by R dl!n to 3-C &$!le constr ct!on &as !n pro"ress and even s bse: ent to t$e eAec t!on o# t$e sa!d Letter1 ("reement !nd!cat!n" t$at R dl!n corrected t$e contract pr!ce o# P7,=55,27>.00 &$!c$ 3-C $ad repeatedly ment!oned !n !ts letters and doc ments. 3inan%ial )uilding Corporation vs.. Rudlin .nternational Corporation, et al.DRudlin .nternational Corporation, et al. vs. 3inan%ial )uilding Corporation, G.R. o. !,-!",DG.R. o. !,-5-1. O%tober -, &'!' Pos!t!ve test!mony stron"er t$an ne"at!ve test!mony. Contrary to t$e d!ssent@s v!e&, t$e s&orn statements o# 4al!"aya 3eedm!ll@s c stomers and #ormer employees t$at 4!tra d!d not and co ld not $ave res!ded at t$e mezzan!ne port!on o# t$e 3eedm!ll cannot be "!ven # ll ev!dent!ary &e!"$t, s!nce t$ese statements are !n nat re o# ne"at!ve test!mon!es t$at do not deserve &e!"$t and credence !n t$e #ace o# contrary pos!t!ve ev!dence, part!c larly, Carme B. Caspe@s test!mony, c!ted above, t$at 4!tra d!d !ndeed trans#er res!dence !n a process t$at &as accompl!s$ed, not !n a s!n"le move, b t t$ro "$ an !ncremental process t$at started !n early 200>. ,t !s &ell1settled !n t$e r les o# ev!dence t$at pos!t!ve test!mony !s stron"er t$an ne"at!ve test!mony. =braham Eahlil ). Mitra vs. Commission on /le%tions, =ntonio V. Gon9ales and Orlando R. )albon, 6r., G.R. o. !#!#5", O%tober !#, &'!'.

Pres mpt!ons) concl s!ve pres mpt!on) tenant estopped #rom deny!n" t!tle o# landlord. 3!nally, t$e Co rt a"rees &!t$ t$e R+C t$at respondents are already estopped #rom c$allen"!n" t$e val!d!ty o# t$e #oreclos re sale, a#ter enter!n" !nto a Contract o# Lease &!t$ pet!t!oner over one o# t$e #oreclosed propert!es. +$e t!tle o# t$e landlord !s a concl s!ve pres mpt!on as a"a!nst t$e tenant or lessee. (ccord!n" to %ect!on 2;b<, R le 151 o# t$e R les o# Co rt, 8FtG$e tenant !s not perm!tted to deny t$e t!tle o# $!s landlord at t$e t!me o# t$e commencement o# t$e relat!on o# landlord and tenant bet&een t$em.9 +$e * r!d!cal relat!ons$!p bet&een pet!t!oner as lessor and respondents as lessees carr!es &!t$ !t a reco"n!t!on o# t$e lessor@s t!tle. (s lessees, t$en respondents are estopped to deny t$e!r landlord@s t!tle, or to assert a better t!tle not only !n t$emselves, b t also !n some t$!rd person &$!le t$ey rema!n !n possess!on o# t$e leased prem!ses and nt!l t$ey s rrender possess!on to t$e landlord. +$!s estoppel appl!es even t$o "$ t$e lessor $ad no t!tle at t$e t!me t$e relat!on o# lessor and lessee &as created, and may be asserted not only by t$e or!"!nal lessor, b t also by t$ose &$o s cceed to $!s t!tle. +$e Co rt : otes &!t$ approval t$e #ollo&!n" #!nd!n"s o# t$e R+C' 3 rt$er, t$!s Co rt p$olds t$e val!d!ty o# t$e eAtra* d!c!al #oreclos re proceed!n" nder t$e e: !table pr!nc!ple o# estoppel. FHere!n respondents@G adm!tted eAec t!on o# t$e Contract o# Lease alone establ!s$es t$at t$ey do not $ave any ca se o# act!on or are estopped #rom !mp "n!n" t$e val!d!ty o# t$e s b*ect eAtra* d!c!al #oreclos re proceed!n"s. ,n t$e Contract o# Lease, Frespondents@G clearly ac2no&led"e t$at t$e s b*ect eAtra* d!c!al #oreclos re sale &as cond cted !n accordance &!t$ (ct No. 515., as amended) t$at t$ey #a!led to redeem t$e #oreclosed propert!es &!t$!n t$e redempt!on per!od) and t$at Fpet!t!onerG $as val!d and le"al r!"$t and t!tle as absol te o&ner o# t$e #oreclosed propert!es. FRespondentsG #a!led to ment!on or : est!on t$e val!d!ty o# t$e Contract o# Lease !n t$e!r Compla!nt. +$ere be!n" no ev!dence presented t$at FrespondentsG eAec ted t$e Contract o# Lease by m!sta2e or t$ro "$ v!olence, !nt!m!dat!on, nd e !n#l ence, or #ra d, FrespondentsG are bo nd by t$e st!p lat!ons t$ere!n and to t$e conse: ences t$ereo#. Century (avings )an7 vs. (pouses *anilo +. (amonte and Rosalinda M. (amonte, G.R. o. !1,&!&, O%tober &', &'!'. Pres mpt!ons) d!sp table pres mpt!on) s ppress!on o# ev!dence. ,nc!dentally, t$e d!ssent@s !nvocat!on o# t$e adverse pres mpt!on o# s ppress!on o# ev!dence !s erroneo s, s!nce !t does not ar!se &$en t$e ev!dence !s at t$e d!sposal o# bot$ part!es. ,n t$e present case, t$e re: !red proo#s o# commerc!al transact!ons t$e d!ssent c!tes are p bl!c doc ments &$!c$ are at t$e d!sposal o# bot$ part!es) t$ey are not solely nder t$e c stody o# 4!tra and can be eas!ly obta!ned #rom t$e m n!c!pal o##!ces o# (borlan $ad t$e pr!vate respondents been m!nded to do so. +$e bottom l!ne !s t$at no s c$ ev!dence &as ever presented !n t$!s case, and none can and s$o ld be cons!dered at t$!s po!nt. =braham Eahlil ). Mitra vs. Commission on /le%tions, =ntonio V. Gon9ales and Orlando R. )albon, 6r., G.R. o. !#!#5", O%tober !#, &'!'. H est!on o# la& d!st!n" !s$ed #rom : est!on o# #act. (nd !n 0eon%io v. *e Vera, t$!s Co rt $as d!##erent!ated a : est!on o# la& #rom a : est!on o# #act. ( : est!on o# la& ar!ses &$en t$ere !s do bt as to &$at t$e la& !s on a certa!n state o# #acts, &$!le t$ere !s a : est!on o# #act &$en t$e do bt ar!ses as to t$e tr t$ or #als!ty o# t$e alle"ed #acts. 3or a : est!on to be one o# la&, t$e same m st not !nvolve an eAam!nat!on o# t$e probat!ve val e o# t$e ev!dence presented by t$e l!t!"ants or any o# t$em. +$e resol t!on o# t$e !ss e m st rest solely on &$at t$e la& prov!des on t$e "!ven set o# c!rc mstances. Once !t !s clear t$at t$e !ss e !nv!tes a rev!e& o# t$e ev!dence presented, t$e : est!on posed !s one o# #act. +$ s, t$e test o# &$et$er a : est!on !s one o# la& or o# #act !s not t$e appellat!on "!ven to s c$ : est!on by t$e party ra!s!n" t$e same) rat$er, !t !s &$et$er t$e appellate co rt can determ!ne t$e !ss e ra!sed &!t$o t rev!e&!n" or eval at!n" t$e

ev!dence, !n &$!c$ case, !t !s a : est!on o# la&) ot$er&!se !t !s a : est!on o# #act. Republi% of the Philippines vs. =ngelo ). Malabanan, et al., G.R. o. !,#',1, O%tober ,, &'!' H est!on o# la& d!st!n" !s$ed #rom : est!on o# #act. ,n Mi%rosoft Corporation v. MaCi%orp, .n%., t$e Co rt el c!dated on t$e d!st!nct!on bet&een : est!ons o# la& and #act' +$e d!st!nct!on bet&een : est!ons o# la& and : est!ons o# #act !s settled. ( : est!on o# la& eA!sts &$en t$e do bt or d!##erence centers on &$at t$e la& !s on a certa!n state o# #acts. ( : est!on o# #act eA!sts !# t$e do bt centers on t$e tr t$ or #als!ty o# t$e alle"ed #acts. +$o "$ t$!s del!neat!on seems s!mple, determ!n!n" t$e tr e nat re and eAtent o# t$e d!st!nct!on !s somet!mes problemat!c. 3or eAample, !t !s !ncorrect to pres me t$at all cases &$ere t$e #acts are not !n d!sp te a tomat!cally !nvolve p rely : est!ons o# la&. +$ere !s a : est!on o# la& !# t$e !ss e ra!sed !s capable o# be!n" resolved &!t$o t need o# rev!e&!n" t$e probat!ve val e o# t$e ev!dence. +$e resol t!on o# t$e !ss e m st rest solely on &$at t$e la& prov!des on t$e "!ven set o# c!rc mstances. Once !t !s clear t$at t$e !ss e !nv!tes a rev!e& o# t$e ev!dence presented, t$e : est!on posed !s one o# #act. ,# t$e : ery re: !res a re1 eval at!on o# t$e cred!b!l!ty o# &!tnesses, or t$e eA!stence or relevance o# s rro nd!n" c!rc mstances and t$e!r relat!on to eac$ ot$er, t$e !ss e !n t$at : ery !s #act al. O r r l!n" !n Paterno v. Paterno FD.R. No. 757>0, 25 4arc$ 1==0, 1>5 %CR( 750G !s !ll strat!ve on t$!s po!nt' % c$ : est!ons as &$et$er certa!n !tems o# ev!dence s$o ld be accorded probat!ve val e or &e!"$t, or re*ected as #eeble or sp r!o s, or &$et$er or not t$e proo#s on one s!de or t$e ot$er are clear and conv!nc!n" and ade: ate to establ!s$ a propos!t!on !n !ss e, are &!t$o t do bt : est!ons o# #act. 0$et$er or not t$e body o# proo#s presented by a party, &e!"$ed and analyzed !n relat!on to contrary ev!dence s bm!tted by adverse party, may be sa!d to be stron", clear and conv!nc!n") &$et$er or not certa!n doc ments presented by one s!de s$o ld be accorded # ll #a!t$ and cred!t !n t$e #ace o# protests as to t$e!r sp r!o s c$aracter by t$e ot$er s!de) &$et$er or not !ncons!stenc!es !n t$e body o# proo#s o# a party are o# s c$ "rav!ty as to * st!#y re# s!n" to "!ve sa!d proo#s &e!"$t C all t$ese are !ss es o# #act. ,t !s tr e t$at 4aA!corp d!d not contest t$e #acts alle"ed by pet!t!oners. - t t$!s s!t at!on does not a tomat!cally trans#orm all !ss es ra!sed !n t$e pet!t!on !nto : est!ons o# la&. +$e !ss es m st meet t$e tests o tl!ned !n Paterno. +$e ma!n !ss e !n t$e case at bar !s &$et$er t$e eAtra* d!c!al #oreclos re sale o# respondents@ mort"a"ed propert!es &as val!d. +$e resol t!on o# sa!d !ss e, $o&ever, !s dependent on t$e ans&er to t$e : est!on o# &$et$er t$e le"al re: !rements on t$e not!ce o# sale &ere compl!ed &!t$. Necessar!ly, t$e Co rt m st rev!e& t$e ev!dence on record, most espec!ally, Notary P bl!c 4a"pantay@s Cert!#!cate o# Post!n", to determ!ne t$e &e!"$t and probat!ve val e to accord t$e same. Non1compl!ance &!t$ t$e re: !rements o# not!ce and p bl!cat!on !n an eAtra* d!c!al #oreclos re sale !s a #act al !ss e. +$e resol t!on t$ereo# by t$e lo&er co rts !s b!nd!n" and concl s!ve pon t$!s Co rt. Ho&ever, t$!s r le !s s b*ect to eAcept!ons, as &$en t$e #!nd!n"s o# t$e tr!al co rt and t$e Co rt o# (ppeals are !n con#l!ct. (lso, !t m st be noted t$at non1 compl!ance &!t$ t$e stat tory re: !s!tes co ld const!t te a * r!sd!ct!onal de#ect t$at &o ld !nval!date t$e sale. Century (avings )an7 vs. (pouses *anilo +. (amonte and Rosalinda M. (amonte, G.R. o. !1,&!&, O%tober &', &'!'.

Canuar% 201D Philippine Supreme Court Decisions on Remedial Law

Posted on 3ebr ary 1., 2015 by Carlos Roberto Z. Lopez U Posted !n P$!l!pp!nes 1 Cases, Remed!al La& U +a""ed appeal, cert!orar!, contempt, e*ectment, ev!dence, eAec t!on, #or m s$opp!n", !n* nct!on, * d"ment, l!t!s pendent!a, mandam s, plead!n"s, s pport, nla&# l deta!ner U Leave a comment Here are select 6an ary 2015 r l!n"s o# t$e % preme Co rt o# t$e P$!l!pp!nes on remed!al la&' Civil Procedure (nn lment o# 6 d"ment) eAcept!on to #!nal * d"ment r le) lac2 o# d e process as add!t!onal "ro nd. ( pet!t!on #or (nn lment o# 6 d"ment nder R le /7 o# t$e R les o# Co rt !s a remedy "ranted only nder eAcept!onal c!rc mstances &$ere a party, &!t$o t #a lt on $!s part, $as #a!led to ava!l o# t$e ord!nary remed!es o# ne& tr!al, appeal, pet!t!on #or rel!e# or ot$er appropr!ate remed!es. %a!d r le eApl!c!tly prov!des t$at !t !s not ava!lable as a s bst!t te #or a remedy &$!c$ &as lost d e to t$e party@s o&n ne"lect !n promptly ava!l!n" o# t$e same. 8+$e nderly!n" reason !s traceable to t$e not!on t$at ann ll!n" #!nal * d"ments "oes a"a!nst t$e "ra!n o# #!nal!ty o# * d"ment, l!t!"at!on m st end and term!nate somet!me and some&$ere, and !t !s essent!al to an a##ect!ve adm!n!strat!on o# * st!ce t$at once a * d"ment $as become #!nal, t$e !ss e or ca se !nvolved t$ere!n s$o ld be la!d to rest.9 0$!le nder %ect!on 2, R le /7 o# t$e R les o# Co rt a Pet!t!on #or (nn lment o# 6 d"ment may be based only on t$e "ro nds o# eAtr!ns!c #ra d and lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on, * r!spr dence reco"n!zes lac2 o# d e process as add!t!onal "ro nd to ann l a * d"ment. ,n =r%elona v. Court of =ppeals, t$!s Co rt declared t$at a #!nal and eAec tory * d"ment may st!ll be set as!de !#, pon mere !nspect!on t$ereo#, !ts patent n ll!ty can be s$o&n #or $av!n" been !ss ed &!t$o t * r!sd!ct!on or for la%7 of due pro%ess of la4. 0eti%ia *iona, represented by her =ttorney-in-fa%t, Mar%elina *iona v. Romeo )alangue, (onny )alangue, Reynaldo )alangue, and /steban )alangue, 6r.I D.R. No. 175..=. 6an ary 7, 2015 (ppeal) #!l!n" o# mot!on #or eAtens!on o# t!me to #!le mot!on #or recons!derat!on !n C( does not toll #!#teen1day per!od to appeal) r le s spended !n eAcept!onal cases to serve s bstant!al * st!ce. +$e assa!led C( resol t!on p$eld t$e "eneral r le t$at t$e #!l!n" o# a mot!on #or recons!derat!on !n t$e C( does not toll t$e #!#teen1day per!od to appeal, c!t!n" <abaluyas /nterprises, .n%. v. 6apson. Ho&ever, !n prev!o s cases &e s spended t$!s r le !n order to serve s bstant!al * st!ce. ,n )arnes v. Padilla, &e eAempted #rom t$e operat!on o# t$e "eneral r le t$e pet!t!oner &$ose mot!on #or eAtens!on o# t!me to #!le a mot!on #or recons!derat!on &as den!ed by t$e C(. ,n t$e Resol t!on deny!n" t$e mot!on #or recons!derat!on o# o r ?ec!s!on dated %eptember 50, 200/, &e $eld t$at' ( s spens!on o# t$e R les !s &arranted !n t$!s case s!nce t$e proced ral !n#!rm!ty &as not ent!rely attr!b table to t$e #a lt or ne"l!"ence o# t$e pet!t!oner. Pet!t!oner@s co nsel &as

nderstandably con# sed &!t$ t$e absence o# an eApl!c!t pro$!b!t!on !n t$e 2002 ,nternal R les o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals ;,RC(< t$at t$e per!od o# #!l!n" a mot!on #or recons!derat!on !s non1 eAtend!ble, &$!c$ &as eApressly stated !n t$e Rev!sed ,nternal R les o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals t$at &as !n e##ect pr!or to t$e ,RC(. +$e la&yer@s ne"l!"ence &!t$o t any part!c!patory ne"l!"ence on t$e part o# t$e pet!t!oner !s a s ##!c!ent reason to set as!de t$e resol t!on o# t$e C(. 4ore s!"n!#!cantly, a care# l st dy o# t$e mer!ts o# t$e case and t$e lac2 o# any s$o&!n" t$at t$e rev!e& so "$t !s merely #r!volo s and d!latory, d!ctated t$e sett!n" as!de o# t$e resol t!ons o# t$e C( !n C(1D.R. %P No. 7=.75 and -ranc$ 21. !n C!v!l Case NO. H1==15721=, as bot$ are patently erroneo s. A A A 3 rt$ermore, t$e pr!vate respondents &!ll not be n* stly pre* d!ced by t$e s spens!on o# t$e r les. 0$at !s s b*ect o# t$e appeal !s only a : est!on o# la&, !nvolv!n" t$e !ss e o# #or m s$opp!n", and not a #act al matter !nvolv!n" t$e mer!ts o# eac$ party@s respect!ve cla!ms and de#enses relat!n" to t$e en#orcement o# t$e 4O(, &$ere!n pet!t!oner &as "!ven an opt!on to p rc$ase t$e s b*ect property. L!t!"at!ons s$o ld, as m c$ as poss!ble, be dec!ded on t$e!r mer!ts and not on mere tec$n!cal!t!es. Bvery party1l!t!"ant s$o ld be a##orded t$e amplest opport n!ty #or t$e proper and * st d!spos!t!on o# $!s ca se, #reed #rom t$e constra!nt o# tec$n!cal!t!es. (#ter a consc!ent!o s v!e&, &e $old t$at a s spens!on o# t$e R les !s &arranted !n t$!s case s!nce t$e delay o# one &ee2 and t&o days !n t$e #!l!n" o# t$e mot!on #or recons!derat!on &as not occas!oned by ne"l!"ence on t$e part o# pet!t!oner@s la&yer !n c$ar"e o# t$e case, t$e latter $av!n" a val!d eAc se to !mmed!ately ta2e leave o# absence !n v!e& o# $er #at$er@s s dden dem!se. +$ere !s l!2e&!se no s$o&!n" t$at t$e rev!e& so "$t !s merely #r!volo s and d!latory. Binston 3. Gar%ia, in his %apa%ity as President and General Manager of the G(.( v. Court of =ppeals and Rudy C. +esoro) D.R. No. 17=00.. 6an ary 2>, 2015 Cert!#!cat!on a"a!nst #or m s$opp!n") %P( des!"nat!n" co nsel to s!"n m st be eAec ted !# party1 pleader cannot s!"n. +$e need to ab!de by t$e R les o# Co rt and t$e proced ral re: !rements !t !mposes $as been constantly nderscored by t$!s Co rt. One o# t$ese proced ral re: !rements !s t$e cert!#!cate o# non1#or m s$opp!n" &$!c$, t!me and a"a!n, $as been declared as bas!c, necessary and mandatory #or proced ral orderl!ness. ,n Vda. *e 3ormoso v. Philippine ational )an7, t$e Co rt re!terated t$e " !del!nes respect!n" non1compl!ance &!t$ or s bm!ss!on o# a de#ect!ve cert!#!cate o# non1#or m s$opp!n", t$e relevant port!ons o# &$!c$ are as #ollo&s' /< (s to cert!#!cat!on a"a!nst #or m s$opp!n", non1compl!ance t$ere&!t$ or a de#ect t$ere!n, AAA, !s "enerally not c rable by !ts s bse: ent s bm!ss!on or correct!on t$ereo#, nless t$ere !s a need to relaA t$e R le on t$e "ro nd o# Ts bstant!al compl!ance or presence o# Tspec!al c!rc mstances or compell!n" reasons@. AAAA 7< 3!nally, t$e cert!#!cat!on a"a!nst #or m s$opp!n" m st be eAec ted by t$e party pleader, not by $!s co nsel. ,#, $o&ever, #or reasonable or * st!#!able reasons, t$e party1pleader !s nable to s!"n, $e m st eAec te a %pec!al Po&er o# (ttorney des!"nat!n" $!s co nsel o# record to s!"n on $!s be$al#.

+$e re: !rement t$at !t !s t$e pet!t!oner, not $er co nsel, &$o s$o ld s!"n t$e cert!#!cate o# non1 #or m s$opp!n" !s d e to t$e #act t$at a 8cert!#!cat!on !s a pec l!ar personal representat!on on t$e part o# t$e pr!nc!pal party, an ass rance "!ven to t$e co rt or ot$er tr!b nal t$at t$ere are no pend!n" cases !nvolv!n" bas!cally t$e same part!es, !ss es and ca ses o# act!on. Obv!o sly, !t !s t$e pet!t!oner, and not al&ays t$e co nsel &$ose pro#ess!onal serv!ces $ave been reta!ned #or a part!c lar case, &$o !s !n t$e best pos!t!on to 2no& &$et$er Fs$eG act ally #!led or ca sed t$e #!l!n" o# a pet!t!on !n t$at case.9 Per t$e above " !del!nes, $o&ever, !# a pet!t!oner !s nable to s!"n a cert!#!cat!on #or reasonable or * st!#!able reasons, s$e m st eAec te an %P( des!"nat!n" $er co nsel o# record to s!"n on $er be$al#. ( cert!#!cat!on &$!c$ $ad been s!"ned by co nsel &!t$o t t$e proper a t$or!zat!on !s de#ect!ve and const!t tes a val!d ca se #or d!sm!ssal o# t$e pet!t!on. Mary 0ouise =nderson v. /nri>ue <o, D.R. No. 172.=0. 6an ary 7, 2015 Cert!#!cat!on a"a!nst #or m s$opp!n") non1compl!ance !s not c rable by s bse: ent s bm!ss!on nless t$ere !s s bstant!al compl!ance or spec!al c!rc mstance. ,n t$!s l!"$t, t$e Co rt #!nds t$at t$e C( correctly d!sm!ssed (nderson@s Pet!t!on #or Rev!e& on t$e "ro nd t$at t$e cert!#!cate o# non1#or m s$opp!n" attac$ed t$ereto &as s!"ned by (tty. Ol!va on $er be$al# sans any a t$or!ty to do so. 0$!le t$e Co rt notes t$at (nderson tr!ed to correct t$!s error by later s bm!tt!n" an %P( and by eApla!n!n" $er #a!l re to eAec te one pr!or to t$e #!l!n" o# t$e pet!t!on, t$!s does not a tomat!cally denote s bstant!al compl!ance. ,t m st be remembered t$at a de#ect!ve cert!#!cat!on !s "enerally not c rable by !ts s bse: ent correct!on, and &$!le !t !s tr e t$at !n some cases t$e Co rt cons!dered s c$ a belated s bm!ss!on as s bstant!al compl!ance, !t d!d so only on s ##!c!ent and * st!#!able "ro nds t$at compelled a l!beral approac$ &$!le avo!d!n" t$e e##ect!ve ne"at!on o# t$e !ntent o# t$e r le on non1#or m s$opp!n". Mary 0ouise =nderson v. /nri>ue <o, D.R. No. 172.=0. 6an ary 7, 2015 Contempt o# Co rt) de#!n!t!on. Contempt o# co rt !s de#!ned as a d!sobed!ence to t$e co rt by act!n" !n oppos!t!on to !ts a t$or!ty, * st!ce and d!"n!ty, and s!"n!#!es not only a &!ll# l d!sre"ard o# t$e co rt@s order, b t s c$ cond ct &$!c$ tends to br!n" t$e a t$or!ty o# t$e co rt and t$e adm!n!strat!on o# la& !nto d!srep te or, !n some manner, to !mpede t$e d e adm!n!strat!on o# * st!ce. +o be cons!dered contempt o s, an act m st be clearly contrary to or pro$!b!ted by t$e order o# t$e co rt. +$ s, a person cannot be p n!s$ed #or contempt #or d!sobed!ence o# an order o# t$e Co rt, nless t$e act &$!c$ !s #orb!dden or re: !red to be done !s clearly and eAactly de#!ned, so t$at t$ere can be no reasonable do bt or ncerta!nty as to &$at spec!#!c act or t$!n" !s #orb!dden or re: !red. Rivulet =gro-.ndustrial Corporation v. =nthony Parungao, ar%iso ). ieto, in their %apa%ity as Underse%retaries of 0egal =ffairs and 3ield Operations of the *epartment of =grarian Reform, et al., D.R. No. 1=7.07. 6an ary 1/, 2015 B*ectment) possess!on de fa%to) d!st!nct!on bet&een #orc!ble entry and nla&# l deta!ner cases. (t t$e o tset, !t bears to re!terate t$e settled r le t$at t$e only : est!on t$at t$e co rts resolve !n e*ectment proceed!n"s !s' &$o !s ent!tled to t$e p$ys!cal possess!on o# t$e prem!ses, t$at !s, to t$e possess!on de #acto and not to t$e possess!on de * re. ,t does not even matter !# a party@s t!tle to t$e property !s : est!onable. ,n an nla&# l deta!ner case, t$e sole !ss e #or resol t!on !s t$e p$ys!cal or mater!al possess!on o# t$e property !nvolved, !ndependent o# any cla!m o# o&ners$!p by any o# t$e party l!t!"ants. 0$ere t$e !ss e o# o&ners$!p !s ra!sed by any o# t$e part!es, t$e co rts may pass pon t$e same !n order to determ!ne &$o $as t$e r!"$t to possess t$e property. +$e ad* d!cat!on !s, $o&ever, merely prov!s!onal and &o ld not bar or pre* d!ce an act!on bet&een t$e same part!es !nvolv!n" t!tle to t$e property. 6uanita /rmitaJo, represented by her =ttorney-in-fa%t, .sabelo /rmitaJo v. 0ailanie M. Paglas) D.R. No. 17//57. 6an ary 25, 2015

BAec t!on) !ss ance o# &r!t !s tr!al co rt@s m!n!ster!al d ty once dec!s!on !s #!nal) &r!t o# eAec t!on m st con#orm to d!spos!t!ve port!on o# * d"ment) order o# eAec t!on &$!c$ var!es tenor o# * d"ment !s vo!d. ,n t$e present case, t$e Co rt #!nds mer!tor!o s "ro nds to adm!t t$e pet!t!on and absolve t$e pet!t!oners #rom t$e!r proced ral lapse. ,t !s nd!sp ted t$at t$e C( ?ec!s!on dated %eptember 2=, 2007 !s already #!nal and eAec tory. (s a r le, once a * d"ment becomes #!nal and eAec tory, all t$at rema!ns !s t$e eAec t!on o# t$e dec!s!on &$!c$ !s a matter o# r!"$t. +$e preva!l!n" party !s ent!tled to a &r!t o# eAec t!on, t$e !ss ance o# &$!c$ !s t$e tr!al co rt@s m!n!ster!al d ty. +$e &r!t o# eAec t!on, $o&ever, m st con#orm s bstant!ally to every essent!al part!c lar o# t$e * d"ment prom l"ated. ,t m st con#orm, more part!c larly, to t$at orda!ned or decreed !n t$e d!spos!t!ve port!on o# t$e dec!s!on. Clearly, t$e R+C eAceeded !ts a t$or!ty &$en !t !ns!sted on apply!n" !ts o&n constr al o# t$e d!spos!t!ve port!on o# t$e C( ?ec!s!on &$en !ts terms are eApl!c!t and need no # rt$er !nterpretat!on. ,t &o ld also be !ne: !table #or t$e pet!t!oners to pay and #or t$e respondents, &$o d!d not appeal t$e C( dec!s!on or : est!oned t$e delet!on o# t$e 12S per ann m !nterest, to rece!ve more t$an &$at &as a&arded by t$e C(. +$e assa!led R+C order o# eAec t!on dated ?ecember 21, 200= and t$e al!as &r!t o# eAec t!on dated 4ay 17, 2010 are, t$ere#ore, vo!d. +!me and a"a!n, !t $as been r led t$at an order o# eAec t!on &$!c$ var!es t$e tenor o# t$e * d"ment, or #or t$at matter, eAceeds t$e terms t$ereo# !s a n ll!ty. (pouses Ri%ardo and /lena Gole9 v. (pouses Carlos and =melita avarro) D.R. No. 1=2.52. 6an ary 50, 2015 3or m %$opp!n") de#!n!t!on and nat re. 83or m s$opp!n" !s de#!ned as an act o# a party, a"a!nst &$om an adverse * d"ment or order $as been rendered !n one #or m, o# see2!n" and poss!bly "ett!n" a #avorable op!n!on !n anot$er #or m, ot$er t$an by appeal or spec!al c!v!l act!on #or %ertiorari. ,t may also be t$e !nst!t t!on o# t&o or more act!ons or proceed!n"s "ro nded on t$e same ca se on t$e s ppos!t!on t$at one or t$e ot$er co rt &o ld ma2e a #avorable dec!s!on. A A A ,t !s eApressly pro$!b!ted AAA beca se !t tr!#les &!t$ and ab ses co rt processes, de"rades t$e adm!n!strat!on o# * st!ce, and con"est o r co rt doc2ets. ( &!ll# l and del!berate v!olat!on o# t$e r le a"a!nst #or m s$opp!n" !s a "ro nd #or s mmary d!sm!ssal o# t$e case, and may also const!t te d!rect contempt.9 /strellla =duan Orpiano v. (pouses =ntonio C. +omas and Myrna U. +omasI D.R. No. 17>711. 6an ary 1/, 2015 Drave ab se o# d!scret!on) proper "ro nd !n a pet!t!on #or %ertiorari b t not !n a pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar!. ,t !s to be noted t$at t$e above !ss es ra!sed by pet!t!oner alle"ed "rave ab se o# d!scret!on comm!tted by t$e C(, &$!c$ !s proper !n a pet!t!on #or %ertiorari nder R le 7. o# t$e 1==7 R les o# C!v!l Proced re, as amended, b t not !n t$e present pet!t!on #or rev!e& on %ertiorari nder R le /.. <eirs of 3austino C. .gna%io v. <ome )an7ers (avings and +rust Company, et al., D.R. No. 1777>5. 6an ary 25, 2015 H!erarc$y o# co rts) conc rrence o# * r!sd!ct!on) non1observance res lts !n d!sm!ssal. 0e emp$as!ze t$at t$e conc rrence o# * r!sd!ct!on amon" t$e % preme Co rt, Co rt o# (ppeals and t$e Re"!onal +r!al Co rts to !ss e t$e &r!ts o# cert!orar!, pro$!b!t!on, mandam s, : o &arranto, $abeas corp s and !n* nct!on d!d not "!ve pet!t!oners t$e nrestr!cted #reedom o# c$o!ce o# co rt #or m. (n nd e d!sre"ard o# t$!s pol!cy a"a!nst d!rect resort to t$e Co rt &!ll ca se t$e d!sm!ssal o# t$e reco rse. ,n )ane9, 6r. v. Con%ep%ion, &e eApla!ned &$y, to &!t' +$e co rt m st en*o!n t$e observance o# t$e pol!cy on t$e $!erarc$y o# co rts, and no& a##!rms t$at t$e pol!cy !s not to be !"nored &!t$o t ser!o s conse: ences, t$e str!ctness o# t$e pol!cy !s

