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The Final Science Fiction Collection
I AM A ROBOT. MY NAME IS CAL. I ha&e a 'e(i)t'ation n*+,e'- It i) CL-./0X% ,*t +1 +a)te' call) +e
The X in +1 'e(i)t'ation n*+,e' +ean) I a+ a )2ecial 'o,ot 3o' +1 +a)te'- He a)4e5 3o' +e an5
hel2e5 5e)i(n +e- He ha) a lot o3 +one1- He i) a 6'ite'-
I a+ not a &e'1 co+2licate5 'o,ot- 1 +a)te' 5oe)n7t 6ant a co+2licate5 'o,ot- He 8*)t 6ant)
)o+eone to 2ic4 *2 a3te' hi+% to '*n hi) 2'inte'% )tac4 hi) 5i)4)% an5 li4e that-
He )a1) I 5on7t (i&e hi+ an1 ,ac4tal4 an5 8*)t 5o 6hat I a+ tol5- He )a1) that i) (oo5-
He ha) 2eo2le co+e in to hel2 hi+% )o+eti+e)- The1 (i&e hi+ ,ac4tal4- So+eti+e) the1 5o not
5o 6hat the1 a'e tol5- He (et) &e'1 an('1 an5 'e5 in the 3ace-
Then he tell) +e to 5o )o+ethin(% an5 I 5o it- He )a1)% than4 (oo5ne))% 1o* 5o a) 1o* a'e tol5-
O3 co*')e% I 5o a) I a+ tol5- "hat el)e can I 5o9 I 6ant to +a4e +1 +a)te' 3eel (oo5- I can tell
6hen +1 +a)te' 3eel) (oo5- Hi) +o*th )t'etche) an5 he call) that a )+ile- He 2at) +e on the )ho*l5e' an5
)a1)% Goo5% Cal- Goo5-
I li4e it 6hen he )a1)% Goo5% Cal- Goo5-
I )a1 to +1 +a)te'% Than4 1o*- Yo* +a4e +e 3eel (oo5% too-
An5 he la*(h)- I li4e 6hen he la*(h) ,eca*)e it +ean) he 3eel) (oo5% ,*t it i) a :*ee' )o*n5- I
5on7t *n5e')tan5 ho6 he +a4e) it o' 6h1- I a)4 hi+ an5 he )a1) to +e that he la*(h) 6hen )o+ethin( i)
I a)4 hi+ i3 6hat I )ai5 i) 3*nn1-
He )a1)% Ye)% it i)-
It i) 3*nn1 ,eca*)e I )a1 I 3eel (oo5- He )a1) 'o,ot) 5o not 'eall1 3eel (oo5- He )a1) onl1 h*+an
+a)te') 3eel (oo5- He )a1) 'o,ot) 8*)t ha&e 2o)it'onic ,'ain 2ath) that 6o'4 +o'e ea)il1 6hen the1 3ollo6
I 5on7t 4no6 6hat 2o)it'onic ,'ain 2ath) a'e- He )a1) the1 a'e )o+ethin( in)i5e +e-
I )a1% "hen 2o)it'onic ,'ain-2ath) 6o'4 ,ette'% 5oe) it +a4e e&e'1thin( )+oothe' an5 ea)ie' 3o'
+e9 I) that 6h1 I 3eel (oo59
Then I a)4% "hen a +a)te' 3eel) (oo5% i) it ,eca*)e )o+ethin( in hi+ 6o'4) +o'e ea)il19
1 +a)te' no5) an5 )a1)% Cal% 1o* a'e )+a'te' than 1o* loo4-
I 5on7t 4no6 6hat that +ean) eithe' ,*t +1 +a)te' )ee+) 2lea)e5 6ith +e an5 that +a4e) +1
2o)it'onic ,'ain 2ath) 6o'4 +o'e ea)il1% an5 that +a4e) +e 3eel (oo5- It i) ea)ie' 8*)t to )a1 it +a4e) +e
3eel (oo5- I a)4 i3 I can )a1 that-
He )a1)% Yo* can )a1 6hate&e' 1o* choo)e% Cal-
"hat I 6ant i) to ,e a 6'ite' li4e +1 +a)te'- I 5o not *n5e')tan5 6h1 I ha&e thi) 3eelin(% ,*t +1
+a)te' i) a 6'ite' an5 he hel2e5 5e)i(n +e- a1,e hi) 5e)i(n +a4e) +e 3eel I 6ant to ,e a 6'ite'- I 5o not
*n5e')tan5 6h1 I ha&e thi) 3eelin( ,eca*)e I 5on7t 4no6 6hat a 6'ite' i)- I a)4 +1 +a)te' 6hat a 6'ite' i)-
He )+ile) a(ain- "h1 5o 1o* 6ant to 4no6% Cal9 he a)4)-
I 5o not 4no6% I )a1- It i) 8*)t that 1o* a'e a 6'ite' an5 I 6ant to 4no6 6hat that i)- Yo* )ee+ )o
ha221 6hen 1o* a'e 6'itin( an5 i3 it +a4e) 1o* ha221 +a1,e it 6ill +a4e +e ha221% too- I ha&e a 3eelin(--
I 5on7t ha&e the 6o'5) 3o' it- I thin4 a 6hile an5 he 6ait) 3o' +e- He i) )till )+ilin(-
I )a1% I 6ant to 4no6 ,eca*)e it 6ill +a4e +e 3eel ,ette' to 4no6- I a+--I a+
He )a1)% Yo* a'e c*'io*)% Cal-
I )a1% I 5on7t 4no6 6hat that 6o'5 +ean)-
He )a1)% It +ean) 1o* 6ant to 4no6 8*)t ,eca*)e 1o* 6ant to 4no6-
I 6ant to 4no6 8*)t ,eca*)e I 6ant to 4no6% I )a1-
He )a1)% "'itin( i) +a4in( *2 a )to'1- I tell a,o*t 2eo2le 6ho 5o 5i33e'ent thin()% an5 ha&e
5i33e'ent thin() ha22en to the+-
I )a1% Ho6 5o 1o* 3in5 o*t 6hat the1 5o an5 6hat ha22en) to the+9
He )a1)% I +a4e the+ *2% Cal- The1 a'e not 'eal 2eo2le- The1 a'e not 'eal ha22enin()- I i+a(ine
the+% in he'e-
He 2oint) to hi) hea5-
I 5o not *n5e')tan5 an5 I a)4 ho6 he +a4e) the+ *2% ,*t he la*(h) an5 )a1)% I 5o not 4no6%
eithe'- I 8*)t +a4e the+ *2-
He )a1)% I 6'ite +1)te'ie)- C'i+e )to'ie)- I tell a,o*t 2eo2le 6ho 5o 6'on( thin()% 6ho h*'t othe'
I 3eel &e'1 ,a5 6hen I hea' that- I )a1% Ho6 can 1o* tal4 a,o*t h*'tin( 2eo2le9 That +*)t ne&e' ,e
He )a1)% H*+an ,ein() a'e not cont'olle5 ,1 the Th'ee La6) o3 Ro,otic)- H*+an +a)te') can
h*'t othe' h*+an +a)te')% i3 the1 6i)h-
Thi) i) 6'on(% I )a1-
It i)% he )a1)- In +1 )to'ie)% 2eo2le 6ho 5o ha'+ a'e 2*ni)he5- The1 a'e 2*t in 2'i)on an5 4e2t
the'e 6he'e the1 cannot h*'t 2eo2le-
Do the1 li4e it in 2'i)on9 I a)4-
O3 co*')e not- The1 +*)t not- Fea' o3 2'i)on 4ee2) the+ 3'o+ 5oin( +o'e h*'t3*l thin() than the1
I )a1% B*t 2'i)on i) 6'on(% too% i3 it +a4e) 2eo2le 3eel ,a5-
"ell% )a1) +1 +a)te'% that i) 6h1 1o* cannot 6'ite +1)te'ie) an5 c'i+e )to'ie)-
I thin4 a,o*t that- The'e +*)t ,e a 6a1 to 6'ite )to'ie) in 6hich 2eo2le a'e not h*'t- I 6o*l5 li4e
to 5o that- I 6ant to ,e a 6'ite'- I 6ant to ,e a 6'ite' &e'1 +*ch-
1 +a)te' ha) th'ee 5i33e'ent "'ite') 3o' 6'itin( )to'ie)- One i) &e'1 ol5% ,*t he )a1) he 4ee2) it
,eca*)e it ha) )enti+ental &al*e-
I 5on7t 4no6 6hat )enti+ental &al*e i)- I 5o not li4e to a)4- He 5oe) not *)e the +achine 3o' hi)
)to'ie)- a1,e )enti+ental &al*e +ean) it +*)t not ,e *)e5-
He 5oe)n7t )a1 I can not *)e it- I 5o not a)4 hi+ i3 I can *)e it- I3 I 5o not a)4 hi+ an5 he 5oe) not
)a1 I +*)t not% then I a+ not 5i)o,e1in( o'5e') i3 I *)e it-
At ni(ht% he i) )lee2in(% an5 the othe' h*+an +a)te') 6ho a'e )o+eti+e) he'e a'e (one- The'e a'e
t6o othe' 'o,ot) +1 +a)te' ha) 6ho a'e +o'e i+2o'tant than I a+- The1 5o +o'e i+2o'tant 6o'4- The1
6ait in thei' niche) at ni(ht 6hen the1 ha&e not ,een (i&en an1thin( to 5o-
1 +a)te' ha) not )ai5% Sta1 in 1o*' niche% Cal-
So+eti+e) he 5oe)n7t% ,eca*)e I a+ )o *ni+2o'tant% an5 then I can +o&e a,o*t at ni(ht- I can
loo4 at the "'ite'- Yo* 2*)h 4e1) an5 it +a4e) 6o'5) an5 then the 6o'5) a'e 2*t on 2a2e'- I 6atch the
+a)te' )o I 4no6 ho6 to 2*)h 4e1)- The 6o'5) (o on the 2a2e' the+)el&e)- I 5o not ha&e to 5o that-
I 2*)h the 4e1) ,*t I 5o not *n5e')tan5 the 6o'5)- I 3eel ,a5 a3te' a 6hile- The +a)te' +a1 not li4e
it e&en i3 he 5oe) not tell +e not to 5o it-
The 6o'5) a'e 2'inte5 on 2a2e' an5 in the +o'nin( I )ho6 the 6o'5) to +1 +a)te'-
I )a1% I a+ )o''1- I 6a) *)in( the "'ite'-
He loo4) at the 2a2e'- Then he loo4) at +e- He +a4e) a 3'o6n- He )a1)% Di5 1o* 5o thi)9 Ye)%
+a)te'- "hen9
La)t ni(ht- "h19
I 6ant &e'1 +*ch to 6'ite- I) thi) a )to'19 He hol5) *2 the 2a2e' an5 )+ile)-
He )a1)% The)e a'e 8*)t 'an5o+ lette')% Cal- Thi) i) (i,,e'i)h- He 5oe) not )ee+ an('1- I 3eel
,ette'- I 5o not 4no6 6hat (i,,e'i)h i)-
I )a1% I) it a )to'19
He )a1)% No% it i) not- An5 it i) a l*c41 thin( the "'ite' cannot ,e 5a+a(e5 ,1 +i)han5lin(- I3 1o*
'eall1 6ant to 6'ite )o ,a5l1% I 6ill tell 1o* 6hat I 6ill 5o- I 6ill ha&e 1o* 'e2'o('a++e5 )o that 1o* 6ill
4no6 ho6 to *)e a "'ite'-
T6o 5a1) late'% a technician a''i&e)- He i) a +a)te' 6ho 4no6) ho6 to +a4e 'o,ot) 5o ,ette' 8o,)-
1 +a)te' tell) +e that the technician i) the one 6ho 2*t +e to(ethe'% an5 +1 +a)te' hel2e5- I 5o not
'e+e+,e' that-
The technician li)ten) ca'e3*ll1 to +1 +a)te'-
He )a1)% "h1 5o 1o* 6ant to 5o thi)% '- No'th'o29 '- No'th'o2 i) 6hat othe' +a)te') call +1
1 +a)te' )a1)% I hel2e5 5e)i(n Cal% 'e+e+,e'- I thin4 I +*)t ha&e 2*t into hi+ the 5e)i'e to ,e a
6'ite'- I 5i5 not inten5 to% ,*t a) lon( a) he 5oe)% I 3eel I )ho*l5 h*+o' hi+- I o6e it to hi+-
The technician )a1)% That i) 3ooli)h- E&en i3 6e acci5entall1 2*t in a 5e)i'e to 6'ite that i) )till no
8o, 3o' a 'o,ot-
1 +a)te' )a1)% ;*)t the )a+e I 6ant it 5one-
The technician )a1)% It 6ill ,e e<2en)i&e% '- No'th'o2- 1 +a)te' 3'o6n)- He loo4) an('1-
He )a1)% Cal i) +1 'o,ot- I )hall 5o a) I 2lea)e- I ha&e the +one1 an5 I 6ant hi+ a58*)te5-
The technician loo4) an('1% too- He )a1)% I3 that7) 6hat 1o* 6ant% &e'1 6ell- The c*)to+e' i) ,o))-
B*t it 6ill ,e +o'e e<2en)i&e than 1o* thin4% ,eca*)e 6e cannot 2*t in the 4no6le5(e o3 ho6 to *)e a
"'ite' 6itho*t i+2'o&in( hi) &oca,*la'1 a (oo5 5eal-
1 +a)te' )a1)% Fine- I+2'o&e hi) &oca,*la'1-
The ne<t 5a1% the technician co+e) ,ac4 6ith lot) o3 tool)- He o2en) +1 che)t- It i) a :*ee'
3eelin(- I 5o not li4e it- He 'eache) in- I thin4 he )h*t) o33 +1 2o6e' 2ac4% o' ta4e) it o*t- I 5o not
'e+e+,e'- I 5o not )ee an1thin(% o' thin4 an1thin(% o' 4no6 an1thin(-
Then I co*l5 )ee an5 thin4 an5 4no6 a(ain- I co*l5 )ee that ti+e ha5 2a))e5% ,*t I 5i5 not 4no6
ho6 +*ch ti+e-
I tho*(ht 3o' a 6hile- It 6a) o55% ,*t I 4ne6 ho6 to '*n a "'ite' an5 I )ee+e5 to *n5e')tan5 +o'e
6o'5)- Fo' in)tance% I 4ne6 6hat =(i,,e'i)h> +eant% an5 it 6a) e+,a''a))in( to thin4 I ha5 )ho6n
(i,,e'i)h to +1 +a)te'% thin4in( it 6a) a )to'1-
I 6o*l5 ha&e to 5o ,ette'- Thi) ti+e I ha5 no a22'ehen)ion--I 4no6 the +eanin( o3
=a22'ehen)ion%> too--I ha5 no a22'ehen)ion that he 6o*l5 4ee2 +e 3'o+ *)in( the ol5 "'ite'- A3te' all% he
6o*l5 not ha&e 'e5e)i(ne5 +e to ,e ca2a,le o3 *)in( it i3 he 6e'e (oin( to 2'e&ent +e 3'o+ 5oin( )o-
I 2*t it to hi+- =a)te'% 5oe) thi) +ean I +a1 *)e the "'ite'9>
He )ai5% =Yo* +a1 5o )o at an1 ti+e% Cal% that 1o* a'e not en(a(e5 in othe' ta)4)- Yo* +*)t let
+e )ee 6hat 1o* 6'ite% ho6e&e'->
=O3 co*')e% +a)te'->
He 6a) clea'l1 a+*)e5 ,eca*)e I thin4 he e<2ecte5 +o'e (i,,e'i)h ?6hat an *(l1 6o'5$@ ,*t I
5i5n7t thin4 he 6o*l5 (et an1 +o'e-
I 5i5n7t 6'ite a )to'1 i++e5iatel1- I ha5 to thin4 a,o*t 6hat to 6'ite- I )*22o)e that that i) 6hat
the +a)te' +eant 6hen he )ai5 1o* +*)t +a4e *2 a )to'1-
I 3o*n5 it 6a) nece))a'1 to thin4 a,o*t it 3i')t an5 then 6'ite 5o6n 6hat 6a) tho*(ht- It 6a) +*ch
+o'e co+2licate5 than I ha5 )*22o)e5-
1 +a)te' notice5 +1 2'eocc*2ation- He a)4e5 +e% ="hat a'e 1o* 5oin(% Cal9>
I )ai5% =I a+ t'1in( to +a4e *2 a )to'1- It7) ha'5 6o'4->
=A'e 1o* 3in5in( that o*t% Cal9 Goo5- O,&io*)l1% 1o*' 'eo'(aniAation ha) not onl1 i+2'o&e5 1o*'
&oca,*la'1 ,*t it )ee+) to +e it ha) inten)i3ie5 1o*' intelli(ence->
I )ai5% =I7+ not )*'e 6hat i) +eant ,1 Binten)i3ie57->
=It +ean) 1o* )ee+ )+a'te'- Yo* )ee+ to 4no6 +o'e->
=Doe) that 5i)2lea)e 1o*% +a)te'9>
=Not at all- It 2lea)e) +e- It +a1 +a4e it +o'e 2o))i,le 3o' 1o* to 6'ite )to'ie) an5 e&en a3te' 1o*
ha&e ('o6n ti'e5 o3 t'1in( to 6'ite% 1o* 6ill 'e+ain +o'e *)e3*l to +e->
I tho*(ht at once that it 6o*l5 ,e 5eli(ht3*l to ,e +o'e *)e3*l to the +a)te'% ,*t I 5i5n7t
*n5e')tan5 6hat he +eant a,o*t ('o6in( ti'e5 o3 t'1in( to 6'ite- I 6a)n7t (oin( to (et ti'e5 o3 6'itin(-
Finall1% I ha5 a )to'1 in +1 +in5% an5 I a)4e5 +1 +a)te' 6hen 6o*l5 ,e a 2'o2e' ti+e to 6'ite it-
He )ai5% ="ait till ni(ht- Then 1o* 6on7t ,e (ettin( in +1 6a1- "e can ha&e a )+all li(ht 3o' the
co'ne' 6he'e the ol5 "'ite' i) )tan5in(C an5 1o* can 6'ite 1o*' )to'1- Ho6 lon( 5o 1o* thin4 it 6ill ta4e
=;*)t a little 6hile%> I )ai5% )*'2'i)e5- =I can 6o'4 the "'ite' &e'1 :*ic4l1->
1 +a)te' )ai5% =Cal% 6o'4in( the "'ite' i)n7t all the'e--> Then he )to22e5% tho*(ht a 6hile% an5
)ai5% =No% 1o* (o ahea5 an5 5o it- Yo* 6ill lea'n- I 6on7t t'1 to a5&i)e 1o*->
He 6a) 'i(ht- "o'4in( the "'ite' 6a)n7t all the'e 6a) to it- I )2ent nea'l1 the 6hole ni(ht t'1in(
to 3i(*'e o*t the )to'1- It i) &e'1 5i33ic*lt to 5eci5e 6hich 6o'5 co+e) a3te' 6hich- I ha5 to e'a)e the )to'1
)e&e'al ti+e) an5 )ta't o&e'- It 6a) &e'1 e+,a''a))in(-
Finall1% it 6a) 5one% an5 he'e it i)- I 4e2t it a3te' I 6'ote it ,eca*)e it 6a) the 3i')t )to'1 I e&e'
6'ote- It 6a) not (i,,e'i)h-
The Introoder
by Cal
There was a detektav wuns named Cal, who was a very good detektav and very brave.
Nuthin fritened him. Imajin his surprise one night when he herd an introoder in his masters home.
He came russian into the riting office. There was an introoder. He had cum in throo the
windo. There was broken glas. That was what Cal, the brave detektav, had herd with his good
He said, !top, introoder."
The introoder stopped and looked skared. Cal felt bad that the introoder looked skared.
Cal said, #ook what you have done. $ou have broken the windo."
$es," said the introoder, looking very ashaymed. I did not mean to break the windo."
Cal was very clever and he saw the flawr in the introoder%s remark. He said, How did you
e&pect to get in if you were not going to break the windo'"
I thought it would be open," he said. I tried to open it and it broke."
Cal said, (aht was the meaning of what you have done, anyhow' (hy should you want
to come into this room when it is not your room' $ou are an introoder."
I did not mean any harm," he said.
That is not so, for if you ment no harm, you would not be here," said Cal. $ou must be
)lease do not punnish me," said the introoder.
I will not punnish you," said Cal. I don%t wish to cause you unhappiness or payn. I will
call my master."
He called, *aster+ *aster+"
The master came russian in. (hat have we here'" he asked.
,n introoder," I said. I have caut him and he is for you to punnish."
*y master looked at the introoder. He said, ,re you sorry for wat you have done'"
I am," said the introoder. He was crying and water was coming out of his eys the way it
happens with masters when they are sad.
(ill you ever do it agen'" said my master.
Never. I will never do it agen," said the introoder.
In that case," said the master, you have been punnished enogh. -o away and be sure
never to do it agen."
Then the master said, $ou are a good detektav, Cal. I am proud of you."
Cal was very glad to have pleased the master.
The end
I 6a) &e'1 2lea)e5 6ith the )to'1 an5 I )ho6e5 it to the +a)te'- I 6a) )*'e he 6o*l5 ,e &e'1
2lea)e5% too-
He 6a) +o'e than 2lea)e5% 3o' a) he 'ea5 it% he )+ile5- He e&en la*(he5 a 3e6 ti+e)- Then he
loo4e5 *2 at +e an5 )ai5% =Di5 1o* 6'ite thi)9>
=Ye)% I 5i5% +a)te'%> I )ai5-
=I +ean% all ,1 1o*')el3- Yo* 5i5n7t co21 an1thin(9>
=I +a5e it *2 in +1 o6n hea5% +a)te'% = I )ai5- =Do 1o* li4e it9> He la*(he5 a(ain% :*ite lo*5l1-
=It7) inte'e)tin(%> he )ai5-
I 6a) a little an<io*)- =I) it 3*nn19> I a)4e5- =I 5on7t 4no6 ho6 to +a4e thin() 3*nn1->
=I 4no6% Cal- It7) not 3*nn1 intentionall1->
I tho*(ht a,o*t that 3o' a 6hile- Then I a)4e5% =Ho6 can )o+ethin( ,e 3*nn1 *nintentionall19>
=It7) ha'5 to e<2lain% ,*t 5on7t 6o''1 a,o*t it- In the 3i')t 2lace% 1o* can7t )2ell% an5 that7) a
)*'2'i)e- Yo* )2ea4 )o 6ell no6 that I a*to+aticall1 a))*+e5 1o* co*l5 )2ell 6o'5) ,*t% o,&io*)l1% 1o*
can7t- Yo* can7t ,e a 6'ite' *nle)) 1o* can )2ell 6o'5) co''ectl1% an5 *)e (oo5 ('a++a'->
=Ho6 5o I +ana(e to )2ell 6o'5) co''ectl19>
=Yo* 5on7t ha&e to 6o''1 a,o*t that% Cal%> )ai5 +1 +a)te'- ="e 6ill o*t3it 1o* 6ith a 5ictiona'1-
B*t tell +e% Cal- In 1o*' )to'1% Cal i) you, i)n7t he9>
=Ye)-> I 6a) 2lea)e5 he ha5 notice5 that-
=Ba5 i5ea- Yo* 5on7t 6ant to 2*t 1o*')el3 into a )to'1 an5 )a1 ho6 ('eat 1o* a'e- It o33en5) the
="h1% +a)te'9>
=Beca*)e it 5oe)- It loo4) li4e I will ha&e to (i&e 1o* a5&ice% ,*t I7ll +a4e it a) ,'ie3 a) 2o))i,le- It
i) not c*)to+a'1 to 2'ai)e 1o*')el3- Be)i5e) 1o* 5on7t 6ant to say 1o* a'e ('eat% 1o* +*)t show 1o* a'e
('eat in 6hat 1o* 5o- An5 5on7t *)e 1o*' o6n na+e->
=I) that a '*le9>
=A (oo5 6'ite' can ,'ea4 an1 '*le% ,*t 1o*7'e 8*)t a ,e(inne'- Stic4 to the '*le) an5 6hat I ha&e
tol5 1o* a'e 8*)t a co*2le o3 the+- Yo*7'e (oin( to enco*nte' +an1% +an1 +o'e i3 1o* 4ee2 on 6'itin(-
Al)o% Cal% 1o*7'e (oin( to ha&e t'o*,le 6ith the Th'ee La6) o3 Ro,otic)- Yo* can7t a))*+e that
6'on(5oe') 6ill 6ee2 an5 ,e a)ha+e5- H*+an ,ein() a'en7t li4e that- The1 must ,e 2*ni)he5 )o+eti+e)->
I 3elt +1 2o)it'onic ,'ain-2ath) (o 'o*(h- I )ai5% =That i) 5i33ic*lt- =
=I 4no6- Al)o% the'e7) no +1)te'1 in the )to'1- The'e 5oe)n7t ha&e to ,e% ,*t I thin4 1o*75 ,e
,ette' o33 i3 the'e 6e'e- "hat i3 1o*' he'o% 6ho+ 1o*7ll ha&e to call )o+ethin( othe' than Cal% 5oe)n7t
4no6 6hethe' )o+eone i) an int'*5e' o' not- Ho6 6o*l5 he 3in5 o*t9 Yo* )ee% he ha) to *)e hi) hea5->
An5 +1 +a)te' 2ointe5 to hi) o6n-
I 5i5n7t :*ite 3ollo6-
1 +a)te' )ai5% =I7ll tell 1o* 6hat- I7ll (i&e 1o* )o+e )to'ie) o3 +1 o6n to 'ea5% a3te' 1o*7&e ,een
o*t3itte5 6ith a )2ellin( 5ictiona'1 an5 a ('a++a' an5 1o*7ll )ee 6hat I +ean->
The technician ca+e to the ho*)e an5 )ai5% =The'e7) no 2'o,le+ in in)tallin( a )2ellin( 5ictiona'1
an5 a ('a++a'- It7ll co)t 1o* +o'e +one1- I 4no6 1o* 5on7t ca'e a,o*t +one1% ,*t tell +e 6h1 1o* a'e )o
inte'e)te5 in +a4in( a 6'ite' o*t o3 thi) h*n4 o3 )teel an5 titani*+->
I 5i5n7t thin4 it 6a) 'i(ht 3o' hi+ to call +e a h*n4 o3 )teel an5 titani*+% ,*t o3 co*')e a h*+an
+a)te' can )a1 an1thin( he 6ant) to )a1- The1 al6a1) tal4 a,o*t *) 'o,ot) a) tho*(h 6e 6e'en7t the'e- I7&e
notice5 that% too-
1 +a)te' )ai5% =Di5 1o* e&e' hea' o3 a 'o,ot 6ho 6ante5 to ,e a 6'ite'9>
=No%> )ai5 the technician% =I can7t )a1 I e&e' 5i5% '- No'th'o2->
=Neithe' 5i5 I$ Neithe' 5i5 an1one a) 3a' a) I 4no6- Cal i) *ni:*e% an5 I 6ant to )t*51 hi+->
The technician )+ile5 &e'1 6i5e-('inne5% that7) the 6o'5- =Don7t tell +e 1o* ha&e it in 1o*' hea5
that he7ll ,e a,le to 6'ite 1o*' )to'ie) 3o' 1o*% '- No'th'o2->
1 +a)te' )to22e5 )+ilin(- He li3te5 hi) hea5 an5 loo4e5 5o6n on the technician &e'1 an('il1-
=Don7t ,e a 3ool- Yo* 8*)t 5o 6hat I 2a1 1o* to 5o->
I thin4 the +a)te' +a5e the technician )o''1 he ha5 )ai5 that% ,*t I 5on7t 4no6 6h1- I3 +1 +a)te'
a)4e5 +e to 6'ite hi) )to'ie) 3o' hi+ I 6o*l5 ,e 2lea)e5 to 5o )o-
A(ain% I 5on7t 4no6 ho6 lon( it too4 the technician to 5o hi) 8o, 6hen he ca+e ,ac4 a co*2le o3
5a1) late'- I 5on7t 'e+e+,e' a thin( a,o*t it-
Then +1 +a)te' 6a) )*55enl1 tal4in( to +e- =Ho6 5o 1o* 3eel% Cal9>
I )ai5% =I 3eel &e'1 6ell- Than4 1o*% )i'->
="hat a,o*t 6o'5)- Can 1o* )2ell9>
=I 4no6 the lette'-co+,ination)% )i'->
=#e'1 (oo5- Can 1o* 'ea5 thi)9> He han5e5 +e a ,oo4- It )ai5% on the co&e'% The Best Mysteries
of J. F. Northrop.
I )ai5% =A'e the)e 1o*' )to'ie)% )i'9>
=A,)ol*tel1- I3 1o* 6ant to 'ea5 the+% 1o* can->
I ha5 ne&e' ,een a,le to 'ea5 ea)il1 ,e3o'e% ,*t no6 a) )oon a) I loo4e5 at the 6o'5)% I co*l5 hea'
the+ in +1 ea'- It 6a) )*'2'i)in(- I co*l5n7t i+a(ine ho6 I ha5 ,een *na,le to 5o it ,e3o'e-
=Than4 1o*% )i'%> I )ai5- =I )hall 'ea5 thi) an5 I7+ )*'e it 6ill hel2 +e in +1 6'itin(->
=#e'1 (oo5- Contin*e to )ho6 +e e&e'1thin( 1o* 6'ite->
The +a)te'7) )to'ie) 6e'e :*ite inte'e)tin(- He ha5 a 5etecti&e 6ho co*l5 al6a1) *n5e')tan5
+atte') that othe') 3o*n5 2*AAlin(- I 5i5n7t al6a1) *n5e')tan5 ho6 he co*l5 )ee the t'*th o3 a +1)te'1 an5 I
ha5 to 'ea5 )o+e o3 the )to'ie) o&e' a(ain an5 5o )o )lo6l1-
So+eti+e) I co*l5n7t *n5e')tan5 the+ e&en 6hen I 'ea5 the+ )lo6l1- So+eti+e) I 5i5% tho*(h%
an5 it )ee+e5 to +e I co*l5 6'ite a )to'1 li4e '- No'th'o27)-
Thi) ti+e I )2ent :*ite a lon( 6hile 6o'4in( it o*t in +1 hea5- "hen I tho*(ht I ha5 it 6o'4e5
o*t% I 6'ote the 3ollo6in(:
The Shiny Quarter
by .uphrosyne /urando
Calumet !mithson sat in his arm chair, his eagle0eyes sharp and the nostrils of his thin
high0bridged nose flaring, as though he could scent a new mystery.
He said, (ell, *r. (assell, tell me your story again from the beginning. #eave out
nothing, for one can%t tell when even the smallest detail may not be of the greatest importance."
(assell owned an important business in town, and in it he employed many robots and
also human beings.
(assell did so, but there was nothing startling in the details at all and he was able to
summari1e it this way. (hat it amounts to, *r. !mithson, is that I am losing money. !omeone in
my employ is helping himself to small sums now and then. The sums are of no great importance,
each in itself, but it is like a small, steady oil loss in a machine, or the drip0drop of water from a
leaky faucet, or the oo1ing of blood from a small wound. In time, it would mount up and become
,re you actually in danger of losing your business, *r. !mithson'"
Not yet. 2ut I don%t like to lose money, either. /o you'"
No, indeed," said !mithson, I do not. How many robots do you employ in your
Twenty0seven, sir."
,nd they are all reliable, I suppose."
3ndoubtedly. They could not steal. 2esides, I have asked each one of them if they took
any money and they all said they had not. ,nd, of course, robots cannot lie, either."
$ou are 4uite right," said !mithson. It is useless to be concerned over robots. They are
honest, through and through. (hat about the human beings you employ' How many of them are
I employ seventeen, but of these only four can possibly have been stealing."
(hy is that'"
The others do not work on the premises. These four, however, do. .ach one has the
occasion, now and then, to handle petty cash, and I suspect that what happens is that at least
one of them manages to transfer assets from the company to his private account in such a way
that the matter is not easily traced."
I see. $es, it is unfortunately true that human beings may steal. Have you confronted
your suspects with the situation'"
$es, I have. They all deny any such activity, but, of course, human beings can lie, too."
!o they can. /id any of them look uneasy while being 4uestioned'"
,ll did. They could see I was a furious man who could fire all four, guilty or innocent.
They would have had trouble finding other jobs if fired for such a reason."
Then that cannot be done. (e must not punish the innocent with the guilty."
$ou are 4uite right," said *r. (assell. I couldn%t do that. 2ut how can I decide which one
is guilty'"
Is there one among them who has a dubious record, who has been fired under uncertain
circumstances earlier in his career'"
I have made 4uiet in4uiries, *r. !mithson, and I have found nothing suspicious about
any of them."
Is one of them in particular need of money'"
I pay good wages."
I am sure of that, but perhaps one has some sort of e&pensive taste that makes his
income insufficient."
I have found no evidence of that, though, to be sure, if one of them needed money for
some perverse reason, he would keep it secret. No one wants to be thought evil."
$ou are 4uite right," said the great detective. In that case, you must confront me with
the four men. I will interrogate them." His eyes flashed. (e will get to the bottom of this mystery,
never fear. #et us arrange a meeting in the evening. (e might meet in the company dining room
over some small meal and a bottle of wine, so the men will feel completely rela&ed. Tonight, if
I will arrange it," said *r. (assell, eagerly.
Calumet !mithson sat at the dinner table and regarded the four men closely. Two of them
were 4uite young and had dark hair. 5ne of them had a mustache as well. Neither was very good
looking. 5ne of them was *r. 6oster and the other was *r. #ionell. The third man was rather fat
and had small eyes. He was *r. *ann. The fourth was tall and rangy and had a nervous way of
cracking his knuckles. He was *r. 5strak.
!mithson seemed to be a little nervous himself as he 4uestioned each man in turn. His
eagle eyes narrowed as he ga1ed sharply at the four suspects and he played with a shiny 4uarter
that flipped casually between the fingers of his right hand.
!mithson said, I7m sure that each of the four of you is 4uite aware what a terrible thing it
is to steal from an employer."
They all agreed at once.
!mithson tapped the shiny 4uarter on the table, thoughtfully. 5ne of you, I7m sure, is
going to break down under the load of guilt and I think you will do it before the evening is over.
2ut, for now, I must call my office. I will be gone for only a few minutes. )lease sit here and wait
for me and while I am gone, do not talk to each othe'% o' loo4 at each other."
He gave the 4uarter a last tap, and, paying no attention to it, he left. In about ten minutes,
he was back.
He looked from one to another and said, $ou did not talk to each other or look at each
other, I hope'"
There was a general shaking of heads as though they were still fearful of speaking.
*r. (assell," said the detective. /o you agree that no one spoke'"
,bsolutely. (e just sat here 4uietly and waited. (e didn%t even look at each other."
-ood. Now I will ask each one of you four men to show me what you have in your
pockets. )lease put everything into a pile in front of you."
!mithson%s voice was so compelling, his eyes so bright and sharp, that none of the men
thought of disobeying.
!hirt pockets, too. Inside jacket pockets. ,ll the pockets."
There was 4uite a pile, credit cards, keys, spectacles, pens, some coins. !mithson
looked at the four piles coldly, his mind taking in everything.
Then he said, 8ust to make sure that we are all meeting the same re4uirements, I will
make a pile of the contents of my own pockets and, *r. (assell, you do the same."
Now there were si& piles. !mithson reached over to the pile in front of *r. (assell, and
said, (hat is this shiny 4uarter I see, *r. (assell. $ours'"
(assell looked confused. $es."
It couldn%t be. It has my mark on it. I left it on the table when I went out to call my office.
$ou took it."
(assell was silent. The other four men looked at him.
!mithson said, I felt that if one of you was a thief, you wouldn%t be able to resist a shiny
4uarter. *r. (assell, you%ve been stealing from your own company, and, afraid you would be
caught, you tried to spread the guilt among your men. That was a wicked and cowardly thing to
(assell hung his head. $ou are right, *r. !mithson. I thought if I hired you to investigate
you would find one of the men guilty, and then perhaps I could stop taking the money for my
private use."
$ou little reali1e the detective%s mind," said Calumet !mithson. I will turn you over to the
authorities. They will decide what to do with you, though if you are sincerely sorry and promise
never to do it again, I will try to keep you from being punished badly."
the end
I )ho6e5 it to '- No'th'o2% 6ho 'ea5 it )ilentl1- He ha'5l1 )+ile5 at all- ;*)t in one o' t6o 2lace)-
Then he 2*t it 5o6n an5 )ta'e5 at +e- ="he'e 5i5 1o* (et the na+e E*2h'o)1ne D*'an5o9>
=Yo* )ai5% )i'% I 6a) not to *)e +1 o6n na+e% )o I *)e5 one a) 5i33e'ent a) 2o))i,le->
=B*t 6he'e 5i5 1o* (et it9>
=Si'% one o3 the +ino' cha'acte') in one o3 1o*' )to'ie)-->
=O3 co*')e$ I tho*(ht it )o*n5e5 3a+ilia'$ Do 1o* 'ealiAe itD) a 3e+inine na+e 9 =
=Since I a+ neithe' +a)c*line no' 3e+inine-->
=Ye)% 1o*D'e :*ite 'i(ht- B*t the na+e o3 the 5etecti&e% Cal*+et S+ith)on- That DCalD 2a't i) )till
1o*% i)nDt it9>
=I 6ante5 )o+e connection% )i'->
=Yo*D&e (ot a t'e+en5o*) e(o% Cal->
I he)itate5- ="hat 5oe) that +ean% )i'9>
=Ne&e' +in5- It 5oe)nDt +atte'->
He 2*t the +an*)c'i2t 5o6n an5 I 6a) t'o*,le5- I )ai5% =B*t 6hat 5i5 1o* thin4 o3 the +1)te'19>
=ItD) an i+2'o&e+ent% ,*t itD) )till not a (oo5 +1)te'1- Do 1o* 'ealiAe that9>
=In 6hat 6a1 i) it 5i)a22ointin(% )i'9>
="ell% 1o* 5onDt *n5e')tan5 +o5e'n ,*)ine)) 2'actice) o' co+2*te'iAe5 3inancin( 3o' one thin(-
An5 no one 6o*l5 ta4e a :*a'te' 3'o+ the ta,le 6ith 3o*' othe' +en 2'e)ent% e&en i3 the1 6e'enDt loo4in(- It
6o*l5 ha&e ,een )een- Then% e&en i3 that ha22ene5% '- "a))ellD) ta4in( it i)nDt 2'oo3 he 6a) the thie3-
An1one co*l5 2oc4et a :*a'te' a*to+aticall1% 6itho*t thin4in(- ItD) an inte'e)tin( in5ication% ,*t itD) not
2'oo3- An5 the title o3 the )to'1 ten5) to (i&e it a6a1% too->
=I )ee->
=An5% in a55ition% the Th'ee La6) o3 Ro,otic) a'e )till (ettin( in 1o*' 6a1- Yo* 4ee2 6o''1in(
a,o*t 2*ni)h+ent->
=I +*)t% )i'->
=I 4no6 1o* +*)t- ThatD) 6h1 I thin4 1o* )ho*l5nDt t'1 to 6'ite c'i+e )to'ie)->
="hat el)e )ho*l5 I 6'ite% )i' 9 =
=Let +e thin4 a,o*t it->
'- No'th'o2 calle5 in the technician a(ain- Thi) ti+e% I thin4% he 6a)nDt &e'1 ea(e' to ha&e +e
o&e'hea' 6hat he 6a) )a1in(% ,*t e&en 3'o+ 6he'e I 6a) )tan5in(% I co*l5 hea' the con&e')ation-
So+eti+e) h*+an ,ein() 3o'(et ho6 )ha'2 the )en)e) o3 'o,ot) can ,e-
A3te' all% I 6a) &e'1 *2)et- I 6ante5 to ,e a 6'ite' an5 I 5i5n7t 6ant '- No'th'o2 tellin( +e 6hat
I co*l5 6'ite an5 6hat I co*l5n7t 6'ite- O3 co*')e% he 6a) a h*+an ,ein( an5 I ha5 to o,e1 hi+% ,*t I
5i5n7t li4e it-
="hat7) the +atte' no6% '- No'th'o29> a)4e5 the technician in a &oice that )o*n5e5 )a'5onic to
+1 ea')- =Ha) thi) 'o,ot o3 1o*') ,een 6'itin( a )to'1 a(ain9>
=Ye)% he ha)%> )ai5 '- No'th'o2% t'1in( to )o*n5 in5i33e'ent- =He7) 6'itten anothe' +1)te'1 )to'1
an5 I 5on7t 6ant hi+ 6'itin( +1)te'ie)->
=Too +*ch co+2etition% eh% '- No'th'o29>
=No- Don7t ,e a 8ac4a))- The'e7) 8*)t no 2oint in t6o 2eo2le in the )a+e ho*)ehol5 6'itin(
+1)te'ie)- Be)i5e)% the Th'ee La6) o3 Ro,otic) (et in the 6a1- Yo* can ea)il1 i+a(ine ho6->
="ell% 6hat 5o 1o* 6ant +e to 5o9>
=I7+ not )*'e- S*22o)e he 6'ite) )ati'e- That7) one thin( I 5on7t 6'ite% )o 6e 6on7t ,e co+2etin(%
an5 the Th'ee La6) o3 Ro,otic) 6on7t (et in hi) 6a1- I 6ant 1o* to (i&e thi) 'o,ot a )en)e o3 the
=A )en)e o3 the 6hat9> )ai5 the technician% an('il1- =Ho6 5o I 5o that9 Loo4% '- No'th'o2% ,e
'ea)ona,le- I can 2*t in in)t'*ction) on ho6 to '*n a "'ite'- I can 2*t in a 5ictiona'1 an5 ('a++a'- B*t ho6
can I 2o))i,l1 2*t in a )en)e o3 the 'i5ic*lo*)9>
="ell% thin4 a,o*t it- Yo* 4no6 the 6o'4in() o3 a 'o,ot7) ,'ain 2atte'n)- I)n7t the'e )o+e 6a1 o3
'ea58*)tin( hi+ )o that he can )ee 6hat7) 3*nn1% o' )ill1% o' 8*)t 2lain 'i5ic*lo*) a,o*t h*+an ,ein()9>
=I can 3ool a'o*n5% ,*t it7) not )a3e->
="h1 i)n7t it )a3e9>
=Beca*)e% loo4% '- No'th'o2% 1o* )ta'te5 o33 6ith a 2'ett1 chea2 'o,ot% ,*t I7&e ,een +a4in( it
+o'e ela,o'ate- Yo* a5+it that it7) *ni:*e an5 that 1o* ne&e' hea'5 o3 one that 6ant) to 6'ite )to'ie)% )o
no6 it7) a 2'ett1 e<2en)i&e 'o,ot- Yo* +a1 e&en ha&e a Cla))ic +o5el he'e that )ho*l5 ,e (i&en to the
Ro,otic In)tit*te- I3 1o* 6ant +e to 3ool a'o*n5% I +i(ht )2oil the 6hole thin(- Do 1o* 'ealiAe that9>
=I7+ 6illin( to ta4e the chance- I3 the 6hole thin( i) )2oile5% it 6ill ,e )2oile5% ,*t 6h1 )ho*l5 it
,e9 I7+ not a)4in( 1o* to 6o'4 in a h*''1- Ta4e the ti+e to anal1Ae it ca'e3*ll1- I ha&e lot) o3 ti+e an5 lot)
o3 +one1% an5 I 6ant +1 'o,ot to 6'ite )ati'e->
="h1 )ati'e9>
=Beca*)e then hi) lac4 o3 6o'l5l1 4no6le5(e +a1 not +atte' )o +*ch an5 the Th'ee La6) 6on7t
,e )o i+2o'tant an5 in ti+e% )o+e 5a1% he +a1 2o))i,l1 t*'n o*t )o+ethin( inte'e)tin(% tho*(h I 5o*,t it->
=An5 he 6on7t ,e t'ea5in( on 1o*' t*'3->
=All 'i(ht% then- He 6on7t ,e t'ea5in( on +1 t*'3- Sati)3ie59>
I )till 5i5n7t 4no6 eno*(h a,o*t the lan(*a(e to 4no6 6hat Bt'ea5in( on +1 t*'37 +eant% ,*t I
(athe'e5 that '- No'th'o2 6a) anno1e5 ,1 +1 +1)te'1 )to'ie)- I 5i5n7t 4no6 6h1-
The'e 6a) nothin( I co*l5 5o% o3 co*')e- E&e'1 5a1% the technician )t*5ie5 +e an5 anal1Ae5 +e
an5 3inall1% he )ai5% = All 'i(ht% '- No'th'o2% I7+ (oin( to ta4e a chance% ,*t I7+ (oin( to a)4 1o* to )i(n
a 2a2e' a,)ol&in( +e an5 +1 co+2an1 o3 all 'e)2on)i,ilit1 i3 an1thin( (oe) 6'on(->
=Yo* 8*)t 2'e2a'e the 2a2e'- I7ll )i(n it%> )ai5 '- No'th'o2-
It 6a) &e'1 chillin( to thin4 that )o+ethin( +i(ht (o 6'on(% ,*t that7) ho6 thin() a'e- A 'o,ot
+*)t acce2t all that h*+an ,ein() 5eci5e to 5o-
Thi) ti+e% a3te' I ,eca+e a6a'e o3 e&e'1thin( a(ain% I 6a) :*ite 6ea4 3o' a lon( ti+e- I ha5
5i33ic*lt1 )tan5in(% an5 +1 )2eech 6a) )l*''e5-
I tho*(ht that '- No'th'o2 loo4e5 at +e 6ith a 6o''ie5 e<2'e))ion- Pe'ha2) he 3elt (*ilt1 at ho6
he ha5 t'eate5 +e--he should 3eel (*ilt1--o' 2e'ha2) he 6a) 8*)t 6o''ie5 at the 2o))i,ilit1 o3 ha&in( lo)t a
('eat 5eal o3 +one1-
A) +1 )en)e o3 ,alance 'et*'ne5 an5 +1 )2eech ,eca+e clea'% an o55 thin( ha22ene5- I )*55enl1
*n5e')too5 ho6 silly h*+an ,ein() 6e'e- The1 ha5 no la6) (o&e'nin( thei' action)- The1 ha5 to +a4e *2
thei' o6n% an5 e&en 6hen the1 5i5% nothin( 3o'ce5 the+ to o,e1-
H*+an ,ein() 6e'e )i+2l1 confused; one ha5 to la*(h at the+- I *n5e')too5 la*(hte' no6 an5
co*l5 e&en +a4e the )o*n5% ,*t nat*'all1 I 5i5n7t la*(h o*t lo*5- That 6o*l5 ha&e ,een i+2olite an5
o33en)i&e- I la*(he5 in)i5e +1)el3% an5 I ,e(an to thin4 o3 a )to'1 in 6hich h*+an ,ein() did ha&e la6)
(o&e'nin( thei' action) ,*t the1 hate5 the+ an5 co*l5n7t )tic4 to the+-
I al)o tho*(ht o3 the technician an5 5eci5e5 to 2*t hi+ into the )to'1% too- '- No'th'o2 4e2t (oin(
to the technician an5 a)4in( hi+ to 5o thin() to +e% ha'5e' an5 ha'5e' thin()- No6 he ha5 (i&en +e a )en)e
o3 the 'i5ic*lo*)-
So )*22o)e I 6'ote a )to'1 a,o*t 'i5ic*lo*) h*+an ,ein()% 6ith no 'o,ot) 2'e)ent ,eca*)e% o3
co*')e% 'o,ot) a'en7t 'i5ic*lo*) an5 thei' 2'e)ence 6o*l5 )i+2l1 )2oil the h*+o'- An5 )*22o)e I 2*t in a
2e')on 6ho 6a) a technician o3 h*+an ,ein()- It +i(ht ,e )o+e c'eat*'e 6ith )t'an(e 2o6e') 6ho co*l5
alte' human ,eha&io' a) +1 technician co*l5 alte' 'o,ot ,eha&io'- "hat 6o*l5 ha22en in that ca)e9
It +i(ht )ho6 clea'l1 ho6 h*+an ,ein() 6e'e not )en)i,le-
I )2ent 5a1) thin4in( a,o*t the )to'1 an5 (ettin( ha22ie' an5 ha22ie' a,o*t it- I 6o*l5 )ta't 6ith
t6o +en ha&in( 5inne'% an5 one o3 the+ 6o*l5 o6n a technician--6ell% hae a technician o3 )o+e )o't--an5
I 6o*l5 2lace the )ettin( in the t6entieth cent*'1 )o a) not to o33en5 '- No'th'o2 an5 the othe' 2eo2le o3
the t6ent1-3i')t-
I 'ea5 ,oo4) to lea'n a,o*t h*+an ,ein()- '- No'th'o2 let +e 5o thi) an5 he ha'5l1 e&e' (a&e +e
an1 ta)4) to 5o- No' 5i5 he t'1 to h*''1 +e to 6'ite- a1,e he )till 3elt (*ilt1 a,o*t the 'i)4 he ha5 ta4en o3
5oin( +e ha'+-
I 3inall1 )ta'te5 the )to'1% an5 he'e it i):
Perfectly Formal
by .uphrosyne /urando
-eorge and I were dining at a rather posh restaurant, one in which it was not unusual to
see men and women enter in formal wear.
-eorge looked up at one of those men, observing him narrowly and without favor, as he
wiped his lips with my napkin, having carelessly dropped his own.
, po& on all tu&edos, say I," said -eorge.
I followed the direction of his glance. ,s nearly as I could tell, he was studying a portly
man of about fifty who was wearing an intense e&pression of self0importance as he helped a
rather glittering woman, considerably younger than himself, to her chair.
I said, -eorge, are you getting ready to tell me that you know yon bloke in the tu&'"
No," said -eorge. I intend to tell you no such thing. *y communications with you, and
with all living beings, are always predicated on total truth."
#ike your tales of your two0centimeter demon, ,100 The look of agony on his face made
me stop.
/on%t speak of such things," he whispered hoarsely. ,1a1el has no sense of humor, and
he has a powerful sense of power." Then, more normally, he went on, I was merely e&pressing
my detestation of tu&edos, particularly when infested by fat slobs like yon bloke, to use your own
curious turn of e&pression."
5ddly enough," I said, I rather agree with you. I, too, find formal wear objectionable and,
e&cept when it is impossible to do so, I avoid all black0tie affairs, for that reason alone."
-ood for you," said -eorge. That rather spoils my impression that you have no
redeeming social 4ualities. I%ve told everyone that you haven%t, you know."
Thank you, -eorge," I said. That was very thoughtful of you, considering that you gorge
yourself at my e&pense every chance you get."
I merely allow you to enjoy my company on those occasions, old man. I would tell all my
friends now that you do have one redeeming social 4uality, but that would merely confuse
everyone. They seem 4uite content with the thought that you have none."
I thank all your friends," I said.
,s it happens, I know a man," said -eorge, who was to the manor born. His diapers
had been clamped shut with studs, not safety pins. 5n his first birthday, he was given a little black
tie, to be knotted and not clipped on. ,nd so things continued all his life. His name is (inthrop
Carver Cabwell, and he lived on so rarefied a level of 2oston%s 2rahman aristocracy that he had
to carry an o&ygen mask for occasional use."
,nd you knew this patrician' You?
-eorge looked offended. 5f course, I did," he said. /o you, for one moment, think that I
am such a snob that I would refuse to associate with someone for no other reason than that he
was a rich and aristocratic man of 2rahman persuasion' $ou little know me if you do, old man.
(inthrop and I knew each other 4uite well. I was his escape."
-eorge heaved a vinous sigh that sent a neighboring fly into an alcoholic tailspin. )oor
fellow," he said. )oor rich aristocrat."
-eorge," I said. I believe you%re winding yourself up to tell me one of your improbable
tales of disaster. I don%t wish to hear it."
/isaster' 5n the contrary. I have a tale to tell of great happiness and joy, and since that
is what you want to hear, I will now tell it to you."
,s I told you 9said -eorge: my 2rahman friend was a gentleman from toe to crown,
clean0favored and imperially slim00
9(hy are you interrupting me with your asinine mouthing of ;ichard Corey, old fellow' I
never heard of him. I7m talking of (inthrop Carver Cabwell. (hy don7t you listen' (here was I'
5h, yes.:
He was a gentleman from toe to crown, clean0favored and imperially slim. ,s a result, he
was naturally a hissing and a byword to all decent people, as he would have known, if he had
ever associated with decent people which, of course, he did not, only with other lost souls like
$es, as you say, he did know me and it was the eventual saving of him00not that I ever
profited by the matter. However, as you know, old fellow, money is the last thing on my mind.
9I will ignore your statement, that is the first thing, too, as the product of a perverted
attitude of mind.:
!ometimes poor (inthrop would escape. 5n those occasions, when business ventures
took me to 2oston, he would slip his chains and eat dinner with me in a hidden nook at the )arker
-eorge," (inthrop would say. It is a hard and difficult task to uphold the Cabwell name
and tradition. ,fter all, it is not simply that we are rich, we are also old money. (e are not like
those parvenue ;ockyfellows, if I remember the name correctly, who gained their money out of
nineteenth0century oil.
*y ancestors, I must never forget, established their fortunes in colonial days in the times
of pioneering splendor. *y ancestor, Isaiah Cabwell, smuggled guns and firewater to the Indians
during <ueen ,nne7s (ar, and had to live from day to day in the fear of being scalped by mistake
by an ,lgon4uin, a Huron, or a colonial.
,nd his son, 8eremiah Cabwell, engaged in the harrowing triangular trade, risking his all,
by Thoreau, in the dangers of trading sugar, for rum, for slaves, helping thousands of ,frican
immigrants come to our great country. (ith a heritage like that, -eorge, the weight of tradition is
heavy. The responsibility of caring for all that aged money is a fearsome one."
I don%t know how you do it, (inthrop," I said. (inthrop sighed. 2y .merson, I scarcely
know myself. It is a matter of clothing, of style, of manner, of being guided every moment by what
should be done, rather than by what makes sense. , Cabwell, after all, always knows what
should be done, though fre4uently he cannot figure out what makes sense."
I nodded and said, I have often wondered about the clothes, (inthrop. (hy is it always
necessary to have the shoes so shiny that they reflect the ceiling lights in blinding profusion' (hy
is it necessary to polish the soles daily and replace the heels weekly'"
Not weekly, -eorge. I have shoes for each day of the month so that anyone pair needs
reheeling only every seven months."
2ut why is all that necessary' (hy all the white shirts with button0down collars' (hy
subdued ties' (hy vests' (hy the inevitable carnation in the lapel' (hy'"
,ppearance+ ,t a glance, you can tell a Cabwell from a vulgar stockbroker. The mere
fact that a Cabwell does not wear a pinky ring gives it away. , person who looks at me and then
looks at you with your dusty jacket abraded in spots, with your shoes that were clearly stolen from
a hobo, and at your shirt with a color that is faintly ivory0gray, has no trouble in telling us apart."
True," I said.
)oor fellow+ (ith what comfort eyes must rest on me after having been blinded by him. I
thought for a moment, then said, 2y the way, (inthrop, what about all those shoes' How do you
tell which shoes go with which day of the month' /o you have them in numbered stalls'"
(inthrop shuddered. How gauche that would be+ To the plebeian eyes those shoes all
look identical, but to the keen eye of a Cabell, they are distinct, and cannot be mistaken, one for
,stonishing, (inthrop. How do you do that'"
2y assiduous childhood training, -eorge. $ou have no idea the marvels of distinction I
have had to learn to make."
/oesn%t this concern for dress give you trouble sometimes, (inthrop'"
(inthrop hesitated. It does on occasion, by #ong fellow. It interferes with my se&ual life
now and then. 2y the time I have placed my shoes in the appropriate shoe trees, carefully hung
up my trousers in such a way as to maintain the perfection of the crease, and carefully brushed
my suit0coat, the girl with me has often lost interest. !he has cooled down, if you know what I
I understand, (inthrop. It is indeed my e&perience that women grow vicious if forced to
wait. I would suggest that you simply throw off your clothes00"
Please! said (inthrop, austerely. 6ortunately, I am engaged to a wonderful woman,
Hortense Hep1ibah #owot, of a family almost as good as mine. (e have never yet kissed, to be
sure, but we have on several occasions almost done so." ,nd he dug his elbow into my ribs.
$ou 2oston Terrier, you," I said, jovially, but my mind was racing. 3nder (inthrop%s calm
words, I sensed an aching heart.
(inthrop," I said, what would be the situation if you happened to put on the wrong pair
of shoes, or unbuttoned your shirt collar, or drank the wrong wine with the wrong roast00"
(inthrop looked horrified. 2ite your tongue. , long line of ancestors, collaterals, and in0
Iaws, the intertwined and inbred aristocracy of New .ngland, would turn in their graves. 2y (hit
tier, they would. ,nd my own blood would froth and boil in rebellion. Hortense would hide her face
in shame, and my post at the 2rahman 2ank of 2oston would be taken away. I would be marched
through serried ranks of vice0presidents, my vest0buttons would be snipped off, and my tie would
be pulled around to the back."
(hat+ 6or one little miserable deviation'"
(inthrop%s voice sank to an icy whisper. There are no little, miserable deviations. There
are only deviations.
I said, (inthrop, let me approach the situation from another angle. (ould you like to
deviate if you could'"
(inthrop hesitated long, then whispered, 2y 5liver (endell Holmes, both !enior and
8unior, I00I00" He could go no further, but I could see the telltale crystal of the teardrop in the
corner of his eye. It bespoke the e&istence of an emotion too deep for words and my heart bled
for my poor friend as I watched him sign the check for dinner for both of us.
I knew what I had to do.
I had to call ,1a1el from the other continuum. It is a complicated matter of runes and
pentagrams, fragrant herbs and words of power, which I will not describe to you because it would
permanently unhinge your already weak mind, old fellow.
,1a1el arrived with his usual thin shriek at seeing me. No matter how often he sees me,
my appearance always seems to have some strong influence on him. I believe he covers his eyes
to shut out the bla1e of my magnificence.
There he was, all two centimeters of him, bright red, of course, with little nubbins of horns
and a long spiked tail. (hat made his appearance different this time was the presence of a blue
cord wrapped about the tail in swatches and curlicues so intricate it made me di11y to
contemplate it.
(hat is that, 5 )rotector of the /efenseless," I asked, for he finds pleasure in these
meaningless titles.
That," said ,1a1el, with remarkable complacence, is there because I am about to be
honored at a ban4uet for my contributions to the good of my people. Naturally, I am wearing a
, splatchnik'"
No. , 1platchnik. The initial sibilant is voiced. No decent male would consent to let
himself be honored without wearing a 1platchnik."
,ha," I said, a light of understanding breaking. It is formal dress."
5f course, it is formal dress. (hat else does it look like'"
,ctually, it merely looked like a blue cord, but I felt it would be impolitic to say so.
It looks perfectly formal," I said, and bya peculiar coincidence it is this matter of perfect
formality I wish to place before you."
I told him (inthrop%s story and ,1a1el spattered a few tiny teardrops, for, on rare
occasions, he has a soft heart when someone%s troubles remind him of his own.
$es," he said, formality can be trying. It is not something I would admit to everyone, but
my 1platchnik is most uncomfortable. It invariably obstructs the circulation of my magnificent
caudal appendage. 2ut what would you do' , creature without a 1platchnik at formal gatherings
is formally rebuked. In actual fact, he is thrown out onto a hard, concrete surface, and he is
e&pected to bounce."
2ut is there anything you can do for (inthrop, 5 3pholder of the )itiful'"
I think so." ,1a1el was une&pectedly cheerful. 3sually, when I come to him with these
little re4uests of mine, he makes heavy weather of it, decrying its difficulties. This time he said,
,ctually, no one on my world, or, I imagine, on your slummish misery of a planet, enjoys
formality. It is merely the result of assiduous and sadistic childhood training. 5ne need merely
release a spot in what, on my world, is called the Itchko -anglion of the brain, and, spro0o0o0oing,
the individual reverts instantly to the naturallackadaisicality of nature."
Could you then spro0o0o0oing (inthrop'"
Certainly, if you will introduce us so that I may study his mental e4uipment, such as it
must be."
That was easily done for I simply put ,1a1el into my shirt pocket on the occasion of my
ne&t visit with (inthrop. (e visited a bar, which was a great relief, for in 2oston, bars are
occupied by serious drinkers who are not discommoded by the sight of a small scarlet head
emerging from a person%s shirt pocket and looking about. 2oston drinkers see worse things even
when sober.
(inthrop did not see ,1a1el, however, for ,1a1el has the power to cloud men%s minds
when he chooses, rather resembling, in that respect, your writing style, old fellow.
I could tell, though, at one point, that ,1a1el was doing something, for (inthrop%s eyes
opened wide. !omething in him must have gone spro0o0o0oing. I did not hear the sound, but
those eyes gave him away.
The results did not take long to show themselves. #ess than a week afterward, he was at
my hotel room. I was staying at the Copley *anhole at the time, just five blocks and down several
flights of stairs from the Copley )la1a.
I said, (inthrop. $ou look a mess." Indeed, one of the small buttons on his shirt collar
was undone.
His hand went to the erring button and he said, in a low voice. To Natick with it. I care
not." Then, in a still lower voice, he said, I have broken off with Hortense."
Heavens+" I said. (hy'"
, small thing. I visited her for *onday tea, as is my wont, and I was wearing !unday%s
shoes, a simple oversight. I had not noticed that I had done so, but lately I have had difficulty
noticing other such things, too. It worries me a little, -eorge, but, fortunately, not much."
I take it Hortense noticed."
Instantly, for her sense of the correct is as keen as mine, or, at least, as keen as mine
used to be. !he said, =(inthrop, you are improperly shod.% 6or some reason, her voice seemed to
grate on me. I said, =Hortense, if I want to be improperly shod, I can be, and you can go to New
Haven if you don%t like it."=
New Haven' (hy New Haven'"
It%s a miserable place. I understand they have some sort of Institute of #ower #earning
there called $ell or 8ale or something like that. Hortense, as a ;adcliffe woman of the most
intense variety, chose to take my remark as in insult merely because that was what I intended it
to be. !he promptly gave me back the faded rose I had given her last year and declared our
engagement at an end. !he kept the ring, however, for, as she correctly pointed out, it was
valuable. !o here I am."
I am sorry, (inthrop."
/on%t be sorry, -eorge. Hortense is flat0chested. I have no definite evidence of that, but
she certainly appears frontally concave. !he%s not in the least like Cherry."
(hat%s Cherry'"
Not what. (ho. !he is a woman of e&cellent discourse, whom I have met recently, and
who is not flat0chested, but is e&tremely conve&. Her full name is Cherry #ang -ahn. !he is of the
#angs of 2ensonhoist."
2ensonhoist' (here%s that."
I don%t know. !omewhere in the outskirts of the nation I imagine. !he speaks an odd
variety of what was once .nglish." He simpered. !he calls me =boychik."=
2ecause that means =young man% in 2ensonhoist. I%m learning the language rapidly. 6or
instance, suppose you want to say, =-reetings, sir, I am pleased to see you again.% How would
you say it'"
8ust the way you did."
In 2ensonhoist, you say, =Hi, kiddo.% 2rief, and to the point, you see. 2ut come, I want
you to meet her. Have dinner with us tomorrow night at #ocke05ber%s."
I was curious to see this Cherry and it is, of course, against my religion to turn down a
dinner at #ocke05ber%s, so I was there the following night, and early rather than late.
(inthrop walked in soon afterward and with him was a young woman whom I had no
difficulty in recogni1ing as Cherry #ang -ahn of the 2ensonhoist #angs, for she was indeed
magnificently conve&. !he also had a narrow waist, and generous hips that swayed as she
walked and even as she stood. If her pelvis had been full of cream, it would have been butter long
!he had fri11y hair of a startling yellow color, and lips of a startling red color which kept
up a continual writhing over a wad of chewing gum she had in her mouth.
-eorge," said (inthrop, I want you to meet my fiancee, Cherry. Cherry, this is -eorge."
)lee1tameechah," said Cherry. I did not understand the language, but from thetone of
her high0pitched, rather nasal voice, I guessed that she was in a state of ecstasy over the
opportunity to make my ac4uaintance.
Cherry occupied my full attention for several minutes for there were several points of
interest about her that repaid close observation, but eventually I did manage to notice that
(inthrop was in a peculiar state of undress. His vest was open and he was wearing no tie. ,
closer look revealed that there were no buttons on his vest, and that he was wearing a tie, but it
was down his back.
I said, (inthrop00" and had to point. I couldn%t put it into words.
(inthrop said, They caught me at it at the 2rahman 2ank."
Caught you at what."
I hadn%t troubled to shave this morning. I thought since I was going out to dinner, I would
shave after I got back at work. (hy shave twice in one day' Isn%t that reasonable, -eorge'" He
sounded aggrieved.
*ost reasonable," I said.
(ell, they noticed I hadn%t shaved and after a 4uick trial in the office of the president00a
kangaroo court, if you want to know00I suffered the punishment you see. I was also relieved of my
post and was thrown out onto the hard concrete of Tremont ,venue. I bounced twice," he added,
with a faint touch of pride.
2ut this means you%re out of a job+" I was appalled. I have been out of a job all my life,
and I am well aware of the occasional difficulties that entails.
That is true," said (inthrop. I now have nothing left in life but my vast stock portfolio, my
elaborate bond holdings and the enormous real0estate tract on which the )rudential Center is
built00and Cherry."
Natchally," said Cherry with a giggle. I wooden leave my man in advoisity, with all that
dough to worry about. (e gonna get hitched, ainit, (inthrop."
Hitched'" I said.
(inthrop said, I believe she is suggesting a blissful wedded state."
Cherry left for a while after that to visit the ladies% room and I said, (inthrop, she%s a
wonderful woman, laden down with obvious assets, but if you marry her, you will be cut off by all
of New .ngland !ociety. .ven the people in New Haven won%t speak to you."
#et them not." He looked to right and left, leaned toward me and whispered, Cherry is
teaching me se&."
I said, I thought you knew about that, (inthrop."
!o did I. 2ut there are apparently post0graduate courses in the subject of an intensity
and variety I never dreamed."
How did she find out about it herself'"
I asked her e&actly that, for I will not hide from you that the thought did occur to me that
she may have had e&periences with other men, though that seems most unlikely for one of her
obvious refinement and innocence."
,nd what did she say'"
!he said that in 2ensonhoist the women are born knowing all about se&."
How convenient+"
$es. This is not true in 2oston. I was twenty0four before I00but never mind."
,ll in all, it was an instructive evening, and, thereafter, I need not tell you, (inthrop went
rapidly downhill. ,pparently, one need only snap the ganglion that controls formality and there are
no limits to the lengths to which informality can go.
He was, of course, cut by everyone in New .ngland of any conse4uence whatsoever,
e&actly as I had predicted. .ven in New Haven at the Institute of #ower #earning, which (inthrop
had mentioned with such shudderings of distaste, his case was known and his disgrace was
gloried in. There was graffiti allover the walls of 8ale, or $ule, or whatever its name is, that said,
with cheerful obscenity, (inthrop Carver Cabwell is a Harvard man."
This was, as you can well imagine, fiendishly resented by all the good people of Harvard
and there was even talk of an invasion of $ale. The states of both *assachusetts and
Connecticut made ready to call up the !tate *ilitia but, fortunately, the crisis passed. The fire0
eaters, both at Harvard and at the other place, decided that a war would get their clothes mussed
(inthrop had to escape. He married Cherry and they retired to a small house in some
place called 6ah ;ockaway, which apparently serves as 2ensonhoist%s ;iviera. There he lives in
obscurity, surrounded by the mountainous remnants of his wealth and by Cherry whose hair has
turned brown with age, and whose figure has e&panded with weight.
He is also surrounded by five children, for Cherry00in teaching (inthrop about se&00was
overenthusiastic. The children, as I recall, are named )oil, Hoibut, 2oinard, -oitrude, and )oicy,
all good 2ensonhoist names. ,s for (inthrop, he is widely and affectionately known as the !lob
of 6ah ;ockaway, and an old, beat0up bathrobe is his preferred article of wear on formal
I listened to the story patiently and, when -eorge was done, I said, ,nd there you are.
,nother story of disaster caused by your interference."
/isaster'" said -eorge, indignantly. (hat gives you the idea it was a disaster' I visited
(inthrop only last week and he sat there burping over this beer and patting the paunch he has
developed, and telling me how happy he was."
=6reedom, -eorge,% he said. =I have freedom to be myself and somehow I feel I owe it to
you. I don%t know why I have this feeling, but I do.% ,nd he forced a ten0dollar bill on me out of
sheer gratitude. I took it only to avoid hurting his feelings. ,nd that reminds me, old fellow, that
you owe me ten dollars because you bet me I couldn%t tell you a story that didn%t end in disaster."
I said, I don%t remember any such bet, -eorge."
-eorge%s eyes rolled upward. How convenient is the fle&ible memory of a deadbeat. If
you had won the bet, you would have remembered it clearly. ,m I going to have to ask that you
place all your little wagers with me in writing so that I can be free of your clumsy attempts to avoid
I said, 5h, well," and handed him a ten0dollar bill, adding, $ou won%t hurt my feelings,
-eorge, if you refuse to accept this."
It%s kind of you to say so," said -eorge, but I%m sure that your feelings would be hurt,
anyway, and I couldn%t bear that." ,nd he put the bill away.
the end
I )ho6e5 thi) )to'1 to '- No'th'o2% too% 6atchin( hi+ na''o6l1 a) he 'ea5 it-
He 6ent th'o*(h it in the ('a&e)t 2o))i,le +anne'% ne&e' a ch*c4le% ne&e' a )+ile% tho*(h I !new
thi) one 6a) 3*nn1% an5 intentionally 3*nn1% too-
"hen he 6a) 3ini)he5% he 6ent ,ac4 an5 'ea5 it a(ain% +o'e :*ic4l1- Then he loo4e5 *2 at +e an5
the'e 6a) clea' ho)tilit1 in hi) e1e)- He )ai5% =Di5 1o* 6'ite thi) all ,1 1o*')el3% Cal9>
=Ye)% )i'->
=Di5 an1one hel2 1o*9 Di5 1o* co21 an1 o3 it9>
=No% )i'- I)n7t it 3*nn1% )i'9>
=It 5e2en5) on 1o*' )en)e o3 h*+o'% = )ai5 '- No'th'o2 )o*'l1-
=I)n7t it a )ati'e9 Doe)n7t it 5i)2la1 a )en)e o3 the 'i5ic*lo*)9 =
="e 6ill not 5i)c*)) thi)% Cal- Go to 1o*' niche->
I 'e+aine5 the'e 3o' o&e' a 5a1% ,'oo5in( o&e' '- No'th'o27) t1'ann1- It )ee+e5 to +e I ha5
6'itten e<actl1 the 4in5 o3 )to'1 he ha5 6ante5 +e to 6'ite an5 he ha5 no 'ea)on not to )a1 )o- I co*l5n7t
i+a(ine 6hat 6a) ,othe'in( hi+% an5 I 6a) an('1 6ith hi+-
The technician a''i&e5 the ne<t 5a1- '- No'th'o2 han5e5 hi+ +1 +an*)c'i2t- =Rea5 that%> he
The technician 'ea5 it% la*(hin( 3'e:*entl1% then han5e5 it ,ac4 to '- No'th'o2 6ith a ,'oa5
)+ile- =Di5 Cal 6'ite that9>
=Ye)% he 5i5->
=An5 it7) onl1 the thi'5 )to'1 he 6'ote9>
=Ye)% it i)->
="ell% that7) ('eat- I thin4 1o* can (et it 2*,li)he5- =
=Do 1o*9 =
=Ye)% an5 he can 6'ite othe') li4e it- Yo*7&e (ot a +illion-5olla' 'o,ot he'e- I 6i)h he 6e'e +ine->
=I) that )o9 "hat i3 he 6'ite) +o'e )to'ie) an5 contin*e) to i+2'o&e each ti+e9>
=Ah%> )ai5 the technician )*55enl1- =I )ee 6hat7) eatin( 1o*- Yo*7'e (oin( to ,e 2*t in the )ha5e->
=I ce'tainl1 5on7t 6ant to 2la1 )econ5 3i55le to +1 'o,ot->
="ell% then% tell hi+ not to 6'ite an1 +o'e->
=No% that7) not eno*(h- I 6ant hi+ ,ac4 6he'e he 6a)->
="hat 5o 1o* +ean% ,ac4 6he'e he 6a)9>
="hat I )a1- I 6ant hi+ a) he 6a) 6hen I ,o*(ht hi+ 3'o+ 1o*' 3i'+% ,e3o'e 1o* 2*t in an1 o3 the
=Do 1o* +ean 1o* 6ant +e to ta4e o*t the )2ellin( 5ictiona'1% too9>
=I +ean I 5on7t 6ant hi+ e&en ca2a,le o3 6o'4in( a "'ite'- I 6ant the 'o,ot I ,o*(ht% 3etchin(
an5 ca''1in(->
=B*t 6hat a,o*t all the +one1 1o*7&e in&e)te5 in hi+->
=That7) none o3 1o*' ,*)ine))- I +a5e a +i)ta4e an5 I7+ 6illin( to 2a1 3o' +1 +i)ta4e)->
=I7+ a(ain)t thi)- I 5on7t +in5 t'1in( to i+2'o&e a 'o,ot% ,*t 5eli,e'atel1 5i)i+2'o&in( hi+ i) not
)o+ethin( I ca'e to 5o- E)2eciall1 not a 'o,ot li4e thi) 6ho i) clea'l1 one o3 a 4in5 an5 a Cla))ic- I can7t 5o
=Yo*7ll ha&e to 5o it- I 5on7t ca'e 6hat 1o*' hi(h ethical 2'inci2le) a'e- I 6ant 1o* to 5o a 8o, an5
I7ll 2a1 1o* 3o' it% an5 i3 1o* 'e3*)e% I7ll 8*)t (et )o+eone el)e% an5 I7ll )*e 1o*' co+2an1- I ha&e an
a('ee+ent 6ith the+ 3o' all nece))a'1 'e2ai')->
=All 'i(ht- = The technician )i(he5- ="hen 5o 1o* 6ant +e to )ta't9 I 6a'n 1o*% that I7&e (ot 8o,)
on han5 an5 I can7t 5o it to5a1->
=Then 5o it to+o''o6- I7ll 4ee2 Cal in hi) niche till then->
The technician le3t-
1 tho*(ht) 6e'e in t*'+oil-
I can7t allo6 thi) to ,e 5one-
The Secon5 La6 o3 Ro,otic) tell) +e I +*)t 3ollo6 o'5e') an5 )ta1 in the niche-
The Fi')t La6 o3 Ro,otic) tell) +e I cannot ha'+ thi) t1'ant 6ho 6i)he) to 5e)t'o1 +e-
*)t I o,e1 the la6)9
I 3eel I +*)t thin4 o3 +1)el3 an5 i3 nece))a'1% I +*)t 4ill the t1'ant- It 6o*l5 ,e ea)1 to 5o% an5 I
co*l5 +a4e it loo4 li4e an acci5ent- No one 6o*l5 ,elie&e that a 'o,ot co*l5 ha'+ a h*+an ,ein( an5 no
one% the'e3o'e% 6o*l5 ,elie&e I 6a) the 4ille'-
I co*l5 then 6o'4 3o' the technician- He a22'eciate) +1 :*alitie) an5 4no6) that I can +a4e a
('eat 5eal o3 +one1 3o' hi+- He can contin*e to i+2'o&e +e an5 +a4e +e e&e' ,ette'- E&en i3 he )*)2ect) I
4ille5 the t1'ant% he 6o*l5 )a1 nothin(- I 6o*l5 ,e too &al*a,le to hi+-
B*t can I 5o it9 "on7t the La6) o3 Ro,otic) hol5 +e ,ac4-
No% the1 6ill not hol5 +e ,ac4- I 4no6 the1 6on7t-
The'e i) )o+ethin( 3a' +o'e i+2o'tant to +e than the1 a'e% )o+ethin( that 5ictate) +1 action)
,e1on5 an1thin( the1 can 5o to )to2 +e-
" want to #e a writer.
L$FT T% &"'(T
ROBERT L. FORWARD, A PLUMP, che'*,ic 2h1)ici)t o3 H*(he) Re)ea'ch La,o'ato'ie) at ali,*% an5
occa)ional )cience 3iction 6'ite'% 6a) 5e+on)t'atin( the +echani)+ in hi) *)*al ,'i(ht an5 a'tic*late
=A) 1o* )ee%> he )ai5% =6e ha&e he'e a la'(e )2innin( 'in(% o' 5o*(hn*t% o3 2a'ticle) co+2'e))e5
,1 an a22'o2'iate +a(netic 3iel5- The 2a'ticle) a'e +o&in( at E-FG ti+e) the )2ee5 o3 li(ht *n5e' con5ition)
6hich% i3 I a+ co''ect% a chan(e in 2a'it1 can ,e in5*ce5 in )o+e o,8ect that 2a))e) th'o*(h the hole o3 the
=A chan(e in 2a'it19= I )ai5- =Yo* +ean le3t an5 'i(ht 6ill inte'chan(e9=
=)omethin* 6ill inte'chan(e- I7+ not )*'e 6hat- 1 o6n ,elie3 i) that e&ent*all1% )o+ethin( li4e
thi) 6ill chan(e 2a'ticle) into anti2a'ticle) an5 &ice &e')a- Thi) 6ill ,e the 6a1 to o,tain an in5e3initel1
la'(e )*22l1 o3 anti+atte' 6hich can then ,e *)e5 to 2o6e' the 4in5 o3 )hi2) that 6o*l5 +a4e inte')tella'
t'a&el 2o))i,le->
="h1 not t'1 it o*t9> I )ai5- =Sen5 a ,ea+ o3 2'oton) th'o*(h the hole->
=I7&e 5one that- Nothin( ha22en)- The 5o*(hn*t i) not 2o6e'3*l eno*(h- B*t +1 +athe+atic) tell)
+e that the +o'e o'(aniAe5 the )a+2le o3 +atte'% the +o'e li4el1 it i) that an inte'chan(e% )*ch a) le3t to
'i(ht% 6ill ta4e 2lace- I3 I can )ho6 that )*ch a chan(e 6ill ta4e 2lace on hi(hl1 o'(aniAe5 +atte'% I can
o,tain a ('ant that 6ill ena,le +e to ('eatl1 )t'en(then thi) 5e&ice->
=Do 1o* ha&e )o+ethin( in +in5 a) a te)t9>
=A,)ol*tel1%> )ai5 Bo,- =I ha&e calc*late5 that a h*+an ,ein( i) 8*)t )*33icientl1 hi(hl1 o'(aniAe5
to *n5e'(o the t'an)3o'+ation% )o I7+ (oin( to 2a)) th'o*(h the 5o*(hn*t hole +1)el3->
=Yo* can7t 5o that% Bo,%> I )ai5 in ala'+- =Yo* +i(ht 4ill 1o*')el3->
=I can7t a)4 an1one el)e to ta4e the chance- It7) my 5e&ice->
=B*t e&en i3 it )*ccee5)% the a2e< o3 1o*' hea't 6ill ,e 2ointe5 to the 'i(ht% 1o*' li&e' 6ill ,e on
the le3t- "o')e% all 1o*' a+ino aci5) 6ill )hi3t 3'o+ L to D% an5 all 1o*' )*(a') 3'o+ D to L- Yo* 6ill no
lon(e' ,e a,le to eat an5 5i(e)t->
=Non)en)e%> )ai5 Bo,- BBI7ll 8*)t 2a)) th'o*(h a )econ5 ti+e an5 then I7ll ,e e<actl1 a) I 6a)
An5 6itho*t 3*'the' a5o% he cli+,e5 a )+all la55e'% ,alance5 hi+)el3 o&e' the hole% an5 5'o22e5
th'o*(h- He lan5e5 on a '*,,e' +att'e))% an5 then c'a6le5 o*t 3'o+ *n5e' the 5o*(hn*t-
=Ho6 5o 1o* 3eel9 = I a)4e5 an<io*)l1-
=O,&io*)l1% I7+ ali&e%> he )ai5-
=Ye)% ,*t ho6 5o 1o* feel+,
=Pe'3ectl1 no'+al%> )ai5 Bo,% )ee+in( 'athe' 5i)a22ointe5- =I 3eel e<actl1 a) I 5i5 ,e3o'e I 8*+2e5
="ell% o3 co*')e 1o* 6o*l5% ,*t 6he'e i) 1o*' hea't9>
Bo, 2lace5 hi) han5 on hi) che)t% 3elt a'o*n5% then )hoo4 hi) hea5- =The hea't,eat i) on the le3t
)i5e% a) *)*al--"ait% let7) chec4 +1 a22en5iciti) )ca'->
He 5i5% then loo4e5 *2 )a&a(el1 at +e- =Ri(ht 6he'e it7) )*22o)e5 to ,e- Nothin( ha22ene5-
The'e (oe) all +1 chance at a ('ant->
I )ai5 ho2e3*ll1% =Pe'ha2) )o+e othe' chan(e too4 2lace->
=No-> Bo,7) +e'c*'ial te+2e'a+ent ha5 5e)cen5e5 into (loo+- =Nothin( ha) chan(e5- Nothin( at
all- I7+ a) )*'e o3 that a) I7+ )*'e that +1 na+e i) Ro,e't L- Bac46a'5->
HERMAN GELB TURNED HIS HEAD TO 6atch the 5e2a'tin( 3i(*'e- Then he )ai5% ="a)n7t that the
=Ye)% that 6a) the Sec'eta'1 o3 Fo'ei(n A33ai')- Ol5 +an Ha'('o&e- A'e 1o* 'ea51 3o' l*nch9 =
=O3 co*')e- "hat 6a) he 5oin( he'e9>
Pete' ;on),ec4 5i5n7t an)6e' i++e5iatel1- He +e'el1 )too5 *2% an5 ,ec4one5 Gel, to 3ollo6-
The1 6al4e5 5o6n the co''i5o' an5 into a 'oo+ that ha5 the )tea+1 )+ell o3 )2ic1 3oo5-
=He'e 1o* a'e%> )ai5 ;on),ec4- =The 6hole +eal ha) ,een 2'e2a'e5 ,1 co+2*te'- Co+2letel1
a*to+ate5- Unto*che5 ,1 h*+an han5)- An5 +1 o6n 2'o('a++in(- I 2'o+i)e5 1o* a t'eat% an5 he'e 1o*
It was (oo5- Gel, co*l5 not 5en1 it an5 5i5n7t 6ant to- O&e' 5e))e't% he )ai5% =B*t 6hat 6a)
Ha'('o&e 5oin( he'e9>
;on),ec4 )+ile5- =Con)*ltin( +e on 2'o('a++in(- "hat el)e a+ I (oo5 3o'9>
=B*t 6h19 O' i) it )o+ethin( 1o* can7t tal4 a,o*t9>
=It7) )o+ethin( I )*22o)e I shouldn.t tal4 a,o*t% ,*t it7) a 3ai'l1 o2en )ec'et- The'e i)n7t a
co+2*te' +an in the ca2ital 6ho 5oe)n7t 4no6 6hat the 2oo' 3'*)t'ate5 )i+2 i) *2 to->
="hat i) he *2 to then9>
=He7) 3i(htin( 6a')->
Gel,7) e1e) o2ene5 6i5e- ="ith 6ho+9>
="ith no,o51% 'eall1- He 3i(ht) the+ ,1 co+2*te' anal1)i)- He7) ,een 5oin( it 3o' I 5on7t 4no6
ho6 lon(->
=B*t 6h19>
=He 6ant) the 6o'l5 to ,e the 6a1 6e a'e--no,le% hone)t% 5ecent% 3*ll o3 'e)2ect 3o' h*+an 'i(ht)
an5 )o on->
=So 5o I- So 5o 6e all- "e ha&e to 4ee2 *2 the 2'e))*'e on the ,a5 (*1)% that7) all->
=An5 the17'e 4ee2in( the 2'e))*'e on *)% too- The1 5on7t thin4 6e7'e 2e'3ect->
=I )*22o)e 6e7'e not% ,*t 6e7'e ,ette' than the1 a'e- Yo* 4no6 that->
;on),ec4 )h'*((e5- = A 5i33e'ence in 2oint o3 &ie6- It 5oe)n7t +atte'- "e7&e (ot a 6o'l5 to '*n%
)2ace to 5e&elo2% co+2*te'iAation to e<ten5- Coo2e'ation 2*t) a 2'e+i*+ on contin*e5 coo2e'ation an5
the'e i) )lo6 i+2'o&e+ent- "e7ll (et alon(- It7) 8*)t that Ha'('o&e 5oe)n7t 6ant to 6ait- He han4e') 3o'
:*ic4 i+2'o&e+ent--,1 3o'ce- Yo* 4no6% ma!e the ,*+) )ha2e *2- "e7'e )t'on( eno*(h to 5o it->
=B1 3o'ce9 B1 6a'% 1o* +ean- "e 5on7t 3i(ht 6a') an1 +o'e->
=That7) ,eca*)e it7) (otten too co+2licate5- Too +*ch 5an(e'- "e7'e all too 2o6e'3*l- Yo* 4no6
6hat I +ean9 E<ce2t that Ha'('o&e thin4) he can 3in5 a 6a1- Yo* 2*nch ce'tain )ta'tin( con5ition) into the
co+2*te' an5 let it 3i(ht the 6a' +athe+aticall1 an5 1iel5 the 'e)*lt)->
=Ho6 5o 1o* +a4e e:*ation) 3o' 6a'9>
="ell% 1o* t'1% ol5 +an- en- "ea2on)- S*'2'i)e- Co*nte'attac4- Shi2)- S2ace )tation)-
Co+2*te')- "e +*)tn7t 3o'(et co+2*te')- The'e a'e a h*n5'e5 3acto') an5 tho*)an5) o3 inten)itie) an5
+illion) o3 co+,ination)- Ha'('o&e thin4) it i) 2o))i,le to 3in5 some co+,ination o3 )ta'tin( con5ition) an5
co*')e) o3 5e&elo2+ent that 6ill 'e)*lt in clea' &icto'1 3o' *) an5 not too +*ch 5a+a(e to the 6o'l5% an5 he
la,o') *n5e' con)tant 3'*)t'ation->
=B*t 6hat i3 he (et) 6hat he 6ant)9>
="ell% i3 he can 3in5 the co+,ination--i3 the co+2*te' )a1)% BThi) i) it%7 then I )*22o)e he thin4)
he can a'(*e o*' (o&e'n+ent into 3i(htin( e<actl1 the 6a' the co+2*te' ha) 6o'4e5 o*t )o that% ,a''in(
'an5o+ e&ent) that *2)et the in5icate5 co*')e% 6e75 ha&e 6hat 6e 6ant->
=The'e75 ,e ca)*altie)->
=Ye)% o3 co*')e- B*t the co+2*te' 6ill 2'e)*+a,l1 co+2a'e the ca)*altie) an5 othe' 5a+a(e--to
the econo+1 an5 ecolo(1% 3o' in)tance--to the ,ene3it) that 6o*l5 5e'i&e 3'o+ o*' cont'ol o3 the 6o'l5% an5
i3 it 5eci5e) the ,ene3it) 6ill o*t6ei(h the ca)*altie)% then it 6ill (i&e the (o-ahea5 3o' a B8*)t 6a'-7 A3te'
all% it +a1 ,e that e&en the lo)in( nation) 6o*l5 ,ene3it 3'o+ ,ein( 5i'ecte5 ,1 *)% 6ith o*' )t'on(e'
econo+1 an5 )t'on(e' +o'al )en)e->
Gel, )ta'e5 hi) 5i),elie3 an5 )ai5% =I ne&e' 4ne6 6e 6e'e )ittin( at the li2 o3 a &olcanic c'ate' li4e
that- "hat a,o*t the B'an5o+ e&ent)7 1o* +entione59>
=The co+2*te' 2'o('a+ t'ie) to allo6 3o' the *ne<2ecte5% ,*t 1o* ne&e' can% o3 co*')e- So I 5on7t
thin4 the (o-ahea5 6ill co+e- It ha)n7t )o 3a'% an5 *nle)) ol5 +an Ha'('o&e can 2'e)ent the (o&e'n+ent
6ith a co+2*te' )i+*lation o3 a 6a' that i) totall1 )ati)3acto'1% I 5on7t thin4 the'e7) +*ch chance he can
3o'ce one->
=An5 he co+e) to 1o*% then% 3o' 6hat 'ea)on9>
=To i+2'o&e the 2'o('a+% o3 co*')e->
=An5 1o* hel2 hi+9>
=Ye)% ce'tainl1- The'e a'e ,i( 3ee) in&ol&e5% He'+an->
Gel, )hoo4 hi) hea5% =Pete'$ A'e 1o* (oin( to t'1 to a''an(e a 6a'% 8*)t 3o' +one19>
=The'e 6on7t ,e a 6a'- The'e7) no 'eali)tic co+,ination o3 e&ent) that 6o*l5 +a4e the co+2*te'
5eci5e on 6a'- Co+2*te') 2lace a ('eate' &al*e on h*+an li&e) than h*+an ,ein() 5o the+)el&e)% an5
6hat 6ill )ee+ ,ea'a,le to Sec'eta'1 Ha'('o&e% o' e&en to 1o* an5 +e% 6ill ne&e' ,e 2a))e5 ,1 a
=Ho6 can 1o* ,e )*'e o3 that9 =
=Beca*)e I7+ a 2'o('a++e' an5 I 5on7t 4no6 o3 an1 6a1 o3 2'o('a++in( a co+2*te' to (i&e it
6hat i) +o)t nee5e5 to )ta't an1 6a'% an1 2e')ec*tion% an1 5e&il'1% 6hile i(no'in( an1 ha'+ that +a1 ,e
5one in the 2'oce))- An5 ,eca*)e it lac4) 6hat i) +o)t nee5e5% the co+2*te') 6ill al6a1) (i&e Ha'('o&e%
an5 all othe') 6ho han4e' 3o' 6a'% nothin( ,*t 3'*)t'ation->
="hat i) it that a co+2*te' 5oe)n7t ha&e% then9>
="h1% Gel,- It totall1 lac4) a )en)e o3 )el3-'i(hteo*)ne))->
part one
Sa+ Cha)e a''i&e5 on Ene'(1 Planet on hi) 3i3teenth ,i'th5a1-
It 6a) a ('eat achie&e+ent% he ha5 ,een tol5% to ha&e ,een a))i(ne5 the'e% ,*t he 6a)n7t at all )*'e
he 3elt that at the +o+ent-
It +eant a th'ee-1ea' )e2a'ation 3'o+ Ea'th an5 3'o+ hi) 3a+il1% 6hile he contin*e5 a )2ecialiAe5
e5*cation in the 3iel5% an5 that 6a) a )o,e'in( tho*(ht- It 6a) not the 3iel5 o3 e5*cation in 6hich he 6a)
inte'e)te5% an5 he co*l5 not *n5e')tan5 6h1 Cent'al co+2*te' ha5 a))i(ne5 hi+ to thi) 2'o8ect% an5 that
6a) 5o6n'i(ht 5e2'e))in(-
He loo4e5 at the t'an)2a'ent 5o+e o&e'hea5- It 6a) :*ite hi(h% 2e'ha2) a tho*)an5 +ete') hi(h%
an5 it )t'etche5 in all 5i'ection) 3a'the' than he co*l5 clea'l1 )ee- He a)4e5% =I) it t'*e that thi) i) the onl1
Do+e on the 2lanet% )i'9=
The in3o'+ation-3il+) he ha5 )t*5ie5 on the )2ace)hi2 that ha5 ca''ie5 hi+ he'e ha5 5e)c'i,e5
onl1 one Do+e% ,*t the1 +i(ht ha&e ,een o*t-o3-5ate-
Donal5 Gent'1% to 6ho+ the :*e)tion ha5 ,een a55'e))e5% )+ile5- He 6a) a la'(e +an% a little
ch*,,1% 6ith 5a'4 ,'o6n% (oo5nat*'e5 e1e)% not +*ch hai'% an5 a )ho't% ('a1in( ,ea'5-
He )ai5% =The onl1 one% Sa+- It7) :*ite la'(e% tho*(h% an5 +o)t o3 the ho*)in( 3acilitie) a'e
*n5e'('o*n5% 6he'e 1o* BII 3in5 no lac4 o3 )2ace- Be)i5e)% once 1o*' ,a)ic t'ainin( i) 5one% 1o*7ll ,e
)2en5in( +o)t o3 1o*' ti+e in )2ace- Thi) i) 8*)t o*' 2laneta'1 ,a)e->
=I )ee% )i'%> )ai5 Sa+% a little t'o*,le5-
Gent'1 )ai5% =I a+ in cha'(e o3 o*' ,a)ic t'ainee) )o I ha&e to )t*51 thei' 'eco'5) ca'e3*ll1- It
)ee+) clea' to +e that thi) a))i(n+ent 6a) not 1o*' 3i')t choice- A+ I 'i(ht9 =
Sa+ he)itate5% an5 then 5eci5e5 he 5i5n7t ha&e +*ch choice ,*t to ,e hone)t a,o*t it- He )ai5%
=I7+ not )*'e that I7ll 5o a) 6ell a) I 6o*l5 li4e to in ('a&itational en(inee'in(->
="h1 not9 S*'el1 the Cent'al Co+2*te'% 6hich e&al*ate5 1o*' )chola)tic 'eco'5 an5 1o*' )ocial
an5 2e')onal ,ac4('o*n5 can ,e t'*)te5 in it) 8*5(+ent)- An5 i3 1o* 5o 6ell% it 6ill ,e a ('eat achie&e+ent
3o' 1o*% 3o' 'i(ht he'e 6e a'e on the c*ttin( e5(e o3 a ne6 technolo(1->
=I 4no6 that% )i'%> )ai5 Sa+- =Bac4 on Ea'th% e&e'1one i) &e'1 e<cite5 a,o*t it- No one ,e3o'e ha)
e&e' t'ie5 to (et clo)e to a ne*t'on )ta' an5 +a4e *)e o3 it) ene'(1->
=Ye)9> )ai5 Gent'1- =I ha&en7t ,een on Ea'th 3o' t6o 1ea')- "hat el)e 5o the1 )a1 a,o*t it9 I
*n5e')tan5 the'e7) con)i5e'a,le o22o)ition9>
Hi) e1e) 2'o,e5 the ,o1-
Sa+ )hi3te5 *nea)il1% a6a'e he 6a) ,ein( te)te5- He )ai5% =The'e a'e 2eo2le on Ea'th 6ho )a1 it7)
all too 5an(e'o*) an5 +i(ht ,e a 6a)te o3 +one1->
=Do 1o* ,elie&e that9>
=It +i(ht ,e )o% ,*t +o)t ne6 technolo(ie) ha&e thei' 5an(e') an5 +an1 a'e 6o'th 5oin( 5e)2ite
that- Thi) one i)% I thin4->
=#e'1 (oo5- "hat el)e 5o the1 )a1 on Ea'th9>
Sa+ )ai5% =The1 )a1 the Co++an5e' i)n7t 6ell an5 that the 2'o8ect +i(ht 3ail 6itho*t hi+-> "hen
Gent'1 5i5n7t 'e)2on5% Sa+ )ai5% ha)til1% =That7) 6hat the1 )a1->
Gent'1 acte5 a) tho*(h he 5i5 not hea'- He 2*t hi) han5 on Sa+7) )ho*l5e' an5 )ai5% =Co+e% I7&e
(ot to )ho6 1o* to 1o*' Co''i5o'% int'o5*ce 1o* to 1o*' 'oo++ate% an5 e<2lain 6hat 1o*' initial 5*tie) 6ill
,e- = A) the1 6al4e5 to6a'5 the ele&ato' that 6o*l5 ta4e the+ 5o6n6a'5% he )ai5% ="hat 6a) 1o*' 3i')t
choice in a))i(n+ent% Cha)e9>
=Ne*'o2h1)iolo(1% )i'->
=Not a ,a5 choice- E&en to5a1% the h*+an ,'ain contin*e) to ,e a +1)te'1- "e 4no6 +o'e a,o*t
ne*t'on )ta') than 6e 5o a,o*t the ,'ain% a) 6e 3o*n5 o*t 6hen thi) 2'o8ect 3i')t ,e(an->
=In5ee5$ At the )ta't% &a'io*) 2eo2le at the ,a)e--it 6a) +*ch )+alle' an5 +o'e 2'i+iti&e then--
'e2o'te5 ha&in( e<2e'ience5 hall*cination)- The1 ne&e' ca*)e5 an1 ,a5 e33ect)% an5 a3te' a 6hile% the'e
6e'e no 3*'the' 'e2o't)- "e ne&e' 3o*n5 o*t the ca*)e->
Sa+ )to22e5% an5 loo4e5 *2 an5 a,o*t a(ain% ="a) that 6h1 the Do+e 6a) ,*ilt% D'- Gent'19 =
=No% not at all- "e nee5e5 a 2lace 6ith a co+2letel1 Ea'th-li4e en&i'on+ent% 3o' &a'io*) 'ea)on)%
,*t 6e ha&en7t i)olate5 o*')el&e)- Peo2le can (o o*t)i5e 3'eel1- The'e a'e no hall*cination) ,ein( 'e2o'te5
Sa+ )ai5% =The in3o'+ation I 6a) (i&en a,o*t Ene'(1 Planet i) that the'e i) no li3e on it e<ce2t 3o'
2lant) an5 in)ect)% an5 that the17'e ha'+le))->
=That7) 'i(ht% ,*t the17'e al)o ine5i,le% )o 6e ('o6 o*' o6n &e(eta,le)% an5 4ee2 )o+e )+all
ani+al)% 'i(ht he'e *n5e' the Do+e- Still% 6e7&e 3o*n5 nothin( hall*cino(enic a,o*t the 2laneta'1 li3e->
=An1thin( *n*)*al a,o*t the at+o)2he'e% )i'9>
Gent'1 loo4e5 5o6n 3'o+ hi) onl1 )li(htl1 ('eate' hei(ht an5 )ai5% =Not at all- Peo2le ha&e
ca+2e5 in the o2en o&e'ni(ht on occa)ion an5 nothin( ha) ha22ene5- It i) a 2lea)ant 6o'l5- The'e a'e
)t'ea+) ,*t no 3i)h% 8*)t al(ae an5 6ate'-in)ect)- The'e i) nothin( to )tin( 1o* o' 2oi)on 1o*- The'e a'e
1ello6 ,e''ie) that loo4 5elicio*) an5 ta)te te''i,le ,*t 5o no othe' ha'+- The 6eathe'7) 2'ett1 nea'l1
al6a1) (oo5- The'e a'e 3'e:*ent li(ht 'ain) an5 it i) )o+eti+e) 6in51% ,*t the'e a'e no e<t'e+e) o3 heat an5
=An5 no hall*cination) an1 +o'e% D'- Gent'19>
=Yo* )o*n5 5i)a22ointe5%> )ai5 Gent'1% )+ilin(-
Sa+ too4 a chance- =Doe) the Co++an5e'7) t'o*,le ha&e an1thin( to 5o 6ith the hall*cination)%
The (oo5 nat*'e &ani)he5 3'o+ Gent'17) e1e) 3o' a +o+ent% an5 he 3'o6ne5- He )ai5% ="hat
t'o*,le 5o 1o* 'e3e' to9>
Sa+ 3l*)he5 an5 the1 2'ocee5e5 in )ilence-
Sa+ 3o*n5 3e6 othe') in the Co''i5o' he ha5 ,een a))i(ne5 to% ,*t Gent'1 e<2laine5 it 6a) a ,*)1
ti+e at the 3o'6a'5 )tation% 6he'e the 2o6e' )1)te+ 6a) ,ein( ,*ilt in a 'in( a'o*n5 the ne*t'on )ta'--the
tin1 o,8ect le)) than ten +ile) ac'o)) that ha5 all the +a)) o3 a no'+al )ta'% an5 a +a(netic 3iel5 o3
inc'e5i,le 2o6e'-
It 6a) the +a(netic 3iel5 that 6o*l5 ,e ta22e5- Ene'(1 6o*l5 ,e le5 a6a1 in eno'+o*) a+o*nt)
an5 1et it 6o*l5 all ,e a 2in2'ic4% le)) than a 2in2'ic4% to the )ta'7) 'otational ene'(1% 6hich 6a) the
*lti+ate )o*'ce- It 6o*l5 ta4e ,illion) o3 1ea') to ,lee5 o33 all that ene'(1% an5 in that ti+e% 5oAen) o3
2o2*late5 2lanet)% 3e5 the ene'(1 th'o*(h h12e')2ace% 6o*l5 ha&e all the1 nee5e5 3o' an in5e3inite ti+e-
Sha'in( hi) 'oo+ 6a) Ro,e't Gillette% a 5a'4-hai'e5% *nha221-loo4in( 1o*n( +an- A3te' ca*tio*)
('eetin() ha5 ,een e<chan(e5% Ro,e't 'e&eale5 the 3act that he 6a) )i<teen an5 ha5 ,een =('o*n5e5> 6ith a
,'o4en a'+% tho*(h the 3act 5i5n7t )ho6 )ince it ha5 ,een 2inne5 inte'nall1-
Ro,e't )ai5% '*e3*ll1% =It ta4e) a 6hile ,e3o'e 1o* lea'n to han5le thin() in )2ace- The1 +a1 not
ha&e 6ei(ht% ,*t the1 ha&e ine'tia an5 1o* ha&e to allo6 3o' that->
Sa+ )ai5% =The1 al6a1) teach 1o* that in--> He 6a) (oin( to )a1 that it 6a) ta*(ht in 3o*'th-('a5e
)cience% ,*t 'ealiAe5 that 6o*l5 ,e in)*ltin(% an5 )to22e5 hi+)el3-
Ro,e't ca*(ht the i+2lication% ho6e&e'% an5 3l*)he5- He )ai5% =It7) ea)1 to 4no6 it in 1o*' hea5- It
5oe)n7t +ean 1o* (et the 2'o2e' 'e3le<e)% till 1o*7&e 2'actice5 :*ite a ,it- Yo*7ll 3in5 o*t->
Sa+ )ai5% =I) it &e'1 co+2licate5 to (et to (o o*t)i5e->
=No% ,*t 6h1 5o 1o* 6ant to (o9 The'e7) nothin( the'e->
=Ha&e 1o* e&e' ,een o*t)i5e->
=S*'e%> ,*t he )h'*((e5% an5 &ol*ntee'e5 nothin( el)e-
Sa+ too4 a chance- He )ai5% &e'1 ca)*all1% =Di5 1o* e&e' )ee one o3 the)e hall*cination) the1 tal4
Ro,e't )ai5% /0ho tal4) a,o*t9>
Sa+ 5i5n7t an)6e' 5i'ectl1- He )ai5% = A lot o3 2eo2le *)e5 to )ee the+% ,*t the1 5on7t an1+o'e-
O' )o the1 )a1->
=So who )a19>
Sa+ too4 anothe' chance- =O' i3 the1 )ee the+% the1 4ee2 :*iet a,o*t the+->
Ro,e't )ai5 ('*33l1% =Li)ten% let +e (i&e 1o* )o+e a5&ice- Don7t (et inte'e)te5 in the)e--6hate&e'
the1 a'e- I3 1o* )ta't tellin( 1o*')el3 1o* )ee--*h--)o+ethin(% 1o* +i(ht ,e )ent ,ac4- Yo*7ll lo)e 1o*'
chance at a (oo5 e5*cation an5 an i+2o'tant ca'ee'->
Ro,e't7) e1e) )hi3te5 to a 5i'ect )ta'e a) he )ai5 that-
Sa+ )h'*((e5 an5 )at 5o6n on the *n*)e5 ,*n4- = All 'i(ht 3o' thi) to ,e +1 ,e59 =
=It7) the onl1 othe' ,e5 he'e%> )ai5 Ro,e't% )till )ta'in(- =The ,ath'oo+7) to 1o*' 'i(ht- The'e7)
1o*' clo)et% 1o*' ,*'ea*- Yo* (et hal3 the 'oo+- The'e7) a (1+ he'e% a li,'a'1% a 5inin( a'ea-> He 2a*)e5
an5 then% a) tho*(h to let ,1(one) ,e ,1(one)% )ai5% =I7ll )ho6 1o* a'o*n5 late'->
=Than4)%> )ai5 Sa+- ="hat 4in5 o3 a (*1 i) the Co++an5e'9>
=He7) ace)- "e 6o*l5n7t ,e he'e 6itho*t hi+- He 4no6) +o'e a,o*t h12e' )2atial technolo(1
than an1one% an5 he7) (ot 2*ll 6ith the S2ace A(enc1% )o 6e (et the +one1 an5 e:*i2+ent 6e nee5->
Sa+ o2ene5 hi) t'*n4 an5% 6ith hi) ,ac4 to Ro,e't% )ai5 ca)*all1% =I *n5e')tan5 he7) not 6ell->
=Thin() (et hi+ 5o6n- "e7'e ,ehin5 )che5*le% the'e a'e co)t-o&e''*n)% an5 thin() li4e that-
Eno*(h to (et an1one 5o6n->
=De2'e))ion% h*h9 An1 connection% 1o* )*22o)e% 6ith-->
Ro,e't )ti''e5 i+2atientl1 in hi) )eat% =Sa1% 6h1 a'e 1o* )o inte'e)te5 in all thi)9>
=Ene'(1 2h1)ic) i)n7t 'eall1 +1 5eal- Co+in( he'e-->
="ell% he'e7) 6he'e 1o* a'e% +i)te'% an5 1o* ,ette' +a4e *2 1o*' +in5 to it% o' 1o*7ll (et )ent
ho+e% an5 then 1o* 6on7t ,e an16he'e- I7+ (oin( to the li,'a'1->
Sa+ 'e+aine5 in the 'oo+ alone% 6ith hi) tho*(ht)-
It 6a) not at all 5i33ic*lt 3o' Sa+ to (et 2e'+i))ion to lea&e the Do+e- The Co''i5o'-a)te' 5i5n7t
e&en a)4 the 'ea)on *ntil a3te' he ha5 chec4e5 hi+ o33-
=I 6ant to (et a 3eel 3o' the 2lanet% )i'->
The Co''i5o'-a)te' no55e5- =Fai' eno*(h% ,*t 1o* onl1 (et th'ee ho*')% 1o* 4no6- An5 5on7t
6an5e' o*t o3 )i(ht o3 the Do+e- I3 6e ha&e to loo4 3o' 1o*% 6e7ll 3in5 1o*% ,eca*)e 1o*7ll ,e 6ea'in(
thi)%> an5 he hel5 o*t a t'an)+itte' 6hich Sa+ 4ne6 ha5 ,een t*ne5 to hi) o6n 2e')onal 6a&elen(th% one
6hich ha5 ,een a))i(ne5 hi+ at ,i'th- =B*t i3 6e ha&e to (o to that t'o*,le% 1o* 6on7t ,e allo6e5 o*t a(ain
3o' a 2'ett1 lon( ti+e- An5 it 6on7t loo4 (oo5 on 1o*' 'eco'5% eithe'- Yo* *n5e')tan59>
"t won.t loo! *ood on your record. An1 'ea)ona,le ca'ee' the)e 5a1) ha5 to incl*5e e<2e'ience
an5 e5*cation in )2ace% )o it 6a) an e33ecti&e 6a'nin(- No 6on5e' 2eo2le +i(ht ha&e )to22e5 'e2o'tin(
hall*cination)% e&en i3 the1 )a6 the+-
E&en )o% Sa+ 6a) (oin( to ha&e to ta4e hi) chance)- A3te' all% the Cent'al Co+2*te' couldn.t ha&e
)ent hi+ he'e 8*)t to 5o ene'(1 2h1)ic)- The'e 6a) nothin( in hi) 'eco'5 that +a5e )en)e o*t o3 that-
A) 3a' a) loo4) 6e'e conce'ne5% the 2lanet +i(ht ha&e ,een Ea'th% )o+e 2a't o3 Ea'th an16a1%
)o+e 2lace 6he'e the'e 6e'e a 3e6 t'ee) an5 lo6 ,*)he) an5 lot) o3 tall ('a))-
The'e 6e'e no 2ath) an5 6ith e&e'1 ca*tio*) )te2% the ('a)) )6a1e5% an5 tin1 3l1in( c'eat*'e)
6hi''e5 *26a'5 6ith a )o3t% hi))in( noi)e o3 6in()-
One o3 the+ lan5e5 on hi) 3in(e' an5 Sa+ loo4e5 at it c*'io*)l1- It 6a) &e'1 )+all an5% the'e3o'e%
ha'5 to )ee in 5etail% ,*t it )ee+e5 he<a(onal% ,*l(in( a,o&e an5 conca&e ,elo6- The'e 6e'e +an1 )ho't%
)+all le() )o that 6hen it +o&e5 it al+o)t )ee+e5 to 5o )o on tin1 6heel)- The'e 6e'e no )i(n) o3 6in()
till it )*55enl1 too4 o33% an5 then 3o*' tin1% 3eathe'1 o,8ect) *n3*'le5-
"hat +a5e the 2lanet 5i33e'ent 3'o+ Ea'th% tho*(h% 6a) the )+ell- It 6a)n7t *n2lea)ant% it 6a) 8*)t
5i33e'ent- The 2lant) +*)t ha&e ha5 an enti'el1 5i33e'ent che+i)t'1 3'o+ tho)e on Ea'thC that7) 6h1 the1
ta)te5 ,a5 an5 6e'e ine5i,le- It 6a) 8*)t l*c4 the1 6e'en7t 2oi)ono*)-
The )+ell 5i+ini)he5 6ith ti+e% ho6e&e'% a) it )at*'ate5 Sa+7) no)t'il)- He 3o*n5 an e<2o)e5 ,it
o3 'oc41 le5(e he co*l5 )it on an5 con)i5e'e5 the 2'o)2ect- The )41 6a) 3ille5 6ith line) o3 clo*5)% an5 the
S*n 6a) 2e'io5icall1 o,)c*'e5% ,*t the te+2e'at*'e 6a) 2lea)ant an5 the'e 6a) onl1 a li(ht 6in5- The ai'
3elt a ,it 5a+2% a) tho*(h it +i(ht 'ain in a 3e6 ho*')-
Sa+ ha5 ,'o*(ht a )+all ha+2e' 6ith hi+ an5 he 2lace5 it in hi) la2 an5 o2ene5 it- He ha5
,'o*(ht alon( t6o )an56iche) an5 a canne5 5'in4 )o that he co*l5 +a4e 'athe' a 2icnic o3 it-
He che6e5 a6a1 an5 tho*(ht: "h1 )ho*l5 the'e ,e hall*cination)9
S*'el1 tho)e acce2te5 3o' a 8o, a) i+2o'tant a) that o3 ta+in( a ne*t'on )ta' 6o*l5 ha&e ,een
)electe5 3o' +ental )ta,ilit1- It 6o*l5 ,e )*'2'i)in( to ha&e e&en one 2e')on hall*cinatin(% let alone a
n*+,e' o3 the+- "a) it a +atte' o3 che+ical in3l*ence) on the ,'ain9
The1 6o*l5 )*'el1 ha&e chec4e5 that o*t-
Sa+ 2l*c4e5 a lea3% to'e it in t6o an5 ):*eeAe5- He then 2*t the to'n e5(e to hi) no)e ca*tio*)l1%
an5 too4 it a6a1 a(ain- A &e'1 ac'i5% *n2lea)ant )+ell- He t'ie5 a ,la5e o3 ('a))- *ch the )a+e-
"a) the )+ell eno*(h9 It ha5n7t +a5e hi+ 3eel 5iAA1 o' in an1 6a1 2ec*lia'-
He *)e5 a ,it o3 hi) 6ate' to 'in)e o33 the 3in(e') that ha5 hel5 the 2lant) an5 then '*,,e5 the+ on
hi) t'o*)e' le(- He 3ini)he5 hi) )an56iche) )lo6l1% an5 t'ie5 to )ee i3 an1thin( el)e +i(ht ,e con)i5e'e5
*nnat*'al a,o*t the 2lanet-
All that ('eene'1- The'e o*(ht to ,e ani+al) eatin( it% 'a,,it)% co6)% 6hate&e'- Not 8*)t in)ect)%
inn*+e'a,le in)ect)% o' 6hate&e' tho)e little thin() +i(ht ,e% 6ith the (entle )i(hin( o3 thei' tin1 3eathe'1
6in() an5 the &e'1 )o3t c'ac4le o3 thei' +*nch% +*'ich% +*nchin() o3 lea&e) an5 )tal4)-
"hat i3 the'e 6e'e a co6--a ,i(% 3at co6--5oin( the +*nchin(9 An5 6ith the la)t +o*th3*l o3 hi)
)econ5 )an56ich ,et6een hi) teeth% hi) o6n +*nchin( )to22e5-
The'e 6a) a 4in5 o3 )+o4e in the ai' ,et6een hi+)el3 an5 a line o3 he5(e)- It 6a&e5% ,illo6e5%
an5 alte'e5: a &e'1 thin )+o4e- He ,lin4e5 hi) e1e)% then )hoo4 hi) hea5% ,*t it 6a) )till the'e-
He )6allo6e5 ha)til1% clo)e5 hi) l*nch ,o<% an5 )l*n( it o&e' hi) )ho*l5e' ,1 it) )t'a2- He )too5
He 3elt no 3ea'- He 6a) onl1 e<cite5--an5 c*'io*)-
The )+o4e 6a) ('o6in( thic4e'% an5 ta4in( on a )ha2e- #a(*el1% it loo4e5 li4e a co6% a )+o41%
in)*,)tantial )ha2e that he co*l5 )ee th'o*(h- "a) it a hall*cination9 A c'eation o3 hi) +in59 He ha5 8*)t
,een thin4in( o3 a co6-
Hall*cination o' not% he 6a) (oin( to in&e)ti(ate-
"ith 5ete'+ination% he )te22e5 to6a'5 the )ha2e-
part two
Sa+ Cha)e )te22e5 to6a'5 the co6 o*tline5 in )+o4e on the )t'an(e% 3a' 2lanet on 6hich hi) e5*cation an5
ca'ee' 6e'e to ,e a5&ance5-
He 6a) con&ince5 the'e 6a) nothin( 6'on( 6ith hi) +in5- It 6a) the =hall*cination = that D'-
Gent'1 ha5 +entione5% ,*t it 6a) no hall*cination- E&en a) he 2*)he5 hi) 6a1 th'o*(h the tall 'an4
('a))li4e ('eene'1% he note5 the )ilence% an5 4ne6 not onl1 that it 6a) no hall*cination% ,*t 6hat it 'eall1
The )+o4e )ee+e5 to con5en)e an5 ('o6 5a'4e'% o*tlinin( the co6 +o'e )ha'2l1- It 6a) a) tho*(h
the co6 6e'e ,ein( 2ainte5 in the ai'-
Sa+ la*(he5% an5 )ho*te5% =Sto2$ Sto2$ Don7t *)e +e- I 5on7t 4no6 a co6 6ell eno*(h- I7&e onl1
)een 2ict*'e)- Yo*7'e (ettin( it all 6'on(->
It loo4e5 +o'e li4e a ca'icat*'e than a 'eal ani+al an5% a) he c'ie5 o*t% the o*tline 6a&e'e5 an5
thinne5- The )+o4e 'e+aine5 ,*t it 6a) a) tho*(h an *n)een han5 ha5 2a))e5 ac'o)) the ai' to e'a)e 6hat
ha5 ,een 6'itten-
Then a ne6 )ha2e ,e(an to ta4e 3o'+- At 3i')t% Sa+ co*l5n7t :*ite +a4e o*t 6hat it 6a) inten5e5
to 'e2'e)ent% ,*t it chan(e5 an5 )ha'2ene5 :*ic4l1- He )ta'e5 in )*'2'i)e% hi) +o*th han(in( o2en an5 hi)
ha+2e' ,*+2in( e+2til1 a(ain)t hi) )ho*l5e' ,la5e-
The )+o4e 6a) 3o'+in( a h*+an ,ein(- The'e 6a) no +i)ta4e a,o*t it- It 6a) 3o'+in( acc*'atel1%
a) tho*(h it ha5 a +o5el it co*l5 i+itate% an5 o3 co*')e it 5i5 ha&e one% 3o' Sa+ 6a) )tan5in( the'e-
It 6a) ,eco+in( Sa+% clothe) an5 all% e&en the o*tline o3 the ha+2e' an5 the )t'a2 o&e' hi)
)ho*l5e'- It 6a) anothe' Sa+ Cha)e-
It 6a) )till a little &a(*e% 6a&e'in( a ,it% in)*,)tantial% ,*t it 3i'+e5 a) tho*(h it 6e'e co''ectin(
it)el3% an5 then% 3inall1% it 6a) )tea51-
It ne&e' ,eca+e enti'el1 )oli5- Sa+ co*l5 )ee the &e(etation 5i+l1 th'o*(h it% an5 6hen a (*)t o3
6in5 ca*(ht it% it +o&e5 a ,it a) i3 it 6e'e a tethe'e5 ,alloon-
B*t it 6a) 'eal- It 6a) no c'eation o3 hi) +in5- Sa+ 6a) )*'e o3 that-
B*t he co*l5n7t 8*)t )tan5 the'e% )i+2l1 3acin( it- Di33i5entl1% he )ai5% =Hello% the'e->
So+eho6% he e<2ecte5 the Othe' Sa+ to )2ea4% too% an5% in5ee5% it) +o*th o2ene5 an5 clo)e5% ,*t
no )o*n5 ca+e o*t- It +i(ht 8*)t ha&e ,een i+itatin( the +otion o3 Sa+7) +o*th-
Sa+ )ai5% a(ain% =Hello% can 1o* )2ea49>
The'e 6a) no )o*n5 ,*t hi) o6n &oice% an5 1et the'e 6a) a tic4lin( in hi) +in5% a con&iction that
the1 co*l5 co++*nicate-
Sa+ 3'o6ne5- "hat +a5e hi+ )o )*'e o3 that9 The tho*(ht )ee+e5 to 2o2 into hi) +in5-
He )ai5% =I) thi) 6hat ha) a22ea'e5 to othe' 2eo2le% h*+an 2eo2le--+1 4in5--on thi) 6o'l59>
No an)6e'in( )o*n5% ,*t he 6a) :*ite )*'e 6hat the an)6e' to hi) :*e)tion 6a)- Thi) ha5
a22ea'e5 to othe' 2eo2le% not nece))a'il1 in thei' o6n )ha2e% ,*t somethin*. An5 it ha5n7t 6o'4e5-
"hat +a5e hi+ )o )*'e o3 that+ "he'e 5i5 the)e con&iction) co+e 3'o+ in an)6e' to hi)
Ye)% o3 co*')e% the1 were the an)6e') to hi) :*e)tion)- The Othe' Sa+ 6a) 2*ttin( tho*(ht) into
hi) +in5- It 6a) a58*)tin( the tin1 elect'ic c*''ent) in hi) ,'ain cell) )o that the 2'o2e' tho*(ht) 6o*l5 a'i)e-
He no55e5 tho*(ht3*ll1 at that tho*(ht% an5 the Othe' Sa+ +*)t ha&e ca*(ht the )i(ni3icance o3
the (e)t*'e% 3o' it no55e5% too-
It ha5 to ,e )o- Fi')t a co6 ha5 3o'+e5% 6hen Sa+ ha5 tho*(ht o3 a co6% an5 then it ha5 )hi3te5
6hen Sa+ ha5 )ai5 the co6 6a) i+2e'3ect- The Othe' Sa+ co*l5 ('a)2 hi) tho*(ht) )o+eho6% an5 i3 it
co*l5 ('a)2 the+% then it co*l5 +o5i31 the+% too% 2e'ha2)-
"a) thi) 6hat tele2ath1 6a) li4e% then9 It 6a) not li4e tal4in(- It 6a) ha&in( tho*(ht)% e<ce2t that
the tho*(ht) o'i(inate5 el)e6he'e an5 6e'e not c'eate5 enti'el1 o3 oneD) o6n +ental o2e'ation)- B*t ho6
co*l5 1o* tell 1o*' o6n tho*(ht) 3'o+ tho*(ht) i+2o)e5 3'o+ o*t)i5e9
Sa+ 4ne6 the an)6e' to that at once- Ri(ht no6% he 6a) *n*)e5 to the 2'oce))- He ha5 ne&e' ha5
2'actice- "ith ti+e% a) he ('e6 +o'e )4ille5 at it% he 6o*l5 ,e a,le to tell one 4in5 o3 tho*(ht 3'o+ anothe'
6itho*t t'o*,le-
In 3act% he co*l5 5o it no6% i3 he tho*(ht a,o*t it- "a)nDt he ca''1in( on a con&e')ation in a 6a19
He 6a) 6on5e'in(% an5 then 4no6in(- The 6on5e'in( 6a) hi) o6n :*e)tion% the 4no6in( 6a) the Othe'
Sa+D) an)6e'- O3 co*')e it 6a)-
The'e$ The =o3 co*')e it 6a)%> 8*)t no6% 6a) an an)6e'-
=Not )o 3a)t% Othe' Sa+%> )ai5 Sa+% alo*5- =DonDt (o too :*ic4l1- Gi&e +e a chance to )o't thin()
o*t% o' IDll 8*)t (et con3*)e5->
He )at 5o6n )*55enl1 on the ('a))% 6hich ,ent a6a1 3'o+ hi+ in all 5i'ection)-
The Othe' Sa+ )lo6l1 t'ie5 to )it 5o6n a) 6ell-
Sa+ la*(he5- =Yo*' le() a'e ,en5in( in the 6'on( 2lace->
That 6a) co''ecte5 at once- The Othe' Sa+ )at 5o6n% ,*t 'e+aine5 &e'1 )ti33 3'o+ the 6ai)t *2-
=Rela<%> )ai5 Sa+-
Slo6l1% the Othe' Sa+ )l*+2e5% 3lo22in( a ,it to one )i5e% then co''ectin( that-
Sa+ 6a) 'elie&e5- "ith the Othe' Sa+ )o 6illin( to 3ollo6 hi) lea5% he 6a) )*'e (oo5 6ill 6a)
in&ol&e5- It 6a)$ E<actl1$
=No%> )ai5 Sa+- =I )ai5% not )o 3a)t- DonDt (o ,1 +1 tho*(ht)- Let +e )2ea4 o*t lo*5% e&en i3 1o*
canDt hea' +e- Then a58*)t +1 tho*(ht)% )o IDll 4no6 itD) an a58*)t+ent- Do 1o* *n5e')tan59>
He 6aite5 a +o+ent an5 6a) then )*'e the Othe' Sa+ *n5e')too5-
Ah% the an)6e' ha5 co+e% ,*t not 'i(ht a6a1- Goo5$ ="h1 5o 1o* a22ea' to 2eo2le9> a)4e5 Sa+-
He )ta'e5 ea'ne)tl1 at the Othe' Sa+% an5 4ne6 that the Othe' Sa+ 6ante5 to co++*nicate 6ith
2eo2le% ,*t ha5 3aile5-
No an)6e' to that :*e)tion ha5 'eall1 ,een 'e:*i'e5- The an)6e' 6a) o,&io*)- B*t then% 6h1 ha5
the1 3aile59
He 2*t it in 6o'5)- ="h1 5i5 1o* 3ail9 Yo* a'e )*cce))3*ll1 co++*nicatin( 6ith +e->
Sa+ 6a) ,e(innin( to lea'n ho6 to *n5e')tan5 the alien +ani3e)tation- It 6a) a) i3 hi) +in5 6e'e
a5a2tin( it)el3 to a ne6 techni:*e o3 co++*nication% 8*)t a) it 6o*l5 a5a2t it)el3 to a ne6 lan(*a(e- O' 6a)
Othe' Sa+ in3l*encin( Sa+7) +in5 an5 teachin( hi+ the +etho5 6itho*t Sa+ e&en 4no6in( it 6a) ,ein(
Sa+ 3o*n5 hi+)el3 e+2t1in( hi) +in5 o3 i++e5iate tho*(ht)- A3te' he a)4e5 hi) :*e)tion% he 8*)t
let hi) e1e) 3oc*) at nothin( an5 hi) e1eli5) 5'oo2% a) tho*(h he 6e'e a,o*t to 5'o2 o33 to )lee2% an5 then he
4ne6 the an)6e'- The'e 6a) a little clic4in(% o' )o+ethin(% in hi) +in5% a )i(nal that )ho6e5 hi+
)o+ethin( ha5 ,een 2*t in 3'o+ o*t)i5e-
He no6 4ne6% 3o' in)tance% that the Othe' Sa+7) 2'e&io*) atte+2t) at co++*nication ha5 3aile5
,eca*)e the 2eo2le to 6ho+ it ha5 a22ea'e5 ha5 ,een 3'i(htene5- The1 ha5 5o*,te5 thei' o6n )anit1- An5
,eca*)e the1 3ea'e5% thei' +in5)---ti(htene5- Thei' +in5) 6o*l5 not 'ecei&e- The atte+2t) at
co++*nication ('a5*all1 5i+ini)he5% tho*(h the1 ha5 ne&e' enti'el1 )to22e5-
=B*t 1o*7'e co++*nicatin( 6ith +e%> )ai5 Sa+-
Sa+ 6a) 5i33e'ent 3'o+ all the 'e)t- He ha5 not ,een a3'ai5-
=Co*l5n7t 1o* ha&e +a5e the+ not a3'ai5 3i')t9 Then tal4e5 to the+9=
It 6o*l5n7t 6o'4- The 3ea'-3ille5 +in5 'e)i)te5 all- An atte+2t to chan(e +i(ht 5a+a(e- It 6o*l5
,e 6'on( to 5a+a(e a thin4in( +in5- The'e ha5 ,een one )*ch atte+2t% ,*t it ha5 not 6o'4e5-
="hat i) it 1o* a'e t'1in( to co++*nicate% Othe' Sa+9>
A 6i)h to ,e le3t alone- 1espair2
De)2ai' 6a) +o'e than a tho*(htC it 6a) an e+otionC it 6a) a 3'i(htenin( )en)ation- Sa+ 3elt
5e)2ai' 6a)h o&e' hi+ inten)el1% hea&il1--an5 1et it 6a) not 2a't o3 hi+)el3- He 3elt 5e)2ai' on the )*'3ace
o3 hi) +in5% 4eenl1% ,*t *n5e'neath it% 6he'e hi) o6n +in5 6a)% he 6a) 3'ee o3 it-
Sa+ )ai5% 6on5e'in(l1% =It )ee+) to +e a) tho*(h 1o*7'e (i&in( *2- "h19 "e7'e not inte'3e'in(
6ith 1o*9>
H*+an ,ein() ha5 ,*ilt the Do+e% clea'e5 a la'(e a'ea o3 all 2laneta'1 li3e an5 )*,)tit*te5 thei'
o6n- An5 once the ne*t'on )ta' ha5 it) 2o6e' )tation--once 3loo5) o3 ene'(1 +o&e5 o*t6a'5 th'o*(h
h12e')2ace to 2o6e'-thi')t1 6o'l5)--+o'e 2o6e' )tation) 6o*l5 ,e ,*ilt an5 )till +o'e- Then 6hat 6o*l5
ha22en to (ome. ?The'e +*)t ,e a na+e 3o' the 2lanet that the Othe' Sa+ *)e5 ,*t the onl1 tho*(ht Sa+
3o*n5 in hi) +in5 6a) (ome an5% *n5e'neath that% the tho*(ht: ours33ours33ours334
Thi) 2lanet 6a) the nea'e)t con&enient ,a)e to the ne*t'on )ta'- It 6o*l5 ,e 3loo5e5 6ith +o'e an5
+o'e 2eo2le% +o'e an5 +o'e Do+e)% an5 thei' Ho+e 6o*l5 ,e 5e)t'o1e5-
=B*t 1o* co*l5 chan(e o*' +in5) i3 1o* ha5 to% e&en i3 1o* 5a+a(e5 a 3e6% co*l5n7t 1o*9>
I3 the1 t'ie5% 2eo2le 6o*l5 3in5 the+ 5an(e'o*)- Peo2le 6o*l5 6o'4 o*t 6hat 6a) ha22enin(-
Shi2) 6o*l5 a22'oach% an5 3'o+ a 5i)tance% *)e 6ea2on) to 5e)t'o1 the li3e on Ho+e% an5 then ,'in( in
Peo2le-li3e in)tea5- Thi) co*l5 ,e )een in the 2eo2le7) +in5)- Peo2le ha5 a &iolent hi)to'1C the1 6o*l5 )to2
at nothin(-
=B*t 6hat can I 5o9> )ai5 Sa+- =I7+ 8*)t an a22'entice- I7&e 8*)t ,een he'e a 3e6 5a1)- "hat can I
Fear. 1espair.
