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ArnDX: ~ ~.



mus t

a jinx 0]'.1


at Harewood c1emonstro,tions. speak i.1t the Novembe r ODE:', ShevTQE\


t nat Toni Dillon jy,;r.' lJike and killed. lr,.?t minute

to hit

and run.

fHled in

before the March action The.Ima b.ersc.lf died 'I'he last time\ve sav her 8,liv8 was a+ the C;he was killed by the as t.hma that had children and 2 gr2J1CLchildren.



f]'.h .Lma had on Ly the most recent 1n'101 vement.,;-i th C::LFCINZ 0" she ,J up at

the' I ttl 1\GM. Vie knev her through 11(01' indcfatlgo.bl0 vo rk \, Citizers Dmnilitarisation of Har-ewood (C.Il,D. )tbat vas 'bor-n at the same AGI;f,

~raG flcti vely involved j nit from the out.set ; she vas one of the Ii terA,l hr,[;( that regularly attended every meeting; and her last nic;ht alive was spent

at a CDn meeting, Its a great, pity she d.i dn I t li VEe to see the demo ... she;

\Tculd have loved it. At the .I\irport Authority open day in February she had

all day on a stall~ braving wea+ne r and hostility"

'I':n(:lma was not someone you forgot in a hurry. 3h8 held t.neor-i es on a vide

nlnisc. of subjects that could clefin.itely be descrDJecl as", Of

upbringing, she emigra,ted to NZ in the mid-50s "lith hel' husband and chf.Ldr-en, Apar-t from 2 years in. Soutih.Land , she liv-ed Ln Cbrif5tchurch. f311C w',s a remarkable woman in several vrays . she trr1.nslated a Latin work 'l> in

tell a',ra:i.tinl'; the birth of her youngest child.

It "ras after her kids were off her hands that she had the chance to get Lnvo.l.ver;

:-Ln vide range of groups ~ from the National Organisation of Women to the;

Unempl.oymerrt Centre and Pat.Lerrt.s v. Hights, 3he was best known in the Peace

movement 1 wher-e apart from eDH, she was a fotL.'1der rnembe r of the Sout.h-Chr Lat.chur-ch Peace Group.

her appalling health, she chose not to be an Lnval.Ld.. She plunged ~Ln"~,'~() ~:~vcr~rthing goir!€; ~~i tb zest, enerf.~:Y ~ and an end.l.e s s stock of gocdwil11l

vasn j t ma.Li.c Ious or a moaner. She c01.LLd be a 'nuisance 2.t timu\ c,

tv.". that was more than compens at.ed for by her human i ty > her

nature, and heT

t.hus Lasm as a vo rker for peace And social ,justice.

I' \,rhile she had 'perenially bad he ,,11 tll herself; she ccncerried about t.he health of others ,.rorking with her ,

Its') .. m.nrk elf the I-for:mr' could :::Je 'eeply

vas alive, she I,re.s fun 0 she was eacer to Learn , eager to help ~ eager t.c "k;

involved.. She'll be ,ddely mi s s ed by many (Efferent groups in Christchurch,

co ti nu d from




co n t 1! -


i n C -rt~~ ,~1 xp.I DI t att o n th\j Pl· ",'son 1_)2J,23~J c


I:) 'I'A [tY U ;:).r.; GJJlil.x.I[,~) JJI'G <"

on r"lentionc;o in any oljblic cumorrt c:ucb n L

cr!:;ry or D f'enc e , itfs runcticm

e governnent, its staff nr not allowed to L

r t t"ey do. l'hero arc no Dublic fi

or 0 ic:rat in t he st'l ti o •

enders ere c;.l1}edfort"be c ons t r-uo t i on of officu-;;b:f1ed

,iuildine;s .out i.n the wi.Lde r ne s s , but t.he tendel'ern 'ere a l.Lowcd to

:'; I:;ud;y tile plans only i.n inic,try officf~". Con s t ruct i on of tlJe bu i.'

i ~) ,laE; unde r-takeri by the alrner",;ton. or~h f , ,01';1'. Ok 'l.nd l'

u i p nt![1[) t a L'l ed by and unt.r-a l i nn tnLlr>u'Y pe o

O ",.' (,t~ f Lee C' t ~off' no j r' '1' c a I e'n"''; n eo r s Ln c: t Q 1-' '~ri c",..,,, r

\ J ~ ~, ,_....... ....... ~.J CI... 1;.... U'. ~. J }'~ eL." .._, 1...... "') , ,', ,-<") cs. ~ ..L \, ... \_...;_ I, A.. j_~1 v

ithout being told he sort of eq~ipment t~Ht was to b2 hooke to

it., mu~n doing 1 tjoba t ere found t lieruse Lvc o unde r cCDt;in-

(;;.;W'; e ccor-t , be u sb er ed t hr-ough door ell on Ly opened after a

code be.enG cd into a mnn.ll keyboar-d mount n;ar t I}(; door', 1 ()

Lc c t ron'i c e ipF!ect; VlnD ~~e~;t under cover. :':'110 st at . at) opened in

oc r e t c e r euony the J'rlme I Lm s t e r on 1(3 t 1982. Ln t.e.r tlHI0,rime ini t e r I s ~38 Sf cretary r-o le aue E) t ul),blic

nowledgement t Lhe station existed - sort, terse 8ress state

e n t '""hich c.;aid Li.trt Le more ~ that t> e C;t:;!lLi:n htHl been opcried

) ne ,t it vJculd 1! Bignlfieantly im.)I'ove d f.ence c ornmun.i.c ti n c .i

'1 t.hTt it is e nipped ,'lit; h di r-ec t i, n.-Li nd i ng OqlAi 11 that c a n be

u'~fjd OJ' ear-en re scue pur-p o ae s " and hilt it would? lilcE) othc:r

e nee e s t ab I i anmen t e , not be open to tll ;,~enernl bl ic.

It is he c i.r-cu Lar- antenna complex th:~t v;ives the; ole

(~ is what, 1.;3 l:no"il1. t'l.n a c i r-cul ar-Ly so os-rd ant enna 1'JTI'ay (CD

it io at ndard e for eetronic e rop

t is called in the t sirint, or signnls intollj.~once.

tChe i.s OCGu8.11y a ( ito cUY'i'ingt of' v. In;,::id_c

c errt r a L hut i[3 S('JTl.C: '; k.T\()\/U 'iU a c Cl. t or , rn: yo

'1 V'C lurge and l'il')idly r-o t ati.ns; ca r di~il,:ribut;Clr) ;3 :iT:

.id succe as i. n t; outliut of ,;neb. at the li:~t antCnlnn:; in

c i.r c lc , GC)Tn)lic t d c i r-cuit r-y CO;:1 i"ne:3t t

to vrY Gonsi ive [ll~

'I()neI"IS eel. :,[tch 1 i t.o n i no;

f'oc us ed on ,d.

c c ~ n as a dirccti

ion n.

