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Addressing the lies and distortions of

Cyber-Bullies, Cyber Stalkers and

Internet trolls
Deception, dependency and dread another of Esther Rocketts fictional
accounts: The Myth of Brainwashing Part 3
Esther Rockett is now presenting herself not only as
Esther Rockett Anti-cult Activist. Esther Rockett has certainly adopted
dangerous ideas of the American Anti
dabbling on the web site of twice convicted felon Rick Ross. A site that is a breeding
ground for hatred and misinformation, where
bigotry of every kind.
The Rick Ross site (now renamed, since Rick Ross sold his name to a rapper) has
dishonestly tried to keep alive the debate over discredited psychological theories of the
anti-cult movement associated wi
have reported, the courts and relevant professional associations and scientific
communities in the United States have accepted that there is
evidence, based upon methodologically sound
theories advanced by the anti-
It is Ross (conscientiously copied by
perhaps the foremost authority on mind control in the world toda
the work has been discredited and rejected as unscientifically based. Why? Ross has built
his reputation and lucrative deprogramming business upon the anti
a model that includes kidnapping. Debase the mod
Addressing the lies and distortions of
Bullies, Cyber Stalkers and
Internet trolls
Deception, dependency and dread another of Esther Rocketts fictional
accounts: The Myth of Brainwashing Part 3
Esther Rockett is now presenting herself not only as a health-care activist
cult Activist. Esther Rockett has certainly adopted the spurious and
dangerous ideas of the American Anti-cult network, seeded and developed no doubt by her
dabbling on the web site of twice convicted felon Rick Ross. A site that is a breeding
ground for hatred and misinformation, where labeling an organization as a cult justifies
The Rick Ross site (now renamed, since Rick Ross sold his name to a rapper) has
dishonestly tried to keep alive the debate over discredited psychological theories of the
cult movement associated with the writings of RJ Lifton and Margaret Singer. As we
have reported, the courts and relevant professional associations and scientific
communities in the United States have accepted that there is
based upon methodologically sound research that supports the brainwashing
-cult movement (Richardson, 2009).
It is Ross (conscientiously copied by Esther Rockett) who cites the work of Lifton as
authority on mind control in the world today obviously ignoring that
the work has been discredited and rejected as unscientifically based. Why? Ross has built
his reputation and lucrative deprogramming business upon the anti-cult mind
a model that includes kidnapping. Debase the model and hes out of a job.
Addressing the lies and distortions of
Bullies, Cyber Stalkers and
Deception, dependency and dread another of Esther Rocketts fictional
care activist but also
the spurious and
cult network, seeded and developed no doubt by her
dabbling on the web site of twice convicted felon Rick Ross. A site that is a breeding
as a cult justifies
The Rick Ross site (now renamed, since Rick Ross sold his name to a rapper) has
dishonestly tried to keep alive the debate over discredited psychological theories of the
th the writings of RJ Lifton and Margaret Singer. As we
have reported, the courts and relevant professional associations and scientific
communities in the United States have accepted that there is no scientific
research that supports the brainwashing
) who cites the work of Lifton as
y obviously ignoring that
the work has been discredited and rejected as unscientifically based. Why? Ross has built
cult mind-control model,
Esther Rockett is also conveniently ignoring the facts that have been presented so clearly
on this site complaining that we have criticized her foremost authorities. However, she
has not addressed those criticisms. If she did, her self-constructed fantasy as anti-cult
activist and self-proclaimed expert might fall apart.
Esther Rocketts spurious anti-cult themes are repeated again and again on her blog-sites
she uses a well-worn technique of the anti-cult movement to repeat and repeat attacks,
since repetition appears to give the lies spread an appearance of validity. This is just the
first form of deception, there are many others?
We note that Esther Rockett has become an expert in deceiving her readers in many, many
ways, from outright lies to carefully crafted malicious attacks disguised in innuendos.
So what is Esther Rockett really up to? Misleading and deceiving her audience and the
public is the simple answer.
In previous blogs we have outlined how Esther Rockett has falsely presented herself as
having expertise in cults and has used false theories of mind control to present her own
and Lance Martins fabricated narrative that Universal Medicine is a cult.
It is clear that any group can be labeled a cult there are no criteria that distinguish one
group from another except that someone has taken exception to what the group believes
or does.
In the case of Universal Medicine it is difficult to understand why anyone would take
offence at a group that advocates living in a way that promotes the healthiest of
lifestyles. Esther Rocketts main concerns appear to be about food, diet, avoidance of