des!"ned to s$!eld t$e Co rt #rom $av!n" to deal &!t$ ca ses t$at are also &ell &!t$!n t$e competence o# t$e lo&er co rts, and t$ s leave t!me to t$e Co rt to deal &!t$ t$e more # ndamental and more essent!al tas2s t$at t$e Const!t t!on $as ass!"ned to !t, t$e Co rt may act on pet!t!ons #or t$e eAtraord!nary &r!ts o# cert!orar!, pro$!b!t!on, and mandam s only &$en absol tely necessary or &$en ser!o s and !mportant reasons * st!#y an eAcept!on to t$e pol!cy. AAA (ccord!n"ly, every l!t!"ant m st remember t$at t$e Co rt !s not t$e only * d!c!al #or m #rom &$!c$ to see2 and obta!n e##ect!ve redress o# $!s or $er "r!evances. (s a r le, t$e Co rt !s a co rt o# last resort, not a co rt o# #!rst !nstance. Hence, every l!t!"ant &$o br!n"s pet!t!ons #or t$e eAtraord!nary &r!ts o# cert!orar!, pro$!b!t!on and mandam s s$o ld ever be m!nd# l o# t$e pol!cy on t$e $!erarc$y o# co rts, t$e observance o# &$!c$ !s eApl!c!tly de#!ned and en*o!ned !n %ect!on / o# R le 7.. (pouses =ugusto *a%udao and Ofelia *a%udao v. (e%retary of 6usti%e Raul Gon9ales of the *epartment of 6usti%e, D.R. No. 1>>0.7. 6an ary >, 2015 ,nterloc tory and 3!nal orders) d!st!nct!on. +$!s Co rt $as la!d do&n t$e d!st!nct!on bet&een !nterloc tory and #!nal orders, as #ollo&s' AAA ( 8#!nal9 * d"ment or order !s one t$at #!nally d!sposes o# a case, leav!n" not$!n" more to be done by t$e Co rt !n respect t$ereto, e."., an ad* d!cat!on on t$e mer!ts &$!c$, on t$e bas!s o# t$e ev!dence presented at t$e tr!al, declares cate"or!cally &$at t$e r!"$ts and obl!"at!ons o# t$e part!es are and &$!c$ party !s !n t$e r!"$t) or a * d"ment or order t$at d!sm!sses an act!on on t$e "ro nd, #or !nstance, o# res * d!cata or prescr!pt!on. Once rendered, t$e tas2 o# t$e co rt !s ended, as #ar as dec!d!n" t$e controversy or determ!n!n" t$e r!"$ts and l!ab!l!t!es o# t$e l!t!"ants !s concerned. Not$!n" more rema!ns to be done by t$e co rt eAcept to a&a!t t$e part!es@ neAt move ;&$!c$ amon" ot$ers, may cons!st o# t$e #!l!n" o# a mot!on #or ne& tr!al or recons!derat!on, or t$e ta2!n" o# an appeal< and lt!mately, o# co rse, to ca se t$e eAec t!on o# t$e * d"ment once !t becomes 8#!nal9 or, to se t$e establ!s$ed and more d!st!nct!ve term, 8#!nal and eAec tory.9 AAAA Conversely, an order t$at does not #!nally d!spose o# t$e case, and does not end t$e Co rt@s tas2 o# ad* d!cat!n" t$e part!es@ content!ons and determ!n!n" t$e!r r!"$ts and l!ab!l!t!es as re"ards eac$ ot$er, b t obv!o sly !nd!cates t$at ot$er t$!n"s rema!n to be done by t$e co rt !s 8!nterloc tory9 e."., an order deny!n" a mot!on to d!sm!ss nder R le 17 o# t$e R les, or "rant!n" a mot!on #or eAtens!on o# t!me to #!le a plead!n", or a t$or!z!n" amendment t$ereo#, or "rant!n" or deny!n" appl!cat!ons #or postponement, or prod ct!on or !nspect!on o# doc ments or t$!n"s, etc. nl!2e a 8#!nal9 * d"ment or order, &$!c$ !s appealable. (s above po!nted o t, an 8!nterloc tory9 order may not be : est!oned on appeal eAcept only as part o# an appeal t$at may event ally be ta2en #rom t$e #!nal * d"ment rendered !n t$e case. Ma. Carmina Calderon represented by her =ttorney-in-fa%t, Mary%ris V. )aldevia v. 6ose =ntonio RoCas and Court of =ppeals, D.R. No. 1>..=.. 6an ary =, 2015 ,nterloc tory and 3!nal orders) appl!cat!on to prov!s!onal remed!es espec!ally to s pport pendente lite. +$e assa!led orders relat!ve to t$e !nc!dent o# s pport pendent lite and s pport !n arrears, as t$e term s ""ests, &ere !ss ed pend!n" t$e rend!t!on o# t$e dec!s!on on t$e ma!n act!on #or declarat!on o# n ll!ty o# marr!a"e and are t$ere#ore !nterloc tory. +$ey d!d not #!nally d!spose o# t$e case nor d!d t$ey cons!st o# a #!nal ad* d!cat!on o# t$e mer!ts o# pet!t!oner@s cla!ms as to t$e "ro nd o# psyc$olo"!cal !ncapac!ty and ot$er !nc!dents as c$!ld c stody, s pport, and

con* "al assets. Ma. Carmina Calderon represented by her =ttorney-in-fa%t, Mary%ris V. )aldevia v. 6ose =ntonio RoCas and Court of =ppeals, D.R. No. 1>..=.. 6an ary =, 2015 ,nterloc tory and 3!nal orders) remedy a"a!nst !nterloc tory order !s not appeal. +$e remedy a"a!nst an !nterloc tory order not s b*ect o# an appeal !s an appropr!ate spec!al c!v!l act!on nder R le 7. prov!ded t$at t$e !nterloc tory order !s rendered &!t$o t or !n eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on or &!t$ "rave ab se o# d!scret!on. Hav!n" c$osen t$e &ron" remedy !n : est!on!n" t$e s b*ect !nterloc tory orders o# t$e R+C, pet!t!oner@s appeal &as correctly d!sm!ssed by t$e C(. Ma. Carmina Calderon represented by her =ttorney-in-fa%t, Mary%ris V. )aldevia v. 6ose =ntonio RoCas and Court of =ppeals, D.R. No. 1>..=.. 6an ary =, 2015 6 d"ment) comprom!se a"reement. +$ere !s no : est!on t$at t$e #ore"o!n" =greement &as a comprom!se t$at t$e part!es #reely and vol ntar!ly entered !nto #or t$e p rpose o# #!nally settl!n" t$e!r d!sp te !n t$!s case. Knder (rt!cle 202> o# t$e C!v!l Code, a comprom!se !s a contract &$ereby t$e part!es, by ma2!n" rec!procal concess!ons, avo!d a l!t!"at!on or p t an end to one already commenced. (ccord!n"ly, a comprom!se !s e!t$er * d!c!al, !# t$e ob*ect!ve !s to p t an end to a pend!n" l!t!"at!on, or eAtra* d!c!al, !# t$e ob*ect!ve !s to avo!d a l!t!"at!on. (s a contract, a comprom!se !s per#ected by m t al consent. Ho&ever, a * d!c!al comprom!se, &$!le !mmed!ately b!nd!n" bet&een t$e part!es pon !ts eAec t!on, !s not eAec tory nt!l !t !s approved by t$e co rt and red ced to a * d"ment. +$e val!d!ty o# a comprom!se !s dependent pon !ts compl!ance &!t$ t$e re: !s!tes and pr!nc!ples o# contracts d!ctated by la&. (lso, t$e terms and cond!t!ons o# a comprom!se m st not be contrary to la&, morals, "ood c stoms, p bl!c pol!cy and p bl!c order. 0and )an7 of the Philippines v. <eirs of (pouses 6orGa Rigor (oriano and Magin (oriano, D.R. No. 17>512. 6an ary 50, 2015 6 r!sd!ct!on) personal * r!sd!ct!on !n c!v!l cases) vol ntary appearance. ,n c!v!l cases, * r!sd!ct!on over t$e person o# t$e de#endant may be ac: !red e!t$er by serv!ce o# s mmons or by t$e de#endant@s vol ntary appearance !n co rt and s bm!ss!on to !ts a t$or!ty. ,n t$!s case, t$e 4e+C ac: !red * r!sd!ct!on over t$e person o# respondent Hertz by reason o# t$e latter@s vol ntary appearance !n co rt. ,n Philippine Commer%ial .nternational )an7 v. (pouses *y, &e $ad occas!on to state' Prel!m!nar!ly, * r!sd!ct!on over t$e de#endant !n a c!v!l case !s ac: !red e!t$er by t$e coerc!ve po&er o# le"al processes eAerted over $!s person, or $!s vol ntary appearance !n co rt. (s a "eneral propos!t!on, one &$o see2s an a##!rmat!ve rel!e# !s deemed to $ave s bm!tted to t$e * r!sd!ct!on o# t$e co rt. ,t !s by reason o# t$!s r le t$at &e $ave $ad occas!on to declare t$at t$e #!l!n" o# mot!ons to adm!t ans&er, #or add!t!onal t!me to #!le ans&er, #or recons!derat!on o# a de#a lt * d"ment, and to l!#t order o# de#a lt &!t$ mot!on #or recons!derat!on, !s cons!dered vol ntary s bm!ss!on to t$e co rt@s * r!sd!ct!on. +$!s, $o&ever, !s tempered by t$e concept o# cond!t!onal appearance, s c$ t$at a party &$o ma2es a spec!al appearance to c$allen"e, amon" ot$ers, t$e co rt@s * r!sd!ct!on over $!s person cannot be cons!dered to $ave s bm!tted to !ts a t$or!ty. Presc!nd!n" #rom t$e #ore"o!n", !t !s t$ s clear t$at' ;1< spec!al appearance operates as an eAcept!on to t$e "eneral r le on vol ntary appearance) ;2< (ccord!n"ly, ob*ect!ons to t$e * r!sd!ct!on o# t$e co rt over t$e person o# t$e de#endant m st be eApl!c!tly made, !.e., set #ort$ !n an ne: !vocal manner) ;5< 3a!l re to do so const!t tes vol ntary s bm!ss!on to t$e * r!sd!ct!on o# t$e co rt, espec!ally !n !nstances &$ere a plead!n" or mot!on see2!n" a##!rmat!ve rel!e# !s #!led

and s bm!tted to t$e co rt #or resol t!on. Optima Realty Corporation v. <ert9 Phil. /C%lusive Cars, .n%., D.R. No. 1>505.. 6an ary =, 2015 0itis pendentiaI elements. 0itis pendentia re: !res t$e conc rrence o# t$e #ollo&!n" elements' ;1< !dent!ty o# part!es, or at least t$e!r representat!on o# t$e same !nterests !n bot$ act!ons) ;2< !dent!ty o# r!"$ts asserted and rel!e#s prayed #or, t$e rel!e# be!n" #o nded on t$e same #acts) and ;5< !dent!ty &!t$ respect to t$e t&o preced!n" part!c lars !n t$e t&o cases, s c$ t$at any * d"ment t$at may be rendered !n t$e pend!n" case, re"ardless o# &$!c$ party !s s ccess# l, &o ld amo nt to res Gudi%ata !n t$e ot$er case. Optima Realty Corporation v. <ert9 Phil. /C%lusive Cars, .n%., D.R. No. 1>505.. 6an ary =, 2015 Part!es) a t$or!ty o# pr!vate co nsel to represent local o##!c!als !n s !t. +$e present case stemmed #rom %pec!al C!v!l (ct!on 20021001= #or mandam s and dama"es. +$e dama"es so "$t t$ere!n co ld $ave res lted !n personal l!ab!l!ty, $ence pet!t!oner cannot be deemed to $ave been !mproperly represented by pr!vate co nsel. ,n =linsug v. R+C )r. $", (an Carlos City, egros O%%idental, t$e Co rt r led t$at !n !nstances l!2e t$e present case &$ere personal l!ab!l!ty on t$e part o# local "overnment o##!c!als !s so "$t, t$ey may properly sec re t$e serv!ces o# pr!vate co nsel, eApla!n!n"' !t can $appen t$at a "overnment o##!c!al, ostens!bly act!n" !n $!s o##!c!al capac!ty, !s later $eld to $ave eAceeded $!s a t$or!ty. On t$e one $and, $!s de#ense &o ld $ave t$en been nder&r!tten by t$e people@s money &$!c$ ord!nar!ly s$o ld $ave been $!s personal eApense. On t$e ot$er $and, personal l!ab!l!ty can attac$ to $!m &!t$o t, $o&ever, $!s $av!n" $ad t$e bene#!t o# ass!stance o# a co nsel o# $!s o&n c$o!ce. ,n Correa v. C3., t$e Co rt $eld t$at !n t$e d!sc$ar"e o# "overnmental # nct!ons, m n!c!pal corporat!ons are respons!ble #or t$e acts o# !ts o##!cers, eAcept !# and &$en, and only to t$e eAtent t$at, t$ey $ave acted by a t$or!ty o# t$e la&, and !n con#orm!ty &!t$ t$e re: !rements t$ereo#. ,n s c$ !nstance, t$!s Co rt $as sanct!oned t$e representat!on by pr!vate co nsel. ,n one case, 0e $eld t$at &$ere r!"!d acceptance to t$e la& on representat!on o# local a##a!rs !n co rt act!ons co ld depr!ve a party o# $!s r!"$t to redress #or a val!d "r!evance, t$e $!r!n" o# a pr!vate co nsel &o ld be proper. (nd !n =lburra v. +orres, t$!s Co rt also sa!d t$at a prov!nc!al "overnor s ed !n $!s o##!c!al capac!ty may en"a"e t$e serv!ces o# pr!vate co nsel &$en t$e compla!nt conta!ns ot$er alle"at!ons and a prayer #or moral dama"es, &$!c$, !# d e #rom t$e de#endants, m st be sat!s#!ed by t$em !n t$e!r pr!vate capac!ty. Romeo Gontang, in his offi%ial %apa%ity as Mayor of Gain9a, Camarines (ur v. /ngr. Ce%ilia =layanI D.R. No. 1=17=1. 6an ary 17, 2015 Part!es) dropp!n" o# part!es) remed!es #or *o!nder or m!s*o!nder. Knder t$e R les, part!es may be dropped or added by order o# t$e co rt on mot!on o# any party or on !ts o&n !n!t!at!ve at any sta"e o# t$e act!on and on su%h terms as are Gust. ,ndeed, !t &o ld $ave been * st #or t$e collect!on co rt to $ave allo&ed Bstrella to prosec te $er ann lment case by dropp!n" $er as a party pla!nt!## !n t$e collect!on case, not only so t$at s$e co ld protect $er con* "al s$are, b t also to prevent t$e !nterests o# $er co1pla!nt!##s #rom be!n" adversely a##ected by t$e!r con#l!ct!n" act!ons !n t$e same case. -y see2!n" to be dropped #rom t$e collect!on case, Bstrella &as #ore"o!n" collect!on o# $er s$are !n t$e amo nt t$at may be d e and o&!n" #rom t$e sale. ,t does not !mply a &a!ver !n any manner t$at a##ects t$e r!"$ts o# t$e ot$er $e!rs. 0$!le Bstrella correctly made se o# t$e remed!es ava!lable to $er C amend!n" t$e compla!nt and #!l!n" a mot!on to drop $er as a party C s$e comm!tted a m!sta2e !n proceed!n" to #!le t$e

ann lment case d!rectly a#ter t$ese remed!es &ere den!ed $er by t$e collect!on co rt &!t$o t #!rst : est!on!n" or address!n" t$e propr!ety o# t$ese den!als. 0$!le s$e may $ave been #r strated by t$e collect!on co rt@s repeated re*ect!on o# $er mot!ons and !ts apparent !nab!l!ty to apprec!ate $er pl!"$t, $er proper reco rse nevert$eless s$o ld $ave been to #!le a pet!t!on #or %ertiorari or ot$er&!se : est!on t$e tr!al co rts den!al o# $er mot!on to be dropped as pla!nt!##, c!t!n" * st reasons &$!c$ call #or a r l!n" to t$e contrary. ,ss es ar!s!n" #rom *o!nder or m!s*o!nder o# part!es are t$e proper s b*ect o# %ertiorari. /strella =duan Orpiano v. (pouses =ntonio C. +omas and Myrna U. +omas, D.R. No. 17>711. 6an ary 1/, 2015 Pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! ;R le /.<) contents) not an absol te r le t$at &!ll lead to d!sm!ssal) l!beral constr ct!on. +$e co rt s!"n!#!cantly po!nted o t !n 3.=.+ Eee Computer (ystems, .n%. v. Online et4or7s .nternational, .n%. t$at t$e re: !rement !n %ect!on /, R le /. o# t$e R les o# Co rt !s not meant to be an absol te r le &$ose v!olat!on &o ld a tomat!cally lead to t$e pet!t!on@s d!sm!ssal. +$e R les o# Co rt $as not been !ntended to be totally r!"!d. ,n #act, t$e R les o# Co rt prov!des t$at t$e % preme Co rt 8may re: !re or allo& t$e #!l!n" o# t$e s c$ plead!n"s, br!e#s, memoranda, or doc ments, as !t may deem necessary &!t$!n s c$ per!ods and nder s c$ cond!t!ons as !t may cons!der appropr!ate9) and 8F!G# t$e pet!t!on !s "!ven d e co rse, t$e % preme Co rt may re: !re t$e elevat!on o# t$e complete record o# t$e case or spec!#!ed parts t$ereo# &!t$!n #!#teen ;1.< days #rom not!ce.9 +$ese prov!s!ons are !n 2eep!n" &!t$ t$e overr!d!n" standard t$at proced ral r les s$o ld be l!berally constr ed to promote t$e!r ob*ect!ve and to ass!st t$e part!es !n obta!n!n" a * st, speedy, and !neApens!ve determ!nat!on o# every act!on or proceed!n". Metropolitan )an7 F +rust Company v. =bsolute Management Corporation, D.R. No. 170/=>. 6an ary =, 2015 Pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! ;R le /.<) only : est!ons o# la& may be ra!sed) eAcept!ons. ,t !s a settled r le, !ndeed, t$at !n t$e eAerc!se o# o r po&er o# rev!e&, t$e Co rt !s not a tr!er o# #acts and does not normally nderta2e t$e re1eAam!nat!on o# t$e ev!dence presented by t$e contend!n" part!es d r!n" t$e tr!al o# t$e case. +$e Co rt rel!es on t$e #!nd!n"s o# #act o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals or o# t$e tr!al co rt, and accepts s c$ #!nd!n"s as concl s!vely and b!nd!n" nless any o# t$e #ollo&!n" eAcept!ons, obta!ns, namely' ;a< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s are "ro nded ent!rely on spec lat!on, s rm!ses, or con*ect res) ;b< &$en t$e !n#erence made !s man!#estly m!sta2en, abs rd or !mposs!ble) ;c< &$en t$ere !s "rave ab se o# d!scret!on) ;d< &$en t$e * d"ment !s based on a m!sappre$ens!on o# #acts) ;e< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s o# #act are con#l!ct!n") ;#< &$en !n ma2!n" !ts #!nd!n"s t$e Co rt o# (ppeals or t$e tr!al co rt &ent beyond t$e !ss es o# t$e case, or !ts #!nd!n"s are contrary to t$e adm!ss!ons o# bot$ t$e appellant and t$e appellee) ;"< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s are contrary to t$e tr!al co rt) ;$< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s are concl s!ons &!t$o t c!tat!on o# spec!#!c ev!dence on &$!c$ t$ey are based) ;!< &$en t$e #acts set #ort$ !n t$e pet!t!on as &ell as !n t$e pet!t!oner@s ma!n and reply br!e#s are not d!sp ted by t$e respondent) ;*< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s o# #act are prem!sed on t$e s pposed absence o# ev!dence and contrad!cted by t$e ev!dence on record) and ;2< &$en t$e Co rt o# (ppeals or t$e tr!al co rt man!#estly overloo2ed certa!n relevant #acts not d!sp ted by t$e part!es, &$!c$, !# properly cons!dered, &o ld * st!#y a d!##erent concl s!on. Ho&ever, none o# t$e a#orement!oned eAcept!on appl!es $ere!n. (pe%ial People, .n%. 3oundation, represented by its Chairman, Roberto P. Ceri%os v. estor M. Canda, et al., D.R. No. 170=52. 6an ary 1/, 2015 Pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! ;R le /.<) only : est!ons o# la& may be ra!sed) eAcept!ons. ,t !s &ell settled t$at !n a pet!t!on #or rev!e& on %ertiorari nder R le /. o# t$e R les o# Co rt, only : est!ons o# la& may be ra!sed. +$!s Co rt, !n n mero s !nstances, $as $ad t$e occas!on to eApla!n t$at !t !s not !ts # nct!on to analyze or &e!"$ ev!dence all over a"a!n. (s a r le, t$e Co rt

respects t$e #act al #!nd!n"s o# t$e C( and o# : as!1* d!c!al a"enc!es l!2e t$e ?(R, "!v!n" t$em a certa!n meas re o# #!nal!ty. +$ere are, $o&ever, reco"n!zed eAcept!ons to t$!s r le, one o# &$!c$ !s &$en t$e #!nd!n"s o# #act are con#l!ct!n". <eirs of 0uis =. 0una and Remegio =. 0una, et al. v. Ruben (. =fable, et al., D.R. No. 1>>2==. 6an ary 25, 2015 Pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! ;R le /.<) only : est!ons o# la& may be ra!sed) appl!cable to eApropr!at!on cases. +$!s Co rt !s not a tr!er o# #acts. H est!ons o# #act may not be ra!sed !n a pet!t!on bro "$t nder R le /., as s c$ pet!t!on may only ra!se : est!ons o# la&. +$!s r le appl!es !n eApropr!at!on cases. 4oreover, #act al #!nd!n"s o# t$e tr!al co rt, &$en a##!rmed by t$e C(, are "enerally b!nd!n" on t$!s Co rt. (n eval at!on o# t$e case and t$e !ss es presented leads t$e Co rt to t$e concl s!on t$at !t !s nnecessary to dev!ate #rom t$e #!nd!n"s o# #act o# t$e tr!al and appellate co rts. Knder %ect!on > o# R le 77 o# t$e R les o# Co rt, t$e tr!al co rt s!tt!n" as an eApropr!at!on co rt may, a#ter $ear!n", accept t$e comm!ss!oners@ report and render * d"ment !n accordance t$ere&!t$. +$!s !s &$at t$e tr!al co rt d!d !n t$!s case. +$e C( a##!rmed t$e tr!al co rt@s prono ncement !n toto. D!ven t$ese #acts, t$e tr!al co rt and t$e C(@s !dent!cal #!nd!n"s o# #act concern!n" t$e !ss e o# * st compensat!on s$o ld be accorded t$e "reatest respect, and are b!nd!n" on t$e Co rt absent proo# t$at t$ey comm!tted error !n establ!s$!n" t$e #acts and !n dra&!n" concl s!ons #rom t$em. +$ere be!n" no s$o&!n" t$at t$e tr!al co rt and t$e C( comm!tted any error, &e t$ s accord d e respect to t$e!r #!nd!n"s. Republi% of the Philippines, represented by the *epartment of Publi% Bor7s and <igh4ays v. <eirs of (pouses Pedro )autista and Valentina Malabanan, D.R. No. 1>121>. 6an ary 2>, 2015 Pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! ;R le /.<) rev!e& errors o# * d"ment) orders "rant!n" eAec t!on are !nterloc tory and s$o ld be s b*ect o# pet!t!on #or %ertiorari nder R le 7.) eAcept!ons. +$e pet!t!on #!led !n t$!s case !s one #or rev!e& on cert!orar! nder R le /. o# t$e R les o# Co rt. Pet!t!ons #!led nder t$!s r le br!n" p #or rev!e& errors o# * d"ment. ,t !s an ord!nary appeal and t$e pet!t!on m st only ra!se : est!ons o# la& &$!c$ m st be d!st!nctly set #ort$ and d!sc ssed. +$e present pet!t!on, $o&ever, assa!ls t$e R+C Order o# eAec t!on dated ?ecember 21, 200= and al!as &r!t o# eAec t!on dated 4ay 27, 2010. ,t !s a settled r le t$at orders "rant!n" eAec t!on are !nterloc tory orders) $ence t$e pet!t!oners s$o ld $ave #!led a pet!t!on #or cert!orar! nder R le 7.. +$!s !s cate"or!cally prov!ded !n R le /1, vi9' %ect!on 1. % b*ect o# appeal. C (n appeal may be ta2en #rom a * d"ment or #!nal order t$at completely d!sposes o# t$e case, or o# a part!c lar matter t$ere!n &$en declared by t$ese R les to be appl!cable. No appeal may be ta2en #rom' AAAA ;#< (n order o# eAec t!on) AAAA ,n all t$e above !nstances &$ere t$e * d"ment or #!nal order !s not appealable, t$e a""r!eved party may #!le an appropr!ate spec!al c!v!l act!on nder R le 7..

Nevert$eless, t$ere are eAcept!ons to t$!s r le, one o# &$!c$ !s &$en t$e &r!t o# eAec t!on var!es t$e * d"ment. +$ s, !n (hugo oda F Co., 0td. V. Court of =ppeals t$e Co rt ac2no&led"ed t$at, !n t$e past, !t cons!dered an appeal to be a proper remedy &$en !t !s perce!ved t$at t$e order var!es, or may not be !n consonance &!t$, t$e essence o# t$e * d"ment. Ot$er eAcept!ons !ncl de' ;1< +$ere $as been a c$an"e !n t$e s!t at!on o# t$e part!es ma2!n" eAec t!on !ne: !table or n* st) ;2< BAec t!on !s so "$t to be en#orced a"a!nst property eAempt #rom eAec t!on) ;5< ,t appears t$at t$e controversy $as been s bm!tted to t$e * d"ment o# t$e co rt) ;/< +$e terms o# t$e * d"ment are not clear eno "$ and t$ere rema!ns room #or !nterpretat!on t$ereo#) or ;.< ,t appears t$at t$e &r!t o# eAec t!on $as been !mprov!dently !ss ed, or t$at !t !s de#ect!ve !n s bstance, or !ss ed a"a!nst t$e &ron" party, or t$at t$e * d"ment debt $as been pa!d or ot$er&!se sat!s#!ed, or t$e &r!t !ss ed &!t$o t a t$or!ty. ,n s c$ case, cons!derat!ons o# * st!ce and e: !ty d!ctate t$at t$ere be some remedy ava!lable to t$e a""r!eved party. L!2e&!se, t$e Co rt, !n t$e !nterest o# e: !ty or &$en * st!ce demands, may !nterc$an"eably treat an appeal as a pet!t!on #or cert!orar! nder R le 7. o# t$e Rev!sed R les o# Co rt, and v!ce versa. ,n t$e present case, t$e Co rt #!nds mer!tor!o s "ro nds to adm!t t$e pet!t!on and absolve t$e pet!t!oners #rom t$e!r proced ral lapse. (pouses Ri%ardo and /lena Gole9 v. (pouses Carlos and =melita avarro, D.R. No. 1=2.52. 6an ary 50, 2015 Plead!n"s) rel!e#. ,t !s settled t$at co rts cannot "rant a rel!e# not prayed #or !n t$e plead!n"s or !n eAcess o# &$at !s be!n" so "$t by t$e party. +$ey cannot also "rant a rel!e# &!t$o t #!rst ascerta!n!n" t$e ev!dence presented !n co rt. ,n *evelopment )an7 of the Philippines v. +e%son, t$!s Co rt eApo nded t$at' ? e process cons!derat!ons * st!#y t$!s re: !rement, !t !s !mproper to enter an order &$!c$ eAceeds t$e scope o# rel!e# so "$t by t$e plead!n"s, absent not!ce, &$!c$ a##ords t$e oppos!n" party an opport n!ty to be $eard &!t$ respect to t$e proposed rel!e#. +$e # ndamental p rpose o# t$e re: !rement t$at alle"at!ons o# t$e compla!nt m st prov!de t$e meas re o# recovery !s to prevent s rpr!se to t$e de#endant. Notably, t$e R les !s even more str!ct !n sa#e" ard!n" t$e r!"$t to d e process o# a de#endant &$o &as declared !n de#a lt t$an o# a de#endant &$o part!c!pated !n tr!al. 3or !nstance, amendment to con#orm to t$e ev!dence presented d r!n" tr!al !s allo&ed t$e part!es nder t$e R les. - t t$e same !s not #eas!ble &$en t$e de#endant !s declared !n de#a lt beca se %ect!on 5;d<, R le = o# t$e R les o# Co rt comes !nto play and l!m!ts t$e rel!e# t$at may be "ranted by t$e co rts to &$at $as been prayed #or !n t$e compla!nt. AAA +$e raison dHetre !n l!m!t!n" t$e eAtent o# rel!e# t$at may be "ranted !s t$at !t cannot be pres med t$at t$e de#endant &o ld not #!le an (ns&er and allo& $!msel# to be declared !n de#a lt $ad $e 2no& t$at t$e pla!nt!## &!ll be accorded a rel!e# "reater t$an or d!##erent !n 2!nd #rom t$at so "$t !n t$e Compla!nt. No do bt, t$e reason be$!nd %ect!on 5;d<, R le = o# t$e R les o# Co rt !s to sa#e" ard de#endant@s r!"$t to d e process a"a!nst n#oreseen and arb!trar!ly !ss ed * d"ment. +$!s, to t$e m!nd o# t$e Co rt, !s a2!n to t$e very essence o# d e process. ,t embod!es 8t$e sport!n" !dea o# #a!r play9 and #orb!ds t$e "rant o# rel!e# on matters &$ere t$e de#endant &as not "!ven t$e opport n!ty to be $eard t$ereon. 0eti%ia *iona, represented by her =ttorney-in-fa%t, Mar%elina *iona v. Romeo )alangue, (onny )alangue, Reynaldo )alangue, and /steban )alangue, 6r.I D.R. No. 175..=. 6an ary 7, 2015

