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I clutched my face as pain shot from my jaw. I was seeing stars.

My eyes started
watering, and I had to blink for them to go clear. I looked frantically around, but
couldn’t find him. Where the heck did he go?

I started getting up to run in the school, but as soon as I stood, my shoulders were
grabbed and he thrusted his knee into the small of my back. I fell to my hands and
knees and whimpered in pain.

He was by my ear again. “Didn’t you ever learn manners, Bella? You should never
even attempt to hurt a guy.”

“Why, Mike?” I asked weakly.

He didn’t answer. Mike pulled my arms behind my back so hard, my left shoulder
made a little cracking noise. I barely got the scream out before he covered my
mouth. Silent tears were pouring down my face.

Mike picked me up, and I thrashed against him. He tightened his grip on my arms,
making my left shoulder burst out pain, causing me to scream into his hand. He was
carrying me to the side of the school, away from everybody. No one would hear my


Alice’s POV

Rose and I went to meet with Jasper, Emmett, and Edward, after Bella went outside.
I felt really bad for her, with what happened with Edward. After Bella had run out, I
ran after her, and Rose told off Edward, which he didn’t deserve.

If Bella would just let us explain, she would know the whole story, and she and
Edward could be together. But she didn’t want to hear about it earlier.

Then there was the thing with Mike. He had a crazed look in his eyes when he
mentioned her regretting punching him. It seriously scared me.

Me and Rose got to the table, and Jasper smiled at me. I gave a little smile back,
still worried about Bella.

I really like Jasper; his curly blonde hair and ice blue eyes. And that southern
accent! It just makes me want to melt.

Rose could tell something was wrong. She looked over at me and raised her
eyebrows. I whispered, “I’m worried about Bella.”

She leaned to me and answered, “Bella can take care of herself. She’ll be fine.”

I nodded. I was being silly. I went back to my perky self and started talking to
Jasper, when I swore I heard a scream. It was so quick, I wasn’t completely sure
“Did you hear that?” I looked at everyone’s confused expressions, and took that as
a no. I sighed and said, “Nevermind…”

They all went back to talking.

“Hey, why isn’t Bella here?” Edward asked.

I looked at him, and said, “She just wanted to be alone.”

He slumped down, knowing it was because him. I smiled a sad smile at him.

He lost a good friend that I knew he liked. She hadn’t stayed to hear the rest of his
sentence yesterday. ‘How am I supposed to tell her that I’m going out with Tanya
again, especially since we aren’t even really dating. Don’t you remember? If Bella
really liked me, she’d be jealous. I just need to know.’

At first, I was really mad at him. Why would he pretend to be going out with
someone to see if Bella liked him, when he could ask us? He was being stupid. So,
so stupid. He had explained everything to Rose after she told him off.

After we finished lunch, I looked around for Bella, to see if she came back. I didn’t
see her, so I just assumed she was already in 5th hour.

I smiled and gave Jasper a hug before leaving for Biology.

I was smiling all the way there, thinking of Jasper.

My smile went away as soon as I stepped foot in that classroom.

Bella wasn’t there.

The worst possible thoughts came to mind at why she wasn’t there, but I calmed
down, and thought she probably just skipped again. Probably didn’t want to face

Edward wasn’t so relaxed though.

“Call her after class.” He said frantically.

“Relax Edward, and I will.” I rolled my eyes at him.

When the bell rang, ending class, I got out my phone, and called Bella’s cell. It went
straight to voicemail, so I called her home. No answer.

I was breathing a little quicker, letting the worst possible things come back to mind.
I couldn’t skip to look for her today though. I already have a week of detention.

I walked into English to see a panic stricken Rose. I looked at her questioningly.
“M-mike wasn’t a-at 5th hour A-alice.” She stuttered out. Terror washed through
me. I went back out of the hallway and glanced around.

I finally found him walking with Tyler and Austin, with a smug look on his face. The
terror multiplied. I ran up to him and yelled, “WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!”

He grinned, and said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“Woah there, Alice. I have no idea what you’re talking about.” His face grew hard. I
glared at him. Rose came out. I could see her anger towards him, but she grabbed
my arm and dragged me back to the classroom. “We can’t do this now, Alice.”

I huffed. “Rose, we have to find her! What if something horrible happened?” I was
having a mini panic attack. Rose pinched my arm. “OW!”

“Get a grip!”

“Okay, okay!” I took deep breaths. Just this last hour, then we’ll find Bella.

English went by so slow, I thought I was going to burst. I was bouncing up and down
in my seat, trying to pass time.

I got a kick in the shin from Rosalie, and stopped immediately. Then I started
humming the NCIS theme song.

“Alice, SHUT UP!” Rose must be PMSing or something…

The class looked at us.

I patted Rosalie’s hand.

“Rosie, are you hearing things again?” I said sweetly.

Everyone broke out into whispers. I laughed uncontrollably, and Rosalie glared at

After 20 more minutes, the bell rang. I sighed in relief, ran to my locker to get my
stuff, and ran outside. Rose caught up with me, and then Edward, Jasper, and
Emmett joined us.

I immediately started waling around the school with Jasper and Edward, while Rose
and Emmett checked throughout the inside of the school. While walking, I tried
calling her cell again. No answer. Again.

I quickened my pace, looking frantically. We passed some trees that were

surrounded by bright green grass. But something caught my eye.
A brown pool, with white right by it. Taking a better look, I saw her hand,
surrounded be her hair. And red. Blood. I screamed, and ran to her.

She looked absolutely horrible. Bruises were forming over every part of her body
that I could see. She was fully clothed, thank God. She had a few cuts on her arms
and legs, and she had a nasty yellow-purple bruise on her jaw.

Her eyes were closed, but she had blood surrounding her back. I was sobbing
uncontrollably. I hadn’t even noticed Edward or Jasper.

Jasper pulled me into a hug, and let me stain his shirt with my tears.

Edward looked as if he was going to burst into tears any second.

“J-Jasper, c-c-call R-Ros-se.” I could barely get out.

He nodded, and walked a little ways away from Bella.

Edward knelt down beside her, opened her mouth, and listened.

Shakily, he said, “She’s breathing.”

Edward picked her up carefully, and we started walking to his car.

Jasper came back. “They’ll meet us by your Porsche, Alice.

I nodded, still sobbing. My knees were shaking.

When we got to the car, Rose took one look at Bella, screamed, and bursted into

She ran up to her and stroked her hair. “I-it’s o-ok-k-kay, B-B-Bella.”

Emmett grabbed her into a hug and held her tight. She sobbed even louder.

“J-Jasper, c-can you drive?” I asked, holding out my keys. He nodded.

Me and Rose got in the back with Bella, and held her in our laps.

Edward and Emmett took Edward’s Volvo. We sped to the hospital at 40 miles over
the speed limit.

Emmett and Edward were already at the hospital when we got there. I guess one of
them called already because they were ready for her as soon as we got there.

Nurses took her into the emergency room immediately.

Me and Rose sat down in the uncomfortable chairs in a stupor. Just 2nd hour, Bella
was laughing and smiling.
Tears were still gushing down my face when a doctor came out. Edward, Emmett,
and Jasper went up to him, so me and Rose followed.

“…multiple, deep lacerations in her back, her scapula got fractured, and she broke
4 ribs. She also lost a lot of blood, so we’ve had to do some transfusions.”

“When can we see her?” Rosalie demanded.

The doctor turned to us, and I saw his nameplate. ‘Carlisle Cullen’

My eyes widened, and I elbowed Rose. She looked and saw too.

“Uh…uh… s-so when can we see her?” Rose asked again, shaking her head.

“You can see her in a few hours. Where is her father?”

Crap! We forgot to call Charlie.

While Rose talked to Carlisle more, I got out my cell and called.

“Chief Swan.” He answered.

“Hi, Charlie, it’s Alice.” I started nervously.

“Hey, Alice. What can I do ya for?”

“Um, Bella, Bella’s um, in the um, hospital?” I smacked myself in the forehead.

He laughed lightly. “What did she do this time, Alice?”

“It’s really serious Mr. Swan…” I trailed off.

His happy vibe died instantly over the phone.

“What happened?” He said sharply.

“Uh, well, she uh, got… beaten.”

All I heard was the dial tone.

I hung up and sighed. Mike is in for some deep sh*t.


Bella’s POV

I woke in a room that had off-white walls, cabinets, and a-gulp- I.V. The hospital.

What was the last thing I remembered? I thought hard.


Mike grabbed my completely bruised body, and slammed my back into a tree. I
smelt than felt the blood pouring down my back. I screamed one last time before
crumbling to the ground.

End Flashback

I felt sore all over, and it hurt to breathe. I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes
before a doctor came in.

“Oh, Isabella! You’re awake.”

I peered over at him and he smiled at me.

“Hello, I’m Carlisle Cullen, your doctor for your stay.” My eyes widened at the name.
Edward’s dad.

The only thing I could think to say, “Call me Bella.”

He nodded.

“Would you like to see anyone, Bella?”

I nodded fast. He chuckled and left.

A few minutes later, everyone came in. Alice, Rose, Emmett, Jasper, Edward, and…
my dad. Oh, God why? He’s probably a wreck.

My friends stayed back while Charlie came up.

“Bella?” He looked upset.

“Y-yeah dad?”

He looked down at me intensely. “Who did this to you?” He demanded.

I opened my mouth to answer, but a memory hit me hard.


“Don’t you dare tell anyone what happened, Bella. You wouldn’t want this to
happen to anyone else, do you?”

I gulped as my life drained.

End Flashback

I gasped.
“I-I d-don’t kn-know.” I stuttered out.

His eyes narrowed, along with Alice, Rose, and Edward’s.

Emmett and Jasper just looked confused.

Charlie sighed, kissed my forehead quickly, and left the room, leaving me with my

Rose’s voice was cold and hard, “Isabella, why did you lie to your father?”

I was shaking. “I-I didn’t.”

Alice piped in angrily, “Yes, you did. And we’re telling Charlie whether you like it or

I shook even harder and started crying. “No! Don’t tell him!”

“WHY?!” Rose exploded.

“HE’LL HURT YOU!” I screamed, breathing hard. That caused a sharp pain in my
side, so I started breathing in short little pants.

Rose’s eyes softened. “Bella, for what he did, he’ll go to jail. He can’t hurt us.”

I shook my head. “No. Don’t tell him, or I’ll be majorly pissed at you.”

Her eyes flashed, “I can live with that.” She said sharply, and she walked out,
followed by Emmett, who shot me an apologetic look.

I groaned softly, and buried my face in my hands.

I felt two little arms wrap around me.