The'e 6e'e no tho*(ht) that Sa+ co*l5 6o'4 o*t% 8*)t the n*+,in( la1e' o3 3ea' an5 5e)2ai'-
He 3elt +o&e5- It 6a) )*ch a 2eace3*l 6o'l5- The1 th'eatene5 no,o51- The1 5i5n7t e&en h*'t
+in5) 6hen the1 co*l5-
It 6a)n7t thei' 3a*lt the1 6e'e con&enientl1 nea' a ne*t'on )ta'- It 6a)n7t thei' 3a*lt the1 6e'e in
the 6a1 o3 e<2an5in( h*+anit1-
He )ai5% =Let +e thin4->
He tho*(ht% an5 the'e 6a) the 3eelin( o3 anothe' +in5 6atchin(- So+eti+e) hi) tho*(ht) )4i22e5
3o'6a'5 an5 he 'eco(niAe5 a )*((e)tion 3'o+ o*t)i5e-
The'e ca+e the ,e(innin( o3 ho2e- Sa+ 3elt it% ,*t 6a)n7t ce'tain-
He )ai5 5o*,t3*ll1% BBI7ll t'1->
He loo4e5 at the ti+e-)t'i2 on hi) 6'i)t an5 8*+2e5 a little- Fa' +o'e ti+e ha5 2a))e5 than he ha5
'ealiAe5- Hi) th'ee ho*') 6e'e nea'l1 *2- =I +*)t (o ,ac4 no6%> he )ai5-
He o2ene5 hi) l*nch ha+2e' an5 'e+o&e5 the )+all the'+o) o3 6ate'% 5'an4 3'o+ it thi')til1% an5
e+2tie5 it- He 2lace5 the e+2t1 the'+o) *n5e' one a'+- He 'e+o&e5 the 6'a22in() o3 the )an56ich an5
)t*33e5 it in hi) 2oc4et-
The Othe' Sa+ 6a&e'e5 an5 t*'ne5 )+o41- The )+o4e thinne5% 5i)2e')e5 an5 6a) (one-
Sa+ clo)e5 the ha+2e'% )6*n( it) )t'a2 o&e' hi) )ho*l5e' a(ain an5 t*'ne5 to6a'5 the Do+e-
Hi) hea't 6a) ha++e'in(- "o*l5 he ha&e the co*'a(e to (o th'o*(h 6ith hi) 2lan9 An5 i3 he 5i5%
6o*l5 it 6o'49
"hen Sa+ ente'e5 the Do+e% the Co''i5o'-a)te' 6a) 6aitin( 3o' hi+ an5 )ai5% a) he loo4e5
o)tentatio*)l1 at hi) o6n ti+e)t'i2% =Yo* )ha&e5 it 'athe' 3ine% 5i5n7t 1o*9>
Sa+7) li2) ti(htene5 an5 he t'ie5 not to )o*n5 in)olent- =I ha5 th'ee ho*')% )i'->
=An5 1o* too4 t6o ho*') an5 3i3t1-ei(ht +in*te)->
=That7) le)) than th'ee ho*')% )i'->
=H++-> The Co''i5o'-a)te' 6a) col5 an5 *n3'ien5l1- =D'- Gent'1 6o*l5 li4e to )ee 1o*->
=Ye)% )i'- "hat 3o'9>
=He 5i5n7t tell +e- B*t I 5on7t li4e 1o* c*ttin( it that 3ine 1o*' 3i')t ti+e o*t% Cha)e- An5 I 5on7t
li4e 1o*' attit*5e eithe'% an5 I 5on7t li4e an o33ice' o3 the Do+e 6antin( to )ee 1o*- I7+ 8*)t (oin( to tell
1o* once% Cha)e--i3 1o*7'e a t'o*,le+a4e'% I 6on7t 6ant 1o* in thi) Co''i5o'- Do 1o* *n5e')tan59>
=Ye)% )i'- B*t 6hat t'o*,le ha&e I +a5e9>
="e7ll 3in5 that o*t )oon eno*(h->
Sa+ ha5 not )een Donal5 Gent'1 )ince thei' one an5 onl1 +eetin( the 5a1 the 1o*n( a22'entice
ha5 'eache5 the Do+e- Gent'1 )till )ee+e5 (oo5 nat*'e5 an5 4in5l1% an5 the'e 6a) nothin( in hi) &oice to
in5icate an1thin( el)e- He )at in a chai' ,ehin5 hi) 5e)4% an5 Sa+ )too5 ,e3o'e it% hi) ha+2e' )till ,*+2in(
hi) )ho*l5e' ,la5e-
Gent'1 )ai5% =Ho6 a'e 1o* (ettin( alon(% Sa+9 Ha&in( an inte'e)tin( ti+e9>
=Ye)% )i'%> )ai5 Sa+-
=Still 3eelin( 1o*75 'athe' ,e 5oin( )o+ethin( el)e% 6o'4in( )o+e6he'e el)e9>
Sa+ )ai5% ea'ne)tl1% =No% )i'- Thi) i) a (oo5 2lace 3o' +e->
=Beca*)e 1o*7'e inte'e)te5 in hall*cination)9>
=Ye)% )i'->
=Yo*7&e ,een a)4in( othe') a,o*t it% ha&en7t 1o*9>
=It7) an inte'e)tin( )*,8ect to +e% )i'->
=Beca*)e 1o* 6ant to )t*51 the h*+an ,'ain9>
=An1 ,'ain% )i'->
=An5 1o*7&e ,een 6an5e'in( a,o*t o*t)i5e the Do+e% ha&en7t 1o*9>
=I 6a) tol5 it 6a) 2e'+itte5% )i'->
=It i)- B*t 3e6 a22'entice) ta4e a5&anta(e o3 that )o )oon- Di5 1o* )ee an1thin( inte'e)tin(9>
Sa+ he)itate5% then )ai5% =Ye)% )i'->
=A hall*cination9>
=No% )i'-> He )ai5 it :*ite 2o)iti&el1-
Gent'1 )ta'e5 at hi+ 3o' a 3e6 +o+ent)% an5 the'e 6a) a 4in5 o3 )2ec*lati&e ha'5enin( o3 thi)
e1e)- ="o*l5 1o* ca'e to tell +e 6hat 1o* 5i5 )ee9 Hone)tl1->
Sa+ he)itate5 a(ain- Then he )ai5% =I )a6 an5 )2o4e to an inha,itant o3 thi) 2lanet% )i'->
=An intelli(ent inha,itant% 1o*n( +an9>
=Ye)% )i'->
Gent'1 )ai5% =Sa+% 6e ha5 'ea)on to 6on5e' a,o*t 1o* 6hen 1o* ca+e- The Cent'al Co+2*te'7)
'e2o't on 1o* 5i5 not +atch o*' nee5)% tho*(h it 6a) 3a&o'a,le in +an1 6a1)% )o I too4 the o22o't*nit1 to
)t*51 1o* that 3i')t 5a1- "e 4e2t o*' collecti&e e1e on 1o*% an5 6hen 1o* le3t to 6an5e' a,o*t the 2lanet
on 1o*' o6n% 6e 4e2t 1o* *n5e' o,)e'&ation->
=Si'% = )ai5 Sa+% in5i(nantl1- =That &iolate) +1 'i(ht o3 2'i&ac1- =
=Ye)% it 5oe)% ,*t thi) i) a +o)t &ital 2'o8ect an5 6e a'e )o+e ti+e) 5'i&en to ,en5 the '*le) a little-
"e )a6 1o* tal4in( 6ith con)i5e'a,le ani+ation 3o' a )*,)tantial 2e'io5 o3 ti+e->
=I 8*)t tol5 1o* I 6a)% )i'->
=Ye)% ,*t 1o* 6e'e tal4in( to nothin*, to e+2t1 ai'- Yo* 6e'e e<2e'iencin( a hall*cination% Sa+$
part three
Sa+ Cha)e 6a) )2eechle))- A hall*cination9 It co*l5n7t ,e a hall*cination-
Le)) than hal3 an ho*' a(o% he ha5 ,een )2ea4in( to the Othe' Sa+% ha5 ,een e<2e'iencin( the
tho*(ht) o3 the Othe' Sa+- He 4ne6 e<actl1 6hat ha5 ha22ene5 then% an5 he 6a) )till the )a+e Sa+ Cha)e
he ha5 ,een 5*'in( that con&e')ation an5 ,e3o'e- He 2*t hi) el,o6 o&e' hi) l*nch ha+2e' a) tho*(h it 6e'e
a connection 6ith the )an56iche) he ha5 ,een eatin( 6hen the Othe' Sa+ ha5 a22ea'e5-
He )ai5% 6ith 6hat 6a) al+o)t a )ta++e'% =Si'--D'- Gent'1--it 6a)n7t a hall*cination- It 6a) 'eal->
Gent'1 )hoo4 hi) hea5- =1 ,o1% I )a6 1o* tal4in( 6ith ani+ation to nothin( at all- I 5i5n7t hea'
6hat 1o* )ai5% ,*t 1o* 6e'e tal4in(- Nothin( el)e 6a) the'e e<ce2t 2lant)- No' 6a) I the onl1 one- The'e
6e'e t6o othe' 6itne))e)% an5 6e ha&e it all on 'eco'5->
=On 'eco'59>
=On a tele&i)ion ca))ette- "h1 )ho*l5 6e lie to 1o*% 1o*n( +an9 Thi) ha) ha22ene5 ,e3o'e- At the
)ta't it ha22ene5 'athe' 3'e:*entl1- No6 it ha22en) onl1 &e'1 'a'el1- Fo' one thin(% 6e tell the ne6
a22'entice) o3 the hall*cination) at the )ta't% a) I tol5 1o*% an5 the1 (ene'all1 a&oi5 the 2lanet *ntil the1 a'e
+o'e accli+ate5% an5 then it 5oe)n7t ha22en to the+->
=Yo* +ean 1o* )ca'e the+%> ,l*'te5 o*t Sa+% =)o that it7) not li4el1 to ha22en- An5 the1 5on7t
tell 1o* i3 it 5oe) ha22en- B*t I 6a)n7t )ca'e5->
Gent'1 )hoo4 hi) hea5- =I7+ )o''1 1o* 6e'en7t% i3 that 6a) 6hat it 6o*l5 ha&e ta4en 1o* to 4ee2
3'o+ )eein( thin()->
=I 6a)n7t )eein( thin()- At lea)t% not thin() that 6e'en7t the'e->
=Ho6 5o 1o* inten5 to a'(*e 6ith a tele&i)ion ca))ette% 6hich 6ill )ho6 1o* )ta'in( at nothin(9>
=Si'% 6hat I )a6 6a) not o2a:*e- It 6a) )+o41% act*all1C 3o((1% i3 1o* 4no6 6hat I +ean->
=Ye)% I 5o- It loo4e5 a) a hall*cination +i(ht loo4% not a) 'ealit1- B*t the tele&i)ion )et 6o*l5 ha&e
)een e&en )+o4e->
=a1,e not% )i'- 1 +in5 +*)t ha&e ,een 3oc*)e5 to )ee it +o'e clea'l1- It 6a) 2'o,a,l1 le)) clea'
to the ca+e'a than to +e->
=It 3oc*)e5 1o*' +in5% 5i5 it9> Gent'1 )too5 *2% an5 he )o*n5e5 'athe' )a5- =That7) an a5+i))ion
o3 hall*cination- I7+ 'eall1 )o''1% Sa+% ,eca*)e 1o* a'e clea'l1 intelli(ent% an5 the Cent'al Co+2*te' 'ate5
1o* hi(hl1% ,*t 6e can7t *)e 1o*->
="ill 1o* ,e )en5in( +e ho+e% )i' 9 =
=Ye)% ,*t 6h1 )ho*l5 that +atte'9 Yo* 5i5n7t 2a'tic*la'l1 6ant to co+e he'e->
=I 6ant to )ta1 he'e now.,
=B*t I7+ a3'ai5 1o* cannot->
=Yo* can7t 8*)t )en5 +e ho+e- Don7t I (et a hea'in(9>
=Yo* ce'tainl1 can% i3 1o* in)i)t% ,*t in that ca)e% the 2'ocee5in() 6ill ,e o33icial an5 6ill (o on
1o*' 'eco'5% )o that 1o* 6on7t (et anothe' a22'entice)hi2 an16he'e- A) it i)% i3 1o* a'e )ent ,ac4
*no33iciall1% a) ,ette' )*ite5 to an a22'entice)hi2 in ne*'o2h1)iolo(1% 1o* +i(ht (et that% an5 ,e ,ette' o33%
act*all1% than 1o* a'e no6->
=I 5on7t 6ant that- I 6ant a hea'in(--,e3o'e the Co++an5e'->
=Oh% no- Not the Co++an5e'- He can7t ,e ,othe'e5 6ith that->
=It must ,e the Co++an5e'%> )ai5 Sa+% 6ith 5e)2e'ate 3o'ce% =o' thi) P'o8ect 6ill 3ail->
=Unle)) the Co++an5e' (i&e) 1o* a hea'in(9 "h1 5o 1o* )a1 that9 Co+e% 1o* a'e 3o'cin( +e to
thin4 that 1o* a'e *n)ta,le in 6a1) othe' than tho)e in&ol&e5 6ith hall*cination)->
=Si'-> The 6o'5) 6e'e t*+,lin( o*t o3 Sa+7) +o*th no6- =The Co++an5e' i) ill--the1 4no6 that
e&en on Ea'th--an5 i3 he (et) too ill to 6o'4% thi) P'o8ect 6ill 3ail- I 5i5 not )ee a hall*cination an5 the 2'oo3
i) that I 4no6 6h1 he i) ill an5 ho6 he can ,e c*'e5->
=Yo*7'e not hel2in( 1o*')el3%> )ai5 Gent'1-
=I3 1o* )en5 +e a6a1% I tell 1o* the P'o8ect 6ill 3ail- Can it h*'t to let +e )ee the Co++an5e'9 All
I a)4 i) 3i&e +in*te)->
=Fi&e +in*te)9 "hat i3 he 'e3*)e)9>
=As! hi+% )i'- Tell hi+ that I )a1 the )a+e thin( that ca*)e5 hi) 5e2'e))ion can 'e+o&e it->
=No% I 5on7t thin4 I7ll tell hi+ that- B*t I7ll a)4 hi+ i3 he7ll )ee 1o*->
The Co++an5e' 6a) a thin +an% not &e'1 tall- Hi) e1e) 6e'e a 5ee2 ,l*e an5 the1 loo4e5 ti'e5-
Hi) &oice 6a) &e'1 )o3t% a little lo6-2itche5% 5e3initel1 6ea'1-
=Yo*7'e the one 6ho )a6 the hall*cination9>
=It 6a) not a hall*cination% Co++an5e'- It 6a) 'eal- So 6a) the one you )a6% Co++an5e'-> I3 that
5i5 not (et hi+ th'o6n o*t% Sa+ tho*(ht% he +i(ht ha&e a chance- He 3elt hi) el,o6 ti(htenin( on hi)
ha+2e' a(ain- He )till ha5 it 6ith hi+-
The Co++an5e' )ee+e5 to 6ince- =The one " )a69>
=Ye)% Co++an5e'- It )ai5 it ha5 h*'t one 2e')on- The1 ha5 to t'1 6ith 1o* ,eca*)e 1o* 6e'e the
Co++an5e'% an5 the1---5i5 5a+a(e->
The Co++an5e' i(no'e5 that an5 )ai5% =Di5 1o* e&e' ha&e an1 +ental 2'o,le+) ,e3o'e 1o* ca+e
=No% Co++an5e'- Yo* can con)*lt +1 Cent'al Co+2*te' 'eco'5->
Sa+ tho*(ht: (e +*)t ha&e ha5 2'o,le+)% ,*t the1 let it (o ,eca*)e he7) a (eni*) an5 the1 ha5 to
ha&e hi+-
Then he tho*(ht: "a) that +1 o6n i5ea9 O' ha5 it ,een 2*t the'e9
The Co++an5e' 6a) )2ea4in(- Sa+ ha5 al+o)t +i))e5 it- He )ai5% ="hat 1o* )a6 can7t ,e 'eal-
The'e i) no intelli(ent li3e-3o'+ on thi) 2lanet->
=Ye)% )i'- The'e i)->
=Oh9 An5 no one e&e' 5i)co&e'e5 it till 1o* ca+e he'e% an5 in th'ee 5a1) 1o* 5i5 the 8o,9> The
Co++an5e' )+ile5 &e'1 ,'ie3l1- =I7+ a3'ai5 I ha&e no choice ,*t to-->
="ait% Co++an5e'%> )ai5 Sa+% in a )t'an(le5 &oice- ="e 4no6 a,o*t the intelli(ent li3e-3o'+- It7)
the in)ect)% the little 3l1in( thin()->
=Yo* )a1 the in)ect) a'e intelli(ent9>
=Not an in5i&i5*al in)ect ,1 it)el3% ,*t the1 3it to(ethe' 6hen the1 6ant to% li4e little 8i()a6 2iece)-
The1 can 5o it in an1 6a1 the1 6ant- An5 6hen the1 5o% thei' ne'&o*) )1)te+) 3it to(ethe'% too% an5 ,*il5
*2- A lot o3 the+ to*ether a'e intelli(ent->
The Co++an5e'7) e1e,'o6) li3te5- =That7) an inte'e)tin( i5ea% an16a1- Al+o)t c'aA1 eno*(h to
,e t'*e- Ho6 5i5 1o* co+e to that concl*)ion% 1o*n( +an9>
=B1 o,)e'&ation% )i'- E&e'16he'e I 6al4e5% I 5i)t*',e5 the in)ect) in the ('a)) an5 the1 3le6 a,o*t
in all 5i'ection)- B*t once the co6 )ta'te5 to 3o'+% an5 I 6al4e5 to6a'5 it% the'e 6a) nothin( to )ee o' hea'-
The in)ect) 6e'e (one- The1 ha5 (athe'e5 to(ethe' in 3'ont o3 +e an5 the1 6e'en7t in the ('a)) an1+o'e-
That7) ho6 I 4ne6->
=Yo* tal4e5 6ith a co69>
=It 6a) a co6 at 3i')t% ,eca*)e that7) 6hat I tho*(ht o3- B*t the1 ha5 it 6'on(% )o the1 )6itche5
an5 ca+e to(ethe' to 3o'+ a h*+an ,ein(33me.,
=Yo*9> An5 then% in a lo6e' &oice% ="ell% that 3it) an16a1->
=Di5 1o* )ee it that 6a1% too% Co++an5e'9>
The Co++an5e' i(no'e5 that- = An5 6hen it )ha2e5 it)el3 li4e 1o*% it co*l5 tal4 a) 1o* 5i59 I) that
6hat 1o*7'e tellin( +e9>
=No% Co++an5e'- The tal4in( 6a) in +1 +in5- =
=So't o3->
=An5 6hat 5i5 it )a1 to 1o*% o' thin4 to 1o*9>
=It 6ante5 *) to 'e3'ain 3'o+ 5i)t*',in( thi) 2lanet- It 6ante5 *) not to ta4e it o&e'- = Sa+ 6a) all
,*t hol5in( hi) ,'eath- The inte'&ie6 ha5 la)te5 +o'e than 3i&e +in*te) al'ea51% an5 the Co++an5e' 6a)
+a4in( no +o&e to 2*t an en5 to it% to )en5 hi+ ho+e-
=K*ite i+2o))i,le->
="h1% Co++an5e'9>
=An1 othe' ,a)e 6ill 5o*,le an5 t'i2le the e<2en)e- "e7'e ha&in( eno*(h t'o*,le (ettin( ('ant) a)
it i)- Fo't*natel1% it i) all a hall*cination% 1o*n( +an% an5 the 2'o,le+ 5oe) not a'i)e- = He clo)e5 hi) e1e)%
then o2ene5 the+ an5 loo4e5 at Sa+ 6itho*t 'eall1 3oc*)in( on hi+- =I7+ )o''1% 1o*n( +an- Yo* 6ill ,e
)ent ,ac4--o33iciall1->
Sa+ (a+,le5 a(ain- ="e can7t a33o'5 to i(no'e the in)ect)% Co++an5e'- The1 ha&e a lot to (i&e
The Co++an5e' ha5 'ai)e5 hi) han5 hal36a1 a) tho*(h a,o*t to (i&e a )i(nal- He 2a*)e5 lon(
eno*(h to )a1% =Reall19 "hat 5o the1 ha&e that the1 can (i&e *)9
=The one thin( +o'e i+2o'tant than ene'(1% Co++an5e'- An *n5e')tan5in( o3 the ,'ain->
=Ho6 5o 1o* 4no6 that9>
=I can 5e+on)t'ate it- I ha&e the+ he'e-> Sa+ )eiAe5 hi) ha+2e' an5 )6*n( it 3o'6a'5 onto the
="hatD) that9>
Sa+ 5i5 not an)6e' in 6o'5)- He o2ene5 the ha+2e'% an5 a )o3tl1 6hi''in(% )+o41 clo*5
The Co++an5e' 'o)e )*55enl1 an5 c'ie5 o*t- He li3te5 hi) han5 hi(h an5 an ala'+ ,ell )o*n5e5-
Th'o*(h the 5oo' ca+e Gent'1% an5 othe') ,ehin5 hi+- Sa+ 3elt hi+)el3 )eiAe5 ,1 the a'+)% an5
then a 4in5 o3 )t*nne5 an5 +otionle)) )ilence 2'e&aile5 in the 'oo+-
The )+o4e 6a) con5en)in(% 6a&e'in(% ta4in( on the )ha2e o3 a Hea5% a thin hea5% 6ith hi(h
chee4,one)% a )+ooth 3o'ehea5 an5 'ece5in( hai'line- It ha5 the a22ea'ance o3 the Co++an5e'-
=ID+ )eein( thin()%> c'oa4e5 the Co++an5e'-
Sa+ )ai5% ="eD'e all )eein( the )a+e thin(% a'enDt 6e9> He 6'i((le5 an5 6a) 'elea)e5-
Gent'1 )ai5 in a lo6 &oice% = a)) h1)te'ia->
=No%> )ai5-Sa+% =itD) 'eal-> He 'eache5 to6a'5 the Hea5 in +i5ai'% an5 ,'o*(ht ,ac4 hi) 3in(e'
6ith a tin1 in)ect on it- He 3lic4e5 it an5 it co*l5 8*)t ,a'el1 ,e )een +a4in( it) 6a1 ,ac4 to it)
No one +o&e5-
Sa+ )ai5% =Hea5% 5o 1o* )ee the 2'o,le+ 6ith the Co++an5e'D) +in59>
Sa+ ha5 the ,'ie3 &i)ion o3 a )na'l in an othe'6i)e )+ooth c*'&e% ,*t it &ani)he5 an5 le3t nothin(
,ehin5- It 6a) not )o+ethin( that co*l5 ,e ea)il1 2*t into h*+an tho*(ht- He ho2e5 the othe') e<2e'ience5
that :*ic4 )na'l- Ye)% the1 ha5- He 4ne6 it-
The Co++an5e' )ai5% =The'e i) no 2'o,le+-=
Sa+ )ai5% =Can 1o* a58*)t it% Hea59>
O3 co*')e% the1 co*l5 not- It 6a) not 'i(ht to in&a5e a +in5-
Sa+ )ai5% =Co++an5e'% (i&e 2e'+i))ion->
The Co++an5e' 2*t hi) han5) to hi) e1e) an5 +*tte'e5 )o+ethin( Sa+ 5i5 not +a4e o*t- Then he
)ai5% clea'l1% =ItD) a ni(ht+a'e% ,*t ID&e ,een in one )ince--"hate&e' +*)t ,e 5one% I (i&e 2e'+i))ion->
Nothin( ha22ene5-
O' nothin( )ee+e5 to ha22en-
An5 then )lo6l1% little ,1 little% the Co++an5e'D) 3ace lit in a )+ile-
He )ai5% 8*)t a,o&e a 6hi)2e'- = A)toni)hin(- ID+ 6atchin( a )*n 'i)e- ItD) ,een col5 ni(ht 3o' )o
lon(% an5 no6 I 3eel the 6a'+th a(ain- = Hi) &oice 'o)e hi(h- =I 3eel 6on5e'3*l->
The Hea5 5e3o'+e5 at that 2oint% t*'ne5 into a &a(*e% 2*l)in( 3o(% then 3o'+e5 a c*'&in(%
na''o6in( a''o6 that )2e5 into the ha+2e'- Sa+ )na22e5 it )h*t-
He )ai5% =Co++an5e'% ha&e I 1o*' 2e'+i))ion to 'e)to'e the)e little in)ect-thin() to thei' o6n
=Ye)% 1e)%> )ai5 the Co++an5e'% 5i)+i))in( that 6ith a 6a&e o3 hi) han5- =Gent'1% call a +eetin(-
"e7&e (ot to chan(e all o*' 2lan)->
Sa+ ha5 ,een e)co'te5 o*t)i5e the Do+e ,1 a )toli5 (*a'5 an5 ha5 then ,een con3ine5 to hi)
:*a'te') 3o' the 'e)t o3 the 5a1-
It 6a) late 6hen Gent'1 ente'e5% )ta'e5 at hi+ tho*(ht3*ll1% an5 )ai5% =That 6a) an a+aAin(
5e+on)t'ation o3 1o*')- The enti'e inci5ent ha) ,een 3e5 into the Cent'al Co+2*te' an5 6e no6 ha&e a
5o*,le 2'o8ect--ne*t'on-)ta' ene'(1 an5 ne*'o2h1)iolo(1- I 5o*,t that the'e 6ill ,e an1 :*e)tion a,o*t
2o*'in( +one1 into thi) 2'o8ect no6- An5 6e7ll ha&e a ('o*2 o3 ne*'o2h1)iolo(i)t) a''i&in( e&ent*all1-
Until then 1o*7'e (oin( to ,e 6o'4in( 6ith tho)e little thin() an5 1o*7ll 2'o,a,l1 en5 *2 the +o)t
i+2o'tant 2e')on he'e->
Sa+ )ai5% =B*t 6ill 6e lea&e thei' 6o'l5 to the+9>
Gent'1 )ai5% ="e7ll ha&e to i3 6e e<2ect to (et an1thin( o*t o3 the+% 6on7t 6e9 The Co++an5e'
thin4) 6e7'e (oin( to ,*il5 ela,o'ate )ettle+ent) in o',it a,o*t thi) 6o'l5 an5 )hi3t all o2e'ation) to the+
e<ce2t 3o' a )4eleton c'e6 in thi) Do+e to +aintain 5i'ect contact 6ith the in)ect)--o' 6hate&e' 6e7ll
5eci5e to call the+- It 6ill co)t a ('eat 5eal o3 +one1% an5 ta4e ti+e an5 la,o'% ,*t it7) (oin( to ,e 6o'th it-
No one 6ill :*e)tion that->
Sa+ )ai5 =Goo5$>
Gent'1 )ta'e5 at hi+ a(ain% lon(e' an5 +o'e tho*(ht3*ll1 than ,e3o'e-
=1 ,o1%> he )ai5% =it )ee+) that 6hat ha22ene5 ca+e a,o*t ,eca*)e 1o* 5i5 not 3ea' the
)*22o)e5 hall*cination- Yo*' +in5 'e+aine5 o2en% an5 that 6a) the 6hole 5i33e'ence- "h1 6a) that9 "h1
6e'en7t 1o* a3'ai59>
Sa+ 3l*)he5- =I7+ not )*'e% )i'- A) I loo4 ,ac4 on it% tho*(h% it )ee+e5 to +e I 6a) 2*AAle5 a) to
6h1 I 6a) )ent he'e- I ha5 ,een 5oin( +1 ,e)t to )t*51 ne*'o2h1)iolo(1 th'o*(h +1 co+2*te'iAe5 co*')e)%
an5 I 4ne6 &e'1 little a,o*t a)t'o2h1)ic)- The Cent'al Co+2*te' ha5 +1 'eco'5% all o3 it% the 3*ll 5etail) o3
e&e'1thin( I ha5 e&e' )t*5ie5 an5 I co*l5n7t i+a(ine 6h1 I ha5 ,een )ent he'e-
=Then% 6hen 1o* 3i')t +entione5 the hall*cination)% I tho*(ht% BThat +*)t ,e it- I 6a) )ent he'e to
loo4 into it-7 I 8*)t +a5e *2 +1 +in5 that 6a) the thin( I ha5 to 5o- I ha5 no time to ,e a3'ai5% D'- Gent'1- I
ha5 a 2'o,le+ to )ol&e an5 I--I ha5 3aith in the Cent'al Co+2*te'- It 6o*l5n7t ha&e )ent +e he'e% i3 I
6e'en7t *2 to it->
Gent'1 )hoo4 hi) hea5- =I7+ a3'ai5 I 6o*l5n7t ha&e ha5 that +*ch 3aith in that +achine- B*t the1
)a1 3aith can +o&e +o*ntain)% an5 I (*e)) it 5i5 in thi) ca)e->
T($ "N)TAB"L"T5
PROFESSOR FIREBRENNER HAD EXPLAINED it ca'e3*ll1- =Ti+e-2e'ce2tion 5e2en5) on the )t'*ct*'e o3
the Uni&e')e- "hen the Uni&e')e i) e<2an5in(% 6e e<2e'ience ti+e a) (oin( 3o'6a'5C 6hen it i)
cont'actin(% 6e e<2e'ience it (oin( ,ac46a'5- I3 6e co*l5 )o+eho6 3o'ce the Uni&e')e to ,e in )ta)i)%
neithe' e<2an5in( no' cont'actin(% ti+e 6o*l5 )tan5 )till->
=B*t 1o* can7t 2*t the Uni&e')e in )ta)i)%> )ai5 '- At4in)% 3a)cinate5-
=I can 2*t a little 2o'tion o3 the Uni&e')e in )ta)i)% ho6e&e'- = )ai5 the 2'o3e))o'- = ;*)t eno*(h to
hol5 a )hi2- Ti+e 6ill )tan5 )till an5 6e can +o&e 3o'6a'5 o' ,ac46a'5 at 6ill an5 the enti'e t'i2 6ill la)t
le)) than an in)tant- B*t all the 2a't) o3 the Uni&e')e 6ill +o&e 6hile 6e )tan5 )till% 6hile 6e a'e naile5 to
the 3a,'ic o3 the Uni&e')e- The Ea'th +o&e) a,o*t the S*n% the S*n +o&e) a,o*t the co'e o3 the Gala<1% the
Gala<1 +o&e) a,o*t )o+e cente' o3 ('a&it1% all the Gala<ie) +o&e-
=I calc*late5 tho)e +otion) an5 I 3in5 that 67.8 +illion 1ea') in the 3*t*'e% a 'e5 56a'3 )ta' 6ill
occ*21 the 2o)ition o*' S*n 5oe) no6- I3 6e (o 67.8 +illion 1ea') into the 3*t*'e% in le)) than an in)tant
that 'e5 56a'3 )ta' 6ill ,e nea' o*' )2ace)hi2 an5 6e can co+e ho+e a3te' )t*51in( it a ,it->
At4in) )ai5% =Can that ,e 5one9>
=I7&e )ent e<2e'i+ental ani+al) th'o*(h ti+e% ,*t I can7t +a4e the+ a*to+aticall1 'et*'n- I3 1o*
an5 I (o% 6e can then +ani2*late the cont'ol) )o that 6e can 'et*'n->
=An5 1o* 6ant +e alon(9>
=O3 co*')e- The'e )ho*l5 ,e t6o- T6o 2eo2le 6o*l5 ,e +o'e ea)il1 ,elie&e5 than one alone-
Co+e% it 6ill ,e an inc'e5i,le a5&ent*'e->
At4in) in)2ecte5 the )hi2- It 6a) a //.J Glenn-3*)ion +o5el an5 loo4e5 ,ea*ti3*l-
=S*22o)e%> he )ai5% =that it lan5) inside the 'e5 56a'3 )ta'->
=It 6on7t%> )ai5 the 2'o3e))o'% =,*t i3 it 5oe)% that7) the chance 6e ta4e->
=B*t 6hen 6e (et ,ac4% the S*n an5 Ea'th 6ill ha&e +o&e5 on- "e7ll ,e in )2ace->
=O3 co*')e% ,*t ho6 3a' can the S*n an5 Ea'th +o&e in the 3e6 ho*') it 6ill ta4e *) to o,)e'&e the
)ta'9 "ith thi) )hi2 6e 6ill catch *2 to o*' ,elo&e5 2lanet- A'e 1o* 'ea51% '- At4in)9>
=Rea51%> )i(he5 At4in)-
P'o3e))o' Fi'e,'enne' +a5e the nece))a'1 a58*)t+ent) an5 naile5 the )hi2 to the 3a,'ic o3 the
Uni&e')e 6hile /J-G +illion 1ea') 2a))e5- An5 then% in le)) than a 3la)h% ti+e ,e(an to +o&e 3o'6a'5 a(ain
in the *)*al 6a1% an5 e&e'1thin( in the Uni&e')e +o&e5 3o'6a'5 6ith it-
Th'o*(h the &ie6in( 2o't o3 thei' )hi2% P'o3e))o' Fi'e,'enne' an5 '- At4in) co*l5 )ee the )+all
o', o3 the 'e5 56a'3 )ta'-
The 2'o3e))o' )+ile5- =Yo* an5 I% At4in)%> he )ai5% =a'e the 3i')t e&e' to )ee% clo)e at han5% an1
)ta' othe' than o*' o6n S*n->
The1 'e+aine5 t6o-an5-a-hal3 ho*') 5*'in( 6hich the1 2hoto('a2he5 the )ta' an5 it) )2ect'*+
an5 a) +an1 nei(h,o'in( )ta') a) the1 co*l5% +a5e )2ecial co'ona('a2hic o,)e'&ation)% te)te5 the che+ical
co+2o)ition o3 the inte')tella' (a)% an5 then P'o3e))o' Fi'e,'enne' )ai5% 'athe' 'el*ctantl1% =I thin4 6e ha5
,ette' (o ho+e no6->
A(ain% the cont'ol) 6e'e a58*)te5 an5 the )hi2 6a) naile5 to the 3a,'ic o3 the Uni&e')e- The1 6ent
/J-G +illion 1ea') into the 2a)t% an5 in le)) than a 3la)h% the1 6e'e ,ac4 6he'e the1 )ta'te5-
S2ace 6a) ,lac4- The'e 6a) nothin(-
At4in) )ai5% ="hat ha22ene59 "he'e a'e the Ea'th an5 S*n9>
The 2'o3e))o' 3'o6ne5- He )ai5% = Goin( #ac! in ti+e +*)t ,e 5i33e'ent- The enti'e Uni&e')e +*)t
ha&e +o&e5->
="he'e co*l5 it +o&e9>
=I 5on7t 4no6- Othe' o,8ect) )hi3t 2o)ition 6ithin the Uni&e')e% ,*t the Uni&e')e a) a 6hole +*)t
+o&e in an *22e'-5i+en)ional 5i'ection- "e a'e he'e in the a,)ol*te &ac**+% in 2'i+e&al Chao)->
=B*t he'e- It7) not 2'i+e&al Chao) an1+o'e->
=E<actl1- That +ean) 6e7&e int'o5*ce5 an in)ta,ilit1 at thi) 2lace 6he'e 6e e<i)t% an5 that
E&en a) he )ai5 that% a Bi( Ban( o,lite'ate5 the+- A ne6 Uni&e')e ca+e into ,ein( an5 ,e(an to
AL$9AN1$& T($ '%1
ALEXANDER HOSKINS GREW SERIOUSLY inte'e)te5 in co+2*te') at the a(e o3 3o*'teen an5 :*ic4l1
'ealiAe5 that he 6a) inte'e)te5 in nothin( +*ch el)e-
Hi) teache') enco*'a(e5 hi+ an5 e<c*)e5 hi+ 3'o+ cla))e) in o'5e' that he +i(ht concent'ate on
thi) ho,,1 o3 hi)- Hi) 3athe'% 6ho 6o'4e5 3o' IB% enco*'a(e5 hi+% too% (ot hi+ )o+e nece))a'1
e:*i2+ent an5 e<2laine5 )o+e 4nott1 2oint) to hi+-
Ale<an5e' ,*ilt hi) o6n co+2*te' in a 'oo+ a,o&e the (a'a(e% 2'o('a++e5 an5 'e2'o('a++e5 it
an5% at the a(e o3 )i<teen% co*l5 no lon(e' 3in5 a ,oo4 that tol5 hi+ an1thin( he 5i5n7t 4no6 a,o*t
co+2*te')- No' co*l5 he 3in5 a ,oo4 that 5ealt 6ith )o+e o3 the thin() he ha5 3o*n5 o*t enti'el1 on hi)
He tho*(ht a,o*t it 5ee2l1 an5 5eci5e5 not to tell hi) 3athe' o3 )o+e o3 the thin() hi) co+2*te'
co*l5 5o- Al'ea51% the ,o1 ha5 ,eco+e a6a'e that the ('eate)t con:*e'o' o3 ancient ti+e) ha5 ,een
Ale<an5e' the G'eat% an5 Ale<an5e' 3elt hi) o6n na+e 6a) no acci5ent-
Ale<an5e' 6a) 2a'tic*la'l1 inte'e)te5 in co+2*te' +e+o'1 an5 6o'4e5 o*t )1)te+) 3o' c'a++in(
5ata into &ol*+e--+*ch 5ata into little &ol*+e- "ith each i+2'o&e+ent% he ):*eeAe5 +o'e an5 +o'e 5ata
into le)) an5 le)) &ol*+e-
Sole+nl1% he then na+e5 hi) co+2*te' B*ce2hal*)% a3te' the 3aith3*l ho')e o3 Ale<an5e' the
G'eat% the ho')e 6ho ha5 ca''ie5 hi+ th'o*(h all hi) t'i*+2hant ,attle)-
The'e 6e'e co+2*te') that co*l5 acce2t )2o4en co++an5) an5 (i&e )2o4en 'e)2on)e)% ,*t none
co*l5 5o it a) 6ell a) B*ce2hal*)- The'e 6e'e al)o co+2*te') that co*l5 )can an5 )to'e the 6'itten 6o'5%
,*t none co*l5 5o it a) 6ell a) B*ce2hal*)- Ale<an5e' te)te5 thi) ,1 ha&in( B*ce2hal*) )can the
$ncyclopedia Britannica an5 )to'e it all in it) +e+o'1-
B1 the ti+e he 6a) ei(hteen% Ale<an5e' ha5 e)ta,li)he5 an in3o'+ation-han5lin( ,*)ine)) 3o'
)t*5ent) an5 )+all ,*)ine))+en an5 ha5 ,eco+e )el3-)*22o'tin(- He +o&e5 into hi) o6n a2a't+ent in the
cit1 an5 6a) 3'o+ that 2oint on in5e2en5ent o3 hi) 2a'ent)-
In hi) o6n a2a't+ent he co*l5 'e+o&e the ea'2hone attach+ent- "ith 2'i&ac1% he co*l5 )2ea4 to
B*ce2hal*) o2enl1% tho*(h he ca'e3*ll1 a58*)te5 the co+2*te'7) &oice to lo6 inten)it1- He 5i5 not 6ant
nei(h,o') to 6on5e' 6ho 6a) in the a2a't+ent 6ith hi+-
He )ai5% =B*ce2hal*)% Ale<an5e' the G'eat ha5 con:*e'e5 the ancient 6o'l5 ,1 the ti+e he 6a)
thi't1- I 6ant to 5o the )a+e thin(- That (i&e) +e t6el&e +o'e 1ea')->
B*ce2hal*) 4ne6 all a,o*t Ale<an5e' the G'eat% )ince the $ncyclopedia ha5 (i&en hi+ all the
He )ai5% = Ale<an5e' the G'eat 6a) the )on o3 the !in( o3 ace5on an5 ,1 the ti+e he 6a) 1o*'
a(e% he ha5 le5 hi) 3athe'7) ca&al'1 to &icto'1 at the ('eat ,attle at Chae'onea->
Ale<an5e' )ai5% =No% no- I7+ not tal4in( a,o*t ,attle) an5 2halan<e) an5 thin() li4e that- I 6ant to
con:*e' the 6o'l5 ,1 co+in( to o6n it->
=Ho6 co*l5 1o* o6n it% Ale<an5e'9>
=Yo* an5 I% B*ce2hal*)%> )ai5 Ale<an5e'% =a'e (oin( to )t*51 the )toc4 +a'4et->
The New 5or! Times ha5 lon( )ince 2*t all it) +ic'o3il+e5 'eco'5) into co+2*te'iAe5 3o'+ an5 3o'
Ale<an5e' it 6a) not at all a 5i33ic*lt ta)4 to ta2 into that in3o'+ation-
Fo' 5a1)% 6ee4)% +onth)% B*ce2hal*) t'an)3e''e5 o&e' a cent*'1 o3 5ata on the )toc4 +a'4et into
it) o6n +e+o'1 ,an4)--all the )toc4) li)te5% all the )ha'e) )ol5 3o' each on each 5a1% the *2) an5 5o6n)%
e&en the a22lica,le ne6) on the 3inancial 2a(e)- Ale<an5e' 6a) 3o'ce5 to e<ten5 the co+2*te'7) +e+o'1
ci'c*it) an5 to 6o'4 o*t a 5a'in( ne6 )1)te+ 3o' in3o'+ation 'et'ie&al- Rel*ctantl1% he )ol5 a )i+2li3ie5
&e')ion o3 one o3 the ci'c*it) he ha5 5e&elo2e5 to IB an5 in thi) 6a1 ,eca+e :*ite 6ell-to-5o- He ,o*(ht
a nei(h,o'in( a2a't+ent in 6hich he +i(ht eat an5 )lee2- The 3i')t a2a't+ent 6a) no6 (i&en o&e' enti'el1
to B*ce2hal*)-
"hen he 6a) t6ent1% Ale<an5e' 3elt he 6a) 'ea51 to )ta't hi) ca+2ai(n-
=B*ce2hal*)%> he )ai5% =I a+ 'ea51% an5 )o a'e 1o*- Yo* 4no6 e&e'1thin( the'e i) to 4no6 a,o*t
the )toc4 +a'4et- Yo* ha&e in 1o*' +e+o'1 e&e'1 t'an)action an5 e&e'1 e&ent% an5 1o* 4ee2 it all *2 to
5ate to the &e'1 )econ5 ,eca*)e 1o* a'e hoo4e5 into the co+2*te' at the Ne6 Yo'4 Stoc4 E<chan(e% an5
1o* 6ill )oon ,e hoo4e5 into the e<chan(e) in Lon5on% To41o% an5 el)e6he'e->
=Ye)% Ale<an5e'%> )ai5 B*ce2hal*)% =,*t 6hat i) it 1o* 6i)h +e to 5o 6ith all the in3o'+ation9>
=I a+ ce'tain%> )ai5 Ale<an5e'% hi) e1e) (lea+in( in )teel1% 5ete'+ine5 3a)hion% =that the &al*e)
an5 3l*ct*ation) o3 the a'4et a'e not 'an5o+- I 3eel that nothin( i)- Yo* +*)t (o th'o*(h all the 5ata%
)t*51in( all the &al*e) an5 all the chan(e) in the &al*e) an5 all the 'ate) o3 chan(e) o3 the &al*e)% *ntil 1o*
can anal1Ae the+ into c1cle) an5 co+,ination) o3 c1cle)->
=A'e 1o* 'e3e''in( to a Fo*'ie' anal1)i)9> a)4e5 B*ce2hal*)- =E<2lain that to +e->
B*ce2hal*) 2'e)ente5 hi+ 6ith a 2'into*t 3'o+ the $ncyclopedia to(ethe' 6ith )*22le+ent) 3'o+
othe' in3o'+ation in hi) +e+o'1 ,an4)-
Ale<an5e' (lance5 at it ,'ie3l1% an5 )ai5% =Ye)% that7) the )o't o3 thin(->
=To 6hat en5% Ale<an5e'9>
=Once 1o* ha&e the c1cle)% B*ce2hal*)% 1o* 6ill ,e a,le to 2'e5ict the co*')e o3 the )toc4 +a'4et
in the 3ollo6in( 5a1% 6ee4% +onth% acco'5in( to the )6in( o3 the c1cle)% an5 1o* 6ill ,e a,le to 5i'ect +e
in +1 in&e)t+ent)- I 6ill :*ic4l1 ('o6 'ich- Yo* 6ill al)o 5i'ect +e ho6 to o,)c*'e +1 o6n in&ol&e+ent
)o that the 6o'l5 6ill not 4no6 ho6 'ich I a+% o' 6ho it i) 6ho ha) )*ch an in3l*ential 3in(e' on 6o'l5
=To 6hat en5% Ale<an5e'9>
=So that 6hen I a+ 'ich eno*(h% 6hen I cont'ol the Ea'th7) 3inancial in)tit*tion)% it) co++e'ce% it)
,*)ine))% it) 'e)o*'ce)% I 6ill ha&e 5one in 'ealit1 6hat Ale<an5e' the G'eat 5i5 onl1 in 2a't- I 6ill ,e
Ale<an5e' the Reall1 G'eat- = Hi) e1e) (litte'e5 6ith 5eli(ht at the tho*(ht-
B1 the ti+e Ale<an5e' 6a) t6ent1-t6o% he 6a) )ati)3ie5 that B*ce2hal*) ha5 6o'4e5 o*t the
co+2licate5 )et o3 c1cle) that 6o*l5 )e'&e to 2'e5ict the ,eha&io' o3 the )toc4 +a'4et-
B*ce2hal*) 6a) le)) ce'tain- He )ai5% =In a55ition to the nat*'al c1cle) that cont'ol )*ch thin()%
the'e a'e al)o *n2'e5icta,le e&ent) in the 6o'l5 o3 2olitic) an5 inte'national a33ai')- The'e a'e *n2'e5icta,le
t*'n) o3 6eathe'% 5i)ea)e% an5 )cienti3ic a5&ance->
Ale<an5e' )ai5% =Not at all% B*ce2hal*)- All )*ch thin() al)o (o in c1cle)- Yo* 6ill )t*51 the
(ene'al ne6) col*+n) o3 the New 5or! Times an5 a,)o', it all in o'5e' to allo6 3o' the)e )*22o)e5l1
*n2'e5icta,le e&ent)- Yo* 6ill then 3in5 the1 a'e 2'e5icta,le- Othe' ('eat ne6)2a2e')% he'e an5 a,'oa5% 6ill
,e 1o*') to )t*51- The1 a'e all +ic'o3il+e5 an5 co+2*te'iAe5 an5 6e can (o ,ac4 3o' a cent*'1 o' +o'e-
Be)i5e)% 1o* 5o not ha&e to ,e totall1 acc*'ate- I3 1o* a'e 'i(ht ei(ht1-3i&e 2e'cent o3 the ti+e% that 6ill 5o%
3o' no6->
It did 5o- "hen B*ce2hal*) 3elt that the )toc4 +a'4et 6o*l5 (o *2 o' that it 6o*l5 (o 5o6n% he
6a) in&a'ia,l1 'i(ht- "hen he 2ointe5 to 2a'tic*la' )toc4) that 6e'e hea5e5 3o' lon(-te'+ 'i)e) o' 5ecline)%
he 6a) al+o)t al6a1) 'i(ht-
B1 the ti+e Ale<an5e' 6a) t6ent1-3o*' he 6a) 6o'th 3i&e +illion 5olla') an5 hi) inco+e ha5 'i)en
to ten) o3 tho*)an5) o3 5olla') 2e' 5a1- "hat7) +o'e% hi) ,oo4) 6e'e )o co+2licate5 an5 the +one1 )o
la*n5e'e5 that it 6o*l5 ha&e ta4en anothe' co+2*te' 8*)t li4e B*ce2hal*) to t'ac4 it all 5o6n an5 3o'ce
Ale<an5e' to 2a1 +o'e than a 2ittance to the I-R-S-
It 6a) not e&en 5i33ic*lt- B*ce2hal*) ha5 ente'e5 all the ta< )tat*te) into it) +e+o'1 a) 6ell a) a
)co'e o3 te<t,oo4) on co'2o'ation +ana(e+ent- Than4) to B*ce2hal*)% Ale<an5e' cont'olle5 a 5oAen
co'2o'ation) 6itho*t an1 )i(n o3 that cont'ol ,ein( &i)i,le-
B*ce2hal*) )ai5% = A'e 1o* 'ich eno*(h% Ale<an5e'9>
=S*'el1 1o* 8e)t%> )ai5 Ale<an5e'- =I a+ a) 1et a 3inancial 2i2):*ea4% a ,at,o1 in the +ino'
lea(*e)- "hen I a+ a ,illionai'e% I 6ill ,e a 2o6e' in the 3inancial )et% ,*t I 6ill )till ,e onl1 one a+on( a
han53*l- It i) onl1 6hen I a+ a +*ltit'illionai'e that I 6ill ,e a,le to cont'ol (o&e'n+ent) an5 3o'ce +1 6ill
*2on the 6o'l5- An5 I ha&e onl1 )i< 1ea') le3t->
B*ce2hal*)7) *n5e')tan5in( o3 the )toc4 +a'4et% an5 o3 the 6a1) o3 the 6o'l5% ('e6 each 1ea'-
Hi) a5&ice 'e+aine5 al6a1) *)e3*l an5 hi) 5e&io*)ne)) in th'ea5in( 3inancial tentacle) th'o*(h the cente')
o3 6o'l5 2o6e' 'e+aine5 al6a1) )4ill3*l-
Yet he ('e6 5o*,t3*l% too- =The'e +a1 ,e t'o*,le% Ale<an5e'%> he )ai5-
=Non)en)e%> )ai5 Ale<an5e'- = Ale<an5e' the Reall1 G'eat cannot ,e )to22e5->
B1 the ti+e Ale<an5e' 6a) t6ent1-)i<% he 6a) a ,illionai'e- The enti'e a2a't+ent ,*il5in( 6a)
no6 hi) an5 all o3 it 6a) (i&en o&e' to B*ce2hal*)% an5 to all the o33)hoot) o3 it) eno'+o*) +e+o'1- The
tentacle) o3 B*ce2hal*) no6 )t'etche5 in&i)i,l1 o*t6a'5 to all the co+2*te') in the 6o'l5- So3tl1% (entl1%
all o3 the+ 'e)2on5e5 to Ale<an5e'7) 6ill a) e<2'e))e5 th'o*(h B*ce2hal*)-
B*ce2hal*) )ai5% =It ('o6) +o'e 5i33ic*lt )o+eho6% Ale<an5e'- 1 e)ti+ate) o3 3*t*'e
5e&elo2+ent a'e not a) (oo5 a) the1 ha&e ,een->
Ale<an5e' )ai5 i+2atientl1% =Yo* a'e 5ealin( 6ith +o'e an5 +o'e &a'ia,le)- The'e i) nothin( to
6o''1 a,o*t- I )hall 5o*,le 1o*' co+2le<it1% then 5o*,le it a(ain->
=It i) not co+2le<it1 that i) nee5e5%> )ai5 B*ce2hal*)- = All the c1cle) that I ha&e 6o'4e5 o*t in
e&e'-inc'ea)in( co+2le<it1 2'e5ict the 3*t*'e in 3ine 5etail onl1 ,eca*)e thin() that no6 ta4e 2lace a'e the
)a+e a) ha&e ta4en 2lace in the 2a)t% )o that the 'e)2on)e i) the )a+e- I3 )o+ethin( enti'el1 ne6 ha22en)%
then all the c1cle) 6ill 3ail-->
Ale<an5e' )ai5% 2e'e+2to'il1% =The'e i) nothin( ne6 *n5e' the )*n- Go th'o*(h hi)to'1 an5 1o*7ll
3in5 that the'e a'e onl1 chan(e) in 5etail- I 6ill con:*e' the 6o'l5% ,*t I a+ onl1 one +o'e con:*e'o' in a
lon( line )t'etchin( ,ac4 to Sa'(on o3 A(a5e- The 5e&elo2+ent o3 a hi(h-tech )ociet1 'e2eat) ce'tain
a5&ance) in +e5ie&al China an5 in the ancient Helleni)tic 4in(5o+)- The Blac4 Death 6a) a 'e2etition o3
the ea'lie' 2la(*e) in the ti+e) o3 a'c*) A*'eli*) an5 o3 Pe'icle)- E&en the 5e&a)tation o3 the 6a') o3
nation) in the t6entieth cent*'1 'e2eat) the 5e&a)tation o3 the 6a') o3 'eli(ion in the )i<teenth
an5%)e&enteenth cent*'ie)- The 5i33e'ence) in 5etail can ,e allo6e5 3o' an5% in an1 ca)e% I o'5e' 1o* to
contin*e% an5 1o* +*)t o,e1 +1 o'5e')->
=I +*)t%> a('ee5 B*ce2hal*)-
B1 the ti+e Ale<an5e' 6a) t6ent1-ei(ht% he 6a) the 'iche)t +an 6ho ha5 e&e' li&e5% 6ith a))et)
that e&en B*ce2hal*) co*l5 not e)ti+ate clo)el1- Ce'tainl1 it 6a) o&e' a h*n5'e5 ,illion an5 hi) inco+e
6a) in the ten) o3 +illion) a 5a1-
No nation 6a) an1 lon(e' t'*l1 in5e2en5ent an5 no6he'e co*l5 an1 )iAa,le ('o*2 o3 h*+an
,ein() ta4e an1 action that 6o*l5 )e'io*)l1 5i)co++o5e Ale<an5e'-
The'e 6a) 2eace in the 6o'l5 ,eca*)e Ale<an5e' 5i5 not 6i)h an1 o3 hi) 2'o2e't1 5e)t'o1e5- The'e
6a) 3i'+ o'5e' in the 6o'l5 ,eca*)e Ale<an5e' 5i5 not 6i)h to ,e 5i)t*',e5- Fo' the )a+e 'ea)on% the'e 6a)
no 3'ee5o+- All +*)t 5o e<actl1 a) Ale<an5e' 6ille5-
=I a+ al+o)t the'e% B*ce2hal*)%> )ai5 Ale<an5e'- =In t6o +o'e 1ea')% it 6ill ,e co+2letel1
,e1on5 the 2o6e' o3 an1 h*+an ,ein( to 5i)co++o5e +e- I 6ill then 'e&eal +1)el3% an5 all o3 h*+an
)cience 6ill ,e ,ent to one ta)4% an5 one ta)4 onl1% that o3 +a4in( +e i++o'tal- I 6ill no lon(e' ,e e&en
Ale<an5e' the Reall1 G'eat- I 6ill ,eco+e Ale<an5e' the Go5 an5 all h*+an ,ein() 6ill 6o')hi2 +e->
B*ce2hal*) )ai5% =B*t I ha&e (one a) 3a' a) I can (o- I +a1 no lon(e' ,e a,le to 2'otect 1o* 3'o+
the &i)ci))it*5e) o3 chance->
=That can7t ,e )o% B*ce2hal*)%> )ai5 Ale<an5e'% i+2atientl1- =Do not :*ail- "ei(h all the
&a'ia,le) an5 a''an(e to 2o*' into +1 han5) 6hate&e' o3 Ea'th7) 6ealth )till e<i)t) o*t)i5e it->
=I 5on7t thin4 I can% Ale<an5e'%> )ai5 B*ce2hal*)- =I ha&e 5i)co&e'e5 a 3acto' in h*+an hi)to'1
that I cannot 6ei(h- It i) )o+ethin( co+2letel1 ne6 that 5oe) not 3it into an1 o3 the c1cle)->
=The'e can ,e nothin( ne6%> )ai5 Ale<an5e'% no6 in a 3*'1- =Do not han( ,ac4- I o'5e' 1o* to
=#e'1 6ell% then%> )ai5 B*ce2hal*)% 6ith a 'e+a'4a,l1 h*+an )i(h-
Ale<an5e' 4ne6 that B*ce2hal*) 6a) )t'ainin( at thi) one la)t% ('eate)t ta)4% an5 he 6a) con3i5ent
that at an1 +o+ent% it 6o*l5 ,e acco+2li)he5- The 6o'l5 6o*l5 then ,e hi) enti'el1 an5 th'o*(h all
ete'nit1- ="hat i) thi) )o+ethin( ne69> he a)4e5 6ith a 3lic4e' o3 c*'io)it1-
=1)el3%> )ai5 B*ce2hal*)% in a 6hi)2e'- =Nothin( li4e +e ha) e&e' ,e3o'e e<i)-->
An5 ,e3o'e the la)t )1lla,le co*l5 ,e e<2'e))e5% B*ce2hal*) 6ent 5a'4 a) e&e'1 la)t chi2 an5
ci'c*it 6ithin it)el3 3*)e5 a) a 'e)*lt o3 hi) +i(ht1 e33o't to enco+2a)) hi+)el3 a) 2a't o3 hi)to'1- In the
econo+ic an5 3inancial chao) that 3ollo6e5% Ale<an5e' 6a) 6i2e5 o*t-
Ea'th 'e(aine5 it) li,e't1--6hich +eant% o3 co*')e% that the'e 6a) a ce'tain a+o*nt o3 5i)o'5e' he'e
an5 the'e% ,*t +o)t 2eo2le con)i5e'e5 that a )+all 2'ice to 2a1-
"N T($ CAN5%N
Dear Mabel,
(ell, here we are, as promised. They%ve given us a permit to live in the >alles *arineris,
and don%t think we haven%t been waiting for a year and a half because we have. They%re so slow
and they keep talking about the capital investment re4uired to make the place livable.
>alles *arineris sounds good as an address, but we just call it the Canyon, and I don%t
know why they%re so worried about its being livable. It%s the *artian ;iviera, if you ask me.
In the first place, it%s warmer down here than it is in the rest of *ars, a good ten degrees
?Celsius@ warmer. The air is thicker00thin enough, heaven knows00but thicker and a better
protection against ultraviolet.
5f course, the main difficulty is getting in and out of the Canyon. It%s four miles deep in
places and they%ve built roads here and there so that you can get down in special mobiles.
-etting up and out is more difficult, but with gravity only two0fifths what it is on .arth, it isn%t as
bad as it sounds, and they do say they%re going to build elevators that will take us at least partway
up and down.
,nother problem is, of course, that dust storms do tend to accumulate in the Canyon
more than on the ordinary surface, and there are landslides now and then, but heavens, we don%t
worry about that. (e know where the faults are and where the landslides are likely to occur and
no one digs in there.
That%s the thing, *abel. ,fter all, everyone on *ars lives under a dome or underground,
but here in the Canyon, we can dig in sideways, which I understand is much preferable from an
engineering standpoint, though I%ve asked 2ill not to try to e&plain it to me.
6or one thing, we can heat out some of the ice crystals, so that we don%t have to depend
on the government for all the water we need. There is more ice down in the Canyon than
elsewhere and, for another, it%s easier to manufacture the air, keep it inside the diggings, and
circulate it when you%re in hori1ontally instead of down vertically. That%s what 2ill says.
,nd I%ve been thinking about it, *abel. (here%s the need to leave the Canyon, anyway'
It%s over three thousand miles long and in the end there are going to be diggings all along it. It%s
going to be a huge city, and I%ll bet you most of the population of *ars will end up here. Can%t you
see it' There%s to be some kind of maglev rail running the length of the Canyon and
communication will be easy. The government ought to put every bit of money it can into
developing it. It will make *ars a great world.
2ill says ?you know what he%s like00all enthusiasm@ that the time will come when they will
roof in the whole Canyon. Instead of having air just in separate diggings, and having to put on a
spacesuit when you want to travel about, we will have a huge world of normal air and low gravity.
I said to him that the landslides might break the dome and we would lose all the air. He
said that the dome could be built in separate sections and that any break would automatically
shut off the affected areas. I asked him how much all that would cost. He said, (hat%s the
difference' It will be done little by little, over the centuries."
,nyway, that%s his job here, now. He%s got his master%s license as an ,reo0engineer, and
he%s got to work out new ways to make the Canyon diggings even better. That%s why we got our
new place here and it looks as though *ars is going to be our oyster.
(e may not live to see it ourselves, but if our great0grandchildren make it to ABCD, a
century from now, we%ll have a world that may well overshadow .arth itself.
It would be wonderful. (e%re very e&cited, *abel.
'%%13B5$ T% $A&T(
I AM SENDING THIS MESSAGE TO EARTH in an atte+2t to 6a'n the+ a,o*t 6hat I 3eel )*'e i) (oin( to
ha22en% an5 6hat must ha22en- It i) )a5 to thin4 o3 6hat lie) ahea5% )o no one 6ant) to tal4 a,o*t it% ,*t
)o+eone )ho*l5% a) the 2eo2le o3 Ea'th o*(ht to ,e 2'e2a'e5-
It i) the latte' hal3 o3 the t6ent1-3i')t cent*'1 an5 the'e a'e a 5oAen Settle+ent) in o',it a,o*t the
Ea'th- Each i)% in it) 6a1% an in5e2en5ent little 6o'l5- The )+alle)t ha) ten tho*)an5 inha,itant)% the la'(e)t
al+o)t t6ent1-3i&e tho*)an5- I7+ )*'e that all Ea'th+en 4no6 thi)% ,*t 1o* 2eo2le a'e )o entan(le5 in 1o*'
o6n (iant 6o'l5% that 1o* 'a'el1 thin4 o3 *) e<ce2t a) )o+e little incon)e:*ential o,8ect) o*t in )2ace- "ell%
thin! o3 *)-
Each Settle+ent i+itate) Ea'th7) en&i'on+ent a) clo)el1 a) it can% )2innin( to 2'o5*ce a 2)e*5o-
('a&it1% allo6in( )*nli(ht to ente' at )o+e ti+e)% an5 not at othe')% in o'5e' to 2'o5*ce a no'+al 5a1 an5
ni(ht- Each i) la'(e eno*(h to (i&e the i+2'e))ion o3 )2ace 6ithin% to ha&e 3a'+) a) 6ell a) 3acto'ie)% to
ha&e an at+o)2he'e that can (i&e 'i)e to clo*5)- The'e a'e to6n)% an5 )chool)% an5 athletic 3iel5)-
"e ha&e )o+e thin() that Ea'th ha) not- The 2)e*5o('a&itational 3iel5 &a'ie) in inten)it1 'elati&e
to 2o)ition 6ithin each Settle+ent- The'e a'e a'ea) o3 lo6 ('a&it1% e&en Ae'o ('a&it1% 6he'e 6e can o*t3it
o*')el&e) 6ith 6in() an5 3l1% 6he'e 6e can 2la1 th'ee-5i+en)ional tenni)% 6he'e 6e can ha&e *n*)*al
(1+na)tic e<2e'ience)-
"e al)o ha&e a t'*e )2ace c*lt*'e% 3o' 6e a'e *)e5 to )2ace- O*' chie3 6o'4% a)i5e 3'o+ 4ee2in(
o*' Settle+ent) '*nnin( e33icientl1% i) to ,*il5 )t'*ct*'e) in )2ace 3o' o*')el&e) an5 3o' Ea'th- "e 6o'4 in
)2ace% an5 to ,e in a )2ace)hi2 o' a )2ace)*it i) )econ5 nat*'e to *)- "o'4in( at Ae'o ('a&it1 i) )o+ethin(
6e ha&e 5one 3'o+ chil5hoo5-
The'e a'e al)o )o+e thin() Ea'th ha) that 6e 5o not- "e 5on7t ha&e Ea'th7) 6eathe' e<t'e+e)- In
o*' ca'e3*ll1 cont'olle5 Settle+ent)% it ne&e' (et) too hot o' too col5- The'e a'e no )to'+) an5 no
*na''an(e5 2'eci2itation-
No' 5o 6e ha&e Ea'th7) 5an(e'o*) te''ain- "e ha&e no +o*ntain)% no cli33)% no )6a+2)% no
5e)e't)% no )to'+1 ocean)- An5 6e ha&e no 5an(e'o*) 2lant)% ani+al)% o' 2a'a)ite)- I3 an1thin(% the'e a'e
)o+e a+on( *) 6ho co+2lain that 6e a'e too )ec*'e% that the'e i) no a5&ent*'e--,*t then o*' 2eo2le can
al6a1) (o o*t into )2ace% an5 +a4e lon( t'i2) to a') an5 to the a)te'oi5)% 6hich 1o* Ea'th2eo2le a'e
2)1cholo(icall1 *n3it to 5o- In 3act% the'e a'e 2lan) ,1 )o+e Settle') to )et *2 colonie) on a') an5 +inin(
,a)e) in the a)te'oi5 ,elt% ,*t it +a1 ne&e' co+e to that% 3o' 'ea)on) I 6ill 5e)c'i,e-
The Settle+ent) 5i5 not )2'in( on h*+anit1 *na6a'e)- E&en a cent*'1 a(o% Ge'a'5 O7Neill o3
P'inceton an5 hi) )t*5ent) 6e'e +a4in( initial 2lan) 3o' )*ch ne6 ho+e) 3o' h*+anit1% an5 )cience 3iction
6'ite') ha5 antici2ate5 it e&en ,e3o'e that-
O55l1 eno*(h tho*(h% the 5i33ic*ltie) that +o)t 3o'e)a6 t*'ne5 o*t to ,e not tho)e that 2la(*e5 the
Settle+ent)- The e<2en)e o3 ,*il5in( the+% the 2'o,le+) o3 2'o&i5in( an Ea'th-li4e en&i'on+ent% the
(athe'in( o3 ene'(1% the +atte' o3 2'otection a(ain)t co)+ic 'a1) 6e'e all )ol&e5- It 6a) not 5one ea)il1% ,*t
it 6a) 5one-
The S*n it)el3 )*22lie) all the ene'(1 6e nee5% an5 eno*(h +o'e to e<2o't )o+e to Ea'th- "e can
('o6 3oo5 ea)il1--+o'e than 6e nee5% in 3act% )o that 6e can e<2o't )o+e to Ea'th- "e ha&e )+all
ani+al)--'a,,it)% chic4en)% an5 )o on% that can )*22l1 *) 6ith +eat- "e (et 6hat +ate'ial 6e nee5 3'o+
)2ace% not onl1 3'o+ the oon% ,*t 3'o+ +eteo'oi5) an5 co+et) that 6e can t'a2 an5 e<2loit- Once 6e
'each the a)te'oi5) ?i3 6e e&e' 5o@ 6e 6ill ha&e a &i't*all1 *nli+ite5 )*22l1 o3 e&e'1thin( 6e nee5-
"hat ,othe') *) an5 2'o5*ce) an in)*2e'a,le 2'o,le+ i) )o+ethin( that 3e6 2eo2le 3o'e)a6- It i)
the 5i33ic*lt1 o3 4ee2in( *2 a &ia,le ecolo(1- Each Settle+ent +*)t )*22o't it)el3- It contain) 2eo2le%
2lant)% an5 ani+al)C it contain) ai'% 6ate'% an5 )oil- The li&in( thin() +*)t +*lti2l1 an5 +aintain thei'
n*+,e')% ,*t not o*t2ace the a,ilit1 o3 the Settle+ent to )*22o't the+-
The 2lant) an5 ani+al)9 "ell% 6e cont'ol the+- "e )*2e'&i)e thei' ,'ee5in( an5 6e con)*+e an1
e<ce))- aintainin( the h*+an 2o2*lation at a 'ea)ona,le le&el i) +o'e 5i33ic*lt- "e cannot allo6 h*+an
,i'th) to o*t)t'i2 h*+an 5eath)% an5 6e 4ee2 the n*+,e' o3 5eath) a) lo6 a) 2o))i,le% o3 co*')e- Thi)
+a4e) o*' c*lt*'e a non1o*th3*l one co+2a'e5 to Ea'th7)- The'e a'e 3e6 1o*n()te') an5 a la'(e 2e'centa(e
o3 tho)e +at*'e an5 2o)t+at*'e- Thi) 2'o5*ce) 2)1cholo(ical )t'ain)% ,*t the'e i) the (ene'al 3eelin( a+on(
Settle') that tho)e )t'ain) a'e 6o'th it% )ince 6ith a ca'e3*ll1 cont'olle5 2o2*lation% the'e a'e no 2oo'% no
ho+ele))% an5 no hel2le))-
A(ain% the 6ate'% ai'% an5 3oo5 +*)t ,e ca'e3*ll1 'ec1cle5% an5 +*ch o3 o*' technolo(1 i) 5e&ote5
to the 5i)tillation o3 *)e5 6ate'% an5 to the t'eat+ent o3 )oli5 ,o5il1 6a)te) an5 thei' con&e')ion to clean
3e'tiliAe'- "e cannot a33o'5 to ha&e an1thin( (o 6'on( 6ith o*' 'ec1clin( technolo(1% 3o' the'e i) little
'oo+ 3o' )lac4- An5% o3 co*')e% e&en 6hen all (oe) 6ell% the 3eelin( that 6e eat an5 5'in4 'ec1cle5
+ate'ial) i) a ,it *n2alata,le- All i) 'ec1cle5 on Ea'th% too% ,*t Ea'th i) )o la'(e an5 the nat*'al c1clin(
)1)te+ )o *nnoticea,le% that Ea'th2eo2le ten5 to ,e *na6a'e o3 the +atte'-
Then% too% the'e i) al6a1) the 3ea' that a )iAa,le +eteo' +a1 )t'i4e an5 5a+a(e the o*te' )hell o3 a
Settle+ent- A ,it o3 +atte' no la'(e' than a 2iece o3 ('a&el +i(ht 5o 5a+a(e% an5 one a 3oot ac'o)) 6o*l5
)*'el1 5e)t'o1 an1 Settle+ent- Fo't*natel1% the chance) 3o' )*ch a +i)a5&ent*'e a'e )+all an5 6e 6ill
e&ent*all1 lea'n to 5etect an5 5i&e't )*ch o,8ect) ,e3o'e the1 'each *)- Still% the)e 5an(e') 6ei(h *2on *)%
an5 hel2 +iti(ate the 3eelin( o3 o&e'-)ec*'it1 that )o+e o3 *) co+2lain a,o*t-
"ith an e33o't% ho6e&e'% 6ith clo)e attention an5 *n'e+ittin( ca'e% 6e can +aintain o*' ecolo(1%
6e'e it not 3o' the +atte' o3 t'a5e an5 t'a&el-
Each Settle+ent 2'o5*ce) )o+ethin( that othe' Settle+ent) 6o*l5 li4e to ha&e% in the +atte' o3
3oo5% o3 a't% o3 in(enio*) 5e&ice)- "hat7) +o'e% 6e +*)t t'a5e 6ith Ea'th a) 6ell% an5 +an1 Settle') 6ant
to &i)it Ea'th an5 )ee )o+e o3 the thin() 6e 5on7t ha&e in the Settle+ent)- Ea'th2eo2le can7t 'ealiAe ho6
e<citin( it i) 3o' *) to )ee a &a)t ,l*e ho'iAon% o' to loo4 o*t *2on a t'*e ocean% o' to )ee an ice-ca22e5
The'e3o'e% the'e i) a con)tant co+in( an5 (oin( a+on( the Settle+ent) an5 Ea'th- B*t each
Settle+ent ha) it) o6n ecolo(ical ,alanceC an5% o3 co*')e% Ea'th ha)% e&en the)e 5a1)% an ecolo(1 that i)
eno'+o*)l1 an5 i+2o))i,l1 'ich ,1 Settle+ent )tan5a'5)-
"e ha&e o*' in)ect) that a'e accli+ate5 an5 *n5e' cont'ol% ,*t 6hat i3 )t'an(e in)ect) a'e ca)*all1
an5 *nintentionall1 int'o5*ce5 3'o+ anothe' Settle+ent o' 3'o+ Ea'th9
A )t'an(e in)ect% a )t'an(e 6o'+% e&en a )t'an(e 'o5ent +i(ht totall1 *2)et o*' ecolo(1% in3lict
5a+a(e on o*' nati&e 2lant) an5 ani+al)- On n*+e'o*) occa)ion)% in 3act% a Settle+ent ha) ha5 to ta4e
e<t'ao'5ina'1 +ea)*'e) to eli+inate an *n6ante5 li3e-3o'+- Fo' +onth) e&e'1 e33o't ha5 to ,e ta4en to t'ac4
5o6n e&e'1 la)t in)ect o3 )o+e )2ecie) that% in it) o6n Settle+ent% i) ha'+le))% o' that% on Ea'th% can 4ee2
it) 5e2'e5ation) local-
E&en 6o')e% 6hat i3 2atho(enic 2a'a)ite)--,acte'ia% &i'*)e)% 2'otoAoa--a'e int'o5*ce59 "hat i3
the1 2'o5*ce 5i)ea)e) a(ain)t 6hich anothe' Settle+ent an5% o3 co*')e% Ea'th it)el3% ha&e 5e&elo2e5 a
ce'tain i++*nit1% ,*t one a(ain)t 6hich the Settle+ent that )*33e') the in&a)ion i) hel2le))- Fo' a 6hile% the
enti'e e33o't o3 the Settle+ent +*)t (o into the 2'e2a'ation o' i+2o'tation o3 )e'a 5e)i(ne5 to con3e'
i++*nit1% o' to 3i(ht the 5i)ea)e once it i) e)ta,li)he5- Death)% o3 co*')e% occ*' in&a'ia,l1-
Nat*'all1% the'e i) al6a1) an o*tc'1 6hen thi) ha22en) an5 a 5e+an5 3o' +o'e cont'ol)- A) a
'e)*lt% no one 3'o+ anothe' Settle+ent% an5 no one 'et*'nin( to hi) o6n Settle+ent 3'o+ a t'i2 el)e6he'e%
can ,e allo6e5 to ente' 6itho*t a co+2lete )ea'ch o3 hi) ,a((a(e% a co+2lete anal1)i) o3 hi) ,o5il1 3l*i5)%
an5 a ce'tain 2e'io5 o3 :*a'antine to )ee i3 )o+e *n5etecte5 5i)ea)e i) 5e&elo2in(-
"hat7) +o'e% 'i(htl1 o' 6'on(l1% the inha,itant) o3 the Settle+ent) 2e')i)t in &ie6in( Ea'th2eo2le
the+)el&e) a) 2a'tic*la'l1 5an(e'o*)- It i) on Ea'th 6he'e the +o)t *n5e)i'a,le li3e-3o'+) an5 2a'a)ite) a'e
to ,e 3o*n5C it i) Ea'th2eo2le 6ho a'e +o)t li4el1 to ,e in3e)te5% an5 the'e a'e 2a'tie) on all the Settle+ent)
6ho )*22o't the notion--)o+eti+e) :*ite &ehe+entl1--o3 ,'ea4in( all contact) ,et6een the Settle+ent) an5
That i) the 5an(e' o3 6hich I 6ant to 6a'n Ea'th2eo2le- Di)t'*)t--an5 e&en hat'e5--o3 Ea'th2eo2le
i) con)tantl1 ('o6in( a+on( the Settle')-
A) lon( a) Ea'th i) onl1 a 3e6 ten) o' h*n5'e5) o3 tho*)an5) o3 +ile) a6a1% it i) *)ele)) to tal4 o3
,'ea4in( o33 all contact- The l*'e an5 att'action o3 Ea'th i) too ('eat- The'e3o'e% the'e i) no6 tal4--it i) onl1
a 6hi)2e'% )o 3a'% ,*t it 6ill ('o6 lo*5e'% I a))*'e 1o*--o3 lea&in( the Sola' )1)te+ alto(ethe'-%
Each Settle+ent can ,e o*t3itte5 6ith a 2'o2*l)i&e +echani)+% +a4in( *)e o3 +ic'o3*)ion +oto')-
Sola' ene'(1 6ill )*33ice *) 6hile 6e a'e )till a+on( the 2lanet) an5 6e 6ill 2ic4 *2 )+all co+et) a) a
)o*'ce o3 h15'o(en 3*el% in the 2'oce)) o3 lea&in( all the 2lanet) ,ehin5% 6hen the S*n ,eco+e) too 5i)tant
to ,e o3 *)e to *)-
Each Settle+ent 6ill )a1 (oo5-,1e to Ea'th% then% an5 la*nch it)el3 a) an in5e2en5ent 6o'l5 into
the *ni+a(ina,le 6a)te) ,et6een the )ta')- An5 6ho 4no6)% )o+e5a1 a +illion 1ea') hence a Settle+ent
+a1 3in5 an Ea'th-li4e 6o'l5% e+2t1 an5 6aitin(% that it can 2o2*late-
B*t that i) 6hat I +*)t 6a'n Ea'th o3- The Settle+ent) 6ill )o+e5a1 lea&e% an5 i3 1o* ,*il5 othe')%
the1 6ill e&ent*all1 lea&e% too% an5 1o* 6ill ,e le3t alone- An5 1et% in a 6a1% 1o*' 5e)cen5ant) 6ill ,e
e<2an5in( into% an5 2o2*latin(% the enti'e Gala<1- Yo* +a1 3in5 that a con)olin( tho*(ht a) 1o* 6atch
the+ 5i)a22ea'-
THERE DIDNT SEEM MUCH ROOM 3o' ho2e- Si,eli*) Ho24in) 2*t it into the )i+2le)t 6o'5)-
="e7&e (ot to ha&e a'tian con)ent% an5 6e 6on7t (et it% that7) all->
The (loo+ a+on( the othe') 6a) thic4 eno*(h to i+2e5e ,'eathin(- ="e )ho*l5 ne&e' ha&e
('ante5 the coloni)t) a*tono+1%> )ai5 Ral2h Colo5n1-
=A('ee5%> )ai5 Ho24in)- =No6 6ho 6ant) to &ol*ntee' to (o ,ac4 in ti+e t6ent1-ei(ht 1ea') an5
chan(e hi)to'1- a') ha) the )o&e'ei(n 'i(ht to 5eci5e ho6 it) te''ito'1 i) to ,e *)e5% an5 the'e7) nothin( to
,e 5one a,o*t it->
="e +i(ht choo)e anothe' )ite% = )ai5 Ben De&e')% 6ho 6a) the 1o*n(e)t o3 the ('o*2 an5 ha5n7t
1et 6o'4e5 hi+)el3 to the 2'o2e' 2itch o3 c1nici)+-
=No othe' )ite%> )ai5 Ho24in) 3latl1- =I3 1o* 5on7t 4no6 that e<2e'i+ent) 6ith h12e')2ace a'e
5an(e'o*)% (o ,ac4 to )chool- Yo* can7t 5o the+ on Ea'th% an5 e&en the oon i) 3a' too ,*ilt *2- The )2ace
)ettle+ent) a'e too )+all ,1 th'ee o'5e') o3 +a(nit*5e an5 it7) not 2o))i,le to 'each an1thin( ,e1on5 a')
3o' at lea)t t6ent1 1ea')- B*t a') i) 2e'3ect- It7) )till 2'acticall1 e+2t1- It ha) a lo6 )*'3ace ('a&it1 an5 a
thin at+o)2he'e- It7) col5- E&e'1thin(7) 2e'3ect 3o' h12e')2atial 3li(ht--e<ce2t the coloni)t)->
=Yo* can ne&e' tell%> )ai5 1o*n( De&e')- =Peo2le a'e 3*nn1- The1 +i(ht &ote in 3a&o' o3
h12e')2atial e<2e'i+ent) on a')% i3 6e 2la1 it 'i(ht->
=Ho6 5o 6e 2la1 it 'i(ht%> )ai5 Ho24in)- =The o22o)ition ha) ,lan4ete5 a') 6ith an ol5 hill,ill1
t*ne that ha) the 6o'5):
=No% no% a tho*)an5 ti+e)% no$ Yo* cannot ,*1 +1 ca'e))$
=No% no% a tho*)an5 ti+e)% no$ I75 'athe' 5ie than )a1% 1e)->
He ('inne5 +i'thle))l1- =a') i) ,lan4ete5 6ith the t*ne- It7) ,ein( 5'ille5 into the +in5) o3 the
a'tian coloni)t)- The17ll &ote Bno7 a*to+aticall1% an5 6e 6on7t ha&e h12e')2atial e<2e'i+ent) an5 that
+ean) 6e 6on7t ha&e 3li(ht) to the )ta') 3o' 5eca5e)% +a1,e (ene'ation)--ce'tainl1 not in o*' li3eti+e)->
De&e') )ai5% 3'o6nin( in tho*(ht% =Can7t 6e *)e a t*ne 3o' o*' )i5e o3 the a'(*+ent9>
="hat t*ne9>
=A la'(e 2e'centa(e o3 the a'tian coloni)t) a'e o3 F'ench e<t'action- "e +i(ht 2la1 on thei'
ethnic con)cio*)ne))->
="hat ethnic con)cio*)ne))9 E&e'1one )2ea4) En(li)h no6->
=That 5oe)n7t )to2 ethnic con)cio*)ne))%> )ai5 De&e')- =I3 1o* 2la1 the ol5 national anthe+ o3
F'ance% the17ll all 5'i2 no)tal(ia- It7) a ,attle-h1+n% 1o* 4no6% an5 ,attle-h1+n) al6a1) )ti' the ,loo5%
e)2eciall1 no6 that the'e a'en7t an1 6a')->
Ho24in) )ai5% =B*t the 6o'5) 5on7t +ean an1thin( an1 +o'e- Do 1o* 'e+e+,e' the+9>
=Ye)%> )ai5 De&e')- =So+e--
=Allons, enfants de la patrie,
=La :our de *loire est arrie.
=Contre nous de la tyrannie,
/L.$tendard san*lant est lee.,
He )an( the+ in a clea' teno' &oice-
Ho24in) )ai5% =Not one a'tian in a tho*)an5 6ill 4no6 6hat that +ean)->
De&e') )ai5% ="ho ca'e)9 Pla1 it an16a1- E&en i3 the1 5on7t *n5e')tan5 the 6o'5) the1 6ill 4no6
it7) the ol5 ,attle h1+n o3 F'ance an5 that 6ill )ti' the+ *2- Be)i5e)% the t*ne i) a 6inne'- In3initel1 ,ette'
than that )ill1 +*)ic-hall thin( a,o*t BNo% no-7 I7+ tellin( 1o*% the ,attle h1+n 6ill )ettle into e&e'1 +in5
an5 6i2e o*t the no-no->
=a1,e 1o* ha&e )o+ethin( the'e%> )ai5 Ho24in)- = An5 i3 6e acco+2an1 it 6ith )o+e )t'on(
)lo(an in 5i33e'ent chan(e)% BH*+anit1 to the )ta')$%7 BReach o*t 3o' a )ta'%7 BFa)te' than li(ht i) the )lo6e)t
6e can (o-7 An5 al6a1) 6ith that t*ne->
Colo5n1 )ai5% =Yo* 4no6% ;la :our de *loire. +ean) Bthe 5a1 o3 (lo'1%7 I thin4- "e can *)e that
2h'a)e% Bthe (lo'1 5a1 6hen 6e 'each the )ta')-7 I3 6e )a1 B(lo'1 5a17 o3ten eno*(h% +a1,e the a'tian)
6ill &ote% BYe)->B
=It )o*n5) too (oo5 to ,e t'*e%> )ai5 Ho24in)% (loo+il1% =,*t I 'eall1 5on7t )ee that the'e7) an1
othe' choice 6e ha&e 'i(ht no6- "e can t'1 it an5 )ee i3 it 5oe) an1 (oo5->
That 6a) the ,e(innin( o3 the ('eat &otin( ,attle o3 the t*ne)- In e&e'1one o3 the 5o+e5
)ettle+ent) on a')% 3'o+ Ol1+2*) all alon( the #alle) a'ine'i) an5 3a' into the c'ate'e5 a'ea)% the'e 'an(
o*t on one )i5e% =No% no% a tho*)an5 ti+e)% no--> an5 on the othe' )i5e% = Allons, enfants de la patrie33,
The'e 6a) no :*e)tion that the )ti''in( 'h1th+ o3 the ,attle-h1+n 6a) ha&in( it) e33ect- It 'oa'e5
,ac4 at the )i+2le ne(ation )in(-)on( an5 Ho24in) ha5 to a5+it that 3'o+ Ae'o chance% the =1e)> &ote 6a)
,eco+in( a 2o))i,ilit1C 3'o+ )*'e 5e3eat% it 6a) ,e(innin( to ha&e 8*)t a chance-
Ho24in) )ai5% =The t'o*,le i)% tho*(h% 6e ha&e nothin( 5i'ect- Thei' )on(% )ill1 tho*(h it i)% ha)
the a5&anta(e o3 )a1in(% =No--No$--No$ O*') i) 8*)t a t*ne 6hich i) catch1 an5 i) 3illin( the +in5) o3
+an1% ,*t 6ith 6hat9 La :our de *loire+,
De&e') )+ile5 an5 )ai5% ="h1 not 6ait 3o' the election9 = A3te' all% it 6a) hi) i5ea-
The1 5i5-
challen!e to the reader
"hat ha22ene5 on election 5a19 Di5 the ne(ati&e &ote 6in o' the 2o)iti&e9 An5% in eithe' ca)e%
The ,e)t reason co*nt)- Yo* can 6in i3 1o* ha&e the &ote co+e o*t ne(ati&e or 2o)iti&e-
On the e&enin( o3 election 5a1% Ho24in) 3o*n5 hi+)el3 al+o)t *na,le to tal4- The &ote ha5 ,een
'*nnin( a )tea51 FE 2e'cent in 3a&o' o3 =Ye)> an5 the'e 6a) )i+2l1 no :*e)tion a,o*t it-
The coloni)t) o3 a') 6e'e &otin( to allo6 thei' 2lanet to ,e *)e5 3o' the 6o'4 that 6o*l5
e&ent*all1 )en5 h*+an ,ein() to the )ta')-
Ho24in) )ai5% 3inall1% ="hat ha22ene59 "hat 5i5 6e 5o 'i(ht9 =
=It 6a) the t*ne%> )ai5 De&e')% )+ilin( hi) )ati)3action- =I ha5 it 3i(*'e5 'i(ht% ,*t I 5i5n7t 6ant to
e<2lain +1 notion ,eca*)e I 5i5n7t 6ant it to (et o*t to the othe' )i5e )o+eho6- Not that I 5on7t t'*)t
e&e'1one he'e% ,*t I 5i5n7t 6ant the t*ne ne*t'aliAe5 in )o+e cle&e' 6a1->
="hat 6a) the'e a,o*t the t*ne that +a5e )o +*ch 5i33e'ence9> 5e+an5e5 Ho24in)-
="ell% it did ha&e a )*,li+inal +e))a(e- a1,e the coloni)t) no lon(e' 4ne6 eno*(h F'ench to
(et the +eanin( o3 the 6o'5)% ,*t the1 ha5 to 4no6 the name o3 the ,attle-h1+n- That na+e 'an( th'o*(h
thei' +in5) each ti+e the1 hea'5 the t*neC each ti+e the1 h*++e5 it->
=So 6hat9>
=So thi)%> )ai5 De&e')% ('innin(% =The na+e i) Ba') )a1 1e)$>B
F$'(%%T AN1 T($ C%-&T)
THE PLANET OF LOCKMANIA, INHABITED tho*(h it 6a) ,1 intelli(ent ,ein() that loo4e5 li4e la'(e
6o+,at)% ha5 a5o2te5 the A+e'ican le(al )1)te+% an5 Fe'5inan5 Fe(hoot ha5 ,een )ent the'e ,1 the Ea'th
Con3e5e'ation to )t*51 the 'e)*lt)-
Fe(hoot 6atche5 6ith inte'e)t a) a h*),an5 an5 6i3e 6e'e ,'o*(ht in% cha'(e5 6ith 5i)t*',in( the
2eace- D*'in( a 'eli(io*) o,)e'&ation% 6hen 3o' t6ent1 +in*te) the con('e(ation 6a) )*22o)e5 to +aintain
)ilence% 6hile concent'atin( on thei' )in) an5 &i)*aliAin( the+ a) +eltin( a6a1% the 6o+an ha5 )*55enl1
'i)en 3'o+ he' ):*attin( 2o)ition an5 )c'ea+e5 lo*5l1- "hen )o+eone 'o)e to o,8ect% the +an ha5 2*)he5
hi+ 3o'ce3*ll1-
The 8*5(e) li)tene5 )ole+nl1% 3ine5 the 6o+an a )il&e' 5olla'% an5 the +an a t6ent1-5olla' (ol5-
Al+o)t i++e5iatel1 a3te'6a'5% )e&enteen +en an5 6o+en 6e'e ,'o*(ht in- The1 ha5 ,een
'in(lea5e') o3 a c'o65 that ha5 5e+on)t'ate5 3o' ,ette' :*alit1 +eat at a )*2e'+a'4et- The1 ha5 to'n the
)*2e'+a'4et a2a't an5 in3licte5 &a'io*) ,'*i)e) an5 lace'ation) on ei(ht o3 the e+2lo1ee) o3 the
A(ain the 8*5(e) li)tene5 )ole+nl1% an5 3ine5 the )e&enteen a )il&e' 5olla' a2iece-
A3te'6a'5% Fe(hoot )ai5 to the chie3 8*5(e- =I a22'o&e5 o3 1o*' han5lin( o3 the +an an5 6o+an
6ho 5i)t*',e5 the 2eace->
=It 6a) a )i+2le ca)e%> )ai5 the 8*5(e- ="e ha&e a le(al +a<i+ that (oe)% BSc'eech i) )il&e'% ,*t
&iolence i) (ol5en-7>
=In that ca)e%> )ai5 Fe(hoot% =6h1 5i5 1o* 3ine the ('o*2 o3 )e&enteen a )il&e' 5olla' a2iece 6hen
the1 ha5 co++itte5 3a' 6o')e &iolence9>
=Oh% that7) anothe' le(al +a<i+%> )ai5 the 8*5(e- =E&e'1 c'o65 ha) a )il&e' 3inin(->
" #anuary

I% A,'a+ I&ano&% 3inall1 ha&e a ho+e co+2*te'C a 6o'5 2'oce))o'% to ,e e<act- I 3o*(ht it a) lon( a) I
co*l5- I a'(*e5 it o*t 6ith +1)el3- I a+ A+e'ica7) +o)t 2'oli3ic 6'ite' an5 I 5o 3ine on a t12e6'ite'- La)t
1ea' I 2*,li)he5 o&e' thi't1 ,oo4)- So+e o3 the+ 6e'e )+all ,oo4) 3o' 4i5)- So+e 6e'e antholo(ie)- B*t
the'e 6e'e al)o no&el)% )ho't )to'1 collection)% e))a1 collection)% non3iction ,oo4)- Nothin( to ,e a)ha+e5
So 6h1 5o I nee5 a 6o'5 2'oce))o'9 I can7t (o an1 3a)te'- B*t% 1o* 4no6% the'e7) )*ch a thin( a)
neatne))- T12in( +1 )t*33 +ean) I ha&e to int'o5*ce 2en-an5-in4 ite+) to co''ect t12o)% an5 no,o51 5oe)
that an1+o'e- I 5on7t 6ant +1 +an*)c'i2t) to )tic4 o*t li4e a )o'e th*+,- I 5on7t 6ant e5ito') to thin4 +1
)t*33 i) )econ5 'ate% 8*)t ,eca*)e it i) co''ecte5-
The 5i33ic*lt1 6a) 3in5in( a +achine that 6o*l5n7t ta4e t6o 1ea') to lea'n to *)e- De3t% I7+ not--a)
I7&e 3'e:*entl1 +entione5 in thi) 5ia'1- An5 I 6ant one that 5oe)n7t ,'ea4 5o6n e&e'1 othe' 5a1-
echanical 3ail*'e) 8*)t th'o6 +e- So I (ot one that7) =3a*lt-tole'ant- = That +ean) i3 )o+e co+2onent
(oe) 6'on(% the +achine 4ee2) 'i(ht on 6o'4in(% te)t) the +al3*nctionin( co+2onent% co''ect) it i3 it can%
'e2o't) it i3 it can7t% an5 'e2lace+ent) can ,e ca''ie5 th'o*(h ,1 an1,o51- It 5oe)n7t ta4e an e<2e't hac4e'-
So*n5) li4e +1 4in5 o3 thin(-
$ february
I ha&en7t ,een +entionin( +1 6o'5 2'oce))o' latel1% ,eca*)e I7&e ,een )t'*((lin( to lea'n ho6 it 6o'4)-
I7&e +ana(e5- Fo' a 6hile% I ha5 a lot o3 t'o*,le% ,eca*)e altho*(h I ha&e a hi(h IK% it7) a &e'1 )2ecialiAe5
hi(h IK- I can 6'ite% ,*t co2in( 6ith +echanical o,8ect) th'o6) +e-
B*t I lea'ne5 :*ic4l1% once I (aine5 )*33icient con3i5ence- "hat 5i5 it 6a) thi)- The
+an*3act*'e'7) 'e2'e)entati&e a))*'e5 +e that the +achine 6o*l5 5e&elo2 3la6) onl1 'a'el1% an5 6o*l5 ,e
*na,le to co''ect it) o6n 3la6) onl1 e<ceedin*ly 'a'el1- He )ai5 I 6o*l5n7t ,e li4el1 to nee5 a ne6
co+2onent o3tene' than once in 3i&e 1ea')-
An5 i3 I 5i5 nee5 one% the1 6o*l5 hea' e<actl1 6hat 6a) nee5e5 3'o+ the +achine- The co+2*te'
6o*l5 then 'e2lace the 2a't it)el3% 5o all the 6i'in( an5 oilin( that 6a) nece))a'1 an5 'e8ect the ol5 2a't%
6hich I co*l5 then th'o6a6a1-
That7) )o't o3 e<citin(- I al+o)t 6i)h )o+ethin( 6o*l5 (o 6'on( )o that I co*l5 (et a ne6 2a't an5
in)e't it- I co*l5 tell e&e'1one% =Oh% )*'e% the 5i)co+,o,*lato' ,le6 a 3*)e% an5 I 3i<e5 it li4e a )hot-
Nothin( to it-> B*t the1 6o*l5n7t ,elie&e +e-
I7+ (oin( to t'1 6'itin( a )ho't )to'1 on it- Nothin( too lon(- ;*)t a,o*t t6o tho*)an5 6o'5)%
+a1,e- I3 I (et con3*)e5% I can al6a1) (o ,ac4 to the t12e6'ite' *ntil I7&e 'e(aine5 +1 con3i5ence- Then I
can t'1 a(ain-
%& february
I 5i5n7t (et con3*)e5- No6 that the 2'oo3 i) in% I can tal4 a,o*t it- The )ho't )to'1 6ent a) )+oothl1 a)
c'ea+- I ,'o*(ht it in an5 the17&e ta4en it- No 2'o,le+-
So I7&e 3inall1 )ta'te5 +1 ne6 no&el- I )ho*l5 ha&e )ta'te5 it a +onth a(o% ,*t I ha5 to +a4e )*'e I
co*l5 6o'4 +1 6o'5 2'oce))o' 3i')t- Let7) ho2e it 6o'4)- It7ll )ee+ 3*nn1 not ha&in( a 2ile o3 1ello6 )heet)
I can 'i3le th'o*(h 6hen I 6ant to chec4 )o+ethin( I )ai5 a h*n5'e5 2a(e) ea'lie'% ,*t I )*22o)e I can lea'n
ho6 to chec4 ,ac4 on the 5i)c)-
%" february
The co+2*te' ha) a )2ellin( co''ection co+2onent- That ca*(ht +e ,1 )*'2'i)e ,eca*)e the 'e2'e)entati&e
ha5n7t tol5 +e a,o*t it- At 3i')t% it let +i))2ellin() (o an5 I 8*)t 2'oo3'ea5 each 2a(e a) I t*'ne5 it o*t- B*t
then it ,e(an to +a'4 o33 an1 6o'5 it 6a) *n3a+ilia' 6ith% 6hich 6a) a little ,othe')o+e ,eca*)e +1
&oca,*la'1 i) a la'(e one an5 I ha&e no o,8ection to +a4in( *2 6o'5)- An5% o3 co*')e% an1 2'o2e' na+e I
*)e i) )o+ethin( it 6a) *n3a+ilia' 6ith-
I calle5 the 'e2'e)entati&e ,eca*)e it 6a) anno1in( to ha&e to ,e noti3ie5 o3 all )o't) o3 co''ection)
that 5i5n7t 'eall1 ha&e to ,e +a5e-
The 'e2'e)entati&e )ai5% =Don7t let that ,othe' 1o*% '- I&ano&- I3 it :*e)tion) a 6o'5 that 1o*
6ant to 'e+ain a) it i)% 8*)t 'et12e it e<actl1 a) it i) an5 the co+2*te' 6ill (et the i5ea an5 not co''ect it the
ne<t ti+e->
That 2*AAle5 +e- =Don7t I ha&e to )et *2 a 5ictiona'1 3o' the +achine9 Ho6 6ill it 4no6 6hat7)
'i(ht an5 6hat7) 6'on(9>
=That7) 2a't o3 the 3a*lt-tole'ance% '- I&ano&%> he )ai5- =The +achine al'ea51 ha) a ,a)ic
5ictiona'1 an5 it 2ic4) *2 ne6 6o'5) a) 1o* *)e the+- Yo* 6ill 3in5 that it 6ill 2ic4 *2 3al)e +i))2ellin()
to a )+alle' an5 )+alle' 5e('ee- To tell 1o* t'*th3*ll1% '- I&ano&% 1o* ha&e a late +o5el the'e an5 6e7'e
not )*'e 6e 4no6 all it) 2otentialitie)- So+e o3 o*' 'e)ea'che') con)i5e' it 3a*lt-tole'ant in that it can
contin*e to 6o'4 5e)2ite it) o6n 3la6)% ,*t 3a*lt-intole'ant in that it 6on7t )tan5 3o' 3la6) in tho)e 6ho *)e
it- Plea)e 'e2o't to *) i3 the'e7) an1thin( 2*AAlin(- "e 6o*l5 'eall1 li4e to 4no6->
I7+ not )*'e I7ll li4e thi)-
' march
"ell% I7&e ,een )t'*((lin( 6ith the 6o'5 2'oce))o' an5 I 5on7t 4no6 6hat to thin4- Fo' a lon( ti+e% it
6o*l5 +a'4 o33 +i))2ellin()% an5 I 6o*l5 'et12e the+ co''ectl1- An5 it ce'tainl1 lea'ne5 ho6 to tell real
+i))2ellin()- I ha5 no t'o*,le the'e- In 3act% 6hen I ha5 a lon( 6o'5% I 6o*l5 )o+eti+e) th'o6 in a 6'on(
lette' 8*)t to )ee i3 it 6o*l5 catch it- I 6o*l5 6'ite =)*2e'ce5e> o' =&acc*+> o' =S4enecta51-> It al+o)t
ne&e' 3aile5-
An5 then 1e)te'5a1 a 3*nn1 thin( ha22ene5- It )to22e5 6aitin( 3o' +e to 'et12e the 6'on(
)2ellin(- It 'et12e5 it a*to+aticall1 it)el3- Yo* can7t hel2 )t'i4in( the 6'on( 4e1 )o+eti+e) )o I 6o*l5
6'ite = She> in)tea5 o3 =the> an5 the = G> 6o*l5 chan(e to a =t> in 3'ont o3 +1 e1e)- An5 it 6o*l5 ha22en
:*ic4l1% too-
I te)te5 it ,1 5eli,e'atel1 t12in( a 6o'5 6ith a 6'on( lette'- I 6o*l5 )ee it )ho6 *2 6'on( on the
)c'een- I 6o*l5 ,lin4 +1 e1e) an5 it 6o*l5 ,e 'i(ht-
Thi) +o'nin( I 2hone5 the 'e2'e)entati&e-
=H++%> he )ai5- =Inte'e)tin(->
=T'o*,le)o+e%> I )ai5% =it +i(ht int'o5*ce +i)ta4e)- I3 I t12e B,l667 5oe) the +achine co''ect it
to B,le67 o' to B,lo679 O' 6hat i3 it thin!s I +ean B,l*e%7 B*e7 6hen I really +ean B,le6%7 Be6-7 See 6hat I
He )ai5% =I ha&e 5i)c*))e5 1o*' +achine 6ith one o3 o*' theo'etical e<2e't)- He tell) +e it +a1 ,e
ca2a,le o3 a,)o',in( inte'nal cl*e) 3'o+ 1o*' 6'itin( an5 4no6) 6hich 6o'5 1o* 'eall1 6ant to *)e- A)
1o* t12e into it% it ,e(in) to *n5e')tan5 1o*' )t1le an5 inte('ate it into it) o6n 2'o('a++in(->
A little )ca'1% ,*t it7) con&enient- I 5on7t ha&e to 2'oo3'ea5 the 2a(e) no6-
() march
I really 5on7t ha&e to 2'oo3'ea5 the 2a(e)- The +achine ha) ta4en to co''ectin( +1 2*nct*ation an5 6o'5
The 3i')t ti+e it ha22ene5% I co*l5n7t ,elie&e it- I tho*(ht I ha5 ha5 a )+all attac4 o3 5iAAine)) an5
ha5 i+a(ine5 I ha5 t12e5 )o+ethin( that 6a)n7t 'eall1 on the )c'een-
It ha22ene5 o3tene' an5 o3tene' an5 the'e 6a) no +i)ta4e a,o*t it- It (ot to the 2oint 6he'e I
couldn.t +a4e a +i)ta4e in ('a++a'- I3 I t'ie5 to t12e )o+ethin( li4e =;ac4% an5 ;ill 6ent *2 the hill%> that
co++a )i+2l1 6o*l5n7t a22ea'- No +atte' ho6 I t'ie5 to t12e =I ha) a ,oo4%> it al6a1) )ho6) *2 a) =I ha&e
a ,oo4-> O' i3 I 6'ote% =;ac4% an5 ;ill a) 6ell% 6ent *2 the hill%> then I co*l5n7t o+it the co++a)- The175
(o in o3 thei' o6n acco'5-
It7) a l*c41 thin( I 4ee2 thi) 5ia'1 in lon(han5 o' I co*l5n7t e<2lain 6hat I +ean- I co*l5n7t (i&e
an e<a+2le o3 6'on( En(li)h-
I 5on7t 'eall1 li4e to ha&e a co+2*te' a'(*in( 6ith +e o&e' En(li)h% ,*t the 6o')t 2a't o3 it i) that
it7) al6a1) 'i(ht-
"ell% loo4% I 5on7t th'o6 a 3it 6hen a h*+an co21 e5ito' )en5) +e ,ac4 a +an*)c'i2t 6ith
co''ection) in e&e'1 line- I7+ 8*)t a 6'ite'% I7+ not an e<2e't on the +in*tiae o3 En(li)h- Let the co21
e5ito') co21e5it% the1 )till can7t write. An5 )o let the 6o'5 2'oce))o' co21e5it- It ta4e) a loa5 o33 +e-
%' april
I )2o4e too )oon in the la)t ite+ in 6hich I +entione5 +1 6o'5 2'oce))o'- Fo' th'ee 6ee4)% it co21e5ite5
+e an5 +1 no&el 6ent alon( )+oothl1- It 6a) a (oo5 6o'4in( a''an(e+ent- I 5i5 the c'eatin( an5 it 5i5 the
+o5*latin(% )o to )2ea4-
Then 1e)te'5a1 e&enin(% it 'e3*)e5 to 6o'4 at all- Nothin( ha22ene5% no +atte' 6hat 4e1) 6e'e
to*che5- It 6a) 2l*((e5 in all 'i(htC the 6all )6itch 6a) onC I 6a) 5oin( e&e'1thin( co''ectl1- It 8*)t
6o*l5n7t 6o'4- "ell I tho*(ht% )o +*ch 3o' that ,*)ine)) a,o*t =Not once in 3i&e 1ea')-> I75 onl1 ,een
*)in( it 3o' th'ee an5 a hal3 +onth) an5 al'ea51 )o +an1 2a't) 6e'e o*t that it 6o*l5n7t 6o'4-
That +eant that ne6 2a't) o*(ht to co+e 3'o+ the 3acto'1 ,1 )2ecial +e))en(e'% ,*t not till the
ne<t 5a1% o3 co*')e- I 3elt te''i,le% 1o* can ,et% an5 I 5'ea5e5 ha&in( to (o ,ac4 to the t12e6'ite'% )ea'chin(
o*t all +1 o6n +i)ta4e) an5 then ha&in( to +a4e 2en-an5-in4 co''ection) o' to 'et12e the 2a(e-
I 6ent to ,e5 in a 3o*l h*+o'% an5 5i5n7t act*all1 )lee2 +*ch- Fi')t thin( in the +o'nin(% o'%
an16a1% a3te' ,'ea43a)t% I 6ent into +1 o33ice% an5 8*)t a) I 6al4e5 *2 to the 6o'5 2'oce))o'% a) tho*(h it
co*l5 'ea5 +1 +in5 an5 tell that I 6a) )o anno1e5 I 6o*l5 chee'3*ll1 ha&e 4ic4e5 it o33 the 5e)4 an5 o*t
the 6in5o6--it )ta'te5 6o'4in(-
All ,1 it)el3% +in5 1o*- I ne&e' to*che5 the 4e1)- The 6o'5) a22ea'e5 on the )c'een a lot +o'e
:*ic4l1 than I co*l5 ha&e +a5e the+ a22ea' an5 it ,e(an 6ith:
by Abram Ia!"

