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Low throughput due to pooer coverge at output at repeater end Date

Case Name

Top level Optimization solutions UMTS


Access Failure & Call drop Analysis Solutions UMTS


How resolve the access failure & call drop In more than 50%
loaded networ
Investigate the reasons for poor ! radio performance "access failure#
call drop# I$AT failures# lo% throughput&
'escri(e the potential reasons
)ropose actions to improve performance "as top *+ optimisation
,oth common and service specific "-oice# -ideo and )S data&
First chec. could (e done %ith $adio )lanning tool or/and 0astar (y at the C)IC1 coverage# T) distri(ution# cell dominance# S1O
overhead# service coverage# lin. im(alance and $T2) interference
The main reasons for poor radio performance are related to4
0on optimum cell design "location# antenna
2rong site implementation "antennas# ca(les# parameters#
sector s%ap&
2rong or (ad parameter planning "scram(ling code allocations
etc# C)IC1 etc3&
2rong or missing neigh(our relations
Low throughput due to pooer coverge at output at repeater end Date
Drop Call !ate " #H$ %ailures and
&issing neigh'our
A good usa(le neigh(our is present %ithin cells coverage area# can
cause '5 interference if it is not in the active set3
S%apped sectors in ,TS3
Chec. 0astar data and loo. for missing neigh(ours3
Chec. the ca(ling in antenna line
)oo man* neigh'ours
In S1O area the num(er of com(ined neigh(ouring cells (ecome more
than *3 1O list is created using $0C algorithm in the final stage some
of the neigh(ours %ill randomly (e removed3
'elete unnecessary neigh(ours3
High #H$ overhead
0o main server in the area# too many cells %ith %ea. C)IC1 level3
C)IC1 6c0o is usually very (ad even the $SC) is good e373 $SC) 8
9+:;<+ d,m (ut 6c0o a(out 8*+ d,
Use (uildings and other environmental structures to isolate cell"s& coverage3
'o%n tilt antennas to ma.e cells dominant and limit effects of interfering cell"s&3
Chec. antenna (earing and height3
Add a site3
Access %ailures
)oor coverage in area
If pro(lem is poor coverage# this means poor $SC) "=;<> d,m& thus
also the 6c0o degrades very rapidly "= ;*? d,& %hen the coverage
(order is reached3
Chec. Antenna line installation "antenna position and 7uality# ca(le length and
Chec. that C)IC1 po%ers are (alanced (et%een the studied cells3
Low throughput due to pooer coverge at output at repeater end Date
Chec. presence of shado%ing o(stacles3
Add a site to the area3
)oor dominance in area# %hich usually leads high S1O overhead3
0o main server in the area# too many cells %ith %ea. C)IC1 level3
C)IC1 6c0o is usually very (ad even the $SC) is good e373 $SC) 8
9+:;<+ d,m (ut 6c0o a(out 8*+ d,
Use (uildings and other environmental structures to isolate cell"s& coverage3
'o%n tilt antennas to ma.e cells dominant and limit effects of interfering cell"s&3
Chec. antenna (earing and height3
Add a site3
Pilot Pollution
,ad C)IC1 6c/Io "=;*? d,& level although C)IC1 $SC) level is good3
1igh site in the neigh(ourhood may cause interference3
Find interfering cell from 0astar T) analysis and drive test results3
Ad@ust antenna (earing and do%n tilt or lo%er the antenna height "too much tilt
%ill (rea. the dominance&3
Add interfering cell to the neigh(our of the serving cell3
High !),P due to -. /0ternal interference
The $T2) level is significantly higher than eApected in no/lo% load
Try to figure the possi(le area/direction of the interference (y $T2)
level on neigh(ouring cells3
Alternatively use spectrum analyser & directive antenna to locate interferer3
Inform operator/regulator a(out the found conditions3
Chec. if auto tuning range is large enough "?+ d,&3

A(ove mentioned is the (est analysis solution for Access failures & call drop3


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