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Decreased Isometric Neck Strength in Women With Chronic

Neck Pain and the Repeatability of Neck Strength
Jari Ylinen, MD, Petri Salo, PT, Matti Nykänen, MD, Hannu Kautiainen, BA, Arja Häkkinen, PhD
ABSTRACT. Ylinen J, Salo P, Nykänen M, Kautiainen H,
Häkkinen A. Decreased isometric neck strength in women with
chronic neck pain and the repeatibility of neck strength
C HRONIC NECK PAIN IS a common musculoskeletal
disorder in the working-age population in modern indus-
trialized countries.1-3 It has considerable economic impact
measurements. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2004;85:1303-8. through sick leave and the increased use of primary health care
services, medication, specialist care, laboratory tests, diagnos-
Objectives: To evaluate neck flexion, extension, and, espe- tic imaging, and therapeutic interventions.4,5
cially, rotation strength in women with chronic neck pain Muscle function is an important factor in understanding neck
compared with healthy controls and to evaluate the repeatabil- pain. Chronic neck pain is thought to be more common among
ity of peak isometric neck strength measurements in patients women, because their muscle strength is lower than that of
with neck pain. men.6 The sustained muscle contraction required to hold the
Design: Cross-sectional. head in various positions and the fatigue because of muscular
Settings: Rehabilitation center and physical and rehabilita- weakness are suspected of being causative factors in chronic
tion medicine department at a Finnish hospital. neck pain.7,8 Gogia and Sabbahi9 found greater neck muscle
Participants: Twenty-one women with chronic neck pain fatigue in patients with chronic neck pain than in healthy
and healthy controls matched for sex, age, anthropometric controls in the electromyographic analysis. Several studies
measures, and occupation. have found weakness in the cervical flexor and extensor mus-
Interventions: Not applicable. cles in patients with chronic neck pain compared with healthy
Main Outcome Measures: Peak isometric strength of the controls,10-14 but we did not find anyone to report weakness in
cervical muscles was tested in rotation, flexion, and extension. the rotator muscles.
Results: Significantly lower flexion (29%), extension (29%), The reliability of isometric neck strength measurements has
and rotation forces (23%) were produced by the chronic neck been found to be good both in healthy subjects and in patients
pain group compared with controls. When the repeated test with chronic neck pain.11-24 However, the statistical methods
results were compared pairwise against their mean, consider- used in earlier studies do not make visible the possible varia-
able variation was observed in the measures on the individual tion in the results between repeated tests in individual cases
level. Intratester repeatability of the neck muscle strength mea- because of biologic variation and measurement error.
surements was good in all the 4 directions tested in the chronic The main aim of our study was to evaluate whether patients
neck pain group (intraclass correlation coefficient range, .74 – with chronic neck pain had lower neck strength—in particular,
.94). The coefficient of repeatability was 15N, both in flexion isometric rotation strength—than healthy controls. A second-
and extension, and 1.8Nm in rotation. On the group level, ary objective was to evaluate, by using appropriate statistical
improvement up to 10% due to repeated testing was observed. methods, the repeatability of isometric neck strength tests in
Conclusions: The group with neck pain had lower neck women with chronic neck pain.
muscle strength in all the directions tested than the control
group. This factor should be considered when planning reha- METHODS
bilitation programs. Strength tests may be useful in monitoring
training progress in clinical settings, but training programs
should be planned so that the improvement in results is well Participants
above biologic variation, measurement error, and learning ef- The subjects, women with nonspecific chronic neck pain for
fect because of repeated testing. at least 6 months, were recruited through local occupational
Key Words: Muscles; Neck; Rehabilitation; Torque. health care services in eastern and southern Finland. The other
© 2004 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medi- inclusion criteria were age 25 to 53 years, full-time office
cine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and worker, and permanently employed. In most patients with
Rehabilitation chronic neck pain, no specific neck pain etiology is generally
revealed by clinical examination, laboratory tests, or medical
imaging techniques. Such patients are commonly defined as
having mechanical neck pain or nonspecific neck pain. The
From the Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Jyväskylä Central
Hospital, Jyväskylä (Ylinen, Salo, Häkkinen); Punkaharju Rehabilitation Center,
exclusion criteria in our study were the presence of specific
Punkaharju (Nykänen); and Rheumatism Foundation Hospital, Heinola (Kautiainen), diseases known to cause chronic neck pain, such as nerve root
Finland. compression, a previous cervical operation, peripheral nerve
Supported in part by the Finnish Social Insurance Institution and Jyväskylä Central entrapment, spinal stenosis, known radiologic instability,
No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research
anomaly of the cervical spine, spasmodic torticollis, disorder of
supporting this article has or will confer a benefit upon the author(s) or upon any the shoulder, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, or other in-
organization with which the author(s) is/are associated. flammatory joint diseases, as well as diseases and conditions
Reprint requests to Jari Ylinen, MD, Jyväskylä Central Hospital, Dept of Physical preventing physical loading, such as pregnancy, severe depres-
and Rehabilitation Medicine, Keskussairaalantie 19, 40620 Jyväskylä, Finland,
sion, mental illness, a recent major operation, or acute infec-
0003-9993/04/8508-8685$30.00/0 tion. These states were assessed mainly on the basis of the
doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2003.09.018 patient’s medical history and the clinical examination. All the

