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Lva|uanng Adverns|ng

2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
March 2014
8esearch Cb[ecuves

2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
! Measure Lhe lmpacL of Lhe adveruslng campalgn on Lhe awareness and percepuons of
MNsure]MN Marketp|ace Lhrough a pre and posL Lracklng sLudy.
1he sample for Lhe 88DC-M|nneapo||s MNsure]MN Marketp|ace - CS1 Wave was randomly drawn from a nauonal llsL of AdulLs 23+.

298 Comp|etes kL (08]07]13 - 08]19]13) and 286 Comp|etes CS1 (01]21]14 - 02]2S]14)

aruclpanLs were qualled by:
" unlque 8espondenL (no dupllcauon of emall addresses)
" 8eslde ln MlnnesoLa
" AdulLs 23-64
" Cood represenLauon amongsL age group - (8esL LorLs)

Segment #1- MN res|dents (Genera| popu|anon)

Segment #2- MN res|dents (No group]emp|oyer Insurance p|an)
" Sample ls roughly represenLauve of Mn demographlcs wlLh respecL Lo eLhnlclLy (8esL LorLs)
" no currenL healLh lnsurance
" PealLhcare covered by Medlcald, MnCare, or uCare
" urchases healLh lnsurance for self or famlly, noL provlded or subsldlzed by group or employer
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.

Sample Composluon
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C3: lease lndlcaLe your gender.
C4: WhaL ls your age? use tbe Jtop-Jowo meoo to moke yoot selecuoo.

8L: n=298 respondenLs
CS1: n=286 respondenLs
8espondenL role
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C8: uo you own your own buslness?
C9: When lL comes Lo healLh lnsurance coverage, whlch of Lhe followlng 8LS1 descrlbes you? 5elect ooe tespoose.

8L: n=298 respondenLs
CS1: n=286 respondenLs
Do you own your own bus|ness?
Insurance Coverage roh|e
Lxecunve Summary
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
lmpacL of Lhe Adveruslng Campalgn
2013 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
- lncrease ln 1op of mlnd recall of Mnsure ls 13, and unalded recall ls 20
- 1he alded awareness shoL up Lo 73 as a resulL of Lhe adveruslng campalgn across
general populauon as well as among Lhe unlnsured/lnsurance noL provlded by Lhe
- Awareness comparable Lo oLher key players such as ucare, MlnnesoLa Care and
SlgnlcanL 8ulld up of
- lmproved percepuons on oolloe oppllcouoo, Ooe-stop sbop ,sbows yoo
poteouol costs, loys oot opuoos and oLher key aurlbuLes.
- Whlle resldenLs of MlnnesoLa undersLand Lhe beneLs of Mnsure, Lhey sull belleve
Lhere ls loL of bureaucracy lnvolved.
- A slgnlcanL proporuon (~40) lndlcaLe LhaL Lhey don'L undersLand how Lhe plan(s)
- Whlle Lhere was no lncrease ln Lhe posluve lmpresslons of Mnsure, Lhe negauve
lmpresslons ramped up Lo 33 from 11
- 30 of Lhose aware of Mnsure lndlcaLe LhaL Lhey were exposed Lo oLher sLorles vla
- Word of mouLh and personal experlences wlLh Lhe malfuncuonlng webslLe may
have conLrlbuLed Lo negauve lmpresslons.
- 1he enormous galns ln awareness dld noL LranslaLe lnLo lnLenuon Lo enroll ln
- 1he lnLenL Lo nd more lnformauon or llkellhood Lo swlLch or Lry dropped
slgnlcanLly ln Lhe posL sLudy.
Lo llnd More
Awareness Summary
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
8L: n=298 respondenLs
CS1: n=286 respondenLs
C11: When you Lhlnk abouL healLh care lnsurance provlders, healLh lnsurance exchanges or markeLplaces, whlch name comes Lo mlnd ll8S1?
C12, C13: WhaL C1PL8 healLh care lnsurance provlders, healLh lnsurance exchanges or markeLplaces have you seen or heard of?
C14-C16: Whlch healLh care lnsurance provlders, healLh lnsurance exchanges or markeLplaces, lf any, have you SLLn C8 PLA8u AuvL81lSlnC for recenLly?
C17: Whlch of Lhe followlng healLh care lnsurance provlders have you SLLn C8 PLA8u Cl? lease lnclude any provlders you may have already menuoned. 5elect
oll tbot opply.
C23: Whlch, lf any, of Lhese healLh lnsurance companles or markeLplaces have you SLLn C8 PLA8u AuvL81lSLu 8LCLn1L?? lease lnclude any companles or
markeLplaces you may have already menuoned. 5elect oll tbot opply.
1he medla campalgn over Lhe pasL seven monLhs caLapulLed Lhe awareness Lo a phenomenal 73 and around
half Lhe respondenLs (46) clalm Lo have seen an ad for Mnsure. 61 of respondenLs who made an unalded
menuon of Lhe Mnsure brand also made an unalded menuon of seelng Lhe ad.
8rand Awareness
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C11: When you Lhlnk abouL healLh care lnsurance provlders, healLh lnsurance exchanges or markeLplaces, whlch name comes Lo mlnd ll8S1? lf yoo coooot tblok of ooy,
pleose type NA.
C12, C13: WhaL C1PL8 healLh care lnsurance provlders, healLh lnsurance exchanges or markeLplaces have you seen or heard of? oo moy locloJe op to 1wO oJJluoool
oomes. lf oooe come to mloJ, pleose type N/A.
C17: Whlch of Lhe followlng healLh care lnsurance provlders have you SLLn C8 PLA8u Cl? lease lnclude any
provlders you may have already menuoned. 5elect oll tbot opply.