Prel!m!nary !n* nct!on) ab se o# d!scret!on !# &r!t !ss ed desp!te absence o# clear le"al r!"$t. +$e !ss ance o# a prel!m!nary !n* nct!on rests ent!rely &!t$!n t$e d!scret!on !# t$e co rt ta2!n" co"n!zance o# t$e case and !s "enerally not !nter#ered &!t$ eAcept !n cases o# man!#est ab se. 3or t$e !ss ance o# t$e &r!t o# prel!m!nary !n* nct!on to be proper, !t m st be s$o&n t$at t$e !nvas!on o# t$e r!"$t so "$t to be protected !s mater!al and s bstant!al, t$at t$e r!"$t o# compla!nant !s clear and nm!sta2able, and t$at t$ere !s an r"ent and paramo nt necess!ty #or t$e &r!t to prevent ser!o s dama"e. ,n t$e absence o# a clear le"al r!"$t, t$e !ss ance o# a &r!t o# !n* nct!on const!t tes "rave ab se o# d!scret!on. +M0 Gas7et .ndustries, .n%. v. )P. 3amily (avings )an7, .n%., D.R. No. 1>>77>. 6an ary 7, 2015 Prel!m!nary !n* nct!on) !n* nct!ve rel!e# not !ss ed #or sel#1!n#l!cted losses &$!c$ are damnum abs>ue inGuria. ,n arr!v!n" at a contrary concl s!on, t$e Co rt o# (ppeals d&elt on t$e 8"rave and !rremed!able9 #!nanc!al losses respondent &as po!sed to s sta!n as a res lt o# BO 1.7@s en#orcement, #!nd!n" s c$ pre* d!ce 8!ne: !table.9 No do bt, by !mport!n" sed ve$!cles !n contravent!on o# t$e ban nder BO 1.7, respondent r!s2ed s sta!n!n" losses. % c$ r!s2, $o&ever, &as sel#1 !mposed. Hav!n" m!scalc lated !ts c$ances, respondent cannot loo2 to co rts #or an !n* nct!ve rel!e# a"a!nst sel#1!n#l!cted losses &$!c$ are !n t$e nat re o# damnum abs>ue inGuria. ,n* nct!on &!ll not !ss e on t$e mere poss!b!l!ty t$at a l!t!"ant &!ll s sta!n dama"e, &!t$o t proo# o# a clear le"al r!"$t ent!tl!n" t$e l!t!"ant to protect!on. /Ce%utive (e%retary, (e%retary of 3inan%e, Commissioner of Customs, *istri%t Colle%tor of Customs, Port of =parri, Cagayan, *istri%t Colle%tor of Customs, Port of (an 3ernando 0a Union, and <ead of the 0and +ransportation Offi%e v. 3orerunner Multi Resour%es, .n%., D.R. No. 1==52/. 6an ary 7, 2015 Prel!m!nary !n* nct!on) re: !rement o# act al and eA!st!n" r!"$t. Pet!t!oners@ ar" ment #a!ls to !mpress. +$e C( d!d not n ll!#y t$e October 1., 200/ Order merely beca se o# t$e !nterc$an"ed pa"es. ,nstead, t$e C( determ!ned t$at t$e appl!cant, I!tal!ano, &as not able to s$o& t$at $e $ad an act al and eA!st!n" r!"$t t$at $ad to be protected by a prel!m!nary !n* nct!on. +$e most t$at I!tal!ano &as able to prove &as a # t re r!"$t based on $!s v!ctory !n t$e s !t. Contrast!n" t$!s # t re r!"$t o# I!tal!ano &!t$ respondents@ eA!st!n" r!"$t nder t$e D,%, t$e C( determ!ned t$at t$e tr!al co rt s$o ld not $ave d!st rbed t$e stat s : o. Vitaliano =guirre .. and 3idel =guirre v. 3?)K1, .n%., athaniel )o%obo, Pris%ila )o%obo, and =ntonio *e Villa, D.R. No. 170770. 6an ary =, 2015 Prel!m!nary !n* nct!on) re: !rement o# clear le"al r!"$t. ,t !s a deeply !n"ra!ned doctr!ne !n P$!l!pp!ne remed!al la& t$at a prel!m!nary !n* nct!ve rel!e# nder R le .> !ss es only pon a s$o&!n" o# t$e appl!cant@s 8clear le"al r!"$t9 be!n" v!olated or nder t$reat o# v!olat!on by t$e de#endant. 8Clear le"al r!"$t,9 &!t$!n t$e mean!n" o# R le .>, contemplates a r!"$t clearly #o nded !n or "ranted by la&. (ny $!nt o# do bt or d!sp te on t$e asserted le"al r!"$t precl des t$e "rant o# prel!m!nary !n* nct!ve rel!e#. 3or s !ts attac2!n" t$e val!d!ty o# la&s or !ss ances &!t$ t$e #orce and e##ect o# la&, as $ere, t$e appl!cant #or prel!m!nary !n* nct!ve rel!e# bears t$e added b rden o# overcom!n" t$e pres mpt!on o# val!d!ty !n$er!n" !n s c$ la&s or !ss ances. +$ese proced ral barr!ers to t$e !ss ance o# a prel!m!nary !n* nct!ve &r!t are rooted on t$e e: !table nat re o# s c$ rel!e#, preserv!n" t$e stat s : o &$!le, at t$e same t!me, restr!ct!n" t$e co rse o# act!on o# t$e de#endants even be#ore adverse * d"ment !s rendered a"a!nst t$em. /Ce%utive (e%retary, (e%retary of 3inan%e, Commissioner of Customs, *istri%t %olle%tor of %ustoms, Port of =parri, Cagayan, *istri%t Colle%tor of Customs, Port of (an 3ernando 0a Union, and <ead of the 0and +ransportation Offi%e v. 3orerunner Multi Resour%es, .n%., D.R. No. 1==52/. 6an ary 7, 2015

Prel!m!nary !n* nct!on) re: !s!tes. %ect!on 5, R le .> o# t$e R les o# Co rt l!sts t$e "ro nds #or t$e !ss ance o# a &r!t o# prel!m!nary !n* nct!on' %ec.5. Grounds for the issuan%e of preliminary inGun%tion. L ( prel!m!nary !n* nct!on may be "ranted &$en !t !s establ!s$ed' ;a< t$at t$e appl!cant !s ent!tled to t$e rel!e# demanded, and t$e &$ole or part o# s c$ rel!e# cons!sts n restra!n!n" t$e comm!ss!on or cont!n ance o# t$e act or acts compla!ned o#, or !n re: !r!n" t$e per#ormance o# an act or acts, e!t$er #or a l!m!ted per!od or perpet ally) ;b< t$at t$e comm!ss!on, cont!n ance or non1per#ormance o# t$e act or acts compla!ned o# d r!n" t$e l!t!"at!on &o ld probably &or2 !n* st!ce to t$e appl!cant) or ;c< t$at a party, co rt, a"ency, or a person do!n", t$reaten!n", or !s attempt!n" to do, or !s proc r!n" or s ##er!n" to be done, some act or acts probably !n v!olat!on o# t$e r!"$t o# t$e appl!cant respect!n" t$e s b*ect o# t$e act!on or proceed!n", and tend!n" to render t$e * d"ment !ne##ect al (s s c$, a &r!t o# prel!m!nary !n* nct!on may be !ss ed only pon clear s$o&!n" o# an eA!st!n" le"al r!"$t to be protected d r!n" t$e pendency o# t$e pr!nc!pal act!on. +$e re: !s!tes o# a val!d !n* nct!on are t$e eA!stence o# a r!"$t and !ts act al or t$reatened v!olat!ons. +$ s, to be ent!tled to an !n* nct!ve &r!t, t$e r!"$t to be protected and t$e v!olat!on a"a!nst t$at r!"$t m st be s$o&n. +M0 Gas7et .ndustries, .n%. v. )P. 3amily (avings )an7, .n%., D.R. No. 1>>77>. 6an ary 7, 2015 %pec!al C!v!l (ct!on #or Cert!orar! ;R le 7.<) nat re) d!st!nct!on bet&een eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on, acts &!t$o t * r!sd!ct!on and "rave ab se o# d!scret!on. ( cert!orar! proceed!n" !s l!m!ted !n scope and narro& !n c$aracter. +$e spec!al c!v!l act!on #or cert!orar! l!es only to correct acts rendered &!t$o t * r!sd!ct!on, !n eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on, or &!t$ "rave ab se o# d!scret!on. Cert!orar! &!ll !ss e only to correct errors o# * r!sd!ct!on, not errors o# proced re or m!sta2es !n t$e #!nd!n"s or concl s!ons o# t$e lo&er co rt. (s lon" as t$e co rt acts &!t$!n !ts * r!sd!ct!on, any alle"ed errors comm!tted !n t$e eAerc!se o# !ts d!scret!on &!ll amo nt to not$!n" more t$an mere errors o# * d"ment, correct!ble by an appeal or a pet!t!on #or rev!e& nder R le /5 o# t$e R les o# Co rt, and not a pet!t!on #or cert!orar!. ,n a pet!t!on #or cert!orar!, t$e p bl!c respondent acts &!t$o t * r!sd!ct!on !# !t does not $ave t$e le"al po&er to determ!ne t$e case) t$ere !s eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on &$ere t$e respondent, be!n" clot$ed &!t$ t$e po&er to determ!ne t$e case, oversteps !ts a t$or!ty as determ!ned by la&. +$ere !s "rave ab se o# d!scret!on &$ere t$e p bl!c respondent acts !n a capr!c!o s, &$!ms!cal, arb!trary or despot!c manner !n t$e eAerc!se o# !ts * d"ment as to be sa!d to be e: !valent to lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on. 4ere ab se o# d!scret!on !s not eno "$. BAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on, as d!st!n" !s$ed #rom absence o# * r!sd!ct!on means t$at an act, t$o "$ &!t$!n t$e "eneral po&er o# a tr!b nal, board or o##!cer !s not a t$or!zed, and !nval!d &!t$ respect to t$e part!c lar proceed!n", beca se t$e cond!t!ons &$!c$ alone a t$or!ze t$e eAerc!se o# t$e "eneral po&er !n respect o# !t are &ant!n". +$e s perv!sory * r!sd!ct!on o# t$e co rt to !ss e a cert!orar! &r!t cannot be eAerc!sed !n order to rev!e& t$e * d"ment o# t$e lo&er co rt as to !ntr!ns!c correctness, e!t$er pon t$e la& or t$e #acts o# t$e case. ,n t$e absence o# a s$o&!n" t$at t$ere !s a reason #or t$e co rt to ann l t$e dec!s!on o# t$e concerned tr!b nal or to s bst!t te !ts o&n * d"ment, !t !s not t$e o##!ce o# t$e Co rt !n a pet!t!on #or cert!orar! to !n: !re !nto t$e

correctness o# t$e assa!led dec!s!on or resol t!on. Binston 3. Gar%ia, in his %apa%ity as President and General Manager of the G(.( v. Court of =ppeals and Rudy C. +esoro, D.R. No. 17=00.. 6an ary 2>, 2015 %pec!al C!v!l (ct!on #or Cert!orar! ;R le 7.<) nat re) an eAtraord!nary remedy) * d!c!al and : as!1* d!c!al # nct!ons. +$e dec!s!on on &$et$er or not to accept a pet!t!on #or cert!orar! as &ell as to "rant d e co rse t$ereto, !s addressed to t$e so nd d!scret!on o# t$e co rt. ( pet!t!on #or cert!orar! be!n" an eAtraord!nary remedy, t$e party see2!n" to ava!l o# t$e same m st str!ctly observe t$e proced ral r les la!d do&n by la&, and non1observance t$ereo# may not be br s$ed as!de as mere tec$n!cal!ty. (s prov!ded !n %ect!on 1, R le 7., a &r!t o# cert!orar! !s d!rected a"a!nst a tr!b nal eAerc!s!n" * d!c!al or : as!1* d!c!al # nct!ons. 6 d!c!al # nct!ons are eAerc!sed by a body or o##!cer clot$ed &!t$ a t$or!ty to determ!ne &$at t$e la& !s and &$at t$e le"al r!"$ts o# t$e part!es are &!t$ respect to t$e matter !n controversy. H as!1* d!c!al # nct!on !s a term t$at appl!es to t$e act!on or d!scret!on o# p bl!c adm!n!strat!ve o##!cers or bod!es "!ven t$e a t$or!ty to !nvest!"ate #acts or ascerta!n t$e eA!stence o# #acts, $old $ear!n"s, and dra& concl s!ons #rom t$em as a bas!s #or t$e!r o##!c!al act!on s!n" d!scret!on o# a * d!c!al nat re. +$e Central -an2 4onetary -oard ;no& -%P14-< &as created to per#orm eAec t!ve # nct!ons &!t$ respect to t$e establ!s$ment, operat!on or l!: !dat!on o# ban2!n" and cred!t !nst!t t!ons, and branc$es and a"enc!es t$ereo#. ,t does not per#orm * d!c!al or : as!1* d!c!al # nct!ons. Certa!nly, t$e !ss ance o# C- C!rc lar No. =0. &as done !n t$e eAerc!se o# an eAec t!ve # nct!on. Cert!orar! &!ll not l!e !n t$e !nstant case. =dvo%ates for +ruth in 0ending, .n%. F /duardo ). Olaguer v. )ang7o (entral Monetary )oard, Represented by its Chairman, Governor =rmando M. +etang%o, 6r., et%., D.R. No. 1=2=>7. 6an ary 1., 2015 %pec!al C!v!l (ct!on #or Cert!orar! ;R le 7.<) re: !s!tes) b rden o# proo# 3or a spec!al c!v!l act!on o# cert!orar! to prosper, t$ere#ore, t$e #ollo&!n" re: !s!tes m st conc r, namely' ;a< !t m st be d!rected a"a!nst a tr!b nal, board or o##!cer eAerc!s!n" * d!c!al or : as!1* d!c!al # nct!ons) ;b< t$e tr!b nal, board or o##!cer, m st $ave acted &!t$o t or !n eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on or &!t$ "rave ab se o# d!scret!on amo nt!n" to lac2 or eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on) and ;c< t$ere !s no appeal nor any pla!n, speedy, and ade: ate remedy !n t$e ord!nary co rse o# la&. +$e b rden o# proo# l!es on pet!t!oners to demonstrate t$at t$e assa!led order &as !ss ed &!t$o t or !n eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on or &!t$ "rave ab se o# d!scret!on amo nt!n" to lac2 or eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on. (pouses =ugusto *a%udao and Ofelia *a%udao v. (e%retary of 6usti%e Raul Gon9ales of the *epartment of 6usti%e, D.R. No. 1>>0.7. 6an ary >, 2015 %pec!al C!v!l (ct!on #or Cert!orar! ;R le 7.<) &$en ava!lable. +$e &r!t o# cert!orar! !s ava!lable only &$en any tr!b nal, board or o##!cer, eAerc!s!n" * d!c!al or : as!1* d!c!al # nct!ons $as acted &!t$o t or !n eAcess o# !ts or $!s * r!sd!ct!on, or &!t$ "rave ab se o# d!scret!on amo nt!n" to lac2 or eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on, and t$ere !s no appeal, nor any pla!n speedy and ade: ate remedy !n t$e ord!nary co rse o# la&. 8+$e sole o##!ce o# t$e &r!t o# cert!orar!,9 accord!n" to *elos (antos v. Metropolitan )an7 and +rust CompanyM AAA !s t$e correct!on o# errors o# * r!sd!ct!on, &$!c$ !ncl des t$e comm!ss!on o# "rave ab se o# d!scret!on amo nt!n" to lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on. ,n t$!s re"ard, mere ab se o# d!scret!on !s not eno "$ to &arrant t$e !ss ance o# t$e &r!t. +$e ab se o# d!scret!on m st be "rave &$!c$ means e!t$er t$at t$e * d!c!al or : as!1* d!c!al po&er &as eAerc!sed !n an arb!trary or despot!c manner

by reason o# pass!on or personal $ost!l!ty, or t$at t$e respondent * d"e, tr!b nal or board evaded a pos!t!ve d ty, or v!rt ally re# sed to per#orm t$e d ty en*o!ned or to act !n contemplat!on o# la&, s c$ as &$en s c$ * d"e, tr!b nal or board eAerc!s!n" * d!c!al or : as!1* d!c!al po&ers acted !n a capr!c!o s or &$!ms!cal manner as to be e: !valent to lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on. (pouses =ugusto *a%udao and Ofelia *a%udao v. (e%retary of 6usti%e Raul Gon9ales of the *epartment of 6usti%e, D.R. No. 1>>0.7. 6an ary >, 2015 %pec!al C!v!l (ct!on #or Cert!orar! nder R le 7/) proper mode o# rev!e& o# CO4BLBC en ban% Resol t!ons not relat!n" to pre1proclamat!on controvers!es. %ect!on 7, (rt!cle ,L o# t$e 1=>7 Const!t t!on !n part s bstant!ally prov!des t$at any dec!s!on, order or r l!n" o# any o# t$e Const!t t!onal Comm!ss!ons may be bro "$t #or rev!e& to t$e % preme Co rt on %ertiorari &!t$!n 50 days #rom rece!pt o# a copy t$ereo#. +$e orders, r l!n" and dec!s!ons rendered or !ss ed by t$e CO4BLBC en ban% m st be #!nal and made !n t$e eAerc!se o# !ts ad* d!catory or : as!1* d!c!al po&er. 3 rt$er, %ect!on 1, R le 7/ o# t$e R les o# Co rt states t$at !t s$all "overn t$e rev!e& o# #!nal * d"ments and orders or resol t!ons o# t$e CO4BLBC and t$e Comm!ss!on on ( d!t. ,n t$e case at bar, t$e no& assa!led Resol t!ons dated ?ecember 22, 200= and 4ay 7, 2010 &ere !ss ed &!t$ #!nal!ty by t$e CO4BLBC en ban%. Knder t$e Const!t t!on and t$e R les o# Co rt, t$e sa!d Resol t!ons can be rev!e&ed by &ay o# #!l!n" be#ore s a pet!t!on #or %ertiorari. -es!des, t$e !ss es ra!sed do not at all relate to alle"ed !rre" lar!t!es !n t$e preparat!on, transm!ss!on, rece!pt, c stody and apprec!at!on o# t$e elect!on ret rns or to t$e compos!t!on and t$e proceed!n"s o# t$e board o# canvassers. 0$at t$e !nstant pet!t!on c$allen"es !s t$e a t$or!ty o# t$e 4-OC to s spend ,bra$!m@s proclamat!on and o# t$e CO4BLBC en ban% to !ss e t$e assa!led resol t!ons. +$e cr A o# t$e !nstant Pet!t!on does not : al!#y as one &$!c$ can be ra!sed as a pre1proclamat!on controversy. Eamarudin E. .brahim v. Commission on /le%tions and Rolan G. )uagas, D.R. No.1=22>=. 6an ary >, 2015 %pec!al C!v!l (ct!on #or 4andam s) eA$a st!on o# adm!n!strat!ve remed!es. ,t !s aA!omat!c, to be"!n &!t$, t$at a party &$o see2s t$e !ntervent!on o# a co rt o# la& pon an adm!n!strat!ve concern s$o ld #!rst ava!l $!msel# o# all t$e remed!es a##orded by adm!n!strat!ve processes. +$e !ss es t$at an adm!n!strat!ve a"ency !s a t$or!zed to dec!de s$o ld not be s mmar!ly ta2en a&ay #rom !t and s bm!tted to a co rt o# la& &!t$o t #!rst "!v!n" t$e a"ency t$e opport n!ty to d!spose o# t$e !ss es pon d e del!berat!on. +$e co rt o# la& m st allo& t$e adm!n!strat!ve a"ency to carry o t !ts # nct!ons and d!sc$ar"e !ts respons!b!l!t!es &!t$!n t$e spec!al!zed areas o# !ts competence. +$!s rests on t$e t$eory t$at t$e adm!n!strat!ve a t$or!ty !s !n a better pos!t!on to resolve : est!ons addressed to !ts part!c lar eApert!se, and t$at errors comm!tted by s bord!nates !n t$e!r resol t!on may be rect!#!ed by t$e!r s per!ors !# "!ven a c$ance to do so. (pe%ial People, .n%. 3oundation, represented by its Chairman, Roberto P. Ceri%os v. estor M. Canda, et al., D.R. No. 170=52. 6an ary 1/, 2015 %pec!al C!v!l (ct!on #or 4andam s) nat re) &$en ava!lable. %!m!larly, t$e pet!t!on co ld not be one #or mandamus, &$!c$ !s a remedy ava!lable only &$en 8any tr!b nal, corporat!on, board, o##!cer or person nla&# lly ne"lects t$e per#ormance o# an act &$!c$ t$e la& spec!#!cally en*o!ns as a d ty res lt!n" #rom an o##!ce, tr st, or stat!on, or nla&# lly eAcl des anot$er #rom t$e se and en*oyment o# a r!"$t or o##!ce to &$!c$ s c$ ot$er !s ent!tled, and t$ere !s no ot$er pla!n, speedy, and ade: ate remedy !n t$e ord!nary co rse o# la&, t$e person a""r!eved t$ereby may #!le a ver!#!ed pet!t!on !n t$e proper co rt.9 +$e ma!n ob*ect!ve o# mandamus !s to compel

t$e per#ormance o# a m!n!ster!al d ty on t$e part o# t$e respondent. Pla!nly eno "$, t$e &r!t o# mandamus does not !ss e to control or rev!e& t$e eAerc!se o# d!scret!on or to compel a co rse o# cond ct, &$!c$, !t : !c2ly seems to s, &as &$at pet!t!oners &o ld $ave t$e %ecretary o# 6 st!ce do !n t$e!r #avor. Conse: ently, t$e!r pet!t!on $as not !nd!cated $o& and &$ere t$e %ecretary o# 6 st!ce@s assa!led !ss ances eAcl ded t$em #rom t$e se and en*oyment o# a r!"$t or o##!ce to &$!c$ t$ey &ere n: est!onably ent!tled. (pouses =ugusto *a%udao and Ofelia *a%udao v. (e%retary of 6usti%e Raul Gon9ales of the *epartment of 6usti%e, D.R. No. 1>>0.7. 6an ary >, 2015 %pec!al C!v!l (ct!on #or 4andam s) nat re) compels per#ormance o# m!n!ster!al d t!es. ( 2ey pr!nc!ple to be observed !n deal!n" &!t$ pet!t!ons #or mandamus !s t$at s c$ eAtraord!nary remedy l!es to compel t$e per#ormance o# d t!es t$at are p rely m!n!ster!al !n nat re, not t$ose t$at are d!scret!onary. ( p rely m!n!ster!al act or d ty !s one t$at an o##!cer or tr!b nal per#orms !n a "!ven state o# #acts, !n a prescr!bed manner, !n obed!ence to t$e mandate o# a le"al a t$or!ty, &!t$o t re"ard to or t$e eAerc!se o# !ts o&n * d"ment pon t$e propr!ety or !mpropr!ety o# t$e act done. +$e d ty !s m!n!ster!al only &$en !ts d!sc$ar"e re: !res ne!t$er t$e eAerc!se o# o##!c!al d!scret!on or * d"ment. (pe%ial People, .n%. 3oundation, represented by its Chairman, Roberti P. Ceri%os v. estor M. Canda, et al., D.R. No. 170=52. 6an ary 1/, 2015 Knla&# l deta!ner) nat re. Do!n" to t$e ma!n !ss e !n t$e !nstant pet!t!on, !t !s settled t$at !n nla&# l deta!ner, one nla&# lly &!t$$olds possess!on t$ereo# a#ter t$e eAp!rat!on or term!nat!on o# $!s r!"$t to $old possess!on nder any contract, eApress or !mpl!ed. ,n s c$ case, t$e possess!on &as or!"!nally la&# l b t became nla&# l by t$e eAp!rat!on or term!nat!on o# t$e r!"$t to possess) $ence t$e !ss e o# r!"$t# l possess!on !s dec!s!ve #or, !n s c$ act!on, t$e de#endant !s !n act al possess!on and t$e pla!nt!##@s ca se o# act!on !s t$e term!nat!on o# t$e de#endant@s r!"$t to cont!n e !n possess!on. 6uanita /rmitaJo, represented by her =ttorney-infa%t, .sabelo /rmitaJo v. 0ailanie M. Paglas, D.R. No. 17//57. 6an ary 25, 2015 Knla&# l deta!ner) #a!l re to pay rentals and eAp!rat!on o# lease as "ro nds. 0e #!nd t$at t$e R+C@s r l!n" p$old!n" t$e e*ectment o# Hertz #rom t$e b !ld!n" prem!ses &as proper. 3irst, respondent #a!led to pay rental arreara"es and t!l!ty b!lls to Opt!ma) and se%ond, t$e Contract o# lease eAp!red &!t$o t any re: est #rom Hertz #or a rene"ot!at!on t$ereo# at least =0 days pr!or to !ts eAp!rat!on. Optima Realty Corporation v. <ert9 Phil. /C%lusive Cars, .n%., D.R. No. 1>505.. 6an ary =, 2015 Knla&# l deta!ner) a&ard o# mont$ly compensat!on and attorney@s #ees. (s to t$e a&ard o# mont$ly compensat!on, &e #!nd t$at Hertz s$o ld pay ade: ate compensat!on to Opt!ma, s!nce t$e #ormer cont!n ed to occ py t$e leased prem!ses even a#ter t$e eAp!rat!on o# t$e lease contract. 3!nally &e p$old t$e a&ard o# attorney@s #ees !n t$e amo nt o# P50, 000 and * d!c!al costs !n t$e l!"$t o# Hertz n* st!#!able and nla&# l retent!on o# t$e leased prem!ses, t$ s #orc!n" Opt!ma to #!le t$e !nstant case !n order to protect !ts r!"$ts and !nterest. Optima Realty Corporation v. <ert9 Phil. /C%lusive Cars, .n%., D.R. No. 1>505.. 6an ary =, 2015 Special Proceedin"s %ettlement o# Bstate) cla!ms !ncl de : as!1contract and cont!n"ent cla!ms) ,n Ma%lan v. Gar%ia, 4aclan #!led a c!v!l case to recover #rom R ben Darc!a t$e necessary eApenses $e spent as

possessor o# a p!ece o# land. Darc!a ac: !red t$e land as an $e!r o# !ts prev!o s o&ner, $e set p t$e de#ense t$at t$!s cla!m s$o ld $ave been #!led !n t$e spec!al proceed!n"s to settle t$e estate o# $!s predecessor. 4aclan, on t$e ot$er $and, contended t$at $!s cla!m ar!ses #rom la& and not #rom contract, eApress or !mpl!ed. +$ s, !t need not be #!led !n t$e settlement o# t$e estate o# Darc!a@s predecessor, as mandated by %ect!on ., R le >7 o# t$e R les o# Co rt ;no& %ect!on ., R le >7<. +$e co rt $eld nder t$ese #acts t$at a cla!m #or necessary eApenses spent as prev!o s possessor o# t$e land !s a 2!nd o# : as!1contract. C!t!n" 0eung )en v OH)rien, !t eApla!ned t$at t$e term 8!mpl!ed contracts,9 as sed !n o r remed!al la&, or!"!nated #rom t$e common la& &$ere obl!"at!ons der!ved #rom : as!1contracts and #rom la& are bot$ cons!dered as !mpl!ed contracts. +$ s, t$e term : as!1contract !s !ncl ded !n t$e concept 8!mpl!ed contracts9 as sed !n t$e R les o# Co rt. (ccord!n"ly, t$e l!ab!l!t!es o# t$e deceased ar!s!n" #rom : as!1contracts s$o ld be #!led as cla!ms !n t$e settlement o# $!s estate, as prov!ded !n %ect!on ., R le >7 o# t$e R les o# Co rt. ( d!st!nct!ve c$aracter o# 4etroban2@s #o rt$1party compla!nt !s !ts cont!n"ent nat re C t$e cla!m depends on t$e poss!b!l!ty t$at 4etroban2 &o ld be ad* d"ed l!able to (4C, a # t re event t$at may or may not $appen. +$!s c$aracter!st!c nm!sta2ably mar2s t$e compla!nt as a cont!n"ent one t$at m st be !ncl ded !n t$e cla!ms #all!n" nder t$e terms o# %ect!on ., R le >7 o# t$e R les o# Co rt. Metropolitan )an7 F +rust Company v. =bsolute Management Corporation, D.R. No. 170/=>. 6an ary =, 2015 %ettlement o# Bstate) spec!#!c r les on settlement preva!l over "eneral r les. 0e read &!t$ approval t$e C(@s se o# stat tory constr ct!on pr!nc!ple o# leC spe%ialis derogate generali, lead!n" to t$e concl s!on t$at t$e spec!#!c prov!s!ons o# %ect!on ., R le >7 o# t$e R les o# Co rt s$o ld preva!l over t$e "eneral prov!s!ons o# %ect!on 11, R le 7 o# t$e R les o# Co rt) t$e settlement o# t$e estate o# deceased persons ;&$ere cla!ms a"a!nst t$e deceased s$o ld be #!led< !s pr!mar!ly "overned by t$e r les on spec!al proceed!n"s, &$!le t$e r les prov!ded #or ord!nary cla!ms, !ncl d!n" %ect!on 11, R le 7 o# t$e R les o# Co rt, merely apply s ppletor!ly. Metropolitan )an7 F +rust Company v. =bsolute Management Corporation, D.R. No. 170/=>. 6an ary =, 2015 Other Proceedin"s Constr ct!on ,nd stry (rb!trat!on Comm!ss!on ;C,(C< * r!sd!ct!on) re: !s!tes. -ased on %ect!on / o# B.O. No. 100>, !n order #or t$e C,(C to ac: !re * r!sd!ct!on, t&o re: !s!tes m st conc r' 8#!rst, t$e d!sp te m st some$o& be related to a constr ct!on contract) and second, t$e part!es m st $ave a"reed to s bm!t t$e d!sp te to arb!trat!on proceed!n"s.9 +he Manila .nsuran%e Company, .n%. v. (pouses Roberto and =ida =murao, D.R. No. 17=72>. 6an ary 17, 2015 Constr ct!on ,nd stry (rb!trat!on Comm!ss!on ;C,(C< * r!sd!ct!on) monetary cla!ms nder a constr ct!on contract. ,n Billiam Golang%o Constru%tion Corporation v. Ray )urton *evelopment Corporation, &e declared t$at monetary cla!ms nder a constr ct!on contract are d!sp tes ar!s!n" #rom 8d!##erences !n !nterpretat!on o# t$e contract9 beca se t$e 8matter o# ascerta!n!n" t$e d t!es and obl!"at!ons o# t$e part!es nder t$e!r contract all !nvolve !nterpretat!on o# t$e prov!s!ons o# t$e contract. 3ollo&!n" o r reason!n" !n t$at case, &e #!nd t$at t$e !ss e o# &$et$er respondent1spo ses are ent!tled to collect on t$e per#ormance bond !ss ed by pet!t!oner !s a 8d!sp te ar!s!n" !n t$e co rse o# t$e eAec t!on and per#ormance o# Ft$e CC(G

by reason o# d!##erence !n t$e !nterpretat!on o# t$e contract doc ments.9 +he Manila .nsuran%e Company, .n%. v. (pouses Roberto and =ida =murao, D.R. No. 17=72>. 6an ary 17, 2015 Constr ct!on ,nd stry (rb!trat!on Comm!ss!on ;C,(C< * r!sd!ct!on) per#ormance bond. ( care# l read!n" o# t$e Per#ormance -ond reveals t$at t$e 8bond !s coterm!no s &!t$ t$e #!nal acceptance o# t$e pro*ect.9 +$ s, t$e #act t$at !t &as !ss ed pr!or to t$e eAec t!on o# t$e Constr ct!on Contract ("reement does not a##ect !ts val!d!ty or e##ect!v!ty. ,n #act, !n Prudential Guarantee and =ssuran%e, .n%. v. =ns%or 0and, .n%., &e re*ected t$e ar" ment t$at t$e * r!sd!ct!on o# C,(C !s l!m!ted to t$e constr ct!on !nd stry, and t$ s cannot be eAtended to s rety contracts. ,n t$at case, &e declared t$at 8alt$o "$ not t$e constr ct!on contract !tsel#, t$e per#ormance bond !s deemed as an assoc!ate o# t$e ma!n constr ct!on contract t$at !t cannot be separated or severed #rom !ts pr!nc!pal. +$e Per#ormance -ond !s s!"n!#!cantly and s bstant!ally connected to t$e constr ct!on contract t$at t$ere can be no do bt !t !s t$e C,(C &$!c$ $as * r!sd!ct!on over any d!sp te ar!s!n" #rom or connected &!t$ !t.9 +he Manila .nsuran%e Company, .n%. v. (pouses Roberto and =ida =murao, D.R. No. 17=72>. 6an ary 17, 2015 Blect!on Cases) rev!e& eAtends only to #!nal dec!s!ons or resol t!ons o# CO4BLBC en ban% and not to !nterloc tory orders !ss ed by a d!v!s!on. +$e pet!t!oners@ resort to t$e eAtraord!nary remedy o# %ertiorari to assa!l and !nterloc tory order !ss ed by t$e CO4BLBC 3!rst ?!v!s!on !s am!ss. 8( party a""r!eved by an !nterloc tory order !ss ed by a ?!v!s!on o# t$e CO4BLBC !n an elect!on protest may not d!rectly assa!l t$e ordr !n t$!s Co rt t$ro "$ a spec!al c!v!l act!on #or %ertiorari. +$e remedy !s to see2 t$e rev!e& o# t$e !nterloc tory order d r!n" t$e appeal o# t$e dec!s!on o# t$e ?!v!s!on !n d e co rse. AAA +$ s, eAcept!onally, t$!s Co rt may ta2e co"n!zance o# a %ertiorari act!on d!rected a"a!nst an !nterloc tory order !ss ed by a ?!v!s!on o# t$e CO4BLBC &$en t$e #ollo&!n" c!rc mstances are present' first, t$e order &as !ss ed &!t$o t * r!sd!ct!on or !n eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on or &!t$ "rave ab se o# d!scret!on tantamo nt to lac2 or eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on) and se%ond, nder t$e CO4BLBC R les o# Proced re, t$e s b*ect o# t$e controversy !s a matter &$!c$ ;1< t$e CO4BLBC en ban% may not s!t and cons!der or ;2< a ?!v!s!on !s not a t$or!zed to act or ;5< t$e members o# t$e ?!v!s!on nan!mo sly vote to re#er to t$e CO4BLBC en ban%. Governor (adi7ul =. (ahali and Vi%e-Governor Ruby M. (ahali v. Commission on /le%tions :3irst *ivision;, Rashidin <. Matba and 6il7asi 6. Usman, D.R. No. 2017=7. 6an ary 1., 2015 3!nanc!al Re$ab!l!tat!on and ,nsolvency (ct) prospect!ve appl!cat!on o# t$e la&. %ec. 1/7 o# t$e 3R,(, &$!c$ ma2es !t appl!cable to 8all # rt$er proceed!n"s !n !nsolvency, s spens!on o# payments and re$ab!l!tat!on cases AAA eAcept to t$e eAtent t$at !n t$e op!n!on o# t$e co rt, t$e!r appl!cat!on &o ld not be #eas!ble or &o ld &or2 !n* st!ce,9 st!ll pres pposes a prospect!ve appl!cat!on. +$e &ord!n" o# t$e la& clearly s$o&s t$at !t !s appl!cable to all # rt$er proceed!n"s. ,n no &ay co ld !t be made retrospect!vely appl!cable to t$e %tay Order !ss ed by t$e re$ab!l!tat!on co rt bac2 !n 2002. (itus *ev. Corporation, et al., v. =siatrust )an7, et al., D.R. No. 1>0057. 6an ary 17, 2015 HLKR-) * r!sd!ct!on) ann lment o# mort"a"es o# condom!n! m or s bd!v!s!on n!ts. %ect!on 1 o# P? No. =.7 l!m!ts t$e HLKR-@s * r!sd!ct!on to t$ree 2!nds o# cases' ;a< nso nd real estate