“I-I’m so glad you’re o-okay!” Alice wailed.

I hugged her back. “Me, too,” I whispered.

She smiled through tears, and left.

Jasper came up next, gave me a hug, and left, too.

That left me with… Edward.

This will be interesting.

I just watched as Edward paced around the room. God why do I have to talk to him
now? I cleared my throat.

“Edward? Did you want to talk to me?”

He just glared at me, then kept pacing. I huffed and looked at the ceiling,
completely bored.

“Well, if you aren’t going to talk, can you get Alice? And maybe Emmett?”

He didn’t answer. I groaned in annoyance, and started to get up.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Edward yelled, towering over me.

I shrunk back into the bed, and said, “Uh, going to get Alice?” I said it as a question.
He put his hands on both of my arms, and said, “No.”

I glared at him. “What right do you have to keep me from getting my friend?”

“You’re too beat up to move.” He stated.

I raised my eyebrows at him. “So I’m too beat up to get Alice, but healthy enough
for you to have my arms in a death grip?” I said it angrily.

He loosened his grip, but didn’t let go. I glowered at him.

“That was code for ‘LET GO’.” I said dryly.

“Fine!” He snapped and walked to the chair, sitting down.

I sighed. “What are you even doing here, Edward?”

His face was a stone. “I came to make sure you were okay.”

“Why do you care?” I said scowling, to keep from crying.

“Just because you’re pissed at me, doesn’t mean I am at you.”

I laughed humorlessly. “I was never mad at you, Edward.” I stated.

“Then why the h*ll are you avoiding me like the freaking plague?”

My eyes watered, but no tears fell. “I have my reasons.” I said simply.

“WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!” He shouted at me.

Tears fell down. “You’ll never understand.” I said it so quietly, he didn’t hear. I
wasn’t going to tell him that I like him a lot, especially since he has a girlfriend.

He huffed angrily, and left without another word. I kept crying.

I looked down to my hands and saw the I.V. My eyes widened and I went dizzy at
the sight of a needle in my skin. I tipped over slightly, but was snapped out of it
from Alice and Emmett walking in.
Emmett looked exhausted, probably from dealing with Rose, and Alice looked upset
and happy at the same time. Her hair was really untamed, as if she had been
pulling on it, and her eyes were puffy and red from crying, but she was wearing a
radiant smile.

“How’re ya holding up, squirt?” I smiled at the nickname Emmett gave me.

“I’m doing okay. Um, Emmett?”


“What all is… wrong with me?” I clasped my hands together, avoiding the I.V.

Emmett looked surprised. “Dad- er, Dr. Cullen didn’t tell you?” His eyebrows knitted

I shook my head. He just shrugged, and said, “Uh, you got a crack in your scapula, 4
broken ribs, I think… and you’re bruised to the point where you look like a
blueberry.” He grinned.

I rolled my eyes at him. I smiled a little back, replying, “I’m not that fat, am I?”

He just laughed. Alice looked like she was going to explode, so I said, “Hey Em? Can
you get me some water?”

He nodded and left. I looked pointedly at Alice, and she grinned.

“First, Edward looked completely pissed, so you’ll have to explain that conversation
top me later. Second… JASPER ASKED ME OUT!!!!!”

I smiled knowingly. “I knew he wouldn’t hold up much longer.”

She smiled even bigger and nodded.

“How bad is Rose?” I asked.

Alice immediately frowned. “She cooled off after awhile. But she told Charlie.” She
gave me a pointed look. “I kinda mentioned everything to her in 3rd hour yesterday.
You know, about what Mike said and everything.”

“Uh, Ali? How long have I been out?” I didn’t want to know.

“Since we found you? Uh, about,” she looked at the clock on the wall, “6 and a half
hours. When did he get you?” She shifted uncomfortably.

“Lunch.” Her eyes widened. She looked extremely guilty.

“Ali? What’s wrong?”

“You screamed. You did, didn’t you? But he stopped it really…fast.”

I nodded, confused, and Alice started sobbing.

“Ali?!” I said in alarm. “Alice! What’s wrong?”

She shook her head, saying, “All my fault!”

I grabbed her into a hug, and said, “Ali, what’s your fault?”

She sobbed louder. “You…here…hurt…my fault!!”

I grabbed her upper arms, and looked her in the eyes.

“Mary Alice Brandon. Me getting hurt is, and never will be your fault. Do you
understand me?” I was proud of how firm my voice was.

“But I heard it… I…heard…scream. I-” She took a shaky breath in, steadying her
voice. “I heard your scream. I could’ve gone out there and stopped it. But I didn’t.”
Her voice broke on ‘didn’t’.

I looked at her. She shouldn’t blame herself like this.

“Alice, do you really think you could’ve fought him off? He would’ve hurt you, too.”

“Bella, I was with all of the guys and Rose. I could’ve brought them. Mike would’ve
never gotten you.” She let out a sob.

I pulled her into a hug again. “Alice, I’m okay now, and that’s all that matters.”

She nodded. A thought came to mind, but I blushed and looked down.

“Bella, what is it?” Alice knew me too well.

“I was wondering if… Never mind.” Too embarrassing and scary to ask.

“Bella! Tell me now!” She took hold of my chin, and looked my in the eyes.

“I-I didn’t get…r-raped d-did I?” I stuttered out.

Alice’s eyes softened. “No honey, I don’t think he did.”

I blew out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

Emmett walked back in with a water bottle for me and a coffee for him. It was pretty
funny, because he was using one of those little stirring stick things as a straw.

“Hey! You didn’t get me anything!” Alice said, pouting.

“Ali, I hate to break it to you, but I don’t think anyone wants to see you hyped up on

She just pouted more, gave me a hug, and said, “I’ll be back later.”

“You’re getting coffee aren’t you?”

“Heck yes.”

“Fat-free caramel vanilla latte?” We said at the same time.

Emmett looked between us. “Freaky…” he said.

I grinned at him. “Okay, Alice. See ya later.”

Alice left the room, leaving me and Emmett.

“So what’s up with you and Eddie boy?”

I stiffened. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, why aren’t you guys going out already?”

“He has a girlfriend.” I said through tight lips.

Emmett laughed. He laughed at that. I narrowed my eyes at him, but he kept on


“Might I ask what is so funny?” I say, aggravated.

“Eddie doesn’t have a girlfriend, Bella.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Isn’t Eddie going out with Tanya?”

Emmett let out a chuckle. “No. That was fake. I’m surprised Ali and Rosie haven’t
told you anything about it.” I was suddenly very very mad.

“Emmett, get Alice and Rosalie in here. Now.” I was furious.

“Do they need shields and swords?” Emmett joked.

I looked at him. “Trust me. They’ll need more than that.”


I was still fuming by the time they got in the room. It took 20 minutes for them to
get in here. What the heck were they doing?

“I have one question.” I said.

They nodded, eyes wide.

“Why didn’t you tell me that Edward didn’t have A F*CKING GIRLFRIEND!”

They looked scared. Good.

Rose answered, “You didn’t ask. You told us to talk about it later.”

“When I meant later, I meant later that day. Or maybe the day after that. But no. I
hear it from Emmett, after avoiding Edward for no reason!”

Alice gulped.

I glared at both of them, “I’m done.” I said.

“I’m sorry, Bella!” Alice said, looking really upset.

I just nodded. “Get Edward. I’ll talk to you guys later.”

Alice nodded and left, but Rose stayed behind.

“Are you okay?” She asked.

“Do I look okay, Rose?”

“No, you look like sh*t.”

We both laughed at that. It was too true. I can never stay mad at someone for

“So what’s up with you and Emmett?” I haven’t heard anything about it.

“Whatever do you mean, Bella dearest?”

Okay, I’ll play along. “Why, I was just wondering if you fancy dear Emmett, Rosalie

“Well, I may have a little crush on Mr. Emmett, but you mustn’t tell Queen Alice, for
she’ll meddle.”

“You are quite right, Rosalie.”

We both took one look at each other, and started laughing.

“Mhm.” I heard someone clear their throat. I looked over and saw Edward there.
Wow. I didn’t think he would actually come back.

“Shall I give Lady Alice your gratitude for sending Duke Edward, Isabella?” Rose
“Give her my thanks and a flower if you would.”

Rose winked, and left the room. I took a deep breath.

“What did you want, Bella?” You.

“I need to talk to you, without fighting.” Hopefully.

He crossed his arms. “Talk.”

“Why did you pretend to have a girlfriend?” Might as well not beat around the bush.

He blushed. “I didn’t pretend.” He wouldn’t look me in the eyes.

“You’re lying.”

His eyes flashed when they met mine. “No, I’m not.”

“Then was Emmett lying?” I stated dryly.

He blanched. “D*mnit.” He said under his breath.

“Oh, don’t get mad at Emmett. Your girlfriend was the reason I was avoiding you.”

“What?! Why?” He seemed shocked.

I looked away. I wasn’t going to tell him I liked him yet.

“Well, I wouldn’t want her to get the wrong impression about us. If we’re friends,
but hang out or something, I don’t want her coming to kill me for being with you.” It
was a total lie, but I had to say something…

I looked at him and he looked… disappointed?

Whatever that look was, it went away as quick as I saw it.

“Well you need to get some sleep. Carlisle said you could be out on Sunday, so you
won’t miss any school.”

I groaned. “First day back and I’ll have detention. Is my Saturday at school going to
be excused?”

He just nodded. He seemed to be deep in thought.

“Mine won’t be though.” He said at last.

“Oh, crap! I forgot you had it too!”

“Okay… I guess I’ll get some sleep.”

He came forward to me. My breathing became uneven as he came closer. His lips
were an inch from mine, and then he brought them up and kissed my forehead. My
eyes closed.

“Sweet dreams, Bella.” He said. And I did have sweet dreams indeed.

Did I ever mention that I hate hospitals? No? Well I seriously do now. I’d been
punctured with so many little, and painful needles, you’d think my skin has been
severely stabbed. It was Saturday evening, and every freakin’ part of my body hurt.
I felt like I was run over by a semi. Multiple times. And then maybe thrown off of a

Add boredom to my pain, and what do you have? A teen who wants either to get the
h*ll outta here, or more drugs. I looked over to Angela, the nurse who was checking
on my injuries, and asked again, “So you’re sure I can’t have more sleep medicine?”
I was desperate.

She smiled lightly at me. “Yes, I’m sure you can’t have any more.”

I had no visitors right now, because Alice and Rose went shopping, Edward was at
school, Jasper had to go with the girls (Poor guy), Charlie was working and
Emmett… Um… Actually, I don’t know where Emmett was…

I sighed, frustrated. “Dr. Cullen will be here in a minute, dear.” Angela left the room.
She insisted I call her that, instead of Mrs. Cheney. She said it was too formal for her
taste. I can see why, considering she’s probably in her mid-20s.