8L: n=298 respondenLs
CS1: n=286 respondenLs
Alded awareness of Mnsure ls comparable Lo oLher key players ln Lhe caLegory and unalded recall ls beuer Lhan
ucare, MlnnesoLaCare and Medlcald.
C11: When you Lhlnk abouL healLh care lnsurance provlders, healLh lnsurance exchanges or markeLplaces, whlch name comes Lo mlnd ll8S1?
C12, C13: WhaL C1PL8 healLh care lnsurance provlders, healLh lnsurance exchanges or markeLplaces have you seen or heard of?
C14-C16: Whlch healLh care lnsurance provlders, healLh lnsurance exchanges or markeLplaces, lf any, have you SLLn C8 PLA8u AuvL81lSlnC for recenLly?
C17: Whlch of Lhe followlng healLh care lnsurance provlders have you SLLn C8 PLA8u Cl? lease lnclude any provlders you may have already menuoned. 5elect oll tbot
O23: Whlch, lf any, of Lhese healLh lnsurance companles or markeLplaces have you SLLn C8 PLA8u AuvL81lSLu
8LCLn1L?? lease lnclude any companles or markeLplaces you may have already menuoned. 5elect oll tbot opply.
Awareness Summary - CS1 by SegmenL
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
CS1: n=286 respondenLs
Seg #1 = 100 respondenLs
Seg #2 = 186 respondenLs
1he adveruslng campalgn was able Lo lmpacL of boLh segmenLs - general populauon and Lhose who do noL have
group or employer plan aL slmllar levels..
lnsurance lnLenL
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C21: Pow llkely are you Lo geL healLh lnsurance from each of Lhe followlng ln Lhe nexL 6 monLhs?
C22: Pow llkely are you Lo geL healLh lnsurance from An? healLh care provlder ln Lhe nexL 12 monLhs?
[ll nC1 lnSu8Lu Anu nC1 LlkLL? 1C CL1 lnSu8AnCL lC8 An? LlS1Lu ln C21]

8L: n=70 respondenLs
CS1: n=40 respondenLs
Whlle Lhe adveruslng campalgn has slgnlcanLly boosLed awareness for Mnsure, lL was unable Lo lnuence
respondenLs Lo buy lnsurance from Mnsure.
8L: n=298 respondenLs
CS1: n=286 respondenLs
Mnsure ercepuons
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C34: 8ased on whaL you know, please choose Lhe healLh care provlder or markeLplace LhaL you belleve ll1S each
of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs.