b s!ness pract!ces) ;b< cla!ms !nvolv!n" re# nd and any ot$er cla!ms #!led by s bd!v!s!on lot or condom!n! m n!t b yers a"a!nst t$e pro*ect o&ner, developer, dealer, bro2er or salesman) and ;c< cases !nvolv!n" spec!#!c per#ormance o# contract al and stat tory obl!"at!ons #!led by b yers o# s bd!v!s!on lots or condom!n! m n!ts a"a!nst t$e o&ner, developer, dealer, bro2er or salesman. 0$!le para"rap$s ;b< and ;c< l!m!t t$e HLKR- cases to t$ose bet&een t$e b yer and t$e s bd!v!s!on or condom!n! m o&ner, developer, dealer, bro2er, or salesman, ;a< !s broad eno "$ to !ncl de t$!rd part!es to t$e sales contract. 6 r!spr dence cons!stently reco"n!zes t$e rat!onale be$!nd t$e enactment o# P? No. =.7 C to protect !nnocent lot b yers #rom sc$em!n" developers. 3or t$!s reason, t$e Co rt $as broadly constr ed t$e * r!sd!ct!on o# t$e HLKR- to !ncl de compla!nts #or ann lment o# mort"a"es o# condom!n! m or s bd!v!s!on n!ts. ,ndeed, !n Manila )an7ing Corporation v. (pouses Rabina, even !# t$e mort"a"ee ban2 &as nder rece!vers$!pRl!: !dat!on, t$e Co rt declared t$at t$e HLKR- reta!ns * r!sd!ct!on over an act!on #or t$e ann lment o# t$e mort"a"e' +$e * r!sd!ct!on o# t$e HLKR- to re" late t$e real estate trade !s broad eno "$ to !ncl de * r!sd!ct!on over compla!nts #or ann lment o# mort"a"e. +o d!sassoc!ate t$e !ss e o# n ll!ty o# mort"a"e and lod"e !t separately &!t$ t$e l!: !dat!on co rt &o ld only ca se !nconven!ence to t$e part!es and &o ld not serve t$e ends o# speedy and !neApens!ve adm!n!strat!on o# * st!ce as mandated by t$e la&s vest!n" : as!1* d!c!al po&ers !n t$e a"ency. Philippine )an7 of Communi%ations v. Pridisons Realty Corporation, =ntonio Gon9ales, )orma%he%o, .n%., a9ario (antos, +eresita Chua +e7, Charito Ong 0ee, and /rnesto (ibal, D.R. No. 1..115. 6an ary =, 2015 ,ntra1corporate d!sp tes) elements. +$ s, to be cons!dered as an !ntra1corporate d!sp te, t$e case' ;a< m st ar!se o t o# !ntra1corporate or partners$!p relat!ons) and ;b< t$e nat re o# t$e : est!on s b*ect o# t$e controversy m st be s c$ t$at !t !s !ntr!ns!cally connected &!t$ t$e re" lat!on o# t$e corporat!on or t$e en#orcement o# t$e part!es@ r!"$ts and obl!"at!ons nder t$e Corporat!on Code and t$e !nternal r les o# t$e corporat!on. %o lon" as t$ese t&o cr!ter!a are sat!s#!ed, t$e d!sp te !s !ntra1corporate and t$e R+C, act!n" as a spec!al commerc!al co rt, $as * r!sd!ct!on over !t. Vitaliano =guirre .. and 3idel =guirre v. 3?)K1, .n%., athaniel )o%obo, Pris%ila )o%obo, and =ntonio *e Villa, D.R. No. 170770. 6an ary =, 2015 ,ntra1corporate d!sp tes) appl!cat!on to d!ssolved corporat!ons. ,t bears re!terat!n" t$at %ect!on 1/. o# t$e Corporat!on Code protects, amon" ot$ers, t$e r!"$ts and remed!es o# corporate actors a"a!nst ot$er corporate actors. +$e stat tory prov!s!on ass res an a""r!eved party t$at t$e corporat!on@s d!ssol t!on &!ll not !mpa!r, m c$ less remove, $!sR$er r!"$ts or remed!es a"a!nst t$e corporat!on, !ts stoc2$olders, d!rectors and o##!cers. ,t also states t$at corporate d!ssol t!on &!ll not eAt!n" !s$ any l!ab!l!ty already !nc rred by t$e corporat!on, !ts stoc2$olders, d!rectors or o##!cers. ,n s$ort, %ect!on 1/. preserves a corporate actor@s ca se o# act!on and remedy a"a!nst anot$er corporate actor. ,n so do!n", %ect!on 1/. also preserves t$e nat re o# t$e controversy bet&een t$e part!es as an !ntra1corporate d!sp te. +$e d!ssol t!on o# t$e corporat!on s!mply pro$!b!ts !t #rom cont!n !n" !ts b s!ness. Ho&ever, desp!te s c$ d!ssol t!on, t$e part!es !nvolved !n t$e l!t!"at!on are st!ll corporate actors. +$e d!ssol t!on does not a tomat!cally convert t$e part!es !nto total stran"ers or c$an"e t$e!r !ntra1 corporate relat!ons$!ps. Ne!t$er does !t c$an"e or term!nate eA!st!n" ca ses o# act!on, &$!c$ arose beca se o# t$e corporate t!es bet&een t$e part!es. +$ s, a ca se o# act!on !nvolv!n" an !ntra1corporate controversy rema!ns and m st be #!led as an !ntra1corporate d!sp te desp!te t$e

s bse: ent d!ssol t!on o# t$e corporat!on. Vitaliano =guirre .. and 3idel =guirre v. 3?)K1, .n%., athaniel )o%obo, Pris%ila )o%obo, and =ntonio *e Villa, D.R. No. 170770. 6an ary =, 2015 6 st compensat!on) comprom!se a"reement. +$ere !s no : est!on t$at t$e #ore"o!n" =greement &as a comprom!se t$at t$e part!es #reely and vol ntar!ly entered !nto #or t$e p rpose o# #!nally settl!n" t$e!r d!sp te !n t$!s case. Knder (rt!cle 202> o# t$e C!v!l Code, a comprom!se !s a contract &$ereby t$e part!es, by ma2!n" rec!procal concess!ons, avo!d a l!t!"at!on or p t an end to one already commenced. (ccord!n"ly, a comprom!se !s e!t$er * d!c!al, !# t$e ob*ect!ve !s to p t an end to a pend!n" l!t!"at!on, or eAtra* d!c!al, !# t$e ob*ect!ve !s to avo!d a l!t!"at!on. (s a contract, a comprom!se !s per#ected by m t al consent. Ho&ever, a * d!c!al comprom!se, &$!le !mmed!ately b!nd!n" bet&een t$e part!es pon !ts eAec t!on, !s not eAec tory nt!l !t !s approved by t$e co rt and red ced to a * d"ment. +$e val!d!ty o# a comprom!se !s dependent pon !ts compl!ance &!t$ t$e re: !s!tes and pr!nc!ples o# contracts d!ctated by la&. (lso, t$e terms and cond!t!ons o# a comprom!se m st not be contrary to la&, morals, "ood c stoms, p bl!c pol!cy and p bl!c order. 0and )an7 of the Philippines v. <eirs of (pouses 6orGa Rigor (oriano and Magin (oriano, D.R. No. 17>512. 6an ary 50, 2015 )vidence Bv!dence) concl s!ve pres mpt!ons) estoppel a"a!nst tenants. +$e concl s!ve pres mpt!on #o nd !n %ect!on 2 ;b<, R le 151 o# t$e R les o# Co rt, 2no&n as estoppel a"a!nst tenants, prov!des as #ollo&s' %ec. 2.Con%lusive presumptions. L +$e #ollo&!n" are !nstances o# concl s!ve pres mpt!ons' AAAA ;b< t$e tenant !s not perm!tted to deny t$e t!tle o# $!s landlord at the time of the %ommen%ement of the relation of landlord and tenant bet&een t$em. ;Bmp$as!s s ppl!ed< ,t !s clear #rom t$e above1: oted prov!s!on t$at &$at a tenant !s estopped #rom deny!n" !s t$e t!tle o# $!s landlord at t$e t!me o# t$e commencement o# t$e landlord1tenant relat!on. ,# t$e t!tle asserted !s one t$at !s alle"ed to $ave been ac: !red s bse: ent to t$e commencement o# t$at relat!on, t$e pres mpt!on &!ll not apply. Hence, t$e tenant may s$o& t$at t$e landlord@s t!tle $as eAp!red or been conveyed to anot$er or $!msel#) and $e !s not estopped to deny a cla!m #or rent, !# $e $as been o sted or ev!cted by t!tle paramo nt. ,n t$e present case, &$at respondent !s cla!m!n" !s $er s pposed t!tle to t$e s b*ect property &$!c$ s$e ac: !red s bse: ent to t$e commencement o# t$e landlord1tenant relat!on bet&een $er and pet!t!oner. Hence, t$e pres mpt!on nder %ect!on 2 ;b<, R le 151 o# t$e R les o# Co rt does not apply. 6uanita /rmitaJo, represented by her =ttorney-in-fa%t, .sabelo /rmitaJo vs. 0ailanie M. Paglas) D.R. No. 17//57. 6an ary 25, 2015

7ebruar% 201D Philippines Supreme Court Decisions on Remedial Law

Posted on 4arc$ 11, 2015 by Carlos Roberto Z. Lopez U Posted !n P$!l!pp!nes 1 Cases, P$!l!pp!nes 1 La& U Leave a comment Here are select 3ebr ary 2015 r l!n"s o# t$e % preme Co rt o# t$e P$!l!pp!nes on remed!al la&' Civil Procedure (ct!ons) ca se o# act!on) elements) #a!l re to state a ca se o# act!on !s "ro nd #or d!sm!ssal. ( compla!nt states a ca se o# act!on !# !t avers t$e eA!stence o# t$e t$ree essent!al elements o# a ca se o# act!on, namely' ;a< ;b< ;c< +$e le"al r!"$t o# t$e pla!nt!##) +$e correlat!ve obl!"at!on o# t$e de#endant and +$e act or om!ss!on o# t$e de#endant !n v!olat!on o# sa!d le"al r!"$t.

,# t$e alle"at!ons !n t$e compla!nt do not aver t$e conc rrence o# t$ese elements, t$e compla!nt becomes v lnerable to a mot!on to d!sm!ss on t$e "ro nd o# #a!l re to state a ca se o#. ( per sal o# t$e (mended Compla!nt !n t$e present case &o ld s$o& t$at t$ere !s, !ndeed, no alle"at!on o# any act or om!ss!on on t$e part o# respondents &$!c$ s pposedly v!olated t$e le"al r!"$ts o# pet!t!oners. +$ s, t$e C( !s correct !n d!sm!ss!n" t$e compla!nt on t$e "ro nd o# #a!l re to state a ca se o# act!on. Padilla Mer%ado, 2ulueta Mer%ado, et al. v. (pouses =guedo /spina and 0ourdes /spinaI D.R. No. 175=>7. 3ebr ary 2., 2015 (ct!ons) moot and academ!c pr!nc!ple. Ier!ly, !n Gan%ho-on v. (e%reatry of 0abor and /mployment, t$e Co rt emp$at!cally stated t$at' ,t !s a r le o# n!versal appl!cat!on, almost, t$at co rts o# * st!ce const!t ted to pass pon s bstant!al r!"$ts &!ll not cons!der : est!ons !n &$!c$ no act al !nterests are !nvolved) t$ey decl!ne * r!sd!ct!on o# moot cases. (nd &$ere t$e !ss e $as become moot and academ!c, t$ere !s no * st!c!able controversy, so t$at a declarat!on t$ereon &o ld be o# no pract!cal se or val e. +$ere !s no act al s bstant!al rel!e# to &$!c$ pet!t!oners &o ld be ent!tled and &$!c$ &o ld be ne"ated by t$e d!sm!ssal o# t$e pet!t!on. (pply!n" t$e above prono ncement, t$ere &as no * st!c!able controversy anymore !n t$e !nstant pet!t!on !n v!e& o# t$e eAp!rat!on o# t$e Comprom!se ("reement so "$t to be en#orced. +$ere &as no lon"er any p rpose !n determ!n!n" &$et$er t$e Co rt o# (ppeals erred !n a##!rm!n" t$e R+C Orders dated October 51, 2001 and (pr!l 10, 2002 s!nce any declarat!on t$ereon &o ld be o# no pract!cal se or val e. -y t$e very adm!ss!on o# PL?+, !t can no lon"er be compelled to ndo !ts act o# bloc2!n" t$e telecomm n!cat!on calls and data #rom t$e P$!l!pp!nes to Hon" Eon" pass!n" t$ro "$ t$e RB(CH1B+P, c!rc !ts s!nce, e##ect!vely, t$ere &ere no more c!rc !ts to spea2 o#. Clearly, any dec!s!on o# t$!s Co rt on t$e present pet!t!on, &$et$er !t be an a##!rmance or a reversal o# t$e (mended ?ec!s!on o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals, &o ld be e: !valent !n e##ect to an a##!rmance or an !nval!dat!on o# t$e c$allen"ed Orders o# t$e R+C. - t as can be "leaned #rom t$e above d!sc ss!on, and as s cc!nctly p t by PL?+ !n !ts 4emorand m, t$ere !s not$!n" more #or t$e R+C to en#orce andRor act pon. (s s c$, any d!sc ss!on on t$e matter &o ld be a mere

s rpl sa"e. Philippine 0ong *istan%e +elephone Company, .n%. v. /astern +ele%om PhilippinesI D.R. No. 175057. 3ebr ary 7, 2015 (ct!ons) moot and academ!c pr!nc!ple) nat re and eAcept!ons. ( moot and academ!c case !s one t$at ceases to present a * st!c!able controversy by v!rt e o# s perven!n" events, so t$at a declarat!on t$ereon &o ld be o# no pract!cal se or val e. (lt$o "$ t$e controversy co ld $ave ceased d e to t$e !nterven!n" appo!ntment o# and ass mpt!on by Cad!z as t$e %ol!c!tor Deneral d r!n" t$e pendency o# t$!s s !t, and s c$ cessat!on o# t$e controversy seem!n"ly rendered moot and academ!c t$e resol t!on o# t$e !ss e o# t$e const!t t!onal!ty o# t$e conc rrent $old!n" o# t$e t&o pos!t!ons by ("ra, t$e Co rt s$o ld st!ll "o #or&ards and resolve t$e !ss e and not absta!n #rom eAerc!s!n" !ts po&er o# * d!c!al rev!e& beca se t$!s case comes nder several o# t$e &ell1 reco"n!zed eAcept!ons obta!ned, namely' ;1< t$ere &as a "rave v!olat!on o# t$e Const!t t!on) ;2< t$e case !nvolved a s!t at!on o# eAcept!onal c$aracter and &as o# paramo nt p bl!c !nterest) ;5< t$e const!t t!onal !ss e ra!sed re: !red t$e #orm lat!on o# controll!n" pr!nc!ples to " !de t$e -enc$, t$e -ar and t$e p bl!c) ;/< t$e case &as capable o# repet!t!on, yet evad!n" rev!e&. ,t !s t$e same $ere. +$e const!t t!onal!ty o# t$e conc rrent $old!n" by ("ra o# t$e t&o pos!t!ons !n t$e Cab!net, albe!t !n act!n" capac!t!es, &as as !ss e t$at comes nder all t$e reco"n!zed eAcept!ons. +$e !ss e !nvolves a probable v!olat!on o# t$e Const!t t!on, and relates to a s!t at!on o# eAcept!onal c$aracter and o# paramo nt p bl!c !nterest by reason o# !ts transcendental !mportance to t$e people. +$e resol t!on o# t$e !ss e &!ll also be o# t$e "reatest val e to t$e -enc$ and t$e -ar !n v!e& o# t$e broad po&ers &!elded t$ro "$ sa!d pos!t!ons. +$e s!t at!on # rt$er calls #or t$e rev!e& beca se t$e s!t at!on !s capable o# repet!t!on, yet evad!n" rev!e&. ,n ot$er &ords, many !mportant and pract!cal bene#!ts are st!ll to be "a!ned &ere t$e Co rt to proceed t$e lt!mate resol t!on o# t$e const!t t!onal !ss e posed. *ennis =.). 3una v. =%ting (e%retary of 6usti%e =lberto C. =gra, et%., et al.I D.R. No. 1=17//. 3ebr ary 1=, 2015 (ct!ons) separate tr!als) eAcept!on to t$e "eneral r le) rat!onale. +$e r le on separate tr!als !n c!v!l act!ons !s #o nd !n %ect!on 2, R le 51 o# t$e R les o# Co rt, &$!c$ reads' %ect!on 2. (eparate trials. L +$e co rt, !n # rt$erance o# conven!ence or to avo!d pre* d!ce, may order a separate tr!al o# any cla!m, cross1cla!m, co ntercla!m, or t$!rd1party compla!nt, or o# any separate !ss e or o# any n mber o# cla!ms, cross1cla!ms, co ntercla!ms, t$!rd1party compla!nts or !ss es. +$e teAt o# t$e r le "rants to t$e tr!al co rt t$e d!scret!on to determ!ne !# a separate tr!al o# any cla!m, cross1cla!m, co ntercla!m, or t$!rd1party compla!nt, or o# any separate !ss e or o# any n mber o# cla!ms, cross1cla!ms, co ntercla!ms, t$!rd1party compla!nts or !ss es s$o ld be $eld, prov!ded t$at t$e eAerc!se o# s c$ d!scret!on !s !n # rt$erance o# conven!ence or to avo!d pre* d!ce to any party. +$e r le !s almost !dent!cal &!t$ R le /2;b< o# t$e Kn!ted %tates 3ederal Rules of Civil Pro%edure ;3ederal R les<, a prov!s!on t$at "overns separate tr!als !n t$e Kn!ted %tates 3ederal Co rts ;K% 3ederal Co rts<, A A A. +$e K% 3ederal Co rts $ave appl!ed R le /2;b< by s!n" several pr!nc!ples and parameters &$ose appl!cat!on !n t$!s * r!sd!ct!on may be &arranted beca se o r r le on separate tr!als $as been patterned a#ter t$e or!"!nal vers!on o# R le /2;b<. +$ere !s no obstacle to adopt!n" s c$ pr!nc!ples and parameters as " !des !n t$e appl!cat!on o# o r o&n r le on separate tr!als. +$!s !s

beca se, "enerally spea2!n", t$e Co rt $as randomly accepted t$e pract!ces !n t$e K% Co rts !n t$e el c!dat!on and appl!cat!on o# o r o&n r les o# proced re t$at $ave t$emselves or!"!nated #orm or been !nsp!red by t$e pract!ce and proced re !n t$e 3ederal Co rts and t$e var!o s K% %tate Co rts. AAA -ear!n" !n m!nd t$e #ore"o!n" pr!nc!ples and parameters de#!ned by t$e relevant K% case la&, &e concl de t$at t$e %and!"anbayan comm!tted "rave ab se o# !ts d!scret!on !n order!n" a separate tr!al as to (s!an -an2 ;4etroban2< on t$e "ro nd t$at t$e !ss e a"a!nst (s!an -an2 &as d!st!nct and separate #rom t$at a"a!nst t$e or!"!nal de#endants. +$ereby, t$e %and!"anbayan veered a&ay #rom t$e "eneral r le o# $av!n" all t$e !ss es !n every case tr!ed at one t!me, nreasonably s$ nt!n" as!de t$e d!ct m !n Corrigan, supra, t$at a 8s!n"le tr!al &!ll "enerally lessen t$e delay, eApense, and !nconven!ence to t$e part!es and t$e co rts.9 BAcept!ons to t$e "eneral r le are perm!tted only &$en t$ere are eAtraord!nary "ro nds #or cond ct!n" separate tr!als on d!##erent !ss es ra!sed !n t$e same case, or &$en separate tr!als o# t$e !ss es &!ll avo!d pre* d!ce, or &$en separate tr!als o# t$e !ss es &!ll # rt$er conven!ence, or &$en separate tr!als o# t$e !ss es &!ll promote * st!ce, or &$en separate tr!als o# t$e !ss es &!ll "!ve a #a!r tr!al to all part!es. Ot$er&!se, t$e "eneral r le m st apply. Metropolitan )an7 and +rust Company, as su%%essor-in-interest of =sian )an7 Corporation v. <on. /dilberto G. (andoval, et al.I D.R. No. 17=777. 3ebr ary 1>, 2015 (ppeals) !ss es ra!sed #or #!rst t!me on appeal and not ra!sed !n proceed!n"s !n lo&er co rt are barred by estoppel. (s to t$e #!rst !ss e, t$ere !s no d!sp te t$at t$e !ss e o# t!mel!ness o# respondents@ 4ot!on to ?!sm!ss pet!t!oners@ (mended Compla!nt &as not ra!sed by pet!t!oners be#ore t$e R+C. Ne!t$er &as t$!s !ss e ra!sed !n t$e!r Comment to respondents@ pet!t!on #or %ertiorari #!led &!t$ t$e C(. ,t &as only !n t$e!r 4ot!on #or Recons!derat!on o# t$e C( ?ec!s!on t$at t$!s matter &as ra!sed. ,t !s &ell establ!s$ed t$at !ss es ra!sed #or t$e #!rst t!me on appeal and not ra!sed !n t$e proceed!n"s !n t$e lo&er co rt are barred by estoppel. Po!nts o# la&, t$eor!es, !ss es and ar" ments not bro "$t to t$e attent!on o# t$e tr!al co rt o "$t not to be cons!dered by a rev!e&!n" co rt, as t$ese cannot be ra!sed #or t$e #!rst t!me on appeal. -as!c cons!derat!ons o# d e process !mpel t$e adopt!on o# t$!s r le. Padilla Mer%ado, 2ulueta Mer%ado, et al. v. (pouses =guedo /spina and 0ourdes /spinaI D.R. No. 175=>7. 3ebr ary 2., 2015 Contempt) d!st!nct!on bet&een cr!m!nal and c!v!l contempt. ,n People v. Godoy, t$!s Co rt made a d!st!nct!on bet&een cr!m!nal and c!v!l contempt. +$e Co rt declared' ( cr!m!nal contempt !s cond ct t$at !s d!rected a"a!nst t$e d!"n!ty and a t$or!ty o# t$e co rt or * d"e act!n" * d!c!ally) !t !s an act obstr ct!n" t$e adm!n!strat!on o# * st!ce &$!c$ tends to br!n" t$e co rt !nto d!srep te or d!srespect. On t$e ot$er $and, c!v!l contempt cons!sts !n #a!l!n" to do somet$!n" ordered to be done by a co rt !n a c!v!l act!on #or t$e bene#!t o# t$e oppos!n" party t$ere!n and !s, t$ere#ore, an o##ense a"a!nst t$e party !n &$ose be$al# t$e v!olated order !s made. ( cr!m!nal contempt, be!n" d!rected a"a!nst t$e d!"n!ty and a t$or!ty o# t$e co rt, !s an o##ense a"a!nst or"an!zed soc!ety and, !n add!t!on, !s also $eld to be an o##ense a"a!nst p bl!c * st!ce &$!c$ ra!ses an !ss e bet&een t$e p bl!c and t$e acc sed, and t$e proceed!n"s to p n!s$ !t are p n!t!ve. On t$e ot$er $and, t$e proceed!n"s to p n!s$ a c!v!l contempt are remed!al and #or t$e

p rpose o# t$e preservat!on o# t$e r!"$t o# pr!vate persons. ,t $as been $eld t$at c!v!l contempt !s ne!t$er a #elony nor a m!sdemeanor, b t a po&er o# t$e co rt. ,t $as # rt$er been stated t$at !ntent !s a necessary element !n cr!m!nal contempt, and t$at no one can be p n!s$ed #or a cr!m!nal contempt nless t$e ev!dence ma2es !t cleat t$at $e !ntended to comm!t !t. On t$e contrary, t$ere !s a t$or!ty !nd!cat!n" t$at s!nce t$e p rpose o# c!v!l contempt proceed!n"s !s remed!al, t$e de#endant@s !ntent !n comm!tt!n" t$e contempt !s !mmater!al. Hence, "ood #a!t$ or t$e absence o# !ntent to v!olate t$e co rt@s order !s not a de#ense !n c!v!l contempt. Philip (igrid =. 3ortun v. Prima 6esusa ). ?uinsayas, et al.I D.R. No. 1=/.7>. 3ebr ary 15, 2015 Contempt) contempt a2!n to l!bel and pr!nc!ple o# pr!v!le"ed comm n!cat!on may be !nvo2ed !n contempt proceed!n". ,n People v. Castelo, t$e Co rt r led t$at contempt !s a2!n to l!bel and t$at t$e pr!nc!ple o# pr!v!le"ed comm n!cat!on may be !nvo2ed !n a contempt proceed!n". +$e Co rt r led' 0$!le t$e present case !nvolves an !nc!dent o# contempt t$e same !s a2!n to a case o# l!bel #or bot$ const!t te l!m!tat!ons pon #reedom o# t$e press or #reedom o# eApress!on " aranteed by o r Const!t t!on. %o &$at !s cons!dered a pr!v!le"e !n one may l!2e&!se be cons!dered !n t$e ot$er. +$e same sa#e" ard s$o ld be eAtended to one &$et$er anc$ored !n #reedom o# t$e press or #reedom o# eApress!on. +$ere#ore, t$!s pr!nc!ple re"ard!n" pr!v!le"ed comm n!cat!ons can also be !nvo2ed !n #avor o# t$e appellant. Philip (igrid =. 3ortun v. Prima 6esusa ). ?uinsayas, et al.I D.R. No. 1=/.7>. 3ebr ary 15, 2015 BAec t!on) eAec t!on pend!n" appeal) not a bar t$e cont!n ance o# t$e appeal on t$e mer!ts. 3!rst o# all, as $eld !n 0egaspi v. Ong, 8FeGAec t!on pend!n" appeal does not bar t$e cont!n ance o# t$e appeal on t$e mer!ts, #or t$e R les o# Co rt prec!sely prov!des #or rest!t t!on accord!n" to e: !ty !n case t$e eAec ted * d"ment !s reversed on appeal. O. Ventanilla /nterprises Corporation v. =delina (. +an and (heriff Reynante G. Velas>ue9, Presiding 6udgeI D.R. No. 1>052.. 3ebr ary 20, 2015 BAec t!on) eAec t!on o# R+C * d"ment does not a tomat!cally mean t$at !ss es on appeal $ave become moot and academ!c) 4oot and academ!c pr!nc!ple. 4oreover, even ass m!n" t$at t$e &r!t o# eAec t!on !n t$e !nstant case &ere not vo!d, t$e eAec t!on o# t$e R+C * d"ment cannot be cons!dered as a s perven!n" event t$at &o ld a tomat!cally moot t$e !ss es !n t$e appealed case #or a%%ion publi%iana, &$!c$ !s pend!n" be#ore t$e C(. ot$er&!se, t$ere &o ld be no se appeal!n" a * d"ment, once a &r!t o# eAec t!on !s !ss ed and sat!s#!ed. +$at s!t at!on &o ld be abs rd. On t$e contrary, t$e R les o# Co rt !n #act prov!des #or cases o# reversal or ann lment o# an eAec ted * d"ment. %ect!on . o# R le 5= prov!des t$at !n t$ose cases, t$ere s$o ld be rest!t t!on or reparat!on as &arranted by * st!ce and e: !ty. +$ere#ore, barr!n" any s perven!n" event, t$ere !s st!ll t$e poss!b!l!ty o# t$e appellate co rt@s reversal o# t$e appealed dec!s!on C even !# already eAec ted C and, conse: ently, o# a rest!t t!on or a reparat!on. ,n any case, t$e !ss es !n t$e appealed case #or a%%ion publi%iana cannot, !n any &ay, be c$aracter!zed as moot and academ!c. ,n Osmena ... v. (o%ial (e%urity (ystem of the Philippines, &e de#!ned a moot and academ!c case or !ss e as #ollo&s'

