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Mintzbeg’s 5P

Dr. Vidushi Sharma

• Henry Mintzberg (1998) suggests that
authors on strategy characterise its
meaning in one or more of the following 5
• 1. A Ploy
• 2. A Position
• 3. A Perspective
• 4. A Plan
• 5. A Pattern
• Ploy refers to outwitting a rival.
• Position is about how an organisation places
itself in the market. Both are concerned with
obtaining a competitive advantage through the
existence of core competence.
• perspective identifies with those organisations
where there is a powerful group of strategy
makers. It is their whims, predilections and
personality that influence organisational
• plan - a consciously intended course of
action, general or specific.
• Pattern- It reflects on what we have done
and define it as a consistent pattern -
whether or not it was intended. Because
we "see" a pattern what we do is ascribe it
as being intentional strategy - "the pattern
stems from our plan!"

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