alcohol, dairy and gluten and the facilitation of relaxation by meditation and hands on
healing techniques all of which have sound scientific and medical grounds to suggest they
are a preventative measure for many diseases. She also asserts, be it a scheming tactic,
that those who choose to adopt the healthy lifestyle choice are somehow conned.
There is no clear description or proof simply because it is not true that anyone is
conned by Serge Benhayons doctrines indeed if anyone listened, it would be apparent
that suggestions made by Serge Benhayon are only that. It is left to the audience to
decide what feels true for them or not.
It is a peculiarity of her approach to Universal Medicine that Esther Rockett has an issue
with what she refers to as healthy self-loving choices. The rates of illness and disease as
a result of lifestyle choices are increasing at an alarming rate with predictions that
diabetes alone could bankrupt countries. In spite of enormous efforts by the medical
profession and supporting government policy there is no arrest to this
momentum. Serge Benhayon has been leading the way with a reversal of this trend with
vibrant sustained health for the many hundreds of clients he treats.
It is curious but not surprising, given the extraordinary level of integrity that Serge
Benhayon lives and presents, that Universal Medicine is succeeding where these other
groups have failed. The changes in lifestyle of the many that have benefitted from
Universal Medicine suggest that there is much to be learnt here about what can be done to
support true change in these public
and unfounded attacks on healthy life
Fact: Students of Universal Medicine are to all indications showing most living in a
healthy weight range (in contrast to the general population where
overweight), do not smoke, drink and are healthier and more vital than most in their
respective communities. The World Health Organization has pointed out that most illness
and disease is lifestyle related, and indeed that some forms of cancer are
to alcohol consumption. Thus we might ask, perhaps the behavioral changes witnessed in
Universal Medicine students is a model for all, and certainly there is no evidence of people
being conned sensible choices by sensible people do no
conned at all.
Esther Rockett also makes broad attacks with no specificity of what she is referring to
in her blatant attacks she refers to ludicrous, mind frying rituals. There is nothing to
explain or even justify the reference to mind
is no such thing (unless a 10 minute gentle breath meditation fits this description).
It would come as a surprise to the countless scientific researchers in the a
meditation to hear that relaxation and meditative techniques, now standard in
psychological practice, are described by Esther Rockett as mind
Read mor e about t hi s by
support true change in these public health trends, rather than Esther Rocketts cynical
and unfounded attacks on healthy life-style choices.
Students of Universal Medicine are to all indications showing most living in a
healthy weight range (in contrast to the general population where
overweight), do not smoke, drink and are healthier and more vital than most in their
. The World Health Organization has pointed out that most illness
and disease is lifestyle related, and indeed that some forms of cancer are
to alcohol consumption. Thus we might ask, perhaps the behavioral changes witnessed in
Universal Medicine students is a model for all, and certainly there is no evidence of people
sensible choices by sensible people do not actually suggest anyone being
Mind Frying Rituals
Esther Rockett also makes broad attacks with no specificity of what she is referring to
in her blatant attacks she refers to ludicrous, mind frying rituals. There is nothing to
explain or even justify the reference to mind-frying rituals this is actually because there
is no such thing (unless a 10 minute gentle breath meditation fits this description).
It would come as a surprise to the countless scientific researchers in the a
meditation to hear that relaxation and meditative techniques, now standard in
psychological practice, are described by Esther Rockett as mind-frying.
about t hi s by vi si t i ng t he f ol l ow i ng w ebsi t e:
health trends, rather than Esther Rocketts cynical
Students of Universal Medicine are to all indications showing most living in a
healthy weight range (in contrast to the general population where 60% are
overweight), do not smoke, drink and are healthier and more vital than most in their
. The World Health Organization has pointed out that most illness
directly related
to alcohol consumption. Thus we might ask, perhaps the behavioral changes witnessed in
Universal Medicine students is a model for all, and certainly there is no evidence of people
t actually suggest anyone being
Esther Rockett also makes broad attacks with no specificity of what she is referring to
in her blatant attacks she refers to ludicrous, mind frying rituals. There is nothing to
frying rituals this is actually because there
is no such thing (unless a 10 minute gentle breath meditation fits this description).
It would come as a surprise to the countless scientific researchers in the area of
meditation to hear that relaxation and meditative techniques, now standard in
t he f ol l ow i ng w ebsi t e:

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