( case or !ss e !s cons!dered not and academ!c &$en !t ceases to present a 'usticiable controvers% by v!rt e o# s perven!n" events, so t$at an ad* d!cat!on o# t$e case or a declaration on the issue would be o! no practical value or use( ,n s c$ !nstance, t$ere !s no actual substantial relie! which a petitioner would be entitled to, and &$!c$ &o ld be ne"ated by t$e d!sm!ssal o# t$e pet!t!on. Co rts "enerally decl!ne * r!sd!ct!on over s c$ case or d!sm!ss !t on t$e "ro nd o# mootness C save &$en, amon" ot$ers, a compell!n" const!t t!onal !ss e ra!sed re: !res t$e #orm lat!on o# controll!n" pr!nc!ples to " !de t$e benc$, t$e bar, and t$e p bl!c) or &$en t$e case !s capable o# repet!t!on yet evad!n" * d!c!al rev!e&. (pply!n" t$e above de#!n!t!on to t$e !nstant case, !t !s obv!o s t$at t$ere rema!ns an nresolved * st!c!able controversy !n t$e appealed case #or a%%ion publi%iana. ,n part!c lar, d!d respondent1 spo ses Or!a really encroac$ on t$e land o# t$e pet!t!onerO ,# t$ey d!d, does $e $ave t$e r!"$t to recover possess!on o# t$e propertyO 3 rt$ermore, &!t$o t preempt!n" t$e d!spos!t!on o# t$e case #or a%%ion publi%iana pend!n" be#ore t$e C(, &e note t$at !# t$e respondents b !lt str ct res on t$e s b*ect land, and !# t$ey &ere b !lders !n "ood #a!t$ t$ey &o ld be ent!tled to appropr!ate r!"$ts nder t$e C!v!l Code. +$!s Co rt merely po!nts o t t$at t$ere are st!ll !ss es t$at t$e C( needs to resolve !n t$e appealed case be#ore !t. Ma%ario *ia9 Carpio v. Court of =ppeals, spouses Gela%io G. Gloria and Mar%elina Pre OriaI D.R. No. 1>5102. 3ebr ary 27, 2015 BAec t!on) e##ects o# vo!d &r!t o# eAec t!on) re: !rement o# "ood reason !n eAec t!on pend!n" appeal. ,n any case, proceed to r le t$at beca se t$e &r!t o# eAec t!on &as vo!d, all act!ons and proceed!n"s cond cted p rs ant to !t &ere also vo!d and o# no le"al e##ect. +o recall, t$!s Co rt a##!rmed t$e ?ec!s!on o# t$e C( !n C(1D.R. %P No. >/752, ann ll!n" t$e R+C@s Omn!b s Order "rant!n" t$e 4ot!on #or ,mmed!ate BAec t!on pend!n" appeal. 0e a##!rmed t$e C( ?ec!s!on beca se o# t$e R+C@s #a!l re to state any reason, m c$ less "ood reason, #or t$e !ss ance t$ereo# as re: !red nder %ect!on 2, R le 5=. ,n t$e eAerc!se by t$e tr!al co rt o# !ts d!scret!onary po&er to !ss e a &r!t o# eAec t!on pend!n" appeal, &e emp$as!ze t$e need #or str!ct compl!ance &!t$ t$e re: !rement #or t$e statement o# "ood reason, beca se eAec t!on pend!n" appeal !s t$e eAcept!on rat$er t$an t$e r le. %!nce t$e &r!t o# eAec t!on &as man!#estly vo!d #or $av!n" been !ss ed &!t$o t compl!ance &!t$ t$e r les, !t !s &!t$o t any le"al e##ect. ,n ot$er &ords, !t !s as !# no &r!t &as !ss ed at all. Conse: ently, all act!ons ta2en p rs ant to t$e vo!d &r!t o# eAec t!on m st be deemed to $ave not been ta2en and to $ave $ad no e##ect. Ot$er&!se, t$e Co rt &o ld be sanct!on!n" a v!olat!on o# t$e r!"$t o# d e process o# t$e * d"ment debtors C respondent1spo ses $ere!n. Ma%ario *ia9 Carpio v. Court of =ppeals, spouses Gela%io G. Gloria and Mar%elina Pre OriaI D.R. No. 1>5102. 3ebr ary 27, 2015 H!erarc$y o# co rts) eAcept!ons. (e%ond, &$!le t$e pr!nc!ple o# $!erarc$y o# co rts does !ndeed re: !re t$at reco rse s$o ld be made to t$e lo&er co rts be#ore t$ey are made to t$e $!"$er co rts, t$!s pr!nc!ple !s not an absol te r le and adm!ts o# certa!n eAcept!ons nder &ell1de#!ned c!rc mstances. ,n several cases, &e $ave allo&ed d!rect !nvocat!on o# t$!s Co rt@s or!"!nal * r!sd!ct!on to !ss e &r!ts o# %ertiorari on t$e "ro nd o# spec!al and !mportant reasons clearly stated !n t$e pet!t!on) &$en d!ctated by p bl!c &el#are and t$e advancement o# p bl!c pol!cy) &$en demanded by t$e broader !nterest o# * st!ce) &$en t$e c$allen"ed orders &ere patent n ll!t!es) or &$en analo"o s eAcept!onal and compell!n" c!rc mstances called #or and * st!#!ed o r !mmed!ate and d!rect $andl!n" o# t$e case. Republi% of the Philippines v. <on. Ramon (. Caguioa, et%., et al.I D.R. No. 17/5>.. 3ebr ary 20, 2015

6 d"ments) !mm tab!l!ty o# * d"ments. +$e !ss e on t$e n ll!ty o# 4an!e"o@s t!tle $ad already been #oreclosed &$en t$!s Co rt den!ed 4an!e"o@s pet!t!on #or rev!e& !n t$e Resol t!on dated 15 6 ly 2011, &$!c$ became #!nal and eAec tory on 1= 6an ary 2012. ,t !s settled t$at a dec!s!on t$at $as ac: !red #!nal!ty becomes !mm table and nalterable and may no lon"er be mod!#!ed !n any respect, even !# t$e mod!#!cat!on !s meant to correct erroneo s concl s!ons o# #act or la& and &$et$er !t &!ll be made by t$e co rt t$at rendered !t or by t$e $!"$est co rt o# t$e land. +$!s !s &!t$o t pre* d!ce, $o&ever, to t$e r!"$t o# 4an!e"o to recover #rom Poblete &$at $e pa!d to Eapantay #or t$e acco nt o# Poblete, ot$er&!se t$ere &!ll be n* st enr!c$ment by Poblete. 0and )an7 of the Philippines v. )arbara (ampaga PobleteI D.R. No. 1=7.77. 3ebr ary 2., 2015 6 d"ments) pro $ac v!ce) nat re. Pet!t!oners po!nt o t t$at t$!s Co rt $as $ad occas!on to "rant a mot!on #or ne& tr!al a#ter t$e * d"ment o# conv!ct!on $ad become #!nal and eAec tory. ,n People v. 0i%ayan, all t$e acc sed &ere conv!cted o# t$e cr!me o# 2!dnapp!n" #or ransom and sentenced to deat$ by t$e tr!al co rt. 4ore t$an t&o years a#ter t$e!r conv!ct!on became #!nal and eAec tory, t$e acc sed Lara and L!cayan #!led an Kr"ent 4ot!on to Re1Open t$e Case &!t$ Leave o# Co rt. +$ey attac$ed t$ereto t$e (inumpaang (alaysay eAec ted by t&o o# t$e!r co1acc sed !n t$e case, to t$e e##ect t$at Lara and L!cayan $ad not part!c!pated !n t$e comm!ss!on o# t$e cr!me. %!nce t$e O%D also recommended t$e open!n" o# t$e case, t$!s Co rt remanded t$e case to t$e tr!al co rt #or t$e recept!on o# ne&ly d!scovered ev!dence. ,t !s &ort$ po!nt!n" t$at t$e mot!on !n 0i%ayan &as "ranted pro ha% vi%e, &$!c$ !s a Lat!n term sed by co rts to re#er to r l!n"s rendered 8#or t$!s one part!c lar occas!on.9 ( r l!n" eApressly : al!#!ed as s c$ cannot be rel!ed pon as a precedent to "overn ot$er cases. Reynante +adeGa, et al. v. People of the PhilippinesI D.R. No. 1/.557. 3ebr ary 20, 2015 6 d"ments) vo!d * d"ment) nat re and e##ect) may be res!sted !n any act!on or proceed!n". ( vo!d * d"ment or order $as no le"al and b!nd!n" e##ect, #orce or e##!cacy #or any p rpose. ,n contemplat!on o# la&, !t !s non1eA!stent. % c$ * d"ment or order may be res!sted !n any act!on or proceed!n" &$enever !t !s !nvolved. ,t !s not even necessary to ta2e any steps to vacate or avo!d a vo!d * d"ment or #!nal order) !t may s!mply be !"nored. AAA (ccord!n"ly, a vo!d * d"ment !s no * d"ment at all. ,t cannot be t$e so rce o# any r!"$t nor o# any obl!"at!on. (ll acts per#ormed p rs ant to !t and all cla!ms emanat!n" #rom !t $ave no le"al e##ect. Hence, !t can never become #!nal, and any &r!t o# eAec t!on based on !t !s vo!d' 8 C C C it may be said to be a la4less thing 4hi%h %an be treated as an outla4 and slain at sight, or ignored 4herever it eChibits its head.N 0and )an7 of the Philippines v. (pouses Pla%ido and Clara *y OrillaI D.R. No. 1=/17>. 3ebr ary 15, 2015 L!beral constr ct!on o# t$e r les. ,n many !nstances, t$e Co rt adopted a pol!cy o# l!berally constr !n" !ts r les !n order to promote a * st, speedy, and !neApens!ve d!spos!t!on o# every act!on and proceed!n". +$e r les can be s spended on t$e #ollo&!n" "ro nds' ;1< matters o# l!#e, l!berty, $onor or property, ;2< t$e eA!stence o# spec!al or compell!n" c!rc mstances, ;5< t$e mer!ts o# t$e case, ;/< a ca se not ent!rely attr!b table to t$e #a lt or ne"l!"ence o# t$e party #avored by t$e s spens!on o# t$e r les, ;.< a lac2 o# any s$o&!n" t$at t$e rev!e& so "$t !s merely #r!volo s and d!latory, and ;7< t$e ot$er party &!ll not be n* stly pre* d!ced t$ereby. (e%retary 0eila M. *e 0ima, *ire%tor onnatus R. RoGas and *eputy *ire%tor Reynaldo O. /smeralda v. Magtanggol ). GatdulaI D.R. No. 20/.2>. 3ebr ary 1=, 2015

4ot!ons) not!ce and $ear!n" re: !rements) e##ect o# non1compl!ance) not!ce re: !rement !n t$e !ss ance o# prel!m!nary !n* nct!on. ( mot!on #or !ntervent!on, l!2e any ot$er mot!on, $as to comply &!t$ t$e mandatory re: !rements o# not!ce and $ear!n", as &ell as proo# o# !ts serv!ce, save only #or t$ose t$at t$e co rts can act pon &!t$o t pre* d!ce to t$e r!"$ts o# t$e ot$er part!es. ( mot!on &$!c$ #a!ls to comply &!t$ t$ese re: !rements !s a &ort$less p!ece o# paper t$at cannot and s$o ld not be acted pon. AAA +$e not!ce re: !rement !s even more mandatory &$en t$e movant as2s #or t$e !ss ance o# a prel!m!nary !n* nct!on andRor a +RO. Knder %ect!on ., R le .> o# t$e R les o# Co rt, no prel!m!nary !n* nct!on s$all be "ranted &!t$o t a $ear!n" and &!t$o t pr!or not!ce to t$e party so "$t to be en*o!ned, t$e pr!or not!ce nder t$!s re: !rement !s as !mportant as t$e $ear!n", as no $ear!n" can mean!n"# lly ta2e place, &!t$ bot$ part!es present or represented, nless a pr!or not!ce o# t$e $ear!n" !s "!ven. Republi% of the Philippines v. <on. Ramon (. Caguioa, et%., et al.I D.R. No. 17/5>.. 3ebr ary 20, 2015 4ot!ons) mot!on to d!sm!ss) de#enses and ob*ect!ons not pleaded e!t$er !n a mot!on to d!sm!ss or !n t$e ans&er are deemed &a!ved) eAcept!ons. Knder %ect!on 1, R le = o# t$e R les o# Co rt, de#enses and ob*ect!ons not pleaded !n t$e ans&er are deemed &a!ved, &!t$ t$e #ollo&!n" eAcept!ons' ;1< lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on over t$e s b*ect matter) ;2< litis pendentiaI ;5< res Gudi%ataI and ;/< prescr!pt!on o# t$e act!on. Clearly, pet!t!oner cannot c$an"e !ts de#ense a#ter t$e term!nat!on o# t$e per!od o# test!mony and a#ter t$e eA$!b!ts o# bot$ part!es $ave already been adm!tted by t$e co rt. +$e non1!ncl s!on o# t$!s belated de#ense !n t$e pre1tr!al order barred !ts cons!derat!on d r!n" t$e tr!al. +o r le ot$er&!se &o ld p t t$e adverse party at a d!sadvanta"e s!nce $e co ld no lon"er o##er ev!dence to reb t t$e ne& t$eory. ,ndeed, part!es are bo nd by t$e del!m!tat!on o# !ss es d r!n" t$e pre1tr!al. 0i%om%en, .n%. v. /ngr. (alvador =bain9a, et%.I D.R. No. 1==7>1. 3ebr ary 1>, 2015 Ne& tr!al) ne&ly1d!scovered ev!dence) re: !s!tes. Pet!t!oners prem!se t$e!r mot!on #or a ne& tr!al on t$e "ro nd o# ne&ly1d!scovered ev!dence, !.e. Plar!del@s eAtra* d!c!al con#ess!on, eAec ted &!t$ t$e ass!stance o# (tty. C!r!lo +e*oso, 6r., and t$e spot report o# t$e pol!ce on Plar!del@s appre$ens!on. Ne&ly d!scovered ev!dence re#ers to t$at &$!c$ ;a< !s d!scovered a#ter tr!al) ;b< co ld not $ave been d!scovered and prod ced at t$e tr!al even &!t$ t$e eAerc!se o# reasonable d!l!"ence) ;c< !s mater!al, not merely c m lat!ve, corroborat!ve or !mpeac$!n") and ;d< !s o# s c$ &e!"$t t$at !t &o ld probably c$an"e t$e * d"ment !# adm!tted. +$e most !mportant re: !s!te !s t$at t$e ev!dence co ld not $ave been d!scovered and prod ced at t$e tr!al even &!t$ reasonable d!l!"ence) $ence, t$e term 8ne&ly1d!scovered.9 +$e con#ess!on o# Plar!del does not meet t$!s re: !s!te. He part!c!pated !n t$e tr!al be#ore t$e R+C and even "ave test!mony as to $!s de#ense. ,t &as only a#ter $e and pet!t!oners $ad been conv!cted by t$e tr!al co rt t$at $e absconded. +$ s, t$e content!on t$at $!s con#ess!on co ld not $ave been obta!ned d r!n" tr!al does not $old &ater. Reynante +adeGa, et al. v. People of the PhilippinesI D.R. No. 1/.557. 3ebr ary 20, 2015G Part!es) d ty o# party to !n#orm co rt o# co nsel@s deat$. +$e Co rt str!2es do&n t$e ar" ment t$at t$e C( ?ec!s!on !n C(1D.R. CI No. .>>17 d!d not atta!n #!nal!ty beca se pet!t!oner@s

co nsel, &$o d!ed &$!le t$e case &as pend!n" be#ore t$e C(, &as nable to rece!ve a copy t$ereo#. +$e C( &as correct !n r l!n" t$at t$ere !s no eAtraord!nary c!rc mstance !n t$!s case t$at &o ld mer!t a recall o# t$e entry o# * d"ment to reopen t$e case. +$e reason "!ven by pet!t!oner, t$at !ts #ormer co nsel $ad d!ed be#ore t$e C( ?ec!s!on &as prom l"ated, $ence, !t &as not properly not!#!ed o# t$e * d"ment, !s too ten o s to be "!ven ser!o s cons!derat!on. ,n MoGar, et al. v. =gro Commer%ial (e%urity (ervi%e =gen%y, .n%., t$e Co rt eApla!ned t$at !t !s t$e party@s d ty to !n#orm t$e co rt o# !ts co nsel@s dem!se, and #a!l re to appr!se t$e co rt o# s c$ #act s$all be cons!dered ne"l!"ence on t$e part o# sa!d party. BApo nd!n" # rt$er, t$e Co rt stated' A A A ,t !s not t$e d ty o# t$e co rts to !n: !re, d r!n" t$e pro"ress o# a case, &$et$er t$e la& #!rm or partners$!p represent!n" one o# t$e l!t!"ants cont!n es to eA!st la&# lly, &$et$er t$e partners are st!ll al!ve, or &$et$er !ts assoc!ates are st!ll connected &!t$ t$e #!rm. A A A +$ey cannot pass t$e blame to t$e co rt, &$!c$ !s not tas2ed to mon!tor t$e c$an"es !n t$e c!rc mstances o# t$e part!es and t$e!r co nsel. A A A A ,n =mpo v. Court of =ppeals, t$!s Co rt eApla!ned t$e v!"!lance t$at m st be eAerc!se by a party' AAAA L!t!"ants &$o are represented by co nsel s$o ld not eApect t$at all t$ey need to do !s s!t bac2, relaA and a&a!t t$e o tcome o# t$e!r cases. Rel!e# &!ll not be "ranted to a party &$o see2s avo!dance #rom t$e e##ects o# t$e * d"ment &$en t$e loss o# t$e remedy at la& &as d e to $!s o&n ne"l!"ence. +$e c!rc mstances o# t$!s case pla!nly s$o& t$at pet!t!oner only $as $!msel# to blame. Ne!t$er can $e !nvo2e d e process. +$e essence o# d e process !s s!mply an opport n!ty to be $eard. ? e process !s sat!s#!ed &$en t$e part!es are a##orded a #a!r and reasonable opport n!ty to eApla!n t$e!r respect!ve s!des o# t$e controversy. 0$ere a party, s c$ as pet!t!oner, &as a##orded t$!s opport n!ty to part!c!pate b t #a!led to do so, $e cannot compla!n o# depr!vat!on o# d e process. ,# sa!d opport n!ty !s not ava!led o#, !t !s deemed &a!ved or #or#e!ted &!t$o t v!olat!n" t$e const!t t!onal " arantee. +$ s, #or #a!l re o# pet!t!oner to not!#y t$e C( !# t$e deat$ o# !ts co nsel o# record and $ave sa!d co nsel s bst!t ted, t$en serv!ce o# t$e C( ?ec!s!on at t$e places or la& o##!ce des!"nated by !ts co nsel o# record as $!s address, !s s ##!c!ent not!ce. +$e case t$en became #!nal and eAec tory &$en no mot!on #or recons!derat!on &as #!led &!t$!n t$e re"lementary per!od t$ere#or. O. Ventanilla /nterprises Corporation v. =delina (. +an and (heriff Reynante G. Velas>ue9, Presiding 6udgeI D.R. No. 1>052.. 3ebr ary 20, 2015 Part!t!on) sta"es) re: !s!tes. +$e #!rst sta"e !n an act!on #or part!t!on !s t$e settlement o# t$e !ss e o# o&ners$!p. % c$ an add!t!on &!ll not l!e !# t$e cla!mant $as no r!"$t# l !nterest !n t$e s b*ect property. ,n #act, t$e part!es #!l!n" t$e act!on are re: !red by t$e R les o# Co rt to set #ort$ !n t$e!r compla!nt t$e nat re and t$e eAtent o# t$e!r t!tle to t$e property. ,t &o ld be premat re to e##ect a part!t!on nt!l and nless t$e : est!on o# o&ners$!p !s #!rst de#!n!tely resolved. Carolina :Carlina; Vda. *e 3igura%ion, et al. v. /milia 3igura%ion-GerillaI D.R. No. 1.155/. 3ebr ary 15, 2015G Pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! ;R le /.<) !ss es not ra!sed be#ore t$e co rts a : o cannot be ra!sed #or t$e #!rst t!me on appeal) rat!onale #or t$e r le) eAcept!ons. +$e !ncons!stent post res

ta2en by t$e pet!t!oners breac$ t$e bas!c proced ral tenet t$at a party cannot c$an"e $!s t$eory on appeal as eApressly adopted !n R le //, %ect!on 1. o# t$e R les o# Co rt, &$!c$ reads' %ec 1.. ?uestions that may be raised on appeal. L &$et$er or not t$e appellant $as #!led a mot!on #or ne& tr!al !n t$e co rt belo&, $e may !ncl de !n $!s ass!"nment o# errors any : est!on o# la& or #act t$at $as been ra!sed !n t$e co rt belo& and &$!c$ !s &!t$!n t$e !ss es #ramed by t$e part!es. 3ort!#y!n" t$e r le, t$e Co rt $ad repeatedly emp$as!zed t$at de#enses not pleaded !n t$e ans&er may not be ra!sed #or t$e #!rst t!me on appeal. 0$en a party del!berately adopts a certa!n t$eory and t$e case !s dec!ded pon t$at t$eory !n t$e co rt belo&, $e &!ll not be perm!tted to c$an"e t$e same on appeal, beca se to perm!t to do so &o ld be n#a!r to t$e adverse party. +$e Co rt $ad l!2e&!se, !n n mero s t!mes, a##!rmed t$at po!nts o# la&, t$eor!es, !ss es and ar" ments not bro "$t to t$e attent!on o# t$e lo&er co rt need not be, and ord!nar!ly &!ll not be, cons!dered by a rev!e&!n" co rt, as t$ese cannot be ra!sed #or t$e #!rst t!me at s c$ late sta"e. -as!c cons!derat!ons o# d e process nderl!e t$!s r le. ,t &o ld be n#a!r to t$e adverse party &$o &o ld $ave no opport n!ty to present # rt$er ev!dence mater!al to t$e ne& t$eory, &$!c$ !t co ld $ave done $ad !t been a&are o# !t at t$e t!me o# t$e $ear!n" be#ore t$e tr!al co rt. 0$!le a party may c$an"e $!s t$eory on appeal &$en t$e #act al bases t$ereo# &o ld not re: !re presentat!on o# any # rt$er ev!dence by t$e adverse party !n order to enable !t to properly meet t$e !ss e ra!sed !n t$e ne& t$eory, t$!s eAcept!on does not, $o&ever, obta!n !n t$e case at $and. Carolina :Carlina; Vda. *e 3igura%ion, et al. v. /milia 3igura%ion-GerillaI D.R. No. 1.155/. 3ebr ary 15, 2015 Pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! ;R le /.<) : est!ons o# #act "enerally not rev!e&able) eAcept!ons) d!##erence bet&een : est!on o# #act and : est!on o# la&. 0e note t$at t$e matters ra!sed by pet!t!oner (+, !nvolve : est!ons o# #act &$!c$ are "enerally not rev!e&able !n a pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! nder R le /. o# t$e 1==7 R les o# C!v!l Proced re, as amended, as t$e Co rt !s not a tr!er o# #acts. %ect!on 1 t$ereo# prov!des t$at 8FtG$e pet!t!on A A A s$all ra!se only : est!ons o# la&, &$!c$ m st be d!st!nctly set #ort$.9 ( : est!on o# la& eA!sts &$en t$e do bt or controversy concerns t$e correct appl!cat!on o# la& or * r!spr dence to a certa!n set o# #acts) or &$en t$e !ss ed does not call #or an eAam!nat!on o# t$e probat!ve val e o# ev!dence presented, t$e tr t$ or #alse$ood o# #acts be!n" adm!tted. ( : est!on o# #act eA!sts &$en t$e do bt or d!##erence ar!ses as to t$e tr t$ or #alse$ood o# #acts or &$en t$e : ery !nv!tes cal!brat!on o# t$e &$ole ev!dence cons!der!n" ma!nly t$e cred!b!l!ty o# t$e &!tnesses, t$e eA!stence and relevancy o# spec!#!c s rro nd!n" c!rc mstances as &ell as t$e!r relat!on to eac$ ot$er and to t$e &$ole, and t$e probab!l!ty o# t$e s!t at!on. +$e &ell1entrenc$ed r le !n o r * r!sd!ct!on !s t$at only : est!ons o# la& may be enterta!ned by t$!s Co rt !n a pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar!. +$!s r le, $o&ever, !s not !ronclad and adm!ts certa!n eAcept!ons, s c$ as &$en ;1< t$e concl s!on !s "ro nded on spec lat!ons, s rm!ses, or con*ect res) ;2< t$e !n#erence !s man!#estly m!sta2en, abs rd or !mposs!ble) ;5< t$ere !s "rave ab se o# d!scret!on) ;/< t$e * d"ment !s based on a m!sappre$ens!on o# #acts) ;.< t$e #!nd!n"s o# #act are con#l!ct!n") ;7< t$ere !s no c!tat!on o# spec!#!c ev!dence on &$!c$ t$e #act al #!nd!n"s are based) 7< t$e #!nd!n"s o# absence o# #acts are contrad!cted by t$e presence o# ev!dence on record) ;>< t$e #!nd!n"s o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals are contrary to t$ose o# t$e tr!al co rt) ;=< t$e #!nd!n"s o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals man!#estly overloo2ed certa!n relevant and nd!sp ted #acts t$at, !# properly

cons!dered, &o ld * st!#y a d!##erent concl s!on) ;10< t$e #!nd!n"s o# t$e Co rt o# (ppeals are beyond t$e !ss es o# t$e case) and ;11< s c$ #!nd!n"s are contrary to t$e adm!ss!ons o# bot$ part!es. =sian +erminals, .n%. v. (imon /nterprises, .n%.I D.R. No. 177117. 3ebr ary 27, 2015 Pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! ;R le /.<) only : est!ons o# la& may be ra!sed. ( pet!t!on #or rev!e& nder R le /. o# t$e R les o# Co rt spec!#!cally prov!des t$at only : est!ons o# la& may be ra!sed, s b*ect to eAcept!onal c!rc mstances &$!c$ are not present !n t$!s case. Hence, #act al #!nd!n"s o# t$e tr!al co rt, espec!ally !# a##!rmed by t$e C(, are b!nd!n" on s. ,n t$!s case, bot$ t$e R+C and t$e C( #o nd t$at t$e s!"nat res o# Poblete and $er deceased $ sband !n t$e ?eed dated 11 ( " st 2000 &ere #or"ed by 4an!e"o. ,n add!t!on, t$e ev!dence !s preponderant t$at 4an!e"o d!d not pay t$e cons!derat!on #or t$e sale. %!nce t$e !ss e on t$e "en !neness o# t$e ?eed dated 11 ( " st 2000 !s essent!ally a : est!on o# #act, &e are not d ty1bo nd to analyze and &e!"$ t$e ev!dence a"a!n. 0and )an7 of the Philippines v. )arbara (ampaga PobleteI D.R. No. 1=7.77. 3ebr ary 2., 2015 Pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! ;R le /.<) resolves only : est!ons o# la&, not : est!ons o# #act. 0e stress t$e settled r le t$at a pet!t!on #or rev!e& on %ertiorari nder R le /. o# t$e R les o# Co rt resolves only : est!ons o# la&, not : est!ons o# #act. ( : est!on, to be one o# la&, m st not eAam!ne t$e probat!ve val e o# t$e ev!dence presented by t$e part!es) ot$er&!se, t$e : est!on !s one o# #act. 0$et$er an eApress tr st eA!sts !n t$!s case !s a : est!on o# #act &$ose resol t!on !s not proper !n a pet!t!on nder Rule -$. 6oseph Goyan7o, 6r., as administrator of the /state of 6oseph Goyan7o, (r. v. United Co%onut Planters )an7, Mango =venue )ran%hI D.R. No. 17=0=7. 3ebr ary 7, 2015 Pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! ;R le /.<) c$an"e o# t$eory on appeal "enerally not allo&ed. %econd, &e #!nd t$at t$e pet!t!oner c$an"ed t$e t$eory o# $!s case. +$e pet!t!oner ar" ed be#ore t$e lo&er co rts t$at an eApress tr st eA!sts bet&een P(L,, as t$e tr stee and t$e HB,R% as t$e tr stor1bene#!c!ary. +$e pet!t!oner no& asserts t$at t$e eApress tr st eA!sts bet&een P(L,, as t$e tr stor and KCP- as t$e tr stee, &!t$ t$e HB,R% as t$e bene#!c!ar!es. (t t$!s sta"e o# t$e case, s c$ c$an"e o# t$eory !s s!mply not allo&ed as !t v!olates bas!c r les o# #a!r play, * st!ce and d e process. O r r l!n"s are clear C 8a party &$o del!berately adopts a certa!n t$eory pon &$!c$ t$e case &as dec!ded by t$e lo&er co rt &!ll not be perm!tted to c$an"e F!tG on appeal9, ot$er&!se, t$e lo&er co rts &!ll e##ect!vely be depr!ved o# t$e opport n!ty to dec!de on t$e mer!ts o# t$e case #a!rly. -es!des, co rts o# * st!ce are devo!d o# * r!sd!ct!on to resolve a : est!on not !n !ss e. 6oseph Goyan7o, 6r., as administrator of the /state of 6oseph Goyan7o, (r. v. United Co%onut Planters )an7, Mango =venue )ran%hI D.R. No. 17=0=7. 3ebr ary 7, 2015 Plead!n"s) amended compla!nt) nat re. 4oreover, respondent@s #!l!n" o# t$e!r 4ot!on to ?!sm!ss (mended Compla!nt may not be cons!dered as a c!rc mvent!on o# t$e r les o# proced re. Knder %ect!on >, R le 10 o# t$e R les o# Co rt, an amended compla!nt s persedes an or!"!nal one. (s a conse: ence, t$e or!"!nal compla!nt !s deemed &!t$dra&n and no lon"er cons!dered part o# t$e record. ,n t$e present case, t$e (mended Compla!nt !s, t$ s, treated as an ent!rely ne& compla!nt. (s s c$, respondents $ad every r!"$t to move #or t$e d!sm!ssal o# t$e sa!d (mended Compla!nt. 0ere !t not #or t$e #!l!n" o# t$e sa!d 4ot!on, respondents &o ld not $ave been able to #!le a pet!t!on #or %ertiorari be#ore t$e C( &$!c$, !n t rn, rendered t$e presently assa!led * d"ment !n t$e!r #avor. Padilla Mer%ado, 2ulueta Mer%ado, et al. v. (pouses =guedo /spina and 0ourdes /spinaI D.R. No. 175=>7. 3ebr ary 2., 2015

%erv!ce o# Plead!n"s) pet!t!on s$o ld be served on co nsel o# party) e##ect o# serv!ce on party represented by co nsel o# record) eAcept!ons. 0astly, nder o r r les o# proced re, serv!ce o# t$e pet!t!on on a party, &$en t$e party !s represented by a co nsel o# record, !s a patent n ll!ty and !s not b!nd!n" pon t$e party &ron"# lly served. +$!s r le, $o&ever, !s a proced ral standard t$at may adm!t o# eAcept!ons &$en #aced &!t$ compell!n" reasons o# s bstant!ve * st!ce man!#est !n t$e pet!t!on and !n t$e s rro nd!n" c!rc mstances o# t$e case. Proced ral r les can bo& to s bstant!ve cons!derat!ons t$ro "$ a l!beral constr ct!on a!med at promot!n" t$e!r ob*ect!ve o# sec r!n" a * st, speedy, and !neApens!ve d!spos!t!on o# every act!on and proceed!n". Republi% of the Philippines v. <on. Ramon (. Caguioa, et%., et al.I D.R. No. 17/5>.. 3ebr ary 20, 2015 %pec!al c!v!l act!on #or cert!orar! ;R le 7.<) re"lementary per!od. 3irst, &e #!nd t$at t$e present pet!t!on &as #!led &!t$!n t$e re"lementary per!od. Contrary to t$e pr!vate respondents@ pos!t!on, t$e 701day per!od &!t$!n &$!c$ to #!le t$e pet!t!on #or %ertiorari !s co nted #rom t$e Rep bl!c@s rece!pt o# t$e 6 ly ., 2007 order deny!n" t$e latter@s mot!on #or recons!derat!on. %ect!on /, R le 7. o# t$e R les o# Co rt !s clear on t$!s po!nt C 8 n case a motion !or reconsideration or ne& tr!al is timel% !iled+ &$et$er s c$ mot!on !s re: !red or not, the si,t% (-0) da% period shall be counted !rom notice o! the denial o! said motion( 9 Republi% of the Philippines v. <on. Ramon (. Caguioa, et%., et al.I D.R. No. 17/5>.. 3ebr ary 20, 2015 %pec!al c!v!l act!on #or cert!orar! ;R le 7.<) re: !s!tes. +$e #ollo&!n" re: !s!tes m st conc r #or a Pet!t!on #or Certiorari to prosper, namely' 8;a< +$e &r!t !s d!rected a"a!nst a tr!b nal, board, or o##!cer eAerc!s!n" * d!c!al or : as!1* d!c!al # nct!ons) ;b< % c$ tr!b nal, board, or o##!cer $as acted &!t$o t or !n eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on, or &!t$ "rave ab se o# d!scret!on amo nt!n" to lac2 or eAcess o# * r!sd!ct!on) and ;c< +$ere !s no appeal or any pla!n, speedy, and ade: ate remedy !n t$e ord!nary co rse o# la&.9 (alva%ion Villanueva, et al. v. Pala4an Coun%il for (ustainable *evelopment, et%., et al.I D.R. No. 17>5/7. 3ebr ary 2., 2015 Special Proceedin"s 0r!t o# amparo) nat re) spec!al proceed!n". +$e remedy o# t$e 0r!t o# =mparo !s an e: !table and eAtraord!nary remedy to sa#e" ard t$e r!"$t o# t$e people to l!#e, l!berty and sec r!ty as ens$r!ned !n t$e 1=>7 Const!t t!on. +$e R le on t$e 0r!t o# =mparo &as !ss ed as an eAerc!se o# t$e % preme Co rt@s po&er to prom l"ate r les concern!n" t$e protect!on and en#orcement o# const!t t!onal r!"$ts. ,t a!ms to address concerns s c$ as, amon" ot$ers, eAtra* d!c!al 2!ll!n"s and en#orced d!sappearances. AAA ,t !s clear #rom t$!s r le t$at t$!s type o# s mmary proced re only appl!es to 4+CR4+CCR4C+Cs. ,t !s m!nd1bo""l!n" $o& t$!s r le co ld poss!bly apply to proceed!n"s !n an R+C. (s!de #rom t$at, t$!s Co rt l!m!ted t$e appl!cat!on o# s mmary proced re to certa!n civil and criminal cases. ( &r!t o# =mparo !s a special proceedin"( ,t !s a remedy by &$!c$ a party see2s to establ!s$ a stat s, a r!"$t or part!c lar #act. ,t !s not a c!v!l nor a cr!m!nal act!on, $ence, t$e appl!cat!on o# t$e Rev!sed R le on % mmary Proced re !s ser!o sly m!splaced. (e%retary

