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There is in this world of pain and sorrow that a universal energy that is
capable of traveling long distances, is like a magic, an inexplicable
something that makes lost Dreams resumption in finding that dream
becomes a reality.

This universal energy that fills most everything complements
everything transforms everything from negative to positive, from
sadness to joy, from war to peace; this energy is not static, however is
in constant motion because if transformed to be changing, but that is
changing does not mean that essentially change, is in its essence at
the same time to remain intact and changing at the same time.

However, despite this energy at first look not achieve the effects
caused if the consequences are so remarkable that they all come to
realize; this more universal energy has gone into the depths of the
human being, and when enters is like a boomerang that comes and
goes in the same direction because only occurred between two human
beings. Two people can not deny the existence of this energy, two
beings that this power has been invisible and special that united them
in a way that for many is crazy, incomprehensible and inexplicable

This energy with light that penetrates the depths of being, reaches only
be two and no more because when entering a third party causes a
short-circuit that ruins everything, but if you enter this third human, if
this energy occurred between those first two with sincerity, integrity,
honesty, trust and loyalty itself then power will flow to find that
everything becomes better than before, because as transforms, which
has been making it better is. This universal energy is more than perfect
love in its essence the birth that occurs between two people but
sometimes imperfect in their external appearance because they do not
know how to love then here comes the transformation that subtly
change to love that person so much better.

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