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004


Table 1: Demographic and Clinical Data of the Women With The head was centralized by a screw system traveling the same
Chronic Nonspecific Neck Pain and Healthy Controls distance from both sides and tightening the support against the
Neck Pain Group Control Group head. Then the subjects were instructed to turn the head to the
(n⫽21) (n⫽21) right and to the left against the head supports.
During the flexion and extension measurements, the subjects
Age (y) 44⫾6 44⫾8
pushed directly forward or backward against the padded strain
Weight (kg) 68⫾10 69⫾13
gauge of the neck strength measurement system. Verbal en-
Height (cm) 166⫾6 165⫾5
couragement was given in a steady loud voice without shout-
BMI (kg/m2) 25⫾3 25⫾4
ing. Changing position took about 2 minutes. Three submaxi-
mal warm-up efforts with gradually increasing force were
Grip strength, right (N) 324⫾59 314⫾69
performed in each direction, to acquaint subjects with the
Grip strength, left (N) 294⫾69 294⫾49
testing position and with the neck strength measurement sys-
tem. In the test trials, each subject was told to perform at least
NOTE. Values are mean ⫾ SD. 3 maximal efforts lasting 5 seconds each, at 45-second inter-
Abbreviation: BMI, body mass index. vals. If the third result showed an improvement of more than
5%, additional efforts were performed until the improvement in
strength remained under that. The best result was used in the
final analysis.
participants gave written consent before entering the study. The
local ethics committee approved the study.
The patients who volunteered to participate in the study were
21 middle-aged women (table 1). They filled out a set of
questionnaires assessing their neck pain and level of disability.
Mean neck pain ⫾ standard deviation (SD) was 54⫾22mm on
the visual analog scale.25 The mean Oswestry26 and Vernon27
disability indices were 13⫾8 and 13⫾5, respectively. The
women had been suffering from neck pain for an average of
9⫾6 years.
The healthy controls were recruited from among office
workers (n⫽263) at Jyväskylä Central Hospital via an e-mail
message describing the study. The control group finally con-
sisted of 21 women, none of whom had had any neck pain
during the previous 6 months or any of the other contraindi-
cations listed above. None of the controls had any background
in strength training, and they were only infrequently engaged in
physical exercise. The control subjects were matched with the
patients for occupation (office work), sex (female), age (⫾5y),
weight (⫾5kg), and height (⫾5cm), to eliminate major con-
founding factors (table 1).
Hand-grip strength is commonly used to assess the func-
tional ability of the upper extremities, and it has also been
shown to correlate with overall muscle strength of the body,
sex, age, anthropometric parameters, health, and remaining-life
time in the aged.28,29 Thus, this measure was chosen as a
practical method of comparing the general strength levels of
the subjects with the controls (table 1). Grip strength was
measured by a Jamar dynamometer.30,a The subjects performed
3 maximal efforts at 45-second intervals in a sitting position
with the wrist straight and the elbow at a 90° angle.
Experimental Procedure
The neck strength measurement systemb was used to test the
selected parameters of isometric neck strength with subjects
seated in a standard position, and the methodology followed
the same method used in testing healthy subjects in the reli-
ability study reported earlier (fig 1).24 The measurement system
was calibrated with standard weights (5kg, 10kg, 15kg, 20kg).
Isometric rotation strength was measured first. Torque was not
measured from the head supports but from the shaft of the
apparatus to which the head supports were attached. The rota-
tional axis of the upper cervical column, which runs through Fig 1. Neck strength measurement system consists of 2 parts
the center of the dens,31 was brought into the same line as the having strain gauges of their own. Rotator muscle strength is mea-
shaft of the measurement device. The openings of both ear sured with the part above the head, which is attached on both sides
of the head by 4 pads. Flexor and extensor muscle strength is
canals are located directly above the dens. Thus, the head was measured with the pad, which is now supporting the head, but
positioned by looking at the opening of both ear canals from 2 which is lifted up to the level of the forehead and occiput on these
sights running parallel to the shaft of the measurement device. tests.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004


