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Douglas reeves
Who, when, why
• Edward Jenner (1749–1823)
• It was invented in 1796
• He though that by injecting a small amount of
a non severe disease he could prevent that
person from getting the same disease or a
more worse disease of the same strand. He
first used it to prevent small pox but then got
the idea to try to use it on bigger and worse
what it does and how we use it
• We use the vaccination for getting
protected from the next big disease or
the old diseases that are us is it makes
us immune to getting the same
adapting and getting stronger.
• What it does for sickness again or from
getting it at first. the sicknesses that
are caused by microbes like bacteria,
viruses and fungi
Edward jenner
• Edward jenner was first studying to be a
army surgeon spent his whole career in
England he was observing and had some
case studies on viruses and he invented
the word vaccinations for his treatments.
• Then in the eighteenth century smallpox
took over and he was determined to stop
the killings and he did he freed the world
of small pox
What led to the invention, what did
it spark afterwards

• The needle and the chemical to inject into

someone. The alcohol used to sterilize the
• The vaccination sparked scientist to try
and cure other diseases such as the
common cold, diabetes and now their
working to cure aids and cancer.

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