0eila M. *e 0ima, *ire%tor onnatus R. RoGas and *eputy *ire%tor Reynaldo O. /smeralda v. Magtanggol ). GatdulaI D.R. No. 20/.2>. 3ebr ary 1=, 2015 0r!t o# amparo) proced re. ? e to t$e del!cate and r"ent nat re o# t$ese controvers!es, t$e proced re &as dev!sed to a##ord s&!#t b t dec!s!ve rel!e#. ,t !s !n!t!ated t$ro "$ a petition to be #!led !n a Re"!onal +r!al Co rt, %and!"anbayan, t$e Co rt o# (ppeals, or t$e % preme Co rt. +$e * d"e or * st!ce t$en ma2es an 8!mmed!ate9 eval at!on o# t$e #acts as alle"ed !n t$e pet!t!on and t$e a##!dav!ts s bm!tted 8&!t$ t$e attendant c!rc mstances deta!led9. (#ter eval at!on, t$e * d"e $as t$e opt!on to issue the Brit o# =mparo or !mmed!ately d!sm!ss t$e case. ?!sm!ssal !s proper !# t$e pet!t!on and t$e s pport!n" a##!dav!ts do not s$o& t$at t$e pet!t!oner@s r!"$t to l!e l!berty or sec r!ty !s nder t$reat or t$e acts compla!ned o# are not nla&# l. On t$e ot$er $and, t$e !ss ance o# t$e &r!t !tsel# sets !n mot!on pres mpt!ve * d!c!al protect!on #or t$e pet!t!oner. +$e co rt compels t$e respondents to appear be#ore a co rt o# la& to s$o& &$et$er t$e "ro nds #or more permanent protect!on and !nter!m rel!es are necessary. +$e respondents are re: !red to #!le a Return a#ter t$e !ss ance o# t$e &r!t t$ro "$ t$e cler2 o# co rt. +$e Ret rn serves as t$e respons!ve plead!n" to t$e pet!t!on. Knl!2e an (ns&er, t$e Ret rn $as ot$er p rposes as!de #orm !dent!#y!n" t$e !ss es !n t$e case, Respondents are also re: !red to deta!l t$e act!ons t$ey $ad ta2en to determ!ne t$e #ate or &$ereabo ts o# t$e a""r!eved party. ,# t$e respondents are p bl!c o##!c!als or employees, t$ey are also re: !red to state t$e act!ons t$ey $ad ta2en to' ;!< ver!#y t$e !dent!ty o# t$e a""r!eved party) ;!!< recover and preserve ev!dence related to t$e deat$ or d!sappearance o# t$e person !dent!#!ed !n t$e pet!t!on) ;!!!< !dent!#y &!tnesses and obta!n statements concern!n" t$e deat$ or d!sappearance) ;!v< determ!ne t$e ca se, manner, locat!on, and t!me o# deat$ or d!sappearance as &ell as any patter or pract!ce t$at may $ave bro "$t abo t t$e deat$ or d!sappearance) and ;v< br!n" t$e s spected o##enders be#ore a competent co rt. Clearly t$ese matters are !mportant to t$e * d"e so t$at sR$e can cal!brate t$e means and met$ods t$at &!ll be re: !red to # rt$er t$e protect!ons, !# any, t$at &!ll be d e to t$e pet!t!oner. +$ere &!ll be a summar% hearin" only a#ter t$e Ret rn !s #!led to determ!ne t$e mer!ts o# t$e pet!t!on and &$et$er !nter!m rel!e#s are &arranted. ,# t$e Ret rn !s not #!led, t$e $ear!n" &!ll be done eC parte. (#ter t$e $ear!n", t$e co rt &!ll render t$e 'ud"ment &!t$!n ten ;10< days #rom t$e t!me t$e pet!t!on !s s bm!tted #or dec!s!on. ,# t$e alle"at!ons are proven &!t$ s bstant!al ev!dence, t$e co rt s$all "rant t$e pr!v!le"e o# t$e &r!t and s c$ rel!e#s as may be proper ans appropr!ate. +$e * d"ment s$o ld conta!n meas res &$!c$ t$e * d"e v!e&s as essent!al #or t$e cont!n ed protect!on o# t$e pet!t!oner !n t$e =mparo case. +$ese meas res m st be deta!led eno "$ o t$at t$e * d"e may be able to ver!#y and mon!tor t$e act!ons ta2en by t$e respondents. ,t !s t$!s * d"ment t$at co ld be s b*ect to appeal to t$e % preme Co rt v!a R le /.. (#ter t$e meas res $ave served t$e!r p rpose, t$e * d"ment &!ll be sat!s#!ed. ,n =mparo cases, t$!s !s &$en t$e t$reats to t$e pet!t!oner@s l!#e, l!berty and sec r!ty cease to eA!st as eval ated by t$e co rt t$at renders t$e * d"ment. Parent$et!cally, t$e case may also be term!nated t$ro "$ consol!dat!on s$o ld a s bse: ent case be #!led C e!t$er cr!m!nal or c!v!l. Knt!l t$e # ll sat!s#act!on o# t$e * d"ment, t$e eAtraord!nary remedy o# =mparo allo&s v!"!lant * d!c!al mon!tor!n" to ens re t$e protect!on o# const!t t!onal r!"$ts. (e%retary 0eila M. *e 0ima, *ire%tor onnatus R. RoGas and *eputy *ire%tor Reynaldo O. /smeralda v. Magtanggol ). GatdulaI D.R. No. 20/.2>. 3ebr ary 1=, 2015

0r!t o# (mparo) &r!t !s an !nterloc tory order. +$e 8*e%isionN dated 20 4arc$ 2012 assa!led by t$e pet!t!oners could not be t$e * d"ment or #!nal order t$at !s appealable nder %ect!on 1= o# t$e R le on t$e 0r!t o# =mparo. A A A +$!s 8*e%isionN perta!ned to t$e issuance o! the writ nder %ect!on 7 o# t$e R le on t$e 0r!t o# =mparo, not t$e 'ud"ment nder %ect!on 1>. +$e 8*e%isionN !s t$ s an !nterloc tory order, as s ""ested by t$e #act t$at temporary protect!on, prod ct!on and !nspect!on orders &ere "!ven to"et$er &!t$ t$e dec!s!on. +$e temporary protect!on, prod ct!on and !nspect!on orders are interim relie!s t$at may be "ranted by t$e co rt pon #!l!n" o# t$e pet!t!on b t before #!nal * d"ment !s rendered. (e%retary 0eila M. *e 0ima, *ire%tor onnatus R. RoGas and *eputy *ire%tor Reynaldo O. /smeralda v. Magtanggol ). GatdulaI D.R. No. 20/.2>. 3ebr ary 1=, 2015 0r!t o# (mparo) t$e Ret rn !s t$e proper respons!ve plead!n") memorand m !s a pro$!b!ted plead!n". 3!rst t$e !ns!stence on #!l!n" an (ns&er &as !nappropr!ate. ,t !s t$e Ret rn t$at serves as t$e respons!ve plead!n" #or pet!t!ons #or t$e !ss ance o# 0r!ts o# =mparo. +$e re: !rement to #!le an (ns&er !s contrary to t$e !ntent!on o# t$e Co rt to prov!de a speedy remedy to t$ose &$ose r!"$t to l!#e, l!berty and sec r!ty are v!olated or are t$reatened to be v!olated. ,n tter d!sre"ard o# t$e R le on t$e 0r!t o# =mparo, 6 d"e Pamp!lo !ns!sted on !ss !n" s mmons and re: !r!n" an (ns&er. AAA +$e Ret rn !n =mparo cases allo&s t$e respondents to #rame t$e !ss es s b*ect to a $ear!n". Hence, !t s$o ld be done pr!or to t$e $ear!n", not a#ter. ( memorand m, on t$e ot$er $and, !s a synt$es!s o# t$e cla!ms o# t$e party l!t!"ants and !s a #!nal plead!n" s ally re: !red be#ore t$e case !s s bm!tted #or dec!s!on. One cannot s bst!t te #or t$e ot$er s!nce t$ese s bm!ss!ons $ave d!##erent # nct!ons !n #ac!l!tat!n" t$e s !t. 4ore !mportantly, a memorand m !s a pro$!b!ted plead!n" nder t$e R le on t$e &r!t o# =mparo. (e%retary 0eila M. *e 0ima, *ire%tor onnatus R. RoGas and *eputy *ire%tor Reynaldo O. /smeralda v. Magtanggol ). GatdulaI D.R. No. 20/.2>. 3ebr ary 1=, 2015 0r!t o# (mparo) d!##erence bet&een t$e pr!v!le"e o# t$e 0r!t o# (mparo and t$e act al order called t$e 0r!t o# (mparo. #he privile"e o! the Brit o! Amparo s$o ld be d!st!n" !s$ed #rom t$e actual order called t$e Brit of =mparo. +$e pr!v!le"e !ncl des t$e ava!lment o# t$e ent!re proced re o tl!ned !n (.4. No. 071=1121%C, t$e r le on t$e 0r!t o# =mparo. (#ter eAam!n!n" t$e pet!t!on and !ts attac$ed a##!dav!ts, t$e Ret rn and t$e ev!dence presented !n t$e s mmary $ear!n", t$e * d"ment s$o ld deta!l t$e re: !red acts #rom t$e respondent t$at &!ll m!t!"ate, !# not totally erad!cate, t$e v!olat!on o# or t$reat to t$e pet!t!oner@s l!#e, l!berty or sec r!ty. ( * d"ment &$!c$ s!mply "rants 8t$e pr!v!le"e o# t$e &r!t9 cannot be eAec ted. ,t !s tantamo nt to a #a!l re o# t$e * d"e to !ntervene and "rant * d!c!al s ccor to t$e pet!t!oner. Pet!t!ons #!led to ava!l o# t$e pr!v!le"e o# t$e 0r!t o# =mparo ar!se o t o# very real and concrete c!rc mstances. 6 d!c!al responses cannot be as tra"!cally symbol!c or r!t al!st!c as 8"rant!n" t$e pr!v!le"e o# t$e 0r!t o# =mparo.9 (e%retary 0eila M. *e 0ima, *ire%tor onnatus R. RoGas and *eputy *ire%tor Reynaldo O. /smeralda v. Magtanggol ). GatdulaI D.R. No. 20/.2>. 3ebr ary 1=, 2015 )vidence

(dm!n!strat!ve proceed!n"s) : ant m o# proo#) s bstant!al ev!dence. ,t !s &ell1entrenc$ed t$at !n an adm!n!strat!ve proceed!n", t$e : ant m o# proo# re: !red #or a #!nd!n" o# " !lt !s only s bstant!al ev!dence or s c$ relevant ev!dence as a reasonable m!nd m!"$t accept as ade: ate to s pport a concl s!on and not proo# beyond reasonable do bt &$!c$ re: !res moral certa!nty to * st!#y a##!rmat!ve #!nd!n"s. Offi%e of the Ombudsman v. Rodrigo v. Mapoy and *on /mmanuel R. RegalarioI D.R. No. 1=72==. 3ebr ary 15, 2015G C!v!l cases) : ant m o# proo#) preponderance o# ev!dence) ev!dence o# #ra d. ,n c!v!l cases, bas!c !s t$e r le t$at t$e party ma2!n" alle"at!ons $as t$e b rden o# prov!n" t$em by a preponderance o# ev!dence. 4oreover, part!es m st rely on t$e stren"t$ o# t$e!r o&n ev!dence, not pon t$e &ea2ness o# t$e de#ense o##ered by t$e!r proponent. +$!s pr!nc!ple e: ally $olds tr e, even !# t$e de#endant $ad not been "!ven t$e opport n!ty to present ev!dence beca se o# a de#a lt order. +$e eAtent o# t$e rel!e# t$at may be "ranted can only be as m c$ as $as been alle"ed and proved &!t$ preponderant ev!dence re: !red nder %ect!on 1 o# R le 155 o# t$e Rev!sed R les o# Bv!dence. Preponderance o# ev!dence !s t$e &e!"$t, cred!t and val e o# t$e a""re"ate ev!dence on e!t$er s!de and !s s ally cons!dered to be synonymo s &!t$ t$e term 8"reater &e!"$t o# t$e ev!dence9 or 8"reater &e!"$t o# t$e cred!ble ev!dence.9 Preponderance o# ev!dence !s a p$rase &$!c$, !n t$e last analys!s, means probab!l!ty o# t$e tr t$. ,t !s ev!dence &$!c$ !s more conv!nc!n" to t$e co rt as &ort$!er o# bel!e# t$an t$at &$!c$ !s o##ered !n oppos!t!on t$ereto. (s to #ra d, t$e r le !s t$at $e &$o alle"es #ra d or m!sta2e a##ect!n" a transact!on m st s bstant!ate $!s alle"at!on, s!nce !t !s pres med t$at a person ta2es ord!nary care o# $!s concerns and t$at pr!vate transact!ons $ave been #a!r and re" lar. +$e Co rt $as stressed t!me and a"a!n t$at alle"at!ons m st be proven by s ##!c!ent ev!dence beca se mere alle"at!on !s de#!n!tely not ev!dence. 4oreover, #ra d !s not pres med C !t m st be proved by clear and conv!nc!n" ev!dence. (pouses ilo Ramos and /liadora Ramos v. Raul Obispo and 3ar /ast )an7 and +rust Co.I D.R. No. 1=5>0/. 3ebr ary 27, 2015

#he Reco"niEance 5ct o! 2012F ?ivin" the Poor G3ore in LawH

Posted on (pr!l 12, 2015 by R!cardo 4a. P.D. On"2!2o U Posted !n Cr!m!nal La&, P$!l!pp!nes 1 La&, Remed!al La& U ,n o r cr!m!nal * st!ce system, one 2!nd o# !n* st!ce, t$at v!ct!m!zes only t$e poor, $appens every day &$enever an acc sed, &$o $as t$e r!"$t to post ba!l to atta!n l!berty d r!n" t$e co rse o# t$e tr!al o# $!s cr!m!nal case, !s not able to en*oy s c$ r!"$t beca se $e cannot a##ord to post ba!l #or $!s release. +$!s real!ty tramples pon t$e soc!al * st!ce mandate o# o r Const!t t!on and $as ca sed "reat !n* st!ce to t$e poor, espec!ally t$ose &$o are &ron"ly acc sed o# t$e cr!me #or &$!c$ t$ey $ave been c$ar"ed and arrested. +$ere !s a recent le"!slat!on t$at see2s to address t$!s problem' Rep bl!c (ct 105>= or t$e Reco"n!zance (ct o# 2012 ;8R( 105>=9 or t$e 8(ct9<, &$!c$ &as s!"ned !nto la& by Pres!dent -en!"no %. (: !no ,,, on 4arc$ 1/, 2015, and &$!c$ !s !ntended to promote restorat!ve * st!ce am!d problems con#ront!n" t$e cr!m!nal * st!ce system s c$ as protracted tr!als, prolon"ed resol t!on o# cases, !nab!l!ty to post ba!l bond, and con"est!on !n *a!ls.

Ri"ht to *ail and to *e Released on Reco"niEance +$e r!"$t to ba!l emanates #rom t$e const!t t!onal r!"$t o# an acc sed to be pres med !nnocent nt!l proven by an !ndependent, competent, and nb!ased co rt to be " !lty beyond reasonable do bt. Ho&ever, #or a person acc sed o# a cr!me, &$o !s poor and belon"s to t$e mar"!nal!zed and depressed sector o# soc!ety, t$!s r!"$t more o#ten t$an not !s too costly, t$ereby ma2!n" !t pract!cally # t!le. +$e r!"$t to reco"n!zance, nder R( 105>=, see2s to address t$!s. Reco"n!zance, as an alternat!ve to post!n" ba!l, !s de#!ned nder t$e (ct as' Oa mode of se%uring the release of a person in %ustody or detention for the %ommission of an offense 4ho is unable to post bail due to abGe%t poverty. +he %ourt 4here the %ase of su%h person has been filed shall allo4 the release of the a%%used on re%ogni9an%e as provided herein, to the %ustody of a >ualified member of the barangay, %ity or muni%ipality 4here the a%%used resides.N +$e term sed !s 8release on reco"n!zance.9 +$e rep table person entr sted &!t$ t$e acc sed@s c stody &!ll t$en $ave t$e b rden o# br!n"!n" t$e acc sed to co rt &$en $!s presence !s re: !red by s c$ co rt. Reco"niEance as a 3atter o! Ri"ht ,n !ts statement o# pol!cy, t$e (ct prov!des t$at t$e r!"$t o# persons to be released on reco"n!zance !s a##!rmed eAcept t$ose c$ar"ed &!t$ deat$, recl s!on perpet a, or l!#e !mpr!sonment. %ect!on . t$e (ct states t$at to be released on reco"n!zance !s a matter o# r!"$t &$en t$e o##ense !s not p n!s$able by deat$, recl s!on perpet a, or l!#e !mpr!sonment, and t$e appl!cat!on #or s c$ !s #!led be#ore or a#ter conv!ct!on by t$e 4etropol!tan +r!al Co rt, 4 n!c!pal +r!al Co rt, 4 n!c!pal +r!al Co rt !n C!t!es and 4 n!c!pal C!rc !t +r!al Co rt. 3or cr!m!nal proceed!n"s be#ore t$e Re"!onal +r!al Co rt, t$e appl!cat!on s$o ld be #!led only be#ore conv!ct!on. 4oreover, %ect!on 12 o# t$e (ct prov!des t$at t$e release on reco"n!zance s$all not be allo&ed !n #avor o# t$e acc sed a#ter t$e * d"ment $as become #!nal or &$en t$e acc sed $as started serv!n" sentence. Re4uirements (mon" t$e re: !rements #or reco"n!zance are' ;a< a s&orn declarat!on by t$e person !n c stody o# $!s or $er !nd!"ency or !ncapac!ty to post ba!l) ;b< a cert!#!cat!on !ss ed by t$e $ead o# t$e soc!al &el#are and development o##!ce o# t$e m n!c!pal!ty or c!ty &$ere t$e acc sed act ally res!des, t$at t$e acc sed !s !nd!"ent) ;c< t$e person !n c stody s$o ld $ave already been arra!"ned) ;d< not!#!cat!on by t$e co rt o# t$e appl!cat!on #or reco"n!zance on t$e c!ty or m n!c!pal san"" n!an &$ere t$e acc sed res!des) ;e< proper doc mentat!on o# t$e acc sed t$ro "$ p$otos o# all s!des o# t$e #ace and #!n"erpr!nt!n") and ;#< not!#!cat!on by t$e co rt on t$e p bl!c prosec tor o# t$e date o# $ear!n" on t$e appl!cat!on &!t$!n 2/ $o rs #rom t$e #!l!n" o# t$e appl!cat!on. Dis4uali!ication

(n acc sed can be d!s: al!#!ed #rom ava!l!n" o# release on reco"n!zance on any o# t$e #ollo&!n" "ro nds' 1. t$e acc sed $as made ntr t$# l statements !n $!s or $er a##!dav!t) 2. t$e acc sed !s a rec!d!v!st, : as!1rec!d!v!st, $ab!t al del!n: ent, or $as comm!tted a cr!me a""ravated by re!terat!on) 5. t$e acc sed $ad prev!o sly escaped #rom le"al con#!nement, evaded sentence or $as v!olated t$e cond!t!ons o# ba!l or release on reco"n!zance &!t$o t val!d * st!#!cat!on) /. t$e acc sed $ad prev!o sly comm!tted a cr!me &$!le on probat!on, parole, or nder cond!t!onal pardon) .. t$e acc sed !s a #l!"$t r!s2) 7. t$ere !s a "reat r!s2 t$at t$e acc sed may comm!t anot$er cr!me d r!n" t$e pendency o# t$e case) or 7. t$e acc sed $as a pend!n" cr!m!nal case &$!c$ $as t$e same or $!"$er penalty to t$e ne& cr!me $eRs$e !s be!n" acc sed o#. +$e co rt may also order t$e arrest o# an acc sed released on reco"n!zance ;1< !# $e #a!ls to appear at t$e tr!al &$enever re: !red by t$e co rt) ;2< !# t$ere !s a man!#estat!on nder oat$ by any person, &$!c$ #o nd mer!tor!o s by t$e co rt a#ter a s mmary $ear!n" and a#ter "!v!n" t$e acc sed t$e opport n!ty to be $eard) ;5< !# t$e acc sed $as been s ed #or t$e comm!ss!on o# anot$er o##ense !nvolv!n" moral t rp!t de and t$e mayor or p bl!c prosec tor recommends $!s arrest) or ;/< !# $e comm!ts an act o# $arassment a"a!nst pr!vate compla!nant, prosec tor or &!tnesses !n t$e case pend!n" a"a!nst $!m. +$e (ct too2 e##ect on (pr!l 7, 2015, #!#teen days a#ter !ts p bl!cat!on !n t$e O##!c!al Dazette and t&o nat!onal ne&spapers.

Canuar% 201/ Philippine Supreme Court Rulin"s on Remedial Law

Posted on 3ebr ary 17, 201/ by Carlos Roberto Z. Lopez U Posted !n P$!l!pp!nes 1 Cases, Remed!al La& U Leave a comment Here are select 6an ary 201/ r l!n"s o# t$e % preme Co rt o# t$e P$!l!pp!nes on remed!al la&' Civil Procedure (ct!on to ann l * d"ment or #!nal order) * r!sd!ct!on. ,n 1=>1, t$e Le"!slat re enacted -atas Pambansa -l".12= ;6 d!c!ary Reor"an!zat!on (ct o# 1=>0<. (mon" several !nnovat!ons o# t$!s le"!slat!ve enactment &as t$e #ormal establ!s$ment o# t$e ann lment o# a * d"ment or #!nal order as an act!on !ndependent #rom t$e "ener!c class!#!cat!on o# l!t!"at!ons !n &$!c$ t$e s b*ect matter

&as not capable o# pec n!ary est!mat!on, and eApressly vested t$e eAcl s!ve or!"!nal * r!sd!ct!on over s c$ act!on !n t$e C(. +$e act!on !n &$!c$ t$e s b*ect o# t$e l!t!"at!on &as !ncapable o# pec n!ary est!mat!on cont!n ed to be nder t$e eAcl s!ve or!"!nal * r!sd!ct!on o# t$e R+C, &$!c$ replaced t$e C3, as t$e co rt o# "eneral * r!sd!ct!on. %!nce t$en, t$e R+C no lon"er $ad * r!sd!ct!on over an act!on to ann l t$e * d"ment o# t$e R+C, el!m!nat!n" all concerns abo t * d!c!al stab!l!ty. +o !mplement t$!s c$an"e, t$e Co rt !ntrod ced a ne& proced re to "overn t$e act!on to ann l t$e * d"ment o# t$e R+C !n t$e 1==7 rev!s!on o# t$e R les o# Co rt nder R le /7, d!rect!n" !n %ect!on 2 t$ereo# t$at 8FtG$e ann lment may be based only on t$e "ro nds o# eAtr!ns!c #ra d and lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on.9 Pinausu7an (eafood <ouse-RoCas )lvd., .n%. v. 3ar /ast )an7 and +rust Cp., no4 )an7 of the Philippine .slands, et al., ?(R( 9o( 1.002-+ Canuar% 20+ 201/( (ct!on to ann l * d"ment or #!nal order) lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on) types. Lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on on t$e part o# t$e tr!al co rt !n render!n" t$e * d"ment or #!nal order !s e!t$er lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on over t$e s b*ect matter or nat re o# t$e act!on, or lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on over t$e person o# t$e pet!t!oner. +$e #ormer !s a matter o# s bstant!ve la& beca se stat tory la& de#!nes t$e * r!sd!ct!on o# t$e co rts over t$e s b*ect matter or nat re o# t$e act!on. +$e latter !s a matter o# proced ral la&, #or !t !nvolves t$e serv!ce o# s mmons or ot$er process on t$e pet!t!oner. ( * d"ment or #!nal order !ss ed by t$e tr!al co rt &!t$o t * r!sd!ct!on over t$e s b*ect matter or nat re o# t$e act!on !s al&ays vo!d, and, !n t$e &ords o# 6 st!ce %treet !n -anco BspaNol13!l!p!no v. Palanca ;57 P$!l =/= F1=1>G<, 8!n t$!s sense !t may be sa!d to be a la&less t$!n", &$!c$ can be treated as an o tla& and sla!n at s!"$t, or !"nored &$erever and &$enever !t eA$!b!ts !ts $ead.9 - t t$e de#ect o# lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on over t$e person, be!n" a matter o# proced ral la&, may be &a!ved by t$e party concerned e!t$er eApressly or !mpl!edly. Pinausu7an (eafood <ouse-RoCas )lvd., .n%. v. 3ar /ast )an7 and +rust Cp., no4 )an7 of the Philippine .slands, et al., ?(R( 9o( 1.002-+ Canuar% 20+ 201/( (ct!on to ann l * d"ment or #!nal order) nat re. +$e Co rt $as eApo nded on t$e nat re o# t$e remedy o# ann lment o# * d"ment or #!nal order !n ?are (dvent re 3arm Corporat!on v. Co rt o# (ppeals ;7>1 %CR( .>0, .>71.>7 F2012G<, vi9' 8( pet!t!on #or ann lment o# * d"ment !s a remedy !n e: !ty so eAcept!onal !n nat re t$at !t may be ava!led o# only &$en ot$er remed!es are &ant!n", and only !# t$e * d"ment, #!nal order or #!nal resol t!on so "$t to be ann lled &as rendered by a co rt lac2!n" * r!sd!ct!on or t$ro "$ eAtr!ns!c #ra d. Jet, t$e remedy, be!n" eAcept!onal !n c$aracter, !s not allo&ed to be so eas!ly and read!ly ab sed by part!es a""r!eved by t$e #!nal * d"ments, orders or resol t!ons. +$e Co rt $as t$ s !nst!t ted sa#e" ards by l!m!t!n" t$e "ro nds #or t$e ann lment to lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on and eAtr!ns!c #ra d, and by prescr!b!n" !n %ect!on 1 o# R le /7 o# t$e R les o# Co rt t$at t$e pet!t!oner s$o ld s$o& t$at t$e ord!nary remed!es o# ne& tr!al, appeal, pet!t!on #or rel!e# or ot$er appropr!ate remed!es are no lon"er ava!lable t$ro "$ no #a lt o# t$e pet!t!oner. ( pet!t!on #or ann lment t$at !"nores or d!sre"ards any o# t$e sa#e" ards cannot prosper. A A A9 +$e ob*ect!ve o# t$e remedy o# ann lment o# * d"ment or #!nal order !s to ndo or set as!de t$e * d"ment or #!nal order, and t$ereby "rant to t$e pet!t!oner an opport n!ty to prosec te $!s ca se or to vent!late $!s de#ense. ,# t$e "ro nd rel!ed pon !s lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on, t$e ent!re proceed!n"s are set as!de &!t$o t pre* d!ce to t$e or!"!nal act!on be!n" re#!led !n t$e proper co rt. ,# t$e * d"ment or #!nal order or resol t!on !s set as!de on t$e "ro nd o# eAtr!ns!c #ra d, t$e C( may on mot!on order t$e tr!al co rt to try t$e case as !# a t!mely mot!on #or ne& tr!al $ad been "ranted t$ere!n. +$e remedy !s by no means an appeal &$ereby t$e correctness o# t$e assa!led * d"ment

or #!nal order !s !n !ss e) $ence, t$e C( !s not called pon to address eac$ error alle"edly comm!tted by t$e tr!al co rt. Pinausu7an (eafood <ouse-RoCas )lvd., .n%. v. 3ar /ast )an7 and +rust Cp., no4 )an7 of the Philippine .slands, et al., ?(R( 9o( 1.002-+ Canuar% 20+ 201/( (ct!on to ann l * d"ment or #!nal order) prescr!pt!ve per!od. +$e t$!rd re: !rement sets t$e t!me #or t$e #!l!n" o# t$e act!on. +$e act!on, !# based on eAtr!ns!c #ra d, m st be #!led &!t$!n #o r years #rom t$e d!scovery o# t$e eAtr!ns!c #ra d) and !# based on lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on, m st be bro "$t be#ore !t !s barred by lac$es or estoppel. Pinausu7an (eafood <ouse-RoCas )lvd., .n%. v. 3ar /ast )an7 and +rust Cp., no4 )an7 of the Philippine .slands, et al., ?(R( 9o( 1.002-+ Canuar% 20+ 201/( (ct!on to ann l * d"ment or #!nal order) re: !s!tes. +$e #!rst re: !rement prescr!bes t$at t$e remedy !s ava!lable only &$en t$e pet!t!oner can no lon"er resort to t$e ord!nary remed!es o# ne& tr!al, appeal, pet!t!on #or rel!e# or ot$er appropr!ate remed!es t$ro "$ no #a lt o# t$e pet!t!oner. +$!s means t$at t$e remedy, alt$o "$ seen as 8a last remedy,9 !s not an alternat!ve to t$e ord!nary remed!es o# ne& tr!al, appeal and pet!t!on #or rel!e#. +$e pet!t!on m st aver, t$ere#ore, t$at t$e pet!t!oner #a!led to move #or a ne& tr!al, or to appeal, or to #!le a pet!t!on #or rel!e# &!t$o t #a lt on $!s part. - t t$!s re: !rement to aver !s not !mposed &$en t$e "ro nd #or t$e pet!t!on !s lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on ;&$et$er alle"ed s!n"ly or !n comb!nat!on &!t$ eAtr!ns!c #ra d<, s!mply beca se t$e * d"ment or #!nal order, be!n" vo!d, may be assa!led at any t!me e!t$er collaterally or by d!rect act!on or by res!st!n" s c$ * d"ment or #!nal order !n any act!on or proceed!n" &$enever !t !s !nvo2ed, nless t$e "ro nd o# lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on !s mean&$!le barred by lac$es. +$e second re: !rement l!m!ts t$e "ro nd #or t$e act!on o# ann lment o# * d"ment to e!t$er eAtr!ns!c #ra d or lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on. Not every 2!nd o# #ra d * st!#!es t$e act!on o# ann lment o# * d"ment. Only eAtr!ns!c #ra d does. 3ra d !s eAtr!ns!c, accord!n" to Cosm!c L mber Corporat!on v. Co rt o# (ppeals ;27. %CR( 17>, 1>0 F1==7G<, 8&$ere t$e ns ccess# l party $as been prevented #rom eA$!b!t!n" # lly $!s case, by #ra d or decept!on pract!ced on $!m by $!s opponent, as by 2eep!n" $!m a&ay #rom co rt, a #alse prom!se o# a comprom!se) or &$ere t$e de#endant never $ad 2no&led"e o# t$e s !t, be!n" 2ept !n !"norance by t$e acts o# t$e pla!nt!##) or &$ere an attorney #ra d lently or &!t$o t a t$or!ty conn!ves at $!s de#eat) t$ese and s!m!lar cases &$!c$ s$o& t$at t$ere $as never been a real contest !n t$e tr!al or $ear!n" o# t$e case are reasons #or &$!c$ a ne& s !t may be s sta!ned to set as!de and ann l t$e #ormer * d"ment and open t$e case #or a ne& and #a!r $ear!n".9 +$e t$!rd re: !rement sets t$e t!me #or t$e #!l!n" o# t$e act!on. +$e act!on, !# based on eAtr!ns!c #ra d, m st be #!led &!t$!n #o r years #rom t$e d!scovery o# t$e eAtr!ns!c #ra d) and !# based on lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on, m st be bro "$t be#ore !t !s barred by lac$es or estoppel. +$e #o rt$ re: !rement demands t$at t$e pet!t!on s$o ld be ver!#!ed, and s$o ld alle"e &!t$ part!c lar!ty t$e #acts and t$e la& rel!ed pon #or ann lment, as &ell as t$ose s pport!n" t$e pet!t!oner@s "ood and s bstant!al ca se o# act!on or de#ense, as t$e case may be. +$e need #or part!c lar!ty cannot be d!spensed &!t$ beca se averr!n" t$e c!rc mstances const!t t!n" e!t$er #ra d or m!sta2e &!t$ part!c lar!ty !s a n!versal re: !rement !n t$e r les o# plead!n". +$e pet!t!on !s to be #!led !n seven clearly le"!ble cop!es, to"et$er &!t$ s ##!c!ent cop!es correspond!n" to t$e n mber o# respondents, and s$all conta!n essent!al s bm!ss!ons,