Table 2: Peak Isometric Neck Strength Values in Women With Chronic Neck Pain and Healthy Controls

Neck Pain Mean (95% CI) Difference

Group Control Group Between Groups* P Value†

Rotation (Nm)
Right 5.8⫾1.2 8.0⫾2.4 2.2 (1.0–3.4) ⬍.001
Left 6.1⫾1.6 7.4⫾2.3 1.3 (0.1–2.6) .032
Flexion (N) 53.8⫾18.3 75.7⫾23.5 21.8 (8.7–35.0) .002
Extension (N) 132.1⫾38.5 187.1⫾39.2 54.9 (30.7–79.1) ⬍.001

NOTE. Values are mean ⫾ SD unless otherwise noted.

*Multivariate P value (Hotelling T2): P⬍.001.

Univariate, t test.

In the chronic group with neck pain, the strength tests were parameters within groups were slightly better for the control
repeated at the same time on the following day by the same group than for the patient group (table 3).
tester, to evaluate repeatability. The tests were conducted by 2 In the control group, 40% of subjects made 4 efforts in
physiotherapists, both of whom had considerable experience in rotation and 12% made a fifth effort, whereas 29% made 4
strength testing with the neck strength measurement system. efforts in flexion and 19% made 4 efforts in extension. In the
patient group, 48% of subjects made 4 efforts in rotation, 14%
Statistical Procedures made 4 efforts in flexion, and 29% made 4 efforts in extension,
The results are expressed as means with SDs and with 95% but none had to perform a fifth effort. On the same test
confidence intervals (CIs). Intraclass correlation coefficients occasion, the second or third attempt in each direction mea-
(ICCs) and coefficients of repeatability were calculated be- sured gave the best result in 70% to 80% of subjects in both
tween 2 repeated trials for each strength parameter tested. An groups. The first attempt produced the highest result only in
analysis described by Bland and Altman32 was done in which 10% of subjects. The same proportion of subjects attained their
differences between 2 strength measurements were plotted best result on their fourth attempt. Although 20% of the sub-
against the corresponding mean for each patient, to show the jects performed 5 attempts in at least 1 direction, only 1 woman
variability of the results at the individual level. Statistical in each group produced her best result on the fifth attempt in 1
comparisons between the groups were performed using the direction. The second effort was on average 8%, and the third
2-tailed unpaired t test and the multivariate Hotelling T2 test.33 effort 10%, better than the first.
Hommel adjustments were used to correct levels of signifi- Intratester repeatability was analyzed by using the ICC,
cance for multiple testing. Correlation coefficients were calcu- which varied from .74 to .98, depending on the directions
lated by the Pearson method. The normality of variables was tested (table 4). The coefficient of repeatability was 15N in
evaluated by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with Lilliefors sig- flexion and extension and 1.8Nm in rotation. The differences in
nificance or by the Shapiro-Wilk test. The ␣ level was set at .05 peak isometric strength between the first and second measure-
for all tests. Statistical packages SPSS, version 11.0,c and ments were plotted against their means; figures 2 and 3 show
STATA, version 8.0,d were used for the analysis. the considerable variation between the results of consecutive
tests on the individual level. The results of the second test
RESULTS occasion were often greater than the results of the first for the
The distributions of age, anthropometric measures, and grip same patient.
strength were similar in both groups (table 1). There was a There were no major complications, despite the fact that the
significant difference in peak force production between the subjects were instructed to perform the neck strength tests with
patient group and the control group in both the multivariate test maximal effort within the limits of pain that they were able to
and the univariate t test (table 2). Peak force production in the bear.
patient group was 29% lower in both flexion and extension and
23% lower in rotation than in the healthy control group. The DISCUSSION
individual variation in the peak force produced was consider- Peak isometric neck strength values were statistically signif-
able in the patient group and even greater in the control group. icantly reduced in the women with chronic neck pain compared
No significant difference emerged in the neck flexion/extension with healthy controls in all the directions tested. Kraut and
strength ratio between the patient (.41) and control (.40) Anderson10 found, by manual testing, that neck flexor muscle
groups. strength was significantly lower in a chronic neck pain popu-
There was no significant difference in the peak force pro- lation than in healthy controls. Silverman et al11 and Barton and
duced in rotation to right and left within either of the groups. Hayes12 showed this with objective measurements. Jordan et
Pearson correlation coefficients between the different force al13,18 further confirmed this finding and found lower neck