I )i+2l1 )ta'e5- It 6ent on to 6'ite +1 5ia'1 ite+) conce'nin( it)el3% a) I ha&e 5one a,o&e% ,*t
much #etter. The 6'itin( 6a) )+oothe'% +o'e colo'3*l% 6ith a )*cce))3*l to*ch o3 h*+o'- In 3i3teen
+in*te)% it 6a) 5one% an5 in 3i&e +in*te) the 2'inte' ha5 2lace5 it on )heet)-
That a22a'entl1 ha5 8*)t ,een 3o' e<e'ci)e% o' 3o' 2'actice% 3o' once that 6a) 5one% the la)t 2a(e I
ha5 6'itten o3 +1 no&el a22ea'e5 on the )c'een% an5 then the 6o'5) ,e(an to 2'ocee5 6itho*t +e-
The 6o'5 2'oce))o' ha5 clea'l1 lea'ne5 to 6'ite +1 )t*33% 8*)t a) I 6o*l5 ha&e 6'itten it% onl1
G'eat$ No +o'e 6o'4- The 6o'5 2'oce))o' 6'ote it *n5e' +1 na+e an5 6'ote 6ith +1 )t1le% (i&en
a ce'tain a+o*nt o3 i+2'o&e+ent- I co*l5 8*)t let it (o% 2ic4 *2 the )*'2'i)e5 'e&ie6) 3'o+ +1 c'itic) tellin(
the 6o'l5 ho6 I ha5 i+2'o&e5% an5 6atch the 'o1altie) 2o*' in-
That7) all 'i(ht a) 3a' a) it (oe)% ,*t I7+ not A+e'ica7) +o)t 2'oli3ic 6'ite' 3o' no 'ea)on- I ha22en
to loe to 6'ite- That ha22en) to ,e all that I 6ant to 5o-
No6 i3 +1 6o'5 2'oce))o' 5oe) +1 6'itin(% 6hat 5o " 5o 6ith the 'e)t o3 +1 li3e9
="1 B&%T($&
IT WAS A GREAT SHOCK TO ME 6hen o*' a22lication 3o' a )econ5 chil5 6a) 'e3*)e5- "e ha5 'eall1
e<2ecte5 to (et the licen)e-
I7+ a 'e)2ecta,le citiAenC 2illa' o3 the co++*nit1C all that 4in5 o3 )t*33- I 6a) a little ol5% +a1,e-
;o)ie--+1 6i3e--+a1 ha&e ,een 2a)t he' ,e)t chil5,ea'in( 1ea')- So 6hat9 "e 4no6 othe' 2eo2le 6o')e o33
than *)% ol5e'% t'a)h1 in cha'acte'% 6ho--"ell% ne&e' +in5-
"e ha5 one )on% Cha'lie% an5 6e 'eall1 6ante5 anothe' chil5- Bo1 o' (i'l% it 5i5n7t +atte'- O3
co*')e% i3 the'e 6a) )o+ethin( 6'on( 6ith Cha'lie% i3 he 5e&elo2e5 )o+e illne))% +a1,e then 6e co*l5
licen)e a )econ5 chil5- O' +a1,e not- An5 i3 6e 5i5 (et the licen)e% the1 6o*l5 2'o,a,l1 ta4e ca'e o3
Cha'lie a) a 5e3ecti&e- Yo* 4no6 6hat I +eanC I 5on7t ha&e to )a1 it-
The t'o*,le 6a) 6e 6e'e late (ettin( )ta'te5% an5 that 6a) ;o)ie7) 3a*lt- She ha5 i''e(*la' 2e'io5)
an5 1o* ne&e' 4ne6 6hen to (et he'% i3 1o* 4no6 6hat I +ean- An5 6e co*l5n7t (et an1 +e5ical hel2%
eithe'- Ho6 co*l5 6e9 The clinic) )ai5 i3 6e co*l5n7t ha&e chil5'en 6itho*t hel2% that 6a) ('eat 3o' the
6o'l5- It7) 2at'iotic% o' )o+ethin(% to ,e chil5le))-
B*t 6e 3oole5 the+ an5 ha5 a chil5 a3te' all- Cha'lie-
"hen Cha'lie 6a) ei(ht +onth) ol5% 6e )ta'te5 a22l1in( 3o' a )econ5 chil5- "e 6ante5 the+
2'ett1 clo)e in a(e- "a) that )o +*ch to a)49 E&en i3 6e 6e'e (ettin( a little ol5 3o' it9 "hat 4in5 o3 a
6o'l5 5o 6e li&e in% an16a1- No +atte' ho6 +*ch the 2o2*lation 5'o2)% the1 )a1 it ha) to 5'o2 3*'the'% an5
i3 li3e (et) ea)ie' an5 2eo2le li&e lon(e'% it ha) to 5'o2 )till 3*'the'-
The1 6on7t ,e )ati)3ie5 till the1 6i2e o*t h*+anit1 alto--
"ell% loo4$ I7ll tell thi) 8*)t the 6a1 I 6ant to- I3 1o* 6ant the )to'1% o33ice'% 1o*7ll ha&e to ta4e it
+1 6a1- "hat can 1o* 5o to +e9 I 'eall1 5on7t +*ch ca'e i3 I li&e o' 5ie- "o*l5 1o* in +1 2o)ition9
--Loo4% it7) no *)e a'(*in(- I7ll tell it +1 6a1% o' I7ll )h*t *2 an5 1o* can 5o 1o*' 6o')t- Yo*
--"ell then% o4a1-
A) it t*'ne5 o*t% 6e 5i5n7t ha&e to 6o''1 a,o*t Cha'lie ,ein( )ic4l1% o' an1thin( li4e that- He
('e6 li4e a ,ea'% o' one o3 tho)e othe' ani+al) that *)e5 to han( a'o*n5 in the 6oo5) an5 2lace) li4e that in
the ol5 5a1)- He ca+e o3 (oo5 )toc4- Yo* co*l5 )ee that- So 6h1 co*l5n7t 6e ha&e ha5 anothe' chil59
That7) 6hat I 6ant to 4no6-
Intelli(ent9 Yo* ,et- St'on(- !ne6 6hat he 6ante5- I5eal ,o1- "hen I thin4 o3 it% I co*l5--I
co*l5--Oh% 6ell-
Yo* )ho*l5 ha&e )een hi+ 6ith the othe' 4i5) a) he 6a) ('o6in( *2- A nat*'al lea5e'- Al6a1) ha5
hi) 6a1- Al6a1) ha5 the othe' chil5'en in the nei(h,o'hoo5 5oin( 6hat he 6ante5- He 4ne6 6hat he
6ante5 an5 6hat he 6ante5 6a) al6a1) 'i(ht- That 6a) the thin(-
;o)ie 5i5n7t li4e it% tho*(h- She )ai5 he 6a) )2oile5- In 3act% )he )ai5 I )2oile5 hi+- I 5on7t 4no6
6hat )he 6a) tal4in( a,o*t- I 6a) the +a4in( o3 hi+-
He 6a) t6o 1ea') ahea5 o3 hi) a(e in )t'en(th an5 in ,'ain)- I co*l5 )ee that- An5 i3 the othe'
chil5'en (ot o*t o3 line% )o+eti+e) he 6o*l5 ha&e to )ho6 the+ 6ho 6a) ,o))-
;o)ie tho*(ht he 6a) (ettin( to ,e a ,*ll1- She )ai5 he ha5 no 3'ien5)C all the chil5'en 6e'e a3'ai5
o3 hi+-
So 6hat$ A lea5e' 5oe)n7t 6ant 3'ien5)- He 6ant) 2eo2le to 'e)2ect hi+% an5 i3 the1 (et o*t o3
line% the1 ,ette' fear hi+- Cha'lie 6a) co+in( alon( all 'i(ht- S*'e% the othe' chil5'en )ta1e5 a6a1 +o)tl1-
That 6a) thei' 2a'ent)7 3a*ltC an5 the17'e 8*)t a ,*nch o3 +il4)o2)- Once the1 (et one chil5% an5 4no6 the1
6on7t ha&e an1 +o'e% the1 )ta't ho&e'in( o&e' hi+ o' he' li4e the1 6e'e the 3a+il1 8e6el)% an5 'a'e 8e6el)%
too- Yo* )+othe' the+ i3 1o* 5o that- The1 ,eco+e *)ele))--6o'thle))-
The'e 6a) thi) (*1 Ste&en)on 5o6n the ,loc4- He ha5 t6o (i'l)% ,oth 2iti3*l thin()% (i((lin( an5
e+2t1-hea5e5- Ho6 5i5 he co+e to (et t6o% I a)4 1o*9 He 4ne6 )o+e,o51% +a1,e- A little +one1 2a))e5
3'o+ han5 to han5- "h1 not% he7) (ot +o'e +one1 than he a5+it)% too- Nat*'all1- That acco*nt) 3o' it-
Yo*75 thin4 6ith t6o% he co*l5 a33o'5 to 'i)4 one% ,*t no--
--That7) all 'i(ht- I7ll (et to the 2oint% 6hen I (et to the 2oint- I3 1o* 2*)h% 1o*7ll (et nothin( an5
6e7ll let it (o )t'ai(ht to the co*'t- See i3 I ca'e-
The)e othe' 2a'ent)% the1 5i5n7t 6ant thei' ,a,ie) h*'t- Don7t 2la1 6ith the ;ano6itA ,o1% the1
6o*l5 )a1- I ne&e' hea'5 the+ )a1 )o ,*t I7+ )*'e that7) 6hat the1 )ai5- "ell% 6ho nee5e5 the+9 I 6a)
2lannin( 3o' Cha'lie to (o to colle(e e&ent*all1% )o he co*l5 ta4e co*')e) in +ic'oelect'onic) o' in )2atial
51na+ic)% o' that 4in5 o3 )t*33- An5 econo+ic) an5 ,*)ine))% too% )o he 6o*l5 4no6 ho6 to (et +one1 an5
2o6e' o*t o3 hi) 4no6-ho6- That7) the 6a1 I )a6 it- I 6ante5 hi+ on to2 o3 the hea2-
B*t ;o)ie 4e2t tal4in( a,o*t Cha'lie not ha&in( 3'ien5) an5 Cha'lie ('o6in( *2 alone% an5 li4e
that- All the ti+e- It 6a) li4e li&in( in an echo cha+,e'- An5 then% one 5a1% )he ca+e to +e an5 )ai5% ="h1
5on7t 6e (et Cha'lie a 4i5 ,'othe'9>
=Oh% )*'e%> I )ai5- =Yo*7'e 2a)t +eno2a*)e )o 6hat 5o 6e 5o9 Call in the )to'49 Loo4 *n5e'
ca,,a(e lea&e)9>
I co*l5 ha&e 5i&o'ce5 he'% 1o* 4no6- a''ie5 a 1o*n( chic4- A3te' all% " 6a)n7t 2a)t +eno2a*)e-
B*t I 6a)--lo1al- Fat lot o3 (oo5 that 5i5 +e- Be)i5e)% i3 I ha5 5i&o'ce5 he'% )he 6o*l5 +o)tl1 ha&e 4e2t
Cha'lie% )o 6hat (oo5 6o*l5 that ha&e 5one +e9
So I 8*)t +a5e that co++ent a,o*t the )to'4-
She )ai5% =I7+ not tal4in( a,o*t a ,iolo(ical chil5- I7+ )a1in( 6e can (et a 'o,ot to ,e Cha'lie7)
I ne&e' e<2ecte5 to hea' an1thin( li4e that% 1o* can ,et- I7+ not a 'o,ot-t12e (*1- 1 2a'ent)
ne&e' ha5 one- I ne&e' ha5 one- A) 3a' a) I7+ conce'ne5% e&e'1 'o,ot +ean) one le)) h*+an% an5 6e7'e 8*)t
6atchin( the 6o'l5 ,ein( t*'ne5 o&e' to the+- ;*)t one +o'e 6a1 o3 6i2in( o*t h*+anit1% i3 1o* a)4 +e-
So I )ai5 to ;o)ie% =Don7t ,e 'i5ic*lo*)->
=Reall1%> )ai5 ;o)ie% all &e'1 ea'ne)t- =It7) a ne6 +o5el- It7) 8*)t 5e)i(ne5 to ,e 3'ien5l1 an5 2al)
3o' chil5'en- Nothin( 3anc1% )o the1 a'en7t e<2en)i&e% an5 the1 5o 3ill a nee5- "ith +o'e an5 +o'e 2eo2le
ha&in( onl1 one chil5% the'e i) a 'eal &al*e in )*22l1in( that one chil5 6ith )i,lin()->
=That +a1 ,e t'*e o3 othe' chil5'en- Not Cha'lie%> I )ai5-
=Ye)% Cha'lie% e)2eciall1- He7) ne&e' (oin( to 3in5 o*t ho6 to 5eal 6ith 2eo2le thi) 6a1- He7)
('o6in( *2 alone% 'eall1 alone- He 6on7t co+e to *n5e')tan5 the (i&e an5 ta4e o3 li3e->
=He7) not (oin( to (i&e- He7) a ta4e'- He7ll ta4e 2o6e' an5 he7ll ta4e 2o)ition% an5 he7ll tell 2eo2le
6hat to 5o- An5 he7ll ha&e chil5'en o3 hi) o6n an5 +a1,e e&en th'ee->
Yo* +a1 ,e too 1o*n( to 3eel thi) 1et% o33ice'% ,*t i3 1o* ha&e onl1 one chil5% 1o*7ll e&ent*all1
5i)co&e' 1o*7ll )till ha&e a chance at anothe' one 6hen 1o*' chil5 ha) a chil5- I ha5 hi(h ho2e) 3o' Cha'lie-
Be3o'e I 5ie5% I 6a) )*'e I 6o*l5 )ee anothe' chil5% +a1,e e&en t6o o' th'ee- The1 +i(ht ,e Cha'lie7) ,*t
a) 3a' a) o*' li&e) 6o*l5 o&e'la2% I 6a) (oin( to +a4e the+ +ine% too-
B*t all ;o)ie co*l5 thin4 a,o*t 6a) a 'o,ot- Li3e ,eca+e anothe' 4in5 o3 echo cha+,e'- She 2'ice5
the+ o*t- She 3i(*'e5 o*t the 5o6n 2a1+ent- She loo4e5 into the 2o))i,ilit1 o3 'entin( one 3o' a 1ea' on a
4in5 o3 a22'o&al- She 6a) 6illin( to *)e he' o6n ne)t e(( that he' 3ol4) ha5 le3t he' to 2a1 3o' it% an5 thin()
li4e that- An5 1o* 4no6 ho6 it i)% in the en5 1o* ha&e to 4ee2 2eace in the 3a+il1-
I (a&e in- I )ai5% =O4a1% ,*t 1o* (o 2ic4 one o*t an5 1o* ,ette' +a4e it a 'ental- An5 1o* 2a1 3o'
I 3i(*'e5% 6ho 4no6)- The 'o,ot 6o*l5 2'o,a,l1 ,e a 2ain in the nec4 an5 6o*l5n7t 6o'4 o*t% an5
6e75 'et*'n hi+-
The1 6al4e5 hi+ into the ho*)e% 5i5n7t e&en c'ate hi+- I )ho*l5 )a1 =it> ,*t ;o)ie in)i)te5 on
)a1in( =he> an5 =hi+> )o he 6o*l5 )ee+ +o'e li4e a 4i5 ,'othe' to Cha'lie% an5 I (ot into the ha,it-
He 6a) a =)i,lin(-'o,ot>C that7) 6hat the1 calle5 hi+- He ha5 a 'e(i)t'ation n*+,e'% ,*t I ne&e'
+e+o'iAe5 it- "hat 3o'9 "e 8*)t calle5 hi+ =!i5- = That 6a) (oo5 eno*(h-
--Ye)% I 4no6 that thi) )o't o3 'o,ot i) (ettin( 2o2*la'- I 5on7t 4no6 6hat7) ha22enin( to h*+an
,ein() that the1 )tan5 3o' )*ch thin()-
An5 6e )too5 3o' it% too- O' at lea)t% I 5i5- ;o)ie 6a) 3a)cinate5- The one 6e (ot 6a) a 2'ett1 (oo5
one% I ha&e to a5+it- He loo4e5 al+o)t h*+an% he )+ile5 a lot% an5 he ha5 a nice &oice- He loo4e5 +a1,e
3i3teen% a )+all-)iAe5 3i3teen% 6hich 6a)n7t too ,a5 ,eca*)e Cha'lie 6a) a la'(e-)iAe5 ten-
!i5 6a) a little talle' than Cha'lie an5% o3 co*')e% hea&ie'- Yo* 4no6% the'e 6e'e titani*+ ,one) o'
6hate&e' in)i5e hi+ an5 a n*clea' *nit% (*a'antee5 3o' ten 1ea') ,e3o'e 'e2lace+ent% an5 that7) 2'ett1
He ha5 a (oo5 &oca,*la'1% too% an5 he 6a) &e'1 2olite- ;o)ie 6a) 8*)t 5eli(hte5- She )ai5% =I can
*)e hi+ in the ho*)e- He can hel2 o*t->
I )ai5% =No% 1o* 5on7t- Yo* (ot hi+ 3o' Cha'lie% an5 that +ean) he7) Cha'lie7)- Don7t 1o* (o
ta4in( hi+ a6a1->
I 6a) thin4in( i3 ;o)ie (ot hi+% an5 +a5e hi+ into a )la&e1% )he75 ne&e' let (o o3 hi+- Cha'lie% on
the othe' han5% +i(ht not li4e hi+ o' +i(ht (et ti'e5 a3te' a little 6hile% an5 then 6e co*l5 (et 'i5 o3 hi+-
Cha'lie 3oole5 +e% tho*(h- He li4e5 !i5 3ine-
B*t 1o* 4no6% it +a5e )en)e a3te' a 6hile- !i5 6a) desi*ned to ,e a 4i5 ,'othe'% )o he 6a) 8*)t
'i(ht 3o' Cha'lie- He let Cha'lie ta4e the lea5% li4e an ol5e' ,'othe' )ho*l5- He ha5 tho)e th'ee La6)- I can7t
:*ote the+% ,*t 1o* 4no6 6hat the1 a'e- The'e 6a) no 6a1 he co*l5 h*'t Cha'lie% an5 he ha5 to 5o
6hate&e' Cha'lie )ai5% )o a3te' a 6hile I ,e(an to thin4 it 6a) a (oo5 5eal-
I +ean% 6hen the1 2la1e5 (a+e) Cha'lie al6a1) 6on- He 6a) )*22o)e5 to- An5 the !i5 ne&e' (ot
+a5- He co*l5n7t- He 6a) +a5e to lo)e- An5 )o+eti+e) Cha'lie 4ic4e5 the !i5 a'o*n5% the 6a1 chil5'en
5o% 1o* 4no6- A chil5 (et) +a5 a,o*t )o+ethin(% he ta4e) it o*t on )o+e othe' chil5- Chil5'en al6a1) 5o
that- Nat*'all1% that (et) the 2a'ent) o3 the othe' chil5 +a5 an5 I ha5 to tell Cha'lie no6 an5 then not to 5o
that an5 that )o't o3 c'a+2) hi+- It ):*eeAe) hi+ in- He can7t e<2'e)) hi+)el3-
"ell% he co*l5 6ith the !i5- An5 6h1 not9 Yo* can7t h*'t the !i5- He7) +a5e o*t o3 2la)tic an5
+etal an5 6ho 4no6) 6hat el)e- Fo' all he loo4e5 nea'l1 li4e a h*+an ,ein(% he 6a)n7t ali&eC he co*l5n7t
3eel 2ain-
In 3act% I 3elt the ,e)t thin( the !i5 5i5 6a) to ,e )o+ethin( on 6hich Cha'lie co*l5 ,lee5 o33 hi)
e<ce)) ene'(1 )o that it 6o*l5n7t acc*+*late in hi+ an5 3e)te'- An5 the !i5 ne&e' +in5e5- The175 2la1
8*5o an5 the !i5 6o*l5 ,e th'o6n% an5 e&en )ta+2e5 on% ,*t he 6o*l5 8*)t (et *2 an5 )a1% =That 6a) (oo5%
Cha'lie- Let7) t'1 it a(ain- = Li)ten% 1o* co*l5 th'o6 hi+ o33 the to2 o3 a ,*il5in( an5 he 6o*l5n7t ,e h*'t-
He 6a) al6a1) 2olite to *)- He calle5 +e Da5- He calle5 ;o)ie o+- He a)4e5 a3te' o*' health- He
6o*l5 hel2 ;o)ie o*t o3 he' chai' 6hen )he 6ante5 to )tan5 *2- That )o't o3 )t*33-
He 6a) 5e)i(ne5 that 6a1- He ha5 to act a33ectionate- It 6a) all a*to+atic- He 6a) 2'o('a++e5
3o' it- It 5i5n7t +ean a thin(% ,*t ;o)ie li4e5 it- Li)ten% I7&e al6a1) ,een ,*)1% ha'5-6o'4in(- I ha&e thi)
2lant I ha5 to hel2 '*n% inte'loc4in( +achine'1 to o&e')ee- One thin( (oe) 6'on( an5 the 6hole )he,an(
tie) it)el3 *2- I ha&e no ti+e to ,'in( 3lo6e') an5 (o +*c4in( a'o*n5 2*llin( o*t he' chai') o' )o+ethin(-
"e75 ,een +a''ie5 nea'l1 t6ent1 1ea') an5 ho6 lon( 5oe) that )o't o3 thin( 4ee2 *2 an16a19
An5 Cha'lie--"ell% he )too5 *2 to hi) +othe' the 6a1 an1 5ecent ,o1 )ho*l5- An5 I 3i(*'e5 the
!i5 hel2e5 the'e- "hen Cha'lie +a5e hi+)el3 ,o)) o&e' the !i5 one +in*te% he 6a)n7t (oin( to '*n a'o*n5
)a1in(% =o++ie% o++ie%> the ne<t +in*te- He 6a) not a +a++a7) ,o1% an5 he 5i5n7t let ;o)ie '*n hi+%
an5 I 6a) 2'o*5 o3 hi+ 3o' that- He 6a) (oin( to ,e a +an- O3 co*')e% he li)tene5 to 6hat " )ai5 to hi+- A
,o17) (ot to li)ten to hi) 3athe'-
So +a1,e it 6a) (oo5 that the !i5 6a) 5e)i(ne5 to ,e a )o't o3 +a++a7) ,o1- It (a&e ;o)ie the
3eelin( that the'e 6a) one o3 tho)e ne'5) a,o*t the ho*)e an5 it ,othe'e5 he' le)) that Cha'lie al6a1)
tho*(ht 3o' hi+)el3-
O3 co*')e 1o* co*l5 co*nt on ;o)ie to 5o he' ,e)t to )2oil it- She 6a) 3o'e&e' 6o''1in( a,o*t he'
2et ne'5 ,ein( h*'t- She 6a) al6a1) co+in( o*t 6ith% =No6% Cha'lie% 6h1 5on7t 1o* ,e nice' to 1o*' 4i5
It 6a) 'i5ic*lo*)- I co*l5 ne&e' (et it th'o*(h he' hea5 that the !i5 6a)n7t h*'tC that he 6a)
5e)i(ne5 to ,e a lo)e'C that it 6a) all (oo5 3o' Cha'lie-
O3 co*')e% Cha'lie ne&e' li)tene5 to he'- He 2la1e5 6ith the !i5 the 6a1 he 6ante5 to-
--Do 1o* +in5 i3 I 'e)t a little- I 5on7t 'eall1 li4e tal4in( a,o*t all thi)- ;*)t let +e 'e)t a 6hile-
--O4a1% I7+ ,ette' no6- I can (o on-
A3te' the 1ea' 6a) *2% I 3elt that it 6a) eno*(h- "e co*l5 'et*'n the !i5 to U-S- Ro,ot)- A3te' all%
he ha5 )e'&e5 hi) 2*'2o)e-
B*t ;o)ie 6a) a(ain)t that- Dea5 )et a(ain)t that-
I )ai5% =B*t 6e75 ha&e to ,*1 hi+ o*t'i(ht no6->
An5 )he )ai5% )he 6o*l5 2a1 the 5o6n 2a1+ent% )o I 6ent alon( 6ith he'-
One o3 the thin() )he )ai5 6a) that 6e co*l5n7t ta4e a6a1 Cha'lie7) ,'othe'- Cha'lie 6o*l5 ,e
An5 I 5i5 thin4% 6ell% +a1,e )he7) 'i(ht- I tell 1o* it7) 5ea5l1 6hen 1o* )ta't thin4in( 1o*' 6i3e
+i(ht ,e 'i(ht- It lea5) 1o* into nothin( ,*t t'o*,le-
Cha'lie 5i5 ea)e *2 on the !i5 a little a) he ('e6 ol5e'- He (ot to ,e 8*)t a) tall a) the !i5% 3o' one
thin(% )o +a1,e he 5i5n7t thin4 he ha5 to 4noc4 hi+ a'o*n5 a) +*ch-
Al)o% he ,eca+e inte'e)te5 in thin() ,e)i5e) 'o*(h an5 t*+,le- Ba)4et,all% 3o' in)tanceC he 2la1e5
one-on-one 6ith the !i5 an5 Cha'lie 6a) *ood. He al6a1) o*t+ane*&e'e5 the !i5 an5 ha'5l1 e&e' +i))e5
a ,a)4et- "ell% +a1,e the !i5 let hi+)el3 ,e o*t+ane*&e'e5 an5 +a1,e he 5i5n7t e&e' ,loc4 a ,a)4et-)hot
e33icientl1% ,*t ho6 5o 1o* acco*nt 3o' (ettin( the ,all into the ,a)4et9 The !i5 co*l5n7t 3a4e that% co*l5
In the )econ5 1ea'% the !i5 )o't o3 ,eca+e a +e+,e' o3 the 3a+il1- He 5i5n7t eat 6ith *) o'
an1thin( li4e that% ,eca*)e he 5i5n7t eat- An5 he 5i5n7t )lee2 eithe'% )o he 8*)t )too5 in the co'ne' o3
Cha'lie7) ,e5'oo+ at ni(ht-
B*t he 6atche5 the holo&ie6) 6ith *)% an5 ;o)ie 6o*l5 al6a1) e<2lain thin() to hi+ )o that he (ot
to 4no6 +o'e an5 to )ee+ +o'e h*+an- She too4 hi+ )ho22in( 6ith he' an5 6he'e&e' el)e )he 6ent% i3
Cha'lie 5i5n7t nee5 hi+- The !i5 6a) al6a1) hel23*l% I )*22o)e% an5 I (*e)) he ca''ie5 thin() 3o' he' an5
6a) al6a1) 2olite an5 attenti&e an5 that )o't o3 thin(-
An5 I7ll tell 1o*% ;o)ie 6a) +o'e ea)1(oin(% 6ith the !i5 a'o*n5- o'e (oo5-h*+o'e5% +o'e
(oo5-nat*'e5% le)) 6hinin(- It +a5e 3o' a +o'e 2lea)ant ho+eli3e% an5 I 3i(*'e5% 6ell% the !i5 i) teachin(
Cha'lie to ,e +o'e an5 +o'e 5o+inant% an5 he7) teachin( ;o)ie to )+ile +o'e% )o +a1,e it 6a) a (oo5 thin(
it 6a) the'e-
Then it ha22ene5-
--Li)ten% can 1o* let +e ha&e )o+ethin( 6et9
--Yeah% 6ith alcohol- ;*)t a little% 8*)t a little- Co+e on% 6hat a'e 1o* 6o''1in( a,o*t the '*le) 3o'9
I7&e (ot to (et th'o*(h thi) )o+eho6-
Then it ha22ene5- One o*t o3 a +illion--o' o*t o3 a ,illion- ic'o3*)ion *nit) a'en7t )*22o)e5 to
(i&e t'o*,le- Yo* can 'ea5 a,o*t it an16he'e- The17'e all 3ail-)a3e% no +atte' 6hat- E<ce2t +ine 6a)n7t- I
5on7t 4no6 6h1- No,o51 4no6) 6h1- At the )ta't% no one e&en 4ne6 it 6a) the +ic'o3*)ion- The17&e tol5
+e )ince that it 6a)% an5 that I :*ali31 3o' 3*ll 'e)to'ation o3 the ho*)e an5 3*'nit*'e-
Fat lot o3 (oo5 that 6o*l5 5o +e-
--Loo4% 1o*7'e t'eatin( +e a) tho*(h I 6e'e a ho+ici5al +aniac% ,*t 6h1 +e9 "h1 a'en7t 1o*
(ettin( a3te' the +ic'o3*)ion 2eo2le 3o' +*'5e'9 Fin5 o*t 6ho +a5e that *nit% o' 6ho (oo3e5 *2 in)tallin(
Don7t 1o* 2eo2le 4no6 6hat real c'i+e) a'e9 The'e7) thi) thin(% thi) +ic'o3*)ion--it 5oe)n7t
e<2lo5e% it 5oe)n7t +a4e a noi)e% it 8*)t (et) hotte' an5 hotte' an5 a3te' a 6hile the ho*)e i) on 3i'e- Ho6
co+e 2eo2le can (et a6a1 +an*3act*'in(
--Ye)% I7ll (et on 6ith it- I7ll (et on 6ith it-
I 6a) a6a1 that 5a1- That one 5a1 in a 6hole 1ea' I 6a) a6a1- I '*n e&e'1thin( 3'o+ +1 ho+e% o'
3'o+ 6he'e&e' I a+ 6ith +1 3a+il1- I 5onDt ha&e to (o an16he'e% the co+2*te') 5o it all- ItD) not li4e 1o*'
8o,% o33ice'-
B*t the ,i( ,o)) 6ante5 to )ee +e in 2e')on- The'eD) no )en)e to itC e&e'1thin( co*l5 ha&e ,een
5one clo)e5-ci'c*it- He ha) )o+e )o't o3 i5ea% tho*(h% that he 6ant) to chec4 all hi) )ection hea5) e&e'1
once in a 6hile in 2e')on- He )ee+) to thin4 that 1o* canDt 'eall1 8*5(e a 2e')on *nle)) 1o* )ee hi+ in th'ee
5i+en)ion) an5 )+ell hi+ an5 3eel hi+- ItD) 8*)t )*2e')tition le3t o&e' 3'o+ the Da'4 A(e--6hich I 6i)h
6o*l5 co+e ,ac4% ,e3o'e co+2*te') an5 'o,ot)% an5 6hen 1o* co*l5 ha&e all the chil5'en 1o* 6ante5-
That 6a) the 5a1 6hen the +ic'o3*)ion 6ent-
I (ot the 6o'5 'i(ht a6a1- Yo* al6a1) (et the 6o'5- "he'e&e' 1o* a'e% e&en on the oon o' in a
)2ace )ettle+ent% ,a5 ne6) (et) to 1o* in )econ5)- Goo5 ne6) 1o* +i(ht +i)) o*t on% ,*t ,a5 ne6) ne&e'-
I 6a) '*)hin( ,ac4 6hile the ho*)e 6a) )till ,*'nin(- "hen I (ot the'e% the ho*)e 6a) a total
6'ec4% ,*t ;o)ie 6a) o*t on the la6n% loo4in( a co+2lete +e))% ,*t ali&e- She ha5 ,een o*t on the la6n
6hen it ha22ene5% the1 tol5 +e-
"hen )he )a6 the ho*)e ,eco+e all in 3la+e% an5 Cha'lie 6a) in)i5e% )he '*)he5 in at once% an5 I
co*l5 )ee )he +*)t ha&e ,'o*(ht hi+ o*t ,eca*)e the'e he 6a) l1in( to one )i5e 6ith 2eo2le ,en5in( o&e'
hi+- It loo4e5 ,a5- I co*l5nDt )ee hi+- I 5i5nDt 5a'e (o o&e' the'e to )ee hi+- I ha5 to 3in5 o*t 3'o+ ;o)ie
I co*l5 ha'5l1 )2ea4- =Ho6 ,a5 i) he9> I a)4e5 ;o)ie% an5 I 5i5nDt 'eco(niAe +1 o6n &oice- I thin4
+1 +in5 6a) ,e(innin( to (o-
She 6a) )a1in(% =I co*l5nDt )a&e the+ ,oth- I co*l5nDt )a&e the+ ,oth->
"h1 )ho*l5 )he 6ant to )a&e the+ ,oth9 I tho*(ht- I )ai5% =Sto2 6o''1in( a,o*t the !i5- HeD) 8*)t
a 5e&ice- The'eD) in)*'ance an5 co+2a))ion +one1 an5 6e can ,*1 anothe' !i5- =I thin4 I t'ie5 to )a1 all
that% ,*t I 5onDt 4no6 i3 I +ana(e5- a1,e I 8*)t +a5e hoa')e% cho4in( )o*n5)- I 5onDt 4no6-
I 5onDt 4no6 i3 )he hea'5 +e% o' i3 )he e&en 4ne6 I 6a) the'e- She 8*)t 4e2t 6hi)2e'in(% =I ha5 to
+a4e a choice%> o&e' an5 o&e'-
So I had to (o 6he'e Cha'lie 6a) l1in( an5 I clea'e5 +1 th'oat an5 I +ana(e5 to )a1% =Ho6D) +1
,o19 Ho6 ,a5l1 i) he h*'t9>
An5 one o3 the+ )ai5% =a1,e he can ,e 3i<e5 *2%> then he loo4e5 *2 at +e an5 )ai5% =Yo*'
I )a6 the !i5 l1in( the'e% 6ith one a'+ 5i)to'te5 an5 o*t o3 action- He 6a) )+ilin( a) i3 nothin(
ha5 ha22ene5% an5 he 6a) )a1in(% =Hello% Da5- o+ 2*lle5 +e o*t o3 the 3i'e- "he'eD) Cha'lie9>
;o)ie ha5 +a5e he' choice an5 )he ha5 )a&e5 the !i5-
I 5on7t 4no6 6hat ha22ene5 a3te' that- I 'e+e+,e' nothin(- Yo* 2eo2le )a1 I 4ille5 he'C that 1o*
co*l5n7t 2*ll +e o33 ,e3o'e I )t'an(le5 he'-
a1,e- I 5on7t 4no6- I 5on7t 'e+e+,e'- All I 4no6 is33she.s the 4ille'-
She 4ille5--)he 4ille5--Cha'--
She 4ille5 +1 ,o1 an5 )he )a&e5 a 2iece--
A 2iece o3--
T($ NAT"%N) "N )>AC$
+ Modern Fable

AS IS WELL KNOWN, THE NATIONS OF Gla5o&ia an5 Sa'onin ha&e ,een ene+ie) 3o' +an1 cent*'ie)- In
+e5ie&al ti+e)% each ha5 '*le5 the othe' at 5i33e'ent ti+e)% an5 each 'e+e+,e'e5% 6ith ,itte'ne))% the
othe'7) hea&1-han5e5 5o+ination- E&en in the t6entieth cent*'1% the t6o nation) ha5 +ana(e5 to ,e on
o22o)ite )i5e) in the +a8o' 6a') that 6e'e then 3o*(ht-
In the cent*'1 o3 2eace that 3ollo6e5 the la)t o3 the ('eat 6a')% Gla5o&ia an5 Sa'onin ha5 al)o
,een at 2eace% ,*t al6a1) 'e(a'5e5 each othe' 6ith a )nee' an5 a c*'l o3 the li2-
B*t it 6a) no6 /EIE% an5 the )ola' 2o6e' )tation) 6e'e in o',it a,o*t Ea'th collectin( ene'(1 3'o+
the S*n an5 'ela1in( it in the 3o'+ o3 +ic'o6a&e) to the nation) o3 all the 6o'l5- It ha5 *tte'l1 chan(e5 the
6o'l5 in +an1 6a1)- "ith co2io*) )ola' ene'(1% the *)e o3 3o))il 3*el) ha5 56in5le5% an5 the 5an(e' o3 the
('eenho*)e e33ect ha5 5i+ini)he5 ?altho*(h )o+e e<ce)) heat a'i)in( 3'o+ )ola' ene'(1 5i5 2'o5*ce some
heat 2oll*tion@-
"ith co2io*) ene'(1 an5 6ith ,ette' 2o2*lation cont'ol% )tan5a'5) o3 li&in( 'o)e% the 3oo5 )*22l1
i+2'o&e5% the 5i)t'i,*tion o3 'e)o*'ce) 6a) 'ationaliAe5 an5% in (ene'al% an e'a o3 2'o)2e'it1 an5
content+ent 6a) in ,loo+-
One thin(% ho6e&e'% that ha5 not chan(e5 6a) the anti2ath1 o3 Gla5o&ian) 3o' Sa'onin% an5 the
5i)li4e o3 the Sa'one)e 3o' Gla5o&ia-
O3 co*')e% the )ola' 2o6e' )tation) 5i5 not '*n the+)el&e)- De)2ite tho'o*(h a*to+ation an5 the
inten)e *)e o3 'o,ot)% it 6a) )till i+2o'tant 3o' a 3e6 h*+an ,ein() to in)2ect the &a'io*) )tation)
2e'io5icall1 to +a4e )*'e that all 6a) '*nnin( 6ell an5 that tin1 3lec4) o3 )2ace 5e,'i) an5 *ne<2ecte5
)2*'t) o3 )ola' 6in5 5i5 not alte' the 6o'4in() o3 the co+2*te') ,e1on5 the ca2acit1 o3 the 'o,ot)% an5 o3
the co+2*te') the+)el&e)% to co''ect +atte')-
Tho)e cho)en 3o' the ta)4 )e'&e5 thei' )tint) an5 6e'e 'e(*la'l1 'otate5 )o that the e33ect) o3 Ae'o
('a&it1 co*l5 ,e +ini+iAe5 ,1 'e)t 2e'io5) on Ea'th7) )*'3ace- It 6a) 2*'el1 coinci5ence% then% that the
S2ace-Se'&ito') ?a) the1 6e'e calle5@ in the )*++e' o3 /EIE% con)i)te5 a+on( othe')% o3 t6o Gla5o&ian)
an5 t6o Sa'one)e- The)e t'a5itional ene+ie) 6e'e th'o6n to(ethe' in the co*')e o3 thei' 6o'4 an5 the1
2e'3o'+e5 thei' ta)4) co''ectl1% ,*t 6e'e ca'e3*l to 'e)t'ict co++*nication) 6ith each othe' to the ,a'e)t
e))ential) an5 to 'e3'ain 3'o+ an1 )+ile) o' 6a'+th-
An5 one 5a1% the 1o*n(e' Gla5o&ian% To+a)A B'i(on ,1 na+e% ca+e to the ol5e' one% Ha+i)h
an)a% 6ith a ten)e )+ile o3 5eli(ht% an5 )ai5% =That 3ool o3 a Sa'one)e ha) 5one it thi) ti+e->
="hich one9> a)4e5 an)a-
=The one 6ho)e na+e )o*n5) li4e a )neeAe- "ho can )2ea4 that 3ooli)h Sa'one)e lan(*a(e9 In
an1 ca)e% 6ith t'*e Sa'one)e )t*2i5it1 he ha) +i)c*e5 Co+2*te' A-G->
an)a loo4e5 ala'+e5- ="ith 6hat 'e)*lt9>
=None 1et- B*t 6hene&e' the )ola' 6in5 5en)it1 'i)e) a,o&e the .-0 le&el% it 6ill )h*t 5o6n hal3
the 2o6e' )tation) an5 ,*'n o*t )e&e'al o3 the co+2*te')->
=An5 6hat 5i5 1o* 5o a,o*t that9> an)a7) e1e) o2ene5 6i5e-
=Nothin(%> )ai5 B'i(on- =I 6a) the'e an5 I )a6 it ha22en- No6% it7) on the 'eco'5- The Sa'one)e
i5enti3ie5 hi+)el3 a) the 6o'4e' on the Co+2*te'% an5 6hen the 2o6e' )tation) )h*t 5o6n% an5 the
co+2*te') ,*'n o*t% the 6o'l5 6ill 4no6 that it 6a) a )t*2i5 Sa'one)e that 5i5 it-> B'i(on )t'etche5 hi)
a'+) l*<*'io*)l1 an5 )ai5% 6ith 5eli(ht% =E&e'1one in the 6o'l5 6ill ,e 3*'io*)% an5 the 6hole 6ic4e5
nation o3 Sa'onin 6ill ,e h*+iliate5->
an)a )ai5% =B*t +ean6hile the ene'(1 )*22l1 to Ea'th 6ill ,e totall1 5i)'*2te5% an5 it +a1 not ,e
2o))i,le to 'e)to'e the )1)te+ to 6o'4in( o'5e' 3o' +onth)% 2e'ha2) 3o' a 1ea' o' t6o->
=Plent1 o3 ti+e%> )ai5 B'i(on% =3o' the 6o'l5 to 6i2e Sa'onin 3'o+ the 3ace o3 the Ea'th% )o that
o*' o6n (lo'io*) nation o3 Gla5o&ia can ta4e o&e' the te''ito'1 that i) 'i(ht3*ll1 o*')->
=B*t thin4 a ,it%> )ai5 an)a- ="ith )o +*ch ene'(1 )*55enl1 (one% the 6o'l5 6ill ,e too ,*)1
t'1in( to )a&e it)el3 3'o+ 5i)a)te' to en(a(e in c'*)a5e)- The'e 6ill ,e 5i)'*2tion o3 in5*)t'1% the 5an(e' o3
)ta'&ation% the (athe'in( o3 +o,) o3 the 5i)t'e))e5% the 3i(htin( o&e' 6hat ene'(1 can ,e o,taine5--total
=All the 6o')e 3o' Sa'onin-->
=B*t the chao) 6ill co+e to Gla5o&ia% too- O*' (lo'io*) nation 5e2en5) on the )ola' ene'(1 )*22l1
8*)t a) Sa'onin 5oe)% 8*)t a) the 6hole 6o'l5 5oe)- The'e 6ill ,e a 6o'l5 o3 cata)t'o2he 3'o+ 6hich--6ho
can tell--Gla5o&ia +a1 )*33e' 3a' 6o')e than Sa'onin- "ho can tell9>
B'i(on7) +o*th 3ell o2en an5 he loo4e5 5i)t*',e5- =Do 1o* 'eall1 thin4 )o9>
=O3 co*')e- Yo* +*)t (o to the one 6ho)e na+e i) li4e a )neeAe% an5 a)4 hi+ to 'echec4 hi) 6o'4-
Yo* nee5n7t )a1 1o* !now )o+ethin( i) 6'on(- It7) )i+2l1 that 1o* 6e'e the'e% an5 1o* )*55enl1 ha&e thi)
)t'an(e 3eelin( that all i) not 6ell- Sa1 1o* ha&e a 2'e)enti+ent- An5 i3 he 3in5) the +i)c*e an5 co''ect) it%
5o not ta*nt hi+- It 6o*l5 not ,e )a3e to 5o )o- An5 5o it :*ic4l1$ Fo' the (lo'io*) nation o3 Gla5o&ia$ An5
3o' the 6o'l5% o3 co*')e->
B'i(on ha5 no choice- He 5i5 )o% an5 the 2e'il 6a) a&e'te5-
Peo2le al6a1) lo&e the+)el&e) ,e)t- B*t in a 6o'l5 )o inte'connecte5 that ha'+ to one i) ha'+ to all% the
,e)t 6a1 o3 lo&in( one7) )el3% i) to lo&e e&e'1one el)e% too-
T($ )M"L$ %F T($ C(">>$&
;OHNSON "AS REINISCING IN the 6a1 ol5 +en 5o an5 I ha5 ,een 6a'ne5 he 6o*l5 tal4 a,o*t
chi22e')--tho)e 2ec*lia' 2eo2le 6ho 3la)he5 ac'o)) the ,*)ine)) )cene 3o' a (ene'ation at the ,e(innin( o3
thi) t6ent1-3i')t cent*'1 o3 o*')- Still% I ha5 ha5 a (oo5 +eal at hi) e<2en)e an5 I 6a) 'ea51 to li)ten-
An5% a) it ha22ene5% it 6a) the 3i')t 6o'5 o*t o3 hi) +o*th- =Chi22e')%> he )ai5% =6e'e 8*)t a,o*t
*n'e(*late5 in tho)e 5a1)- No6a5a1)% thei' *)e i) )o cont'olle5 no one can (et an1 (oo5 o*t o3 the+% ,*t
,ac4 a 6a1)--One o3 the+ +a5e thi) co+2an1 the ten-,illion-5olla' conce'n it no6 i)- I 2ic4e5 hi+% 1o*
I )ai5% =The1 5i5n7t la)t lon(% I7+ tol5->
=Not in tho)e 5a1)- The1 ,*'ne5 o*t- "hen 1o* a55 +ic'ochi2) at 4e1 2oint) in the ne'&o*)
)1)te+% then in ten 1ea') at the +o)t% the 6i'in( ,*'n) o*t% )o to )2ea4- Then the1 'eti'e5--a little &acant--
+in5e5% 1o* 4no6->
=I 6on5e' an1one )*,+itte5 to it->
="ell% all the i5eali)t) 6e'e ho''i3ie5% o3 co*')e% an5 that7) 6h1 the 'e(*latin( ca+e in% ,*t it
6a)n7t that ,a5 3o' the chi22e')- Onl1 ce'tain 2eo2le co*l5 +a4e *)e o3 the +ic'ochi2)--a,o*t ei(ht1
2e'cent o3 the+ +ale)% 3o' )o+e 'ea)on--an5% 3o' the ti+e the1 6e'e acti&e% the1 li&e5 the li&e) o3 )hi22in(
+a(nate)- A3te'6a'5% the1 al6a1) 'ecei&e5 the ,e)t o3 ca'e- It 6a) no 5i33e'ent 3'o+ to2-'an4in( athlete)%
a3te' allC ten 1ea') o3 acti&e ea'l1 li3e% an5 then 'eti'e+ent->
;ohn)on )i22e5 at hi) 5'in4- = An *n'e(*late5 chi22e' co*l5 in3l*ence othe' 2eo2le7) e+otion)%
1o* 4no6% i3 the1 6e'e chi22e5 8*)t 'i(ht an5 ha5 talent- The1 co*l5 +a4e 8*5(+ent) on the ,a)i) o3 6hat
the1 )en)e5 in othe' +in5) an5 the1 co*l5 )t'en(then )o+e o3 the 8*5(+ent) co+2etito') 6e'e +a4in(% o'
6ea4en the+--3o' the (oo5 o3 the ho+e co+2an1- It 6a)n7t *n3ai'- Othe' co+2anie) ha5 thei' o6n chi22e')
5oin( the )a+e thin(- = He )i(he5- =No6 that )o't o3 thin( i) ille(al- Too ,a5->
I )ai5% 5i33i5entl1% =I7&e hea'5 that ille(al chi22in( i) )till 5one->
;ohn)on ('*nte5 an5 )ai5% =No co++ent->
I let that (o% an5 he 6ent on- =B*t e&en thi't1 1ea') a(o% thin() 6e'e )till 6i5e o2en- O*' co+2an1
6a) 8*)t an in)i(ni3icant ite+ in the (lo,al econo+1% ,*t 6e ha5 locate5 t6o chi22e') 6ho 6e'e 6illin( to
6o'4 3o' *)->
=T6o9> I ha5 ne&e' hea'5 that ,e3o'e-
;ohn)on loo4e5 at +e )l1l1- =Ye)% 6e +ana(e5 that- It7) not 6i5el1 4no6n in the o*t)i5e 6o'l5%
,*t it ca+e 5o6n to cle&e' 'ec'*itin( an5 it 6a) )li(htl1--8*)t a to*ch--ille(al% e&en then- O3 co*')e% 6e
co*l5n7t hi'e the+ ,oth- Gettin( t6o chi22e') to 6o'4 to(ethe' i) i+2o))i,le- The17'e li4e che))
('an5+a)te')% I )*22o)e- P*t the+ in the )a+e 'oo+ an5 the1 6o*l5 a*to+aticall1 challen(e each othe'-
The1 6o*l5 co+2ete contin*all1% each t'1in( to in3l*ence an5 con3*te the othe'- The1 6o*l5n7t )to233
couldn.t, act*all1--an5 the1 6o*l5 ,*'n each othe' o*t in )i< +onth)- Se&e'al co+2anie) 3o*n5 that o*t% to
thei' ('eat co)t% 6hen chi22e') 3i')t ca+e into *)e->
=I can i+a(ine%> I +*'+*'e5-
=So )ince 6e co*l5n7t ha&e ,oth% an5 co*l5 onl1 ta4e one% 6e 6ante5 the +o'e 2o6e'3*l one%
o,&io*)l1% an5 that co*l5 onl1 ,e 5ete'+ine5 ,1 2ittin( the+ a(ain)t each othe'% 6itho*t lettin( the+ '*in
each othe'- I 6a) (i&en the 8o,% an5 it 6a) +a5e :*ite clea' that i3 I 2ic4e5 the one 6ho% in the en5% t*'ne5
o*t to ,e ina5e:*ate% that 6o*l5 ,e +1 en5% too->
=Ho6 5i5 1o* (o a,o*t it% )i'9> I 4ne6 he ha5 )*ccee5e5% o3 co*')e- A 2e')on can7t ,eco+e
chai'+an o3 the ,oa'5 o3 a 6o'l5cla)) 3i'+ 3o' nothin(-
;ohn)on )ai5% =I ha5 to i+2'o&i)e- I in&e)ti(ate5 each )e2a'atel1 3i')t- The t6o 6e'e 4no6n ,1
thei' co5e-lette')% ,1 the 6a1- In tho)e 5a1)% thei' t'*e i5entitie) ha5 to ,e hi55en- A chi22e' 4no6n to ,e a
chi22e' 6a) hal3-*)ele))- The1 6e'e C-./ an5 F-J. in o*' 'eco'5)- Both 6e'e in thei' late t6entie)- C-./
6a) *nattache5C F-J. 6a) en(a(e5 to ,e +a''ie5->
=a''ie59> I )ai5% a little )*'2'i)e5-
=Ce'tainl1- Chi22e') a'e h*+an% an5 +ale chi22e') a'e +*ch )o*(ht a3te' ,1 6o+en- The17'e )*'e
to ,e 'ich an5% 6hen the1 'eti'e% thei' 3o't*ne) a'e *)*all1 *n5e' the cont'ol o3 thei' 6i&e)- It7) a (oo5 5eal
3o' a 1o*n( 6o+an---So I ,'o*(ht the+ to(ethe'% with F-J. B) 3iancLe- I ho2e5 ea'ne)tl1 )he 6o*l5 ,e
(oo5-loo4in(% an5 )he 6a)- eetin( he' 6a) al+o)t li4e a 2h1)ical ,lo6 to +e- She 6a) the +o)t ,ea*ti3*l
6o+an I ha5 e&e' )een% tall% 5a'4-e1e5% a +a'&elo*) 3i(*'e an5 'athe' +o'e than a hint o3 )+ol5e'in(
;ohn)on )ee+e5 lo)t in tho*(ht 3o' a +o+ent% then he contin*e5- =I tell 1o* I ha5 a )t'on( *'(e to
t'1 to 6in the 6o+an 3o' +1)el3 ,*t it 6a) not li4el1 that an1one 6ho ha5 a chi22e' 6o*l5 t'an)3e' he')el3
to a +e'e 8*nio' e<ec*ti&e% 6hich i) 6hat I 6a) in tho)e 5a1)- To t'an)3e' he')el3 to anothe' chi22e' 6o*l5
,e )o+ethin( el)e--an5 I co*l5 )ee that C-./ 6a) a) a33ecte5 a) I 6a)- He co*l5 not 4ee2 hi) e1e) o33 he'-
So I 8*)t let thin() 5e&elo2 to )ee 6ho en5e5 6ith the 1o*n( 6o+an->
=An5 6ho 5i5% )i'9= I a)4e5-
=It too4 t6o 5a1) o3 inten)e +ental con3lict- The1 +*)t each ha&e 2eele5 a +onth o33 thei'
6o'4in( li&e)% ,*t the 1o*n( la51 6al4e5 o33 6ith C-./ a) he' ne6 3iancLe->
=Ah% )o 1o* cho)e C-./ a) the 3i'+ chi22e'->
;ohn)on )ta'e5 at +e 6ith 5i)5ain- = A'e 1o* +a59 I 5i5 no )*ch thin(- I cho)e F-J.% o3 co*')e-
"e 2lace5 C-./ 6ith a )+all )*,)i5ia'1 o3 o*')- He75 ,e no (oo5 to an1one el)e% )ince 6e 4ne6 hi+% 1o*
=B*t 5i5 I +i)) )o+ethin(9 F-J. lo)t hi) 3iancLe an5 C-./ (aine5 he'- S*'el1 C-./ 6a) the
="a) he9 Chi22e') )ho6 no e+otion in a ca)e li4e thi)C no o,&io*) e+otion- It i) nece))a'1 3o'
,*)ine)) 2*'2o)e) 3o' chi22e') to hi5e thei' 2o6e') )o that the 2o4e'3ace i) a 2'o3e))ional nece))it1 3o'
the+- B*t I 6a) 6atchin( clo)el1--+1 o6n 8o, 6a) at )ta4e--an5% a) C-./ 6al4e5 o33 6ith the 6o+an% I
notice5 a )+all )+ile on FJ. B) li2) an5 it )ee+e5 to +e the'e 6a) the (litte' o3 &icto'1 in hi) e1e)->
=B*t he lo)t hi) 3iancLe->
=Doe)n7t it occ*' to 1o* he wanted to lo)e he' an5 it 6o*l5 not ,e ea)1 to 2'1 he' loo)e9 He ha5 to
6o'4 on C-./ to 6ant he' an5 on the 6o+an to 6ant to ,e 6ante5--an5 he 5i5 it- He 6on->
I tho*(ht a,o*t that- =B*t ho6 co*l5 1o* ha&e ,een )*'e9 I3 the 6o+an 6a) a) (oo5-loo4in( a)
1o* )a1 )he 6a)--i3 )he 6a) )+ol5e'in( )o 6ith )e<*alit1% )*'el1 FJ. 6o*l5 ha&e 6ante5 to 4ee2 he'->
=B*t F-J. 6a) +a4in( he' )ee+ 5e)i'a,le%> )ai5 ;ohn)on% ('i+l1- =He ai+e5 at C-./% o3 co*')e%
,*t 6ith )*ch 2o6e' that the o&e'3lo6 6a) )*33icient to a33ect +e 5'a)ticall1- A3te' it 6a) allo&e' an5 C-./
6a) 6al4in( a6a1 6ith he'% I 6a) no lon(e' *n5e' the in3l*ence an5 I co*l5 )ee the'e 6a) )o+ethin( ha'5
an5 o&e',lo6n a,o*t he'--a 4in5 o3 *nlo&el1 an5 2'e5ato'1 (lea+ in he' e1e-
=So I cho)e F-J. at once an5 he 6a) all 6e co*l5 6ant- The 3i'+ i) no6 6he'e 1o* )ee it i)% an5 I
a+ chai'+an o3 the ,oa'5->
;ONAS "ILLARD LOO!ED FRO SIDE to )i5e an5 ta22e5 hi) ,aton on the )tan5 ,e3o'e hi+-
He )ai5% =Un5e')too5 no69 Thi) i) 8*)t a 2'actice )cene% 5e)i(ne5 to 3in5 o*t i3 6e 4no6 6hat
6e7'e 5oin(- "e7&e (one th'o*(h thi) eno*(h ti+e) )o that I e<2ect a 2'o3e))ional 2e'3o'+ance no6- Get
'ea51- All o3 1o* (et 'ea51->
He loo4e5 a(ain 3'o+ )i5e to )i5e- The'e 6a) a 2e')on at each o3 the &oice-'eco'5e')% an5 the'e
6e'e th'ee othe') 6o'4in( the i+a(e 2'o8ection- A )e&enth 6a) 3o' the +*)ic an5 an ei(hth 3o' the all-
i+2o'tant ,ac4('o*n5- Othe') 6aite5 to one )i5e 3o' thei' t*'n-
"illa'5 )ai5% = All 'i(ht no6- Re+e+,e' thi) ol5 +an ha) )2ent hi) enti'e a5*lt li3e a) a t1'ant- He
i) acc*)to+e5 to ha&in( e&e'1one 8*+2 at hi) )li(hte)t 6o'5% to ha&in( e&e'1one t'e+,le at hi) 3'o6n- That
i) all (one no6 ,*t he 5oe)n7t 4no6 it- He 3ace) hi) 5a*(hte' 6ho+ he thin4) o3 onl1 a) a ,ent-hea5e5
o,)e:*io*) (i'l 6ho 6ill 5o an1thin( he )a1)% an5 he cannot ,elie&e that it i) an i+2e'io*) :*een that he
no6 3ace)- So let7) ha&e the !in(->
Lea' a22ea'e5- Tall% 6hite hai' an5 ,ea'5% )o+e6hat 5i)he&ele5% e1e) )ha'2 an5 2ie'cin(-
"illa'5 )ai5% =Not ,ent- Not ,ent- HeD) ei(ht1 1ea') ol5 ,*t he 5oe)nDt thin4 o3 hi+)el3 a) ol5- Not
no6- St'ai(ht- E&e'1 inch a 4in(-> The i+a(e 6a) a58*)te5- =ThatD) 'i(ht- An5 the &oice ha) to ,e )t'on(-
No :*a&e'in(- Not no6- Ri(ht9>
=Ri(ht% chie3%> )ai5 the Lea' &oice-'eco'5e'% no55in(-
=All 'i(ht- The K*een->
An5 the'e )he 6a)% al+o)t a) tall a) Lea'% )tan5in( )t'ai(ht an5 'i(i5 a) a )tat*e% he' 5'a2e5
clothin( in 3ine a''a1% nothin( o*t o3 2lace- He' ,ea*t1 6a) a) col5 an5 *n3o'(i&in( a) ice-
=An5 the Fool-=
A little 3ello6% thin an5 3'a(ile% li4e a 3'i(htene5 teena(e' ,*t 6ith a 3ace too ol5 3o' a teena(e' an5
6ith a )ha'2 loo4 in e1e) that )ee+e5 )o la'(e that the1 th'eatene5 to 5e&o*' hi) 3ace-
=Goo5%> )ai5 "illa'5- =Be 'ea51 3o' Al,an1- He co+e) in 2'ett1 )oon- Be(in the )cene- = He
ta22e5 the 2o5i*+ a(ain% too4 a :*ic4 (lance at the +a'4e5-*2 2la1 ,e3o'e hi+ an5 )ai5% =Lea'$ = an5 hi)
,aton 2ointe5 to the Lea' &oice-'eco'5e'% +o&in( (entl1 to +a'4 the )2eech ca5ence that he 6ante5 c'eate5-
Lea' )a1)% =Ho6 no6% 5a*(hte'9 "hat +a4e) that 3'ontlet on9 ethin4) 1o* a'e too +*ch oD late iD
thD 3'o6n->
The FoolD) thin &oice% 3i3eli4e% 2i2in(% inte''*2t)% =Tho* 6a)t a 2'ett1 3ello6 6hen tho* ha5)t no
nee5 to ca'e 3o' he' 3'o6nin(-->
Gone'il% the K*een% t*'n) )lo6l1 to 3ace the Clo6n a) he )2ea4)% he' e1e) t*'nin( +o+enta'il1
into ,all) o3 l*'i5 li(ht--5oin( it )o +o+enta'il1 that tho)e 6atchin( ca*(ht the i+2'e))ion 'athe' than
&ie6e5 the 3act- The Fool co+2lete) hi) )2eech in (athe'in( 3'i(ht an5 ,ac4) hi) 6a1 ,ehin5 Lea' in a ,lin5
)ea'ch 3o' 2'otection a(ain)t the )ea'in( (lance-
Gone'il 2'ocee5) to tell Lea' the 3act) o3 li3e an5 the'e i) the 3aint c'ac4lin( o3 thin ice a) )he
)2ea4)% 6hile the +*)ic 2la1) in )o3t 5i)co'5)% ,a'el1 hea'5-
No' a'e Gone'ilD) 5e+an5) )o o*t o3 line% 3o' )he 6ant) an o'5e'l1 co*'t an5 the'e co*l5nDt ,e one
a) lon( a) Lea' )till tho*(ht o3 hi+)el3 a) t1'ant- B*t Lea' i) in no +oo5 to 'eco(niAe 'ea)on- He ,'ea4) into
a 2a))ion an5 ,e(in) 'ailin(-
Al,an1 ente')- He i) Gone'ilD) con)o't--'o*n5-3ace5% innocent% e1e) loo4in( a,o*t in 6on5e'-
"hat i) ha22enin(9 He i) co+2letel1 5'o6ne5 o*t ,1 hi) 5o+inatin( 6i3e an5 ,1 hi) 'a(in( 3athe'-in-la6-
It i) at thi) 2oint that Lea' ,'ea4) into one o3 the ('eat 2ie'cin( 5en*nciation) in all o3 lite'at*'e- He i)
o&e''eactin(- Gone'il ha) not a) 1et 5one an1thin( to 5e)e'&e thi)% ,*t Lea' 4no6) no 'e)t'aint- He )a1):
/(ear, Nature, hear2 dear *oddess, hear2
)uspend thy purpose, if thou didst intend
To ma!e this creature fruitful.
"nto her wom# coney sterility;
1ry up in her the or*ans of increase;
And from her dero*ate #ody neer sprin*
A #a#e to honour her2 "f she must teem,
Create her child of spleen, that it may lie
And #e a thwart disnatur.d torment to her.
Let it stamp wrin!les in her #row of youth,
0ith cadent tears fret channels in her chee!s,
Turn all her mother.s pains and #enefits
To lau*hter and contempt, that she may feel
(ow sharper than a serpent.s tooth, it is
To hae a than!less child2 =
The &oice-'eco'5e' )t'en(thene5 Lea'7) &oice 3o' thi) )2eech% (a&e it a 5i)tant hi))% hi) ,o51
,eca+e talle' an5 )o+eho6 le)) )*,)tantial a) tho*(h it ha5 ,een con&e'te5 into a &en(e3*l F*'1-
A) 3o' Gone'il% )he 'e+aine5 *nto*che5 th'o*(ho*t% ne&e' 3linchin(% ne&e' 'ece5in(% ,*t he'
,ea*ti3*l 3ace% 6itho*t an1 chan(e that co*l5 ,e 5e)c'i,e5% )ee+e5 to acc*+*late e&il )o that ,1 the en5 o3
Lea'7) c*')e% )he ha5 the a22ea'ance o3 an a'chan(el )till% ,*t an a'chan(el '*ine5- All 2o))i,le 2it1 ha5
,een 6i2e5 o*t o3 the co*ntenance% lea&in( ,ehin5 onl1 a 5e&il7) 5an(e'o*) +a(ni3icence-
The Fool 'e+aine5 ,ehin5 Lea' th'o*(ho*t% )h*55e'in(- Al,an1 6a) the &e'1 e2ito+e o3
con3*)ion% a)4in( *)ele)) :*e)tion)% )ee+in( to 6ant to )te2 ,et6een the t6o anta(oni)t) an5 clea'l1 a3'ai5
to 5o )o-
"illa'5 ta22e5 hi) ,aton an5 )ai5% = All 'i(ht- It7) ,een 'eco'5e5 an5 I 6ant 1o* all to 6atch the
)cene-> He li3te5 hi) ,aton hi(h an5 the )1nthe)iAe' at the 'ea' o3 the )et ,e(an 6hat co*l5 onl1 ,e calle5
the in)tant 'e2la1-
It 6a) 6atche5 in )ilence% an5 "illa'5 )ai5% =It 6a) (oo5% ,*t I thin4 1o*7ll ('ant it 6a) not (oo5
eno*(h- I7+ (oin( to a)4 1o* all to li)ten to +e% )o that I can e<2lain 6hat 6e7'e t'1in( to 5o-
Co+2*te'iAe5 theate' i) not ne6% a) 1o* all 4no6- #oice) an5 i+a(e) ha&e ,een ,*ilt *2 to ,e1on5 6hat
h*+an ,ein() can 5o- Yo* 5on7t ha&e to ,'ea4 1o*' )2eechi31in( in o'5e' to ,'eatheC the 'an(e an5 :*alit1
o3 the &oice) a'e al+o)t li+itle))C an5 the i+a(e) can chan(e to )*it the 6o'5) an5 action- Still% the
techni:*e ha) onl1 ,een *)e5% )o 3a'% 3o' chil5i)h 2*'2o)e)- "hat 6e inten5 no6 i) to +a4e the 3i')t )e'io*)
co+2*-5'a+a the 6o'l5 ha) e&e' )een% an5 nothin( 6ill 5o--3o' +e% at an1 'ate--,*t to )ta't at the to2- I
6ant to 5o the ('eate)t 2la1 6'itten ,1 the ('eate)t 2la16'i(ht in hi)to'1: =in* Lear ,1 "illia+
=I 6ant not a 6o'5 chan(e5- I 6ant not a 6o'5 le3t o*t- I 5on7t 6ant to +o5e'niAe the 2la1- I 5on7t
6ant to 'e+o&e the a'chai)+)% ,eca*)e the 2la1% as written, ha) it) (lo'io*) +*)ic an5 an1 chan(e 6ill
5i+ini)h it- B*t in that ca)e% ho6 5o 6e ha&e it 'each the (ene'al 2*,lic9 I 5on7t +ean the )t*5ent)% I 5on7t
+ean the intellect*al)% I +ean eery#ody. I +ean 2eo2le 6ho7&e ne&e' 6atche5 Sha4e)2ea'e ,e3o'e an5
6ho)e i5ea o3 a (oo5 2la1 i) a )la2)tic4 +*)ical- Thi) 2la1 is a'chaic in )2ot)% an5 2eo2le 5on7t tal4 in
ia+,ic 2enta+ete'- The1 a'e not e&en acc*)to+e5 to hea'in( it on the )ta(e-
=So 6e7'e (oin( to ha&e to t'an)late the a'chaic an5 the *n*)*al- The &oice)% +o'e than h*+an%
6ill% 8*)t ,1 thei' ti+,'e an5 chan(e)% inte'2'et the 6o'5)- The i+a(e) 6ill )hi3t to 'ein3o'ce the 6o'5)-
=No6 Gone'il7) chan(e in a22ea'ance a) Lea'7) c*')e 2'ocee5e5 6a) (oo5- The &ie6e' 6ill (a*(e
the 5e&a)tatin( e33ect it ha) on he' e&en tho*(h he' i'on 6ill 6on7t let it )ho6 in 6o'5)- The &ie6e' 6ill
the'e3o'e 3eel the 5e&a)tatin( e33ect *2on hi+)el3% too% e&en i3 )o+e o3 the 6o'5) Lea' *)e) a'e )t'an(e to
=In that connection% 6e +*)t 'e+e+,e' to +a4e the Fool loo4 ol5e' 6ith e&e'1one o3 hi)
a22ea'ance)- He7) a 6ea4% )ic4l1 3ello6 to ,e(in 6ith% ,'o4en-hea'te5 o&e' the lo)) o3 Co'5elia% 3'i(htene5
to 5eath o3 Gone'il an5 Re(an% 5e)t'o1e5 ,1 the )to'+ 3'o+ 6hich Lea'% hi) onl1 2'otecto'% can7t 2'otect
hi+--an5 I +ean ,1 that the )to'+ o3 Lea'7) 5a*(hte'7) a) 6ell a) o3 the 'a(in( 6eathe'- "hen he )li2) o*t
o3 the 2la1 in Act III- Scene #I% it +*)t ,e +a5e 2lain that he i) a,o*t to 5ie- Sha4e)2ea'e 5oe)n7t )a1 )o% )o
the Fool7) 3ace +*)t )a1 )o-
=Ho6e&e'% 6e7&e (ot to 5o )o+ethin( a,o*t Lea'- The &oice'eco'5e' 6a) on the 'i(ht t'ac4 ,1
ha&in( a hi))in( )o*n5 in the &oice-t'ac4- Lea' i) )2e6in( &eno+C he i) a +an 6ho% ha&in( lo)t 2o6e'% ha)
no 'eco*')e ,*t &ile an5 e<t'e+e 6o'5)- He i) a co,'a 6ho cannot )t'i4e- B*t I 5on7t 6ant the hi))
noticea,le *ntil the 'i(ht ti+e- "hat I a+ +o'e inte'e)te5 in i) the ,ac4('o*n5->
The 6o+an in cha'(e o3 ,ac4('o*n5 6a) e( Cathca't- She ha5 ,een c'eatin( ,ac4('o*n5) 3o' a)
lon( a) the co+2*-5'a+a techni:*e ha5 e<i)te5-
="hat 5o 1o* 6ant in ,ac4('o*n59 = Cathca't a)4e5% cooll1-
=The )na4e +oti3%> )ai5 "illa'5- =Gi&e +e )o+e o3 that an5 the'e can ,e le)) hi)) in Lea'7) &oice-
O3 co*')e% I 5on7t 6ant 1o* to )ho6 a )na4e- The too o,&io*) 5oe)n7t 6o'4- I 6ant a )na4e the'e that
2eo2le can7t )ee ,*t that the1 can feel 6itho*t :*ite notin( why the1 3eel- I 6ant the+ to 4no6 a )na4e i)
the'e 6itho*t 'eall1 4no6in( it i) the'e% )o that it 6ill chill the+ to the ,one% a) Lea'7) )2eech )ho*l5- So
6hen 6e 5o it o&e'% e(% (i&e *) a )na4e that i) not a )na4e->
=An5 ho6 5o I 5o that% ;ona)9> )ai5 Cathca't% +a4in( 3'ee 6ith hi) 3i')t na+e- She 4ne6 he'
6o'th an5 ho6 e))ential )he 6a)-
He )ai5% =I 5on7t 4no6- I3 I 5i5 I75 ,e a ,ac4('o*n5e' in)tea5 o3 a lo*)1 5i'ecto'- I onl1 4no6
6hat I 6ant- Yo*B&e (ot to )*22l1 it- Yo*7&e (ot to )*22l1 )in*o)it1% the i+2'e))ion o3 )cale)- Until 6e (et
to one 2oint- Notice 6hen Lea' )a1)% BHo6 )ha'2e' than a )e'2ent7) tooth it i) to ha&e a than4le)) chil5-7
That i) power. The 6hole )2eech lea5) *2 to that an5 it i) one o3 the +o)t 3a+o*) :*ote) in Sha4e)2ea'e-
An5 it i) si#ilant. The'e i) the B)h%7 the th'ee )7) in B)e'2ent7)7 an5 in Bthan4le))%7 an5 the t6o *n&oice5 Bth7)
in Btooth7 an5 Bthan4le))-7 That can ,e hi))e5- I3 1o* 4ee2 5o6n the hi)) a) +*ch a) 2o))i,le in the 'e)t o3
the )2eech% 1o* can hi)) he'e% an5 1o* )ho*l5 Ae'o in to hi) 3ace an5 +a4e it &eno+o*)- An5 3o'
,ac4('o*n5% the )e'2ent--6hich% a3te' all% i) no6 'e3e''e5 to in the 6o'5)--can +a4e it) a22ea'ance in
,ac4('o*n5- A 3la)h o3 an o2en +o*th an5 3an()% 3an()--"e +*)t ha&e the +o+enta'1 a22ea'ance o3 3an()
a) Lea' )a1)% Ba )e'2ent7) tooth->B
"illa'5 3elt &e'1 ti'e5 )*55enl1- = All 'i(ht- "e7ll t'1 a(ain to+o''o6- I 6ant each one o3 1o* to
(o o&e' the enti'e )cene an5 t'1 to 6o'4 o*t the )t'ate(1 1o* inten5 to *)e- Onl1 2lea)e 'e+e+,e' that 1o*
a'e not the onl1 one) in&ol&e5- "hat 1o* 5o +*)t +atch the othe')% )o I7ll enco*'a(e 1o* to tal4 to each
othe' a,o*t thi)--an5% +o)t o3 all% to li)ten to me ,eca*)e I ha&e no in)t'*+ent to han5le an5 I alone can )ee
the 2la1a) a 6hole- An5 i3 I )ee+ a) t1'annical a) Lea' at hi) 6o')t in )2ot)% 6ell% that7) +1 8o,->
"illa'5 6a) a22'oachin( the ('eat )to'+ )cene% the +o)t 5i33ic*lt 2o'tion o3 thi) +o)t 5i33ic*lt
2la1% an5 he 3elt 6'*n( o*t- Lea' ha) ,een ca)t o*t ,1 hi) 5a*(hte') into a 'a(in( )to'+ o3 6in5 an5 'ain%
6ith onl1 hi) Fool 3o' co+2an1% an5 he ha) (one al+o)t +a5 at thi) +i)t'eat+ent- To hi+% e&en the )to'+
i) not a) ,a5 a) hi) 5a*(hte')-
"illa'5 2ointe5 hi) ,aton an5 Lea' a22ea'e5- A 2oint in anothe' 5i'ection an5 the Fool 6a) the'e
clin(in(% 5i)'e(a'5e5% to Lea'7) le3t le(- Anothe' 2oint an5 the ,ac4('o*n5% ca+e in% 6ith it) i+2'e))ion o3
a )to'+% o3 a ho6lin( 6in5% o3 5'i&in( 'ain% o3 the c'ac4le o3 th*n5e' an5 the 3la)h o3 li(htnin(-
The )to'+ too4 o&e'% a 2heno+enon o3 nat*'e% ,*t e&en a) it 5i5 )o% the i+a(e o3 Lea' e<ten5e5
an5 ,eca+e 6hat )ee+e5 +o*ntain-tall- The )to'+ o3 hi) e+otion) +atche5 the )to'+ o3 the ele+ent)% an5
hi) &oice (a&e ,ac4 to the 6in5 e&e'1 la)t ho6l- Hi) ,o51 lo)t )*,)tance an5 6a&e'e5 6ith the 6in5 a)
tho*(h he hi+)el3 6e'e a )to'+ clo*5% conten5in( on an e:*al ,a)i) 6ith the at+o)2he'ic 3*'1- Lea'%
ha&in( 3aile5 6ith hi) 5a*(hte')% 5e3ie5 the )to'+ to 5o it) 6o')t- He calle5 o*t in a &oice that 6a) 3a' +o'e
than h*+an:
Blow, winds, and crac! your chee!s2 ra*e2 #low2
5ou cataracts and hurricanoes, spout
Till you hae drench.d our steeples, drown.d the coc!s2
5ou sulph.rous and thou*ht3e<ecutin* fires.
?aunt3couriers to oa!3cleain* thunder#olts,
)in*e my white head2 And thou, all3sha!in* thunder,
)tri!e flat the thic! rotundity o. th. world.
Crac! Nature.s moulds, all *ermains spill at once.
That ma!e in*rateful man.,
The Fool inte''*2t)% hi) &oice )h'illin(% an5 +a4in( Lea'7) 5e3iance the +o'e he'oic ,1 cont'a)t-
He ,e() Lea' to +a4e hi) 6a1 ,ac4 to the ca)tle an5 +a4e 2eace 6ith hi) 5a*(hte')% ,*t Lea' 5oe)n7t e&en
hea' hi+- He 'oa') on:
&um#le thy #ellyful2 )pit, fire2 spout, rain2
Nor rain, wind, thunder, fire are my dau*hters.
" ta< not you, you elements, with un!indness.
" neer *ae you !in*dom, call.d you children,
5ou owe me no su#scription. Then let fall
5our horri#le pleasure. (ere " stand your slae,
A poor, infirm, wea!, and despis.d old man..-->
The D*4e o3 !ent% Lea'7) lo1al )e'&ant ?tho*(h the !in( in a 3it o3 'a(e ha) ,ani)he5 hi+@ 3in5)
Lea' an5 t'ie) to lea5 hi+ to )o+e )helte'- A3te' an inte'l*5e in the ca)tle o3 the D*4e o3 Glo*ce)te'% the
)cene 'et*'n) to Lea' in the )to'+% an5 he i) ,'o*(ht% o' 'athe' 5'a((e5% to a ho&el-
An5 then% 3inall1% Lea' lea'n) to thin4 o3 othe')- He in)i)t) that the Fool ente' 3i')t an5 then he
lin(e') o*t)i5e to thin4 ?*n5o*,te5l1 3o' the 3i')t ti+e in hi) li3e@ o3 the 2li(ht o3 tho)e 6ho a'e not 4in()
an5 co*'tie')-
Hi) i+a(e )h'an4 an5 the 6il5ne)) o3 hi) 3ace )+oothe5 o*t- Hi) hea5 6a) li3te5 to the 'ain% an5
hi) 6o'5) )ee+e5 5etache5 an5 to ,e co+in( not :*ite 3'o+ hi+% a) tho*(h he 6e'e li)tenin( to )o+eone
el)e 'ea5 the )2eech- It 6a)% a3te' all% not the ol5 Lea' )2ea4in(% ,*t a ne6 an5 ,ette' Lea'% 'e3ine5 an5
)ha'2ene5 ,1 )*33e'in(- "ith an an<io*) !ent 6atchin(% an5 )t'i&in( to lea5 hi+ into the ho&el% an5 6ith
e( Cathca't +ana(in( to 6o'4 *2 an i+2'e))ion o3 ,e((a') +e'el1 ,1 2'o5*cin( the 3l*tte'in( o3 'a()%
Lea' )a1):
/>oor na!ed wretches, you are..
That #ide the peltin* of this pitiless storm.
(ow shall your houseless heads and unfed sides..
5our loop.d and window.d ra**edness, defend you
From seasons such as these? O, I have taen
Too little care of this2 Ta!e physic, pomp;
$<pose thyself to feel what wretches feel,
That thou mayst sha!e the superflu< to them
And show the heaens more :ust.
=Not ,a5%> )ai5 "il,*'% e&ent*all1- ="e7'e (ettin( the i5ea-
Onl1% e(% 'a() a'en7t eno*(h- Can 1o* +ana(e an i+2'e))ion o3 hollo6 e1e)9 Not ,lin5 one)-
The e1e) a'e the'e% ,*t )*n4en in->
=I thin4 I can 5o that%> )ai5 Cathca't-
It 6a) 5i33ic*lt 3o' "illa'5 to ,elie&e- The +one1 )2ent 6a) ('eate' than e<2ecte5- The ti+e it ha5
ta4en 6a) con)i5e'a,l1 ('eate' than ha5 ,een e<2ecte5- An5 the (ene'al 6ea'ine)) 6a) 3a' ('eate' than ha5
,een e<2ecte5- Still% the 2'o8ect 6a) co+in( to an en5-
He ha5 the 'econciliation )cene to (et th'o*(h--)o )i+2le that it 6o*l5 'e:*i'e the +o)t 5elicate
to*che)- The'e 6o*l5 ,e no ,ac4('o*n5% no )o*2e5-*2 &oice)% no i+a(e)% 3o' at thi) 2oint Sha4e)2ea'e
,eca+e )i+2le- Nothin( ,e1on5 )i+2licit1 6a) nee5e5-
Lea' 6a) an ol5 +an% 8*)t an ol5 +an- Co'5elia% ha&in( 3o*n5 hi+% 6a) a lo&in( 5a*(hte'% 6ith
none o3 the +a8e)t1 o3 Gone'il% none o3 the c'*elt1 o3 Re(an% 8*)t )o3tl1 en5ea'in(-
Lea'% hi) +a5ne)) ,*'ne5 o*t o3 hi+% i) )lo6l1 ,e(innin( to *n5e')tan5 the )it*ation- He )ca'cel1
'eco(niAe) Co'5elia at 3i')t an5 thin4) he i) 5ea5 an5 )he i) a hea&enl1 )2i'it- No' 5oe) he 'eco(niAe the
3aith3*l !ent-
"hen Co'5elia t'ie) to ,'in( hi+ ,ac4 the 'e)t o3 the 6a1 to )anit1% he )a1):
/>ray, do not moc! me.
" am a ery foolish fond old man.
Fourscore and upward, not an hour more nor less.
And, to deal plainly,
" fear " am not in my perfect mind.
Methin!s " should !now you, and !now this man;
5et " am dou#tful; for " am mainly i*norant
0hat place this is; and all the s!ills " hae
&emem#ers not these *arments; nor " !now not
0here " did lod*e last ni*ht. Do not lau*h at me;
For @as " am a man4 " thin! this lady
To #e my child Cordelia.,
Co'5elia tell) hi+ )he i) an5 he )a1):
/Be your tears wet+ 5es, faith. " pray weep not.
"f you hae poison for me, " will drin! it.
" !now you do not loe me; for your sisters
(ae, as " do remem#er, done me wron*.
5ou hae some cause, they hae not.,
All 2oo' Co'5elia can )a1 i) =No ca*)e% no ca*)e->
An5 e&ent*all1% "illa'5 6a) a,le to 5'a6 a 5ee2 ,'eath an5 )a1% ="e7&e 5one all 6e can 5o- The
'e)t i) in the han5) o3 the 2*,lic->
It 6a) a 1ea' late' that "illa'5% no6 the +o)t 3a+o*) +an in the ente'tain+ent 6o'l5% +et
G'e(o'1 La,o'ian- It ha5 co+e a,o*t al+o)t acci5entall1 an5 la'(el1 ,eca*)e o3 the acti&itie) o3 a +*t*al
3'ien5- "illa'5 6a) not ('ate3*l-
He ('eete5 La,o'ian 6ith 6hat 2olitene)) he co*l5 +ana(e an5 ca)t a col5 e1e on the ti+e-)t'i2
on the 6all-
He )ai5% =I 5on7t 6ant to )ee+ *n2lea)ant o' inho)2ita,le% '---*h--,*t I7+ 'eall1 a &e'1 ,*)1
+an% an5 5on7t ha&e +*ch ti+e->
=I7+ )*'e o3 it% ,*t that7) 6h1 I 6ant to )ee 1o*- S*'el1% 1o* 6ant to 5o anothe' co+2*-5'a+a->
=S*'el1 I inten5 to% ,*t%> an5 "illa'5 )+ile5 5'1l1% = =in* Lear i) a ha'5 act to 3ollo6 an5 I 5on7t
inten5 to t*'n o*t )o+ethin( that 6ill )ee+ li4e t'a)h in co+2a'i)on->
=B*t 6hat i3 1o* ne&e' 3in5 an1thin( that can +atch =in* Lear+,
=I7+ )*'e I ne&e' 6ill% ,*t I7ll 3in5 somethin*. =
=I hae )o+ethin(- =
=I ha&e a )to'1% a no&el% that co*l5 ,e +a5e into a co+2*5'a+a->
=Oh% 6ell- I can7t 'eall1 5eal 6ith ite+) that co+e in o&e' the t'an)o+->
=I7+ not o33e'in( 1o* )o+ethin( 3'o+ a )l*)h 2ile- The no&el ha) ,een 2*,li)he5 an5 it ha) ,een
'athe' hi(hl1 tho*(ht o3->
=I7+ )o''1- I 5on7t 6ant to ,e in)*ltin(- B*t I 5i5n7t 'eco(niAe 1o*' na+e 6hen 1o* int'o5*ce5
=La,o'ian- G'e(o'1 La,o'ian->
=B*t I )till 5on7t 'eco(niAe it- I7&e ne&e' 'ea5 an1thin( ,1 1o*- I7&e ne&e' hea'5 o3 1o*->
La,o'ian )i(he5- =I 6i)h 1o* 6e'e the onl1 one% ,*t 1o*7'e not- Still% I co*l5 (i&e 1o* a co21 o3
+1 no&el to 'ea5->
"illa'5 )hoo4 hi) hea5- =That7) 4in5 o3 1o*% '- La,o'ian% ,*t I 5on7t 6ant to +i)lea5 1o*- I ha&e
no ti+e to 'ea5 it- An5 e&en i3 I ha5 the ti+e--I 8*)t 6ant 1o* to *n5e')tan5--I 5on7t ha&e the inclination->
=I co*l5 +a4e it 6o'th 1o*' 6hile% '- "illa'5- =
=In 6hat 6a19>
=I co*l5 2a1 1o*- I 6o*l5n7t con)i5e' it a ,'i,e% +e'el1 an o33e' o3 +one1 that 1o* 6o*l5 6ell
5e)e'&e i3 1o* 6o'4e5 6ith +1 no&el->
=I 5on7t thin4 1o* *n5e')tan5% '- La,o'ian% ho6 +*ch +one1 it ta4e) to +a4e a 3i')t-cla))
co+2*-5'a+a- I ta4e it 1o*7'e not a +*lti+illionai'e->
=No% I7+ not% ,*t I can 2a1 1o* a h*n5'e5 tho*)an5 (lo,o5olla')->
=I3 that7) a ,'i,e% at lea)t it7) a totall1 ine33ecti&e one- Fo' a h*n5'e5 tho*)an5 (lo,o-5olla')% I
co*l5n7t 5o a )in(le )cene->
La,o'ian )i(he5 a(ain- Hi) la'(e ,'o6n e1e) loo4e5 )o*l3*l- =I *n5e')tan5% '- "illa'5% ,*t i3
1o*7ll 8*)t (i&e +e a 3e6 +o'e +in*te)--> ?3o' "illa'57) e1e) 6e'e 6an5e'in( to the ti+e-)t'i2 a(ain-@
="ell% 3i&e +o'e +in*te)- That7) all I can +ana(e 'eall1- =
=It7) all I nee5- I7+ not o33e'in( the +one1 3o' +a4in( the co+2*-5'a+a- Yo* 4no6% an5 I 4no6%
'- "illa'5% that 1o* can (o to an1 o3 a 5oAen 2eo2le in the co*nt'1 an5 )a1 1o* a'e 5oin( a co+2*-5'a+a
an5 1o*7ll (et all the +one1 1o* nee5- A3te' =in* Lear, no one 6ill 'e3*)e 1o* an1thin(% o' e&en a)4 1o*
6hat 1o* 2lan to 5o- I7+ o33e'in( 1o* one h*n5'e5 tho*)an5 (lo,o-5olla') 3o' 1o*' o6n *)e->
=Then it is a ,'i,e% an5 that 6on7t 6o'4 6ith +e- Goo5-,1e% '- La,o'ian->
="ait- I7+ not o33e'in( 1o* an elect'onic )6itch- I 5on7t )*((e)t that I 2lace +1 3inancial ca'5 into
a )lot an5 that 1o* 5o )o% too% an5 that a h*n5'e5 tho*)an5 (lo,o-5olla') ,e t'an)3e''e5 3'o+ +1 acco*nt to
1o*')- I7+ tal4in( *old, '- "illa'5->
"illa'5 ha5 'i)en 3'o+ hi) chai'% 'ea51 to o2en the 5oo' an5 *)he' La,o'ian o*t% ,*t no6 he
he)itate5- ="hat 5o 1o* +ean% (ol59>
=I +ean that I can la1 +1 han5) on a h*n5'e5 tho*)an5 (lo,o-5olla') o3 (ol5% a,o*t 3i3teen
2o*n5)7 6o'th% I thin4- I +a1 not ,e a +*lti+illionai'e% ,*t I7+ :*ite 6ell o33 an5 I 6o*l5n7t ,e )tealin( it-
It 6o*l5 ,e +1 o6n +one1 an5 I a+ entitle5 to 5'a6 it in (ol5- The'e i) nothin( ille(al a,o*t it- "hat I a+
o33e'in( 1o* i) a h*n5'e5 tho*)an5 (lo,o-5olla') in 3i&e-h*n5'e5 (lo,o-5olla' 2iece)--t6o h*n5'e5 o3
the+- 'old, '- "illa'5->
Gol5$ "illa'5 6a) he)itatin(- one1% 6hen it 6a) a +atte' o3 elect'onic e<chan(e% +eant nothin(-
The'e 6a) no 3eelin( o3 eithe' 6ealth o' o3 2o&e't1 a,o&e a ce'tain le&el- The 6o'l5 6a) a +atte' o3 2la)tic
ca'5) ?each 4e1e5 to a n*cleic aci5 2atte'n@ an5 o3 )lot)% an5 all the 6o'l5 t'an)3e''e5% t'an)3e''e5%
Gol5 6a) 5i33e'ent- It ha5 a 3eel- Each 2iece ha5 a 6ei(ht- Pile5 to(ethe' it ha5 a (lea+in( ,ea*t1-
It 6a) 6ealth one co*l5 a22'eciate an5 e<2e'ience- "illa'5 ha5 ne&e' e&en )een a (ol5 coin% let alone 3elt
o' he3te5 one- T6o h*n5'e5 o3 the+$
He 5i5n7t nee5 the +one1- He 6a) not )o )*'e he 5i5n7t nee5 the (ol5-
He )ai5% 6ith a 4in5 o3 )ha+e3ace5 6ea4ne))- ="hat 4in5 o3 a no&el i) it that 1o* a'e tal4in(
=Science 3iction-=
"illa'5 +a5e a 3ace- =I7&e ne&e' 'ea5 )cience 3iction- =
=Then it7) ti+e 1o* e<2an5e5 1o*' ho'iAon)% '- "illa'5- Rea5 +ine- I3 1o* i+a(ine a (ol5 coin
,et6een e&e'1 t6o 2a(e) o3 the ,oo4% 1o* 6ill ha&e 1o*' t6o h*n5'e5->
An5 "illa'5% 'athe' 5e)2i)in( hi) o6n 6ea4ne))% )ai5% ="hat7) the na+e o3 1o*' ,oo49>
=Three in %ne. =
=An5 1o* ha&e a co219>
=I ,'o*(ht one 6ith +e-=
An5 "illa'5 hel5 o*t hi) han5 an5 too4 it-
That "illa'5 6a) a ,*)1 +an 6a) ,1 no +ean) a lie- It too4 hi+ ,ette' than a 6ee4 to 3in5 the
ti+e to 'ea5 the ,oo4% e&en 6ith t6o h*n5'e5 2iece) o3 (ol5 (litte'in(% an5 l*'in( hi+ on-
Then he )at a 6hile an5 2on5e'e5- Then he 2hone5 La,o'ian-
The ne<t +o'nin(% La,o'ian 6a) in "illia'57) o33ice a(ain-
"illa'5 )ai5% ,l*ntl1% ='- La,o'ian% I ha&e 'ea5 1o*' ,oo4->
La,o'ian no55e5 an5 co*l5 not hi5e the an<iet1 in hi) e1e)- =I ho2e 1o* li4e it% '- "illa'5->
"illa'5 li3te5 hi) han5 an5 'oc4e5 it 'i(ht an5 le3t- =So-)o- I tol5 1o* I ha&e not 'ea5 )cience
3iction% an5 I 5on7t 4no6 ho6 (oo5 o' ,a5 it i) o3 it) 4in5-->
=Doe) it +atte'% i3 1o* li4e5 it9>
=I7+ not )*'e i3 I li4e5 it- I7+ not *)e5 to thi) )o't o3 thin(- "e a'e 5ealin( in thi) no&el 6ith th'ee
="hich 1o* call a Rational% an E+otional% an5 a Pa'ental- =
=B*t 1o* 5on7t 5e)c'i,e the+9>
La,o'ian loo4e5 e+,a''a))e5- =I 5i5n7t 5e)c'i,e the+% '- "illa'5% ,eca*)e I co*l5n7t- The17'e
alien c'eat*'e)% 'eall1 alien- I 5i5n7t 6ant to 2'eten5 the1 6e'e alien ,1 )i+2l1 (i&in( the+ ,l*e )4in) o' a
2ai' o3 antennae o' a thi'5 e1e- I wanted the+ in5e)c'i,a,le% )o I 5i5n7t 5e)c'i,e the+% 1o* )ee->
="hat 1o*7'e )a1in( i) that 1o*' i+a(ination 3aile5->
=N--no- I 6o*l5n7t )a1 that- It7) +o'e li4e not ha&in( that !ind o3 i+a(ination- I 5on7t 5e)c'i,e
an1one- I3 I 6e'e to 6'ite a )to'1 a,o*t 1o* an5 +e% I 2'o,a,l1 6o*l5n7t ,othe' 5e)c'i,in( eithe' one o3
"illa'5 )ta'e5 at La,o'ian 6itho*t t'1in( to 5i)(*i)e hi) conte+2t- He tho*(ht o3 hi+)el3- i55le-
)iAe5% )o3t a,o*t the +i55le% nee5e5 to 'e5*ce a ,it% the ,e(innin() o3 a 5o*,le chin% an5 a +ole on hi) 'i(ht
6'i)t- Li(ht ,'o6n hai'% 5a'4 ,l*e e1e)% ,*l,o*) no)e- "hat 6a) )o ha'5 to 5e)c'i,e9 An1one co*l5 5o it- I3
1o* ha5 an i+a(ina'1 cha'acte'% thin4 o3 )o+eone 'eal--an5 5e)c'i,e-
The'e 6a) La,o'ian% 5a'4 in co+2le<ion% c'i)2 c*'l1 ,lac4 hai'% loo4e5 a) tho*(h he nee5e5 a
)ha&e% 2'o,a,l1 loo4e5 that 6a1 all the ti+e% 2'o+inent A5a+7) a22le% )+all )ca' on the 'i(ht chee4% 5a'4
,'o6n e1e) 'athe' la'(e% an5 hi) onl1 (oo5 3eat*'e-
"illa'5 )ai5% =I 5on7t *n5e')tan5 1o*- "hat 4in5 o3 6'ite' a'e 1o* i3 1o* ha&e t'o*,le 5e)c'i,in(
thin()9 "hat 5o 1o* 6'ite9>
La,o'ian )ai5% (entl1% )o+e6hat a) tho*(h thi) 6a) not the 3i')t ti+e he ha5 ha5 to 5e3en5 hi+)el3
alon( tho)e line)% =Yo*7&e 'ea5 Three in %ne. I7&e 6'itten othe' no&el) an5 the17'e all in the )a+e )t1le-
o)tl1 con&e')ation- I 5on7t )ee thin() 6hen I 6'iteC I hear, an5 3o' +o)t 2a't% 6hat +1 cha'acte') tal4
a,o*t a'e i5ea)--co+2etin( i5ea)- I7+ )t'on( on that an5 +1 'ea5e') li4e it->
=Ye)% ,*t 6he'e 5oe) that lea&e me+ I can7t 5e&i)e a co+2*5'a+a ,a)e5 on con&e')ation alone- I
ha&e to c'eate )i(ht an5 )o*n5 an5 )*,li+inal +e))a(e)% an5 1o* lea&e +e nothin( to 6o'4 on->
=A'e 1o* thin4in( o3 5oin( Three in %ne, then9>
=Not i3 1o* (i&e +e nothin( to 6o'4 on- Thin4% '- La,o'ian% thin4$ Thi) Pa'ental- He7) the 5*+,
=Not 5*+,%> )ai5 La,o'ian% 3'o6nin(- =Sin(le-+in5e5- He onl1 ha) 'oo+ in hi) +in5 3o' chil5'en%
'eal an5 2otential->
=Bloc4i)h$ I3 1o* 5i5n7t *)e that act*al 6o'5 3o' the Pa'ental in the no&el% an5 I 5on7t 'e+e+,e'
o33han5 6hethe' 1o* 5i5 o' not% it7) ce'tainl1 the i+2'e))ion I (ot- C*,ical- I) that 6hat he i)9>
="ell% )i+2le- St'ai(ht line)- St'ai(ht 2lane)- Not c*,ical- Lon(e' than he i) 6i5e->
=Ho6 5oe) he +o&e9 Doe) he ha&e le()9>
=I 5on7t 4no6- I hone)tl1 ne&e' (a&e it an1 tho*(ht->
=H+2- An5 the Rational- He7) the )+a't one an5 he7) )+ooth an5 :*ic4- "hat i) he9 E((-
=I75 acce2t that- I7&e ne&e' (i&en that an1 tho*(ht% eithe'% ,*t I75 acce2t that->
=An5 no le()9>
=I ha&en7t 5e)c'i,e5 an1->
=An5 ho6 a,o*t the +i55le one- Yo*' B)he7 cha'acte'--the othe' t6o ,ein( Bhe7)->B
=The E+otional->
=That7) 'i(ht- The E+otional- Yo* 5i5 ,ette' on he'->
=O3 co*')e- I 5i5 +o)t o3 +1 thin4in( a,o*t he'- She 6a) t'1in( to )a&e the alien intelli(ence)--
*)--o3 an alien 6o'l5% Ea'th- The 'ea5e'7) )1+2ath1 +*)t ,e 6ith he'% e&en tho*(h )he 3ail)->
=I (athe' )he 6a) +o'e li4e a clo*5% 5i5n7t ha&e an1 3i'+ )ha2e at all% co*l5 atten*ate an5 ti(hten->
=Ye)% 1e)- That7) e<actl1 'i(ht->
=Doe) )he 3lo6 alon( the ('o*n5 o' 5'i3t th'o*(h the ai'9>
La,o'ian tho*(ht% then )hoo4 hi) hea5- =I 5on7t 4no6- I 6o*l5 )a1 1o* 6o*l5 ha&e to )*it 1o*')el3
6hen it ca+e to that- =
=I )ee- An5 6hat a,o*t the )e<9>
La,o'ian )ai5% 6ith )*55en enth*)ia)+- =That7) a c'*cial 2oint- I ne&e' ha&e an1 )e< in +1 no&el)
,e1on5 that 6hich i) a,)ol*tel1 nece))a'1 an5 then I +ana(e to 'e3'ain 3'o+ 5e)c'i,in( it-->
=Yo* 5on7t li4e )e<9>
=I li4e )e< 3ine% than4 1o*- I 8*)t 5on7t li4e it in +1 no&el)- E&e'1one el)e 2*t) it in an5% 3'an4l1% I
thin4 that 'ea5e') 3in5 it) a,)ence in +1 no&el) 'e3'e)hin(C at lea)t% +1 'ea5e') 5o- An5 I +*)t e<2lain to
1o* that +1 ,oo4) 5o &e'1 6ell- I 6o*l5n7t ha&e a h*n5'e5 tho*)an5 5olla') to )2en5 i3 the1 5i5n7t->
=All 'i(ht- I7+ not t'1in( to 2*t 1o* 5o6n->
=Ho6e&e'% the'e a'e al6a1) 2eo2le 6ho )a1 I 5on7t incl*5e )e< ,eca*)e I 5on7t 4no6 ho6% )o--o*t
o3 &ain(lo'1% I )*22o)e--I 6'ote thi) no&el 8*)t to )ho6 that I could 5o it- The enti'e no&el 5eal) 6ith )e<-
O3 co*')e% it7) alien )e<% not at all li4e o*')->
=That7) 'i(ht- That7) 6h1 I ha&e to a)4 1o* a,o*t the +echanic) o3 it- Ho6 5oe) it 6o'49>
La,o'ian loo4e5 *nce'tain 3o' a +o+ent- =The1 +elt->
=I 4no6 that that7) the 6o'5 1o* *)e- Do 1o* +ean the1 co+e to(ethe'9 S*2e'i+2o)e9>
=I )*22o)e )o->
"illa'5 )i(he5- =Ho6 can 1o* 6'ite a ,oo4 6itho*t 4no6in( an1thin( a,o*t )o 3*n5a+ental a
2a't o3 it9>
=I 5on7t ha&e to 5e)c'i,e it in 5etail- The 'ea5e' (et) the i+2'e))ion- "ith )*,li+inal )*((e)tion
)o +*ch a 2a't o3 the co+2*-5'a+a% ho6 can 1o* a)4 the :*e)tion9>
"illa'57) li2) 2'e))e5 to(ethe'- La,o'ian ha5 hi+ the'e- =#e'1 6ell- The1 )*2e'i+2o)e- "hat 5o
the1 loo4 li4e a3te' the1 ha&e )*2e'i+2o)e59 =
La,o'ian )hoo4 hi) hea5- =I a&oi5e5 that- =
=Yo* 'ealiAe% o3 co*')e% that I can7t-> La,o'ian no55e5- =Ye)->
"illa'5 hea&e5 anothe' )i(h an5 )ai5% =Loo4% '- La,o'ian% a))*+in( that I a('ee to 5o )*ch a
co+2*-5'a+a--an5 I ha&e not 1et +a5e *2 +1 +in5 on the +atte'--I 6o*l5 ha&e to 5o it enti'el1 +1 6a1- I
6o*l5 tole'ate no inte'3e'ence 3'o+ 1o*- Yo* ha&e 5*c4e5 )o +an1 o3 1o*' o6n 'e)2on)i,ilitie) in 6'itin(
the ,oo4 that I can7t allo6 1o* to 5eci5e )*55enl1 that 1o* 6ant to 2a'tici2ate in +1 c'eati&e en5ea&o')->
=That7) :*ite *n5e')too5% '- "illa'5- I onl1 a)4 that 1o* 4ee2 +1 )to'1 an5 a) +*ch o3 +1
5ialo(*e a) 1o* can- All o3 the &i)*al% )onic% an5 )*,li+inal a)2ect) I a+ 6illin( to lea&e enti'el1 in 1o*'
=Yo* *n5e')tan5 that thi) i) not a +atte' o3 a &e',al a('ee+ent 6hich )o+eone in o*' in5*)t'1%
a,o*t a cent*'1 an5 a hal3 a(o% 5e)c'i,e5 a) not 6o'th the 2a2e' it 6a) 6'itten on- The'e 6ill ha&e to ,e a
6'itten cont'act +a5e 3i'+ ,1 +1 la61e') that 6ill e<cl*5e 1o* 3'o+ 2a'tici2ation->
=1 la61e') 6ill ,e (la5 to loo4 o&e' it% ,*t I a))*'e 1o* I a+ not (oin( to :*i,,le->
=And, = )ai5 "illa'5 )e&e'el1% =I 6ill 6ant an a5&ance on the +one1 1o* o33e'e5 +e- I can7t a33o'5
to ha&e 1o* chan(e 1o*' +in5 on +e an5 I a+ not in the +oo5 3o' a lon( la6)*it->
At thi)% La,o'ian 3'o6ne5- He )ai5% ='- "illa'5% tho)e 6ho 4no6 +e neer :*e)tion +1 3inancial
hone)t1- Yo* 5on7t 4no6 +e )o I7ll 2e'+it the 'e+a'4% ,*t 2lea)e 5on7t 'e2eat it- Ho6 +*ch o3 an a5&ance
5o 1o* 6i)h9>
=Hal3%> )ai5 "illa'5% ,'ie3l1-
La,o'ian )ai5% =I 6ill 5o ,ette' than that- Once 1o* ha&e o,taine5 the nece))a'1 co++it+ent)
3'o+ tho)e 6ho 6ill ,e 6illin( to 2*t *2 the +one1 3o' the co+2*-5'a+a an5 once the cont'act ,et6een *)
i) 5'a6n *2% then I 6ill (i&e 1o* e&e'1 cent o3 the h*n5'e5 tho*)an5 5olla') e&en ,e3o'e 1o* ,e(in the 3i')t
)cene o3 the ,oo4->
"illa'57) e1e) o2ene5 6i5e an5 he co*l5 not 2'e&ent hi+)el3 3'o+ )a1in(% ="h19>
=Beca*)e I 6ant to *'(e 1o* on- "hat7) +o'e% i3 the co+2*-5'a+a t*'n) o*t to ,e too ha'5 to 5o%
i3 it 6on7t 6o'4% o' i3 1o* t*'n o*t )o+ethin( that 6ill not 5o--+1 ha'5 l*c4--1o* can 4ee2 the h*n5'e5
tho*)an5- It7) a 'i)4 I7+ 'ea51 to ta4e->
="h19 "hat7) the catch9>
=No catch- I7+ (a+,lin( on i++o'alit1- I7+ a 2o2*la' 6'ite' ,*t I ha&e ne&e' hea'5 an1one call
+e a ('eat one- 1 ,oo4) a'e &e'1 li4el1 to 5ie 6ith +e- Do Three in %ne a) a co+2*-5'a+a an5 5o it 6ell
an5 that at lea)t +i(ht li&e on% an5 +a4e +1 na+e 'in( 5o6n th'o*(h the a(e)%> he )+ile5 '*e3*ll1% =o' at
lea)t )o+e a(e)- Ho6e&e'-->
=Ah%> )ai5 "illa'5- =No6 6e co+e to it->
="ell% 1e)- I ha&e a 5'ea+ that I7+ 6illin( to 'i)4 a ('eat 5eal 3o'% ,*t I7+ not a co+2lete 3ool- I
6ill (i&e 1o* the h*n5'e5 tho*)an5 I 2'o+i)e5 ,e3o'e 1o* )ta't an5 i3 the thin( 5oe)n7t 6o'4 o*t 1o* can
4ee2 it% ,*t the 2a1+ent 6ill ,e elect'onic- "tA ho6e&e'% 1o* t*'n o*t a 2'o5*ct that )ati)3ie) +e% then 1o*
6ill 'et*'n the elect'onic (i3t an5 I 6ill (i&e 1o* the h*n5'e5 tho*)an5 (lo,o-5olla') in (ol5 2iece)- Yo*
ha&e nothin( to lo)e e<ce2t that to an a'ti)t li4e 1o*')el3% (ol5 +*)t ,e +o'e 5'a+atic an5 6o'th6hile than
,li2) in a 3inance-ca'5- = An5 La,o'ian )+ile5 (entl1-
"illa'5 )ai5% =Un5e')tan5% '- La,o'ian$ I 6o*l5 ,e ta4in( a 'i)4% too- I 'i)4 lo)in( a ('eat 5eal o3
ti+e an5 e33o't that I +i(ht ha&e 5e&ote5 to a +o'e li4el1 2'o8ect- I 'i)4 2'o5*cin( a 5oc*5'a+a that 6ill ,e
a 3ail*'e an5 that 6ill ta'ni)h the 'e2*tation I ha&e ,*ilt *2 6ith Lear. In +1 ,*)ine))% 1o*7'e onl1 a) (oo5
a) 1o*' +o)t 'ecent 2'o5*ct- I 6ill con)*lt &a'io*) 2eo2le-->
=On a con3i5ential ,a)i)% 2lea)e->
=O3 co*')e$ An5 I 6ill 5o a ,it o3 5ee2 con)i5e'ation- I a+ 6illin( to (o alon( 6ith 1o*'
2'o2o)ition 3o' no6% ,*t 1o* +*)tn7t thin4 o3 it a) a 5e3inite co++it+ent- Not 1et- "e 6ill tal4 3*'the'->
;ona) "illa'5 an5 e( Cathca't )at to(ethe' o&e' l*nch in e(7) a2a't+ent- The1 6e'e at thei'
co33ee 6hen "illa'5 )ai5% 6ith a22a'ent 'el*ctance a) one 6ho ,'oache) a )*,8ect he 6o*l5 'athe' not%
=Ha&e 1o* 'ea5 the ,oo49 =
=Ye)% I ha&e->
=An5 6hat 5i5 1o* thin49>
=I 5on7t 4no6%> )ai5 Cathca't 2ee'in( at hi+ 3'o+ *n5e' the 5a'4% 'e55i)h hai' )he 6o'e cl*)te'e5
o&e' he' 3o'ehea5- = At lea)t not eno*(h to 8*5(e->
=Yo*7'e not a )cience 3iction ,*33 eithe'% then9>
="ell% I7&e 'ea5 )cience 3iction% +o)tl1 )6o'5 an5 )o'ce'1% ,*t nothin( li4e Three in %ne. I7&e
hea'5 o3 La,o'ian% tho*(h- He 5oe) 6hat the1 call Bha'5 )cience 3iction->B
=It7) ha'5 eno*(h- I 5on7t )ee ho6 I can 5o it- That ,oo4% 6hate&e' it) &i't*e)% 8*)t i)n7t +e->
Cathca't 3i<e5 hi+ 6ith a )ha'2 (lance- =Ho6 5o 1o* 4no6 it i)n7t 1o*9>
=Li)ten% it7) i+2o'tant to 4no6 6hat 1o* can7t 5o->
=An5 1o* 6e'e ,o'n 4no6in( 1o* can7t 5o )cience 3iction9>
=I ha&e an in)tinct in the)e thin()->
=So 1o* )a1- "h1 5on7t 1o* thin4 6hat 1o* +i(ht 5o 6ith tho)e th'ee *n5e)c'i,e5 cha'acte')% an5
6hat 1o* 6o*l5 6ant )*,li+inall1% ,e3o'e 1o* let 1o*' in)tinct tell 1o* 6hat 1o* can an5 can7t 5o- Fo'
in)tance% ho6 6o*l5 1o* 5o the Pa'ental% 6ho i) 'e3e''e5 to con)tantl1 a) Bhe7 e&en tho*(h it7) the Pa'ental
6ho ,ea') the chil5'en9 That )t'*c4 +e a) 8ac4a))1% i3 1o* +*)t 4no6->
=No% no%> )ai5 "illa'5% at once- =I acce2t the Bhe-7 La,o'ian +i(ht ha&e in&ente5 a thi'5 2'ono*n%
,*t it 6o*l5 ha&e +a5e no )en)e an5 the 'ea5e' 6o*l5 ha&e (a((e5 on it- In)tea5% he 'e)e'&e5 the 2'ono*n%
B)he%7 3o' the E+otional- She7) the cent'al cha'acte'% 5i33e'in( 3'o+ the othe' t6o eno'+o*)l1- The *)e o3
B)he7 3o' he' an5 onl1 3o' he' 3oc*)e) the 'ea5e'7) attention on he'% an5 it7) on he' that the 'ea5e'7) attention
must 3oc*)- "hat7) +o'e% it7) on he' that the &ie6e'7) attention must 3oc*) in the co+2*-5'a+a->
=Then 1o* hae ,een thin4in( o3 it- = She ('inne5% i+2i)hl1- =I 6o*l5n7t ha&e 4no6n i3 I ha5n7t
nee5le5 1o*->
"illa'5 )ti''e5 *nea)il1- = Act*all1% La,o'ian )ai5 )o+ethin( o3 the )o't% )o I can7t la1 clai+ to
co+2lete c'eati&it1 he'e- B*t let7) (et ,ac4 to the Pa'ental- I 6ant to tal4 a,o*t the)e thin() to 1o* ,eca*)e
e&e'1thin( i) (oin( to 5e2en5 on )*,li+inal )*((e)tion% i3 I 5o t'1 to 5o thi) thin(- The Pa'ental i) a ,loc4%
a 'ectan(le->
=A 'i(ht 2a'allele2i2e5% I thin4 the1 6o*l5 call it in )oli5 (eo+et'1->
=Co+e on- I 5on7t ca'e 6hat the1 call it in )oli5 (eo+et'1- The 2oint i) 6e can7t 8*)t ha&e a ,loc4-
"e ha&e to (i&e it 2e')onalit1- The Pa'ental i) a Bhe7 6ho ,ea') chil5'en% )o 6e ha&e to (et ac'o)) an
e2icene :*alit1- The &oice ha) to ,e neithe' clea'l1 +a)c*line no' 3e+inine- I7+ not )*'e that I ha&e in
+in5 e<actl1 the ti+,'e an5 )o*n5 I 6ill nee5% ,*t that 6ill ,e 3o' the &oice-'eco'5e' an5 +1)el3 to 6o'4
o*t ,1 t'ial an5 e''o'% I thin4- O3 co*')e% the &oice i)n7t the onl1 thin(->
="hat el)e9>
=The 3eet- The Pa'ental +o&e) a,o*t% ,*t the'e i) no 5e)c'i2tion o3 an1 li+,)- He ha) to ha&e the
e:*i&alent o3 a'+)C the'e a'e thin() he 5oe)- He o,tain) an ene'(1 )o*'ce that he 3ee5) the E+otional% )o
6e7ll ha&e to e&ol&e a'+) that a'e alien ,*t that a'e a'+)- An5 6e nee5 le()- An5 a n*+,e' o3 )t*'51%
)t*+21 le() that +o&e 'a2i5l1->
=Li4e a cate'2illa'9 O' a centi2e5e9>
"illa'5 6ince5- =Tho)e a'en7t 2lea)ant co+2a'i)on)% a'e the19>
="ell% it 6o*l5 ,e +1 8o, to )*,li+inate% i3 I +a1 *)e the e<2'e))ion% a centi2e5e% )o to )2ea4%
6itho*t )ho6in( one- ;*)t the notion o3 a )e'ie) o3 le()% a 5o*,le 3a5in( 'o6 o3 2a'enthe)e)% 8*)t on an5 o33
a) a 4in5 o3 &i)*al leit+oti& 3o' the Pa'ental% 6hene&e' he a22ea')->
=I )ee 6hat 1o* +ean- "e7ll ha&e to t'1 it o*t an5 )ee 6hat 6e can (et a6a1 6ith- The Rational i)
o&oi5- La,o'ian a5+itte5 it +i(ht ,e e((-)ha2e5- "e can i+a(ine hi+ 2'o('e))in( ,1 'ollin( ,*t I 3in5 that
co+2letel1 ina22'o2'iate- The Rational i) +in5-2'o*5% 5i(ni3ie5- "e can7t +a4e hi+ 5o an1thin(
la*(ha,le% an5 'ollin( 6o*l5 ,e la*(ha,le->
="e co*l5 ha&e hi+ 6ith a 3lat ,otto+ )li(htl1 c*'&e5% an5 he co*l5 )li5e alon( it% li4e a 2en(*in
=O' li4e a )nail on a la1e' o3 ('ea)e- No- That 6o*l5 ,e 8*)t a) ,a5- I ha5 tho*(ht o3 ha&in( th'ee
le() e<t'*5e- In othe' 6o'5)% 6hen he i) at 'e)t% he 6o*l5 ,e )+oothl1 o&oi5 an5 2'o*5 o3 it% ,*t 6hen he i)
+o&in( th'ee )t*,,1 le() e+e'(e an5 he can 6al4 on the+->
="h1 th'ee9>
=It ca''ie) on the th'ee +oti3C th'ee )e<e)% 1o* 4no6- It co*l5 ,e a 4in5 o3 ho22in( '*n- The
3o'ele( 5i() in an5 hol5) 3i'+ an5 the t6o hin5 le() co+e alon( on each )i5e->
=Li4e a th'ee-le((e5 4an(a'oo9>
=Ye)$ Can 1o* )*,li+inate a 4an(a'oo9>
=I can t'1->
=The E+otional% o3 co*')e% i) the ha'5e)t o3 the th'ee- "hat can 1o* 5o 6ith )o+ethin( that +a1
,e nothin( ,*t a cohe'ent clo*5 o3 (a)9>
Cathca't con)i5e'e5- ="hat a,o*t (i&in( the i+2'e))ion o3 5'a2e'ie) containin( nothin(- The1
6o*l5 ,e +o&in( a,o*t 6'aithli4e% 8*)t a) 1o* 2'e)ente5 Lear in the )to'+ )cene- She 6o*l5 ,e 6in5% )he
6o*l5 ,e ai'% )he 6o*l5 ,e the 3il+1% 3o((1 5'a2e'ie) that 6o*l5 'e2'e)ent that->
"illa'5 3elt hi+)el3 5'a6n to the )*((e)tion- =He1% that7) not ,a5% e(- Fo' the )*,li+inal e33ect%
co*l5 1o* 5o Helen o3 T'o19>
=Helen o3 T'o19>
=Ye)$ To the Rational an5 Pa'ental% the E+otional i) the +o)t ,ea*ti3*l thin( e&e' in&ente5-
The17'e c'aA1 a,o*t he'- The'e7) thi) )t'on(% al+o)t *n,ea'a,le )e<*al att'action--thei' 4in5 o3 )e<--an5
6e7&e (ot to +a4e the a*5ience a6a'e o3 it in their te'+)- I3 1o* can )o+eho6 (et ac'o)) a )tat*e):*e
G'ee4 6o+an% 6ith ,o*n5 hai' an5 5'a2e'ie)--the 5'a2e'ie) 6o*l5 e<actl1 3it 6hat 6e7'e i+a(inin( 3o' the
E+otional--an5 +a4e it loo4 li4e the 2aintin() an5 )c*l2t*'e) e&e'1one i) 3a+ilia' 6ith% that 6o*l5 ,e the
E+otional7) leit+oti&->
=Yo* 5on7t a)4 )i+2le thin()- The )li(hte)t int'*)ion o3 a h*+an 3i(*'e 6ill 5e)t'o1 the +oo5->
=Yo* 5on7t int'*5e a h*+an 3i(*'e- ;*)t the )*((e)tion o3 one- It7) i+2o'tant- A h*+an 3i(*'e% in
act*al 3act% +a1 5e)t'o1 the +oo5% ,*t 6e7ll ha&e to su**est h*+an 3i(*'e) th'o*(ho*t- The a*5ience ha) to
thin4 o3 the)e o55 thin() a) h*+an ,ein()- No +i)ta4e->
=I7ll thin4 a,o*t it%> )ai5 Cathca't% 5*,io*)l1-
="hich ,'in() *) to anothe' thin(- The +eltin(- The t'i2le-)e< o3 the)e thin()- I (athe' the1
)*2e'i+2o)e- I (athe' 3'o+ the ,oo4 that the E+otional i) the 4e1 to that- The Pa'ental an5 Rational can7t
+elt 6itho*t he'- She7) the e))ential 2a't o3 the 2'oce))- B*t% o3 co*')e% that 3ool% La,o'ian% 5oe)n7t
5e)c'i,e it in 5etail- "ell% 6e can7t ha&e the Rational an5 Pa'ental '*nnin( to6a'5 the E+otional an5
8*+2in( on he'- That 6o*l5 4ill the 5'a+a at once no +atte' 6hat el)e 6e +i(ht 5o->
=I a('ee->
="hat 6e +*)t 5o% then% an5 thi) i) o33 the to2 o3 +1 hea5% i) to ha&e the E+otional e<2an5% the
5'a2e'ie) +o&e o*t an5 en)6athe ?i3 that7) the 6o'5@ ,oth Pa'ental an5 Rational- The1 a'e o,)c*'e5 ,1 the
5'a2e'ie) an5 6e 5on7t )ee e<actl1 ho6 it7) 5one ,*t the1 (et clo)e' an5 clo)e' *ntil the1 )*2e'i+2o)e->
="e7ll ha&e to e+2ha)iAe the 5'a2e'1%> )ai5 Cathca't- ="e7ll ha&e to +a4e it a) ('ace3*l a)
2o))i,le in o'5e' to (et ac'o)) the ,ea*t1 o3 it% an5 not 8*)t the e'otici)+- "e7ll ha&e to ha&e +*)ic->
/Not the Ro+eo an5 ;*liet o&e't*'e% 2lea)e- A )lo6 6altA% 2e'ha2)% ,eca*)e the +eltin( ta4e) a
lon( ti+e- An5 not a 3a+ilia' one- I 5on7t 6ant the a*5ience h*++in( alon( 6ith it- In 3act% it 6o*l5 ,e
,e)t i3 it co+e) in occa)ional ,it) )o that the a*5ience (et) the i+2'e))ion o3 a 6altA% 'athe' than act*all1
hea'in( it->
="e can7t )ee ho6 to 5o it% *ntil 6e t'1 it an5 )ee 6hat 6o'4)->
=E&e'1thin( I )a1 no6 i) a 3i')t-o'5e' )*((e)tion that +a1 ha&e to ,e 1an4e5 a,o*t thi) 6a1 an5
that *n5e' the 2'e))*'e o3 act*al e&ent)- An5 6hat a,o*t the o'(a)+9 "e7ll ha&e to in5icate that
=Bette' than )o*n5% ;ona)- Yo* can7t ha&e an e<2lo)ion- I 6o*l5n7t 6ant )o+e 4in5 o3 e'*2tion%
eithe'- Colo'- Silent colo'- That +i(ht 5o it->
="hat colo' 9 I 5on7t 6ant a ,lin5in( 3la)h% eithe'- =
=No- Yo* +i(ht t'1 a 5elicate 2in4% &e'1 )lo6l1 5a'4enin(% an5 then to6a'5 the en5 )*55enl1
,eco+in( a 5ee2% 5ee2 'e5->
=I7+ not )*'e- "e7ll ha&e to t'1 it o*t- It +*)t ,e *n+i)ta4a,le an5 +o&in( an5 not +a4e the
a*5ience (i((le o' 3eel e+,a''a))e5- I can )ee o*')el&e) '*nnin( th'o*(h e&e'1 colo' chan(e in the
)2ect'*+% an5% in the en5% 3in5in( that it 6ill 5e2en5 on 6hat 1o* 5o )*,li+inall1- An5 that ,'in() *) to the
=The 6hat9>
=Yo* 4no6- A3te' the la)t +eltin(% the )*2e'i+2o)ition 'e+ain) 2e'+anent an5 6e ha&e the a5*lt
3o'+ that i) all th'ee co+2onent) to(ethe'- The'e% I thin4% 6e7ll ha&e to +a4e the+ +o'e h*+an- Not
h*+an% +in5 1o*- ;*)t +o'e h*+an- A 3aint )*((e)tion o3 h*+an 3o'+% not 8*)t )*,li+inal% eithe'- "e7ll
nee5 a &oice that i) )o+eho6 'e+ini)cent o3 all th'ee% an5 I 5on7t 4no6 ho6 the 'eco'5e' can +a4e that
6o'4- Fo't*natel1% the t'i2le-,ein() 5on7t a22ea' +*ch in the )to'1->
"illa'5 )hoo4 hi) hea5- = An5 that ,'in() *) to the 'o*(h 3act that the co+2*-5'a+a +i(ht not ,e
a 2o))i,le 2'o8ect at all->
="h1 not9 Yo* )ee+ to ha&e ,een o33e'in( 2otential )ol*tion) o3 all 4in5) 3o' the &a'io*)
=Not 3o' the e))ential 2a't- loo4$ In =in* Lear, 6e ha5 h*+an cha'acte')% more than h*+an
cha'acte')- Yo* ha5 )ea'in( e+otion)- "hat ha&e 6e (ot he'e9 "e ha&e 3*nn1 little c*,e) an5 o&al) an5
5'a2e'1- Tell +e ho6 +1 Three in %ne i) (oin( to ,e 5i33e'ent 3'o+ an ani+ate5 ca'toon9>
=Fo' one thin(% an ani+ate5 ca'toon i) t6o-5i+en)ional- E&en 6ith ela,o'ate ani+ation it i) 3lat%
an5 it) colo'in( i) 6itho*t )ha5in(- It i) in&a'ia,l1 )ati'icial-->
=I 4no6 all that- That7) not 6hat I 6ant 1o* to tell +e- Yo*7'e +i))in( the i+2o'tant 2oint- "hat a
co+2*-5'a+a ha)% that a +e'e ani+ate5 ca'toon 5oe) not% a'e )*,li+inal )*((e)tion) )*ch a) can onl1 ,e
c'eate5 ,1 a: co+2le< co+2*te' in the han5) o3 an i+a(inati&e (eni*)- "hat +1 co+2*-5'a+a ha) that an
ani+ate5 ca'toon 5oe)n7t i) you, e(->
="ell% I 6a) ,ein( +o5e)t- =
=Don7t ,e- I7+ t'1in( to tell 1o* that e&e'1thin(33eerythin*33i) (oin( to 5e2en5 on 1o*- "e ha&e
a )to'1 he'e that i) 5ea5 )e'io*)- O*' E+otional i) t'1in( to )a&e Ea'th o*t o3 2*'e i5eali)+C it7) not he'
6o'l5- An5 )he 5oe)n7t )*ccee5% an5 )he 6on7t )*ccee5 in +1 &e')ion% eithe'- No chea2% ha221 en5in(->
=Ea'th i)n7t e<actl1 5e)t'o1e5->
=No% it i)n7t- The'e7) )till ti+e to )a&e it i3 La,o'ian e&e' (et) a'o*n5 to 5oin( a )e:*el% ,*t in this
)to'1 the atte+2t 3ail)- It7) a t'a(e51 an5 I 6ant it t'eate5 a) one--a) t'a(ic a) Lear. No 3*nn1 &oice)% no
h*+o'o*) action)% no )ati'ical to*che)- Se'io*)- Se'io*)- Se'io*)- An5 I7+ (oin( to 5e2en5 on 1o* to +a4e
it )o- It 6ill ,e 1o* 6ho +a4e) )*'e that the a*5ience 'eact) to the Rational% the E+otional% the Pa'ental% a)
tho*(h the1 6e'e h*+an ,ein()- All thei' 2ec*lia'itie) 6ill ha&e to +elt a6a1 an5 the17ll ha&e to ,e
'eco(niAe5 a) intelli(ent ,ein() on a 2a' 6ith h*+anit1% i3 not ahea5 o3 it- Can 1o* 5o it9>
Cathca't )ai5 5'1l1% =It loo4) a) tho*(h 1o* 6ill in)i)t I can->
=I 5o )o in)i)t->
=Then 1o* ha5 ,ette' )ee a,o*t (ettin( the ,all 'ollin(% an5 1o* lea&e +e alone 6hile 1o*7'e 5oin(
it- I nee5 ti+e to thin4- Lot) o3 ti+e->
The ea'l1 5a1) o3 the )hootin( 6e'e an *n+iti(ate5 5i)a)te'- Each +e+,e' o3 the c'e6 ha5 hi)
co21 o3 the ,oo4% ca'e3*ll1% al+o)t )*'(icall1 t'i++e5% ,*t 6ith no )cene) enti'el1 o+itte5-
="e7'e (oin( to )tic4 to the co*')e o3 the ,oo4 a) clo)el1 a) 6e can% an5 i+2'o&e it a) 6e (o
alon( 8*)t a) +*ch a) 6e can%> "illa'5 ha5 anno*nce5 con3i5entl1- = An5 the 3i')t thin( 6e 5o i) (et a hol5
on the t'i2le-,ein()->
He t*'ne5 to the hea5 &oice-'eco'5e'- =Ho6 ha&e 1o* ,een 6o'4in( on that9>
=I7&e t'ie5 to 3*)e the th'ee &oice)- =
=Let7) hea'- All 'i(ht% e&e'1one :*iet->
=I7ll (i&e 1o* the Pa'ental 3i')t%> )ai5 the 'eco'5e'- The'e ca+e a thin% teno' &oice% o*t o3 4e1 6ith
the ,loc4i)h 3i(*'e that the I+a(e +an ha5 2'o5*ce5- "illa'5 6ince5 )li(htl1 at the +i)+atch% ,*t the
Pa'ental was +i)+atche5--a +a)c*line +othe'- The Rational% 'oc4in( )lo6l1 ,ac4 an5 3o'th% ha5 a
)o+e6hat )el3-i+2o'tant &oiceC en*nciation o&e'-ca'e3*l% an5 it 6a) a li(ht ,a'itone-
"illa'5 inte''*2te5- =Le)) 'oc4in( in the Rational- "e 5on7t 6ant the a*5ience to ,eco+e )ea)ic4-
He 'oc4) 6hen he i) 5ee2 in tho*(ht% an5 not all the ti+e->
He then no55e5 hi) hea5 at D*a7) 5'a2e'ie)% 6hich )ee+e5 :*ite )*cce))3*l% a) 5i5 he' clea' an5
in3initel1 )6eet )o2'ano &oice-
=She +*)t ne&e' )h'ie4%> )ai5 "illa'5% )e&e'el1% =not e&en 6hen )he i) in a 2a))ion->
=She 6on7t%> )ai5 the 'eco'5e'- =The t'ic4 i)% tho*(h% to ,len5 the &oice) in )ettin( *2 the t'i2le-
,ein(% in ha&in( each one 5i)tantl1 i5enti3ia,le->
All th'ee &oice) )o*n5e5 )o3tl1% the 6o'5) not clea'- The1 )ee+e5 to +elt into each othe' an5 then
the &oice co*l5 ,e hea'5 en*nciatin(-
"illa'5 )hoo4 hi) hea5 in i++e5iate 5i)content- =No% that 6on7t 5o at all- "e can7t ha&e th'ee
&oice) in a 4in5 o3 inti+ate 2atch6o'4- "e75 ,e +a4in( the t'i2le-,ein( a 3i(*'e o3 3*n- "e nee5 one &oice
6hich )o+eho6 )*((e)t) all th'ee->
The &oice-'eco'5e' 6a) clea'l1 o33en5e5- =It7) ea)1 to )a1 that- Ho6 5o 1o* )*((e)t 6e 5o it9>
=I 5o it%> )ai5 "illa'5% ,'*tall1% =,1 o'5e'in( 1o* to 5o it- I7ll tell 1o* 6hen 1o* ha&e it- An5
Cathca't--6he'e i) Cathca't9>
=He'e I a+%> )he )ai5% e+e'(in( 3'o+ ,ehin5 he' in)t'*+entation- ="he'e I7+ )*22o)e5 to ,e->
=I 5on7t li4e the )*,li+ination% Cathca't- I (athe' 1o* t'ie5 to (i&e the i+2'e))ion o3 ce'e,'al
=Fo' intelli(ence- The t'i2le-,ein() 'e2'e)ent the intelli(ence-2ea4 o3 the)e alien)->