spec!#!cally' ;a< t$e cert!#!ed tr e copy o# t$e * d"ment or #!nal order or resol t!on, to be attac$ed to t$e or!"!nal copy o# t$e pet!t!on !ntended #or t$e co rt and !nd!cated as s c$ by t$e pet!t!oner) ;b< t$e a##!dav!ts o# &!tnesses or doc ments s pport!n" t$e ca se o# act!on or de#ense) and ;c< t$e s&orn cert!#!cat!on t$at t$e pet!t!oner $as not t$ereto#ore commenced any ot$er act!on !nvolv!n" t$e same !ss es !n t$e % preme Co rt, t$e C( or t$e d!##erent d!v!s!ons t$ereo#, or any ot$er tr!b nal or a"ency) !# t$ere !s s c$ ot$er act!on or proceed!n", $e m st state t$e stat s o# t$e same, and !# $e s$o ld t$erea#ter learn t$at a s!m!lar act!on or proceed!n" $as been #!led or !s pend!n" be#ore t$e % preme Co rt, t$e C(, or d!##erent d!v!s!ons t$ereo#, or any ot$er tr!b nal or a"ency, $e nderta2es to promptly !n#orm t$e sa!d co rts and ot$er tr!b nal or a"ency t$ereo# &!t$!n #!ve days t$ere#rom. Pinausu7an (eafood <ouse-RoCas )lvd., .n%. v. 3ar /ast )an7 and +rust Cp., no4 )an7 of the Philippine .slands, et al., ?(R( 9o( 1.002-+ Canuar% 20+ 201/( (ppeal) tr!al co rt@s #act al #!nd!n"s as a##!rmed by C( are b!nd!n" on appeal. +o start &!t$, cons!der!n" t$at t$e Co rt o# (ppeals ;C(< t$ereby a##!rmed t$e #act al #!nd!n"s o# t$e R+C, t$e Co rt !s bo nd to p$old s c$ #!nd!n"s, #or !t !s aA!omat!c t$at t$e tr!al co rt@s #act al #!nd!n"s as a##!rmed by t$e C( are b!nd!n" on appeal d e to t$e Co rt not be!n" a tr!er o# #acts. *evelopment )an7 of the Philippines :*)P; v. GuariJa =gri%ultural and Realty *evelopment Corporation,?(R( 9o( 1-01.I( Canuar% 1.+ 201/( (ppeal by cert!orar! nder R le /.) covers : est!ons o# la& only) eAcept!ons. +$e Co rt $as cons!stently $eld t$at as a "eneral r le, a pet!t!on #or rev!e& nder R le /. o# t$e R les o# Co rt covers : est!ons o# la& only. +$e r le, $o&ever, adm!ts o# eAcept!ons, s b*ect to t$e #ollo&!n" eAcept!ons, to &!t' ;1< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s are "ro nded ent!rely on spec lat!ons, s rm!ses, or con*ect res) ;2< &$en t$e !n#erence made !s man!#estly m!sta2en, abs rd, or !mposs!ble) ;5< &$en t$ere !s a "rave ab se o# d!scret!on) ;/< &$en t$e * d"ment !s based on m!sapprec!at!on o# #acts) ;.< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s o# #act are con#l!ct!n") ;7< &$en !n ma2!n" !ts #!nd!n"s, t$e same are contrary to t$e adm!ss!ons o# bot$ appellant and appellee) ;7< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s are contrary to t$ose o# t$e tr!al co rt) ;>< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s are concl s!ons &!t$o t c!tat!on o# spec!#!c ev!dence on &$!c$ t$ey are based) ;=< &$en t$e #acts set #ort$ !n t$e pet!t!on as &ell as !n t$e pet!t!oner@s ma!n and reply br!e#s are not d!sp ted by t$e respondent) and ;10< &$en t$e #!nd!n"s o# #act are prem!sed on t$e s pposed absence o# ev!dence and contrad!cted by t$e ev!dence on record. Rodolfo 0aborte, et al. v. PagsanGan +ourism ConsumersH Cooperative, et al., ?(R( 9o( 1IDI-0+ Canuar% 1.+ 201/ (ppeal by cert!orar! nder R le /.) e##ect o# #a!l re to #!le mot!on #or recons!derat!on &!t$!n 1.1 day re"lementary per!od. +$e Co rt emp$as!zed t$at t$e 1.1day per!od #or #!l!n" a mot!on #or ne& tr!al or recons!derat!on !s non1eAtend!ble. Hence, t$e #!l!n" o# a mot!on #or eAtens!on o# t!me to #!le a mot!on #or recons!derat!on d!d not toll t$e 1.1day per!od be#ore a * d"ment becomes #!nal and eAec tory. Rivelisa Realty, .n%., represented by Ri%ardo P. Venturina v. 3irst (ta. Clara )uilders Corporation, represented by Ramon =. Pangilinan, as President, ?(R( 9o( 1I0-1I( Canuar% 1.+ 201/( (ppeal by cert!orar! nder R le /.) #act al : est!ons may not be ra!sed. 0ell entrenc$ed !n t$!s * r!sd!ct!on !s t$e r le t$at #act al : est!ons may not be ra!sed be#ore t$!s Co rt !n a pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! as t$!s Co rt !s not a tr!er o# #acts. +$ s, !t !s settled t$at !n pet!t!ons #or rev!e& on cert!orar!, only : est!ons o# la& may be p t !n !ss e. H est!ons o# #act cannot be enterta!ned.

( : est!on o# la& eA!sts &$en t$e do bt or controversy concerns t$e correct appl!cat!on o# la& or * r!spr dence to a certa!n set o# #acts, or &$en t$e !ss e does not call #or an eAam!nat!on o# t$e probat!ve val e o# t$e ev!dence presented, t$e tr t$ or #alse$ood o# #acts be!n" adm!tted. ( : est!on o# #act eA!sts &$en t$e do bt or d!##erence ar!ses as to t$e tr t$ or #alse$ood o# #acts or &$en t$e : ery !nv!tes cal!brat!on o# t$e &$ole ev!dence cons!der!n" ma!nly t$e cred!b!l!ty o# t$e &!tnesses, t$e eA!stence and relevancy o# spec!#!c s rro nd!n" c!rc mstances as &ell as t$e!r relat!on to eac$ ot$er and to t$e &$ole, and t$e probab!l!ty o# t$e s!t at!on. /astern (hipping 0ines, .n%. v. )P.DM( .nsuran%e Corp., and Mitsui (umitomo .nsuran%e Co., 0td., ?(R( 9o( 10D0I-+ Canuar% 1.+ 201/( (ppeal by cert!orar! nder R le /.) #act al #!nd!n"s o# tr!al co rt, &$en a##!rmed by C(, are b!nd!n" on % preme Co rt. Cons!der!n" t$at t$e #act al #!nd!n"s o# t$e tr!al co rt, &$en a##!rmed by t$e C(, are b!nd!n" on t$e Co rt, t$e Co rt a##!rms t$e * d"ment o# t$e C( p$old!n" Bd ardo@s eAerc!se o# t$e r!"$t o# rep rc$ase. Roberto co ld no lon"er assa!l t$e #act al #!nd!n"s beca se $!s pet!t!on #or rev!e& on cert!orar! &as l!m!ted to t$e rev!e& and determ!nat!on o# : est!ons o# la& only. ( : est!on o# la& eA!sts &$en t$e do bt centers on &$at t$e la& !s on a certa!n set o# nd!sp ted #acts, &$!le a : est!on o# #act eA!sts &$en t$e do bt centers on t$e tr t$ or #als!ty o# t$e alle"ed #acts. 0$et$er t$e cond!t!ons #or t$e r!"$t to rep rc$ase &ere compl!ed &!t$, or &$et$er t$ere &as a tender o# payment !s a : est!on o# #act. Roberto R. *avid, represented by his =ttorney-in-3a%t =tty. Pro%eso M. a%ino v. /duardo C. *avid, a%ting through his =ttorney-in-3a%t /d4in C. *avid,?(R( 9o( 1-2D-.( Canuar% 1.+ 201/( (ppeal by cert!orar! nder R le /.) scope o# rev!e& l!m!ted. (nent t$e correct amo nt o# s rety bond, !t !s &ell to emp$as!ze t$at o r tas2 !n an appeal by pet!t!on #or rev!e& on %ertiorari !s l!m!ted, as a * r!sd!ct!onal matter, to rev!e&!n" errors o# la& t$at m!"$t $ave been comm!tted by t$e C(. +$e alle"at!ons o# !ncorrect comp tat!on o# t$e s rety bond !nvolve #act al matters &!t$!n t$e competence o# t$e tr!al co rt. 02E <oldings and *evelopment Corporation v. Planters *evelopment )an7,?(R( 9o( 1I101D+ Canuar% 20+ 201/. (ppeal by cert!orar! nder R le /.) scope o# rev!e&. (t t$e o tset, !t m st be po!nted o t t$at t$e pet!t!oners@ ass!"nment o# errors calls #or t$e Co rt to a"a!n eval ate t$e ev!dence to determ!ne &$et$er t$ere &as a part!t!on o# t$e property and &$et$er t$e 1R5 port!on o# t$e so t$ern $al# &as sold to t$e respondent spo ses. +$ese clearly enta!l : est!ons o# #act &$!c$ are beyond t$e Co rt@s amb!t o# rev!e& nder R le. +heresita, 6uan, =sun%ion, Patro%inia, Ri%ardo, and Gloria, all surnamed *imaguila v. 6ose and (onia =. Monteiro,?(R( 9o( 201011+ Canuar% 21+ 201/( B*ectment) !mmed!ate eAec t!on o# * d"ment) re: !s!tes #or stay. +$e r l!n" !n C$ a v. Co rt o# (ppeals ;2>7 %CR( /57, ///1//. F1==>G< !s !nstr ct!ve on t$e means o# stay!n" t$e !mmed!ate eAec t!on o# a * d"ment !n an e*ectment case, to &!t' (s a "eneral r le, a * d"ment !n #avor o# t$e pla!nt!## !n an e*ectment s !t !s !mmed!ately eAec tory, !n order to prevent # rt$er dama"e to $!m ar!s!n" #rom t$e loss o# possess!on o# t$e property !n : est!on. +o stay t$e !mmed!ate eAec t!on o# t$e sa!d * d"ment &$!le t$e appeal !s pend!n" t$e #ore"o!n" prov!s!on re: !res t$at t$e #ollo&!n" re: !s!tes m st conc r' ;1< t$e de#endant per#ects $!s appeal) ;2< $e #!les a supersedeas bond) and ;5< $e per!od!cally depos!ts t$e rentals &$!c$ become d e d r!n" t$e pendency o# t$e appeal. +$e #a!l re o# t$e de#endant to comply &!t$ any o# t$ese cond!t!ons !s a "ro nd #or t$e o tr!"$t eAec t!on o# t$e * d"ment, t$e d ty o# t$e co rt !n t$!s respect be!n" 8m!n!ster!al and !mperat!ve.9 Hence, !# t$e de#endant1 appellant per#ected t$e appeal b t #a!led to #!le a supersedeas bond, t$e !mmed!ate eAec t!on o#

t$e * d"ment &o ld a tomat!cally #ollo&. Conversely, t$e #!l!n" o# a supersedeas bond &!ll not stay t$e eAec t!on o# t$e * d"ment !# t$e appeal !s not per#ected. Necessar!ly t$en, t$e supersedeas bond s$o ld be #!led &!t$!n t$e per!od #or t$e per#ect!on o# t$e appeal. ,n s$ort, a * d"ment !n #avor o# t$e pla!nt!## !n an e*ectment s !t !s !mmed!ately eAec tory, b t t$e de#endant, to stay !ts !mmed!ate eAec t!on, m st' ;1< per#ect an appeal) ;2< #!le a supersedeas bond) and ;5< per!od!cally depos!t t$e rentals becom!n" d e d r!n" t$e pendency o# t$e appeal. <erminia =%bang v. <on. 6immy 0u%9on, 6r., et al.,?(R( 9o( 1-/2/-+ Canuar% 1.+ 201/( BAec t!on) +ercer!a) &$en proper. +$e r!"$t o# a t$!rd1party cla!mant to #!le a tercer!a !s #o nded on $!s t!tle or r!"$t o# possess!on. Corollary t$ereto, be#ore t$e co rt can eAerc!se !ts s perv!sory po&er to d!rect t$e release o# t$e property m!sta2enly lev!ed and t$e restorat!on t$ereo# to !ts r!"$t# l o&ner, t$e cla!mant m st #!rst nm!sta2ably establ!s$ $!s o&ners$!p or r!"$t o# possess!on t$ereon. ,n (pouses (y v. <on. *is%aya ;270 P$!l. /01 F1==0G< &e declared t$at #or a t$!rd1party cla!m or a tercer!a to prosper, t$e cla!mant m st #!rst s ##!c!ently establ!s$ $!s r!"$t on t$e property' 8F(G t$!rd person &$ose property &as se!zed by a s$er!## to ans&er #or t$e obl!"at!on o# t$e * d"ment debtor may !nvo2e t$e s perv!sory po&er o# $e co rt &$!c$ a t$or!zed s c$ eAec t!on. Kpon d e appl!cat!on by t$e t$!rd person and a#ter s mmary $ear!n", t$e co rt may command t$at t$e property be released #rom t$e m!sta2en levy and restored to t$e r!"$t# l o&ner or possessor. 0$at sa!d co rt can do !n t$ese !nstances, $o&ever, !s l!m!ted to a determ!nat!on o# &$et$er t$e s$er!## $as acted r!"$tly or &ron"ly !n t$e per#ormance o# $!s d t!es !n t$e eAec t!on o# * d"ment, more spec!#!cally, !# $e $as !ndeed ta2en $old o# property not belon"!n" to t$e * d"ment debtor. +$e co rt does not and cannot pass pon t$e : est!on o# t!tle to t$e property, &!t$ any c$aracter o# #!nal!ty. ,t can treat o# t$e matter only !nso#ar as may be necessary to dec!de !# t$e s$er!## $as acted correctly or not. ,t can re: !re t$e s$er!## to restore t$e property to t$e cla!mant@s possess!on !# &arranted by t$e ev!dence. Ho&ever, !# t$e cla!mant@s proo#s do not pers ade t$e co rt o# t$e val!d!ty o# $!s t!tle or r!"$t o# possess!on t$ereto, t$e cla!m &!ll be den!ed.9 Magdalena +. Villasi v. 3ilomena Gar%ia, substituted by his heirs, namely, /rmelinda <. Gar%ia, et al.,?(R( 9o( 10010-+ Canuar% 1.+ 201/( BAec t!on o# * d"ments) ,mmed!ate eAec t!on !n %mall Cla!ms cases. %ect!on 25 o# t$e R le o# Proced re #or %mall Cla!ms Cases states t$at t$e dec!s!on s$all !mmed!ately be entered by t$e Cler2 o# Co rt !n t$e co rt doc2et #or c!v!l cases and a copy t$ereo# #ort$&!t$ served on t$e part!es. =.0. =ng et4or7, .n%. v. /mma MondeGar, a%%ompanied by her husband, /fren MondeGar,?(R( 9o( 200I0/( Canuar% 22+ 201/( BAec t!on o# * d"ments) rat!onale. ,t !s almost tr!te to say t$at eAec t!on !s t$e #r !t and end o# t$e s !t. Ha!l!n" !t as t$e 8l!#e o# t$e la&,9 ratio legis est anima, t$!s Co rt $as zealo sly " arded a"a!nst any attempt to t$&art t$e r!"!d r le and deny t$e preva!l!n" l!t!"ant $!s r!"$t to savo r t$e #r !t o# $!s v!ctory. ( * d"ment, !# le#t neAec ted, &o ld be not$!n" b t an empty tr! mp$ #or t$e preva!l!n" party. Magdalena +. Villasi v. 3ilomena Gar%ia, substituted by his heirs, namely, /rmelinda <. Gar%ia, et al.,?(R( 9o( 10010-+ Canuar% 1.+ 201/( Drave ab se o# d!scret!on) concept. +o be s re, "rave ab se o# d!scret!on ar!ses &$en a lo&er co rt or tr!b nal patently v!olates t$e Const!t t!on, t$e la& or eA!st!n" * r!spr dence. Here, &$!le

t$e R+C $ad !n!t!ally !ss ed a &r!t o# possess!on !n #avor o# %ps. 4ar: ez, !t de#!ed eA!st!n" * r!spr dence &$en !t e##ect!vely resc!nded t$e sa!d &r!t by s bse: ently "rant!n" %ps. (l!ndo"@s prayer #or !n* nct!ve rel!e#. (pouses i%asio C. Mar>ue9 and =nita 6. Mar>ue9 v. (pouses Carlito =lindog and Carmen =lindog,?(R( 9o( 1I/0/.( Canuar% 22+ 201/( Drave ab se o# d!scret!on) concept. ,t !s settled doctr!ne t$at t$ere !s "rave ab se o# d!scret!on &$en t$ere !s a capr!c!o s and &$!ms!cal eAerc!se o# * d"ment as !s e: !valent to lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on, s c$ as &$ere t$e po&er !s eAerc!sed !n an arb!trary or despot!c manner by reason o# pass!on or personal $ost!l!ty, and !t m st be so patent and "ross so as to amo nt to an evas!on o# pos!t!ve d ty or to a v!rt al re# sal to per#orm t$e d ty en*o!ned or to act at all !n contemplat!on o# la&. Ralph P. +ua v. <on. Cesar =. Mangrobang, Presiding 6udge, )ran%h &&, R+C, .mus, CaviteI and Rossan <onrado-+ua,?(R( 9o( 110101( Canuar% 22+ 201/( 6 d!c!al po&er) !ss ance o# protect!on orders. %ect!on 2 o# (rt!cle I,,, o# t$e 1=>7 Const!t t!on prov!des t$at 8t$e Con"ress s$all $ave t$e po&er to de#!ne, prescr!be, and apport!on t$e * r!sd!ct!on o# t$e var!o s co rts b t may not depr!ve t$e % preme Co rt o# !ts * r!sd!ct!on over cases en merated !n %ect!on . $ereo#.9 Hence, t$e pr!mary * d"e o# t$e necess!ty, ade: acy, &!sdom, reasonableness and eAped!ency o# any la& !s pr!mar!ly t$e # nct!on o# t$e le"!slat re. +$e act o# Con"ress entr st!n" s &!t$ t$e !ss ance o# protect!on orders !s !n p rs ance o# o r a t$or!ty to settle * st!c!able controvers!es or d!sp tes !nvolv!n" r!"$ts t$at are en#orceable and demandable be#ore t$e co rts o# * st!ce or t$e redress o# &ron"s #or v!olat!ons o# s c$ r!"$ts. Ralph P. +ua v. <on. Cesar =. Mangrobang, Presiding 6udge, )ran%h &&, R+C, .mus, CaviteI and Rossan <onrado-+ua, ?(R( 9o( 110101( Canuar% 22+ 201/( 6 d"ments) en#orceab!l!ty o# money * d"ments. ,t !s a bas!c pr!nc!ple o# la& t$at money * d"ments are en#orceable only a"a!nst t$e property !ncontrovert!bly belon"!n" to t$e * d"ment debtor, and !# t$e property belon"!n" to any t$!rd person !s m!sta2enly lev!ed pon to ans&er #or anot$er man@s !ndebtedness, s c$ person $as all t$e r!"$t to c$allen"e t$e levy t$ro "$ any o# t$e remed!es prov!ded #or nder t$e R les o# Co rt. Magdalena +. Villasi v. 3ilomena Gar%ia, substituted by his heirs, namely, /rmelinda <. Gar%ia, et al., ?(R( 9o( 10010-+ Canuar% 1.+ 201/( 6 d"ments) La& o# t$e case) concept. La& o# t$e case $as been de#!ned as t$e op!n!on del!vered on a #ormer appeal, and means, more spec!#!cally, t$at &$atever !s once !rrevocably establ!s$ed as t$e controll!n" le"al r le o# dec!s!on bet&een t$e same part!es !n t$e same case cont!n es to be t$e la& o# t$e case, &$et$er correct on "eneral pr!nc!ples or not, so lon" as t$e #acts on &$!c$ s c$ dec!s!on &as pred!cated cont!n e to be t$e #acts o# t$e case be#ore t$e co rt. +$e doctr!ne o# la& o# t$e case s!mply means, t$ere#ore, t$at &$en an appellate co rt $as once declared t$e la& !n a case, !ts declarat!on cont!n es to be t$e la& o# t$at case even on a s bse: ent appeal, not&!t$stand!n" t$at t$e r le t$ s la!d do&n may $ave been reversed !n ot$er cases. 3or pract!cal cons!derat!ons, !ndeed, once t$e appellate co rt $as !ss ed a prono ncement on a po!nt t$at &as presented to !t &!t$ # ll opport n!ty to be $eard $av!n" been accorded to t$e part!es, t$e prono ncement s$o ld be re"arded as t$e la& o# t$e case and s$o ld not be reopened on remand o# t$e case to determ!ne ot$er !ss es o# t$e case, l!2e dama"es. - t t$e la& o# t$e case, as t$e name !mpl!es, concerns only le"al : est!ons or !ss es t$ereby ad* d!cated !n t$e #ormer appeal. *evelopment )an7 of the Philippines :*)P; v. GuariJa =gri%ultural and Realty *evelopment Corporation,?(R( 9o( 1-01.I( Canuar% 1.+ 201/(

6 d"ments) remed!es o# t$!rd person cla!m!n" property ta2en by s$er!##. %ect!on 17, R le 5= spec!#!cally prov!des t$at a t$!rd person may ava!l $!msel# o# t$e remed!es o# e!t$er ter%eria, to determ!ne &$et$er t$e s$er!## $as r!"$tly or &ron"ly ta2en $old o# t$e property not belon"!n" to t$e * d"ment debtor or obl!"or, or an !ndependent 8separate act!on9 to v!nd!cate $!s cla!m o# o&ners$!p andRor possess!on over t$e #oreclosed property. Ho&ever, t$e person ot$er t$an t$e * d"ment debtor &$o cla!ms o&ners$!p or r!"$t over lev!ed propert!es !s not precl ded #rom ta2!n" ot$er le"al remed!es to prosec te $!s cla!m. Magdalena +. Villasi v. 3ilomena Gar%ia, substituted by his heirs, namely, /rmelinda <. Gar%ia, et al., ?(R( 9o( 10010-+ Canuar% 1.+ 201/( 6 r!sd!ct!on) conc rrence o# * r!sd!ct!on and $!erarc$y o# co rts. +o be s re, t$e Co rt, t$e Co rt o# (ppeals and t$e Re"!onal +r!al Co rts $ave conc rrent * r!sd!ct!on to !ss e a &r!t o# cert!orar!. % c$ conc rrence o# * r!sd!ct!on, $o&ever, does not "!ve a party nbr!dled #reedom to c$oose t$e ven e o# $!s act!on lest $e r n a#o l o# t$e doctr!ne o# $!erarc$y o# co rts. ,nstead, a becom!n" re"ard #or * d!c!al $!erarc$y d!ctates t$at pet!t!ons #or t$e !ss ance o# &r!ts o# cert!orar! a"a!nst #!rst level co rts s$o ld be #!led &!t$ t$e Re"!onal +r!al Co rt, and t$ose a"a!nst t$e latter, &!t$ t$e Co rt o# (ppeals, be#ore resort may be $ad be#ore t$e % preme Co rt. =.0. =ng et4or7, .n%. v. /mma MondeGar, a%%ompanied by her husband, /fren MondeGar,?(R( 9o( 200I0/( Canuar% 22+ 201/( 6 r!sd!ct!on) 6 st!c!able : est!on) de#!n!t!on. +$e Co rt clar!#!ed, too, t$at t$e !ss e o# &$et$er a ?ep ty Omb dsman may be s b*ected to t$e adm!n!strat!ve d!sc!pl!nary * r!sd!ct!on o# t$e Pres!dent ;conc rrently &!t$ t$at o# t$e Omb dsman< !s a * st!c!able C not a pol!t!cal C : est!on. ( * st!c!able : est!on !s one &$!c$ !s !n$erently s scept!ble o# be!n" dec!ded on "ro nds reco"n!zed by la&, as &$ere t$e co rt #!nds t$at t$ere are const!t t!onally1!mposed l!m!ts on t$e eAerc!se o# t$e po&ers con#erred on a pol!t!cal branc$ o# t$e "overnment. /milio =. Gon9ales ... v. Offi%e of the President, et%., et al.DBendell )areras-(ulit v. =tty. Pa>uito . O%hoa, 6r., et al.,?(R( 9o( 10-2D1$?(R( 9o( 10-2D2+ Canuar% 2I+ 201/( 6 r!sd!ct!on) %mall Cla!ms cases. Hence, cons!der!n" t$at small cla!ms cases are eAcl s!vely &!t$!n t$e * r!sd!ct!on o# t$e 4etropol!tan +r!al Co rts, 4 n!c!pal +r!al Co rts !n C!t!es, 4 n!c!pal +r!al Co rts, and 4 n!c!pal C!rc !t +r!al Co rts, cert!orar! pet!t!ons assa!l!n" !ts d!spos!t!ons s$o ld be #!led be#ore t$e!r correspond!n" Re"!onal +r!al Co rts. +$!s pet!t!oner compl!ed &!t$ &$en !t !nst!t ted !ts pet!t!on #or cert!orar! be#ore t$e R+C &$!c$, as prev!o sly ment!oned, $as * r!sd!ct!on over t$e same. =.0. =ng et4or7, .n%. v. /mma MondeGar, a%%ompanied by her husband, /fren MondeGar,?(R( 9o( 200I0/( Canuar% 22+ 201/( 4ot!ons) mot!on to eAtend t!me to #!le mot!on #or recons!derat!on pro$!b!ted !n all co rts eAcept !n t$e % preme Co rt. 0$!le a mot!on #or add!t!onal t!me !s eApressly perm!tted !n t$e #!l!n" o# a pet!t!on #or rev!e& be#ore t$e Co rt nder %ect!on 2, R le /. o# t$e R les o# Co rt, a s!m!lar mot!on see2!n" to eAtend t$e per!od #or #!l!n" a mot!on #or recons!derat!on !s pro$!b!ted !n all ot$er co rts. +$!s r le &as #!rst la!d do&n !n t$e case o# Habal yas Bnterpr!ses v. 6apzon ;227 P$!l. 1// F1=>7G< &$ere!n !t &as $eld t$at' -e"!nn!n" one mont$ a#ter t$e prom l"at!on o# t$!s Resol t!on, t$e r le s$all be str!ctly en#orced t$at no mot!on #or eAtens!on o# t!me to #!le a mot!on #or ne& tr!al or recons!derat!on may be #!led &!t$ t$e 4etropol!tan or 4 n!c!pal +r!al Co rts, t$e Re"!onal +r!al Co rts, and t$e ,ntermed!ate (ppellate Co rt. % c$ a mot!on may be #!led only !n cases pend!n" &!t$ t$e

% preme Co rt as t$e co rt o# last resort, &$!c$ may !n !ts so nd d!scret!on e!t$er "rant or deny t$e eAtens!on re: ested. Rivelisa Realty, .n%., represented by Ri%ardo P. Venturina v. 3irst (ta. Clara )uilders Corporation, represented by Ramon =. Pangilinan, as President, ?(R( 9o( 1I0-1I( Canuar% 1.+ 201/( 4ot!on #or recons!derat!on) e##ect o# non1#!l!n". (t t$e o tset, t$e Co rt noted t$at Donzales and % l!t d!d not #!le a mot!on #or recons!derat!on o# t$e % preme Co rt@s %eptember /, 2012 ?ec!s!on) only t$e O##!ce o# t$e Pres!dent, t$ro "$ t$e O%D, moved #or t$e recons!derat!on o# o r r l!n" re!nstat!n" Donzales. +$!s om!ss!on, $o&ever, poses no obstacle #or t$e Co rt@s rev!e& o# !ts r l!n" on t$e &$ole case s!nce a ser!o s const!t t!onal : est!on $as been ra!sed and !s one o# t$e nderly!n" bases #or t$e val!d!ty or !nval!d!ty o# t$e pres!dent!al act!on. ,# t$e Pres!dent does not $ave any const!t t!onal a t$or!ty to d!sc!pl!ne a ?ep ty Omb dsman andRor a %pec!al Prosec tor !n t$e #!rst place, t$en any r l!n" on t$e le"al correctness o# t$e OP@s dec!s!on on t$e mer!ts &!ll be an empty one. ,n ot$er &ords, s!nce t$e val!d!ty o# t$e OP@s dec!s!on on t$e mer!ts o# t$e d!sm!ssal !s !neAtr!cably anc$ored on t$e #!nal and correct r l!n" on t$e const!t t!onal !ss e, t$e &$ole case C !ncl d!n" t$e const!t t!onal !ss e C rema!ns al!ve #or t$e Co rt@s cons!derat!on on mot!on #or recons!derat!on. /milio =. Gon9ales ... v. Offi%e of the President, et%., et al.DBendell )areras-(ulit v. =tty. Pa>uito . O%hoa, 6r., et al., ?(R( 9o( 10-2D1$?(R( 9o( 10-2D2+ Canuar% 2I+ 201/( Plead!n"s) ?e#ense and ob*ect!ons not pleaded e!t$er !n mot!on to d!sm!ss or !n ans&er are deemed &a!ved) eAcept!ons. %!"n!#!cantly, t$e R le re: !res t$at s c$ a mot!on s$o ld be #!led 8&!t$!n t$e t!me #or b t be#ore #!l!n" t$e ans&er to t$e compla!nt or plead!n" assert!n" a cla!m.9 +$e t!me #rame !nd!cates t$at t$erea#ter, t$e mot!on to d!sm!ss based on t$e absence o# t$e cond!t!on precedent !s barred. ,t !s so !n#erable #rom t$e open!n" sentence o# %ect!on 1 o# R le = stat!n" t$at de#ense and ob*ect!ons not pleaded e!t$er !n a mot!on to d!sm!ss or !n t$e ans&er are deemed &a!ved. +$ere are, as * st noted, only #o r eAcept!ons to t$!s R le, namely, lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on over t$e s b*ect matter) litis pendentia) res Gudi%ata) and prescr!pt!on o# act!on. 3a!l re to alle"e !n t$e compla!nt t$at earnest e##orts at a comprom!se $as been made b t $ad #a!led !s not one o# t$e eAcept!ons. <eirs of *r. Mariano 3avis, (r., represented by their %o-heirs and attorneys-in-fa%t, Mer%edes =. 3avis and elly 3avis-Villafuente v. 6uana Gon9ales, her son Mariano 3avis, all minors represented herein by their parents, (ps. Mariano 3avis and 0ar%elita *. 3avis,?(R( 9o( 1I.022+ Canuar% 1.+ 201/( Plead!n"s) 3a!l re to alle"e comprom!se e##orts !n compla!nt not * r!sd!ct!onal de#ect. 0$y t$e ob*ect!on o# #a!l re to alle"e a #a!led attempt at a comprom!se !n a s !t amon" members o# t$e same #am!ly !s &a!vable &as earl!er eApla!ned !n t$e case o# Iersoza v. Iersoza ;15. P$!l. >/, =/ F1=7>G<, a case #or # t re s pport &$!c$ &as d!sm!ssed by t$e tr!al co rt pon t$e "ro nd t$at t$ere &as no s c$ alle"at!on o# !n#r!n"ement o# (rt!cle 222 o# t$e C!v!l Code, t$e or!"!n o# (rt!cle 1.1 o# t$e 3am!ly Code. 0$!le t$e Co rt r led t$at a compla!nt #or # t re s pport cannot be t$e s b*ect o# a comprom!se and as s c$ t$e absence o# t$e re: !red alle"at!on !n t$e compla!nt cannot be a "ro nd #or ob*ect!on a"a!nst t$e s !t, t$e dec!s!on &ent on to state t$ s'