8L: n=298 respondenLs
CS1: n=286 respondenLs
1here may sull be some confuslon ln Lerms of how Mnsure works and Lhe feellng LhaL lL ls layered wlLh bureaucracy.
1he adveruslng campalgn dld noL enhance percepuons on Lhe whaL lL oers and how lL works.
* Differences between the PRE and the POST
studies on ALL of the attributes shown in Q34
were significant
8rand ercepuons - osL
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C34: 8ased on whaL you know, please choose Lhe healLh care provlder or markeLplace LhaL you belleve ll1S each
of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs.

CS1: n=286 respondenLs
When compared Lo oLher players, Mnsure ls percelved Lo be ooe-stop ploce fot beoltb losotooce ploos. Cn mosL
aurlbuLes lL scores aL par wlLh Lhe oLher lnsurance companles and provlders, perhaps because Lhe aurlbuLes were
skewed Lowards Lhe expecLauons from a MarkeL Lxchange.
8rand ercepuons
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C33: Pow well do you feel each of Lhe followlng words or phrases L wlLh whaL you currenLly know abouL Lhese

CS1 - 8rand Comparlson
MNsure - Wave Comparlson
unforLunaLely, Mnsure ls percelved Lo be dlmculL and unavallable compared Lo oLher provlders.
8L: n=298 respondenLs
CS1: n=286 respondenLs
Mnsure Awareness - uemographlc ulerences
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
CS1: n=286 respondenLs
C17: Whlch of Lhe followlng healLh care lnsurance provlders have you SLLn C8 PLA8u Cl? lease lnclude any provlders you may have already
menuoned. 5elect oll tbot opply.

Aware of
Mnsure 1oLal
Male lemale 23-34 33-44 43-34 33-64
marrled Marrled ulvorced
286 117 169 78 61 63 84 69 146 39
(A) (8) (C) (u) (L) (l) (C) (P) (l)
?es 73 68 80 63 74 83 82 64 77 83
no 23 32 20 37 26 17 18 36 23 13
8 Ll Pl
Women, older age groups (43+) and Lhose who are marrled or dlvorced are more llkely Lo be aware of Mnsure.
Impact of Adverns|ng
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
rompLed ad recall
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C46: Pave you seen elLher of Lhese 1v ads or oLher adveruslng from Lhls campalgn before?
C49: AbouL how many umes have you seen Lhese ads or oLher ads from Lhls campalgn?
C31: now LhaL you have seen Lhe adverusemenLs for Mnsure, Lell us whlch of Lhe followlng words or phrases L wlLh Mnsure...

CS1: n=286 respondenLs
Ad #2: Ice Fishing
Ad #1: Water Skiing
rompLed Ad 8ecall and 8eacuons
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C46: Pave you seen elLher of Lhese 1v ads or oLher adveruslng from Lhls campalgn before?
C49: AbouL how many umes have you seen Lhese ads or oLher ads from Lhls campalgn?
C31: now LhaL you have seen Lhe adverusemenLs for Mnsure, Lell us whlch of Lhe followlng words or phrases L wlLh Mnsure...