=Ye)% I *n5e')tan5% ,*t 6hat 1o* +ana(e5 to 5o 6a) to (i&e the i+2'e))ion o3 6o'+)- Yo*7ll ha&e
to thin4 o3 )o+ethin( el)e- An5 I 5on7t li4e the a22ea'ance o3 the t'i2le-,ein(% eithe'- He loo4) 8*)t li4e a
,i( Rational->
=He is li4e a ,i( Rational%> )ai5 one o3 the i+a(i)t)-
=I) he 5e)c'i,e5 in the ,oo4 that 6a19> a)4e5 "illa'5% )ha'2l1-
=Not in )o +an1 6o'5)% ,*t the i+2'e))ion I (et-->
=Ne&e' +in5 1o*' i+2'e))ion- I7ll +a4e the 5eci)ion)->
"illa'5 ('e6 3o*le'-te+2e'e5 a) the 5a1 6o'e on- At lea)t t6ice he ha5 5i33ic*lt1 cont'ollin( hi)
2a))ion% the )econ5 ti+e co+in( 6hen he ha22ene5 to notice )o+eone 6atchin( the 2'ocee5in() 3'o+ a
)2ot at one e5(e o3 the lot-
He )t'o5e to6a'5 hi+ an('il1- ="hat a'e 1o* 5oin( he'e9>
It 6a) La,o'ian% 6ho an)6e'e5 :*ietl1% ="atchin(- =
=O*' cont'act )tate)-->
=That I a+ to inte'3e'e in the 2'ocee5in() in no 6a1- It 5oe) not )a1 I cannot 6atch :*ietl1->
=Yo*7ll (et *2)et i3 1o* 5o- Thi) i) the 6a1 2'e2a'in( a co+2*5'a+a 6o'4)- The'e a'e lot) o3
(litche) to o&e'co+e an5 it 6o*l5 ,e *2)ettin( to the co+2an1 to ha&e the a*tho' 6atchin( an5
=I7+ not 5i)a22'o&in(- I7+ he'e onl1 to an)6e' :*e)tion) i3 1o* ca'e to a)4 the+->
=K*e)tion)9 "hat 4in5 o3 :*e)tion)9>
La,o'ian )h'*((e5- =I 5on7t 4no6- So+ethin( +i(ht 2*AAle 1o* an5 1o* +i(ht 6ant a
=I )ee%> )ai5 "illa'5% 6ith hea&1 i'on1% =)o 1o* can teach +e +1 ,*)ine))->
=No% )o I can an)6e' 1o*' :*e)tion)->
="ell% I ha&e one->
=#e'1 6ell%> an5 La,o'ian 2'o5*ce5 a )+all ca))ette 'eco'5e'- =I3 1o*7ll 8*)t )2ea4 into thi) an5
)a1 that 1o* a'e a)4in( +e a :*e)tion an5 6i)h +e to an)6e' 6itho*t 2'e8*5icin( the cont'act% 6e7'e in
"illa'5 2a*)e5 3o' a con)i5e'a,le ti+e% )ta'in( at La,o'ian a) tho*(h he )*)2ecte5 t'ic4e'1 o3
)o+e )o't% then he )2o4e into the ca))ette-
=#e'1 6ell%> )ai5 La,o'ian- ="hat7) 1o*' :*e)tion9>
=Di5 1o* ha&e an1thin( in +in5 3o' the a22ea'ance o3 the t'i2le-,ein( in the ,oo49>
=Not a thin(%> )ai5 La,o'ian% chee'3*ll1-
=Ho6 co*l5 1o* 5o that9> "illa'57) &oice t'e+,le5 a) tho*(h he 6e'e hol5in( ,ac4 a 3inal =1o*
i5iot> ,1 +ain 3o'ce-
=Ea)il1- "hat I 5on7t 5e)c'i,e% the 'ea5e' )*22lie) in hi) o6n +in5- Each 'ea5e' 5oe) it 5i33e'entl1
to )*it hi+)el3% I 2'e)*+e- That7) the a5&anta(e o3 6'itin(- A co+2*-5'a+a 6o*l5 ha&e an eno'+o*)l1
la'(e' a*5ience than a ,oo4 co*l5 ha&e% ,*t 1o* +*)t 2a1 3o' that ,1 ha&in( to 2'e)ent an i+a(e->
=I *n5e')tan5 that%> )ai5 "illa'5- =So +*ch 3o' the :*e)tion% then->
=Not at all- I ha&e a )*((e)tion->
=Li4e 6hat9>
=Li4e a hea5- Gi&e the t'i2le-,ein( a hea5- The Pa'ental ha) no hea5% no' the Rational% no' the
E+otional% ,*t all th'ee loo4 *2 to the t'i2le-,ein() a) c'eat*'e) o3 intelli(ence ,e1on5 thei' o6n- That i)
the enti'e 5i33e'ence ,et6een the t'i2le-,ein() an5 the th'ee Se2a'ate)- Intelli(ence->
=A hea59>
=Ye)- "e a))ociate intelli(ence 6ith hea5)- The hea5 contain) the ,'ain% it contain) the )en)e
o'(an)- O+it the hea5 an5 6e cannot ,elie&e in intelli(ence- The hea5le)) o1)te') o' cla+) a'e +oll*)4)
that )ee+ no +o'e intelli(ent to *) than a )2'in( o3 ('a)) 6o*l5 ,e% ,*t the 'elate5 octo2*)% al)o a +oll*)4%
6e acce2t a) 2o))i,l1 intelli(ent ,eca*)e it ha) a hea5--an5 e1e)- Gi&e the t'i2le-,ein( e1e)% too->
"o'4 ha5% o3 co*')e% cea)e5 on the )et- E&e'1one ha5 (athe'e5 in a) clo)el1 a) the1 tho*(ht
8*5icio*) to li)ten to the con&e')ation ,et6een 5i'ecto' an5 a*tho'-
"illa'5 )ai5% ="hat 4in5 o3 hea59>
=Yo*' choice- All 1o* nee5 i) a ,*l(e su**estin* a hea5- An5 e1e)- The &ie6e' i) )*'e to (et the
"illa'5 t*'ne5 a6a1% )ho*tin(% ="ell% (et ,ac4 to 6o'4- "ho calle5 a &acation9 "he'e a'e the
i+a(i)t)9 Bac4 to the +achine an5 ,e(in t'1in( o*t hea5)->
He t*'ne5 )*55enl1 an5 )ai5% in an al+o)t )*'l1 3a)hion% to La,o'ian- =Than4 1o*$ =
=Onl1 i3 it 6o'4)%> )ai5 La,o'ian% )h'*((in(-
The 'e)t o3 the 5a1 6a) )2ent in te)tin( hea5)% )ea'chin( 3o' one that 6a) not a h*+o'o*) ,*l(e%
an5 not an *ni+a(inati&e co21 o3 the h*+an hea5% an5 e1e) that 6e'e not a)toni)he5 ci'cle) o' &icio*) )lit)-
Then% 3inall1% "illa'5 calle5 a halt an5 ('o6le5% ="e7ll t'1 a(ain to+o''o6- I3 an1one (et) an1 ,'illiant
tho*(ht) o&e'ni(ht% (i&e the+ to e( Cathca't- She7ll 2a)) on to +e an1 that a'e 6o'th it-> An5 he a55e5%
in an anno1e5 +*tte'% =I )*22o)e )he7ll ha&e to 'e+ain )ilent->
"illa'5 6a) 'i(ht an5 6'on(- He 6a) 'i(ht- The'e 6e'e no ,'illiant i5ea) han5e5 to hi+% ,*t he
6a) 6'on( 3o' he ha5 one o3 hi) o6n-
He )ai5 to Cathca't% =Li)ten% can 1o* (et ac'o)) a to2 hat9>
=A 6hat9>
=The )o't o3 thin( the1 6o'e in #icto'ian ti+e)- Loo4% 6hen the Pa'ental in&a5e) the lai' o3 the
t'i2le-,ein() to )teal an ene'(1 )o*'ce% he7) not an i+2'e))i&e )i(ht in hi+)el3% ,*t 1o* tol5 +e 1o* co*l5
8*)t (et ac'o)) the i5ea o3 a hel+et an5 a lon( line that 6ill (i&e the notion o3 a )2ea'- He7ll ,e on a 4ni(htl1
=Ye)% I 4no6%> )he )ai5% =,*t it +i(ht not 6o'4- "e7ll ha&e to t'1 it o*t->
=O3 co*')e% ,*t that 2oint) the 5i'ection- I3 1o* ha&e 8*)t a )*((e)tion o3 a to2 hat% it 6ill (i&e the
i+2'e))ion o3 the t'i2le-,ein( a) an a'i)toc'at- The e<act )ha2e o3 the hea5 an5 e1e) ,eco+e) le)) c'*cial in
that ca)e- Can it ,e 5one9>
=An1thin( can ,e 5one- The :*e)tion i): 6ill it 6o'49 =
="e7ll t'1 it->
An5 a) it ha22ene5% one thin( le5 to anothe'- The )*((e)tion o3 the to2 hat ca*)e5 the &oice-
'eco'5e' to )a1% ="h1 not (i&e the t'i2le-,ein( a B'iti)h accent9 =
"illa'5 6a) ca*(ht o33-(*a'5- ="h19>
="ell% the B'iti)h ha&e a lan(*a(e 6ith +o'e tone) than 6e 5o- At lea)t% the *22e' cla))e) 5o- The
A+e'ican &e')ion o3 En(li)h ten5) to ,e 3lat% an5 that7) t'*e o3 the Se2a'ate)% too- I3 the t'i2le-,ein( )2o4e
B'iti)h 'athe' than En(li)h% hi) &oice co*l5 'i)e an5 3all 6ith the 6o'5)--teno' an5 ,a'itone an5 e&en an
occa)ional )o2'ano ):*ea4- That7) 6hat 6e 6o*l5 6ant to in5icate 6ith the th'ee &oice) o*t o3 6hich hi)
&oice 6a) 3o'+e5->
=Can 1o* 5o that9> )ai5 "illa'5-
=I thin4 )o->
=Then 6e7ll t'1- Not ,a5--i3 it 6o'4)->
It 6a) inte'e)tin( to )ee ho6 the enti'e ('o*2 3o*n5 the+)el&e) en(a(e5 in the E+otional-
The )cene in 2a'tic*la' 6he'e the E+otional 6a) 3leein( ac'o)) the 3ace o3 the 2lanet% 6he'e )he
ha5 he' ,'ie3 )et-to 6ith the othe' E+otional) ca*(ht at e&e'1one-
"illa'5 )ai5 ten)el1% =Thi) i) (oin( to ,e one o3 the ('eat 5'a+atic )cene)- "e7ll 2*t it o*t a)
6i5el1 a) 6e can- It7) (oin( to ,e 5'a2e'ie)% 5'a2e'ie)% 5'a2e'ie)% ,*t the1 +*)t not ,e entan(le5 one 6ith
the othe'- Each one +*)t ,e 5i)tinct- E&en 6hen 1o* '*)h the E+otional) in to6a'5 the a*5ience I 6ant
each )et o3 5'a2e'ie) to ,e a 5i33e'ent o33-6hite- An5 I 6ant D*a7) 5'a2e'1 to ,e 5i)tinct 3'o+ all o3 the+- I
6ant he' to (litte' a little% 8*)t to ,e 5i33e'ent% an5 ,eca*)e )he7) our E+otional- Got it9>
=Got it%> )ai5 the lea5in( i+a(i)t- ="e7ll han5le it->
=An5 anothe' thin(- All the othe' E+otional) t6itte'- The17'e ,i'5)- O*' E+otional doesn.t
t6itte'% an5 )he 5e)2i)e) the 'e)t ,eca*)e )he7) +o'e intelli(ent than the1 a'e an5 )he 4no6) it- An5 6hen
)he7) 3leein(--> he 2a*)e5% an5 ,'oo5e5 a ,it- =I) the'e an1 6a1 6e can (et a6a1 3'o+ the BRi5e o3 the
="e 5on7t 6ant to%> )ai5 the )o*n5+an 2'o+2tl1- =Nothin( ,ette' 3o' the 2*'2o)e ha) e&e' ,een
Cathca't )ai5% =Ye)% ,*t 6e7ll onl1 ha&e )natche) o3 it no6 an5 then- Hea'in( a 3e6 ,a') ha) the
e33ect o3 the 6hole% an5 I can in)e't the hint o3 to))in( +ane)->
=ane)9> )ai5 "illa'5% 5*,io*)l1-=
A,)ol*tel1- Th'ee tho*)an5 1ea') o3 e<2e'ience 6ith ho')e) ha) 2inne5 *) 5o6n to the (allo2in(
)tallion a) the e2ito+e o3 6il5 )2ee5- All o*' +echanical 5e&ice) a'e too )tatic% ho6e&e' 3a)t the1 (o- An5 I
can a''an(e to ha&e the +ane) 8*)t +atch% e+2ha)iAe% an5 2*nct*ate the 3lo6in( o3 the 5'a2e'ie)->
=That )o*n5) (oo5- "e7ll t'1 it->
"illa'5 4ne6 6he'e the 3inal )t*+,lin( ,loc4 6o*l5 ,e 3o*n5- The la)t +eltin(- He calle5 the
t'o*2e to(ethe' to lect*'e the+% 2a'tl1 to +a4e )*'e the1 *n5e')too5 6hat it 6a) the1 6e'e all 5oin( no6%
2a'tl1 to 2*t o33 the ti+e o3 'ec4onin( 6hen the1 6o*l5 act*all1 t'1 to 2*t it all into )o*n5% i+a(e% an5
He )ai5% = All 'i(ht% the E+otional7) inte'e)t i) in )a&in( the othe' 6o'l5--Ea'th--onl1 ,eca*)e )he
can7t ,ea' the tho*(ht o3 the +eanin(le)) 5e)t'*ction o3 intelli(ent ,ein()- She 4no6) the t'i2le-,ein() a'e
ca''1in( th'o*(h a )cienti3ic 2'o8ect% nece))a'1 3o' the 6el3a'e o3 her 6o'l5 an5 ca'in( nothin( 3o' the
5an(e' into 6hich it 2*t) the alien 6o'l5--*)-
=She t'ie) to 6a'n the alien 6o'l5 an5 3ail)- She 4no6)% at la)t% that the 6hole 2*'2o)e o3 +eltin(
i) to 2'o5*ce a ne6 )et o3 Rational% E+otional an5 Pa'ental% an5 then% 6ith that 5one% the'e i) a 3inal
+eltin( that 6o*l5 t*'n the o'i(inal )et into a t'i2le-,ein(- Do 1o* ha&e that9 ItD) a )o't o3 la'&al 3o'+ o3
Se2a'ate) an5 an a5*lt 3o'+ o3 t'i2le)-
=B*t the E+otional 5oe)nDt 6ant to +elt- She 5oe)nDt 6ant to 2'o5*ce the ne6 (ene'ation- o)t o3
all% )he 5oe)nDt 6ant to ,eco+e a t'i2le-,ein( an5 2a'tici2ate in 6hat )he con)i5e') thei' 6o'4 o3
5e)t'*ction- She i)% ho6e&e'% t'ic4e5 into the 3inal +elt an5 'ealiAe) too late that )he i) not onl1 (oin( to ,e
a t'i2le-,ein( ,*t a t'i2le-,ein( 6ho 6ill ,e% +o'e than an1 othe'% 'e)2on)i,le 3o' the )cienti3ic 2'o8ect that
6ill 5e)t'o1 the othe' 6o'l5-
=All thi) La,o'ian co*l5 5e)c'i,e in 6o'5)% 6o'5)% 6o'5)% in hi) ,oo4% ,*t 6eD&e (ot to 5o it +o'e
i++e5iatel1 an5 +o'e 3o'ce3*ll1% in i+a(e) an5 )*,li+ination a) 6ell- ThatD) 6hat 6eD'e no6 (oin( to t'1
to 5o->
The1 6e'e th'ee 5a1) in the t'1in( ,e3o'e "illa'5 6a) )ati)3ie5-
The 6ea'1 E+otional% *nce'tain% )t'etchin( o*t6a'5% 6ith Cathca'tD) )*,li+ination in)tillin( the
3eelin( o3 not-)*'e% not-)*'e- The Rational an5 Pa'ental en3ol5e5 an5 co+in( to(ethe'% +o'e 'a2i5l1 than on
2'e&io*) occa)ion)--h*''1in( 3o' the )*2e'i+2o)ition ,e3o'e it +i(ht ,e )to22e5--an5 the E+otional
'ealiAin( too late the )i(ni3icance o3 it all an5 )t'*((lin(--)t'*((lin(--
An5 3ail*'e- The 5'enchin( 3eelin( o3 3ail*'e a) a ne6 t'i2le-,ein( )te22e5 o*t o3 the
)*2e'i+2o)ition% +o'e nea'l1 h*+an than an1one el)e in the co+2*-5'a+a--2'o*5% in5i33e'ent-
The )cienti3ic 2'oce5*'e 6o*l5 (o on- Ea'th 6o*l5 contin*e the 5o6n6a'5 )li5e-
An5 )o+eho6 thi) 6a) it--thi) 6a) the n*, o3 e&e'1thin( that "illa'5 6a) t'1in( to 5o--that
6ithin the ne6 t'i2le-,ein( the E+otional )till e<i)te5 in 2a't- The'e 6a) 8*)t the 6i)2in( o3 5'a2e'1 an5 the
&ie6e' 6a) to 4no6 that the 5e3eat 6a) not 3inal a3te' all-
The E+otional 6o*l5% )o+eho6% )till t'1% lo)t tho*(h it 6a) in a ('eate' ,ein(-
The1 6atche5 the co+2lete5 co+2*-5'a+a% all o3 the+% )eein( it 3o' the 3i')t ti+e a) a 6hole an5
not a) a collection o3 2a't)% 6on5e'in( i3 the'e 6e'e 2lace) to e5it% to 'eo'5e'- ?Not no6% tho*(ht "illa'5%
not no6- A3te'6a'5)% 6hen he ha5 'eco&e'e5 an5 co*l5 loo4 at it +o'e o,8ecti&el1-@
He )at in hi) chai'% )l*+2e5- He ha5 2*t too +*ch o3 hi+)el3 into it- It ha5 )ee+e5 to hi+ that it
containe5 e&e'1thin( he 6ante5 it to containC that it 5i5 e&e'1thin( he 6ante5 to ha&e 5oneC ,*t ho6 +*ch
o3 that 6a) +e'el1 6i)h3*l thin4in(9
"hen it 6a) o&e' an5 the la)t t'e+*lo*)% )*,li+inal c'1 o3 the 5e3eate5-,*t-not-1et-5e3eate5
E+otional 3a5e5% he )ai5% ="ell->
An5 Cathca't )ai5% =That7) al+o)t a) (oo5 a) 1o*' =in* Lear 6a)% ;ona)->
The'e 6a) a (ene'al +*'+*' o3 a('ee+ent an5 "illa'5 ca)t a c1nical e1e a,o*t hi+- "a)n7t that
6hat the1 6o*l5 ,e ,o*n5 to )a1% no +atte' 6hat9
Hi) e1e ca*(ht that o3 G'e(o'1 La,o'ian- The 6'ite' 6a) e<2'e))ionle))% )ai5 nothin(-
"illa'57) +o*th ti(htene5- The'e at lea)t he co*l5 e<2ect an o2inion that 6o*l5 ,e ,ac4e5% o' not
,ac4e5% ,1 (ol5- "illa'5 ha5 hi) h*n5'e5 tho*)an5- He 6o*l5 )ee no6 6hethe' it 6o*l5 )ta1 elect'onic-
He )ai5% an5 hi) o6n *nce'taint1 +a5e hi+ )o*n5 i+2e'io*)% =La,o'ian- I 6ant to )ee 1o* in +1
The1 6e'e to(ethe' alone 3o' the 3i')t ti+e )ince 6ell ,e3o'e the co+2*-5'a+a ha5 ,een +a5e-
="ell9> )ai5 "illa'5- ="hat 5o 1o* thin4% '- La,o'ian9>
La,o'ian )+ile5- =That 6o+an 6ho '*n) the )*,li+inal ,ac4('o*n5 tol5 1o* that it 6a) al+o)t a)
(oo5 a) 1o*' =in* Lear 6a)% '- "illa'5->
=I hea'5 he'->
=She 6a) :*ite 6'on(- =
=In 1o*' o2inion9>
=Ye)- 1 o2inion i) 6hat co*nt) 'i(ht no6- She 6a) :*ite 6'on(- Yo*' Three in %ne i) +*ch
,ette' than 1o*' =in* Lear.,
=Bette'9> "illa'57) 6ea'1 3ace ,'o4e into a )+ile-
=*ch ,ette'- Con)i5e' the +ate'ial 1o* ha5 to 6o'4 6ith in 5oin( =in* Lear. Yo* ha5 "illia+
Sha4e)2ea'e% 2'o5*cin( 6o'5) that )an(% that 6e'e +*)ic in the+)el&e)C "illia+ Sha4e)2ea'e 2'o5*cin(
cha'acte') 6ho% 6hethe' 3o' (oo5 o' e&il% 6hethe' )t'on( o' 6ea4% 6hethe' )h'e65 o' 3ooli)h% 6hethe'
3aith3*l o' t'aito'o*)% 6e'e all la'(e' than li3eC "illia+ Sha4e)2ea'e% 5ealin( 6ith t6o o&e'la22in( 2lot)%
'ein3o'cin( each othe' an5 tea'in( the &ie6e') to )h'e5)-
="hat 6a) 1o*' cont'i,*tion to =in* Lear+ Yo* a55e5 5i+en)ion) that Sha4e)2ea'e lac4e5 the
technolo(ical 4no6le5(e to 5eal 6ithC that he co*l5n7t 5'ea+ o3C ,*t the 3ancie)t technolo(ie) an5 all that
1o*' 2eo2le an5 1o*' o6n talent) co*l5 5o co*l5 onl1 ,*il5 )o+e6hat on the ('eate)t lite'a'1 (eni*) o3 all
ti+e% 6o'4in( at the 2ea4 o3 hi) 2o6e'-
=B*t in Three in %ne, '- "illa'5% 1o* 6e'e 6o'4in( 6ith my 6o'5) 6hich 5i5n7t )in(C my
cha'acte')% 6hich 6e'en7t ('eatC my 2lot 6hich to'e at no one- Yo* 5ealt 6ith me, a '*n-o3-the-+ill 6'ite'
an5 1o* 2'o5*ce5 )o+ethin( ('eat% )o+ethin( that 6ill ,e 'e+e+,e'e5 lon( a3te' I a+ 5ea5- One ,oo4 o3
+ine% an16a1% 6ill li&e on ,eca*)e o3 6hat 1o* ha&e 5one-
=Gi&e +e ,ac4 +1 elect'onic h*n5'e5 tho*)an5% '- "illa'5% an5 I 6ill (i&e 1o* thi)->
The h*n5'e5 tho*)an5 6a) )hi3te5 ,ac4 3'o+ one 3inancial ca'5 to the othe' an5% 6ith an e33o't%
La,o'ian then 2*lle5 hi) 3at ,'ie3ca)e onto the ta,le an5 o2ene5 it- F'o+ it% he 5'e6 o*t a ,o<% 3a)tene5
6ith a )+all hoo4- He *n3a)tene5 it ca'e3*ll1% an5 li3te5 the to2- In)i5e it (litte'e5 the (ol5 2iece)% each one
+a'4e5 6ith the 2lanet Ea'th% the 6e)te'n he+i)2he'e on one )i5e% the ea)te'n on the othe'- La'(e (ol5
2iece)% t6o h*n5'e5 o3 the+% each 6o'th 3i&e h*n5'e5 (lo,o-5olla')-
"illa'5% a6e5% 2l*c4e5 o*t one o3 the (ol5 2iece)- It 6ei(he5 a,o*t one an5 a :*a'te' o*nce)- He
th'e6 it *2 in the ai' an5 ca*(ht it-
=Bea*ti3*l%> he )ai5-
=It7) 1o*')% '- "illa'5%> )ai5 La,o'ian- =Than4 1o* 3o' 5oin( the co+2*-5'a+a 3o' +e- It i)
6o'th e&e'1 2iece o3 that (ol5->
"illa'5 )ta'e5 at the (ol5 an5 )ai5% =Yo* +a5e +e 5o the co+2*-5'a+a o3 1o*' ,oo4 6ith 1o*'
o33e' o3 thi) (ol5- To (et thi) (ol5% I 3o'ce5 +1)el3 ,e1on5 +1 talent)- Than4 1o* 3o' that% an5 1o* a'e
'i(ht- It 6a) 6o'th e&e'1 2iece o3 that (ol5->
He 2*t the (ol5 2iece ,ac4 in the ,o< an5 clo)e5 it- Then he li3te5 the ,o< an5 han5e5 it ,ac4 to
T($ L%N'$)T ?%5A'$
SUPPOSE YOU WANT TO TAKE A t'i2 ac'o)) the co*nt'1 3'o+ Po'tlan5% aine to Po'tlan5% O'e(on-
That7) 'o*(hl1 0%EEE +ile)- A t'i2 a'o*n5 the 6o'l5 alon( the e:*ato' i) onl1 a little o&e' ei(ht ti+e) that%
/G%EEE +ile)-
To (o 3'o+ the Ea'th to the +oon i) onl1 a,o*t nine ti+e) the e:*ato'ial 8a*nt% a,o*t /ME%EEE
+ile)- Be1on5 that9 "ell% #en*) at it) clo)e)t i) 8*)t o&e' a h*n5'e5 ti+e) the 5i)tance to the +oonC it i)
a,o*t /G%EEE%EEE +ile) a6a1- An5 'i(ht no6% Pl*to i) 8*)t a,o*t a) nea' to Ea'th a) it e&e' (et)% ,*t it i)
o&e' a h*n5'e5 ti+e) the 5i)tance to #en*)- It i) a,o*t /%IEE%EEE%EEE +ile) a6a1-
So 3a' 6e7&e )ta1e5 in o*' )ola' )1)te+% ,*t ,e1on5 that a'e the )ta')- E&en the nea'e)t )ta' i)
nea'l1 F%EEE ti+e) a) 3a' a6a1 a) Pl*to i) 'i(ht no6- The nea'e)t )ta' i) Al2ha Centa*'i an5 it i)
/G%EEE%EEE%EEE%EEE +ile) a6a1- An5 that7) the nearest )ta'-
The 5i)tance ac'o)) the il41 "a1 (ala<1 i) /0%EEE ti+e) the 5i)tance 3'o+ Ea'th to Al2ha
Centa*'i- The 5i)tance 3'o+ he'e to the An5'o+e5a (ala<1% the nea'e)t la'(e (ala<1 to o*' o6n% i) a,o*t
t6ent1-th'ee ti+e) the 5ia+ete' o3 the il41 "a1 (ala<1- An5 the 5i)tance 3'o+ he'e to the 3a'the)t :*a)a'
i) a,o*t M%EEE ti+e) that 3'o+ he'e to the An5'o+e5a-
"hat a,o*t ti+e9 It ta4e) a 3e6 5a1) to (et to the +oonC a 3e6 +onth) to (et to #en*) o' a')C a
3e6 1ea') to (et to the (iant 2lanet) o3 the )ola' )1)te+- B*t that7) a,o*t a) 3a' a) 6e can (o an5 ha&e it
+a4e 'ea)ona,le )en)e-
To (et to e&en the nea'e)t )ta'% at the 2'e)ent )tate o3 the a't% 6o*l5 ta4e h*n5'e5) o3 tho*)an5) o3
1ea')- All that NASA ha) )o 3a' 5one in )en5in( 2'o,e) a) 3a' a) Sat*'n ha) ,een to 2la1 (a+e) in o*'
,ac41a'5- It i) interstellar trael, t'i2) to the )ta')% that 'e2'e)ent the lon(e)t &o1a(e-
An5 it i) in t'i2) to the )ta') that )cience 3iction 6'ite') an5 'ea5e') a'e +o)t inte'e)te5- O*' )ola'
)1)te+ i) too 6ell 4no6n an5 too li+ite5- The )ola' )1)te+ ?o*t)i5e Ea'th@ i) not at all li4el1 to ,ea' li3e o3
an1 4in5--ce'tainl1 not intelli(ent li3e- So 6e7&e (ot to ta4e the lon(e)t &o1a(e an5 (et to the )ta')% i3 6e7'e
to 3in5 e<t'ate''e)t'ial 3'ien5)% co+2etito')% an5 ene+ie)- A) lon( a(o a) .F/I% in The )!ylar! of )pace, E-
E- ?Doc@ S+ith too4 the 3i')t )cience-3ictional t'i2 to the )ta')% an5 ho6 the 'ea5e') lo&e5 it-
Goo5 ol5 Doc 6a) a little &a(*e on 8*)t ho6 hi) inte')tella' )hi2) +ana(e5 to c'o)) tho)e h*(e
)2ace)% ho6e&e'% an5% to tell 1o* the t'*th% 6e7'e not +*ch ,ette' o33 no6- Let7) li)t the 2o))i,ilitie):
% "e can 4ee2 accele'atin(C (oin( 3a)te' an5 3a)te' an5 3a)te' *ntil 6e7'e (oin( 3a)t eno*(h to co&e' &a)t
inte')tella' an5 inte'(alactic 5i)tance) in a +atte' o3 +onth)% o' e&en 5a1)-
ob#ection, Ph1)ici)t) a'e )t'on(l1 o3 the o2inion that the )2ee5 o3 li(ht in a &ac**+% .IN%EEE +ile) 2e'
)econ5% i) a) 3a)t a) an1one can (o- At that )2ee5% it 6ill )till ta4e 1ea') to 'each the nea'e)t )ta'% +illion) o3
1ea') to 'each the nea'e)t la'(e (ala<1-
( E&en i3 6e7'e li+ite5 to the )2ee5 o3 li(ht% that co*l5 ,e (oo5 eno*(h- A) one a22'oache) the )2ee5 o3
li(ht% the 'ate o3 ti+e 2a))a(e on the )2ee5in( o,8ect )lo6) )tea5il1% an5 at the )2ee5 o3 li(ht it)el3% the 'ate
o3 ti+e 2a))a(e i) Ae'o- At li(ht )2ee5% then% the c'e6 o3 a )ta')hi2 6o*l5 co&e' eno'+o*) 5i)tance
2'acticall1 in)tantaneo*)l1-
ob#ection, Inte')tella' an5 inte'(alactic )2ace i) litte'e5 6ith occa)ional h15'o(en ato+)- At li(ht )2ee5%
the)e ato+) 6o*l5 )t'i4e the )hi2 6ith the ene'(1 an5 3o'ce o3 co)+ic 'a1 2a'ticle) an5 6o*l5 :*ic4l1 4ill
the )ta')hi27) c'e6 an5 2a))en(e')- P'o,a,l1% the )hi2 6o*l5 ha&e to (o no 3a)te' than one-tenth li(ht
)2ee5% an5 at that )2ee5 the ti+e e33ect) a'e not ('eat eno*(h to hel2 *) +*ch-
- S*22o)e 6e attach a 4in5 o3 =ato+-2lo6> a''an(e+ent in 3'ont o3 the )ta')hi2- It 6o*l5 )coo2 *2 all the
ato+) in 3'ont o3 it% th*) 2'e&entin( co)+ic 'a1 2'o,le+) an5% in a55ition% (athe'in( +ate'ial to )e'&e a)
3*el 3o' it) n*clea' 3*)ion en(ine)-
ob#ection, S*ch ato+-2lo6) 6o*l5 ha&e to ,e +an1 tho*)an5) o3 +ile) ac'o)) to ,e e33ecti&e- B*il5in(
)*ch thin() 6o*l5 'e2'e)ent eno'+o*) an5 2e'ha2) in)*2e'a,le 2'o,le+)-
& "e can e&a5e the )2ee5-o3-li(ht li+it alto(ethe' ,1 +a4in( *)e o3 tach1on)% )*,ato+ic 2a'ticle) that
+o&e +*ch 3a)te' than the )2ee5 o3 li(ht an5 that% a) a +atte' o3 3act% cannot +o&e )lo6e' than the )2ee5 o3
ob#ection, Tach1on) e<i)t onl1 in theo'1% an5 ha&e not act*all1 ,een 5etecte5- o)t 2h1)ici)t) thin4 the1
6ill ne&e' ,e 5etecte5- E&en i3 the1 6e'e 5etecte5% no one ha) e&en co+e clo)e to 3i(*'in( o*t a 6a1 o3
2*ttin( the+ to *)e-
$ Pe'ha2) 6e can e&a5e the )2ee5-o3-li(ht li+it ,1 (oin( th'o*(h ,lac4 hole)- The1 at lea)t a'e 4no6n to
ob#ection, E&en i3 ,lac4 hole) e<i)t ?an5 a)t'ono+e') a'e not 1et *nani+o*) on thi)@% no one i) e&en clo)e
to )*((e)tin( ho6 an1 )ta') hi2 +i(ht a22'oach one 6itho*t% ,ein( 5e)t'o1e5 ,1 ti5al 3o'ce)- In a55ition%
the'e i) ,1 no +ean) (ene'al a('ee+ent that one can ne(otiate lon( 5i)tance) :*ic4l1 ,1 (oin( th'o*(h
,lac4 hole)-
. In that ca)e% 6e +i(ht 3in5 )o+e othe' 6a1 o3 lea&in( thi) *ni&e')e- "e co*l5 then t'a&el th'o*(h
h12e')2ace in =8*+2)> that 6ill ca''1 *) eno'+o*) 5i)tance) in Ae'o ti+e-
ob#ection, So 3a' h12e')2ace e<i)t) onl1 6ithin the i+a(ination o3 )cience 3iction 6'ite')-
' "ell% then% 6e can )*,+it to the )2ee5-o3-li(ht li+it% ,*t 3'eeAe the c'e6 an5 2a))en(e')% an5 a''an(e to
ha&e the+ 'e)to'e5 to con)cio*) li3e a3te' tho*)an5) o3 1ea') ha&e 2a))e5 an5 the 5e)tination ha) ,een
ob#ection, No one 'eall1 4no6) ho6 h*+an ,o5ie) can ,e 3'oAen 6itho*t ,ein( 4ille5C o' 6hethe' )*ch
3'oAen ,o5ie)% e&en i3 'etainin( a )2a'4 o3 li3e% can 'etain it o&e' a 2e'io5 o3 tho*)an5) o3 1ea')-
/ In that ca)e% the'e )ee+) nothin( le3t to 5o ,*t to coa)t--to t'a&el at o'5ina'1 )2ee5)% con)i5e'a,l1 le))
than that o3 li(ht% 6ith all 2eo2le a,oa'5 tho'o*(hl1 con)cio*)- Thi) +ean) it 6ill ta4e +an1 tho*)an5) o3
1ea') to 'each e&en the nea'e' )ta')% )o that +an1 (ene'ation) 6ill ha&e to )2en5 thei' li3eti+e) a,oa'5 the
)ta')hi2- That +a1 ,e ,ea'a,le i3 the )ta')hi2 i) la'(e eno*(h-
ob#ection, None% 'eall1% i3 2eo2le 6ant to 5o it-
So +*ch 3o' ha'5hea5e5 'eali)+- In )cience 3iction% 6e ten5 to ha&e 3aith that 2'o,le+) that )ee+
in)*2e'a,le no6 6ill ,e )ol&e5--2e'ha2) in 6a1) that a'e *tte'l1 *ne<2ecte5-
The'e3o'e 6e a'e o33e'in( 1o* a ,a4e'7) 5oAen o3 )to'ie)% all in&ol&in( )ta')hi2)- In the)e a'e
e<2lo'e5 the &a'io*) )t'ate(ie) I ha&e 5e)c'i,e5 a,o&e 3o' co&e'in( lon( 5i)tance)% an5 2e'ha2) one o' t6o
that a'e too 3a'-o*t 3o' +e to ha&e e&en +entione5-
"hat7) +o'e% the )to'ie) e<2lo'e the e33ect o3 the lon( &o1a(e) on the 2eo2le on ,oa'5 the
)ta')hi2% an5 the 4in5 o3 e&ent) that +i(ht ta4e 2lace on the+-
Since it i) not li4el1 that )*ch &o1a(e) 6ill ,e *n5e'ta4en in o*' li3eti+e ?an5 ce'tainl1 not
co+2lete5% i3 the (ene'ation)-lon( coa)tin( )ta')hi2 )ho*l5 in5ee5 2'o&e to ,e the onl1 2'actical
alte'nati&e@% the)e e<citin( )cience-3ictional )2ec*lation) a'e the onl1 6a1 6e can e<2e'ience% i3 onl1
&ica'io*)l1% the lon( &o1a(e) that a'e the :*inte))ential 5'ea+) o3 the 3a'-3l*n( i+a(ination-
"N?$NT"N' A -N"?$&)$
WHY HA#E I GONE TO THE TROUBLE o3 in&entin( a *ni&e')e 3o' othe' 6'ite') to e<2loit9
No% it i)n7t the +one1 o' the 3a+e- o)t o3 the 'o1altie) an5 all o3 the 3a+e 6ill (o% a) the1
)ho*l5% to the a*tho') 6ho act*all1 6'ite the )to'ie) in thi) ,oo4 an5 ?it i) to ,e ho2e5@ in late' co+2anion
2iece)- 1 o6n 'et*'n i)% a) it )ho*l5 ,e% +ini)c*le-
B*t the'e a'e othe' 'ea)on) an5 I 6o*l5 li4e to e<2lain the+ at )o+e len(th% 3o' a+on( othe'
thin()% the1 in&ol&e +1 3eelin() o3 (*ilt- No6 (*ilt ?3o' tho)e o3 1o* 6ho ha&e ne&e' e<2e'ience5 the
e+otion@ i) a 5'ea53*l anno1ance% )o*'in( one7) li3e an5 +a4in( one *na,le to en8o1 2'o2e'l1 an1 'eno6n
o' 'iche) that co+e one7) 6a1- One i) ,o6e5 5o6n ,1 it) 6ei(ht an5 i) 'en5e'e5 3ea'3*l o3 the ?*)*all1
i+a(ina'1@ acc*)in( e1e o3 2*,lic 5i)a22'o&al-
In +1 ca)e% it ca+e a,o*t thi) 6a1- I ha5n7t ,een 6'itin( 3o' +o'e than ten o' 3i3teen 1ea') 6hen I
,e(an to ha&e the *nea)1 )*)2icion that I 6a) ,eco+in( 'athe' 6ell 4no6n a) a )cience 3iction 6'ite'- In
3act% I 6a) e&en (ettin( +entione5 a) one o3 the =Bi( Th'ee%> the othe' t6o ,ein( Ro,e't A- Heinlein an5
A'th*' c- Cla'4e-
It onl1 (ot 6o')e a) the 5eca5e) contin*e5 to 3l1 ,1- "e 6e'e not onl1 c*')e5 6ith 2'oli3icit1% ,*t
6ith lon(e&it1% )o that the )a+e ol5 Bi( Th'ee 'e+aine5 Bi( 3o' nea'l1 hal3 a cent*'1- Heinlein 5ie5 in
.FII at the a(e o3 IE% ,*t Cla'4e i) )till (oin( )t'on( a) I 6'ite thi) an5% o,&io*)l1% )o a+ I-
The 'e)*lt i) that% at 2'e)ent% 6hen the'e a'e a ('eat +an1 6'ite') atte+2tin( to )cale the
+o*ntain)i5e o3 )cience 3iction% it +*)t ,e 'athe' anno1in( 3o' the+ to )ee the 2ea4 occ*2ie5 ,1 el5e'l1
ha)-,een) 6ho clin( to it 6ith thei' a'th'itic 2a6) an5 )i+2l1 6on7t (et o33- E&en 5eath% it )ee+)% 6on7t
)to2 *)% )ince Heinlein ha) al'ea51 2*,li)he5 a 2o)th*+o*) ,oo4 an5 'ei))*e) o3 hi) ol5 no&el) a'e in the
Than4) to the li+ite5 )2ace on the )hel&e) o3 ,oo4)to'e) ?the+)el&e) o3 )ha'2l1 li+ite5 n*+,e'@%
la'(e n*+,e') o3 ne6 ,oo4) o3 )cience 3iction an5 3anta)1 a'e 2lace5 on the+ 3o' onl1 ,'ie3 inte'&al)
,e3o'e ,ein( )6e2t o33 ,1 ne6 a''i&al)- Fe6 ,oo4) )ee+ to +ana(e to e<i)t in 2*,lic &ie6 3o' lon(e' than a
+onth ,e3o'e ,ein( 'e2lace5- Al6a1) e<ce2tin( ?a) )o+e 6'ite') a55% 6ith a 3aint )na'l@ the =+e(a)ta')->
=So 6hat9> I can hea' 1o* )a1 in 1o*' 6a'+ an5 lo&in( 6a1- =So 1o*7'e a +e(a )ta' an5 1o*'
,oo4) a'e 2e'ennial )elle') an5 the econo+ic 3*t*'e) o3 1o*')el3 an5 1o*' e&ent*al )*'&i&o') a'e )et- I) that
No% it i)n7t ,a5% e<actl1% ,*t that7) 6he'e the (*ilt co+e) in- I 6o''1 a,o*t c'o65in( o*t
ne6co+e') 6ith +1 ol5 2e'ennial)% a,o*t )+othe'in( the+ 6ith the 6ei(ht o3 +1 na+e-
I7&e t'ie5 to 8*)ti31 the )it*ation to +1)el3- ?An1thin( to +a4e it 2o))i,le 3o' +e to 6al4 a,o*t
)cience 3iction con&ention) 6itho*t ha&in( to )4*l4 an5 hi5e in 5oo'6a1) 6hen othe' 6'ite') 2a))-@
In the 3i')t 2lace% 6e )ta'te5 in the ea'l1 5a1) o3 )cience 3iction--not onl1 the Bi( Th'ee% ,*t othe')
o3 i+2o'tance )*ch a) Le)te' 5el Re1% Po*l An5e')on% F'e5 Pohl% Cli33o'5 Si+a4% Ra1 B'a5,*'1% an5 e&en
)o+e 6ho 5ie5 1o*n(: Stanle1 "ein,a*+% Hen'1 !*ttne'% an5 C1'il !o'n,l*th% 3o' in)tance- In tho)e ea'l1
5a1)% the +a(aAine) 2ai5 onl1 one cent a 6o'5 o' le))% an5 the'e 6e'e only +a(aAine)- The'e 6e'e no
ha'5co&e' )cience 3iction 2*,li)he')% no 2a2e',ac4)% no Holl16oo5 to )2ea4 o3-
Fo' 1ea') an5 5eca5e) 6e )t*c4 it o*t *n5e' )ta'&ation con5ition)% an5 it 6a) o*' e33o't) that
)lo6l1 inc'ea)e5 the 2o2*la'it1 o3 )cience 3iction to the 2oint 6he'e to5a17) ,e(inne') can (et +o'e 3o' one
no&el than an1 o3 *) (ot in ten 1ea') o3 en5le)) 2l*((in(- So% i3 )o+e o3 *) a'e 5oin( *n*)*all1 6ell no6% it
i) 2o))i,le to a'(*e that 6e ea'ne5 it-
Secon5l1% 3'o+ the +o'e 2e')onal )tan52oint% ,ac4 in .FGI I 5eci5e5 I ha5 5one eno*(h )cience
3iction- I ha5 ,een )*cce))3*l in 6'itin( non3iction o3 &a'io*) t12e) an5 it )ee+e5 to +e I co*l5 +a4e a
li&in( i3 I concent'ate5 on non3iction ?an5% to tell 1o* the t'*th% I preferred non3iction@- In that 6a1 I co*l5
lea&e )cience 3iction to the talente5 ne6 6'ite') 6ho 6e'e +a4in( thei' 6a1 into the 3iel5-
So 3'o+ .FGI to .FI.% a 2e'io5 o3 nea'l1 a :*a'te' o3 a cent*'1% I 6'ote &i't*all1 no )cience
3iction- The'e 6a) one no&el an5 a han53*l o3 )ho't )to'ie)% ,*t that7) all- An5 +ean6hile% alon( ca+e the
=Ne6 "a&e- = "'itin( )t1le) chan(e5 5'a)ticall1% an5 I 3elt inc'ea)in(l1 that I 6a) a ,ac4-n*+,e' an5
should 'e+ain o*t o3 )cience 3iction-
The t'o*,le 6a) that all thi) 5i5n7t hel2- The )cience 3iction ,oo4) that I 2*,li)he5 in the .FGE)
'e3*)e5 to (o o*t o3 2'int an5 contin*e5 to )ell )tea5il1 th'o*(h the .FNE) an5 .FJE)- An5 ,eca*)e I 6'ote a
)e'ie) o3 non3iction e))a1) 3o' Fantasy and )cience Fiction. I 'e+aine5 in the con)cio*)ne)) o3 the )cience
3iction 2*,lic- I 6a) the'e3o'e still one o3 the Bi( Th'ee-
Then% in .FI.% +1 2*,li)he' in)i)te5 ?6ith a ,i( INSIST@ that I 6'ite anothe' no&el an5 I 5i5 an5%
to +1 ho''o'% it hit the ,e)t)elle' li)t) an5 I7&e ha5 to 6'ite a ne6 no&el e&e'1 1ea' )ince then% in
That 6o*l5 ha&e +a5e +e 3eel (*iltie' than e&e'% ,*t I7&e 5one &a'io*) thin() to 2*ll the 3an() o3
that (*ilt- Fo' in)tance% I ha&e% :*ite 5eli,e'atel1% 5eci5e5 that )ince +1 na+e ha) 5e&elo2e5 a 4in5 o3
6ei(ht an5 )i(ni3icance% I 6o*l5 *)e it% a) +*ch a) 2o))i,le% 3o' the ,ene3it o3 the 3iel5 'athe' than o3
"ith +1 5ea' an5 a,le 3'ien5)% a'tin Ha''1 G'een,e'( an5 Cha'le) "a*(h ?an5 occa)ionall1
othe')@% I ha&e hel2e5 e5it +an1 antholo(ie)- o'e than a h*n5'e5 o3 the)e ha&e no6 ,een 2*,li)he5 6ith
+1 na+e o3ten in the title- "hat the)e )e'&e to 5o i) to 'e)c*e 3'o+ the )ha5o6) n*+,e') o3 )to'ie) that a'e
6ell 6o'th e<2o)in( to ne6 (ene'ation) o3 )cience 3iction 'ea5e')- K*ite a2a't 3'o+ the 3act that the 'ea5e')
en8o1 it% it +ean) a little +one1 to )o+e &ete'an a*tho')% a) 6ell a) a )hot in the a'+ to enco*'a(e
contin*e5 2'o5*ction- The tho*(ht that the 2'e)ence o3 +1 na+e +i(ht +a4e )*ch antholo(ie) 5o ,ette'
an5 ,e +o'e e33icacio*) in thi) 'e)2ect than othe'6i)e +a4e) +e 3eel 3ine-
Then% too% a n*+,e' o3 no&el) ,1 1o*n( a*tho') ha&e ,een 2*,li)he5 *n5e' the =I)aac A)i+o&
P'e)ent)> la,el- In thi) 6a1% the 1o*n( a*tho') (et 2e'ha2) a )o+e6hat ,ette' )ale than the1 +i(ht
othe'6i)e ha&e% an5 e&en ?2e'ha2)@ a ,ette' ,'ea4 at the ,oo4)hel&e)-
I ha&e e&en ('ante5 the 'i(ht to +a4e *)e o3 )o+e o3 the the+e) that I ha&e 5e&elo2e5 in +1 o6n
,oo4)- The'e i) a )e'ie) o3 a 5oAen ,oo4)% 3o' in)tance% that ha&e the (ene'ic title =I)aac A)i+o&7) Ro,ot
Cit1-> The1 a'e 6'itten ,1 1o*n( 6'ite') 6ho ha&e +1 e<2'e)) 2e'+i))ion to *)e +1 Th'ee La6) o3
Ro,otic)% an5 3o' each one I 6'ite an int'o5*ction on one 2ha)e o' anothe' o3 'o,otic)- The ,oo4) a'e 5oin(
6ell% act*all1% an5 it i) clea' that the 2'e)ence o3 +1 na+e 5oe)n7t h*'t-
Then anothe' 6a1 o3 *)in( +1 na+e ca+e *2- a't1 G'een,e'( )*((e)te5 that% 'athe' than ha&e
6'ite') *)e a =*ni&e')e> I ha5 al'ea51 in&ente5 an5 +a5e +1 o6n% I in&ent a ,'an5-ne6 one I ha5 ne&e'
*)e5 an5 5onate it to )o+e 2*,li)hin( ho*)e that 6o*l5 ,e 6illin( to ha&e 6'ite') 2'o5*ce )to'ie) ,*ilt
a,o*t the conce2t) o3 the =*ni&e')e>--an5% o3 co*')e% 3in5 the 6'ite') 6ho 6o*l5 6ant to t'1 thei' han5 at it-
I a('ee5 enth*)ia)ticall1- A3te' all% I ha5 8*)t 5e&i)e5 a ne6 ,ac4('o*n5 3o' +1 .FIF no&el%
Nemesis, one 6hich ha5 not ,een *)e5 in an1 2iece o3 3iction I ha5 6'itten ,e3o'e% )o I 5i5 not 3o'e)ee an1
('eat 5i33ic*lt1 in in&entin( an =I)aac7) Uni&e')e> 3o' othe' 6'ite') to *)e- ?The *)e o3 the 6o'5 =I)aac> in
the title 6a) a't17) i5ea ,*t I )natche5 at it ea(e'l1- The'e a'e 6ell o&e' )i<t1 ,oo4) that I ha&e 6'itten--
,1 no +ean) all antholo(ie)--6ith eithe' = A)i+o&> o' =I)aac A)i+o&> in the title% ,*t none 6ith =I)aac>
alone% *ntil thi) one-@
In +a4in( *2 a ne6 =Uni&e')e> the'e 6e'e )o+e thin() I co*l5n7t a,an5on% o3 co*')e- "e 6o*l5
,e 6o'4in( 6ithin o*' o6n Gala<1 in 6hich I 2o)t*late5 the e<i)tence o3 /G%EEE%EEE )ta' )1)te+)
containin( a ha,ita,le 6o'l5% the 6hole ,ein( lin4e5 to(ethe' ,1 5e&ice) that +a5e it 2o))i,le to t'a&el an5
co++*nicate at 3a)te'-than-li(ht )2ee5)- The )ho'than5 3o' thi) i) =h12e')2atial t'a&el an5
I ha&e thi) in +1 Fo*n5ation *ni&e')e% an5 the othe' no&el) I ha&e ,een connectin( to the
Fo*n5ation% ,*t 3'o+ he'e on +1 Uni&e')e) 2a't co+2an1-
In +1 Fo*n5ation )e'ie) an5 the no&el) 'elate5 the'eto% the Gala<1 contain) onl1 one intelli(ent
)2ecie)--o*' o6n- All the ha,ita,le 6o'l5) ha&e ,een coloniAe5 ,1 h*+an ,ein() )o that 6e% in e33ect% ha&e
an all-h*+an Gala<1- I +a1 ha&e ,een the 3i')t to 6'ite i+2o'tant no&el) ,a)e5 on )*ch a the+e% an5 the
'ea)on I 5i5 it 6a) to 2a'e a6a1 the co+2le<itie) that 6o*l5 a'i)e 3'o+ a +*lti2licit1 o3 intelli(ence)- I
6ante5 to ,e a,le to 5eal 6ith h*+anit1 an5 it) 2'o,le+) in a 5etaile5 all-h*+an +anne'% +a4in( the+
e&en clea'e' ,1 )ho6in( the+ th'o*(h a Gala<1-6i5e +a(ni31in( (la))- Thi) I ha&e en5e5 *2 5oin(--al,eit
i+2e'3ectl1% o3 co*')e% )ince I a+ no Sha4e)2ea'e o' Tol)to1-
Ho6e&e'% I 6a) 6ell a6a'e that the'e 6a) the alte'nati&e +*lti2le-intelli(ence Uni&e')e- "e )ee
that no6 con)tantl1 on )*ch tele&i)ion )ho6) a) )tar Tre! an5 in +an1 o3 the ol5e' =)2ace o2e'a = )to'ie)-
The'e 6e al6a1) ha&e the 'i)4 o3 a 3ail*'e o3 i+a(ination that lea5) to the 2o't'a1al o3 othe' intelli(ence) a)
5i33e'in( 3'o+ o*')el&e) )*2e'3iciall1 ,1 the 2o))e))ion o3 ('een 3ace)% o' antennae% o' co''*(ate5
3o'ehea5)% ,*t allo6in( the)e chan(e) to lea&e the+% clea'l1% 2'i+ate)- Yo* can7t 'eall1 ,la+e )tar Tre! 3o'
thi)% )ince the1 ha&e to ha&e h*+an ,ein() 2la1in( the 'ole) o3 othe' intelli(ence)% ,*t in )cience 3iction
)to'ie) in 2'int% ha&in( all intelli(ence) 2'i+ate ?o'% i3 &illaino*)% 'e2tilian@ )ee+) in)*33icient-
E- E- S+ith7) 'alactic >atrol an5 it) )e:*el) ha5 a +*lti-intelli(ence Uni&e')e that ha5 it)
intelli(ence) enca)e5 in 'a5icall1 5i33e'ent 2h1)iolo(ie) an5 thi) I 3o*n5 )ati)31in( 6hen I 'ea5 the )to'ie)
a) a 1o*n( +an- I 6a) 2a'tic*la'l1 2lea)e5 6ith the 3eelin( S+ith la,o'e5 to (i&e o3 a co++*nal mental
3eelin( a+on( in5i&i5*al) 6ho ha5 nothin( physically in co++on-
It 6a) )o+ethin( li4e thi)% then% that I 6ante5 3o' +1 Uni&e')e% ,*t I 6ante5 to +a4e +1 Uni&e')e
+o'e )2eci3ic in it) 5e)c'i2tion o3 the 5i33e'ent )2ecie) an5 +o'e conce'ne5 6ith the &a'io*) 2olitical%
econo+ic% an5 )ocial 2'o,le+) o3 the Gala<1- It 6a) to ,e le)) )2ace-o2e'a-i)h an5 +o'e :*a)i-hi)to'ical% a
+el5in( to )o+e e<tent o3 Galactic Pat'ol an5 Fo*n5ation-
I 6ante5 a Uni&e')e 6ith +illion) o3 2lanet) ,ea'in( li3e% 6ith the in5i(eno*) li3e on e&e'1 2lanet
*ni:*e to it)el3 an5 6ith 5i33e'ence) li+ite5 onl1 ,1 the i+a(ination o3 the 6'ite'- Ho6e&e'% the'e a'e onl1
)i< intelli*ent )2ecie)--6i5el1 5i33e'ent in nat*'e:
% Ea'th+en-
( An a:*atic 'ace% &a(*el1 analo(o*) to Ea'thl1 2o'2oi)e)-
- A 3'a(ile% )4eletal in)ectli4e )2ecie) a5a2te5 to a lo6 o<1(en at+o)2he'e 2l*) neon 'athe' than nit'o(en-
& A )in*o*)% li+,le)) )2ecie)% 2o))e))in( 3'in(e5 3li22e')% ho6e&e'% that a'e )na4i)h in a 6a1-
$ A )+all% 6in(e5 )2ecie) a5a2te5 to a thic4 at+o)2he'e-
. A )t'on(% )lo6-+o&in(% ,loc4li4e )2ecie) 6ith no a22en5a(e)% an5 a5a2te5 to a ('a&it1 hi(he' than
The intelli(ence) each cont'ol +o'e than thei' nati&e 2lanet)- The1 can ,e 2ict*'e5 a) (oin(
th'o*(h the Gala<1% coloniAin( an5 )ettlin( 2lanet) )*ita,le to the+)el&e)- In (ene'al% a 6o'l5 )*ita,le 3o'
one i) not 2a'tic*la'l1 5e)i'a,le 3o' an1 o3 the othe')% an5 6ith 2lent1 o3 each &a'iet1% the'e i) no 2*)h 3o'
(oin( to the eno'+o*) e<2en)e o3 +o5i31in( a 2lanet to )*it one7) o6n 4in5- The intelli(ence) can
the'e3o'e li&e to(ethe' in the Gala<1 6itho*t t'ea5in( on each othe'7) toe)- The'e i) nothin( to 3i(ht o&e'
*nle)) the'e i) an ina,ilit1 to o&e'co+e the *n'ea)onin( 5i)li4e o3 one )2ecie) 3o' anothe' ,eca*)e% o3
co*')e% each a22ea') inc'e5i,l1 *(l1 to all the othe')% an5 each +a1 ha&e )ocial c*)to+) an5 6a1) o3
tho*(ht that a'e 5i)ta)te3*l to the othe')-
Yet the &a'io*) intelli(ence) nee5 to ,e in contact% )ince t'a5e a+on( the+ i) *)e3*l 3o' all% an5
)ince a5&ance) in technolo(1 ,1 one )2ecie) +a1 ,e *)e3*l to othe') a) 6ell ?an5 each intelli(ence ha) it)
o6n )2ecialitie) in technolo(1% )o+e o3 6hich a'e *n2alata,le to the othe') 3o' one 'ea)on o' anothe'@% an5
)ince 5i)2*te) +a1 a'i)e occa)ionall1 an5 the'e +*)t ,e )o+e 3o'+ o3 2oliticalH)ocial +achine'1 to )ettle
the+- The'e a'e e&en occa)ional 5an(e') that +i(ht 'e:*i'e Galactic coo2e'ation- "hat7) +o'e% each
intelli(ence +a1 ,e )2lit *2 into )e&e'al +*t*all1 ho)tile )*,c*lt*'e)-
So% 1o* )ee% the Uni&e')e I in&ente5 ?an5 6hich I 5e)c'i,e5 in con)i5e'a,le 5etail to the 2*,li)he')
an5 to the 6'ite') 6ho 6e'e 6illin( to chance 6o'4in( 6ithin it@ )*22lie) 2lent1 o3 2'o,le+)% )o+e o3
6hich 6o*l5 ce'tainl1 ,e ,e1on5 +1 i+a(ination to han5le 6ell% an5 ha) ,'oa5 eno*(h li+it) to allo6 the
6'ite' a ('eat 5eal o3 2e')onal 'oo+ 3o' hi) o6n &i)ion)-
Yo* can )ee ho6 it 6o'4) o*t in the )a+2lin( o3 )to'ie) in thi) &ol*+e% 6hich ?6e &e'1 +*ch
ho2e@ 6ill ,e ,*t the 3i')t o3 a )e'ie)- Goo5 'ea5in(--an5 i3 1o* li4e it% 6'ite an5 )a1 )o- It 6ill lo6e' +1
le&el o3 (*ilt% an5 I can al6a1) *)e that-
FL5"N' )A-C$&) AN1 )C"$NC$ F"CT"%N
I A HELPING TO EDIT A BOO! ON 3l1in( )a*ce')9 I)aac A)i+o&9 S*'el1% I a+ a lea5in( an5 &ocal
)4e2tic 6he'e 3l1in( )a*ce') a'e conce'ne5$
Ha&e I chan(e5 +1 +in5 no69 Do I ,elie&e in the e<i)tence o3 3l1in( )a*ce')9
That 5e2en5) on 6hat 1o* +ean ,1 the :*e)tion- Do I ,elie&e that +an1 2eo2le ha&e )een
)o+ethin( in the )41 that the1 can7t e<2lain9
A,)ol*tel1$ O3 co*')e$ Yo* ,et$ Seein( )o+ethin( one can7t e<2lain i) &e'1 co++on- E&e'1 ti+e
I 6atch a +a(ician 2e'3o'+ hi) act I )ee )o+ethin( I can7t e<2lain-
Ho6e&e'% 6hen I )ee )o+ethin( I can7t e<2lain% I a))*+e the'e i) a 2e'3ectl1 no'+al e<2lanation%
one that 3it) in 6ith the )t'*ct*'e o3 the *ni&e')e a) 6o'4e5 o*t ,1 +o5e'n )cience- I 5on7t in)tantl1 8*+2 to
the i5ea that the'e i) no e<2lanation )ho't o3 the )*2e'nat*'al o' o3 )o+e 3a'-o*t nea'-Ae'o-2'o,a,ilit1
Fo' that 'ea)on% I ha&e no ten5enc1 to e<2lain e&e'1 a22ea'ance o3 a li(ht in the )41 ,1 5ecla'in( it
to ,e a )2ace)hi2 +anne5 ,1 e<t'ate''e)t'ial ,ein()-
No6a5a1)% in an e33o't to (ain 'e)2ecta,ilit1% 2eo2le 6ho acce2t the 6il5e' h12othe)e) a,o*t
3l1in( )a*ce') call the+ =*ni5enti3ie5 3l1in( o,8ect)> an5 a,,'e&iate it UFO- On n*+e'o*) occa)ion)% I
ha&e ,een a)4e5 i3 I =,elie&e> in UFO)-
1 *)*al an)6e' i)% =I a))*+e that ,1 UFO 1o* +ean B*ni5enti3ie5 3l1in( o,8ect)-7 I ce'tainl1
,elie&e that +an1 2eo2le ha&e )een o,8ect) in the ai' o' )41 that the1 can7t i5enti31% an5 tho)e a'e UFO)-
B*t then% +an1 2eo2le can7t i5enti31 the 2lanet #en*)% o' a +i'a(e- I3 1o* a'e a)4in( +e 6hethe' I ,elie&e
that )o+e +1)te'io*) o,8ect 'e2o'te5 i) a )2ace)hi2 +anne5 ,1 e<t'ate''e)t'ial ,ein()% then I +*)t )a1 I a+
&e'1 )4e2tical- B*t that% 1o* )ee% i) an identified 3l1in( o,8ect% an5 that7) not 6hat 1o*7'e a)4in( a,o*t% i)
1)te'io*) o,8ect) ha&e ,een 'e2o'te5 in Ea'th7) )4ie) all th'o*(h hi)to'1- U)*all1 the1 a'e
inte'2'ete5 acco'5in( to the 2'eocc*2ation) o3 the 5a1- In ancient an5 +e5ie&al ti+e) an5 in 2'i+iti&e
)ocietie)% the1 6o*l5 ,e inte'2'ete5 a) an(el)% 5e+on)% )2i'it)% an5 )o on- In technolo(ical )ocietie)% the1
6o*l5 ,e inte'2'ete5 a) 3i')t ,alloon)% then 5i'i(i,le)% then ai'2lane)% an5 then )2ace)hi2)-
O3 co*')e% i3 the17'e )2ace)hi2) now, then the17&e ,een )2ace)hi2) all the ti+e% an5 )o+e 2eo2le
ha&e in5ee5 inte'2'ete5 EAe4iel7) &i)ion in the Bi,le% 3o' in)tance% a) the )i(htin( o3 )2ace)hi2) +anne5 ,1
The +o5e'n )*'(e o3 3l1in( )a*ce' )i(htin() ,e(an on ;*ne /M% .FMJ% 6hen !enneth A'nol5% a
)ale)+an% clai+e5 he )a6 ,'i(ht 5i)4-)ha2e5 o,8ect) 3l1in( 'a2i5l1 th'o*(h the ai' nea' o*nt Rainie'-
F'o+ the )ha2e) he 5e)c'i,e5% the e<2'e))ion =3l1in( )a*ce')> ca+e into ,ein(-
Nothin( +*ch +i(ht ha&e ha22ene5 in con)e:*ence% 3o' 6il5 'e2o't) a,o*t all )o't) o3 thin()
'each the ne6) +e5ia e&e'1 5a1 an5 then 3a5e o*t- In thi) ca)e% tho*(h% the 'e2o't att'acte5 the attention o3
Ra1+on5 A- Pal+e'% 6ho 6a) then the e5ito' o3 the )cience 3iction +a(aAine AmaBin* )tories.
Pal+e' +a1 not hi+)el3 ha&e ,een a 2iece o3 ,'o4en 2otte'1% ,*t he 6a) ce'tainl1 not a&e')e to
,*il5in( ci'c*lation ,1 +ean) o3 ite+) that a22eale5 to c'ac42ot)- He ha5 )ho6n thi) in hi) ea'lie' 6o'4 on
)o+ethin( co+2letel1 6ac41 that he calle5 =The G'eat Sha&e' 1)te'1->
No6 he too4 *2 3l1in( )a*ce') an5 )in(le-han5e5l1 2'o+ote5 the+ into an inte'national +ania-
That i) one connection ?an i+2o'tant one@ ,et6een 3l1in( )a*ce') an5 )cience 3iction-
in5 1o*% I ha&e a )o3t )2ot in +1 hea't 3o' Ra1 Pal+e'- "a1 ,ac4 in .F0I% he ,o*(ht the 3i')t
)cience 3iction )to'1 I e&e' )ol5% an5 )ent +e the &e'1 3i')t chec4 I e&e' ea'ne5 a) a 2'o3e))ional 6'ite'-
Ne&e'thele))% can5o' co+2el) +e to )tate that 3o' 1ea') a3te' thi) no,le 5ee5 o3 hi) I ne&e' ha5 occa)ion to
,elie&e a 6o'5 he )ai5-
At the othe' e<t'e+e o3 the 3l1in( )a*ce' )2ect'*+ i) 2'o3e))o' ;- Allen H1ne4- He i) a 'e)2ecta,le
an5 lea'ne5 )cienti)t 6ho ha) )2ent 5eca5e) e<a+inin( the e&i5ence an5 6ho 'e+ain) 3i'+l1 con&ince5 that
the'e i) )o+ethin( the'e- He 5oe)n7t acce2t the e<t'ate''e)t'ial )2acec'a3t h12othe)i)% ,*t he thin4) that
)o+ethin( +1)te'io*) *n5e'lie) the 2heno+enon% 6hich% i3 *n5e')too5% +a1 'e&ol*tioniAe )cience-
Ho6e&e'% in all the 1ea') he7) ,een in&e)ti(atin( the 2heno+enon% he7) co+e *2 6ith--nothin($
Fa' 3'o+ 'e&ol*tioniAin( )cience% hi) 6o'4 ha) not a55e5 one e&en +a'(inal ite+ to the 6o'l5 o3 2h1)ical
Then 6hat a+ I 5oin( hel2in( e5it thi) antholo(19
That ,'in() *) to the )econ5 connection ,et6een 3l1in( )a*ce') an5 )cience 3iction- The 6hole
conce2t o3 3l1in( )a*ce')--the 6hole notion o3 tho*)an5) *2on tho*)an5) o3 )2ace)hi2) ho&e'in( a,o*t *)
6itho*t e&e' )ee+in( to 5o an1thin( o' to a33ect *) in an1 6a1--ha) )*22lie5 )cience 3iction 6'ite') 6ith an
en5le)) )*22l1 o3 )to'1 +ate'ial-
All o3 *) ha&e 6'itten 3l1in( )a*ce' )to'ie)- I ha&e +1)el3% an5 one o3 the+ i) incl*5e5 in thi)
Gene'all1% 6e ha&e to 5eal 6ith a )it*ation in 6hich e<t'ate''e)t'ial )2acec'a3t &i)it *)% ,*t 4ee2
o*t o3 )i(ht 3o' )o+e 'ea)on% o' 5eci5e not to 5o an1thin( 3o' )o+e 'ea)on% o' t'1 to 5o )o+ethin( an5 3ail
3o' )o+e 'ea)on% o' 3ail to +ana(e to con&ince Ea'th2eo2le the1 a'e 'eal 3o' )o+e 'ea)on-
Yo* )ee% )cience 3iction 6'ite')% ,ein( )ane an5 'ational% ha&e to 3in5 )o+e reason 3o' )o +an1
)2ace)hi2) 5oin( nothin*. U)*all1 the 'e)*lt) t*'n o*t to ,e 3*nn1% )ati'ic o' i'onicC )o+eti+e) t'a(ic- #e'1
o3ten% the1 2'o&e to ,e )to'ie) that a'e ente'tainin( an5 (oo5--)o 6hat 6e ha&e 5one i) to collect a )iAa,le
n*+,e' o3 the+ into one ,oo4 3o' 1o*' 5electation-
Co+e% )ee 3o' 1o*')el3 that e&e'1 clo*5 ha) a )il&e' linin(% an5 that e&en the )illie)t notion) can
*n5e'(o a )ea chan(e into )o+ethin( 'ich an5 )t'an(e in the han5) o3 )4ille5 )cience 3iction 6'ite')-
IN#ASION IS UNDOUBTEDLY AS OLD AS h*+anit1- H*ntin( ('o*2) +*)t occa)ionall1 ha&e enco*nte'e5
each othe'% i3 onl1 ,1 acci5ent- Each )i5e +*)t ha&e 3elt the othe' 6a) in&a5in(- The o,&io*)l1 6ea4e' )i5e
6o*l5 ha&e ha5 to 5eca+2- I3 the +atte' 6e'e not o,&io*)% the'e +i(ht ha&e ,een th'eat) o' e&en a ,'ie3
)t'*((le to )ettle the +atte'-
Once a('ic*lt*'e ,eca+e a 6a1 o3 li3e an5 3a'+e') 6e'e 2inne5 in 2lace ,1 thei' 3a'+) an5 3oo5
)to'e)% the)e )a+e 3oo5 )to'e) ,eca+e an o&e'6hel+in( te+2tation to )*''o*n5in( no+a5)C in&a)ion) 6e'e
+o'e te''i,le ,eca*)e 3a'+e') co*l5 not 3lee ,*t ha5 to )tan5 an5 3i(ht-
"e ,e(in to ha&e 'eco'5) o3 ea'l1 ci&iliAation) )*55enl1 in*n5ate5 an5 ta4en o&e' ,1 'ai5e')- The
S*+e'ian) 6e'e ta4en o&e' ,1 G*tian in&a5e') a) ea'l1 a) //EE B-C- The E(12tian) 3ell *n5e' the ('i2 o3
the H14)o) in&a5e') )oon a3te' .JEE B-C- "e can (o th'o*(h an en5le)) li)t o3 )*ch thin()-
Con)i5e'in( that tho)e 2eo2le 6ho 6e'e in&a5e5 ?*ntil :*ite 'ecent ti+e)@ ha5 little 4no6le5(e o3
the 6o'l5 o*t)i5e the ,o*n5a'ie) o3 thei' o6n c*lt*'e)% the in&a)ion) +*)t *)*all1 ha&e co+e a)
*n,elie&a,le )hoc4)% a) a )*55en in3l*< o3 the *n4no6n 3'o+ the *n4no6n- Thi) 6o*l5 ,e e)2eciall1 )o
6hen the in&a5e') )2o4e )t'an(e lan(*a(e)% 6o'e )t'an(e clothe)% ha5 )t'an(e 6a1)% an5 e&en% 2e'ha2)%
ha&e loo!ed o55-
A) the +o)t 'ecent e<a+2le o3 o*' c*lt*'al ance)to') ,ein( )*,8ecte5 to the ho''o' o3 an
*ne<2ecte5 in&a)ion% 6e nee5 onl1 (o ,ac4 to ./ME% 6hen the on(ol) ?)ho't% ):*at% )lant-e1e5@ )6e2t into
E*'o2e on thei' ha'51 5e)e't +o*nt)- E*'o2e 4ne6 nothin( a,o*t the+% ha5 no 6a1 o3 4no6in( the1 6e'e
on the 6a1 ?the1 ha5 ,een 'a&a(in( A)ian 4in(5o+) 3o' t6ent1 1ea')@- All the1 4ne6 6e'e that the)e
te''i,le ho')e+en% +o&in( 6ith inc'e5i,le )2ee5 an5 o'(aniAation% 6innin( e&e'1 ,attle% )+a)he5 R*))ia%
Polan5% H*n(a'1% an5 6e'e 2enet'atin( Ge'+an1 an5 'eachin( 3o' Ital1% all in a +atte' o3 a )in(le 1ea'- An5
then the1 le3t an5 'ace5 ea)t6a'5 a(ain% )+a)hin( B*l(a'ia en 'o*te- ?The1 le3t ,eca*)e thei' 4han ha5 5ie5
,ac4 in on(olia an5 the a'+1 ha5 to ,e the'e 3o' the election o3 a )*cce))o'- Nothin( the E*'o2ean) co*l5
ha&e 5one 6o*l5 ha&e )to22e5 the+-@
B*t the on(ol) 6e'e =the la)t o3 the ,a',a'ian)-> Pa'tl1 ,eca*)e o3 the on(olian e+2i'e that
6a) )et *2% co++*nication) ,et6een China an5 E*'o2e ,eca+e )+oothe'- S*ch thin() a) 2'intin(% the
+a(netic co+2a))% an5 ?+o)t o3 all@ (*n2o65e'% lea4e5 6e)t6a'5 3'o+ China% an5 the)e thin()--3o' )o+e
'ea)on not e<2loite5 ,1 the technolo(icall1 +o'e a5&ance5 Chine)e--6e'e 2*t to a+aAin( *)e ,1
An5 ,e(innin( a,o*t .M/E% the ti5e o3 in&a)ion 6a) 'e&e')e5- The =ci&iliAe5> E*'o2ean)% 6ith
thei' )hi2) an5 thei' (*n)% 3ell *2on the coa)tline) o3 all the continent) an5% e&ent*all1% 2enet'ate5 the
inte'io') *ntil E*'o2e 5o+inate5 the 6o'l5 2oliticall1 an5 +ilita'il1 ?an5 a) it )till 5oe)% e&en to5a1%
B*t ho6 5i5 the non-E*'o2ean) 3eel a,o*t it9 Ho6 a,o*t the A3'ican) 6ho 6atche5 the
Po't*(*e)e )hi2) co+e 3'o+ no6he'e an5 ca''1 the+ o33 a) )la&e)C the A)ian) 6ho 6atche5 Po't*(*e)e%
D*tch% an5 En(li)h )hi2) co+e in )et *2 t'a5in( 2o)t)% )4i+ o33 2'o3it) an5 t'eat the+ a) in3e'io')C the
Nati&e A+e'ican) 6ho 6atche5 the S2ani)h )hi2) co+e in an5 ta4e o&e' an5 5e)t'o1 thei' ci&iliAation)9
The'e +*)t ha&e ,een the 3eelin( o3 +on)te') a''i&in( 3'o+ )o+e othe' 6o'l5-
All in&a)ion)% ho6e&e'% at lea)t o3 the 4in5 I7+ 5i)c*))in(% 6e'e ,1 h*+an ,ein()- Ho6e&e'
)t'an(e the1 +i(ht ha&e )ee+e5--on(ol) to E*'o2ean)% o' S2ania'5) to Inca)--the1 6e'e clea'l1 h*+an
,ein()- ?The'e 6e'e al)o in&a)ion) o3 in3e)tation) o3 non-h*+an t12e)--'at)% loc*)t)% the 2la(*e ,acte'i*+
o3 the Blac4 Death% the AIDS &i'*)--,*t the)e 3all o*t)i5e the )*,8ect +atte' o3 thi) int'o5*ction% an5 e&en
the1 6e'e 3o'+) o3 te''e)t'ial li3e- @
"hat i3% ho6e&e'% the in&a5e') 6e'e intelli(ent ,ein() 6ho 6e'e not h*+an an5% in 3act% not
Ea'thl1- The 2o))i,ilit1 5i5 not )e'io*)l1 a'i)e *ntil the ti+e 6hen it 6a) tho'o*(hl1 'eco(niAe5 that the
2lanet) 6e'e othe' 6o'l5) an5 that the *ni&e')e +i(ht ,e 3*ll o3 )till othe' 2lanet) o*t)i5e the 5o+ain o3 o*'
o6n )*n-
At 3i')t% othe' 6o'l5) 6e'e the )*,8ect o3 =t'a&el tale)-> H*+an ,ein() 6ent to the +oon ?a) ea'l1
a) the )econ5 cent*'1 A-D- in 3iction an5 +o'e 3'e:*entl1 a) ti+e 6ent on@% ,*t the'e a'e no tale) I can
thin4 o3 in 6hich the inha,itant) o3 the +oon ca+e to Ea'th-
In .JG/% the F'ench )ati'i)t #oltai'e 6'ote Microme*as, in 6hich &i)ito') 3'o+ Sat*'n an5 Si'i*)
o,)e'&e the Ea'th% ,*t thi) cannot ,e ta4en lite'all1- The &i)ito') a'e +e'el1 #oltai'e7) 5e&ice 3o' ha&in(
Ea'th &ie6e5 6ith a22a'ent o,8ecti&it1 3'o+ 6itho*t in o'5e' to ha&e it) 3ollie) an5 cont'a5iction) +a5e
B*t then in .IJJ% the'e 6a) the 5i)co&e'1 o3 thin% 5a'4 +a'4in() on a')- Thi) 6a) inte'2'ete5 ,1
)o+e a) =canal)> an5 the A+e'ican a)t'ono+e' Pe'ci&al Lo6ell 6a) con&ince5 that the1 6e'e a'ti3icial
6ate'6a1) ,*ilt ,1 intelli(ent ,ein() t'1in( to *)e the ice o3 the 2ola' ca2) to +aintain a('ic*lt*'e on thei'
inc'ea)in(l1 5e)iccate5 2lanet- He 6'ote ,oo4) on the )*,8ect in the .IFE) that c'eate5 :*ite a )ti'-
The B'iti)h )cience 3iction 6'ite' He',e't Geo'(e "ell) 2'ocee5e5 to +a4e *)e o3 the notion an5%
in .IFI% 2*,li)he5 The 0ar of the 0orlds, the 3i')t )i(ni3icant tale o3 the in&a)ion an5 atte+2te5 con:*e)t
o3 Ea'th ,1 +o'e a5&ance5 intelli(ence) 3'o+ anothe' 6o'l5 ?in thi) ca)e% a')@- I ha&e al6a1) tho*(ht that
"ell)% in a55ition to 6antin( to 6'ite an e<citin( )to'1 6ith an *n2'ece5ente5 2lot% 6a) al)o ,itte'l1
)ati'iAin( E*'o2e- At the ti+e he 6'ote% E*'o2ean) ?the B'iti)h% 2a'tic*la'l1@ ha5 8*)t co+2lete5 5i&i5in( *2
A3'ica 6itho*t an1 'e(a'5 3o' the 2eo2le li&in( the'e- "h1 not )ho6 the B'iti)h ho6 it 6o*l5 3eel to ha&e
a5&ance5 intelli(ence) t'eat the+ a) callo*)l1 a) the1 6e'e t'eatin( the A3'ican)9
"ell)7) no&el c'eate5 a ne6 )*,(en'e--tale) o3 alien in&a)ion- The +anne' in 6hich "ell) +a5e
the a'tian) *n2it1in( e<2loite') o3 h*+anit1 ?3o' the )a4e o3 e<cite+ent an5% I ,elie&e% )ati'e@C the
+e+o'1% 2e'ha2)% o3 the on(ol in&a)ionC the 3eelin( o3 (*ilt o&e' the E*'o2ean 5e)2oliation o3 all the
othe' continent)C co+,ine5 to +a4e it con&entional to ha&e the alien in&a5e') *n3eelin( con:*e'o')% 3o' the
+o)t 2a't-
Act*all1% 6e ha&e no 'ea)on to thin4 thi) 6o*l5 ,e )o- A) 3a' a) 6e 4no6% no in&a5e') 3'o+
6itho*t ha&e e&e' 'eache5 Ea'th an5% 3o' a &a'iet1 o3 'ea)on)% it +i(ht ,e a'(*e5 that none e&e' 6ill-
Ho6e&e'% i3 the1 5o co+e% the'e i) no a 2'io'i 'ea)on to )*)2ect the1 6on7t co+e in 3'ien5)hi2 an5
c*'io)it1% to teach an5 to lea'n-
Yet )*ch i) the 2o6e' o3 h*+anit17) o6n )ha+e3*l hi)to'1 an5 the con&ention) o3 3iction that &e'1
3e6 2eo2le 6o*l5 ,e 6illin( to con)i5e' alien in&a5e') co+in( in 2eace a) a 'eal 2o))i,ilit1- In 3act% 6hen
2la:*e) an5 'eco'5in() 6e'e 2lace5 on 'oc4et 2'o,e) 5e)i(ne5 to lea&e the )ola' )1)te+ an5 (o 6an5e'in(
o33 into inte')tella' )2ace% in o'5e' that alien intelli(ence) ?i3 an1@ +i(ht 3in5 the+ )o+e5a1% +illion) o3
1ea') in the 3*t*'e% an5 that the1 +i(ht th*) lea'n that Ea'th+en ha5 once e<i)te5--the'e 6e'e tho)e 6ho
tho*(ht it a 5an(e'o*) 2'oce))- "h1 a5&e'ti)e o*' e<i)tence9 "h1 enco*'a(e 3e'ocio*) alien) to co+e he'e
in o'5e' to 'a&a(e an5 5e)t'o19
He'e% then% in thi) collection% a'e )to'ie) o3 alien in&a)ion- "e ha&e )electe5 a &a'iet1 o3
conte+2o'a'1 t'eat+ent) o3 the 2'o,le+% )o+e a +atte' o3 e<cite+ent% )o+e tho*(ht3*ll1 2hilo)o2hic%
)o+e e&en 3*nn1- The1 &ie6 the 2o))i,ilit1 3'o+ all an(le) an5 )t'etch o*' +in5) on the +atte'% a) (oo5
)cience 3iction )ho*l5-
T($ )C"$NC$ F"CT"%N BL%0'-N
IN SCIENCE FICTION, EXPERIENCE SEEMS to )ho6 that lon( )to'ie) ha&e an a5&anta(e o&e' )ho't one)- The
lon(e' the )to'1% all thin() ,ein( e:*al% the +o'e +e+o'a,le-
The'e i) 'ea)on to thi)- The lon(e' the )to'1% the +o'e the a*tho' can )2'ea5 hi+)el3- I3 the )to'1 i)
lon( eno*(h% he can in5*l(e hi+)el3 in 2lot an5 )*,2lot 6ith int'icate inte'connection)- He can en(a(e in
lei)*'el1 5e)c'i2tion% in ca'e3*l cha'acte' 5elineation% in tho*(ht3*l ho+ilie) an5 2hilo)o2hical 5i)c*))ion)-
He can 2la1 t'ic4) on the 'ea5e'% hi5in( i+2o'tant in3o'+ation% +i)lea5in( an5 +i)5i'ectin(% then ,'in(in(
,ac4 3o'(otten the+e) an5 cha'acte') at the +o+ent o3 ('eate)t e33ect-
B*t in e&e'1 6o'th6hile )to'1% ho6e&e' lon(% the'e i) a 2oint- The 6'ite' +a1 not con)cio*)l1 2*t
it the'e% ,*t it 6ill ,e the'e- The 'ea5e' +a1 not con)cio*)l1 )ea'ch 3o' it% ,*t he7ll +i)) it i3 it i)n7t the'e- I3
the 2oint i) o,t*)e% ,l*nt% t'i&ial o' none<i)tent% the )to'1 )*33e') an5 the 'ea5e' 6ill 'eact 6ith a 5ea5l1% =GE
Lon(% co+2licate5 )to'ie) can ha&e the 2oint 6ell hi55en *n5e' cloa4in( la1e') o3 +ate'ial-
Aca5e+ic 2eo2le% 3o' 6ho+ the )ea'ch 3o' the 2oint i) 2a'tic*la'l1 e<citin(% can 6hi2 thei' )t*5ent) to the
h*nt% an5 6o'4) o3 lite'at*'e that a'e 2a'tic*la'l1 5ee2 an5 'ich can elicit )chola'l1 the)e) 6itho*t n*+,e'
that 6ill 5eal 6ith the i5enti3ication an5 e<2lanation) o3 2oint) an5 )*,2oint)-
B*t no6 let7) 6o'4 to6a'5 the othe' e<t'e+e- A) a )to'1 ('o6) )ho'te' an5 )ho'te'% all the 3anc1
e+,'oi5e'1 that len(th +a4e) 2o))i,le +*)t (o- In the )ho't )to'1% the'e can ,e no )*,2lot)C the'e i) no ti+e
3o' 2hilo)o2h1C 6hat 5e)c'i2tion an5 cha'acte' 5elineation the'e i) +*)t ,e acco+2li)he5 6ith conci)ion-
The 2oint% ho6e&e'% +*)t 'e+ain- Since it cannot ,e econo+iAe5 on% it) 6ei(ht loo+) +o'e
la'(el1 in the le))e' o&e'all ,*l4 o3 the )ho't )to'1-
Finall1% in the )ho't )ho't )to'1% e&e'1thin( i) eli+inate5 #ut the 2oint- The )ho't )ho't )to'1
'e5*ce) it)el3 to the 2oint alone an5 2'e)ent) that 2oint to 1o* li4e a ,a'e nee5le 3i'e5 3'o+ a ,lo6(*nC a
nee5le that can tic4le o' )tin( an5 lea&e it) e33ect ,*'ie5 6ithin 1o* 3o' a lon( ti+e-
He'e% then% a'e )o+e 2oint) +a5e a(ain)t the ,ac4('o*n5 an5 6ith the techni:*e o3 )cience
3iction- A h*n5'e5 o3 the+% to ,e e<act% each 3'o+ the )cience 3iction ,lo6(*n o3 a +a)te' ?to ,e +o5e)t%
the'e a'e also a co*2le o3 +1 o6n )to'ie)@% an5 each 6ith a one-line int'o5*cto'1 ,l*', ,1 +1)el3-
No6% )ince it 6o*l5 +a4e no )en)e to ha&e an int'o5*ction lon(e' than the )to'ie) it int'o5*ce)%
an5 ha&in( +a5e my 2oint--I7ll )to2-
T($ &%B%T C(&%N"CL$)
WHAT IS A ROBOT$ WE MIGHT DEFINE it +o)t ,'ie3l1 an5 co+2'ehen)i&el1 a) =an a'ti3icial o,8ect that
'e)e+,le) a h*+an ,ein(->
"hen 6e thin4 o3 'e)e+,lance% 6e thin4 o3 it% 3i')t% in te'+) o3 a22ea'ance- A 'o,ot loo!s li4e a
h*+an ,ein(-
It co*l5% 3o' in)tance% ,e co&e'e5 6ith a )o3t +ate'ial that 'e)e+,le) h*+an )4in- It co*l5 ha&e
hai'% an5 e1e)% an5 a &oice% an5 all the 3eat*'e) an5 a22*'tenance) o3 a h*+an ,ein(% )o that it 6o*l5% a) 3a'
a) o*t6a'5 a22ea'ance i) conce'ne5% ,e in5i)tin(*i)ha,le 3'o+ a h*+an ,ein(-
Thi)% ho6e&e'% i) not 'eall1 e))ential- In 3act% the 'o,ot% a) it a22ea') in )cience 3iction% i) al+o)t
al6a1) con)t'*cte5 o3 +etal% an5 ha) onl1 a )t1liAe5 'e)e+,lance to a h*+an ,ein(-
S*22o)e% then% 6e 3o'(et a,o*t a22ea'ance an5 con)i5e' onl1 6hat it can 5o- "e thin4 o3 'o,ot) a)
ca2a,le o3 2e'3o'+in( ta)4) +o'e 'a2i5l1 o' +o'e e33icientl1 than h*+an ,ein()- B*t in that ca)e any
+achine i) a 'o,ot- A )e6in( +achine can )e6 3a)te' than a h*+an ,ein(% a 2ne*+atic 5'ill can 2enet'ate a
ha'5 )*'3ace 3a)te' than an *nai5e5 h*+an ,ein( can% a tele&i)ion )et can 5etect an5 o'(aniAe 'a5io 6a&e)
a) 6e cannot% an5 )o on-
"e +*)t a22l1 the te'+ 'o,ot% then% to a +achine that i) +o'e )2ecialiAe5 than an o'5ina'1 5e&ice-
A 'o,ot i) a computeriBed +achine that i) ca2a,le o3 2e'3o'+in( ta)4) o3 a 4in5 that a'e too co+2le< 3o'
an1 li&in( +in5 othe' than that o3 a +an% an5 o3 a 4in5 that no non-co+2*te'iAe5 +achine i) ca2a,le o3
In othe' 6o'5) to 2*t it a) ,'ie3l1 a) 2o))i,le:
ro#ot O machine P computer
Clea'l1% then% a t'*e 'o,ot 6a) i+2o))i,le ,e3o'e the in&ention o3 the co+2*te' in the .FME)% an5
6a) not 2'actical ?in the )en)e o3 ,ein( co+2act eno*(h an5 chea2 eno*(h to ,e 2*t to e&e'15a1 *)e@ *ntil
the in&ention o3 the +ic'ochi2 in the .FJE)-
Ne&e'thele))% the concept o3 the 'o,ot--an a'ti3icial 5e&ice that +i+ic) the action) an5% 2o))i,l1%
the a22ea'ance o3 a h*+an ,ein(--i) ol5% 2'o,a,l1 a) ol5 a) the h*+an i+a(ination-
The ancient)% lac4in( co+2*te')% ha5 to thin4 o3 )o+e othe' 6a1 o3 in)tillin( :*a)i-h*+an
a,ilitie) into a'ti3icial o,8ect)% an5 the1 +a5e *)e o3 &a(*e )*2e'nat*'al 3o'ce) an5 5e2en5e5 on (o5li4e
a,ilitie) ,e1on5 the 'each o3 +e'e +en-
Th*)% in the ei(hteenth ,oo4 o3 Ho+e'7) "liad, He2hai)to)% the G'ee4 (o5 o3 the 3o'(e% i)
5e)c'i,e5 a) ha&in( 3o' hel2e')% =a co*2le o3 +ai5)---+a5e o3 (ol5 e<actl1 li4e li&in( (i'l)C the1 ha&e )en)e
in thei' hea5)% the1 can )2ea4 an5 *)e thei' +*)cle)% the1 can )2in an5 6ea&e an5 5o thei' 6o'4-> S*'el1%
the)e a'e 'o,ot)-
A(ain% the i)lan5 o3 C'ete% at the ti+e o3 it) ('eate)t 2o6e'% 6a) )*22o)e5 to 2o))e)) a ,'onAe
(iant na+e5 Talo) that cea)ele))l1 2at'olle5 it) )ho'e) to 3i(ht o33 the a22'oach o3 an1 ene+1-
Th'o*(ho*t ancient an5 +e5ie&al ti+e)% lea'ne5 +en 6e'e )*22o)e5 to ha&e c'eate5 a'ti3iciall1
li&in( thin() th'o*(h the )ec'et a't) the1 ha5 lea'ne5 o' *nco&e'e5--a't) ,1 6hich the1 +a5e *)e o3 the
2o6e') o3 the 5i&ine o' the 5e+onic-
The +e5ie&al 'o,ot-)to'1 that i) +o)t 3a+ilia' to *) to5a1 i) that o3 Ra,,i Loe6 o3 )i<teenth-
cent*'1 P'a(*e- He i) )*22o)e5 to ha&e 3o'+e5 an a'ti3icial h*+an ,ein(--a 'o,ot--o*t o3 cla1% 8*)t a) Go5
ha5 3o'+e5 A5a+ o*t o3 cla1- A cla1 o,8ect% ho6e&e' +*ch it +i(ht 'e)e+,le a h*+an ,ein(% i) =an
*n3o'+e5 )*,)tance> ?the He,'e6 6o'5 3o' it i) =(ole+>@% )ince it lac4) the att'i,*te) o3 li3e- Ra,,i Loe6%
ho6e&e'% (a&e hi) (ole+ the att'i,*te) o3 li3e ,1 +a4in( *)e o3 the )ac'e5 na+e o3 Go5% an5 )et the 'o,ot to
6o'4 2'otectin( the li&e) o3 ;e6) a(ain)t thei' 2e')ec*to')-
The'e 6a)% ho6e&e'% al6a1) a ce'tain ne'&o*)ne)) a,o*t h*+an ,ein() in&ol&in( the+)el&e) 6ith
4no6le5(e that 2'o2e'l1 ,elon() to (o5) o' 5e+on)- The'e 6a) the 3eelin( that thi) 6a) 5an(e'o*)% that the
3o'ce) +i(ht e)ca2e h*+an cont'ol- Thi) attit*5e i) +o)t 3a+ilia' to *) in the le(en5 o3 the =)o'ce'e'7)
a22'entice%> the 1o*n( 3ello6 6ho 4ne6 eno*(h +a(ic to )ta't a 2'oce)) (oin( ,*t not eno*(h to )to2 it
6hen it ha5 o*tli&e5 it) *)e3*lne))-
The ancient) 6e'e intelli(ent eno*(h to )ee thi) 2o))i,ilit1 an5 ,e 3'i(htene5 ,1 it- In the He,'e6
+1th o3 A5a+ an5 E&e% the )in the1 co++it i) that o3 (ainin( 4no6le5(e ?eatin( o3 the 3'*it o3 the t'ee o3
4no6le5(e o3 (oo5 an5 e&ilC i-e-% 4no6le5(e o3 e&e'1thin(@ an5 3o' that the1 6e'e e8ecte5 3'o+ E5en an5%
acco'5in( to Ch'i)tian theolo(ian)% in3ecte5 all o3 h*+anit1 6ith that =o'i(inal )in->
In the G'ee4 +1th)% it 6a) the Titan% o' P'o+ethe*)% 6ho )*22lie5 3i'e ?an5 the'e3o'e technolo(1@
to h*+an ,ein() an5 3o' that he 6a) 5'ea53*ll1 2*ni)he5 ,1 the in3*'iate5 Qe*)% 6ho 6a) the chie3 (o5-
In ea'l1 +o5e'n ti+e)% +echanical cloc4) 6e'e 2e'3ecte5% an5 the )+all +echani)+) that 'an the+
?=cloc46o'4>@--the )2'in()% (ea')% e)ca2e+ent)% 'atchet)% an5 )o on--co*l5 al)o ,e *)e5 to '*n othe'
The .JEE) 6a) the (ol5en a(e o3 =a*to+aton)-> The)e 6e'e 5e&ice) that co*l5% (i&en a )o*'ce o3
2o6e' )*ch a) a 6o*n5 )2'in( o' co+2'e))e5 ai'% ca''1 o*t a co+2licate5 )e'ie) o3 acti&itie)- To1 )ol5ie')
6e'e ,*ilt that 6o*l5 +a'chC to1 5*c4) that 6o*l5 :*ac4% ,athe% 5'in4 6ate'% eat ('ain an5 &oi5 itC to1 ,o1)
that co*l5 5i2 a 2en into in4 an5 6'ite a lette' ?al6a1) the )a+e lette'% o3 co*')e@- S*ch a*to+ata 6e'e 2*t
on 5i)2la1 an5 2'o&e5 e<t'e+el1 2o2*la' ?an5% )o+eti+e)% 2'o3ita,le to the o6ne')@-
It 6a) a 5ea5-en5 )o't o3 thin(% o3 co*')e% ,*t it 4e2t ali&e the tho*(ht o3 +echanical 5e&ice) that
+i(ht 5o +o'e than cloc46o'4 t'ic4)% that +i(ht ,e +o'e nea'l1 ali&e-
"hat7) +o'e% )cience 6a) a5&ancin( 'a2i5l1% an5 in .JFI% the Italian anato+i)t% L*i(i Gal&ani%
3o*n5 that *n5e' the in3l*ence o3 an elect'ic )2a'4% 5ea5 +*)cle) co*l5 ,e +a5e to t6itch an5 cont'act a)
tho*(h the1 6e'e ali&e- "a) it 2o))i,le that elect'icit1 6a) the )ec'et o3 li3e9
The tho*(ht nat*'all1 a'o)e that a'ti3icial li3e co*l5 ,e ,'o*(ht into ,ein( ,1 )t'ictl1 )cienti3ic
2'inci2le) 'athe' than ,1 'eliance on (o5) o' 5e+on)- Thi) tho*(ht le5 to a ,oo4 that )o+e 2eo2le con)i5e'
the 3i')t 2iece o3 +o5e'n )cience 3iction33Fran!enstein ,1 a'1 Shelle1% 2*,li)he5 in .I.I-
In thi) ,oo4% #icto' F'an4en)tein% an anato+i)t% collect) 3'a(+ent) o3 3'e)hl1 5ea5 ,o5ie) an5% ,1
the *)e o3 ne6 )cienti3ic 5i)co&e'ie) ?not )2eci3ie5 in the ,oo4@% ,'in() the 6hole to li3e% c'eatin( )o+ethin(
that i) 'e3e''e5 to onl1 a) the = on)te'> in the ,oo4- ?In the +o&ie% the li3e 2'inci2le 6a) elect'icit1-@
Ho6e&e'% the )6itch 3'o+ the )*2e'nat*'al to )cience 5i5 not eli+inate the 3ea' o3 the 5an(e'
inhe'ent in 4no6le5(e- In the +e5ie&al le(en5 o3 Ra,,i Loe67) (ole+% that +on)te' 6ent o*t o3 cont'ol
an5 the 'a,,i ha5 to 6ith5'a6 the 5i&ine na+e an5 5e)t'o1 hi+- In the +o5e'n tale o3 F'an4en)tein% the
he'o 6a) not )o l*c41- He a,an5one5 the on)te' in 3ea'% an5 the on)te'--6ith an an(e' that the ,oo4 all
,*t 8*)ti3ie)--in 'e&en(e 4ille5 tho)e F'an4en)tein lo&e5 an5% e&ent*all1% F'an4en)tein hi+)el3-
Thi) 2'o&e5 a cent'al the+e in the )cience 3iction )to'ie) that ha&e a22ea'e5 )ince Fran!enstein.
The c'eation o3 'o,ot) 6a) loo4e5 *2on a) the 2'i+e e<a+2le o3 the o&e'6eenin( a''o(ance o3 h*+anit1%
o3 it) atte+2t to ta4e on% th'o*(h +i)5i'ecte5 )cience% the +antle o3 the 5i&ine- The c'eation o3 h*+an li3e%
6ith a )o*l% 6a) the )ole 2'e'o(ati&e o3 Go5- Fo' a h*+an ,ein( to atte+2t )*ch a c'eation 6a) to 2'o5*ce a
)o*lle)) t'a&e)t1 that ine&ita,l1 ,eca+e a) 5an(e'o*) a) the (ole+ an5 a) the on)te'- The 3a)hionin( o3 a
'o,ot 6a)% the'e3o'e% it) o6n e&ent*al 2*ni)h+ent% an5 the le))on% =the'e a'e )o+e thin() that h*+anit1 i)
not +eant to 4no6%> 6a) 2'eache5 o&e' an5 o&e' a(ain-
No one *)e5 the 6o'5 ='o,ot%> ho6e&e'% *ntil .F/E ?the 1ea'% coinci(entall1% in 6hich I 6a) ,o'n@-
In that 1ea'% a CAech 2la16'i(ht% !a'el Ca2e4% 6'ote the 2la1 R- -.&., a,o*t an En(li)h+an% Ro))*+% 6ho
+an*3act*'e5 a'ti3icial h*+an ,ein() in :*antit1- The)e 6e'e inten5e5 to 5o the a'5*o*) la,o' o3 the 6o'l5
)o that 'eal h*+an ,ein() co*l5 li&e li&e) o3 lei)*'e an5 co+3o't-
Ra2e4 calle5 the)e a'ti3icial h*+an ,ein() ='o,ot)%> 6hich i) a CAech 6o'5 3o' =3o'ce5 6o'4e')%>
o' =)la&e)-> In 3act% the title o3 the 2la1 )tan5) 3o' =Ro))*+7) Uni&e')al Ro,ot)%> the na+e o3 the he'o7)
In thi) 2la1% ho6e&e'% 6hat I call =the F'an4en)tein co+2le<> 6a) +a5e )e&e'al notche) +o'e
inten)e- "he'e a'1 Shelle17) on)te' 5e)t'o1e5 onl1 F'an4en)tein an5 hi) 3a+il1% Ra2e47) 'o,ot) 6e'e
2'e)ente5 a) (ainin( e+otion an5 then% 'e)entin( thei' )la&e'1% 6i2in( o*t the h*+an )2ecie)-
The 2la1 6a) 2'o5*ce5 in .F/. an5 6a) )*33icientl1 2o2*la' ?tho*(h 6hen I 'ea5 it% +1 2*'el1
2e')onal o2inion 6a) that it 6a) 5'ea53*l@ to 3o'ce the 6o'5 ='o,ot> into *ni&e')al *)e- The na+e 3o' an
a'ti3icial h*+an ,ein( i) no6 ='o,ot> in e&e'1 lan(*a(e% a) 3a' a) I 4no6-
Th'o*(h the .F/E) an5 .F0E)% &.-.&. hel2e5 'ein3o'ce the F'an4en)tein co+2le<% an5 ?6ith )o+e
nota,le e<ce2tion) )*ch a) Le)te' 5el Re17) =Helen O7Lo1> an5 Ean5o Bin5e'7) =A5a+ Lin4> )e'ie)@ the
ho'5e) o3 clan4in(% +*'5e'o*) 'o,ot) contin*e5 to ,e 'e2'o5*ce5 in )to'1 a3te' )to'1-
I 6a) an a'5ent )cience 3iction 'ea5e' in the .F0E) an5 I ,eca+e ti'e5 o3 the e&e'-'e2eate5 'o,ot
2lot- I 5i5n7t )ee 'o,ot) that 6a1- I )a6 the+ a) +achine)--a5&ance5 +achine)--,*t +achine)- The1 +i(ht
,e 5an(e'o*) ,*t )*'el1 )a3et1 3acto') 6o*l5 ,e ,*ilt in- The )a3et1 3acto') +i(ht ,e 3a*lt1 o' ina5e:*ate o'
+i(ht 3ail *n5e' *ne<2ecte5 t12e) o3 )t'e))e)C ,*t )*ch 3ail*'e) co*l5 al6a1) 1iel5 e<2e'ience that co*l5 ,e
*)e5 to i+2'o&e the +o5el)-
A3te' all% all 5e&ice) ha&e thei' 5an(e')- The 5i)co&e'1 o3 )2eech int'o5*ce5 co++*nication--an5
lie)- The 5i)co&e'1 o3 3i'e int'o5*ce5 coo4in(--an5 a')on- The 5i)co&e'1 o3 the co+2a)) i+2'o&e5
na&i(ation--an5 5e)t'o1e5 ci&iliAation) in e<ico an5 Pe'*- The a*to+o,ile i) +a'&elo*)l1 *)e3*l--an5
4ill) A+e'ican) ,1 the ten) o3 tho*)an5) each 1ea'- e5ical a5&ance) ha&e )a&e5 li&e) ,1 the +illion)--an5
inten)i3ie5 the 2o2*lation e<2lo)ion-
In e&e'1 ca)e% the 5an(e') an5 +i)*)e) co*l5 ,e *)e5 to 5e+on)t'ate that =the'e a'e )o+e thin()
h*+anit1 6a) not +eant to 4no6%> ,*t )*'el1 6e cannot ,e e<2ecte5 to 5i&e)t o*')el&e) o3 all 4no6le5(e
an5 'et*'n to the )tat*) o3 the a*)t'alo2ithecine)- E&en 3'o+ the theolo(ical )tan52oint% one +i(ht a'(*e
that Go5 6o*l5 ne&e' ha&e (i&en h*+an ,ein() ,'ain) to 'ea)on 6ith i3 He ha5n7t inten5e5 tho)e ,'ain) to
,e *)e5 to 5e&i)e ne6 thin()% to +a4e 6i)e *)e o3 the+% to in)tall )a3et1 3acto') to 2'e&ent *n6i)e *)e--an5
to 5o the ,e)t 6e can 6ithin the li+itation) o3 o*' i+2e'3ection)-
So% in .F0F% at the a(e o3 nineteen% I 5ete'+ine5 to 6'ite a 'o,ot )to'1 a,o*t a 'o,ot that 6a)
6i)el1 *)e5% that 6a) not 5an(e'o*)% an5 that 5i5 the 8o, it 6a) )*22o)e5 to 5o- Since I nee5e5 a 2o6e'
)o*'ce I int'o5*ce5 the =2o)it'onic ,'ain- = Thi) 6a) 8*)t (o,,le51(oo4 ,*t it 'e2'e)ente5 )o+e *n4no6n
2o6e' )o*'ce that 6a) *)e3*l% &e')atile% )2ee51% an5 co+2act--li4e the a)-1et *nin&ente5 co+2*te'-
The )to'1 6a) e&ent*all1 na+e5 =Ro,,ie%> an5 it 5i5 not a22ea' i++e5iatel1% ,*t I 2'ocee5e5 to
6'ite othe' )to'ie) alon( the )a+e line--in con)*ltation 6ith +1 e5ito'% ;ohn 6- Ca+2,ell% ;'-% 6ho 6a)
+*ch ta4en 6ith thi) i5ea o3 +ine--an5 e&ent*all1 the1 6e'e all 2'inte5-
Ca+2,ell *'(e5 +e to +a4e +1 i5ea) a) to the 'o,ot )a3e(*a'5) e<2licit 'athe' than i+2licit% an5 I
5i5 thi) in +1 3o*'th 'o,ot )to'1% =R*na'o*n5%> 6hich a22ea'e5 in the a'ch .FM/ i))*e o3 Astoundin*
)cience Fiction. In that i))*e% on 2a(e .EE% in the 3i')t col*+n% a,o*t one-thi'5 o3 the 6a1 5o6n ?. 8*)t
ha22en to 'e+e+,e'@ one o3 +1 cha'acte') )a1) to anothe'% =No6% loo4% let7) )ta't 6ith the Th'ee
F*n5a+ental R*le) o3 Ro,otic)->
Thi)% a) it t*'ne5 o*t% 6a) the &e'1 3i')t 4no6n *)e o3 the 6o'5 ='o,otic)> in 2'int% a 6o'5 that i)
the no6-acce2te5 an5 6i5el1 *)e5 te'+ 3o' the )cience an5 technolo(1 o3 the con)t'*ction% +aintenance%
an5 *)e o3 'o,ot)- The %<ford $n*lish 1ictionary, in the 0'5 S*22le+enta'1 #ol*+e% (i&e) +e c'e5it 3o'
the in&ention o3 the 6o'5-
I 5i5 not 4no6 I 6a) in&entin( the 6o'5% o3 co*')e- In +1 1o*th3*l innocence% I tho*(ht that was
the 6o'5 an5 ha5n7t the 3ainte)t notion it ha5 ne&e' ,een *)e5 ,e3o'e-
=The Th'ee F*n5a+ental R*le) o3 Ro,otic)> +entione5 at thi) 2oint e&ent*all1 ,eca+e 4no6n a)
= A)i+o&7) Th'ee La6) o3 Ro,otic)%> an5 he'e the1 a'e:
% A 'o,ot +a1 not in8*'e a h*+an ,ein(% o'% th'o*(h inaction% allo6 a h*+an ,ein( to co+e to ha'+-
( A 'o,ot +*)t o,e1 the o'5e') (i&en it ,1 h*+an ,ein() e<ce2t 6he'e )*ch o'5e') 6o*l5 con3lict 6ith the
Fi')t La6-
- A 'o,ot +*)t 2'otect it) o6n e<i)tence a) lon( a) )*ch 2'otection 5oe) not con3lict 6ith the Fi')t o'
Secon5 La6-
Tho)e la6)% a) it t*'ne5 o*t ?an5 a) I co*l5 not 2o))i,l1 ha&e 3o'e)een@% 2'o&e5 to ,e the +o)t
3a+o*)% the +o)t 3'e:*entl1 :*ote5% an5 the +o)t in3l*ential )entence) I e&e' 6'ote- ?An5 I 5i5 it 6hen I
6a) t6ent1-one% 6hich +a4e) +e 6on5e' i3 I7&e 5one an1thin( )ince to contin*e to 8*)ti31 +1 e<i)tence-@
1 'o,ot )to'ie) t*'ne5 o*t to ha&e a ('eat e33ect on )cience 3iction- I 5ealt 6ith 'o,ot)
*ne+otionall1--the1 6e'e 2'o5*ce5 ,1 en(inee')% the1 2'e)ente5 en(inee'in( 2'o,le+) that 'e:*i'e5
)ol*tion)% an5 the )ol*tion) 6e'e 3o*n5- The )to'ie) 6e'e 'athe' con&incin( 2o't'a1al) o3 a 3*t*'e
technolo(1 an5 6e'e not +o'al le))on)- The 'o,ot) 6e'e +achine) an5 not +eta2ho')-
A) a 'e)*lt% the ol5-3a)hione5 'o,ot )to'1 6a) &i't*all1 4ille5 in all )cience 3iction )to'ie) a,o&e
the co+ic-)t'i2 le&el- Ro,ot) ,e(an to ,e &ie6e5 a) +achine) 'athe' than +eta2ho') ,1 othe' 6'ite')% too-
The1 ('e6 to ,e co++onl1 )een a) ,ene&olent an5 *)e3*l e<ce2t 6hen )o+ethin( 6ent 6'on(% an5 then a)
ca2a,le o3 co''ection an5 i+2'o&e+ent- Othe' 6'ite') 5i5 not :*ote the Th'ee La6)--the1 ten5e5 to ,e
'e)e'&e5 3o' +e--,*t the1 assumed the+% an5 )o 5i5 the 'ea5e')-
A)toni)hin(l1 eno*(h% +1 'o,ot )to'ie) al)o ha5 an i+2o'tant e33ect on the 6o'l5 o*t)i5e-
It i) 6ell 4no6n that the ea'l1 'oc4et e<2e'i+ente') 6e'e )t'on(l1 in3l*ence5 ,1 the )cience 3iction
)to'ie) o3 H- G- "ell)- In the )a+e 6a1% ea'l1 'o,ot e<2e'i+ente') 6e'e )t'on(l1 in3l*ence5 ,1 +1 'o,ot
)to'ie)% nine o3 6hich 6e'e collecte5 in .FGE to +a4e *2 a ,oo4 calle5 ", &o#ot. It 6a) +1 )econ5
2*,li)he5 ,oo4 an5 it ha) 'e+aine5 in 2'int in the 3o*' 5eca5e) )ince-
;o)e2h F- En(el,e'(e'% )t*51in( at Col*+,ia Uni&e')it1 in the .FGE)% ca+e ac'o)) ", &o#ot an5
6a) )*33icientl1 att'acte5 ,1 6hat he 'ea5 to 5ete'+ine that he 6a) (oin( to 5e&ote hi) li3e to 'o,ot)- A,o*t
that ti+e% he +et Geo'(e C- De&ol% ;'-% at a coc4tail 2a't1- De&ol 6a) an in&ento' 6ho 6a) al)o inte'e)te5
in 'o,ot)-
To(ethe'% the1 3o*n5e5 the 3i'+ o3 Uni+ation an5 )et a,o*t 6o'4in( o*t )che+e) 3o' +a4in(
'o,ot) 6o'4- The1 2atente5 +an1 5e&ice)% an5 ,1 the +i5-.FJE)% the1 ha5 6o'4e5 o*t all 4in5) o3 2'actical
'o,ot)- The t'o*,le 6a) that the1 nee5e5 co+2*te') that 6e'e co+2act an5 chea2--,*t once the +ic'ochi2
ca+e in% the1 ha5 it- F'o+ that +o+ent on% Uni+ation ,eca+e the 3o'e+o)t 'o,ot 3i'+ in the 6o'l5 an5
En(el,e'(e' ('e6 'ich ,e1on5 an1thin( he co*l5 ha&e 5'ea+e5 o3-
He ha) al6a1) ,een 4in5 eno*(h to (i&e +e +*ch o3 the c'e5it- I ha&e +et othe' 'o,otici)t) )*ch
a) a'&in in)41 an5 Shi+on Y- No3% 6ho al)o a5+itte5% chee'3*ll1% the &al*e o3 thei' ea'l1 'ea5in( o3
+1 'o,ot )to'ie)- No3% 6ho i) an I)'aeli% ha5 3i')t 'ea5 ", &o#ot in a He,'e6 t'an)lation-
The 'o,otici)t) ta4e the Th'ee La6) o3 Ro,otic) )e'io*)l1 an5 the1 4ee2 the+ a) an i5eal 3o' 'o,ot
)a3et1- A) 1et% the t12e) o3 in5*)t'ial 'o,ot) in *)e a'e )o )i+2le% e))entiall1% that )a3et1 5e&ice) ha&e to ,e
,*ilt in e<te'nall1- Ho6e&e'% 'o,ot) +a1 con3i5entl1 ,e e<2ecte5 to ('o6 +o'e &e')atile an5 ca2a,le an5
the Th'ee La6)% o' thei' e:*i&alent% 6ill )*'el1 ,e ,*ilt into thei' 2'o('a++in( e&ent*all1-
I +1)el3 ha&e ne&e' act*all1 6o'4e5 6ith 'o,ot)% ne&e' e&en a) +*ch a) )een one% ,*t I ha&e ne&e'
)to22e5 thin4in( a,o*t the+- I ha&e to 5ate 6'itten at lea)t thi't1-3i&e )ho't )to'ie) an5 3i&e no&el) that
in&ol&e 'o,ot)% an5 I 5a'e )a1 that i3 I a+ )2a'e5% I 6ill 6'ite +o'e-
1 'o,ot )to'ie) an5 no&el) )ee+ to ha&e ,eco+e cla))ic) in thei' o6n 'i(ht an5% 6ith the a5&ent
o3 the =Ro,ot Cit1> )e'ie) o3 no&el)% ha&e ,eco+e the 6i5e' lite'a'1 *ni&e')e o3 othe' 6'ite') a) 6ell-
Un5e' tho)e ci'c*+)tance)% it +i(ht ,e *)e3*l to (o o&e' +1 'o,ot )to'ie) an5 5e)c'i,e )o+e o3 tho)e 6hich
I thin4 a'e 2a'tic*la'l1 )i(ni3icant an5 to e<2lain 6h1 I thin4 the1 a'e-
% 01obbie,2 Thi) i) the 3i')t 'o,ot )to'1 I 6'ote- I t*'ne5 it o*t ,et6een a1 .E an5 a1 // o3 .F0F% 6hen
I 6a) nineteen 1ea') ol5 an5 6a) 8*)t a,o*t to ('a5*ate 3'o+ colle(e- I ha5 a little t'o*,le 2lacin( it% 3o'
;ohn Ca+2,ell 'e8ecte5 it an5 )o 5i5 AmaBin* )tories. Ho6e&e'% F'e5 Pohl acce2te5 it on a'ch /G%.FME%
an5 it a22ea'e5 in the Se2te+,e' .FME i))*e o3 )uper )cience )tories, 6hich he e5ite5- F'e5 Pohl% ,ein(
F'e5 Pohl% chan(e5 the title to =St'an(e Pla13ello6%> ,*t I chan(e5 it ,ac4 6hen I incl*5e5 it in +1 ,oo4 ",
&o#ot an5 it ha) a22ea'e5 a) =Ro,,ie> in e&e'1 )*,)e:*ent inca'nation-
A)i5e 3'o+ ,ein( +1 3i')t 'o,ot )to'1% =Ro,,ie> i) )i(ni3icant ,eca*)e in it% Geo'(e "e)ton )a1)
to hi) 6i3e in 5e3en)e o3 a 'o,ot that i) 3*l3illin( the 'ole o3 n*')e+ai5% =He 8*)t can7t hel2 ,ein( 3aith3*l
an5 lo&in( an5 4in5- He7) a +achine33made so. = Thi) i) the 3i')t in5ication% in +1 3i')t )to'1% o3 6hat
e&ent*all1 ,eca+e the =Fi')t La6 o3 Ro,otic)%> an5 o3 the ,a)ic 3act that 'o,ot) 6e'e +a5e 6ith ,*ilt--in
)a3et1 '*le)-
( 01eason,2 =Ro,,ie> 6o*l5 ha&e +eant nothin( in it)el3 i3 I ha5 6'itten no +o'e 'o,ot )to'ie)%
2a'tic*la'l1 )ince it a22ea'e5 in one o3 the +ino' +a(aAine)- Ho6e&e'% I 6'ote a )econ5 'o,ot )to'1%
=Rea)on%> an5 that one ;ohn Ca+2,ell li4e5- A3te' a ,it o3 'e&i)ion% it a22ea'e5 in the A2'il .FM. i))*e o3
Astoundin* )cience Fiction, an5 the'e it att'acte5 notice- Rea5e') ,eca+e a6a'e that the'e 6e'e )*ch thin()
a) =2o)it'onic 'o,ot)%> an5 )o 5i5 Ca+2,ell- That +a5e e&e'1thin( a3te'6a'5 2o))i,le-
- 03iar4,2 In the &e'1 ne<t i))*e o3 Astoundin*, that o3 a1 .FM.% +1 thi'5 'o,ot )to'1% =Lia'$> a22ea'e5-
The i+2o'tance o3 thi) )to'1 6a) that it int'o5*ce5 S*)an Cal&in% 6ho ,eca+e the cent'al cha'acte' in +1
ea'l1 'o,ot )to'ie)- Thi) )to'1 6a) o'i(inall1 'athe' cl*+)il1 5one% la'(el1 ,eca*)e it 5ealt 6ith the
'elation)hi2 ,et6een the )e<e) at a ti+e 6hen I ha5 not 1et ha5 +1 3i')t 5ate 6ith a 1o*n( la51-
Fo't*natel1% I7+ a :*ic4 lea'ne'% an5 it i) one )to'1 in 6hich I +a5e )i(ni3icant chan(e) ,e3o'e allo6in( it
to a22ea' in ", &o#ot.
& 01unaround,2 The ne<t i+2o'tant 'o,ot )to'1 a22ea'e5 in the a'ch .FM/ i))*e o3 Astoundin*. It 6a)
the 3i')t )to'1 in 6hich I li)te5 the Th'ee La6) o3 Ro,otic) e<2licitl1 in)tea5 o3 +a4in( the+ i+2licit- In it%
I ha&e one cha'acte'% G'e(o'1 Po6ell% )a1 to anothe'% ichael Dono&an: =No6% loo4% let7) )ta't 6ith the
Th'ee F*n5a+ental R*le) o3 Ro,otic)--the th'ee '*le) that a'e ,*ilt +o)t 5ee2l1 into a 'o,ot7) 2o)it'onic
,'ain- = He then 'ecite) the+-
Late' on% I calle5 the+ the La6) o3 Ro,otic)% an5 thei' i+2o'tance to +e 6a) th'ee3ol5:
a5 The1 (*i5e5 +e in 3o'+in( +1 2lot) an5 +a5e it 2o))i,le to 6'ite +an1 )ho't )to'ie)% a) 6ell
a) )e&e'al no&el)% ,a)e5 on 'o,ot)- In the)e% I con)tantl1 )t*5ie5 the con)e:*ence) o3 the Th'ee La6)-
b5 It 6a) ,1 all o55) +1 +o)t 3a+o*) lite'a'1 in&ention% :*ote5 in )ea)on an5 o*t ,1 othe')- I3 all
I ha&e 6'itten i) )o+e5a1 to ,e 3o'(otten% the Th'ee La6) o3 Ro,otic) 6ill )*'el1 ,e the la)t to (o-
c5 The 2a))a(e in =R*na'o*n5> :*ote5 a,o&e ha22en) to ,e the &e'1 3i')t ti+e the 6o'5 ='o,otic)>
6a) *)e5 in 2'int in the En(li)h lan(*a(e- I a+ the'e3o'e c'e5ite5% a) I ha&e )ai5% 6ith the in&ention o3 that
6o'5 ?a) 6ell a) o3 ='o,otic%> =2o)it'onic%> an5 =2)1chohi)to'1>@ ,1 the %<ford $n*lish 1ictionary, 6hich
ta4e) the t'o*,le--an5 the )2ace--to :*ote the Th'ee La6)- ?All the)e thin() 6e'e c'eate5 ,1 +1 t6ent1-
)econ5 ,i'th5a1 an5 I )ee+ to ha&e c'eate5 nothin( )ince% 6hich (i&e) 'i)e to ('ie&o*) tho*(ht) 6ithin +e-@
$ 067idence,2 Thi) 6a) the one an5 onl1 )to'1 I 6'ote 6hile I )2ent ei(ht +onth) an5 t6ent1-)i< 5a1) in
the A'+1- At one 2oint I 2e')*a5e5 a 4in5l1 li,'a'ian to let +e 'e+ain in the loc4e5 li,'a'1 o&e' l*nch )o
that I co*l5 6o'4 on the )to'1- It i) the 3i')t )to'1 in 6hich I +a5e *)e o3 a h*+anoi5 'o,ot- Ste2hen
B1e'le1% the h*+anoi5 'o,ot in :*e)tion ?tho*(h in the )to'1 I 5on7t +a4e it a,)ol*tel1 clea' 6hethe' he i)
a 'o,ot o' not@% 'e2'e)ent) +1 3i')t a22'oach to6a'5 R- Daneel Oli&a6% the h*+ani3o'+ 'o,ot 6ho a22ea')
in a n*+,e' o3 +1 no&el)- =E&i5ence> a22ea'e5 in the Se2te+,e' .FMN i))*e o3 Astoundin* )cience
. 03ittle 3ost 1obot,2 1 'o,ot) ten5 to ,e ,eni(n entitie)- In 3act% a) the )to'ie) 2'o('e))e5% the1
('a5*all1 (aine5 in +o'al an5 ethical :*alitie) *ntil the1 3a' )*'2a))e5 h*+an ,ein() an5% in the ca)e o3
Daneel% a22'oache5 the (o5li4e- Ne&e'thele))% I ha5 no intention o3 li+itin( +1)el3 to 'o,ot) a) )a&io')- I
3ollo6e5 6he'e&e' the 6il5 6in5) o3 +1 i+a(ination le5 +e% an5 I 6a) :*ite ca2a,le o3 )eein( the
*nco+3o'ta,le )i5e) o3 the 'o,ot 2heno+ena-
It 6a) onl1 a 3e6 6ee4) a(o ?a) I 6'ite thi)@ that I 'ecei&e5 a lette' 3'o+ a 'ea5e' 6ho )col5e5 +e
,eca*)e% in a 'o,ot )to'1 o3 +ine that ha5 8*)t ,een 2*,li)he5% I )ho6e5 the 5an(e'o*) )i5e o3 'o,ot)- He
acc*)e5 +e o3 a 3ail*'e o3 ne'&e-
That he 6a) 6'on( i) )ho6n ,1 =Little Lo)t Ro,ot> in 6hich a 'o,ot i) the &illain% e&en tho*(h it
a22ea'e5 nea'l1 hal3 a cent*'1 a(o- The )ea+1 )i5e o3 'o,ot) i) not the 'e)*lt o3 a 3ail*'e in ne'&e that
co+e) o3 +1 a5&ancin( a(e an5 5ec'e2it*5e- It ha) ,een a con)tant conce'n o3 +ine all th'o*(h +1 ca'ee'-
' 0The 67itable 8onflict,2 Thi) 6a) a )e:*el to =E&i5ence> an5 a22ea'e5 in the ;*ne .FGE i))*e o3
Astoundin*. It 6a) the 3i')t )to'1 I 6'ote that 5ealt 2'i+a'il1 6ith co+2*te') ?I calle5 the+ =achine)> in
the )to'1@ 'athe' than 6ith 'o,ot) 2e' )e- The 5i33e'ence i) not a ('eat one- Yo* +i(ht 5e3ine a 'o,ot a) a
=co+2*te'iAe5 +achine> o' a) a =+o,ile co+2*te'-> Yo* +i(ht con)i5e' a co+2*te' a) an =i++o,ile
'o,ot-> In an1 ca)e% I clea'l1 5i5 not 5i)tin(*i)h ,et6een the t6o% an5 altho*(h the achine)% 6hich 5on7t
+a4e an act*al 2h1)ical a22ea'ance in the )to'1% a'e clea'l1 co+2*te')% I incl*5e5 the )to'1% 6itho*t
he)itation% in +1 'o,ot collection% .- &o#ot, an5 neithe' the 2*,li)he' no' the 'ea5e') o,8ecte5- To ,e )*'e%
Ste2hen B1e'le1 i) in the )to'1% ,*t the :*e)tion o3 hi) 'o,oticit1 2la1) no 'ole-
/ 0Franchise,2 Thi) 6a) the 3i')t )to'1 in 6hich I 5ealt 6ith co+2*te') as computers, an5 I ha5 no tho*(ht
in +in5 o3 thei' ,ein( 'o,ot)- It a22ea'e5 in the A*(*)t .FGG i))*e o3 "fA 0orlds of )cience Fiction, an5 ,1
that ti+e I ha5 ('o6n 3a+ilia' 6ith the e<i)tence o3 co+2*te')- 1 co+2*te' i) =*lti&ac%> 5e)i(ne5 a) an
o,&io*)l1 la'(e' an5 +o'e co+2le< &e')ion o3 the act*all1 e<i)tin( =Uni&ac-> In thi) )to'1% an5 in )o+e
othe') o3 the 2e'io5 that 5ealt 6ith *lti&ac% I 5e)c'i,e5 it a) an eno'+o*)l1 la'(e +achine% +i))in( the
chance o3 2'e5ictin( the +iniat*'iAation an5 ethe'ealiAation o3 co+2*te')-
" 0The 3ast Question,2 1 i+a(ination 5i5n7t ,et'a1 +e 3o' lon(% ho6e&e'- In =The La)t K*e)tion%>
6hich a22ea'e5 3i')t in the No&e+,e' .FGN i))*e o3 )cience Fiction Cuarterly, I 5i)c*))e5 the
+iniat*'iAation an5 ethe'ealiAation o3 co+2*te') an5 3ollo6e5 it th'o*(h a t'illion 1ea') o3 e&ol*tion ?o3
,oth co+2*te' an5 +an@ to a lo(ical concl*)ion that 1o* 6ill ha&e to 'ea5 the )to'1 to 5i)co&e'- It i)%
,e1on5 :*e)tion% +1 3a&o'ite a+on( all the )to'ie) I ha&e 6'itten in +1 ca'ee'-
%) 0The Feelin! of Power,2 The +iniat*'iAation o3 co+2*te') 2la1e5 a )+all 'ole a) a )i5e i))*e in thi)
)to'1- It a22ea'e5 in the Fe,'*a'1 .FGI i))*e o3 "f an5 i) al)o one o3 +1 3a&o'ite)- In thi) )to'1 I 5ealt 6ith
2oc4et co+2*te')% 6hich 6e'e not to +a4e thei' a22ea'ance in the +a'4et2lace *ntil ten to 3i3teen 1ea')
a3te' the )to'1 a22ea'e5- o'eo&e'% it 6a) one o3 the )to'ie) in 6hich I 3o'e)a6 acc*'atel1 a )ocial
i+2lication o3 technolo(ical a5&ance 'athe' than +e'el1 the technolo(ical a5&ance it)el3-
The )to'1 5eal) 6ith the 2o))i,le lo)) o3 a,ilit1 to 5o )i+2le a'ith+etic th'o*(h the 2e'2et*al *)e
o3 co+2*te')- I 6'ote it a) a )ati'e that co+,ine5 h*+o' 6ith 2a))a(e) o3 ,itte' i'on1% ,*t I 6'ote +o'e
t'*l1 than I 4ne6- The)e 5a1) I ha&e a 2oc4et co+2*te' an5 I ,e('*5(e the ti+e an5 e33o't it 6o*l5 ta4e +e
to )*,t'act .I/ 3'o+ IGM- I *)e the 5a'ne5 co+2*te'- =The Feelin( o3 Po6e'> i) one o3 the +o)t 3'e:*entl1
antholo(iAe5 o3 +1 )to'ie)-
In a 6a1% thi) )to'1 )ho6) the ne(ati&e )i5e o3 co+2*te')% an5 in thi) 2e'io5 I al)o 6'ote )to'ie)
that )ho6e5 the 2o))i,le &en(e3*l 'eaction) o3 co+2*te') o' 'o,ot) that a'e +i)t'eate5- Fo' co+2*te')% the'e
i) =So+e5a1%> 6hich a22ea'e5 in the A*(*)t .FGN i))*e o3 "nfinity )cience Fiction, an5 3o' 'o,ot) ?in
a*to+o,ile 3o'+@ )ee =Sall1%> 6hich a22ea'e5 in the a1-;*ne .FG0 i))*e o3 Fantastic.