+$e alle"ed de#ect !s t$at t$e present compla!nt does not state a ca se o# act!on. +$e proposed amendment see2s to complete !t. (n amendment to t$e e##ect t$at t$e re: !rements o# (rt!cle 222 $ave been compl!ed &!t$ does not con#er * r!sd!ct!on pon t$e lo&er co rt. 0!t$ or &!t$o t t$!s amendment, t$e s b*ect1matter o# t$e act!on rema!ns as one #or s pport, c stody o# c$!ldren, and dama"es, co"n!zable by t$e co rt belo&. +o !ll strate, +amayo v. %an 4!" el -re&ery, ,nc., allo&ed an amendment &$!c$ 8merely corrected a de#ect !n t$e alle"at!on o# pla!nt!##1appellant@s ca se o# act!on, beca se as !t t$en stood, t$e or!"!nal compla!nt stated no ca se o# act!on.9 0e t$ere r led o t as !nappl!cable t$e $old!n" !n Campos R eda Corporat!on v. -a t!sta, t$at an amendment cannot be made so as to con#er * r!sd!ct!on on t$e co rt A A A +$ere#ore, t$e r le on deemed &a!ver o# t$e non1* r!sd!ct!onal de#ense or ob*ect!on !s &$olly appl!cable to respondent. ,# t$e respondents as part!es1de#endants co ld not, and d!d not, a#ter #!l!n" t$e!r ans&er to pet!t!oner@s compla!nt, !nvo2e t$e ob*ect!on o# absence o# t$e re: !red alle"at!on on earnest e##orts at a comprom!se, t$e appellate co rt n: est!onably d!d not $ave any a t$or!ty or bas!s to muto proprio order t$e d!sm!ssal o# pet!t!oner@s compla!nt. <eirs of *r. Mariano 3avis, (r., represented by their %o-heirs and attorneys-in-fa%t, Mer%edes =. 3avis and elly 3avis-Villafuente v. 6uana Gon9ales, her son Mariano 3avis, all minors represented herein by their parents, (ps. Mariano 3avis and 0ar%elita *. 3avis, ?(R( 9o( 1I.022+ Canuar% 1.+ 201/( Plead!n"s) motu proprio d!sm!ssal. %ect!on 1, R le = prov!des #or only #o r !nstances &$en t$e co rt may motu proprio d!sm!ss t$e cla!m, namely' ;a< lac2 o# * r!sd!ct!on over t$e s b*ect matter) ;b< litis pendentia) ;c< res Gudi%ata) and ;d< prescr!pt!on o# act!on. %pec!#!cally !n D mabon v. Lar!n ;/22 P$!l. 222, 250 F2001G<, c!ted !n Eaton v. Palanca, 6r. ;/>1 P$!l. 17>, 1>0 F200/G<, t$e Co rt $eld' 8A A A F+G$e muto proprio d!sm!ssal o# a case &as trad!t!onally l!m!ted to !nstances &$en t$e co rt clearly $ad no * r!sd!ct!on over t$e s b*ect matter and &$en t$e pla!nt!## d!d not appear d r!n" tr!al, #a!led to prosec te $!s act!on #or an nreasonable len"t$ o# t!me or ne"lected to comply &!t$ t$e r les or &!t$ any order o# t$e co rt. O ts!de o# t$ese !nstances, any mot propr!o Fs!cG d!sm!ssal &o ld amo nt to a v!olat!on o# t$e r!"$t o# t$e pla!nt!## to be $eard. BAcept #or : al!#y!n" and eApand!n" %ect!on 2, R le =, and %ect!on 5, R le 17, o# t$e Rev!sed R les o# Co rt, t$e amendatory 1==7 R les o# C!v!l Proced re bro "$t abo t no rad!cal c$an"e. Knder t$e ne& r les, a co rt may muto proprio d!sm!ss a cla!m &$en !t appears #rom t$e plead!n"s or ev!dence on record t$at !t $as no * r!sd!ct!on over t$e s b*ect matter) &$en t$ere !s anot$er ca se o# act!on pend!n" bet&een t$e same part!es #or t$e same ca se, or &$ere t$e act!on !s barred by a pr!or * d"ment or by stat te o# l!m!tat!ons. A A A.9 <eirs of *r. Mariano 3avis, (r., represented by their %o-heirs and attorneys-in-fa%t, Mer%edes =. 3avis and elly 3avis-Villafuente v. 6uana Gon9ales, her son Mariano 3avis, all minors represented herein by their parents, (ps. Mariano 3avis and 0ar%elita *. 3avis, ?(R( 9o( 1I.022+ Canuar% 1.+ 201/. Prel!m!nary !n* nct!on) !mproper &$ere act so "$t to be en*o!ned !s already cons mmated. Case la& !nstr cts t$at !n* nct!on &o ld not l!e &$ere t$e acts so "$t to be en*o!ned $ad already become #a!t accompl! ;mean!n", an accompl!s$ed or cons mmated act<. Hence, s!nce t$e

cons mmat!on o# t$e act so "$t to be restra!ned $ad rendered %ps. (l!ndo"s !n* nct!on pet!t!on moot, t$e !ss ance o# t$e sa!d !n* nct!ve &r!t &as alto"et$er !mproper. (pouses i%asio C. Mar>ue9 and =nita 6. Mar>ue9 v. (pouses Carlito =lindog and Carmen =lindog, ?(R( 9o( 1I/0/.( Canuar% 22+ 201/( Res Gudi%ata) concl s!veness o# * d"ment. Knder t$e pr!nc!ple o# concl s!veness o# * d"ment, t$e r!"$t o# Planters -an2 to a &r!t o# possess!on as ad* d"ed !n D.R. No. 177==> !s b!nd!n" and concl s!ve on t$e part!es. +$e doctr!ne o# res Gudi%ata by concl s!veness o# * d"ment post lates t$at &$en a r!"$t or #act $as been * d!c!ally tr!ed and determ!ned by a co rt o# competent * r!sd!ct!on, or &$en an opport n!ty #or s c$ tr!al $as been "!ven, t$e * d"ment o# t$e co rt, as lon" as !t rema!ns nreversed, s$o ld be concl s!ve pon t$e part!es and t$ose !n pr!v!ty &!t$ t$em. (ll t$e elements o# t$e doctr!ne are present !n t$!s case. +$e #!nal * d"ment !n D.R. No. 177==> &as rendered by t$e Co rt p rs ant to !ts * r!sd!ct!on over t$e rev!e& o# dec!s!ons and r l!n"s o# t$e C(. ,t &as a * d"ment on t$e mer!ts o# Planters -an2@s r!"$t to apply #or and be !ss ed a &r!t o# possess!on. Lastly, t$e part!es !n D.R. No. 177==> are t$e same part!es !nvolved !n t$e present case. 02E <oldings and *evelopment Corporation v. Planters *evelopment )an7, ?(R( 9o( 1I101D+ Canuar% 20+ 201/. 0r!t o# possess!on) nat re. No $ear!n" !s re: !red pr!or to t$e !ss ance o# a &r!t o# possess!on. +$!s !s clear #rom t$e #ollo&!n" d!s: !s!t!ons !n Bsp!noza v Kn!ted Overseas -an2 P$!ls. ;717 %CR( 5.5< &$!c$ re!terates t$e settled r les on &r!ts o# possess!on, to &!t' +$e proceed!n" !n a pet!t!on #or a &r!t o# possess!on !s eC parte and s mmary !n nat re. ,t !s a * d!c!al proceed!n" bro "$t #or t$e bene#!t o# one party only and &!t$o t not!ce by t$e co rt to any person adverse o# !nterest. ,t !s a proceed!n" &$ere!n rel!e# !s "ranted &!t$o t "!v!n" t$e person a"a!nst &$om t$e rel!e# !s so "$t an opport n!ty to be $eard. -y !ts very nat re, an eC parte pet!t!on #or !ss ance o# a &r!t o# possess!on !s a non1l!t!"!o s proceed!n". ,t !s a * d!c!al proceed!n" #or t$e en#orcement o# one@s r!"$t o# possess!on as p rc$aser !n a #oreclos re sale. ,t !s not an ord!nary s !t #!led !n co rt, by &$!c$ one party s es anot$er #or t$e en#orcement o# a &ron" or protect!on o# a r!"$t, or t$e prevent!on or redress o# a &ron". 02E <oldings and *evelopment Corporation v. Planters *evelopment )an7,?(R( 9o( 1I101D+ Canuar% 20+ 201/ Other Proceedin"s -aran"ay Protect!on Order ;-PO<) 3 nct!on o# P non" -aran"ay p rely eAec t!ve !n nat re. +$e !ss ance o# a -PO by t$e P non" -aran"ay or, !n $!s nava!lab!l!ty, by any ava!lable -aran"ay Ea"a&ad, merely orders t$e perpetrator to des!st #rom ;a< ca s!n" p$ys!cal $arm to t$e &oman or $er c$!ld) and ;2< t$reaten!n" to ca se t$e &oman or $er c$!ld p$ys!cal $arm. % c$ # nct!on o# t$e P non" -aran"ay !s, t$ s, p rely eAec t!ve !n nat re, !n p rs ance o# $!s d ty nder t$e Local Dovernment Code to 8en#orce all la&s and ord!nances,9 and to 8ma!nta!n p bl!c order !n t$e baran"ay.9 Ralph P. +ua v. <on. Cesar =. Mangrobang, Presiding 6udge, )ran%h &&, R+C, .mus, CaviteI and Rossan <onrado-+ua, ?(R( 9o( 110101( Canuar% 22+ 201/( BAtra1* d!c!al #oreclos re) m!n!ster!al d ty to !ss e &r!t o# possess!on to p rc$aser) eAcept!on. ,t !s an establ!s$ed r le t$at t$e p rc$aser !n an eAtra1* d!c!al #oreclos re sale !s ent!tled to t$e possess!on o# t$e property and can demand t$at $e be placed !n possess!on o# t$e same e!t$er

d r!n" ;&!t$ bond< or a#ter t$e eAp!rat!on ;&!t$o t bond< o# t$e redempt!on per!od t$ere#or. +o t$!s end, t$e Co rt, !n C$!na -an2!n" Corp. v. %ps. Lozada ;.7= P$!l /./ F200>G<, c!t!n" several cases on t$e matter, eApla!ned t$at a &r!t o# possess!on d ly appl!ed #or by sa!d p rc$aser s$o ld !ss e as a matter o# co rse, and t$ s, merely const!t tes a m!n!ster!al d ty on t$e part o# t$e co rt. +$e m!n!ster!al !ss ance o# a &r!t o# possess!on !n #avor o# t$e p rc$aser !n an eAtra1* d!c!al #oreclos re sale, $o&ever, adm!ts o# an eAcept!on. %ect!on 55, R le 5= o# t$e R les o# Co rt ;R les< pert!nently prov!des t$at t$e possess!on o# t$e mort"a"ed property may be a&arded to a p rc$aser !n an eAtra1* d!c!al #oreclos re nless a t$!rd party !s act ally $old!n" t$e property by adverse t!tle or r!"$t. ,n t$e recent case o# R ral -an2 o# %ta. -arbara ;,lo!lo<, ,nc. v. Centeno ;7=5 %CR( 110 F2015G<, c!t!n" t$e case o# C$!na -an2!n" Corp., t$e Co rt !ll m!ned t$at 8t$e p$rase Ta t$!rd party &$o !s act ally $old!n" t$e property adversely to t$e * d"ment obl!"or@ contemplates a s!t at!on !n &$!c$ a t$!rd party $olds t$e property by adverse t!tle or r!"$t, s c$ as t$at o# a co1o&ner, tenant or s #r ct ary. +$e co1o&ner, a"r!c lt ral tenant, and s #r ct ary possess t$e property !n t$e!r o&n r!"$t, and t$ey are not merely t$e s ccessor or trans#eree o# t$e r!"$t o# possess!on o# anot$er co1o&ner or t$e o&ner o# t$e property. Notably, t$e property s$o ld not only be possessed by a t$!rd party, b t also $eld by t$e t$!rd party adversely to t$e * d"ment obl!"or.9 ,n ot$er &ords, as ment!oned !n I!llan eva v. C$erdan Lend!n" ,nvestors Corporat!on ;755 %CR( 175 F2010G<, t$e t$!rd person m st t$ere#ore cla!m a r!"$t s per!or to t$at o# t$e or!"!nal mort"a"or. (pouses i%asio C. Mar>ue9 and =nita 6. Mar>ue9 v. (pouses Carlito =lindog and Carmen =lindog, ?(R( 9o( 1I/0/.( Canuar% 22+ 201/( Protect!on Order nder %ect!on 1. o# R( =272) concept. ,n Darc!a v. ?r!lon ;7== %CR( 5.2, /01 F2015G<, &$ere!n pet!t!oner t$ere!n ar" ed t$at %ect!on 1. o# R( =272 !s a v!olat!on o# t$e d e process cla se o# t$e Const!t t!on, &e str c2 do&n t$e c$allen"e and $eld' ( protect!on order !s an order !ss ed to prevent # rt$er acts o# v!olence a"a!nst &omen and t$e!r c$!ldren, t$e!r #am!ly or $o se$old members, and to "rant ot$er necessary rel!e#s. ,ts p rpose !s to sa#e" ard t$e o##ended part!es #rom # rt$er $arm, m!n!m!ze any d!sr pt!on !n t$e!r da!ly l!#e and #ac!l!tate t$e opport n!ty and ab!l!ty to re"a!n control o# t$e!r l!#e. +$e scope o# rel!e#s !n protect!on orders !s broadened to ens re t$at t$e v!ct!m or o##ended party !s a##orded all t$e remed!es necessary to c rta!l access by a perpetrator to t$e v!ct!m. +$!s serves to sa#e" ard t$e v!ct!m #rom "reater r!s2 o# v!olence) to accord t$e v!ct!m and any des!"nated #am!ly or $o se$old member sa#ety !n t$e #am!ly res!dence, and to prevent t$e perpetrator #rom comm!tt!n" acts t$at *eopard!ze t$e employment and s pport o# t$e v!ct!m. ,t also enables t$e co rt to a&ard temporary c stody o# m!nor c$!ldren to protect t$e c$!ldren #rom v!olence, to prevent t$e!r abd ct!on by t$e perpetrator and to ens re t$e!r #!nanc!al s pport. +$e r les re: !re t$at pet!t!ons #or protect!on order be !n &r!t!n", s!"ned and ver!#!ed by t$e pet!t!oner t$ereby nderta2!n" # ll respons!b!l!ty, cr!m!nal or c!v!l, #or every alle"at!on t$ere!n. %!nce 8t!me !s o# t$e essence !n cases o# I(0C !# # rt$er v!olence !s to be prevented,9 t$e co rt !s a t$or!zed to !ss e eC parte a +PO a#ter ra##le b t be#ore not!ce and $ear!n" &$en t$e l!#e, l!mb or property o# t$e v!ct!m !s !n *eopardy and t$ere !s reasonable "ro nd to bel!eve t$at t$e order !s necessary to protect t$e v!ct!m #rom t$e !mmed!ate and !mm!nent dan"er o# I(0C or to prevent s c$ v!olence, &$!c$ !s abo t to rec r. +$ere need not be any #ear t$at t$e * d"e may $ave no rat!onal bas!s to !ss e an eC parte order. +$e v!ct!m !s re: !red not only to ver!#y t$e alle"at!ons !n t$e pet!t!on, b t also to attac$ $er &!tnesses@ a##!dav!ts to t$e pet!t!on. +$e "rant o# a +PO eC parte cannot, t$ere#ore, be c$allen"ed as v!olat!ve o# t$e r!"$t to d e process. 6 st l!2e a &r!t o# prel!m!nary attac$ment &$!c$ !s !ss ed &!t$o t not!ce and $ear!n" beca se t$e t!me !n &$!c$ t$e $ear!n" &!ll ta2e co ld

be eno "$ to enable t$e de#endant to abscond or d!spose o# $!s property, !n t$e same &ay, t$e v!ct!m o# I(0C may already $ave s ##ered $arro&!n" eAper!ences !n t$e $ands o# $er tormentor, and poss!bly even deat$, !# not!ce and $ear!n" &ere re: !red be#ore s c$ acts co ld be prevented. ,t !s a const!t t!onal commonplace t$at t$e ord!nary re: !rements o# proced ral d e process m st y!eld to t$e necess!t!es o# protect!n" v!tal p bl!c !nterests, amon" &$!c$ !s protect!on o# &omen and c$!ldren #rom v!olence and t$reats to t$e!r personal sa#ety and sec r!ty. AAA Ralph P. +ua v. <on. Cesar =. Mangrobang, Presiding 6udge, )ran%h &&, R+C, .mus, CaviteI and Rossan <onrado-+ua,?(R( 9o( 110101( Canuar% 22+ 201/( +emporary Protect!on Order ;+PO< nder %ect!on 1. o# R( =272) co rt@s a t$or!ty to !ss e eC parte. Clearly, t$e co rt, nder %ect!on 1. o# R( =272, !s a t$or!zed to !ss e a +PO on t$e date o# t$e #!l!n" o# t$e appl!cat!on a#ter eC parte determ!nat!on t$at t$ere !s bas!s #or t$e !ss ance t$ereo#. /C parte means t$at t$e respondent need not be not!#!ed or be present !n t$e $ear!n" #or t$e !ss ance o# t$e +PO. +$ s, !t !s &!t$!n t$e co rt@s d!scret!on, based on t$e pet!t!on and t$e a##!dav!t attac$ed t$ereto, to determ!ne t$at t$e v!olent acts a"a!nst &omen and t$e!r c$!ldren #or t$e !ss ance o# a +PO $ave been comm!tted. Ralph P. +ua v. <on. Cesar =. Mangrobang, Presiding 6udge, )ran%h &&, R+C, .mus, CaviteI and Rossan <onrado-+ua, ?(R( 9o( 110101( Canuar% 22+ 201/( )vidence (dm!ss!ons) contrad!ct!on. %ect!on / o# R le 12= o# t$e R les o# Co rt prov!des t$at an adm!ss!on made by a party !n t$e co rse o# t$e proceed!n"s !n t$e same case does not re: !re proo#, and may be contrad!cted only by s$o&!n" t$at !t &as made t$ro "$ palpable m!sta2e. +$e pet!t!oners ar" e t$at s c$ adm!ss!on &as t$e palpable m!sta2e o# t$e!r #ormer co nsel !n $!s r s$ to #!le t$e ans&er, a copy o# &$!c$ &as not prov!ded to t$em. +$!s content!on !s nacceptable. ,t !s a p rely sel#1serv!n" cla!m ns pported by any !ota o# ev!dence. -are alle"at!ons, ns bstant!ated by ev!dence, are not e: !valent to proo#. +heresita, 6uan, =sun%ion, Patro%inia, Ri%ardo, and Gloria, all surnamed *imaguila v. 6ose and (onia =. Monteiro, ?(R( 9o( 201011+ Canuar% 21+ 201/( (dm!ss!ons) rendered concl s!ve t$ro "$ estoppel. (rt!cle 1/51 o# t$e C!v!l Code prov!des t$at t$ro "$ estoppel, an adm!ss!on !s rendered concl s!ve pon t$e person ma2!n" !t, and cannot be den!ed or d!sproved as a"a!nst t$e person rely!n" t$ereon. +$e respondent spo ses $ad clearly rel!ed on t$e pet!t!oners@ adm!ss!on and so amended t$e!r or!"!nal compla!nt #or part!t!on to one #or recovery o# possess!on o# a port!on o# t$e s b*ect property. +$ s, t$e pet!t!oners are no& estopped #rom deny!n" or attempt!n" to prove t$at t$ere &as no part!t!on o# t$e property. +heresita, 6uan, =sun%ion, Patro%inia, Ri%ardo, and Gloria, all surnamed *imaguila v. 6ose and (onia =. Monteiro,?(R( 9o( 201011+ Canuar% 21+ 201/( -est ev!dence r le) concept and eAcept!on. %ect!on 5;d< o# R le 150 o# t$e R les o# Co rt prov!des t$at &$en t$e s b*ect o# !n: !ry !s t$e contents o# a doc ment, no ev!dence s$all be adm!ss!ble ot$er t$an t$e or!"!nal doc ment !tsel#, eAcept &$en t$e or!"!nal !s a p bl!c record !n t$e c stody o# a p bl!c o##!cer or !s recorded !n a p bl!c o##!ce. %ect!on 7 o# t$e same R le prov!des t$at &$en t$e or!"!nal o# a doc ment !s !n t$e c stody o# a p bl!c o##!cer or !s recorded !n a p bl!c o##!ce, !ts contents may be proved by a cert!#!ed copy !ss ed by t$e p bl!c o##!cer !n

c stody t$ereo#. %ect!on 2/ o# R le 152 prov!des t$at t$e record o# p bl!c doc ments may be ev!denced by a copy attested by t$e o##!cer $av!n" t$e le"al c stody or t$e record. Cert!#!ed tr e cop!es o# t$e cadastral map o# L!l!& and t$e correspond!n" l!st o# cla!mants o# t$e area covered by t$e map &ere presented by t&o p bl!c o##!cers. A A A +$e cadastral maps and t$e l!st o# cla!mants, as cert!#!ed tr e cop!es o# or!"!nal p bl!c records, #all nder t$e eAcept!on to t$e best ev!dence r le. +heresita, 6uan, =sun%ion, Patro%inia, Ri%ardo, and Gloria, all surnamed *imaguila v. 6ose and (onia =. Monteiro+ ?(R( 9o( 201011+ Canuar% 21+ 201/( - rden o# proo# !n c!v!l cases) : ant m o# ev!dence. Land -an2 #a!led to prove t$at t$e amo nt alle"edly 8m!scred!ted9 to ONate@s acco nt came #rom t$e proceeds o# t$e pre1term!nated loans o# !ts cl!ents. ,t !s &ort$ emp$as!z!n" t$at !n c!v!l cases, t$e party ma2!n" t$e alle"at!ons $as t$e b rden o# prov!n" t$em by preponderance o# ev!dence. 4ere alle"at!on !s not s ##!c!ent. 0and )an7 of the Philippines v. /mmanuel C. OJate,?(R( 9o( 102D11+ Canuar% 1.+ 201/( Hearsay r le) entr!es !n o##!c!al records as eAcept!on. (s to t$e $earsay r le, %ect!on // o# R le 150 o# t$e R les o# Co rt s!m!larly prov!des t$at entr!es !n o##!c!al records are an eAcept!on to t$e r le. +$e r le prov!des t$at entr!es !n o##!c!al records made !n t$e per#ormance o# t$e d ty o# a p bl!c o##!cer o# t$e P$!l!pp!nes, or by a person !n t$e per#ormance o# a d ty spec!ally en*o!ned by la&, are pr!ma #ac!e ev!dence o# t$e #acts t$ere!n stated. +$e necess!ty o# t$!s r le cons!sts !n t$e !nconven!ence and d!##!c lty o# re: !r!n" t$e o##!c!al@s attendance as a &!tness to test!#y to t$e !nn merable transact!ons !n t$e co rse o# $!s d ty. +$e doc ment@s tr st&ort$!ness cons!sts !n t$e pres mpt!on o# re" lar!ty o# per#ormance o# o##!c!al d ty. Cadastral maps are t$e o tp t o# cadastral s rveys. +$e ?BNR !s t$e department tas2ed to eAec te, s perv!se and mana"e t$e cond ct o# cadastral s rveys. ,t !s, t$ere#ore, clear t$at t$e cadastral map and t$e correspond!n" l!st o# cla!mants : al!#y as entr!es !n o##!c!al records as t$ey &ere prepared by t$e ?BNR, as mandated by la&. (s s c$, t$ey are eAcept!ons to t$e $earsay r le and are pr!ma #ac!e ev!dence o# t$e #acts stated t$ere!n. +heresita, 6uan, =sun%ion, Patro%inia, Ri%ardo, and Gloria, all surnamed *imaguila v. 6ose and (onia =. Monteiro, ?(R( 9o( 201011+ Canuar% 21+ 201/( 6 d!c!al not!ce) d!scret!onary not!ce o# records o# ot$er cases. +$e ta2!n" o# * d!c!al not!ce !s a matter o# eAped!ency and conven!ence #or !t # l#!lls t$e p rpose t$at t$e ev!dence !s !ntended to ac$!eve, and !n t$!s sense, !t !s e: !valent to proo#. Denerally, co rts are not a t$or!zed to 8ta2e * d!c!al not!ce o# t$e contents o# t$e records o# ot$er cases even &$en sa!d cases $ave been tr!ed or are pend!n" !n t$e same co rt or be#ore t$e same * d"e.9 +$ey may, $o&ever, ta2e * d!c!al not!ce o# a dec!s!on or t$e #acts preva!l!n" !n anot$er case s!tt!n" !n t$e same co rt !#' ;1< t$e part!es present t$em !n ev!dence, absent any oppos!t!on #rom t$e ot$er party) or ;2< t$e co rt, !n !ts d!scret!on, resolves to do so. ,n e!t$er case, t$e co rts m st observe t$e clear bo ndary prov!ded by %ect!on 5, R le 12= o# t$e R les o# Co rt. 0and )an7 of the Philippines v. 8at%o =gri%ultural /nterprises,?(R( 9o( 112..1+ Canuar% 1.+ 201/( O##er o# ev!dence) co rt cons!ders ev!dence only &$en #ormally o##ered) eAcept!ons . %ect!on 5/, R le 152 o# t$e Rev!sed R les on Bv!dence prov!des t$e "eneral r le, to &!t' %ect!on 5/. +$e Co rt s$all cons!der no ev!dence &$!c$ $as not been #ormally o##ered. +$e p rpose #or &$!c$ t$e ev!dence !s o##ered m st be spec!#!ed.

3rom t$e above prov!s!on, !t !s clear t$at t$e co rt cons!ders t$e ev!dence only &$en !t !s #ormally o##ered. +$e o##er o# ev!dence !s necessary beca se !t !s t$e d ty o# t$e tr!al co rt to base !ts #!nd!n"s o# #act and !ts * d"ment only and str!ctly on t$e ev!dence o##ered by t$e part!es. ( p!ece o# doc ment &!ll rema!n a scrap o# paper &!t$o t probat!ve val e nless and nt!l adm!tted by t$e co rt !n ev!dence #or t$e p rpose or p rposes #or &$!c$ !t !s o##ered. +$e #ormal o##er o# ev!dence allo&s t$e part!es t$e c$ance to ob*ect to t$e presentat!on o# an ev!dence &$!c$ may not be adm!ss!ble #or t$e p rpose !t !s be!n" o##ered. Ho&ever, t$ere are !nstances &$en t$e Co rt relaAed t$e #ore"o!n" r le and allo&ed ev!dence not #ormally o##ered to be adm!tted. C!t!n" People v. Napat1a and People. v. 4ate t$e Co rt !n He!rs o# Romana %aves, et al., v. He!rs o# Bscolast!co %aves, et al. ;752 %CR( 257 F2010G<, en merated t$e re: !rements #or t$e ev!dence to be cons!dered desp!te #a!l re to #ormally o##er !t, namely' 8#!rst, t$e same m st $ave been d ly !dent!#!ed by test!mony d ly recorded and, second, t$e same m st $ave been !ncorporated !n t$e records o# t$e case.9 ,n People v. I!venc!o ?e RoAas et al. ;117 P$!l =77 F1=72G<, t$e Co rt also cons!dered eA$!b!ts &$!c$ &ere not #ormally o##ered by t$e prosec t!on b t &ere repeatedly re#erred to !n t$e co rse o# t$e tr!al by t$e co nsel o# t$e acc sed. ,n t$e !nstant case, t$e Co rt #!nds t$at t$e above re: !s!tes are attendant to &arrant t$e relaAat!on o# t$e r le and adm!t t$e ev!dence o# t$e pet!t!oners not #ormally o##ered. (s can be seen !n t$e records o# t$e case, t$e pet!t!oners &ere able to present ev!dence t$at $ave been d ly !dent!#!ed by test!mony d ly recorded. +o !dent!#y !s to prove t$e !dent!ty o# a person or a t$!n". ,dent!#!cat!on means proo# o# !dent!ty) t$e prov!n" t$at a person, s b*ect or art!cle be#ore t$e co rt !s t$e very same t$at $e or !t !s alle"ed, c$ar"ed or rep ted to be. Rodolfo 0aborte, et al. v. PagsanGan +ourism ConsumersH Cooperative, et al.,?(R( 9o( 1IDI-0+ Canuar% 1.+ 201/. Preponderance o# ev!dence) de#!n!t!on. %po ses 4onte!ro, as pla!nt!##s !n t$e or!"!nal case, $ad t$e b rden o# proo# to establ!s$ t$e!r case by a preponderance o# ev!dence, &$!c$ !s t$e &e!"$t, cred!t, and val e o# t$e a""re"ate ev!dence on e!t$er s!de, synonymo s &!t$ t$e term 8"reater &e!"$t o# t$e ev!dence.9 Preponderance o# ev!dence !s ev!dence &$!c$ !s more conv!nc!n" to t$e co rt as &ort$y o# bel!e# t$an t$at &$!c$ !s o##ered !n oppos!t!on t$ereto. +heresita, 6uan, =sun%ion, Patro%inia, Ri%ardo, and Gloria, all surnamed *imaguila v. 6ose and (onia =. Monteiro,?(R( 9o( 201011+ Canuar% 21+ 201/( H est!on o# la& d!st!n" !s$ed #rom : est!on o# #act. ( : est!on o# la& eA!sts &$en t$e do bt or controversy concerns t$e correct appl!cat!on o# la& or * r!spr dence to a certa!n set o# #acts, or &$en t$e !ss e does not call #or an eAam!nat!on o# t$e probat!ve val e o# t$e ev!dence presented, t$e tr t$ or #alse$ood o# #acts be!n" adm!tted. ( : est!on o# #act eA!sts &$en t$e do bt or d!##erence ar!ses as to t$e tr t$ or #alse$ood o# #acts or &$en t$e : ery !nv!tes cal!brat!on o# t$e &$ole ev!dence cons!der!n" ma!nly t$e cred!b!l!ty o# t$e &!tnesses, t$e eA!stence and relevancy o# spec!#!c s rro nd!n" c!rc mstances as &ell as t$e!r relat!on to eac$ ot$er and to t$e &$ole, and t$e probab!l!ty o# t$e s!t at!on./astern (hipping 0ines, .n%. v. )P.DM( .nsuran%e Corp., and Mitsui (umitomo .nsuran%e Co., 0td.,?(R( 9o( 10D0I-+ Canuar% 1.+ 201/( H est!on o# la& d!st!n" !s$ed #rom : est!on o# #act. ( : est!on o# la& eA!sts &$en t$e do bt centers on &$at t$e la& !s on a certa!n set o# nd!sp ted #acts, &$!le a : est!on o# #act eA!sts &$en t$e do bt centers on t$e tr t$ or #als!ty o# t$e alle"ed #acts. 0$et$er t$e cond!t!ons #or t$e r!"$t to rep rc$ase &ere compl!ed &!t$, or &$et$er t$ere &as a tender o# payment !s a : est!on o# #act.Roberto R. *avid, represented by his =ttorney-in-3a%t =tty. Pro%eso M. a%ino v.

/duardo C. *avid, a%ting through his =ttorney-in-3a%t /d4in C. *avid,?(R( 9o( 1-2D-.( Canuar% 1.+ 201/(

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