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case ^Name :Gender :has children

:number of
case 1 Paul male yes 1
case 2 Anne female no 0
case 3 Toni female yes 2
case 4 Hans male yes 2
case 5 Linda male yes 2
case 6 Chris female no 0
case 7 Leo male yes 2
case 8 Sandra female yes 1
case 9 Peter male no 0
case 10 Christopher male yes 2
case 11 Lena female yes 2
case 12 Lisa female yes 1
case 13 Mikel male no 0
case 14 Luisa female yes 2
case 15 Michaela female yes 3
case 16 Felix male no 0
case 17 Susanne female yes 3
case 18 Nils male no 0
case 19 Ole male no 0
case 20 Cindy female yes 1
case 21 John male yes 2
case 22 Charlene female no 0
case 23 Hillary female no 0
case 24 Ana female yes 1
:marital status .bring happiness
.bring fullfillment &
purpose :education
divorced 1 1 highschool
single 0 1 some college
divorced 0 1 university degree
married 0 1 highschool
divorced 1 1 some college
single 1 0 some college
married 1 0 university degree
married 0 0 highschool
single 0 1 some college
divorced 1 1 university degree
married 1 0 highschool
married 0 1 some college
single 0 1 highschool
married 1 0 highschool
married 0 0 some college
divorced 1 0 highschool
married 1 1 highschool
married 0 1 university degree
single 0 0 university degree
married 1 1 some college
divorced 0 1 university degree
single 1 1 highschool
divorced 0 0 highschool
single 1 1 university degree
SQ1:: Reasons for having children
Children whittle away your time in ways that are ultimately
beneficial: they have an uncanny knack for getting rid of the
meaningless hobbies that used to consume you.
To Fulfill my devotion to children: so far I am a favorite aunt and
my heart breaks a little bit every time my nieces and nephews
walk out your door and into their parents car. Its time for me to
be the favorite mom instead.
We are both past age 35 and are concerned that if we put off
having children any longer, I might have trouble getting pregnant
or have complications in pregnancy or delivery.
To Answer a call: I feel as though I was meant to guide a child. I
believe I could do a good job of steering the child in the right
direction, so that he or she has a productive, healthy, happy life.
I was happy with my partner and had more love to share. I
wanted all along to bring light into a new life.
To Accept Destiny: I am pregnant. Even if I have not been
planning to get pregnant, but it happened. Now,I am thrilled
with the news.
Desiring children with the man you love is as natural as
You get to read all the favorite books of your childhood all over
Revel in the simplicity of a child's unconditional love and trust.
To Take on a New Challenge: our relationship is on solid ground,
and we feel as though we make a good team willing to take on
the tasks
A child is an unbreakable bond between husband and wife. Love
breeds love. And more love. And more.
Children are some of the most charming little people I know: full
of wonder, curiosity and innate kindness. Properly nurtured,
they become equally charming adults.
Children naturally grasp the lesson that people are more
important than things.
Children teach us the freedom that comes with self-discipline
and self-sacrifice.
Baby toes. Need I say more? Okay, I'll say more. Watching your
baby sleep: You didn't know that angels could be held in your
While you cannot ensure that your child will be happy 100% of
the time, the desire for her happiness is a good, admirable and
unselfish thing.The enchantment of being with one's children
outweighs any and all other difficulties.
Relive childhood and all of its innocent wonder and mirth.
When your husband becomes the father of your children, a new
man appears: fiercely loving but practical and still-logical,
nurturing but fiercely strong and protective. You will fall in love
with him all over again.
A couple becomes a family -- the whole becomes greater than its
Parenting will soften your hard edges and sharpen your
compassion and empathy.
It's an awe-inspiring thing to have a child and the experience of
feeling, "I didn't think I could ever love anyone that much ."
Success is not defined only in terms of what one does for money.
To succeed as a father or mother is beyond worldly success.
Watching a child grow into a caring, sensitive soul is a reward
that cannot be measured in book sales.
Do something to change the world. Have a child. Raise a saint.