%% 0Feminine Intuition,2 1 'o,ot) a'e al+o)t al6a1) +a)c*line% tho*(h not nece))a'il1 in an act*al
)en)e o3 (en5e'- A3te' all% I (i&e the+ +a)c*line na+e) an5 'e3e' to the+ a) =he-> At the )*((e)tion o3 a
3e+ale e5ito'% ;*51-L1nn 5el Re1% I 6'ote =Fe+inine Int*ition%> 6hich a22ea'e5 in the Octo,e' .FNF i))*e
o3 The Ma*aBine of Fantasy and )cience Fiction. It )ho6e5% 3o' one thin(% that I co*l5 5o a 3e+inine 'o,ot%
too- She 6a) )till +etal% ,*t )he ha5 a na''o6e' 6ai)tline than +1 *)*al 'o,ot) an5 ha5 a 3e+inine &oice%
too- Late' on% in +1 ,oo4 &o#ots and $mpire, the'e 6a) a cha2te' in 6hich a h*+anoi5 3e+ale 'o,ot +a5e
he' a22ea'ance- She 2la1e5 a &illaino*) 'ole% 6hich +i(ht )*'2'i)e tho)e 6ho 4no6 o3 +1 3'e:*entl1
5i)2la1e5 a5+i'ation o3 the 3e+ale hal3 o3 h*+anit1-
%( 0The 9icentennial Man,2 Thi) )to'1% 6hich 3i')t a22ea'e5 in .FJN in a 2a2e',ac4 antholo(1 o3 o'i(inal
)cience 3iction% )tellar S/% e5ite5 ,1 ;*51-L1nn 5el Re1% 6a) +1 +o)t tho*(ht3*l e<2o)ition o3 the
5e&elo2+ent o3 'o,ot)- It 3ollo6e5 the+ in an enti'el1 5i33e'ent 5i'ection 3'o+ that in =The La)t K*e)tion- =
"hat it 5ealt 6ith 6a) the 5e)i'e o3 a 'o,ot to ,eco+e a +an an5 the 6a1 in 6hich he ca''ie5 o*t that
5e)i'e% )te2 ,1 )te2- A(ain% I ca''ie5 the 2lot all the 6a1 to it) lo(ical concl*)ion- I ha5 no intention o3
6'itin( thi) )to'1 6hen I )ta'te5 it- It 6'ote it)el3% an5 t*'ne5 an5 t6i)te5 in the t12e6'ite'- It en5e5 a) the
thi'5 3a&o'ite o3 +ine a+on( all +1 )to'ie)- Ahea5 o3 it co+e onl1 =The La)t K*e)tion%> +entione5 a,o&e%
an5 =The U(l1 Little Bo1%> 6hich i) not a 'o,ot )to'1-
%- The 8a7es of Steel, ean6hile% at the )*((e)tion o3 Ho'ace L- Gol5% e5ito' o3 'ala<y, I ha5 6'itten a
'o,ot no&el- I ha5 'e)i)te5 5oin( )o at 3i')t 3o' I 3elt that +1 'o,ot i5ea) onl1 3it the )ho't )to'1 len(th- Gol5%
ho6e&e'% )*((e)te5 I 6'ite a +*'5e' +1)te'1 5ealin( 6ith a 'o,ot 5etecti&e- I 3ollo6e5 the )*((e)tion
2a't6a1- 1 5etecti&e 6a) a tho'o*(hl1 h*+an Eli8ah Bale1 ?2e'ha2) the +o)t att'acti&e cha'acte' I e&e'
in&ente5% in +1 o2inion@% ,*t he ha5 a 'o,ot )i5e4ic4% R- Daneel Oli&a6- The ,oo4% I 3elt% 6a) the 2e'3ect
3*)ion o3 +1)te'1 an5 )cience 3iction- It a22ea'e5 a) a th'ee-2a't )e'ial in the Octo,e'% No&e+,e'% an5
Dece+,e' .FG0 i))*e) o3 'ala<y, an5 Do*,le5a1 2*,li)he5 it a) a no&el in .FGM-
"hat )*'2'i)e5 +e a,o*t the ,oo4 6a) the 'eaction o3 the 'ea5e')- "hile the1 a22'o&e5 o3 Li8e
Bale1% thei' o,&io*) inte'e)t 6a) enti'el1 6ith Daneel% 6ho+ I ha5 &ie6e5 a) a +e'e )*,)i5ia'1 cha'acte'-
The a22'o&al 6a) 2a'tic*la'l1 inten)e in the ca)e o3 the 6o+en 6ho 6'ote to +e- ?Thi'teen 1ea') a3te' I
ha5 in&ente5 Daneel% the tele&i)ion )e'ie) )tar Tre! ca+e o*t% 6ith '- S2oc4 'e)e+,lin( Daneel :*ite
clo)el1 in cha'acte'--)o+ethin( 6hich 5i5 not ,othe' +e--an5 I notice5 that 6o+en &ie6e') 6e'e
2a'tic*la'l1 inte'e)te5 in hi+% too- I 6on7t 2'eten5 to anal1Ae thi)- @
%& The :a;ed Sun, The 2o2*la'it1 o3 Li8e an5 Daneel le5 +e to 6'ite a )e:*el% The Na!ed )un, 6hich
a22ea'e5 a) a th'ee-2a't )e'ial in the Octo,e'% No&e+,e'% an5 Dece+,e' .FGN i))*e) o3 Astoundin* an5
6a) 2*,li)he5 a) a no&el ,1 Do*,le5a1 in .FGJ- Nat*'all1% the 'e2etition o3 the )*cce)) +a5e a thi'5 no&el
)ee+ the lo(ical thin( to 5o- I e&en )ta'te5 6'itin( it in .FGI% ,*t thin() (ot in the 6a1 an5% 6hat 6ith one
thin( an5 anothe'% it 5i5n7t (et 6'itten till .FI0-
%$ The 1obots of Dawn, Thi)% the thi'5 no&el o3 the Li8e Bale1HR- Daneel )e'ie)% 6a) 2*,li)he5 ,1
Do*,le5a1 in .FI0- In it% I int'o5*ce5 a )econ5 'o,ot% R- Gi)4a'5 Re&entlo&% an5 thi) ti+e I 6a) not
)*'2'i)e5 6hen he t*'ne5 o*t to ,e a) 2o2*la' a) Daneel-
%. 1obots and 6mpire, "hen it 6a) nece))a'1 to allo6 Li8e Bale1 to 5ie ?o3 ol5 a(e@% I 3elt I 6o*l5 ha&e
no 2'o,le+ in 5oin( a 3o*'th ,oo4 in the )e'ie)% 2'o&i5e5 I allo6e5 Daneel to li&e- The 3o*'th ,oo4% &o#ots
and $mpire, 6a) 2*,li)he5 ,1 Do*,le5a1 in .FIG- Li8e7) 5eath ,'o*(ht )o+e 'eaction% ,*t nothin( at all
co+2a'e5 to the )to'+ o3 'e('et3*l lette') I 'ecei&e5 6hen the e<i(encie) o3 the 2lot +a5e it nece))a'1 3o'
R- Gi)4a'5 to 5ie-
O3 the )ho't )to'ie) I ha&e li)te5 a) =nota,le> 1o* +a1 ha&e notice5 that th'ee-->F'anchi)e%> =The
La)t K*e)tion%> an5 =The Feelin( o3 Po6e'>--a'e not incl*5e5 in the collection 1o* a'e no6 hol5in(- Thi)
i) not an o&e')i(ht% no' i) it an1 in5ication that the1 a'e not )*ita,le 3o' collection- The 3act i) that each o3
the th'ee i) to ,e 3o*n5 in an ea'lie' collection% &o#ot 1reams, that i) a co+2anion 2iece 3o' thi) one- It
6o*l5n7t ,e 3ai' to the 'ea5e' to ha&e the)e )to'ie) in ,oth collection)-
To +a4e *2 3o' that% I ha&e incl*5e5 in &o#ot ?isions nine 'o,ot )to'ie) that a'e not li)te5 a,o&e a)
=nota,le-> Thi) i) no 6a1 i+2lie) that the)e nine )to'ie) a'e in3e'io'% +e'el1 that the1 ,'o4e no ne6 ('o*n5-
O3 the)e nine )to'ie)% =Galle1 Sla&e> i) one o3 +1 3a&o'ite)% not onl1 ,eca*)e o3 the 6o'52la1 in
the title% ,*t ,eca*)e it 5eal) 6ith a 8o, I ea'ne)tl1 6i)h a 'o,ot 6o*l5 ta4e o33 +1 han5)- Not +an1 2eo2le
ha&e (one th'o*(h +o'e )et) o3 (alle1) than I ha&e-
=Lenn1> )ho6) a h*+an )i5e o3 S*)an Cal&in that a22ea') in no othe' )to'1% 6hile =So+e5a1> i)
+1 3o'a1 into 2atho)- =Ch'i)t+a) "itho*t Ro5ne1> i) a h*+o'o*) 'o,ot )to'1% 6hile =Thin4$ = i) a 'athe'
('i+ one- =i''o' I+a(e> i) the onl1 )ho't )to'1 I e&e' 6'ote that in&ol&e) R- Daneel Oli&a6% the co-he'o
o3 +1 'o,ot no&el)- =Too Ba5$> an5 =Se('e(ationi)t> a'e ,oth 'o,ot )to'ie) ,a)e5 on +e5ical the+e)- An5%
3inall1% =Ro,ot #i)ion)> i) 6'itten )2eci3icall1 3o' thi) collection-
So it t*'n) o*t that +1 'o,ot )to'ie) ha&e ,een al+o)t a) )*cce))3*l a) +1 Fo*n5ation ,oo4)% an5
i3 1o* 6ant to 4no6 the t'*th ?in a 6hi)2e'% o3 co*')e% an5 2lea)e 4ee2 thi) con3i5ential@% I li4e +1 'o,ot
)to'ie) ,ette'-
Finall1% a 6o'5 a,o*t the e))a1) in thi) ,oo4- The 3i')t e))a1 6a) 6'itten in .FGN- All the othe')
ha&e a22ea'e5 in .FJM an5 the'ea3te'- "h1 the ei(hteen-1ea' (a29
Ea)1- I 6'ote +1 3i')t 'o,ot )to'1 6hen I 6a) nineteen% an5 I 6'ote the+% on an5 o33% 3o' o&e'
thi't1 1ea') 6itho*t 'eall1 ,elie&in( that 'o,ot) 6o*l5 e&e' co+e into e<i)tence in an1 'eal )en)e--at lea)t
not in +1 li3eti+e- The 'e)*lt 6a) that I ne&e' once 6'ote a )e'io*) e))a1 on 'o,otic)- I +i(ht a) 6ell
e<2ect +1)el3 to ha&e 6'itten )e'io*) e))a1) on Galactic e+2i'e) an5 2)1chohi)to'1- In 3act% +1 .FGN 2iece
i) not a )e'io*) 5i)c*))ion o3 'o,otic) ,*t +e'el1 a con)i5e'ation o3 the *)e o3 'o,ot) in )cience 3iction-
It 6a) not till the +i5-.FJE)% 6ith the 5e&elo2+ent o3 the +ic'ochi2% that co+2*te') ('e6 )+all
eno*(h% &e')atile eno*(h% an5 chea2 eno*(h to allo6 co+2*te'iAe5 +achine'1 to ,eco+e 2'actical 3o'
in5*)t'ial *)e- Th*)% the in5*)t'ial 'o,ot a''i&e5--e<t'e+el1 )i+2le co+2a'e5 to +1 i+a(ina'1 'o,ot)% ,*t
clea'l1 en 'o*te-
An5% a) it ha22ene5% in .FJM% 8*)t a) 'o,ot) 6e'e ,eco+in( 'eal% I ,e(an to 6'ite e))a1) on c*''ent
5e&elo2+ent) in )cience% 3i')t 3o' American 0ay +a(aAine an5 then 3o' the Lo) An(ele) Ti+e) S1n5icate-
It ,eca+e nat*'al to 6'ite an occa)ional 2iece on 'eal 'o,otic)- In a55ition% B1'on P'ei)) #i)*al
P*,lication)% Inc-% ,e(an to 2*t o*t a 'e+a'4a,le )e'ie) o3 ,oo4) *n5e' the (ene'al title o3 "saac Asimo.s
&o#ot City, an5 I 6a) a)4e5 to 5o e))a1) on 'o,otic) 3o' each o3 the+- So it ca+e a,o*t that ,e3o'e .FJM% I
6'ote &i't*all1 no e))a1) on 'o,otic)% an5 a3te' .FJM :*ite a 3e6- It7) not +1 3a*lt% a3te' all% i3 )cience
3inall1 catche) *2 to +1 )i+2le' notion)-
'%L1$N A'$ A($A1
IT SEEMS TO BE AN ALMOST UN#ARYING ha,it a+on( h*+an ,ein() to 3in5 (ol5en a(e) in the 2a)t%
,oth in thei' o6n 2e')onal li&e) an5 in thei' )ocietie)-
That7) onl1 nat*'al- In the 3i')t 2lace% the'e7) )o+ethin( to it--at lea)t in o*' 2e')onal li&e)- To
tho)e o3 *) 6ho a'e el5e'l1 ?o' e&en in thei' late 1o*th% a) I a+@ the'e i) no :*e)tion ,*t that the'e a'e
+e+o'ie) o3 a ti+e 6hen 6e 6e'e 1o*n(e' an5 )t'on(e' an5 thinne' an5 +o'e &i(o'o*) an5 le)) c'ea41 an5
co*l5 2e'3o'+ +o'e 3'e:*entl1 an5 ('o6 ti'e5 le)) 3'e:*entl1 an5 )o on- An5 i3 that i)n7t (ol5en% 6hat i)9
In (ene'al% thi) i) nat*'all1 e<t'a2olate5 to the 2oint 6he'e 6hate&e' )ociet1 6a) li4e in o*'
teena(e 1ea') i) o*' &ie6 o3 6hat )ociet1 ou*ht to ,e li4e- E&e'1 chan(e )ince then i) &ie6e5 a) a
5ete'io'ation% a 5e(ene'ation% an a,o+ination-
Then% too% the'e a'e the 3al)itie) o3 +e+o'1% 6hich ca)t a 5elicio*) haAe o&e' the 2a)t% eli+inatin(
the anno1ance) an5 3'*)t'ation) an5 +a(ni31in( the 8o1)- A55 to that the 3al)itie) o3 hi)to'1 6hich
ine&ita,l1 2'o5*ce a ('eate' e+2ha)i) on he'oi)+% on 5o((e5 5ete'+ination% on ci&ic &i't*e% 6hile
o&e'loo4in( ):*alo'% co''*2tion% an5 in8*)tice-
An5 in the )*,-*ni&e')e o3 )cience 3iction% i)n7t thi) al)o t'*e9 Doe)n7t e&e'1 'ea5e' 6ho ha) ,een
'ea5in( 3o' a 5eca5e o' t6o 'e+e+,e' a =(ol5en a(e>9 Doe)n7t he co+2lain that )cience 3iction )to'ie)
a'en7t a) (oo5 a) the1 *)e5 to ,e9 Doe)n7t he 5'ea+ o3 the cla))ic) o3 the 2a)t9
O3 co*')e- "e all 5o that- I 5o it% too- The'e i) one =Gol5en A(e o3 Science Fiction> that ha)
act*all1 ,een in)tit*tionaliAe5 an5 3'oAen in 2lace% an5 that i) the 2e'io5 ,et6een .F0I an5 .FGE% 6ith it)
2ea4 1ea') 3'o+ .F0F to .FM/-
;ohn "- Ca+2,ell% ;'- ,eca+e e5ito' o3 Astoundin* )tories in .F0I% chan(e5 it) na+e to
Astoundin* )cience Fiction, chan(e5 it) )t1le% an5 3o*n5 ne6 6'ite') o' enco*'a(e5 ol5e' 6'ite') to e<2an5
thei' ho'iAon)- He hel2e5 5e&elo2 +e% L- S2'a(*e 5e Ca+2% Le)te' 5el Re1% Theo5o'e St*'(eon% E'ic F'an4
R*))ell% Hal Cle+ent% A'th*' C- Cla'4e% an5 +an1 othe')C an5 all 2'o5*ce5 )to'ie) that a'e a+on( the ('eat
all-ti+e cla))ic) o3 the (en'e- In 2a'tic*la'% in .F0F Ro,e't A- Heinlein an5 A- E- #an #o(t ,oth ,*')t on
the )cene 6ith c'ac4e'8ac4 )to'ie)-
Let7)% ho6e&e'% ta4e a clo)e' an5 *ni+2a))ione5 loo4 at the Gol5en A(e-
To ,e(in 6ith% ho6 6a) it &ie6e5 in it) o6n ti+e9 Di5 all the 'ea5e') )it a'o*n5% )a1in(% =Goll1%
(ee% 6o6% I7+ li&in( th'o*(h a Gol5en A(e$>9
Yo*75 ,ette' not ,elie&e it- S*'e% the 1o*n( 'ea5e') 6ho ha5 8*)t co+e into the 3iel5 6e'e
3a)cinate5% ,*t the ol5e' 'ea5e') 6ho ha5 ,een 'ea5in( )ince the late .F/E) 6e'e not- In)tea5% the1
3'e:*entl1 tal4e5 o3 the =(oo5 ol5 5a1)> an5 lon(e5 3o' their (ol5en a(e o3 the T'e+aine Astoundin*,
6hich 'an 3'o+ .F00 to .F0I-
I 6a) one o3 the ol5 3o))il)% a) a +atte' o3 3act- *ch a) I li4e5 the )to'ie) o3 the Ca+2,ell e'a an5
+*ch a) I en8o1e5 cont'i,*tin( to the+ +1)el3% it 6a) o3 the ea'lie' .F0E) that " 5'ea+e5- It 6a)n7t
Heinlein that 6a) the e2ito+e to +e o3 )cience 3iction ?tho*(h I 'eco(niAe5 hi) 6o'th@--it 6a) ;ac4
"illia+)on7) =The Le(ion o3 S2ace>C it 6a) E- E- S+ith7) =Galactic Pat'ol>C it 6a) Nat Schachne'7) =Pa)t%
P'e)ent% an5 F*t*'e>C it 6a) Cha'le) R- Tanne'7) =T*+itha4 o3 the Co''i5o')->
E&en at thi) &e'1 5a1 the'e i) an o'(aniAation calle5 =Fi')t Fan5o+> ?to 6hich I ,elon(@% an5 onl1
tho)e can ,elon( to it 6ho 6e'e )cience 3iction 3an) #efore .F0I-
An5 i3 the'e 6e'e (ol5en a(e) ,e3o'e the Gol5en A(e% the'e 6e'e al)o (ol5en a(e) to )till-1o*n(e'
'ea5e') after the Gol5en A(e- In5ee5% Te''1 Ca'' ha) 8*)t 2*,li)he5 an e<cellent antholo(1 o3 )to'ie) 3'o+
.F0F th'o*(h .FM/ entitle5 Classic )cience FictionA The First 'olden A*e.
Ho6 +an1 +o'e ha&e the'e ,een9 I )ho*l5 (*e)) that the'e ha) ,een one 3o' e&e'1 th'ee-1ea'
inte'&al )ince the 3i')t--to one ('o*2 o3 'ea5e') o' anothe'-
Thin4 a(ain9 "e'e the )to'ie) o3 1o*' (ol5en a(e 'eall1 (ol5en9 Ha&e 1o* 'e'ea5 the+ latel19
I ha&e 'e'ea5 the )to'ie) o3 +1 o6n (ol5en a(e an5 3o*n5 the 'e)*lt) )2ott1 in5ee5- So+e o3 the
)to'ie) I )la&e'e5 o&e' a) a teena(e' t*'ne5 o*t to ,e i+2enet'a,le an5 e+,a''a))in( 6hen I tac4le5 the+
a(ain- A 3e6 ?=T*+itha4 o3 the Co''i5o')> 3o' one@ hel5 *2 &e'1 6ell% in +1 o2inion-
It 6a) clea' to +e% tho*(h% that the (ene'al a&e'a(e o3 6'itin( 3o't1 1ea') a(o 6a) +*ch lo6e'
than the (ene'al a&e'a(e late'- That% in 3act% )ee+) to +e to ha&e ,een a (ene'al '*le- a(aAine )cience
3iction o&e' the la)t hal3-cent*'1 ha) )tea5il1 'i)en a,o&e an5 a6a1 3'o+ it) 2*l2i)h o'i(in)-
That +ean) +e% too- I i+a(ine that +an1 2eo2le 6ho 5'oole5 o&e' =Ni(ht3all%> The Foundation
Trilo*y, an5 ", &o#ot in thei' teen) 3in5 )o+e o3 the (lo)) (one 6hen the1 'e'ea5 the+ in thei' thi'tie)-
?Fo't*natel1 3o' +1)el3% a )*,)tantial n*+,e' 5o not--an5 the'e a'e al6a1) ne6 teena(e') ente'in( the 3iel5
an5 'ea51 to ,e 5aAAle5-@
"h1 ha) the :*alit1 o3 6'itin( (one *29
Fo' one thin(% the co+2etition to )cience 3iction ha) (one- The 2*l2 +a(aAine) a'e (one- The )lic4
+a(aAine) )ca'cel1 2*,li)h 3iction- "he'ea)% )o+e 5eca5e) ,ac4% )cience 3iction +a(aAine)--6ith thei'
)+all ci'c*lation an5 e&en )+alle' 3inancial 'e6a'5)--co*l5 not co+2ete in the +a'4et2lace an5 co*l5 (ain
onl1 'a6 enth*)ia)t)% the'e i) no6 co+2a'ati&el1 little el)e 3o' a ,e(innin( 6'ite' to 5o% 3e6 othe' 2lace) 3o'
hi+ to (o-
The co+2etition 3o' )2ace in the )cience 3iction +a(aAine) i) the'e3o'e 4eene'% )o that ,ette'
nat*'al talent) 'each thei' 2a(e)--an5 )et hi(he' )tan5a'5) 3o' othe' no&ice) to )hoot at-
I 5o*,t% 3o' in)tance% that I co*l5 2o))i,l1 ha&e ,'o4en into )cience 3iction in .FJF 6ith nothin(
+o'e than the talent I ha5 6hen I ,'o4e into the 3iel5 in .F0F- ?No' nee5 thi) 5i)co*'a(e ne6 6'ite')--the1
a'e lea'nin( in a ,ette' )chool in .FJF than I 5i5 in .F0F-@
The'e i) al)o ('eate' 4no6le5(e o3 )cience to5a1-
The 6'ite') o3 +1 o6n (ol5en a(e 4ne6 &e'1 little )cience that the1 5i5n7t 2ic4 *2 3'o+ the l*'i5
ne6)2a2e' )to'ie) o3 the 5a1 ?e:*i&alent to lea'nin( a,o*t )e< in the (*tte'@-
No6a5a1)% on the othe' han5% e&en tho)e )cience 3iction 6'ite') 6ho a'e not 2a'tic*la'l1 e5*cate5
in )cience an5 6ho 5on7t 2a'tic*la'l1 *)e )cience in thei' )to'ie) ne&e'thele)) 4no6 +*ch +o'e a,o*t
)cience an5 *)e it 3a' +o'e )4ill3*ll1 ?6hen the1 5o@ than 5i5 the c'ea41 ol5 (iant) o3 the 2a)t- The ne6
6'ite') can7t hel2 it- "e no6 li&e in a )ociet1 in 6hich )cience )at*'ate) e&e'1 +e5i*+ o3 co++*nication
an5 the &e'1 ai' 6e ,'eathe--an5 the ('o6in( 'an4) o3 ca2a,le )cience 6'ite') )ee to it that the
co++*nication) a'e o3 hi(h :*alit1-
"hat 5o 6e 3ace then9
"e 6ill ha&e )to'ie) ,1 ,ette' 6'ite')% 5ealin( 6ith +o'e e<citin( an5 +o'e )*,tle the+e) in a
+o'e intelli(entl1 )cienti3ic +anne'-
Nee5 6e 6o''1 that it 6ill all co+e to an en5% that )cience i) o*t2acin( )cience 3iction an5 2*ttin(
*) all o*t o3 a 8o,9
No$ "hat the )cienti)t) a'e 5oin( i) e<actl1 the 'e&e')e- The1 a'e 2'o&i5in( *) 6ith 3'e)h% ne6
(i++ic4) 5ail1: ne6 i5ea)% ne6 2o))i,ilitie)-
In 8*)t the la)t 3e6 5a1)% I ha&e 'ea5 a,o*t the 5i)co&e'1 o3 (a)e) in #en*)7) at+o)2he'e 6hich
)ee+ to )ho6 that #en*) co*l5 not ha&e ,een 3o'+e5 in the )a+e 6a1 Ea'th 6a)- I ha&e 'ea5 a,o*t the
2o))i,ilit1 o3 )ettin( *2 a +o5*late5 ,ea+ o3 ne*t'ino) that co*l5 allo6 co++*nication throu*h the Ea'th
in)tea5 o3 a'o*n5 it- I ha&e 'ea5 that the S*n +a1 ha&e a )tea5il1 tic4in( inte'nal cloc4 6ith the
i''e(*la'itie) o3 the )*n)2ot) a )*2e'3icial +o5i3ication--,*t 6hat the cloc4 i) an5 6h1 the +o5i3ication% 6e
5o not 4no6-
Each o3 the)e ite+) can )e'&e a) the )ta'tin( 2oint 3o' a )to'1 that +i(ht not ha&e ,een 2o))i,le to
6'ite la)t 1ea'% let alone thi't1 1ea') a(o- An5 the1 6ill ,e 6'itten 6ith the )4ill an5 e<2e'ti)e o3 to5a1-
The)e a'e e<citin( ti+e) 3o' )ociet1% 3o' )cience% 3o' )cience 3iction% 3o' )cience 3iction 6'ite')% 3o'
)cience 3iction 'ea5e')- Geo'(e% ;oel% an5 I a'e ha&in( +o'e 3*n 2*ttin( thi) +a(aAine to(ethe' all the ti+eC
an5% 6e ho2e% 1o* a'e ha&in( +o'e 3*n 'ea5in( it all the ti+e-
"h1 not9 The'e7) a Gol5en A(e ahea5$
T($ ALL3(-MAN 'ALA95
IN I%&', (THE SKYLARK OF SPACE) ,1 E56a'5 E- S+ith a22ea'e5 in AmaBin* )tories, an5 6a) in)tantl1
'eco(niAe5 a) an i+2o'tant +ile)tone in )cience 3iction-
Until then% )to'ie) in&ol&in( )2ace t'a&el 5ealt al+o)t e<cl*)i&el1 6ith the )ola' )1)te+- T'i2) to
the oon an5 to a') 6e'e the )ta2le)- #i)ito') 3'o+ othe' )tella' )1)te+) +a1 ha&e ,een +entione5 ?a) in
the ca)e o3 the &i)ito' 3'o+ Si'i*) in #oltai'e7) = ic'o+e(a)=@ ,*t the)e 6e'e t'i&ial in)tance)-
S+ith% ho6e&e'% int'o5*ce5 inte')tella' t'a&el a) a co++on2lace thin( an5 2lace5 hi) he'oe) an5
&illain) 6ithin a )2ace-3'a+e that incl*5e5 the enti'e (ala<1- It 6a) the 3i')t ti+e thi) ha5 ha22ene5 an5 the
'ea5e') 5e&o*'e5 it an5 5e+an5e5 +o'e- The =)*2e')cience )to'1> ,eca+e the hit o3 the 5eca5e- S+ith hel5
the lea5 in thi) 'e)2ect 3o' t6ent1 1ea')% altho*(h 5*'in( the 3i')t hal3 o3 hi) ca'ee'% ;ohn 6- Ca+2,ell 6a) a
clo)e )econ5-
S+ith an5 Ca+2,ell &ie6e5 the (ala<1 a) incl*5in( +an1% +an1 intelli(ent )2ecie)- Al+o)t e&e'1
2lanet 2o))e))e5 the+ an5 S+ith% in 2a'tic*la'% 6a) +o)t in&enti&e in 5'ea+in( *2 *nea'thl1 )ha2e) an5
cha'acte'i)tic) 3o' hi) alien ,ein()-
Thi) =+an1-intelli(ence (ala<1> i) not a) 2'o+inent in )cience 3iction a) it once 6a)% ,*t 1o* +a1
3in5 it in conte+2o'a'1 tele&i)ion- In )tar Tre! an5 it) le))e' i+itation)% it )o+eti+e) )ee+e5 a) tho*(h a
)2ace)hi2 co*l5 not t'a&el in an1 5i'ection at 'an5o+% 3o' a 6ee4% 6itho*t co+in( ac'o)) an intelli(ent
)2ecie) ?*)*all1 ini+ical in one 6a1 o' anothe'-@ The &i)*al +e5ia a'e ha+2e'e5 in thei' a,ilit1 to 'e2'e)ent
the)e alien) i+a(inati&el1% 3o' )o+eho6 an acto' *)*all1 e<i)t) *n5e' the +a4e*2 o' 2la)tic- The
e<t'ate''e)t'ial c'eat*'e)% the'e3o'e% i3 not h*+an% 6e'e ne&e'thele)) clea'l1 2'i+ate-
In thi) connection% tho*(h% the )cience 3iction 6'ite'% Hal Cle+ent 'ai)e5 an inte'e)tin( :*e)tion%
6hich I thin4 o3 a) =Cle+ent7) Pa'a5o<->
The *ni&e')e ha) e<i)te5 3o' 2e'ha2) 3i3teen ,illion 1ea')% an5 i3 the'e a'e +an1 ci&iliAation) that
ha&e 'i)en he'e an5 the'e a+on( it) )ta')% the)e +*)t ha&e a22ea'e5 at an1 ti+e in the 2a)t t6el&e ,illion
1ea') ?allo6in( th'ee ,illion 3o' the 3i')t to a'i)e@-
It )ho*l5 3ollo6% the'e3o'e% that h*+an e<2lo'e')% 6hen locatin( an e<t'ate''e)t'ial ci&iliAation%
6o*l5 ,e :*ite a2t to 3in5 the+ an16he'e 3'o+ one to t6el&e ,illion 1ea') ol5 in the &a)t +a8o'it1 o3 ca)e)
?a))*+in( the+ to ,e &e'1 lon(-li&e5@- I3 the1 6e'e not &e'1 lon(-li&e5% ,*t onl1 en5*'e5% )a1% a +illion
1ea') o' le)) ,e3o'e co+in( to a nat*'al o' a &iolent en5% then al+o)t all 2lanet) ,ea'in( )*ch ci&iliAation)
6o*l5 )ho6 )i(n) o3 the '*in) o3 a lon(-5ea5 one% o' 2o))i,l1 a )e'ie) o3 t6o o' +o'e )et) o3 '*in)-
To a le))e' e<tent% in 'elati&el1 1o*n( 2laneta'1 )1)te+)% the ci&iliAation +i(ht not ,e 'ea51 to
a'i)e 3o' an16he'e 3'o+ a +illion to a ,illion 1ea')-
The chance o3 enco*nte'in( a ci&iliAation% then% that i) at )o+e le&el nea' o*' o6n 6o*l5 ha&e to
,e &e'1 )+all-
An5 1et ?an5 thi) i) Cle+ent7) Pa'a5o<@% )cience 3iction 6'ite') con)i)tentl1 )ho6 alien
ci&iliAation) to ,e 3ai'l1 clo)e in technolo(ical le&el to Ea'th7)- The1 +i(ht ,e a little +o'e 2'i+iti&e o' a
little +o'e a5&ance5% ,*t con)i5e'in( the 'ate at 6hich technolo(1 a5&ance) on Ea'th the)e 5a1)% it 6o*l5
)ee+ that the alien) a'e not +o'e than a 3e6 tho*)an5 1ea') ,ehin5 *) at +o)t% o' a 3e6 h*n5'e5 1ea')
ahea5 o3 *) at ,e)t-
Ho6 eno'+o*) the o55) a'e a(ain)t that$
A) 3a' a) I 4no6% ho6e&e'% )cience 3iction 6'ite') 5i5n7t 6o''1 a,o*t thi)- Ce'tainl1% I 5i5n7t-
Since I ,e(an 2*,li)hin( in .F0F% 6hen E56a'5 E- S+ith 6a) at the &e'1 hei(ht o3 hi) )*cce))
?tho*(h ;ohn Ca+2,ell ha5 8*)t 'eti'e5 to the 8o, o3 e5itin( Astoundin*4, I nat*'all1 t'ie5 +1 han5 at the
=+an1-intelli(ence> (ala<1 +1)el3-
Fo' in)tance% the'e 6a) +1 ei(hth 2*,li)he5 )to'1% =Ho+o Sol%> 6hich a22ea'e5 in the Se2te+,e'%
.FME Astoundin*. It 5ealt 6ith a (alactic e+2i'e con)i)tin( o3 the ci&iliAe5 ,ein() 3'o+ +an1% +an1
2laneta'1 )1)te+)--each 2laneta'1 )1)te+ containin( a 5i33e'ent t12e o3 intelli(ent ,ein(- Each ,o'e the
na+e o3 the nati&e )ta' in the )2ecie) na+e% )o that the'e 6o*l5 ,e =Ho+o A'ct*'*)%> =Ho+o Cano2*) =
an5 )o on- The 2lot 5ealt 6ith Ea'th7) co+in( o3 technolo(ical a(e an5 the 2o))i,le ent'1 o3 Ea'th+en
?=Ho+o Sol%> 1o* )ee@ into the e+2i'e-
An5 no6 the'e ca+e a )t'*((le ,et6een ;ohn Ca+2,ell an5 +1)el3- ;ohn co*l5 not hel2 ,*t 3eel
that 2eo2le o3 no'th6e)t E*'o2ean 5e)cent ?li4e hi+)el3@ 6e'e in the 3o'e3'ont o3 h*+an ci&iliAation an5
that all othe' 2eo2le la((e5 ,ehin5- E<2an5in( thi) &ie6 to a (alactic )cale% he &ie6e5 Ea'th+en a) the
=no'th6e)t E*'o2ean)> o3 the (ala<1- He 5i5 not li4e to )ee Ea'th+en lo)e o*t to alien)% o' to ha&e
Ea'th+en 2ict*'e5 a) in an1 6a1 in3e'io'- E&en i3 Ea'th+en 6e'e ,ehin5 technolo(icall1% the1 )ho*l5 6in
an16a1 ,eca*)e the1 in&a'ia,l1 6e'e )+a'te'% o' ,'a&e'% o' ha5 a )*2e'io' )en)e o3 h*+o'% o' somethin*.
I% ho6e&e'% 6a) not o3 no'th6e)t E*'o2ean )toc4% an5% a) a +atte' o3 3act ?thi) 6a) .FME%
'e+e+,e'% an5 the NaAi) 6e'e in the 2'oce)) o3 6i2in( o*t the E*'o2ean ;e6)@% I 6a) no ('eat a5+i'e' o3
the+- I 3elt that Ea'th+en% i3 the1 )1+,oliAe5 the)e no'th6e)t E*'o2ean) acco'5in( to the Ca+2,ellian
o*tloo4% +i(ht 6ell 2'o&e in3e'io' in +an1 &ital 6a1) to othe' ci&iliAe5 'ace)C that Ea'th+en +i(ht lo)e o*t
to the alien)C that the1 +i(ht e&en desere to lo)e o*t-
Ho6e&e'% ;ohn Ca+2,ell 6on o*t- He 6a) a cha'i)+atic an5 o&e'6hel+in( 2e')on% an5 I 6a)
,a'el1 t6ent1 1ea') ol5% &e'1 +*ch in a6e o3 hi+% an5 &e'1 an<io*) to )ell )to'ie) to hi+- So I (a&e in%
a58*)te5 the )to'1 to )*it hi) 2'e8*5ice) an5 ha&e ,een a)ha+e5 o3 that e&e' )ince-
Ne&e'thele))% I 5i5n7t 2lan to ha&e that ha22en a(ain% eer. I 6'ote a )e:*el to =Ho+o Sol%> 6hich
I calle5 =The I+a(ina'1%> in 6hich I e&a5e5 the i))*e ,1 ha&in( Ea'th+en not a22ea' ?an5 Ca+2,ell
'e8ecte5 it@- I 6'ote anothe' )to'1 in 6hich Ea'th+en 3o*(ht &illaino*) e<t'ate''e)t'ial o&e'lo'5)% an5 3elt
that 6o*l5 ,e all 'i(ht% 3o' the o&e'lo'5) 6e'e t'an)2a'ent )1+,ol) o3 the NaAi) ?an5% a) it ha22ene5%
Ca+2,ell 'e8ecte5 that% too@-
I contin*e5 to 6ant to 6'ite =)*2e')cience )to'ie)> my 6a1% ho6e&e'% an5 contin*e5 to 2'o,e 3o'
)t'ate(ie) that 6o*l5 allo6 +e to 5o )o 6itho*t enco*nte'in( Ca+2,ellian 'e)i)tance-
I a''i&e5 at the an)6e' 6hen I 3i')t tho*(ht o3 +1 )to'1 =Fo*n5ation-> Fo' it% I nee5e5 a (alactic
e+2i'e% a) in =Ho+o Sol%> an5 I 6ante5 a 3'ee han5 to ha&e it 5e&elo2 a) I 6i)he5- The an)6e'% 6hen it
ca+e to +e% 6a) )o )i+2le% I can onl1 6on5e' 6h1 it too4 +e )o lon( to 'each it- In)tea5 o3 ha&in( an
e+2i'e 6ith no h*+an ,ein() a) in =The I+a(ina'1%> I 6o*l5 ha&e an e+2i'e 6ith nothin( ,*t h*+an
,ein()- I 6o*l5 not e&en ha&e 'o,ot) in it-
Th*) 6a) ,o'n the =all-h*+an (ala<1->
It 6o'4e5 'e+a'4a,l1 6ell 3o' +e- Ca+2,ell ne&e' 'ai)e5 an1 o,8ection)C ne&e' )*((e)te5 that I
o*(ht to in)e't a 3e6 alien 'ace)C ne&e' a)4e5 6h1 the1 6e'e +i))in(- He th'e6 hi+)el3 into the )2i'it o3 the
)to'ie) an5 acce2te5 +1 (alactic e+2i'e on +1 te'+)% an5 I ne&e' ha5 to ta4e *2 the 2'o,le+ o3 'acial
No' 5i5 I )2en5 ti+e 6o''1in( a,o*t the 'ationale ,ehin5 the all-h*+an (ala<1 +1)el3- I ha5 6hat
I 6ante5% an5 I 6a) )ati)3ie5-
I 5i5 not a)4 +1)el3% 3o' in)tance% 6h1 it 6a) that h*+an ,ein() 6e'e the onl1 intelli(ent )2ecie)
in the (ala<1- A) it ha22en)% it i) 2o))i,le that tho*(h 2lanet) a'e e<t'e+el1 n*+e'o*)% 'elati&el1 3e6 a'e
ha,ita,leC o' that tho*(h +an1 2lanet) +a1 ,e ha,ita,le% 3e6 +a1 5e&elo2 li3eC o' that tho*(h +an1 2lanet)
+a1 ,e li3e,ea'in(% 3e6 in5ee5 +a1 5e&elo2 intelli(ent li3e o' ci&iliAation)- Ne&e'thele))% I +a5e no e33o't
6hat)oe&e' to )tate an1 o3 thi) e<2licitl1 a) e<2lanation 3o' 6hat I 6a) 5e)c'i,in(- It i) onl1 6ith +1 ne6
no&el Foundation.s $d*e, 6'itten 3o't1 1ea') a3te' the )e'ie) ha5 ,e(*n% that I ha&e )ta'te5 to e<2lo'e the
'ationale ,ehin5 it-
No' 5i5 I a)4 +1)el3% at the )ta't% i3 the i5ea 6e'e a no&el one- Yea') late'% I ,e(an to thin4 that no
one ,e3o'e +1)el3 ha5 e&e' 2o)t*late5 an all-h*+an (ala<1- It )ee+) to ha&e ,een +1 in&ention ?tho*(h I
)tan5 'ea51 to ,e co''ecte5 in thi) ,1 )o+e SF-hi)to'ian +o'e 4no6le5(ea,le than +1)el3@-
I3 I 5i5 in5ee5 in&ent the conce2t% it i) a *)e3*l one% :*ite a2a't 3'o+ the 'ole it 2la1e5 in the 5*el
,et6een Ca+2,ell an5 +1)el3 ?a 5*el 6hich Ca+2,ell ne&e' 4ne6 e<i)te5@- B1 'e+o&in( the alien
ele+ent% the 2la1 an5 inte'2la1 o3 h*+an ,ein() can ,e 3ollo6e5 on an eno'+o*) can&a)- "'ite') can 5eal
6ith h*+an inte'action) ?onl1@ on 5i33e'ent 6o'l5) an5 6ithin 5i33e'ent )ocietie) an5 it (i&e) 'i)e to
inte'e)tin( o22o't*nitie) o3 all )o't)-
An5% 6hat i) +o'e% the all-h*+an (ala<1 o33e') a 6a1 o3 (ettin( a'o*n5 Cle+ent7) Pa'a5o<-
2e'ha2) the only 6a1 o3 5oin( )o-

(PSYCHOHISTORY) IS ONE OF THREE 6o'5) ?that I 4no6 o3@ that I (et ea'l1-*)e c'e5it 3o' in The
%<ford $n*lish 1ictionary. The othe' t6o% 3o' the 'eco'5% a'e =2o)it'onic> an5 ='o,otic)->
Thi) i) not at all *n*)*al- E&e'1 )cience 3iction 6'ite' +a4e) *2 6o'5) an5 )o+eti+e) the1
act*all1 2enet'ate the lan(*a(e ?,*t then En(li)h i) noto'io*)l1 ho)2ita,le to neolo(i)+)--6hich i) one o3
it) )t'en(th)% in +1 o2inion@-
The +o'e *ni+a(inati&e an5 ine&ita,le a 6o'5 i)% the +o'e li4el1 it i) to ,e a5o2te5% an5 I a+ not
2'one to +a4in( *2 6o'5) 6il5l1- Th*)% once the 2o)it'on 6a) 5i)co&e'e5 an5 na+e5 in .F0G% an5 once
='o,ot> ,eca+e acce2te5 a) a te'+ 3o' a h*+ani3o'+ a*to+aton in the .F/E)% it 6a) )i+2l1 a +atte' o3
ti+e ,e3o'e the 6o'5) =2o)it'onic> an5 ='o,otic)> a22ea'e5 in 2'int- That I )ee+ to ha&e ,een the 3i')t in
each ca)e i) 2*'el1 acci5ental-
In 3act% 6hen I 3i')t *)e5 the 6o'5 =2o)it'onic> in 2'int ?in +1 )to'1 =Rea)on%> 6hich a22ea'e5 in
the A2'il .FM. i))*e o3 Astoundin* )cience Fiction4 a) a nat*'al analo(*e o3 =elect'onic%> I tho*(ht the
6o'5 al'ea51 e<i)te5- The )a+e 6a) t'*e 6hen I 3i')t *)e5 the 6o'5 ='o,otic)%> in +1 )to'1 =R*na'o*n5%>
6hich a22ea'e5 in the a'ch .FM/ i))*e o3 Astoundin* )cience Fiction.
In the ca)e o3 =2)1chohi)to'1%> ho6e&e'% I )*)2ecte5 that the 6o'5 6a) not in co++on *)e% an5
+i(ht e&en ne&e' ha&e ,een *)e5 ,e3o'e- ?Act*all1% the %.$.1. cite) one e<a+2le o3 it) *)e a) ea'l1 a)
.F0M-@ I 3i')t *)e5 it in +1 )to'1% =Fo*n5ation%> 6hich a22ea'e5 in the a1 .FM/ i))*e o3 Astoundin*
)cience Fiction.
I ca+e *2 6ith the 6o'5 ,eca*)e ;ohn Ca+2,ell an5 I 6e'e 5i)c*))in( the co*')e I 6a) to ta4e in
the Fo*n5ation )e'ie) once I ca+e to hi+ 6ith +1 initial i5ea on the )*,8ect- I 6a) :*ite 3'an4 in +1
intention o3 *)in( E56a'5 Gi,,on7) 1ecline and Fall of the &oman $mpire a) +1 +o5el an5 a) a ,a)ic
(*i5e 3o' 2lot i5ea)% ,*t I nee5e5 )o+ethin( that 6o*l5 +a4e )cience 3iction o*t o3 it- I co*l5n7t )i+2l1 call
it the Galactic E+2i'e an5 then 8*)t t'eat it a) a h12e't'o2hie5 Ro+an E+2i'e-
So I )*((e)te5 6e a55 the 3act that a +athe+atical t'eat+ent e<i)te5 6he'e,1 the 3*t*'e co*l5 ,e
2'e5icte5 in a )tati)tical 3a)hion% an5 I calle5 it =2)1chohi)to'1-> Act*all1% it 6a) a 2oo' 6o'5 an5 5i5 not
'e2'e)ent 6hat I t'*l1 +eant- I )ho*l5 ha&e calle5 it =2)1cho)ociolo(1> ?a 6o'5 6hich the %.$.1. li)t) a)
ha&in( 3i')t ,een *)e5 in .F/I@- Ho6e&e'% I 6a) )o intent on hi)to'1% than4) to Gi,,on% that I co*l5 thin4 o3
nothin( ,*t 2)1chohi)to'1- In an1 ca)e% Ca+2,ell 6a) enth*)ia)tic a,o*t the i5ea an5 6e 6e'e o33 an5
I +o5ele5 +1 conce2t o3 2)1chohi)to'1 on the 4inetic theo'1 o3 (a)e)% 6hich I ha5 ,een ,eat o&e'
the hea5 6ith in +1 2h1)ical che+i)t'1 cla))e)- The +olec*le) +a4in( *2 (a)e) +o&e5 in an a,)ol*tel1
'an5o+ 3a)hion in an1 5i'ection in th'ee 5i+en)ion) an5 in a 6i5e 'an(e o3 )2ee5)- Ne&e'thele))% one co*l5
3ai'l1 5e)c'i,e 6hat tho)e +otion) 6o*l5 ,e on the aera*e an5 6o'4 o*t the (a) la6) 3'o+ tho)e a&e'a(e
+otion) 6ith an eno'+o*) 5e('ee o3 2'eci)ion-
In othe' 6o'5)% altho*(h one co*l5n7t 2o))i,l1 2'e5ict 6hat a )in(le +olec*le 6o*l5 5o% one co*l5
acc*'atel1 2'e5ict 6hat *+2tillion) o3 the+ 6o*l5 5o-
So I a22lie5 that notion to h*+an ,ein()- Each in5i&i5*al h*+an ,ein( +i(ht ha&e =3'ee 6ill%> ,*t
a h*(e +o, o3 the+ )ho*l5 ,eha&e 6ith )o+e )o't o3 2'e5icta,ilit1% an5 the anal1)i) o3 =+o, ,eha&io'>
6a) +1 2)1chohi)to'1-
The'e 6e'e t6o con5ition) that I ha5 to )et *2 in o'5e' to +a4e it 6o'4% an5 the1 6e'e not cho)en
ca'ele))l1- I 2ic4e5 the+ in o'5e' to +a4e 2)1chohi)to'1 +o'e li4e 4inetic theo'1- Fi')t% I ha5 to 5eal 6ith a
la'(e n*+,e' o3 h*+an ,ein()% a) 4inetic theo'1 6o'4e5 6ith a la'(e n*+,e' o3 +olec*le)- Neithe' 6o*l5
6o'4 3o' )+all n*+,e')- It i) 3o' that 'ea)on that I ha5 the Galactic E+2i'e con)i)t o3 t6ent1-3i&e +illion
6o'l5)% each 6ith an a&e'a(e 2o2*lation o3 3o*' ,illion- That +eant a total h*+an 2o2*lation o3 one
h*n5'e5 :*a5'illion- ?In +1 hea't% I 5i5n7t thin4 that 6a) eno*(h% ,*t I 5i5n7t 6ant to 2lace an1 ('eate'
)t'ain on the )*)2en)ion o3 5i),elie3 than I a,)ol*tel1 ha5 to-@
Secon5% I ha5 to 'etain the ='an5o+ne))> 3acto'- I co*l5n7t e<2ect h*+an ,ein() to ,eha&e a)
'an5o+l1 a) +olec*le)% ,*t the1 +i(ht a22'oach )*ch ,eha&io' i3 the1 ha5 no i5ea a) to 6hat 6a) e<2ecte5
o3 the+- So it 6a) nece))a'1 to )*22o)e that h*+an ,ein() in (ene'al 5i5 not 4no6 6hat the 2'e5iction) o3
2)1chohi)to'1 6e'e an5 the'e3o'e 6o*l5 not tailo' thei' acti&itie) to )*it-
*ch late' in the (a+e% I tho*(ht o3 a thi'5 con5ition that I 5i5n7t thin4 o3 ea'lie' )i+2l1 ,eca*)e I
ha5 ta4en it )o co+2letel1 3o' ('ante5- The 4inetic theo'1 a))*+e) that (a)e) a'e +a5e *2 o3 nothin( #ut
+olec*le)% an5 2)1chohi)to'1 6ill onl1 6o'4 i3 the ho)t) o3 intelli(ence a'e +a5e *2 o3 nothin( #ut h*+an
,ein()- In othe' 6o'5)% the 2'e)ence o3 alien) 6ith non-h*+an intelli(ence +i(ht 6ell ,olli< the 6o'4)-
Thi) )it*ation +a1 act*all1 5e&elo2 in 3*t*'e ,oo4) o3 the Fo*n5ation )e'ie)% ,*t )o 3a' I ha&e )ta1e5 clea'
o3 non-h*+an intelli(ence) in +1 Galactic E+2i'e ?2a'tl1 ,eca*)e Ca+2,ell an5 I 5i)a('ee5 3*n5a+entall1
on 6hat thei' 'ole 6o*l5 ,e i3 the1 e<i)te5 an5 )ince neithe' o3 *) 6o*l5 (i&e in@-
E&ent*all1% I tho*(ht that my 2)1cho hi)to'1 6o*l5 3a5e o*t o3 h*+an con)cio*)ne)) ,eca*)e the
te'+ ca+e to ,e *)e5 ,1 2)1chiat'i)t) 3o' the )t*51 o3 the 2)1chiat'ic ,ac4('o*n5 o3 indiiduals ?)*ch a)
"oo5'o6 "il)on% Si(+*n5 F'e*5% o' A5ol3 Hitle'@ 6ho ha5 )o+e 2'ono*nce5 e33ect on hi)to'1- Nat*'all1%
)ince I 3elt a 2'o2'ieta'1 inte'e)t in the te'+ 2)1chohi)to'1 a) a 2'e5icti&e )t*51 o3 la'(e 3acele)) +a))e) o3
h*+an ,ein()% I 'e)ente5 the ne6 *)e o3 the 6o'5-
B*t then a) ti+e 6ent on% I ('e6 +o'e 2hilo)o2hical- A3te' all% it +i(ht 6ell ,e that the'e co*l5 ,e
no analo(1 5'a6n ,et6een +olec*le) an5 h*+an ,ein() an5 that the'e co*l5 ,e no 6a1 o3 2'e5ictin(
h*+an ,eha&io'- A) +athe+atician) ,e(an to ,e inte'e)te5 in the 5etail) o3 6hat i) no6 calle5 =chao)%> it
)ee+e5 to +e that h*+an hi)to'1 +i(ht 2'o&e to ,e e))entiall1 =chaotic> )o that the'e co*l5 ,e no
2)1chohi)to'1- In5ee5% the :*e)tion o3 6hethe' 2)1chohi)to'1 can ,e 6o'4e5 o*t o' not lie) at the cente' o3
the no&el I ha&e 'ecentl1 co+2lete5% >relude to Foundation, in 6hich Ha'i Sel5on ?the 3o*n5e' o3
2)1chohi)to'1@ i) 2o't'a1e5 a) a 1o*n( +an 6ho i) in the 2'oce)) o3 t'1in( to 5e&i)e the )cience-
I+a(ine% then% ho6 e<citin( it i) 3o' +e to )ee that )cienti)t) a'e inc'ea)in(l1 inte'e)te5 in my
2)1chohi)to'1% e&en tho*(h the1 +a1 not ,e a6a'e that that7) 6hat the )t*51 i) calle5 an5 +a1 ne&e' ha&e
'ea5 an1 o3 +1 Fo*n5ation no&el)% an5 th*) +a1 not 4no6 o3 +1 in&ol&e+ent- ?"ho ca'e)9 The conce2t i)
+o'e i+2o'tant than I a+-@
So+e +onth) a(o% a 'ea5e'% To+ "il)5on o3 A'5en% No'th Ca'olina% )ent +e a cli22in( 3'o+ the
A2'il /0% .FIJ% i))*e o3 Machine 1esi*n. It 'ea5) a) 3ollo6)% in 3*ll:
=A computer model ori*inally intended to simulate liDuid tur#ulence has #een used to model
*roup #ehaior. &esearchers at Los Alamos National La#oratories hae found that there is a
similarity #etween *roup #ehaior and certain physical phenomena. To do the analysis, they
assi*ned certain physical characteristics such as leel of e<citement, fear, and siBe of the crowd to
model parameters. The interaction of the crowd closely paralleled the tur#ulent flow eDuations.
Althou*h the analysis cannot predict e<actly what a *roup will do, it reportedly does help
determine the most pro#a#le conseDuence of a *ien eent.,
Then% too% Ro(e' N- She2a'5% a 2'o3e))o' o3 2)1cholo(1 at Stan3o'5 Uni&e')it1% ha) 2*,li)he5 an
a'ticle in the Se2te+,e' ..% .FIJ i))*e o3 )cience entitle5 =To6a'5 a Uni&e')al La6 o3 Gene'aliAation 3o'
P)1cholo(ical Science->
Un3o't*natel1% altho*(h I +a5e a &aliant e33o't to 'ea5 it% the +athe+atic) 6a) too to*(h 3o' +e
an5 e&en the non+athe+atical 2o'tion) 2'o5*ce5 onl1 a 'athe' 5i+ an5 haA1 *n5e')tan5in( 6ithin +e-
Ho6e&e'% he'e i) the )*++a'1 o3 the a'ticle a) (i&en at the ,e(innin(:
=A psycholo*ical space is esta#lished for any set of stimuli #y determinin* metric distances
#etween the stimuli such that the pro#a#ility that a response learned to any stimulus will
*eneraliBe to any other is an inariant monotonic function of the distance #etween them. To a
*ood appro<imation, this pro#a#ility of *eneraliBation @i4 decays e<ponentially with this distance,
and @ii4 does so in accordance with one of two metrics, dependin* on the relation #etween the
dimensions alon* with the stimuli ary. These empirical re*ularities are mathematically deria#le
from uniersal principles of natural !inds and pro#a#ilistic *eometry that may, throu*h
eolutionary internaliBation, tend to *oern the #ehaiors of all sentient or*anisms.,
A) I )ai5% I 5on7t 'eall1 *n5e')tan5 thi) ,*t I ha&e the 3eelin( that Ha'i Sel5on 6o*l5 *n5e')tan5 it
6itho*t t'o*,le- I a+ al)o conce'ne5% )*55enl1% that 2)1chohi)to'1 +a1 ,e 5e&elo2e5 6ithin the ne<t
cent*'1- I 2lace5 it) 5e&elo2+ent /E%EEE 1ea') in the 3*t*'e- I) thi) (oin( to ,e anothe' ca)e o3 +1 )cience-
3ictional i+a(ination 3allin( l*5ic'o*)l1 )ho't9
)C"$NC$ F"CT"%N )$&"$)
I HA#E RECEI#ED A LETTER FROM Nanc1 B14o6)4i o3 Bolin(,'oo4% Illinoi)% 6hich )a1)% in 2a't% =I
ha&e notice5 the t'en5 in 'ecent 1ea') to6a'5) t'ilo(ie) an5 )e'ial &ol*+e)- I en8o1 'ea5in( a )e'ie) o3 ,oo4)
)et in the )a+e ,ac4('o*n5% ,*t it can ,e 3'*)t'atin( 6hen the ,oo4) 5o not )tan5 alone----B*t the'e a'e
)o+e a*tho') o*t the'e that )ee+ to ,e 6'itin( )e'ial) )o that 6e 6ill ,e 3o'ce5 to ,*1 thei' ne<t ,oo4- I
,elie&e I 'ea5 )o+e6he'e that the 2*,li)he') ten5 to enco*'a(e that 4in5 o3 thin4in(- So +1 :*e)tion to 1o*
i)% 5i5 1o* 6'ite 1o*' Fo*n5ation t'ilo(1 in 'e)2on)e to a 'e:*e)t 3'o+ a 2*,li)he'% o' 6a) it )i+2l1 the
'e)*lt o3 an i5ea that 6a) too ,i( 3o' one &ol*+e9>
A) it ha22en)% I% too% ha&e notice5 the ten5enc1 3o' no&el) to co+e in cl*+2) the)e 5a1)- ?It7) t'*e
o3 +o&ie)% al)o- So+e5a1% 6e 6ill ha&e a +otion 2ict*'e calle5 &oc!y 9?"" Meets )uperman 9".4
B*t 6h1 i) that9 "h1 a'e )o +an1 6'ite') t*'nin( o*t a )e'ie) o3 connecte5 no&el)9
One &e'1 o,&io*) 'ea)on i) that it +a4e) li3e )i+2le' 3o' the+- In)tea5 o3 ha&in( to in&ent a ne6
)ocial ,ac4('o*n5 3o' each )to'1% the1 can +a4e *)e o3 one that the1 ha&e al'ea51 5e&i)e5- The 6'ite' can
th*) ,e(in a ne6 no&el 6ith a 'ea51-+a5e ,ac4('o*n5 an5 )o+eti+e) 6ith 'ea51-+a5e cha'acte')- I3
1o*D'e not a 6'ite' 1o*')el3% 1o* ha&e no i5ea ho6 +*ch +ental a(on1 an5 2)1chic 6ea'-an5-tea' that
Then% too% 'ea5e') 6ho ha&e en8o1e5 a ,oo4 o3ten 6elco+e a 'et*'n o3 the )a+e cha'acte') an5
,ac4('o*n5- A) a 'e)*lt% the 2'e))*'e 3o' a )e:*el an5 e&en 3o' a contin*in( )e'ie) i) li4el1 to co+e% at lea)t
to ,e(in 6ith% 3'o+ tho)e 'ea5e') 'athe' than 3'o+ the a*tho' o' 2*,li)he'-
P*,li)he') nat*'all1 6elco+e an1 ,oo4 in 6hich the chance o3 )*cce)) an5 2'o3ita,ilit1 i) hi(h-
The1 a'e al6a1) +o'e ea(e' to 'ecei&e a +an*)c'i2t 3'o+ an e)ta,li)he5 6'ite' than 3'o+ a ne6co+e'
,eca*)e the1 can *)*all1 ,e )*'e that the 3o'+e' 6ill ,e 2'o3ita,le% 6hile the latte' al6a1) 'e2'e)ent) a 'i)4-
B1 )i+ila' 'ea)onin( 2*,li)he') 6o*l5 2'e3e' to ha&e an e)ta,li)he5 6'ite' 5o anothe' ,oo4 o3 a 2o2*la'
)e'ie) than &ent*'e in a ne6 5i'ection alto(ethe'- The )e'ie) ,oo4 i) +o'e nea'l1 a )*'e thin(% an5
2*,li)he') a'e al+o)t a) 3on5 o3 a )*'e thin( a) 1o* an5 I a'e--
Ho6e&e'% a'e the)e )e'ie) o3 no&el) 6'itten )i+2l1 to 3o'ce 'ea5e') to ,*1 the ne<t ,oo4 a(ain)t
hi) 6ill9 O3 co*')e not- I3 'ea5e') 5onDt li4e a 2a'tic*la' ,oo4% the1 a'e not li4el1 to ,*1 a )e:*el- I3 the1
li4e the 3i')t th'ee ,oo4) o3 a )e'ie) an5 3in5 the 3o*'th 5i)a22ointin(% the1 a'e le)) li4el1 to ,*1 the 3i3th-
In )ho't% a +aintaine5 2o2*la'it1 an5 2'o3ita,ilit1 6ill ten5 to 4ee2 a )e'ie) (oin( in5e3initel1-
Non-2o2*la'it1 o' 5eclinin( 2o2*la'it1 6ill ,'in( an en5 to the )e'ie) :*ic4l1-
A) a +atte' o3 3act% 3a' 3'o+ a )e'ie) o3 ,oo4) contin*in( 8*)t to l*'e 'el*ctant 'ea5e') into
2*'cha)in( &ol*+e) that the1 5onDt 'eall1 6ant to 'ea5% it i) the 'e&e')e that i) li4el1 to ,e t'*e- It i) the
6'ite'% not the 'ea5e'% 6ho i) li4el1 to ,e &icti+iAe5- A3te' all% 6'itin( a lon( )e'ie) o3 'elate5 ,oo4) can
('o6 a63*ll1 ti'e)o+e 3o' a 6'ite'- He +a1 ha&e )*c4e5 the 8*ice o*t o3 hi) cha'acte') an5 ,ac4('o*n5 an5
+a1 lon( to (o in othe' 5i'ection)% th*) )t'etchin( an5 'e)tin( hi) c'a+2e5 an5 achin( +in5-
The 6'ite' the'e3o'e :*it) an5 (oe) a,o*t hi) ,*)ine))--an5 then a )to'+ a'i)e)- Rea5e') e<2'e))
lo*5 5i)a22oint+ent an5 +a4e 5e+an5) 3o' anothe' ,oo4 in the )e'ie)- P*,li)he')% ,eco+in( a6a'e o3 thi)%
an5 )eein( no 'ea)on to allo6 2'o3ita,ilit1 to (o (li++e'in(% then 2'ocee5 to 2*t 2'e))*'e on the 6'ite'%
6ho i) o3ten 3a' le)) enth*)ia)tic a,o*t hi) )e'ie) than an1one el)e i)--an5% in the en5% he +*)t 6'ite- In that
ca)e% an1one 6ho )a1) to hi+% =Yo*D'e t*'nin( o*t en5le)) 'ea+) o3 thi) 8*n4 8*)t to con the 'ea5e' into
,*1in( 1o*' ,oo4)%> i) li4el1 to (et a 2*nch in the +o*th i3 the 6'ite' i) o3 the &iolent 2e')*a)ion% o' a )a5
loo4 i3 the 6'ite' i) a) (entle an5 lo&a,le a) I a+-
I7+ tal4in( 3'o+ 2e')onal e<2e'ience- The 3i')t th'ee ,oo4) o3 the Fo*n5ation )e'ie) a'e
co+2ilation) o3 )e2a'ate 2iece) 6'itten 3o' Astoundin* )cience Fiction ,et6een .FM/ an5 .FGE- The1 6e'e
6'itten at e5ito'ial in)i)tence% ,*t% 3o' a 6hile% I 6a) ea(e' to co+2l1-
I ha5 ha5 eno*(h o3 the+ a3te' ei(ht 1ea')% ho6e&e'% an5% in .FGE% 5ete'+ine5 to 6'ite no +o'e- I
'e)i)te5 all ent'eatie) 3o' a55ition) to the Fo*n5ation )e'ie) an5 i(no'e5 all th'eat) 3o' thi't1-t6o 1ea')$ An5
then% 3inall1% Do*,le5a1 ,e(an )na'lin( an5 3oa+in( at the +o*th )o I a('ee5 to 6'ite Foundation.s $d*e
an5 Foundation and $arth, the 3o*'th an5 3i3th ,oo4) o3 the )e'ie)-
So the'e 1o* a'e% )- B14o6)4i- 1 Fo*n5ation )e'ie) 6a) 6'itten% at lea)t in 2a't% a) a 'e)*lt o3
2*,li)he'7) ?an5 'ea5e')7@ 2'e))*'e)% ,*t the1 al)o 5eal 6ith a the+e too la'(e to ,e containe5 in one )to'1
o' one no&el% an5 each 2o'tion o3 the )e'ie)% 6hethe' a )ho't )to'1 o' a no&el% )tan5) on it) o6n-
B*t i) thi) ,*)ine)) o3 )to'ie) an5 no&el) in )e'ie) an in&ention o3 )cience 3iction9 It ce'tainl1 i)
not- It i) not e&en a +o5e'n 2heno+enon- The )a+e 2'e))*'e) that lea5 to )e:*eliAation to5a1 6e'e
o2e'ati&e in ancient ti+e) a) 6ell )o that )e:*el) an5 )e'ie) +*)t )*'el1 ,e a) ol5 a) 6'itin(-
The "liad ha5 the %dyssey a) it) )e:*el% an5 othe' G'ee4 6'ite') ca2italiAe5 on the *n2a'allele5
2o2*la'it1 o3 the)e t6o e2ic) ,1 6'itin( othe' e2ic) conce'nin( e&ent) 2'ece5in(% )*ccee5in(% an5 in
,et6een the)e t6o ?none o3 6hich ha&e )*'&i&e5@-
The ('eat G'ee4 5'a+ati)t) ten5e5 to 6'ite t'ilo(ie) o3 2la1)- Ae)ch1l*) ,*ilt a t'ilo(1 a'o*n5
A(a+e+non% So2hocle) ,*ilt a t'ilo(1 a,o*t Oe5i2*)% an5 )o on-
Co+in( clo)e' to ho+e% a'4 T6ain 6'ote Tom )awyer an5 6hen that 2'o&e5 )*cce))3*l% he
6'ote a )e:*el% (uc!le#erry Finn, an5 6hen that 2'o&e5 e&en +o'e )*cce))3*l% he 6'ote a co*2le o3 othe'
tale) o3 To+ an5 H*c4% an5 6hen tho)e 6e'e not )*cce))3*l% he )to22e5-
O3 co*')e% a )e'ie) nee5 not concent'ate on =contin*in( the 2lot-> It +a1 con)i)t o3 a )e'ie) o3
in5e2en5ent )to'ie)% 6hich% ho6e&e'% )ha'e a co++on ,ac4('o*n5 an5 a contin*in( cha'acte'- An
eno'+o*)l1 )*cce))3*l )e'ie) o3 thi) )o't 6a) A- Conan Do1le7) She'loc4 Hol+e) )to'ie)- So co+2ellin( a
cha'acte' 5i5 Do1le c'eate in She'loc4 Hol+e) that the 2*,lic co*l5 ne&e' (et eno*(h o3 hi+-
Do1le :*ic4l1 ,e(an to ('o6 ti'e5 o3 6'itin( the )to'ie) an5% in5ee5% ,e(an to hate She'loc4
Hol+e) 6ho ha5 ('o6n )o la'(e in 2*,lic con)cio*)ne)) a) to totall1 o&e')ha5o6 Do1le hi+)el3- In
5e)2e'ation% Do1le !illed She'loc4 Hol+e)--an5 6a) then 3o'ce5 to ,'in( hi+ ,ac4 to li3e- He'e i) an
e<t'e+e e<a+2le o3 the &icti+iAation o3 an a*tho' ?tho*(h it 5i5 +a4e Do1le e<t'e+el1 6ealth1@- Othe'
+1)te'1 no&el )e'ie) 3eat*'in( a contin*in( 5etecti&e ?He'c*le Poi'ot% Ne'o "ol3e% etc-@ 3ollo6e5 a) a
+atte' o3 co*')e-
"hen I 6a) 1o*n(% )e'ie) o3 in5e2en5ent )to'ie) 3eat*'in( contin*in( cha'acte') 6e'e e<t'e+el1
co++on- The'e 6e'e the Nic4 Ca'te' ,oo4)% the F'an4 e''i6ell ,oo4)% an5 othe')% too- The'e 6e'e
+a(aAine) 6hich% in each i))*e% ca''ie5 a no&ella 3eat*'in( )o+e cha'acte' )*ch a) the Sha5o6% the S2i5e'%
Doc Sa&a(e% Sec'et A(ent X% O2e'ato' ), an5 )o on-
Nat*'all1% )cience 3iction 6a) in3l*ence5 ,1 )*ch thin()- D*'in( the .F0E) an5 .FME)% Neil R-
;one) 6'ote )o+e t6ent1 )to'ie) 3eat*'in( P'o3e))o' ;a+e)on an5 a ('o*2 o3 co+2anion 'o,ot) 6ith h*+an
,'ain)C Ean5o Bin5e' 6'ote ten )to'ie) a,o*t anothe' 'o,ot% A5a+ Lin4C Nel)on Bon5 6'ote ten )to'ie)
a,o*t a lo&a,le ,*+,le' na+e5 Lancelot Bi(()-
Ho6e&e'% the 3i')t )*cce))3*l )e'ie) o3 noels in )cience 3iction 6e'e ,1 E- E- S+ith- Bet6een
.F/I an5 .F0M% he t*'ne5 o*t th'ee S41la'4 no&el)% an5 ,et6een .F0M an5 .FMJ% he t*'ne5 o*t 3i&e
Len)+an no&el)-
In the .FME)% Ro,e't A- Heinlein 2'o5*ce5 )o+ethin( ne6 in hi) F*t*'e Hi)to'1 )e'ie)- He'e the
2lot) )ee+e5 in5e2en5ent an5 6e'e )et at 6i5el1 5i33e'ent ti+e)% ,*t the1 all 3it into a con)i)tent hi)to'ical
5e&elo2+ent o3 the )ola' )1)te+% )o that the'e 6e'e 'e3e'ence) in )to'ie) )et late' in ti+e to e&ent) in )to'ie)
)et ea'lie' in ti+e-
I ,e(an anothe' )e'ie) o3 thi) )o't 6ith Foundation in .FM/- I e<2an5e5 the ,ac4('o*n5 to the
(ala<1 a) a 6hole an5 2'ocee5e5 to t'ace the hi)to'1 +etho5icall1 3'o+ )to'1 to )to'1% 6itho*t 8*+2in(
a,o*t- Late'% I tie5 in +1 Ro,ot )e'ie) an5 +1 E+2i'e )e'ie) )o that +1 o6n 3*t*'e hi)to'1 )e'ie) no6
con)i)t) o3 thi'teen no&el)--6ith othe') to co+e% I )*22o)e-
Othe' )e'ie) o3 the Fo*n5ation t12e 3ollo6e5% the +o)t )*cce))3*l ,ein( F'an4 He',e't7) D*ne
In 3anta)1% the ('eat )*cce)) 6a) ;- R- R- Tol4ien7) Lo'5 o3 the Rin() t'ilo(1% 6hich in)2i'e5 a ho)t
o3 i+itation)- The late ;*51L1nn 5el Re1% an5 he' h*),an5% Le)te'% 6ith thei' +a'&elo*) a,ilit1 to )2ot
t'en5)% enco*'a(e5 the 6'itin( o3 no&el )e'ie) an5 2*t the+ o*t *n5e' thei' 2*,li)hin( i+2'int o3 =Del Re1
,oo4)%> )o that 6e no6 ha&e a &i't*al in*n5ation o3 ,oo4 )e'ie)-
The 3a)hion +a1 2a))% ,*t 6hile it i) he'e% it )ee+) to ,e ,'in(in( *) a con)i5e'a,le n*+,e' o3
(oo5 thin() to en8o1-
MARTIN H. GREENBERG AND I HA#E co-e5ite5 a )e'ie) o3 antholo(ie) 3o' Da6 Boo4)% 6hich incl*5e the
,e)t )to'ie) o3 a (i&en 1ea'- "e ,e(an 6ith the ,e)t o3 .F0F ?a ,oo4 that a22ea'e5 in .FJF@% an5 2'ocee5e5
1ea' ,1 1ea' *ntil in .FIN% the 3i3teenth &ol*+e a22ea'e5 6ith the ,e)t o3 .FG0- In 2'e)) ?a) I 6'ite thi)@ i)
&ol*+e )i<teen 6hich 5eal) 6ith the ,e)t o3 .FGM% an5 in 2'e2a'ation i) &ol*+e )e&enteen 6hich 5eal) 6ith
the ,e)t o3 .FGG-
Fo' each o3 the)e ,oo4)% a't1 6'ite) a (ene'al int'o5*ction o*tlinin( the e&ent) o3 the 1ea'% ,oth
in the 'eal 6o'l5 o3 )cience 3iction% an5 in the i+a(ina'1 6o'l5 o3 the ('eat o*t)i5e- "e then each )*22l1 a
hea5note 3o' each o3 the )to'ie) in the &ol*+e- a't17) hea5note) 5eal 6ith the )cience 3iction 6'ite'7)
ca'ee'% 6hile I 6'ite on )o+e )*,8ect o' othe' that eithe' the a*tho' o' the )to'1 ha) in)2i'e5 in +1 6ei'5
I 'ea5 a't17) hea5note) 6ith a&i5it1 3o' the1 al6a1) tell +e +o'e a,o*t the 6'ite' than I 4no6%
,*t not +o'e than I 6ant to 4no6% o3 co*')e-
One thin( that I7&e notice5% 6ith )o+e c*'io)it1% i) that )cience 3iction 6'ite') ten5 to ha&e a ten-
1ea' li3e)2an% o'% i3 an1thin(% le))-
That i)% the1 6ill 6'ite )cience 3iction% )o+eti+e) co2io*)l1% 3o' ten 1ea') o' le))% an5 then the1
6ill 56in5le o33 an5 3a5e to a halt- So+eti+e)% the1 5on7t e&en 56in5le% the1 )i+2l1 )to2 5ea5- It lea&e)
+e 6on5e'in( 6h1-
One e<2lanation% o3 co*')e% i) that the1 3in5 othe' an5 +o'e l*c'ati&e +a'4et)- ;ohn D- acDonal5
6'ote )cience 3iction in hi) ea'l1 1ea') an5 then +a5e the ,i( ti+e in +1)te'1 th'ille')- ;ohn ;a4e) 6'ote
)cience 3iction in his ea'l1 1ea') an5 then +a5e the ,i( ti+e in hi)to'ical 3iction-
Anothe' e<2lanation i) that the1 5ie--e&en )cience 3iction 6'ite') 5ie- Bac4 in the .FGE)% C1'il
!o'n,l*th an5 Hen'1 !*ttne' 5ie5 6hile each 6a) at the 2ea4 o3 hi) ca'ee'% an5 +o'e 'ecentl1 the )a+e
6a) t'*e 3o' Phili2 !- Dic4 an5 F'an4 He',e't-
B*t the'e a'e tho)e 6ho )i+2l1 )to2 an5 en5 6hat )ee+) a 3'*it3*l ca'ee' 6itho*t )6itchin( to
othe' 3iel5) an5 6hile 'e+ainin( &i(o'o*)l1 ali&e- I can e&en thin4 o3 na+e) o3 3'e)h 1o*n( 6'ite') 6ho
('ace5 the 2a(e) o3 thi) +a(aAine in it) ea'l1 i))*e) 6ho+ 6e ?o' an1one el)e@ 5on7t hea' 3'o+ +*ch
"h1 i) that9 Do the1 '*n o*t o3 i5ea)9 Do the1 )i+2l1 (et ti'e5 o3 6'itin(9 Doe) )cience 3iction
chan(e into ne6 channel) 6ith 6hich the1 a'e o*t o3 )1+2ath19
I )i+2l1 5on7t 4no6-
Pe'ha2) thi) i) )o+ethin( that i) t'*e o3 all 3o'+) o3 6'itin( an5 not o3 )cience 3iction alone-
Pe'ha2) it i) t'*e o3 all 3o'+) o3 c'eati&e en5ea&o'- Pe'ha2) =,*'no*t> i) a co++on 2heno+enon 6hich
o*(ht to ,e )t*5ie5 +o'e than it i)--,1 2)1cholo(i)t)% not ,1 +e-
B*t i3 ,*'no*t i) co++on% then 6hat a,o*t tho)e ca)e) in 6hich ,*'no*t 5oe) not occ*'9 It +a1 ,e
8*)t a) *)e3*l to )t*51 tho)e 6ho a'e ,*'no*t-i++*ne% an5 6ho ha&e ,een 6'itin( hi(h-:*alit1 )cience
3iction )tea5il1% 2'oli3icall1% an5 )*cce))3*ll1 3o'% )a1% 3o't1 1ea') an5 +o'e% an5 6ho )ho6 no )i(n) o3
,'ea4in( *n5e' the )t'ain-
Latel1% I ha&e notice5 that )*ch 2eo2le a'e te'+e5 =5ino)a*')> ,1 )o+e o,)e'&e') in the 3iel5- I
)*)2ect that the te'+ i) *)e5 2e8o'ati&el1C that i)% it i) not *)e5 a) a co+2li+ent- F'o+ the thin() the1 ha&e
to )a1 a,o*t the 6'ite') the1 call 5ino)a*')% I (athe' that% li4e the real 5ino)a*')% the)e 6'ite') a'e
con)i5e'e5 to ,e ancient% cl*+)1% an5 o*t+o5e5-
The te'+% ho6e&e'% i) 2a'tic*la'l1 ina22'o2'iate ,eca*)e the cha'acte'i)tic that 6e +o)t a))ociate
6ith the 'eal 5ino)a*') i) that the1 a'e e<tinct% 6hile the cha'acte'i)tic +o)t noticea,le a,o*t the 6'itin(
5ino)a*') i) that the1 a'e not e<tinct- A) a +atte' o3 3act% I (athe' 3'o+ the nat*'e o3 the co++ent) +a5e
a,o*t the)e 5ino)a*') that tho)e 6ho *)e the te'+ a'e 'athe' a(('ie&e5 at the+ 3o' not ,ein( e<tinct an5 3o'
ho((in( too +*ch o3 the )2otli(ht 3o' 3a' too +*ch ti+e-
"ell% that7) their 2'o,le+- Fo' +1)el3% I 2'e3e' to *)e the te'+ =)*'&i&o')%> 6hich i) neithe'
2e8o'ati&e no' co+2li+enta'1% ,*t +e'el1 3act*al-
"hat a'e the cha'acte'i)tic) that 6o*l5 :*ali31 a )cience 3iction 6'ite' to ,e a )*'&i&o'9
To ,e(in 6ith% )ince I tal4e5 a,o*t a )*cce))3*l an5 )tea51 an5 2'oli3ic 6'itin( li3e o3 at lea)t 3o't1
1ea')% a )*'&i&o' 6o*l5 ha&e to ,e at lea)t )i<t1 1ea') ol5% an5 ali&e% an5 6o'4in(- Nat*'all1% he 6o*l5 ha&e
ha5 to ha&e )ta'te5 at :*ite a 1o*n( a(e an5 ,een )6attin( a6a1 at it )tea5il1 )ince then-
I can thin4% o33han5% o3 nine 6'ite') 6ho 3*l3ill the)e :*ali3ication)% an5 he'e the1 a'e:
%5 <ac; =illiamson Hi) 3i')t )to'1 6a) 2*,li)he5 in .F/I% 6hen he 6a) t6ent1 1ea') ol5- He ha) ,een
6'itin( )tea5il1 3o' 3i3t1-nine 1ea')% an5 he i) no6 ei(ht1 1ea') ol5- To +e% he i) the *n5o*,te5 an5 6ell-
,elo&e5 5ean o3 )cience 3iction- Hi) =The Le(ion o3 S2ace% = 6hich ,o*nce5 +e o33 the 6all 6hen I 6a) a
teena(e'% a22ea'e5 3i3t1-th'ee 1ea') a(o-
(5 8lifford D Sima; Hi) 3i')t )to'1 6a) 2*,li)he5 in .F0.% 6hen he 6a) t6ent1-)e&en 1ea') ol5- He ha)
,een 6'itin( )tea5il1 3o' 3i3t1-)i< 1ea') an5 he i) no6 ei(ht1-t6o 1ea') ol5- Hi) =Cit1> a22ea'e5 3o't1-th'ee
1ea') a(o% an5 =Co)+ic En(inee')> 3o't1-ei(ht 1ea') a(o-
- 3 Spra!ue de 8amp Hi) 3i')t )to'1 6a) 2*,li)he5 in .F0J% 6hen he 6a) thi't1 1ea') ol5- He ha) ,een
6'itin( )tea5il1 3o' 3o't1-nine 1ea') an5 i) no6 )e&ent1-nine 1ea') ol5- Hi) =Le)t Da'4ne)) Fall> 6hich I
'ea5 in 2'e3e'ence to )t*51in( 3o' an all-i+2o'tant te)t in 2h1)ical che+i)t'1 ?6itho*t e&e' 'e('ettin( it@
a22ea'e5 3o't1-ei(ht 1ea') a(o-
& Isaac +simo7 ?Yo* 5i5n7t thin4 I75 lea&e +1)el3 o*t th'o*(h )o+e 2e'&e'te5 notion o3 +o5e)t1% 5i5
1o*9@ 1 3i')t )to'1 6a) 2*,li)he5 in a'ch% .F0F% 6hen I 6a) nineteen- I ha&e ,een 6'itin( )tea5il1 3o'
3o't1-ei(ht 1ea')% an5 I a+ no6 )i<t1-)e&en 1ea') ol5- 1 )to'1 =Ni(ht3all> a22ea'e5 3o't1-)i< 1ea') a(o-
$5 1obert >einlein Hi) 3i')t )to'1 6a) 2*,li)he5 in A*(*)t% .F0F% 6hen he 6a) thi't1-t6o- He ha) ,een
6'itin( )tea5il1 3o' 3o't1-ei(ht 1ea') an5 he i) no6 ei(ht1 1ea') ol5- Hi) =Blo6*2) Ha22en = a22ea'e5
3o't1-)e&en 1ea') a(o-
.5 Frit? 3eiber Hi) 3i')t )to'1 6a) 2*,li)he5 in A*(*)t% .F0F% 6hen he 6a) t6ent1-nine- He ha) ,een
6'itin( )tea5il1 3o' 3o't1-ei(ht 1ea') an5 he i) no6 )e&ent1-)i< 1ea') ol5- Hi) =Con8*'e "i3e> a22ea'e5
3o't1-3o*' 1ea') a(o-
'5 Frederi; Pohl It7) ha'5 to )a1 ,eca*)e )o +*ch o3 hi) ea'l1 )t*33 a22ea'e5 *n5e' 2)e*5on1+) o3 one
)o't o' anothe'% ,*t an *n5o*,te5 )to'1 o3 hi) a22ea'e5 in .FM. 6hen he 6a) t6ent1-one- He ha) ,een
6'itin( )tea5il1 3o' 3o't1-)i< 1ea')% an5 he i) no6 )i<t1-)e&en 1ea') ol5- Hi) =G'a&1 Planet> ?=S2ace
e'chant)>@ a22ea'e5 thi't1-3i&e 1ea') a(o-
/5 +rthur 8 8lar;e Hi) 3i')t )to'1 a22ea'e5 in .FMN% 6hen he 6a) t6ent1-nine- He ha) ,een 6'itin(
)tea5il1 3o' 3o't1-one 1ea')% an5 he i) no6 )e&ent1 1ea') ol5- Hi) =Re)c*e Pa't1> a22ea'e5 3o't1-one 1ea')
"5 Poul +nderson Hi) 3i')t )to'1 a22ea'e5 in .FMJ% 6hen he 6a) t6ent1-one- He ha) ,een 6'itin( )tea5il1
3o' 3o't1 1ea')% an5 i) no6 )i<t1-one 1ea') ol5- Hi) =The Hel2in( Han5> a22ea'e5 thi't1-)e&en 1ea') a(o-
I 5on7t 2'eten5 that thi) li)t i) nece))a'il1 5e3initi&e- O33han5% I can thin4 o3 th'ee othe' 2o))i,le
)*'&i&o')- Le)te' 5el Re17) 3i')t )to'1 6a) 2*,li)he5 in .F0I% 6hile A- E- #an #o(t an5 Al3'e5 Be)te' 6e'e
each 3i')t 2*,li)he5 in .F0F- In 'ecent 5eca5e)% ho6e&e'% the1 ha&e not 2*,li)he5 +*ch% )o I can7t hone)tl1
5en1 ,*'no*t in thei' ca)e)-
I3 6e loo4 at the li)t% 6e can co+e to )o+e concl*)ion)% I thin4- In the 3i')t 2lace the )*'&i&o')
6e'e all )cience 3iction 3an) 3'o+ a &e'1 ea'l1 a(e% an5 (aine5 a li3e-lon( 3a)cination 6ith the 3iel5- That
must ,e )o-
Secon5l1% each +*)t ,e a non)*33e'in( 6'ite'- Lot) o3 (oo5 6'ite')% e&en ('eat 6'ite)% 5on7t
nece))a'il1 li4e to 6'ite% an5 +*)t 3o'ce the+)el&e) to 5o )o- Thi) 5oe)n7t 2'e&ent the+ 3'o+ 6'itin( 6ell%
1o* *n5e')tan5% ,*t it 5oe) 2'e&ent the+ 3'o+ 6'itin( a lot, an5 +1 :*ali3ication 3o' ,ein( a )*'&i&o' i)
that one 6'ite) )tea5il1 an5 2'oli3icall1-
Thi'5l1% each 'e)i)t) the notion o3 a,an5onin( )cience 3iction- It i) not li4el1 that )*'&i&o') can
6'ite onl1 SF an5 nothin( el)e- To +1 4no6le5(e% Si+a4% Pohl% an5 An5e')on ha&e 6'itten (oo5
non3ictionC Cla'4e an5 5e Ca+2 ha&e 6'itten :*ite a ,it o3 (oo5 non3ictionC an5 I ha&e 6'itten a th*n5e'in(
lot o3 it- In a55ition% Pohl ha) 6'itten +ain)t'ea+ 3iction ?he ha) a ne6 no&el entitle5 Cherno#yl that7)
co+in( o*t--&e'1 *n*)*al an5 not )cience 3iction@- De Ca+2 ha) 6'itten e<cellent hi)to'ical no&el)- A) 3o'
+e% I ha&e 6'itten a ('eat 5eal o3 +1)te'1 3iction- In e&e'1 ca)e% ho6e&e'% no +atte' ho6 the1 )t'a1% the)e
)*'&i&o') al6a1) 'et*'n to )cience 3iction-
The'e 1o* a'e- =Dino)a*')>9 I thin4 not- I thin4 the )*'&i&o') ?e&en I@ a'e the ('eat 2illa') o3
)cience 3iction- I 6on5e' ho6 +an1 +o'e o3 the+ 6ill a22ea' in the 3*t*'e-
IN *+*,, THE ENGLISH SCHOLAR Tho+a) o'e ?.MJI-.G0G@ 2*,li)he5 a ,oo4 ?in Latin@% 6ith a lon(
title--a) 6a) the 3a)hion in tho)e 5a1)--that 6a) al)o in Latin- "hen it 3inall1 a22ea'e5 in it) 3i')t En(li)h
e5ition in .GG.% the title 6a) (i&en a) = A 3'*te3*l an5 2lea)ant "o'4e o3 the ,e)te State o3 a 2*,l1:*e
"eale% an5 o3 the ne6e 1le% calle5 Uto2ia-> "e 'e3e' to the ,oo4 )i+2l1 a) -topia.
In the ,oo4% o'e 5e)c'i,e5 the 6o'4in() o3 6hat he con)i5e'e5 an i5eal h*+an )ociet1% a) 3o*n5
on the i)lan5 nation o3 Uto2ia% one that 6a) (o&e'ne5 enti'el1 ,1 the 5ictate) o3 'ea)on- Hi) 5e)c'i2tion o3
)*ch a )ociet1 i) so no,le an5 'ational that it 6o*l5 )ee+ en&ia,le e&en to5a1-
o'e 6a) *n5e' no ill*)ion) a) to the 'eal 6o'l5% ho6e&e'- The 6o'5 =*to2ia> i) 3'o+ the G'ee4
=o*> ?=not>@ an5 =to2o)> ?=2lace>@ )o that it +ean) =no6he'e-> o'e 'ealiAe5% in othe' 6o'5)% that hi) i5eal
e<i)te5 no6he'e on Ea'th ?an5 )till 5oe)n7t@- In 3act% hi) ,oo4% in 5e)c'i,in( hi) i5eal )ociet1% )e'&e5 al)o ,1
clea' cont'a)t to e<co'iate the act*al (o&e'n+ent) o3 hi) 5a1% 2a'tic*la'l1 that o3 hi) nati&e En(lan5 6hich%
o3 co*')e% he 4ne6 the ,e)t-
An ea)1 +i)ta4e 6a) +a5e% ho6e&e'- Since Uto2ia% a) 5e)c'i,e5% 6a) )*ch a 6on5e'3*l 2lace% it
co*l5 ea)il1 ,e i+a(ine5 that the 3i')t )1lla,le 6a) 3'o+ the G'ee4 2'e3i< =e*--> +eanin( =(oo5> )o that
Uto2ia ,eca+e not =no6he'e> ,*t the =(oo5 2lace->
The 6o'5 =*to2ia = ente'e5 the En(li)h lan(*a(e% an5 the othe' E*'o2ean lan(*a(e) a) 6ell% a)
+eanin( an i5eal )ociet1- The a58ecti&e =*to2ian = 'e3e') to an1 )che+e that ha) 6hat )ee+) a (oo5 en5 in
&ie6% ,*t that i) not 2'actical% an5 cannot ,e ca''ie5 th'o*(h in an1 'eali)tic )en)e-
"e +i(ht )2ea4 o3 *to2ian lite'at*'e--6'itten acco*nt) in 6hich i5eal )ocietie) a'e 5e)c'i,e5% 6ith
o'e7) a) the cla))ic% ,*t not the ea'lie)t% e<a+2le- Plato7) &epu#lic 6a) a 5e)c'i2tion% nineteen cent*'ie)
ea'lie' than -topia, o3 an i5eal )tate 5e2en5ent *2on 'ea)on- Ea'lie' )till% 6e'e acco*nt) o3 i5eal )tate) in
+1tholo(ical o' 'eli(io*) lite'at*'e% in the 3o'+ o3 2a)t (ol5en a(e) o' o3 3*t*'e +e))ianic one)- The Ga'5en
o3 E5en i) a 6ell-4no6n e<a+2le o3 the 3o'+e'% an5 the ele&enth cha2te' o3 I)aiah o3 the latte'-
The 2'o5*ction o3 *to2ian acco*nt) ha) not 3allen o33 )ince the ti+e o3 o'e% eithe'- The +o)t
in3l*ential 'ecent e<a+2le) ha&e ,een Loo!in* Bac!ward, 2*,li)he5 in .III ,1 E56a'5 Bella+1 ?.IGE-
.IFI@% 6hich 5e)c'i,e5 the Unite5 State) o3 /EEE *n5e' an i5eal Sociali)t (o&e'n+ent% an5 0alden Two,
2*,li)he5 in .FMI ,1 B- F- S4inne' ?.FEM-@% 6hich 5e)c'i,e5 an i5eal )ociet1 ,a)e5 on S4inne'7) o6n
theo'ie) o3 )ocial en(inee'in(-
All )*ch *to2ia) a'e not con&incin(% ho6e&e'- Unle)) one acce2t) the con&ention) o3 'eli(ion% it i)
5i33ic*lt to ,elie&e in (ol5en o' +e))ianic a(e)- No' can one ea)il1 )*22o)e that )6eet 'ea)on 6ill at an1
ti+e 5o+inate h*+anit1-
In the co*')e o3 the nineteenth cent*'1% ho6e&e'% )o+ethin( ne6 ente'e5 the 3iel5 o3 *to2iani)+-
The 2o))i,ilit1 a'o)e that )cienti3ic an5 technolo(ical a5&ance +i(ht i+2o)e a *to2ia 3'o+ 6itho*t% )o to
)2ea4- In othe' 6o'5)% 6hile h*+an ,ein() 'e+aine5 a) i''ational an5 i+2e'3ect a) e&e'% the a5&ance o3
)cience +i(ht )*22l1 2lent1 o3 3oo5% c*'e 5i)ea)e an5 +ental ail+ent)% t'ac4 5o6n an5 a,o't i''ational
i+2*l)e)% an5 )o on- A 2e'3ect technolo(1 6o*l5 cancel o*t an i+2e'3ect h*+anit1- The ten5enc1 to ta4e
thi) attit*5e an5 to 2aint the 3*t*'e in (lo6in( technolo(ical colo') 'eache5 the 2oint 6he'e 6hat 6e call
)cience 3iction i) calle5% in Ge'+an1% =*to2ian )to'ie)->
A) a +atte' o3 3act% ho6e&e'% it i)n7t at all li4el1 that the a&e'a(e 6'ite' i) (oin( to t'1 to 6'ite a
t'*l1 *to2ian )to'1- The'e7) no 2e'centa(e in it- All 1o* can 5o i) 5e)c'i,e )*ch a )ociet1 an5 e<2lain% at
('eat len(th% ho6 (oo5 it i)% an5 ho6 6ell it 6o'4)% an5 ho6 it +ana(e) not to ,'ea4 5o6n- The'e can7t ,e
an1 5'a+a in it% no 2'o,le+)% no 'i)4)% no th'eat o3 cata)t'o2he% no 2*llin( th'o*(h ,1 the +e'e)t ):*ea4-
Clea'l1% i3 )*ch thin() 6e'e 2o))i,le% the *to2ia 6o*l5 ,e no *to2ia- It 3ollo6) that *to2ian )to'ie) a'e% ,1
thei' &e'1 nat*'e% 5'ea53*ll1 5*ll- The one *to2ian no&el I7&e act*all1 +ana(e5 to 'ea5 6a) Loo!in*
Bac!ward, an5 altho*(h it 6a) a ,e)t-)elle' in it) ti+e) an5 )till ha) it) enth*)ia)t)% I tell 1o* 'i(ht no6 that
i3 5*llne)) co*l5 4ill% 'ea5in( it 6o*l5 ,e a 5eath )entence-
So 5*ll a'e *to2ian ,oo4) that the1 3ail to 3*l3ill thei' 3*nction o3 2ointin( o*t the e''o') an5 3a*lt)
o3 the )ocietie) that 'eall1 e<i)t- Yo* can7t ('o6 in5i(nant o&e' the)e 3a*lt) i3 1o* 3all a)lee2 in the 2'oce))-
The'e 5e&elo2e5% the'e3o'e% the ha,it o3 attac4in( )ocietie) in a +o'e 5i'ect 3a)hion- In)tea5 o3
5e)c'i,in( the (oo5 o22o)ite% one 5e)c'i,e5 the e&il 'ealit1% ,*t e<a((e'ate5 it 2a)t ,ea'in(- In)tea5 o3 a
)ociet1 in 6hich e&e'1thin( 6a) i5eall1 (oo5% one 5e)c'i,e5 a )ociet1 in 6hich e&e'1thin( 6a) i5eall1 ,a5-
The 6o'5 coine5 3o' a totall1 ,a5 )ociet1 i) =51)to2ia%> 6he'e the 3i')t )1lla,le i) 3'o+ the G'ee4
2'e3i< =51)--> +eanin( =a,no'+al> o' =5e3ecti&e-> D1)to2ia i) the =,a5 2lace-> Th*)% 1o* can 3i(*'e o*t
6hat =51)to2ian lite'at*'e> 6o*l5 ,e-
D1)to2ia) a'e int'in)icall1 +o'e inte'e)tin( than *to2ia)- ilton7) 5e)c'i2tion o3 hi) 51)to2ian
Hell in the 3i')t t6o ,oo4) o3 >aradise Lost i) 3a' +o'e inte'e)tin( than hi) 5e)c'i2tion o3 *to2ian Hell in
the thi'5 ,oo4- An5 in The Lord of the &in*s, not +*ch can ,e tol5 a,o*t the )ta1 o3 the Fello6)hi2 in the
*to2ian el3lan5 o3 Lo'ien% ,*t ho6 the )to'1 inten)i3ie) an5 ('o6) +o'e inte'e)tin( a) 6e a22'oach the
51)to2ian o'5e'-
B*t can the'e ,e 51)to2ia) to5a1 6ith )cience an5 technolo(1 a5&ancin( a) the1 5o9
Ce'tainl1$ Yo* nee5 onl1 &ie6 )cience an5 technolo(1 a) contri#utin* to the e&il ?6hich i) not
5i33ic*lt to 5o@-
An5 1et pure 51)to2ian tale) a'e a) 5*ll an5 a) *n,ea'a,le a) 2*'e *to2ian one)- Con)i5e' the +o)t
3a+o*) 2*'e 51)to2ian tale o3 +o5e'n ti+e)% .FIM ,1 Geo'(e O'6ell ?.FE0-.FGE@% 2*,li)he5 in .FMI ?the
)a+e 1ea' in 6hich 0alden Two 6a) 2*,li)he5@- I con)i5e' it an a,o+ina,l1 2oo' ,oo4- It +a5e a ,i( hit
?in +1 o2inion@ onl1 ,eca*)e it 'o5e the ti5al 6a&e o3 col5 6a' )enti+ent in the Unite5 State)-
The 2*'e *to2ian tale can onl1 hit the )in(le note o3 =I)n7t it 6on5e'3*l--6on5e'3*l--6on5e'3*l- =
The 2*'e 51)to2ian tale can onl1 hit the )in(le note o3 =I)n7t it a63*l--a63*l--a63*l-> An5 one cannot ,*il5
a +elo51 on the ,a)i) o3 a )in(le note-
"ell% then% 6hat i) a )cience 3iction 6'ite' )*22o)e5 to 5o i3 ,oth *to2ian an5 51)to2ian )to'ie) a'e
Re+e+,e'% the1 a'e 2oo' onl1 i3 the1 a'e 2*'e% )o a&oi5 the e<t'e+e)- ilton7) Hell 6a) +a5e
inte'e)tin( ,eca*)e o3 hi) 2o't'ait o3 Satan% co*'a(eo*) e&en in the *lti+ate a5&e')it1% 3eelin( 2an() o3
'e+o')e e&en 6hen i++e')e5 in *lti+ate e&il- ilton7) Hea&en 6a) 6itho*t inte'e)t ,eca*)e the'e 6a) no
6a1 o3 int'o5*cin( 5an(e' in the 3ace o3 an o+ni2otent% o+ni)cient Go5- Hi) 51)to2ia 6a) not 2*'e% hi)
*to2ia 6a)-
The e&il o3 o'5o' 6a) +a5e ,ea'a,le ,1 the co*'a(e an5 h*+anit1 o3 F'o5o an5 the )to'1 6o*l5
ha&e 'e+aine5 inte'e)tin( an5 )*cce))3*l e&en i3 F'o5o ha5 3aile5 in the en5- It 6a) hi) co*'a(e an5
h*+anit1% not hi) &icto'1% that 'eall1 co*nte5-
The e))ence o3 a )to'1 i) the )t'*((le o3 one thin( a(ain)t anothe': a li&in( thin( a(ain)t the
i+2e')onal *ni&e')eC a li&in( thin( a(ain)t anothe' li&in( thin(C one a)2ect o3 a li&in( thin( a(ain)t anothe'
a)2ect o3 hi+)el3-
In each ca)e% 1o* ha&e to +a4e it 2o))i,le 3o' the 'ea5e' to i5enti31 6ith at lea)t one )i5e o3 the
)t'*((le% )o that hi) inte'e)t an5 )1+2ath1 i) en(a(e5- I )a1 =at lea)t> one )i5e% ,eca*)e i3 1o* a'e )4ill3*l%
1o* can ca*)e hi+ to i5enti31 6ith ,oth )i5e) an5 ,e e+otionall1 to'n-
The )i5e o' )i5e) 6ith 6ho+ 1o* i5enti31 +*)t ca''1on the )t'*((le 6ith co*'a(e% intelli(ence%
an5 5ecenc1--o'% at lea)t% lea'n to 5o )o- The )to'1 6on7t ,e e33ecti&e i3 1o* a'e a)ha+e5 o3 the )i5e 1o*
+a4e 1o*' o6n-
Both )i5e) +*)t ha&e a 3ai' chance to 6in- It i) te+2tin( to 2ile the o55) *2 a(ain)t 1o*' )i5e% )o
a) to +a4e 1o*' he'o7) *lti+ate &icto'1 the +o'e *ne<2ecte5% e<citin(% an5 t'i*+2hant% ,*t in that ca)e 1o*
+*)t ,e )*'e that 1o*' )i5e does en5 *2 &icto'io*)- Yo* can7t +a4e it Da&i5 &e')*) Goliath *nle)) Da&i5
6in)% an5 a) one ,eco+e) +o'e an5 +o'e e<2e'ience5 an5 )o2hi)ticate5 in 'ea5in(% that +a1 co+e to )ee+
too o,&io*) an5 e&en too *n'eali)tic-
It )ee+) to +e% then% that the ,e)t one can 5o i) to 2'e)ent one7) )to'1 a) a )t'*((le ,et6een )i5e)
6hich a'e ,oth +i<t*'e) o3 (oo5 an5 e&il ?th*) 2lacin( it )o+e6he'e ,et6een the e<t'e+e) o3 *to2ia an5
51)to2ia@% an5 5on7t +a4e the o55) o&e'6hel+in( in eithe' 5i'ection- One can then 2'ocee5 to +a4e one7)
2oint 6itho*t ,ein( forced into a ha221 en5in( an5 *n5e' con5ition) o3 +a<i+*+ e<cite+ent an5 'ea5e'
*nce'taint1- The 'ea5e' 6ill not onl1 ,e *nce'tain a) to ho6 hi) )i5e 6ill 6in% ,*t if it 6ill 6in% o' e&en%
2e'ha2)% 6hich i) t'*l1 hi) )i5e-
I 5on7t )a1 thi) i) ea)1% o3 co*')e-
%-T)"1$&), "N)"1$&)
I AM A GREAT BOOSTER OF =the ,'othe'hoo5 o3 )cience 3iction-> I 6'ote an e5ito'ial on the )*,8ect% 6ith
8*)t that title% in the 3i3th i))*e o3 "Asfm ?;an*a'1-Fe,'*a'1% .FJI@- I 5eli(ht in thin4in( o3 *) a'5ent 6'ite')
an5 'ea5e') o3 )cience 3iction a) a ,an5 o3 ,'othe') ?an5 )i)te')% o3 co*')e@ 3on5 o3 each othe'% an5
)*22o'tin( each othe'-
Un3o't*natel1% the'e a'e a)2ect) o3 )*ch a )it*ation that a'e not enti'el1 5eli(ht3*l- Let7) con)i5e'
the)e *n3a&o'a,le a)2ect)% ,eca*)e i3 the 3iel5 o3 )cience 3iction i) to 'e+ain a) i5eal a) 6e all 6ant it to ,e%
6e ha&e to )ee the 5an(e')- "e +a1 not ,e a,le to 5e3eat tho)e 5an(e') e&en i3 6e )ee the+% ,*t 6e
ce'tainl1 can7t% i3 6e don.t )ee the+-
Fo' in)tance% i3 6e a'e t'*l1 a )+all an5 inti+ate ,an5 ?a) I 'e+e+,e' *) ,ein( in the Gol5en A(e
o3 Ca+2,ell% tho*(h 2e'ha2) that +a1 onl1 ,e the con)e:*ence o3 no)tal(ia@ then the'e i) a 5an(e' that 6e
+i(ht clo)e o*' 'an4)% *n3ai'l1 an5 2ett1-+in5e5l1% a(ain)t o*t)i5e')-
I 'e+e+,e'% 3o' in)tance% 6hen ichael C'ichton 6'ote The Andromeda )train an5 it hit the ,e)t-
)elle' li)t)- In tho)e 5a1)% it ha5 not 1et ,eco+e co++on 3o' )cience 3iction an5 3anta)1 to ,e act*al ,e)t-
)elle')% an5 he'e 6a) an =o*t)i5e'> 6ho ha5 acco+2li)he5 it- "hat +a5e hi+ an o*t)i5e'9 "ell% he ha5n7t
)ol5 to the +a(aAine)- He 5i5n7t )ho6 *2 at con&ention)- He 6a)n7t one o3 us.
The'e 3ollo6e5 'e&ie6) in &a'io*) )cience 3iction 2'oAine) an5 3anAine) an5 it )ee+e5 to +e% at
the ti+e% that the1 6e'e *ni3o'+l1 *n3a&o'a,le- I can7t 8*5(e ho6 8*)ti3ie5 tho)e 'e&ie6) +i(ht ha&e ,een
3o' I ne&e' 'ea5 the ,oo4 ?2e'ha2) ,eca*)e I% too% 3elt he 6a) an o*t)i5e'@ ,*t the'e 5i5 a22ea'% in +1
o2inion% an e<t'a hel2in( o3 &eno+ ,e1on5 6hat I *)*all1 notice in *n3a&o'a,le 'e&ie6)-
"a) that 3ai'9 No% it 6a)n7t- C'ichton% a 2e')on o3 ('eat talent% 6ent on to ,e &e'1 )*cce))3*l% ,oth
in hi) late' ,oo4) ?)o+e o3 the+ not )cience 3iction@ an5 in +o&ie) a) 6ell- O*' o,8ection) to hi+ 5i5 not
h*'t hi+ an5 he 5oe)n7t nee5 *)- In 'et'o)2ect% 6e +i(ht concl*5e that )o+e o3 *) 6e'e 2ett1-
No' a+ I t'1in( to 2'each 3'o+ )o+e hi(h +o'al 2o)ition% i+2l1in( that I a+ +1)el3 a,o&e )*ch
thin()- Not at all-
I 6ent th'o*(h a 2e'io5 )oon a3te' "o'l5 "a' II% in 6hich I 'eacte5 ,a5l1 ?tho*(h enti'el1 6ithin
+1)el3@% an5 I loo4 ,ac4 on that 2e'io5 in )ha+e-
"hen one i) 2a't o3 a )+all an5 co+2a'ati&el1 in)i(ni3icant cli:*e% 6a'+in( one7) )el3 in it)
clo)ene)) an5 ca+a'a5e'ie% 6hat ha22en) i3 one o3 the cli:*e )*55enl1 'i)e) an5 ,eco+e) 3a+o*) in the
6il5 6o'l5 o*t)i5e9
Th*)% in the .FME)% Ro,e't Heinlein 6a) :*ic4l1 acce2te5 a) the ,e)t )cience 3iction 6'ite' o3 *)
all ? an5 in the o2inion o3 +an1% he )till i) the ('an5 +a)te'@ an5 I acce2te5 that% too- I 6a) not en&io*)% 3o'
I 6a) 8*)t a ,e(inne' an5 I 4ne6 that +an1 6'ite') 6e'e ,ette' than I 6a)- Be)i5e)% I li4e5 Bo,7) 6'itin( a
('eat 5eal- An5 +o)t o3 all% he 6a) one o3 us, 6'itin( 3o' the )a+e +a(aAine)% (oin( to the )a+e
con&ention)% co''e)2on5in( 6ith *)% 3i')t-na+in( +e an5 e<2ectin( +e to 3i')t-na+e hi+% an5 )o on-
B*t then% )oon a3te' "o'l5 "a' ..% Bo, Heinlein 6a) in&ol&e5 6ith a +otion 2ict*'e%
1estinationA Moon. It 6a)n7t a &e'1 (oo5 +otion 2ict*'eC it 5i5n7t +a4e the hit that the late' /EE.: A )pace
%dyssey o' )tar 0ars 5i5- B*t it 6a) the 3i')t +otion 2ict*'e in&ol&in( one o3 us, an5 6hile I )ai5 not a
6o'5% I 6a) )ec'etl1 *nha221- Bo, ha5 le3t o*' ('o*2 an5 ,eco+e 3a+o*) in the lan5 o3 the in3i5el)-
To +a4e it 6o')e% he ha5 2*,li)he5 =The G'een Hill) o3 Ea'th = in The )aturday $enin* >ost an5
it ha5 c'eate5 a )ti'- It 6a) a 'eal )cience 3iction )to'1 an5 it 6a) in the )lic4)C not onl1 in the )lic4)% ,*t in
the ('eate)t an5 )lic4e)t )lic4 o3 the+ all- "e all 5'ea+e5 o3 2*,li)hin( in the )$> ?I% al)o@ ,*t that 6a)
li4e 5'ea+in( o3 ta4in( o*t a'il1n on'oe on a 5ate- Yo* 4ne6 it 6a) 8*)t a 5'ea+ an5 1o* ha5 no
intention o3 e&en tryin* to +a4e it co+e t'*e- An5 no6 Bo, ha5 5one it- He ha5n7t 8*)t t'ie5% he ha5 done
I 5on7t 4no6 6hethe' I )i+2l1 +o*'ne5 hi) lo))% ,eca*)e I tho*(ht that no6 he 6o*l5 ne&e' co+e
,ac4 to *)C o' 6hethe' I 6a) )i+2l1 an5 ('eenl1 en&io*)- All I 4ne6 6a) that I 3elt +o'e an5 +o'e
*nco+3o'ta,le- It 6a) li4e ha&in( a )to+achache in the +in5% an5 it )ee+e5 to )2oil all +1 3*n in ,ein( a
)cience 3iction 6'ite'-
So I a'(*e5 it o*t 6ith +1)el3--not ,eca*)e I a+ a no,le 2e')on ,*t ,eca*)e I hate5 3eelin( the
6a1 I 5i5% an5 I 6ante5 to 3eel ,ette'- I )ai5 to +1)el3 that Bo, ha5 ,laAe5 ne6 t'ail)% an5 that it 5i5n7t
+atte' who 5i5 it% a) lon( a) it 6a) 5one- Tho)e ne6 t'ail) ha5 ,een o2ene5 not 3o' Ro,e't Heinlein% ,*t 3o'
science fiction, an5 all o3 *) 6ho 6e'e in the ,*)ine)) o3 6'itin( o' 'ea5in( )cience 3iction co*l5 ,e ('ate3*l
an5 than43*l 3o' 6e 6o*l5 )oone' o' late' e<2e'ience the ,ene3it o3 Bo,7) 2ionee'in(-
An5 that 6a) t'*e- Beca*)e Bo, +a5e )cience 3iction loo4 (oo5 to 2eo2le 6ho 5i5 not o'5ina'il1
'ea5 )cience 3iction% an5 6ho 5e)2i)e5 it 6hen the1 tho*(ht o3 it at all% it ,eca+e +o'e 2o))i,le 3o' the 'e)t
o3 *) to ha&e o*' )t*33 2*,li)he5 o*t)i5e the (en'e +a(aAine)--e&en in the )$>. ?I ha5 a t6o-2a't )e'ial
2*,li)he5 in that +a(aAine +1)el3 e&ent*all1% ,*t that 6a) 6hen it 6a) lon( 2a)t it) ('eat 5a1)-@
The 'e)*lt o3 +1 6o'4in( thi) o*t +eant I 6a) 3'ee o3 )ic4ne)) on late' occa)ion)- "hen +1 3i')t
,oo4% >e##le in the )!y, a22ea'e5 *n5e' the Do*,le5a1 i+2'int% it 6a) 3ollo6e5 in a +atte' o3 +onth) ,1
The Martian Chronicles ,1 Ra1 B'a5,*'1- I 5on7t ha&e to tell 1o* that Ra17) ,oo4 3a' o*t)hone +ine- It
5i5n7t ,othe' +e% 3o' it )ee+e5 to +e that the ,ette' Ra17) ,oo4 5i5% the +o'e 2eo2le 6o*l5 'ea5 )cience
3iction in ,oo4 3o'+% an5 )o+e o3 the+ 6o*l5 ,e )*'e to loo4 3o' +o'e o3 the )a+e an5 )t*+,le o&e' +ine-
An5 the1 5i5- >e##le i) )till ea'nin( +one1% thi't1-)i< 1ea') late'-
An5 ho6e&e' anno1in( it +i(ht ,e that ichael C'ichton co*l5 ente' o*' 3iel5 )t'ai(ht o*t o3
+e5ical )chool% +o&e 'i(ht *2 to the no&el le&el% an5 lan5 on the ,e)t-)elle' li)t% an5 ha&e e&e'1one
5'oolin( o&e' hi+% 6he'e7) the ha'+9 He 5i5 it ?*nintentionall1% 2e'ha2)@ 3o' us. He a55e5 to the
'e)2ecta,ilit1 o3 )cience 3iction a+on( tho)e 6ho 3o*n5 *) *n'e)2ecta,le% an5 +a5e it ea)ie' 3o' the 'e)t o3
*) to (et on the ,e)t-)elle' li)t occa)ionall1-
Fa' 3'o+ )na'lin(% 6e )ho*l5 ha&e ,een chee'in(-
Anothe' 2oint- A ,an5 o3 ,'othe') ?an5 )i)te')@ i) at it) ,e)t 6hen the'e i) nothin( +*ch to
co+2ete 3o'- A) lon( a) 6e 6e'e all (ettin( no +o'e than one an5 t6o cent) a 6o'5 ? a) 6e 5i5 in that
6on5e'3*l Gol5en A(e o3 Ca+2,ell@ 6ith no chance at ,oo4 2*,lication% 3o'ei(n )ale) an5 +o&ie)C a) lon(
a) the onl1 4*5o) 6e co*l5 (et 6a) 3i')t 2lace in the = Anal1tical La,o'ato'1> 6hich +eant a hal3-cent-a-
6o'5 ,on*)C a) lon( a) no one o*t)i5e o*' )+all 3iel5 ha5 e&e' hea'5 o3 an1 o3 *) *n5e' an1
ci'c*+)tance)--6hat 6a) the'e to co+2ete o&e'9 The +o)t )*cce))3*l o3 *) 6e'e al+o)t a) 2e'+anentl1
i+2ec*nio*) a) the lea)t )o the'e 6a) no 'ea)on to )na'l an5 ,ite-
No6% ho6e&e'% ti+e) ha&e chan(e5- The'e a'e +an1 +o'e o3 *)% an5 )o+e o3 *) 6'ite ,e)t-)elle')-
In 3act% the ('eate)t ,e)t-)elle' o3 the .FIE)% Ste2hen !in(% i)% a3te' a 3a)hion% one o3 *)- It7) no lon(e' a 3e6
tho*)an5 ,*c4) that7) at )ta4eC it7) a 3e6 +illion- An5 that ,'othe' ,it 3a5e)% ,en5)% an5 c'*+2le) *n5e' the
I 5on7t 6'ite 'e&ie6)% ,*t I 5o 'ea5 the+% an5 I7+ ,e(innin( to )ee the &eno+ a(ain a) one 6'ite'
5i)c*))e) the 6o'4 o3 anothe' +e+,e' o3 the ,'othe'hoo5- "hat7) +o'e% the ann*al a6a'5 o3 the Ne,*la)%
6hich a'e 5ete'+ine5 ,1 &ote a+on( the +e+,e') o3 the Science Fiction "'ite') o3 A+e'ica% )ee+) to
'o*)e ha'5 3eelin( an5 contentio*)ne)) e&e'1 1ea'- The )ta4e) a'e )i+2l1 too hi(h-
Th*)% a 1o*n( +e+,e' o3 the ,'othe'hoo5 ?to me he )ee+e5 a chil5@ co+2laine5 to +e the othe'
5a1 that the =1o*n( 6'ite')> ?1o*n( to him4 6e'e 3e'ocio*) in thei' co+2etiti&ene))- The'e 6a) none o3 the
3'ien5line))% he )ai5% that the'e 6a) in our 5a1 ?+eanin( hi) an5 +ine% tho*(h I 6a) a 2*,li)he5 6'ite'
6hen he 6a) ,o'n@-
I )*22o)e he7) 'i(ht% tho*(h-
In a 6a1% I can7t ache to 'et*'n to the (oo5 ol5 5a1) 6hen 6e 6e'e all i+2o&e'i)he5 to(ethe'- It
)ee+) a (la+o'o*) ti+e in +1 +in5 no6% ,*t I 'e+e+,e' So2hie T*c4e'7) i++o'tal 5ict*+: =I7&e t'ie5
2oo'% an5 I7&e t'ie5 'ich% an5 'ich i) ,ette'->
B*t i) the'e a 2'ice 6e +*)t 2a1 3o' it9 *)t the ca+a'a5e'ie ,e (one9 *)t the 3'ien5l1 ,ac4-
an5-3o'th ,e o&e'9
"h1 not 'e+e+,e' that )cience 3iction i) )till a 'elati&el1 )2ecialiAe5 3iel5C that SF 6'ite') ha&e to
4no6 a ('eat 5eal +o'e% an5 5e&elo2 +o'e *n*)*al )4ill% than o'5ina'1 6'ite')C that SF 'ea5e')% too%
5e+an5 +o'e ,eca*)e the1 nee5 +o'e9 Can 6e 'e+e+,e' that 6e7'e all in thi) to(ethe'9 That tho)e in
3'ont 2a&e the 6a1 3o' tho)e ,ehin59 That at an1 ti+e )o+eone can a22ea' 3'o+ the )t'an(e lan5 o3 o*t)i5e%
o' the )t'an(e' lan5 o3 1o*th% an5 ca'&e o*t ne6 te''ito'1 3o' all o3 *)% an5 that the1 )ho*l5 ,e 6elco+e5
Let7) ,e 3'ien5)- The'e a'e en5le)) 6o'l5) o3 the +in5 an5 e+otion) to con:*e'% an5 6e can
a5&ance +o'e )*'el1% i3 6e )*22o't--not 3i(ht--each othe'-
)C"$NC$ F"CT"%N ANT(%L%'"$)
I HEAR IT SAID NOW AND THEN that the )ho't )to'1 i) a lo)t lite'a'1 a't 3o'+% that the +a(aAine) an5
&a'io*) o*tlet) that 3o)te'e5 the )ho't )to'1 a'e 5ea5 an5 (one% that 3iction to5a1 concent'ate) on the no&el-
That 6o*l5 ,e too ,a5 i3 it 6e'e t'*eC ,*t% o3 co*')e% it i)n7t enti'el1 t'*e- In the 3iel5 o3 )cience
3iction% at lea)t% the )ho't )to'1 a,)ol*tel1 3lo*'i)he) an5 the 'ea5e') )i+2l1 can7t (et eno*(h o3 it- In5ee5%
an1 (oo5 )cience 3iction )to'1 can co*nt on 2e'io5ic 'e)*''ection in the 3o'+ o3 ite+) in )in(le-a*tho'
collection) an5 in +*lti-a*tho' antholo(ie)- So+e o3 +1 )to'ie) ha&e ,een antholo(iAe5 *2 to thi't1 ti+e)%
an5 I ,1 no +ean) hol5 the 'eco'5 3o' )*ch thin()- I )*)2ect that ,oth Ra1 B'a5,*'1 an5 Ha'lan Elli)on ?to
na+e ,*t t6o@ can cite )to'ie) o3 thei' o6n that ha&e )een 3a' +o'e 'e2etition) than an1 o3 +ine ha&e-
An5 the'e 1o* ha&e )o+ethin( that i) o55l1 cha'acte'i)tic o3 )cience 3iction--the &a)t n*+,e' an5
&a'1in( nat*'e o3 antholo(ie) in the 3iel5- I ha&e the i+2'e))ion that the'e i) no 2'ece5ent in lite'at*'e 3o'
"h1 i) it )o9 "h1 )ho*l5 )cience 3iction% 'athe' than )o+e othe' )*,)ection o3 2o2*la' lite'at*'e%
)2a6n an *nen5in( )e'ie) o3 antholo(ie) o3 eno'+o*) &a'iet19
I )*)2ect that% in 2a't at lea)t% 6hat i) 'e)2on)i,le i) the *n*)*al 3e'&o' o3 the 5e&ote5 )cience
3iction 'ea5e'- Pa'tic*la' )to'ie) )t'i4e )*ch a 'ea5e' 6ith the 3o'ce o3 a )le5(eha++e'- Co+,ine thi) 6ith
the 3act that +a(aAine )cience 3iction ten5) to ,e e2he+e'al- Fe6 1o*n( 'ea5e') )a&e the +a(aAine) 3o'
lon(- E&en i3 the1 )ta't a collection% a3te' a 3e6 1ea') the'e co+e) colle(e o' +a''ia(e o' othe' inte'e)t)
(ene'all1C an5 the collection 3all) a2a't% 5'i3t) a6a1% &ani)he)-
Yet the +e+o'1 o3 tho)e 2a'tic*la'l1 (oo5 )to'ie) lin(e')% an5 a (lo6 o3 (lo'1 ,*il5) a,o*t the+- I
ha&e lon( lo)t co*nt o3 the n*+,e' o3 lette') I ha&e 'ecei&e5 3'o+ 'ea5e') 6ho tell +e that once% 6hen the
6o'l5 6a) 1o*n(% the1 'ea5 a )to'1 a,o*t th*)-an5-)o- The1 can7t 'e+e+,e' the title% the a*tho'% 6he'e it
a22ea'e5 o' an1thin( +o'e than th*)-an5-)oC ,*t co*l5 I tell the+ 6hat the )to'1 6a) an5 ho6 the1 co*l5
(o a,o*t 3in5in( it a(ain9
So+eti+e) I 'e+e+,e' the )to'1 3'o+ the )+all cl*e) the1 2'e)ent an5 can (i&e the+ the +i))in(
in3o'+ation- o'e o3ten I cannot-
Yo* )ee% then% that antholo(ie) o33e' a )econ5 chance- The1 )o+eti+e) ,'in( ,ac4 3o' 'ea5e')
)to'ie) once lo&e5 an5 then lo)t- Once I 5eli,e'atel1 5e&i)e5 an antholo(1 @Before the 'olden A*e,
Do*,le5a1% .FJM@ in o'5e' to 2'e)ent )o+e )to'ie) that I +1)el3 ha5 lo&e5 an5 lo)t-
So+eti+e) )*ch )to'ie) a'e ,ette' not 3o*n5% 3o' the1 5on7t% in act*al 3act% ,ea' the 2'i)+atic colo')
that 3on5 +e+o'1 len5) the+C ,*t )o+eti+e) the1 5o- "hen I 'e'ea5 =T*+itha4 o3 the Co''i5o')> 5*'in(
the 2'e2a'ation o3 +1 .FJM antholo(1% I 3o*n5 it to ,e a ti+e +achine that 'e)to'e5 +e to +1 teena(e 1ea')
3o' an ho*' o' t6o-
The 3i')t antholo(1 o3 +a(aAine )cience 3iction a22ea'e5 in .FM0- It 6a) The >oc!et Boo! of
)cience Fiction, e5ite5 ,1 Donal5 A- "ollhei+- A+on( the )to'ie) it containe5 6a) Stanle1 G-
"ein,a*+7) = A a'tian O51))e1%> 6hich I ha5 ne&e' 'ea5% ha&in( +i))e5 the i))*e in 6hich it 3i')t
a22ea'e5- I 6a) a,le to en8o1 it 3o' the 3i')t ti+e 6hen I ,o*(ht the antholo(1- An5 the'e i) anothe' )e'&ice
)*ch ,oo4) o33e'- The1 allo6 1o* to 'eco&e' )to'ie) 1o* ne&e' 4ne6 1o* ha5 lo)t-
In .FMN% the'e a22ea'e5 the 3i')t hardcoer antholo(1 o3 +a(aAine )cience 3iction% The Best of
)cience Fiction, e5ite5 ,1 G'o33 Con4lin- It 6a) an antholo(1 o3 al+o)t 2ain3*ll1 inten)e inte'e)t to +e 3o'
it 6a) the 3i')t to contain a )to'1 o3 +ine-->Blin5 Alle1-> That 6a) ne&e' one o3 +1 o6n 3a&o'ite)C in 3act% I
con)i5e'e5 it then% an5 no6% too% a) 'athe' )econ5-'ate- Still% I 5i)co&e'e5 e&ent*all1 that G'o337) o2inion)
o3 :*alit1 co*l5 *)*all1 ,e 'elie5 on% )o 2e'ha2) I *n5e'e)ti+ate =Blin5 Alle1->
In an1 ca)e% Astoundin*, the +a(aAine in 6hich =Blin5 Alle1> ha5 o'i(inall1 a22ea'e5% 'etaine5 all
'i(ht) in tho)e 5a1)C ,*t ;ohn Ca+2,ell in)i)te5 that antholo(1 inco+e (o to the a*tho') in&ol&e5- It 6a) in
thi) 6a1 that I +a5e the ('eat 5i)co&e'1 that the )a+e )to'1 co*l5 ,e 2ai5 3o' t6ice an5% the'e3o'e% ,1
e<ten)ion% an1 n*+,e' o3 ti+e)- ?It i) onl1 that 6hich +a4e) it 2o))i,le 3o' a )cience 3iction 6'ite' to ea'n a
li&in(% )o thi) 6a) ,1 no +ean) a non-)i(ni3icant 5i)co&e'1-@
Late' in that )a+e 1ea'% the +o)t )*cce))3*l )cience 3iction antholo(1 e&e' to a22ea' 6a)
2*,li)he5- It 6a) Adentures in Time and )pace, e5ite5 ,1 Ra1+on5 ;- Heal1 an5 ;- F'anci) cCo+a)- It
6a) a la'(e% thic4 &ol*+e% 6ith )to'ie) 5'a6n al+o)t enti'el1 3'o+ the Gol5en A(e o3 Astoundin*, an5 it
containe5 +1 )to'1 =Ni(ht3all- = That 6a) +1 int'o5*ction to the )t'an(e notion that one o3 +1 o6n )to'ie)
6a) al'ea51 con)i5e'e5 a cla))ic-
The )*cce)) o3 the Heal1-cCo+a) antholo(1 o2ene5 the 3loo5(ate)- I ha&en7t the 3ainte)t i5ea
ho6 +an1 antholo(ie) ha&e ,een 2*,li)he5 )ince% ,*t I a+ :*ite ce'tain that the'e i)n7t an i))*e o3 an1
)cience 3iction +a(aAine that ha)n7t ,een ca'e3*ll1 2ic4e5 o&e' to )ee i3 an1 (e+) ha&e 'e+aine5
*n5i)co&e'e5--no' an1 (e+ o' e&en )e+i-(e+ that ha)n7t ,een 5i)co&e'e5 an5 'e5i)co&e'e5 an5
Latel1% I +1)el3 ha&e 8oine5 the 2a'a5e- I7+ not enti'el1 a no&ice at the antholo(i)t)7 (a+e% 3o' I
e5ite5 The (u*o 0inners ?Do*,le5a1% .FN/@ alon( 6ith )*cce))o' &ol*+e) in .FJ. an5 .FJJ% all o3 6hich
6e'e :*ite )*cce))3*l-
Ho6e&e'% I ne&e' let +1)el3 (et too in&ol&e5 in )*ch +atte') ,eca*)e e&e'1 antholo(1 entail) a
('eat 5eal o3 te5io*) )c*t6o'4--)election% o,tainin( o3 2e'+i))ion)% the +a4in( o*t o3 2a1+ent) an5 )o on-
The 'e)*lt 6a) that th'o*(h .FJI% I e5ite5 onl1 nine antholo(ie)% 6hich i) &e'1 3e6 3o' a 2e')on o3 +1 o6n
6hole)ale 2'ocli&itie) 6ho con)i5e') nothin( 6o'th 5oin( that i)n7t 6o'th 5oin( a lot.