At least Carlisle would be in here soon. When the nurses say ‘one minute’ they
really mean it. They don’t lie like other offices do, and make you wait for a long time
after saying it would be momentarily. If they know it’ll be awhile, they say it will.

I frowned, thinking of how I knew so much about this hospital. I’ve been here too
many times. I can run, sure, but otherwise...

Carlisle came in. I looked at him, and noticed how he kept looking at his papers,
then at me, then back at his papers, all while frowning. I looked at him, wondering
what was up. I little sliver of fear ran down my spine. I had a feeling something was
going on.


“Hmm?” He sounded far away, with a hint of shock in his tone.

“Did you find something?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

“Um, no, nothing is wrong with your health.” He kept looking at his papers, or
whatever was in his hands.
“Carlisle, that isn’t what I asked.” He looked up.

“Did you find something?” I spoke slower.

“Well, Bella…” He trailed off, muttering something like ‘how couldn’t I see this


“I don’t know how to say this, Bella, because I didn’t catch it at first. I guess tests
couldn’t see it because you were so damaged. Uh, Bella?”

I’m starting to freak out a lot more now. Carlisle didn’t catch whatever I had at first.
Am I going to die? Oh, God!

I cleared my throat. “Y-yeah?”

“It turns out you did happen to be raped by Mike.”

I felt like the wind was knocked out of me. I covered my face with my hands.

“Oh, God!” I groaned.

“Bella, that’s not all…”

Oh, good gracious, please don’t say it!

No no no no no no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“You’re pregnant.”

F*ck. Uh, I mean, not F*ck.


After sobbing for 2 hours non-stop, I decided that since I can’t change it, I might as
well try and embrace it. Angela was off of her shift, and stayed to keep me
company. I was grateful she was there, even though we didn’t know each other very

“Even though it’s under horrible circumstances, you’re having a baby!” She made
me feel so much better about everything. I smiled a little and looked down at my

“Yeah, I guess I am.” I put a hand on my small stomach, thinking about how a baby
was in there.

“Maternal instincts are already there.” She said smiling.

“Hey, Angela, do you have any…” I trailed off. She shook her head.
“Ben and I have tried a few times, but we haven’t been lucky yet.” She looked a
little sad about that.

“It’ll happen.” I said strongly. Angela deserved a baby of her own.

I sighed. “I have no idea how I’m going to tell dad about this. H*ll, I don’t know how
I’ll tell anyone about this. Oh my god, what will happen if people at school found
out? Oh, God!” I covered my face with my , I added, “What would Edward think?”

I felt two arms wrap around me and saw Angela looking at me sympathetically.

“Bella, you didn’t do anything wrong. Someone did this to you against your will, and
I know your friends won’t judge you for that. Neither will your dad. I can’t tell you
what would happen at your school, but I’m thinking rumors will be a pain.” She

“If your friends are there for you, I don’t think it will matter what the rest of the
school thinks, do you?” She had a point.

“That’s true, but if anyone trash talks my baby, they will be in here next.” I said.

Angela laughed.

“They can talk bad about your daddy all they want to.” I told my nonexistent belly.

Angela laughed even harder.

I smiled. “Ang, could you go get Carlisle? You can stay in here when he comes. I just
need to ask him something.” Angela nodded, and walked out of the room.

I yawned. I wondered where Mike was now. Jail? Home? Out of state? Will he be
punished for what he did to me? Charlie would probably shoot him for what he did. I
smiled a little at imagining my dad shooting Mike.

The door opened, and Carlisle and Ang walked in.

“Did you need me, Bella?”

“Yeah, I was just going to ask you, could you not tell Charlie? I would like to tell him
myself. And, will my injuries hurt my baby?” I looked down. I would kill Mike if my
baby was damaged from him.

“I won’t tell your father, because I can tell that you really will, and as for your
baby’s health, it is still so small, not having even taken a shape yet, that your
injuries won’t do anything to it. As long as you heal and stay healthy, the fetus
should be fine.” I nodded to him, said thanks, and yawned.

“Bella, I think you should get your rest.” Angela said softly. I nodded, and closed my
eyes automatically. I’m having a baby. A beautiful, perfect little baby.


I woke up very confused. Was something wrong with me or something? Wait.

Yesterday… Oh! I’m… pregnant.

I heard another softer, calmer voice. “She’ll tell you on her own.”


voice was that? I started waking up more, but kept my eyes closed. I knew that
whoever was yelling was behind the door, because her voice was slightly muffled.

“Ask her when she wakes up. Charlie is there with her now.” That was Carlisle.

“Can I go in now?” I know who that is now! It’s Rose. I wonder why I can’t hear Alice.

“Yes. Please, Dr. Cullen?” There she was!

I guess he nodded or something, because I heard the door open and close.

“How is she?” Alice asked.

“She stirred when you started yelling, but otherwise she’s been good.”

I felt two little arms wrap around me, and knew it was Alice. She whispered into my
ear, “Whatever it is, Bella, you can tell us.” She knows me too well. I guess she
knew I was fake-sleeping…

She gave me a little shake so I would ‘wake up’. I groaned lightly and pushed at
Alice like I normally would. “10 more minutes!”

Alice giggled. “Bella, no!”

I pouted, and squinted at the light. I may have been awake, but my eyes were
closed before. I rubbed at them, yawning.

“Good morning, er, afternoon…” I said looking at the clock. It was 1:45p.m.

“How are you, Bella?” Charlie asked.

“Everywhere hurts.” I replied simply.

He looked sad. Then I remembered. “Oh, yeah. Dad, I was wondering what
happened to Mike?”

Well, since you haven’t been able to plead your case, he’s out and about right
READY TO PLEAD MY CASE!” Everyone’s eyes were wide. I breathed. In. Out. In. Out.
I can do this. I can tell them. He’ll go to jail, and won’t hurt anyone. I’ll be okay. It’ll
be okay. They won’t judge me. They love me.

I cleared my throat. “Um, t-the doctors found out something yesterday. Uh, I-it turns
out, M-Mike actually did r-rape me.” That was harder than I thought.

Alice looked at me with tears in her eyes. “Honey, are you okay?!” she said.

Charlie looked too shocked to speak. Rose had a far –away look to her.

“Um, t-that’s not a-all… Uh, the doctors also found out I, I… I’m p-pregnant?” I said
it like a question and bit my lip.

“WHAT?! THAT B*STARD GOT YOU PREGNANT?!” I was surprised to see Charlie
saying that instead of Rosalie. Rose was sitting in the chair looking dumbfounded.
Alice was crying.

Charlie was pacing the room.

“Y-yeah, dad. I’m knocked up.” I laughed a little, but it came out as more of a sob.
Alice ran up to me, but Rose was still staring straight ahead in shock.

No one could talk. We were all frozen. I was the first to snap out of it.

“Guys, don’t tell the boys, okay? I’ll tell them on my own.” Alice nodded, and Rose
didn’t do anything.

“Rose? Rose? Are you okay?”

“W-what? Oh, oh me! I’m fine, Bella. Yeah, I won’t tell the boys.”


Charlie’s cell rang.

“Chief Swan…yes…yes…okay…uh-huh…alright I’ll be there.”

He looked to me. “Honey, I have to go.” I nodded. He came over and kissed me on
the forehead before he left.

“Rose, why did you space out?” I asked her.

“Oh, me? No reason. But how are you? Are you okay?” Hm. I’ll be asking her about
this later. I looked at Alice, and her eyes said the same thing.

“I’m fine. I get out tonight, thank God.” I smiled.

Just then, the boys came in. I stiffened for a minute, looking at Rose and Alice. They
both rolled their eyes at me. ‘It’s fine!’ Alice mouthed. I nodded and looked at
Edward. He was looking at me and Alice, obviously seeing our exchange. Crap. I just
smiled and pretended like nothing happened.

“Hey guys.” Emmett said.

We all chimed in our ‘hi’s.

“Since we knew you get out today, Bella, we decided to come see if you want to go
out for dinner around 8ish.” Edward said.

I looked at Rosalie. I knew Alice would want to, but Rose was in that state earlier, so
I just wanted to check. She nodded to me, so I said, “Sure,” and smiled slightly.

Edward smiled back, but looked slightly confused.

“I’m going to go find Carlisle-”


Everyone looked at me weirdly.

“I, uh, need to talk to him first.” I said lamely.

I looked at Alice for help.

“I’ll go get him!” she said. I mouthed my ‘thanks’ to her, but saw Edward watching
me intently. D*mnit.

“So, Bella. Anything interesting happen yesterday?” he asked.

“I probably had as much fun as you did yesterday.” I answered. Cleaning the school
must have been fun. Note the sarcasm…

Carlisle walked in. “Need me again, Bella?” I nodded.

He came over to me. I leaned up, and whispered as quietly as possible, “Don’t tell
them, please. The girls already know.” He nodded.

“Oh, and can I have more pain medicine?” I asked. He just laughed, saying, “Sorry,
Bella, but you’ve had as much as you can for this afternoon.” But he gave me a
pointed glance. I’m guessing I can’t take more because of the baby.

I pouted anyway. Payback may be a b*tch, but Pain is a total b*stard.


I got released at 7 that night, which gave Alice and Rose an hour to dress me up.
Oh, joy.
Since I had bruises to cover, I was wearing a white dress that went down to right
below my knees, with a little black bow below the bust line, and a black half-jacket.
They let me wear flats so I would have less of a chance of falling.

We went to the restaurant after Alice and Rose finished getting ready, and Emmett
was making some joke, because Jasper and Edward were laughing hysterically.

Us girls looked at them, and started giggling. That made them stop what they were
doing immediately and look at us. Edward looked a tad…lustful? And frustrated.

I gave him a confused look as he walked up to me.

“Carlisle won’t tell me anything.” Oh! I nodded. He let out an angry growl.

I chuckled. “Did you just growl?” I laughed even more.

“Let’s get something to eat,” he snapped.

We sat down and talked for a while, and then I hated Edward’s guts for what he said
in front of Jasper and Emmett.

“What are you hiding, Bella? What is Carlisle not telling us, because none of us
know. Tell us what’s going on.”

I blanched at Edward. “What?!”

I looked at Alice in panic. HELP ME!!!!!!! She read the message in my eyes clearly.
So did the rest of the group. They all glanced at me with questioning eyes.

“We’ll be right back.” Alice said, giving a pointed glance to Rose. She stood up
immediately saying, “Yeah.”