1~ 1 1)0 on

t ining n droppl r s in the

e q qpercure 11 or C l "1rrD,;Y i:3 ~~o hir; i

:U:OLnt of radio ()nGC y c an be ueocd to detce: veryP'.l nr dint

l a I s , it (~ea.:n;re:3 directjicD much ere ac c r at e Ly tb,'lD or-d

( ircc ion findc (11.3 1),f;(.:d for exa:le .i n s e ar c

2he rotary clot sline Rre of e kDo~n as the

rot~)ry ,I. ic OrI'rlY ( 'irC1T ry

t ennns i ch CU.D bo po i.n :) r-o c iOD. Tkth t e

-,",i.':"I..8. ,are s.enai.c to a of r rc ·u~nci r::Gve .10:

t; ien;; t.' La


o "s

ry sophisticated .i nd 118 '/' outh of t;

, (~l)it\; exc ens i ve

in ~ one loc tion k i o;;;etr0 :3()Ut;, of

ikci .i.nn t e.Ll.t.Lon ii; co

Le t e l.y

of the "l t



wave; ) band c1:1 i ELIse d

in teo ,u u n i cat n " c 1 c omu .rHC t Lorio ,

Cl1n])c; 011 11 over G e orid.




era i nc

1.01' n

i!T'C ,ence at "Joll-

2.3 ~ o .~:. t: en e t E~ ~C. [,,; or! e

l' nuc h biullcm e b e r' D.rraY3,

~hD e 0 at ~ani~oana ~ be the

, r', MRuufactured ti corporation d

vely by the ~ritiGh int lS ion' one

-.; the C or-ac Lon TeJ.:.::funk(:n ltG, and nLckr.amcd rug.

e C t s are "11(,0 de sc ri.bcd in t t(?cr' Li tio '3.

lu~;sey onc,:snre dc sc r-Lb ed in ,Tane','3 :enpon o t cma , a sort of fl;10

:1),) u',l.e,il-ocder c-'1tnlo(!;ue of evur'rLh' a c ount.r-y ne cd s to obl.L tcr-

'l!;p iL, our, 'Jnd ho.ol '";.nken orio is d esc r i bcd ill I':?L

literatu out cut that c ~he lopnent 3nd

t; 1 e s: ey an ten nn [3 a be en cle:' C 1'1, cd. . ,:1 ;3 e r a e :::

chn i..et11p~.1;;er'3 pub Lis d' by en.' ncr::; of thn.t C 'iny - h it

i:d 1'01' Li, t ,0 "non-cco opor-at i ve commun.i.c t i on

1i1''<.3'', ,1::3 ~: Gr:J L'i c at e Ly expr-e GEld it, and h it vr:}3 Inter

turned into a inc1cr 0 ' Ulunr:l11eled flc::nJitJi vi ty ,

?he' oan arr~y is ocated on 102 DK flqt l~nd th D

tigb ','j'>.ter table. ecorchne; to t'18 tee i' nl p!lper~~ is is an

or-t.anf consideration, b C;:)U;3(') t f) re,'3vlting hi ,'h oil conduc ti va

Lhu LL te .n ing beam 10,,0', irlcI'n(-uw~3 t l:: roc iien , end

r-educ e s t c o st of d i nr; thc; ant ennaa ,

i.'roJect ACe ,at i1:tonna" is time; ill; ienl,and cu it.e h-

i c in t a l Lt Lon ()r ""vc:;dJ"o;) ing on t; c ornmun ica ... ionL:; or

o t~ rl~',;r na c. Lo n s •

useful f r om b a so.Li.m

. ..

firGt; point (; JJ e (Ji) .(~.;"i i t ;,3 C;; 1 f c 1 c om , but if two

bet en, i!; is po s si.b Le

nnd thus deterrine the )oin~


n o to i only

Lhat it the

iu t vc;ry d Lr cct i.on \.,~ t.h 1

~e coming. far i t

LJ, isn't :ccally 'hi encurrh to provide

Howav or it is known i.ha t t CJro im.iL,r

is belidved that G ~uGtralian net, and cpe r at.e s [IS n·fJ._I't ()5~~ in turn i p .. 1'1: of

c; an'; 11 xv el11 rill C e

o tri on the arth' surface r-e 0.1',' no other

01:; U)



ong in

r-t of ,t

net it} turn called L)ulL1 called. t l}J

ana ono i 0 oratod as Lnn (or :\u trala~3i n

wor-Ld anrri nr; ten

total surveillance

Inform:;d:;ion t om , o t ncrv.:i e

Ly no-one in ]\),_, (nt r- really ;~u;lpccLed that :1:6

r-ubby e oflcctronic in;,:;_ t carne "

a LL ombhell th·:"-), .1, of the

(' D C' n '~ ('I, D '. "r", C 1 .i, m (. d +' '" ,."

';:';,J\:'" In;) -.It)l·t~ ........ ::.., ., , ~_L b.f:;. uL\),v \., •

c;'111 ed 1:; (} ov er-nmen.t \,,!(Jrlm c nti, S ,CJCUTl ty

hur(;(lu O. ()J:'atud n if'int f'ltr;ti

io t at i.on n :jT .r-u , ho t he r 'c

i ill unknown , 0 tlr IIC)-()Il{;

inistry de~iGu its s .' HC11; !1 1 i t t Lc out of d:'~'~

D hi cd 810uru

c j




o-called LJ

or' t,j Ln , C

'111. '() on

i onu lOC8 c'lll :;n

;,"1 ',1i , ',' .,., " )'

'" ~ j c .. ,j" t,,;

; '.:; content

I,,) ,_ ac c o rd

o 1,', tc,

Or" und :_;'.r ,


:1.x-~(l ve r if'y

ell .i :

e cur it.y r-ou'o s ;)v':rn,l radio tr'l,()C;-

"bite Cloud" ,''";ate Li t e e

,? issions of ship

or ecting tile

,1in io ilenc0 to

nc t c an d et ec t ,

e io csr e identified it

o f J' ,t t," i~ r an ' ; t, +- c> }"'" (;' 1"1 r-> e l cr '[' I',!, "l' C

,'_ ~ ,.,) v ,,, .'" '...L V _.'" "'.) l..J •. _ \.J t:.::. -,_,J~ {", •. -, I.

