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Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Campeche

Cobach 04 Seybaplaya Ing. Santos Efrn Yam Keb

Academia de Lenguaje y Comunicacin
Laboratorio de Idiomas
Lengua Adicional al Espaol III
Nombre: Grupo:

Pollution is the introduction of a contaminant into the environment. It is created mostly by human actions,
but can also be a result of natural disasters. Pollution has a detrimental effect on any living organism in an
environment, making it virtually impossible to sustain life.

Every year in the U.S. factories release over 3 million tons of toxic chemicals into the land, air and water.
This hazardous waste causes us to lose over 15 million acres of land every year, it leads to respiratory
complications and other health problems and it makes our rivers and lakes too polluted for us to swim in
and drink from.

But factories are only part of the problem of pollution. Pollution is caused by industrial and commercial
waste, agriculture practices, everyday human activities and, most notably, modes of transportation. No
matter where you go and what you do, there are remnants of pollution.

There are three main types of pollution: land, air and water pollution.

What will happen if we continue polluting the Earth? Write your answer.

PISA Evaluation.
1. Pollution is mostly created by
a. Animals.
b. Humans.
c. Nature.
d. All of the above.

2. Pollution affects
a. Natural disasters.
b. Chemicals.
c. Living beings.
d. Hazardous waste.

3. Circle the correct sentence.

a. Natural disasters do not cause pollution.
b. Pollution happens when we contaminate the environment.
c. Pollution does not affect all living organisms.
d. Pollution can sustain life.

4. U.S. factories release

a. More than 3 million tons of pollutants.
b. Pollutants into the water.
c. 3 million tons of toxic chemicals.
d. Over 15 million acres of land.

Evaluacin Diagnstica 3er. Semestre 1/2 @almeyda64 Semestre 2014-B

Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Campeche
Cobach 04 Seybaplaya Ing. Santos Efrn Yam Keb
Academia de Lenguaje y Comunicacin
Laboratorio de Idiomas
Lengua Adicional al Espaol III

5. Which of these is not a pollutant?

a. Industrial and commercial waste.
b. Agriculture practices.
c. Modes of transportation.
d. Health problems.

Enlace Evaluation
1. What is pollution?
a. The collection of toxic waste.
b. The introduction of contaminants.
c. Industrial and commercial waste.
d. Land, water and air.

2. How much toxic waste do US factories release?

a. Over 3,000,000 tons.
b. Over 3,000 tons.
c. Over 30,000 tns.

3. Which is the main cause of pollution?

a. Hazardous waste.
b. Natural disasters.
c. Human actions.
d. Toxic Chemicals.

4. How many causes of pollution are mentioned in the text?

a. Five.
b. Six.
c. Seven.
d. Eight.

5. How much land is lost to pollution every year?

a. 3 million acres.
b. 15 million tons.
c. 3 million tons.
d. 15 million acres.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation for your class, using visuals.

Find out the definition, sources and facts of each type of pollution (land, air, water).
Work with the type of pollution that mainly impact your community.
Mention ways in which we can prevent the pollution of the type you are presenting.

Evaluacin Diagnstica 3er. Semestre 2/2 @almeyda64 Semestre 2014-B

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