They grabbed ay arms and pulled me to the bathrooms. I turned away from them,
panicked. What will they say when we get back? Will they interrogate me? Will they
be gone? I took a deep breath and turned to Alice and Rosalie. They both looked at
me with sympathetic eyes.

“What am I supposed to say to them? We all know Carlisle could crack at any
minute to them. We also know Edward will stay on the topic and drive us crazy. I’ll
tell them eventually, but will they be mad at me if I don’t now?”

I was pacing the small room when some 14 to 15 year old girls walked in. They
looked at me for a while, and I didn’t know what was wrong until I remembered I
was covered with bruises. I blushed, and Rose glared at them saying, “What?!” They
walked into stalls quickly after that. I stopped pacing, and snuck a glance at Alice.
“So?” I said nonchalantly, as if nothing was wrong.

“They can just stay pissed at you until you’re ready.” She answered firmly. I heard a
lot of clicking, then one of the girls giggled from a stall. I blushed again, and walked
out with Rose and Alice right behind. We got back to the table, and I acted like
Edward never asked a question.

“Bella? Are you going to answer?” Danggit. I looked at the menu, and replied with a
curt, “No.” He scowled at me, and I smiled innocently back. Might as well joke about

“Oh, you know how us girls are. We always have our secrets.” I smiled
mischievously, glancing at Rose. She winked at me and agreed with a giggle.
Edward answered with a glower to me.

Crossing his arms, he looked straight at me and said, “When it involves your health,
it probably shouldn’t be kept a ‘secret’.” I could hear how annoyed he was.

“Is this really about my health? Or are you just annoyed that you don’t know about
something in my life?” I glared at him, and saw his emerald eyes flame.

His tone was low and deadly. “This is only about your health. I’m not the kind of
person to go looking for gossip.” The look in his eyes made me unable to disagree
with him. I looked away. I couldn’t look at him anymore, or I might blurt it out to

The waitress came by and got our drink and food orders. I was glad she kept to her
job instead of eying the guys. I saw from the corner of my eyes that Alice and Jasper
were getting cozy. I’ll have to ask Alice when her date is.

Rose looked even more comfortable with Emmett. Her chair was pushed up right
against his, and they were talking quietly with their heads close together. I found
myself smiling at them softly. Their lives seemed so easy. Mine is pretty much Hell
now. I’m pregnant, beaten, have been called depressed, have tons of detention for
skipping, and am fighting with the guy I like.

I sighed, the happy moment gone. A few minutes later the waitress, Jenna, came
back with our drinks and food. I barely touched mine, my appetite suddenly lost.

“Bella, you hungry?” Emmett asked, eying my food. I shook my head and pushed
the plate away from me. “You can have it.” I said, looking away. He grinned and
took it immediately. I smiled in spite of myself.

After another 10 minutes or so, everyone finished and we left. As we walked out, I
saw the girls from the bathroom stealing glances at me and whispering. I wanted to
hit them. I gave a hard glare, and they immediately averted their gaze.

“Bella, are you coming?” I heard Alice call from the Porsche. “Oh, coming!” I said
loud enough for her to hear. It was drizzling, so I half-ran to the car.

“SHOTGUN!” Rose yelled, laughing. I chuckled too. I think Emmett was rubbing off
on her. She and Emmett would make a cute couple, what with Rose’s seriousness
and Emmett’s humor, they balance each other out very well.
As the car pulled away, I looked back to see Edward gazing at it with…loss?
Disappointment? L-longing? No. I only wish it was.

I look at him one last time before staring straight ahead of me for the rest of the
ride home.


Mornings. I absolutely HATE mornings. They hate me, I hate them. We have the
same relationship as me and math. I groaned knowing I had to get up. I took a quick
shower, got dressed casually, and called Rosalie.

“You’ll have to call Alice today, Bell.” She said, sounding excited. Rose knew me too
well because she knew I had a confused face on.

“Emmett is picking me up.” She explained. I smiled, happy for her, yet jealous at
the same time. She got one of the Cullens without all the drama. We said our byes
and I called Alice.

“I’m coming!” She said as soon as she picked up the phone. I laughed, and heard
her tinkling laugh on the other line. A thought struck me.

“Alice, what am I supposed to do about my bruises?” I asked, panicking. I could

almost hear the gears in her head spinning.

“Hmm… I’ll come over with some concealer. I have some from when I was as white
as freakin’ snow that might be your color. It might not be white enough though…”
she trailed off. I glared at the phone.

“Thanks so much.” I replied dryly. She only laughed at me. “Be there in 5.” She
said, and hung up. I sighed, looking at all of my bruises. They were an ugly blackish-
bluish-purple color that was in huge patches all over. I pushed up my shirt and
looked at my stomach. It had a long blue strip going across. I grimaced, wondering
if they’ll ever go away, because it seems like they won’t.

“There is a God, and he loves you, because he made me to help you!” Alice sang
while coming in. I chuckled a little and turned to her. She grimaced.

“You look a lot worse today.” She said. I scowled at her.

“Thanks for being so…honest.” I replied, annoyed.

“You’re welcome!” She chirped, getting out her concealer from her bag. She dabbed
a little on my hand and rubbed it in.

“Hmm… It’s a little off, but it’ll do.” She got to work rubbing the rest in on my arms,
legs, neck, and face. “Done!” She said, dragging me to a mirror. You could barely
see anything other than white, which is what I normally am. Even I couldn’t tell I
was bruised. I looked up at Alice in amazement, and she just grinned.
“Okiedokie, let’s go.” She said clapping her hands together. I went down to her car,
surprised she didn’t make me wear any make-up or do my hair, or comment on my

We left for school, and I remembered I have detention for 5 weeks. 5. Whole.
Weeks. Oh, joy. AND I have to go in on Saturdays, too. Ugh.

“Alice, how am I supposed to run in track all beat up and pregnant?!” I said

She blinked in surprise, then answered calmly, “Get Carlisle to call the school. You
obviously can’t run with broken ribs and huge scratches all over your back…” She
trailed off.

“And how am I supposed to get Carlisle to call the school” I say irritated.

Alice sighed loudly, frustrated, and got out her cell phone. She looked through it and
pushed ‘call’. Her fingers tapped on the steering wheel.

“Can I speak to Dr. Carlisle Cullen, please?” She asked politely. The fingers kept
tapping while she waited. Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap

BAM! I slammed my hand down on her hand. That incessant tapping was killing me.
Alice glared at me, and a voice came on the other line of the phone.

“Yes, Carlisle, it’s Alice Brandon. Bella has track 1st hour, and because of her
injuries, she probably shouldn’t participate, correct?” She listened some more.
“Yeah…uh-huh…okay, well I was just wondering if you could fax a doctor note to the
school, or call them or something.” She nodded to me and said into the phone,
“Okay, thank-you!” Click. She handed me her cell to put back into her Dooney &
Burke purse.

“So…?” I drawled out the word.

“He’s gonna fax a doctor’s note. He said to tell you to take it easy and keep
pressure off your back.” I nodded to her. That made sense. It hurt like crap.

We pulled into the parking lot and saw Rose with Emmett kissing?! Oh, God. As soon
as I got out of the car, I ran to Alice, grabbed her around the waist with one arm,
and covered her mouth with the other. She squealed loudly into my hand and
started hopping up and down.

When they went inside, I let her go. She immediately sprinted to the doors yelling,
“ROSALIE!!!!!!!” I laughed and was about to follow her when I got pulled aside.
Edward, of course. He looked at me with pleading eyes.

“Bella, I need to know.” He said. It wasn’t forcefully though. It sounded as if he were

I sighed sadly. “Edward, if I said it wasn’t life threatening, would you relax a little?”
He didn’t say anything.

“Well I promise it isn’t life threatening.” I said, and he visibly loosened up. I couldn’t
stand it. I lurched forward and hugged him tight, burying my face in his chest. He
held me just as tightly. Pain shot through my back, and I gasped a little, but I
ignored it.

“I’m okay, Edward. I swear. I’ll be okay.” He nodded and buried his face into my
hair. “You will tell me though, right?” He asked, holding onto me.

“Yes.” I said and let go. He sighed and dropped his arms. I looked into his eyes and
saw how worried he really was.

I hadn’t noticed we had been getting closer. As our lips were about to touch, the
bell rang. We snapped away from each other quickly.

“Uh, bye.” I said fast, my face a fiery red, and practically ran to first hour.

I shouldn’t be doing this. I’m pregnant for God’s sake! And me and Edward have
only known each other for what? A week? Oh, God.

Coach Clapp scowled at me, but just pointed to the bench. He obviously got the fax.
While Alice was running, I saw she had her phone out. I chuckled. Alice and her

My ring tone went off.

Only when I stop to think about it

I hate everything about you

Why do I love you?

I hate everything about you

Why do I love you?

Thank God Coach Clapp was on the other side of the field. I hurriedly flipped up my

1 new message from:


Y wer u late luver grl? *Alice*

Drama, you know, Edward stuff… -Bella

Do u expect me 2 believe that? *Alice*

Yes because it’s the truth! –Bella

So-rry, u ended it suggestively! *Alice*

I did not! –Bella

Watevr Bella. *Alice*

Okay! Fine, we almost kissed, but the bell rang! –Bella


I got here late. Remember? –Bella

Right… Coach Clapp headed ur way!!! *Alice*

Thanks! Talk in 2nd. –Bella

I quickly put my phone away and pulled out a book.

“How did you get injured, Isabella? I need a real reason as to why you get to skip
my class.”

Ugh. It’s none of his business. Hmm….

“I got beaten and raped.” I answered bluntly. Coach Clapp’s jaw dropped. I smiled
radiantly. “Don’t worry though, I was passed out before the rape part. No
permanent damage.” I looked out to Alice, who was running extra fast, probably
from her pent up energy. Coach Clapp was walking back out there. I chuckled.
That’s a way to get teachers off my back.

I read for the rest of the hour, and as soon as the bell rang, I had Alice AND Rose on
my back.

“You almost kissed?! AW BELLA!!!” Alice exclaimed. Rose was grinning from ear to

“How was your…ehhem…conversation with Emmett this morning, Rose?” I said.

She blushed, actually blushed, and said, “Mmm… Fine…” I laughed. She looked at
me pointedly though.

“You shouldn’t be saying anything miss ‘almost lip-lock’.” I blushed bright red. I
glared at Alice. She shouldn’t have brought it up. They’ll never let me live this
down. I walked into 2nd hour and stopped dead in my tracks. There he was. Sitting
right there. In the classroom. Grinning at me. The father of my baby. Mike Newton.
Alice just noticed that I wasn’t paying attention and looked where I was looking. She
scowled in a way that would have me sprinting far away. Mike just smiled bigger,
the a*shole.