CS1: n=286 respondenLs
nave you seen e|ther of these 1V ads or other
adverns|ng from th|s campa|gn before?
Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng words
or phrases ht w|th MNsure?
Aer prompung, more Lhan half of Lhe respondenLs clalmed Lo have seen Lhe 1v ads for Mnsure several umes. ln
splLe of Lhe phenomenal reach and frequency, around one Lhlrd dld noL feel any of Lhe posluve phrases L Mnsure.
33 lndlcaLe lL Lo be llkeable, and less Lhan 30 found lL Lo be descrlbed by any oLher aurlbuLe.
8enehts keca||ed
compote o llst of compooles oll lo ooe ploce, ooJ cboose tbe ooe tbot ls tlqbt
fot yoo
wbete Mlooesotoos coo cboose beoltb cote ftom Jl[eteot ptovlJets
A ploce to sbop ooJ cboose o[otJoble beoltb cote covetoqe
mo5ote ls wbete yoo coo sbop, compote, ooJ sove oo beoltb losotooce
1bot yoo coo cboose ftom Jl[eteot compooles osloq MN5ote, to foJ oot
wbot ls tlqbt fot yoo.
coll ot cllck fot tote ooJ covetoqe compotlsoo. Mlooesoto, looJ of 10000
teosoos fot bove beoltb losotooce
Ad 8eacuons
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C47: WhaL speclc healLh care lnsurance brand was belng adverused?
C48: lease llsL any beneLs you recall from Lhe adverusemenLs. llmlt 150 cbotoctets.

CS1: n=286 respondenLs
83 of respondenLs
posluvely ldenued LhaL
Lhe ad was for Mnsure
8enehts M|ssed
No beoefts wete meouooeJ. lt wos cote bot vety obsttoct.
looJ of 10,000 teosoos to qet beoltb losotooce- tbots oll l teolly temembet
lt wos teolly coofosloq ooJ l wos JlsttocteJ by lool 8ooyoo.

Ad ercepuons
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C30: Pow much do you AC8LL or ulSAC8LL wlLh each of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs abouL Lhe Lwo adverusemenLs you
[usL saw...

CS1: n=286 respondenLs
1he varlous commerclals were easy Lo undersLand and L wlLh Lhe sLaLe of MlnnesoLa, buL lacked Lhe educauonal
value, reecLed ln low scores of tolJ me sometbloq oew, tolJ me sometbloq lmpottoot. MosL could noL relaLe Lo
Lhe ad and may noL llke Lo see lL agaln.
Adveruslng Source 8ecall
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C27: Where have you seen or heard any ads recenLly for Lhe followlng healLh care lnsurance provlders or
markeLplaces? 5elect oll tbot opply. [SPCW 8CvluL8S SLLLC1Lu ln C23]

CS1: n=286 respondenLs
8rands Seen]neard kecent|y
1V kad|o Newspapers
Cn||ne ]
(buses, tra|ns,
bus she|ters,
etc.) Magaz|nes
Mnsure (n=129)
82 20 17 16 9 3 2
8lue Cross 8lue Shleld (n=94)
81 13 9 20 9 11 3
PealLh arLners (n=81)
73 20 12 19 10 4 2
ucare (n=62)
73 16 3 11 13 3 2
Medlca (n=30)
74 8 16 20 16 6 0
MlnnesoLaCare (n=46)
32 11 13 26 9 7 17
1he prlmary source of adveruslng recall of Mnsure was 1v, followed by 8adlo, newspapers, and dlglLal medla.
Impress|ons about
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
lmpresslons of Mnsure - CS1
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C37: WhaL have you heard abouL Mnsure, Lhe sLaLe of MlnnesoLa's healLh lnsurance markeLplace?
llmlt 150 cbotoctets. [ll AWA8L Cl MnSu8L ln C17 C8 Al1L8 C36]