I'll. ;') j_ n tee em . e e

G. allied h

GOrDe Vi ry .im o t tjO

of the clif r ieul ty t'l,r':et

nst t LG or kilometre

:,Uf3 cralia ~-:; :r~t J], (J t

)YlD con t r ,)1,)

))'.:;}:', In :,uee):

o Locat cd a

r a

,,1. CIt

d] c an ", conn ide bl h

r-c e .,


it: C)'in, nen run in c

rovide he D ~h ve

inn u1

ex e it~h tlfQ ;3'(,

.t; tr'aLi ar:



Jut; it i e s n

of v e.: eL; in



111 cti iti_ cJ~ ()UB n l .n s .i.n 'en (J .. r-o .ic a

ini;erm;,l eOU'L; c t ion of ve r-i.ous .L ac i fie i 1 tat :j:

ii.l C8B like n 1'1_ Ii cd Vt}'Y1untu o u Ld b of) r t i cu Lsr- tCT'C t

dv anc o r-n of';'cnch (xell:"'f'lI' LC:?:3tn, o t no.t -rur-v e Ll I c o

be r'e ad i, Lndone s ian ovict



i k e t()

'_,0 ide in t e r)i lu h'1ck-up '\(',i ie

ht be

1 nuve

:L.1C, Lr\['

. r~. ,', .; . .) .... .

i r-o j e ct i; inc' ;'iLrat

If) Rfter dny Ie nre f little or no control

;;0 Hi) on!' bos 1 011i nce d Ln


, L~ f L r- e a t

::d .r;'Jr),

\~: .> .. ,:-1', • :.L :3

J .!


t; o

lD(.l; , '.1

e 0:(' in "far. ,igint h;

'J;}Ti• '.rh(',n'c 1',;·0 .it s o r Ld. lV'H::lI'D 'lietuRlly fV,"y hip in the ',orld :Lf', and s i.on is if it i 1:1 ',,'mr~~hi 1, ihn!.; I to c ) C;.1.UC8t3dG e 1 '1':'11,1.3. nnd c () 1 \0XC~;


it is used, ortant in t;O(; bere it i


~L r () tl;)



if nIl


0\1 r t orI nd i.n"crcept D!'i serw:,£, i,;''\ J.

It; can ide o rtaa t Lon about for,,;i>:n r;ov.;I'l'.mcD'J1.C .iv it i.

:lnd abcut forein'D c orpor-a't ioun , OlD 1 c [Jiltu'e,

:j,; n'''1''11 di s c ovcri i,' C· l' C'('" C s • L' .t;.

"'- \...". 0"',' ._' ~J. . v ~., . .L. __ \- .• , .~ _. . ..

i.nformation (~in1':' co'lLe ct ed t od e t~'i!; ing infol'I((,ltion

Dr ;'1 tluelesl'J!' t orno.r r ow , It; 0[; be too ch of an C;X[1.,:?OI'3Li.on

:',0 ~3",Y t ho.t . thc U ccrrt.r-o L» Lie t ho .or-Ld not :30 much 'by t

tl1I';;Dt of nucLe ar an Lh i Le.t i.on , no r by

:un'1;oDt d i.p l.omac.y ~ t ra twr by l'i(fJpJy

nt)Qd;; to kno; about t; i [,'oing ')11 n.l1

.nd in tr'ine~:;,

o,inr; al'oc:t C:V L

over ~; h e worLd ,

}' t-

. ...,

o "6}/ j :'0" e ct ~GOTU~,

1;' r-o y ing

I;D tho

rh.ou 1 (1 L 0 (1 r i nUL;

the ~rnm0nt corne clean

controls tatioD, ho

e nc


look ':l t

it;}l t

i t~ 1 'rom l 'C:


C an Be in t~i in ::;011 i; o nc e


r.c o ()]l

c e (~ J:! (; 'I 1. L) -, o c.

'U .e nc o r.upro r-t to

(l :" (' .. , nd i ,1 n


.L n

I .. C'I. eU.r ;0 f:1l'


.cn t it 1.

.r. C'c:; r

"1 i

J. '


t 1f-

.i onn 10e t~ d ,,)1'ovi(1 C:? n I.L

l'.tu:; of





onitor" (


) 1'8 art :

en 1'e Ii

h ,td 1'1

co o f C("!11[=; C "11 .if ortii:-',n find a taker for


us e d



nc e s ; if c deil1 fir;-) t

rtain conditions on

G now fallen tbr drastic sackin~s will ev i n Budd of 1;

dredge eould be c Gopl who now 108 t ir jobs. 8 blamed opposition Gov(;rnmcnt De

from 10cr11 tiS


r ;",l:2ID I'S, L ror Lte f i1ur8.

]~Awr;y of Gold s .[FUel t~ H3 c ompariy could not live wi,

t sting condi ions on the lice would not go tbrou~h t

o c ed'ur'e s of t law to try to cb,cmgo them.

rom, th Cnl .if'o.r ni an CHn E, in 19[:3'1 d

to change condit ~ on this licence, he did, and was

n to Court by Pc ed F'ormer:3. '[111ir3 e rie d In an

year. ccording to ational sineS6 Review the chang 8

\,'urc r-e ue s t e d by t bank crs , h c annot ;-JrJvOIJred

of another t lover conditions.

Ac c ord to }3uGkI Knn i e.r E31:J nt tnilLi.on on nro

ti nc; , p Larrt , (?Cj t7 r-e or oper at i.ons . H

vic:tory for threat from t

f ;sL

c hOV;j 1


:r [;hc mov

1 not

arc c.

.i c an of L;he f'3TlflC

tt r' J\T,_';

en offe 1. lobby

! OUC:b. II

DubIie manouvr 0 to ere to sel t a lower price situation might so be

'0 .il 1 h


o tbat's d c;h?

t fuLure 0 on.. . .• C if


· ':0 1 ybcl cnum

" . d

g;ia,}'}t '19(3:'5 -

c ha b b en

n .je. II

i o:f".f

10 al

llion was wri ton ff in 1983 for tha p

in Colorado. You c 8 t

Elide Creroted Butt; , tne :;08 C to

Mayor tchell and My oman visit d N

, campai gn for-ce f'u.l.Ly on 1) hnLf of the t

t mine from ing ahead.

~max is active in ow u aland, most notably as a

controversial Hill (ihi) j ct wh 1'0 aihi

Ii d for a minin~ licence.

ople to

ar-t ne r t:

old Co


~ource; Minin~ Monitor, No 47, F


A fleet auxilliary vessel VJi t n thi; notor i,,;ty of having c a.u s cd +

8th of a sailor because of its ventilation problems, visit

Iql:telton on 8-12 ~larch. (I'he pur-poae of it!3 visit VJ[U3 to ferry troops to the Grest Barrier I's Land AN~UG Excreifc3e cal d If o r-t.he cn k)r,f,arift• CAFINZ members arid pc;ople from I\;EJCC groups in Chri,;tchurc de~onBtrgted on the wharf where the Tobruk waR berthed on ~unday

11 Mareh. Shortly after ho l d i ng up our banners for /\.u:3S:le .i.Lor

visitors to the whar-f to ponde~bC)ut, lr,j,:~rmy bU[3 :3 app o I:i

tho end of tho wharf. fjlh(~y di::350rged '1 111', FoldiersNho we re takcm

wi.t n their packs, rifles and ammun i t i.on be Lt s , rrhey wa Lk

single file along the wharf to the of t Tobruk. At tb

cnngway they were flanked by r-ov' of d(:;monstrat()r~'3 on oi t t;c,

thum', 'l1hey were <'sked s uc h quo s t Lons ;1° !!'·rlJ) :1".'f"TOU t t.o

+' .-~ s t c~.? ft T.<;. (.'._ '.1. t. h_ ( .. ? r (_'-~.('.j _1 0.-. *.1' (.:,: J~. .F .. ~ ,,~, l.'_l r .. l '.·.r'~ ,.': .. _~.~ ~,. ~ t .