She started toward him, but I grabbed her back. “Relax Alice.” I said. She was still
tense, but she didn’t try to approach him again. I walked to the teacher, “Can I go
to the principal?” She looked at me funny, probably wondering if something was
wrong with me. “Please?”

She nodded and I started leaving. I glanced at Alice and nodded. We’ve done this a
lot throughout the years. She went to the teacher with a panicked look in her eyes
and asked if she could go to the bathroom. She could be an actress, I swear.

I walked to the bathroom and sat on the counter and waited a few seconds for Alice.

When she walked in, I lost it. I bursted into tears. I didn’t realize how hard it would
be to see him. I just wanted him gone forever. Alice sat beside me and wrapped her
arms around me. I brought my knees up to my chest and put my arms around them,
making myself into a ball.

I felt Alice’s arms let go and heard her arms clicking on her phone. A few minutes
later, Rosalie came in. We stayed in the bathroom for the rest of the hour. No one
else had come in luckily. When I heard the bell ring, I picked up my stuff, and
walked to French, not caring if I looked like crap right now.

Jasper sat next to me again, like he has been since he moved here. He took one
look at me and his eyes widened. I pushed my hand through my hair, “Okay, tell me
how bad I look.” I said. He just gaped for a few seconds then said, “W-what

“Mike was in my 2nd hour. I skipped it. Not a huge deal.” He hugged me instantly.

“I don’t know exactly how you feel, but I know it must be horrible.” He said quietly. I
nodded, and tears welled up in my eyes, but I held them back. The teacher walked
in, and Jasper let go of me. After getting our assignment, I glared at the book.

“I hate French. I can’t understand any of it.” I scowled. Jasper laughed at me.

“Edward is really fluent in French. You could probably ask him to help you.”

“Why isn’t he taking French then?” I asked.

He shook his head. “He said it would be ‘unfair’ to take the class when he already
knows it.” He muttered ‘idiot’ under his breath. I smiled. That would be something
he would do.

“What foreign language class is he taking then?” I asked. There was Mandarin
(Chinese), French, German, and Spanish.
Jasper scoffed. “He’s taking the easiest, Spanish.” I grinned bigger. That was also
something he would choose.

“Lovely.” I said. “I might be tutored by someone taking Spanish, who speaks

French. That’s jacked. Up.” I said. Jasper laughed.

“Oh! Before I forget, when are you going out with Alice? What are you doing?” I ask.
He looked a little nervous.

“We’re going out Friday night, and I’m taking her to dinner, and then going back to
my place?” He ended it as a question.

“Okay, that’s okay, but make sure no one else is home when you take her there,
and maybe give her something, like a necklace or a bracelet. She would be in
heaven if you’d do that for her. Trust me.” I said. “Oh, but she won’t really let on
how much she enjoyed it. It’s a nervous habit of hers.” I nodded. That would
probably be all he needed to know.

He grinned at me. “Thanks Bella.” He said, relieved.

The rest of the hour went by without much talking; we just worked on our
assignment until the bell rang.

I met up with Alice and Rose in the classroom at history.

“Mike will pay.” Rose said, deadly. She hadn’t said anything in the bathroom
because she knew it would only make things worse. I smiled at her. Always the best
friend and protective one.

Alice giggled. “Jasper seemed really happy when he left class, Bella. What did you
say to him?” She asked. I just smiled and shook my head. “Nope, not telling.” She
brought out the puppy dog pout, but I wasn’t going to break fully. “We talked about
your date.” I said. She squealed. “Tell me EVERYTHING!” She demanded. I looked
away from her, “No.”

“Bel-la! Please?!” She said.

“No.” She groaned. “I’m not going to last until Friday.” She grumbled.

I put on a mock upset face. “Yes you are. You can make it, you can!” I said with a
fake enthusiastic voice. She scowled at me. “You suck.” She said, sticking her
tongue out at me. I chuckled. The rest of history passed by as a blur, and then it
was lunch.

“Let me guess, we are officially allowed to sit with them.” I said knowingly. They
both nodded. “’Kay let’s go.” I said. They looked surprised. “What?!”

Rose spoke up. “Don’t you think it’ll be a little awkward with Edward at the table?”
She asked. I looked at her confused. “No…” Then it hit. “Ohh….” I said.
“No I don’t think it will.” I answered her question. She nodded and we walked to the

The intercom went on. “Isabella Swan, please come to the office. Isabella Swan.”

I groaned. What did I do now?! Oh well, best to find out… I said bye to Alice and
Rose and walked to the office. Charlie was there.

“Bells, Mike’s gone. His parents got a note from him, and he took a lot of there
money. We’ll try to find him, and it’ll probably be easy, but you need to be on your
guard. Make sure you’re with someone as much as possible. I’m sorry honey.” I was
shaking. Mike ran away. He might be coming to get me.

Oh. Sh*t.

I couldn’t breathe. My entire body shook with tremors. The only reason why Mike
would run away would be because he knew I told someone what happened. Crap.
He knew. He might come for me. A large shudder broke through me.

My dad looked at me with worry. “Bella?!”

I just shook my head sharply. “G-give me a m-minute.” I stuttered out.

I tried thinking of anything to calm me down. Alice saying no to a shopping trip.

Charlie getting me a car. Sleeping for a day. The beach. Getting straight A’s.

I realized I wasn’t shaking anymore. I looked at Charlie, and said, “I’m okay. I need
to go back to lunch.” I sounded hollow. There was no emotion in my voice. Charlie
looked at me for a minute, then gave me an awkward hug and whispered, “We’ll
find him, Bells.” I nodded mutely and stood up.

“Bye.” I said quietly, and I slowly walked out of the room. I felt numb, and it scared
me. I wanted to feel something. But only my head said I wanted to feel something.
My body showed no feeling of want. I wanted to scream out. Do something rash.
Feel anything. Pain, sadness, anything. But I didn’t. I just walked silently to the

“BELLA WHAT HAPPENED?!” The entire cafeteria looked at me as Alice yelled at me

from across the room. I just stared blandly back at all of them and walked to the
table. I didn’t have even a hint of pink on my cheeks like I normally would’ve.

I sat down and didn’t say anything. I just stared at the table. Before anyone could
say anything, my cell went off. I picked it up slowly and flipped it open.

1 New Message From:


They won’t find me, baby. But I’ll find you. I told you not to tell anyone. You will pay.
My eyes glazed over. If it was possible, I think my heart had gotten colder. Feeling
came back into me as suddenly as it left, and I screamed. I screamed as loud as I
could, and I couldn’t stop. I barely heard my phone ‘thud’ as it fell to the ground. I
put my hand over my mouth, trying to muffle my screaming. I knew it was Mike.

The entire cafeteria was looking at me, and I was still screaming like a crazy person.
I felt two hands on my arms and looked over to see Rose glancing at me with
startled eyes. She pulled me to her and hugged me as if I was a little girl who just
had a nightmare. It’s too bad I couldn’t wake up from this one.

I willed my voice to quiet down. It took a few seconds before it actually did, but I
couldn’t control the sobs that racked throughout my body. Rose pulled me up and
walked me out of the room.

When we went out in the hallway, my knees gave out, and Rose couldn’t hold me
up, so we both fell to the ground. I landed on her, and curled up in a ball. And as
Rose stroked my arms and said calming words to me, all I could think was I’m going
to die.

I was back under. And I think I’d be there for a while.


3 Months Later

“So I ended up locked outside of my house for like three hours before I even
realized I had my keys with me the entire time!” My therapist, Jennifer, said. We
were sharing embarrassing times. I started going to therapy about a month ago,
forced by Charlie.

That first two months after I got the text from Mike were horrible. I was completely
terrified to the bone that he was going to get me. I wouldn’t eat, sleep, or even
hardly blink. Everyone seemed just as upset as me, and I hated myself for making
them that way.

All that ended when I passed out from malnourishment. Not only was I starved and
sleep-deprived, but so was my baby. Charlie completely freaked out.

So I’ve been going to therapy five times a week since then. I’d been to one therapist
before Jennifer, but we weren’t making any progress, and truth be told, she treated
me as if I were 5. Seriously, we played board games. You can probably imagine how
long that lasted…

My stomach had grown a little since I found out I was pregnant. I have a small
bump, but it could be passed off as fat. Jennifer knew probably everything about me
now. Even more than Alice and Rose, which said a lot.
“Then there was another time that I ran into a pole…” She trailed off. If I knew
anything about Jennifer right after I met her, it would be that she’s even clumsier
than me. And she’s the funniest person I know.

She’s told me at least 10 times she’s ran into a pole. I swear, I don’t know how the
woman has lived this long… She carefully swiped her hair over her shoulder as her
green eyes lit up from another memory. I swear, she treats her hair like it was her
own kid. It was blonde on top, but black underneath.

“Oh! And I’ll never forget the time I got a big scar from when I was like 3 years old,
we lived in a condominium house and there were stairs, and there was a railing. In
front of the railing was the bathroom, and my sister was in there taking forever! I
was whining at her "SISSY! HURRY UP!!!" when she came out of the bathroom and
yelled "BOO!" I freaked out and turned around and ran into the pole.” She lifted up
her blonde bangs and showed me her forehead.

I bursted out laughing. Who runs into a pole when they’re 3? Obviously Jen.

She scowled at me and swatted at me lightly. “Shut up.” She said. I smiled at her. I
knew our sessions were going to end soon, because really, I didn’t need them
anymore, but I liked talking to her. The only weird thing is that she writes down
everything I say. Ha. Even the random stuff.

One day, we spent the entire time talking about cereal. I’m not even kidding. I think
she’s weird because she claims that she loves Captain Crunch, but she always eats
Frosted Flakes. What’s up with that?!

And then there’s her weird love of rabbits… I really don’t get it. They have big teeth
and ears, and they hop. They hop. They can’t really do anything. We got into a
debate about that too. Apparently, her rabbit won in a competition, so I really
shouldn’t be talking. Those are her words, not mine…

Jenny looked at the clock behind her like she always did at the exact… “Time’s up,
Bella.” Yup. I don’t know how she does it.

I nodded before giving her a hug, handing her the $103.00 check, and walking out
of her office. I don’t get why she makes us pay exactly $103. I mean, can’t she just
raise it to $105? Or lower it to $100. That would make life so much easier.

Instead of Alice’s familiar Porsche waiting for me, I saw a car I didn’t want to see. A
silver Volvo.

I still hadn’t told anyone else what was up with me. Edward and I had gotten into a
huge fight (that wasn’t even about my ‘secret’) about a month after I went
catatonic, and we hadn’t talked since.

