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There's Only One Of Us
The World Within Our Senses (The Sensory World) insists that there are billions of us
inhabiting this planet and all of us are unique. Even identical twins look slightly different
and vary in their beliefs decisions preferences and so on. Even though we are learning
that this is a !irage it is so co!pelling that we !ust co!pensate for it in our daily lives.
"ccordingly al!ost every decision we !ake is influenced by how the world and the
i!aginary people in it will respond.
#ut our goal is to see beyond that. We !ust recogni$e what %uantu! &hysics is clearly
telling us i.e. that there is no separation and thus there is only one of us. To do so
requires that we perceive "'' other people as (oined with us in an ultra)loving state in
The World #eyond Our Senses. *o differences whatsoever. 'ove !akes no
distinctions. As indicated in previous articles, this realization is likely to be a
gradual process.
*ow let+s e,plore this Oneness notion and lay out so!e of its features-
.f we are all One then despite how it appears everyone else is a !irror of you.
This includes those we label angelic as well as those we consider robbers rapists
!urderers and pedophiles. .t includes our very best friend ... and ... our worst
Thus within the drea! this kaleidoscope of /people features/ represents our
potential to both love and hate ... to nurture and re(ect ... to e,perience peace and
So when we co!e across people we don+t like we are actually e,periencing
reflections of things we don+t like about ourselves. .t !ay not see! that way. .n
fact we !ay argue for an opposite conclusion. #ut if we are all One then you
"0E those people and they are you. .t !ay take so!e !ore convincing for this to
sink in but until it does the denial of this for! of Oneness is keeping us in that
prison we call The Sensory World.
.n The World #eyond Our Senses there is only One thing ... 'ove. Everything
else fade into nothingness because there is no /everything else./
Now here's a fascinating thought.
.f those who irritate us are actually part of us then we 23ST see beyond their
/shortco!ings/ if we are to perceive ourselves as 'ove. Spiritual 'ove is all
enco!passing. There can be nothing else. Thus if we see any part of us as even slightly
offensive then we have denied the co!plete state of 'ove that is our reality.
This is where True 4orgiveness co!es in fro! a previous article. We !ust learn that this
Sensory World is nothing but a drea! and the unloving behavior of everyone including
that of you !e and those who offend us is but a fiction. "s we approach that reali$ation
True 4orgiveness beco!es easier because ulti!ately there is nothing to forgive. "nd if
there is nothing to forgive then the slate is clean and we are left with a glorious state of
'oving Oneness. *o resent!ents. *o (udge!ents. 5ust 'ove.
e)hugs 6ary

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