CS1: n=262 respondenLs
1bot lt bos ptoblems, bot lf yoo coo qet tbtooqb lts ptocess yoo coo qet qooJ tesolts.
lt ls o webslte tbot yoo coo qo to ooJ foJ losotooce boseJ oo yoot oeeJs/locome. vetyooe ls tepolteJ to bove
losotooce, so tbls ls wbete yoo qet lt
lt ls tbe locol epolvoleot of tbe Obomocote losotooce motketploce wbete yoo coo opply fot beoltb losotooce
tbot fts yoot oeeJs.
lt ls MN ooswet to Obomo cote, lt bos o lot of tecbolcol ooJ otqoolzouoo lssoes.
l bove mostly beotJ oboot tbe ptoblems slqoloq op ooJ tbe ptoblems wltb tbe webslte.
lt ls o totol woste of ume becoose of ptoblems wltb tbelt webslte tbot cost toxpoyets mlllloos
1bot lt's webslte ls oosecote, tbe totes ote oot qooJ, boJ ptovlJet oetwotk, blqb JeJocubles.
1bot tbe slqo op ptocess ls ootelloble. Also, tbe cbolces fot ptovlJets wltblo MN5ote ploos ls llmlteJ.
M|xed kev|ews
1bot yoo coo qo to tbe webslte to compote ooJ cboose ftom Jl[eteot losotooce opuoos wltb Jl[eteot
covetoqe ooJ JeJocubles. Not oset ftleoJly.
1bot ls tbe stote's beoltb cote ploo losteoJ of Obomocote tbot people lo Mlooesoto coo slqo op fot. lt bos boJ
lts ptoblems too.
1be bossle to qet slqoeJ op , tbe cost of lt fot some ooJ tbe llmlts lt wlll bove. 1be qooJ foct lt Joes Jltect yoo
to oootbet covetoqe lf posslble.
1bot lt's webslte ls foll of ptoblems, bowevet lt's 1n ploce Mlooesotoo's sboolJ qo to qet beoltb losotooce
lmpresslons of Mnsure
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C38: WhaL ls your overall lmpresslon of Mnsure, MlnnesoLa's healLh lnsurance markeLplace?
[ll AWA8L Cl MnSu8L ln C17 C8 Al1L8 C36]
C39: Why do you say LhaL? llmlt 150 cbotoctets.
8L: n=166 respondenLs
CS1: n=262 respondenLs
lt ls qteot to bove tbe opuoo of losotooce. Not
evetyooe coolJ o[otJ lt befote tbls ptoqtom.
1belt loteouoos ote qooJ ooJ ote ttyloq to fx ooy
l woso't ovetly lmptesseJ. neoltbcote covetoqe coo
be Jl[colt to ooJetstooJ so o slJe-by-slJe
compotlsoo of oll key foctots & ptlce woolJ be olce.
lt's too beuet tboo tbe feJetol excbooqe bot lt's sull oot
vety eosy to ose
l've ttleJ osloq lt to foJ losotooce ooJ coo't fqote
oot bow to qet some
l petsooolly 5lqoeJ op tbe lltst uoy lo Octobet ooJ
boJ No Mojot ltoblems qemoq tbto lt, bot tbot ls
Not tbe cose fot o lot of Otbet leople...
1be webslte ls coostootly Jowo ooJ ooovolloble. l bove
ttleJ to occess lt ovet 10 umes ooJ lt's olwoys Jowo.
l ttleJ to qet lo toocb wltb someooe fot poesuoo ooJ boJ
to wolt fot ovet oo boot ooJ tbeo qove op ooJ booq op.
webslte ls foll of ptoblems ooJ lt's mokloq lt Jl[colt fot
people to eotoll ooJ tecelve beoltb losotooce. kespoose
ume ls vety poot
lt ls too by tbe qovetomeot ooJ tbey Jo oot koow bow to
too o bosloess.
l boveo't beotJ ootbloq boJ so tbey most be
bopefolly tbe motketploce wlll moke
losotooce ptovlJets mote booest ooJ
lt cettololy beots tbe cotteot fotm of
losotooce we bove lo tbls coootty
lt wlll qlve people mote cbolces fot beoltb
cote ooJ wlll ptovlJe losotooce fot o lotqet
qtoop of people.
wlll be belpfol woy to sbop fot losotooce
8ecoose l Joo't koow o lot oboot lt, my lmptessloo
moy be Jl[eteot lf l koew mote
l Joo't koow mocb oboot lt to be oble to soy
ooe woy ot tbe otbet.
l Joo't ttost ooytbloq tbot bos ues to tbe stote
becoose ftleoJs & fomlly bove solJ tbot tbey coot
o[otJ lt & tbot mokes oo seose ot oll. 1bose
wltboot losotooce coot be losoteJ lf tbey coot
o[otJ lt
uoo't ttost tbe feJetol/Mlooesoto boteooctocy to
toke ovet tbe beoltb losotooce loJostty
1he myrlad of problems surroundlng Lhe webslLe and lLs funcuonallLy aer Lhe launch of Mnsure deLerloraLed Lhe
lmpresslons of Mnsure
Un||ke|y to Seek - CS1
A lot of tbe ptess sottoooJloq MNsote bos beeo
uoo't woot ooytbloq mote to Jo wltb lt. Ooce wos
Not lotetesteJ lo Covetomeot boseJ losotooce.
uoo't feel lt wlll qet ooy beuet tbeo wbot l bove olteoJy
foooJ... feel l wlll be poyloq oofolt ptemlom fot less cote
l om olteoJy eotolleJ. 1bey jost bove to fqote oot wbot ls
qoloq oo wltb my ptemloms
1oo mocb pollucs.
8ecoose tbelt webslte ls oot oset ftleoJly.
Mnsure lnLenL
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C40: 8L-LnrollmenL for Mnsure sLarLs CcLober 2013. PealLh plan coverage beglns !anuary 1, 2014. Pow llkely are you Lo seek more lnformauon abouL
Mnsure coverage ln Lhe nexL 6 monLhs? [ll AWA8L Cl MnSu8L ln C17 C8 Al1L8 C36]
C40: CS1-LnrollmenL for Mnsure sLarLed CcLober 2013. PealLh plan coverage began !anuary 1, 2014. Pow llkely are you Lo seek more lnformauon
abouL Mnsure coverage before March 31, 2014, Lhe end daLe for enrollmenL? [ll AWA8L Cl MnSu8L ln C17 C8 Al1L8 C36]
C41: Why do you say LhaL? llmlt 150 cbotoctets.