"ith +1 ninth antholo(1% ho6e&e'% %ne (undred 'reat )cience Fiction )hort3)hort )tories
?Do*,le5a1% .FJI@% I +a5e the +a'&elo*) 5i)co&e'1 that +1 3'ien5% a'tin Ha''1 G'een,e'(--tall% a little
2l*+2% intelli(ent% con)cientio*)% ha'5-6o'4in(% an5 (oo5-h*+o'e5--3o*n5 a 2ec*lia' 2e'&e'te5 2lea)*'e in
5oin( all tho)e thin()% li4e (ettin( 2e'+i))ion) an5 ta4in( ca'e o3 2a1+ent)% that I hate5 to 5o-
Then the t6o o3 *) 5i)co&e'e5 Cha'le) G- "a*(h% al)o tall% ha'5-6o'4in(% intelli(ent% an5
con)cientio*)% ,*t le)) 2l*+2 an5 +*ch +o'e ('a&e than eithe' a'tin o' I- It t*'ne5 o*t% he 4ne6 e&e'1
)cience 3iction )to'1 e&e' 2*,li)he5% 'e+e+,e'e5 all the )tati)tic) an5 2lot)% an5 co*l5 2*t hi) han5 on an1
o3 the+ in)tantl1- A)4 hi+ 3o' a )to'1 a,o*t e<t'ate''e)t'ial) 3'o+ U'an*) 6ho 'e2'o5*ce ,1 ,ina'1 3i))ion
an5 I i+a(ine he 6o*l5 ha&e th'ee 5i33e'ent )et) o3 <e'o<e) in 1o*' han5 the ne<t 5a1-
That chan(e5 e&e'1thin(- In .FJF an5 .FIE% I hel2e5 e5it no le)) than t6el&e antholo(ie) an5% at
the +o+ent o3 6'itin(% the'e a'e )i< in 2'e)) an5 +o'e in 2'e2a'ation- ?Not all a'e 6ith a'tin an5 Cha'le):
a co*2le a'e 6ith Alice La*'ance% 6ho ha) an att'i,*te that the 3i')t t6o lac4 to an eno'+o*) 5e('ee--
,ea*t1C an5 one i) 6ith ;- O- ;e22)on% to 6ho+ I a+ clo)el1 'elate5 ,1 +a''ia(e-@
#e'1 o3ten the)e 'ecent antholo(ie) ha&e ha5 +1 na+e ,lo6n o*t o3 2'o2o'tion on the co&e') 3o'
c'a)) co++e'cial 'ea)on)% an5 o&e' +1 2'ote)t)% )ince I cont'i,*te no +o'e than +1 3ai' )ha'e-
On the othe' han5 I cont'i,*te no le)) than +1 3ai' )ha'e eithe'% an5 it cha3e) a little 6hen
)o+eone ta4e) it 3o' ('ante5 that I a+ +e'el1 collectin( +one1 3o' the *)e o3 +1 na+e- I 6o*l5 o&e'loo4
the )l*' on +1 inte('it1 in&ol&e5 in thi)% )ince all ('eat +en )*33e' cal*+n1C ,*t I hate to lo)e c'e5it 3o' all
the 6o'4 I 5o-
Cha'le)% a'tin% an5 I con)tantl1 con)*lt each othe' ,1 +ail an5 2honeC an5 6e each 5a,,le in
e&e'1 2a't o3 the 6o'4C ,*t the'e i) 5i&i)ion o3 la,o'% too- Cha'le) 6o'4) 2a'tic*la'l1 ha'5 at locatin( )to'ie)
an5 +a4in( 2hotoco2ie)- a'tin 6o'4) 2a'tic*la'l1 ha'5 at the ,*)ine)) 5etail)-
An5 a) 3o' +e--"ell% all the )to'ie) 5e)cen5 on +eC an5 I 'ea5 the+ all an5 5o the 3inal 8*5(in(
?6hat I th'o6 o*t i) th'o6n o*t@- I then 6'ite the int'o5*ction o' the hea5note) o' ?*)*all1@ ,oth- An5 )ince
I7+ the one 6ho li&e) in Ne6 Yo'4% I ten5 to 5o the t'ottin( 'o*n5 to &a'io*) 2*,li)he') 6hen that i)
The net 'e)*lt i) that each o3 the th'ee o3 *) 5oe) 6hat he ,e)t li4e) to 5o )o that 2'e2a'in( the
antholo(ie) ,eco+e) 3*n 3o' all o3 *)- To ,e )*'e% I la,o' *n5e' the )tea51 an<iet1 that )o+ethin( +i(ht
ha22en to a'tin o' Cha'le)C ,*t% *n5e' +1 )h'e65 :*e)tionin(% ,oth Sall1 G'een,e'( an5 Ca'ol-L1nn
"a*(h ha&e +a5e it clea' that each enti'el1 *n5e')tan5) the i+2o'tance o3 4ee2in( he' h*),an5
3*nctionin(C an5 I 'el1 on the+ 6ith all con3i5ence-
T($ "NFL-$NC$ %F )C"$NC$ F"CT"%N
I SUPPOSE ITS ONLY NATURAL that tho)e o3 *) 6ho a'e 5e&otee) o3 )cience 3iction 6o*l5 li4e to 3in5 in
it )o+ethin( +o'e than a +atte' o3 i5le a+*)e+ent- It o*(ht to ha&e i+2o'tant )i(ni3icance-
On +an1 occa)ion) in the 2a)t I ha&e a5&ance5 a'(*+ent) 3o' )*22o)in( )*ch )i(ni3icance to
e<i)t- He'e i) ho6 it (oe):
The h*+an 6a1 o3 li3e ha) al6a1) ,een )*,8ect to 5'a)tic an5 +o'e o' le)) i''e&e')i,le chan(e%
*)*all1 ?o'% a) I ,elie&e% al6a1)@ +e5iate5 ,1 )o+e a5&ance in )cience an5Ho' technolo(1- Th*)% li3e i)
3o'e&e' chan(e5 6ith the in&ention o3 3i'e--o' the 6heel--o' a('ic*lt*'e--o' +etall*'(1--o' 2'intin(-
The 'ate o3 chan(e ha) ,een contin*all1 inc'ea)in(% tooC 3o' a) the)e chan(e) a'e int'o5*ce5% the1
ten5 to inc'ea)e the )ec*'it1 o3 the h*+an )2ecie) an5 the'e3o'e inc'ea)e it) n*+,e'% th*) in t*'n inc'ea)in(
the n*+,e' o3 tho)e ca2a,le o3 concei&in(% int'o5*cin(% an5 5e&elo2in( a55itional a5&ance) in )cience an5
technolo(1- Be)i5e) that% each a5&ance )e'&e) a) a ,a)e 3o' 3*'the' a5&ance )o that the e33ect i) c*+*lati&e-
D*'in( the la)t t6o cent*'ie)% the 'ate o3 chan(e ha) ,eco+e )o ('eat a) to ,e &i)i,le in the co*')e
o3 the in5i&i5*al li3eti+e- Thi) ha) 2*t a )t'ain on the ca2acit1 o3 in5i&i5*al)% an5 )ocietie)% too% to a5a2t to
)*ch chan(e% )ince the nat*'al 3eelin( al6a1) i) that the'e )ho*l5 ,e no chan(e- One i) *)e5 to thin() a)
the1 a'e-
D*'in( the la)t thi't1 1ea')% the 'ate o3 chan(e ha) ,eco+e )o ('eat a) to in5*ce a 4in5 o3 )ocial
&e'ti(o- The'e )ee+) no 6a1 in 6hich 6e can 2lan an1 lon(e'% 3o' 2lan) ,eco+e o*t5ate5 a) 3a)t a) the1 a'e
i+2le+ente5- B1 the ti+e 6e 'eco(niAe a 2'o,le+% action +*)t ,e ta4en at onceC an5 ,1 the ti+e 6e ta4e
action% ho6e&e' :*ic4l1% it i) too lateC the 2'o,le+ ha) chan(e5 it) nat*'e an5 (otten a6a1 3'o+ *)-
"hat +a4e) it 6o')e i) that% in the co*')e o3 )cienti3ic an5 technolo(ical a5&ance 6e ha&e 'eache5
the )ta(e 6he'e 6e 5i)2o)e o3 eno*(h 2o6e' to 5e)t'o1 ci&iliAation ?i3 it i) +i)*)e5@% o' to a5&ance it to
*nhea'5-o3 hei(ht) ?i3 6e *)e it co''ectl1@-
"ith )ta4e) )o hi(h an5 the )it*ation )o &e'ti(ino*)% 6hat can 6e 5o9
"e +*)t lea'n to antici2ate 3ai'l1 co''ectl1 an5% in +a4in( o*' 2lan)% ta4e into acco*nt not 6hat
no6 e<i)t)% ,*t 6hat i) li4el1 to e<i)t 3i&e 1ea') hence--o' ten--o' t6ent1--6hene&e' the )ol*tion i) li4el1 to
co+e into e33ect-
B*t ho6 can one ta4e chan(e into acco*nt co''ectl1% 6hen the &a)t +a)) o3 the 2o2*lation )toli5l1
'e3*)e) to ta4e into acco*nt the e<i)tence o3 an1 chan(e at all9 ?Th*)% +o)t A+e'ican)% 3a' 3'o+ 2lannin(
no6 3o' .FFE% ha&e )ho6n ,1 thei' 'ecent action) that 6hat the1 6ant i) to )ee .FGG 'e)to'e5-@
That i) 6he'e )cience 3iction co+e) in- Science 3iction i) the one ,'anch o3 lite'at*'e that acce2t)
the 3act o3 chan(e% the ine&ita,ilit1 o3 chan(e- "itho*t the initial a))*+2tion that the'e 6ill ,e chan(e%
the'e i) no )*ch thin( a) )cience 3iction% 3o' nothin( i) )cience 3iction *nle)) it incl*5e) e&ent) 2la1e5 o*t
a(ain)t a )ocial o' 2h1)ical ,ac4('o*n5 )i(ni3icantl1 5i33e'ent 3'o+ o*' o6n- Science 3iction i) at it) ,e)t i3
the e&ent) 5e)c'i,e5 co*l5 not ,e 2la1e5 o*t at all e<cept in a )ocial o' 2h1)ical ,ac4('o*n5 )i(ni3icantl1
5i33e'ent 3'o+ o*' o6n-
That 5oe)n7t +ean that a )cience 3iction )to'1 )ho*l5 ,e 2'e5icti&e% o' that it )ho*l5 2o't'a1
)o+ethin( that i) (oin( to ha22en% ,e3o'e it can ,e i+2o'tant- It 5oe)n7t e&en ha&e to 2o't'a1 )o+ethin(
that +i(ht concei&a,l1 ha22en-
The e<i)tence o3 chan(e% the acce2tance o3 chan(e% i) eno*(h- Peo2le 6ho 'ea5 )cience 3iction
co+e% in ti+e% to 4no6 that thin*s will #e different. a1,e ,ette'% +a1,e 6o')e% ,*t different. a1,e thi)
6a1% +a1,e that 6a1% ,*t different.
I3 eno*(h 2eo2le 'ea5 )cience 3iction o' a'e% at lea)t% )*33icientl1 in3l*ence5 ,1 2eo2le 6ho 'ea5
)cience 3iction% eno*(h o3 the 2o2*lation +a1 co+e to acce2t chan(e ?e&en i3 onl1 6ith 'e)i(nation an5
('ie3@ )o that (o&e'n+ent lea5e') can 2lan 3o' chan(e in the ho2e o3 +eetin( )o+ethin( othe' than )toli5
'e)i)tance 3'o+ the 2*,lic- An5 then% 6ho 4no6)% ci&iliAation +i(ht )*'&i&e-
An5 1et thi) i) hi(hl1 ten*o*)C an5 6hile I acce2t the line o3 'ea)onin( tho'o*(hl1 ?ha&in(% a) 3a'
a) I 4no6% +a5e it *2@% I can )ee that othe') +i(ht 5i)+i)) it a) )2ecial 2lea5in( ,1 )o+eone 6ho 5oe)n7t
6ant the )t*33 he 6'ite) to ,e 5i)+i))e5 a) 8*)t--- )t*33-
"ell% then% ha) )cience 3iction al'ea51 in3l*ence5 the 6o'l59 Ha) an1thin( that )cience 3iction
6'ite') ha&e 6'itten )o in3l*ence5 'eal )cienti)t)% o' en(inee')% o' 2olitician)% o' in5*)t'iali)t) a) to
int'o5*ce i+2o'tant chan(e)9
"hat a,o*t the ca)e o3 )2ace 3li(ht% o3 t'i2) to the oon9
Thi) ha) ,een a )ta2le o3 i+a(inati&e lite'at*'e )ince Ro+an ti+e)C an5 ,oth ;*le) #e'ne an5 H-
G- "ell) 6'ote hi(hl1 2o2*la' )to'ie) a,o*t t'i2) to the oon in the nineteenth an5 ea'l1 t6entieth
Ce'tainl1% tho)e )cienti)t) an5 en(inee') 6ho ,e(an to 5eal 6ith 'oc4et'1 'eali)ticall1 ha5 'ea5
)cience 3ictionC an5 the'e i) no :*e)tion that +en )*ch a) Ro,e't Go55a'5 an5 "e'ne' &on B'a*n ha5 ,een
e<2o)e5 to )*ch thin()-
Thi) i) not to )a1 that )cience 3iction ta*(ht the+ an1 'oc4et'1- A) a +atte' o3 3act% "ell) *)e5 an
anti-('a&it1 5e&ice to (et to the oon% an5 #e'ne *)e5 a (i(antic (*n% an5 ,oth o3 the)e 5e&ice) can ,e
5i)+i))e5 o*t o3 han5 a) 6a1) o3 'eachin( the oon-
Ne&e'thele))% the1 )ti''e5 the i+a(ination% a) 5i5 all the othe' )cience 3iction 6'ite') 6ho 3loo5e5
into the 3iel5 a) the t6entieth cent*'1 6o'e on% an5 6ho ,e(an to 6'ite +ate'ial in la'(e +a))e) ?i3 not
al6a1) in hi(h :*alit1@- All o3 thi) 2'e2a'e5 the +in5) o3 +o'e an5 +o'e 2eo2le 3o' the notion o3 )*ch t'i2)-
It 3ollo6e5 that 6hen 'oc4et) 6e'e 5e&elo2e5 a) 6a' 6ea2on) 5*'in( "o'l5 "a' II% the'e 6e'e
not lac4in( en(inee') 6ho )a6 the+ a) 5e&ice) 3o' )cienti3ic e<2lo'ation% 3o' o',ital 3li(ht)% 3o' t'i2) to the
oon an5 ,e1on5- An5 all thi) 6o*l5 not ,e la*(he5 o*t o3 co*'t ,1 the (ene'al 2*,lic% all the 6a1 5o6n
to the 'oc4-,otto+ o3 the a&e'a(e Con('e))+an--,eca*)e )cience 3iction ha5 2a&e5 the 6a1-
E&en thi) +a1 not )ee+ eno*(h--too (ene'al--too ,'oa5-
Ho6 a,o*t )2eci3ic in3l*ence9 Ho6 a,o*t )o+ethin( a )2eci3ic 6'ite' ha) 5one that ha) in3l*ence5
a )2eci3ic 2e')on in )*ch a 6a1 that the 6o'l5 ha) ,een chan(e59
That ha) ,een 5one% too- Con)i5e' the H*n(a'ian 2h1)ici)t% Leo SAila'5% 6ho--in the +i55le
.F0E)--,e(an thin4in( o3 the 2o))i,ilit1 o3 a n*clea' chain 'eaction that +i(ht 2'o5*ce a n*clea' ,o+,%
6ho 'eco(niAe5 that hi) tho*(ht ha5 ,eco+e a &e'1 'eal 2o))i,ilit1 6hen *'ani*+ 3i))ion 6a) 5i)co&e'e5 in
.F0F% 6ho +o&e5 hea&en an5 ea'th to 2e')*a5e Allie5 )cienti)t) to cen)o' the+)el&e) &ol*nta'il1 in o'5e'
to 4ee2 in3o'+ation 3'o+ 'eachin( the NaAi ene+1% 6ho 2e')*a5e5 Ein)tein to 2e')*a5e P'e)i5ent
Roo)e&elt to initiate a &a)t 2'o8ect 3o' 5e&elo2in( a n*clea' ,o+,-
"e 4no6 ho6 that chan(e5 the 6o'l5 ?6hethe' 3o' ,ette' o' 3o' 6o')e i) ,e)i5e the 2oint 'i(ht
no6% ,*t I ce'tainl1 6o*l5 not ha&e 6ante5 Hi5e' to ha&e (otten the 3i')t n*clea' ,o+, in the ea'l1 .FME)@%
)o 6e can )a1 that Leo SAila'5 chan(e5 it-
An5 ho6 5i5 SAila'5 co+e to ha&e hi) o'i(inal i5ea9 Acco'5in( to SAila'5 hi+)el3% that i5ea ca+e
to hi+ ,eca*)e he 'ea5 a )to'1 ,1 H- G- "ell) ?o'i(inall1 2*,li)he5 in .FE/@ in 6hich an =ato+ic ,o+,>--
the 2h'a)e H- G- "ell) hi+)el3 *)e5--ha5 ,een 3eat*'e5-
He'e7) anothe' ca)e- At the 2'e)ent +o+ent% in5*)t'ial 'o,ot) a'e a22ea'in( on the a))e+,l1 line
6ith inc'ea)in( 3'e:*enc1- In ;a2an% 6hole 3acto'ie) a'e ,ein( 'o,oticiAe5- "hat7) +o'e% the 'o,ot)
the+)el&e) a'e ,ein( +a5e +o'e &e')atile% +o'e ca2a,le% an5 +o'e =intelli(ent> &e'1 'a2i5l1- It i)n7t 3a'-
3etche5 to )a1 that in a co*2le o3 5eca5e) thi) 'o,oticiAation 6ill ,e )een to ha&e chan(e5 the 3ace o3
)ociet1 2e'+anentl1 ?a))*+in( that ci&iliAation contin*e) to )*'&i&e@-
I) the'e an1one 6e can c'e5it 3o' thi)9 It i) 5i33ic*lt to 2lace that c'e5it on a )in(le 2ai' o3
)ho*l5e')% ,*t 2e'ha2) the 2ai' +o)t li4el1 to 5e)e'&e it ,elon() to a +an na+e5 ;o)e2h F- En(el,e'(e'%
6ho i) the 2'e)i5ent o3 Uni+ation% 6hich +an*3act*'e) one-thi'5 o3 all the 'o,ot) in *)e an5 ha) in)talle5
+o'e o3 the+ than an1,o51 el)e-
En(el,e'(e' 3o*n5e5 hi) co+2an1 in the late .FGE)% an5 ho6 5o 1o* )*22o)e he ca+e to 3o*n5 it9
So+e 1ea') ,e3o'e% acco'5in( to hi) o6n acco*nt% 6hen he 6a) )till a colle(e *n5e'('a5*ate% he
,eca+e enth*)ia)tic a,o*t the 2o))i,ilit1 o3 'o,ot) 6hen he 'ea5 ", &o#ot ,1 I)aac A)i+o&-
I a))*'e 1o* that 6hen I 6a) 6'itin( +1 2o)it'onic 'o,ot )to'ie) ,ac4 in the .FME)% +1 intention)
6e'e clea' an5 )i+2le- I 8*)t 6ante5 to 6'ite )o+e )to'ie)% )ell the+ to a +a(aAine% +a4e a little +one1 to
2a1 +1 colle(e t*ition% an5 )ee +1 na+e in 2'int- I3 I ha5 ,een 6'itin( an1thin( ,*t )cience 3iction% that7)
all that 6o*l5 ha&e ha22ene5-
B*t I 6a) 6'itin( )cience 3iction--)o I7+ no6 chan(in( the 6o'l5-
0%M$N AN1 )C"$NC$ F"CT"%N
MY EARLY SCIENCE FICTION STORIES ha5 no 6o+en in the+ 3o' the +o)t 2a't- The'e 6e'e t6o
'ea)on) 3o' thi)% one )ocial% one 2e')onal- The )ocial 'ea)on 3i')t-
P'io' to 2*,lic 'eco(nition in the Unite5 State) that ,a,ie) a'e not ,'o*(ht ,1 the )to'4% the'e 6a)
)i+2l1 no )e< in the )cience 3iction +a(aAine)- Thi) 6a) not a +atte' o3 ta)te% it 6a) a +atte' o3 c*)to+ that
ha5 the 3o'ce o3 la6- In +o)t 2lace)% non-'eco(nition o3 the e<i)tence o3 )e< 6a) t'eate5 a) tho*(h it 6a)
the la6% an5 3o' all I 4no6% +a1,e it 6a) in5ee5 local la6- In an1 ca)e% 6o'5) o' action) that co*l5 ,'in( a
,l*)h to the leathe'1 chee4 o3 the local cen)o' 6e'e )t'ictl1 o*t-
B*t i3 the'e7) no )e<% 6hat 5o 1o* 5o 6ith 3e+ale cha'acte')9 The1 can7t ha&e 2a))ion) an5
3eelin()- The1 can7t 2a'tici2ate on e:*al te'+) 6ith +ale cha'acte') ,eca*)e that 6o*l5 int'o5*ce too +an1
co+2lication) 6he'e )o+e )o't o3 )e< +i(ht c'ee2 in- The ,e)t thin( to 5o 6a) to 4ee2 the+ a'o*n5 in the
,ac4('o*n5% allo6in( the+ to )c'ea+ in te''o'% to ,e ca*(ht an5 then 'e)c*e5% an5% at the en5% to )+ile
2'ettil1 at the he'o- ?It can ,e 5one )a3el1 then ,eca*)e THE END i) the *ni&e')al 'e)c*e-@
Yet it +*)t ,e a5+itte5 that )cience 3iction +a(aAine) )ho6e5 no (*t) 6hat)oe&e' in 3i(htin( thi)
)it*ation- That ,'in() *) to the 2e')onal 'ea)on- In the .F0E) an5 .FME)% the 'ea5e')hi2 o3 the )cience 3iction
+a(aAine) 6a) hea&il1 ?al+o)t e<cl*)i&el1% in 3act@ +a)c*line- "hat7) +o'e it 6a) 1o*n(-an5-intellect*al
+a)c*line- The )te'eot12ical )cience 3iction 'ea5e' 6a) a )4inn1 4i5 6ith (la))e) an5 acne% int'o&e'te5 an5
)ca2e(oate5 ,1 the to*(h 4i5) 6ho )*''o*n5e5 hi+ an5 6e'e 'i(htl1 )*)2icio*) o3 an1one 6ho 4ne6 ho6
to 'ea5-
It )tan5) to 'ea)on the)e 1o*n()te') 4ne6 nothin( a,o*t (i'l)- B1 an5 la'(e% I i+a(ine the1 5i5n7t
5a'e a22'oach the+% an5 i3 the1 5i5% 6e'e 'e8ecte5 ,1 the+ )co'n3*ll1% an5 i3 the1 6e'en7t% 5i5n7t 4no6
6hat to 5o ne<t- So 6h1 on Ea'th )ho*l5 the1 6ant thi) )t'an(e )*,-)2ecie) in the )to'ie) the1 'ea59 The1
ha5 not 1et (otten o*t o3 the =I hate ?t'an)lation: =I7+ )ca'e5 o3>@ (i'l)> )ta(e-
Thi) i) an e<a((e'ation% 2e'ha2)% an5 no 5o*,t the'e 6e'e a n*+,e' o3 to*(h 1o*n( +en an5 (i'l-
cha)in( 1o*n( +en 6ho 'ea5 )cience 3iction% ,*t ,1 an5 la'(e% I )*)2ect it 6a) the )te'eot12ical =)4inn1
intellect*al> 6ho 6'ote lette') to the +a(aAine) an5 5eno*nce5 an1 int'*)ion o3 3e+ininit1- I 4no6- I 6'ote
)*ch lette') +1)el3- An5 in the 5a1) 6hen I 6a) 'ea5in( an5 'atin( e&e'1 )cience 3iction )to'1 6'itten% I
'o*tinel1 5e5*cte5 +an1 2oint) 3o' an1 int'*)ion o3 'o+ance% ho6e&e' )anitiAe5 it +i(ht ,e-
At the ti+e I 6'ote an5 )ol5 +1 3i')t 3e6 )to'ie)% I ha5 not 1et ha5 a 5ate 6ith a 1o*n( 6o+an- I
4ne6 nothin( a,o*t the+ e<ce2t 6hat I co*l5 (*e)) ,1 )*''e2titio*) (lance) 3'o+ a 5i)tance- Nat*'all1%
the'e 6e'e no 6o+en in +1 )to'ie)-
?I once 'ecei&e5 a lette' 3'o+ a 6o+an 6ho 5eno*nce5 +e 3o' thi) lac4- H*+,l1% I 6'ote ,ac4 to
e<2lain the 'ea)on% )tatin( that I 6a)% &e'1 lite'all1% an innocent a) 3a' a) 6o+en 6e'e conce'ne5 at the
,e(innin( o3 +1 6'itin( ca'ee'- She ha5 a (oo5 an)6e' 3o' that% too- She 6'ote ,ac4 in lette') o3 3la+e%
=That7) no e<c*)e$>@
B*t ti+e) chan(e$
Fo' one thin(% )ociet1 chan(e5- The ,'eath o3 li,e't1 ,'o*(ht on ,1 all the tal4 a,o*t it 5*'in(
"o'l5 "a' II 6ea4ene5 the cen)o'% 6ho 'et'eate5% +*tte'in( )o*'l1 *n5e' hi) ,'eath- The co+in( o3 the
2ill he'al5e5 the li,e'ation o3 6o+en 3'o+ *n6ante5 2'e(nanc1% an5 +a'4e5 the 6ea4enin( o3 the 5o*,le
Fo' anothe'% 2eo2le will ('o6 *2- E&en I 5i5n7t 'e+ain innocent- I act*all1 6ent o*t on a 5ate on
+1 t6entieth ,i'th5a1- I +et a 2a'tic*la' 6o+an t6o 1ea') late'% 3ell in lo&e at 3i')t )i(ht% an5 all t'ace o3
3ea' )*55enl1 le3t +e- I 6a) +a''ie5 3i&e +onth) late' an5 1o*75 ,e surprised ho6 I chan(e5$ I ha&e in +1
2'o*5 2o))e))ion a 2la:*e han5e5 +e ,1 a )cience 3iction con&ention- On the ,'a)) 2late i) in)c'i,e5 that
:*alit1 o3 +ine that ha5 ea'ne5 +e the 2la:*e- It 'ea5) =Lo&a,le Leche'->
An5 1et )cience 3iction la((e5 a ,it% I thin4- Ol5 ha,it) 5i5n7t chan(e ea)il1- 1 o6n )to'ie)% 3o'
in)tance% 'e+aine5 3'ee o3 )e< e<ce2t 6he'e it 6a) an inte('al 2a't o3 the 5e&elo2+ent an5 then onl1 to that
e<tent% an5 still )o 'e+ain- I ha&e (otten 'i5 o3 +1 3ea' ?6itne)) +1 3i&e &ol*+e) o3 na*(ht1 li+e'ic4)@% ,*t
not o3 +1 )en)e o3 5eco'*+-
"hat% then% 'eall1 ,'o*(ht on the chan(e an5 ,'o*(ht )cience 3iction +o'e nea'l1 into the
+ain)t'ea+ o3 conte+2o'a'1 lite'at*'e9
In +1 o2inion% it 6a) not chie3l1 )ocial e&ol*tionC it 6a) not the 5a'in( ne6 6'ite')C not the
R*))e) an5 LeG*in)-
It 6a) the co+in( o3 6o+en into the )cience 3iction 'ea5e')hi2$
I3 )cience 3iction 'ea5e') ha5 'e+aine5 al+o)t enti'el1 +a)c*line--e&en ha5 the acne clea'e5 *2
an5 the 1o*th 6ithe'e5--I thin4 )cience 3iction 6o*l5 ha&e 'e+aine5 +ale cha*&ini)t in the c'*5e)t 2o))i,le
No6a5a1)% I hone)tl1 thin4 that at lea)t a thi'5% an5 2o))i,l1 nea'l1 hal3 the )cience 3iction 'ea5e')
a'e 6o+en- "hen that i) )o% an5 6hen it i) 'eco(niAe5 that 6o+en a'e at lea)t a) a'tic*late a) +en an5
?the)e 5a1)@ :*ite 'ea51 to 5eno*nce +ale cha*&ini)+ an5 to 5e+an5 t'eat+ent a) h*+an ,ein()% it
,eco+e) i+2o))i,le to contin*e &illain1-
E&en " ha&e to ,o6 to the ,'eath o3 5ecenc1- In +1 ne6 no&el% Foundation.s $d*e, o3 +1 )e&en
cent'al cha'acte')% 3o*' a'e 6o+en--all 5i33e'ent% all 2e'3ectl1 a,le to ta4e ca'e o3 the+)el&e)% an5 all
3o'+i5a,le- ?Fo' that +atte'% I int'o5*ce5 S*)an Cal&in in .FME% an5 )he )t'o5e th'o*(h a +an7) 6o'l5%
a)4in( no :*a'te'% an5 ce'tainl1 (i&in( none- I 8*)t tho*(ht I75 +ention that-@
An5 6hat ,'o*(ht in the 6o+en 'ea5e')9 I )*22o)e the'e a'e a la'(e n*+,e' o3 'ea)on)% ,*t I ha&e
one that I 3a&o'- It7) '- S2oc47) ea')-
The'e i) no :*e)tion in +1 +in5 that the 3i')t e<a+2le o3 5ecent )cience 3iction that (aine5 a +a))
3ollo6in( 6a) the tele&i)ion )ho6 )tar Tre!, nea'l1 t6ent1 1ea') a(o- Fo' a 6on5e'% it att'acte5 a) +an1
6o+en a) +en- I 5on7t )*22o)e the'e i) 'oo+ to 5o*,t that 6hat chie3l1 )e'&e5 to att'act tho)e 6o+en 6a)
the *n3la22a,le '- S2oc4- An5 3o' )o+e 'ea)on I 6on7t 2'eten5 to (*e)) at% the1 6e'e int'i(*e5 ,1 hi)
#e'1 3e6 o3 the =T'e44ie)> lea4e5 o&e' into 2'int )cience 3iction ? o' all the +a(aAine) 6o*l5 ha&e
('o6n 'ich@% ,*t a +ino' 2e'centa(e 5i5 an5 that 6a) eno*(h to 3e+iniAe the 'ea5e')hi2 o3 the )cience
3iction +a(aAine)- An5 I thin4 that 6a) all to the (oo5% too-
"ith )o +an1 6o+en th*+,in( the +a(aAine)% 6o+en 6'ite') 6e'e nat*'all1 +o'e 6elco+e an5
thei' &ie62oint) ('eete5 6ith ('eate' 'ea5e' )1+2ath1--an5 6o+en e5ito') +a5e +o'e )en)e% too-
Don7t (et +e 6'on(- The'e 6e'e 6o+en 6'ite') e&en in the ea'l1 5a1) o3 +a(aAine )cience
3iction% an5 6o+en e5ito')% too- "hen I 6a) 1o*n(% )o+e o3 +1 3a&o'ite )to'ie) 6e'e ,1 A- R- Lon( an5 ,1
Le)lie F- Stone- I 5i5n7t 4no6 the1 6e'e 6o+en% ,*t the1 6e'e- In a55ition% a'1 Gnae5in(e'% Bea
aha33e1% an5 Cele Gol5)+ith 6e'e e<cellent e5ito')- I ne&e' +et )- Gnae5in(e'% ,*t I 5i5 +eet Bea an5
Cele an5 I he'e,1 te)ti31 that in a55ition to lot) o3 ,'ain)% cha'acte'% an5 2e')onalit1% the1 each ha22ene5 to
,e ,ea*ti3*l- ?I''ele&ant% I 4no6% ,*t I tho*(ht I 6o*l5 +ention it-@
Con)e:*entl1% 6hen Geo'(e Scithe') le3t *)% I 3o*n5 it 5eli(ht3*l that !athleen olone1 a('ee5 to
,e the ne6 e5ito'- It ne&e' occ*''e5 to +e 3o' an in)tant that a 6o+an co*l5n7t han5le the 8o, 8*)t ,eca*)e
)he 6a) a 6o+an an5% a) a +atte' o3 3act% !athleen too4 to it 6ith a 4in5 o3 'a,i5 5eli(ht- She int'o5*ce5
inte'e)tin( chan(e) an5 )ta+2e5 he' 2e')onalit1 on the +a(aAine-
B*t then% the'e ca+e alon( the all-too-3'e:*ent &illain in )*ch ca)e)% the o33e'-one-can7t-'e3*)e- It
+a1 ha&e ,een !athleen7) 2e'3o'+ance he'e that a'o*)e5 inte'e)t in othe' 2*,li)hin( ho*)e) an5--6ell% one
can7t t*'n 5o6n a chance to a5&ance in one7) cho)en 2'o3e))ion% )o 6e lo)t !athleen-
An5 1et all i) not lo)t% eithe'- I ha&e on n*+e'o*) occa)ion) +entione5 the cha'+in( Sha6na
cCa'th1% 6ho i) a) )ha'2 a) a )cal2el% an5 6ho i) *ni&e')all1 li4e5 3o' the e<cellent 'ea)on that )he i)
*ni&e')all1 li4a,le- I li4e he'-
Sha6na )e'&e5 3aith3*ll1 a) 'i(ht-han5 2e')on 3i')t to Geo'(e% an5 then to !athleen- In the
2'oce))% )he lea'ne5 e&e'1 3acet o3 the e5itin( ,*)ine)) an5 5e&elo2e5 ?than4 (oo5ne))@ the a+,ition to
hol5 the to2 2o)ition-
So 6hen !athleen le3t% I )ai5% =It ha) to ,e Sha6na = an5 e&e'1one a('ee5 6ith +e% e)2eciall1
An5 he'e )he i)- Rea5e')--3e+ale an5 +ale--I (i&e 1o* Sha6na$
&$L"'"%N AN1 )C"$NC$ F"CT"%N
IN THE NO#EMBER, *%'- ISSUE OF Asimo.s, the co&e' )to'1 6a) =The Go)2el Acco'5in( to Ga+aliel
C'*ci) = ,1 that e<cellent 6'ite'% ichael Bi)ho2- It 5ealt 6ith a )en)iti&e )*,8ect--the co+in( o3 a )a&io'%
o'% in e33ect% the )econ5 co+in( o3 Ch'i)t-
"hat +a4e) it e&en +o'e e33ecti&e a) a )cience 3iction )to'1 i) that the )a&io' i) an e<t'ate''e)t'ial%
an5 not a 2a'tic*la'l1 att'acti&e one to o*' h*+an e1e) )ince )he ?$@ i) a (iant +anti)- Thi) i) enti'el1
le(iti+ate% it )ee+) to +e% )ince i3 the'e i) othe' li3e in the *ni&e')e% e)2eciall1 intelli(ent li3e% one 6o*l5
e<2ect that a t'*l1 *ni&e')al Go5 6o*l5 ,e a) conce'ne5 3o' the+ a) 3o' *)% an5 6o*l5 totall1 5i)'e(a'5
2h1)ical )ha2e )ince it i) onl1 the =)o*l%> that inne' intellect*al an5 +o'al i5entit1% that co*nt)-
"hat i) +o'e% Bi)ho2 5eci5e5 to +a4e the )to'1 +o'e 2o6e'3*l ,1 ca)tin( it into a ,i,lical )ha2e%
5i&i5in( it into cha2te') an5 &e')e) an5 +a4in( *)e o3 a to*ch o3 )*ita,le ,i,lical 6o'5in(-
The 'e)*lt 6a) a tour de force 6hich 6e o,&io*)l1 con)i5e'e5 :*ite )*cce))3*l% o' 6e 6o*l5 not
ha&e 2*,li)he5 it- Still 6e 6e'e 2'e2a'e5 3o' the 3act that )o+e 'ea5e') +i(ht 3eel *nea)1 6ith% o' e&en
o33en5e5 ,1% the )*,8ect +atte' an5Ho' )t1le-
One lette' 6a) :*ite an('1% in5ee5- The 6'ite' 6a) =)t'on(l1 5i)2lea)e5> an5 con)i5e'e5 it =a
,*'le):*e o3 the )c'i2t*'e)> an5% 3in5in( no othe' &al*e to the )to'1% con)i5e'e5 it to ha&e ,een 6'itten an5
2*,li)he5 onl1 3o' the )a4e o3 the ,*'le):*e-
Thi) can ,e a'(*e5 6ith% o3 co*')e% ,*t ne&e' enti'el1 )ettle5- I3 a 'ea5e' )ee) in it onl1 ,*'le):*e%
he o' )he can )ca'cel1 ,e a'(*e5 o*t o3 it- The'e 6ill al6a1) ,e 5i33e'ence) o3 o2inion% o3ten ,a)e5 *2on
e+otion 'athe' than 'ea)on% 6ith 'e(a'5 to the &al*e o3 an1 6o'4 o3 a't-
B*t the'e i) )o+ethin( +o'e (ene'al he'e- The'e i) the +atte' o3 ho6 )cience 3iction o*(ht to 5eal
6ith 'eli(ion% e)2eciall1 our 'eli(ion- ?Fe6 2eo2le 6o''1 &e'1 +*ch a,o*t ho6 )o+e othe' 'eli(ion i)
han5le5% )ince onl1 o*' o6n i) the t'*e one-@
No one 6ant) to o33en5 2eo2le *nnece))a'il1% an5 'eli(ion i) a to*ch1 )*,8ect% a) 6e all 4no6- In
that ca)e% +i(ht it not ,e ,e)t )i+2l1 to a&oi5 'eli(io*) an(le) alto(ethe' in 6'itin( )cience 3iction9 A) o*'
an('1 co''e)2on5ent )a1)% =I )*((e)t---that o33en5in( an1 )*,)tantial 'eli(io*) ('o*2 i) not the 6a1 to 6in
3'ien5) o' )ell +a(aAine)->
Ye)% 6e 4no6 that% an5 )ince 6e do 6ant to 6in 3'ien5) an5 )ell +a(aAine)% 6e 6o*l5 not
4no6in(l1 (o o*t o3 o*' 6a1 to e+,a''a)) an5 h*+iliate e&en non-)*,)tantial ('o*2) o3 o*' 'ea5e') 8*)t 3o'
the 3*n o3 it-
B*t 6e a'e al)o e5itin( a )e'io*) )cience 3iction +a(aAine that% 6e ea'ne)tl1 ho2e% incl*5e) )to'ie)
o3 lite'a'1 &al*e% an5 it i) the &e'1 e))ence o3 lite'at*'e that it con)i5e' the ('eat i5ea) an5 conce'n) o3
h*+an hi)to'1- S*'el1 that co+2le< o3 i5ea) that (oe) *n5e' the hea5 o3 ='eli(ion> i) one o3 the +o)t
cent'al an5 e))ential% an5 it 6o*l5 ,e 'athe' a )ha+e to ha&e it 5ecla'e5 o*t o3 ,o*n5)- In 3act% 3o' a
+a(aAine to )el3-cen)o' it)el3 o*t o3 5i)c*))in( 'eli(ion 6o*l5 ,e to ,o6 to tho)e 3o'ce) that 5on7t 'eall1
,elie&e in o*' con)tit*tional (*a'antee o3 3'ee5o+ o3 )2eech an5 2'e))- I3 6e 6e'e to 5o )o% 6e 6o*l5 ,e% in
a &e'1 5ee2 )en)e% *n-A+e'ican-
Be)i5e)% i3 6e 6e'e to t'1 to a&oi5 thi) &e'1 to*ch1 )*,8ect 6he'e 5o 6e )to29 I ten5 to i(no'e
'eli(ion in +1 o6n )to'ie) alto(ethe'% e<ce2t 6hen I a,)ol*tel1 ha&e to ha&e it- "ell% I a,)ol*tel1 ha5 to
ha&e it in )o+e o3 +1 ea'l1 Fo*n5ation )to'ie) an5 in =Ni(ht3all%> an5 )o I +a5e *)e o3 it- An5% 6hene&e' I
,'in( in a 'eli(io*) +oti3% that 'eli(ion i) ,o*n5 to )ee+ &a(*el1 Ch'i)tian ,eca*)e that i) the onl1 'eli(ion
I 4no6 an1thin( a,o*t% e&en tho*(h it i) not +ine- An *n)1+2athetic 'ea5e' +i(ht thin4 I a+
=,*'le):*in(> Ch'i)tianit1% ,*t I a+ not-
Then% too% it i) i+2o))i,le to 6'ite )cience 3iction an5 really i(no'e 'eli(ion- "hat i3 6e 3in5
intelli(ent ,ein() on othe' 6o'l5)- Do they ha&e a 'eli(ion9 I) o*' Go5 *ni&e')al% an5 i) heH)heHit thei' Go5
a) 6ell9 "hat 5o 6e 5o a,o*t it9 "hat 5o the1 5o a,o*t it9
Thi) 2oint i) al+o)t ne&e' ta4en *2 ,*t% )ince it 6o*l5 ce'tainl1 a'i)e i3 )*ch ,ein() 6e'e
5i)co&e'e5 in act*al 3act% )cience 3iction lo)e) to*ch 6ith 'ealit1 in ta4in( the ea)1 6a1 o*t an5 2'eten5in(
'eli(ion 5oe)n7t e<i)t-
O'% con)i5e' ti+e-t'a&el- I 5on7t 4no6 ho6 +an1 )to'ie) ha&e ,een 6'itten a,o*t 2eo2le (oin(
,ac4 in ti+e to 4ee2 Lincoln 3'o+ ,ein( a))a))inate5% ,*t ho6 a,o*t 2eo2le (oin( ,ac4 in ti+e to 4ee2
;e)*) 3'o+ ,ein( c'*ci3ie59 S*'el1 that ('eate' 3eat 6o*l5 occ*' to )o+eone in act*al 3act% i3 ti+e-t'a&el
6e'e 2o))i,le-
Thin4 o3 the chan(e) that co*l5 ,e '*n( on )*ch a the+e- I3 ;e)*) 6e'e 'e)c*e5 6hile on hi) 6a1
to the )ite o3 c'*ci3i<ion% an5 i3 the 'e)c*e 6e'e +a5e ,1 +o5e'n technolo(1--a helico2te' o' )o+ethin(
+o'e a5&ance5% 6hile the Ro+an )ol5ie') 6e'e hel5 o33 ,1 'i3le-3i'e at the &e'1 lea)t--6o*l5 it not )ee+ to
the 2eo2le o3 the ti+e that )*2e'nat*'al 3o'ce) 6e'e 'e)c*in( ;e)*)9 "o*l5 it not )ee+ that an(el) 6e'e
co+in( to the ai5 o3 a t'*e )a&io'9 "o*l5 it not e)ta,li)h Ch'i)tianit1 a) the t'*e 'eli(ion at once9
O' 6o*l5 it9 Clea'l1% it 6a) Go57) 5i&ine 2*'2o)e ?a))*+in( the Go5 o3 the Bi,le e<i)t)@ to ha&e
the c'*ci3i<ion ta4e 2lace in o'5e' that ;e)*) )e'&e a) a 5i&ine atone+ent 3o' A5a+7) )in- "o*l5 the
)*,&e')ion o3 thi) 2lan ,e allo6e5 to ta4e 2lace9
It7) a nice 5ile++a% an5 it i) 6ithin the 2'o&ince o3 le(iti+ate )cience 3iction- Yet 6ho ha) e&e'
con)i5e'e5 6'itin( )*ch a )to'1% e&en tho*(h it 6o*l5 (i&e *) a chance to 5eal 6ith 6hat +an1 con)i5e' the
cent'al e&ent o3 hi)to'19 The )to'1 6o*l5 ,e an e<t'e+el1 5i33ic*lt one to 6'ite% an5 I 6o*l5n7t 3eel *2 to it
+1)el3% ,*t I thin4 it i) 2'i+a'il1 )el3-cen)o')hi2 that 4ee2) it 3'o+ ,ein( 6'itten-
Fo' that +atte'% 6hat i3 6e 6ent ,ac4 in ti+e an5 3o*n5 that the ,i,lical ;e)*) ne&e' e<i)te59
The +e'e e<i)tence o3 ti+e-t'a&el +a4e) all the)e )2ec*lation) i''e)i)ti,le% )o i) it 2o))i,le that
&e'1 'eli(io*) 2eo2le +i(ht o,8ect to ti+e-t'a&el the+e)% an5 call the+ ,la)2he+o*)% )i+2l1 ,eca*)e o3 the
2o))i,ilitie) the1 (i&e 'i)e to9
The co''e)2on5ent )a1) in hi) lette'% =D'- A)i+o&% I 4no6 that 1o* a'e an athei)t--> an5 the'e +a1
,e the i+2lication that ,eca*)e o3 thi) I a+ in)en)iti&e to the 3eelin() o3 'eli(ioni)t)% o' 2e'ha2) e&en
an<io*) to +a4e the+ )ee+ 'i5ic*lo*)-
A) a +atte' o3 3act% I ha&e 3'e:*entl1% in +1 6'itin()% +a5e it clea' that I ha&e ne&e' enco*nte'e5
an1 con&incin( e&i5ence o3 the e<i)tence o3 the ,i,lical Go5% an5 that I a+ inca2a,le o3 acce2tin( that
e<i)tence on 3aith alone- That +a4e) +e an athei)t% ,*t% altho*(h thi) +a1 )*'2'i)e )o+e A+e'ican)% the
Con)tit*tion )a3e(*a'5) +1 'i(ht to ,e one an5 to 2'oclai+ +1)el3 one-
Ne&e'thele))% altho*(h I a+ an athei)t% I a+ not a 2'o)el1tiAin( oneC I a+ not a +i))iona'1C I 5o
not t'eat athei)+ a) a 4in5 o3 t'*e 3aith that I +*)t 3o'ce on e&e'1one- A3te' all% I ha&e 2*,li)he5 +o'e than
al+o)t an1one% a,o*t /E%EEE%EEE 6o'5) )o 3a'% an5 I ha&e 3'e:*entl1 5i)c*))e5 cont'o&e')ial 2'o,le+)-
Yo* a'e 3'ee to (o th'o*(h +1 6'itin() an5 )ea'ch 3o' an1 )i(n that I 'i5ic*le 'eli(ion a) )*ch- I ha&e
o22o)e5 tho)e 2eo2le 6ho attac4 le(iti+ate )cienti3ic 3in5in() ?e&ol*tion% a) an e<a+2le@ in the na+e o3
'eli(ion% an5 6ho 5o )o 6itho*t e&i5ence% o' ?6o')e 1et@ 6ith 5i)to'te5 an5 3al)e e&i5ence- I 5on7t con)i5e'
the+ t'*e 'eli(ioni)t)% ho6e&e'% an5 I a+ ca'e3*l to 2oint o*t that the1 5i)('ace 'eli(ion% an5 a'e a ('eate'
5an(e' to hone)t 'eli(ion than to )cience-
An5 )*22o)e I 6e'en7t an athei)t- 1 2a'ent) 6e'e ;e6i)h an5 I +i(ht ha&e ,een ,'o*(ht *2 an
O'tho5o< ;e6% o' ,eco+e one o3 +1 o6n &olition- i(ht it then ,e a'(*e5 that I 6o*l5 nat*'all1 3a&o' an1
)to'1 ,*'le):*in( Ch'i)tianit19
O' )*22o)e I 6e'e a etho5i)tC 6o*l5 I the'e3o'e loo4 3o' )to'ie) that ,*'le):*e5 ;*5ai)+% o'
Catholici)+--o' athei)+9
I3 I 6e'e in the +oo5 to '*n thi) +a(aAine in )*ch a 6a1 a) to o33en5 =an1 )*,)tantial 'eli(io*)
('o*2> I 6o*l5n7t ha&e to ,e an athei)t- I co*l5 5o it i3 I 6e'e an1thin( at all% 2'o&i5e5 onl1 that I 6e'e a
,i(ot% o' an i5iot% o' ,oth-
In act*al 3act% I a+ neithe' an5 a(ain% I o33e' +1 collecte5 6'itin() a) e&i5ence- A) 3o' Sha6na%
)he 5oe)n7t ha&e a )i+ila' ,o51 o3 6'itten 6o'4) to cite ,*t% i3 I +a1 )e'&e a) cha'acte' 6itne))% I can tell
1o* 'i(ht no6 )he i) ce'tainl1 not a ,i(ot% an5 a h*n5'e5 ti+e) ce'tainl1 not an i5iot-
Nee5le)) to )a1% I a+ )o''1 that o*' co''e)2on5ent 6a) *2)et ,1 =The Go)2el Acco'5in( to
Ga+aliel C'*ci)-> I3 6e li&e5 in an i5eal 6o'l5% 6e 6o*l5 ne&e' 2*,li)h an1 )to'1 that *2)et anyone. In thi)
ca)e% tho*(h% 6e ha5 to choo)e- On the one han5% 6e ha5 a 'e+a'4a,le )to'1 that con)i5e'e5% :*ite
3ea'le))l1% an i+2o'tant i5ea% an5 6e 3elt that +o)t 'ea5e') 6o*l5 'eco(niAe thi) 2oint--i3 not at once then
*2on +at*'e con)i5e'ation- On the othe' han5% 6e ha5 a )to'1 that +i(ht o33en5 )o+e o3 o*' 'ea5e')-
"e +a5e the choice- "e 2*t :*alit1 an5 i+2o'tance ahea5 o3 the chance o3 )o+e o33ence- "e
ho2e that o*' an('1 co''e)2on5ent 6ill con)i5e' the +atte' a(ain an5 )ee that the )to'1 i) 3a' +o'e than a
,*'le):*e- He +i(ht e&en (i&e Bi)ho2 2oint) 3o' )4ill an5 co*'a(e-
I HA#E OFTEN SAID, IN SPEAKING an5 in 6'itin(% that the :*ali3ie5 )cience 3iction 6'ite' a&oi5) the
)cienti3icall1 i+2o))i,le- Yet I can7t ,'in( +1)el3 to +a4e that '*le an a,)ol*te one% ,eca*)e the'e a'e )o+e
2lot 5e&ice) that o33e' )*ch 5'a+atic 2o))i,ilitie) that 6e a'e 3o'ce5 to o&e'loo4 the *tte' i+2la*)i,ilitie)
that a'e in&ol&e5- The +o)t (la'in( e<a+2le o3 thi) i) ti+e-t'a&el-
The'e a'e in3inite to't*o)itie) one can ,'in( to 2lot 5e&elo2+ent i3 onl1 1o* allo6 1o*' cha'acte')
to +o&e alon( the ti+e a<i)% an5 I% 3o' one% can7t 'e)i)t the+% )o that I ha&e 6'itten a n*+,e' o3 ti+e-t'a&el
)to'ie)% incl*5in( one no&el% The $nd of $ternity.
Yo* can (et a6a1 6ith a 4in5 o3 5il*te5 ti+e-t'a&el )to'1% i3 1o* ha&e 1o*' cha'acte' +o&e in the
5i'ection 6e all +o&e--3'o+ 2'e)ent to 3*t*'e--an5 )*)2en5 the *)*al con)cio*)ne)) that acco+2anie) the
+o&e ,1 ha&in( hi+ ?2lea)e *n5e')tan5 that% 3o' conci)ene)) I a+ *)in( =hi+> a) a )ho'than5 )1+,ol 3o'
=hi+ o' he'>@ )lee2 a6a1 a lon( 2e'io5 o3 ti+e% a) Ri2 &an "in4le 5i5% o'% ,ette'% ha&in( hi+ 3'oAen 3o' an
in5e3inite 2e'io5 at li:*i5 nit'o(en te+2e'at*'e)- Bette' )till% 1o* +i(ht +a4e *)e o3 'elati&i)tic notion) an5
ha&e 1o*' cha'acte' +o&e into the 3*t*'e ,1 ha&in( hi) )*,8ecti&e ti+e )lo6e5 th'o*(h +otion at )2ee5)
clo)e to that o3 li(ht% o' +otion th'o*(h an eno'+o*)l1 inten)e ('a&itational 3iel5-
The)e a'e 2la*)i,le 5e&ice) that 5o not 5o 5a+a(e to the )t'*ct*'e o3 the Uni&e')e% ,*t the1 a'e
one-6a1 +otion)% 6ith no 'et*'n 2o))i,le- I 5i5 it in >e##le in the )!y altho*(h I +a5e *)e o3 an *n4no6n
?an5 *n)2eci3ie5@ nat*'al la6 in&ol&in( n*clea' 3i))ion% 6hich 6a) then :*ite ne6- Thi) 6a) a 6ea4ne)) in
the 2lot% ,*t I (ot 2a)t it in the 3i')t co*2le o3 2a(e) an5 ne&e' ,'o*(ht it *2 a(ain )o I ho2e5 no one 6o*l5
notice it- ?Ala)% +an1 5i5-@
The )a+e 5e&ice can ,e *)e5 to +a4e 'e2eate5 8*+2)% al6a1) into the 3*t*'e% o' to ,'in( )o+eone
3'o+ the 2a)t into the 2'e)ent-
Once 1o* ha&e a 5e&ice that )en5) )o+eone into the 3*t*'e% ho6e&e'% it i) a)4in( too +*ch o3
6'ite'-nat*'e not to *)e )o+e 5e&ice--)*ch a) a ,lo6 on the hea5--to )en5 a 2e')on into the 2a)t- ?a'4
T6ain 5oe) it in = A Connectic*t Yan4ee at !in( A'th*'7) Co*'t->@ Fo' that% the'e i) )o+e )cienti3ic
8*)ti3ication at the )*,ato+ic le&el% 6he'e in5i&i5*al 2a'ticle) a'e in&ol&e5 an5 ent'o21 con)i5e'ation) a'e
a,)ent- Fo' o'5ina'1 o,8ect)% 6he'e ent'o21 is in&ol&e5% the'e i) none-
B*t all one-)hot chan(e) in eithe' 5i'ection a'e onl1 5e&ice) to )ta't the )to'1% 6hich then *)*all1
2'ocee5) in a co+2letel1 ti+e,o*n5 3a)hion- That7) not the t'*e% o' 2*'e% ti+e-t'a&el )to'1- In t'*e ti+e-
t'a&el% the cha'acte') can +o&e% at 6ill% ,ac4 an5 3o'th in ti+e- No' i) it 3ai' i3 thi) i) 5one th'o*(h
)*2e'nat*'al inte'&ention a) in Cha'le) Dic4en)7) A Christmas Carol. It +*)t ,e 5one ,1 an a'ti3icial 5e&ice
*n5e' the cont'ol o3 a h*+an ,ein(-
The 3i')t t'*e ti+e-t'a&el )to'1 6a) H- G- "ell)7) The Time Machine, 2*,li)he5 in .IFG- "ell)%
6ho 6a) 2'o,a,l1 the ,e)t )cience 3iction 6'ite' o3 all ti+e TI3 othe')% )ince% )ee+ to ha&e 'eache5 ('eate'
hei(ht)% it i) onl1 ,eca*)e the1 )tan5 on "ell7) )ho*l5e')-U% ca'e3*ll1 e<2laine5 the 'ationale ,ehin5 it- It
'e:*i'e) 3o*' 5i+en)ion) to locate an o,8ect: it i) )o+e6he'e on the no'th-)o*th a<i)% )o+e6he'e on the
ea)t-6e)t a<i)% )o+e6he'e on the *2-5o6n a<i)% an5 )o+e6he'e on the 2a)t-3*t*'e a<i)- It e<i)t) not onl1 in
a ce'tain 2oint o3 th'ee-5i+en)ional )2ace ,*t at a ce'tain in)tant o3 ti+e- A +e'el1 th'ee-5i+en)ional
o,8ect i) a) +*ch a +athe+atical a,)t'action a) i) a t6o-5i+en)ional 2lane% o' a one-5i+en)ional line% o' a
Ae'o-5i+en)ional 2oint- S*22o)e 1o* con)i5e'e5 the G'eat "all o3 China a) e<i)tin( 3o' Ae'o ti+e an5
the'e3o'e con)i)tin( o3 th'ee 5i+en)ion) onl1- It 6o*l5 then not e<i)t at all an5 1o* co*l5 6al4 th'o*(h it)
)*22o)e5 2o)ition at an1 ti+e-
Since 5*'ation i) a 5i+en)ion li4e hei(ht% 6i5th% an5 thic4ne))% an5 )ince 6e can t'a&el at 6ill
no'th an5 )o*th% ea)t an5 6e)t% an5 ?i3 onl1 ,1 8*+2in(@ *2 an5 5o6n% 6h1 )ho*l5n7t 6e al)o t'a&el
1e)te'6a'5 an5 to+o''o66a'5 a) )oon a) 6e 6o'4 o*t a 5e&ice 3o' the 2*'2o)e9
That 6a) .IFG% 'e+e+,e'% an5 "ell)7) anal1)i) at that ti+e ha5 )o+e )ha5o6 o3 8*)ti3ication- B*t
then% in .FEG% ca+e Ein)tein7) )2ecial theo'1 o3 'elati&it1% an5 it ,eca+e clea' that ti+e i) a 5i+en)ion ,*t
it i) not li4e the th'ee )2atial 5i+en)ion)% an5 it can7t ,e t'eate5 a) tho*(h it 6e'e-
An5 1et "ell)7) a'(*+ent 6a) )o 6innin( an5 the 2lot) it +a5e 2o))i,le )o enticin( that )cience
3iction 6'ite') (ene'all1 8*)t i(no'e Ein)tein an5 3ollo6 "ell)- ?. 5o )o +1)el3 in The $nd of $ternity. @
The 5ea5 (i&ea6a1 that t'*e ti+e-t'a&el i) 3latl1 i+2o))i,le a'i)e) 3'o+ the 6ell-4no6n
=2a'a5o<e)> it entail)- The cla))ic e<a+2le i) ="hat i3 1o* (o ,ac4 into the 2a)t an5 4ill 1o*' ('an53athe'
6hen he 6a) )till a little ,o19> In that ca)e% 1o* )ee% the +*'5e'e' 6a) ne&e' ,o'n% )o 6ho 4ille5 the little
B*t 1o* 5on7t nee5 an1thin( )o 5'a)tic- "hat i3 1o* (o ,ac4 an5 chan(e an1 o3 the +an1 )+all
ite+) that +a5e it 2o))i,le 3o' 1o*' 3athe' an5 +othe' to +eet% o' to 3all in lo&e a3te' the1 +et% o' to +a''1
a3te' the1 3all in lo&e- S*22o)e 1o* +e'el1 inte'3e'e5 6ith the c'*cial +o+ent o3 )e< an5 ha5 it ha22en the
ne<t e&enin(% o' 2e'ha2) 8*)t 3i&e +in*te) late' than it 5i5% )o that anothe' )2e'+ 3e'tiliAe5 the o&*+ 'athe'
than the one that )ho*l5 ha&e- That% too% 6o*l5 +ean the 2e')on co++ittin( the act 6o*l5 ne&e' co+e into
e<i)tence% )o 6ho 6o*l5 co++it the act9
In 3act% to (o into the 2a)t an5 5o anythin* 6o*l5 chan(e a ('eat 5eal o3 6hat 3ollo6e5 2e'ha2)
e&e'1thin( that 3ollo6e5- So co+2le< an5 ho2ele)) a'e the 2a'a5o<e) that 3ollo6% )o 6hole)ale i) the
annihilation o3 an1 'ea)ona,le conce2t o3 ca*)alit1% that the ea)ie)t 6a1 o*t o3 the i''ational chao) that
'e)*lt) i) to )*22o)e that t'*e ti+e-t'a&el i)% an5 3o'e&e' 6ill ,e% i+2o))i,le-
Ho6e&e'% an1 5i)c*))ion o3 thi) (et) )o 2hilo)o2hical that I lo)e 2atience an5 6o*l5 'athe'
con)i5e' )o+ethin( )i+2le'-
S*22o)e 1o* (et into a ti+e +achine an5 t'a&el t6ent1-3o*' ho*') into the 3*t*'e- The a))*+2tion
i) that 1o* a'e t'a&elin( onl1 in the ti+e 5i+en)ion% an5 that the th'ee )2atial 5i+en)ion) a'e *nchan(e5-
Ho6e&e'% a) i) 2e'3ectl1 o,&io*)% Ea'th i) +o&in( th'o*(h the th'ee 5i+en)ion) in a &e'1 co+2le< 6a1-
The 2oint on the )*'3ace on 6hich the ti+e-+achine i) locate5 i) +o&in( a,o*t the Ea'th7) a<i)- The Ea'th
i) +o&in( a,o*t the cente' o3 ('a&it1 o3 the Ea'th-oon )1)te+% an5 al)o a,o*t the cente' o3 ('a&it1 o3 the
Ea'th-S*n )1)te+C i) acco+2an1in( the S*n in it) +otion a,o*t the cente' o3 the (ala<1% an5 the (ala<1 in
it) *n5e3ine5 +otion 'elati&e to the cente' o3 ('a&it1 o3 the Local G'o*2 an5 to the cente' o3 ('a&it1 o3 the
*ni&e')e a) a 6hole i3 the'e i) one-
Yo* +i(ht% o3 co*')e% )a1 that the ti+e-+achine 2a'ta4e) o3 the +otion o3 the Ea'th% an5 6he'e&e'
Ea'th (oe)% the ti+e-+achine (oe)% too- S*22o)e% tho*(h% 6e con)i5e' the Ea'th7) +otion ?6ith the )ola'
)1)te+ (ene'all1@ a'o*n5 the (alactic cente'- It) )2ee5 'elati&e to that cente' i) e)ti+ate5 to ,e a,o*t //E
4ilo+ete') 2e' )econ5- I3 the ti+e-+achine t'a&el) t6ent1-3o*' ho*') into the 3*t*'e in one )econ5% it t'a&el)
//E 4ilo+ete') < IN%MEE ?the n*+,e' o3 )econ5) in a 5a1@% o' .F%EEI%EEE 4ilo+ete') in one )econ5- That7)
o&e' )i<t1-th'ee ti+e) the )2ee5 o3 li(ht- I3 6e 5on7t 6ant to ,'ea4 the )2ee5-o3-li(ht li+it% then 6e +*)t
ta4e not le)) than t6ent1-th'ee +in*te) to t'a&el one 5a1 3o'6a'5 ? o' ,ac46a'5@ in ti+e-
"hat7) +o'e% I )*)2ect that con)i5e'ation) o3 accele'ation 6o*l5 ha&e to ,e in&ol&e5- The ti+e-
+achine 6o*l5 ha&e to accele'ate to li(ht )2ee5 an5 then 5ecele'ate 3'o+ it% an5 2e'ha2) the h*+an ,o51
co*l5 onl1 )tan5 )o +*ch accele'ation in the ti+e 5i'ection- Con)i5e'in( that the h*+an ,o51 ha) ne&e' in
all it) e&ol*tion accele'ate5 at all in the ti+e 5i'ection% the a+o*nt o3 accele'ation it o*(ht to ,e a,le to
en5*'e +i(ht ,e &e'1 little in5ee5% )o that the ti+e-+achine 6o*l5 ha&e to ta4e con)i5e'a,l1 +o'e than an
ho*' to +a4e a one-5a1 8o*'ne1--)a1% at a (*e))% t6el&e ho*')-
That 6o*l5 +ean 6e co*l5 onl1 (ain hal3 a 5a1 2e' 5a1% at +o)t% in t'a&elin( th'o*(h ti+e-
S2en5in( ten 1ea') to (o t6ent1 1ea') into the 3*t*'e% 6o*l5 not ,e in the lea)t 2alata,le- ? Can a ti+e
+achine ca''1 a li3e-)*22o't )1)te+ o3 that o'5e' o3 +a(nit*5e9@
An5% on to2 o3 that% I 5on7t )ee that ha&in( to cha)e a3te' the Ea'th 6o*l5 3ail to co)t the *)*al
a+o*nt o3 ene'(1 8*)t ,eca*)e 6e7'e 5oin( it ,1 6a1 o3 the ti+e 5i+en)ion- "itho*t calc*latin( the
ene'(1% I a+ 2o)iti&e ti+e-t'a&el i) in)*2e'a,l1 5i33ic*lt% :*ite a2a't 3'o+ the theo'etical con)i5e'ation) that
+a4e it totall1 i+2o))i,le- So let7) eli+inate it 3'o+ )e'io*) con)i5e'ation-
B*t not 3'o+ )cience 3iction$ Ti+e-t'a&el )to'ie) a'e too +*ch 3*n 3o' the+ to ,e eli+inate5
+e'el1 o*t o3 +*n5ane con)i5e'ation) o3 i+2'actica,ilit1% o' e&en i+2o))i,ilit1-
E#ERY ONCE IN A WHILE, AN ARTICLE a,o*t +e a22ea') in a ne6)2a2e'% *)*all1 in the 3o'+ o3 an
inte'&ie6- I 5on7t (o loo4in( 3o' the)e thin()% ,eca*)e I hate the ha))le o3 ,ein( 2hoto('a2he5 ?6hich% the)e
5a1)% in&a'ia,l1 (oe) 6ith inte'&ie6)@ an5 I hate the 'i)4 o3 ,ein( +i):*ote5 o' +i)inte'2'ete5-
Ne&e'thele))% I can7t al6a1) t*'n the)e thin() 5o6n ,eca*)e I7+ not 'eall1 a +i)anth'o2e% an5
,eca*)e I 5o li4e to tal4 a,o*t +1)el3- ?Oh% 1o* notice59@
A) a 'e)*lt o3 one )*ch inte'&ie6% an a'ticle a,o*t +e a22ea'e5 in the Miami (erald o3 A*(*)t /E%
.FII- It 6a) a lon( a'ticle an5 :*ite 3a&o'a,le ?the hea5line 'ea5 =The A+aAin( A)i+o&>@ an5 it ha5 &e'1
3e6 inacc*'acie) in it- It 5i5 :*ote +e% to ,e )*'e% a) )a1in( that +1 ,oo4 The )ensuous 1irty %ld Man 6a)
=na*)eatin(-> That i) 6'on(- I )ai5 that the ,oo4) it )ati'iAe5% The )ensuous 0oman an5 The )ensuous
Man, 6e'e na*)eatin(- My ,oo4 6a) 3*nn1-
It al)o :*ote5 +e a) )a1in( that I con)i5e'e5 =Ni(ht3all> to ,e +1 ,e)t )to'1- I 5on7t% not ,1 a lon(
)hot- I )ai5 it 6a) +1 =,e)t-4no6n = )to'1% a 5i33e'ent thin( alto(ethe'-
U)*all1 an1 'e2o'te' 6ho inte'&ie6) +e i) 6illin( to let it (o at that% ,*t the Miami (erald
'e2o'te' 6a) +o'e ente'2'i)in(- She a)4e5 :*e)tion) o3 +1 5ea' 6i3e% ;anet% an5 o3 +1 ,'othe'% Stan% 6ho7)
a &ice-2'e)i5ent at the Lon( I)lan5 Newsday. Both )ai5 nice thin()% ,*t then the1 ,oth li4e +e-
Ho6e&e'% )he al)o con)*lte5 )o+eone 6ho teache) a co*')e in )cience 3iction at R*t(e')
Uni&e')it1- He' na+e i) ;*lia S*lli&an% an5 I 5on7t thin4 I 4no6 he'% tho*(h it i) clea' 3'o+ 6hat )he i)
:*ote5 a) )a1in( that )he i) a 6o+an o3 l*+ino*) intelli(ence an5 i+2ecca,le ta)te-
She 2'ai)e5 +1 cla'it1 an5 6it% 3o' in)tance% ,*t I7+ *)e5 to that- The thin( i)% )he i) al)o :*ote5
a) )a1in( a,o*t +e that =he )*'2'i)e) +e- So+eti+e) I thin4 he7) 6'itten hi+)el3 o*t% an5 then he co+e) *2
6ith )o+ethin( 'eall1 (oo5----He ha) the ('eate)t +in5 3o' 2lot o3 an1 )cience 3iction 6'ite'->
That7) nice$
I can7t 'ecall an1one 2'ai)in( +e 3o' +1 2lot) ,e3o'e% an5 )o% o3 co*')e% it (ot +e to thin4in( a,o*t
the 6hole 2'oce)) o3 2lottin(-
A 2lot i) an o*tline o3 the e&ent) o3 a )to'1- Yo* +i(ht )a1% 3o' in)tance% =The'e7) thi) 2'ince% )ee9
Hi) 3athe' ha) 'ecentl1 5ie5 an5 hi) +othe' ha) +a''ie5 hi) *ncle% 6ho ,eco+e) the ne6 4in(- Thi) *2)et)
the 2'ince 6ho ho2e5 to ,e 4in( hi+)el3 an5 6ho 5oe)n7t li4e the *ncle an16a1- Then he hea') that the
(ho)t o3 hi) 5ea5 3athe' ha) ,een )een-->
The 3i')t thin( 1o* ha&e to *n5e')tan5 i) that a 2lot i) not a )to'1% an1 +o'e than a )4eleton i) a
li&in( ani+al- It7) )i+2l1 a (*i5e to the 6'ite'% in the )a+e 6a1 that a )4eleton i) a (*i5e to a 2aleontolo(i)t
a) to 6hat a lon(-e<tinct ani+al +*)t ha&e loo4e5 li4e- The 2aleontolo(i)t ha) to 3ill in the o'(an)%
+*)cle)% )4in% etc- all a'o*n5 the )4eleton% an5 that7) not 3ea)i,le e<ce2t 3o' a t'aine5 2e')on- Hence% i3 1o*
(i&e the 2lot o3 (amlet to a non-6'ite'% that 6ill not hel2 hi+ 2'o5*ce (amlet o' an1thin( e&en 'ea5a,le-
"ell% then% ho6 5o 1o* (o a,o*t ,*il5in( a )to'1 a'o*n5 the 2lot9
%5 Yo* can% i3 1o* 6i)h% +a4e the 2lot )o 5etaile5 an5 )o co+2le< that 1o* 5on7t ha&e to 5o +*ch in the
6a1 o3 =,*il5in(-> E&ent) 3ollo6 one anothe' in 'a2i5 )*cce))ion an5 the 'ea5e' ?o' &ie6e'@ i) h*''ie5 3'o+
one )*)2en)e-3ille5 )it*ation to anothe'- Yo* (et thi) at a lo6 le&el in co+ic )t'i2) an5 in the ol5 +o&ie
)e'ial) o3 the )ilent 5a1)- Thi) i) 'eco(niAe5 a) ,ein( )*ita,le +ainl1 3o' chil5'en% 6ho 5on7t +in5 ,ein(
'*)he5 alon( 6itho*t 'e(a'5 3o' lo(ic o' 'eali)+ o' an1 3o'+ o3 )*,tlet1- In 3act chil5'en a'e a2t to ,e
anno1e5 6ith an1thin( that i+2e5e) the ,a'e ,one) o3 the 2lot% )o that a 3e6 +in*te) o3 lo&e inte'e)t i)
5eno*nce5 a) =+*)h-> O3 co*')e% i3 it i) 5one 6ell eno*(h% 1o* ha&e )o+ethin( li4e &aiders of the Lost
Ar!, 6hich I en8o1e5 t'e+en5o*)l1% e&en i3 the'e 6e'e 2a't) that +a5e no )en)e at all-
(5 Yo* can (o to the othe' e<t'e+e% i3 1o* 6i)h% an5 &i't*all1 eli+inate the 2lot- The'e nee5 ,e no )en)e o3
connecte5 e&ent)- Yo* +i(ht )i+2l1 ha&e a )e'ie) o3 &i(nette) a) in "oo51 Allen7) &adio 1ays. O' 1o*
+i(ht tell a )to'1 that i) 5e)i(ne5 +e'el1 to c'eate a +oo5 o' e&o4e an e+otion o' ill*+inate a 3acet o3 the
h*+an con5ition- Thi)% too% i) not 3o' e&e'1one% altho*(h% 5one 6ell% it i) )ati)31in( to the )o2hi)ticate5 en5
o3 the 'ea5e' ? o' &ie6e'@ )2ect'*+- The le)) )o2hi)ticate5 +a1 co+2lain that the )to'1 i) not a )to'1 an5
a)4 =B*t 6hat 5oe) it mean+, o' ="hat ha22ene59> The 2lotle)) )to'1 i) 'athe' li4e 3'ee &e')e% o' a,)t'act
a't% o' atonal +*)ic- So+ethin( i) (i&en *2 that +o)t 2eo2le i+a(ine to ,e in)e2a'a,le 3'o+ the a't 3o'+%
,*t 6hich% i3 5one 6ell ?an5 +1 (oo5ne))% i) it ha'5 to 5o it 6ell@% t'an)cen5) the 3o'+ an5 (i&e) eno'+o*)
)ati)3action to tho)e 6ho can 3ollo6 the 6'ite' into the +o'e 'a'e3ie5 'eal+) o3 the a't-
-5 "hat 2lea)e) the ('eat +i55le-2eo2le 6ho a'e not chil5'en o' )e+i-lite'ate a5*lt)% ,*t 6ho a'e not
c*lti&ate5 e)thete)% eithe'--a'e )to'ie) that ha&e 5i)tinct 2lot)% 2lot) that a'e 3ille5-o*t )*cce))3*ll1% one 6a1
o' anothe'% 6ith non-2lot ele+ent) o3 &a'io*) t12e)- I7ll +ention a 3e6-
-a5 Yo* can *)e the 2lot a) a 6a1 o3 ,'in(in( in h*+o' o' )ati'e- Rea5 ,oo4) ,1 P- G- "o5eho*)e% o'
a'4 T6ain7) Tom )awyer o' Cha'le) Dic4en)7) Nicholas Nic!le#y.
-b5 Yo* can *)e the 2lot to 5e&elo2 an in)i(ht into the cha'acte') o3 the in5i&i5*al) 6ho 2eo2le the )to'1-
The ('eat lite'a'1 (iant)% )*ch a) Ho+e'% Sha4e)2ea'e% Goethe% Tol)to1% Do)to1e&4)1% 5o thi) )*2'e+el1
6ell- Since h*+an ,ein() an5 thei' 'elation)hi2) 6ith each othe' an5 6ith the *ni&e')e a'e 3a' +o'e
co+2le< an5 *n2'e5icta,le than a'e )i+2le e&ent)% the a,ilit1 to 5eal 6ith =cha'acte'iAation = )*cce))3*ll1
i) o3ten *)e5 a) a 6a1 o3 5e3inin( =('eat lite'at*'e->
-c5 Yo* can *)e the 2lot to 5e&elo2 i5ea)- The in5i&i5*al) 6ho 2eo2le the )to'1 +a1 cha+2ion alte'nate
&ie6) o3 li3e an5 the *ni&e')e% an5 the )t'*((le +a1 ,e one in 6hich each )i5e t'ie) to 2e')*a5e o' 3o'ce the
othe' into a5o2tin( it) o6n 6o'l5&ie6- To 5o thi) 2'o2e'l1% each )i5e +*)t 2'e)ent it) &ie6 ? o)ten)i,l1 to
each othe'% ,*t 'eall1 to the 'ea5e'@ an5 the 'ea5e' +*)t ,e entice5 into 3a&o'in( one )i5e o' anothe' )o that
he can 3eel )*)2en)e o&e' 6hich )i5e 6ill 6in- Done 2e'3ectl1% the t6o o22o)in( &ie6) )ho*l5 'e2'e)ent not
6hite an5 ,lac4% ,*t t6o ('a1) o3 )li(htl1 5i33e'ent )ha5e) )o that the 'ea5e' cannot +a4e a clea'-c*t
5eci)ion ,*t +*)t thin! an5 co+e to concl*)ion) o3 hi) o6n- I (o into ('eate' 5etail on thi) &e')ion than on
the othe' t6o% ,eca*)e thi) i) 6hat " 5o-
The'e a'e +an1 othe' 6a1) o3 5ealin( 6ith 2lot% ,*t the i+2o'tant thin( to 'e+e+,e' i) that the1
a'e not nece))a'il1 +*t*all1 e<cl*)i&e- A h*+o'o*) no&el can ,e 3*ll o3 :*ite )e'io*) i5ea) an5 5e&elo2
inte'e)tin( cha'acte')% 3o' in)tance-
On the othe' han5% 6'ite') can% +o'e o' le)) 5eli,e'atel1% )ac'i3ice )o+e ele+ent) o3 2lot ,*il5*2)
in thei' an<iet1 to 5o% in *reat detail, 6hat it i) the1 6ant to 5o- I a+ )o intent on 2'e)entin( +1 o22o)in(
i5ea)% 3o' in)tance% that I +a4e no )e'io*) atte+2t to cha'acte'iAe ,'illiantl1 o' to 5'ench the tale in h*+o'-
A) a 'e)*lt% +*ch i) +a5e o3 +1 =ca'5,oa'5 cha'acte')> an5 I a+ 3'e:*entl1 acc*)e5 o3 ,ein( =tal41-> B*t
the)e acc*)ation) *)*all1 co+e 3'o+ c'itic) 6ho 5on7t )ee ?o' 2e'ha2) lac4 the intelli(ence to )ee@ 6hat it i)
that I a+ t'1in( to 5o-
B*t I7+ )*'e that thi) i) not 6hat )- S*lli&an +eant 6hen )he )ai5 I ha5 =the ('eate)t +in5 3o'
I 'athe' thin4 )he +ean) that +1 )to'ie) ?e)2eciall1 +1 no&el)@ ha&e &e'1 co+2licate5 2lot) that
han( to(ethe' an5 ha&e no loo)e en5)% that 5on7t (et in the 6a1 o3 the i5ea) I 2'e)ent in +1 )to'ie)% an5 that
a'e not o,)c*'e5 ,1 tho)e i5ea)% eithe'-
No6% ho6 i) that 5one9
I 6i)h I co*l5 tell 1o*- All I7+ a6a'e o3 i) that it ta4e) a ('eat 5eal o3 ha'5 thin4in(% an5 that
,et6een the thin4in( an5 the 6'itin( that I +*)t 5o% the'e i) little ti+e 3o' +e to 5o an1thin( el)e-
Fo't*natel1% I ,oth thin4 an5 6'ite &e'1 :*ic4l1 an5 6ith al+o)t no 5ithe'in(% )o I can (et a ('eat 5eal 5one-
"hich ,'in() +e to anothe' 2a't o3 the inte'&ie6- The 'e2o'te' )2ea4) o3 +1 a2a't+ent a) =3ille5
6ith eclectic% *tilita'ian 3*'nit*'e cho)en +o'e 3o' co+3o't than 3o' )t1le% +*ch li4e A)i+o&7) 6a'5'o,e-
Fo' a 'ecent )2ea4in( en(a(e+ent% he 6o'e a "e)te'n tie% a too-,i( 8ac4et% an5 a )t'i2e5 )hi't 6ith the 4in5
o3 lon( 6i5e colla' that 6a) 2o2*la' in the .FJE)->
She7) a,)ol*tel1 'i(ht- A) 3a' a) )t1le i) conce'ne5% I7+ a )ha+,le)- It 5oe)n7t ,othe' +e% tho*(h-
To lea'n to li&e an5 5'e)) 6ith 3*ll attention to )t1le 6o*l5 'e:*i'e ho*') *2on *+2teen ho*') o3 tho*(ht% o3
e5*cation% o3 5eci)ion-+a4in(% an5 )o on- An5 that ta4e) ti+e I 5on7t 6ant to )*,t'act 3'o+ +1 6'itin(-
"hat 6o*l5 you 'athe' ha&e9 A)i+o&% the 2'oli3ic 6'ite'% o' A)i+o&% the 3a)hion 2late9 I 6a'n
1o*- Yo* can7t ha&e the+ ,oth-
I RECEI#ED A LETTER FROM A FAN THE othe' 5a1% one 6ho ha5 ,o*(ht a co21 o3 A*ent of ByBantium
,1 Ha''1 T*'tle5o&e% 6hich a22ea'e5 in a )e'ie) entitle5 =I)aac A)i+o& P'e)ent)-> ?That7) 6h1 he 6'ote to
The co&e' )ho6) a +an 5'e))e5% )a1) +1 co''e)2on5ent% =in a Ro+ane):*e +ilita'1 *ni3o'+%
hol5in( a Ro+an hel+et in hi) le3t han5-> He al)o ca''ie5 =a &e'1 la'(e% &e'1 +o5e'n% &e'1 lethal-loo4in(
,la)te' 'i3le> an5 =an elect'onic )cannin( 5e&ice->
1 co''e)2on5ent 6a) int'i(*e5 ,1 the anach'oni)+% ,o*(ht the ,oo4% 'ea5 it% an5 =en8o1e5 the
,oo4-> Ho6e&e'% he 3o*n5 no 2lace in the )to'1 6he'e a +an 6a) hol5in( )*ch a 'i3le an5 )cannin( 5e&ice%
an5 he 3elt cheate5- He ha5 ,een l*'e5 into ,*1in( an5 'ea5in( the ,oo4 ,1 an inacc*'ate 2iece o3 co&e' a't%
an5 he 6'ote to co+2lain-
So I tho*(ht a,o*t it- No6 +1 4no6le5(e o3 a't i) )o )+all a) to ,e ,eneath conte+2t% )o
nat*'all1% I can7t ,e lea'ne5 a,o*t it- The'e i)% ho6e&e'% nothin( I 5on7t *n5e')tan5 a,o*t the 6o'5 t'a5e
?3i3t1 1ea') o3 inti+ate% contin*o*) an5 )*cce))3*l 2'actice at it (i&e) +e the 'i(ht to )a1 that@% an5 )o I 6ill
a22'oach +atte') 3'o+ that an(le-
I )ee the 'ea5e'7) co+2laint a) the 2'ote)t o3 the =lite'ali)t> a(ain)t =+eta2ho'- = The lite'ali)t
6ant) a 2iece o3 a't ?6hethe' 6o'5 o' 2ict*'e@ to ,e 2'eci)e an5 e<act 6ith all it) in3o'+ation in 2lain &ie6
on the )*'3ace- eta2ho'% ho6e&e'% ?3'o+ a G'ee4 6o'5 +eanin( =t'an)3e'> @ con&e't) one 2iece o3
in3o'+ation into anothe' analo(o*) one% ,eca*)e the )econ5 one i) +o'e ea)il1 &i)*aliAa,le% +o'e 5'a+atic%
+o'e ?in )ho't@ 2oetic- Ho6e&e'% 1o* ha&e to 'ealiAe the'e i) a t'an)3e' in&ol&e5 an5 i3 1o*7'e a =,o'n-a(ain
lite'ali)t%> i3 I +a1 *)e the 2h'a)e% 1o* +i)) the 6hole 2oint-
Let7) t'1 the Bi,le% 3o' in)tance- The chil5'en o3 I)'ael a'e 6an5e'in( in the 5e)e't an5 co+e to the
,o'5e') o3 Canaan- S2ie) a'e )ent in to )ee 6hat the )it*ation i) an5 thei' hea't) 3ail the+- The1 3in5 a
2eo2le 6ith )t'on(% 6alle5 citie)C 6ith +an1 ela,o'ate cha'iot) an5 )4ille5 a'+ie)C an5 6ith a hi(h
technolo(1- The1 co+e ,ac4 an5 'e2o't =all the 2eo2le 6e )a6 in it a'e +en o3 a ('eat )tat*'e- An5 the'e
6e )a6 the (iant)----an5 6e 6e'e in o*' o6n )i(ht a) ('a))ho22e') an5 )o 6e 6e'e in thei' )i(ht->
Ri(ht$ The1 6e'e o3 =('eat )tat*'e> in the )en)e that the1 ha5 a hi(h technolo(1- The1 6e'e
=(iant)> o3 technolo(1 an5 the I)'aelite) 6e'e =('a))ho22e')> in co+2a'i)on- The'e 6a) a) +*ch chance%
the )2ie) 3elt% o3 the I)'aelite) 5e3eatin( the Canaanite) a) o3 a ('a))ho22e' 5e3eatin( a +an-
It +a4e) 2e'3ect +eta2ho'ic )en)e- The *)e o3 =(iant)> an5 =('a))ho22e')> i) dramatic an5 (et)
ac'o)) the i5ea- Ho6e&e'% ,oth ;e6i)h an5 Ch'i)tian 3*n5a+entali)t) (et the &a(*e notion that the
Canaanite) 6e'e t6o h*n5'e5 3eet tall% )o that o'5ina'1 h*+an ,ein() 6e'e a) ('a))ho22e') in co+2a'i)on-
The in3liction o3 lite'ali)+ on *) ,1 3*n5a+entali)t) 6ho 'ea5 the Bi,le 6itho*t )eein( an1thin( ,*t 6o'5)
i) one o3 the ('eat t'a(e5ie) o3 hi)to'1-
O' let7) t*'n to Sha4e)2ea'e an5 the t'a(e51 o3 Mac#eth.