You are the center of your childs world, and as much as you may
love and need your child, he or she will love you more. Children
that are shown love and affection show it back many times over
SQ: Reasons for not having children
Responsibility. All of lifes prior responsibilities pale in comparison. If
you decide to have a child, that new person must absolutely be your
top priority. As your child will remind you when he or she is older and
something goes wrong, I didnt ask to be born. A child is a life long
commitment to a person who is innocent of this choice.
Caring for a child takes a lot of physical and emotional energy,
made all the harder by babies that only sleep for ninety minutes
at a time. Many parents of much older children seem to forget
how hard the first few months were as they look at the past with
rose colored glasses. Dont believe them. Parents need sleep to
work well, and they often cant get it.
A baby takes so much time and attention that spouses must
already have a great friendship and work well together before
the baby arrives. It is a certainty that one spouse will disagree
with the other about decisions on how to care for the child. It is
likely that one spouse will resent the lost time with the other. A
marriage with some difficulties will get much worse when a baby
is crying and the parents are sleep deprived.
Time: You will have none. Most time not spent with your child
will be spent catching up on work you need to get done. You and
your spouse must carefully plan any time away from your child,
and very little can be done spontaneously. To pretend otherwise
is probably neglectful of either your child or your spouse.
Parents always worry about their children, monitoring how fast
they reach each milestone and how well they grow, eat, sleep,
crawl, walk, read, make friends, and so on. And yet there is little
a parent can do beyond allow a child to proceed at his or her own
pace. It can be frustrating and scary when your child isnt eating
well, or cannot read at his or her grade level, or is socially inept.
Lots of adults do not get along with their parents. Perhaps they
forget all the work that their parents put into raising them, or
perhaps they resent that the work that their parents did was not
enough. At some point your child will probably be very angry
with you, and may even hate you for years. This is not
uncommon, and you know it because you can name a dozen
people who dont get along with their own parents.
Children are expensive in several ways. One parent loses wages
while caring for a child. Children need to eat and be clothed. They
need toys with which to explore the world. They need health
care, they need education, they need activities and hobbies. They
will need car insurance. The proper raising of a child is not cheap.
The world is already overpopulated. Do you really have to add to
it? Do not answer this question lightly. Every new human draws
on our limited resources, tramples over previously undamaged
land, creates more waste, and accelerates worldwide instability.
People without children can easily pack up and move. They can
be without work or change careers. They can break up with their
partners and find new ones. Children, while often flexible, must
be accounted for in all major life changes. In fact, they demand
that the world not change around them so fast while their own
understanding of the world grows and changes at the same time.
Stability and routine allows a child to explore life from a vantage
of safety and consistency. You must be willing to give your child
such stability at the cost of your own freedom.
Raising a child takes more than love and time. You must
concentrate on all methods of communication that your child
attempts so that you may properly understand his or her needs
and wants. You must introduce your child to new stimulation and
situations regularly. You have to figure out best ways to teach
your child at each age, what to teach them, and when to teach.
You must be available and responsive to your child even when
you are tired or sad or very busy.
If you don't have children, you will have the capacity and time for
meaningful, engaged, quality adult relationships.
You will be able to save for a comfortable retirement.
You can fully pursue and develop your career.
. You are more likely to be an engaged and involved aunt or uncle
because you are not jaded and worn down by your own kids
Your spouse will get all the love and attention he/she deserves.
You will come first in your spouse/partner's life.
Your home will be a quiet and welcoming oasis, instead of a
chaotic zoo.
You will have the time and energy to exercise regularly and take
care of your health and appearance.
You will stay informed and engaged in current events and will
remain an interesting conversationalist.
You will minimize your carbon footprint and do far less damage
to the environment than your childed peers.
You will be able to travel more frequently and your travels will
not be limited to summer or school break times, or to kid-friendly
You will maintain the capacity to be spontaneous to do things
spur of the moment, without complex planning or babysitter
You can own whatever type of car you prefer you are not
limited to mini-vans, SUVs and other family-friendly gas-guzzlers.
You can buy a much more affordable home because you wont
need many bedrooms and you wont have to limit yourself to
more expensive, uppercrusty-good-school-district-towns.
You will spend your weekend doing things you enjoy, instead of
attending boring childrens soccer games and birthday parties, or
playing chauffeur.

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