“Bella.” Edward was pacing my living room while I sat on the couch. I had been
excused from class for a few weeks until I was able to function better. I stared
straight ahead, not really seeing anything accept those words from the text.

Edward finally snapped after the past weeks of putting up with me. I’ve ruined
everybody. And I’ll probably ruin the baby.

“BELLA LOOK AT ME!” Edward yelled at me. I didn’t move a muscle. I didn’t even
flinch back from his tone. He let out a frustrated sigh and ran his hand through his
hair. I watched that movement slowly. My heart barely sped up. He was the only
one with any affect on me at all.

Alice had tried a couple times to get my attention, make me smile, but it ended with
her in tears. I hadn’t even said a word to her, so I didn’t know what was wrong until
Rose yelled at me. That hadn’t gotten anywhere either.

I felt a hand under my chin suddenly, and was forced to look into Edward’s eyes.
“Bella, this has to stop. Can’t you see how everyone else is? We’re all breaking just
as much as you! Can’t you see we’ll protect you? We will! Bella, just acknowledge
us. At the very least, show some sign of even seeing us.” He sounded as upset as
Alice had, accept there were no tears. His eyes pierced into me, as if seeing my
every fear and desire. Every secret.

Tears welled up in my eyes for the first time in a month, but I pushed them back.

I let my mind wander again on purpose, not letting Edward bring out any unwanted
feelings. Numbness came back, and Edward looked like he wanted to yell at me
again. I really don’t know if he did or not. I stopped paying attention to him.

The only thing that made my heart ache was the affect I was having on Charlie. He
felt like it was all his fault because he hadn’t found Mike, and he should be trying
harder to make me better. I wanted to tell him it wasn’t his fault. It was all on me.
But I couldn’t talk. I hadn’t talked in a month. What’s the point in starting now?

The last thing I heard was barely a whisper, but it held so much venom, I flinched: “I
don’t care about what happens to you.”

That was the last thing Edward said to me in 2 months.

End Flashback

I shook my head out of my daze and looked at the car in front of me. I looked closer
into the driver’s seat and saw that Edward was in the car.

My shoulders slumped. I really didn’t think I could face him right now. I walked
slowly- and when I say slowly, I mean slowly- to his car. The horn honked
impatiently, and I glared at him through the windshield. He was smirking. I flipped
him off.
That just made him laugh though. He f*cking laughed when I flipped him off. Is he
mental? I just shook my head and opened the door. He was still laughing, so I got in
and glared out the window.

When he settled down, he reached over to me. I flinched away, still looking out the
window, and he dropped his hand.

“I’m sorry.” He said.

I didn’t know whether he was apologizing for laughing, trying to touch me, or for
what happened 2 months ago. I just stayed silent and kept looking out the window.

“Bella?” I stayed silent. I didn’t even count how long it would take him to say my
name again. I didn’t want him to try and talk to me. I wanted him to take me home
and go away. Well, he had different plans. He pulled over into a parking lot that
wasn’t very busy and turned to me.

“Bella.” He said more firmly. This time, I deliberately ignored him, and he knew it.
He tried grabbing my chin like he did before, but I knew he was going to, so I put
my chin down, and slapped his hand away. He blinked in surprise. Good. I huffed.

“I just want to go home Edward.” I said agitated.

“No.” He said firmly.

I raised an eyebrow at him. What right did he have to keeping me here? BING! Light

I smiled sweetly for a second, then quickly unbuckled and opened the door.

“Lock the doors next time.” I said, unable to hide the venom in my voice. Then I
slammed the door and took off running. I heard my name being called from behind
me, then the rev of an engine, but I ignored it and kept running. It was sprinkling
little raindrops as I sprinted past the school onto the highway. I stayed on the very
right and kept going, my legs burning. Heavier rain started coming as I passed my
house. I knew exactly where I wanted to go. I slowed to a jog when I started into the
forest, the trees blocking out the rain, and went straight ahead.

When I found it, I felt accomplished. I looked around the meadow’s perfect circular
perimeter and breathed in deeply. All the wildflowers’ aromas filled the air, like a
light perfume. I laid down in the very middle of it and let the rain fall from the
opening in the tree-tops onto me.

“I found this right after yelling at you.” I was shocked to hear that familiar velvety
voice. I sat up bolt-right and looked around, quickly finding him standing where I
was before, still at the edge of the trees. I probably looked so stupid lying in the
middle of a meadow with rain pouring on top of her. My cheeks got warm.

“I-I found this when I skipped school after…” I trailed off. He looked a little confused,
but shook his head and smiled at me.
“Do you mind?” He looked at where I was. Then I realized he wanted to sit by me.

“Oh. Uh…No, go ahead.” I said, nodding to the spot next to me.

He walked over slowly, eyes locked with mine the entire time. He broke the contact
as he started sitting down.

“Are you still mad at me?” He asked quietly.

I looked at him with a face that could only be described as shocked. But I wasn’t
shocked from the question. I was shocked that he asked it.

“Edward, you said I don’t care about what happens to you, then stopped talking to
me. Do you think I’m mad?” My voice broke on ‘think’. My eyes watered, but I
pushed the tears away. I got really good at that over the past few months. I don’t
cry at everything now. And I’m proud of that.

Edward looked upset, to say the least.

“I wasn’t supposed to hear it. Is that it?” I said, tears clear in my voice. Edward
didn’t say anything.

“But you still meant to say it. Even if I didn’t hear it, you still felt that way.” My
voice broke multiple times, and I knew I was losing it.

“I’m so sorry, Bella.” Edward whispered. I just shook my head and buried my face in
my knees. My stomach was still small enough to be able to do that. My hair fell onto
the sides of my face, hiding my head entirely. I let out a little sob, a very quiet one,
but Edward being Edward, heard it. His sudden intake of breath proved it.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I flinched away from it.

“D-don’t touch me.” I barely whispered out.

Edward ignored my demand though, and pulled me into his arms. I relaxed
instantly, and cursed myself for reacting that way. He didn’t say anything, just held
me, as my small sobs subsided.

I took a deep, unsteady breath and stood up, out of Edward’s grasp. He stood up
quickly after me, and looked into my eyes.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“No,” I said, “But better.”

1 Week Later

I was sitting on the couch in the living room and stared at the black T.V. I had
already finished homework for the weekend and was completely bored out of my
mind. Me and Edward have become friends again, but that’s all. Even though I want
more, and at times he seems like he wants more too, it just hasn’t happened.

I have another meeting with Jennifer tomorrow, so that was something to look
forward to. Tomorrow would be…My forehead wrinkled in concentration. What
would tomorrow be? I went over to a calendar and looked. It would be January 12.

I sighed and walked up to Charlie’s room. “Dad?” I said quietly, but he was already
dead asleep. I sighed again, and went to my room. I looked at the clock on the wall.
7:30. Charlie is really overworking himself if he’s falling asleep so early.

I fell on my bed and closed my eyes. Surprisingly, images of my mother popped up.
Truthfully, I don’t remember what my mom looked like. I only have pictures of her in
the house, and what Charlie said she looked like. He doesn’t talk about her
anymore. And for that, I’m upset for him.

My phone rang, breaking me from my thoughts. I flipped it open, knowing exactly

who would be texting me.

1 New Message From:


Hey girlie! I’m coming by in the mrning 2 get u dressed. So b awake by 6. *Alice*

I groaned and shut my phone. I’ll just be waking up for torture. Great…


“WAKE UP!!!!!!!!”


“Good, since you’re up, go take a shower!” Alice commanded.

I scowled at her but did as she said. When I came out I was instantly pushed into a
chair while still in a towel. “Alice!” I hissed. She looked at me up and down then
said, “Why aren’t you dressed in what I put on your bed?”

“I didn’t really have a choice.” I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

“GO GO GO!” Alice pulled me out of the chair and pushed me into my room.

“Don’t take more than 5 minutes, Isabella.” She said darkly. I gulped, nodded, and
went to change.

“ALICE!” I yelled. She hopped around the corner. “What?”

Do you really expect me to wear these?” I growled, holding up the 4 inch blue
pumps that went with my blue blouse and white mini-skirt.

She pretended to think about it, tapping her chin. “Yep!” She chirped. I scowled at

“No.” I said. “I will not make a fool of myself and fall over everything in those

Alice pouted. “Please?!” She brought out the puppy-dog face. I closed my eyes and
thought of something.

“You wouldn’t want me to fall and get dirt on my skirt, would you Alice?” I looked at
her innocently. “Because I might just accidentally fall into a big puddle of water, or
on the grass…or in the…dirt.” Her eyes widened at every word I said.

She ran out of the room quickly and I furrowed my brows. As I was about to yell out
to her, she ran back in breathing hard, with blue flats. “Take……them…..” She said
between breaths. I grinned at her and put on the entire outfit. Alice then grabbed
my wrist and yanked me back into the bathroom to do my makeup.

With a little blue eyeshadow, black eyeliner, mascara, and some lipgloss, Alice
claimed me to be ‘perfect’, and we sped away in the Porsche.

I now officially hate school. Ever since I came back after my catatonic state,
everyone blames me for Mike being gone. Which it is my fault, but it’d be nice if I
didn’t have to deal with all the looks and whispers. The last straw had been with
Jessica. That was when I had burst…

I had just walked into biology and the room went silent, accept for Jessica, who was
talking to Lauren. Her back was to me. “Mike probably got no enjoyment out of it.
That’s why he left. I feel so bad for him. He had to put up with Swan the entire time.
Well, he must’ve had a little fun after she was unconscious…” Jessica trailed off.

My temper flared to the max. “YOU B*TCH! YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT THE H*LL
YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT!” I exploded. She turned around wide-eyed, but had a
smirk on her face.

“Wow Swan. Did you not like having your virtue taken by Mike?” She said that with
venom, but I saw hurt in her eyes. I jumped on that.

“Did you want yours taken by that b*stard?” I said, shocked. She came forward and
tried to slap me, but I caught her hand, surprising myself.

“Let me go!” She said forcefully, but I just twisted her wrist to an odd angle, and
she cried out.

“Take it back.” I said fiercely. She brought up her other hand and slapped my across
the face. I instantly dropped her hand and brought mine up to my cheek where it
She slapped me again, and I saw red. I punched her in the jaw, and she fell back
against a desk, but that didn’t stop me. I punched her over and over, not thinking,
or caring. Her feeble attempt at fighting back was nothing on me.

We fell to the ground, and I heard someone calling my name behind me, but I
ignored it. I had to teach Jessica a lesson. She was starting to go limp, and someone
pulled me off her. It was Edward. I punched at his stomach, crying out in frustration
at his unbreakable hold on me. I kept punching until I ran out of energy and
slumped against him.