. _ ._ _ _ __ _ _ _ _" ._.' _ _ n rl S ;-.'.J c: r j

from Tobruk camoras clicked t the deomnstration. The

banner~::; and pl'lcnrdf,'cll3o c h

A lonephliceman in a cop car

irate visitor (probably so di~

t.o c11 a banner from one; of t

Muldoon 't t k nic ly

~illains of t Danc )

and New Z and.

\' rl obj ec t i ve s for it ,S O"Tn c rew 1

tit s o n h ow to prf.:;pr.l.r'ci on. a to

t:ri1te wi.tih nav ar-fare . OVIn crew

NZ military into a war tuaticn on Great Barrier Island. ask: for 0 benefit i uI1 this Ii t;r'l mn


d UJ1f:,UCCt:':;:; s fu l Lthough rtal,\'kc

For r:1~"v0.:r'8,1 years nov unpub.Li.c I G cod acti vit i es which is used for

attention t.o t.he Air Service (SAS) in the exer-c a aes , lrTatchdog l+h ran an lotter on the sub ject from thf,'

of Def'erice 0

CAF'CINZ is not alone inh; COnCCrYl about HZ m:L11tary links\~r:ith the ,ilurdc:rous IfJarcos regime v:L;:;, '\:;h('; mas s i Jtmerican m1.1itaryprc;sencc: thel"'c Tn March 1983 a Cs:cholic group serrt So dclcr:;at:lon to ~ an d ·],8 a res'tll t of that. werrt to ';;ee Dav'Ld Thomson 3 Minis·ter of Def'enco , to

as~~. that Nei. Zealand drop tc mili :tin],::.; t.h the Philip-pines. A

br-i cf'Lng paper- on NZ';:, military .l Lnks was prepared for member-s of the delegation 1L.'1d this became ava.LLab.Le for "rider circulation' later in th("

ye ar-,

'I'he briefing paper itself contains nothing not. already known to \,yatchdog

rc:ache:n," Hut; the ceo', contain t1!W lett'3rs to Sister Maureen McBri(~c

of' Lower Hirtt t.hat; are very interesting.

M"'tureen received the same sort of .. bur-eaucr-at.eae from D.n.G. MeLv;\n

Secretg,ry of Defence, aro CAFCINZ d:UL" r "lou.leI l.i.k«: to point out that T would not No",T Zealand':;; .fm"? Lirsk:e wi th the 1'1:dlipp_ .... nes Forces as "mi li vIe have no t1Y1i'~:s o.f the New

Zea1.and Armed Poxces i.n the Philippines and no .::7,ir-ect invoivomentiwicb

t}lG P12ilil)pJn()s ,l1r,'[ac?ci Fo raes), .for otilies: than SP;r::CWAR1?X

Lndaed fife have no Dc:fcnce poreonnel. tzhes:e

Nar.fare and FlJ.JZi'l.F strike

,qircra.ft exerc ieos :in sieeoai at.i.on wi. the .'JtE,tes forces

Politicians leap iUI<!hGre civil ser-vante f(2a.:~ to open their mouths however.

iIllomson.1 s l,(~tter to f3x' Ma11Tc:c:n lS an revGfiling piece of vo rk ,

'It'~oworth quoting at length, It startsvTith on apology- for the j'["reos

regime. Let me: say i irsit: that .belicVC2.i t i.s dLEfic!l.I t [or !11m',

iSealanders" accustomed as l'.re a.1.'O to Ii '1 C soai ill which

the s eute val.ues'Ll2;.1 i.dee.Le nre tv.fdely ehared , to corne to te.rns w.ithtiJe:

di.ff:_icul Eaced other nat.ions t.tuxt: Lesis f():r:·tu.l1ate "' (> ~ ,'f Irl the

pas t , 'rory apologists have used this line for "less for:r:tll.ateH countries like' SO'lltfll

Thomson outlines the f'act the;t. there arc t'-IoTa c:l"vil 'wars


in tl:1e thE: 1.1os1erns and TT:::~\"r PeopLe s

the mili t~M<:Y "ring of the Thill GOr:1murdst Party" l.Jhich is in act.Lon in

many par-es of the country and wh i ch I regret to L'l8,Y receives C'.ctive support

from some of the country's more cal clergy .,' Not surprisingly

therefore.!) t.ho Ph.i Li.pp Lnos Army has been given a prond.nerrt internnl security

role and, I add, hns F5uf:f'ered cD,Sua1tie;; in its

tIle The E~dlldldGtrat:i.on 11"",3 had to adopt measures wh l ch 9 'ihilc

not in t.une IT1>:d tll.c VFiy vee 8(':81: to do t;hings ar-e never-t.heLcs s less :3cverC

than t.noae adoptc:d 1:W man:'?" other courrt r i es "00 Trot a bad

rationali.sation for "secure ht1r::lets ;q free fire zones ", "body

and (e,11 thc1lletrvilll war used to descri.1x thr'w'ar

Mar-cos on Ids

TIleD 'I'homeon




the .PhiLi.ppinGs is but: one smalI clement coE tzbet: countr-y and should not o, i 1:S

J:)i.later:al ral.etz.ioneh.i p wi Ul ieol eri.on to the? rest: ot' tho a.stride the

nii :


CC)Tl i.i

of i.ho c7e[mlco re.L

7/eT!J much i.n NevI Z( 2!Iald J.n tha

'I'ho avern,ge NC1;,T Zealn,ndc:r 'vTculd l)e s·t~ctrtJ..,(~d';I not to merrt i.on bemus ed , -t.o

d:Lscov(: triat, it c irltcrcs·1.~i3 thr~tv t.he e t

quo be f'or-c i bly d in tIlE" Note the old. tfn,,rdry gum; for

imtiA:yLrac1cof'f (S:'homson in ve'terfiD of tile Viet,Dazn bodic~; forbc30f ) ,

'Those not shot. or exiled Mar-co s \d_11 bc: able to buy NC\-J Zealan(~

milk biscui.ts,

Now for SOElC CandOL1T'.

.fact: thE?: we ca.nnot reasonably

"'l'he Government iC"also cons ci a w:; of UK the PhiLippines mit.bari ties to el Low

W3 a.ceess to I:.hc] united St'1tes at Clark .p.d,I: Base, which .offers t.rtdning ex pe zi.ence for ou r Skyhmvk pi Lot:s: that cannot be obtze iricd

elsct<lhore in the xeqlon un:Less ;~lC i n tinrn ere: prepa:ced to a smeLI

(cJlememt of training i2,ss.J.sVmcc· to the Philipp.ind Ai, Po,rce" 0

.Ius t v-That is "r-ee.Li.s t.Lc training I' HNZJ\F' 8k;Y':h[~1'TkE) practif:e at,:tacking mock Soviet radar stGt:Lonf;, etc in t.he CrOVT Valley electronic: war f'ar-e rEl.nge inside the mas s i ve Clark\. Air Force Bas e , (Tbe f:)PE:C\~AI-mX involving the SAS tnke place Lnside the equally mas s i ve OS Navy- bm;E:; :d~ 13ub:Ic ba,y).

