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10 Oktober 2012

Nama Sem

: Rizky Fadillah N : V pagi

PATI NT : Good evening, doctor. !O"TOR : Good evening, sir. What's your trouble? PATI NT : I haven't been feeling well lately. !O"TOR : What exactly is the problem? PATI NT : I often feel uite sic!. "ave had a lot of pain in the stomach for several days. I've also had severe headaches for over two days. !O"TOR : What's your appetite li!e? PATI NT : #ot at all good. I don't feel li!e eating anything. I feel full up all the time. !O"TOR : "ave you had any fever? PATI NT : Well, I do feel feverish all the time. I've also had a bad taste in the mouth sincc I've been sic!. !O"TOR : $ll right, let me ta!e your temperature first. %here& Give me your wrist, please. %here's nothing wrong with the pulse. #ow ta!e off your pullover. $nd your shirt too. 'oosen your clothes a little. I'll examine you, if you lie down on that couch. (o you feel any pain here? PATI NT : )es, some. !O"TOR : $nd here? PATI NT : *h, that's uite painful& !O"TOR : $ll right. )ou may get dressed now. PATI NT : I hope there's nothing serious, doctor? !O"TOR : #o, nothing serious. I'm prescribing two !inds of tablets. %a!e one before meals. $nd the other after meals for three days. (on't eat any fried or spicy food. (rin! mil! and have mil! foods as much as you can. $nd do ta!e some rest. PATI NT : (o I need to stay away from wor!, doctor? !O"TOR : #o, not at all. +ust ta!e it easy and have rest whenever you can. ,ome and see me if the trouble does not go uic!ly. PATI NT : %han! you very much, doctor. Good-bye& !O"TOR : .ye&

/0 *!tober 10/1

#ama di: 2i3!y 4adillah # 5em: 6 7agi

7$5I8#: 5elamat malam, (o!ter. (*9%82: 5elamat malam, 7a!. $pa masalah anda? 7$5I8#: 5aya merasa tida! bai! a!hir-a!hir ini. (*9%82: $pa sebenarnya masalahnya? 7$5I8#: 5aya sering merasa sangat sa!it. 7unya banya! rasa sa!it di perut selama beberapa hari. 5aya :uga punya sa!it !epala parah selama lebih dari dua hari.

(*9%82: $pa!ah selera ma!an $nda bagus? 7$5I8#: 5ama se!ali tida! bai!. 5aya tida! ingin ma!an apa-apa. 5aya merasa !enyang sepan:ang wa!tu. (*9%82: $pa!ah $nda ada menderita demam ? 7$5I8#: )ah, saya merasa demam sepan:ang wa!tu. 5aya :uga punya rasa tida! ena! di mulut se:a! a!u mulai sa!it.

(*9%82: .ai!lah, biar!an a!u mengambil suhu $nda terlebih dahulu. $da& .eri a!u pergelangan tangan $nda, sila!an. %ida! ada yang salah dengan denyut nadi. 5e!arang melepa sweaterr $nda. (an :uga !eme:a anda. 9endur!an pa!aian $nda sedi!it. $!u a!an memeri!sa $nda, :i!a $nda berbaring di sofa itu. $pa!ah $nda merasa sa!it di sini?

7$5I8#: )a, beberapa. (*9%82: (an di sini? 7$5I8#: *h, itu cu!up menya!it!an& (*9%82: .ai!lah. $nda bisa mendapat!an berpa!aian se!arang. 7$5I8#: 5aya berharap tida! ada yang serius, do!ter?

(*9%82: %ida!, tida! ada yang serius. 5aya menulis!an dua resep :enis tablet. $mbil satu sebelum ma!an. (an lain setelah ma!an selama tiga hari. +angan ma!an ma!anan gorengan atau pedas. ;inum susu dan memili!i ma!anan susu sebanya! yang $nda bisa. (an la!u!an mengambil istirahat.

7$5I8#: $pa!ah saya perlu untu! men:auh dari pe!er:aan, (o!ter? (*9%82: %ida!, tida! sama se!ali. %enang sa:a dan beristirahat !apan pun $nda bisa. (atang dan melihat saya :i!a masalah tida! pergi dengan cepat. 7$5I8#: %erima !asih banya!, (o!ter. 5ampai :umpa& (*9%82: .ye&

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