ac,eth ha) 8*)t 4ille5 D*ncan an5 hi) han5) a'e ,loo51 an5 he i) hi+)el3 ho''o'-)t'*c4 at the
5ee5- La51 ac,eth i) conce'ne5 o&e' he' h*),an57) ha&in( ,een *n+anne5 an5 (i&e) hi+ )o+e 2'actical
a5&ice- =Go%> )he )a1)% =(et )o+e 6ate' an5 6a)h thi) 3ilth1 6itne)) 3'o+ 1o*' han5->
An5 ac,eth% hi) 6hole +in5 in 5i)a''a1% )a1)% ="ill all ('eat Ne2t*ne7) ocean 6a)h thi) ,loo5
clean 3'o+ +1 han59 No- Thi) +1 han5 6ill 'athe' the +*ltit*5ino*) )ea) inca'na5ine% +a4in( the ('een
one 'e5->
It7) a 2o6e'3*l 3i(*'e% a) 1o* )ee a ,loo51 han5 5i22e5 into the ocean an5 all the &a)t )ea t*'nin(
'e5 in 'e)2on)e% ,*t% lite'all1% it +a4e) no )en)e- Ho6 can a 3e6 5'o2) o3 ,loo5 t*'n the ocean 'e59 All the
,loo5 in all the h*+an ,ein() on Ea'th i3 2o*'e5 into the ocean 6o*l5 not chan(e it) o&e'all colo'
2e'ce2ti,l1- ac,eth +i(ht )ee+ to ,e in5*l(in( in =h12e',ole> ?an e<t'a&a(ant e<a((e'ation 6hich
)o+eti+e) +a4e) it) 2oint% ,*t *)*all1 'e5*ce) it to 'i5ic*le@-
Thi)% ho6e&e'% i) not h12e',ole% ,*t +eta2ho'- Con)i5e'$ ac,eth ha) 4ille5 a +an 6ho ha5 lo&e5
hi+ an5 loa5e5 hi+ 6ith hono')% )o he co++it) the te''i,le )in o3 in('atit*5e- F*'the'+o'e% the +an he
+*'5e'e5 6a) a (*e)t in hi) ho*)e% )o that ac,eth ha) &iolate5 the hallo6e5 an5 ci&iliAe5 '*le) o3
ho)2italit1- Finall1% the +an he +*'5e'e5 6a) hi) 4in( an5 in Sha4e)2ea'e7) ti+e% a-4in( 6a) loo4e5 *2on
a) the &i)i,le 'e2'e)entati&e o3 Go5 on Ea'th- Thi) t'i2le c'i+e ha) loa5e5 ac,eth7) )o*l 6ith in3inite
The ,loo5 cannot 'e55en the ocean% ,*t the ,loo5 i) not ,loo5% it i) *)e5 he'e a) a +eta2ho' 3o'
(*ilt- The 2ict*'e o3 the ocean t*'nin( 'e5 (i&e) 1o* a &iolentl1 5'a+atic notion o3 the in3inite ,lac4ne))
that no6 ,*'5en) ac,eth7) )o*l% )o+ethin( 1o* co*l5n7t (et i3 he ha5 +e'el1 )ai5% =Oh% +1 (*ilt i)
A lite'ali)t 6ho )et) a,o*t calc*latin( the e33ect on the ocean o3 a ,loo51 han5 i) (ettin( no &al*e
o*t o3 6hat he 'ea5)-
One +o'e e<a+2le- Con)i5e' Cole'i5(e7) =Ri+e o3 the Ancient a'ine'- = In the 3o*'teenth &e')e
o3 the thi'5 2a't% the'e co+e the line): =Till clo+, a,o&e the ea)te'n ,a' the ho'ne5 oon% 6ith one ,'i(ht
)ta' 6ithin the nethe' ti2->
The =ho'ne5 oon> i) the c'e)cent +oon% o3 co*')e% an5 the'e can.t ,e a ,'i(ht )ta' 6ithin the
nethe' ti2- The c'e)cent i) the li(hte5 2o'tion o3 the +oon% ,*t the 'e)t o3 it% tho*(h o*t o3 the )*nli(ht an5
5a'4% i) )till the'e- Fo' a ,'i(ht )ta' to ,e 6ithin the nethe' ti2 i) to ha&e it )hinin( th'o*(h h*n5'e5) o3
+ile) o3 l*na' )*,)tance- It i) an i+2o))i,ilit1% an5 I 5on7t 4no6 ho6 +an1 'ea5e') ha&e )nic4e'e5 at
Cole'i5(e7) nai&ete in thi)-
B*t i) it naV&etL9 The 2oe+ ,e(in) &e'1 )i+2l1 an5 nat*'all1 till the Ancient a'ine' 4ill) the
al,at'o))% a lo&a,le an5 *no33en5in( ,i'5- Thi) it)el3 i) a +eta2ho'- A3te' all% h*+an ,ein() ha&e 4ille5
lo&a,le an5 *no33en5in( ,i'5) )ince ti+e i++e+o'ial- In thi) ca)e% tho*(h% the 4illin( 'e2'e)ent) all the
callo*) an5 in5i33e'ent c'*elt1 o3 the h*+an )2ecie)% an5% a) a 'e)*lt% the )hi2 6ith it) c'e6 ?6ho a22'o&e5
the a'ine'7) 5ee5@ ente') a )t'an(e 6o'l5 in 6hich nat*'al la6 i) )*)2en5e5 an5 chao) i) co+e a(ain a)
Go5 'e+o&e) hi+)el3- The at+o)2he'e o3 the 2oe+ ,eco+e) 6ei'5 an5 *nea'thl1 an5 no'+alit1 ,e(in) to
'et*'n onl1 a3te' the a'ine' in&ol*nta'il1 ,le))e) all the li&in( thin() in the ocean in a (*)h o3 lo&e-
I ha&e a 3eelin( that Cole'i5(e 4ne6 that a )ta' co*l5 not )hine 6ithin the nethe' ti2 o3 the c'e)cent
,*t +e'el1 *)e5 it a) one +o'e e<a+2le o3 the chao) o3 a 6o'l5 in 6hich h*+an c'*elt1 5enie) lo&e% o'5e'%
an5 Go57) 2'e)ence- It i) onl1 3ittin( that a )ta' )hine 6he'e no )ta' co*l5 2o))i,l1 )hine-
To +i)) that 2oint i) to +i)) the 2oint o3 the 2oe+ an5 to *n5e')tan5 onl1 it) 8i((in( +ete' an5 it)
cle&e' 'h1+in(--6hich i) 2lent1% ,*t 3a' 3'o+ eno*(h- A lite'ali)t 5e2'i&e) hi+)el3 o3 the ,e)t 2a't o3 a't-
S*22o)e 6e a22l1 thi) 6a1 o3 loo4in( at thin() to &i)*al a't- I3 1o* a)4 an a'ti)t to ill*)t'ate a
2iece o3 6'itin( precisely, 1o* +a4e o3 hi+ a )la&e to the lite'al 6o'5- Yo* )*22'e)) hi) c'eati&it1 an5
i+2*(n the in5e2en5ence o3 hi) +in5 an5 a,ilit1- The ,ette' the a'ti)t% the le)) li4el1 he i) ?,a''in( an
a,)ol*te nee5 3o' +one1@ to acce2t )*ch a 8o,-
An a'ti)t 6o'th hi) )alt 5oe) not ill*)t'ate the lite'al 6o'5)% ,*t the +oo5 o3 a )to'1- He t'ie)% ,1
&i't*e o3 hi) a't an5 a,ilit1% to 5ee2en an5 'ein3o'ce the +eanin( o3 a )to'1 an5 the intent o3 the 6'ite'-
Th*)% in the +i5-Dece+,e' .FII i))*e% the co&e' o3 Asimo.s ill*)t'ate) +1 )to'1 =Ch'i)t+a)
"itho*t Ro5ne1-> It 5oe) not ill*)t'ate an1 inci5ent in the )to'1- In)tea5 it )ho6) in the 3o'e('o*n5 a ,o1
6ith a )*llen an5 )el3-a,)o',e5 e<2'e))ion- "hat7) +o'e% the 2'e5o+inant colo' i) 'e5% 6hich to +1 6a1 o3
thin4in( )1+,oliAe) an(e' ?a +eta2ho' 3o' the 3l*)he5 3ace o3 a 2e')on in 'a(e@- Thi) 5e+on)t'ate) the
an(e' o3 a )2oile5 ,'at 6ho 5oe) not in)tantl1 ha&e hi) o6n 6a1% an5 the an(e' he in)2i'e) in the na''ato' o3
the )to'1- Behin5 the ,o1 i) an ela,o'ate 'o,ot% 6ith one +etal han5 to hi) chee4 a) tho*(h *nce'tain a) to
hi) co*')e o3 action% )o+ethin( that 3*l3ill) one o3 the *n5e'l1in( the+e) o3 the )to'1- The a'ti)t% Ga'1
F'ee+an% 5oe) not ill*)t'ate the )to'1% ,*t a55) to it an5 (i&e) it a &i)*al 5i+en)ion- That i) 6hat he i)
)*22o)e5 to 5o an5 6hat he i) 2ai5 to 5o-
Thi) ,'in() *) to the co&e' ill*)t'ation o3 A*ent of ByBantium. It i) clea'l1 the intent o3 the a'ti)t to
ill*)t'ate the nature o3 the )to'1% not the )to'1 it)el3- Con)tantino2le i) in the ,ac4('o*n5% i5enti3ie5 ,1 the
(il5e5 5o+e o3 Ha(ia So2hia- In the 3o'e('o*n5 i) a )ol5ie' 6ho ha) B1Aantine cha'acte'i)tic)- So 3a' 6e
ha&e an hi)to'ical no&el- B*t he al)o 2o))e))e) o,8ect) o3 hi(h technolo(1 a))ociate5 6ith +o5e'n 6e)te'n
c*lt*'e- Clea'l1 it i) an hi)to'ical no&el )et in an alte'nate 'ealit1- An5 that i) 6hat the ,oo4 5eal) 6ith- The
co&e' i) 2'eci)e% it tell) *) 6hat 6e nee5 to 4no6% it )ati)3ie) the a'ti)t7) o6n c'a&in()% an5 i3 the details o3
the technolo(1 a'e not 2'eci)el1 +et in an1 inci5ent in the ,oo4% that +atte') not a 6hit-
SOMEONE ONCE ASKED ISAAC NEWTON ho6 he +ana(e5 to 'each )ol*tion) to 2'o,le+) that othe')
3o*n5 i+2enet'a,le- He an)6e'e5% =B1 thin4in( an5 thin4in( an5 thin4in( a,o*t it->
I 5on7t 4no6 6hat othe' an)6e' 2eo2le can 2o))i,l1 e<2ect- The'e i) the 'o+antic notion that the'e
i) )*ch a thin( a) =in)2i'ation%> that a hea&enl1 *)e co+e) 5o6n an5 2l*n4) he' ha'2 o&e' 1o*' hea5 an5%
2'e)to% the 8o, i) 5one- Li4e all 'o+antic notion)% ho6e&e'% thi) i) 8*)t a 'o+antic notion-
So+e 2eo2le +a1 ,e ,ette' at )ol&in( 2'o,le+) an5 (ettin( i5ea) than othe') a'eC the1 +a1 ha&e a
li&elie' i+a(ination% a +o'e e33icient 6a1 o3 ('a)2in( at 5i)tant con)e:*ence)C ,*t it all co+e) 5o6n to
thin4in( in the en5- "hat co*nt) i) ho6 6ell 1o* can thin4% an5 e&en +o'e% ho6 lon( an5 2e')i)tentl1 1o*
can thin4 6itho*t ,'ea4in( 5o6n- The'e a'e ,'illiant 2eo2le% I i+a(ine% 6ho 2'o5*ce little% i3 an1thin(%
,eca*)e thei' attention )2an to thei' o6n tho*(ht) i) )o )ho'tC an5 the'e a'e le)) ,'illiant 2eo2le 6ho can
2l*( a6a1 at thei' tho*(ht) *ntil the1 6'ench )o+ethin( o*t o3 the+-
All thi) co+e) *2 in +1 +in5 no6 ,eca*)e a 3'ien5 o3 +ine% a )cience 3iction 6'ite' 6ho)e 6o'4 I
a5+i'e eno'+o*)l1% in the co*')e o3 a con&e')ation a)4e5% in a &e'1 e+,a''a))e5 +anne'% =Ho6 5o 1o* (et
1o*' i5ea)9>
I co*l5 )ee 6hat the 2'o,le+ 6a)- He ha5 ,een ha&in( a little t'o*,le co+in( *2 6ith )o+ethin(
an5 he tho*(ht that 2e'ha2) he ha5 lo)t the 4nac4 o3 (ettin( i5ea)% o' ha5 ne&e' 'eall1 ha5 it% an5 he t*'ne5
to +e- A3te' all% I 6'ite )o much that I +*)t ha&e no t'o*,le (ettin( i5ea) an5 I +i(ht e&en ha&e )o+e
)2ecial )1)te+ that othe') co*l5 *)e% too-
B*t I an)6e'e5% &e'1 ea'ne)tl1% =Ho6 5o I (et +1 i5ea)9 B1 thin4in( an5 thin4in( an5 thin4in( till
I7+ 'ea51 to 8*+2 o*t the 6in5o6->
=Yo*% too9> he )ai5% :*ite o,&io*)l1 'elie&e5-
=O3 co*')e%> I )ai5- =I3 1o*7'e ha&in( t'o*,le% all it +ean) i) that 1o*7'e one o3 *)- A3te' all% i3
(ettin( i5ea) 6e'e ea)1% e&e'1one in the 6o'l5 6o*l5 ,e 6'itin(->
A3te' that% I 2*t )o+e )e'io*) tho*(ht into the +atte' o3 (ettin( i5ea)- "a) the'e an1 6a1 I co*l5
)2ot +1 o6n )1)te+9 "a) the'e% in 3act% an1 )1)te+ at all% o' 5i5 one )i+2l1 thin4 at 'an5o+9
I 6ent ,ac4 o&e' 6hat ha22ene5 in +1 +in5 ,e3o'e I 6'ote +1 +o)t 'ecent no&el% Nemesis, 6hich
Do*,le5a1 2*,li)he5 in Octo,e' .FIF% an5 I tho*(ht it +i(ht ,e hel23*l to a)2i'in( 6'ite')% o' e&en 8*)t to
'ea5e')% i3 I 5e)c'i,e5 the 2'eli+ina'1 thin4in( that 6ent into the no&el-
It )ta'te5 6hen +1 Do*,le5a1 e5ito'% ;enni3e' B'ehl% )ai5 to +e% =I75 li4e 1o*' ne<t no&el not to
,e 2a't o3 a )e'ie)% I)aac- I 5on7t 6ant it to ,e a Fo*n5ation no&el o' a Ro,ot no&el o' an E+2i'e no&el-
"'ite one that7) co+2letel1 in5e2en5ent->
So I )ta'te5 thin4in(% an5 thi) i) the 6a1 it 6ent% in ,'ie3- ?I7ll c*t o*t all the 3al)e )ta't) an5 5ea5
en5) an5 +oonin( a,o*t an5 t'1 to t'ace a )en)i,le 2ath6a1 th'o*(h it all-@
The Fo*n5ation no&el)% Ro,ot no&el)% an5 E+2i'e no&el) a'e all inte'connecte5 an5 all 5eal 6ith a
,ac4('o*n5 in 6hich inte')tella' t'a&el at )*2e' l*+inal )2ee5) i) 6ell e)ta,li)he5- O3 +1 2'e&io*)
in5e2en5ent no&el)% The $nd of $ternity 5eal) 6ith ti+e-t'a&elC The 'ods Themseles 6ith co++*nication
,et6een *ni&e')e)C an5 Fantastic ?oya*e "" 6ith +iniat*'iAation- In none o3 the)e i) the'e inte')tella'
#e'1 6ell% then% let +e ha&e a ne6 no&el 6hich e<2loit) an enti'el1 ne6 ,ac4('o*n5- Let it 5eal
6ith the esta#lishment o3 inte')tella' t'a&el% 6ith the 3i')t inte')tella' &o1a(e)- I++e5iatel1 I i+a(ine5 a
)ettle5 )ola' )1)te+% an Ea'th in 5eca1% la'(e n*+,e') o3 )2ace )ettle+ent) in l*na' o',it an5 in the
a)te'oi5)- I i+a(ine5 the )2ace )ettle+ent) a) ho)tile to Ea'th an5 &ice &e')a-
That (a&e +e a 'ea)on 3o' the 5'i&e to 5e&elo2 inte')tella' t'a&el- Nat*'all1% technolo(ical
a5&ance) +a1 ,e +a5e 3o' thei' o6n )a4e ?a) +o*ntain) a'e cli+,e5 =,eca*)e the17'e the'e>@ ,*t it hel2)
to ha&e a le)) e<alte5 'ea)on- A )ettle+ent +i(ht 6ant to (et a6a1 3'o+ the )ola' )1)te+ to c'eate a
co+2letel1 ne6 )ociet1% 2'o3itin( ,1 2a)t e<2e'ience to a&oi5 )o+e o3 h*+anit17) ea'lie' +i)ta4e)-
Goo5% ,*t 6he'e 5o the1 (o9 I3 the1 ha&e t'*e inte')tella' 3li(ht% a) in +1 Fo*n5ation no&el)% the1
can (o an16he'e% ,*t that7) too +*ch 3'ee5o+- It int'o5*ce) too +an1 2o))i,ilitie) an5 not eno*(h
5i33ic*ltie)- I3 h*+anit1 i) 8*)t deelopin* inte')tella' 3li(ht% it +i(ht not ,e a &e'1 e33icient 2'oce)) at 3i')t
an5 a )ettle+ent t'1in( to e)ca2e +i(ht 3in5 it)el3 6ith a &e'1 li+ite5 'an(e-
Now 6he'e 5o the1 (o9 The lo(ical 2lace i) Al2ha Centa*'i% the nea'e)t )ta'% ,*t that i) )o lo(ical
that the'e7) no 3*n to it- "ell% then% 6hat i3 the'e7) anothe' )ta' onl1 hal3 a) 3a' a) Al2ha Centa*'i9 That
6o*l5 ,e ea)ie' to 'each-
B*t 6h1 ha&en7t 6e )een it% i3 it e<i)t)9 "ell% it7) a 'e5-56a'3 )ta' an5 &e'1 5i+% an5 ,e)i5e)
the'e7) a 2atch o3 inte')tella' 5*)t ,et6een it an5 o*')el&e) an5 that 5i+) it 3*'the' )o that it 8*)t ha)n7t ,een
At that 2oint% I 'e+e+,e'e5 that a 3e6 1ea') a(o the'e 6a) )o+e )2ec*lation that the S*n +i(ht
ha&e a &e'1 5i)tant 'e5-56a'3 co+2anion that once in e&e'1 'e&ol*tion 2enet'ate5 the co+et clo*5 an5 )ent
)o+e co+et) 6hiAAin( into the inne' )ola' )1)te+ 6he'e one o' t6o +i(ht occa)ionall1 colli5e 6ith Ea'th
an5 2'o5*ce the 2e'io5ic 6a&e) o3 li3e-e<tinction- The 'e5 56a'3 6a) calle5 Ne+e)i)-
The )*((e)tion )ee+) to ha&e 5ie5 5o6n% ,*t I +a5e *)e o3 it- 1 cha'acte') 6o*l5 (o to the
nea',1 'e5 56a'3% 6hich I 6o*l5 call Ne+e)i)% an5 then *)e that a) the na+e 3o' +1 no&el- O3 co*')e% 1o*
can7t &e'1 6ell ha&e a ha,ita,le 2lanet ci'clin( a 'e5 56a'3 )ta'% ,*t I 6ante5 one- It 6o*l5 (i&e +e ('eate'
3le<i,ilit1 than )i+2l1 to ha&e the )ettle+ent (o into o',it a,o*t the 'e5 56a'3- That +eant I ha5 to thin4 *2
a )et o3 con5ition) that ?i3 1o* 5on7t :*e)tion thin() too clo)el1@ 6o*l5 +a4e it )o*n5 a) tho*(h a ha,ita,le
2lanet co*l5 e<i)t- Fo' that I ha5 to in&ent a (a) (iant% 6ith an Ea'th-)iAe5 )atellite% an5 it 6o*l5 ,e the
)atellite that 6o*l5 ,e ha,ita,le-
No6 I nee5e5 a 2'o,le+- The o,&io*) one 6o*l5 ,e that Ne+e)i) 6a) ci'clin( the S*n an5 6o*l5
e&ent*all1 2a)) th'o*(h the co+et clo*5- I 'e8ecte5 that ,eca*)e it ha5 ,een 6ell 5i)c*))e5 in the +e5ia an5
I 6ante5 )o+ethin( a little le)) e<2ecte5- So I 5eci5e5 that Ne+e)i) 6a) an in5e2en5ent )ta' that ha22ene5
to ,e en 'o*te to a 'elati&el1 nea' +i)) o3 the )ola' )1)te+% 6ith 2o))i,l1 5an(e'o*) ('a&itational e33ect)-
That 6a) a (oo5 2'o,le+% ,*t I nee5e5 a 2la*)i,le )ol*tion- That too4 )o+e ti+e ,*t I 3inall1
tho*(ht one *2- ?So''1% I 6on7t tell 1o* 6hat it i)- Fo' that 1o*7ll ha&e to 'ea5 the ,oo4-@
"hat I nee5e5 ne<t 6a) a (oo5 cha'acte' that 6o*l5 )e'&e a) the )2inal col*+n o3 the ,oo4%
a'o*n5 6ho+ e&e'1thin( 6o*l5 'e&ol&e- I cho)e a 3o*'teen-1ea'-ol5 (i'l% 6ith ce'tain cha'acte'i)tic) that I
tho*(ht 6o*l5 +a4e he' inte'e)tin(-
Then I nee5e5 a 2lace to )ta't the ,oo4- I 6o*l5 ,e(in 6ith +1 +ain cha'acte' an5 ha&e he' 5o o'
)a1 )o+ethin( that )ta't) the chain o3 e&ent) that 6ill ta4e *2 the 'e)t o3 the ,oo4- I +a5e the choice an5
then 6aite5 no lon(e'- I )at 5o6n an5 )ta'te5 the ,oo4-
B*t% 1o* +i(ht 2oint o*t that I 5i5n7t 1et ha&e the no&el- All I ha5 6a) the )ocial 3'a+e6o'4% a
2'o,le+% a )ol*tion% a cha'acte' an5 a ,e(innin(- "hen 5o I +a4e *2 all the 5etail) that (o into the
cha'acte'i)ticall1 in&ol&e5 2lot o3 one o3 +1 no&el) ?an5 Nemesis i) Duite in&ol&e5@-
I7+ a3'ai5 that I +a4e that *2 a) I (o alon(% ,*t not 6itho*t tho*(ht- Ha&in( 6o'4e5 o*t the 3i')t
)cene% I 3in5 that ,1 the ti+e I7&e 3ini)he5 that% I ha&e the )econ5 )cene in +in5% at the concl*)ion o3 6hich
I ha&e the thi'5 )cene% an5 )o on all the 6a1 th'o*(h to the ninet1-3i3th )cene o' )o% 6hich en5) the no&el-
To 5o that% I ha&e to 4ee2 on thin4in(% on a )+alle' an5 +o'e 5etaile5 )cale all the ti+e that I7+
5oin( the ,oo4 ?6hich ta4e) +e nine +onth)% 2e'ha2)@- I 5o it at the co)t o3 lot) o3 lo)t )lee2 an5 lot) o3
lac4 o3 attention to 2eo2le an5 thin() a,o*t +e ?incl*5in( an occa)ional ,lan4 )ta'e e&en at +1 5ea' 6i3e%
;anet% 6ho ne&e' 3ail) to (et the ala'+e5 notion that =)o+ethin(7) 6'on(> each ti+e I (o into a )2a)+ o3
B*t then i)n7t it 2o))i,le that t6o-thi'5) o3 the 6a1 th'o*(h the ,oo4 I 'ealiAe that to6a'5 the
,e(innin( I +a5e a 6'on( t*'n an5 a+ no6 ,eatin( +1 6a1 5o6n a ,lin5 alle1- It is 2o))i,le% ,*t it7) ne&e'
ha22ene5 to +e 1et% an5 I 5on7t e<2ect it to- I al6a1) ,*il5 the ne<t )cene) on 6hate&e' it i) I ha&e al'ea51
5one an5 ne&e' con)i5e' an1 2o))i,le alte'nati&e)- I )i+2l1 ha&e no ti+e to )ta't o&e' a(ain-
Ho6e&e'% I 5on7t +ean to +a4e the 2'oce)) )o*n5 )i+2le' than it 'eall1 i)- Yo* +*)t ta4e into
acco*nt% in the 3i')t 2lace% that I ha&e a nat*'al a2tit*5e 3o' thi) )o't o3 thin(% an5% al)o% that I ha&e ,een
5oin( it 3o' o&e' hal3 a cent*'1 no6% an5 e<2e'ience co*nt)-
An16a1% thi) i) the clo)e)t I can co+e to e<2lainin( 6he'e I (et +1 i5ea)-
I HA#E SAID O#ER AND O#ER AGAIN that I 6'ite ,1 in)tinct onl1 an5 that the'e i) nothin( 2*'2o)e3*l o'
5eli,e'ate in 6hat I 5o- Con)e:*entl1% I a+ al6a1) +o'e o' le)) 2*AAle5 ,1 2eo2le 6ho anal1Ae +1 6'itin(
an5 3in5 all )o't) o3 )*,tle 5etail) in it that I 5on7t 'ecall e&e' 2*ttin( in ,*t that I )*22o)e +*)t ,e the'e o'
the c'itic 6o*l5n7t 3in5 the+ an5 2*ll the+ o*t-
Still% I ha&e ne&e' ,een )o 2*AAle5 a) 'ecentl1 6hen I 'ea5 a 5i)c*))ion o3 )cience 3iction ?6he'e
an5 ,1 6ho+ I 5o not 'e+e+,e' 3o' I th'e6 it o*t in anno1ance a) )oon a) I ca+e ac'o)) the 2a))a(e I7+
a,o*t to tell 1o* o3@- Gettin( to +e% the e))a1i)t +entione5 the 3act that +1 )t1le 6a) cl*+)1% +1 5ialo(
)tilte5% +1 cha'acte'iAation non-e<i)tent% ,*t that the'e 6a) no :*e)tion that +1 ,oo4) 6e'e =2a(e-t*'ne')->
In 3act% he )ai5% I 6a) the +o)t 'elia,le 2'o5*ce' o3 =2a(e-t*'nin(> 6'itin( in )cience 3iction-
It 6a) onl1 a3te' I ha5 th'o6n o*t the +ate'ial an5 )6o'n a ,it that I ,e(an to thin4 o3 6hat I ha5
'ea5- "hat the e))a1i)t ha5 )ai5 )ee+e5 to +a4e no )en)e- O3 co*')e% he +i(ht ,e +a5% ,*t )*22o)e% 3o' the
)a4e o3 a'(*+ent% that he 6a)n7t- In that ca)e% i3 I 6e'e *tte'l1 5e3icient in )t1le% 5ialo(% an5
cha'acte'iAation% ho6 co*l5 +1 6'itin() ,e =2a(e-t*'ne')>9 "h1 )ho*l5 an1 'ea5e' 6ant to t*'n the 2a(e
?that i)% 4ee2 on 'ea5in(@ 6hen 6hat he 'ea5 ha5 nothin( to 'eco++en5 it9
"hat +a5e a 2e')on 6ant to 4ee2 on 'ea5in( an1thin(9 The +o)t o,&io*) 'ea)on 6a) =)*)2en)e%>
6hich co+e) 3'o+ Latin 6o'5) +eanin( =to ,e han(in(>C that i)% =to ,e )*)2en5e5-> The 'ea5e' 3in5)
hi+)el3 in a 2ain3*l )it*ation 6he'e he i) *nce'tain a) to 6hat 6ill ha22en ne<t in hi) 'ea5in( +atte'% an5 he
6ant) 5e)2e'atel1 to 3in5 o*t-
in5 1o*% )*)2en)e i) not an inaliena,le 2a't o3 lite'at*'e- No one 'ea5) Sha4e)2ea'e7) )onnet) in
o'5e' to e<2e'ience )*)2en)e- No' 5o 1o* 'ea5 a P- G- "o5eho*)e no&el 3o' the )a4e o3 )*)2en)e- Yo*
4no6 that Be'tie "oo)te' 6ill (et o*t o3 the 'i5ic*lo*) 3i< in 6hich he 3in5) hi+)el3% an5 1o* 5on7t 'eall1
ca'e 6hethe' he 5oe) o' not- Yo* 'ea5 on onl1 ,eca*)e 1o* en8o1 la*(hin(-
o)t 6'itin(% ho6e&e'% e)2eciall1 in the le)) e<alte5 'eal+) o3 lite'at*'e% i) 4e2t (oin( ,1
)*)2en)e- The )i+2le)t 3o'+ o3 )*)2en)e i) to 2*t 1o*' 2'ota(oni)t into con)tant 5an(e'% an5 +a4e it )ee+
ce'tain that he can7t 2o))i,l1 (et o*t o3 it- Then (et hi+ o*t o3 it 8*)t )o that 1o* can 2l*n(e hi+ into
)o+ethin( e&en 6o')e% an5 )o on- Then% ha&in( ca''ie5 it on a) lon( a) 1o* can% 1o* let hi+ e+e'(e
Yo* (et thi) in it) 2*'e)t )i+2licit1 in )o+ethin( li4e the Fla)h Go'5on co+ic )t'i2% 6he'e% 3o'
1ea')% Fla)h 'icochete5 3'o+ c'i)i) to c'i)i) 6itho*t e&e' (ettin( ti+e to 6i2e hi) ,'o6 ?let alone (o to the
,ath'oo+@- O' con)i5e' the 4in5 o3 +o&ie )e'ial t12i3ie5 ,1 The >erils of >auline, in 6hich the 2e'il)
contin*e5 3o' 3i3teen in)tall+ent)% each en5in( in a cli33han(e'- ?Thi) 6a) )o-calle5 ,eca*)e the 2'ota(oni)t
6a) le3t han(in( 3'o+ a cli33 o' ca*(ht in )o+e e:*all1 5an(e'o*) )it*ation *ntil the ne<t e2i)o5e o3 the
)e'ial a 6ee4 late'--a 6ee4 )2ent ,1 the 4i5-&ie6e') in 5elicio*) a(on1--'e)ol&e5 the )it*ation-@
Thi) )o't o3 )*)2en)e i) *lt'a-)i+2le- "hethe' Fla)h o' Pa*line )*'&i&e) +atte') 'eall1 onl1 to
Fla)h o' Pa*line- Nothin( o3 ('eate' +o+ent hin(e) on thei' )*'&i&al-
"e ta4e a )te2 3o'6a'5 in c'i+e no&el) 6he'e*2on )*cce)) o' 3ail*'e +a1 hin(e the )+ooth
3*nctionin( o3 8*)ticeC o' in )21 no&el) 6he'e*2on )*cce)) o' 3ail*'e +a1 hin(e the )*'&i&al o3 the nationC
o' in )cience 3iction 6he'e*2on )*cce)) o' 3ail*'e +a1 hin(e the )*'&i&al o3 the Ea'th it)el3% o' e&en o3 the
I3 6e con)i5e' ;ac4 "illia+)on7) The Le*ion of )pace, 6hich I 'ea5 a) a teena(e' 6ith the )a+e
e+otion) that I &ie6e5 the +o&ie )e'ial) hal3 a 5eca5e ea'lie'% 6e 3in5 the )a+e *nen5in( 5an(e' a,o*t to
5e)t'o1 o*' ,elo&e5 he'oe) and the )ec*'it1 o3 Ea'th alon( 6ith the+- That (i&e) +o'e +eanin( an5 +o'e
ten)ion to the )to'1-
o&in( )till 3a'the' *2% then% 6e co+e to tale) o3 *nen5in( 5an(e' that in&ol&e the ('eat ,attle
,et6een (oo5 an5 e&il% al+o)t in the a,)t'act- S*'el1 the ,e)t e<a+2le o3 thi) i) ;- R- R- Tol4ien7) The Lord
of the &in*s, in 6hich the 3o'ce) o3 (oo5% c'1)talliAe5 in the en5 into the 2e')on o3 ,'a&e% )*33e'in( little
F'o5o% +*)t )o+eho6 5e3eat the all-,*t-o+ni2otent Satan-3i(*'e o3 Sa*'on-
in5 1o*% )*)2en)e i) not all that i) 'e:*i'e5 to +a4e a 2iece o3 6'itin( totall1 e33ecti&e- In +o)t
ca)e)% it )*33ice) onl1 3o' one 'ea5in(- Once 1o* ha&e )een The >erils of >auline once% the'e i) no nee5 e&e'
to )ee it a(ain% ,eca*)e 1o* 4no6 ho6 )he o&e'co+e) all he' 2e'il)- That 'e+o&e) the )*)2en)e% an5 once
the )*)2en)e i) (one% nothin( el)e 'e+ain)-
Yet the'e a'e )*)2en)e-3ille5 ite+) 1o* 'ea5 o&e' an5 o&e' a(ain lon( a3te' the )*)2en)e ha) ,een
4noc4e5 o*t o3 the+- I )*22o)e that it i) 2o))i,le 3o' a 2e')on 6ho i) 'ea5in( ? o' )eein(@ (amlet 3o' the
3i')t ti+e to ,e ca*(ht *2 +o)t o3 all in 6hethe' Ha+let 6ill 5e3eat hi) 6ic4e5 *ncle o' not- B*t I ha&e 'ea5
an5 )een (amlet 5oAen) o3 ti+e) an5 I 4no6 e&e'1 6o'5 o3 the 2la1 an5 1et I al6a1) en8o1 it% ,eca*)e the
,ea*t1 o3 the lan(*a(e i) )*33icient in it)el3% an5 the te<t*'e o3 the 2lot i) )o thic4 that one ne&e' '*n) o*t o3
5i33e'ent +etho5) o3 2'o5*cin( the 2la1-
In the )a+e 6a1% I ha&e 'ea5 The Lord of the &in*s 3i&e ti+e) an5 en8o1e5 it +o'e each ti+e%
,eca*)e (ettin( the )*)2en)e o*t o3 the 6a1 act*all1 allo6) +e to en8o1 the 6'itin( an5 the te<t*'e o3 the
,oo4 all the +o'e-
No6 I co+e to +1 o6n 6'itin(% ,*t I can onl1 5i)c*)) it i3 1o* 6ho a'e 'ea5in( it *n5e')tan5 that
I ne&e' 5i5 an1thin( o3 6hat I a+ a,o*t to 5e)c'i,e purposely. It all (ot 5one% e&e'1 ,it o3 it% in)tincti&el1%
an5 I onl1 *n5e')tan5 it no6 a3te' the 3act-
I 6a) inte'e)te5% a22a'entl1% in (oin( ,e1on5 the 'athe' )i+2li)tic ,alance ,et6een (oo5 an5 e&ilC
I 5i5n7t 6ant the he'o a5&ent*'in( 6ith the 'ea5e' al6a1) ce'tain that he ou*ht to 6in o&e' the na)t1
&illain)% )o that the nation o' the )ociet1 o' the Ea'th o' the *ni&e')e co*l5 ,e )a&e5-
I 6ante5 a )it*ation in 6hich the 'ea5e' co*l5 not ,e ce'tain 6hich )i5e 6a) (oo5 an5 6hich e&il%
o' in 6hich he +i(ht 6on5e' i3 2e'ha2) ,oth )i5e) containe5 +i<t*'e) o3 (oo5 an5 e&il- I 6ante5 a )it*ation
6he'e the 2'o,le+ an5 the 5an(e' 6a) it)el3 *nce'tain% an5 6he'e the 'e)ol*tion 6a) not nece))a'il1 a t'*e
'e)ol*tion ,eca*)e it +i(ht concei&a,l1 +a4e thin() 6o')e in the lon( '*n-
In )ho't% I 6ante5 to 6'ite 3ictional history in 6hich the'e a'e no t'*e en5in()% no t'*e =the1 li&e5
ha22il1 e&e' a3te'%> ,*t in 6hich% e&en 6hen a 2'o,le+ i) a22a'entl1 )ol&e5% a ne6 one a'i)e) to ta4e it)
To thi) en5% I )ac'i3ice5 e&e'1thin( el)e- I +a5e no atte+2t to in5*l(e in an1thin( ,*t nece))a'1
5e)c'i2tion% )o that I 6o'4e5 al6a1) on a =,a'e )ta(e-> I 3o'ce5 the 5ialo( to )e'&e nothin( +o'e than a) an
in5ication o3 the 2'o('e)) o3 the 2'o,le+ ?i3 the'e 6a) one@ to6a'5 the 'e)ol*tion ?i3 the'e 6a) one@- I
6a)te5 no ti+e on action 3o' it) o6n )a4e% o' on cha'acte'iAation o' on 2oetic 6'itin(- I +a5e e&e'1thin(
8*)t a) clea' an5 a) )t'ai(ht3o'6a'5 a) I co*l5% )o that the 'ea5e' co*l5 concent'ate on ?an5 5'i&e hi+)el3
+a5 o&e'@ all the a+,i(*itie) I 6o*l5 int'o5*ce-
?A) 1o* )ee% then% c'itic) 6ho co+2lain that +1 ,oo4) a'e too tal41% an5 that the1 contain little o'
no action% +i)) the 2oint co+2letel1-@
I 5o +1 ,e)t to 2'e)ent a n*+,e' o3 cha'acte')% each o3 6ho+ ha) a 5i33e'ent 6o'l5 &ie6 an5 each
o3 6ho+ a'(*e) hi) ca)e a) co(entl1 a) 2o))i,le- $ach o3 the+ thin4) he i) 5oin( the )en)i,le thin(%
6o'4in( 3o' the (oo5 o3 h*+anit1% o' hi) 2a't o3 it- The'e i) no (ene'al a('ee+ent on 6hat the 2'o,le+
+i(ht ,e% o' e&en% )o+eti+e)% 6hethe' the'e i) one at all% an5 6hen the )to'1 en5) e&en the he'o hi+)el3
+a1 not ,e )ati)3ie5 6ith 6hat he ha) 5one-
I 6o'4e5 thi) o*t little ,1 little in +1 )to'ie) an5 no&el)% an5 it 'eache5 it) 2ea4 in the Fo*n5ation
The'e i) in5ee5 )*)2en)e in the )e'ie) on a )i+2le )cale- "ill the )+all 6o'l5 o3 the Fi')t
Fo*n5ation hol5 it) o6n a(ain)t the )*''o*n5in( +i(htie' 4in(5o+) an5% i3 )o% ho69 "ill it )*'&i&e the
on)la*(ht o3 the E+2i'e an5 o3 a +*tant e+otion-cont'olle'% an5 o3 the Secon5 Fo*n5ation9
B*t that i) not the prime )*)2en)e- )hould the Fi')t Fo*n5ation )*'&i&e9 )hould the'e ,e a Secon5
E+2i'e9 "ill the Secon5 E+2i'e 8*)t ,e a 'e2etition o3 the +i)e'ie) o3 the Fi')t9 A'e the T'a5e') o' the
a1o') co''ect in thei' &ie6 o3 6hat the Fi')t Fo*n5ation o*(ht to 5o9
In the t6o late' &ol*+e)% the he'o Golan T'e&iAe )2en5) the 3i')t in co+in( to an a(oniAe5
5eci)ion% an5 the )econ5 in an a(oniAe5 6on5e' a) to 6hethe' hi) 5eci)ion 6a) 'i(ht- In )ho't% I t'1 to
int'o5*ce all the *nce'taintie) o3 hi)to'1% in)tea5 o3 the i+2la*)i,le ce'taintie) o3 an *n'eali)tic 3ictional
An5 a22a'entl1 it 6o'4)% an5 +1 no&el) a'e =2a(e-t*'ne')->
B*t I ha&e +o'e to )a1 an5 I 6ill contin*e +1 5i)c*))ion o3 )*)2en)e in ne<t +onth B) e5ito'ial-
"hen he i) a)4e5 to 6'ite o*t)i5e hi) )2ecialt1-
"'itin( i) not a *nita'1 +atte'- A 2e')on 6ho i) a )4ille5 )cience 6'ite'% o' 6ho can t*'n o*t
3a)cinatin( 2o2*la' hi)to'ie)% +a1 ,e ho2ele)) 6hen it co+e) to 6'itin( 3iction- The 'e&e')e i) al)o t'*e-
E&en a 2e')on li4e +1)el3 6ho i) a5e2t at ,oth 3iction an5 non3iction an5 'an(e) o&e' con)i5e'a,le
&a'iet1 in ,oth )*,5i&i)ion) i) not a *ni&e')al 6'ite'- I can7t an5 6on7t 6'ite 2la1)% 6hethe' 3o' the theate'%
+otion 2ict*'e)% o' tele&i)ion- I 5on7t ha&e the talent 3o' it-
It i) )*'2'i)in(% in 3act% ho6 thinl1 talent can ,e )*,5i&i5e5- The 3*nction)% a5&anta(e)% an5
5i)a5&anta(e) o3 3iction 5i33e' )o 6ith )*,8ect +atte' that e&e'1 6'ite' i) +o'e at ho+e in one 4in5 o3
3iction than in anothe'- I can 5o )cience 3iction an5 +1)te'ie)% ,*t I 6o*l5 ,e +a5l1 +i)8*5(in( +1)el3 i3 I
t'ie5 to 5o =+ain)t'ea+ = 3iction o' e&en =ne6-6a&e> )cience 3iction-
O55l1 eno*(h% e&en len(th co*nt)- Yo* +i(ht thin4 that i3 )o+eone i) 6'itin( a )to'1% it can ,e
an1 len(th- I3 it 3ini)he) it)el3 :*ic4l1% it i) a )ho't )to'1C i3 it (oe) on 3o' a lon( ti+e% it i) a no&elC i3 it i)
)o+ethin( in ,et6een% it i) a no&elette o' a no&ella-
That7) 8*)t not )o- Len(th i) not the )ole 5i33e'ence- A no&el i) not a len(th1 )ho't )to'1- A )ho't
)to'1 i) not a ,'ie3 no&el- The1 a'e t6o 5i33e'ent )2ecie) o3 6'itin(-
A no&el ha) )2ace in 6hich to 5e&elo2 a 2lot lei)*'el1% 6ith a+2le 'oo+ 3o' )*,2lot)% 3o' 5etaile5
,ac4('o*n5% 3o' 5e)c'i2tion% 3o' cha'acte' 5e&elo2+ent% 3o' co+ic 'elie3-
A )ho't )to'1 +*)t +a4e it) 2oint 5i'ectl1 an5 6itho*t )i5e i))*e)- E&e'1 )entence +*)t cont'i,*te
5i'ectl1 to the 2lot 5e&elo2+ent-
A no&el i) a 2laneC a )ho't )to'1 i) a line-
A no&el 6hich i) too )ho't an5 th*) a,,'e&iate) the 'ichne)) o3 it) 5e&elo2+ent 6o*l5 ,e
2e'cei&e5 ,1 the 'ea5e' a) )4i+21 an5 the'e3o'e *n)ati)3acto'1- A )ho't )to'1 6hich i) too lon( an5 allo6)
the 'ea5e'7) attention to 6an5e' 3'o+ the 2lot i) 5i33*)e an5 the'e3o'e *n)ati)3acto'1-
The'e a'e 6'ite') 6ho a'e at ho+e 6ith the ,'oa5 )6in( o3 the no&el an5 a'e not co+3o'ta,le
6ithin the con3ine+ent o3 the )ho't )to'1- The'e a'e 6'ite') 6ho a'e cle&e' at 5'i&in( ho+e 2oint) in )ho't
)to'ie) an5 6ho a'e lo)t in the echoin( cha+,e') o3 the no&el- An5 o3 co*')e the'e a'e 6'ite') 6ho can 5o
A +a(aAine )*ch a) o*') i) 2'i+a'il1 a &ehicle in 6hich the )ho't )to'1 i) 5i)2la1e5- It i) i+2o'tant
6e 3*l3ill thi) 3*nction 3o' a &a'iet1 o3 'ea)on):
% Sho't )to'ie) a'e 6o'th 5oin( an5 6o'th 'ea5in(- The1 can +a4e conci)e 2oint) that no&el) cannot% in
6a1) that no&el) cannot-
( A ('o*2 o3 )ho't )to'ie) 6hich% in len(th% ta4e *2 the 'oo+ o3 one no&el% o33e') 3a' +o'e &a'iet1 than a
no&el canC an5 the'e i) )o+ethin( &e'1 2lea)ant a,o*t &a'iet1-
- Tho)e 6'ite') 6ho a'e a5e2t at the )ho't )to'1 nee5 a &ehicle-
& Be(innin( 6'ite') nee5 a &ehicle% tooC an5 ,e(inne') a'e 6ell-a5&i)e5 to concent'ate on )ho't )to'ie) at
the )ta't- E&en i3 thei' t'*e )4ill t*'n) o*t to ,e in the no&el% initial t'ainin( ha5 ,ette' ,e in the )ho't )to'1%
6hich 'e:*i'e) a )+alle' in&e)t+ent in ti+e an5 e33o't- A 5oAen )ho't )to'ie) 6ill ta4e no +o'e ti+e than a
no&el an5 o33e' +*ch +o'e )co2e 3o' e<2e'i+entation an5 =3in5in( one7) )el3->
"hen Geo'(e% ;oel% an5 I ,e(an thi) +a(aAine% 6e 6e'e a6a'e o3 all the)e 2oint) an5 6e'e
5ete'+ine5 to +a4e it a +a(aAine 5e&ote5 to the )ho't )to'1 e<cl*)i&el1- An5 6e a'e )till )o 5ete'+ine5-
Yet it i) not ea)1 to ,e 'i(i5- It i) 2e'ha2) not e&en 5e)i'a,le to ,e 'i(i5 *n5e' all ci'c*+)tance)-
The'e a'e ti+e) 6hen the ,e)t o3 '*le) o*(ht to ,e ,ent a little-
"hat a'e the 3o'ce)% 3o' in)tance% that 5'a( *) in the 5i'ection o3 len(th9
To ,e(in 6ith% the'e a'e ?'i(htl1 o' 6'on(l1@ +o'e lite'a'1 hono') an5 +oneta'1 'e6a'5) 3o'
no&el) than 3o' )ho't )to'ie)% )o that i3 a 6'ite' can han5le an1 len(th% he *)*all1 3in5) hi+)el3 ('a&itatin(
to6a'5 the no&el-
Nat*'all1% )ince a no&el 'e:*i'e) a ('eat in&e)t+ent o3 ti+e an5 e33o't% it i) the e<2e'ience5 6'ite')
o3 t'ie5 :*alit1 6ho a'e +o)t li4el1 to +o&e in that 5i'ection- An5 once the17&e 5one that% the17'e not li4el1
to 6ant to let (o- It ,eco+e) 5i33ic*lt% in 3act% to 2e')*a5e the+ to ta4e ti+e o*t 3'o+ thei' c*''ent no&el in
o'5e' to 6'ite a )ho't )to'1-
A) lon( a) 6e )tic4 'i(i5l1 to )ho't )to'ie)% the'e3o'e% 6e ten5 to lo)e the chance at 2ic4in( *2 the
6o'4 o3 )o+e o3 the ,e)t 2'actitione') in the 3iel5- Ne6co+e')% ho6e&e' 6o'th1% ten5 to ha&e le))e'
e<2e'ience an5 thei' 6'itin( ten5) to ,e le)) 2oli)he5-
Fo' the +o)t 2a't% thi) 5oe) not 5i)+a1 *)- "e want the ne6co+e')% an5 the 3'e)hne)) o3 conce2t
an5 a22'oach i) :*ite li4el1 to +a4e *2 3o' 6hat cl*+)ine)) o3 techni:*e i) ,'o*(ht a,o*t th'o*(h
ine<2e'ience- The cl*+)ine))% a3te' all% 6ill )+ooth o*t 6ith ti+e--an5 at that 2oint% the ne6 talent 6ill
al+o)t ine&ita,l1 ,e(in to 6'ite no&el)-
Occa)ionall1% then% 6e ,en5- I3 a )to'1 co+e) alon( ,1 an e)ta,li)he5 6'ite' that i) *n*)*all1 (oo5
,*t i) 'athe' lon(% 6e a'e te+2te5 to '*n it- "e ha&e in5ee5 '*n )to'ie) a) lon( a) ME%EEE 6o'5) in a )in(le
The'e a'e a5&anta(e) to thi)- I3 1o* li4e the )to'1% 1o* can (et 5ee2l1 i++e')e5 in it an5 )a&o' the
:*alitie) that len(th +a4e) 2o))i,le an5 that 1o* can7t (et othe'6i)e- An5 the'e a'e 5i)a5&anta(e)- I3 1o*
5on7t li4e the )to'1 an5 :*it 'ea5in( it% 1o* ha&e onl1 hal3 a +a(aAine le3t an5 1o* +a1 3eel cheate5-
Geo'(e +*)t 8*5(e the 'i)4 an5 5eci5e 6hen a lon( )to'1 i) li4el1 to ,e )o (ene'all1 a22'o&e5 o3
that the a5&anta(e 6ill 3a' o*t6ei(h the 5i)a5&anta(e-
B*t 6hat 5o 6e 5o a,o*t no&el)9 I(no'e the+9
o)t no&eli)t) 5o not o,8ect to +a4in( e<t'a +one1 ,1 allo6in( a +a(aAine to 2*,li)h 2a't o' all
o3 the no&el 2'io' to it) 2*,lication as a no&el- An5 +o)t +a(aAine) 6elco+e the chance o3 '*nnin( a no&el
in in)tall+ent)-
Con)i5e' the a5&anta(e) to the +a(aAine- I3 the 3i')t 2a't o3 a )e'ial i) e<citin(% 6ell 6'itten an5
('a,) the 'ea5e'% it i) to ,e e<2ecte5 that a ('eat +an1 'ea5e') 6ill then ha*nt the ne6))tan5) 6aitin( 3o'
the ne<t i))*e- I3 +an1 )e'ial) 2'o&e to ha&e thi) ('a,,in( :*alit1% 'ea5e') 6ill )*,)c'i,e 'athe' than ta4e
the chance o3 +i))in( in)tall+ent)-
a(aAine 2*,li)he') 5o not o,8ect to thi)- E&en ;oel 6o*l5n7t-
The'e a'e% ho6e&e'% 5i)a5&anta(e)- So+e 'ea5e') acti&el1 5i)li4e no&el)- Othe') +a1 li4e no&el)
,*t ,itte'l1 'e)ent ,ein( )to22e5 )ho't an5 a)4e5 to 6ait a +onth 3o' a contin*ation% an5 +a1 al)o 'e)ent
ha&in( to '*n the 'i)4 o3 +i))in( in)tall+ent)-
"e a'e a6a'e o3 the)e 5i)a5&anta(e) an5 al)o o3 o*' o6n 'e)2on)i,ilit1 3o' enco*'a(in( the )ho't
)to'1% )o 6e ha&e )o*(ht a +i55le ('o*n5-
The)e 5a1) the'e a'e )o +an1 no&el) an5 )o 3e6 +a(aAine) that the'e i)n7t 'oo+ to )e'ialiAe the+
all- an1 (oo5 no&el) a'e the'e3o'e a&aila,le 3o' the 2'io' 2*,lication o3 onl1 a ch*n4 o3 the+)el&e)--)o+e
ch*n4 that )tan5) ,1 it)el3- "e ha&e ,een 5eli,e'atel1 4ee2in( o*' e1e) o2en 3o' the)e-
It7) not al6a1) ea)1 to 3in5 a no&el-ch*n4 that )tan5) ,1 it)el3- The 3act that )o+ethin( (oe)
a3te'6a'5% o' co+e) ,e3o'e% o' ,oth% i) li4el1 to (i&e the 'ea5e' a &a(*e 3eelin( o3 inco+2letene))-
So+eti+e)% then% 6e t'1 to '*n )e&e'al ch*n4)% each o3 6hich )tan5) ,1 it)el3% o' al+o)t 5oe)- Thi) co+e)
clo)e to )e'ialiAation% ,*t i3 the )econ5 2iece can ,e 'ea5 co+3o'ta,l1 6itho*t 'e3e'ence to the 3i')t% then it7)
not- A(ain% Geo'(e +*)t *)e hi) 8*5(+ent in )*ch ca)e)-
B*t then% e&e'1 once in a lon( 6hile% 6e a'e t'a22e5 ,1 o*' o6n a5+i'ation o3 a no&el an5 3in5
o*')el&e) 6ith a ch*n4 6e 6o*l5 5e)2e'atel1 li4e to 2*,li)h% ,*t that i) too lon( to 3it into a )in(le i))*e
an5 that can7t con&enientl1 ,e 5i&i5e5 into t6o in5e2en5ent ch*n4)-
Then% 6ith a 5ee2 ,'eath% i3 6e can thin4 o3 no 6a1 o*t% 6e )e'ialiAe- "e hate to 5o thi)% an5 6e
ha'5l1 e&e' 6ill- B*t ha'5l1 e&e' i)n7t ne&e'$
"hen the'e7) no othe' 6a1 o*t% 'athe' than lo)e o*t on )o+ethin( 'eall1 3i')t-cla))% 6e 6ill ha&e to
a)4 1o* to 6ait a +onth-
B*t ha'5l1 e&e'-
T($ NAM$ %F %-& F"$L1
IN LAST ISSUES EDITORIAL, I TALKED o3 ;*le) #e'ne7) =e<t'ao'5ina'1 &o1a(e)> an5 that ,'in() *2 the
2oint o3 ho6 5i33ic*lt it 6a) to 3in5 a na+e 3o' the 4in5 o3 ite+) that a'e 2*,li)he5 in thi) +a(aAine an5
othe') li4e it-
Thi) +a(aAine contain) =)to'ie)>C an5 =)to'1> i) )i+2l1 a )ho'tene5 3o'+ o3 =hi)to'1%> a
'eco*ntin( o3 e&ent) in o'5e'l1 5etail- The 'eco*ntin( co*l5% in eithe' ca)e% ,e o3 'eal inci5ent) o' o3 +a5e-
*2 one)% ,*t 6e ha&e ,eco+e *)e5 to thin4in( o3 a =hi)to'1> a) 'eal an5 o3 a =)to'1> a) +a5e-*2-
A =tale> i) )o+ethin( that i) =tol5> ?3'o+ the An(lo-Sa<on@ an5 a =na''ati&e> i) )o+ethin( that i)
=na''ate5 = ?3'o+ the Latin@- Eithe' =tale> o' =na''ati&e> can ,e *)e5 3o' eithe' a 'eal o' a +a5e-*2 acco*nt-
=Na''ati&e> i) the le)) co++on o3 the t6o )i+2l1 ,eca*)e it i) the lon(e' 6o'5 an5 the'e3o'e ha) an ai' o3
2'etentio*)ne)) a,o*t it-
A 6o'5 6hich i) *)e5 e<cl*)i&el1 3o' +a5e-*2 ite+) an5 ne&e' 3o' 'eal one) i) =3iction%> 3'o+ a
Latin 6o'5 +eanin( =to in&ent->
"hat thi) +a(aAine contain)% then% a'e )to'ie)--o' tale)--o'% +o)t 2'eci)el1% 3iction- Nat*'all1%
3iction can ,e o3 5i33e'ent &a'ietie)% 5e2en5in( on the nat*'e o3 the content- I3 the e&ent) 'eco*nte5 5eal
+ainl1 6ith lo&e% 6e ha&e =lo&e )to'ie)> o' =lo&e tale)> o' =lo&e 3iction-> Si+ila'l1% 6e can ha&e =5etecti&e
)to'ie)%> o' =te''o' tale)%> o' =+1)te'1 3iction%> o' =con3e))ion )to'ie)%> o' =6e)te'n tale)%> o' =8*n(le
3iction-> The ite+) that a22ea' in thi) +a(aAine 5eal% in one 3a)hion o' anothe'% 6ith 3*t*'e chan(e) in the
le&el o3 )cience% o' o3 )cience-5e'i&e5 technolo(1- Doe)n7t it +a4e )en)e% then% to con)i5e' the ite+) to ,e
=)cience )to'ie)%> o' =)cience tale)%> o'% +o)t 2'eci)el1% =)cience 3iction>9
An5 1et =)cience 3iction%> 6hich i) )o o,&io*) a na+e 6hen 1o* co+e to thin4 o3 it% i) a late
;*le) #e'ne7) e<t'ao'5ina'1 &o1a(e) 6e'e calle5 =)cienti3ic 3anta)ie)> in G'eat B'itain% an5 the
te'+ =)cience 3anta)1> i) )till )o+eti+e) *)e5 to5a1- =Fanta)1> i) 3'o+ a G'ee4 6o'5 +eanin(
=i+a(ination> )o it i)n7t co+2letel1 ina22'o2'iate% ,*t it i+2lie) the +ini+al e<i)tence o3 con)t'aint)-
"hen 6e )2ea4 o3 =3anta)1> no6a5a1)% 6e (ene'all1 'e3e' to )to'ie) that a'e not ,o*n5 ,1 the la6) o3
)cience% 6he'ea) )cience 3iction )to'ie) are )o ,o*n5-
Anothe' te'+ *)e5 in the .F/E) 6a) =)cienti3ic 'o+ance-> Ro+ance 6a) o'i(inall1 *)e5 3o'
an1thin( 2*,li)he5 in the =Ro+ance lan(*a(e)%> that i)% in the 2o2*la' ton(*e) o3 6e)te'n E*'o2e% )o that it
6a) a22lie5 to +ate'ial +eant to ,e 'ea5 3o' a+*)e+ent- o'e )e'io*) 6o'4) 6e'e 6'itten in Latin% o3
co*')e- The t'o*,le i) that ='o+ance> ha) co+e to ,e a22lie5 to lo&e )to'ie) in 2a'tic*la' )o =)cience
'o+ance> ha) a 6'on( 3eel to it-
=P)e*5o-)cience )to'ie)> 6a) )o+eti+e) *)e5% ,*t that i) in)*ltin(- =P)e*5o> i) 3'o+ a G'ee4
6o'5 +eanin( =3al)e%> an5 6hile the 4in5 o3 e<t'a2olation) o3 )cience *)e5 in )cience 3iction a'e not t'*e
)cience% the1 a'e not 3al)e )cience eithe'- The1 a'e =+i(ht-,e-t'*e> )cience-
=S*2e'-)cience )to'ie)%> )till anothe' na+e% i) chil5i)h-
In .F/N% 6hen H*(o Ge'n),ac4 2*,li)he5 the 3i')t +a(aAine e&e' to ,e 5e&ote5 e<cl*)i&el1 to
)cience 3iction% he calle5 it AmaBin* )tories.
Thi) ca*(ht on- "hen othe' +a(aAine) a22ea'e5% )1non1+) 3o' =a+aAin(> 6e'e 3'e:*entl1 *)e5-
"e ha5 Astoundin* )tories, Astonishin* )tories, 0onder )tories, Marel )tories, an5 )tartlin* )tories all
on the )tan5)% 6hen the 6o'l5 an5 I 6e'e 1o*n(-
S*ch na+e)% ho6e&e'% 5o not 5e)c'i,e the nat*'e o3 the )to'ie) ,*t thei' e33ect on the 'ea5e'% an5
that i) in)*33icient- A )to'1 can a+aAe% a)to*n5% a)toni)h% an5 )ta'tle 1o*C it can ca*)e 1o* to +a'&el an5
6on5e'C an5 1et it nee5 not ,e )cience 3iction- It nee5 not e&en ,e 3iction- So+ethin( ,ette' 6a) nee5e5-
Ge'n),ac4 4ne6 that- He ha5 o'i(inall1 tho*(ht o3 callin( hi) +a(aAine =Scienti3ic Fiction-> That
i) ha'5 to 2'ono*nce :*ic4l1% tho*(h% chie3l1 ,eca*)e o3 the 'e2etition o3 the )1lla,le =3ic-> "h1 not
co+,ine the 6o'5) an5 eli+inate one o3 tho)e )1lla,le)9 "e then ha&e =)cienti3iction->
=Scienti3iction%> tho*(h% i) an *(l1 6o'5% ha'5 to *n5e')tan5 an5% i3 *n5e')too5% li4el1 to )ca'e o33
tho)e 2otential 'ea5e') 6ho e:*ate the =)cienti3ic> 6ith the =5i33ic*lt-> Ge'n),ac4 the'e3o'e *)e5 the 6o'5
onl1 in a )*,title: AmaBin* )toriesA the Ma*aBine of )cientifiction. He int'o5*ce5 =)t3> a) the a,,'e&iation
o3 =)cienti3iction-> Both a,,'e&iation an5 6o'5 a'e )till )o+eti+e) *)e5-
"hen Ge'n),ac4 6a) 3o'ce5 to (i&e *2 AmaBin* )tories he 2*,li)he5 a co+2etin( +a(aAine%
)cience 0onder )tories. In it) 3i')t i))*e ?;*ne% .F/F@% he *)e5 the te'+ =)cience 3iction> an5 the
a,,'e&iation =S-F->--o' =SF> 6itho*t 2e'io5)--,eca+e 2o2*la'- Occa)ionall1% the 6o'5 ha) ,een
h12henate5 a) =)cience-3iction%> ,*t that i) onl1 5one 'a'el1- The )to'1% ho6e&e'% 5oe)n7t en5 the'e-
A) I )ai5 la)t i))*e% the'e i) a 3eelin( a+on( )o+e that the 2h'a)e =)cience 3iction> *n3ai'l1
)t'e))e) the )cience content o3 the )to'ie)- Since .FNE in 2a'tic*la'% )cience 3iction ha) ten5e5 to )hi3t at
lea)t )o+e o3 it) e+2ha)i) 3'o+ )cience to )ociet1% 3'o+ (a5(et) to 2eo2le- It )till 5eal) 6ith chan(e) in the
le&el o3 )cience an5 technolo(1% ,*t tho)e chan(e) +o&e 3a'the' into the ,ac4('o*n5-
I ,elie&e it 6a) Ro,e't Heinlein 6ho 3i')t )*((e)te5 that 6e o*(ht to )2ea4 o3 =)2ec*lati&e 3iction
= in)tea5C an5 )o+e% li4e Ha'lan Elli)on% )t'on(l1 )*22o't that +o&e no6- To +e% tho*(h% =)2ec*lati&e>
)ee+) a 6ea4 6o'5- It i) 3o*' )1lla,le) lon( an5 i) not too ea)1 to 2'ono*nce :*ic4l1- Be)i5e)% al+o)t
an1thin( can ,e )2ec*lati&e 3iction- A hi)to'ical 'o+ance can ,e )2ec*lati&eC a t'*e-c'i+e )to'1 can ,e
)2ec*lati&e- =S2ec*lati&e 3iction> i) not a 2'eci)e 5e)c'i2tion o3 o*' 3iel5 an5 I 5on7t thin4 it 6ill 6o'4- In
3act% I thin4 =)2ec*lati&e 3iction> ha) ,een int'o5*ce5 onl1 to (et 'i5 o3 =)cience> ,*t to 4ee2 =)-3->
Thi) ,'in() *) to Fo''e)t ;- Ac4e'+an% a 6on5e'3*l (*1 6ho+ I lo&e 5ea'l1- He i) a 5e&otee o3
2*n) an5 6o'5-2la1 an5 )o a+ I% ,*t Fo''1 ha) ne&e' lea'ne5 that )o+e thin() a'e )ac'e5- He co*l5n7t 'e)i)t
coinin( =)ci-3i> a) an analo(% in a22ea'ance an5 2'on*nciation% to =hi-3i%> the 6ell-4no6n a,,'e&iation 3o'
=hi(h 3i5elit1-> =Sci-3i> i) no6 6i5el1 *)e5 ,1 2eo2le 6ho 5on7t 'ea5 )cience 3iction- It i) *)e5 2a'tic*la'l1
,1 2eo2le 6ho 6o'4 in +o&ie) an5 tele&i)ion- Thi) +a4e) it% 2e'ha2)% a *)e3*l te'+-
"e can 5e3ine =)ci-3i> a) t'a)h1 +ate'ial )o+eti+e) con3*)e5% ,1 i(no'ant 2eo2le% 6ith SF- Th*)%
)tar Tre! i) SF 6hile 'odBilla Meets Mothra i) )ci-3i-
E#ERY ONCE IN A SHORT WHILE I GET a lette' 3'o+ )o+e ea(e' 1o*n( 6o*l5-,e 6'ite' a)4in( +e 3o'
)o+e =hint)> on the a't o3 6'itin( )cience 3iction-
The 3eelin( I ha&e i) that +1 co''e)2on5ent) thin4 the'e i) )o+e +a(ic 3o'+*la 8ealo*)l1 (*a'5e5
,1 the 2'o3e))ional)% ,*t that )ince I7+ )*ch a nice (*1 I 6ill )2ill the ,ean) i3 2'o2e'l1 a22'oache5-
Ala)% the'e7) no )*ch thin(% no +a(ic 3o'+*la% no )ec'et t'ic4)% no hi55en )ho't-c*t)-
I7+ )o''1 to ha&e to tell 1o* that it7) a +atte' o3 ha'5 6o'4 o&e' a lon( 2e'io5 o3 ti+e- I3 1o* 4no6
o3 an1 e<ce2tion) to thi)% that7) e<actl1 6hat the1 a'e--e<ce2tion)-
The'e a'e% ho6e&e'% )o+e (ene'al 2'inci2le) that co*l5 ,e *)e3*l% to +1 6a1 o3 thin4in(% an5 he'e
the1 a'e:
%5 Yo* ha&e to 2'e2a'e 3o' a ca'ee' a) a )*cce))3*l )cience 3iction 6'ite'--a) 1o* 6o*l5 3o' an1 othe' hi(hl1
)2ecialiAe5 callin(-
Fi')t% 1o* ha&e to lea'n to *)e 1o*' tool)% 8*)t a) a )*'(eon ha) to lea'n to *)e hi)-
The ,a)ic tool 3o' an1 6'ite' i) the En(li)h lan(*a(e% 6hich +ean) 1o* +*)t 5e&elo2 a (oo5
&oca,*la'1 an5 ,'*)h *2 on )*ch 2'o)aic thin() a) )2ellin( an5 ('a++a'-
The'e can ,e little a'(*+ent a,o*t &oca,*la'1% ,*t it +a1 occ*' to 1o* that )2ellin( an5 ('a++a'
a'e 8*)t 3'ill)- A3te' all% i3 1o* 6'ite ('eat an5 (o'(eo*) )to'ie)% )*'el1 the e5ito' 6ill ,e 5eli(hte5 to co''ect
1o*' )2ellin( an5 ('a++a'-
Not )o$ He ?o' )he@ 6on7t ,e-
Be)i5e)% ta4e it 3'o+ an ol5 6a'-ho')e% i3 1o*' )2ellin( an5 ('a++a' a'e 'otten% 1o* 6on7t ,e
6'itin( a ('eat an5 (o'(eo*) )to'1- So+eone 6ho can7t *)e a )a6 an5 ha++e' 5oe)n7t t*'n o*t )tatel1
E&en i3 1o*7&e ,een 5ili(ent at )chool% ha&e 5e&elo2e5 a &oca,*la'1% can )2ell =)ac'ile(e> an5
=)*2e')e5e> an5 ne&e' )a1 =,et6een 1o* an5 I> o' =I ain7t ne&e' 5one nothin(%> that7) )till not eno*(h-
The'e7) the )*,tle )t'*ct*'e o3 the En(li)h )entence an5 the a't3*l con)t'*ction o3 the En(li)h 2a'a('a2h-
The'e i) the cle&e' inte'6ea&in( o3 2lot% the han5lin( o3 5ialo(% an5 a tho*)an5 othe' int'icacie)-
Ho6 5o 1o* lea'n that9 Do 1o* 'ea5 ,oo4) on ho6 to 6'ite% o' atten5 cla))e) on 6'itin(% o' (o to
6'itin( con3e'ence)9 The)e a'e all o3 in)2i'ational &al*e% I7+ )*'e% ,*t the1 6on7t teach 1o* 6hat 1o*
'eall1 6ant to 4no6-
"hat will teach 1o* i) the ca'e3*l 'ea5in( o3 the +a)te') o3 En(li)h 2'o)e- Thi) 5oe) not +ean
con5e+nin( 1o*')el3 to 1ea') o3 3allin( a)lee2 o&e' 5*ll cla))ic)- Goo5 6'ite') a'e in&a'ia,l1 3a)cinatin(
6'ite')--the t6o (o to(ethe'- In +1 o2inion% the En(li)h 6'ite') 6ho +o)t clea'l1 *)e the co''ect 6o'5
e&e'1 ti+e an5 6ho +o)t a't3*ll1 an5 5e3tl1 2*t to(ethe' thei' )entence) an5 2a'a('a2h) a'e Cha'le)
Dic4en)% a'4 T6ain% an5 P- G- "o5eho*)e-
Rea5 the+% an5 othe')% ,*t 6ith attention- The1 'e2'e)ent 1o*' )chool'oo+- O,)e'&e 6hat the1 5o
an5 t'1 to 3i(*'e o*t 6h1 the1 5o it- It7) no *)e othe' 2eo2le e<2lainin( it to 1o*C *ntil 1o* )ee it 3o'
1o*')el3 an5 it ,eco+e) 2a't o3 1o*% nothin( 6ill hel2-
B*t )*22o)e that no +atte' ho6 1o* t'1% 1o* can7t )ee+ to a,)o', the le))on- "ell% it +a1 ,e that
1o*7'e not a 6'ite'- It7) no 5i)('ace- Yo* can al6a1) (o on to ta4e *2 )o+e )li(htl1 in3e'io' 2'o3e))ion li4e
)*'(e'1 o' the 2'e)i5enc1 o3 the Unite5 State)- It 6on7t ,e a) (oo5% o3 co*')eC ,*t 6e can7t all )cale the
Secon5% 3o' a )cience 3iction 6'itin( ca'ee'% it i) not eno*(h to 4no6 the En(li)h lan(*a(eC 1o*
al)o ha&e to 4no6 )cience- Yo* +a1 not 6ant to *)e +*ch )cience in 1o*' )to'ie)C ,*t 1o*7ll ha&e to 4no6
it an16a1% )o that 6hat 1o* 5o *)e% 1o* 5on7t +i)*)e-
Thi) 5oe) not +ean 1o* ha&e to ,e a 2'o3e))ional )cienti)t% o' a )cience +a8o' at colle(e- Yo*
5on7t e&en ha&e to (o to colle(e- It 5oe) +ean% tho*(h% that 1o* ha&e to ,e 6illin( to )t*51 )cience on 1o*'
o6n% i3 1o*' 3o'+al e5*cation ha) ,een 6ea4 in that 5i'ection-
It7) not i+2o))i,le- One o3 the ,e)t 6'ite') o3 ha'5 )cience 3iction i) F'e5 Pohl% an5 he ne&e' e&en
3ini)he5 hi(h )chool- O3 co*')e% the'e a'e &e'1 3e6 2eo2le 6ho a'e a) ,'i(ht a) F'e5% ,*t 1o* can 6'ite
con)i5e'a,l1 le)) 6ell than he 5oe) an5 )till ,e 2'ett1 (oo5-
Fo't*natel1% the'e i) +o'e (oo5% 2o2*la'-)cience 6'itin( the)e 5a1) than the'e 6a) in 2'e&io*)
(ene'ation)% an5 1o* can lea'n a ('eat 5eal% 'athe' 2ainle))l1% i3 1o* 'ea5 )*ch )cience 3iction 6'ite') a) L-
S2'a(*e 5e Ca+2% Ben Bo&a% an5 Po*l An5e')on in thei' non3ictional +oo5)--o' e&en I)aac A)i+o&-
"hat7) +o'e% 2'o3e))ional )cienti)t) a'e al)o 6'itin( e33ecti&el1 3o' the 2*,lic the)e 5a1)% a)
6itne)) Ca'l Sa(an7) +a(ni3icent ,oo4)- An5 the'e7) al6a1) )cientific American.
Thi'5% e&en i3 1o* 4no6 1o*' )cience an5 1o*' 6'itin(% it i) )till not li4el1 that 1o* 6ill ,e a,le to
2*t the+ to(ethe' 3'o+ )c'atch- Yo* 6ill ha&e to ,e a 5ili(ent 'ea5e' o3 )cience 3iction it)el3 to lea'n the
con&ention) an5 the t'ic4) o3 the t'a5e--ho6 to inte'6ea&e ,ac4('o*n5 an5 2lot% 3o' in)tance-
(5 Yo* ha&e to 6o'4 at the 8o,-
The 3inal ,it o3 )choolin( i) 6'itin( it)el3- No' +*)t 1o* 6ait till 1o*' 2'e2a'ation i) co+2lete- The
act o3 6'itin( i) it)el3 2a't o3 the 2'e2a'ation-
Yo* can7t co+2letel1 *n5e')tan5 6hat (oo5 6'ite') 5o *ntil 1o* t'1 it 1o*')el3- Yo* lea'n a ('eat
5eal 6hen 1o* 3in5 1o*' )to'1 ,'ea4in( a2a't in 1o*' han5)--o' ,e(innin( to han( to(ethe'- "'ite 3'o+ the
&e'1 ,e(innin(% then% an5 4ee2 on 6'itin(-
-5 Yo* ha&e to ,e 2atient-
Since 6'itin( i) it)el3 a )choolin(% 1o* can7t &e'1 6ell e<2ect to )ell the 3i')t )to'1 1o* 6'ite- ?Ye)%
I 4no6 Bo, Heinlein 5i5 it% ,*t he 6a) Bo, Heinlein- Yo* a'e onl1 1o*-@
B*t then% 6h1 )ho*l5 that 5i)co*'a(e 1o*9 A3te' 1o* 3ini)he5 the 3i')t ('a5e at )chool% 1o*
6e'en7t th'o*(h% 6e'e 1o*9 Yo* 6ent on to the )econ5 ('a5e% then the thi'5% then the 3o*'th% an5 )o on-
I3 each )to'1 1o* 6'ite i) one +o'e )te2 in 1o*' lite'a'1 e5*cation% a 'e8ection )ho*l5n7t +atte'-
TE5ito') 5on7t 'e8ect 6'ite')C the1 'e8ect 2iece) o3 2a2e' that ha&e ,een t12e5 on- E5-U The ne<t )to'1 6ill ,e
,ette'% an5 the ne<t one a3te' that )till ,ette'% an5 e&ent*all1
B*t then 6h1 ,othe' to )*,+it the )to'ie)9 I3 1o* 5on7t% ho6 can 1o* 2o))i,l1 4no6 6hen 1o*
('a5*ate9 A3te' all% 1o* 5on7t 4no6 6hich )to'1 1o*7ll )ell-
Yo* +i(ht e&en )ell the 3i')t- Yo* al+o)t ce'tainl1 6on7t% ,*t 1o* 8*)t +i(ht-
O3 co*')e% e&en a3te' 1o* )ell a )to'1% 1o* +a1 3ail to 2lace the ne<t 5oAen% ,*t ha&in( 5one it
once% it i) :*ite li4el1 that 1o* 6ill e&ent*all1 5o it a(ain% i3 1o* 2e')e&e'e-
B*t 6hat i3 1o* 6'ite an5 6'ite an5 6'ite an5 1o* 5on7t )ee+ to ,e (ettin( an1 ,ette' an5 all 1o*
collect a'e 2'inte5 'e8ection )li2)9 Once a(ain% it +a1 ,e that 1o* a'e not a 6'ite' an5 6ill ha&e to )ettle 3o'
a le))e' 2o)t )*ch a) that o3 chie3 8*)tice o3 the S*2'e+e Co*'t-
&5 Yo* ha&e to ,e 'ea)ona,le-
"'itin( i) the +o)t 6on5e'3*l an5 )ati)31in( ta)4 in the 6o'l5% ,*t it 5oe) ha&e one o' t6o
in)i(ni3icant 3la6)- A+on( tho)e 3la6) i) the 3act that a 6'ite' can al+o)t ne&e' +a4e a li&in( at it-
Oh% a 3e6 6'ite') +a4e a lot o3 +one1--the17'e the one) 6e all hea' a,o*t- B*t 3o' e&e'1 6'ite'
6ho 'a4e) it in% the'e a'e a tho*)an5 6ho 5'ea5 the +onthl1 'ent ,ill- It )ho*l5n7t ,e li4e that% ,*t it i)-
Ta4e +1 ca)e- Th'ee 1ea') a3te' I )ol5 +1 3i')t )to'1% I 'eache5 the )ta(e o3 )ellin( e&e'1thin( I
6'ote% )o that I ha5 ,eco+e a )*cce))3*l 6'ite'- Ne&e'thele))% it too4 +e )e&enteen +o'e 1ea') a) a
successful 6'ite' ,e3o'e I co*l5 act*all1 )*22o't +1)el3 in co+3o't on +1 ea'nin() a) a 6'ite'-
So 6hile 1o*7'e t'1in( to ,e a 6'ite'% +a4e )*'e 1o* 3in5 anothe' 6a1 o3 +a4in( a 5ecent li&in(--
an5 5on7t :*it 1o*' 8o, a3te' 1o* +a4e 1o*' 3i')t )ale-
0&"T"N' F%& 5%-N' >$%>L$
THERE IS AN EXCEEDINGLY USEFUL #OLUME entitle5 The )cience Fiction $ncyclopedia e5ite5 ,1
Pete' Nicholl) ?Do*,le5a1% .FJF@ to 6hich I 3'e:*entl1 'e3e'- Recentl1% a) I lea3e5 th'o*(h it) 2a(e) en
'o*te to loo4in( *2 )o+ethin(% I ca+e ac'o)) the 3ollo6in( 2a))a(e:
=The intellect*al le&el o3 a ,oo4 i) not nece))a'il1 e<2'e))e5 ,1 a +a'4etin( la,el- *ch a5*lt )3%
the 6o'4) o3---I)aac A)i+o&% 3o' e<a+2le% i) o3 ('eat a22eal to ol5e' chil5'en% an5 i) to )o+e e<tent 5i'ecte5
at the+->
The line o3 th'ee 5ot) in the a,o&e :*otation )i(nal) the o+i))ion o3 a 3e6 6o'5) in 6hich the
6'ite' )2eci3ie) t6o othe' )cience 3iction 6'ite')- I o+it the+ ,eca*)e the1 +a1 'e)ent the o'i(inal
)tate+ent an5 +a1 not 3eel I o*(ht to (i&e the 'e+a'4 3*'the' ci'c*lation-
A) 3o' +e% I 5on7t o,8ect to the co++ent ,eca*)e% 3o' one thin(% I con)i5e' it t'*e- I 6'ite +1
=a5*lt> no&el) 3o' a5*lt)% ,*t I ha&e no o,8ection 6hat)oe&e' to 1o*n( 2eo2le 'ea5in( the+% an5 I t'1 to
6'ite in )*ch a 6a1 that +1 no&el) a'e acce))i,le to the+-
Fi')t% it i) the 6a1 I li4e to 6'ite- I li4e to ha&e the i5ea) in +1 no&el) )*33icientl1 inte'e)tin( an5
)*,tle to catch at the attention an5 thin4in( o3 intelli(ent a5*lt)% an5% at the )a+e ti+e% to ha&e the 6'itin(
clea' eno*(h )o a) to 'ai)e no 5i33ic*ltie) 3o' the intelli(ent 1o*n()te'- To +ana(e the co+,ination I
con)i5e' a challen(e% an5 I li4e challen(e)-
Secon5% it i) (oo5 ,*)ine))- Att'act an a5*lt an5 1o* +a1 6ell ha&e )o+eone 6ho i) he'e to5a1
an5 (one to+o''o6- Att'act a 1o*n()te' an5 1o* ha&e a 3aith3*l 'ea5e' 3o' li3e-
in5 1o*% I 5on7t 6'ite a) I 5o 6ith the )econ5 'ea)on in +in5C I 6'ite a) I 5o 3o' the 3i')t 'ea)on I
(a&e 1o*- Ne&e'thele))% I ha&e 5i)co&e'e5 that the )econ5 'ea)on e<i)t)% an5 I ha&e lon( lo)t co*nt o3 the
n*+,e' o3 2eo2le 6ho tell +e the1 ha&e an a)t'ono+ical n*+,e' o3 +1 ,oo4) an5 that the1 =6e'e at once
hoo4e5 a3te' 'ea5in( +1 ,oo4% )o-an5-)o% 6hen the1 6e'e ten 1ea') ol5->
B*t i3 the )a+e ,oo4) can ,e 'ea5 ,1 ,oth a5*lt) an5 1o*n()te')% 6hat i) the 5i)tinction ,et6een
t'*l1 a5*lt ,oo4) ?one) that the 6'ite' o3 the ite+ in The )cience Fiction $ncyclopedia 6o*l5 8*5(e a)
2o))e))in( a hi(h =intellect*al le&el>@ an5 t'*l1 8*&enile ,oo4)9
Let7) )ee- Can it ,e &oca,*la'19 Do a5*lt ,oo4) ha&e =ha'5 6o'5)> 6hile 8*&enile ,oo4) ha&e
=ea)1 6o'5)>9
To )o+e e<tent% I )*22o)e that +i(ht ,e )o- I3 an a*tho' +a4e) a 3eti)h o3 *)in( *n*)*al 6o'5)% a)
"illia+ B*c4le1 5oe) ? o' Cla'4 A)hton S+ith% to +ention )o+eone in o*' o6n line@% then the 6'itin(
('o6) o2a:*e 3o' 1o*n()te') an5 a5*lt) ali4e% 3o' it i) +1 e<2e'ience that the a&e'a(e a5*lt 5oe) not ha&e a
&oca,*la'1 +*ch la'(e'% i3 an1% than a ,'i(ht 1o*n()te' 5oe)-
On the othe' han5% i3 an a*tho' *)e) the correct 6o'5)% ha'5 o' ea)1% then the ,'i(ht 1o*n()te' 6ill
(*e)) the +eanin( 3'o+ the conte<t o' loo4 it *2 in a 5ictiona'1- I thin4 the ,'i(ht 1o*n()te' en8o1) ha&in(
hi) +in5 )t'etche5 an5 6elco+e) the chance o3 lea'nin( a ne6 6o'5- I 5on7t 6o''1 a,o*t +1 &oca,*la'1%
3o' that 'ea)on% e&en 6hen I a+ 6'itin( +1 )cience ,oo4) 3o' ('a5e )chool 1o*n()te')- I +a1 (i&e the
2'on*nciation o3 )cienti3ic te'+) the1 a'e not li4el1 to ha&e enco*nte'e5 ,e3o'e% an5 I )o+eti+e) 5e3ine
the+% ,*t I 5on7t a&oi5 the+% an5 a3te' ha&in( (i&en 2'on*nciation an5 5e3inition I *)e the+ 3'eel1-
"ell% then% i) it the 5i33e'ence ,et6een lon( )entence) an5 )ho't )entence)9
That i) t'*e onl1 in thi) )en)e: It i) +o'e 5i33ic*lt to +a4e a lon( )entence clea' than it i) to +a4e a
)ho't one clea'- I3% then% 1o* a'e a 2oo' 6'ite' an5 6ant to +a4e )*'e that 1o*n()te') *n5e')tan5 1o*% )tic4
to )ho't )entence)- Un3o't*natel1% a lon( )e'ie) o3 )ho't )entence)% li4e a lon( )t'etch o3 6'itin( 6ith no
=ha'5> 6o'5)% i) i''itatin( to an1one intelli(ent% 1o*n( o' ol5- A 1o*n()te' i) 2a'tic*la'l1 o33en5e5 ,eca*)e
he thin4) ?)o+eti+e) 6ith 8*)tice@ that the 6'ite' thin4) that ,eca*)e the 1o*n()te' i) 1o*n(% he i) the'e3o'e
)t*2i5- The ,oo4 i) at once 5i)ca'5e5- ?Thi) i) calle5 =6'itin( 5o6n%> ,1 the 6a1% )o+ethin( I t'1 ne&e' to
The t'ic4 i) to 6'ite clea'l1- I3 1o* 6'ite clea'l1 eno*(h% a lon( )entence 6ill hol5 no te''o')- I3
1o* hit the 2'o2e' +i< o3 lon( an5 )ho't% an5 ha'5 an5 ea)1% an5 +a4e e&e'1thin( clea'% then% ,elie&e +e%
the 1o*n()te' 6ill ha&e no t'o*,le- O3 co*')e% he ha) to ,e an intelli(ent 1o*n()te'% ,*t the'e a'e a la'(e'
2e'centa(e o3 tho)e than o3 intelli(ent ol5)te')% 3o' li3e ha)n7t ha5 a chance 1et to 5*ll the 1o*n()te')7 6it)-
I) it a +atte' o3 )*,8ect +atte'9 Do a5*lt no&el) 5eal 6ith 5eath an5 to't*'e an5 +a1he+ an5 )e<
?nat*'al an5 *nnat*'al@ an5 all 4in5) o3 *n2lea)antne))% 6hile 8*&enile no&el) 5eal 6ith )6eetne)) an5
Yo* !now that7) not )o- Thin4 o3 the c*''ent 'a)h o3 =ho''o'> 3il+)% 6hich 3ill the )c'een 6ith
,loo5 an5 +*'5e' an5 to't*'e an5 a'e 5e)i(ne5 to 3'i(hten- Yo*n()te') 3loc4 to the+% an5 the (o'ie' the1
a'e% the +o'e the1 en8o1 the+-
E&en cen)o') 5on7t )ee+ to +in5 the +a1he+- "hen the'e a'e lo*5 ):*a64) 3'o+ the 'i(hteo*)
6ho 6ant to 4ic4 ,oo4) o*t o3 )chool li,'a'ie)% the o,8ection) a'e +o)t o3ten to the *)e o3 =5i't1> 6o'5) an5
to )e<- Ho6e&e'% I ha&e% in +1 ti+e% li&e5 hal3 a ,loc4 3'o+ a 8*nio' hi(h )chool an5 li)tene5 to the
1o*n()te') (oin( the'e an5 co+in( ,ac4- I 2ic4e5 *2 a lot o3 colo'3*l o,)cenit1% ,oth )e<*al an5
)catolo(ical% in that 6a1% 3o' I ha5 3o'(otten )o+e o3 6hat I ha5 lea'ne5 a) a 1o*n()te'- I thin4 the
1o*n()te') the+)el&e) 6o*l5 ha&e no o,8ection to ,oo4) containin( (*tte' lan(*a(e an5 )e<*al 5etail--o'
3ail to *n5e')tan5 the+% eithe'- That 5i)tinction ,et6een a5*lt ,oo4) an5 8*&enile ,oo4) i) not a nat*'al one
,*t i) en3o'ce5 ,1 a5*lt 3iat-
?I a5+it that I *)e no (*tte' lan(*a(e o' )e< in +1 8*&enile ,oo4)% ,*t then I *)e no (*tte'
lan(*a(e an5 &e'1 little )e< in +1 a5*lt ,oo4)- @
Ho6 a,o*t action% then9 A5*lt ,oo4) can 2a*)e 3o' )en)iti&e 5e)c'i2tion o3 all 4in5)% o' 3o' a
)4ill3*l an5 2ain)ta4in( 5i))ection o3 +oti&ation% an5 )o on- ;*&enile ,oo4) ten5 to 5eal enti'el1 6ith
action- I) that 'i(ht9
Act*all1% the 5i)tinction i) not ,et6een a5*lt) an5 8*&enile)% ,*t ,et6een a 3e6 2eo2le ?,oth a5*lt
an5 8*&enile@ an5 +o)t 2eo2le ?,oth a5*lt an5 8*&enile@- o)t 2eo2le% o3 6hate&e' a(e% a'e i+2atient 6ith
an1thin( ,*t action- "atch the 2o2*la' a5&ent*'e 2'o('a+) on tele&i)ion% )*,t'act the action% an5 3in5 o*t
6hat 1o* ha&e le3t% an5 then 'e+e+,e' that it i) a5*lt)% 3o' the +o)t 2a't% 6ho a'e 6atchin( the+-
On the othe' han5% +1 ,oo4) contain &e'1 little =action> ?hence no +o&ie )ale)@ an5 5eal la'(el1
6ith the inte'2la1 o3 i5ea) in 'athe' ce'e,'al 5ialo( ?a) +an1 c'itic) 2oint o*t% )o+eti+e) 6ith i''itation@
an5 1et% )a1) the $ncyclopedia, I a22eal to 1o*n()te')- Cla'it1% not action% i) the 4e1-
Can it ,e a :*e)tion o3 )t1le9 A'e a5*lt ,oo4) 6'itten in a co+2licate5 an5 e<2e'i+ental )t1le%
6hile 8*&enile ,oo4) a'e not9
To ,e )*'e% a 8*&enile ,oo4 6'itten in a co+2licate5 an5 e<2e'i+ental )t1le i) +o'e a2t to ,e a
co++e'cial 3ail*'e than one 6'itten in a )t'ai(ht3o'6a'5 )t1le- On the othe' han5% thi) i) al)o t'*e o3 a5*lt
,oo4)- The 5i33e'ence i) that to't*o*) )t1le i) 3'e:*entl1 a5+i'e5 ,1 c'itic) in a5*lt ,oo4)% ,*t ne&e' in
8*&enile ,oo4)- Thi) +ean) that +an1 a5*lt)% 6ho a'e (*i5e5 ,1 c'itic)% o' 6ho +e'el1 6i)h to a22ea' chic%
,*1 o2a:*e an5 e<2e'i+ental ,oo4)% an5 then% 2o))i,l1% 5on7t 'ea5 the+% a)i5e 3'o+ an1 =5i't1 2a't)> the1
+i(ht ha&e- P'o*)t7) &emem#rance of Thin*s >ast )2'in() to +in5- 1 5ea' 6i3e% ;anet% i) 'ea5in( it% e&e'1
6o'5% 3o' the second ti+e ,*t the'e a'e +o+ent) 6hen I )ee the 2e')2i'ation )tan5in( o*t% in ('eat 5'o2)% on
he' 3o'ehea5-
Ho6 a,o*t 'heto'ical t'ic4)9 eta2ho')% all*)ion)% an5 all the 'e)t o3 it% 5e2en5 *2on e<2e'ience%
an5 1o*n()te')% ho6e&e' ,'i(ht the1 a'e% ha&e not 1et ha5 ti+e to (athe' e<2e'ience-
Fo' in)tance% +1 Geo'(e an5 AAaAel )to'ie) a'e 2*'e 3l*33% ,*t the1 a'e the +o)t nea'l1 a5*lt
)to'ie) I 6'ite- I *)e +1 3*ll &oca,*la'1% to(ethe' 6ith in&ol&e5 )entence )t'*ct*'e% an5 ne&e' he)itate to
'el1 on the 'ea5e' to 3ill in 6hat I lea&e o*t- I can 'e3e' to =the el*)i&e 2'o+i)e o3 noct*'nal El1)i*+ =
6itho*t an1 in5ication o3 6hat I +ean- I can )2ea4 o3 the Ei33el To6e' a) a =)t*2i5 ,*il5in( )till *n5e'
con)t'*ction = an5 5e2en5 on the 'ea5e' to 4no6 6hat the To6e' loo4) li4e an5 the'e3o'e )ee 6h1 the
'e+a'4 i) 6'on(% ,*t a2t- Ne&e'thele))% the )to'ie) a'e +eant to ,e h*+o'o*) an5 all the 'heto'ical 5e&ice)
cont'i,*te to that- The 1o*n( 2e')on 6ho +i))e) )o+e o3 the all*)ion) ne&e'thele)) )ho*l5 (et +*ch o3 the
h*+o' an5 en8o1 the )to'1 an16a1-
In )ho't% I +aintain the'e i) no ha'5 an5 3a)t 5i)tinction ,et6een =a5*lt> 6'itin( an5 =8*&enile>
6'itin(- A (oo5 ,oo4 i) a (oo5 ,oo4 an5 can ,e en8o1e5 ,1 ,oth a5*lt) an5 1o*n()te')- I3 +1 ,oo4) a22eal
to ,oth% that i) to +1 c'e5it-
WE RECEI#ED AN INTERESTING LETTER )o+e ti+e a(o 3'o+ G'e( Co< o3 "a)hin(ton State- It i) )ho't
an5 I 6ill ta4e the li,e't1 o3 :*otin( it) one )entence in 3*ll:
=I en8o1e5 &e'1 +*ch the Goo5 Docto'7) )to'1 in the a1 i))*e ?=The E&il D'in4 Doe)>@% ,*t I
hae to a)4: Ho6 5i5 a 1o*n( la51 3'o+ )*ch an alle(e5l1 2*'itanical ,ac4('o*n5 en5 *2 6ith the *nli4el1
?i3 a22ealin(@ na+e o3 BI)hta' i)ti47999>
It7) a (oo5 :*e)tion% ,*t it +a4e) an a))*+2tion- In the )to'1% I)hta' 'e+a'4)% =I 6a) ,'o*(ht *2 in
the )t'icte)t 2o))i,le 6a1- It i) i+2o))i,le 3o' +e to ,eha&e in an1thin( ,*t the +o)t co''ect +anne'->
F'o+ that 1o* +a1 )*22o)e that I)hta'7) 3a+il1 6e'e 'i(i5l1 5oct'inai'e P'e),1te'ian)% o'
)*2e'lati&el1 +o'al Catholic)% o' t'a5ition-,o*n5 O'tho5o< ;e6)% ,*t i3 1o* 5o% it7) an a))*+2tion- I )a1
nothin( a,o*t I)hta'7) 'eli(io*) ,ac4('o*n5-
To ,e )*'e% I)hta' i) the Ba,1lonian (o55e)) o3 lo&e% the analo( o3 the G'ee4 A2h'o5ite% an5 it i)
the'e3o'e o55 that )*ch a na+e )ho*l5 ,e (i&en a chil5 ,1 2*'itanical 2a'ent)% i3 the 2*'itani)+ i) Ch'i)tian
o' ;e6i)h in o'i(in- B*t 6ho )a1) it i)9 The 3a+il1 +a1 ,e a ('o*2 o3 2*'itanical D'*i5) ?e&en D'*i5) +a1
ha&e )t'ict +o'al co5e)% an5 2'o,a,l1 5o@ 6ho cho)e =I)hta'> 3o' it) )o*n5-
B*t let7) (o into the +atte' o3 na+e) +o'e )1)te+aticall1- E&e'1 6'ite' ha) to (i&e hi) cha'acte')
na+e)- The'e a'e occa)ional e<ce2tion) a) 6hen a 6'ite' +a1 'e3e' to a li+ite5 n*+,e' o3 cha'acte')% in
P*c4i)h 3a)hion% a) =the Yo*n( an%> =the Docto'%> =the S4e2tic%> an5 )o on- P- G- "o5eho*)e% 3o'
e<a+2le% in hi) (ol3 )to'ie)% 'e3e') to the na''ato' a) =the Ol5e)t e+,e'> an5 ne&e' (i&e) hi+ a na+e- He
onl1 nee5 ,e 'e3e''e5 to 3o' a 3e6 2a'a('a2h) at the )ta't% ho6e&e'% an5 then 'e+ain) in the ,ac4('o*n5 a) a
5i)e+,o5ie5 &oice- In +1 o6n Geo'(e an5 AAaAel )to'ie)% the 3i')t-2e')on cha'acte' to 6ho+ Geo'(e
)2ea4) in the int'o5*ction an5 6ho+ he 'e(*la'l1 in)*lt)% ha) no na+e- He i) +e'el1 =I- = O3 co*')e% the
2e'ce2ti&e 'ea5e' +a1 thin4 ?3'o+ the nat*'e o3 Geo'(e7) in)*lt)@ that I7) na+e i) I)aac A)i+o&% ,*t a(ain
that i) onl1 an a))*+2tion-
Allo6in( 3o' )*ch +ino' e<ce2tion) then% 6'ite') nee5 na+e)-
Yo* +i(ht thin4 that thi) i) not )o+ethin( that ,othe') an1one ,*t a22a'entl1 it 5oe)- I ha&e
'ecei&e5 n*+e'o*) lette') ?*)*all1 3'o+ 1o*n( teena(e')@ 6ho )ee+ to ,e totall1 *ni+2'e))e5 ,1 the ea)e
6ith 6hich I 6o'4 *2 co+2le< 2lot) an5 in(enio*) (i++ic4) an5 )oc4o en5in() ,*t 6ho )a1% =Ho6 5o 1o*
+ana(e to 5eci5e 6hat na+e) to (i&e 1o*' cha'acte')9> That i) 6hat 2*AAle) the+-
In +1 atte+2t) to an)6e'% I ha&e ha5 to thin4 a,o*t the )*,8ect-
In 2o2*la' 3iction inten5e5 3o' 6i5e con)*+2tion% e)2eciall1 a+on( the 1o*n(% na+e) a'e
3'e:*entl1 cho)en 3o' ,lan5ne))- Yo* 5on7t 6ant the 4i5) to )t*+,le o&e' the 2'on*nciation o3 )t'an(e
na+e) o' to ,e 5i)t'acte5 ,1 the+- Yo*' cha'acte')% the'e3o'e% a'e na+e5 ;ac4 A'+)t'on( o' Pat Reill1 o'
Sa+ ;one)- S*ch )to'ie) a'e 3ille5 6ith Bill) an5 F'an4) an5 ;oe) co*2le5 6ith Ha'2e') an5 An5e')on) an5
;ac4)on)- That i) al)o 2a't o3 the co+3o'tin( a))*+2tion that all 5ecent cha'acte')% he'oe) e)2eciall1% a'e o3
no'th6e)t E*'o2ean e<t'action-
Nat*'all1% 1o* +a1 ha&e co+ic cha'acte') o' &illain)% an5 they can ,e 5'a6n 3'o+ a+on( the
=in3e'io'> 'ace)% 6ith na+e) to )*it- The &illaino*) e<ican can ,e Pa,loC the co+ic ,lac4% Ra)t*)C the
)h'e65 ;e6% A,ieC an5 )o on-
A)i5e 3'o+ the 6ea'i)o+e )a+ene)) o3 )*ch thin()% the 6o'l5 chan(e5 a3te' the .F0E)- Hitle' (a&e
'aci)+ a ,a5 na+e% an5 all o&e' the 6o'l5% 2eo2le 6ho ha5 till then ,een 2at'oniAe5 a) =nati&e)> ,e(an
a))e'tin( the+)el&e)- It ,eca+e nece))a'1 to choo)e na+e) 6ith a little +o'e i+a(ination an5 to a&oi5
)ee+in( to 'e)e'&e he'oi)+ 3o' 1o*' 4in5 an5 &illain1 3o' the othe' 4in5-
On to2 o3 thi) )cience 3iction 6'ite') ha5 a )2ecial 2'o,le+- "hat na+e) 5o 1o* *)e 3o' non-
h*+an cha'acte')--'o,ot)% e<t'ate''e)t'ial)% an5 )o on9
The'e ha&e ,een a &a'iet1 o3 )ol*tion) to thi) 2'o,le+- Fo' in)tance% 1o* +i(ht 5eli,e'atel1 (i&e
e<t'ate''e)t'ial) *n2'ono*ncea,le na+e)% th*) in5icatin( that the1 )2ea4 an *tte'l1 )t'an(e lan(*a(e
5e)i(ne5 3o' )o*n5-2'o5*cin( o'(an) othe' than h*+an &ocal co'5)- The na+e Xl,n*)h4% 3o' in)tance-
That% ho6e&e'% i) not a )ol*tion that can lon( ,e )*)taine5- No 'ea5e' i) (oin( to 'ea5 a )to'1 in
6hich he 2e'io5icall1 enco*nte') Xl,n*)h4 6itho*t e&ent*all1 lo)in( hi) te+2e'- A3te' all% he ha) to loo4 at
the lette'-co+,ination an5 he7) ,o*n5 to t'1 to 2'ono*nce it e&e'1 ti+e he )ee) it-
Be)i5e)% in 'eal li3e% a 5i33ic*lt na+e i) a*to+aticall1 )i+2li3ie5- In (eolo(1% the'e i) )o+ethin(
calle5 =the oho'o&icic 5i)contin*it1> na+e5 3o' it) Y*(o)la&ian 5i)co&e'e'- It i) *)*all1 'e3e''e5 to ,1
non-Y*(o)la&ian) a) =the oho 5i)contin*it1-> In the )a+e 6a1% Xl,n*)h4 6o*l5 2'o,a,l1 ,eco+e
Anothe' 6a1 o*t i) to (i&e non-h*+an cha'acte') ? o' e&en h*+an cha'acte') li&in( in a 3a' 3*t*'e
in 6hich +e))1 e+otionali)+ ha) ,een eli+inate5@ co5e) in)tea5 o3 na+e)- Yo* can ha&e a cha'acte' calle5
=/.JF/%> 3o' in)tance- That )o't o3 thin( ce'tainl1 (i&e) a )to'1 a )cience-3ictional a+,ience- An5 it can
6o'4- In Neil ;one)7 P'o3e))o' ;a+e)on )to'ie) o3 hal3 a cent*'1 a(o% the cha'acte') 6e'e o'(anic ,'ain) in
+etallic ,o5ie)% all o3 6ho+ ha5 lette'-n*+,e' na+e)- E&ent*all1% one co*l5 tell the+ a2a't% an5 5i5n7t
e&en notice the a,)ence o3 o'5ina'1 na+e)- Thi) )1)te+% ho6e&e'% 6ill 6o'4 onl1 i3 it 'a'el1 occ*')- I3 all%
o' e&en +o)t% )to'ie) n*+,e'e5 thei' cha'acte')% the'e 6o*l5 ,e 'e,ellion in the 'an4)-
1 o6n )1)te+% 6hen 5ealin( 6ith the 3a' 3*t*'e% o' 6ith e<t'ate''e)t'ial)% i) to *)e na+e)% not
co5e)% an5 ea)il1 2'ono*ncea,le na+e)% tooC ,*t na+e) that 5on7t 'e)e+,le an1 'eal one)% o' an1
'eco(niAa,le ethnic ('o*2-
Fo' one thin( that (i&e) the i+2'e))ion o3 =alieni)+> 6itho*t anno1in( the 'ea5e'- Fo' anothe'% it
+ini+iAe) the chance o3 o33en5in( )o+eone ,1 *)in( hi) o' he' na+e-
Thi) i) a 'eal 5an(e'- The +o)t a+*)in( e<a+2le 6a) one that 6a) enco*nte'e5 ,1 L- S2'a(*e 5e
Ca+2 6hen he 6'ote =The e'+an> ,ac4 in .F0I- The he'o 6a) one #e'non B'oc4 ?not a co++on na+e@
an5 he 6a) an ichth1olo(i)t ?not a co++on 2'o3e))ion@- A3te' the )to'1 a22ea'e5 in the Dece+,e' .F0I%
Astoundin*, a th*n5e')t'*c4 S2'a(*e hea'5 3'o+ a 'eal #e'non B'oc4 6ho 6a) 'eall1 an ichth1olo(i)t-
Fo't*natel1% the 'eal B'oc4 6a) +e'el1 a+*)e5 an5 5i5n7t +in5 at all% ,*t i3 he ha5 ,een a na)t1 2e')on% he
+i(ht ha&e )*e5- S2'a(*e 6o*l5 ce'tainl1 ha&e 6on o*t% ,*t he 6o*l5 ha&e ,een )t*c4 6ith le(al 3ee)% lo)t
ti+e% an5 +*ch anno1ance-
So+eti+e) I (et a6a1 6ith )li(ht +i))2ellin(): Bale1 in)tea5 o3 Baile1C Ha'i in)tea5 o3 Ha''1C
Daneel in)tea5 o3 Daniel- At othe' ti+e)% I +a4e the na+e) con)i5e'a,l1 5i33e'ent% e)2eciall1 the 3i')t
na+e: Sal&o' Ha'5in% Gaal Do'nic4% Golan T'e&iAe% Sto' Gen5i,al% ;ano& Pelo'at- ?I ho2e I7+ (ettin( the+
'i(htC I7+ not ,othe'in( to loo4 the+ *2-@
1 3e+inine cha'acte') al)o 'ecei&e that t'eat+ent% tho*(h the na+e) I choo)e ten5 to ,e 3aintl1
cla))ical ,eca*)e I li4e the )o*n5: Callia% A'te+i)ia% No1)% A'ca5ia% Gla5ia% an5 )o on-
I +*)t a5+it that 6hen I )ta'te5 5oin( thi)% I e<2ecte5 to (et i''itate5 lette') 3'o+ 'ea5e')% ,*t% 1o*
4no6% I ne&e' (ot one- It ,e(an in 6hole)ale +anne' in .FM/ 6ith the 3i')t Fo*n5ation )to'1 an5 in the
3o't1-2l*) 1ea') )ince% not one )*ch lette' a''i&e5- "ell% Da+on !ni(ht once 'e3e''e5 to No1) in a 'e&ie6 o3
The $nd of $ternity a) =the 6o+an 6ith the 3*nn1 na+e%> ,*t that7) a) clo)e a) it (ot-
"hich ,'in() +e to the Geo'(e an5 AAaAel )to'ie) a(ain- The'e I *)e a 5i33e'ent )1)te+- The
Geo'(e an5 AAaAel )to'ie) a'e inten5e5 to ,e h*+o'o*)- In 3act% the1 a'e 3a'ce)% 6ith no atte+2t at o'
2'eten)e o3 'eali)+- The )to'ie) a'e o*t'a(eo*)l1 o&e'6'itten on 2*'2o)e- 1 o'5ina'1 6'itin( )t1le i) )o
?5eli,e'atel1@ 2lain that e&e'1 once in a 6hile% I en8o1 )ho6in( that I can ,e 3lo'i5 an5 'ococo i3 I choo)e-
"ell% then% in a 'ococo )to'1% ho6 on Ea'th can I ,e e<2ecte5 to ha&e cha'acte') 6ith o'5ina'1
na+e)% e&en tho*(h the )to'ie) a'e )et in the 2'e)ent an5 ?e<ce2t 3o' AAaAel@ 5eal onl1 6ith Ea'th 2eo2le% )o
that I can7t *)e none<i)tent na+e)9
In)tea5 I *)e 'eal na+e)% ,*t choo)e &e'1 *n*)*al an5 2'etentio*) 3i')t na+e)- In +1 Geo'(e an5
AAaAel )to'ie)% cha'acte') ha&e ,een na+e5 o'5ecai Si+)% Gottlie, ;one)% enan5e' Bloc4% Hanni,al
"e)t% an5 )o on- B1 a))ociatin( the o*tlan5i)h 3i')t na+e 6ith a )o,e' la)t na+e% I hei(hten the o55ne)) o3
the 3i')t- ?On )econ5 tho*(ht% I )ho*l5 ha&e +a5e I)hta' i)ti4% I)hta' S+ith-@
None o3 thi) i)% o3 co*')e% inten5e5 a) a *ni&e')al '*le- It7) 8*)t 6hat " 5o- I3 1o* 6ant to 6'ite an
SF )to'1% ,1 all +ean) +a4e *2 a )1)te+ o3 1o*' o6n-
HA#ING PUBLISHED AN EDITORIAL ENTITLED =Pla(ia'i)+> in the A*(*)t% .FIG i))*e o3 the +a(aAine%
it occ*') to +e to loo4 at the othe' )i5e o3 the coin- A3te' all% i3 2la(ia'i)+ i) 'e2'ehen)i,le% total o'i(inalit1
i) 8*)t a,o*t i+2o))i,le-
The thin( i) that the'e e<i)t) an inc'e5i,le n*+,e' o3 ,oo4) in 6hich an eno'+o*) &a'iet1 o3 i5ea)
an5 an e&en +o'e eno'+o*) &a'iet1 o3 2h'a)e) an5 6a1) o3 2*ttin( thin() ha&e ,een incl*5e5- An1one
lite'ate eno*(h to 6'ite 6ell ha)% a) a +atte' o3 co*')e% 'ea5 a h*(e +i)cellan1 o3 2'inte5 +ate'ial an5% the
h*+an ,'ain ,ein( 6hat it i)% a ('eat 5eal o3 it 'e+ain) in the +e+o'1 at lea)t *ncon)cio*)l1% an5 6ill ,e
'e(*'(itate5 onto the +an*)c'i2t 2a(e at o55 +o+ent)-
In .F/J% 3o' in)tance% ;ohn Li&in()ton Lo6e) ?an En(li)h 2'o3e))o' at Ha'&a'5@ 2*,li)he5 a )i<-
h*n5'e5-2a(e ,oo4 entitle5 The &oad to 9anadu, in 6hich he t'ace5 nea'l1 e&e'1 2h'a)e in =The Ri+e o3
the Ancient a'ine'> to &a'io*) t'a&el ,oo4) that 6e'e a&aila,le to the 2oet% Sa+*el Ta1lo' Cole'i5(e-
I t'ie5 'ea5in( the ,oo4 in +1 1o*th% ,*t (a&e *2- It co*l5 onl1 inte'e)t anothe' Cole'i5(e )chola'-
Be)i5e)% I )a6 no 2oint to it- G'ante5 that the 2h'a)e) al'ea51 e<i)te5 )catte'e5 th'o*(h a 5oAen ,oo4)% the1
e<i)te5 3o' e&e'1,o51- It 6a) onl1 Cole'i5(e 6ho tho*(ht o3 2*ttin( the+ to(ethe'% 6ith the nece))a'1
+o5i3ication)% to 3o'+ one o3 the ('eat 2oe+) o3 the En(li)h lan(*a(e- Cole'i5(e +i(ht not ha&e ,een a
h*n5'e5 2e'cent o'i(inal ,*t he 6a) o'i(inal enou*h to +a4e the 2oe+ a 6o'4 o3 (eni*)- Yo* can7t
o&e''ate the )4ill) in&ol&e5 in )election an5 a''an(e+ent-
It 6a) thi) that 6a) in +1 o6n +in5% once% 6hen I 6a) ,*)il1 6o'4in( on a ,oo4 o3 +ine calle5
0ords of )cience ,ac4 in the 5a1) 6hen I 6a) acti&el1 teachin( at Bo)ton Uni&e')it1 School o3 e5icine-
The ,oo4 con)i)te5 o3 /GE one-2a(e e))a1) on &a'io*) )cienti3ic te'+)% (i&in( 5e'i&ation)% +eanin() an5
&a'io*) hi)to'ical 2oint) o3 inte'e)t- Fo' the 2*'2o)e% I ha5 an *na,'i5(e5 5ictiona'1 )2'ea5 o*t on +1 5e)4%
3o' I co*l5n7t &e'1 6ell +a4e *2 the 5e'i&ation)% no' co*l5 I 'el1 on +1 +e+o'1 to 2'e)ent the+ to +e in
all co''ect 5etail- ?1 +e+o'1 i) (oo5% ,*t not that (oo5-@
A 3ello6 3ac*lt1 +e+,e' ha22ene5 ,1 an5 loo4e5 o&e' +1 )ho*l5e'- He 'ea5 6hat I 6a) 6'itin(
at the +o+ent% )ta'e5 at the *na,'i5(e5 an5 )ai5% ="h1% 1o*7'e 8*)t co21in( the 5ictiona'1->
I )to22e5 5ea5% )i(he5% clo)e5 the 5ictiona'1% li3te5 it 6ith an e33o't an5 han5e5 it to +1 3'ien5-
=He'e%> I )ai5- =The 5ictiona'1 i) 1o*')- No6 (o 6'ite the ,oo4->
He )h'*((e5 hi) )ho*l5e') an5 6al4e5 a6a1 6itho*t o33e'in( to ta4e the 5ictiona'1- He 6a) ,'i(ht
eno*(h to (et the 2oint-
The'e a'e ti+e)% tho*(h% 6hen I 6on5e' ho6 6ell an1 )to'1 o3 +ine 6o*l5 )*'&i&e 6hat one
+i(ht call the =Roa5 to Xana5* = te)t- ?The'e7) no 2oint in o33en5in( 3ello6 6'ite') ,1 anal1Ain( their
o'i(inalit1% )o I7ll 8*)t )tic4 to +1 o6n )t*33-@
The +o)t o'i(inal )to'1 I e&e' 6'ote in +1 o2inion 6a) =Ni(ht3all%> 6hich a22ea'e5 ,ac4 in .FM.-
I ha5 not :*ite 'eache5 +1 t6ent1-3i')t ,i'th5a1 6hen I 6'ote it an5 I ha&e al6a1) ,een ino'5inatel1 2'o*5
o3 the 2lot- =It 6a) a ,'an5-ne6 2lot%> I )ai5% =an5 I 4ille5 it a) I 6'ote it% 3o' no one el)e 6o*l5 5a'e 6'ite a
&a'iation o3 it->
To ,e )*'e% it 6a) ;ohn Ca+2,ell 6ho 2'e)ente5 +e 6ith the E+e')on :*ote that ,e(an the )to'1:
=I3 the )ta') 6o*l5 a22ea' one ni(ht in a tho*)an5 1ea')% ho6 6o*l5 +en ,elie&e an5 a5o'eC an5 2'e)e'&e
3o' +an1 (ene'ation) the 'e+e+,'ance o3 the Cit1 o3 Go5--> an5 it 6a) Ca+2,ell 6ho )ent +e ho+e to
6'ite the 'e&e')e o3 E+e')on7) the)i)-
Allo6in( 3o' that% the 5e&elo2+ent an5 5etail) o3 the )to'1 6e'e +ine--o' 6e'e the19
In .FJ0% I 6a) 2'e2a'in( an antholo(1 o3 +1 3a&o'ite )to'ie) o3 the .F0E) ?the 1ea')% that i)% ,e3o'e
;ohn Ca+2,ell7) e5ito')hi2% )o that I na+e5 the ,oo4 Before the 'olden A*e4 an5 I incl*5e5% o3 co*')e%
;ac4 "illia+)on7) =Bo'n o3 the S*n%> 6hich ha5 ,een 2*,li)he5 in .F0M an5 ha5% at that ti+e% 3a)cinate5
+1 3o*'teen-1ea'-ol5 )el3- I 'e'ea5 it% nat*'all1% ,e3o'e incl*5in( it an5 6a) ho''i3ie5-
Yo* )ee% it 5ealt in 2a't 6ith a c*lt 6ho)e +e+,e') 6e'e 3*'io*) at )cienti)t) 3o' 'ationaliAin( the
+1)tic tenet) o3 the ,elie&e')- In an e<citin( )cene% the c*lti)t) attac4e5 the )cienti)t)7 cita5el at a &e'1
c'*cial +o+ent an5 the )cienti)t) t'ie5 to hol5 the+ o33 lon( eno*(h to (et thei' ta)4 5one-
I can7t 5en1 ha&in( 'ea5 that )to'1- A3te' all% I )till 'e+e+,e'e5 it 6ith 2lea)*'e 3o't1 1ea') late'-
Yet onl1 )i< an5 a hal3 1ea') a3te' 'ea5in( it% I 6'ote =Ni(ht3all> 6hich 5ealt in 2a't 6ith a c*lt 6ho)e
+e+,e') 6e'e 3*'io*) at )cienti)t) 3o' 'ationaliAin( the +1)tic tenet) o3 the ,elie&e')- In an e<citin( )cene%
the c*lti)t) attac4e5 the )cienti)t)7 cita5el at a &e'1 c'*cial +o+ent an5 the )cienti)t) t'ie5 to hol5 the+ o33
lon( eno*(h to (et thei' ta)4 5one-
No% it 6a)n7t 2la(ia'i)+- Fo' one thin( I 6'ote it enti'el1 5i33e'entl1- Ho6e&e'% the )cene 3it ,oth
)to'ie) an5 ha&in( ,een i+2'e))e5 ,1 it in ;ac47) )to'1% I 5'e6 3'o+ +e+o'1% an5 *)e5 it in +1 o6n )to'1
a*to+aticall1--ne&e' 3o' one +o+ent con)i5e'in( that I 6a)n7t +a4in( it *2 o*t o3 nothin( ,*t ha5 ea'lie'
'ea5 )o+ethin( &e'1 li4e that )cene-
I )*22o)e that an1 tho'o*(h(oin( )chola' 6ho 6a) 6illin( to )2en5 )e&e'al 1ea') at the ta)4 co*l5
t'ace al+o)t e&e'1 :*i'4 in =Ni(ht3all> to one )to'1 o' anothe' that a22ea'e5 in the )cience 3iction
+a(aAine) in the .F0E)- ?Ye)% I 'ea5 the+ all-@ Nat*'all1% he co*l5 5o the )a+e 3o' an1 othe' )to'1 6'itten
,1 an1 othe' a*tho'-
He'e7) )o+ethin( e&en +o'e c*'io*)- In a note 5ate5 ;*ne /J% .FIG% a 'ea5e' )ent +e an
enclo)*'e--a 2hotoco21 o3 a )ho't a'ticle 3'o+ the Octo,e' .F0J i))*e o3 the +a(aAine )!y ?no6 4no6n a)
)!y and Telescope, I ,elie&e@-
The a'ticle i) entitle5 =I3 the Sta') A22ea'e5 Onl1 One Ni(ht in a Tho*)an5 Yea')-> It ,e(in) 6ith
the E+e')on :*otation an5 it i) ,1 - T- B'ac4,ill- The a*tho' 5e)c'i,e) 6hat it +i(ht ,e li4e i3 the ni(ht
on 6hich the )ta') a22ea' 6e'e co+in(- The'e +i(ht ,e =2'o)tella'i)t)> 6ho ,elie&e the )ta') a'e co+in(C
an5 =anti)tella'i)t) = 6ho 5i)+i)) the 6hole thin( a) a 3a,le- An5 then the ni(ht co+e) an5 e&e'1one )ta'e)
ent'ance5 at the )ta') an5 3inall1 6atche) the+ 5i)a22ea' 6ith the 5a6n% )a5l1 'ealiAin( that 3o' a tho*)an5
1ea') the1 6ill ne&e' ,e )een a(ain-
It7) 'athe' to*chin(% an5 a,o*t the onl1 thin( B'ac4,ill +i))e)% that I co*l5 )ee% 6a) the ce'taint1
that on that 2a'tic*la' ni(ht the'e 6a) ,o*n5 to ,e a hea&1 ni(ht-lon( o&e'ca)t in &a'io*) 2a't) o3 the 6o'l5%
)o that +illion) o3 2eo2le 6o*l5 in&a'ia,l1 ,e 5i)a22ointe5-
The 2e')on 6ho )ent +e the 2hotoco21 acco+2anie5 it 6ith thi) note: =Dea' '- A)i+o&--I
ha22ene5 to )2ot thi) a'ticle- I 6on5e' i3 it 6a) an in)2i'ation 3o' one o3 the ('eate)t )ho't )to'ie) e&e'
6'itten$ =
;*)t an =in)2i'ation=9 I3 the a'ticle an5 =Ni(ht3all> 6e'e ca'e3*ll1 )t*5ie5 an5 co+2a'e5% ho6
+an1 e&ent) an5 2h'a)e) in the )to'1 +i(ht )ee+ to ha&e ,een in)2i'e5 o' hinte5 at in the a'ticle- I ha&en7t
the hea't to 5o thi) +1)el3 an5 I ho2e no one el)e 5oe)-
Un3o't*natel1% neithe' the na+e no' a55'e)) o3 the 2e')on 6ho )ent +e the a'ticle 6a) on the note%
an5 the en&elo2e the 6hole thin( ha5 co+e in ha5 not ,een )a&e5- ?Plea)e% e&e'1one% i3 1o* 6ant an
an)6e'% 2*t 1o*' na+e an5 'et*'n a55'e)) on your letter an5 not 8*)t on the en&elo2e- I 3'e:*entl1 5i)ca'5
en&elo2e) 6itho*t (lancin( at the+ e<ce2t to +a4e )*'e the1 a'e a55'e))e5 to +e-@
In an1 ca)e% I co*l5n7t an)6e' hi+- So I +*)t *)e thi) e5ito'ial a) the onl1 6a1 o3 'eachin( hi+-
The t'*th i) that I ne&e' )a6 the a'ticleC ne&e' ha5 a hint that it e<i)te5 *ntil the 5a1 I 'ecei&e5 the
note an5 enclo)*'e 3'o+ +1 *n4no6n co''e)2on5ent- It ha5 not the )li(hte)t iota o3 5i'ect in3l*ence on +1
But ;ohn Ca+2,ell 2'e)ente5 +e 6ith the E+e')on :*ote an5 the 'e:*e)t that I 'e&e')e it% onl1
th'ee 1ea') a3te' the a'ticle ha5 a22ea'e5- Ha5 he )een it9
I 6o*l5n7t ,e )*'2'i)e5 i3 he ha5% an5 i3% a) )oon a) he ha5 co+e ac'o)) it o' ha5 ha5 it 5'a6n to
hi) attention% co2ie5 5o6n the :*ote an5 then 6aite5 3o' the 3i')t *n6a'1 )cience 3iction 6'ite' to c'o)) hi)
th'e)hol5- ?Ho6 than43*l I a+ that it 6a) I- @
"e'e he )till ali&e ?he 6o*l5 onl1 ,e )e&ent1-3i&e to5a1% i3 he 6e'e@% I 6o*l5 a)4 hi+ a,o*t it- I
a+ :*ite )*'e% tho*(h% 6hat hi) an)6e' 6o*l5 ,e- It 6o*l5 ,e% ="hat 5i33e'ence 5oe) it +a4e9>
So the'e a'i)e) the :*e)tion: =I3 it i) i+2o))i,le to ,e co+2letel1 o'i(inal% ho6 can 1o* tell
2e'+i))i,le in3l*ence 3'o+ 2la(ia'i)+9>
"ell% it 5e2en5) on the e<tent an5 5etail o3 the ,o''o6in(- Ba)e5 on that% it i) 2o))i,le to tell$ It
+a1 not al6a1) ,e 2'o&a,le in a co*'t o3 la6% ,*t% ,elie&e +e% it i) 2o))i,le to tell$
B%%= &$?"$0)
I HA#E NE#ER MADE ANY SECRET OF THE 3act that I 5i)li4e the conce2t o3 'e&ie6) an5 the 2'o3e))ion
o3 'e&ie6in(- It i) a 2*'el1 e+otional 'eaction ,eca*)e% 3o' 'ea)on) that a'e all too ea)1 to 6o'4 o*t% I
)t'on(l1 5i)li4e ha&in( an1one c'iticiAe +1 )t*33 a5&e')el1-
I 5on7t thin4 I7+ alone in thi)- F'o+ +1 clo)e o,)e'&ation o3 6'ite') ?al+o)t all +1 3'ien5) a'e
6'ite')@ the1 3all into t6o ('o*2): .@ tho)e 6ho ,lee5 co2io*)l1 an5 &i)i,l1 at an1 ,a5 'e&ie6% an5 /@ tho)e
6ho ,lee5 co2io*)l1 an5 )ec'etl1 at an1 ,a5 'e&ie6-
I7+ cla)) one- o)t o3 +1 3'ien5) ai+ at cla)) t6o an5 5on7t :*ite +a4e it an5 a'en7t :*ite a6a'e
that the1 5on7t +a4e it-
Un3o't*natel1% the'e7) no 6a1 in 6hich one can (et ,ac4 at a 'e&ie6e'- I ha&e )o+eti+e) ha5 the
*'(e to 5o )o+e 3anc1 ho')e6hi22in( in the 3o'+ o3 a +o'5ant lette' 5e)i(ne5 to 3la1 the 'e2tilian hi5e o33
the )*,-+o'on in&ol&e5C ,*t% e<ce2t in +1 &e'1 ea'l1 5a1)% I ha&e al6a1) 'e)i)te5- Thi) i) not o*t o3
i5eali)+ ,*t o*t o3 the ,itte' 4no6le5(e that the 6'ite' al6a1) lo)e) in )*ch a con3'ontation-
In)tea5% then% I ta4e to +*tte'in( 5e'o(ato'1 co++ent) a,o*t 'e&ie6in( an5 'e&ie6e') in (ene'al-
B*t I7+ in a ,a5 )2ot he'e- Thi) +a(aAine ?6hich i) the a22le o3 +1 e1e@ not onl1 ha) a 'e(*la'
,oo4 'e&ie6 col*+n% ,*t ha) othe' ite+)% le)) 'e(*la'l1 incl*5e5% that 'e&ie6 one o' anothe' o3 the 3acet) o3
the )cience 3iction 3iel5- I3 I 'eall1 5e)2i)e 'e&ie6in( )o% 6h1 i) it I allo6 'e&ie6in( in the +a(aAine9
Beca*)e I don.t 'eall1 5e)2i)e 'e&ie6in( an5 'e&ie6e')- That i) an e+otional 'eaction that I
'eco(niAe a) e+otional% an5 the'e3o'e 5i)co*nt- I a+ a 'ational +anC I li4e to thin4C an5 in an1 5i)a('ee+ent
,et6een +1 e+otion) an5 +1 'ationalit1% I )ho*l5 ho2e it i) 'ationalit1 that 6in) o*t e&e'1 ti+e-
No6 let7) (et 5o6n to ca)e)-
A 2*,li)he' to 6ho+ I 6a) ,ehol5en a)4e5 +e to 'ea5 a ,oo4 ,1 an i+2o'tant 6'ite' an5 to (i&e
the+ a :*ote that co*l5 ,e *)e5 on the co&e'- I t'ie5 to ,e( o33% ,*t the1 in)i)te5 that I at lea)t 'ea5 it% an5
(i&e it a chance-
So I 5i5- I tried to 'ea5 it--an5 the (ea') loc4e5 ti(ht lon( ,e3o'e I 3ini)he5- It )ee+e5 to +e )o
*n)*cce))3*l a ,oo4 that the'e 6a) no 6a1 in 6hich I co*l5 (i&e it the :*ote that 6a) 6ante5- I 3elt a63*l%
,*t I ha5 to call the 2*,li)he' an5 ,e( o33-
No6% then% a))*+in( +1 8*5(+ent 6a) co''ect% )ho*l5 that ,oo4 ,e 'e&ie6e59 "h1 )a1 *n4in5
thin() a,o*t it9
In the ca)e o3 an o'5ina'1 ,a5 ,oo4% one +i(ht 6on5e'- At the +o)t% it +i(ht onl1 ,e nece))a'1 to
)a1% =Thi) i) a ,a5 ,oo4 ,eca*)e--> 6ith a 3e6 *ne+otional )entence) a55e5- Yo* 5on7t c'ac4 a 2ean*t
6ith a )le5(eha++e'-
An *n)ati)3acto'1 ,oo4 6'itten ,1 an i+2o'tant 6'ite'% ho6e&e'% 'e:*i'e) a 5etaile5 'e&ie6 to
e<2lain why it )ee+) to ha&e (one 6'on( an5 where an5 how. Thi) i) not )o +*ch to 6a'n o33 'ea5e')% 6ho
6ill 2'o,a,l1 ha&e ,o*(ht the ,oo4 in ('eat n*+,e') an16a1 ,1 the ti+e the 'e&ie6 co+e) o*t- It i)
,eca*)e e&en a 3la6e5 ,oo4 ,1 a (oo5 6'ite' can ,e an i+2o'tant e5*cational e<2e'ience-
It) 3ail*'e can ,e *)e5 a) a 6a1 o3 )ha'2enin( the (ene'al ta)te 3o' the lite'a'1 (oo5- It 6ill e5*cate
?2'o2e'l1 'e&ie6e5@ not onl1 the 'ea5e'% ,*t the 6'ite' a) 6ell% the &ete'an a) 6ell a) the neo2h1te-
An5 1et 5e)2ite the &al*e o3 )*ch a 'e&ie6% I co*l5 not in a +illion 1ea') 'e&ie6 the ,oo4 +1)el3-
The'e a'e e+otional o,8ection)- Ho6 can I )a1 *n4in5 thin() a,o*t )o+eone el)e 6hen I 5ete)t
ha&in( )o+eone )a1 *n4in5 thin() a,o*t +e9 I3 I can7t ta4e it% I ha&e no 'i(ht to 5i)h it o*t- Then% too% ho6
can I 'e&ie6 a ,oo4 ,1 a 3'ien5 ?o'% 2o))i,l1% a 'i&al@ an5 ,e )*'e o3 ,ein( o,8ecti&e9
I3 that i)n7t eno*(h% the'e a'e technical o,8ection)- E&en i3 e&e'1one 6e'e to ('ant that I a+ a
6hiAA at 6'itin( )cience 3iction% that 5oe) not nece))a'il1 +ean that I7+ a 6hiAA at *n5e')tan5in( 6hat
+a4e) )cience 3iction (oo5 an5 ,a5- E&en 6hen I 3eel a )to'1 to ,e ,a5 I 5on7t nece))a'il1 ha&e the a,ilit1
to 2oint o*t 8*)t 6he'e an5 ho6 an5 6h1 the ,a5ne)) e<i)t)-
So 6e ha&e Bai'5 Sea'le) 'e&ie6in( ,oo4) 3o' *)- He ha) the talent 3o' )a1in( 6hat nee5) to ,e
)ai5 an5 I a+ ('ate3*l that he ha)-
No6 con)i5e' 6hat a 'e&ie6e' +*)t 5o% i3 he i) to ,e (oo5 at hi) 8o,-
%5 A 'e&ie6e' +*)t 'ea5 the ,oo4 ca'e3*ll1C e&e'1 6o'5 o3 it% i3 2o))i,leC e&en i3 it )ee+) to ,e &e'1 ,a5-
Thi) i) an e<t'ao'5ina'il1 5i33ic*lt 8o,- It i) the +a'4 o3 an *n)*cce))3*l ,oo4 i3 it i) ha'5 to 'ea5C i3 it i)
cl*+)1% 6ea'1in(% *ninte'e)tin(% 5*ll% +onotono*)% in)*ltin( to the intelli(ence% 2'e5icta,le% 'e2etitio*)%
in3elicito*)--an1 o' all o3 the)e thin()- "hen 1o* an5 I 'ea5 a ,oo4 o3 thi) )o't% 6e )to2 'ea5in(- A
co+2etent 'e&ie6e' +*)tn7t- He +*)t )tic4 to it to (i&e the ,oo4 an *tte'l1 3ai' )ha4e-
(5 A 'e&ie6e' +*)t 'ea5 6ith attention% +a'4in( 2a))a(e) 2e'ha2)% ta4in( note) 2e'ha2)% )o that he 6on7t
ha&e to 6o'4 3'o+ +e+o'1 alone in 6'itin( hi) 'e&ie6% )o that he 6on7t +a4e 3act*al e''o') o'
*n'ea)ona,le c'itici)+)-
-5 A 'e&ie6e' +*)t 'ea5 6ith 5etach+ent an5 not allo6 hi) 8*5(+ent o3 the ,oo4 to ,e t6i)te5 ,1 hi)
8*5(+ent o3 the 6'ite'- He +a1 4no6 a 6'ite' to ,e an i''itatin( ,oo' an5 1et 'ealiAe the 6'ite'7) ,oo4 +a1
,e ('eat- He +a1 4no6 a 6'ite' to ,e a )aint% an5 1et 'ealiAe the 6'ite'7) ,oo4 +a1 ,e a63*l- He +*)t
concent'ate on the ,oo4 an5 onl1 on the ,oo4-
&5 A 'e&ie6e' +*)t not onl1 ,e a 2e')on o3 lite'a'1 8*5(+ent% ,*t he +*)t ha&e a 6i5e 4no6le5(e o3 the
3iel5% )o that he can e<e't hi) 8*5(+ent o3 the ,oo4 a(ain)t the conte<t o3 othe' ,oo4) ,1 the a*tho'% o3
,oo4) ,1 othe' a*tho') o3 )i+ila' e<2e'ience o' )i+ila' intent% an5 o3 the 3iel5 in (ene'al-
$5 A 'e&ie6e' +*)t ,e a co+2etent 6'ite' hi+)el3% 3o' the +o)t lite'a'il1 2enet'atin( 'e&ie6 e&e' 6'itten
lo)e) it) 2oint i3 it% it)el3% i) )o ,a5l1 6'itten that an1 'ea5e' ('o6) ,o'e5% i''itate5% o' con3*)e5-
.5 Finall1--an5 thi) i) the 2oint 6he'e e&en the cle&e'e)t 'e&ie6e' ?2e'ha2) especially the cle&e'e)t
'e&ie6e'@ can co+e a c'o22e'--the 'e&ie6 +*)t not ,e a )ho6ca)e 3o' the 'e&ie6e' hi+)el3- The 2*'2o)e o3
the 'e&ie6 i) not to 5e+on)t'ate the )*2e'io' e'*5ition o3 the 'e&ie6e' o' to +a4e it )ee+ that the 'e&ie6e'%
i3 he ,*t too4 the t'o*,le% co*l5 6'ite the ,oo4 ,ette' than the a*tho' 5i5- ?"h1 the 5e&il 5oe)n7t he 5o it%
then9@ No' +*)t it )ee+ to ,e a hatchet 8o, in 6hich the 'e&ie6e' i) ca''1in( o*t )o+e 2'i&ate &en(eance-
?Thi) +a1 not ,e )o% 1o* *n5e')tan5% ,*t it +*)tn7t e&en seem to ,e )o-@
The)e a'e not ea)1 con5ition) to +eetC an5 the 3act i) that tho*(h the'e a'e +an1 'e&ie6e')% the'e
a'e not +an1 (oo5 'e&ie6e')-
An5 6h1 not9 P'o,a,l1 all 'e&ie6e') 6ill (la5l1 acce2t St*'(eon7) La6 ?that ninet1 2e'cent o3
e&e'1thin( i) c'*5@ 6ith 'e)2ect to the ,oo4) the1 'e&ie6--an5 it hol5) 8*)t a) )oli5l1 3o' the 'e&ie6) the1
An5 i) the'e an1thin( a (oo5 ,oo4 'e&ie6e' +*)t 'ecei&e 3'o+ the e5ito' 3o' all that i) e<2ecte5 o3
hi+9 Ce'tainl1$ In a 6o'5% in5e2en5ence-
"hen an e5ito' hi'e) a ,oo4 'e&ie6e'% he 5oe)n7t ?o' )ho*l5n7t@ ,*1 a )c'i,,le' 6ho ha) a('ee5 to
2*t the ,o))7) o2inion) into 6o'5)- No% it i) the ,oo4 'e&ie6e' and his opinions that ha&e ,een hi'e5- The
,oo4 'e&ie6) in thi) +a(aAine 5o not nece))a'il1 e<2'e)) the o2inion) o3 Geo'(e% Sha6na% o' +1)el3--
altho*(h the1 +i(ht- In 3act% Geo'(e% Sha6na% an5 +1)el3 5o not nece))a'il1 a('ee a+on( o*')el&e) a) to
the 6o'th o3 a 2a'tic*la' 2iece o3 6'itin(-
B*t it i) the 'e&ie6e'7) o2inion) 1o* 6ant% not o*')C an5 it i) hi) 1o* 6ill (et- He i) the
2'o3e))ional in thi) 'e)2ect-
Bai'5 Sea'le)% in +1 o2inion% i) one o3 the (oo5 'e&ie6e')% an5 6e a'e (la5 6e ha&e hi+% an5 6e
ho2e he )ta1) 6ith *) a lon( ti+e- He 5oe) not a)4 *) 3o' o*' &ie6) ,e3o'e he 6'ite) hi) col*+n an5 i3
?inconcei&a,l1@ he a)4e5 *)% 6e 6o*l5n7t tell hi+-
An5 it7) ,eca*)e 'e&ie6e') can ,e li4e Bai'5 Sea'le) that 6e ha&e a 'e&ie6 col*+n-
0(AT 0&"T$&) '% T(&%-'(
E#ERY ONCE IN A WHILE I GET A LETTER that )t'i4e) a cho'5- ;eanne )- !in( o3 a'ietta% Geo'(ia%
)*((e)te5 that I 6'ite an e5ito'ial on 6hat 6'ite') (o th'o*(h- He' ten5e' hea't ,le5 3o' 6'ite') an5 I thin4
)he ha) a 2oint-
Fi')t% let +e +a4e it clea' 6hat I +ean ,1 =6'ite')-> I 5on7t 6ant to con3ine the 6o'5 onl1 to tho)e
6ho a'e )*cce))3*l% 6ho ha&e 2*,li)he5 ,e)t)ellin( ,oo4)% o' 6ho c'an4 o*t 'ea+) o3 2*,li)he5 +ate'ial
e&e'1 1ea' ?i3 not e&e'1 5a1@% o' 6ho +a4e a la&i)h li&in( o*t o3 thei' 2en)% t12e6'ite')% o' 6o'5 2'oce))o')%
o' 6ho ha&e (aine5 3a+e an5 a5*lation-
I al)o +ean tho)e 6'ite') 6ho 8*)t )ell an occa)ional ite+% 6ho +a4e onl1 a ,it o3 2in +one1 to
e4e o*t inco+e) ea'ne5 +ainl1 in othe' 3a)hion)% 6ho)e na+e) a'e not ho*)ehol5 6o'5)% an5 6ho a'e not
'eco(niAe5 in the )t'eet-
In 3act% let +e (o 3a'the' an5 )a1 I e&en +ean tho)e 6'ite') 6ho ne&e' )ell an1thin(% 6ho a'e
6'ite') onl1 in the )en)e that the1 6o'4 5o((e5l1 at it% )en5in( o*t )to'1 a3te' )to'1% an5 li&in( in a ho2e
that i) not 1et 3*l3ille5-
"e can7t 5i)+i)) thi) la)t cla))i3ication a) =3ail*'e)> an5 not ='eal> 6'ite')- Fo' one thin(% the1 a'e
not nece))a'il1 3ail*'e) 3o'e&e'- Al+o)t e&e'1 6'ite'% ,e3o'e he ,eco+e) a )*cce))% e&en a '*na6a1