"'Fina11y l' should Like to tho tietiu re of the dcIonc:c

provided. Dospii:c .Prc:ss reports t rom P:LmLla elf. the time o i: my recent v is i.t:

tilo,rQ ,1 it i s not: (}u,ntl~(~jd around trt'~1,.iJ1]~.n9· i.n ';>;tLt'f'ar,s>

is esscntiaLLtj to as,si.stin~.f the /-11:r: Porae

»xocedures Ear izhe surveil Lenae of Eo:r.c:Lgnt7(J8SC" Ls: atte:mpting 1::0 .IIms to the Lneurqcnt:e r Leu iaq claim to ot'Eeharo :island.s claimed

r but: its

v by the

y in

rlll' •

',1.Il1.8 .i.s

and in f'act corrt.r adl etc) the McLean


tIle: mos t df?tailed. offIcial account;

the Phil) ppinf3s ( above ) .

of Defence's letter the: Ph.i

lie to official that

J\i:r. Fo r ce , }-1o:cc

NZ is in no 'limy Lnvo.Lve d Minister of De f'erice has said


Air Force to to Lnvo l.vemerrt in

its a,rri:t0to cl irl1war (or vTarn)" \,that i ?

" e t.c (II

of fo':'eign ves se l.s If tbat 1 s not

Thomson s letter ixrto rmati on eon

concludes Lotztior will

L t;rust therefore that the

ve you a better (of

the reesous Eo.: do.fC1llCC xeLe

,'::he Government's doci s i.on to corit.irrae to maintain wi tll the


,,):11 to make 1:1:11,: worLd safe

(or ItTaS .7: t:;

as thi[-) j.

~r()rieE such ::18 abotrt t}~J.(; E3ovic;t menace Ln thc:~'

only this time itl

J3u.t eJone'J

\vl'cng in one

c ar c , it C·:t'U18 [3, ~Icar and it came f'r om OD.r ovn It vias thl:'~

:t'OEt not.cwo rchy fe:l,tllrc of tb:: Defence; Hevic111 vh pro-posed that New

Zealand s hou.l.d f'r-on 1:1 EUy-"aCe to n, submarine HaITY. At phenomena.l

expens e , Fc:r' that reason alone FfZ"TOuld. have to wor k in ,d t.h Australia,

,~.n .. (~ r_");.,,:,~_:,T1-.)I~~.',~ \~_,':~X\_!::> .• ('.·,~_:~, on +hc const.r-uct i r-,'V\ ,.-..,-f"" rr~ submar-Ine f'l t~c.f·_ (i .. 1-,L'~::· Be"!;l' PIi,T savs

__ ~_' _..... ' ........ ~ _,, _ _.,,,~_.l,,,, ,,~ __ u _" ."o._ .... "lJ,,_ .~.I. ... "'" _,-_..ILL oj,,.. __ ,., ,__. ~"'~,, _\';' ....... ,___._,_c'... ,-", __ . I,.,._ •• ,,~'_", '~I.i'..J

6 j;;l the optimun number v i Ll, do ) , HZ dOUl have a Memor-andum of Under-

"'Tith l\.u~3tTB"li~1 whi ch means the "[Tlj_lita~cy of' bo+h ccunt.r-Les pool

ret3CUrces and af.m to an indigenous arras Lridust.ry ,

Cr1 ticn have pointEeci out t.hat. th~" illus:l_on of submarines ,las

1',1so held out in the lSne Def'onc e P'2vi(:'\I. It givds our bathtub admirals

the prospect of them rubber duck' to play w:Lth~ and Jt will

he.l.p Gail' t.h l s e'Lcc t.Lon but Wi,vre nick-iYlE' t.hat tl'f'

whole, s cherne sink 'hi thout, tn~(;;' (if.J.;C~~·;l~ pardon -'l;h~ ~irc~~d;~.l -;~) ."

B,Jt all the hooha about submar-Lries conceal.od the really f3inister plan in the 19(13 Defence Hf?Vit-;1pi, one thr"t i.E we I I ·v!:i.thin the c2.pcbilities of thE 1'1Z military, f'o l.Lova th(~ tnvlition of our Army being counter-insurgency

experts foy'


'T'hiB is the Ready Herl.ct:1.on Force;" Ttih:Lch was envisaged in the 19'78 Defence

R(), 'birt has nOT;{ bcon ven 8, much priority Ln the cur-r-ent. Hevi.c'i-7.

It ,-rill consist of 1000 ",1200 so.Ld Lere e d at Burnham, and in fact

Lnvo.lves reduc tion of' Burnh.un batto,lion men lJ2)s(~d in Singapore (sorry

about hut af't.e r all war is hell). The

prefil Ln thee

':::;:;::{1:;» ~ It i' be

state of rec.(~,iLf;;f;;3 s- i.).nd it ""vlill bc; given


?,t :Cull strength an d in a priority cd thin the Army f'or In o+ner "Ioran, -tlJiE defin:'Lb~~lynct tht Army Band.

manpower- tJ .. nd tb.c: is the killer elite.


of hitmen

rphe of'f'Lc i.a'l. line from to ref:iYlt:? the-:- For-ce HYICl



orov.ide mor-e the overall thrust of the

'Fhis L i E line ,lith

tc focus our defence resourc',;s mor-e

in which Ife Lf.vo ,

of course also includes

f'o r wh.i ch l'JtJ'h~ ZealcD.d has ~3tatlltory' Iief'ence

Cool~ IsJands 'I'ok ( Lau an d NiU(~ (.letter to CJ',Jr'CTNZ),

II/lore ') tL{~: R<2;1lic;~'1 talk:::; about the F;orcc ()_-\rf},iJ.,,~::J)l'··' to

protect Ne'", ZC'lland' S 1 t s Ln the 'I/hat rlocs th5:3 moan?

l)efence states t'h}}t its 1{here? s tb.c expans Lorri f)t m'iLi "Le.l and b:rri tOyiC[3" or

Les sonc of t.hc T'aLk.Lands "'~, bu t

the; Pac i f'Lc


forces ,I

vou.Ld Tloltel~il.l~j " fired.

'·i'·O :t1. d~{i dJ.:' ,~, s lrri Lar f'or co

tb.u us o 0


:3 up (:q_:;O\{cr 8J1d

thCWDS for Cubans t;c (lie

It bed to de :1. t s own dirty 10(01"1: stan,

~~O Lend

L11\vF1.yS tried +o to tL2i:c ta,.rcJry



1'11 tY;t.:I1


, .