.to seek
about MNsure
coverage |n
the next 6
months (kL)
.to seek more
|nformanon about
MNsure coverage
before March 31,
2014, the end date
for enro||ment
8ase 166 (A) 262 (8)
noL aL all llkely 19 S1A
noL very llkely 13 21
SomewhaL llkely 30 8 16
very llkely 22 8 7
LxLremely llkely 16 8 6
1C 1WC 8Ck 38 13
L|ke|y to Seek - CS1
l poy o lot fot my ptlvote losotooce tlqbt oow ooJ lf tbey coo
ptovlJe me wltb oo o[otJoble oltetoouve, l wlll cooslJet lt.
l om eotolleJ ooJ ttyloq to qet my klJs oo tbe ploo. we ote
coouooloq to cootoct tbem lo otJet to qet ooswets

1he level of lnLeresL Lo nd ouL more Mnsure coverage fell ln Lhe CS1 wave whlch ls relaLed ln parL Lo havlng more lnsured
people ln Lhe posL-sample. negauve lnLenuons also resulLed from negauve experlences wlLh Mnsure, and negauve press.
1here ls also a mls-percepuon LhaL Mnsure ls governmenL lnsurance."
Mnsure lnLenL
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C42: 8L-Pow llkely are you Lo slgn up for or swlLch Lo Mnsure coverage ln Lhe nexL 6 monLhs? [ll AWA8L Cl MnSu8L ln C17 C8 Al1L8 C36]
C42: CS1-Pow llkely are you Lo slgn up for or swlLch Lo Mnsure coverage before enrollmenL closes on March 31, 2014? [ll AWA8L Cl MnSu8L ln
C17 C8 Al1L8 C36]
C43: Why do you say LhaL? llmlt 150 cbotoctets

