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Intro to Art – Unit 5, Bringing it All Together


You will create a starbook in order to review all the principles of

design and different journaling techniques.

Supplies: Folder; 2 pieces of matboard cut in 3” squares; pencil;

elmer’s glue; scissors; scrap matboard; 2 pieces of aluminum foil
cut into 3 ¼” squares; India Ink

1. Create a design. You will create a design that has both

geometric shapes and organic shapes. Use your plant
drawings from your abstract painting for inspiration.

2. Draw the design in pencil on the one side of each 3”

matboard square.

3. Use glue and matboard scraps to create a relief surface for

your design.

4. Leave the matboard to dry overnight.

5. Brush glue over the design side and cover the design in foil.

6. Push down the foil to cover all different relief areas of the design.

7. Leave to dry overnight.

8. Brush on India Ink on the design covered in foil. Wipe away the excess ink in a circular motion to
reveal the design and leave black in the crevices.

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