Table 3: Correlation (Pearson) Coefficients With 95% CIs Between Different Parameters of Isometric Neck Strength Within Groups

Neck Pain Group (n⫽21) Control Group (n⫽21)

Rotation, Rotation, Rotation, Rotation,
Right Left Flexion Right Left Flexion

Rotation, left .80 (.56–.92) .89 (.74–.96)

Flexion .61 (.24–.82) .57 (.19–.81) .68 (.35–.86) .62 (.26–.83)
Extension .65 (.31–.85) .62 (.26–.83) .51 (.10–.77) .70 (.38–.87) .71 (.40–.87) .62 (.26–.83)

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004


Table 4: Peak Neck Strength Values of Repeated Isometric Tests in Women With Chronic Neck Pain

Measurements Repeatability
Difference Coefficient of
Isometric Testing First Day Second Day Mean (95% CI) ICC Repeatability*

Rotation (Nm)
Right 5.8⫾1.2 6.4⫾1.8 0.6 (1.0–1.0) .74 (.47–.89) 1.9
Left 6.1⫾1.6 6.9⫾1.6 0.8 (0.5–1.2) .75 (.49–.89) 1.6
Flexion (N) 53.8⫾18.3 59.8⫾17.3 6.0 (2.6–9.3) .86 (.70–.94) 14.8
Extension (N) 132.1⫾38.5 136.1⫾38.4 4.0 (0.5–7.4) .98 (.94–.99) 15.2

NOTE. Values are mean ⫾ SD unless otherwise indicated.

*Value below which 95% of the difference between 2 replicated measurements should lie.