.to s|gn up
for or sw|tch
to MNsure
coverage |n
the next 6
.to s|gn up for or
sw|tch to MNsure
coverage before
enro||ment c|oses
on March 31, 2014
8ase 166 262
noL aL all llkely 22 S4 A
noL very llkely 23 22
SomewhaL llkely 36 8 13
very llkely 13 8 3
LxLremely llkely 6 6
1C 1WC 8Ck 19 11
Un||ke|y to Lnro|| - CS1
8ecoose l bove olteoJy selecteJ ooJ eotolleJ lo my ploo fot
8ecoose l om cotteotly o ucote membet ooJ tbey'te Joloq polte
well. Altbooqb tbe MNsote ptoqtoms ooJ ploos Jo look
AlteoJy lookeJ ot wbot wos o[eteJ oo MN5ote ooJ weot wltb
ptlvote losotooce.
1be MN5ote nl ploo llmlts wblcb ptovlJets we coolJ see. we
ptefet o mote opeo oetwotk of ptovlJets.
l bove qooJ losotooce olteoJy. uoo't ttost secotlty of MN5ote
veo tbooqb l slqoeJ op, l sull bove to poy foll ptlce fot my ploo
ooJ MN5ote Joes oot Jo ooytbloq wltb lt.
L|ke|y to Lnro|| - CS1
woluoq fot tbe ptoblems to be wotkeJ oot
lf tbey bove beuet totes l'll eotoll
wlll JepeoJ oo wbetbet l poollfy ooJ coo o[otJ ptemlom tote.
Otbetwlse, moy seek MeJlcolJ.
coo't teolly soy. l fqote lt's lmpottoot to ot leost look loto lt.
1he lnLeresL ln slgnlng up or swlLchlng seems Lo have decllned Loo, perhaps due Lo several facLors such as: cholces
made for 2014, happy wlLh uCare, evaluaLed cholces and noL saused wlLh Lhe oerlngs of Mnsure.
Impressions of MNsure
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.

C38: WhaL ls your overall lmpresslon of Mnsure, MlnnesoLa's healLh lnsurance markeLplace? [ll AWA8L Cl MnSu8L ln C17 C8 Al1L8 C36]
C39: Why do you say LhaL? llmlt 150 cbotoctets.
Cvera|| Impress|on of MNsure 1ota| kL CS1

uon'L know much abouL lL / have noL
looked lnLo / noL checked lL ouL
roblems wlLh Lhe webslLe / webslLe
noL worklng properly
13 1
Seems Ck / mlghL be good / could be
7 8 6
Pave heard noLhlng good abouL lL /
people l know are complalnlng
7 3
Aordable care / good coverage 6
CovernmenL run / governmenL
problems and lnemclency
6 3 6
Pard Lo slgn up or geL lnformauon or
help by phone
3 1
Pard Lo slgn-up Lhrough Lhe webslLe /
3 1
CS1 by Impress|on Total
Overall Impression of MNsure
Poor Fair Good Excellent

262 93
uon'L know much abouL lL /
have noL looked lnLo / noL
checked lL ouL
23 3 42
roblems wlLh Lhe webslLe /
webslLe noL worklng
21 31
7 0
Pave heard noLhlng good
abouL lL / people l know are
9 13
0 0
Pard Lo slgn up or geL
lnformauon or help by
8 13
0 0
Pard Lo slgn-up Lhrough Lhe
webslLe / confuslng
8 13
3 3 0
CovernmenL run /
governmenL problems and
6 13
2 0 0
1he poor lmpresslons for Mnsure are fosLered by word of mouLh and personal experlences wlLh Lhe webslLe.
CLher Lxposure Lo Mnsure
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C30: AparL from Lhe adveruslng, where else have you seen or heard someLhlng abouL Mnsure?
5elect oll tbot opply. [ll AWA8L Cl MnSu8L]