Behind me I heard Jessica weakly say, “You b*tch! No wonder your mom left you!”

All the energy I lost seemed to come back as if it hit me in the face. Edward’s grip
automatically tightened on me as I kicked at him and screamed at Jessica. I pushed
and slapped and punched and bit, yes bit, at Edward, trying to break free and
murder the slut behind me, but he wouldn’t let go.

Apparently, Jessica somehow got up, and as she started walking out of the
classroom, she stopped by me, spit blood from her mouth into my face, and left.

I wiped my face quickly and yelled so many profanities at Edward I was sure to go to
Hell, but he just pulled me out of the classroom and towards the office.

We passed Mr. Banner on the way. He was coming from the principal’s office. He
had no idea of what had just happened. Edward talked quietly to Ms. Cope and
somehow got me out for the rest of the day.

I was still too riled up to listen to what he told her.

I saw in the nurse’s office, Jessica, sitting there crying. Faking probably. I wanted to
rip her stupid dark-haired head off. She glared at me behind the nurse’s back, and I
started to get up, but Edward was already there, pushing me back into the chair.

“No you don’t.” He said sternly, and looked me in the eyes, holding my shoulders

Only when Edward started wiping away my tears did I know that I was crying. I kept
my head down, and didn’t want to move at all. Edward, seeing that I wasn’t going to
move willingly, pulled me up into his arms and carried me out to his car. I didn’t
have the energy to complain to him, so I just buried my face into his chest and
didn’t say a word.

He took me to his house, a huge white mansion, and just held me until I felt better. I
sat curled up to him on his bed, and fell asleep.

I was woken up about an hour later because school was out and if Emmett and
Jasper got here and saw me in Edward’s bed… Well let’s just say it wouldn’t be
Edward took me home and the rest of the day was normal.

…That was on Friday, so school will be Hell today.

“Bella? Bella?! Bella!! BELLA! ISABELLA SWAN!!!”


“God! Where have you been? I’ve been calling your name for hours!” Alice

I scoffed. “Over-exaggerate much?”

“Okay, it’s been minutes.” She amended. “We’re at school, stupid!” She said. I
looked out and sure enough, we were at Hell- I mean, school. People were already
glaring at me through the windshield. But I was surprised to see some people
looking at me with respect and admiration. I got out slowly, already hearing things
like ‘b*tch, whore, and slut’ as I walked to track with Alice. This was going to be a
long day.


“OH MY GOD YOU’RE SH*TTING ME!” I cracked up at Jenny’s use of language. I just
told her how people had treated me today.

“Did I mention I had to go meet with the principal again? I started clean on my
detention record. So now I only have one week of detention.” I laughed without

“That sucks.” She said, but waved it off. She liked to talk about my love life the
best. I swear she’s just another teenager at heart, even though she’s really 24.

“Tell me more about Eddie! Did you see him today?!” She asked. I told her how he
hated that nickname, so she decided to always call him that. I laughed at her and

“We just talked at lunch and in biology. Nothing new.” I shrugged it off.

“Don’t give me that, Bella. Anything at all happen?”

“He complimented my blush, if that’s worth mentioning…”

“OF COURSE IT IS!!!” Jen yelled, rather loudly if I do say so.

“Ow, Jenny, turn it down a notch…or twelve…” I said while exaggeratingly putting
my hands over my ears.

“And he carried my books from Biology to English.” I said. “He can be such a jerk at
times, but he knows when to be the gentleman. He’s good on the outside, too.
Bronze hair and green eyes.” I sighed, lost in my own world.
“You know he sounds kinda like my cousin was. I haven’t seen him in 5 years
though…” Her eyes widened. “He would be 17 now.”

I looked at her with eyes twice as wide as hers.

Her voice got really excited. “Bella, what’s his last name?!” She was literally
bouncing up and down.

“Uh… his adoptive last name is… Cullen?” I barely got it out when she squealed.

“OH MY GOD!” I jumped back from her voice.

“Is he picking you up today?!?!” I nodded one quick nod. He picked me up from here
almost all the time now. She squealed again. When I looked at her again, I noticed
how her eyes were almost the exact same shade of green as Edward’s.

“OH MY GOD I’M GOING TO GET TO SEE EDWARD!!!!!” She looked at the clock.

“TIME TO GO!” She grabbed my hand and literally dragged me out of her office.

She looked around frantically and I pointed to the Volvo. She snorted out a laugh.

“What?” I asked. What could be funny about a Volvo? She shook her head.

“Edward’s been obsessed with Volvos since he knew they existed.” She said
laughing again. She ran up to the passenger’s seat and banged on the window.

I started cracking up when I saw the window roll down and heard Edward yell,

Jenny looked at him and said, “Wow Bella! Who would’ve known a relation of mine
could be so hot! You didn’t give the boy justice!” I blushed and laughed more.

“What?!” Edward asked, confused.

“Eddie! I’m hurt you don’t recognize your favorite cousin in the universe!” Jen said
in fake astonishment.

“Can you not remember all those speeches I had with you abo-”

“Jennifer?” Edward looked shocked.

“No sh*t Sherlock. I’ve just been talking about your obsession with the f*cking car
for an hour,” Jen said rolling her eyes.

Edward was out of the car so fast I could barely see him, and then he was hugging
Jen tightly and kissed her cheek. Jen hugged back.
“Oh……my……god……you……got……….muscles!” Jennifer exclaimed, slightly

Edward loosened his grip slightly. “Oops…” He said.

“What do you mean, ‘oops’? You’re not a twig anymore!!!”

“This is messed up.” I said, shaking my head. Jenny and Edward both looked at me.

“My therapist and the guy I li….best friend in the world are related…”

Edward looked a little confused at when I hesitated, but Jen knew exactly what I was
about to say. She looked toward the door of her office building.

“Oh sh*t! My next appointment is here! Eddie, tell Bella to give you my number and
tell Carlisle and Esme I say hi!” She said over her shoulder. “Bye Bella!” She added
quickly. With one last flip over her hair, she went through the door.

Me and Edward were both in shock.

“My…..therapist… your…….cousin?” I asked slowly. Edward just nodded his head.

“Ehhem…uhh…okay….let’s…ummm….go….I guess….” Uh, awkward anyone?

We got in his car and he drove me home in an awkward silence.

“I’ll text you Jen’s number…” I trailed off. This is embarrassing…

He just nodded as I got out of the car. I turned back when I made it to the door and
saw Edward was already gone. I sighed and went inside.

Let’s just hope Jen doesn’t blab anything to her family…


“So let me get this straight… Jennifer, your therapist, is blood-related to Edward?”
Rose asked slowly over the phone.

I nodded, but then realized she couldn’t see me so I quickly said, “Yup. I’ve been
pouring my heart out about Edward to his cousin. I swear I’m going to die from

“That’s understandable. I hope she doesn’t accidentally let it slip to Edward that you
kinda sorta are madly in love with him…” She trailed off.

“Rose, I don’t love him. I just really like him.” I corrected. I really do know that I’m
not in love yet. Everyone else insists to push that on me though, but I truly don’t
feel like that yet.

She just scoffed. “You’re in denial, Bell.”

“I am not!” I retorted. Exhibit A of people thinking I’m in love: Rose.

“You’re a little defensive, don’t you think?” She said.

“Shut up Rosalie. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I shut my phone and called Alice before
Rose could.

“BELLA I HEARD WHAT HAPPENED!” Alice screamed into the phone. I yanked my
away from my ear to keep it from bleeding.

“ALICE! QUIET DOWN!” I yelled.

“Sorry.” She whispered, and I laughed.

“How did you find out?” I asked. But I really didn’t need to.

“Jasper.” We both said.

“What if she spills that you love Edward?” Alice asked.

I groaned. Exhibit B of people thinking I’m in love: Alice.

“What?” Alice said.

I covered my face with my hand. “I’m not in love with Edward.” I KNOW HOW I FEEL!

“Uh, yeah…you are, Bella.” Alice said.

“UGH! NO I’M NOT! GOODNIGHT ALICE!” I flipped my phone shut hard and threw it
on the floor. Luckily it didn’t break.

The house phone started ringing and I looked at the caller I.D.

Forks Hospital

I quickly picked it up and answered, “Hello?”

“Bella…” The gruff voice sounded so familiar. I knew who it was.

“Dad? Is everything alright?”

He didn’t answer for a little while. “Bell, there was a car crash about an hour ago…”

My breathing sped up.

“Is everyone okay?” I asked quickly.

“Sit down first.”

I was getting impatient because of the nerves. “Spit it out, dad.”

“Bella, are you sitting down?”

“Yeah, yeah I’m sitting down.” I lied.

“Bella, your mom is here, in the hospital. She was in the car wreck.”

I dropped the phone as I fell to the ground and everything went black.

I felt an odd swaying, as if I was in water, but it was too jerky for that. It was more
like I was being carried. My head felt like a hammer came down on it, and decided
to keep slamming. Opening my eyes slowly, I saw darkness above me. My eyebrows
furrowed. Why was it dark…? Oh. It’s nighttime. I was being carried. I looked over to
see who it was, and my heart stuttered when I saw Edward. Alice and Rosalie were
both on his left side, not talking.

I groaned, the pain in my head got worse because I had to move it slightly to see
around me. Edward’s grip tightened, and Rose and Alice looked at me with worried

“Bella?” It was Alice. I turned my head to her. A little sun had peeked through the
clouds, so I had to squint.

“What happened?” I croaked out. I don’t even know why I asked, because images
flooded through my mind as soon as I said it. Phone. Hospital. Dad. Car wreck. Mom.

I gasped as I remembered what Charlie said. ‘Bella, your mom is here, in the
hospital. She was in the car wreck.’ It played over and over in my head as I zoned

“Bella. BELLA!” I quickly snapped out of it. “What?” I gasped out.

“You were completely out of it.” Rose had spoken. I didn’t care though. All I wanted
to know was one thing. “Is she really here?” I spoke quietly. Edward looked
confused, but Alice and Rose looked at me sympathetically. That had been
happening a lot in the last few months.

“Yeah honey, she is.” Alice said. Tears welled up in my eyes involuntarily. I thought I
felt Edward’s arms tighten, but I wasn’t sure. I blinked the tears away, and looked
around at my surroundings better. We were just walking through the doors to the
hospital. How did we even get here? How did they find me?

I looked to Alice and asked my thoughts.

