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The Most Powerful Emotion to Awaken

The Masses

4-5 minutes

September 11, 2011

from PreventDisease Website

Spanish version

Italian version

"When we focus on some horrific past event, we only

bring forth the energy associated with what created
it, allowing it to continue its cycle and drain our

When we see the event for what it is, and its purpose
in the grand scheme of this game, then and only
then will we move past it. Stop living in fear... stop
being a victim and start regaining your power."

Many have emailed us and asked if the above quote was

referring to 9/11, and we say it is an excellent example.
However, we are referring to any event that causes fear
in the mind and makes us feel that we are victims,
whether as individuals or entire populations.

The healing process begins when we forgive and let go.

This is a characteristic of true strength.

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the

attribute of the strong."

- Gandhi

When we forgive, we expand and live through the light

that we are.

This a universal law and applies to ANY event which

causes us to be attached to fear. When we focus and
relive fearful events, we contract and remain attached to
the energy that caused the event in the first place.

That is why George Santayana's quote,

"those who cannot remember the past are condemned

to repeat it," (or variations of this quote) are NOT
beneficial to the spiritual advancement of humanity."

If we constantly recreate the energy and vibrations from

the past which we consider to be negative, painful,
stressful, hurtful, etc, we maintain that vibration as a
collective and this is what we will attract from our world
and each other. It is impossible for it to be any other way.

A more progressive approach would be to ask such

questions of ourselves,

"Why am I attached to this emotion?" or "why do I

continue to recreate this attachment to this event?"
By integrating the why and releasing it from ego, we
release the attachment.

Many influential figures and media personalities who

rely on attracting an audience who thrives on highly
controversial topics or "gloom and doom" news, must
constantly refer to negative historical events to maintain
the vibration which attracted their audience in the first

This keeps their audience coming back for more and the
vicious cycle continues.

Those who are at the top of mass media empires around

the globe are well aware of how fear incites lower
vibrations. They do an excellent job of transmitting this
emotion and encouraging the masses to blindly follow
their ego without checking in with their heart.

This ultimately causes a perpetual state of more fear... a

state of constant weakness.

This also attracts additional fearful events of equal or

greater magnitude and within the same vibration. The
responsibility lies within each individual to change it and
stop the spread of this energy.

The most powerful and positive effect we can have on

humanity is to transition this fear into love. Realize why
we are attached to fear and know its purpose... to

The most horrific things that happen or that we can

imagine do have a divine place in our learning and
growth, as hard as that may be to accept from a position
of ego.
You cannot change them, but you can grow from them.
In many instances, it can happen instantly and need not
take weeks or months. If we release the attachment, we
will no longer attract it. We will immediately create and
manifest what the heart desires only if the fear is not
repulsing it.

We need to look within and ask ourselves,

"Why are we continuously defining ourselves by

something that we hate instead of what we love?"

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