CS1: n=213 Aware of Mnsure
30 CS1 v.
23 8L
Clearly, Lhe 1v news sLory and Lhe coverage Lhe nauonal plan recelved may have conLrlbuLed Lowards bulldlng some
negauve percepuons abouL Mnsure.
Mnsure ercepuons
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C32: 8ased on whaL you have seen or heard, how 18uL or lALSL are each of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs? [ll AWA8L Cl MnSu8L ln C17]

CS1: n=213 Aware of Mnsure
8espondenLs were sull unsure abouL Lhe beneLs of Mnsure Lo Lhe unlnsured populauon lf lL wlll have beuer pollcles/
coverage Lhan oLher provlders.
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
lnsurance lnformauon Sources
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C32: Where do you nd ouL abouL healLh care lnsurance provlders and plans for yourself and oLhers ln your
household? 5elect oll tbot opply.

8L: n=298 respondenLs
CS1: n=286 respondenLs
*Ooly tespooses by 10X of bose ot mote ote sbowo
lnsurance lnformauon Sources
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C38: Whlch, lf any, of Lhe followlng onllne acuvlues have you done when seeklng lnformauon abouL healLh lnsurance
provlders ln Lhe pasL year or so? 5elect oll tbot opply.
C60: WhaL Lype(s) of lnformauon abouL healLh lnsurance provlders were you looklng for onllne? 5elect oll tbot opply.

8L: n=298 respondenLs
CS1: n=286 respondenLs
*Ooly tespooses by 10X of bose ot mote ote sbowo
8rand Awareness
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C11: When you Lhlnk abouL healLh care lnsurance provlders, healLh lnsurance exchanges or markeLplaces, whlch name comes Lo mlnd ll8S1? lf yoo coooot
tblok of ooy, pleose type NA.
C12, C13: WhaL C1PL8 healLh care lnsurance provlders, healLh lnsurance exchanges or markeLplaces have you seen or heard of? oo moy locloJe op to 1wO
oJJluoool oomes. lf oooe come to mloJ, pleose type N/A.
C17: Whlch of Lhe followlng healLh care lnsurance provlders have you SLLn C8 PLA8u Cl? lease lnclude any
provlders you may have already menuoned. 5elect oll tbot opply.
C19: Whlch healLh care lnsurance provlder do you currenLly have? [ll SLLl/LMLC?L8 lnSu8Lu]

8L: n=298 respondenLs
CS1: n=286 respondenLs
lnsurance Peld
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C19: Whlch healLh care lnsurance provlder do you currenLly have? [ll SLLl/LMLC?L8 lnSu8Lu]

8L: n=140 self/employer lnsured
CS1: n=139 self/employer lnsured
Most common answers were
C|gna and Un|ted nea|thcare
lnsurance lnLenL
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C21: Pow llkely are you Lo geL healLh lnsurance from each of Lhe followlng ln Lhe nexL 6 monLhs?

8L: n=298 respondenLs
CS1: n=286 respondenLs
lnsurance lnformauon Sources
2014 Persuadable Research Corporation. All rights reserved.
C38: Whlch, lf any, of Lhe followlng onllne acuvlues have you done when seeklng lnformauon abouL healLh lnsurance
provlders ln Lhe pasL year or so? 5elect oll tbot opply.
C60: WhaL Lype(s) of lnformauon abouL healLh lnsurance provlders were you looklng for onllne? 5elect oll tbot opply.

8L: n=298 respondenLs
CS1: n=286 respondenLs
*Ooly tespooses by 10X of bose ot mote ote sbowo

Aware of
Unaware of

vlslLed a healLh lnsurance company
39 L 23
used search englne Lo look for lnformauon
abouL healLh lnsurance provlders llke (e.g.
8lng, Coogle, eLc.)
29 L 13
ulscussed healLh lnsurance provlders wlLh
frlends and famlly ln person or onllne
30 L 11
Searched for lnformauon abouL healLh
lnsurance provlders uslng anoLher search
13 L 4

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