extensor muscle strength in patients with neck pain compared Pearson correlation coefficients between the different force
with controls. In addition to that, our study found weakness in parameters showed a good correlation between rotation to the
the rotator muscles. Recently we found lower neck rotator right and to the left, which is understandable because the same
muscle strength in patients after cervical disk surgery com- function is being tested, albeit in different directions. There
pared with controls. Our studies have shown that neck pain is was also a moderate correlation between the other strength
related to muscle weakness in all the directions tested. It parameters, despite the fact that the muscles involved have
remains unclear whether muscle weakness is the cause or the different functions.36 There was no significant difference in the
result of chronic neck pain. However, it is probably not a flexor/extensor strength ratio between the neck pain group and
question of general muscle weakness in the patient group, the control group, indicating that the strength of these antago-
because there was no difference in the grip strength between nist muscle groups seems not to be affected differently by neck
the neck pain and control groups in our study, as was also the pain.
case after cervical disk surgery.34 Further, Ylinen et al35 The measures of peak isometric neck strength proved to be
showed, in their controlled study, that neck muscle training reproducible in the neck pain group, as shown by the ICCs. The
increased neck strength, which was associated with decrease in highest repeatability was found in extension, which is probably
neck pain and disability scores. because of the fact that the extensor muscles are the strongest
Three efforts in each direction were selected for the testing muscle group in the neck. ICCs were lower in rotation, which
protocol on the basis of clinical experience from the peak is the only movement not normally requiring countergravita-
strength tests. In general, the difference between repeated mea- tional effort and thus makes lower demands on muscle
surements was not great, but in a few subjects the result on the strength. The repeatability of peak neck flexor, extensor, and
second or third attempt was up to twice the value of the first rotator muscle strength in patients with chronic neck pain
effort. Rotation proved an exceptionally difficult task for the remained only slightly lower than that found in an earlier study
production of maximal effort during the first attempt. This may of the neck strength measurement system with healthy subjects
be because it is the only direction without an antigravity (ICC range, .94 to .98).24 The ICC, which has commonly been
function, and, in general, people are not accustomed to making used to evaluate the repeatability of measurements, lacks sen-
strenuous efforts in neck rotation. sitivity to systematic changes in results such as incremental
Our results differ from those obtained by Peolsson and improvements because of repeated testing. Therefore, other
Öberg,22 who reported that the first value was almost always statistical tests should also be used.
the highest and the third one the lowest in healthy subjects, The coefficients of repeatability already showed a moderate
despite having only 1 submaximal pretest trial before the level of variability in the peak strength test results. When the
maximal effort. differences between the repeated measurements were plotted

Fig 2. The difference in peak

flexion and extension strength
(N) between the first and sec-
ond measurements, plotted
against their mean for each
patient. Dotted lines show
95% limits of agreement.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004


Fig 3. The difference of peak

rotation strength (Nm) be-
tween the first and second
measurement, plotted against
their means for each patient.
Dotted lines show 95% limits
of agreement.

against their means, considerable variation and a tendency training intensity is monitored and its effectiveness followed
toward better results on the second test occasion were found in up.
all the parameters tested. The reason may be that on the second
test occasion the subjects had already learned the test procedure CONCLUSIONS
and were familiar with the neck strength measurement system
and could thus concentrate better on force production. The Neck strength in all directions was significantly lower in
improvement in forces varied between 10% and 13% in rota- patients with neck pain than in controls. Different parameters
tion and flexion but was only 3% in extension. Thus, extension of neck strength should be tested separately, to obtain full
strength seems to be more stable than the other forces mea- information about neck strength. On the same testing occasion,
sured. This may be partly because of differences in the anat- at least 3 maximal attempts in each direction should be tested
omy and function of the muscle groups tested. to obtain a true peak strength result. When neck strength testing
We did not find any previous studies of neck strength in- is used to follow up the training of individual patients in the
volving the analysis recommended by Bland and Altman. clinic, measurement error, biologic variation, and improvement
However, Rantanen37 used this analysis to evaluate the repeat- in results because of repeated testing should be kept in mind.
ability of isometric trunk strength measurements and found However, when the strength training methods used are effec-
wide intrasubject variation, which is in line with the results of tive, the results should be on a considerably higher level, and
our study. Ylinen et al24,35 showed that repeated neck strength therefore we recommend isometric neck strength measure-
testing without any strength training improved the results on ments for clinical settings.
average by 3% to 8% on the second test occasion on the same
day in healthy individuals and by 7% to 10% at 12-month Acknowledgments: We thank Kai Viertola for technical assis-
tance and expertise with the neck strength measurement system.
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Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004

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