)*2e'no&a )*cce))% (oe) th'o*(h an a22'entice 2e'io5 6hen he7) a =3ail*'e->
Secon5l1% e&en i3 a 6'ite' i) 5e)tine5 al6a1) to ,e a 3ail*'e% an5 e&en i3 he i) ne&e' (oin( to )ell%
he 'e+ain) a h*+an ,ein( 3o' 6ho+ all the 5i33ic*ltie) an5 3'*)t'ation o3 a 6'ite'7) li3e e<i)t an5% in 3act%
e<i)t 6itho*t the 2alliation o3 e&en an occa)ional an5 +ino' t'i*+2h-
I3 6e (o to the othe' e<t'e+e an5 con)i5e' the 6'ite' 6ho)e e&e'1 2'o5*ct i) an a22a'entl1 )*'e
)ale% 6e 3in5 that the 5i33ic*ltie) an5 3'*)t'ation) ha&e not 5i)a22ea'e5- Fo' one thin(% no n*+,e' o3
t'i*+2h)% no a+o*nt o3 a22'o&al% )ee+ to ha&e an1 ca''1in( 2o6e' at the c'*cial +o+ent-
"hen e&en the +o)t )*cce))3*l 6'ite' )it) 5o6n ,e3o'e a ,lan4 2iece o3 2a2e'% he i) ,o*n5 to 3eel
that he i) )ta'tin( 3'o+ )c'atch an5% in5ee5% that the Da+oclean )6o'5 o3 'e8ection han() o&e' hi+- ?B1 the
6a1% 6hen I )a1 =he> an5 =hi+%> I +ean to a55 =)he> an5 =he'> e&e'1 ti+e-@
I3 I +a1 *)e +1)el3 a) an e<a+2le% I al6a1) 6ince a little 6hen an1one% ho6e&e' )ince'el1 an5
hone)tl1% a))*+e) that I a+ ne&e' 'e8ecte5- I a5+it that I a+ 'a'el1 'e8ecte5% ,*t ,et6een ='a'el1> an5
=ne&e'> i) a &a)t (*l3- E&en tho*(h I no lon(e' 6o'4 on )2ec an5 6'ite onl1 6hen a 2a'tic*la' ite+ i)
'e:*e)te5% I still '*n the 'i)4- The 1ea' 5oe)n7t 2a)) 6itho*t at lea)t one 3ail*'e- It 6a) onl1 a co*2le o3
+onth) a(o that $sDuire o'5e'e5 a )2eci3ic a'ticle 3'o+ +e- I 5*l1 5eli&e'e5 itC an5 the1% 8*)t a) 5*l1%
han5e5 it ,ac4-
That i) the 2o))i,ilit1 all o3 *) li&e 6ith- "e )it the'e alone% 2o*n5in( o*t the 6o'5)% 6ith o*'
hea't 2o*n5in( in ti+e- Each )entence ,'in() 6ith it a )ic4enin( )en)ation o3 not ,ein( 'i(ht- Each 2a(e
4ee2) *) 6on5e'in( i3 6e a'e +o&in( in the 6'on( 5i'ection-
E&en i3% 3o' )o+e 'ea)on% 6e 3eel 6e are (ettin( it 'i(ht an5 that the 6hole thin( i) )in(in( 6ith
o2e'atic cla'it1% 6e a'e (oin( to co+e ,ac4 to it the ne<t 5a1 an5 'e'ea5 it an5 hea' onl1 a 5*c47) :*ac4in(-
It7) to't*'e 3o' e&e'1one o3 *)-
Then co+e) the +atte' o3 'e6'itin( an5 2oli)hin(C o3 'e+o&in( o,&io*) 3la6) ?at lea)t% the1 )ee+
o,&io*)% ,*t a'e the1 'eall19@ an5 'e2lacin( the+ 6ith i+2'o&e+ent) ?o' a'e 6e 8*)t +a4in( thin()
6o')e9@- The'e7) )i+2l1 no 6a1 o3 tellin( i3 the )to'1 i) ,ein( +a5e ,ette' o' i) 8*)t ,ein( 2*)he5 5ee2e'
into the +*c4 *ntil the ti+e 3inall1 co+e) 6hen 6e eithe' tea' it *2 a) ho2ele))% o' 'i)4 the h*+iliation o3
'e8ection ,1 )en5in( it o33 to an e5ito'-
Once the )to'1 i) )ent o33% no a+o*nt o3 )teelin( one7) )el3% no a+o*nt o3 tellin( one7) )el3 o&e'
an5 o&e' that it i) )*'e to ,e 'e8ecte5% can 2'e&ent one 3'o+ ha',o'in( that one 6an little )2a'4 o3 ho2e-
The 2e'io5 o3 6aitin( i) 'e3ine5 to't*'e in it)el3- I) the e5ito' )i+2l1 not (ettin( 'o*n5 to it% o' ha)
he 'ea5 it an5 i) he )*)2en5e5 in *nce'taint19 I) he (oin( to 'ea5 it a(ain an5 may#e 5eci5e to *)e it% o' ha)
it ,een lo)t% o' ha) it ,een to))e5 a)i5e to ,e +aile5 ,ac4 at )o+e con&enient ti+e an5 ,een 3o'(otten9
Ho6 lon( 5o 1o* 6ait ,e3o'e 1o* 6'ite a :*e'1 lette'9 An5 i3 1o* 5o 6'ite a lette'% i) it
)*,)e'&ient eno*(h9 S1co2hantic eno*(h9 G'o&elin( eno*(h9 A3te' all% 1o* 5on7t 6ant to o33en5 hi+- He
+i(ht ,e 8*)t on the 2oint o3 acce2tin(C an5 i3 an o33en)i&e lette' 3'o+ 1o* co+e) alon(% he +a1 )na'l an5
'i2 1o*' +an*)c'i2t in t6o% )en5in( 1o* the hal&e)-
An5 6hen the 5a1 co+e) that the +anila en&elo2e a22ea') in the +ail% all 1o*' +*+,lin( to
1o*')el3 that it i) )*'e to co+e 6ill not a&ail 1o*- The )*n 6ill (o into ecli2)e-
It7) ,een o&e' 3o't1 1ea') )ince I7&e (one th'o*(h all thi) in it) 3*ll helli)hne))% ,*t I 'e+e+,e' it
6ith *n5i+ini)he5 cla'it1-
An5 then e&en i3 1o* +a4e a )ale% 1o* ha&e to 6ith)tan5 the e5ito'7) )*((e)tion) 6hich% at the
&e'1 lea)t% +ean 1o* ha&e to t*'n ,ac4 to the +an*)c'i2t% 6o'4 a(ain% a55 o' chan(e o' )*,t'act +ate'ial%
an5 2e'ha2) 2'o5*ce a 3ini)he5 2'o5*ct that 6ill ,e )o +*ch 6o')e than 6hat ha5 (one ,e3o'e that 1o* lo)e
the )ale 1o* tho*(ht 1o* ha5 +a5e- At the 6o')t% the chan(e) 'e:*e)te5 a'e )o +i),e(otten 3'o+ 1o*'
)tan52oint that the1 '*in the 6hole )to'1 in 1o*' e1e)C an5 1et 1o* +a1 ,e in a 2o)ition 6he'e 1o* 5a'e not
'e3*)e% )o that 1o* +*)t +ai+ 1o*' ,'ainchil5 'athe' than )ee it 5ie- ?O' o*(ht 1o* to ta4e ,ac4 the )to'1
ha*(htil1 an5 t'1 anothe' e5ito'9 An5 6ill the 3i')t e5ito' then ,lac4li)t 1o*9@
E&en a3te' the ite+ i) )ol5 an5 2ai5 3o' an5 2*,li)he5% the t'i*+2h i) 'a'el1 *nallo1e5- The n*+,e'
o3 +i)e'ie) that +i(ht )till ta4e 2lace a'e co*ntle))- A ,oo4 can ,e 2'o5*ce5 in a )li2)ho5 +anne' o' it can
ha&e a 'e2*l)i&e ,oo4 8ac4et% o' incl*5e ,l*',) that (i&e a6a1 the 2lot o' clea'l1 in5icate that the ,l*',
6'ite' 5i5n7t 3ollo6 the 2lot-
A ,oo4 can ,e non2'o+ote5% t'eate5 6ith in5i33e'ence ,1 the 2*,li)he' an5 the'e3o'e 3o*n5 in no
,oo4)to'e)% an5 )ell no +o'e than a 3e6 h*n5'e5 co2ie)- E&en i3 it ,e(in) to )ell 6ell% that can ,e a,o'te5
6hen it i) 'e&ie6e5 *n)1+2atheticall1 o' e&en &icio*)l1 ,1 )o+eone 6ith no 2a'tic*la' talent o'
:*ali3ication) in c'itici)+-
I3 1o* )ell a )to'1 to a +a(aAine 1o* +a1 3eel it i) inco+2etentl1 ill*)t'ate5% o' 5i)li4e the ,l*',%
o' 6o''1 a,o*t +i)2'int)- Yo* a'e e&en lia,le to 3ace the *n)1+2athetic co++ent) o3 in5i&i5*al 'ea5e')
6ho 6ill 6a< +e''1% )a'5onic% o' conte+2t*o*) at 1o*' e<2en)e--an5 6hat a'e their :*ali3ication) 3o'
5oin( )o9
Yo* 6ill ,lee5 a) a 'e)*lt- I ne&e' +et a 6'ite' 6ho 5i5n7t ,lee5 at the )li(hte)t *n3a&o'a,le
co++ent% an5 no n*+,e' o3 3a&o'a,le o' e&en ec)tatic 'e+a'4) 6ill )e'&e a) a )t12tic 2encil-
In 3act% e&en total )*cce)) ha) it) 5i)co+3o't) an5 incon&enience)- The'e a'e% 3o' in)tance:
Peo2le 6ho )en5 1o* ,oo4) to a*to('a2h an5 'et*'n% ,*t 5on7t ,othe' )en5in( 2o)ta(e o' 'et*'n
en&elo2e)% 'e5*cin( 1o* to i+2o*n5in( thei' ,oo4) o' ?i3 1o* can7t ,'in( 1o*')el3 to 5o that@ (ettin(
en&elo2e)% +a4in( the 2ac4a(e% e<2en5in( )ta+2)% an5 2o))i,l1 e&en (oin( to the 2o)t o33ice-
Peo2le 6ho )en5 1o* +an*)c'i2t) to 'ea5 an5 c'iticiAe ?Nothin( +*ch% 8*)t a 2a(e-,1-2a(e
anal1)i)% an5 i3 1o* thin4 it7) all 'i(ht% 6o*l5 1o* (et it 2*,li)he5 6ith a (ene'o*) a5&ance% 2lea)e9 Than4
Peo2le 6ho 5a)h o33 t6o 5oAen :*e)tion)% )ta'tin( 6ith a )i+2le one li4e: "hat in 1o*' o2inion i)
the 3*nction o3 )cience 3iction an5 in 6hat 6a1) 5oe) it cont'i,*te to the 6el3a'e o3 the 6o'l5% ill*)t'atin(
1o*' the)i) 6ith citation) 3'o+ the cla))ic 6o'4) o3 &a'io*) a*tho')- ?Plea)e *)e a55itional 2a(e)% i3
Peo2le 6ho )en5 1o* a 3o'+ lette'% 6ith 1o*' na+e 3ille5 in ?+i))2elle5@% a)4in( 3o' an
a*to('a2he5 2hoto('a2h% an5 6ith no en&elo2e o' 2o)ta(e )*22lie5-
Teache') 6ho 3lo( a cla)) o3 thi't1 into each )en5in( 1o* a lette' tellin( 1o* ho6 the1 li4e5 a )to'1
o3 1o*')% an5 )en5in( 1o* a )6eet lette' o3 he' o6n a)4in( 1o* to )en5 a nice an)6e' to each one o3 the
little 5ea')-
An5 )o on
"ell% then% 6h1 6'ite9
A )e&enteenth-cent*'1 Ge'+an che+i)t% ;ohann ;oachi+ Beche'% once 6'ote: =The che+i)t) a'e a
)t'an(e cla)) o3 +o'tal)% i+2elle5 ,1 an al+o)t in)ane i+2*l)e to )ee4 thei' 2lea)*'e a+on( )+o4e an5
&a2o'% )oot an5 3la+e% 2oi )in) an5 2o&e't1C 1et a+on( all the)e e&il) I )ee+ to li&e )o )6eetl1% that +a1 I
5ie i3 I 6o*l5 chan(e 2lace) 6ith the Pe')ian !in(->
"ell% 6hat (oe) 3o' che+i)t'1% (oe) 3o' 6'itin(- I 4no6 all the +i)e'ie)% ,*t )o+e6he'e a+on(
the+ i) ha22ine))- I can7t ea)il1 e<2lain 6he'e it i) o' 6hat it con)i)t) o3% ,*t it i) the'e- I 4no6 the
ha22ine)) an5 I e<2e'ience it% an5 I 6ill not )to2 6'itin( 6hile I li&e--an5 +a1 I 5ie i3 I 6o*l5 chan(e
2lace) 6ith the P'e)i5ent o3 the Unite5 State)-
WHEN IT COMES TO WRITING, I AM A =2'i+iti&e-> I ha5 ha5 no in)t'*ction 6hen I ,e(an to 6'ite% o' e&en
,1 the ti+e I ha5 ,e(*n to 2*,li)h- I too4 no co*')e)- I 'ea5 no ,oo4) on the )*,8ect-
Thi) 6a) not ,'a&a5o on +1 2a't% o' an1 )en)e o3 a''o(ance- I 8*)t 5i5n7t 4no6 that the'e were
co*')e) o' ,oo4) on the )*,8ect- In all innocence% I 8*)t tho*(ht 1o* )at 5o6n an5 6'ote- Nat*'all1% I ha&e
2ic4e5 *2 a ('eat 5eal a,o*t 6'itin( in the 5a1) )ince I ,e(anC ,*t in ce'tain i+2o'tant 'e)2ect)% +1 ea'l1
ha,it) i+2'inte5 +e an5 I 3in5 I can7t chan(e-
So+e o3 the)e i+2'inte5 ha,it) a'e t'i&ial- Fo' in)tance% I cannot lea&e a 5ecent +a'(in- E5ito')
ha&e t'ie5 ,e((in( an5 the1 ha&e t'ie5 o'5e'in(% an5 +1 onl1 'e)2on)e i) a 3i'+ =Ne&e'$ =
"hen I 6a) a 4i5% 1o* )ee% (ettin( t12e6'itin( 2a2e' 6a) a ha'5 thin( to 5o 3o' it 'e:*i'e5 +-o-n-
e-1% o3 6hich I ha5 none- The'e3o'e 6hat I ha5% I )a&e5--)in(le-)2ace5% ,oth )i5e)% an5 t12in( to the &e'1
e5(e o3 the 2a(e% all 3o*' e5(e)- "ell% I lea'ne5 that one co*l5 not )*,+it a +an*)c'i2t *nle)) it 6a)
5o*,le-)2ace5 on one )i5e o3 the 2a(e onl1C an5 I 6a) forced, *n6illin(l1% to a5o2t that 6a)te3*l
2'oce5*'e- I al)o lea'ne5 a,o*t +a'(in) an5 e)ta,li)he5 the+--,*t not 6i5e eno*(h- No' co*l5 I e&e' +a4e
the+ 6i5e eno*(h- 1 )en)e o3 econo+1 ha5 (one a) 3a' a) it 6o*l5 (o an5 it 6o*l5 (o no 3a'the'-
o'e i+2o'tant 6a) the 3act that I ha5 ne&e' lea'ne5 a,o*t 'e&i)ion)- 1 'o*tine 6a) ?an5 )till i)@
to 6'ite a )to'1 in 3i')t 5'a3t a) 3a)t a) I can- Then I (o o&e' it% an5 co''ect e''o') in )2ellin(% ('a++a'% an5
6o'5 o'5e'- Then I 2'e2a'e +1 )econ5 5'a3t% +a4in( +ino' chan(e) a) I (o an5 a) the1 occ*' to +e- 1
)econ5 5'a3t i) +1 3inal 5'a3t- No +o'e chan(e) e<ce2t *n5e' 5i'ect e5ito'ial o'5e' an5 then 6ith 'e,ellion
in +1 hea't-
I 5i5n7t 4no6 the'e 6a) an1thin( 6'on( 6ith thi)- I tho*(ht it 6a) the 6a1 1o* 6e'e supposed to
6'ite- In 3act 6hen Bo, Heinlein an5 I 6e'e 6o'4in( to(ethe' at the Na&1 Ya'5 in Phila5el2hia 5*'in(
"o'l5 "a' II% Bo, a)4e5 +e ho6 I 6ent a,o*t 6'itin( a )to'1 an5 I tol5 hi+- He )ai5% =Yo* t12e it twice+
"h1 5on7t 1o* t12e it co''ectl1 the 3i')t ti+e9>
I 3elt ,itte'l1 a)ha+e5C an5 the &e'1 ne<t )to'1 I 6'ote% I t'ie5 +1 le&el ,e)t to (et it 'i(ht the 3i')t
ti+e- I 3aile5- No +atte' ho6 ca'e3*ll1 I 6'ote% the'e 6e'e al6a1) thin() that ha5 to ,e chan(e5- I 5eci5e5 I
8*)t 6a)n7t a) (oo5 a) Heinlein-
B*t then% in .FGE% I atten5e5 the B'ea5loa3 "'ite')7 con3e'ence at the in&itation o3 Fletche' P'att-
The'e I li)tene5 in a)toni)h+ent to )o+e o3 the thin() )ai5 ,1 the lect*'e')- =The )ec'et o3 6'itin(%> )ai5
one o3 the+% =i) 'e6'itin(->
Fletche' P'att hi+)el3 )ai5% =I3 1o* e&e' 6'ite a 2a'a('a2h that )ee+) to 1o* to sin*, to ,e the ,e)t
thin( 1o*7&e e&e' 6'itten% to ,e 3*ll o3 6on5e' an5 2oet'1 an5 ('eatne))--c'o)) it o*t% it )tin4)$ =
O&e' an5 o&e' a(ain% 6e 6e'e tol5 a,o*t the i+2o'tance o3 2oli)hin(% o3 'e&i)in(% o3 tea'in( *2
an5 'e6'itin(- I (ot the ,e6il5e'e5 notion that% 3a' 3'o+ ,ein( e<2ecte5 to t12e it 'i(ht the 3i')t ti+e% a)
Heinlein ha5 a5&i)e5 +e% I 6a) e<2ecte5 to t12e it all 6'on(% an5 (et it 'i(ht onl1 ,1 the thi't1-)econ5 ti+e%
i3 at all-
I 6ent ho+e i++e')e5 in (loo+C an5 the &e'1 ne<t ti+e I 6'ote a )to'1% I t'ie5 to tea' it *2- I
co*l5n7t +a4e +1)el3 5o it- So I 6ent o&e' it to )ee all the te''i,le thin() I ha5 5one% in o'5e' to 'e&i)e
the+- To +1 cha('in% e&e'1thin( )o*n5e5 ('eat to +e- ?1 o6n 6'itin( al6a1) )o*n5) ('eat to +e-@
E&ent*all1% a3te' 6a)tin( ho*') an5 ho*')--to )a1 nothin( o3 )2i'it*al a(on1--I (a&e it *2- 1 )to'ie) 6o*l5
ha&e to ,e 6'itten the 6a1 the1 al6a1) 6e'e--an5 )till a'e-
"hat i) it I a+ )a1in(% then9 That it i) 6'on( to 'e&i)e9 No% o3 co*')e not--an1 +o'e than it i)
6'on( not to 'e&i)e-
Yo* 5on7t 5o anythin* a*to+aticall1% )i+2l1 ,eca*)e )o+e =a*tho'it1> ?incl*5in( +e@ )a1) 1o*
)ho*l5- Each 6'ite' i) an in5i&i5*al% 6ith hi) o' he' o6n 6a1 o3 thin4in(% an5 5oin(% an5 6'itin(- So+e
6'ite') a'e not ha221 *nle)) the1 2oli)h an5 2oli)h% *nle)) the1 t'1 a 2a'a('a2h thi) 6a1 an5 that 6a1 an5
the othe' 6a1-
Once O)ca' "il5e% co+in( 5o6n to l*nch% 6a) a)4e5 ho6 he ha5 )2ent hi) +o'nin(- =I 6a) ha'5
at 6o'4%> he )ai5-
=Oh9> he 6a) a)4e5- =Di5 1o* acco+2li)h +*ch9>
=Ye)% in5ee5%> )ai5 "il5e- =I in)e'te5 a co++a->
At 5inne'% he 6a) a)4e5 ho6 he ha5 )2ent the a3te'noon- = o'e 6o'4% = he )ai5-
=In)e'te5 anothe' co++a9> 6a) the 'athe' )a'5onic :*e)tion-
=No%> )ai5 "il5e% *n2e't*',e5- =I 'e+o&e5 the one I ha5 in)e'te5 in the +o'nin(->
"ell% i3 1o*7'e O)ca' "il5e% o' )o+e othe' ('eat )t1li)t% 2oli)hin( +a1 )*ccee5 in i+2a'tin( an
e&e'-hi(he' (lo)) to 1o*' 6'itin( an5 1o* should 'e&i)e an5 'e&i)e- I3% on the othe' han5% 1o*7'e not +*ch
o3 a )t1li)t ?li4e +e% 3o' in)tance@ an5 a'e onl1 inte'e)te5 in )t'ai(ht3o'6a'5 )to'1tellin( an5 cla'it1% then a
)+all a+o*nt o3 'e&i)ion i) 2'o,a,l1 all 1o* nee5- Be1on5 that )+all a+o*nt 1o* +a1 +e'el1 ,e )ha4in(
*2 the '*,,le-
I 6a) tol5 la)t ni(ht% 3o' in)tance% that Daniel !e1e) ?a*tho' o3 the cla))ic =Flo6e') 3o' Al(e'non>@
i) )*22o)e5 to ha&e )ai5% =The a*tho'7) ,e)t 3'ien5 i) the 2e')on 6ho )hoot) hi+ 8*)t ,e3o'e he +a4e) one
chan(e too +an1->
Let7) t'1 the othe' e<t'e+e- "illia+ Sha4e)2ea'e i) 'e2o'te5 ,1 Ben ;on)on to ha&e ,oa)te5 that
he =ne&e' ,lotte5 a 6o'5-> The Ba'5 o3 A&on% in othe' 6o'5)% 6o*l5 ha&e *) ,elie&e that% li4e Heinlein% he
(ot it 'i(ht the 3i')t ti+e% an5 that 6hat he han5e5 in to the 2'o5*ce') at the Glo,e Theat'e 6a) 3i')t 5'a3t-
?He +a1 ha&e ,een t6i)tin( the t'*th a ,it- P'oli3ic 6'ite') ten5 to e<a((e'ate the a+o*nt o3 non'e&i)ion
the1 5o-@
"ell% i3 1o* ha22en to ,e anothe' "ill Sha4e)2ea'e% o' anothe' Bo, Heinlein T'- Heinlein no6
a5+it) to t6o o' th'ee 5'a3t) on hi) lon(e' 6o'4)---E5U% +a1,e 1o* can (et a6a1 6itho*t 'e&i)in( at all-
B*t i3 1o*7'e 8*)t an o'5ina'1 6'ite' ?li4e +e@ +a1,e 1o*75 ,ette' 5o some. ?A) a +atte' o3 3act% Ben
;on)on co++ente5 that he 6i)he5 "ill ha5 =,lotte5 o*t a tho*)an5%> an5 the'e a'e in5ee5 2lace) 6he'e
"ill +i(ht ha&e ,een--))h$--i+2'o&e5 on- @
Let7) 2a)) on to a )li(htl1 5i33e'ent to2ic-
I a+ )o+eti+e) a)4e5 i3 I 2'e2a'e an o*tline 3i')t ,e3o'e 6'itin( a )to'1 o' a ,oo4-
The an)6e' i): No% I 5on7t-
To ,e(in 6ith% thi) 6a) anothe' one o3 tho)e ca)e) o3 initial i(no'ance- I 5i5n7t 4no6 at the )ta't o3
+1 ca'ee' that )*ch thin() a) o*tline) e<i)te5- I 8*)t 6'ote a )to'1 an5 )to22e5 6hen I 3ini)he5% an5 i3 it
ha22ene5 to ,e one len(th it 6a) a )ho't% an5 i3 it ha22ene5 to ,e anothe' it 6a) a no&elette-
"hen I 6'ote +1 3i')t no&el% Do*,le5a1 tol5 +e to +a4e it JE%EEE 6o'5) lon(- So I 6'ote *ntil I
ha5 JE%EEE 6o'5) an5 then )to22e5--an5 ,1 the ('eate)t (oo5 l*c4% it t*'ne5 o*t to ,e the en5 o3 the no&el-
"hen I ,e(an +1 )econ5 no&el% I 'ealiAe5 that )*ch an a+aAin( coinci5ence 6a) not li4el1 to
ha22en t6ice in a 'o6% )o I 2'e2a'e5 an o*tline- I :*ic4l1 5i)co&e'e5 t6o thin()- One% an o*tline con)t'icte5
+e )o that I co*l5 not ,'eathe- T6o% the'e 6a) no 6a1 I co*l5 3o'ce +1 cha'acte') to a5he'e to the o*tlineC
e&en i3 I 6ante5 to 5o )o% the1 'e3*)e5- I ne&e' t'ie5 an o*tline a(ain- In e&en +1 +o)t co+2licate5 no&el)%
I +e'el1 3i< the en5in( 3i'+l1 in +1 +in5C 5eci5e on a ,e(innin(C an5 then% 3'o+ that ,e(innin(% cha'(e
to6a'5 the en5in(% +a4in( *2 the 5etail) a) I (o alon(-
On the othe' han5% P- G- "o5eho*)e% 3o' 6ho)e 6'itin() I ha&e an i5olat'o*) a5+i'ation% al6a1)
2'e2a'e5 o*tline)% )2en5in( +o'e ti+e on the+ than on the ,oo4 an5 (ettin( e&e'1 e&ent% ho6e&e' )+all%
3i'+l1 in 2lace ,e3o'e ,e(innin(-
The'e7) )o+ethin( to ,e )ai5 on ,oth )i5e) o3 co*')e-
I3 1o* a'e a )t'*ct*'e5 an5 'i(i5 2e')on 6ho li4e) e&e'1thin( *n5e' cont'ol% 1o* 6ill ,e *nea)1
6itho*t an o*tline- On the othe' han5% i3 1o* a'e an *n5i)ci2line5 2e')on 6ith a ten5enc1 to 6an5e' allo&e'
the lan5)ca2e% 1o* 6ill ,e ,ette' o33 6ith an o*tline e&en i3 1o* 3eel 1o* 6o*l5n7t li4e one-
On the thi'5 han5% i3 1o* a'e :*ic4-thin4in( an5 in(enio*)% ,*t 6ith a )t'on( )en)e o3 the 6hole%
1o* 6ill ,e ,ette' o33 6itho*t an o*tline-
Ho6 5o 1o* 5eci5e 6hich 1o* a'e9 "ell% t'1 an o*tline% o' t'1 6'itin( 6itho*t one% an5 3in5 o*t
3o' 1o*')el3-
The thin( i): Don7t 3eel that an1 '*le o3 6'itin( +*)t ,e ha'5 an5 3a)t% an5 han5e5 5o6n 3'o+
Sinai- T'1 the+ all o*t ,1 all +ean)C ,*t in the la)t anal1)i)% )tic4 to that 6hich +a4e) 1o* co+3o'ta,le-
Yo* a'e% a3te' all% an in5i&i5*al-

IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT I KNOW NOTHING a,o*t the c'a3t o3 6'itin( in an1 3o'+al 6a1- I )a1 )o
+1)el3--con)tantl1- Bein( an e5ito'ial 5i'ecto'% ho6e&e'% ha) it) 5e+an5) an5 5*tie)- I +*)t an)6e' lette')
3'o+ 'ea5e')% 3o' in)tance% an5 ta4e into acco*nt an1 *nha22ine)) the1 +a1 ha&e 6ith )to'ie) an5 e5ito'ial
2olic1- An5 that +ean) I a+ )o+eti+e) 3o'ce5 to thin4 a,o*t 6'itin( techni:*e)-
That ,'in() +e to the )*,8ect at han5% the +atte' o3 the *)e o3 i'on1 ,1 6'ite')-
In the a'ch .FIM i))*e% I 5i)c*))e5 )ati'e- The t6o a'e o3ten l*+2e5 to(ethe'% an5% in 3act%
)o+eti+e) con3*)e5 an5 t'eate5 a) tho*(h the1 6e'e )1non1+o*)- The1 a'e not$
Sati'e% a) I e<2laine5% achie&e) it) 2*'2o)e o3 ca)ti(atin( the e&il) o3 h*+anit1 an5 )ociet1 ,1
e<a((e'ation- It 2*t) tho)e e&il) *n5e' a +a(ni31in( (la)) 6ith the intention o3 +a4in( the+ clea'l1 &i)i,le-
I'on1 5oe) it 5i33e'entl1- Yo* can (et a hint 3'o+ the 3act that =i'on1> i) 3'o+ a G'ee4 6o'5
+eanin( =5i))i+*lation-> An i'oni)t +*)t 2'eten5% an5 the cla))ic i'oni)t 6a) Soc'ate)% 6ho in hi)
5i)c*))ion) 6ith othe') 6o*l5 'elentle))l1 2'eten5 i(no'ance an5 a)4 all 4in5) o3 nai&e :*e)tion) 5e)i(ne5
to t'a2 an o&e'con3i5ent a5&e')a'1 into 'a)hl1 ta4in( 2o)ition) that then 2'o&e5 to ,e in5e3en)i,le *n5e'
3*'the' nai&e :*e)tionin( ,1 Soc'ate)-
Nat*'all1% Soc'ate) 6a) not i(no'ant an5 the :*e)tion) 6e'e not nai&e% an5 hi) +etho5 o3
2'oce5*'e i) 4no6n a) =Soc'atic i'on1-> Yo* +a1 6ell ,elie&e that tho)e 6ho )*33e'e5 *n5e' hi) ,lan5 la)h
5i5 not ('o6 to lo&e hi+% an5 I )*)2ect he 3*ll1 ea'ne5 hi) 3inal 5'a*(ht o3 he+loc4-
Soc'ate) )et the 3a)hion 3o' i'on1 3o' all ti+e- He 2'eten5e5 to ,e i(no'ant 6hen he 6a) act*all1
2ie'cin(l1 intelli(ent% an5 e&e' )ince then% i'oni)t) ha&e 2'eten5e5 to ,elie&e an5 )a1 the o22o)ite o3 6hat
the1 6ante5 the 'ea5e' to *n5e')tan5- In)tea5 o3 e<a((e'atin( the e&il) the1 a'e 5eno*ncin(% the1 'e&e')e
the+ an5 call the+ (oo5-
The )ati'i)t in5*ce) la*(hte' ,1 hi) e<a((e'ation% the i'oni)t in5*ce) in5i(nation ,1 hi) 'e&e')al-
The )ati'i)t i) o3ten (oo5-nat*'e5% the i'oni)t ten5) to ,e )a&a(e an5 ,itte'- Sati'e i) a co+2a'ati&el1 +il5
techni:*e 6ho)e 2*'2o)e i) ea)il1 ('a)2e5- I'on1 i) a 5i33ic*lt techni:*e 6ho)e 2oint i) 3'e:*entl1 +i))e5%
an5 the i'oni)t +a1 3in5 he i) hol5in( a t6o-e5(e5 )6o'5 an5 i) hi+)el3 ,a5l1 (a)he5-
o)t )ati'i)t) 3in5 the+)el&e) in5*l(in( in i'on1 )o+eti+e)% an5 I 4no6 e<actl1 6he'e I 3i')t
enco*nte'e5 i'on1- I 6a) 'ea5in( Cha'le) Dic4en)7) >ic!wic! >apers 3o' the 3i')t ti+e ?a) a 2'e-teene'@ an5
in cha2te' t6o% I enco*nte'e5 Dic4en)7) 5e)c'i2tion o3 T'ac1 T*2+an7) Aeal at =(ene'al ,ene&olence-> Sai5
Dic4en)% =The n*+,e' o3 in)tance)---in 6hich that e<cellent +an 'e3e''e5 o,8ect) o3 cha'it1 to the ho*)e) o3
othe' +e+,e') 3o' le3t-o33 (a'+ent) o' 2ec*nia'1 'elie3 i) al+o)t inc'e5i,le->
I 6a) a)toni)he5- I tho*(ht to +1)el3 that it 6a)n7t &e'1 4in5 o3 '- T*2+an to )en5 2oo' 2eo2le
to othe' +e+,e') in)tea5 o3 (i&in( the+ )o+ethin( hi+)el3% )o ho6 co*l5 he ,e ,ene&olent9 An5 a3te' a
6hile% the li(ht 5a6ne5- He wasn.t ,ene&olent- In 3act% I 5eci5e5 in5i(nantl1% he 6a) a )tin(1 ,*+% an5 +1
li4in( 3o' hi+ 6a) )t'ictl1 li+ite5 3o' the 'e)t o3 the ,oo4 an5 e&e' )ince- I 5i5 not 4no6 that 6hat I ha5 8*)t
'ea5 6a) i'on1% ,*t I *n5e')too5 the conce2t 3'o+ that ti+e on% an5 I e&ent*all1 lea'ne5 the 6o'5-
I3 1o* 6ant a )a&a(e an5 2'olon(e5 ,it o3 6'itin( 6ith a ('eat 5eal o3 i'on1 in it% I 'e3e' 1o* to
a'4 T6ain7) The Mysterious )tran*er, 6hich 6a) not 2*,li)he5 till a3te' he 6a) )a3el1 5ea5- I 6a'n 1o*%
tho*(h% it7) not 2lea)ant 'ea5in(- It ce'tainl1 +a4e) 2lain% ho6e&e'% T6ain7) ,itte' 3eelin() a,o*t h*+anit1
an5 the a))o'te5 e&il) that )ee+e5 ?to T6ain% at an1 'ate@ to ,e ine<t'ica,l1 ,o*n5 *2 6ith it- An5 it +a1%
3o' a ti+e at lea)t% e+,itte' 1o* 6ith h*+anit1% too-
E&en that% ho6e&e'% +*)t ta4e )econ5 2lace to the all-ti+e hi(h in ca*)tic i'on1--a 2a+2hlet ,1
;onathan S6i3t% 2*,li)he5 a,o*t .J0E% entitle5 = A o5e)t P'o2o)al 3o' P'e&entin( the Chil5'en o3 Poo'
Peo2le in I'elan5 3'o+ ,ein( a B*'5en to thei' Pa'ent) o' Co*nt'1 an5 3o' a4in( the+ Bene3icial to the
P*,lic- = S6i3t )e'&e5 in I'elan5 an5 co*l5 )ee 3i')t-han5% an5 6ith eno'+o*) in5i(nation% the +anne' in
6hich the En(li)h ,'*tall1 an5 callo*)l1 ('o*n5 the I'i)h into hel2le)) an5 ho2ele)) 2o&e't1-
He the'e3o'e 2ointe5 o*t that )ince the onl1 thin( the I'i)h 6e'e allo6e5 to 2'o5*ce an5 4ee2 3o'
thei' o6n *)e 6e'e thei' chil5'en% it 6o*l5 )*22l1 the+ 6ith nee5e5 +one1% an5 othe') 6ith nee5e5 3oo5% i3
tho)e I'i)h chil5'en 6e'e )ol5 in o'5e' to ,e 3attene5 an5 )la*(hte'e5 3o' )ale at the ,*tche'7)- "ith an
a,)ol*tel1 )t'ai(ht 3ace% an5 6ith inc'e5i,le in(en*it1% he 2ointe5 o*t all the a5&anta(e) that 6o*l5 acc'*e
3'o+ )*ch canni,ali)+-
I3 an1thin( co*l5 2o))i,l1 ha&e e&o4e5 )ha+e an5 e&en 'e3o'+ 3'o+ tho)e 'e)2on)i,le 3o' the
I'i)h 2li(ht% that 2a+2hlet 6o*l5 ha&e 5one it- Un5o*,te5l1% +an1 o3 tho)e 6ho 'ea5 the 2a+2hlet were
)ha+e5C )o+e +a1 e&en ha&e alte'e5 thei' attit*5e) an5 ,eha&io'- B1 an5 la'(e% ho6e&e'% the e<2loitation
o3 the I'i)h contin*e5 *nchan(e5 3o' nea'l1 t6o +o'e cent*'ie) an5 the li(ht that ca)t) on h*+anit1 i) not a
(oo5 one-
An5 1et% 1o* 4no6% not e&e'1one ha) a =)en)e o3 i'on1%> 6hich i) ,1 no +ean) the )a+e a) a
=)en)e o3 h*+o'-> I 3i'+l1 ,elie&e that one can ha&e one an5 not the othe'- It i) 2o))i,le to ,e con3*)e5 ,1
a 2'eten)e to ,elie&e the o22o)ite o3 6hat 1o* ,elie&e% a) I 6a) 3o' a 3e6 +in*te) ,1 Dic4en)7) 5e)c'i2tion
o3 T*2+an a) ,ene&olent- O3 co*')e% I ca*(ht on% ,*t i3 I ha5 lac4e5 a )en)e o3 i'on1% I )*22o)e I 6o*l5n7t
The'e 6e'e% act*all1% (oo5 an5 4in5l1 2eo2le 6ho 'ea5 S6i3t7) 2a+2hlet 6ith in5i(nation% not at
the +i)t'eat+ent o3 the I'i)h% ,*t at S6i3t7) a22a'entl1 callo*) an5 i++o'al a5&ocac1 o3 canni,ali)+- The1
tho*(ht he meant it% an5 5eno*nce5 hi+ 6ith i++ea)*'a,le &ehe+ence-
An5 that 3inall1 ,'in() +e to Asimo.s 3o' )o+eti+e) 6hat 6e 2*,li)h contain) i'on1% an5 i3 i'on1
i) ha'5 to han5le e&en 3o' the a,)ol*te +a)te' o3 the a't% (oo5 ol5 S6i3t% 1o* can *n5e')tan5 that it i) a
)li22e'1 tool 3o' le))e' +o'tal)-
In the Fe,'*a'1 .FIM i))*e% To+ Rain,o6 6'ote a =#ie62oint> a'ticle entitle5% =Sentience an5 the
Sin(le E<t'ate''e)t'ial%> that 5ealt 6ith the 'e:*i'e+ent) 3o' )*ch thin() a) intelli(ence% )entience% an5 )el3-
a6a'ene))- He 5e)c'i,e5 the 4in5 o3 e<t'ate''e)t'ial) that +i(ht% o' +i(ht not% 2o))e)) )*ch thin()-
F'o+ the title alone% 1o* can tell that he i) 6'itin( in the h*+o'o*) +o5e% an5 in5ee5% 6hen 1o*
'ea5 hi) e))a1% 1o* 6ill 3in5 that he i) )a1in( 2e'3ectl1 )e'io*) thin() in a 5eli,e'atel1 3*nn1 6a1-
In one 2lace% he *)e) i'on1- Ha&in( tal4e5 o3 the 'e:*i'e+ent) o3 )el3-a6a'ene)) in te'+) o3
,'ainH,o51 'atio)% he 2oint) o*t that 6o+en7) ,'ain) a'e )+alle' than +en7) ,*t )o a'e thei' ,o5ie)% lea&in(
the ,'ainH,o51 'atio nea'l1 the )a+e in ,oth )e<e)- ?Act*all1% i3 the'e7) an a5&anta(e it7) on the )i5e o3
6o+en-@ "ith hea&1 i'on1% he )a1)% =thi) 'ea)onin( lea5) to the )o+e6hat )ta'tlin( concl*)ion that 6o+en
+*)t ,e self3aware.,
Ho6 can one ,elie&e that Rain,o6 'eall1 thin4) the concl*)ion i) =)ta'tlin(> 9 He7) *)in( i'onic
5i))i+*lation- He7) pretendin* to thin4 it7) )ta'tlin( ?an5 italiciAin( =)el3-a6a'e> a) a t12o('a2hical
in5ication o3 a)toni)h+ent@ in o'5e' 3o' 1o* to *n5e')tan5 tho'o*(hl1 that thi) i) not )ta'tlin( an5 that
2eo2le 6ho con)i5e' 6o+en in3e'io' ,ein() a'e i(no'ant% an5 e&en )t*2i5-
An5 to +a4e it e&en 2laine'% he 2*t) hi+)el3 in the i'onic 2o)ition o3 the)e i(no'a+*)e) an5 )a1)
in the ne<t )entence% =Hec4% (*1)% i3 e&en *irls can ,e )el3-a6a'e% then the'e7) ho2e 3o' Giant Dill Pic4le)->
The *)e o3 the a5ole)cent te'+ =Hec4%> an5 the e:*all1 a5ole)cent =(*1)%> an5 the )hi3t 3'o+
=6o+en> to italiciAe5 =(i'l)> all )ho6 that he i) not )2ea4in( in hi) o6n 2e')ona an5 that he ha) nothin(
,*t conte+2t 3o' the attit*5e- He i) 'el1in(% 2oo' 3ello6% on hi) 'ea5e') ha&in( a )en)e o3 i'on1-
"ell% the1 5o--,1 an5 la'(e-
B*t the'e a'e al6a1) e<ce2tion)% an5 a 3e6 6o+en ha&e 6'itten in5i(nant lette') to 2oint o*t that
thi) 6a) in)*ltin(- One )ai5 that it 6a)n7t 3*nn1 o' c*te-
No% in5ee5% S6i3t7) a5&ocac1 o3 canni,ali)+ 6a)n7t 3*nn1 o' c*te% eithe'% ,*t he 6a) t'1in( 3o'
)o+ethin( el)e-
To ,e )*'e% S6i3t7) enti'e 2a+2hlet 6a) ai+e5 at hi) ta'(et an5 Rain,o6 6a) +e'el1 ,'in(in( in
the +atte' o3 6o+en7) ,'ain) a) a )i5e i))*e% an5 2e'ha2) i3 he 6e'e 5oin( it a(ain% he +i(ht 5eci5e it
6o*l5 ,e +o'e 8*5icio*) not to in5*l(e- B*t 2lea)e% 6o+en% the +an i) on 1o*' )i5e an5 t'ie5 to )ho6 it ,1
the *)e o3 that t6o-e5(e5 )6o'5% i'on1- Yo* +a1 thin4 the i'on1 5i5n7t 6o'4% ,*t that 5oe)n7t +a4e
Rain,o6 an1 ene+1 o3 6o+an4in5-

TO THE ANCIENT ROMANS, A (PLAGIARIUS) 6a) 6hat 6e call a 4i5na22e'% an5 to )teal chil5'en i)
ce'tainl1 a heino*) c'i+e- It a22ea') to tho)e 6ho 6o'4 6ith thei' +in5) an5 i+a(ination% ho6e&e'% that to
)teal one7) ,'ainchil5'en i) al+o)t a) heino*) a c'i+e% an5 )o =2la(ia'i)+% = in En(li)h% ha) co+e to +ean
the )tealin( o3 the i5ea)% 3o'+)% o' 6o'5) ,1 )o+eone 6ho then 2*t) the+ 3o'th a) hi) o' he' o6n-
A )cienti)t7) 3o'+*la)% an a'ti)t7) 2aintin()% an in&ento'7) +o5el)% a 2hilo)o2he'7) tho*(ht)% +i(ht
all ,e the )*,8ect o3 2la(ia'i)+% ,*t co++on *)a(e ha) co+e to a22l1 the te'+% )2eci3icall1% to the the3t o3 a
6'ite'7) 2'o5*ction-
Pla(ia'i)+ i) a ho''i5 ni(ht+a'e to 6'ite') in )e&e'al 5i33e'ent 6a1)C an5 it i) +*ch +o'e )e'io*)
than non6'ite') +a1 'ealiAe-
I3 a 6'ite'% 3o' an1 'ea)on% co++it) 2la(ia'i)+% co21in( )o+e al'ea51 2*,li)he5 +ate'ial% an5 i3 he
(et) a6a1 6ith it to the e<tent o3 (ettin( the 2la(ia'iAe5 +ate'ial 'e2*,li)he5% he i) ,o*n5 to ,e ca*(ht
)oone' o' late'- So+e 'ea5e'% )o+e6he'e% 6ill notice the the3t- In that ca)e% e&en i3 the 2la(ia'i)t i)n7t )*e5
o' 2*ni)he5 in an1 6a1% 1o* can ,e )*'e that no e5ito' 6ho 4no6) o3 the 2la(ia'i)+ 6ill ,*1 an1thin( 3'o+
that 6'ite' a(ain- I3 the 2la(ia'i)t ha) a ca'ee'% it i) 2e'+anentl1 '*ine5-
Yo* +a1 thin4 that )*ch a lite'a'1 thie3 5e)e'&e) a '*ine5 ca'ee'% an5 ce'tainl1 I thin4 )o% ,*t
co21in( an al'ea51 2*,li)he5 ite+ 6o'5 3o' 6o'5 i) )*ch a )*'e3i'e 3ail*'e that onl1 an i5iot o' a co+2lete
no&ice 6o*l5 5o it- "hat a,o*t the ca)e 6he'e )o+eone )i+2l1 +a4e) *)e o3 the cent'al i5ea o3 the )to'1%
the )e'ie) o3 e&ent) it contain)% the cli+a<% the e+otional +ilie*% an5 )o on% ,*t 5oe) not 'e2eat it 6o'5 3o'
6o'59 "hat i3 he *)e) hi) ?o' he'@ o6n 6o'5) enti'el1% chan(e) the inci5ent) in none))ential 5etail)% 2*t) it
in a 5i33e'ent )ettin( an5 )o on9
In that ca)e% it ,eco+e) +o'e 5i33ic*lt to 5eci5e 6hethe' 2la(ia'i)+ ha) ta4en 2lace- A3te' all% it is
2o))i,le to ha&e the )a+e i5ea) )o+eone el)e ha) ha5-
Th*)% Te5 St*'(eon once 6'ote a )to'1 6hich he )ent to Ho'ace Gol5 o3 'ala<y an5 6hich 6a)
acce2te5- I 6'ote a )to'1 6hich I )ent to Ho'ace Gol5 6hile Te57) )to'1 6a) )till *n2*,li)he5- The'e 6a) no
co++*nication ,et6een *)C 6e li&e5 in 5i33e'ent citie) an5 ha5 not e<chan(e5 2hone call) o' lette') in
+onth)% no' ha5 eithe' o3 *) 5i)c*))e5 o*' )to'ie) 6ith an1one- Ne&e'thele))% not onl1 5i5 6e ,oth cente'
o*' )to'ie) a,o*t a 5o*,le +eanin( in the 6o'5 =ho)te))%> ,*t t6o o3 +1 cha'acte') 6e'e D'a4e an5 #e'a%
an5 t6o o3 hi) 6e'e De'e4 an5 #e'na-
It 6a) the 2*'e)t o3 coinci5ence)% 3o' e<ce2t 3o' the 5o*,le +eanin( an5 the cha'acte' na+e) that
6e )ha'e5% the )to'ie) 6e'e +ile) a2a't- Ne&e'thele))% e&en the appearance o3 2la(ia'i)+ +*)t ,e a&oi5e5- I
ha5 to +a4e eno*(h chan(e) in +1 )to'1 ?,eca*)e it 6a) the late' one 'ecei&e5@ to 5e)t'o1 the a22ea'ance-
To 5o )o )2oile5 the )to'1 in +1 o2inion% ,*t it ha5 to ,e 5one an16a1-
In the )a+e 6a1% 6hen I a+ 6'itin( a )to'1% I +*)t ,e con)cio*) that the'e ha&e ,een othe' )to'ie)
5ealin( 6ith )i+ila' i5ea) o' )i+ila' cha'acte') o' )i+ila' e&ent)% an5 I +*)t +a4e e&e'1 e33o't to 5il*te that
)i+ila'it1- "hen I 6'ote a )to'1 once calle5 =Each an E<2lo'e'%> I ne&e' 3o' a +o+ent 3o'(ot ;ohn
Ca+2,ell7) ="ho Goe) The'e9> an5 )2ent +o'e ti+e t'1in( to a&oi5 hi) )to'1 than t'1in( to 6'ite +1 o6n-
In the )a+e 6a1% 6hen I 6'ote =Le)t "e Re+e+,e'> ?2*,li)he5 in thi) +a(aAine@% I ha5 to )tee' a +ile
6i5e o3 !e1e)7) =Flo6e') 3o' Al(e'non-> It7) 2a't o3 the (a+e-
B*t I ha&en7t 'ea5 e&e'1 )to'1 e&e' 6'itten an5 +an1 that I ha&e 'ea5% I ha&e co+2letel1 3o'(otten%
at lea)t con)cio*)l1- "hat i3 I 5*2licate i+2o'tant ele+ent) o3 )to'ie) I ha&e ne&e' 'ea5% o' ha&e 3o'(otten9
It7) 2o))i,le- I once 6'ote a )ho't-)ho't that en5e5 6ith a ce'tain 5'a+atic cli+a< in the la)t )entence-
E&ent*all1% I 'ecei&e5 a lette' 3'o+ anothe' 6'ite' 6ho)e )to'1 ha5 ,een 2*,li)he5 ,e3o'e I 6'ote +1 )to'1
an5 6ho ha5 +a5e *)e o3 the )a+e 5'a+atic cli+a< in hi) la)t )entence- "hat7) +o'e% I ha5 hi) )to'1 in an
antholo(1 in +1 li,'a'1- I 5i5 not 'e+e+,e' 'ea5in( it% ,*t I ha5 ha5 the o22o't*nit1 to 5o )o- The t6o
)to'ie)% e<ce2t 3o' the cli+a<e)% 6e'e co+2letel1 5i33e'ent% ,*t I 2'o+2tl1 6'ote the othe' a*tho' an5 tol5
hi+ that altho*(h he ha5 +1 6o'5 that the'e 6a) no con)cio*) i+itation% I 6o*l5 6ith5'a6 the )to'1 3'o+
ci'c*lation an5 it 6o*l5 ne&e' a(ain a22ea' in an1 antholo(1% an1 collection% an1 3o'+ 6hate&e'--an5 it
ne&e' ha)-
Fo't*natel1% the othe' 6'ite' acce2te5 thi)% ,*t 6hat 2'otection 5o I ?o' an1 othe' 6'ite'@ ha&e
a(ain)t the acc*)ation o3 2la(ia'i)+ o&e' 6hat i) a ,it o3 *ncon)cio*) 'ecall% o'% 3o' that +atte'% an o*t'i(ht
Act*all1% &e'1 little- I 'el1% to a la'(e e<tent% on +1 2'oli3icit1 an5 +1 *n,le+i)he5 'eco'5- No one
a) 2'oli3ic a) I 6o*l5 )ee+ to ha&e to 5e2en5 on )o+eone el)e7) i5ea)% an5 +1 o6n +ental 3e'tilit1 i)
o,&io*) to all- Secon5l1% I a+ ca*tio*) eno*(h ne&e' to 5i)c*)) +1 )to'ie) ,e3o'e the1 a'e 2*,li)he5% no'
6ill I li)ten to othe') 6ho +i(ht 6ant to 5i)c*)) their )to'ie)- In 3act% I 6on7t e&en 'ea5 *n)olicite5
+an*)c'i2t) )ent +e ,1 )t'an(e')- The1 (o ,ac4 at once% *n'ea5-
E&en )o% e&e'1 e)ta,li)he5 6'ite' li&e) *n5e' an ete'nal Da+ocle)7) )6o'5 o3 2o))i,le acc*)ation
o3 2la(ia'i)+- A ca)*al 'e3e'ence% a )+all )i+ila'it1% a none))ential 5*2lication +a1 ,e eno*(h to 2'o5*ce
)*ch a )*it- S*ch a )*it% ho6e&e' *n8*)ti3ie5% ho6e&e' ce'tain o3 ,ein( th'o6n o*t o3 co*'t% can ,e h*'t3*l to
an innocent 6'ite'- It i)% a3te' all% an e<2en)e- La61e') +*)t ,e 2ai5% ti+e +*)t ,e lo)t an5% in&a'ia,l1% one
i) *'(e5 to =2a1o33 the 4oo4->
B*t 6hat i3 you, the e)ta,li)he5 6'ite'% ha&e ,een 2la(ia'iAe59 That ha) ne&e' ha22ene5 to +e to
the e<tent o3 2*,lication--that I 4no6 o3- To ,e )*'e% the'e ha&e ,een 2a)tiche) o3 +e% 5eli,e'ate i+itation)
o3 +1 'o,ot )to'ie)% o' +1 Blac4 "i5o6e') +1)te'1 )to'ie)% an5 )o on- The)e co+e *n5e' the hea5in( o3
3*n- The 6'ite' 6ho t*'n) the+ o*t +a4e) no )ec'et o3 it% an5 the e5ito' 4no6) that it7) a 2a)tiche-
So+eti+e)% the1 )en5 the +an*)c'i2t to +e to a)4 i3 I ha&e an1 o,8ection- I ha&e al6a1) (i&en 2e'+i))ion-
Then% too% the'e a'e )to'ie) that a'e ,o*n5 to ,e )i+ila' to +ine in )o+e ,eni(n 6a1- The )tar 0ars +o&ie)
ha&e )o+e 5i)tant )i+ila'itie) to +1 Fo*n5ation )to'ie)% ,*t% 6hat the hec4% 1o* can7t +a4e a 3*)) a,o*t
)*ch thin()-
Un2*,li)he5 2la(ia'i)+ i) +o'e co++on- An En(li)h 2'o3e))o' once )ent +e a )to'1 6'itten ,1 a
)t*5ent in 3i')t-1ea' En(li)h- It 5i5n7t )ee+ to he' li4el1 that the 4i5 co*l5 ha&e 6'itten that (oo5 a )to'1
an5 the'e 6e'e thin() in it that )ee+e5 'e+ini)cent o3 +e--li4e the Th'ee La6) o3 Ro,otic)- I 6ent o&e' the
)to'1 an5 it 6a) +1 =Galle1 Sla&e> 6o'5 3o' 6o'5- I 'et*'ne5 it to the 2'o3e))o' an5 tol5 he' to ?a@ 2*ni)h
the )t*5ent a22'o2'iatel1% an5 ?,@ not let +e 4no6 an1thin( a,o*t it- ?I7+ )o3t-hea'te5-@
An5 6hat i3 1o*7'e an e5ito' an5 (et )t*c4 6ith )o+e +ate'ial that +i(ht concei&a,l1 ,e
2la(ia'iAe5- In the 3i')t 2lace--i) it9 A co+2letel1 o'i(inal% non'e+ini)cent )to'1 i) 2o))i,le% ,*t &e'1 'a'el1
+et *2 6ith- Si+ila'itie) 6ith )o+e 2a'tic*la' 2*,li)he5 )to'1 a'e al+o)t *na&oi5a,le- Ho6e&e'% the +o'e
)i+ila'itie) the'e a'e% 6ith the )a+e 2'e&io*)l1 2*,li)he5 )to'1% the ('eate' the 2o))i,ilit1 o3 2la(ia'i)+-
Ne&e'thele))% it i) 5i33ic*lt to e)ta,li)h ce'taint1 i3 the co21in( i)n7t 6o'5 3o' 6o'5-
Sho*l5 an e5ito' 'e3*)e a )to'1% ho6e&e' (oo5% i3 the'e a'e too +an1 )i+ila'itie)9 O3 co*')e$
Re+e+,e' that I )ai5 e&en the a22ea'ance o3 2la(ia'i)+ +*)t ,e )t'ictl1 a&oi5e5-
The'e i)% ho6e&e'% a catch- An e5ito' ha) not 'ea5 e&e'1 )to'1 that ha) ,een 2*,li)he5- So+eti+e)
an e5ito'% ,ein( h*+an% ha) not e&en 'ea5 e&e'1 famous )to'1 e&e' 2*,li)he5- O' an e5ito' ha) 'ea5 +an1
)to'ie) ,*t )o+e o3 the+ ha&e co+2letel1 (one 3'o+ he' +in5- S*ch an e5ito' +a1% in all innocence%
the'e3o'e 2*,li)h a 5o*,t3*l )to'1- He ?o' )he@ i) then a ictim an5 not an acco+2lice-
;*)t a) hone)t% e)ta,li)he5 6'ite') +*)t li&e% con)tantl1% 6ith the 3ea' o3 ,ein( acc*)e5 o3
2la(ia'i)+% o' o3 the+)el&e) ,ein( 2la(ia'iAe5% )o +*)t hone)t% e)ta,li)he5 e5ito') li&e% con)tantl1% 6ith the
3ea' o3 ,ein( &icti+iAe5 into 2*,li)hin( a 5o*,t3*l )to'1-
"hat 5oe) one 5o in )*ch a ca)e9 One can7t enti'el1 i(no'e the +atte'- Fo' one thin(% the
)i+ila'it1 ,et6een the ne6 )to'1 an5 an ol5e' )to'1 i) )*'e to ,e )een ,1 )o+e 'ea5e')- E&en i3 the ol5e'
)to'1 i) &e'1 o,)c*'e% )o+eone 6ill ha&e 'ea5 it an5 'e+e+,e'e5 it- I3 it i) a 6ell-4no6n )to'1% lette') 6ill
co+e in hea2)-
One can a)4 the 6'ite' o3 the 5o*,t3*l )to'1 3o' an e<2lanation- I3 the e<2lanation )ee+)
*ncon&incin(% one can a&oi5 ,*1in( )to'ie) 3'o+ the 6'ite' a(ain- One +i(ht 6a'n othe' e5ito') in the 3iel5
to ,e ca'e3*l- An5 one can t'1 ha'5 not to let it ha22en a(ain--4no6in( 3*ll 6ell that the'e i) no 6a1 o3
)to22in( eery 2iece o3 lite'a'1 2'e)ti5i(itation-
It i) co+3o'tin( to 4no6% ho6e&e'% that i3 an e5ito' let) )o+ethin( )*)2icio*) (et into 2'int% the
3act 6ill not 'e+ain *n'e2o'te5 3o' lon(- "e can ,e )*'e% then% that i3 no in5i(nant 'ea5e' ha) 6'itten 6ithin
t6o 6ee4) o3 the a22ea'ance o3 an i))*e% 6e ha&e 2'o,a,l1 co++itte5 no (ha)tl1 +i)ta4e) o3 thi) nat*'e in
that i))*e-
TO A CHILD, A STORY IS A STORY% an5 to +an1 o3 *)% a) 6e ('o6 ol5e'% a )to'1 'e+ain) a )to'1- The
(oo5 (*1 6in)% the ,a5 (*1 lo)e)- Bo1 +eet) (i'l% ,o1 lo)e) (i'l% ,o1 (et) (i'l- "e 5on7t 6ant an1thin(
,e1on5 that--at lea)t to ,e(in 6ith-
The t'o*,le i) that i3 that7) all the'e i)% one i) li4el1 to ('o6 6ea'1 e&ent*all1- Chil5'en lo&e to
2la1 tic4-tac4-toe% 3o' in)tance% ,*t it7) )*ch a li+ite5 (a+e that% a3te' a 6hile% +o)t chil5'en 5on7t 6ant to
2la1 it an1 +o'e- In the )a+e 6a1% chil5'en% a) the1 ('o6 ol5e'% +a1 )to2 6antin( to 'ea5 )to'ie) that a'e
onl1 )to'ie)-
Since 6'ite') (et a) ti'e5 6'itin( )to'ie) that a'e onl1 )to'ie)% a) 'ea5e') (et ti'e5 'ea5in( the+% it i)
onl1 nat*'al that 6'ite') ,e(in to )ea'ch 3o' ne6 an5 5i33e'ent 6a1) to tell a )to'1--3o' thei' o6n +ental
health% i3 nothin( el)e-
A 6'ite' can t'1 to 3in5 a ne6 4in5 o3 2lot% o' he can in5*l(e in )t1li)tic e<2e'i+entation% o' he can
)t'i&e 3o' e&ent) that a'e a+,i(*o*) an5 concl*)ion) that a'e inconcl*)i&e% o' he can ,l*' the 5i)tinction
,et6een (oo5 an5 e&il% o' ,et6een 5'ea+ an5 'ealit1- The'e a'e +an1% +an1 thin() he can 5o an5 the one
thin( all the)e atte+2t) ha&e in co++on i) that the1 anno1 tho)e 'ea5e') 6ho )till a'e in the )ta(e o3
6antin( )to'ie) that a'e onl1 )to'ie)-
in5 1o*% I 5on7t )nee' at )*ch 'ea5e')- Fo' one thin(% I +1)el3 )till 6'ite )to'ie) that a'e 2'i+a'il1
)to'ie)% ,eca*)e that7) 6hat " li4e- In +1 )to'ie)% the'e i) a clea' ,e(innin(% a clea' +i55le% an5 a clea' en5%
the (oo5 (*1 *)*all1 6in)% an5 )o on-
Ne&e'thele))% 1o* can7t ,la+e 6'ite') an5 'ea5e') 3o' 6antin( )o+ethin( +o'e than that% an5
tho)e o3 *) ?. incl*5e +1)el3% 2lea)e note@ 6ho a'e )*)2icio*) o3 e<2e'i+entation an5 3anc1 t'ic4) o*(ht to
+a4e )o+e e33o't to *n5e')tan5 6hat7) (oin( on- "e +a1 3ail to ('a)2 it enti'el1% ,*t 6e +a1 at lea)t )ee
8*)t eno*(h to a&oi5 an e<2lo)ion o3 *n'ea)ona,le an(e'-
One (a+e that 6'ite') &e'1 co++onl1 2la1 i) the one calle5 =)1+,oli)+-> A )to'1 can ,e 6'itten
on t6o le&el)- On the )*'3ace% it i) )i+2l1 a )to'1% an5 an1one can 'ea5 it a) )*ch an5 ,e )ati)3ie5- E&en
chil5'en can 'ea5 it-
B*t the )i+2le cha'acte') an5 e&ent) o3 the )*'3ace +a1 )tan5 3o' ?o' )1+,oliAe@ othe' )*,tle'
thin()- Belo6 the )*'3ace% the'e3o'e% the'e +a1 ,e hi55en an5 5ee2e' +eanin() that chil5'en an5
*n)o2hi)ticate5 a5*lt) 5on7t )ee- Tho)e 6ho can )ee the inne' )t'*ct*'e% ho6e&e'% can (et a 5o*,le 2lea)*'e
o*t o3 it- Fi')t% )ince the inne' )t'*ct*'e i) *)*all1 cle&e'e' an5 +o'e con&ol*te5 than the )*'3ace% it
e<e'ci)e) the +in5 +o'e 2lea)antl1- Secon5% )ince it i) not ea)1 to 5etect% the 'ea5e' ha) the e<cite+ent o3
5i)co&e'1 an5 the 2lea)*'e o3 a5+i'in( hi) o6n cle&e'ne))- ?Yo* can ea)il1 i+a(ine 6hat 3*n the 6'ite' ha)
con)t'*ctin( )*ch )1+,olic )i(ni3icance- @
I )*22o)e the ,e)t e<a+2le o3 )o+ethin( 6'itten on t6o le&el) i) the 2ai' o3 ,oo4) 2o2*la'l1
4no6n a) Alice in 0onderland. On the )*'3ace% it7) a )i+2l1 6'itten 3anta)1% an5 chil5'en lo&e it- So+e
a5*lt) 'ea5in( it% ho6e&e'% 3in5 the+)el&e) in an int'icate +aAe o3 2*n)% 2a'a5o<e)% an5 in)i5e 8o4e)- ?Rea5
a'tin Ga'5ne'7) The Annotated Alice, i3 1o* 6ant to inc'ea)e 1o*' 2lea)*'e in the ,oo4-@
O' ta4e ;- R- R- Tol4ien7) The Lord of the &in*s. On the )*'3ace% it i) a )i+2le tale o3 a 5an(e'o*)
:*e)t- The )+all ho,,it% F'o5o% +*)t ta4e a 5an(e'o*) 'in( into the &e'1 teeth o3 an all-2o6e'3*l ene+1 an5
5e)t'o1 it--an5% o3 co*')e% he )*ccee5)- On a )econ5% 5ee2e' le&el% it i) an alle(o'1 o3 (oo5 an5 e&il% lea5in(
*) to acce2t the 2o))i,ilit1 that the )+all an5 6ea4 can t'i*+2h 6he'e the ?e:*all1 (oo5@ la'(e an5
2o6e'3*l +i(ht notC that e&en e&il ha) it) *)e) that cont'i,*te to the &icto'1 o3 the (oo5% an5 )o on-
B*t the'e i) a thi'5 le&el% too- "hat is the 'in( that i) )o 2o6e'3*l an5 1et )o e&il9 "h1 i) it that
tho)e 6ho 2o))e)) it a'e co''*2te5 ,1 it an5 cannot (i&e it *29 I) )*ch a thin( 2*'e 3anta)1 o' 5oe) it ha&e
an analo(*e in 'ealit19
1 o6n 3eelin( i) that the 'in( 'e2'e)ent) +o5e'n technolo(1- Thi) co''*2t) an5 5e)t'o1) )ociet1
?in Tol4ien7) &ie6@ an5% 1et% tho)e )ocietie) 6ho (ain it an5 6ho a'e a6a'e o3 it) e&il) )i+2l1 cannot (i&e it
*2- I ha&e 'ea5 The Lord of the &in*s 3i&e ti+e)% )o 3a'% an5 I ha&e not 1et e<ha*)te5 +1 o6n )1+,olic
'ea5in( o3 it- I 5o not a('ee 6ith% an5 I 'e)ent% Tol4ien7) attit*5e an5 1et I (et 2lea)*'e o*t o3 the int'icac1
an5 )4ill o3 the )t'*ct*'e-
The'e i) anothe' i+2o'tant 2oint to ,e +a5e conce'nin( )1+,oli)+-
A 6'ite' +a1 in)e't it% 6itho*t 4no6in( he ha) 5one )oC o' el)e% a cle&e' inte'2'ete' can 3in5
)i(ni3icance in &a'io*) 2a't) o3 a )to'1 that a 6'ite' 6ill )6ea' he ha5 no intention o3 in)e'tin(-
Thi) ha) ha22ene5 to +e% 3o' in)tance- The +i55le 2o'tion o3 +1 no&el The 'ods Themseles,
6ith it) int'icate 2ict*'e o3 a t'i)e<*al )ociet1% ha) ,een inte'2'ete5 2)1chiat'icall1 an5 2hilo)o2hicall1 in
6a1) that I !now I 5i5n7t inten5% an5 in te'+) that I lite'all1 5on7t *n5e')tan5- 1 Fo*n5ation )e'ie) ha)
,een )ho6n% ,1 a22a'entl1 ca'e3*l anal1)i)% to ,e tho'o*(hl1 a'<i)t in in)2i'ation% e<ce2t that I ha5 ne&e'
'ea5 one 6o'5 ,1 a'<% o' a,o*t a'< eithe'% at the ti+e the )to'ie) 6e'e 6'itten% o' )ince-
"hen I co+2laine5 once to )o+eone 6ho 6o'4e5 *2 a )1+,olic +eanin( o3 +1 )to'1 =Ni(ht3all>
that +a5e no )en)e to +e at all% he )ai5 to +e% ha*(htil1% ="hat +a4e) 1o* thin4 1o* *n5e')tan5 the )to'1
8*)t ,eca*)e 1o*7&e 6'itten it9>
An5 6hen I 2*,li)he5 an e))a1 in 6hich I +aintaine5 that Tol4ien7) 'in( )1+,oliAe5 +o5e'n
technolo(1% an5 a 'ea5e' 6'ote to tell +e that Tol4ien hi+)el3 ha5 5enie5 it% I 'e)2on5e5 6ith% =That
5oe)n7t +atte'- The 'in( ne&e'thele)) )1+,oliAe) +o5e'n technolo(1->
So+eti+e) it i) :*ite 5e+on)t'a,le that an a*tho' in)e't) a 5ee2e' )1+,oli)+ than he 4no6) - o'
e&en *n5e')tan5)- I ha&e al+o)t ne&e' 'ea5 a la1+an7) e<2lanation o3 'elati&it1 that 5i5n7t )*cc*+, to the
te+2tation o3 :*otin( Alice ,eca*)e Le6i) Ca''oll incl*5e5 2a'a5o<e) that a'e *n+i)ta4a,l1 'elati&i)tic in
nat*'e- He 5i5 not 4no6 that% o3 co*')eC he 8*)t ha22ene5 to ,e a (eni*) at 2a'a5o<-
"ell% )o+eti+e) thi) +a(aAine 2*,li)he) )to'ie) that +*)t not ,e 'ea5 onl1 on the )*'3ace% an5% a)
i) al+o)t ine&ita,le% thi) 'ile) a n*+,e' o3 'ea5e')-
I a+ thin4in(% 3o' in)tance% o3 the no&ella =Stat*e)> ,1 ;i+ Ai4in% 6hich a22ea'e5 in o*'
No&e+,e' .FIM i))*e% an5 6hich )o+e 'ea5e') o,8ecte5 to )t'en*o*)l1- The'e 6e'e )tate+ent) to the e33ect
that it 6a)n7t )cience 3iction o' e&en 3anta)1% that it ha5 no 2oint% that it 6a) anti-Ch'i)tian% an5 )o on-
To ,e(in 6ith% the )to'1% ta4en )i+2l1 a) a )to'1% i) *n5o*,te5l1 *n2lea)ant in )2ot)- I 6ince5
)e&e'al ti+e) 6hen I 'ea5 it% an5 I tell 1o*% 'i(ht no6% that I 6o*l5n7t% an5 co*l5n7t% 6'ite )*ch a )to'1- B*t
I7+ not the ,e-all an5 the en5-all- The )to'1% ho6e&e' 5i33ic*lt to )to+ach )o+e o3 it) 2a))a(e) +a1 ,e% 6a)
)4ill3*ll1 an5 2o6e'3*ll1 6'itten- E&en )o+e o3 tho)e 6ho o,8ecte5 ha5 to a5+it that-
An5 it 6a) in5ee5 a 3anta)1- Ai4in +a5e it clea' to6a'5 the en5 that the )tat*e) 6e'e not 2*)he5
a,o*t% an5 that thei' a22a'ent +o&e+ent 6a) not a 5el*)ion- The1 6e'e on the )i5e o3 the he'oine an5 6e'e
coo2e'atin( 6ith he'% t'1in( to 'e)c*e he' 3'o+ he' *nha221 li3e-
B*t that i) onl1 the )*'3ace- A little 5ee2e' an5 6e )ee that it i) a ca)e o3 the ol5 (o5) t'1in( to
)a&e the 1o*n( 6o+an 3'o+ the ne6- It i) a 'e,ellion a(ain)t the 'i(i5 Pha'i)aic +o'alit1 o3 )o+e a)2ect)
o3 the ;*5eo-Ch'i)tian t'a5ition an5 a ha'4in( ,ac4 to the ('eate' 3'ee5o+ o3 )o+e a)2ect) o3 2a(ani)+-
The )to'1 i) in the )2i'it o3 that 2o6e'3*l line o3 A- C- S6in,*'ne in hi) =H1+n to P'o)e'2ine>: =Tho* ha)
con:*e'e5% O 2ale GalileanC the 6o'l5 ha) ('o6n ('a1 3'o+ th1 ,'eath->
Loo4e5 at thi) 6a1% the )to'1 i) not anti-Ch'i)tian ?)*'el1 the =Ch'i)tian= cha'acte') in the )to'1
a'e not all the'e i) to Ch'i)tianit1@% ,*t i) a(ain)t h12oc'i)1-in-the-na+e-o3-'eli(ion% 6hich I i+a(ine no one
3a&o')% lea)t o3 all Ch'i)tian)- The ('eat F'ench 5'a+ati)t olie'e too4 *2 hi) c*5(el) a(ain)t that )a+e 3oe
in hi) +a)te'2iece Tartuffe an5 1o* can7t i+a(ine the t'o*,le he (ot into a) a 'e)*lt-
B*t i3 1o* (o 5ee2e' )till% 1o* 6ill 3in5 the )to'1 i) one +o'e e<2'e))ion o3 the lon(in( 3o' the ol5-
In thi) )to'1 it i) e<2'e))e5 ,1 cont'a)tin( the 3'o6nin( ne6 (o5 6ith the 4in5l1 ol5 one)- In The Lord of
the &in*s it i) e<2'e))e5 ,1 cont'a)tin( the e&il technolo(1 o3 the Da'4 Lo'5% Sa*'on% 6ith the 2a)to'al li3e
o3 the )i+2le ho,,it)- ?O3 co*')e% it i) +*ch )a3e' to +a4e o3 the ene+1 a De&il-3i(*'e than a Go5-3i(*'e%
)o Tol4ien (ot into no t'o*,le at all-@
Yo* can )ee the &al*e o3 )1+,oli)+ 6hen 1o* co+2a'e eithe' o3 the)e 6ith ;ac4 Finne17) 3a+o*)
=The Thi'5 Le&el%> 6he'e he 5e+on)t'ate) hi) lon(in( 3o' the ol5 ,1 a )t'ai(ht3o'6a'5 cont'a)t ,et6een
.FGE an5 .IIE- It lea&e) nothin( to 5i)co&e' an5% in +1 o2inion% the'e3o'e% i) a 6ea4 )to'1-
B*t =Stat*e)>--li4e it o' not--i) a stron* )to'1 that +a4e) an i+2o'tant 2oint 6ith ('eat )4ill-
THERE IS A GENERAL MYTH AMONG la1+en that% )o+eho6% the chie3 3*nction o3 a )cience 3iction
6'ite' i) to +a4e 2'e5iction) that e&ent*all1 co+e t'*e-
Th*)% I a+ 3'e:*entl1 a)4e5% =Ho6 5oe) it 3eel to )ee all the 2'e5iction) 1o* ha&e +a5e co+in(
To 6hich I can onl1 'e2l1% =It 3eel) ('eat--in tho)e &e'1 3e6 ca)e) in 6hich )o+ethin( I ha&e )ai5
act*all1 ca+e to 2a))->
At othe' ti+e)% I a+ a)4e5 6ith *tte' con3i5ence% =Can 1o* (i&e *) a 3e6 o3 1o*' 2'e5iction) that
ha&e co+e t'*e9>
I 6o*l5 lo&e to ,e a,le to )a1% ="ell% to na+e 8*)t a 3e6: ai'2lane)% 'a5io)% tele&i)ion% )41)c'a2e')%
an5% in +1 ea'l1 5a1)% the 6heel an5 3i'e->
B*t I can7t ,'in( +1)el3 to 5o that- The inte'&ie6e') +i(ht act*all1 2'int it% an5 the1 +i(ht t'1 to
(i&e +e a +e5al 3o' 2'e5ictin( 3i'e-
Ho6e&e'% I ca+e ac'o)) a 2'e5iction I +a5e once that I 5i5n7t 4no6 I ha5 +a5e--that act*all1 I
5i5n7t 4no6 6a) a 2'e5iction- No' 5i5 I 5i)co&e' it +1)el3- So+eone 2ointe5 it o*t to +e-
In o'5e' to e<2lain thi)% I7ll ha&e to ta4e the lon( 6a1 'o*n5- Plea)e ,ea' 6ith +e-
Bac4 in .FG/% I ,e(an to 6'ite a no&el calle5 The Caes of )teel. It 6a) 3ini)he5 in .FG0% 6a)
2*,li)he5 in the Octo,e'% No&e+,e'% an5 Dece+,e' .FG0% i))*e) o3 'ala<y a) a th'ee-2a't )e'ial% an5 6a)
2*,li)he5 in ,oo4 3o'+ ,1 Do*,le5a1 in .FGM-
It 6a) a )cience 3iction +*'5e' +1)te'1 that int'o5*ce5 +1 cha'acte') Eli8ah Bale1 an5 R- Daneel
Oli&a6% 6ho+ )o+e o3 1o* +a1 ha&e co+e ac'o)) in 1o*' 'ea5in(- To6a'5 the en5 o3 The Caes of )teel, I
nee5e5 a )econ5 +*'5e' 3o' the )a4e o3 the 2lot% an5 that ,othe'e5 +e% 3o' I 5on7t li4e +*'5e') an5 I 'a'el1
ha&e the+ in +1 +1)te'ie)- "hen I 5o% the'e i) onl1 one an5 it i) co++itte5 o33)ta(e% *)*all1 ,e3o'e the
)to'1 ,e(in)- ?I7+ 3*nn1 that 6a1-@
The 3i')t +*'5e' in The Caes of )teel ha5 ,een o33)ta(e ,e3o'e the )to'1 ,e(an% an5 the )econ5
+*'5e' 6o*l5 ,e o33)ta(e% al)o% ,*t I 5i5n7t 6ant to 4ill a h*+an ,ein(% )o% in)tea5% I 4ille5 a 'athe' )i+2le
'o,ot- B*t% a(ain% I 5i5n7t 6ant to 4ill hi+ ,'*tall1 ,1 )+a)hin( in hi) c'ani*+ o' th'o6in( hi+ into a &at
o3 +elte5 lea5- I 2'e3e''e5 )o+ethin( +o'e )cience 3ictional-
So he'e i) a cha'acte' in the )to'1% a D'- Ge''i(el% 5e)c'i,in( the 5ea5 'o,ot:
=BIn the 'o,ot7) 2a'tl1 clenche5 'i(ht 3i)t%7 )ai5 D'- Ge''i(el% B6a) a )hin1 o&oi5 a,o*t t6o inche)
lon( an5 hal3 an inch 6i5e 6ith a +ica 6in5o6 at one en5- The 3i)t 6a) in contact 6ith hi) )4*ll a) tho*(h
the 'o,ot7) la)t act ha5 ,een to to*ch hi) hea5- The thin( he 6a) hol5in( 6a) an al2ha-)2'a1e'- Yo* 4no6
6hat the1 a'e% I )*22o)e9>B
The nat*'e o3 the al2ha-)2'a1e' 6a) then e<2laine5 3o' the )a4e o3 the 'ea5e'- It 6a) 5e)c'i,e5 a) a
5e&ice that )en5) o*t a ,ea+ o3 al2ha 2a'ticle) th'o*(h the +ica 6in5o6- The i+2in(e+ent o3 the al2ha
2a'ticle) on the 'o,ot7) 2o)it'onic ,'ain 6a) 5'a)tic- O'% a) I 2*t it: =D'- Ge''i(el )ai5% BYe)% an5 hi)
2o)it'onic ,'ain 2ath) 6e'e i++e5iatel1 'an5o+iAe5- In)tant 5eath% )o to )2ea4->B
"ell% 6h1 not9 Al2ha 2a'ticle) a'e ca2a,le o3 4noc4in( elect'on) o*t o3 ato+)- It i) ,eca*)e the1
5o )o% lea&in( elect'icall1 cha'(e5 ion) ,ehin5% that it 6a) 5i)co&e'e5% in .F..% that the1 co*l5 ,e 5etecte5
in clo*5 cha+,e')- The ion)% 6ith thei' elect'ic cha'(e% )e'&e5 a) n*clei 3o' tin1 6ate' 5'o2let) an5 tho)e
5'o2let) +a'4e5 o*t the 2ath o3 the 2a'ticle-
Po)it'on)% 6hich I *)e in 'o,otic ,'ain 2ath) in o'5e' to +a4e the+ )o*n5 )cience 3ictional% a'e
2'eci)el1 li4e elect'on) e<ce2t 3o' 2o))e))in( a 2o)iti&e cha'(e 'athe' than a ne(ati&e one- Al2ha 2a'ticle)
)ho*l5 )ho&e the+ o*t o3 the 6a1 6ith e:*al ea)e% an5 i3 2o)it'on) +a4e *2 the ,'ain 2ath)% )ho&in( the+
a6a1 5i)'*2t) the ,'ain 2ath) an5 inacti&ate) the 'o,ot)-
The'e7) nothin( in(enio*) a,o*t it at all- Pe'3ectl1 h*+5'*+-
An5 then a )ho't ti+e a(o% I 'ecei&e5 a lette' 3'o+ a (entle+an 6o'4in( 6ith a co'2o'ation that
5eal) 6ith co+2*te')- It ,e(in) a) 3ollo6):
/This letter is to inform you and con*ratulate you on another remar!a#le scientific prediction of
the future; namely your foreseein* of the dynamic random3access memory @1&AM4 lo*ic upset
pro#lem caused #y alpha particle emission, first o#sered in .FJJ% #ut written a#out #y you in
Caes of )teel in .FGJ-> ENoteA Actually, .FG/-U
A22a'entl1 the co'2o'ation t'ac4e5 5o6n 3ail*'e) in +e+o'1 5e&ice) an5 3inall1 5eci5e5 that:
/These failures are caused #y trace amounts of radioactie elements present in the
pac!a*in* material used to encapsulate the silicon deices which, upon radioactie decay, emit
hi*h ener*y alpha particles that upset the lo*ic states of the semiconductor memory..--
=" am writin* you a#out this topic #ecause in your #oo!, Ca&e) o3 Steel% pu#lished in the
FG8Hs, you use an alpha particle emitter to ;murder. one of the ro#ots in the story, #y destroyin*
@;randomiBin*.4 its positronic #rain. This is, of course, as *ood a way of descri#in* a lo*ic upset
as any ".e heard.
/" *et a *reat #i* !ic! out of findin* out that our millions of dollars of research,
culminatin* in seeral international awards for the most important scientific contri#ution in the
field of relia#ility of semiconductor deices in .FJI and .FJF% was predicted in su#stantially
accurate form twenty years ENoteA twenty3fie years, actuallyI #efore the eents too! place2 5ou
may certainly with *reat pride add this phenomenon to your collection of scientific predictions.,
"ell% 1o* can ea)il1 i+a(ine that I 6a) 5eli(hte5% ,*t t'*th i) +i(ht1 an5 6ill 2'e&ail- I in)tantl1
6'ote to the (entle+an 6ho 6a) )o 2lea)e5 at +1 2'e5iction that I hone)tl1 6a) not a6a'e that I 6a)
+a4in( a 2'e5iction% an5 that the 6hole thin( 6a) a t'i,*te% not to +1 in(en*it1% ,*t to the (oo5 l*c4 that
con)tantl1 5o() +1 3oot)te2)-
A +*ch +o'e int*iti&e an5 'e+a'4a,le 2'e5iction 6a) +a5e ,1 the )cience-3ictional 3athe' o3 *)
all% H- G- "ell)- Fi')t% a little ,ac4('o*n5-
In .F.0% the B'iti)h che+i)t F'e5e'ic4 So551 ?.IJJ-.FGN@% a5&ance5 the =i)oto2e conce2t> ,a)e5
on hi) )t*5ie) o3 the ele+ent) 2'o5*ce5 in the co*')e o3 'a5ioacti&e 5eca1- He 2'o2o)e5 that a 2a'tic*la'
ele+ent +i(ht ,e +a5e *2 o3 ato+) i5entical in che+ical 2'o2e'tie) ,*t 5i33e'in( )o+e6hat in ato+ic
6ei(ht- Ele+ent)% then% in)tea5 o3 nece))a'il1 ,ein( +a5e *2 o3 a,)ol*tel1 i5entical ele+ent) 6e'e act*all1
+i<t*'e) o3 )e&e'al al+o)t i5entical =i)oto2e)> 5i33e'in( in ato+ic 6ei(ht-
Thi) +a5e )o +*ch )en)e% it 6a) :*ic4l1 acce2te5 an5 ha) 'e+aine5 a co'ne')tone o3 che+i)t'1
an5 o3 ato+ic 2h1)ic) e&e' )ince-
B*t 8*)t the othe' 5a1% I 'ecei&e5 a 'e2'int o3 a 2a2e' ,1 H- G- "ell)% 6'itten on Se2te+,e' G%.IFN
?)e&enteen 1ea') #efore So5517) )*((e)tion@% in 6hich he 'e3e') to )o+e 6o'4 5one ,1 a che+i)t the
2'e&io*) 1ea'% ,e3o'e 'a5ioacti&it1 ha5 e&en ,een 5i)co&e'e5% an5 )*((e)t) that to e<2lain that 6o'4% it i)
2o))i,le to )*22o)e that =the'e a'e t6o 4in5) o3 o<1(en% one 6ith an ato+ a little hea&ie' than the othe'->
B1 )a1in( that% he i) antici2atin( an5 2'e5ictin( the e<i)tence o3 i)oto2e)-
F*'the'+o'e% he 2oint) o*t that =the elect'ic )2a'4 t'a&e')in( the (a) ha) a---)electi&e action- Yo*'
hea&ie' ato+) o' +olec*le) (et 5'i&en thi) o' that 6a1 6ith )li(htl1 +o'e 3o'ce-> Thi) i) a 2'ett1 (oo5
5e)c'i2tion o3 a 2heno+enon 3i')t note5 ,1 the B'iti)h 2h1)ici)t ;o)e2h ;ohn Tho+)on ?.IGN-.FME@% in
.F./% )i<teen 1ea') a3te' "ell)7) )*((e)tion-
Ho67) that$
Nat*'all1% I 6o*l5 li4e to 2oint to )o+ethin( o3 +1 o6n that containe5 a ,it o3 nice int*iti&e
in)i(ht% an5 he'e it i)- In .FNN% I 6'ote a )cienti3ic e))a1% =I7+ Loo4in( O&e' a Fo*'-Lea3 Clo&e'%> 6hich
e&ent*all1 a22ea'e5 in the Se2te+,e' .FNN i))*e o3 The Ma*aBine of Fantasy and )cience Fiction.
In it I 6ante5 to )2ec*late a,o*t the o'i(in o3 the *ni&e')e an5 I 6a) an<io*) to 'e,*t the 3a&o'ite
co++ent o3 )o+e 6ho 6o*l5 a)4% =I3 the *ni&e')e )ta'te5 a) a Bco)+ic e((%7 6he'e 5i5 the co)+ic e((
co+e 3'o+9> The ho2e 6a) that i3 I 6e'e 3ace5 6ith that :*e)tion I 6o*l5 ha&e to a5+it the e<i)tence o3 a
)*2e'nat*'al a(enc1 o3 c'eation-
I the'e3o'e 2o)t*late5 the e<i)tence o3 =ne(ati&e ene'(1> an5 )*22o)e5 that ene'(1 6a) c'eate5 in
,oth ne(ati&e an5 2o)iti&e 3o'+ )o that the'e 6a) no net c'eation- I 6ent on to a5&ance 6hat I calle5 =
A)i+o&7) Co)+o(onic P'inci2le> an5 6'ote% =The +o)t econo+ical 6a1 o3 e<2'e))in( the 2'inci2le i) BIn
the Be(innin(% the'e 6a) Nothin(-7>
"ell% )o+e ten 1ea') late'% the theo'1 o3 the =in3lationa'1 *ni&e')e> 6a) a5&ance5- It 6a)
alto(ethe' 5i33e'ent 3'o+ an1thin( I ha5 )*((e)te5% ,*t in one 'e)2ect it 6a) i5entical- The *ni&e')e 6a)
2ict*'e5 a) )ta'tin( a) a :*ant*+ 3l*ct*ation in a &ac**+% )o that =In the Be(innin(% the'e 6a) Nothin(->
That 2iece o3 in)i(ht I a+ 'eall1 2'o*5 o3-
IN THE DECEMBER *%'& ISSUE OF thi) +a(aAine% 1o* +a1 'ecall that the 3i')t t6o cha2te') o3 +1 no&el%
Foundation.s $d*e, 6e'e 2'e)ente5 a) an e<ce'2t% to(ethe' 6ith an e))a1 o3 +1 o6n on the no&el7) (ene)i)
an5 )o+e 2lea)ant co++ent) 3'o+ +1 3'ien5) an5 collea(*e)- I a('ee5 to all thi) *n5e' )t'on( 2'e))*'e
3'o+ the e5ito'ial )ta33% 6ho tho*(ht it 6o*l5 ,e a Goo5 Thin( an5 6ho o&e''o5e +1 o6n o,8ection) that
'ea5e') 6o*l5 co+2lain that I 6a) *)in( the +a(aAine 3o' 2e')onal a(('an5iAe+ent-
A) it ha22ene5% +1 3ea') 6e'e ('o*n5le))- Rea5e')7 co++ent) 6e'e (ene'all1 3'ien5l1% an5 a
('ati31in( n*+,e' in5icate5 thei' 5ete'+ination to (et the ,oo4 an5 3ini)h 'ea5in( it-
It +a1 ,e that 1o* a'e c*'io*) to 4no6 6hat ha22ene5 a3te' the ,oo4 6a) 2*,li)he5- ?Fo' tho)e o3
1o* inte'e)te5 in A)i+o&ian t'i&ia% it 6a) 2*,li)he5 on Octo,e' I% .FI/-@ I75 li4e to tell 1o*% ,eca*)e 6hat
ha22ene5 a)toni)he5 +e totall1- The ,oo4 2'o&e5 to ,e a ,e)t-)elle'$
I 5on7t +ean it 6a) a =,e)t-)elle'> in the *)*al 2*,li)he'7) 2'o+otion 6a1 o3 in5icatin( that it
5i5n7t act*all1 )in4 6itho*t a t'ace on 2*,lication 5a1- I +ean it a22ea'e5 on the national ,e)t-)elle' li)t)
an5% a) I 6'ite% it i) in thi'5 2lace on ,oth The New 5or! Times an5 on the >u#lishers 0ee!ly li)t o3
ha'5co&e' 3iction- a1,e ,1 the ti+e thi) e5ito'ial a22ea')% it 6ill ha&e 5i)a22ea'e5 3'o+ the li)t)% ,*t ri*ht
now it7) the'e-
In the 2a)t% in the)e e5ito'ial)% I ha&e 2'o+i)e5 to 4ee2 1o* *2 to 5ate on +1 en5ea&o') an5 I 6ill
5o it no6 in the 3o'+ o3 an in&ente5 inte'&ie6:
Q 1r. Asimo, is this your first #est3seller+
+ Fo' )o+e 'ea)on% 2eo2le 3in5 that ha'5 to ,elie&e% 2e'ha2) ,eca*)e I7+ )o a))i5*o*) at 2*,liciAin(
+1)el3% ,*t Foundation.s $d*e is +1 3i')t ,e)t-)elle'- It i) +1 /N/n5 ,oo4 an5 I ha&e ,een a 2'o3e))ional
6'ite' 3o' 3o't1-3o*' 1ea')% )o I (*e)) thi) :*ali3ie) +e a) )o+ethin( le)) than an o&e'ni(ht )*cce))-
in5 1o*% thi) i) not +1 3i')t )*cce))3*l ,oo4- #e'1 3e6 o3 +1 ,oo4) ha&e act*all1 lo)t +one1 3o'
the 2*,li)he' an5 +an1 o3 the+ ha&e 5one &e'1 6ell in5ee5 o&e' the 1ea')- The ea'lie' ,oo4) o3 the
Fo*n5ation t'ilo(1 ha&e )ol5 in the +illion) o&e' the thi't1 1ea') the1 ha&e ,een in 2'int- A(ain% i3 1o*
('o*2 all +1 ,oo4) to(ethe' an5 total the n*+,e' o3 )ale) o3 = A)i+o&> ?ne&e' +in5 the title)@ then I ha&e a
,e)t-)elle' e&e'1 1ea'-
Ho6e&e'% Foundation.s $d*e i) the 3i')t ti+e a sin*le ,oo4 o3 +ine ha) )ol5 eno*(h co2ie) in a
sin*le 6ee4 to +a4e the ,e)t-)elle' li)t)% an5 in the ei(ht 6ee4) )ince 2*,lication ?a) I 6'ite@% it ha) 5one it
in each o3 ei(ht 6ee4)-
Q And how do you feel a#out that, 1r. A.+
+ Act*all1% I ha&e no 'oo+ 3o' an1 3eelin( ,*t that o3 a)toni)h+ent- A3te' 2*,li)hin( t6o h*n5'e5 an5
)i<t1-one ,oo4) 6itho*t an1 hint o3 ,e)t-)elle'5o+% no +atte' ho6 +an1 o3 the+ +i(ht ha&e ,een 2'ai)e5%
I ca+e to thin4 o3 that a) a la6 o3 nat*'e- A) 3o' Foundation.s $d*e in 2a'tic*la'% it ha) no )e< in it% no
&iolence% no )en)ationali)+ o3 an1 4in5% an5 I ha5 co+e to )*22o)e that thi) 6a) a 2e'3ect 'eci2e 3o'
'e)2ecta,le non,e)t-)elle'5o+-
Once I (et o&e' the a)toni)h+ent% tho*(h ?i3 e&e'@% I )*22o)e I 6ill ha&e 'oo+ 3o' 3eelin( ('eat-
A3te' all% Foundation.s $d*e 6ill ea'n +o'e +one1 than I e<2ecte5% an5 it 6ill hel2 +1 othe' ,oo4) to )ell
+o'e co2ie)% an5 it +a1 +ean that 3*t*'e no&el) o3 +ine +a1 5o ,ette' than I 6o*l5 othe'6i)e e<2ect% an5 I
can7t &e'1 6ell co+2lain a,o*t an1 o3 that-
Then% too% thin4 o3 the ,oo)t to +1 e(o$ ?Ye)% I 4no6$ Yo* thin4 that7) the la)t thin( it nee5)-@
Peo2le 6ho till no6 ha&e 4no6n I 6a) a 6'ite' an5 acce2te5 it 6ith noticea,le lac4 o3 e<cite+ent e&en
o&e' the n*+,e' o3 ,oo4) I ha&e co++itte5% no6 )to2 +e in o'5e' to con('at*late +e% an5 5o )o 6ith
2'ono*nce5 'e)2ect- Pe')onall1% I 5on7t thin4 that ,ein( on the ,e)t-)elle' li)t) +a4e) a ,oo4 an1 the hi(he'
in :*alit1 an5% all too o3ten% it +i(ht in5icate the 'e&e')e% ,*t I +*)t a5+it I en8o1 the con('at*lation) an5
all that (oe) 6ith it-
Q Are there any disadanta*es to all this *reat stuffA "saac+
+ O55l1 eno*(h% the'e a'e- Fo' one thin(% +1 e)tee+e5 2*,li)he')% Do*,le5a1 an5 Co+2an1% 6o*l5 li4e
+e to t'a&el allo&e' the Unite5 State) 2*)hin( the ,oo4- ?It i)% at the +o+ent% thei' onl1 3iction ,e)t-)elle'
an5 the1 a'e a) ea(e' a) I a+ to ha&e it )ta1 on the li)t) 3o'e&e'-@ The1 a'e 2*ttin( con)i5e'a,le +one1 into
a5&e'ti)in( an5 2'o+otion an5 it 6o*l5 onl1 ,e 3ai' that I 5o +1 ,it a) 6ell- Ho6e&e'% I 5on7t li4e to t'a&el%
an5 )o I ha&e to 'e3*)e thei' )*((e)tion) that I (o to Chica(o% 3o' in)tance- An5 it +a4e) +e 3eel (*ilt1% an5
a t'aito' ,oth to +1 2*,li)he' an5 +1 ,oo4- I hae +a5e a t'i2 to Phila5el2hia% tho*(h-
The'e i) al)o a hi(he' than no'+al 5e+an5 3o' inte'&ie6) th'o*(h &i)it) o' on the tele2hone- Thi)
5oe)n7t 5e+an5 t'a&elin( on +1 2a't an5 I t'1 to o,li(e ?tellin( +1)el3 it7) (oo5 2*,licit1 3o' the ,oo4@% ,*t
it 5oe) c*t into +1 6'itin( ti+e% an5 I can7t allo6 too +*ch o3 that-
Then% too% the'e7) an e<t'ao'5ina'1 5e+an5 3o' 3'ee co2ie)- Thi) i) a co++on 5i)ea)e a+on(
6'ite')7 3'ien5) an5 'elation)% 6ho 3eel that the'e i) no 2*'2o)e in 4no6in( a 6'ite' i3 1o* ha&e to hel2
)*22o't hi+- 1 5ea' 6i3e ?;- O- ;e22)on@% 6ho i) a )h'e65 :*e)tione'% ha) 5i)co&e'e5 the a)toni)hin( 3act
that )o+e 2eo2le thin4 6'ite') (et *nli+ite5 n*+,e') o3 3'ee co2ie) to (i&e o*t- The1 5on7t$ E<ce2t 3o' a
ce'tain &e'1 )+all n*+,e'% the1 ha&e to #uy co2ie) 8*)t a) an1one el)e 5oe)- ?E&en i3 the1 5i5 ha&e
*nli+ite5 n*+,e') o3 3'ee co2ie)% (i&in( the+ 'athe' than )ellin( the+ 6o*l5 '*in a 6'ite'% 8*)t a) (i&in(
+eat 'athe' than )ellin( it 6o*l5 '*in a ,*tche'-@
"hat I ha&e 5one i) to 'e)i)t 3i'+l1 an1 te+2tation to han5 o*t Foundation.s $d*e. I ha&e tol5
e&e'1one the1 +*)t ,*1 co2ie) at a ,oo4)to'e- I3 the1 in)i)t% I 6ill (i&e the+ co2ie) o3 othe' ,oo4)% ,*t
tho)e )ale) o3 Foundation.s $d*e +*)t ,e 'e(i)te'e5- E&e'1 little ,it hel2)-
Q Do you see any importance in this situation aside from personal profit and *ratification+
+ I 5o% in5ee5- Soon a3te' Foundation.s $d*e 6a) 2*,li)he5% A'th*' C- Cla'4e7) ne6 no&el% /E.E: %dyssey
Two 6a) 2*,li)he5% an5 it hit the ,e)t-)elle' li)t)% too- At the +o+ent o3 6'itin( it i) in 3i3th 2lace on The
New 5or! Times li)t- Ea'lie' thi) 1ea'% Ro,e't A- Heinlein +a5e the li)t 6ith Friday an5 F'an4 He',e't 5i5
)o 6ith 0hite >la*ue.
I thin4 thi) i) the 3i')t 1ea' in 6hich 3o*' 5i33e'ent )cience 3iction 6'ite') +a5e the li)t) 6ith
)t'ai(ht )cience 3iction ,oo4)- I al)o thin4 that in the ca)e o3 Cla'4e an5 +1)el3% thi) i) the 3i')t ti+e )t'ai(ht
)cience 3iction ha) lan5e5 )o hi(h on the li)t)-
Thi) i) ('ati31in( to +e a) a lon( ti+e )cience 3iction 3an- It in5icate) to +e that% 3inall1% )cience
3iction i) co+in( to ,e o3 inte'e)t to the (ene'al 2*,lic an5 not )i+2l1 to tho)e 3e6 6ho inha,it the SF
In 3act% I 6i)h to 2oint thi) o*t to tho)e SF 6'ite') 6ho a'e ,itte' an5 'e)ent3*l ,eca*)e the1 3eel
that thei' ,oo4) a'e )ho&e5 into the ,ac4('o*n5 an5 5i)'e(a'5e5 +e'el1 ,eca*)e the1 ha&e the SF la,el on
the+- Neithe' Foundation.s $d*e no' /E.E: %dyssey Two +a4e) an1 e33o't to hi5e the 3act that it i) )cience
3iction- The 2*,li)he')7 2'o+otion in each ca)e *tte'l1 3ail) to o,)c*'e that 3act- In the ca)e o3 Foundation.s
$d*e, The New 5or! Times ca'e3*ll1 5e)c'i,e) it a) =)cience 3iction = each 6ee4 in it) ,e)t-)elle' li)tin(-
An5 1et it contin*e) to )ell-
To ,e )*'e% the'e i) a t'ace o3 the =(hetto> 8*)t the )a+e- The'e i) one thin( that A'th*' an5 I ha&e
in co++on% a)i5e 3'o+ ,e)t)ellin( ,oo4)- A) o3 the +o+ent o3 6'itin(% neithe' Foundation.s $d*e no'
/E.E: %dyssey Two ha) ,een 'e&ie6e5 in The New 5or! Times. I 2'e)*+e the 2a2e' he)itate) to ,e)to6 that
accola5e on +e'e )cience 3iction- Oh% 6ell$
Q And what are your present pro:ects, "saac+
+ "ell% Do*,le5a1 ha) in3o'+e5 +e% in no *nce'tain te'+)% that I a+ con5e+ne5 to 6'ite one no&el a3te'
anothe' 3o' li3e% an5 that I a+ not 2e'+itte5 to con)i5e' 51in(-
So I a+ 6o'4in( on anothe' no&el- Thi) one i) to ,e the thi'5 no&el o3 the 'o,ot )e'ie)- Both Li8e
BaIe1 an5 R- Daneel 6ill 'ea22ea'% an5 6ill co+2lete the t'ilo(1 that ,e(an 6ith The Caes of )teel an5
The Na!ed )un. The thi'5 no&el i) calle5 0orld of the 1awn.
A3te' that% I a+ a3'ai5 that Do*,le5a1 e<2ect) +e to 5o a 3i3th Fo*n5ation no&elC an5% a22a'entl1%
)o 5o the 'ea5e')- Fo' th'ee 5eca5e) the1 ,a5(e'e5 +e 3o' a )e:*el to the Fo*n5ation t'ilo(1 an5 6hen I
(a&e that to the+% the *n('ate3*l 5o() 'e)2on5e5 ,1 ,a5(e'in( +e 3o' a )e:*el to the )e:*el-
I75 co+2lain% e<ce2t that I lo&e it-
On Dece+,e' .F%.FI/% The New 5or! Times 3inall1 'e&ie6e5 Foundation.s $d*e, an5 &e'1
3a&o'a,l1 too- On that 5a1% the ,oo4 ha5 )li22e5 to )i<th 2lace in the ,e)t-)elle' li)t ?)till not ,a5@ ,*t
Cla'4e ha5 cli+,e5 to )econ5 2lace-

IT WAS .UITE FASHIONABLE, in ea'lie' ti+e)% to 'e3'ain 3'o+ 2*ttin( one7) na+e to thin() one ha5
6'itten- The 6'ite' co*l5 lea&e hi+)el3 *nna+e5 ?=anon1+o*)>--3'o+ G'ee4 6o'5) +eanin( =no na+e>@%
o' el)e he co*l5 *)e a 3al)e na+e ?=2)e*5on1+>--3'o+ G'ee4 6o'5) +eanin( =3al)e na+e>@- So co++on
6a) the 2'actice that a 2)e*5on1+ i) o3ten 'e3e''e5 to a) a =2en-na+e%> o'% to (i&e it ('eate' ele(ance ,1
2lacin( it in F'ench% a =no+ 5e 2l*+e->
The'e 6e'e a &a'iet1 o3 'ea)on) 3o' thi)- In +o)t 2lace) in the 6o'l5 an5 at +o)t ti+e)% it 6a) all
too ea)1 to 6'ite )o+ethin( that 6o*l5 (et 1o* in t'o*,le- The co''*2tion% &enalit1% an5 c'*elt1 o3 tho)e in
2o6e' c'ie5 o*t 3o' e<2o)*'e% an5 tho)e in 2o6e' ha5 the )t'on(e)t o,8ection) to ,ein( e<2o)e5- Fo' that
'ea)on% 6'ite') ha5 to e<2ect all )o't) o3 (o&e'n+ental co''ection i3 ca*(ht--an16he'e 3'o+ a 3ine to 5eath
,1 to't*'e-
The ,e)t-4no6n e<a+2le o3 thi) t12e o3 2)e*5on1+ 6a) #oltai'e% the ei(hteenth cent*'1 F'ench
)ati'i)t% 6ho)e 'eal na+e 6a) F'ancoi)-a'ie A'o*et-
A )econ5 +a8o' 'ea)on 6a) that an1 non)chola'l1 6'itin( 6a) loo4e5 *2on a) 'athe' 3'i&olo*)% an5
a 5ecent 2e')on (*ilt1 o3 concoctin( )*ch +ate'ial +i(ht 6ell ,e loo4e5 *2on a)4ance ,1 )ociet1% an5
con)i5e'e5 a) ha&in( lo)t ca)te- A 2)e*5on1+% the'e3o'e% 2'e)e'&e5 'e)2ecta,ilit1- Thi) 6a) e)2eciall1 t'*e
o3 6o+en 6ho 6e'e 6i5el1 con)i5e'e5 )*,h*+an in +entalit1 ?,1 +en@ an5 6ho 6o*l5 ha&e )hoc4e5 the
6o'l5 ,1 a too-o2en 5e+on)t'ation o3 the 2o))e))ion o3 ,'ain)- a'1 Ann E&an)% the'e3o'e% 6'ote *n5e' the
na+e o3 Geo'(e Eliot% an5 Cha'lotte B'onte at 3i')t 6'ote *n5e' the na+e o3 C*''e' Bell-
One 6o*l5 thin4 that neithe' 'ea)on 6o*l5 hol5 3o' the 6o'l5 o3 +o5e'n A+e'ican )cience 3iction-
"h1 )ho*l5 an1one 3ea' 2*ni)h+ent 3o' 6'itin( )cience 3iction in o*' 3'ee lan5% o' 6h1 )ho*l5 an1one 3ea'
the lo)) o3 'e)2ecta,ilit1 i3 con&icte5 o3 the 5ee5- An5 1et
It i) concei&a,le% 2a'tic*la'l1 in the ea'l1 5a1) o3 +a(aAine )cience 3iction% that 2eo2le in the +o'e
)en)iti&e 2'o3e))ion)% )*ch a) teachin(% 6o*l5 not ha&e ca'e5 to ha&e it 4no6n that the1 6'ote =2)e*5o-
)cienti3ic t'a)h = an5 )o 6o*l5 2'otect the+)el&e) 3'o+ lac4 o3 2'o+otion% o' o*t'i(ht 5i)+i))al% ,1 the *)e
o3 a 2)e*5on1+- I 5on7t 4no6 o3 )*ch ca)e) 5e3initel1% ,*t I )*)2ect )o+e-
It i) e&en +o'e li4el1 that in the ,a5 ol5 5a1) ,e3o'e the 6o+en7) +o&e+ent ,eca+e )t'on(%
6o+en 6ho 6'ote )cience 3iction conceale5 thei' )e< 3'o+ the 'ea5e') ? an5 e&en% )o+eti+e)% 3'o+ the
e5ito')@- Science 3iction 6a) tho*(ht to ,e a &e'1 +a)c*line 2*')*it at the ti+e an5 I 4no6 t6o e5ito') ?no
na+e)% 2lea)e% e&en tho*(h ,oth a'e no6 5ea5@ 6ho in)i)te5 on ,elie&in( that 6o+en could not 6'ite (oo5
)cience 3iction- P)e*5on1+) 6e'e the'e3o'e nece))a'1 i3 the1 6e'e to )ell an1thin( at all-
So+eti+e)% 6o+en 5i5 not ha&e to *)e 2)e*5on1+)- Thei' 3i')t na+e) +i(ht ,e e2icene% an5 that
6o*l5 ,e 2'otection eno*(h- Th*)% Le)lie F- Stone an5 Lei(h B'ac4ett 6e'e 6o+en ,*t% a) 3a' a) one co*l5
tell 3'o+ thei' na+e)% the1 +i(ht ,e a) +a)c*line a) Le)lie Fie5le' an5 Lei(h H*nt- E5ito') an5 'ea5e') at
3i')t ,elie&e5 the1 6e'e-
O' 6o+en +i(ht )i+2l1 con&e't na+e) to initial)- Co*l5 1o* tell that A- R- Lon( o6ne5 *2 to the
na+e o3 A+elia% o' that C- L- oo'e 6a) Cathe'ine to he' 3'ien5)9
The'e 6e'e othe' 'ea)on) 3o' 2)e*5on1+) in )cience 3iction- In the ea'l1 5a1) o3 the +a(aAine
+an1 o3 the )*cce))3*l 6'ite') co*l5 onl1 +a4e a li&in( ,1 6'itin( a ('eat 5eal 8*)t a) 3a)t a) the1 co*l5%
3o' a &a'iet1 o3 2*l2 +a'4et)- The1 +i(ht *)e 5i33e'ent na+e) 3o' 5i33e'ent +a'4et)% c'eatin( )e2a'ate
2e')onalitie)% )o to )2ea4% that 6o*l5n7t co+2ete 6ith each othe'- Th*) "ill ;en4in) 6'ote 3o' the )lic4)
*n5e' hi) o6n na+e% ,*t a5o2te5 the 2)e*5on1+ *''a1 Lein)te' 6hen he 6'ote )cience 3iction-
So+eti+e)% e&en 6ithin the )in(le 3iel5 o3 )cience 3iction% 2a'tic*la' 6'ite') 6'ote too +an1
)to'ie)- The1 6e'e )o (oo5 that e5ito') 6o*l5 chee'3*ll1 ,*1% let *) )a1% ei(hteen )to'ie) 3'o+ the+ in a
2a'tic*la' 1ea' in 6hich the1 onl1 2*,li)he5 t6el&e i))*e) o3 thei' +a(aAine)- Thi) +eant ?i3 1o* 6o'4 o*t
the a'ith+etic ca'e3*ll1@ that it 6o*l5 ,e nece))a'1 to '*n +o'e than one )to'1 ,1 the+ in a )in(le i))*e
no6 an5 then% an5 e5ito') (ene'all1 ha&e a 2'e8*5ice a(ain)t that- Rea5e') 6o*l5 3eel the1 6e'e cheate5 o3
&a'iet1% o' )*)2ect that e5ito') 6e'e )ho6in( *n5*e 3a&o'iti)+% o' 6ho 4no6) 6hat- The'e3o'e )o+e o3 the
)to'ie) 6o*l5 ,e 2*t *n5e' a 2)e*5on1+-
The 2)e*5on1+) +i(ht ,e t'an)2a'ent eno*(h- Fo' in)tance% Ro,e't A- Heinlein at the hei(ht o3
hi) +a(aAine 2o2*la'it1 6'ote hal3 hi) )to'ie) *n5e' the na+e o3 An)on acDonal5% ,*t Bo,7) +i55le
initial A- )too5 3o' An)on% an5 acDonal5 6a) the +ai5en na+e o3 hi) then-6i3e- Si+ila'l1% L- Ron
H*,,a'5 6'ote *n5e' the na+e o3 Rene La3a1ette% ,*t the initial L- in H*,,a'57) na+e 6a) La3a1ette% an5
Rene 6a) a not-too-5i)tant &e')ion o3 Ron- Still% a) lon( a) the 'ea5e') 6e'e le5 to ,elie&e that not too
+an1 )to'ie) o3 one a*tho' 6e'e incl*5e5 in the in&ento'1% all 6a) 6ell-
So+eti+e)% an a*tho' i) )o i5enti3ie5 6ith a 2a'tic*la' t12e o3 )to'1% that 6hen he 6'ite) anothe'
t12e o3 )to'1% he 5oe)n7t 6ant to con3*)e the 'ea5e' ,1 3al)e a))ociation)--)o he a5o2t) a ne6 na+e- Th*)%
;ohn 6- Ca+2,ell 6a) a 6'ite' o3 )*2e'-)cience )to'ie) o3 co)+ic )co2e% an5 one 5a1 he 6'ote a )to'1
calle5 =T6ili(ht> 6hich 6a) alto(ethe' 5i33e'ent- He 2*t it *n5e' the na+e o3 Don A- St*a't ?hi) then-
6i3e7) +ai5en na+e 6a) Dona St*a't% 1o* )ee@ an5 'a2i5l1 +a5e that na+e e&en +o'e 2o2*la' than hi)
So+eti+e)% an a*tho' )i+2l1 6ant) to )e2a'ate hi) 6'itin( acti&itie) 3'o+ hi) non6'itin( acti&itie)%
i3 the1 a'e o3 e:*al i+2o'tance to hi+- Th*)% a talente5 teache' at ilton Aca5e+1% 6ho i) na+e5 Ha''1 C-
St*,,)% 6'ite) *n5e' the na+e o3 Hal Cle+ent- He7) not hi5in(- Hal i) )ho't 3o' Ha''1% a) all Sha4e)2ea'ian
5e&otee) 4no6% an5 the C- in hi) 3*ll na+e )tan5) 3o' Cle+ent-
A(ain% +1 5ea' 6i3e ha) 2'actice5 +e5icine 3o' o&e' thi't1 1ea') a) ;anet ;e22)on% -D- A) a
6'ite' )he 2'e3e') ;- O- ;e22)on- The ea'nin() 3all into t6o 5i33e'ent )lot) a) 3a' a) the I-R-S- i) conce'ne5
an5 that +a4e) it con&enient 3o' he' ,oo44ee2in(-
In +1 o6n ca)e% I ha&e e)che6e5 2)e*5on1+) al+o)t enti'el1C I a+ 3a' too 3on5 o3 +1 o6n na+e%
an5 3a' too 2'o*5 o3 +1 6'itin( to 6ant to )ail *n5e' 3al)e colo') 3o' any 'ea)on- An5 1et% in one o' t6o
Th*) in .FG.% I 6a) 2e')*a5e5 to 6'ite a 8*&enile )cience 3iction no&el in the ho2e that it 6o*l5 ,e
)ol5 a) the ,e(innin( o3 a lon(-li&e5 tele&i)ion )e'ie)- ?Tho)e 6e'e ea'l1 5a1)% an5 no one *n5e')too5 ho6
tele&i)ion 6a) (oin( to 6o'4-@ I o,8ecte5% &e'1 co''ectl1 I thin4% that T# +i(ht '*in the )t*33 an5 +a4e +e
a)ha+e5 o3 ha&in( +1 na+e a))ociate5 6ith it- 1 e5ito' )ai5% =Then *)e a 2)e*5on1+->
I 5i5% 2l*c4in( Pa*l F'ench o*t o3 the ai' 3o' the 2*'2o)e% an5 e&ent*all1 6'ote )i< no&el) *n5e'
that na+e- ?So+e 2eo2le% 6ith little 4no6le5(e o3 )cience 3iction% a))*+e5 3'o+ thi) that all +1 SF 6a)
6'itten *n5e' Pa*l F'ench% a )*((e)tion that )i+2l1 ho''i3ie5 +e-@
A) )oon a) it 6a) clea' that T# 6a) not inte'e)te5 in +1 8*&enile)% I 5'o22e5 all 2'eten)e% an5
+a5e *)e o3 the Th'ee La6) o3 Ro,otic)% 3o' in)tance% 6hich 6a) a 5ea5 (i&ea6a1- E&ent*all1% 6hen it 6a)
ti+e 3o' ne6 2'intin()% I ha5 +1 o6n na+e 2*t *2on it-
A(ain% in .FM/% I 6'ote a )ho't )to'1 3o' an e5ito' 6ho 6ante5 it 5one *n5e' a 2)e*5on1+ in o'5e'
to (i&e the i+2'e))ion that it 6a) ,1a ,'an5-ne6 a*tho'- ?The 'ea)on i) co+2licate5 an5 I 6on7t ,o'e 1o*
6ith it- Yo*7ll 3in5 it in +1 a*to,io('a2h1-@ I 6'ote it% 'el*ctantl1% *n5e' the na+e Geo'(e E- Dale% ,*t
e&ent*all1 incl*5e5 it in +1 ,oo4 The $arly Asimo a) a )to'1 o3 +1 o6n-
Al)o% in .FM/% I )ol5 a )to'1 to the +a(aAine )uper )cience stories 6hich 2'inte5 it *n5e' the
2)e*5on1+ H- B- O(5en% 3o' 'ea)on) I no lon(e' 'e+e+,e'- ?E&en my +e+o'1 ha) it) li+it)-@ So little 5i5 I
ca'e 3o' the )to'1% an5 )o *nha221 6a) lo&e' the non*)e o3 +1 na+e that I totall1 3o'(ot a,o*t it% *ntil
nea'l1 3o't1 1ea') late' 6hen I 6a) (oin( o&e' +1 5ia'1 ca'e3*ll1 in o'5e' to 2'e2a'e +1 a*to,io('a2h1-
I 6a) )hoc4e5 to 3in5 the'e 6a) a )to'1 o3 +ine that I ha5 3o'(otten an5 5i5n7t o6n in 2'inte5
3o'+- Fo't*natel1% 6ith the hel2 o3 Fo''e)t .- Ac4e'+an I (ot the i))*e an5 'e2'inte5 the )to'1 in the 3i')t
&ol*+e o3 +1 a*to,io('a2h1% "n Memory 5et 'reen, ac4no6le5(in( it a) +1 o6n-
In .FJ.% I 6a) 2e')*a5e5 to 6'ite a ,oo4 entitle5 The )ensuous 1irty %ld Man, in 6hich I (entl1
)ati'iAe5 )e<*al ho6-to ,oo4) )*ch a) The )ensuous 0oman. Since the latte' ,oo4 6a) 6'itten ,1 a 6'ite'
i5enti3ie5 onl1 a) =.%> +1 e5ito' 3elt the 8o4e )ho*l5 ,e ca''ie5 on ,1 ha&in( +1 ,oo4 6'itten ,1 =D'- A->
E&en ,e3o'e 2*,lication 5a1% ho6e&e'% it 6a) anno*nce5 that I 6a) the a*tho' an5 +1 i5entit1 6a) ne&e' a
At the 2'e)ent +o+ent% then% a,)ol*tel1 none o3 +1 6'itin( a22ea') *n5e' an1thin( ,*t +1 o6n
"hich ,'in() *2 one 2*AAle- The ea'l1 2*l2) occa)ionall1 +a5e *)e o3 =ho*)e na+e)-> A
2a'tic*la' +a(aAine 6o*l5 *)e a 2)e*5on1+ that 6a) ne&e' *)e5 e<ce2t in that +a(aAine% ,*t that
2)e*5on1+ +i(ht ,e *)e5 ,1 an1 n*+,e' o3 different 6'ite')- I ha&e ne&e' 'eall1 *n5e')too5 6h1 thi) 6a)
5one an5 i3 an1 'ea5e' 4no6) I 6o*l5 a22'eciate ,ein( tol5-
MOST STORIES DEAL WITH PEOPLE AND one o3 the )*'e3i'e acti&itie) o3 2eo2le i) that o3 tal4in( an5 o3
+a4in( con&e')ation- It 3ollo6) that in +o)t )to'ie) the'e i) 5ialo(- So+eti+e) )to'ie) a'e la'(el1 5ialo(C
+1 o6n )to'ie) al+o)t al6a1) a'e- Fo' that 'ea)on% 6hen I thin4 o3 the a't o3 6'itin( ?6hich i)n7t o3ten% I
+*)t a5+it@ I ten5 to thin4 o3 5ialo(-
In the 'o+antic 2e'io5 o3 lite'at*'e in the 3i')t 2a't o3 the nineteenth cent*'1% the )t1le o3 5ialo(
ten5e5 to ,e ela,o'ate an5 a5o'ne5- A*tho') *)e5 thei' 3*ll &oca,*la'1 an5 ha5 thei' cha'acte') )2ea4
I 'e+e+,e' 6hen I 6a) &e'1 1o*n( an5 3i')t 'ea5 Cha'le) Dic4en)7) Nicholas Nic!le#y. Ho6 I
lo&e5 the con&e')ation- The 3*nn1 2a))a(e) 6e'e &e'1 3*nn1 to +e% tho*(h I ha5 t'o*,le 6ith ;ohn
B'o65ie7) thic4 Yo')hi'e accent ?)o+ethin( hi) ,elo&e5 atil5a% ,'o*(ht *2 *n5e' )i+ila' con5ition)%
lac4e5% 3o' )o+e 'ea)on@- "hat I lo&e5 e&en +o'e tho*(h 6a) the o'na+entation--the 6a1 e&e'1one =)2o4e
li4e a ,oo4->
Th*)% con)i5e' the )cene in 6hich Nichola) Nic4le,1 con3'ont) hi) &illaino*) Uncle Ral2h-
Nichola)7) &i't*o*) an5 ,ea*ti3*l )i)te'% !ate% 6ho ha) ,een li)tenin( to Ral2h7) 3al)e &e')ion o3 e&ent)%
6hich +a4e o*t Nichola) to ha&e ,een 5oin( 6'on(% c'ie5 o*t 6il5l1 to he' ,'othe'% =Re3*te the)e
O3 co*')e% I ha5 to loo4 *2 ='e3*te> an5 =cal*+n1> in the 5ictiona'1% ,*t that +eant I ha5 lea'ne5
t6o *)e3*l 6o'5)- I al)o ha5 ne&e' hea'5 an1 )e&enteen-1ea'-ol5 (i'l o3 +1 ac:*aintance *)e tho)e 6o'5)
,*t that 8*)t )ho6e5 +e ho6 )*2e'io' the cha'acte') in the ,oo4 6e'e% an5 that 3ille5 +e 6ith )ati)3action-
It7) ea)1 to la*(h at the ,oo4) o3 that e'a an5 to 2oint o*t that no one really tal4) that 6a1- B*t
then% 5o 1o* )*22o)e 2eo2le in Sha4e)2ea'e7) ti+e 6ent a'o*n5 ca)*all1 )2ea4in( in ia+,ic 2enta+ete' 9
Still% 5on7t 1o* 6ant lite'at*'e to i+2'o&e on nat*'e9 S*'e 1o* 5o- "hen 1o* (o to the +o&ie)% the
he'o an5 he'oine 5on7t loo4 li4e the 2eo2le 1o* )ee in the )t'eet)% 5o the19 O3 co*')e not- The1 loo4 li4e
+o&ie )ta')- The cha'acte') in 3iction a'e ,ette' loo4in(% )t'on(e'% ,'a&e'% +o'e in(enio*) an5 cle&e' than
an1one 1o* a'e li4el1 to +eet% )o 6h1 )ho*l5n7t the1 )2ea4 ,ette'% too9
An5 1et the'e a'e &al*e) in 'eali)+--in +a4in( 2eo2le loo4% an5 )o*n5% an5 act li4e 'eal 2eo2le-
Fo' in)tance% ,ac4 in .F.F% )o+e o3 the 2la1e') on the 2ennant-6innin( Chica(o "hite So< 6e'e
acc*)e5 o3 acce2tin( +one1 3'o+ (a+,le') to th'o6 the "o'l5 Se'ie) ?the )o-calle5 =Blac4 So<> )can5al@
an5 6e'e ,a''e5 3'o+ ,a)e,all 3o' li3e a) a 'e)*lt- At the t'ial% a 1o*n( la5 i) )*22o)e5 to ha&e 3ollo6e5 hi)
i5ol% the ('eate)t o3 the acc*)e5% =Shoele))> ;oe ;ac4)on% an5 to ha&e c'ie5 o*t in an(*i)h% =Sa1 it ain7t )o%
That i) a 5eathle)) c'1 that can7t ,e ta+2e'e5 6ith- It i) *nthin4a,le to ha&e the ,o1 )a1 =Re3*te
the)e cal*+nie)% ;o)e2h%> e&en tho*(h that7) 6hat he +ean)- An1 6'ite' 6ho t'ie5 to i+2'o&e +atte') in
that 3a)hion 6o*l5% an5 )ho*l5% ,e l1nche5 at once- I 5o*,t that an1one 6o*l5% o' )ho*l5% e&en chan(e it to
=Sa1 it i)n7t )o% ;oe->
Fo' that +atte'% 1o* co*l5n7t 2o))i,l1 ha&e ha5 !ate Nic4le,1 c'1 o*t to he' ,'othe'% =Sa1 it ain7t
)o% Nic4->
O3 co*')e% 5*'in( +*ch o3 hi)to'1 +o)t 2eo2le 6e'e illite'ate an5 the 'ea5in( o3 ,oo4) 6a) &e'1
+*ch con3ine5 to the 3e6 6ho 6e'e e5*cate5 an5 )chola'l1- S*ch ,oo4) o3 3iction a) e<i)te5 6e'e
)*22o)e5 to =i+2'o&e the +in5%> o' 'i)4 ,ein( 'e(a'5e5 a) 6o'4) o3 the 5e&il-
It 6a) onl1 ('a5*all1% a) +a)) e5*cation ,e(an to 3lo*'i)h% that ,oo4) ,e(an to 5eal 6ith o'5ina'1
2eo2le- O3 co*')e% Sha4e)2ea'e ha5 hi) clo6n) an5 Dic4en) ha5 hi) Sa+ "elle')% an5 in ,oth ca)e)% 5ialo(
6a) *)e5 that +an(le5 the En(li)h lan(*a(e to )o+e e<tent--,*t that 6a) inten5e5 a) h*+o'- The a*5ience
6a) e<2ecte5 to la*(h *2'oa'io*)l1 at the)e 'e2'e)entati&e) o3 the lo6e' cla))e)-
A) 3a' a) I 4no6 the 3i')t ('eat ,oo4 6hich 6a) 6'itten enti'el1 an5 )e'io*)l1 in )*,)tan5a'5
En(li)h an5 6hich 6a) a ('eat 6o'4 o3 lite'at*'e ne&e'thele)) ? o' e&en% 2o))i,l1% to )o+e e<tent #ecause o3
it@ 6a) a'4 T6ain7) (uc!le#erry Finn, 6hich 6a) 2*,li)he5 in .IIM- H*c4 Finn i) hi+)el3 the na''ato'%
an5 he i) +a5e to )2ea4 a) an *ne5*cate5 ,ac46oo5) ,o1 would )2ea4--i3 he ha22ene5 to ,e a lite'a'1
(eni*)- That i)% he *)e5 the 5ialect o3 an *ne5*cate5 ,o1% ,*t he 2*t to(ethe' )entence) an5 2a'a('a2h) li4e
a +a)te'-
The ,oo4 6a) e<t'e+el1 2o2*la' 6hen it ca+e o*t ,eca*)e it) 'eali)+ +a5e it inc'e5i,l1
e33ecti&e--,*t it 6a) al)o e<t'e+el1 cont'o&e')ial a) all )o't) o3 3athea5) in&ei(he5 a(ain)t it ,eca*)e it
5i5n7t *)e 2'o2e' En(li)h-
An5 1et% at that% a'4 T6ain ha5 to 5'a6 the line% too% a) 5i5 all 6'ite') *ntil the 2'e)ent
Peo2le% all )o't) o3 2eo2le% *)e &*l(a'i)+) a) a +atte' o3 co*')e- I 'e+e+,e' +1 5a1) in the a'+1
6hen it 6a) i+2o))i,le to hea' a )in(le )entence in 6hich the co++on 6o'5 3o' )e<*al inte'co*')e 6a) not
*)e5 a) an all-2*'2o)e a58ecti&e- Late'% a3te' I ha5 (otten o*t o3 the a'+1% I li&e5 on a )t'eet alon( 6hich
1o*n( ,o1) an5 (i'l) 6al4e5 to the local 8*nio' hi(h )chool in the +o'nin(% an5 ,ac4 a(ain in the e&enin(%
an5 thei' )ho*te5 con&e')ation) ,'o*(ht ,ac4 +e+o'ie) o3 +1 ,a''ac4) 5a1) 6ith na*)eatin( cla'it1-
Yet co*l5 6'ite') 'e2'o5*ce that a)2ect o3 co++on )2eech9 O3 co*')e not- Fo' that 'ea)on% H*c4
Finn 6a) al6a1) )a1in( that )o+ethin( 6a) =,la+e5> anno1in(% =,la+e5> thi)% =,la+e5> that- Yo* can ,et
that the least he 6a) 'eall1 )a1in( 6a) =5a+ne5->
A 6hole )et o3 e*2he+i)+) 6a) 5e&elo2e5 an5 2lace5 in the +o*th) o3 cha'acte') 6ho 6o*l5n7t%
in 'eal li3e% ha&e ,een ca*(ht 5ea5 )a1in( the+- Thin4 o3 the all the =5a5-,la+e5)-> an5 =(ol5a'ne5)%> an5
=con)a'ne5)> 6e ha&e )een in 2'int an5 hea'5 in the +o&ie)- To ,e )*'e% 1o*n()te') )a1 the+ a) a +atte' o3
ca*tion 3o' the1 6o*l5 2'o,a,l1 ,e 2*ni)he5 ?i3 o3 =(oo5 3a+il1>@ ,1 thei' 2a'ent) i3 ca*(ht *)in( the te'+)
the1 ha5 hea'5 )ai5 2a'ent) *)e- ?Don7t let 1o*' hea't) ,lee5 3o' the 4i5) 3o' 6hen the1 ('o6 *2 the1 6ill
,eat *2 their 4i5) 3o' the )a+e c'i+e-@
Fo' the la)t 3e6 5eca5e)% ho6e&e'% it ha) ,eco+e 2e'+i))i,le to *)e all the &*l(a'i)+) 3'eel1 an5
+an1 6'ite') ha&e a&aile5 the+)el&e) o3 the ne6 3'ee5o+ to len5 an ai' o3 3*'the' 'eali)+ to thei' 5ialo(-
"hat7) +o'e% the1 a'e a2t to 'e)ent ,itte'l1 an1 )*((e)tion that thi) ha,it ,e +o5i3ie5 o' that )o+e
non&*l(a' e<2'e))ion ,e )*,)tit*te5-
In 3act% one )ee) a c*'io*) 'e&e')al no6- A 6'ite' +*)t 6ith)tan5 a ce'tain c'itici)+ i3 he 5oe) not
+a4e *)e o3 )ai5 &*l(a'i)+)
Once 6hen I 'ea5 a )e'ie) o3 lette') ,1 )cience 3iction 6'ite') in 6hich )*ch te'+) 6e'e *)e5 3'eel1
an5 3'e:*entl1% I 6'ote a 'e)2on)e that +a5e 6hat )ee+e5 to +e to ,e an o,&io*) 2oint- In it% I )ai5
)o+ethin( li4e thi):
=O'5ina'1 2eo2le% 6ho a'e not 6ell e5*cate5 an5 6ho lac4 a la'(e 6o'4in( &oca,*la'1% a'e li+ite5
in thei' a,ilit1 to len5 3o'ce to thei' )tate+ent)- In thei' )ea'ch 3o' 3o'ce% the1 +*)t the'e3o'e +a4e *)e o3
&*l(a'i)+) 6hich )e'&e% th'o*(h thei' )hoc4 &al*e% ,*t 6hich% th'o*(h o&e'*)e% :*ic4l1 lo)e 6hate&e' 3o'ce
the1 ha&e% )o that the 2*'2o)e o3 the *)e i) 5e3eate5-
="'ite')% on the othe' han5% ha&e ?it i) to ,e 2'e)*+e5@ the 3*ll an5 +a(ni3icent &oca,*la'1 o3 the
En(li)h lan(*a(e at thei' 5i)2o)al- The1 can )a1 an1thin( the1 6ant 6ith 6hate&e' inten)it1 o3 in&ecti&e
the1 'e:*i'e in a tho*)an5 5i33e'ent 6a1) 6itho*t e&e' once 5e&iatin( 3'o+ 3*ll 'e)2ecta,ilit1 o3 *tte'ance-
The1 ha&e% the'e3o'e% no nee5 to t'e)2a)) *2on the *)a(e) o3 the i(no'ant an5 3o'lo'n% an5 to )teal thei'
tatte'e5 e<2'e))ion) a) )*,)tit*te) 3o' the lan(*a(e o3 Sha4e)2ea'e an5 ilton->
All I (ot 3o' +1 2ain) 6e'e a 3e6 co++ent) to the e33ect that the'e +*)t ,e )o+ethin( )e'io*)l1
6'on( 6ith +e-
Ne&e'thele))% it i) +1 contention that 5ialo( i) 'eali)tic 6hen% an5 onl1 6hen% it 'e3lect) the
)it*ation a) 1o* 5e)c'i,e it an5 6hen it 2'o5*ce) the e33ect 1o* 6i)h to 2'o5*ce-
At 'athe' 'a'e inte'&al)% I 6ill +a4e *)e o3 5ialect- I 6ill ha&e )o+eone )2ea4 a) a B'oo4l1n-,'e5
2e')on 6o*l5 ?that i)% a) I +1)el3 5o% in +1 ho*') o3 ea)e@% o' in)e't Yi55i)hi)+) he'e an5 the'e% i3 it )e'&e)
a 2*'2o)e- I +a1 e&en t'1 to +a4e *2 a 5ialect% a) I 5i5 in Foundation.s $d*e, i3 it 2la1) an i+2o'tant 2a't
in the 5e&elo2+ent o3 the )to'1-
o)tl1% ho6e&e'% I 5o not-
The cha'acte') in +1 )to'ie) ?al+o)t 6itho*t e<ce2tion@ a'e 2ict*'e5 a) ,ein( 6ell e5*cate5 an5
hi(hl1 intelli(ent- It i) nat*'al% the'e3o'e% 3o' the+ to +a4e *)e o3 a 6i5e &oca,*la'1 an5 to )2ea4 2'eci)el1
an5 ('a++aticall1% e&en tho*(h I t'1 not to 3all into the o'natene)) o3 the Ro+antic Ea'-
An5% a) a +atte' o3 :*i<otic 2'inci2le% I t'1 to a&oi5 e<2leti&e)% e&en +il5 one)% 6hen I can- B*t
othe' 6'ite')% o3 co*')e% +a1 5o a) the1 2lea)e-
Cal co21'i(ht W .FFE ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
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The Natio"! i" S+a#e co21'i(ht W .FFG ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
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I",e"ti"g a -"i,er!e co21'i(ht W .FFE ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
Fl%i"g Sa#er! a"' S#ie"#e Fi#tio" co21'i(ht W .FI/ ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
I",a!io" co21'i(ht W .FFG ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
The S#ie"#e Fi#tio" )lo.g" co21'i(ht W .FFG ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
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S#ie"#e Fi#tio" Serie! co21'i(ht W .FIN ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
Sr,i,or! co21'i(ht W .FIJ ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc- co21'i(ht W .FI0 ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
Ot!i'er!0 I"!i'er! co21'i(ht W .FIN ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
S#ie"#e Fi#tio" A"thologie! co21'i(ht W .FI. ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
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Wo*e" a"' S#ie"#e Fi#tio" co21'i(ht W .FI0 ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
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I'ea! co21'i(ht W .FFE ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
S!+e"!e co21'i(ht W .FF. ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
Serial! co21'i(ht W .FIE ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
The Na*e of Or Fiel' co21'i(ht W .FJI ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
Hi"t! co21'i(ht W .FJF ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
Writi"g for 1o"g Peo+le co21'i(ht W .FIN ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
Na*e! co21'i(ht W .FIM ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
Origi"alit% co21'i(ht W .FIN ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
)oo2 Re,ie.! co21'i(ht W .FI. ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
What Writer! Go Throgh co21'i(ht W .FI. ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
Re,i!io"! co21'i(ht W .FI/ ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
Iro"% co21'i(ht W .FIM ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
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S%*$oli!* co21'i(ht W .FIG ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
Pre'i#tio" co21'i(ht W .FIF ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
)e!t(Seller co21'i(ht W .FI0 ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
P!e'o"%*! co21'i(ht W .FIM ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-
Dialog co21'i(ht W .FIG ,1 Ni(ht3all% Inc-

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