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ZLG_704 The Snail The Pinay Homeschooler 2014

The Snai l

The Snai l
The Snail

snai l snai l

ZLG_704 The Snail The Pinay Homeschooler 2014

eyes eyes

mouth mouth

ZLG_704 The Snail The Pinay Homeschooler 2014

foot foot

respi ratory pore respi ratory pore

ZLG_704 The Snail The Pinay Homeschooler 2014

shell shell

tentacles tentacles

ZLG_704 The Snail The Pinay Homeschooler 2014

ZLG_704 The Snail The Pinay Homeschooler 2014

ZLG_704 The Snail The Pinay Homeschooler 2014

ZLG_704 The Snail The Pinay Homeschooler 2014

A snai l is a small , sl i my, soft-bodied
crawling creature. Snail s belong to a
group of ani mal s called molluscs which
have no backbone.
snai l
The Snai l The Snai l

ZLG_704 The Snail The Pinay Homeschooler 2014

The eyes of a snail are l ocated on the
upper tips of the l onger tentacles.
They are cup-shaped eyes that can
only tell the di fference between l ight
and dark but cannot see any pi ctures
or forms.

On the underside of the head i s the
mouth of the snai l which they use for
feeding. It has a fi le-li ke tongue that
scrapes and cuts the food.
mout h

ZLG_704 The Snail The Pinay Homeschooler 2014

The foot is a soft muscular part of the
snail that enables them to move.
Snail s produces sl i me to hel p them
sl ide over paths and stones.
f oot

Thi s respi ratory pore of a snail i s a
small hole on the side of their body
that i s used for breathing.
respi rator y pore

ZLG_704 The Snail The Pinay Homeschooler 2014

Snail s grow their own shel l . It i s a
hard, spiral and protective covering of
thei r body. When the snai l thinks i t i s
in danger, i t hides in i ts shel l .
shel l

The snail has four tentacles or feelers
on i ts head. The short tentacles are
for touching and smell ing. The l onger
tentacles have two tiny eyes at the
t entacl es

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