In.vaSI.()rtC; •

'Ib.e f:~oviet Un.i.on

S~_ltc\llitCR into CZC2Cl1os1ov'ak.iFL,) toci; a -cokeTl fEn,! T\f'h:~st IndlC:1~n

the US its

into Grenada,

It f,lwaY:3 Looks '1.8 those of the

f:io this is t.he HU1ction For-ce 8 reI,"'" ~ve ~ vu bc~cn I')' little·

co rne r of the; Pp.c:i.fIc to look after and keop safe for democz-acv (le.

sm }. One can envisage a scenar-i.o where New Zee"land could "H'.,nd

into New Cal(:':'cior:iJft or VanUIJ;{:;lJ (whfch has b(c:(~n called of tho Pe.cif:

a tax haven}, 1401 d -orQbably fel'! FiJians t he

a ClOSE: "Tith th'~ F':Ijia.n Army , and they

for c::tc, Of cour-se

HZ Army has (":me

viC' wou.l d .. n" t

invade to t])e:r(~ to

crush inclepr::2nclcnce movements or sover'e governmentn 0

88.\"<:: the from the T:~u~;f)ir-U1(,) :1.n['; e. f'oo t.ho Ld ,

'I d think 0 f

As pointed cut :i:n , the i,[Z has become) markedly more

c:is,:d over the Lr.s t 12 morrt.ha, conducting political courrt.e r-

innul'gency exer c i ses a+ Oxf'()rd "nc1 Great BI'~rrtcr n:;L~,nd, 'Y'11:Ls Ls the

off':l.c1::'Ll Defence liQ Linc; eXcTCJ, at Oxford he.n DC d5.Toct r-e La

the of the to the c;xtcnt that it

'~'i(LS car-r-Led out SOIne in tl}(?ir car-eer-s No r+.her-n C5[LfEt,yi (t~lle' one on

who may ~1t Exeycise

Re ac t i on For-ce ,.

Great. of

Bn,rrier=,.Ed.)) hoveve r <~ Ls directl~l rQ1l'~'vrLnt

force. It is desi to practi e

away from the Nee{ Zen,lf~nd.

wo;ter on siwulp,tc:cl

(lo+tnr t(·) r!\F'(~T~j'~\

.'_ ~ .... ,-, <-", ",._) ,\, ,...,I .,1.,_,., ,,' J 'I

Ls I and c:x,crc5_se shr-ank f'r-om


ever Zcr:t1.andE'Yf}

country and Aust:rnJio,l1s.

ericmy , who have tCt,k(!n the stouttearted New


t",lton t.o Gr::nt

Barrier board

hindrance to fCl'>r:Lcswould -n' the fooe1?) umbHrkntiorl of

HMMJ 'I'obr-uk (N:::. doe an

dE~CC:nt e d.,

" ~


a treaD carrier, B bit of In an em.ergeney, Cook f:itrait

Iton demonstratIon this is

f'Lxl nr; r-oads

PblS the additional

boat.s C}


(as on the Oxford exercise, ns tn -to np'y on

AI] the

s i LoS of

A Force of

Thi; Chief' it this count ')r-:LnS1J rgcncy. It is t:imc,to

tl1)11anu, roTe) ::t

i DS1Jrgcmcy



make sure we ore up to dote

es, to "lOrry [) bout; :it! co

(Prt::8ClJ utrictl,Y-

TIlE) Army was eased'3rc "JaS IOCR} opposl t Ion to the

exerci se, on both errv i ronmont.a'l nd l{a.'ITing

Vnnl1atu or

en, ct

no-go grens, e.r;. the sout.h er-n s ot.t.I realism. One dOibts thet if wherever th2t t.h (c':y would cormnis rC:;l)or .. t befor-ehand.

l'TZ troops had 8. high reputation in both the 113.1nyan and Viotnamese war-s as nsur-gency exper+.a, Thi s is t:i

signifj cant expana i on of rol •

MeamJhil th.e militar'i.sati 011 of t.he police keeps pace w:tth

the pol1t:icisati(nt of the mjJ.jtory. In Eebruary the:" poli.ce anti-tc'rrorif3t aquad conduct-ed en exorcise in Lyttelton. The scenar-Lo was that, anti-.AnEricClll prot.est.or-s hod

host.ages and unapeo l f't.ed political nde , It ondod

wjth tho o i do of the t::rrori;;;ts. Perhaps this eOl1ditloning

of tho police to look n-t protestors DS terrorists ccount s for

their heavyhanded ect50ns th(j T,Jbj ppl e bor-t.hod c)t

LytteJ ton Ln Hurch. the sio'1 of j nqtri r:r into

thlCl k:511ing of Paul th,c, nnect.J on

between the police Dnti-terrori squads.

Shoot the

; (j',r':::J pot orrtLal

t.hemoa of' !'.frontline c.i ng'' .


It I 8 e.l.L [;, rna of nenl.e. The UC:

tcrrorj SF", t.h i.Jholc3 wo r-Ld "rl. th nuc.lcar

n our" part of t.h (;'vl Bur-nham boys

[rrrwJ j t es • B1Jt bull d 1 ,)tOll as c'l,Yld

strike, So t.h t hrent is Just 1'1)1'3] •

Urrlon CUrl

rTZ can tc;rroI"iau w~ith


in the

thnt [jhJ~do'~\n of


8.rn,' ted on tbe:; ;JC'V r 1 Poac o

tl<) n.t;

in .,he


, L d


,)( ve :.,' Be 1 "ere .c GUO'll DI,'ri va.l IJ

I drori L old t nu

o (?

llou:h the j:;0;-;C8


n Get uu va ~ Is as

lligoront, nto1'foring further than t requisito 100 netres aw

adron vessels frou s




t i} n

["onn ra or~;

unti1 ~lr:d nr-cv errt j,i r;.,ovc;;'~l people c X' t

0:2C of

nc ion,


in;; (::11'


:_. : be 12/ ;""1()11r noc

for;; .t f:: . rTf' h.i:.) ..1 t ho

-round s o f a o.r l ov e r-o i :T:l-'

t;hc vi tih ;C[';(l




, C in?

