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1. Download the WAMP server from (WAMP
is Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
2. Launch WampServer from the icon on your desktop, if it is not already started
3. Go to C:\wamp\www on your computer, and insert the annadaeventmgmt zip file.
Unzip the file so that the annadaEventMgmt_1.1 folder is in the C:\wamp\www fold
4. Under C:\wamp, run the install_mysql_service batch file

5. Open an Internet browser and type "localhost". This should display the WampSe
rver main page. Under Tools, click on phpMyAdmin which is the database.

6. Create a new database called "annadaEventMgmt"

7. On the left menu of phpMyAdmin, click on the new database name "annadaeventmg
mt". Click on the "SQL" tab at the top. To create the tables needed for the app,
copy and paste the contents of phpmyagenda.sql (in C:\wamp\www\annadaEventMgmt_
1.1) into the SQL box. Click "Go" and ensure that the tables were created succes
sfully (27 of them)

8. Click on the "Privileges" tab to add a new admin user. Click on "Add a new us
er" and add the desired username and password. Click "Go"

9. Type "localhost" as the URL to get back to the main page. Under "Your Project
s", click "annadaEventMgmt_1.1". This should open the public page of Annada Even
t Management/phpMyAgenda. Annada Event Management does not have any additional f
unctionality for the public section of phpmyAgenda, but the administrative passw
ord-protected section has been expanded.

10. To access the administrative section of the app, click on "Administration" i
n the left menu. Log in. This will take you to the main admin page with a left m
enu for all the sub-components of the application. Click on the first component,
"Events", to search for events or add an event. If there are no event types, pl
aces, and organizers populated in the database, the drop-down lists will be empt
y for those values.

11. Populate the event types (eg. wedding, conference, awards banquet), places (
any venue for an event), and organizers (people who plan events-in this case, yo
urselves) by clicking on their corresponding links on the left menu and clicking
the "Add" link.
The process flow of Annada Event Management is as follows: the business manager
decides what user interface (UI) to display
depending on the passed variable called "mode". If it is the index page (no mode
defined), the business manager shows the default user
interface. After the user enters a request, the UI sends commands to the busines
s manager, which sends commands to the data manager.
The data manager completes the request and returns any data and/or error message
s to the business manager which sends it to the UI
to display to the user. For example, the business manager for events is admin\ev
ents.php3, the UI for entering a new event is
admin\templates\event_form.php3, and the data manager is admin\include\
c.php3. When a user enters a new event through
event_form.php3, the business manager events.php3 decides what data manager func
tion to call based on the "mode" passed and calls it.
The data manager runs the appropriate function and query and ret
urns to the business manager, which displays the
appropriate UI.
It is suggested that you enter these event sub-components BEFORE entering a new
event: budget, client, place, organizers/contacts,
event types, vendors. THEN enter a new event. After the new event is created, yo
u can add invitations/RSVPs and checklists/tasks.
The "Guest" section is populated once you enter invitation and RSVP information
(is attending / is not attending)

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