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Plastic surgery has two branches, cosmetic surgery andreconstructive plastic surgery.

Cosmetic surgery aims to improve the aesthetic appearance of a person, while plastic surgery
may include this, or just the reconstruction (reconstructive surgery). Reconstructive plastic
surgery aims to improve function; however, it may also involve trying to approximate normal
appearance, but that is not its primary function. Reconstructive plastic surgery is often referred
as simply reconstructive surgery.

Liposuction (suction-assisted lipectomy) - also known as fat modeling, liposculpture
suction lipectomy, or lipo. Fat is surgically removed from various parts of the body - usually
the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, hips, backs of the arms, and neck. Liposuction may also be
used for male breast reduction. It is crucial for the patient to be told that liposuction is not a
weight loss method.

If there is a lot of fat, the surgeon cannot remove it all in one go. How much fat is removed
depends on what method is being used, as well as certain aspects relating to the patient -
usually the most that can be taken out is about 5 kg (a little over 10 lbs). If too much fat is
removed there is a significantly greater risk of complications for the patient.

The fat is removed via a cannula (a hollow metal tube) that is passed through the fatty tissue.
A pump is attached, generating a vacuum, so that the fat is literally sucked out (suction
assisted liposuction). A motor may be attached which makes the cannula vibrate (vacillate
back and forth). An ultrasonic generator may also be used - this produces sound waves that
break the fat cells which are then removed. Prior to removal the fat cells may also be broken
down with laser.

Although complications are uncommon, they can occur, including the accumulation of blood
under the skin (hematoma), infection, changes in sensation, allergic reactions, damage to
underling structures, and unsatisfactory results. It is important that the patient is aware of the
risks and has talked about them with a doctor.

Smokers are advised to give up well in advance of the operation and not to resume for at a
least a few weeks afterwards. Smoking can significantly undermine recovery.

Liposuction does not reduce the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease or hypertension
(high blood pressure), a team at the Washington University School of Medicine in St.
Louis found.

Liposuction slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits
and improving your body contours and proportion.
Liposuction techniques may be used to reduce localized fat deposits of the:
Hips and buttocks
Abdomen and waist
Upper arms
Inner knee
Chest area
Cheeks, chin and neck
Calves and ankles
Liposuction can be performed alone or along with other plastic surgery procedures, such as
a facelift, breast reduction or a tummy tuck.
What liposuction won't do
Liposuction is not a treatment for obesity or a substitute for proper diet and exercise.
It is also not an effective treatment for cellulite the dimpled skin that typically appears on the
thighs, hips, and buttocks or loose saggy skin.

Facial implants are specially formed solid, biocompatible materials designed to enhance or
augment the physical structure of your face. The precise type and size of implants best suited for
you requires an evaluation of your goals, the features you wish to correct and your surgeons

Chin implants can increase the size and projection of a chin that does not project in proportion
with the forehead and mid-face. A small or recessed chin can also be described as one that
seems to disappear into the neck of an individual of normal weight, rather than appearing as a
distinct facial feature.

Jaw implants increase the width of the lower third of your face. Much like the chin, a weak jaw
can be thought of as one that is not well-defined and distinct from the neck, or one that slopes
rather than angles from the ear to the chin. In some cases, both the chin and jaw can contribute
to facial imbalance.

Cheek implants increase the projection of the cheekbones. They add volume to areas which
may be recessed or at.

What is otoplasty?
Ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, can improve the shape, position or proportion of the ear.
Otoplasty can correct a defect in the ear structure that is present at birth that becomes apparent
with development or it can treat misshapen ears caused by injury.
Ear surgery creates a natural shape, while bringing balance and proportion to the ears and face.
Correction of even minor deformities can have profound benets to appearance and self-esteem.
If protruding or disgured ears bother you or your child, you may consider plastic surgery.
Specifically ear surgery can treat:
Overly large ears a rare condition called macrotia
Protruding ears occurring on one or both sides in varying degrees not associated with
hearing loss
Adult dissatisfaction with previous ear surgery

What is botulinum toxin?
Adults are living longer than ever before. We feel vital, we're active and
we want our bodies to mirror youthful minds and hearts. Enter
botulinum toxin, one of the most important substances to hit the field of
facial rejuvenation. Short of a surgical facelift, this substance is the
most popular way to reduce facial wrinkles. Botulinum toxin can be
used as a wrinkle treatment to smooth:
Frown lines
Crows feet
Forehead furrows
Skin bands on the neck
Smiling, frowning, squinting and even chewing - basically any facial
movement can eventually lead to one of the most common signs of aging: wrinkles. They can
make you appear tired or even angry when you are not. One of the quickest and safest remedies
to remove wrinkles is an injection of botulinum toxin.
Botulinum toxin type A and botulinum toxin type B are both purified substances, derived from a
bacteria. Injections of this substance blocks muscular nerve signals, which then weakens the
muscle so that it can't contract and diminishes your unwanted facial wrinkles.
Botulinum toxin can be combined with other cosmetic skin procedures such as chemical peels,
dermal fillers or microdermabrasion to further improve your results. This combination of therapies
can even help to prevent the formation of new lines and wrinkles.

Overview Video
What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel uses a chemical solution to smooth the texture of your skin by removing the
damaged outer layers.
Although chemical peels are used mostly on the face, they can also be used to improve the skin
on your neck and hands.
A chemical peel is one of the least invasive ways to improve the appearance of your skin. Sun
exposure, acne, or just getting older can leave your skin tone uneven, wrinkled, spotted or
A chemical peel can help improve:
Acne or acne scars
Age and liver spots
Fine lines and wrinkles
Irregular skin pigmentation
Rough skin and scaly patches
Sun-damaged skin
What a chemical peel won't do
Treat deep facial lines
Tighten loose or sagging skin
Remove broken capillaries
Change pore size
Remove deep scars

Utk cowok :
What is hair replacement surgery?
Hair transplantation involves removing small pieces of hair-bearing scalp grafts from a donor site
and relocating them to a bald or thinning area.
If you and your doctor have determined that hair transplants are the best option for you, you can feel comfortable
knowing that board-certified plastic surgeons have been successfully performing this type of procedure for more
than thirty years.
The truth about hair loss
Baldness is often blamed on poor circulation to the scalp, vitamin deficiencies, dandruff, and
even excessive hat-wearing. All of these theories have been disproved. It's also untrue that hair
loss can be determined by looking at your maternal grandfather, or that 40-year-old men who
haven't lost their hair will never lose it.
Hair loss is primarily caused by a combination of:
a change in hormones
and a family history of baldness
As a rule, the earlier hair loss begins, the more severe the baldness will become.
Hair loss can also be caused by burns or trauma, in which case hair replacement surgery is considered a
reconstructive treatment, and may be covered by health insurance.

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