~ the ce'I:)T) tx":tIH' Ie };orn c .. ~ i~ic

n t



1 i~.l rr i, ty 0 a b I (;'

r.. i p C 13.11(; d i'.lTCl1 mo

uppo rt out thix·ty people. Goncrn;ion:L1,ly PO'\]

able 'c'rt3r:Jtlipb cnIlinp: tot; r ,):) ( i 1.1 l;Le

e Lson ) un il no:' r' b oe n r-e c e Lvcd

e i.Lcnc e , i movemcri t last

is net t 1 t he po

ZU and 1-1





of of HZ

j-\mel"l C2X;, r e.Lat.Lons has don ' t like j' then "de '; 11

foc?ll ,JU1' primary

In ether words, the Y 2.1'11:8 Hill Sec Us

l)nf'ortunately, the politics of enpire

Car-Lbbcan is particularly to the US this :rOD~!,sicn{' 'I'he

its full of courrt r-Les sma.L'I

t.o 'be succes sf'ul.Ly irr{l8ilcd~ In the 70s J"alne:l.icrl V.ras gcv"erned trle

cally elected Michael Man.Ley , His was the sort o f ,::;overnrL1en'c described

ljY rT.'imeas 1!Marxist" or "Le rt ist.". The CIA went tC9, lot of'effort to

dC'E:talJilise his gove rnmerrt , He lost an o Lcct.Lon and WrtS replaced by Eddy

vno has become Re agan v £3 righthand HiChtwing man in the region.

Ronny 01;lCS little old J81llaiC8 a faVCl1JT.

about little 01,,1 New Zealand.

'['hi: US cave ,,ca 2000 +onnes butter and the Elaine amount of cheese (follo'Vrin;'

::>i,milar dea.Ls with Egypt and Peru). .Iamad ca was NeVi ZeD-landl's first dairy market a:'ter Europe, and bas been a mp,jo:( market for 40 years. tIZ accounts for '(0% of

the butter Pend. cheese consumed there 9 a mar};E~t \)()rth $3Inil1ion p , a. Reagan

it out at a stroke.

"A dairy industry source day described the; move as :,;. 'direct hit! on New ZealandJ e.iraed at propping the political situation in the Caribbean and using New Zealand as a pawTlJC Amer-Lc an foreign policy1!.

(Pr es 18/1/2.4)" He d.i dn Vt say tlle.t -" [0 Lndus t ry E30UrC(-o did.

'i;Te cou.Ldn ' t have said :t t be.'tter.

'I'h e US .da l ry gift wasnt t for relief purposee , Once in ,Janaica~ it vas to be

Wild 'through normal commercial channels" putting, it in direct competition

\lith NZinrpcrts. Under the Food and, cultural Organisation rules, such

donat i ons shoul d create extra trade, net supp.l.arrt existing trade. Under "usual.

I'lFl.:rket" req.uirem(~nts., the US woultl be required to negotiate an aver-age o f :i Yf.:-a:rs of expor-ts and the Jal:1,~,j_can Government voul d have to undertake to import this (]uanti ty. hHO'I'ICVer, governments helve :Ln the past been knovn t.o ienore both the rules and the under-baklng'", (Press, J9.1/nlJ.).

Y:YU pr-ov.i de the gUIle, wc;? 11 Look DYC",!' the butter.




Board [setting done in the eye In ..

wor-Ld to llrofit from. Hot to mention Ne';!

Ive still

the rest


Of COllYSe) l~(';';'l Ze~~uF,Ll1d, does have its [')11 F'DIJ<;< Lane \' Rudk l.n and

fnctories in Fletcher

i't beg:q,n expat, 1mow a.l.L about the

own I!liJ.ltinat,io112tls" ¥vlEtchoc)g Ltj~, has f'ocuas , 8.1] of vhLch have cheap Labour: was a Pac i f'Lc multinational

But the Dairy Bon.nE

all the vTatties/GoO<1mmlf)/

Fores t Pr-oduc t s :mfin(YllVertng~) 'I the Dai.ry 1302L:r(~

on, It oC)Up'llt thc? shares f'rom

in NZ; the move has all the Log Lcs.L MrHfi.1mrth, the Cha'irman GfWatties, i.nvcIved in trn,rje and distribut

S011th East j\f5i'<:~ and the Scutt. Pacific" (con-tid) ~ ~ t


von t.ur es

Gr-as s f'ed Multinat:Lorml

B()1-).l.-'d s CY':)\lc:rseas 8ul)sldi~1r~12s Lnc Lude Anchor J?OO(l and M.tlk Products

131'1 t.a.i n N2, Milk Pr-oduct; Ln and the Uni.ted Staten s and Gem:ral

1'.l:Ul': Products in Hest Germany .," In the Scn.1th Pacific , througb :its

,n::rn,1 Foods Div1sion, has been f3crvic the Boar-d 1 s business for 12

vr s arid Hrtttiest Lcec ream is so.ld into the United States through the Dairy

_.~/)2,.r::l In ~ Anchor Foods se Ll.e (·rattle' s 'I'i]) ':Cop Lcrcr eam and Ln

NZ Milk Pr-oduc t s n,2xl-v:tc goods for Hatti~:s. H

Dairy Board's annu-al, report. shows it has interests in 30 companf es

,)VerE!(;r].S many cf them _joint vcnt.ures .,. in NeVi Zealand the board was Lnvo.L v::J:;

in ,loint ventures with private , 'I'he board I s latest accounts listed

its Jnves+ment.e in New Zealand compan as 1)!2ing 'Horth .5mn_liontl (Press 23/;'/

]1'1 !'ltill the dirty deals go on. 'I'he latest being buying surplus milk powde r

from Scuth Africa to sell as stock :f'e:.ccl to Tailmn ~ t.o keep pr-Lces up. What. a menage a t.rois that makes 1 SomehovJ, all that Lcr ecz-eem doe sn q t look so .whi tE; anymc re ,




Victim of 'Per-ror-Lsm

+e the 1::est efforts of the Hed Squad and rugby" fans" nobody 'Was killed the S'pringbok tour. The only- V:tct:i.IL of Neil Robcr-t.s v bomb attac1c on

the "'i'al1c;anul Computer Centre';Jaf3 Neil Rcbez-t.s , But the: luck 'has inevitably

rim out , Ernie Abbot ,caretaker of U'tevlellington TrH.des Hall ~ paid '.d thhis

U-I) a su i t.caae ~

Obviously the 'bomb wasn't intended solely to kill an innocent old. men and

'be,dly injure his mongrel It was aimed at the trade union movement, and

n.t:, wor}clng peop Le in The message 'Tas br-ut.a'l Ly simple .", wat ch 1.t j'

'We~11 kill you.

rLt!E: fascist scum amonrrs-t us have the time oppor+une to c:rav/l out of the

vutter, El Salvador is now not alone T,dth its vile death squads , That is

its so important for working neople to stand together to defend their

uni ons against .bot.h poll ti cal and phy s i cal attack 'whi ell they have done

magnificently. CAFCINZ has no doubt\vhere it stands ve sent a message of

suppor-t and solidarity to the Wellington 'I'r aden Council c They shall not pass.

the First Cold War

three years later

MfZUf3 still r-e I evarrt.?