“Charlie called my house after you didn’t reply to him on the phone and heard a
‘thump’. He was frantic, so I got Rose and came over here. When we saw that you
were wiped out, we called Edward since he can, y’know, carry you, and we took his
Volvo over here. You hit your head pretty hard, Bella.” Alice looked at a certain spot
on my head, and I sub-consciously moved my hand to it. I hissed at the pain that
shot through my skull. I guess that one was coming… There was a large bump on
the right side of my head, probably where my head had hit the floor.

We were in the hospital now. I spent this time to look at Edward. He was being
really quiet. He stared straight ahead, eyes a dark green, his jaw clenched. I was
startled by it. He didn’t look angry exactly, but it was some foreign emotion to me.

I shrugged it off and whispered, “I can walk, Edward.” He looked at me skeptically,

and I smiled a little to help make it seem like I was okay. Truthfully, I was not okay. I
didn’t want to be put in a hospital room, and I also didn’t want to be put in my…
mom’s…room either. I just wanted to be far, far away from here.

Edward finally nodded, and set me on my feet. I wobbled a little, but held out my
hand do Edward, who had proceeded to try and pick me back up. I caught my
balance, but as I started walking, the floor began to go a little fuzzy, and tilted. I
was back in Edward’s arms before I even realized I was going to fall.

“Where are we going?” I asked all of them, as we started passing rooms.

“You’re going into your own room to get your head checked, and them you, Rosalie,
and Alice can go to your mom’s room.” I flinched when he mentioned my dear
mother. I didn’t want to see her. I never want to see her. My hostility towards her
was very sudden, and it shocked me.

Edward opened the door to a certain room and lied me down on the bed. Alice stood
right by me and Rose sat down in one of the chairs.

“You’re okay, aren’t you Bella?” Alice asked, sounding slightly higher pitched than
usual. I guess she’s starting to notice how I was acting.

“I’m fine.” I said loud enough for her to hear, but under my breath I added, ‘not.’ I
didn’t want to be examined, find out I’m all good to go, then have to face my
mother that I haven’t seen since I was a baby. Alice nodded and sat down in the
other seat, accepting my answer, but still eyed me critically.

Edward was still standing on the other side of the bed. He looked at me from under
his lashes, and my breath caught.

“I’ve got to go, Bella. I’ll see you tomorrow though.” He said it sadly, as if he didn’t
want to leave. I smiled lightly at that. He leaned forward and kissed the corner of
my mouth before leaving quickly. Alice was bouncing in her seat, but didn’t say
anything, probably from the look Rose was giving her.

My hand moved to the place Edward had kissed. It tingled, which surprised me. I
thought things like that were only in cheesy romance books and movies, but I guess

“Bella!” Someone called my name before the door to the hospital room even
opened. The voice was familiar, but not one I remember fully. In stepped Angela,
who looked concerned, yet happy. I smiled and replied with a casual hi back.

“How’s the baby?” She asked lightly. I smiled. Everything had been going good, and
I told her so. For the past month I have been going to consistent doctors’
appointments, getting blood tests to make sure the baby is healthy. I’ll be getting
my first ultrasound next month, at the 19 week mark. I’m starting to show more,
and I know it won’t be long before it gets out that I’m pregnant.

“I’ve been craving weird things and my feet hurt really bad, but I don’t have
morning sickness, so that’s a plus. I smiled. Angela nodded her head.

“Well, we need to get an x-ray of your head and see if you have a concussion, which
I doubt, so come with me.” She held out her hand and I took it, using her to help me
up. I was less wobbly than before, but I think that’s because I’m not half-
unconscious anymore.

“You girls can just wait in here until we’re done.” Angela said kindly. Rose nodded
and Alice said out a little ‘okay’.

Angela looked down at my little bump of a stomach and smiled. I smiled a little
back. We walked to another room with a load of equipment and had my x-ray done.
It took about 10 minutes to do, and Angela told me I could go back to my friends
while the x-rays developed.

When I was walking back, I moved my hands to cradle my little bump without even
thinking about it. I looked down at the floor as I walked, and froze when I heard a
familiar strangled gasp. I looked up, into the eyes of Edward.


What is he doing here? He said he had to go! Oh, god. He’s going to hate me. I
dropped my hands and looked away, wondering if I could run by him fast enough
and get to my room, which was right down the hall. Edward looked pale as he
stared at my stomach. Maybe he was too shocked to move? I looked down the hall,
and quickly decided I’d take my chances.

Running past Edward, I tried to get to the door, second on the left, but he was faster
than me. Running past me and spinning around, he grabbed my shoulders and
pushed my up against the wall. His eyes blazed.

“This is it, isn’t it?” He said it furiously. I swallowed loudly and nodded quickly,
looking towards the door. I was so close. If Edward hadn’t grabbed my shoulders, I
would’ve been able to reach for the doorknob. I glanced at the door longingly. I
really didn’t want to be here right now. Edward took hold of my chin and forced me
to look at him.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” He sounded slightly calmer, but still angry.
“I-I…” I couldn’t answer him. I closed my eyes, and Edward groaned.

I started speaking frantically, “L-look, I just, I didn’t want you to think any different
of me. I-I didn’t want you to freak out. I didn’t want you to go get yourself h-hurt. I
couldn’t risk our friendship over this. I just can’t.” Tears were spilling down my
cheeks as I said these things because the main reason I didn’t tell him was because
if and when I got bigger, Edward would never want to actually be with me. And it

Edward just stared at me. His eyes were wide with some unknown emotion. Then
they blazed with determination. I blinked and looked at him in confusion, and was
surprised when he came closer to me. He wiped the tears off of my cheeks, but kept
his hands there afterward.

Our eyes locked as he brought his face closer to mine, the emerald orbs telling me
what he was planning on doing, and I didn’t object to it. I wanted him to.

When our lips were barely an inch apart, I spoke in a ragged whisper. “I’m sorry.”

And then he pressed his mouth against mine. There was a tingling that ran through
me as we kissed, our tongues weaving together in their own kind of dance. Edward
pressed me harder against the wall, which also had me pushed harder to him. My
hands made their way up his spine and into his hair, and he quietly groaned into my
mouth. He pulled back for a quick breath before placing one, two more kisses on my
lips, and hugging me tightly to him.

Reality jolted through me. I just kissed Edward. My hand flew up to my mouth. He
kissed me, and he knew I was pregnant.

“E-Edward, I’m pregnant.” I stated the obvious, and back a step away from him,
missing the contact instantly. He looked down at me and said, “Yep. Let’s go to you
room,” very casually. As if he was talking about the weather. (Which is always

“Wait.” I said. I needed to know something first. Edward turned around.

“I thought you left.” I said. He blushed and looked down.

“I needed some time to think, but…” He mumbled the rest.

“What’s that?” I asked it tauntingly. “I-I wanted to be near you.”

I looked at him, my gaze thoroughly looking over his expression. Was he lying? Why
would he be? I couldn’t find anything accept sincerity and embarrassment. I nodded
slowly, and smiled.

Reaching for the doorknob and grabbing Edward’s hand with my other one, we
walked into my room where Alice and Rose looked bored to death. Alice jumped up
as soon as she saw me, but sat back down when she saw my hand in Edward’s. She
gave me a look that said, ‘you’re spilling everything tonight, even though it’s
already 10’. I looked at Rose and she was just smiling at me. When our eyes met
she winked at me.

I sat down on the little bed with Edward beside me, and just doodled aimlessly on
his palm. Angela came in a minute later.

“Just as I had thought. No concussion. Just a headache and a bump.” She smiled at
me. “Now would you like to go see your mother?”

No! I tried my best to hide my grimace. I would not like to go see my mother.

Putting on a fake smile, I replied, “Ready as I’ll ever be,” and headed to meet the
woman who stole and crushed my dad’s heart, and abandoned me.

“She’s not conscious, but she’s got a steady heartbeat, and her breathing is nice
and strong. Renee had some broken ribs, she broke her left fibula, and has some
gashes on her face from the windshield shattering.” Angela stopped in front of a
door, and gestured for me to go in. I turned to Alice and Rosalie and told them they
could go.

As Alice hugged me, she whispered, “Call when you get home. I want to know
everything!” Rose on the other hand, hugged me tightly and told me everything
would be alright. I was so glad she told me that because I really needed it. Edward
just said he’d take Alice and Rose home, and come back.

“Edward, it’s late. You should just stay home.” I said, not wanting him to come back
and wait for something that might get ugly.

“No Bella. I want to come back.” He looked at me with his piercing eyes and I felt
my resolve melting.

I sighed loudly to show that I was discontent, and then said “Okay.”

Edward engulfed me in a hug and quickly pecked my lips before going with Alice
and Rose down a hall and out the door, Alice bouncing and glancing between me
and Edward the whole way.

I sighed again, and walked into room 102. In there was a weary and tired looking
Charlie, and a woman was on the bed, long brown hair splayed across the
uncomfortable white pillows. Even when cut up, you could tell she was beautiful.
She had long eyelashes, perfectly shaped eyebrows, a soft jaw and a straight nose,
and full pink lips. Her face was unblemished, and completely pale, accept for her
cheeks, which had a very light, natural blush colored there.

Charlie stood up when he saw me, and immediately pulled me into a hug. I felt a
little awkward. We don’t really express our emotions to each other. At all.

“So…this is her.” I said into the awkward silence.

“Yup. This is her, Bells.” His voice sounded a little pained. I knew he still loved her,
and seeing her like this was killing him inside.

“What is she doing here?” I asked quietly. She never has come to Forks.

“I don’t know. I really don’t” Dad answered, mumbling.

“So are you okay?” Charlie’s gruff voice asked out.

I glanced over at him. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

I took one more look at my mom before saying, “Dad, do I have to stay here?” I was
desperate to leave. Charlie looked surprised. “You don’t need to stay, but how will
you get home, honey?”

I thought of something quickly. “Edward’s taking me home.” I said as I walked out

the door. “Goodnight!” I called through it, knowing he’d be there all night with

When I got to the front doors of the building, I saw Edward walking up from his car. I
smiled and walked up to him.

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I said into his chest, “Can you take me home?”

He nodded and walked me back to his car. The drive home was spent in a
comfortable silence. There was light music playing in a soothing manner, and trees
were passing by at blinding speeds. I had gotten used to him speeding, just as long
as I kept my eyes away from the speedometer.

When we pulled up to my house, Edward opened my door and walked me up the


“Goodnight Bella.” Edward said quietly.

“Goodnight.” I answered. He kissed my forehead softly and left. I was exhausted so

I called Alice and Rose on 3-way, and told them I’d explain everything tomorrow.
But for now, I just wanted to sleep.

I changed into some comfortable pajamas and slipped into bed, loving the feeling of
the comforter around me. I fell asleep quickly after that, coming closer to tomorrow.

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