In 1111 " the I'jjiniDte:r~) of the ce a11ic[3 ,,:rill bold t.he I r annua]

l\l'JZUS Council ? in vJe11:LngtotL 'I'hi smecting will t"'S alvrays be

secret Howeve r it Fill issue" as al.vay s ,. communi.que 'I,ihieh '"rill

Ilh.'-lt arc to be :C0garc1ec~ EU3 the cur-rent. threats to our sccur-i t.y , and "That the 8,11i CG int,end. to do abouf the threats,

At, around, the s ame time 11, public conf'e rence called 1 Beyond ANZUS i \'Til1

be held in ',Tellingt;on. 'l'his conr'e rence is ' orgaJ:lised because of pub.l Lc c r i tid.8m of A1IJZUn and the need therefore to 1001<: at "what it lS ~ '(fhat it commf.t.s us to and what t.he a.Lt.erriat.L yes art';.

Briefly, the

sum) confronting those concer-ned about ANZUS ii,re thes

1;,7e E!,F:<ked for:J.t from 1936 onwarda when mili tary expans Lon i sm Hi.

the Pacific and Asian region W[',8 of concern to t.ho Ncv Zes.Land and Aus t r al.Lan

gove rnmerrt s 0 But the US kept turning us dovn " in f'ac t a £'::;1,7 months be f'o rc

the .Iapane se attack on PearL Har-bour Nc,\\r Zcalrmc1 Prime Minister P<ccter Fr~tE;Cr "vra~~ told to go try an 811ia11ce wIth India and China instead.

'·,Thy was OUT requeElt so belatedly granted in 1951? Nev ZC!JJand and Aus t'ra.l ia

wer-e still concerned about, Japan, and the 'soft 7 peace treaty 'which the UE:

and JaJ?an had ,just si::>;ned. reo OUT fears " the Uf3 pr-omi.s ed another trei'rLy

the ANZUS tref~ty"

IVJ:10 "rants [.\NZUS?


This "''i'f.;LS not s uch l,enevolf~':lt n.s i t se1:~rn? for in 1951 t.he US b.:~,d

Cold We,):' reasons of' its own for wan+Lng this alliance as one of a series of

alliances secured US Lnf Luence over the Hestern Pacific" It was to

make use at it ::Ln subs equent to install electronic 'bas es Ln Australia, to

encour-age Nm.! Zealand mld Aus't ra.l t a to its m:Uit.ary adverrt.ur-e s (ANZU::;

has come to now defunct f30llth East Asia'rreaty Orgenisation

which supposedly us tel in the Vj et.nam var }, to partie Ln

joint military exercises of dub i.ous rr::levancc: to the defence of Ne',r and recently to accept the pr-esence of US nuclear warships In Nei-l ZCELLand arid Australian ports.

Tho US places 1"1 value on tho ,\NZt;S a.l.Liance 0 ,Just hOH much ANZUS means

to the US ~ and vrhat +hey t.hlnk ::Lts pur-poaes ar-e, YJS.S revealed :1.n 1ge2, Gcmeral David C, cJor1.0U, the: cha.i rman of the US J"f)int Chiefs of StD,ff" mak.Lng th:is annuaL ~}tLlita:ry Pos bur e ;:)t2:t:,eJ:n.c'~nt ~ to Congress j rcal.l:y~ let the C8,t ou t


ce111::co 1 ts

I'd thin the l-llYZUS

in ,South B2st [30utIl 1Nest Asia" tho Indian

No beating aboirt the bush there·· to the US, Al,[ZUS exists to

not to defend Am;tralj.a and Arid

fj11 the vmyLo the Middle East ,

aJ i.n l:7as-t iiBia alld

the:: Li.ance F cU1r1 iridi.xeci;

t.i. on ~/~L ell A}),_:,ji_j'11\7 an~3 l?aci f i c

c1D N (;\./ Z (. Col an (1 to th:;Il:, arid _-;:J.?-=C=='::_=:::":;'~~

") vie


C~el1er[?~.L .Ione s aa.i d, ~:ant E!ri10Ul1t,s; oi:


Nu,,, Zeal(:1nd contribute

nrid economic ei.d to other nations for i n i Luoncc among non"

This aid

ilUBtZ\::3.1i,a iJ.'t1d Not« Z{-:';;.lan·:j' poeeeesi tl7.o beec i.nt:o the Pacif_ic Isl:mds

So there lie have :i t ~ ,,!C not only PEt;y heavf.Ly to do so and ve are in the Pacific.

the h i.Lt , \1'2 also

the r-o.l.e of m: hired gun

:~o vtho Needs II.NZUS?

.," __ . __ ._ . .,------._--

Do VIe fi;'::t anything vTorthvrhile 111 return for


A chorus of critic[i a variety of reasons for thinking that the ANZUE t:rca;ty rCsat best an expensi ve at vor-s t an outrj_L~ht dange'r to New

and. Pacific s acur-L Fo.r

t.he New Zt~aland. gove rnmerrt :i. contradictory !JES[;egcs cvor whet.her

ANZUi3 Ls a nuc l ear all.LrUlct or EDt, loI:Lnistry of Defence AnnueJ

maKlng detcr:rt::nt"


port calls were not part of t,rlrc:c IHOD.ths La't.c r the M.i11isteJ~ of

:Lrnportf~nce of

c es s

198~~ ANZT;;~; Council by U;; nava.l

T-'oreigri Af'f'a.i.r-s 'J.:;ghlighted

t:s efforts

commun i que wh i cn

to tho ports of the

put 11:1. s name to t.he


common consensus) 9 then ]\h.',;; Zea:Land I s role a,,, .for' one of tJle nuc.Loa.r supe.rpower-s '" Lhc: '"

N(;'~T ZE-·ala.nd.1 S act rve or distortions r~3,rInc:;cl '.~"orces;; the


of tj~) o'bjec ti

IThat some

t.he z::\~r Zealand

the f'o r ce s cmgage r.n and the

Zef~1an,d assists

into Pac.i r.i c we provide t:v'ai:nlng the

IvlutlJE'l]" l\,3E,iEt(111C2 "j under 1<J'b;icll

f':)y'CC3 of L,

\r11,) may t·hctl

tru s tl'iJlning to que at.Lonab.Le ives in the Pacific



NcYT Zealand also vhich


take:s oint 'c'xcrc:U3C::3~Tith lF3 cJx,cl an f'orces

q~;gl'ecsive and. Fo r example, the 'I'HIAD


cal s.Lt.uat.Lon " c




Then of CCUYi::e there arc

t.a't i oned vi th Amer-i.c a IS mult.l,"

national force Sinai, ,JUst hov much

i really relcve._nt to defence of

sever-e f'Lnanc ie.l, prob.l ems and fEtI' can New Zee,lf.tnd af'f'o rd


C~i"ven l'~e\~ Ze'alc.Llld \ s of nuclear var, just nov W01!.ldYl 9 t it be 3r:if(~r as

L "'.re the alte:cnati that only one of the

leci;1.on yec:.y rind. it is intcl'e to not

i.s i,11~ t avour of Ne,~ B

our f:Lrst

har-i 100k at and th:l.nk:Lng aboutm.aking f:c:Lends \{i t.h other nat i cns

C[~thel" than an a.Ll i.anc e with one of the Vi


f T \J I

',,;; t

.. ~ I.




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